better health final


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MGMT 312Taylor Gildner

Page 2: Better Health final

MISSION & VISIONBetter Health Association Mission

“To improve the well-being of individuals through health education, counseling and detection screening programs”

Better Health Association Vision

“To be the premier provider of state-of-the art health services in the greater central Ohio region”

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COMPANY-WIDE GOALS▪ 1. Use the high level of $1,000,000 plus in reserve general funds to grow Better

Health and its programs to a significantly higher level of service delivery for the community.

▪ 2. Put in writing this plan reflecting year to year, and each year on a quarterly basis, actions and steps that allow the agency to do these following items:▪ a. Expand income from development and fund raising efforts by 25% annually or more

than double what is today within five years.▪ b. Increase the scope and level of the delivery of our community services in nutritional

counseling, public disease and health detection programs and specific health educational actions by more than double where we are today within five years.

▪ c. Reach our stated vision within this five year period.

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▪ Expand public screening of diabetes and cholesterol program by 50% within three years. By offering this at additional locations and larger turnout at existing ones.

▪ Offer high blood pressure detection services beyond current locations into to lower income and rural areas that allows an additional 1,000 individuals to be screened per annum.

▪ Offer health fairs through coordination with new volunteers at all major cities in the greater metropolitan area of ten counties that consists of 1.9 million individuals.

▪ Establish active health support groups (nutritional, diabetes, weight loss) in the nine metro area outlying counties. Work with volunteer coordinator and HR for securing support group leaders.

▪ Expand one-to-one nutritional counseling via a 50% increase per annum in clients counseled.

▪ Establish ongoing partnerships with additional six area hospitals to offer weekly weight management classes co-sponsored by Better Health and participating hospital.

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PLAN▪ Invest in technology advances including telehealth

within four years.

▪ Partner with leading hospitals in Columbus, including Ohio Health, Mt. Carmel, & Ohio State within four years.

▪ Incorporate an internship program that will act as a symbiotic resource for local college students in the healthcare field, and will help our department reach 25% more clients and have phone coverage, bandwidth, and overall help in accomplishing our goals within two years.

▪ Offer further training and events (i.e. conferences, CEUs, cross-training between departments) for employees to increase knowledge in health programs and maintain our competitive advantage of advanced knowledge within the company within the first year.

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ORGANIZE▪ Our department consists of five

employees, including Lee Newbold, director; Julia, full-time intake coordinator; Laura, volunteer intake coordinator; Jake, part-time IT; and Lucy, part-time volunteer coordinator

▪ Internship/Volunteer opportunities

▪ HR will oversee contracts for internships & lead recruitment efforts

▪ Estimated 3 full time coordinators needed

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LEADTHE TEAM▪ A work team is where members

engage in collective work requiring coordinated effort; purpose of team is advice, production, project, or action” (Kinicki & Williams, 2013, p. 415)

MANAGERIAL LEADERSHIP▪ Transformational Leadership-

transform employees to pursue organizational goals over self-interests (Kinicki & Williams, 2013, p. 462)

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CONTROL▪ Why is controlling important?

-adapt to change and uncertainty

-to discover irregularities and errors

-to reduce costs and increase productivity or add value

-to detect opportunities

-to deal with complexity

-to decentralize decision making and facilitate teamwork

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