best practices - digital platforms to engage new audiences - don wilcox - pbs

Our Multiplatform Philosophy . Multiplatform is our reality – across content, distribution and marketing. . Digital audiences are additive, not cannibalistic; “more is more.” . Each platform has unique characteristics and audience preferences. . Need to consider multiple renditions from the very beginning. . This is an opportunity to expand your creative palette. . For commercial entities, this may have positive revenue implications.

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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PowerPoint Presentation

Our Multiplatform Philosophy

Multiplatform is our reality across content, distribution and marketing. Digital audiences are additive, not cannibalistic; more is more.Each platform has unique characteristics and audience preferences. Need to consider multiple renditions from the very beginning.This is an opportunity to expand your creative palette.For commercial entities, this may have positive revenue implications.

Creating content for Specific Platforms

Long story short is we got very few views over 3 seconds unless we boosted the posts and even then the views were not very strong (never more than a few thousand at most, usually in the 100s). Also no movement of viewers from FB to the YouTube channel. Great performance!


Multiplatform Integration - Broadcast

Shark Sentiment PollSpirit Animal QuizFavorite Animal Poll

Opportunities: Sometimes there are opportunities within PBS to cross PBS broadcast and PBS digital audiences.

BBL: One example is BBL. Last summer PBS and the BBC produced this huge 3 night live event in Monteray Bay the event celebrated amazing wildlife that return to this area annually.

Natural: One of our series Its Okay to be Smart is hosted by Dr. Joe Hanson, who has a PhD in biology. And it felt like a natural fit to to match up this digital channel and host with a broadcast event.

Deliverables: During the 3 day event - OKAY produced several episodes from monttery bay, including the aquarium. Joe Hanson also served as digital & social host. Not only were these super special episodes for OKAY, but this helped attract attention from a younger audience to a BBL event.


Multiplatform Integration - Web

Social hubPhotos, videos, infoLive streaming

Opportunities: Sometimes there are opportunities within PBS to cross PBS broadcast and PBS digital audiences.

BBL: One example is BBL. Last summer PBS and the BBC produced this huge 3 night live event in Monteray Bay the event celebrated amazing wildlife that return to this area annually.

Natural: One of our series Its Okay to be Smart is hosted by Dr. Joe Hanson, who has a PhD in biology. And it felt like a natural fit to to match up this digital channel and host with a broadcast event.

Deliverables: During the 3 day event - OKAY produced several episodes from monttery bay, including the aquarium. Joe Hanson also served as digital & social host. Not only were these super special episodes for OKAY, but this helped attract attention from a younger audience to a BBL event.


Multiplatform Integration - SocialSocial graphics & photosDigital shoulder programmingSocial video / live and clips

Opportunities: Sometimes there are opportunities within PBS to cross PBS broadcast and PBS digital audiences.

BBL: One example is BBL. Last summer PBS and the BBC produced this huge 3 night live event in Monteray Bay the event celebrated amazing wildlife that return to this area annually.

Natural: One of our series Its Okay to be Smart is hosted by Dr. Joe Hanson, who has a PhD in biology. And it felt like a natural fit to to match up this digital channel and host with a broadcast event.

Deliverables: During the 3 day event - OKAY produced several episodes from monttery bay, including the aquarium. Joe Hanson also served as digital & social host. Not only were these super special episodes for OKAY, but this helped attract attention from a younger audience to a BBL event.


Social Video Optimization

Pique interest within the first 3 seconds. No opening titles!

Shorter is better. Try for :30 or shorter.

Your content should be understandable with or without sound.

At minimum, upload a caption file.

Square video is the most versatile aspect ratio.

Creating content for Specific Platforms

Long story short is we got very few views over 3 seconds unless we boosted the posts and even then the views were not very strong (never more than a few thousand at most, usually in the 100s). Also no movement of viewers from FB to the YouTube channel. Great performance!


Our mission:PBS Digital Studios is a community of digital-first programming that are dedicated to curious minds on the internet.

Our positioning:PBSDigital Studios provides 18-34 year olds with high quality, educational programming thats available to anyone at anytime on the internet. We do this by partnering with subject matter experts, respecting our audience, and publishing onto platforms with a dedicated audience and global reach. Our intention is to advance the legacy of public media and build a new generation of supporters for PBS and its member stations.

