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B e s t M a n u f a c t u r i n g P r a c t i c e s






F o r e w o r d

This report was produced by the Best Manufacturing Practices (BMP)program, a unique industry and government cooperative technology transfereffort that improves the competitiveness of America’s industrial base both hereand abroad. Our main goal at BMP is to increase the quality, reliability, andmaintainability of goods produced by American firms. The primary objectivetoward this goal is simple: to identify best practices, document them, and thenencourage industry and government to share information about them.

The BMP program set out in 1985 to help businesses by identifying,researching, and promoting exceptional manufacturing practices, methods, and

procedures in design, test, production, facilities, logistics, and management – all areas which arehighlighted in the Department of Defense’s 4245-7.M, Transition from Development to Productionmanual. By fostering the sharing of information across industry lines, BMP has become a resource inhelping companies identify their weak areas and examine how other companies have improvedsimilar situations. This sharing of ideas allows companies to learn from others’ attempts and to avoidcostly and time-consuming duplication.

BMP identifies and documents best practices by conducting in-depth, voluntary surveys such asthis one at the Northrop Grumman Corporation, El Segundo, California conducted during the weekof October 20, 1997. Teams of BMP experts work hand-in-hand on-site with the company to examineexisting practices, uncover best practices, and identify areas for even better practices.

The final survey report, which details the findings, is distributed electronically and in hard copy tothousands of representatives from government, industry, and academia throughout the U.S. andCanada – so the knowledge can be shared. BMP also distributes this information through severalinteractive services which include CD-ROMs, BMPnet, and a World Wide Web Home Page located onthe Internet at The actual exchange of detailed data is between companies attheir discretion.

Over the years, Northrop Grumman transformed itself from an airplane manufacturer into apremier electronics and systems integration company. By employing fundamental principles,Northrop Grumman has achieved creative vision, competitive technology, environmentalmanagement, and financial advantages necessary to ensure a bright future and strengthen thecompany’s position to compete in the 21st Century. In addition, Northrop Grumman now has a newdistinction — it represents the 100th survey conducted by the BMP Center of Excellence. Among thebest examples were Northrop Grumman’s accomplishments in design-to-cost and affordabilityprocess; action item board; factory process modeling and simulation; foreign object elimination;integrated management, planning, and control for assembly system; process variability reduction;and new directions training program.

The Best Manufacturing Practices program is committed to strengthening the U.S. industrial base.Survey findings in reports such as this one on Northrop Grumman expand BMP’s contributiontoward its goal of a stronger, more competitive, globally-minded, and environmentally-consciousAmerican industrial program.

I encourage your participation and use of this unique resource.

Ernie RennerDirector, Best Manufacturing Practices

Northrop Grumman Corporation


C o n t e n t s

1. Report Summary

Background......................................................................................................... 1Best Practices ...................................................................................................... 2Information ......................................................................................................... 4Point of Contact .................................................................................................. 6

2. Best Practices

DesignAutomated Tool Manufacturing Computer System ........................................... 7Design-to-Cost and Affordability Process ........................................................... 8

ProductionAction Item Board ................................................................................................ 8Environmental Management Program ............................................................... 8Factory Process Modeling and Simulation ......................................................... 9Foreign Object Elimination ............................................................................... 10Hazardous Waste and Pollution Prevention .................................................... 11Integrated Environmental Compliance ............................................................ 12Laser Tracker Measurement System ................................................................ 14Material Control and Parts Management ........................................................ 14Process Variability Reduction ........................................................................... 15Tool Design from 3-D Modeling Data ............................................................... 15Tow Placement of Advanced Composite Materials .......................................... 16Wiring Harness Master Assembly Jig Tooling ................................................. 16

FacilitiesAirflow Management ......................................................................................... 17Precision Component Mix Control .................................................................... 18

LogisticsShrink Wrapping Parts Kits ............................................................................. 18Standard Parts Management ............................................................................ 18

Northrop Grumman Corporation


C o n t e n t s (Continued)

ManagementDefect Location Plotting and Zone Mapping .................................................... 19Information System Architecture ..................................................................... 21Integrated Management, Planning, and Control for Assembly System ......... 22Integrated Material Parts Management ........................................................... 23Self-Inspection System ...................................................................................... 24

3. Information

Design3-D Modeling and Design .................................................................................. 27Build-to/Buy-to Packages .................................................................................. 27Common Electrical Electronic Data System ..................................................... 28Producibility ....................................................................................................... 28Variation Simulation Analysis .......................................................................... 29

ProductionAdvanced Technology Transit Bus .................................................................... 29Electronic Gantry Applied Drilling System...................................................... 30Enhanced Performance Application Process of Paintings and Coatings ........ 31Laser Alignment of Composite Ply Layup ........................................................ 31Mobile Gantry Applied Drilling System ........................................................... 32Numerical Control Waterjet Edge Trimming ................................................... 32Shop Floor Tool Control ..................................................................................... 33

FacilitiesFlexible Facility ................................................................................................. 33

ManagementBarcodes in Receiving ........................................................................................ 34Corrective Action Program ................................................................................ 34Integrated Supplier Management Team .......................................................... 34New Directions Training Program .................................................................... 35Pull System for Composite Center .................................................................... 36Supplier Improvement Initiatives ..................................................................... 36

Northrop Grumman Corporation


C o n t e n t s (Continued)

APPENDIX A - Table of Acronyms ........................................................................ A-1APPENDIX B - BMP Survey Team......................................................................... B-1APPENDIX C - Critical Path Templates and BMP Templates .......................... C-1APPENDIX D - BMPnet and the Program Manager’s WorkStation ................. D-1APPENDIX E - Best Manufacturing Practices Satellite Centers ..................... E-1APPENDIX F - Navy Manufacturing Technology Centers of Excellence ......... F-1APPENDIX G - Completed Surveys ........................................................................ G-1

Northrop Grumman Corporation


2-1 Major Deficiency Summary ...................................................................................... 92-2 Simulation Model of Assembly Area 2510 ............................................................. 102-3 Environmental Resources ...................................................................................... 112-4 Hazardous Waste Reduction .................................................................................. 122-5 Chemical Review Board Process Flow ................................................................... 132-6 Portable Air Pollution Control Equipment ............................................................ 172-7 Sample Input Data ................................................................................................. 192-8 Sample E/F Output Data & Breakdown of Forward Fuselage, Rank 1 ............... 202-9 E/F Systems Original Environment ...................................................................... 212-10 One Program, Agile Infrastructure Vision............................................................. 212-11 Parts Management Closed-Loop Process Metrics ................................................. 232-12 Self-Inspection Process Steps ................................................................................. 242-13 Selection of a Key Process ...................................................................................... 253-1 Advanced Technology Transit Bus ......................................................................... 293-2 Structural and Mobile Test Beds ........................................................................... 303-3 New Directions Career Progression ....................................................................... 35

F i g u r e s


S e c t i o n 1

Report Summary


The Northrop Grumman Corporation can traceits history back through the pioneering founders ofaviation — Jack Northrop, the Loughead [sic] broth-ers, Donald Douglas, and Leroy Grumman, to namea few — and soon the legacy will come full circleupon the pending merger with Lockheed Martin. In1916, Jack Northrop was one of the first employeesof the Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Companyin Santa Barbara, California. When World War Iended, the company closed, and Northrop joinedDouglas Aircraft in 1923. He eventually left to helpthe Loughead brothers restart their company, nownamed Lockheed Aircraft, in 1927. His passion forinnovative designs as well as financial backing fromcolleagues allowed Northrop to start-up variouscompanies: Avion Company (1928) as a subsidiaryof the Boeing-owned United Aircraft and TransportCorporation; Northrop Corporation (1932) as partof Douglas Aircraft; and finally, Northrop Aircraft(1939) as a new and independent company thateventually became the present-day corporation.Today, Northrop Grumman is a leading designer,systems integrator, and manufacturer of militarysurveillance and combat aircraft; defense electron-ics and systems; airspace management systems;information systems; marine systems; precisionweapons; space systems; and commercial and mili-tary aerostructures.

With its corporate headquarters in Los Angeles,California, Northrop Grumman is organized intofive divisions, employs 52,000 employees, andachieved $8.1 billion in sales for 1996. The BMPsurvey focused on Northrop Grumman’s MilitaryAircraft Systems Division which employs 14,000personnel, encompasses 320 acres, and achieved$3.1 billion in sales for 1996. This Division, locatedin El Segundo, California, is a world-class leader inthe manufacture of military aircraft and unmannedairborne vehicles; systems integration and engi-neering research and development; aerostructuremodifications; and upgrades to military air vehicles.Among the best practices documented were NorthropGrumman’s design-to-cost and affordability pro-cess; action item board; factory process modelingand simulation; foreign object elimination; inte-

grated management, planning, and control for as-sembly system; process variability reduction; andnew directions training program.

As the principal subcontractor to Boeing (for-merly McDonnell Douglas), Northrop Grummanproduces the center and aft fuselage sections; thetwin vertical stabilizers; and all associated sub-systems for the U.S. Navy F/A-18 Hornet strikefighter. The F/A-18 production line is housed in thelongest, all-wooden building in the world. Still re-flecting its World War II design of a long, singleproduction-specific line, the F/A-18 assembly build-ing runs 0.5 mile in length and is constructedentirely of redwood. In addition, Northrop Grummanhas ties to the entertainment world. In June 1945,a U.S. Army photographer, on assignment to pro-mote women supporting the war effort, discoveredNorma Jeane Mortensen (aka Marilyn Monroe)working at Northrop Aircraft’s Radioplane Divi-sion. Another link is the DIT-MCO machines usedby the company to test every electrical circuit in theF/A-18. These machines were developed by a drive-in theater owner to test all the wires running to thecar speakers — hence, DIT-MCO stands for Drive-In Theater Manufacturing Company.

Northrop Grumman maintains core values of cus-tomer satisfaction, employee opportunity, environ-mental compliance, and community outreach. Theoverall philosophy is to draw upon skills throughoutthe company so that the very best technologies,processes, and intellectual capital are brought toeach program. Through numerous initiatives,Northrop Grumman promotes employee communi-cation, involvement, and awareness; provides newdirections training to retain an experiencedworkforce; and ensures that the division continuesto be good stewards of the community and a leaderin the environmental management arena. This out-look encourages employees to look beyond tradi-tional ideas and methods. Unlike most companies,the typical workday at this Northrop Grummanfacility starts at 5:00 A.M., which staggers employ-ees on the commuter routes and reduces pollutantsin the environment.

Over the years, Northrop Grumman transformeditself from an airplane manufacturer into a premierelectronics and systems integration company. By


employing fundamental principles, NorthropGrumman has achieved creative vision, competi-tive technology, environmental management, andfinancial advantages necessary to ensure a brightfuture and strengthen the company’s position tocompete in the 21st Century. In addition, NorthropGrumman now has a new distinction — it repre-sents the 100th survey conducted by the BMP Cen-ter of Excellence. The BMP survey team considersthe following practices to be among the best inindustry and government.

Best Practices

The following best practices were documented atNorthrop Grumman:

Item Page

Automated Tool Manufacturing 7Computer System

Northrop Grumman began using automated tooldesign methods on one of its U.S. Air Force pro-grams. These automated methods demonstratedenough potential that the company continued tofund their development after the program ended.The result was the Automated Tool Manufactur-ing Computer System — an automated, partgeometry-based, tool design system which is cur-rently used in the F/A-18 E/F program.

Design-to-Cost and Affordability 8Process

Northrop Grumman established a proactive costreduction program for the F/A-18 E/F programwhich has become a model for other affordabilityinitiatives within the company. The companyhas also defined a standard process procedurefor affordability/producibility management ofthe F/A-18 program.

Action Item Board 8

Northrop Grumman implemented a simple pro-gram using Action Item Boards, which allowsemployees on the shop floor to document prob-lems, suggestions, or situations. Placed through-out the various work centers on the shop floor,these Boards can be used by anyone who feelsthat an item needs to be addressed so they canperform their job more efficiently. A key featureis that all action items must be accepted andsigned-off by the initiator before they are consid-ered closed.

Environmental Management Program 8

Northrop Grumman implemented an extremelyproactive Environmental Management Programwhich could be used as a model for many The key to the program’s success isthe commitment by Northrop Grumman’s man-agement to have zero environmental deficien-cies within the organization.

Factory Process Modeling and 9Simulation

Northrop Grumman’s Simulation and VirtualManufacturing Tools team developed FactoryProcess Modeling and Simulation for some sec-tions of the F/A-18 C/D assembly line. Throughmodeling and simulation, the company can con-tinuously make improvements in quality andproductivity, and evaluate new ideas, methods,and actions.

Foreign Object Elimination 10

Northrop Grumman implemented a ForeignObject Elimination program to ensure that dam-age-free products are delivered to its internaland external customers. Foreign objects, inad-vertently introduced into airframes during theproduction and assembly processes, could re-duce the reliability of the aircraft. NorthropGrumman has redesigned all appropriate as-sembly processes to completely eliminate for-eign objects.

Hazardous Waste and Pollution 11Prevention

In 1990, the CEO of Northrop Grumman posteda challenge to reduce hazardous waste genera-tion by 90% between 1990 and 1996. By meetingthis challenge, the company would reduce corpo-rate liability, operational costs, and employee/community exposure. The success of this senior-level direction was outstanding. Not only didNorthrop Grumman meet this environmentalgoal by 1996, it also received 16 separate envi-ronmental excellence awards.

Integrated Environmental Compliance 12

Northrop Grumman established several envi-ronmental programs that meet chemical compli-ances and map out future environmental risks.The company has engineered these risks out ofseveral of its manufacturing processes.

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Laser Tracker Measurement System 14

In their continuous quest for process improve-ment, the F/A-18 team developed the LaserTracker Measurement System by combiningemerging measurement technology with com-mercial-off-the-shelf software. This system re-places the large, expensive master tool in thefinal assembly operation of the E/F program,allowing Northrop Grumman to minimize itsmaster tool requirements and eliminate severallabor-intensive, hand gage measurements.

Material Control and Parts Management 14

A key element to building high quality, highperformance aircraft within budget is to prop-erly manage production material and parts.Northrop Grumman has implemented an effec-tive Material Control and Parts Managementsystem. Two major contributors to the success ofthis system are: (1) the development and imple-mentation of Assembly Process Work Instruc-tions, and (2) the distribution of end productresponsibility to all employee disciplines.

Process Variability Reduction 15

Northrop Grumman implemented a ProcessVariability Reduction system to improve themanufacturing processes on its F/A-18 C/D andE/F programs. This system consists of a Statis-tical Process Control System, a ManufacturingProcess Performance System, and a Manufac-turing Process Data Base. All of these compo-nents are computer-based, open-system archi-tecture tools used by management, the engi-neering design staff, and the shop floor.

Tool Design from 3-D Modeling Data 15

Northrop Grumman uses Unigraphics 3-D mod-eling software to design its tools and equipment.Since implementing the modeling software, thecompany has minimized its design cost require-ments of new tooling as production require-ments increase or as new prototypes come on-line. This modeling software provides an on-linereview of changes as they are incorporated intothe production cycle without interrupting theCost Centers’ schedules.

Tow Placement of Advanced 16Composite Materials

The increased use of composite material in theF/A-18 E/F program created a challengingproducibility problem for Northrop Grumman.The E/F version had almost twice the percentageof structural weight as the previous C/D version,

requiring more composite structures and geo-metrically-demanding parts. In order to increaseits manufacturing efficiency, the company set upan automated composite material ply lay-up inaddition to its conventional manual ply lay-upmethod.

Wiring Harness Master Assembly Jig 16Tooling

Northrop Grumman chose the Common Electri-cal Electronic Data Systems software to designand develop its aircraft wiring harnesses inrelationship to electrical systems, wiring dia-grams, cable assemblies (build-to packages), cir-cuit configurations, and jig board tooling of theF/A-18 E/F program. This software enables thecompany to integrate its Unigraphics 3-D geo-metric data with the wiring data to create anelectrical wiring harness jig board master layoutand ensure that the 3-D drawing agrees with thewiring harness tooling.

Airflow Management 17

Proposition 65 mandates that companies mustnotify the public via local newspaper announce-ments regarding all areas (hot spots) containinga chemical that is known to the State of Califor-nia to cause cancer, birth defects, or other repro-ductive harm. In 1995, Northrop Grumman setout to eliminate the requirements for postingthese public announcements by initiating anaggressive goal to reduce off-site potential healthrisks due to chromium VI emissions. This goalaligns with the Corporate goal (using a 1995baseline) for a 50% reduction in toxic air emis-sions by the year 2001, and has eliminated therequirements for public notification of hot spotsunder Proposition 65.

Precision Component Mix Control 18

Northrop Grumman has an effective method formixing and dispensing spray coating materialsfor its airframe coatings. This commercially-available system provides consistent mixtures,reduces waste, and has proven to be a wise invest-ment. In addition, the company uses a hazardousmaterial tracking software system to identify andtrack all chemicals throughout the facilities.

