beware the closed mind

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Post on 06-Apr-2018




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  • 8/3/2019 Beware the Closed Mind


    Beware The Closed Mind

    Success in its broadest meaning is not limited to only monetary and material possessions. It reveals as being plentiful in countless and several forms in life and nature.

    The universal spirit of consciousness, craves to continuously manifest and expre

    ss itself; this power likewise expresses its longing to demonstrate success, which is naturally wanting to develop, to grow and become bigger and stronger.

    However, many realize this longing and natural inclination for growth repressedin them, because of negative thinking, unconstructive programming, and not having enough faith in their abilities and themselves.

    Every individual has dual natures. One wants the self to move forward while theother feels like pulling back. The one nature that one concentrates and cultivates on determines what one is at the final end, as both natures tries to hold andto be in control.


    resolves the issue alone. An individual by one utmost attempt of the


    can change ones whole vocation and accomplish miracles. Which is why having an ope

    n mind is very significant.

    One having a closed mind grasps to a concept without much concern for evidence.They might have even reached at their concept without supporting material evidence. As a result, when one is presented with evidence that is contradicting to their concept, they immediately dismiss it.

    Whereas one having an open mind before reaching any conclusion, considers firstthe many evidences approving or disapproving the many interpretations of the concept. They do not just gather information. Their concern encourages them to weigh what they have learned and work towards reaching a decision or conclusion base

    d on facts and evidences.

    An open mind allows one to magnetize opportunities and insist and continue on following opportunities, regardless of how small they appear. An open mind is opento all opportunities and possibilities, big or small.

    A closed mind however, is stubborn, wanting what the mind envisions without anydelay and wanting it as exactly as what the mind perceived it to be, not willingto accept or try something else in its place, when that which the mind has envi

    sioned can not be accomplished or reached.

    When one closes his mind and becomes stubborn, one in essence tells his higher s

    elf, including thepowers of the universe

    that one is not eager to mature and encounter new things, so then there will be no progress and no transformation and th

    ings in ones life will never have a chance to improve.

    Whatever the mind can envision, the mind can create. What the mind sees, believes feels and thinks are all conveyed to the subconscious mind that then works along with the universal forces and establishes your reality centered on the visualization of the conscious mind.

    Bear in mind though, that it is not sufficient to merely imagine and hope it materializes. Having the power to imagine means also having the power and the capability to work on it to achieve it.

    You can achieve it when you open up your mind to success and get rid of limitingthoughts. As to how restricted your life may be and what the circumstances pres

    ent you at the moment does not really matter, because when you decide to change

  • 8/3/2019 Beware the Closed Mind


    your attitudes and thoughts, and begin to think without notable limitations, your lifes direction will begin to change.

    Focus on possibilities, rather than limitations and expand your thoughts to whatis that you believe as yourself.

    Here are guidelines on how to program your thoughts for success:

    1. Continuously and abundantly display images of your model persons, whom you wantto become, and things that you want to accomplish. Read magazines containing st

    ories and pictures of lives that you wish to attain.

    2. Read autobiographies of successful people. Constantly read self-progress materials packed with examples and ideas of women and men who had set goals, overcome hardships and misfortunes and accomplished what they aimed for in the end.

    3. Always affirm yourself. In each undertaking, take the time to focus, close your eyes and set a clear mental image of the outcome. Then repeatedly say and claim that you have already achieved it.

    4. Nourish your mind with positive thoughts before sleeping, after waking up, atlunch break, anytime. Do not give a chance for negative thoughts to enter intoyour mind.

    Thoughts hold great power. Be conscious of the thoughts that comes into your mind; let the positive in, never entertain the negative. Open up your mind to possibilities and never be afraid to try; if you fail, take it as an opportunity that you have learned so much from failing and try again.