Programming strategy:Build an audience of loyal fans that come back week to week by developing ongoing series. Value loyalty over sheer viewership


PBS D i g i t a l S t u d i o s

PBS has been a trailblazer in producing thoughtful programming for a diverse audience. PBS Digital Studios represents the next frontier of this mission.The PBS Digital Studios network includes more than 20 original series designed to enlighten and entertain online audiences.One of the coolest, most successful... digital experiments.Yahoo Tech

Mission:PBS Digital Studios is a community of digital-first programming that are dedicated to curious minds on the internet.

Original Story Clip from Remix


900+ Million Lifetime Views30+ Million Monthly Views3.4 Billion Minutes Watched9 Million Social Actions (Lkes/Comments & Shares)10+ Million Subscribers20+Active Series

N e t w o r k O v e r v i e w

Metrics: This is a quick snapshot of our current metrics on YouTube (explain them)

Distribution: This programming is distributed on multiple-platforms including, PBS OTT, various distribution partners and of course YouTube


38% Watch on MobileIncluding Best Host & Best Remix7 W E B B Y S 9 T E L L Y SIncluding Best Branded YouTube Channel2 M A S H I E S 70% Age 18-34

73% Male27% Female


A u d i e n c e

Target: Our target audience is a demographic that isnt necessarily watching the traditional PBS network, or really broadcast as a wholePBS Digital Studios provides 18-34 year olds with high quality, educational programming thats available to anyone at anytime on the internet.

Subject experts / respect / dedicated community: We do this by partnering with subject matter experts, respecting our audience, and publishing onto platforms with a dedicated audience or community.

Legacy: Our intention is to advance the legacy of public media and build a new generation of supporters for PBS and its member stations.

Donors: Part of the future goal is to make these younger viewers into fans, so that hopefully one day theyll become members.

Marketing behavior: Socials play a gigantic part in our marketing strategy and provides valuable insights into our audience behavior.

Follow fans: By interacting and following their actions on social media - we learn a lot about what our communities want and appreciate - and how they engage with our content.

Popular: Typically we use socials to point people to YT, and other video platforms. Our most popular are FB, Twitter and Tumlr.

YT is a Video Player and Social: YT is not only a video platform, but its social media too. So by even publishing to YouTube you have to adapt to a few social fundamentals.

Original Native: With new video player developments on FB, we recently began to experiment with original, native content for the platform, but we are still defining what our best practices are. We are also experimenting with Snapchat as well, but are limited in our ability to create effective content for a still-developing platform.


Our mission:PBS Digital Studios is a community of digital-first programming that are dedicated to curious minds on the internet.

Our positioning:PBSDigital Studios provides 18-34 year olds with high quality, educational programming thats available to anyone at anytime on the internet. We do this by partnering with subject matter experts, respecting our audience, and publishing onto platforms with a dedicated audience and global reach. Our intention is to advance the legacy of public media and build a new generation of supporters for PBS and its member stations.

Programming strategy:Build an audience of loyal fans that come back week to week by developing ongoing series. Value loyalty over sheer viewership


YouTube Best Practices

Get to the point youve only got seconds. Maintain consistent eye line to camera; address your viewer.Simple cuts are easier for the brain to process on smaller displays.Graphics add visual interest, illustrate concepts and move things along.Use the same host(s) from start to finish. Publish on a regular schedule; predictability grows audience. Production Basics

Adapt: We develop new content and continuously adapt episodic formats for our fans based on their feedback and information they provide both analytically and front-facing.

Targeting: Side note - weve also been able to target our ads more effectively through research and fan feedback and engagement.

Space: Space Time is one of our most popular and fastest growing channels. In this video clip - Matt ODowd explains Maxwells equation, a subject we know his audience will freak out about


Infinite Series: Infinite Series is one of our fastest growing series. We did a survey that almost 40k people responded to, one of the questions we asked was what kind of a show would like to see from DS next, overwhelmingly people responded with Math! so we gave the people what they want!

2.5 to 3 million views month / 630k subs13

Know your audience.

Is there one? Keep them in mind, always. YouTube Best Practices

Adapt: We develop new content and continuously adapt episodic formats for our fans based on their feedback and information they provide both analytically and front-facing.