Shrink Wrapping Parts Kits 18

Northrop Grumman implemented shrink-wraptechnology for routing the parts kits onto itsproduction floor. By shrink-wrapping the partskits, in lieu of the traditional plastic bags, thecompany has improved several aspects of itsparts kits distribution process.

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Standard Parts Management 18

Northrop Grumman initiated a Standard PartsManagement program to address its parts short-ages and inventory issues. This Standard PartsManagement program consists of two phases: theReOrder Point Analysis Summary program andthe Just in Time Integrated Supplier program.

Defect Location Plotting and Zone 19Mapping

Northrop Grumman’s Product Definition Teamon the F/A-18 program uses a unique method ofplotting the location of defects andnonconformances, and then mapping these tozones on the aircraft by using 3-D coordinates.All defects and nonconformances are enteredinto a database with specific locations, identifiedby x-y-z grid coordinates, that reference back tothe aircraft. These nonconformances are thensorted by occurrences within a 10x10x10-inchsearch cube over a selected period of time.

Information System Architecture 21

In the mid-1980s, Northrop Grumman begantransitioning from a traditional mainframe seg-regated computing system to a distributed archi-tecture system. This transition was accelerated inthe early 1990s to meet the needs of its multi-functional Integrated Product Teams on theF/A-18 program. Two years after addressing theseneeds, Northrop Grumman began transitioningits quality assurance and manufacturing data toan open architecture system, and building a moreeffective data and information exchange for thosecustomers who use web technologies.

Integrated Management, Planning, and 22Control for Assembly System

To handle the enormous quantity of paperworkinvolved with the management, planning, andcontrol of aircraft manufacturing, NorthropGrumman developed and implemented a com-puter-based system. This system enables man-agers, engineers, technicians, and operators toaccess an abundance of drawings; work instruc-tions; engineering and quality assurance data;visual aids; schedules; and knowledge at theirWorkstations.

Integrated Material Parts Management 23

Approximately three years ago, NorthropGrumman was experiencing more than 600 partshortages per week. To address this issue, thecompany implemented an Integrated MaterialParts Management process consisting of process

documentation; a closed-loop metrics collectionand reporting system; root cause determination;and detailed management reviews.

Self-Inspection System 24

Instead of traditional inspection methods,Northrop Grumman uses a Self-Inspection Sys-tem for quality checks. Based on a six-step pro-cess, mechanics perform their own operationalinspections with appropriate monitoring to en-sure high quality workmanship of the product.The six steps are: (1) set criteria, (2) identifyprocess candidates, (3) training, (4) observation,(5) recognition, and (6) monitor.


The following information items were documentedat Northrop Grumman:

Item Page

3-D Modeling and Design 27

Northrop Grumman uses 3-D modeling for thestructural design and analysis of the aft tailsection of the F/A-18 E/F program which it sup-plies to the prime contractor. Based on thisprogram and its earlier participation of 20 sepa-rate disciplines, Northrop Grumman establisheda 3-D master dimensions model. This model hasbeen a major contributor to the company’s suc-cess in its on-schedule delivery of ten first-ar-ticle units with no major interface discrepancies.

Build-to/Buy-to Packages 27

As part of its Product Definition Team and De-livery effort, Northrop Grumman uses build-to/buy-to packages as an on-line, integrated datamanagement system to maintain complete datafor buying, manufacturing, and defining its prod-uct parts. This approach promotes engineeringas the nucleus for any design changes and en-courages communication with all affected areas.

Common Electrical Electronic Data 28System

The Common Electrical Electronic Data Systemis a wire harness jig tool design database thatuses the Unigraphics 3-D master model for allengineering, manufacturing, tooling, and qual-ity assurance functions. This system designs,develops, and maintains the configuration con-trol of electrical schematics, system wiring dia-grams, cable assembly build-to packages, andcircuit configurations for wire harness jig boardmaster tooling.

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Producibility 28

In order to maintain its life cycle cost allocationbaseline, Northrop Grumman’s Affordability andProducibility Management has utilized variousdimensional management tools within the Inte-grated Product Definition teams and the Assem-bly Cost Centers. In particular, Geometric Di-mensioning and Tolerancing and Key Charac-teristics were used to transition from the Engi-neering and Manufacturing Development modelstage to the Low Rate Initial Production stagefor the F/A-18 E/F program.

Variation Simulation Analysis 29

Northrop Grumman uses Variation SimulationAnalysis, a commercial software package, as atool for redesigning components and processimprovement. This tool was used extensivelyduring the Engineering and Manufacturing De-velopment program phase for the F/A-18 E/Fprogram, and for modeling most of the aircraft.

Advanced Technology Transit Bus 29

Northrop Grumman is in the process of usingaerospace-type materials, construction tech-niques, and defense conversion technologies forits commercial Advanced Technology TransitBus program. To date, the company has achievedimpressive results from the program’s prototypesand test beds. One prototype is currently beingfield-tested at the Pennsylvania TransportationInstitute, Altoona Bus Testing Center for onemillion miles of test driving and vibration testing.

Electronic Gantry Applied Drilling 30System

Northrop Grumman is in the process of develop-ing the Electronic Gantry Applied Drilling Sys-tem, an automated drilling system, that willeliminate the use of drill jigs, fixtures, and hoodsin the assembly process. Based on coordinatemeasuring machine technology, this computernumerical control, multi-axis drilling systemwill be able to manufacture the part; certify thatthe specification requirements for the part havebeen met; alert operators when a drill needs tobe changed; adjust the speeds and feeds accord-ing to changing torque values; and perform con-tinuous diagnostic testing inside the machineand controller during operation.

Enhanced Performance Application 31Process of Paintings and Coatings

Northrop Grumman is currently implementinga series of coating application process and facil-ity changes to improve the performance of itsNew Technology coatings. This initiative ties intoa larger, facility-wide Lean Manufacturing Initia-tive, and was motivated by the Low Rate InitialProduction stage for the F/A-18 E/F program.

Laser Alignment of Composite Ply Layup 31

Northrop Grumman has purchased and installeda Laser Guided Ply Locating system for compos-ite part manufacturing. Made by General Scan-ning, Inc., Laser Systems Division, this systemuses lasers to project the outline of the indi-vidual plies and the cut-outs directly onto ahard-tooling locator tool.

Mobile Gantry Applied Drilling System 32

Recognizing the need for an automated drillingsystem that could be shuttled between severaldifferent Cost Centers and produce differentsubassemblies, Northrop Grumman is currentlyin the final stages of developing the MobileGantry Applied Drilling System. This systemshares numerous common features with the Elec-tronic Gantry Applied Drilling System (e.g.,unique end effector, machine controller, control-ler interface, linear rails, drives, motors) andprovides a very accurate mobile automated drill-ing system.

Numerical Control Waterjet Edge 32Trimming

Northrop Grumman recently installed a singlegantry, two-head combination waterjet cutterand milling machine for use in its compositemanufacturing facility. The intent of the ma-chine is to greatly reduce or totally eliminatehand routing or profiling of composite parts.Long term plans are to use the waterjet cutter forall part trimming or profiling, and the millinghead exclusively for hole drilling.

Shop Floor Tool Control 33

Northrop Grumman uses positive tool and equip-ment control to reduce process variability on theshop floor. This approach features AssemblyProcess Work Instructions to call out key charac-teristics and process instructions; Process Pa-rameter Sheets to identify work sequence andequipment; and Associated Tool and EquipmentKits to package and organize the necessary toolsand equipment for each process.

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Flexible Facility 33

A Low Rate Initial Production capacity analysis,conducted by Northrop Grumman, revealed thatthe company needed additional paint and coat-ing process areas to meet the scheduled produc-tion throughput. A construction project is cur-rently underway to build a new extension to theexisting Painting and Coating Facility. One ofthe key features of this new facility will be theability to convert the space from a general pro-cess area to a secured process area.

Barcodes in Receiving 34

In 1995, Northrop Grumman installed abarcoding system which was tied into thecompany’s existing Unix/Oracle computer-basedsystem. Hand-held bar scanners provide mobil-ity for the scanning system by sending radiofrequency transmissions to a personal computer.The computer then automatically performs thenecessary verification, recording, and locationrequirements. Through its barcoding system,Northrop Grumman has streamlined its Materi-als Receiving methods from 15 to four steps, andimproved its dock-to-stock cycle time from 35days to two hours.

Corrective Action Program 34

On preliminary review, Northrop Grumman’sCorrective Action program is similar to correc-tive action processes at other industrial facili-ties. However, this program also provides cover-age in various areas in addition to assembly linedefects. The program covers customer serviceand the internal operations of the facility as wellas program improvements, Integrated ProductTeam improvements, and ISO 9000 audit find-ings. The latter is possibly the most significantcharacteristic of the Corrective Action programbecause the program, itself, is ISO 9000 approved.

Integrated Supplier Management 34Team

Northrop Grumman uses an Integrated Sup-plier Management Team to track its suppliers’progress and delivery performances. This ap-proach enables the company to resolve any tech-nical, quality, and schedule performance prob-lems before contractual deliveries are impacted.

New Directions Training Program 35

Northrop Grumman began developing the NewDirection Training program in 1993 to enhancethe skill level of its F/A-18 workforce. The resultwas an extended training program that investsin and retains the experienced workforce. Theprogram’s objectives include providing a solidbase of trained personnel to support the start-upof the F/A-18 E/F Low Rate Initial Productionprogram; providing the necessary skills trainingto achieve self-inspection systems on the produc-tion lines; and meeting program affordabilitygoals.

Pull System for Composite Center 36

In 1994, Northrop Grumman’s Composite Cen-ter implemented a Pull System which placesmaterial onto the production floor based on therate of customer demand. The key to the PullSystem is its concentration on bottlenecks: fo-cusing on weak links, responding quickly todefects, solving problems, and using a cross-trained workforce. The system’s philosophy is tokeep parts moving throughout the productionfloor before new parts are issued for the next job.

Supplier Improvement Initiatives 36

Northrop Grumman is currently implementingSupplier Improvement Initiatives. These actionswill provide more effective communicationswithin the company and with representativeslocated at supplier sites.

Point of Contact

For further information on items in this report,please contact:

Mr. Ed LevyNorthrop Grumman CorporationMilitary Aircraft Systems DivisionOne Northrop AvenueHawthorne, California 90250(310) 331-5406FAX: (310) 332-8158E-mail: [email protected]

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Automated Tool ManufacturingComputer System

Traditionally, most tools are designed by conven-tional, manual methods that use 3-D computeraided design (CAD) systems. These methods usu-ally require the designer to spend substantial timein defining a tool’s surface. Considering alterna-tives, the Northrop Grumman Corporation, Mili-tary Aircraft Systems Division began using auto-mated tool design methods on one of its U.S. AirForce programs. These automated methods demon-strated enough potential that the company contin-ued to fund their development after the programended. The result was the Automated Tool Manu-facturing Computer System (ATMCS). This auto-mated, part geometry-based, tool design system isnow used in the new F/A-18 E/F program as well asother Northrop Grumman projects, has providedsignificant improvements to the Division’s opera-tions, and is currently being licensed for commercialsale and use.

ATMCS is an automated CAD tool which usesCAD drawings of parts, created in CATIA orUnigraphics, as a basis for generating tool designs.The designer specifies the type of tooling being built(e.g., resin transfer molding; master model; plylocator template; trim and drill; integral stiffened;billet; eggcrate) and the tool material (e.g., steel,carbon, composite). The tool designs are dependenton the designer’s knowledge, experience, and appli-cation of design rules. The actual part drawing isthen specified and viewed. The designer defines thecharacteristics (e.g., part surfaces, boundaries) andcan edit the default tolerances provided by thesystem. ATMCS uses all of this data as well asCorporate and program-specific, knowledge-baseddesign rules to generate tool drawings. The com-pleted CAD drawing can be output to CATIA orUnigraphics formats. Additional features not in-cluded in the default process (e.g., material thermalexpansion, spring back calculations and analysis)can be run manually within ATMCS by the de-signer. ATMCS operates on Silicon Graphics,

Hewlett Packard, and IBM Risc platforms, andproduces drawings which are interchangeableamong the three platforms.

The tool design drawing, generated by ATMCS,can also be used by other CAD/CAM systems to doa variety of tasks (e.g., numerical control cutting;composite ply location and nesting; material re-questing; and cost estimating). As a result, overallcost estimates are improved because linear inchesof material cut and rates thereof are used in calcu-lations in addition to material costs. ATMCS’s rapiddesign generation allows for easier updates withchanging part configurations and enhances the In-tegrated Product Teams’ discourse and process.Northrop Grumman’s main subcontractors also usethis automated CAD tool. ATMCS saves consider-able time and money in tool design, as well asunanticipated and surprisingly high savings in toolfabrication, actual part fabrication, and assembly.

Quantification of ATMCS’s benefits is readilyavailable, based on the comparison of the originalF/A-18 C/D program to the new E/F program.Northrop Grumman achieved a 97% time savings intool design by using ATMCS to generate compositeeggcrate tool structure designs for E/F versus theconventional CAD method for C/D. Composite toolsare also preferred for composite materials to mini-mize thermal mismatch. Northrop Grummanachieved a 60% time savings in tool design by usingATMCS to generate steel billet tool designs insteadof the conventional CAD method. This savingsyielded a cost variance of 60% of the funds allocatedfor this effort which were returned to the U.S. Navy.

Northrop Grumman has also documented exten-sive savings in the rest of the fabrication process.Tool fabrication time decreased substantially usingATMCS. A typical, composite header board toolwhich originally took one week to fabricate nowrequires only six hours — an 85% time savings. Theimproved tooling accuracy has led to easier partfabrication and assembly processes. After building1,300 C/D airplanes, it still takes four days to do thefinal assembly. During the first and all subsequentfinal assemblies of the E/F airplanes, the processtakes only four hours — an 87% reduction in time.

S e c t i o n 2

Best Practices



Design-to-Cost and Affordability Process

Northrop Grumman established a proactive costreduction program for the F/A-18 E/F programwhich has become a model for other affordabilityinitiatives within the company. The company hasalso defined a standard process procedure foraffordability/producibility management of the F/A-18program. Key elements of this procedure include:

• Establish baseline and target costs for eachcomponent of the aircraft

• Construct a database that contains all costestimate, projection, and affordability data

• Assign responsibility for initial and follow-through proposals for each work package, downto the team leader level

• Conduct trade studies to identify alternativesand impacts for cost reduction measures

• Coordinate and integrate affordability andproducibility initiatives

• Create affordability status reports• Quantify, track, and validate all savingsNorthrop Grumman’s standard process proce-

dure has several different affordability goals orallocations, such as average unit production cost(flyaway cost); initial support investment cost; andoperating and support costs. These affordabilitygoals are allocated by the work breakdown struc-ture and flowed down to the team leader level.

The company has tracked and maintained costbaseline and affordability initiatives since 1992.Through cost reduction measures, NorthropGrumman has been able to keep aircraft flyawayand life cycle costs within contractual requirementsdespite configuration changes and increased mate-rial costs. Cost reduction measures have also beenresponsible for a 10% savings of flyway costs whichhelped offset a 12% increase in flyaway costs due toconfiguration and other changes.


Action Item Board

Northrop Grumman recognizes communicationas a critical element in employee participation. Thisapproach has enabled the company to successfullyinvolve its employees in activities to improve pro-cesses and enhance product quality and reliability.Northrop Grumman implemented a simple pro-gram using Action Item Boards, which allows em-

ployees on the shop floor to document problems,suggestions, or situations. Placed throughout thevarious work centers on the shop floor, these Boardscan be used by anyone who feels that an item needsto be addressed to perform their job more efficiently.

Employees are encouraged to use the Boards andare assured by Northrop Grumman that their ac-tion items will receive a preliminary resolutionwithin 24 hours. If an action item cannot be resolvedimmediately, then the preliminary resolution willalso include an estimated completion date of theaction item.

The Manufacturing Engineer in each area is re-sponsible for maintaining the Board and ensuringthat the action item is brought to the attention of theauthoritative individual who can clear the item.However, the only person who can declare the itemresolved is the employee who initially identified theaction item. Accessible throughout the shop floor,this simple program is used daily by the employeesand continues to provide a means for eliminatingbottlenecks in the production process.

Environmental Management Program

Northrop Grumman implemented an extremelyproactive Environmental Management Program(EMP) which could be used as a model for many The key to the program’s success is thecommitment by Northrop Grumman’s managementto have zero environmental deficiencies within theorganization.

An environmental staff manages the EMP by firstlaying out a regulatory roadmap of those environ-mental issues on the horizon which need to beaddressed. Next, they develop action plans andmilestones for implementing the plans across alldivisions and departments within the Corporation.By having a very thorough understanding of theplant operations and processes, the environmentalstaff is able to implement process and equipmentchanges in advance of regulatory requirements.

An example of the proactiveness and commitmentof the EMP is the self-imposed monthly inspectionsof all daily operations. In this program, members ofthe environmental staff conduct monthly pre-auditsof all work areas in the facility. An extensive check-list is used to cover all environmental compliancesthat are needed for that particular area. The dataand results of this pre-audit are coded and discussedwith the area supervisor. The coded data collectionsystem consists of a standardized format and con-tains a list of the most common major deficiencies


found in industry and in violation of regulatoryrequirements (e.g., environmental records/manu-als not centrally located and available for inspec-tion; less than three years of training records; vola-tile organic compound limit exceeded for permit ormaterial; no hazardous waste satellite inspectionreports). Statistical analysis of the data is alsoperformed to identify deficiency trends and furtheremployee training requirements. From this data, awritten report is generated and given to the super-visor for action, if required. Ten days later, anotheraudit is conducted of the area. The final report,generated from this audit, is forwarded to the costcenter vice president. Figure 2-1 shows the resultsof Northrop Grumman’s internal audits during thefirst nine months of 1997.

Focal points are established within each workarea, and monitors are responsible for the adminis-trative recordkeeping and daily inspections of thoseareas. Monitors are employees from the localizedwork area who have received special and ongoingtraining in environmental requirements and com-pliance. If a work area passes two successive monthlyaudits with no deficiencies, all of the employees inthat work area are given special recognition andrewarded appropriately.

Ongoing training of all personnel in the organiza-tion is paramount to the success of any environmen-tal management program. This effort is evidencedat Northrop Grumman by the fact that the companyhas had zero regulatory agency penalties during thelast three years. Several initiatives are also under-

way to ensure that Northrop Grumman will con-tinue to be good stewards of the community and aleader in the environmental management arena.

Factory Process Modeling andSimulation

Northrop Grumman’s Simulation and VirtualManufacturing Tools team developed Factory Pro-cess Modeling and Simulation for some sections ofthe F/A-18 C/D assembly line. Through modelingand simulation, the company can continuously makeimprovements in quality and productivity, andevaluate new ideas, methods, and actions. Simula-tion tools can develop utilization profiles for re-sources; allow Integrated Product Teams to plan

and analyze possible scenarios; predictproduction system behavior without dis-rupting ongoing operations; and identifyprocesses where lean manufacturingpractices will have the greatest impact.

As a test case, the team modeled theproduction operations of Cost Center2510 (the Aft Center Fuselage Assem-bly). First, the team developed an assem-bly precedence model using Microsoftproject. This model identified criticalpaths and opportunities for shorteningthe process cycle. Next, the model wasfine tuned via input from the mechanicsworking on the production line. Then themodel was exported from MicrosoftProject, translated, and imported intothe Autosimulations Autosched software.A graphic simulation model of the Cen-ter was developed in the Autosched soft-ware (see Figure 2-2). To populate the

model, data was downloaded from 35,000 lines ofproduction scheduling and the Integrated Manage-ment, Planning, and Control for Assembly system.Other types of data used in the simulation includedoperator data such as quality certifications, effi-ciency/experience, difficulty of tasks, and job prefer-ence qualifications. The team devised and ran nu-merous simulation experiments to vary the param-eters (e.g., operator efficiency, number of operators,work shift hours, number of nonconformances, qual-ity assurance processing time).

Through this modeling and simulation effort,Northrop Grumman identified opportunities for a10% cost reduction in the Center’s operation. Simu-lations were also used to determine the best courseof action to deal with part shortages occurring at the

Figure 2-1. Major Deficiency Summary


Center. The company was able to define and ana-lyze possible scenarios for handling the shortages ina three-hour timeframe. Northrop Grumman isnow applying its Factory Process Modeling andSimulation to other production areas within thecompany. A detailed simulation model of the Com-posites Center has already been developed.

Foreign Object Elimination

Northrop Grumman implemented a Foreign Ob-ject Elimination (FOE) program to ensure thatdamage-free products are delivered to its internaland external customers. Foreign objects (e.g., riv-ets, debris, metal shavings) could be introducedinadvertently into airframes during the productionand assembly processes. These foreign objects,trapped in sealed or open compartments, can re-duce the reliability of the aircraft. NorthropGrumman has redesigned all appropriate assemblyprocesses to completely eliminate foreign objects. Insome cases, the parts, tools, checklists, and proce-dures were also modified to achieve this objective.

The FOE program also heightens the ForeignObject Damage (FOD) awareness for design consid-erations, assembly operations, prevention training,

and shop floor communications. Control methodsimplemented at the company include modifyingspecific work instructions and sequencing; improv-ing area housekeeping; and establishing productionprotection, tool accountability, and the control oflost items. At Northrop Grumman, the ownership ofFOE compliance is everyone’s business. A key ele-ment to the FOE program’s success was the involve-ment of management in the weekly report andvisibility meeting. The program also benefits thecompany through teaming with local city and countygovernments in monitoring its area housekeeping.FOE prevention specialists are equipped withborescopes to inspect inaccessible compartments.Northrop Grumman is actively involved in sharingits FOE techniques with National Aerospace FODPrevention, Inc., an industry group that specializesin FOD prevention. As a non-profit, educationalorganization, National Aerospace FOD Preventionhosts annual conferences and workshops to pro-mote FOD prevention.

Since the implementation of the FOE program,Northrop Grumman has established one of thesafest and most consistently clean assembly opera-tions in the aircraft industry. The company reducedits foreign object count from 0.27 average pieces per

Figure 2-2. Simulation Model of Assembly Area 2510


shipset over the last eight years to 0.15 averagepieces per shipset over the last five years. Evenbetter results are now being reported since thecompany has had no FOD incidents during the lasttwo years.

Hazardous Waste and PollutionPrevention

In 1990, the CEO of Northrop Grumman posted achallenge to reduce hazardous waste generation by90% between 1990 and 1996. By meeting this chal-lenge, the company would reduce corporate liabil-ity, operational costs, and employee/communityexposure. The success of this senior-level directionwas outstanding. Not only did Northrop Grummanmeet this environmental goal by 1996, it also re-

ceived 16 separate environmental excellence awardsfor its efforts (e.g., EPA’s Stratospheric Ozone Pro-tection Award; California Water Pollution ControlAssociation’s Industry of the Year; InternationalWaste Management Board’s Waste ReductionAward). Several initiatives also influenced thecompany’s success such as process and equipmentchanges; material reuse and recycling; alternativematerials; employee training; and activity trackingof hazardous materials.

Material specifications of airframes manufacturedat Northrop Grumman created obstacles which wouldhave been less severe in a commercial manufacturingatmosphere. These obstacles, although difficult, werenot impossible. In fact, Northrop Grumman achieveda 99.99% reduction in ozone depleting chemical ma-terials by 1996. Through its environmental activi-

ties, the company re-alized a 77% reduc-tion in toxic air emis-sions by 1995, and a100% reduction by1996 (Figure 2-3). Inaddition, processchanges enabledNorthrop Grummanto achieve an 89% re-duction in manifestedhazardous waste by1996 (Figure 2-4).

Upon reaching theenvironmental goalsset in 1990, NorthropGrumman decidedthat these goals hadnot been set highenough. In 1997, theenvironmental tech-nical activity thrustwas split into threeareas of concentra-tion (waste minimi-zation, chemicalemissions reduction,and environmentaldesign systems) toeliminate hazards atthe source. Wasteminimization set anew goal to reducethe company’s wasteby another 50% by

Figure 2-3. Environmental Resources


the year 2001. Chemical emissions reduction effortscontinue to decrease all emissions of toxic chemi-cals. The environmental design systems group nowuses computer aided design and data managementto incorporate environmental considerationsthroughout the manufacturing processes.

Today, the environmental mind-set of NorthropGrumman’s employees enables them to look beyondtraditional environmental ideas when designingtheir products and work areas. Northrop Grummanstrives to achieve higher goals until all environmen-tal impact has been completely eliminated.

Integrated Environmental Compliance

Northrop Grumman established several environ-mental programs that meet chemical compliancesand map out future environmental risks. The com-pany has engineered these risks out of several of itsmanufacturing processes.

Environmental issues can have a major impact ona manufacturing facility’s bottom line. The risk ofhaving an out-of-compliance penalty, resulting from

external audits, is commonly reduced in industry byperforming self audits. The self-auditing processimplemented at Northrop Grumman has signifi-cantly reduced external audit findings. In the past11 quarters, the company has had no out-of-compli-ance penalties from external audits. In addition, theenvironmental services staff has gone beyond rou-tine environmental audits for chemical risk elimi-nation. Through re-engineering, the staff is replac-ing or eliminating the need for such chemicals in thefirst place. These chemical replacements have suc-ceeded because of extensive, cross-functional ef-forts by several departments.

Northrop Grumman’s Hazardous Materials Con-trol system consists of a Chemical Review Board,Procurement Controls, a Chemical Tracking sys-tem, and an Inspection program. This network ofcontrol ensures that unapproved chemicals do notenter the facility. In order for someone to use achemical in their process, the requesting personmust fill out a chemical review survey. This surveydetails specific chemical information, and identifiesthe exact task to be performed by the chemical.

Figure 2-4. Hazardous Waste Reduction


Then, the chemical review survey follows the Chemi-cal Review Board Process Flow as shown inFigure 2-5.

The Chemical Review Board maintains systemintegrity by tying together environmental, engi-neering, procurement, health, and safety issues as

Figure 2-5. Chemical Review Board Process Flow


well as others. The Board validates chemical com-pliances with federal, state, and local regulations;identifies employee exposure; updates the MaterialSafety Data Sheet library; verifies waste profiles;and establishes reporting parameters. ProcurementControls ensure that only approved materials arepurchased. If someone wants to order a specific chemi-cal for an application on the shop floor, the Procure-ment department cannot purchase the chemical un-less that chemical has been reviewed through theappropriate process. The Chemical Tracking systemsecures the control of all material from the time itenters the facility until it is entirely consumed. TheInspection program verifies floor level compliance,increases employee awareness, assists with floor leveltraining, and ensures system integrity.

This network of control throughout NorthropGrumman provides strict documentation of hazard-ous materials. In addition, the Hazardous Materi-als Control system has assisted the company in itsgoals of reducing hazardous materials for currentand future needs.

Laser Tracker Measurement System

The design, manufacturing, and implementationof precision tooling are expensive elements in theaircraft assembly process. In their continuous questfor process improvement, the F/A-18 team devel-oped the Laser Tracker Measurement System bycombining emerging measurement technology withcommercial-off-the-shelf software. The system re-places the large, expensive master tool in the finalassembly operation of the E/F program, allowingNorthrop Grumman to minimize its master toolrequirements and eliminate several labor-inten-sive, hand gage measurements.

Final alignment specifications are also a criticalfactor in the F/A-18 program. As a subcontractor,Northrop Grumman manufactures the aft centersection of the F/A-18 E/F aircraft, and then ships theproduct to Boeing in St. Louis, Missouri for finalassembly. To meet final specifications, NorthropGrumman relies on a portable laser tracker systemfrom SMX and graphic interface software fromImageware Software, which can perform real-timemeasurements with an accuracy of 25 microns at 5meters. The utilization of this system eliminatedthe need for an alignment tool, at a cost of $400thousand, and decreased the initial measurementand recording times on each production unit from 2

hours to 30 minutes. In addition, this laser trackerprocess improves the assembly and engineeringchange order integration times, and allows me-chanics to have great accessibility to the units.

An electronic database, containing 43 data points/surfaces, is also delivered with each productionunit. The accuracy of this information has greatlycontributed to a seamless integration process at theprime contractor’s location. Although it was origi-nally developed for the E/F line, the Laser TrackerMeasurement System can also be used on the C/Dprogram because of its portability and efficiency.

Material Control and Parts Management

A key element to building high quality, highperformance aircraft within budget is to properlymanage production material and parts. Drawingfrom its experience of delivering more than 1,400production units and its dedication as a world-classsubcontractor for the F/A-18 program, NorthropGrumman implemented an effective Material Con-trol and Parts Management system. Two major con-tributors to the success of this system are: (1) thedevelopment and implementation of Assembly Pro-cess Work Instructions (APWIs), and (2) the distribu-tion of end product responsibility to all employeedisciplines.

Northrop Grumman uses APWIs, written by toolengineering, for all critical assembly processes. Thesedocuments contain the necessary instructions forimplementing, controlling, accepting, and certify-ing a critical assembly process. To successfully dis-tribute the end product responsibility to all em-ployee disciplines, Northrop Grumman formed In-tegrated Product Teams (IPTs). Implemented andsupported by IPTs, APWIs create a sense of owner-ship down to the assembly mechanic level.

Several simple, effective processes have also con-tributed to the success of the Material Control andParts Management system. These processes in-clude providing tool and equipment kits for assem-bly and repair operations; wrapping kitted partswith clear shrink-wrap; clearly identifying all tooland equipment items; and developing a practicalparts handling and protection handbook.

Two years ago, lost or missing part incidents oc-curred approximately three or four times per week.Since the implementation of the Material Control andParts Management system, these incidents have beenreduced to three or four times per year.


Process Variability Reduction

Northrop Grumman implemented a Process Vari-ability Reduction (PVR) system to improve themanufacturing processes on its F/A-18 C/D and E/Fprograms. The PVR system consists of a StatisticalProcess Control (SPC) system, a ManufacturingProcess Performance System (MPPS), and a Manu-facturing Process Data Base (MPDB). All of thesecomponents are computer-based, open-system ar-chitecture tools used by management, the engineer-ing design staff, and the shop floor. In 1992, marketcompetition encouraged Northrop Grumman to be-gin SPC pilot projects. Since that time, the company’sfull SPC system has gained control of process vari-abilities and significantly reduced or eliminated theassociated costs of nonconformance and rework.

The SPC component of the PVR system tightlytracks process variability, which allows NorthropGrumman to understand where problems arise andto address them immediately within that shift.Accessible in real time to all employees, the on-lineSPC system is considered a certifiable skill for shopfloor mechanics and is a requirement for completingany work. A lapsed certification in SPC or any otherskills will prevent a mechanic from performing anywork until certification is reinstated. All mechanics,engineers, mechanical engineers, quality assurancepersonnel, supervisors, and upper managementmust complete SPC training.

SPC usage has also reduced rework and adminis-trative costs substantially. On the F/A-18 C/D pro-gram, the average number of defects per productionunit decreased 79% between 1995 and 1996. Cycletime, hours per unit for rework, and administrativeactions associated with those defects decreased 70%between 1995 and 1996, despite a 20% increase inproduction rate. Even further benefits are nowbeing seen with the new E/F program. The use of anentirely CAD-based design for all parts and toolinghas improved tolerances. However, NorthropGrumman does not monitor all of its processes bySPC. The decision-making process to identify whichprocess should be applied to the PVR system in-cludes pareto charts.

MPPS encompasses the SPC data collection onthe shop floor as well as the data analysis andreporting used daily in IPT meetings. This dataenabled Northrop Grumman to switch from 100%inspection to a sampling method, reducing inspec-tion times by 70% per unit. Sampling rates arebased on the higher figure from either processperformance data or the American National Stan-dards Institute (ANSI) recommended values.

MPDB, the on-line deliverer of process capabilitydata, includes a catalog of all Process Codes, ProcessSpecifications, APWIs, and Process PerformanceData. Northrop Grumman tracks processes notparts. Process Codes are cross-referenced to ProcessSpecifications which, in turn, correlate to specificCost Centers on the shop floor.

APWIs are electronically available on the shopfloor. These work instruction documents supportindividual Assembly Line Operation Orders(ALOOs). ALOOs tie together all requirements (e.g.,reference drawings, manufacturing notes, work in-structions, inspection items) to complete a processthat typically requires six to eight hours per shift.Tool and Equipment Kits are also kitted to specificALOOs. These kits include all power and hand toolsand parts for a process.

Northrop Grumman continues to track processdata through its PVR system. The company hasgained improved manufacturing processes and costsavings for the F/A-18 C/D and E/F programs. Inaddition, the PVR system has enabled NorthropGrumman to earn the McDonnell Douglas Pre-ferred Supplier Silver Rating.

Tool Design from 3-D Modeling Data

Prior to implementing its modeling software,Northrop Grumman used conventional 2-D draw-ings for designing tools and equipment. This methodrequired the company to maintain a tremendousamount of paperwork to record revisions and cor-rections per tooling specifications. These revisions,as they were incorporated, went through lengthyapproval loops prior to being introduced to theassembly floor and, in remote instances, caused theproduction lines to be halted. Another barrier wasthe inability to accurately align components fromone Cost Center to the next, which often preventedadjacent components from properly aligning andcaused long delays in the production cycles.

Northrop Grumman now uses Unigraphics 3-Dmodeling software to design its tools and equip-ment. Since implementing the modeling software,the company has minimized its design cost require-ments of new tooling as production requirementsincrease or as new prototypes come on-line. Thismodeling software provides an on-line review ofchanges as they are incorporated into the produc-tion cycle without interrupting the Cost Centers’schedules. In addition, the Cost Centers have accessto the changes as they occur.