Targeting: Side note - weve also been able to target our ads more effectively through research and fan feedback and engagement.

Space: Space Time is one of our most popular and fastest growing channels. In this video clip - Matt ODowd explains Maxwells equation, a subject we know his audience will freak out about


Infinite Series: Infinite Series is one of our fastest growing series. We did a survey that almost 40k people responded to, one of the questions we asked was what kind of a show would like to see from DS next, overwhelmingly people responded with Math! so we gave the people what they want!

2.5 to 3 million views month / 630k subs14

YouTube Best Practices

Emulate what is already working.

Put your spin on a tried and true format.

Resemble: Youll notice on YouTube that a lot of channel formats resemble each other. Theres a few variations.

Idea: The Idea Channel is one of our most popular and engaging channels. Hosted by Mike R.

Execution: The execution style and format can be likened to other YouTube channels, including one called Equals Three Studios, the host is Ray William Johnson. Even though the subject matter is different it takes on a similar look. We tweaked this proven format and made it our own.

E=3 Clip: I will show a clip from E=3, then the Idea Channel. Pay attention the background, and the OTS GFX, then I will play a clip from =3. 15

Ray William Johnson

Idea Channel is sad music is not inherently sad

YouTube Best Practices

Be authentic.

Independent voices are the lifeblood ofYouTube.

Key: Authenticity is key in all of this. Inauthenticity does not work it reeks - you will push them away. This goes for character and personality and is especially true when integrating sponsorship.

Know: The point of this is for audiences to be able to know the creator.

Trust: Authenticity leads to trust, and trust creates a better connection with fans. This helps build an audience.

Sharable: Side note - Shareable is often used interchangeably with Viral -- the idea that people watch videos and immediately want to share them. This is useful when building an audience because people are learning about THE CREATOR from the people THEY trust the most -- their friends and family. People share videos partly because of what the videos say about themselves and their interests. For example, sharing a funny video demonstrates their sense of humor. Smart content makes them look smart.Etc.


YouTube Best Practices

Be conversational.

Address the audience, invite commentary and respond.

In line with being authentic, its important to be conversational.

Participate: One of the unique advantages of making content on YouTube is that you can give the audience the chance to participate.

Friends Bond: Like I said before, YouTube is a social platform. Viewers see their favorite stars as friends. Conversation is an effective way to bond with your fans. And these bonds greatly increase the likelihood that they will champion your channel to others.

Dialogue: Talking to the audience builds loyalty and repeat views. Establishing great communication can mean the difference between simply finding an audience and creating subscribers who come back again and again for more.19

I could do that

YouTube Best Practices

Collaborate withother creators.

Cross-pollination of ideas and audiences will drive growth.

A good collaboration could bring new viewers to videos youre cross pollinating audiences.

More than Subs / Value: Often, creators think they can only collaborate with channels that have a similar number of subscribers -- but thats not the case. Creators are more than the number of subscribers. Creators have skills, access, and resources that can be valuable to other creators, even ones with a much larger audience.

Compliment format: Collaborators dont have to make exactly the same type of videos. Instead, collaborators should choose whose videos they enjoy and compliment their style and tone.

Silver bullet / authentic: Theres no formula for making a collaboration video great. However, its important that no matter what the idea is both creators collaborate in a way thats authentic and similar to the style and tone of each channel.

Cross Promotion Strategy: A great collaboration video on its own might attract some new fans, but combine it with a smart cross-promotion strategy and you have the opportunity to really grow your audience .Once new viewers are there, you want them to subscribe.


YouTube Best Practices

Dont be afraid to experiment.

Try things and see what sticks.

Afraid: Overall DONT be afraid to experiment with editorial and format.

Nimble: This landscape is always changing, and its important to remain nimble.

Budget: Production budgets vary, but for the most part it is not as expensive as broadcast production. Based on data you receive, you should able to adapt shooting format and production equations easily. You have to keep up with changes in audience behavior and the world.


YouTube Best Practices

Know Your Audience

Emulate What is Already Working

Be Authentic

Be Conversational

Collaborate With Other Creators

Dont be Afraid to Experiment

Know Your Audience

Emulate What is Already Working

Be Authentic

Be Conversational

Collaborate With Other Creators

Dont be Afraid to Experiment



Questions? 24