Northrop Grumman estimates its design times,ranging from 8 to 450 hours, via four groupings:very simple; simple; complex; and highly complex.Although its design engineering lead times havedoubled since implementing the software, the com-pany has reduced its fabrication times from sixweeks to two weeks. In addition, the producibilityfactor has essentially eliminated any misalignmentdefects normally associated with 2-D drawing pack-ages. This single factor alone has increased thethroughput of each Cost Center and decreased thenumber of Shop Floor Action Items associated with2-D drawings. The cost of implementing and net-working this modeling software is estimated at$200 thousand, compared to the $300 thousand costfor an average assembly jig. Other benefits includefinite element modeling; stress reduction recogni-tion; and the ability to maneuver the model assem-blies into various axial positions, allowing engi-neers to identify possible problem areas.

Tow Placement of Advanced CompositeMaterials

The increased use of composite material in theF/A-18 E/F program created a challengingproducibility problem for Northrop Grumman. TheE/F version had almost twice the percentage ofstructural weight as the previous C/D version, re-quiring more composite structures and geometri-cally-demanding parts. In order to increase its manu-facturing efficiency, the company set up an auto-mated composite material ply lay-up in addition toits conventional manual ply lay-up method.

The automated part lay-up consists of a Cincin-nati Milacron 15-axis, computer numerical controltow placement machine with an Acramatic 975controller. Tow placement is a proven technologyfor situations where composite material is appliedby an automated machine on complex tools. NorthropGrumman’s tow placement machine has two man-drel stations which enable an operator to set up onestation while the other station is being used. Themaximum mandrel length is 32 feet with a maxi-mum diameter of 12.5 feet. The machine also has a20-ton spindle weight capacity and a maximummachine speed of 1,800 inches per minute with a2.87-inch compacting roller.

Major benefits of the tow placement machineinclude eliminating the ply cutting and materialstorage requirements. Material usage is now re-duced to a minimum due to the near net shape lay-up. Processing costs for manual lay-up are typically

measured in hours per pound. With the high mate-rial lay-up efficiency, processing costs for the auto-mated lay-up can be measured in pounds per hour.For complex parts, Northrop Grumman has reportedan 80% reduction in process time. In addition, partlay-up has become a much more repeatable processsince installing the tow placement machine.

Wiring Harness Master Assembly JigTooling

Historically, the design of aircraft wiring har-nesses involved a laborious manufacturing processwhere fabricators built a prototype based on 2-Ddrawings, and then fitted and curved the apparatusto meet internal aircraft specifications. Fabricatorshad to rely on tape measures and note pads tocalculate the bends and curvatures of the wiringharness for incorporation into the aircraft’s fuse-lage. In many instances, wiring harnesses requiredadditional modification even as the latest changeswere being incorporated into the aircraft’s design.These trial-and-error obstacles would either stallthe fabrication process or require the creation of anew wiring harness. Today, numerous computersoftware programs exist to assist engineers in de-signing aircraft wiring harnesses.

Northrop Grumman chose the Common Electri-cal Electronic Data Systems (CEEDS) software todesign and develop its aircraft wiring harnesses inrelationship to electrical systems, wiring diagrams,cable assemblies (build-to packages), circuit con-figurations, and jig board tooling of the F/A-18 E/Fprogram. This choice allows the company to inte-grate its Unigraphics 3-D geometrical data with theCEEDS wiring data to create an electrical wiringharness jig board master layout and ensure that the3-D drawing agrees with the wiring harness tooling.The CEEDS software also defines the wiring datarequired including wire length, diameter, breakouts,connector clocking, and braid stops. In addition, theUnigraphics 3-D modeling allows the designer toadd dimensional requirements and spacing/routingconfigurations (i.e., component identification in thestyle of connectors used) to create wiring harness jigboard master tooling layouts. Northrop Grummancan update the wiring harness jig board masterthrough engineering change approvals of the 3-Dgeometric drawing package, thereby maintainingconfiguration control.

With the advent of wiring harness jig board mastertools, all installation and design considerations aretaken into account, and a pattern jig can be developed


for fabricating electrical wiring harnesses. The jigboard highlights the application of the routing forwiring flow, interconnects, and even braid stop loca-tions. Fabricators can identify the layout of the wiringharness, as it relates to the aircraft, without everperforming a trial fit. Additional wiring harness jigscan be developed based on production requirements.

By using the wiring harness master assembly jigtooling, Northrop Grumman has realized major costsavings, especially in expended hours. Scheduledimplementation time has been reduced from 36months to 11 months due to the design-develop-ment-to-installation time of wiring the harness intothe aircraft. Northrop Grumman is also investigat-ing a laser marking process for the wires used in thewiring harness. Laser marking equipment, manu-factured by Vektonics Incorporated Laser Marker,will allow the wire to be inscribed with nomencla-ture at the rate of 200 feet per minute at three-inchspacing increments. Although cost savings associ-ated with the laser marking process have not beendetermined, Northrop Grumman anticipates anincrease in convenience of rework/repair identifica-tion and configuration control.


Airflow Management

Northrop Grumman uses chromium-based prim-ers and paint with heavy particulate content for thecoatings on its F/A-18 airframes. Through Proposi-tion 65, California law mandates that companiesmust notify the public via local newspaper an-nouncements regarding all areas (hot spots) con-taining a chemical that is known to the State ofCalifornia to cause cancer, birth defects, or otherreproductive harm. This type of public announce-ment can be very damaging to a company’s imagewith the local community. In 1995, NorthropGrumman set out to eliminate the requirements forposting these public announcements by initiatingan aggressive goal to reduce off-site potential healthrisks due to chromium VI emissions. This goalaligns with the Corporate goal (using a 1995 baseline)for a 50% reduction in toxic air emissions by the year2001, and has eliminated the requirements for pub-lic notification of hot spots under Proposition 65.

One of Northrop Grumman’s innovative methodsfor reducing air emissions was its purchase of tenPortable Air Pollution Control Equipment (PAPCE)units for spray coating touch-up operations (seeFigure 2-6). PAPCE, a small portable vacuum with

Hepa filters, easily rolls into position to capture anyoverspray associated with touch-up spray coatings.Greatly valued by the employees, this compact unitoperates with minimal impact on the work area andis equipped with a manometer which alerts opera-tors to change the Hepa filters when the vacuumreaches two inches of mercury. During normal pro-duction, these filters need to be replaced every twoweeks. In addition, each PAPCE displays a Califor-nia air emissions permit. Northrop Grumman hadto establish and obtain regulatory approval for thecapture efficiency of these units. Hepa filters aredesigned to operate at 99.97% efficiency. PAPCEhas an overall removal efficiency of 88%.

Another innovative approach undertaken byNorthrop Grumman for eliminating air emissionswas to outfit the roof of Building 923 with a verylarge Hepa filter array. This Hepa filtered exhaustsystem handles all of the exhaust air for the threelarge paint booths housed in the building. In addi-tion, each booth is equipped with manometers whichalert operators to stop spraying if two inches ofmercury is exceeded.

By implementing an airflow management systemfor its paint and coating applications, NorthropGrumman has significantly reduced its air emis-sions. The company’s innovative uses for Hepa fil-ters have decreased potential health risks due tochromium VI emissions, and reduced the hot spotareas of public notification under Proposition 65 bymore than ten square miles. In addition, NorthropGrumman has had no off-site risk impact since thesecond quarter of 1997.

Figure 2-6. Portable Air Pollution ControlEquipment


Precision Component Mix Control

Northrop Grumman has an effective method formixing and dispensing spray coating materials forits airframe coatings. This commercially-availablesystem provides consistent mixtures, reduces waste,and has proven to be a wise investment. In addition,the company uses a hazardous material trackingsoftware system to identify and track all chemicalsthroughout the facilities.

Northrop Grumman’s unique method of mixingpaints and primers works on an as-needed basis.Since the pot life of these specialized paints andprimers is only four hours, the possibility of wastingunused materials can become costly. NorthropGrumman uses a three-part paint system consistingof water, base, and solvents. The mixing machineprecisely measures the correct blend of ingredients,mixes the batch, and meters the final product withinminutes. Coating processes have also been developedto determine the exact amount of material needed forevery subassembly on the airframe.

The paint system blends the necessary materialsin batches from two ounces to one gallon. Each batchis sent to an operator who labels the container withthe time, date, product name, and operator name.After an inspector approves the label, the batch isready for use. This method of precision mixingcreates no significant waste throughout the coatingprocess. Several touch-up practices throughout theproduction process can create a need for several oneto two-ounce bottles of paint. By dispensing thispaint in small pill bottles instead of larger quanti-ties, the company saves thousands of dollars inmaterial and disposal costs.

Northrop Grumman also implemented a hazard-ous material tracking software system to identifyand track every chemical at its facilities. This veryin-depth chemical tracking system keeps track of allthe chemicals from incoming inspection, throughthe usage phase at the facility, and finally to wastedisposal. This tracking system uses various trans-actions such as Use Chemical; Return to Inventory;Return/Dispose; Record Purchase; Transfer to OtherArea; Receive From Other Area; Adjust ChemicalBalance; Dispose of Chemical; and Edit Transac-tion. These chemical control techniques imple-mented at Northrop Grumman have saved severalthousand dollars in chemical usage and have as-sisted the facilities in meeting Corporate’s wasteelimination goals.


Shrink Wrapping Parts Kits

Parts kits are typically stored loose in plasticbags. This method can make it difficult to verify thecompleteness and accuracy of the kits. As a result,the parts distribution process can decrease theefficiency of the production floor. NorthropGrumman implemented shrink-wrap technologyfor routing the parts kits onto its production floor.By shrink-wrapping the parts kits, in lieu of thetraditional plastic bags, the company has improvedseveral aspects of its parts kits distribution process.

Shrink wrapping allows for easier identificationof parts kits. The parts for each kit are arranged ona cardboard backing. Each part has a designatedlocation on the cardboard and an identificationlabel. The cardboard is then enveloped in plasticand shrink wrapped to hold the parts in place. Sinceall of the parts are now simultaneously visible,mechanics can verify the completeness and accu-racy of the kits at a glance. The efficiency of theproduction line improves because mechanics willnot have to stop unexpectedly because of an incom-plete kit. In support of Corporate strategy, NorthropGrumman can also task this operation to its con-tractors. Corporate policy dictates that contractingactivities should be used, where possible, to supportthe production floor.

Shrink wrapping technology improves the visualaccuracy of the kits and verifies their completeness.Prior to this technology, Northrop Grumman hadapproximately a 94% accuracy of parts going ontothe production floor. By shrink wrapping the partskits, the company has now increased its parts accu-racy up to 99.78%.

Standard Parts Management

Northrop Grumman initiated a Standard PartsManagement program to address its parts shortagesand inventory issues. This Standard Parts Manage-ment program consists of two phases: the ReOrderPoint Analysis Summary (ROPAS) program and theJust in Time (JIT) Integrated Supplier program.

The first phase, the ROPAS program, was a sig-nificant effort to improve reordering data and elimi-nate parts shortage problems. As a dynamic system,ROPAS analyzes and recalculates reorder data on aweekly basis instead of the previous once a year


method. The data is now more accurate and isprioritized by IPT personnel according to produc-tion requirements. A significant benefit of ROPASwas the reduction of the parts management person-nel from ten to two.

In the second phase, Northrop Grumman imple-mented the JIT Integrated Supplier program. Here,the company teamed with a quality supplier toeliminate non-value-added, in-house tasks and fur-ther reduce inventory costs and parts. The suppliermanages the inventory, fills the bins on the produc-tion lines, and conducts scheduled reviews of theparts inventory. The parts’ bins are replenished bythe supplier as needed. Northrop Grumman achievedsome indirect labor savings by automating thesefunctions with the supplier. The current supplier,Tristar, has a 99% performance rate on bin replen-ishment. Northrop Grumman maintains a valuableone-month supply of parts on hand and purchases12 to 18 months of parts as needed.

Through its Standard Parts Management pro-gram, Northrop Grumman achieved its overall objec-tives to reduce/eliminate parts shortages and reduceoverall parts inventory. In addition, the companystrengthened the team effort between itself and itssupplier by using a non-typical JIT method.


Defect Location Plotting and ZoneMapping

Northrop Grumman’s Product Definition Teamon the F/A-18 program uses a unique method ofplotting the location of defects and nonconformances,and then mapping these to zones on the aircraft byusing 3-D coordinates. All defects and nonconform-ances are entered into a database with specificlocations, identified by x-y-z grid coordinates, thatreference back to the aircraft. Figure 2-7 shows howthis information is entered into the database. Thenonconformances are then sorted by the number ofoccurrences within a 10x10x10-inch search cubeover a selected period of time. The center of thesearch cube is positioned at each frame station. Thetime period for sorting and reviewing the data canbe selected by the user, but is typically severalmonths to a year.

By sorting and viewing defect data in this way, theuser can easily identify trouble areas or defect hotspots by zones on the aircraft. The data also showsthe density of problem spots on the aircraft. Thisinformation can identify the need to modify workinstructions or make engineering changes. For the

Figure 2-7. Sample Input Data


F/A-18 C/D model, the information captured in thedatabase was limited to hard-to-fix defects andsafety-related defects. On the newer E/F model, alldefects are entered into the database, and the infor-mation is much more extensive. Data on the stableC/D line shows a low density of defects. The limitedproduction E/F line’s data indicates a higher den-sity of defect zones. Figure 2-8 shows an example ofthree months of data summarized for the E/F line

with a detailed breakdown on the number oneranked area of maximum defect density.

The defect location plotting and zone mappinginformation is available on the F/A-18 website to allauthorized users. This information provides an ef-fective way to identify areas of focus for continuousproduct improvement and provides an excellentway to visualize and track problem densities overtime.

Figure 2-8. Sample E/F Output Data & Breakdown of Forward Fuselage, Rank 1


Information System Architecture

In the mid-1980s, Northrop Grumman begantransitioning from a traditional mainframe segre-gated computing system to a distributed architec-ture system (Figure 2-9). This transition was accel-erated in the early 1990s to meet the needs of itsmulti-functional Integrated Product Teams (IPTs)on the F/A-18 program. These needs encompassed awide variety of readily-available data and informa-tion which existed in disparate legacy systems. Insituations where data manipulation across datatypes was needed, the legacy systems were replacedby new open archi-tecture systems. Ifread-only capabili-ties were needed,then the appropri-ate bridges were de-veloped. Two yearsafter addressing theIPT needs, NorthropGrumman begantransitioning itsquality assuranceand manufacturingdata to an open ar-chitecture system.Next, the companybuilt a more effec-tive data and infor-mation exchange

for those customers who use webtechnologies.

Today, Northrop Grumman’sInformation System Architec-ture, based on an open architec-ture, provides users with highlyreliable data and information tomeet their current needs (Figure2-10), and excellent accessibilityof data and information at alllevels of the organization. Theagile infrastructure uses mul-tiple-source data warehousingaccessibility to ensure near real-time availability of reliable dataand information for its users. In-formation System strategiesproject the next step will be theintegration of the architectureinto suppliers’ domains. This stepwill further enhance the effec-

tiveness of data and information for managing andoperating the company.

Northrop Grumman’s highly integrated Informa-tion System Architecture has significantly reducedthe volume of paper in the company. The highreliability and availability of the data and informa-tion has resulted in the infrastructure becoming theonly valid data source. Decisions are made, priori-ties are established, and schedules are approvedbased on the infrastructure’s on-line information.In addition, the up-to-date data enables NorthropGrumman to take proactive steps and achievesmooth productive operations.

Figure 2-9. E/F Systems Original Environment

Figure 2-10. One Program, Agile Infrastructure Vision


Integrated Management, Planning, andControl for Assembly System

To handle the enormous quantity of paperworkinvolved with the management, planning, and con-trol of aircraft manufacturing, Northrop Grummandeveloped and implemented a computer-based sys-tem. This system enables managers, engineers,technicians, and operators to access an abundanceof drawings; work instructions; engineering andquality assurance data; visual aids; schedules; andknowledge at their Workstations.

The heart of the system is the Integrated Manage-ment, Planning, and Control for Assembly (IMPCA)system. The computer-based IMPCA system pro-vides on-line, assembly planning data to the factoryhost and throughout the shop floor; critical-path jobassignments to assembly mechanics; quality assur-ance acceptance and defect reporting to operators;defect routing through the disposition process, theMaterial Review Board, and the engineering liai-son; and total visibility to management on an indi-vidual product status and cost basis.

Northrop Grumman developed the IMPCA con-cept as a result of an Air Force Integrated ComputerAided Manufacturing initiative in 1981. The initia-tive called for a system design that could provide apaperless factory environment for assembly pro-cesses. The Naval Air Systems Command laterawarded Northrop Grumman an Industrial Mod-ernization Incentives Program (IMIP) project tofurther refine and demonstrate the system. Whenthe IMIP phased out at the completion of the projectin 1985, Northrop Grumman elected to continue theproject on an interim basis in 1986. As a result, thecompany now has a fully implemented, all-up pro-duction system which functions throughout thefactory floor. The IMPCA system was designed toserve as a total final assembly, factory floor controlsystem which provides on-line, 100% up-time ser-vice. The system’s hardware consists of TandemNONSTOP II and TXP processors programmed inCOBOL, which operate with relational-type data-bases. The user’s system is menu/message-drivenand employs an option method for changing screens.

Today, the IMPCA system is ported to a client/server environment which uses Hewlett Packardservers and Xterms as well as PCs, allowing singleterminal access to all systems and data needed forfinal assembly processes. The system is programmedin C language with Oracle RDBMS serving as thedatabase management system. The IMPCA systemprovides total integration of data between all user

groups. The five main users of the system areManufacturing Engineering, Industrial Engineer-ing, Manufacturing, Quality Assurance, and Engi-neering Liaison. There are 120 screens available tothe user through the following subsystems of theIMPCA C/D and IMPCA E/F systems:

• General — provides the user with capabilities ofmaintaining employee identifications andsecurity assignments; employee electronic stampdata; and certification and qualificationinformation. Each employee who uses IMPCAis assigned to a department type and specificaccess levels within each subsystem whichcontrols the user’s rights to perform transactionson each screen. Other screens include updatingelectronic stamp passwords, assigning useraccess to screens, help screens, display audittrail data, organizational structures, and issueannouncements.

• Manufacturing Engineering — provides the userwith an on-line, real-time Tandem assemblyplanning system with interfaces to the IBMhost by automatically uploading plannedassembly line, Bill of Material requirements tothe Material Requirements Planning (MRP)system on the host. Other screens include statusof assembly line operation orders; automaticgeneration of orders per shop operatingschedules within the IMPCA system; electronicwork instructions; electronic accessory serialnumber record requirements; change alerts;process plans; correspondences; procedures; andcapabilities to modify and track operation orders.

• Industrial Engineering — provides the userwith an on-line, precedence planning capabilitythat allows critical and alternate paths ofmanufacturing to be identified to the system,and identifies the order in which the jobs are tobe performed. The system also provides costand schedule status; time standards; and statuson major assembly tooling.

• Manufacturing — provides the user with theautomatic assigning of mechanics and theirwork assignments; assigns work to individualsbased on skill levels; captures actual hoursexpended performing individual tasks; andprovides electronic buy-off capabilities.

• Quality Assurance — provides the user theability to buy off various types of electronicdocuments; tracks nonconformance reportingand corrective action routings; provides graphicscapabilities, automatic notification andelectronic call boards; and maintains history ofrecord capture and storage.


Expansion of the IMPCA system’s capability in-cludes Workstation access to:

• IBM Mainframe — provides access to the MRPsystem (C/PIOS); inventory maintenance anddisplay; requirements and replenishment; andengineering change order status.

• Netscape Intranet — provides access toautomated documents and manuals; IMPCAreport viewing; Assembly Process WorkInstructions; program data and information;master schedules and calendars; Materials andProcesses specification lists; and visual aids.

• Labor/Attendance Network System — providesaccess to attendance inputs, labor inputs, andmanager/employee approvals.

• Tool Management System — provides access totool inventories; tracking and location; issueand receipt; and surplus.

• Plot Access Request Capability — providesaccess to documents associated with engineeringdrawings, engineering orders, product releasedocuments, and tool engineering inputs.

• Unigraphics — provides access to the maindrafting system for major assemblies; drawingmaintenance and viewing; installationsimulations; and 3-D solid models.

• Control and Release System — provides accessto drawings from engineering vaults; executesUnigraphics for drawing maintenance andviewing; and releasesdrawings from in-work to vaults.

• Statistical ProcessControl — providesaccess to processstatistics information;views histograms,control, probabilitycharts, and data forvarious time periods;and provides andcustomizes processperformance reports.

Northrop Grumman’sIMPCA system is one ofthe most complete systemsavailable. The B-2, F/A-18,and Boeing 747 fuselageassemblies have all beenproduced by using the

IMPCA system to monitor and document assemblyprogress. To date, nearly 500 F/A-18 C/D fuselageassemblies and ten F/A-18 E/F fuselage assemblieshave been produced using the IMPCA system. InJanuary 1997, Northrop Grumman completed theexpansion of its system’s capabilities to includeWorkstation access to the IBM Mainframe; NetscapeIntranet; Labor/Attendance Network System; ToolManagement System; Plot Access Request Capabil-ity; Unigraphics; Control and Release System; andStatistical Process Control.

Integrated Material Parts Management

Approximately three years ago, NorthropGrumman was experiencing more than 600 partshortages per week. To address this issue, the com-pany implemented an Integrated Material PartsManagement process consisting of process docu-mentation; a closed-loop metrics collection and re-porting system; root cause determination; and de-tailed management reviews.

Through documentation, Northrop Grumman wasable to identify the triggers for starting the partsprocess and the key elements of the process whichaffected delivery efficiency and accuracy. From thisinformation, the company established a closed-loopmetrics collection and analysis methodology(Figure 2-11) to measure and understand the per-formance of all key elements of the process. Data

Figure 2-11. Parts Management Closed-Loop Process Metrics


obtained through these techniques led to the devel-opment of both trend and level charts of key elementperformances. Validation of the data and root causesof poor performance were also accomplished.Through pareto charts, Northrop Grumman identi-fied the most common root causes. These weregraphed on weekly and yearly bases, and used tocompare the company’s 1997 performance to theprevious year. Timely corrective actions were alsoinstituted to prevent problem recurrences. By per-forming regular management reviews of the metricresults, the company could identify areas whichneeded resources and/or attention. In addition,Northrop Grumman established ownership of theperformance process by integrating improvementgoals into each manager’s and team leader’s perfor-mance appraisal records.

By implementing the Integrated Material PartsManagement process, Northrop Grumman signifi-cantly reduced its parts shortages to about 18 perweek and achieved a $29 million savings in inven-tory. Through this more efficient management pro-cess, the company also reduced the personnel whomanage the parts by more than 50%.

Self-Inspection System

Instead of traditionalinspection methods,Northrop Grummanuses a Self-InspectionSystem (SIS) for qual-ity checks. Based on asix-step process, me-chanics perform theirown operational inspec-tions with appropriatemonitoring to ensurehigh quality workman-ship of the product. Thesix steps are: (1) set cri-teria, (2) identify pro-cess candidates, (3)training, (4) observa-tion, (5) recognition, and(6) monitor.

The six-step systematicprocess (Figure 2-12) pro-vides consistent appli-cation of the SIS meth-

odology in the workplace. In Step 1, engineering,quality assurance, and mechanical expertise arecombined to define what needs to be done, how toaccomplish it, and how to measure it. By setting thecriteria, the process fully defines the SIS methodol-ogy for the mechanics and sets the stage for moni-toring the performance. Step 2 uses a selectionmethod (Figure 2-13) to identify the key processesand ensure that the SIS methodology is applied tothe processes of most importance. This selectionmethod promotes objective determination of themost important processes for SIS applications. Dur-ing Step 3, mechanics receive extensive training onapplying the SIS methodology. The abstract on NewDirections Training Program provides additionaldetails on this procedure.

After formal training, the mechanics return to thefactory floor and undergo an additional ten-week,on-the-job training period. At this stage (Step 4),observed applications are done, and recognition(Step 5) will follow if the mechanic’s performancefulfills the required standards. Upon meeting thestandards, mechanics receive the quality, self-in-spection stamp authorization as well as an increasein pay. Step 6, an ongoing monitoring stage, consistsof two factors: tracked escapes and process audits.

Figure 2-12. Self-Inspection Process Steps


Tracked escapes are defects that are detected down-stream from the mechanic’s operations. Based onthese defects, root cause analyses are done to deter-

mine the causal factors for the es-capes and the corrective actionsimplemented. Process audits areconducted to examine all facets ofthe operations being performed andto detect weaknesses or areas forimprovement. Findings are thentracked to closure with follow-upprocess audits being done to verifythe corrective action. These moni-toring methods, which are includedin the work instructions, are keyaspects for customer acceptance ofthe SIS methodology.

Northrop Grumman first initi-ated the SIS methodology in the B-2 Bomber Production Facility. In alittle more than two years, the fa-cility reduced its nonconformancecosts from 15% to 6%, and the re-sults at El Segundo are similar. Aslight decrease in cycle time wasachieved by eliminating a sepa-rate inspection step in the produc-tion process. In addition, no in-crease in touch labor costs occurred.For every ten inspectors used in

the original system, the company only needs one ortwo process auditors in the new system.

Figure 2-13. Selection of a Key Process


3-D Modeling and Design

Northrop Grumman uses 3-D modeling for thestructural design and analysis of the aft tail sectionof the F/A-18 E/F program which it supplies to theprime contractor, Boeing, in St. Louis, Missouri.Based on this program and its earlier participationof 20 separate disciplines, Northrop Grumman es-tablished a 3-D master dimensions model. Thismodel has been a major contributor to the company’ssuccess in its on-schedule delivery of ten first-ar-ticle units with no major interface discrepancies. Onearlier model aircraft, 2-D models and drawingswere developed in the design, manufacturing, andtest stages as well as by major outside suppliers.This method required a large number of engineer-ing change orders to resolve drawing discrepanciesat the test and assembly stages.

Recent advances in the Unigraphics modelingand simulation software have enabled NorthropGrumman to establish parametric relationshipsbetween model components and assemblies. Cur-rently, design engineers are implementing changesto the F/A-18 E/F vertical tail assembly viaUnigraphics, version 11 software. Preliminary indi-cations show that this process will yield tremendoussavings in the design process as well as in futureexpansions and logistic support. To ensure optimi-zation of the new 3-D process, a Corporate invest-ment is being made to provide Unigraphics, version11 training for approximately 190 employees.

Build-to/Buy-to Packages

As part of its Product Definition Team and Deliv-ery effort, Northrop Grumman uses build-to/buy-topackages as an on-line, integrated data manage-ment system to maintain complete data for buying,manufacturing, and defining its product parts. Thisapproach promotes engineering as the nucleus forany design changes and encourages communicationwith all affected areas.

The FA-18 E/F program contains approximately20,000 part number build-to packages. Each partnumber consists of a build-to/buy-to package thatcontains one or more drawings defining the particu-

lar part number. Each build-to/buy-to package ismade up of the following documents:

• a 3-D/2-D Unigraphics electronic drawingdatabase

• Integrated Product Definition (IPD) data sheets• Assembly Line Operation Orders (ALOOs)• Product Release Documents (PRDs)• Engineering-change Orders (EOs)The Unigraphics electronic drawing database is

used by internal and external suppliers for part andtool development. In cases where external supplierscannot use the Unigraphics format, NorthropGrumman delivers the CAD data in an Initial Graph-ics Exchange Specification format. Since NorthropGrumman now produces only in-house compositematerial, all other parts and tools must be pur-chased with a design database which fully incorpo-rates all aspects of production to maintain thedelivery schedule.

Northrop Grumman uses IPD data sheets to placeall pertinent data (e.g., manufacturing, purchasing,tooling) in one document. These data sheets repre-sent top-assembly; subassembly; and piece partinformation as well as conventional 2-D drawingdata; datums; assembly joint types and gaps; as-sembly sequences; tooling required with detailedviews of all jigs and master tools; and key character-istics. Although they are not used on the assemblyfloor, IPD data sheets remain a valuable engineer-ing tool.

ALOOs are generated from IPD data sheets for aparticular Process Cost Center. Used on the assem-bly floor, ALOOs identify reference drawings; re-quired parts and documentation; certification andqualification requirements; manufacturing notes;work instructions; inspection items; tool kits; andmiscellaneous caution statements. These documentstie together all requirements for completing a pro-cess in a particular Cost Center. In addition, tooling;work instructions; and parts and tooling kits aredeveloped from ALOOs.

PRDs are used to communicate design changesthat affect line issues to downstream users (e.g.,planning engineers, manufacturing engineers) whileEOs define these design changes. Both PRDs andEOs are scanned into the system to provide on-lineaccess to all affected users.

S e c t i o n 3




Northrop Grumman implemented its on-line, in-tegrated data management system approximatelyfive years ago during the F/A-18 E/F Engineeringand Manufacturing Development program. Sincethat time, the company has transitioned its build-to/buy-to packages into the FA-18 C/D program.

Common Electrical Electronic DataSystem

The Common Electrical Electronic Data System(CEEDS) is a wire harness jig tool design databasethat uses the Unigraphics 3-D master model for allengineering, manufacturing, tooling, and qualityassurance functions within Northrop Grumman’sProduct Definition IPT. CEEDS designs, develops,and maintains the configuration control of electri-cal schematics, system wiring diagrams, cable as-sembly build-to packages, and circuit configura-tions for wire harness jig board master tooling.

The development process begins by importing the3-D master model wire harness data into CEEDS.Since the 3-D model contains only geometric data(e.g., cable routing configuration, length, center lineto connectors), the individual wire pinouts, sizes,shield grouping, terminations, markings, and con-nector clocking must be added to CEEDS from theUnigraphics 2-D drawing database for the jig tooling.

The 3-D master model data must initially beconverted to a 2-D ASCII file before being importedinto CEEDS and assigned as a drawing file. Then,CEEDS integrates the 2-D data and flat patterns ajig board based on the 3-D routing information,which will be used for developing the wire harnessjig master tool. The second integration withinCEEDS calculates the diameter information of theharness bundles and then verifies the lengths,breakouts, connector clocking, and braid stops. Thisinformation is exported back to the 3-D model data-base for clamp size and structural penetration verifi-cation. Finally, the wire lists, diagrams, and schemat-ics are generated for the build-to package. As a result,CEEDS now contains a digital master jig board layoutthat can be printed out to form the jig board.

Once the wire lists, diagrams, schematics, and jigboard master tooling digital data are generated,they are put under configuration control. The 3-Dmaster model is also put under configuration con-trol so that any changes to the 3-D model willautomatically flag changes to the associated jigtooling data in CEEDS. CEEDS will then updatethe build-to package for the affected jig tooling.

By using CEEDS, Northrop Grumman has effec-tively eliminated manual development of the wireharness jig board mylars for wire harness best fit.CEEDS has also improved the configuration controlby tying together the product definition data for wireharness tooling into an on-line accessible database.


In order to maintain its life cycle cost allocationbaseline, Northrop Grumman’s Affordability andProducibility Management has utilized various di-mensional management tools within the IntegratedProduct Definition (IPD) teams and the AssemblyCost Centers. In particular, Geometric Dimension-ing and Tolerancing (GD&T) and Key Characteris-tics were used to transition from the Engineeringand Manufacturing Development (EMD) modelstage to the Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP)stage for the F/A-18 E/F program. These tools,applied to the aft side panel (fuselage) section of theF/A-18 E/F, were used to address the ProductionReadiness Review issues concerning potential prob-lems with datum coordination and the validation ofproduct definition initiatives.

As an engineering drawing language, GD&T com-municates the engineering, assembly, and inspec-tion specifications based on functional requirements.Functional, coordinated datums are used as refer-ences for defining parts and assemblies in a 3-Dspace, using three mutually-orthogonal planes perANSI Y14.5. Rotation and translation of a part afterassembly are also controlled with datums. Partsurfaces, for example, can be used to define thegeometric planes. The mating surface that requiresthe tightest tolerances should be selected as thezero reference plane for the remaining two planes.Inspection and assembly tooling should also bereferenced to the same zero reference on the de-tailed drawing to maintain the required dimen-sional tolerances. Northrop Grumman found thatthe Y=679 Outboard Former of the aft side panelsection had areas where the inspection datum ar-rangement and assembly tooling did not match. Thecompany’s recommendation was to have the assem-bly tooling datum arrangement match the detailedengineering drawing, or for the engineering drawingdatums to be changed to match the assembly tooling.

Key Characteristics identify part features or in-terfaces, whose variation from nominal, directlyaffects fit, performance, or service life of the product(i.e., product requirements). Flowed down from the


top level Cost Centers to the detailed part, KeyCharacteristics are absolute must-haves and arelisted in the IPD data sheets of each detailed partbefore procurement from internal and external sup-pliers. Key Characteristics are also monitored byStatistical Process Control (SPC) techniques to mini-mize variation. Northrop Grumman identified thepotential Key Characteristics for the aft side panelsection and recommended listing them on the asso-ciated IPD data sheet. These included outer moldlinemismatches and gaps, spindle position, nozzle inter-face surfaces, and engine bay door interface surfaces.SPC measurements for these areas are then moni-tored for variation. Northrop Grumman is currentlylisting Key Characteristics on its IPD data sheets forthe LRIP stage of the F/A-18 E/F program.

Northrop Grumman’s producibility tools havehelped the LRIP stage of the F/A-18 E/F programachieve a more consistently producible and costeffective product during LRIP than was realizedduring the EMD phase. The company is still fine-tuning its Key Characteristics and GD&T develop-ment through studies of industry and academicapproaches with Boeing, McDonnell Douglas Aero-space, University of Michigan, Massachusetts In-stitute of Technology, and the automotive industry.

Variation Simulation Analysis

Northrop Grumman uses Variation SimulationAnalysis (VSA) as a tool for redesigning componentsand process improvement. VSA is a commercialsoftware package produced by the Variation Sys-tems Analysis Corporation. This tool was used ex-tensively during the Engineering and Manufactur-ing Development program phase for the F/A-18 E/Fprogram. In addition,most of the aircraft wasmodeled using VSA.

Northrop Grummanused VSA to redesign thevertical tail tip. Redesignwas necessary due to anexcessively tight fit of theparts. The analysis in-volved the examinationof the materials, the pro-cesses, and the design ofthe components. Themodeling and analysisevaluated the seal gaprequirements; bondline

requirements; tooling concepts and applications;process issues; close-out rib deflections in the auto-clave; tolerances; and the vertical tail tip’s geom-etry. The bonded tip assembly was subjected to 13iterations to converge on the optimized design. Thejoint between the bonded tip assembly and the tiprib required seven iterations to converge on anoptimal design. Northrop Grumman used the rec-ommendations from this analysis to develop thenew design of the vertical tail tip for the LRIPprogram phase.

By using VSA on the E/F program, NorthropGrumman has developed better fitting parts. Proac-tive use of VSA allows the company to avoid defects,improve cycle time, and lower its costs. This veryeffective tool helps engineers and manufacturingpersonnel understand the process capability andcontrol processes. In addition, Northrop Grummanreduced the number of product definition liaisonpersonnel required on its production line from 56 toseven.


Advanced Technology Transit Bus

Northrop Grumman is in the process of usingaerospace-type materials, construction techniques,and defense conversion technologies for its commer-cial Advanced Technology Transit Bus (ATTB) pro-gram. To date, the company has achieved impres-sive results from its ATTB prototypes and test beds.

The ATTB program began in 1992 with the objec-tive of developing a lightweight, low floor, low emis-sion transit bus (Figure 3-1) by using proven, ad-vanced technologies developed in the aerospace

Figure 3-1. Advanced Technology Transit Bus


industries. This vehicleis designed to meet fed-eral, state, and local(southern California)axle weight and clean airrequirements. In addi-tion, the ATTB will meetor exceed the Americanswith Disabilities Act re-quirements through theuse of a low, flat floorand a simple ramp system that is more reliable thancurrent wheelchair lift technology.

The ATTB is an all-wheel drive vehicle withmotors over each wheel. These motors reverse togenerate electricity as a braking action which willconsiderably reduce the wear on brakes. To meetemissions requirements for urban buses (2.5 gm/bhp-hr NOx, 0.05 gm/bhp-hr PM), the ATTB uses ahybrid propulsion system that incorporates an in-ternal combustion engine-generator, set in concertwith a high power-density flywheel, for driving theelectric wheel motors from natural gas. The 40-footlong bus can accommodate two wheelchair posi-tions, and 43 seated and 29 standing passengers.The ATTB’s curb weight is 10,000 pounds less thanan equivalently configured conventional transit bus.

The ATTB’s user-friendly design features widedoors and a low, flat floor (15-inch maximum floorheight) for shorter dwell times and easy boarding/deboarding of passengers. The lack of internal stepsor risers eliminates significant tripping hazards.The driver’s station is ergonomically designed andmodular to achieve driver-commanded high qualityperformance. All ATTB components are modularlydesigned for easy and quick swap-out repairs. Thisdesign facilitates low cost repair and operationalcosts, and will accommodate returning buses intoservice within one shift. The ATTB body, fabricatedfrom fiberglass and foam, is substantially moreimpact resistant than conventional transit buses.The unit cost of an ATTB will be in the same rangeas existing conventional transit buses.

Northrop Grumman also developed full-scaleStructural and Mobile Test Beds for its ATTB pro-gram. The Structural Test Bed was used to validatethe design of the ATTB’s composite structure. Thetesting program included a side impact crash testwith a 4,000-pound car traveling at 25 mph, whichresulted in only cosmetic damage to the test bed.The Mobile Test Bed was developed to evaluate theperformance and handling characteristics of the

vehicle such as its propulsion, control, braking,dynamometer, and suspension systems. Both testbed models (Figure 3-2) successfully completed theirtesting programs.

Northrop Grumman has completed six prototypesin its ATTB program. One prototype is currentlybeing field-tested at the Pennsylvania Transporta-tion Institute, Altoona Bus Testing Center for onemillion miles of test driving and vibration testing.

Electronic Gantry Applied DrillingSystem

Northrop Grumman is in the process of develop-ing an automated drilling system that will elimi-nate the use of drill jigs, fixtures, and hoods in theassembly process. A study, conducted to determinethe capabilities of tools on the market, revealednothing was currently available to meet the com-plex requirements of automating the drilling pro-cess for the aircraft industry. Existing equipment,currently used in high-rate production applicationsby the automotive industry, did not provide theneeded flexibility of aircraft design requirements.An Integrated Product Team for technology imple-mentation determined that there was enough justi-fication to proceed with an in-house development ofa machine to solve this problem.

The Electronic Gantry Applied Drilling System(EGADS) being developed is a computer numericalcontrol, multi-axis drilling system that will replacehand drilling and countersinking operations nowperformed at the assembly stations. Based on coor-dinate measuring machine technology, EGADS willnot only be able to manufacture the part, but alsowill certify that the specification requirements forthe part have been met. Other features includealerting operators when a drill needs to be changed;adjusting speeds and feeds according to changingtorque values; and continuous diagnostic testinginside the machine and controller during operation.

Figure 3-2. Structural and Mobile Test Beds


By applying this technology, Northrop Grummanwill have a simple, low cost, automated solution tothe current hole drilling and countersinking prob-lems found throughout the aircraft industry. Thecompany plans to install EGADS on the verticalstabilizer tools for the manufacture of the F/A-18 E/Faircraft by November 1997. Northrop Grummanwill also continue to expand the system’s partscapabilities during the life cycle of this program.

Enhanced Performance ApplicationProcess of Paintings and Coatings

Northrop Grumman is currently implementing aseries of coating application process and facilitychanges to improve the performance of its NewTechnology (NT) coatings. This initiative ties into alarger, facility-wide Lean Manufacturing Initia-tive, and was motivated by the LRIP stage for theF/A-18 E/F program.

Currently, the F/A-18 C/D program uses produc-tion techniques such as conventional manual spraymethods, pin gauge thickness measurements, andtemperature and humidity recordings versus timeby inkjet plotters. Thickness measurements arehandwritten and stored, but no SPC data exists.Correlations between the part performance and theapplication process cannot occur because tempera-ture and humidity conditions recorded during theapplication process are not maintained for laterreference.

In the F/A-18 E/F program, the required coatingarea has increased 4.5 times compared to the exist-ing C/D program. Although coordination with theprime contractor has reduced that area, NorthropGrumman must still coat an area that is 2.7 timeslarger than that found in the C/D program. Inaddition, each coating area in the E/F programtypically requires the application of five layers ofmaterial to the substrate areas verses three layersapplied in the C/D program. In addition, the curecycle times alone of these new additional coatingsmake the fabrication process cycle time 3.5 to 4.0times longer. To accommodate the E/F program,Northrop Grumman is developing new productiontechniques to address these main factors that affectproduction schedules.

The main goals of Northrop Grumman’s EnhancedPerformance Application Process are to meet pro-duction schedules, reduce cost via shortened cycletimes, and improve the understanding of the appli-

cation process so that, ultimately, part performanceand quality are improved. The initiatives currentlyunderway include:

• Fabricating facilities with computer-controlledand monitored environmental conditionsincluding temperature, relative humidity, andpositive pressure.

• Improving employee knowledge of coatingintegrity through a Coating Layer ControlInitiative. Magnetic induction and pin gaugeswill be used to measure the coating thicknesses.Deviation detected between the thicknessmeasurements will indicate a density problem.

• Constructing new computer-based reporting ofthe thickness measurements for better SPC.

• Changing materials where possible to improveperformance which includes replacing arcsprayed materials with conductive paintapplications and using B-Stage Processedmaterials to achieve tight tolerances.

• Improving the process through ongoing tradestudies.

These initiatives will decrease fabrication cycletimes to meet production schedules and, concur-rently, reduce costs. Additional benefits include animproved understanding of the correlations betweenthe part performance and the application process;waste reduction; and a decrease in aircraft weight.Ultimately, a better comprehension of the processwill lead to higher performances for NT coatings.

Laser Alignment of Composite Ply Layup

Northrop Grumman has purchased and installeda Laser Guided Ply Locating system for compositepart manufacturing. Made by General Scanning,Inc., Laser Systems Division, this system uses la-sers to project the outline of the individual plies andthe cut-outs directly onto a hard-tooling locator tool.

Traditional methods for locating composite pliesuse a mylar-locating template or a hard-toolinglocator. Mylar is difficult to use because the me-chanic must work underneath the mylar whichmakes it more difficult to detect foreign material.Hard-tooling locators are expensive and cumber-some. To locate plies, multiple hard-tooling locatorsare frequently required to accommodate all of theplies. The mechanic must scale off a known ply todetermine the location of an unmarked ply. TheLaser Guided Ply Locating system eliminates thesetypes of locators.


Northrop Grumman’s Laser Guided Ply Locatingsystem consists of eight overhead-mounted, Class3A, laser projectors; four computer-controlled, fac-tory workstations; and four layout tables. Eachprojector pair has a work area of 10 x 15 feet. Theprojectors can be used independently or concur-rently to display different parts or portions of a verylarge composite ply for a total work area of 10 x 16feet per cell. The system can be programmed off-lineor directly from the engineering drawing database.

Northrop Grumman’s goal is to eliminate all mylarand hard-tooling ply locator tools, and use the sys-tem exclusively for composite ply layups. The totalcost to implement this system will be recoveredwithin two years through operational savings.

Mobile Gantry Applied Drilling System

Northrop Grumman recognized the need for anautomated drilling system that could be shuttledbetween several different Cost Centers and producedifferent subassemblies. By taking advantage of thecommonalities in part size, shape, process, andlessons learned from its EGADS development,Northrop Grumman is currently in the final stagesof developing the Mobile Gantry Applied DrillingSystem (MOGADS). MOGADS shares numerouscommon features with EGADS (e.g., unique endeffector, machine controller, controller interface,linear rails, drives, motors) and provides a veryaccurate mobile automated drilling system.

A major focus in the development of both EGADSand MOGADS was the operator interface. Thesemachines are unlike other computer numerical con-trol (CNC) machines and robots which typicallyhave a controller that can perform a wide variety oftasks and require a high level of skill and training.Instead, Northrop Grumman developed EGADSand MOGADS to perform simple tasks as directedby personnel who currently work in the assemblycell. Since these machines will be operated by thesame personnel who build the aircraft, minimaltraining will be required.

Limited in scope to finite functions such as drill-ing, the operator interface does not need to containthe typical CNC machine’s controller complexity.Simplification of the functions performed by themachine allows for an operator interface design.This interface design can be used by existing me-chanics within the assembly cell who are mostfamiliar with the manufacture of the assembliesbeing drilled. Both EGADS and MOGADS are fur-

ther enhanced by graphics and touch screen func-tions. The machines have audible instructions andtextual interactive tutorials, which interface withthe software and prompt the user to perform thecorrect operation.

EGADS, a fixed system, will be attached to thevertical stabilizer assembly tool for use. However,MOGADS will be a mobile system that can betransported to the various Cost Centers within theplant, and be applied to a variety of assembly tools.The first parts, targeted for use by MOGADS, arethe engine bay doors, the aft side panels, and theforward side panels. Installation is scheduled forFebruary 1998. Northrop Grumman plans to con-tinue making reasonable modifications to the prod-uct, process, and tooling to further enhanceMOGADS’ capabilities.

Numerical Control Waterjet EdgeTrimming

Northrop Grumman recently installed a singlegantry, two-head combination waterjet cutter andmilling machine for use in its composite manufac-turing facility. This machining center was designedto Northrop Grumman’s specifications by Flow In-ternational in Kent, Washington.

The intent of the machine is to greatly reduce ortotally eliminate hand routing or profiling of com-posite parts. In the near term and in order tocontinue using many of its existing tooling fixtures,Northrop Grumman will accomplish the reductionthrough numerical control milling of the part netshapes. Long term plans are to use the waterjetcutter for all part trimming or profiling, and themilling head exclusively for hole drilling.

Northrop Grumman’s machining center consistsof a moving-head gantry that carries a five-axis,numerical control milling/drilling head which oper-ates up to 25,000 revolutions per minute. A uniquewater curtain surrounds the milling cutter whichentraps all dust associated with the machining andeliminates worker exposure and composite dustparticles in the rest of the plant. The same moving-head gantry also carries a five-axis, 55,000-psiwaterjet cutter that is used to cut the net shapes onnewly tooled or designed parts. Presently, NorthropGrumman has an 8 x 20-foot table mounted at eachend of the machine footprint. This design enablesthe company to integrate the standard numericalcontrol routing and the waterjet cutting technolo-gies on a single machine. As new tooling and parts


are created, the waterjet will perform all of therouting, and the milling head will be used exclu-sively for hole drilling. By having a moving-headgantry machine, Northrop Grumman can use dif-ferent sized tables and fixturing throughout theenvelope of the machine size.

With the addition of this equipment to its inven-tory, Northrop Grumman anticipates a cost savingof more than 4:1 over the manual trimming anddrilling operations presently performed.

Shop Floor Tool Control

Northrop Grumman uses positive tool and equip-ment control to reduce process variability on theshop floor. Each critical manufacturing process hasa work package consisting of Assembly ProcessWork Instructions and Process Parameter Sheets.The Assembly Process Work Instruction calls outthe key characteristics, process instructions, mate-rials, process controls, acceptance criteria, certifica-tion requirements, and associated reference docu-ments. The Process Parameter Sheet identifies thework sequence, tools, and equipment with pre-scribed specifications for each step of the process.

In addition, a central tool room issues AssociatedTool and Equipment Kits (TEKs). TEKs contain thenecessary tools (e.g., drill bits) and equipment (e.g.,hand drills, inspection devices) for each process.The tool room is responsible for preparing TEKsaccording to the specifications from the ProcessParameter Sheets. The tool room also ensures thattools are issued within their usable tool life. Someready-to-use tools such as a drill bits are wax sealedto indicate their ready-to-use status. Only necessarytools and equipment for each process will be kitted.Once assembled as kits, TEKs are issued to operatorswho then return the kits at the end of the shift.

For designated workstations where many handtools and special equipment are required, a commu-nity tool box is provided. The tool room prepareseach community tool box with the prescribed toolsand equipment needed at that workstation. Theplacement of the tools and equipment is readilyvisible, well organized, and properly marked ineach tool box, giving the operators and supervisorsa clear indication of the tool usage status. By usinga community tool box, Northrop Grumman reducedits operators’ time by more than 90% for locatingand obtaining the proper tools for a job. Since toolboxes are assigned to specific workstations, this

system provides good traceability and faster recallwhenever tools need calibrating or scheduled main-tenance. In addition, Northrop Grumman can de-termine which processes are currently being per-formed just by reviewing what tools are missingfrom a community tool box.


Flexible Facility

As the F/A-18 E/F program progressed into theLRIP phase, Northrop Grumman decided to con-duct a LRIP capacity analysis. This analysis con-cluded that additional paint and coating processareas were needed to meet the scheduled produc-tion throughput. As a result, a construction projectis currently underway which includes demolishinga nearby old building and constructing a new exten-sion to the existing Painting and Coating Facility.

One of the key features of the new facility will bethe ability to convert the space from a generalprocess area to a secured process area. Therefore,the new facility will be designed to meet securityrequirements with minimal disruption during theconversion process. Depending on the productionrequirement for the next contract, another exten-sion could easily be added. Another feature of thenew facility will be a state-of-the-art, environmen-tally-controlled area. Historical data shows thatrelative humidity in the California area can rangefrom below 10% to over 90% during a one-yearperiod. To implement the proper process control forpainting and coating, a well-controlled environ-mental facility is essential. Northrop Grummanwill also install a direct digital Energy ManagementControl System at the new facility.

Johnson Controls’ Metasys Network, the pro-posed system, will consist of a personal computer, aprinter, environmental panels, sensors, actuators,interlocks, alarms, and other devices needed for acomplete operation. The controllers will monitorthe operation and status of air conditioning units,exhaust fans, humidifiers, alarms, temperatureprofiles, static pressures, and compressed air sup-plies. Future requirements can easily be added byintegrating new sensors and revising the software.This system can also generate reports for processcontrol requirements related to environmental con-trol, and provide detailed historical data from eachspray booth.



Barcodes in Receiving

Previously, Northrop Grumman’s Materials Re-ceiving methods consisted of numerous manualreadings, verifying, counting, and recordkeepingtasks to incorporate production parts from dock tostock. Many of these steps required employees toload and unload the receiving material into stagingareas until the paperwork was completed and theproper information was verified by appropriatesources. The process required 15 steps per itemwhich averaged out to 35 days for material to gofrom dock to stock.

In 1995, Northrop Grumman installed a barcodingsystem which was tied into the company’s existingUnix/Oracle computer-based system. Hand-held barscanners now provide mobility for the scanningsystem by sending radio frequency transmissions toa personal computer. Once arriving at the dock,receiving material is scanned for purchase ordernumber, part number, quantity, stock location, andnumber of cartons. A Receiving Report is immedi-ately generated and attached to the material. Thecomputer automatically performs the necessaryverification, recording, and location requirements.The Receiving Report also denotes any high priorityitems which require direct delivery to the factoryfloor. Discrepancies, if any, are noted and follow-ups are conducted. Upon arrival, it only takes anaverage of two hours for employees to resolve anydiscrepancies and move material from dock to stock.Northrop Grumman has 750 suppliers who shipmaterial to its warehouse. Of these, 100% barcodetheir material and 61% fulfill the remaining ap-proach compliances, requested by NorthropGrumman, for its barcoding system.

Through its barcoding system, NorthropGrumman streamlined its Materials Receivingmethods from 15 to four steps. In addition, thecompany eliminated the large queue areas for hold-ing material, improved its accuracy in accountabil-ity, reduced its labor, improved its overall receivingconsistency, and, most importantly, improved itsdock-to-stock cycle time from 35 days to two hours.

Corrective Action Program

On preliminary review, Northrop Grumman’sCorrective Action program is similar to correctiveaction processes at other industrial facilities. Thisprogram consists of four distinct categories. Thefirst involves performing root cause analysis or

determining how the defect/problem presented it-self. Secondly, a corrective action plan is developedto resolve the immediate situation. Next, the ap-proved corrective action plan is implemented withemphasis placed on process improvement. Finally,a follow-up investigation is performed to evaluatethe effectiveness of the corrective action.

However, Northrop Grumman’s Corrective Ac-tion program also provides coverage in variousareas in addition to assembly line defects. Thisprogram covers customer service and the internaloperations of the facility as well as program im-provements, IPT improvements, and ISO 9000 au-dit findings. The latter is possibly the most signifi-cant characteristic of the Corrective Action pro-gram because the program, itself, is ISO 9000 ap-proved. This Corrective Action program is also moreprocess-oriented compared to other quality-orientedprograms. Quality-oriented programs usually focusonly on resolving the problem, whereas this pro-gram allows IPTs to interject input into the correc-tive actions which may improve the product, pro-cess, and/or schedule.

The next-generation Corrective Action program,planned by Northrop Grumman, will be the intro-duction of a database acquisition system for track-ing defects by category. This information will pro-vide beneficial cost-reduction analysis and processimprovements over the life of the program. Byimplementing this management tool, NorthropGrumman will also provide significant insight onhow well its program is maturing.

Integrated Supplier Management Team

Northrop Grumman uses an Integrated SupplierManagement Team (ISMT) to track its suppliers’progress and delivery performances. This approachenables the company to resolve any technical, qual-ity, and schedule performance problems before con-tractual deliveries are impacted.

To maintain a consistent methodology, the ISMTuses a criteria of 16 elements to measure the perfor-mance of 71 of Northrop Grumman’s most impor-tant suppliers. Two of these elements rate NorthropGrumman’s own procurement system based on in-puts received from the supplier. The ISMT is com-posed of a buyer, an off-site manufacturing engi-neer, a quality assurance person, and, if appropri-ate, an off-site management representative. Theteam rates the suppliers on a quarterly basis. Seniormanagement then weighs the 16 elements depend-ing on their importance to Northrop Grumman’sobjectives. For those who fail to achieve an 80% or


higher rating, the ISMT develops action plans foreach supplier to help them improve their perfor-mance. Special tracking is maintained for thesesuppliers.

The ISMT also provides a direct communicationnetwork on the suppliers’ performances for use bythe Integrated Product Teams. The Integrated Prod-uct Teams now have sufficient time to determinewhat action to take when a supplier is not meetingNorthrop Grumman’s performance requirements.

New Directions Training Program

Military aircraft production programs typicallyhave periods of production breaks between programphases. During such times, production workers areusually laid off and rehired when production re-sumes. These short period layoffs during produc-tion downturns can create significant problems.The skill mix in the shop is degraded because layoffsare based on seniority. Layoffs cause disruption tocost, schedule, and quality performance due to re-training requirements. In addition, recalled per-sonnel often find new jobs elsewhere which disruptsthe existing teams and creates imbalances in thestart-up skill mix.

To address these problems, Northrop Grummanbegan developing the New Direction Training pro-gram in 1993 to enhance the skill level of its F/A-18workforce. The result was an extended trainingprogram that invests in and retains the experienced

workforce. The program’s objectives include provid-ing a solid base of trained personnel to support thestart-up of the F/A-18 E/F LRIP program; providingthe necessary skills training to achieve self-inspec-tion systems on the production lines; and meetingprogram affordability goals. The training programis a mix of courses offered by West Los AngelesCollege and by the Northrop Grumman TrainingDepartment. The curriculum programs vary byprocess: 316 hours for electricians, 292 hours forpaint/EMI technicians, and 564 hours for compos-ites technicians. Assembly mechanics, who com-prise the majority of trainees, receive 720 hours. Asample curriculum breakdown for assembly me-chanics includes New Directions (adjustment tochange, problem solving), Precise and AccurateCommunication (decision making, interpreting andwriting documents), Hole Generation (composites,stress and fatigue factors), Precision Tools (calipers,dial gauges) and Foundations for Learning (techni-cal reading, study and thinking skills).

The New Directions Training program offers awell-defined approach for taking a worker fromentry level to senior mechanic in approximately 4.5months. Figure 3-3 shows this progression. Thecompany also recognizes the worker’s successfulcompletion of the program by awarding an addi-tional $1.25 per hour in pay. Beyond this, NorthropGrumman will pay for additional college coursesand training so the employee can become a certifiedaircraft mechanic and qualify for an A&P license.

Through use of alarge, well-equippedtraining facility,Northrop Grummanprovides traineeswith an environmentthat exposes them tothe same conditions,systems, and situa-tions of a real fac-tory. The On-the-JobTraining and Obser-vation phase of theprogram is con-ducted in this facil-ity and lasts from 10to 18 weeks. Much ofthe hands-on train-ing in the factory en-vironment uses thesame tools, stan-

Figure 3-3. New Directions Career Progression


dards, processes, and procedures required for theactual job. During this time, trainees learn andpractice important skills such as statistical processcontrol, root cause analysis, problem solving, anddecision-making techniques.

The New Directions Training program was theresult of a $12 million investment by NorthropGrumman and a $4 million training grant from theState of California. The first students entered theprogram in October 1996. Since then, 388 employ-ees have graduated from the program and 109 arecurrently enrolled. This is about 95% of the totalpopulation of the 525 employees to be trained andrepresents more than 8,000 hours of on-the-jobtraining provided to date. The training departmentcurrently uses 13 full-time trainers for its on-the-job training program. As a result, NorthropGrumman has a more capable and committedworkforce that can produce higher quality productsfaster and cheaper.

Pull System for Composite Center

Northrop Grumman’s Composite Center fabri-cates composite components for major airframeprograms within the company. The process involvesa variety of composite parts that are cut, bonded,sealed, cured, trimmed, assembled and tested. Pre-viously, this process was based on a traditionalPush System. A Push System put more parts ontothe floor than is required for production and usuallyleads to a large volume of work-in-process, exces-sive inventories, significant overhead for trackingparts, large queue areas, and higher costs. In 1994,the Composite Center implemented a Pull Systemto lower its work-in-process, reduce cycle times,reduce operating expenses, and eliminate non-valueadded tasks.

By using a Pull System, the Composite Center canplace material onto the production floor based onthe rate of customer demand. The key to the PullSystem is its concentration on bottlenecks: focusing

on weak links, responding quickly to defects, solv-ing problems, and using a cross-trained workforce.The system’s philosophy is to keep parts movingthroughout the production floor before new partsare issued for the next job.

Since implementing the Pull System, NorthropGrumman decreased the amount of floor spaceneeded for parts storage, increased factory capac-ity, resolved problems quicker, and reduced thenumber of parts with the same defects. The mostsignificant benefit is the company’s reduction ofparts cycle time through the production process.Average cycle time was reduced from 62 to 13 days.

Supplier Improvement Initiatives

Northrop Grumman is currently implementingSupplier Improvement Initiatives. These actionswill provide more effective communications withinthe company and with representatives located atsupplier sites.

Internally, Northrop Grumman is installing legacycomputing systems for supplier data and informa-tion, and integrating these into a common database.This common database will provide more effectiveanalysis and correlation for various types of datawhich currently exist in separate systems. In addi-tion, the database will enable the company to accessmore useful data and information for making deci-sions and setting priorities, as well as achieve easeof integration into production and design systems.A key feature is the Procurement Information Gath-ering System. On-site representatives will be ableto transmit and receive near real-time data andinformation on supplier performance via laptop orpersonal computer modems. This feature, currentlybeing piloted at two supplier sites, will provide on-site representatives with specific part number dataand information; contractual requirements; andpart status. The new system, when fully imple-mented, will enable Northrop Grumman to manageits supplier performance more proactively.


A p p e n d i x A

Table of Acronyms

AcronymAcronymAcronymAcronymAcronym DefinitionDefinitionDefinitionDefinitionDefinition

ALOO Assembly Line Operation OrderANSI American National Standards InstituteAPWI Assembly Process Work InstructionATMCS Automated Tool Manufacturing Computer SystemATTB Advanced Technology Transit Bus

CAD Computer Aided DesignCEEDS Common Electrical Electronic Data SystemsCNC Computer Numerical Control

EGADS Electronic Gantry Applied Drilling SystemEMD Engineering and Manufacturing DevelopmentEMP Environmental Management ProgramEO Engineering-change Order

FOD Foreign Object DamageFOE Foreign Object Elimination

GD&T Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

IMIP Industrial Modernization Incentives ProgramIMPCA Integrated Management, Planning, and Control for AssemblyIPD Integrated Product DefinitionIPT Integrated Product TeamISMT Integrated Supplier Management Team

JIT Just In Time

LRIP Low Rate Initial Production

MOGADS Mobile Gantry Applied Drilling SystemMPDB Manufacturing Process Data BaseMPPS Manufacturing Process Performance SystemMRP Material Requirements Planning

NT New Technology

PAPCE Portable Air Pollution Control EquipmentPRD Product Release DocumentPVR Process Variability Reduction


AcronymAcronymAcronymAcronymAcronym DefinitionDefinitionDefinitionDefinitionDefinition

ROPAS ReOrder Point Analysis Summary

SIS Self-Inspection SystemSPC Statistical Process Control

TEK Tool and Equipment Kit

VSA Variation Simulation Analysis


A p p e n d i x B

BMP Survey Team

Team Member Activity Function

Larry Robertson Crane Division Team Chairman(812) 854-5336 Naval Surface Warfare Center

Crane, IN

Cheri Spencer BMP Center of Excellence Technical Writer(301) 403-8100 College Park, MD

Design & Test Team

Charles McLean National Institute of Standards Team Leader(301) 975-3511 and Technology

Gaithersburg, MD

Mike Dobra Naval Warfare Assessment Division(909) 273-4618 Corona, CA

Don Livingston Naval Surface Warfare Center(812) 854-5157 Crane, IN

Gerry Thomas Naval Surface Warfare Center(812) 854-1797 Crane, IN

Production & Facilities Team

Jack Tamargo BMP Satellite Center Manager Team Leader(707) 642-4267 Vallejo, CA

Darrel Brothersen Rockwell Collins Avionics &(319) 295-3768 Communications

Cedar Rapids, IA

Don Hill Hughes Air Warfare Center(317) 306-3781 Indianapolis, IN

Ken Lee Naval Warfare Assessment Division(909) 273-4998 Corona, CA

Rose Thun BMP Center of Excellence(301) 403-8100 College Park, MD


Management & Logistics Team

Rick Purcell BMP Center of Excellence Team Leader(301) 403-8100 College Park, MD

Tim Donnelly U.S. Army(309) 782-3655 Headquarters, Industrial Operations Command

Rock Island, IL

Larry Halbig Hughes Air Warfare Center(317) 306-3838 Indianapolis, IN

Jim Williamson McDonnell Douglas(314) 233-1358 St. Louis, MO




A p p e n d i x C

Critical Path Templates and BMP Templates

This survey was structured around and concen-trated on the functional areas of design, test, pro-duction, facilities, logistics, and management aspresented in the Department of Defense 4245.7-M,Transition from Development to Production docu-ment. This publication defines the proper tools—ortemplates—that constitute the critical path for asuccessful material acquisition program. It de-scribes techniques for improving the acquisition

process by addressing it as an industrial processthat focuses on the product’s design, test, and pro-duction phases which are interrelated and interde-pendent disciplines.

The BMP program has continued to build onthis knowledge base by developing 17 new tem-plates that complement the existing DOD 4245.7-M templates. These BMP templates address newor emerging technologies and processes.


A p p e n d i x D

BMPnet and the Program Manager’s WorkStation

The BMPnet, located at the Best ManufacturingPractices Center of Excellence (BMPCOE) in Col-lege Park, Maryland, supports several communica-tion features. These features include the ProgramManager’s WorkStation (PMWSPMWSPMWSPMWSPMWS), electronic mailand file transfer capabilities, as well as access toSpecial Interest Groups (SIGs) for specific topicinformation and communication. The BMPnet canbe accessed through the World Wide Web (at, through free software thatconnects directly over the Internet or through amodem. The PMWS software isalso available on CD-ROM.

PMWS provides users withtimely acquisition and engi-neering information through aseries of interrelated softwareenvironments and knowledge-based packages. The maincomponents of PMWS areKnowHow, SpecRite, the Tech-nical Risk Identification andMitigation System (TRIMS),and the BMP Database.

KnowHowKnowHowKnowHowKnowHowKnowHow is an intelligent,automated program that pro-vides rapid access to informa-tion through an intelligentsearch capability. Informationcurrently available in KnowHow handbooks in-cludes Acquisition Streamlining, Non-DevelopmentItems, Value Engineering, NAVSO P-6071 (BestPractices Manual), MIL-STD-2167/2168 and theDoD 5000 series documents. KnowHow cuts docu-ment search time by 95%, providing critical, user-specific information in under three minutes.

SpecRiteSpecRiteSpecRiteSpecRiteSpecRite is a performance specification genera-tor based on expert knowledge from all uniformedservices. This program guides acquisition person-

nel in creating specifications for their requirements,and is structured for the build/approval process.SpecRite’s knowledge-based guidance and assis-tance structure is modular, flexible, and providesoutput in MIL-STD 961D format in the form ofeditable WordPerfect® files.

TRIMSTRIMSTRIMSTRIMSTRIMS, based on DoD 4245.7-M (the transitiontemplates), NAVSO P-6071, and DoD 5000 event-oriented acquisition, helps the user identify andrank a program’s high-risk areas. By helping theuser conduct a full range of risk assessments through-

out the acquisition process,TRIMS highlights areas wherecorrective action can be initi-ated before risks develop intoproblems. It also helps userstrack key project documenta-tion from concept through pro-duction including goals, respon-sible personnel, and next ac-tion dates for future activities.

The BMP DatabaseBMP DatabaseBMP DatabaseBMP DatabaseBMP Database con-tains proven best practices fromindustry, government, and theacademic communities. Thesebest practices are in the areasof design, test, production, fa-cilities, management, and lo-gistics. Each practice has been

observed, verified, and documented by a team ofgovernment experts during BMP surveys.

Access to the BMPnet through dial-in or on Inter-net requires a special modem program. This pro-gram can be obtained by calling the BMPnet HelpDesk at (301) 403-8179 or it can be downloaded fromthe World Wide Web at Toreceive a user/e-mail account on the BMPnet, senda request to [email protected].

There are currently six Best Manufacturing Practices (BMP) satellite centers that provide representationfor and awareness of the BMP program to regional industry, government and academic institutions. Thecenters also promote the use of BMP with regional Manufacturing Technology Centers. Regional manufac-turers can take advantage of the BMP satellite centers to help resolve problems, as the centers hostinformative, one-day regional workshops that focus on specific technical issues.

Center representatives also conduct BMP lectures at regional colleges and universities; maintain lists ofexperts who are potential survey team members; provide team member training; identify regional expertsfor inclusion in the BMPnet SIG e-mail; and train regional personnel in the use of BMP resources such asthe BMPnet.

The six BMP satellite centers include:


Chris MatzkeChris MatzkeChris MatzkeChris MatzkeChris MatzkeBMP Satellite Center ManagerNaval Warfare Assessment DivisionCode QA-21, P.O. Box 5000Corona, CA 91718-5000(909) 273-4992FAX: (909) [email protected]

Jack TamargoJack TamargoJack TamargoJack TamargoJack TamargoBMP Satellite Center Manager257 Cottonwood DriveVallejo, CA 94591(707) 642-4267FAX: (707) [email protected]

District of ColumbiaDistrict of ColumbiaDistrict of ColumbiaDistrict of ColumbiaDistrict of Columbia

Margaret CahillMargaret CahillMargaret CahillMargaret CahillMargaret CahillBMP Satellite Center ManagerU.S. Department of Commerce14th Street & Constitution Avenue, NWRoom 3876 BXAWashington, DC 20230(202) 482-8226/3795FAX: (202) [email protected]


Thomas ClarkThomas ClarkThomas ClarkThomas ClarkThomas ClarkBMP Satellite Center ManagerRock Valley College3301 North Mulford RoadRockford, IL 61114(815) 654-5515FAX: (815) [email protected]


Sherrie SnyderSherrie SnyderSherrie SnyderSherrie SnyderSherrie SnyderBMP Satellite Center ManagerMANTEC, Inc.P.O. Box 5046York, PA 17405(717) 843-5054, ext. 225FAX: (717) [email protected]


Tammy GrahamTammy GrahamTammy GrahamTammy GrahamTammy GrahamBMP Satellite Center ManagerLockheed Martin Energy SystemsP.O. Box 2009, Bldg. 9737M/S 8091Oak Ridge, TN 37831-8091(423) 576-5532FAX: (423) [email protected]


A p p e n d i x E

Best Manufacturing Practices Satellite Centers


A p p e n d i x F

Navy Manufacturing Technology Centers of Excellence

Best Manufacturing Practices CenterBest Manufacturing Practices CenterBest Manufacturing Practices CenterBest Manufacturing Practices CenterBest Manufacturing Practices Centerof Excellenceof Excellenceof Excellenceof Excellenceof Excellence

The Best Manufacturing Practices Center of Excel-lence (BMPCOE) provides a national resource toidentify and promote exemplary manufacturing andbusiness practices and to disseminate this informa-tion to the U.S. Industrial Base. The BMPCOE wasestablished by the Navy’s BMP program, Depart-ment of Commerce’s National Institute of Stan-dards and Technology, and the University of Mary-land at College Park, Maryland. The BMPCOEimproves the use of existing technology, promotesthe introduction of improved technologies, and pro-vides non-competitive means to address commonproblems, and has become a significant factor incountering foreign competition.

Point of Contact:Mr. Ernie RennerBest Manufacturing Practices Center ofExcellence4321 Hartwick RoadSuite 400College Park, MD 20740(301) 403-8100FAX: (301) [email protected]

Center of Excellence for CompositesCenter of Excellence for CompositesCenter of Excellence for CompositesCenter of Excellence for CompositesCenter of Excellence for CompositesManufacturing TechnologyManufacturing TechnologyManufacturing TechnologyManufacturing TechnologyManufacturing Technology

The Center of Excellence for Composites Manufac-turing Technology (CECMT) provides a nationalresource for the development and dissemination ofcomposites manufacturing technology to defensecontractors and subcontractors. The CECMT ismanaged by the GreatLakes Composites Consor-tium and represents a collaborative effort amongindustry, academia, and government to develop,evaluate, demonstrate, and test composites manu-facturing technologies. The technical work is prob-lem-driven to reflect current and future Navy needsin the composites industrial community.

Point of Contact:Dr. Roger FountainCenter of Excellence for Composites ManufacturingTechnology103 Trade Zone DriveSuite 26CWest Columbia, SC 29170(803) 822-3705FAX: (803) [email protected]

Electronics Manufacturing ProductivityElectronics Manufacturing ProductivityElectronics Manufacturing ProductivityElectronics Manufacturing ProductivityElectronics Manufacturing ProductivityFacilityFacilityFacilityFacilityFacility

The Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facil-ity (EMPF) identifies, develops, and transfers inno-vative electronics manufacturing processes to do-mestic firms in support of the manufacture of afford-able military systems. The EMPF operates as aconsortium comprised of industry, university, andgovernment participants, led by the American Com-petitiveness Institute under a CRADA with theNavy.

Point of Contact:Mr. Alan CriswellElectronics Manufacturing Productivity FacilityPlymouth Executive CampusBldg 630, Suite 100630 West Germantown PikePlymouth Meeting, PA 19462(610) 832-8800FAX: (610) 832-8810

National Center for Excellence inNational Center for Excellence inNational Center for Excellence inNational Center for Excellence inNational Center for Excellence inMetalworking TechnologyMetalworking TechnologyMetalworking TechnologyMetalworking TechnologyMetalworking Technology

The National Center for Excellence in MetalworkingTechnology (NCEMT) provides a national center forthe development, dissemination, and implemen-tation of advanced technologies for metalworkingproducts and processes. The NCEMT, operated byConcurrent Technologies Corporation, helps theNavy and defense contractors improve

The Navy Manufacturing Sciences and Technology Program established the following Centers ofExcellence (COEs) to provide focal points for the development and technology transfer of new manufactur-ing processes and equipment in a cooperative environment with industry, academia, and Navy centers andlaboratories. These COEs are consortium-structured for industry, academia, and government involvementin developing and implementing technologies. Each COE has a designated point of contact listed below withthe individual COE information.


manufacturing productivity and part reliabilitythrough development, deployment, training, andeducation for advanced metalworking technologies.

Point of Contact:Mr. Richard HenryNational Center for Excellence in MetalworkingTechnology1450 Scalp AvenueJohnstown, PA 15904-3374(814) 269-2532FAX: (814) [email protected]

Navy Joining CenterNavy Joining CenterNavy Joining CenterNavy Joining CenterNavy Joining Center

The Navy Joining Center (NJC) is operated by theEdison Welding Institute and provides a nationalresource for the development of materials joiningexpertise and the deployment of emerging manufac-turing technologies to Navy contractors, subcon-tractors, and other activities. The NJC works withthe Navy to determine and evaluate joining technol-ogy requirements and conduct technology develop-ment and deployment projects to address theseissues.

Point of Contact:Mr. David P. EdmondsNavy Joining Center1100 Kinnear RoadColumbus, OH 43212-1161(614) 487-5825FAX: (614) [email protected]

Energetics Manufacturing TechnologyEnergetics Manufacturing TechnologyEnergetics Manufacturing TechnologyEnergetics Manufacturing TechnologyEnergetics Manufacturing TechnologyCenterCenterCenterCenterCenter

The Energetics Manufacturing Technology Center(EMTC) addresses unique manufacturing processesand problems of the energetics industrial base toensure the availability of affordable, quality ener-getics. The focus of the EMTC is on process technol-ogy with a goal of reducing manufacturing costswhile improving product quality and reliability.The COE also maintains a goal of development andimplementation of environmentally benign ener-getics manufacturing processes.

Point of Contact:Mr. John BroughEnergetics Manufacturing Technology CenterIndian Head DivisionNaval Surface Warfare CenterIndian Head, MD 20640-5035(301) 743-4417DSN: 354-4417FAX: (301) [email protected]

Manufacturing Science and AdvancedManufacturing Science and AdvancedManufacturing Science and AdvancedManufacturing Science and AdvancedManufacturing Science and AdvancedMaterials Processing InstituteMaterials Processing InstituteMaterials Processing InstituteMaterials Processing InstituteMaterials Processing Institute

The Manufacturing Science and Advanced Materi-als Processing Institute (MS&AMPI) is comprisedof three centers including the National Center forAdvanced Drivetrain Technologies (NCADT), TheSurface Engineering Manufacturing TechnologyCenter (SEMTC), and the Laser Applications Re-search Center (LaserARC). These centers are lo-cated at The Pennsylvania State University’s Ap-plied Research Laboratory. Each center is high-lighted below.

Point of Contact for MS&AMPI:Mr. Henry WatsonManufacturing Science and Advanced MaterialsProcessing InstituteARL Penn StateP.O. Box 30State College, PA 16804-0030(814) 865-6345FAX: (814) [email protected]

••••• National Center for Advanced DrivetrainNational Center for Advanced DrivetrainNational Center for Advanced DrivetrainNational Center for Advanced DrivetrainNational Center for Advanced DrivetrainTechnologiesTechnologiesTechnologiesTechnologiesTechnologiesThe NCADT supports DoD by strengthening,revitalizing, and enhancing the technologicalcapabilities of the U.S. gear and transmissionindustry. It provides a site for neutral testingto verify accuracy and performance of gear andtransmission components.

Point of Contact for NCADT:Dr. Suren RaoNCADT/Drivetrain CenterARL Penn StateP.O. Box 30State College, PA 16804-0030(814) 865-3537FAX: (814) 863-6185

Gulf Coast Region Maritime TechnologyGulf Coast Region Maritime TechnologyGulf Coast Region Maritime TechnologyGulf Coast Region Maritime TechnologyGulf Coast Region Maritime TechnologyCenterCenterCenterCenterCenter

The Gulf Coast Region Maritime Technology Cen-ter (GCRMTC) is located at the University of NewOrleans and will focus primarily on product devel-opments in support of the U.S. shipbuilding indus-try. A sister site at Lamar University in Orange,Texas will focus on process improvements.

Point of Contact:Dr. John CrispGulf Coast Region Maritime Technology CenterUniversity of New OrleansRoom N-212New Orleans, LA 70148(504) 286-3871FAX: (504) 286-3898


••••• Surface Engineering ManufacturingSurface Engineering ManufacturingSurface Engineering ManufacturingSurface Engineering ManufacturingSurface Engineering ManufacturingTechnology CenterTechnology CenterTechnology CenterTechnology CenterTechnology CenterThe SEMTC enables technology developmentin surface engineering—the systematic andrational modification of material surfaces toprovide desirable material characteristics andperformance. This can be implemented forcomplex optical, electrical, chemical, and me-chanical functions or products that affect thecost, operation, maintainability, and reliabil-ity of weapon systems.

Point of Contact for SEMTC:Dr. Maurice F. AmateauSEMTC/Surface Engineering CenterP.O. Box 30State College, PA 16804-0030(814) 863-4214FAX: (814) 863-0006http://www/

••••• Laser Applications Research CenterLaser Applications Research CenterLaser Applications Research CenterLaser Applications Research CenterLaser Applications Research Center

The LaserARC is established to expand thetechnical capabilities of DOD by providingaccess to high-power industrial lasers for ad-vanced material processing applications.LaserARC offers basic and applied research inlaser-material interaction, process develop-ment, sensor technologies, and correspondingdemonstrations of developed applications.

Point of Contact for LaserARC:Mr. Paul DenneyLaser CenterARL Penn StateP.O. Box 30State College, PA 16804-0030(814) 865-2934FAX: (814) 863-1183http://www/

As of this publication, 97 surveys have been conducted and published by BMP at the companies listedbelow. Copies of older survey reports may be obtained through DTIC or by accessing the BMPnet. Requestsfor copies of recent survey reports or inquiries regarding the BMPnet may be directed to:

Best Manufacturing Practices Program4321 Hartwick Rd., Suite 400

College Park, MD 20740Attn: Mr. Ernie Renner, Director

Telephone: 1-800-789-4267FAX: (301) [email protected]




A p p e n d i x G

Completed Surveys


Litton Guidance & Control Systems Division - Woodland Hills, CA

Honeywell, Incorporated Undersea Systems Division - Hopkins, MN (Alliant TechSystems, Inc.)Texas Instruments Defense Systems & Electronics Group - Lewisville, TXGeneral Dynamics Pomona Division - Pomona, CAHarris Corporation Government Support Systems Division - Syosset, NYIBM Corporation Federal Systems Division - Owego, NYControl Data Corporation Government Systems Division - Minneapolis, MN

Hughes Aircraft Company Radar Systems Group - Los Angeles, CAITT Avionics Division - Clifton, NJRockwell International Corporation Collins Defense Communications - Cedar Rapids, IAUNISYS Computer Systems Division - St. Paul, MN (Paramax)

Motorola Government Electronics Group - Scottsdale, AZGeneral Dynamics Fort Worth Division - Fort Worth, TXTexas Instruments Defense Systems & Electronics Group - Dallas, TXHughes Aircraft Company Missile Systems Group - Tucson, AZBell Helicopter Textron, Inc. - Fort Worth, TXLitton Data Systems Division - Van Nuys, CAGTE C3 Systems Sector - Needham Heights, MA

McDonnell-Douglas Corporation McDonnell Aircraft Company - St. Louis, MONorthrop Corporation Aircraft Division - Hawthorne, CALitton Applied Technology Division - San Jose, CALitton Amecom Division - College Park, MDStandard Industries - LaMirada, CAEngineered Circuit Research, Incorporated - Milpitas, CATeledyne Industries Incorporated Electronics Division - Newbury Park, CALockheed Aeronautical Systems Company - Marietta, GALockheed Corporation Missile Systems Division - Sunnyvale, CAWestinghouse Electronic Systems Group - Baltimore, MDGeneral Electric Naval & Drive Turbine Systems - Fitchburg, MARockwell International Corporation Autonetics Electronics Systems - Anaheim, CATRICOR Systems, Incorporated - Elgin, IL

Hughes Aircraft Company Ground Systems Group - Fullerton, CATRW Military Electronics and Avionics Division - San Diego, CAMechTronics of Arizona, Inc. - Phoenix, AZBoeing Aerospace & Electronics - Corinth, TXTechnology Matrix Consortium - Traverse City, MITextron Lycoming - Stratford, CT





Resurvey of Litton Guidance & Control Systems Division - Woodland Hills, CANorden Systems, Inc. - Norwalk, CTNaval Avionics Center - Indianapolis, INUnited Electric Controls - Watertown, MAKurt Manufacturing Co. - Minneapolis, MNMagneTek Defense Systems - Anaheim, CARaytheon Missile Systems Division - Andover, MAAT&T Federal Systems Advanced Technologies and AT&T Bell Laboratories - Greensboro, NC and Whippany, NJResurvey of Texas Instruments Defense Systems & Electronics Group - Lewisville, TX

Tandem Computers - Cupertino, CACharleston Naval Shipyard - Charleston, SCConax Florida Corporation - St. Petersburg, FLTexas Instruments Semiconductor Group Military Products - Midland, TXHewlett-Packard Palo Alto Fabrication Center - Palo Alto, CAWatervliet U.S. Army Arsenal - Watervliet, NYDigital Equipment Company Enclosures Business - Westfield, MA and Maynard, MAComputing Devices International - Minneapolis, MN(Resurvey of Control Data Corporation Government Systems Division)Naval Aviation Depot Naval Air Station - Pensacola, FL

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center - Huntsville, ALNaval Aviation Depot Naval Air Station - Jacksonville, FLDepartment of Energy Oak Ridge Facilities (Operated by Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc.) - Oak Ridge, TNMcDonnell Douglas Aerospace - Huntington Beach, CACrane Division Naval Surface Warfare Center - Crane, IN and Louisville, KYPhiladelphia Naval Shipyard - Philadelphia, PAR. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company - Winston-Salem, NCCrystal Gateway Marriott Hotel - Arlington, VAHamilton Standard Electronic Manufacturing Facility - Farmington, CTAlpha Industries, Inc. - Methuen, MA

Harris Semiconductor - Melbourne, FLUnited Defense, L.P. Ground Systems Division - San Jose, CANaval Undersea Warfare Center Division Keyport - Keyport, WAMason & Hanger - Silas Mason Co., Inc. - Middletown, IAKaiser Electronics - San Jose, CAU.S. Army Combat Systems Test Activity - Aberdeen, MDStafford County Public Schools - Stafford County, VA

Sandia National Laboratories - Albuquerque, NMRockwell Defense Electronics Collins Avionics & Communications Division - Cedar Rapids, IA(Resurvey of Rockwell International Corporation Collins Defense Communications)Lockheed Martin Electronics & Missiles - Orlando, FLMcDonnell Douglas Aerospace (St. Louis) - St. Louis, MO(Resurvey of McDonnell-Douglas Corporation McDonnell Aircraft Company)Dayton Parts, Inc. - Harrisburg, PAWainwright Industries - St. Peters, MOLockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems - Fort Worth, TX(Resurvey of General Dynamics Fort Worth Division)Lockheed Martin Government Electronic Systems - Moorestown, NJSacramento Manufacturing and Services Division - Sacramento, CAJLG Industries, Inc. - McConnellsburg, PA

City of Chattanooga - Chattanooga, TNMason & Hanger Corporation - Pantex Plant - Amarillo, TXNascote Industries, Inc. - Nashville, ILWeirton Steel Corporation - Weirton, WVNASA Kennedy Space Center - Cape Canaveral, FLDepartment of Energy, Oak Ridge Operations - Oak Ridge, TN









Headquarters, U.S. Army Industrial Operations Command - Rock Island, ILSAE International and Performance Review Institute - Warrendale, PAPolaroid Corporation - Waltham, MACincinnati Milacron, Inc. - Cincinnati, OHLawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Livermore, CASharretts Plating Company, Inc. - Emigsville, PAThermacore, Inc. - Lancaster, PARock Island Arsenal - Rock Island, ILNorthrop Grumman Corporation - El Segundo, CA(Resurvey of Northrop Corporation Aircraft Division)