best cardiology hospital in hyderabad

POTASSIUM IS GOOD FOR THE HEART Potassium Is Good for the Heart The human body needs several vitamins and minerals on a daily basis to stay healthy. Apart from calcium we do not consume the remaining essential minerals on an everyday basis. Potassium is one of the essential minerals that the body needs to remain healthy. There are several health benefits of potassium. Potassium is also known to reduce the risk of heart disease. Potassium is available in several natural foods and fruits. Fruits that are yellow in color usually have a high content of potassium like mangoes and papaya for example. A low level of potassium can cause mineral deficiency in the body. Potassium also aids in better mineral absorption. For example, the amount of calcium excreted in the urine is lowered when there is sufficient potassium in the body. Benefits of potassium Potassium balances the mineral content in the body. It regulates several processes in the body and also helps it to retain calcium. It can strengthen the bones and prevent osteoporosis. It is good for diabetic patients, as it regulates the insulin levels. Diabetic patients should eat fruits and vegetables that are high in potassium. Other than regulating insulin it also strengthens the blood valves and lowers blood pressure. Potassium for heart Potassium helps to lower blood pressure. It also cuts down the sodium intake of the body. Daily consumption of potassium lowers the risk of heart attacks and also improves blood circulation. It is good for hypertension and reduces the side effects caused by the disease.

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Post on 13-Mar-2016




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The Department of Cardiology offers dynamic, innovative and comprehensive diagnosis, investigation and treatment of all types of heart diseases, including ones that are general and complex. The Department has a dedicated team of specialists and consults, who are ably supported by a team of doctors, nurses and technicians who are trained to the highest standard in cardiac assessment and treatment.


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Potassium Is Good for the Heart The human body needs several vitamins and minerals on a daily basis to stay healthy. Apart from

calcium we do not consume the remaining essential minerals on an everyday basis. Potassium is

one of the essential minerals that the body needs to remain healthy. There are several health

benefits of potassium. Potassium is also known to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Potassium is available in several natural foods and fruits. Fruits that are yellow in color usually

have a high content of potassium like mangoes and papaya for example. A low level of

potassium can cause mineral deficiency in the body. Potassium also aids in better mineral

absorption. For example, the amount of calcium excreted in the urine is lowered when there is

sufficient potassium in the body.

Benefits of potassium Potassium balances the mineral content in the body. It regulates several processes in the body

and also helps it to retain calcium. It can strengthen the bones and prevent osteoporosis.

It is good for diabetic patients, as it regulates the insulin levels. Diabetic patients should eat fruits

and vegetables that are high in potassium. Other than regulating insulin it also strengthens the

blood valves and lowers blood pressure.

Potassium for heart Potassium helps to lower blood pressure. It also cuts down the sodium intake of the body. Daily

consumption of potassium lowers the risk of heart attacks and also improves blood circulation. It

is good for hypertension and reduces the side effects caused by the disease.

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Currently the doctors suggest that taking a daily dosage of potassium is advisable for people who

have the risk of heart diseases. It can help lower the risk of heart diseases in an early stage. This

mineral is also good for people with existing heart diseases. The main connection between

potassium and heart health is the blood pressure. A high blood pressure can cause a stroke or a

heart attack.

Many studies indicate that potassium decreases the chances of stroke. It protects the walls of the

blood vessels that lead to the brain. It also increases oxygen and blood supply to the brain and

results in protecting the body against a stroke.

Daily dosage of potassium On a daily basis, the adult body needs a minimum of 2100 mg of potassium. Research shows that

several people do not get this daily dosage of potassium. Taking a mineral supplement might

help to give your body the daily recommended dose, however the body absorbs potassium best

from natural foods.

Foods that is rich in potassium Potassium is available in several common fruits and vegetables. Some of the vegetables that have

high levels of potassium are potatoes, dark green leafy vegetables, celery, legumes, and beans.

Even brinjals have small quantities of potassium in them. Some of the fruits are melons,

mangoes, papaya and bananas. Having a banana everyday can supply your body with the

required level of potassium. These fruits and vegetables are commonly available in all countries.

They also come in all the seasons. For people with heart disease, eating papaya everyday can

bring several health benefits.


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Many people neglect high blood pressure, as they are unaware that high BP can result in several

serious diseases, such as coronary heart disease, kidney disease, stroke and heart attack. While

the ideal blood pressure should be about 120/80 mmHg, it can vary depending on the person’s

age and health. If your blood pressure is more than the ideal pressure, it means you have high

blood pressure. Thankfully, if you make up your mind, you can control your BP and bring down

your pressure.

Here are 5 resolutions that can help you control your blood pressure and keep the levels normal.

Stop Smoking: If you smoke, make up your mind to quit smoking and never to restart. Cigarette

tobacco contains a whole lot of harmful chemicals that can harden your arteries and cause your

blood pressure to rise. Also, remember, when you expose your loved ones to secondhand smoke,

you are endangering their health and lives.

Reduce Salt Intake: Salt contains sodium, which increases blood pressure. The more salt you

eat, the worse your pressure will get. You should not be looking to eat more than a teaspoon of

salt on a daily basis.

Limit Junk Food: Junk food and processed food contain saturated fats and cholesterol which get

deposited in arteries, causing them to narrow. This will increase your blood pressure. So avoid

junk food and processed food. Instead look to eat fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.

Exercise Regularly: Exercise helps to maintain ideal body weight and prevent you from

becoming overweight or obese. Jogging, brisk walking, gardening and housecleaning are good

forms of exercise. You should be looking to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes every day.

Drink in Moderation: Many people drink alcohol to relax and forget their daily stress. Instead

of resorting to alcohol, you can relax by pursuing a hobby, such as painting, writing and

woodwork. If a hobby does not ease your stress, look at meditation and deep breathing

techniques to relax your body and mind, but stay away from alcohol. Having a drink or two in a

week is fine, but do not go overboard. Speak to your doctor to find out how much you can drink,

if at all.

These are 5 resolutions that you should stick to no matter what happens if you want to bring your

elevated blood pressure under control and lead a healthy and happy life.

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Although rare, a stroke can occur in children and newborns. A stroke refers to disruption in

blood supply to the brain, causing the brain cells in the affected area to die. Once brain cells

perish, their functions also die. While the causes for stroke in children are not well understood,

doctors believe problems with blood vessels and blood clots are some of the causes.

Types of Childhood Strokes

Most cases of stroke occur in children under the age of two. There are two types of stroke –

ischemic and hemorrhagic. In ischemic stroke, a blood clot blocks the flow of blood in the blood

vessel while in hemorrhagic stroke, the blood vessel in the brain ruptures.

Symptoms of Stroke

Symptoms of stroke in children are different from those observed in adults. Typically, children

can suffer from seizures, fever and headaches. If your child suddenly develops one or more of

the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

o Weakness in a limb, particularly on one side of the body, causing difficulties in walking,

standing or using the affected limb

o Difficulties in reading, writing, concentrating and/or talking

o Loss of balance

o Poor coordination

o Dizziness

o Difficulty while swallowing and accompanied with drooling

o Excruciating headaches accompanied with nausea and vomiting

o Seizures

o Change in behavior

o The child collapses

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Causes of Childhood Stroke

While most strokes in children occur due to blood vessel problems in the brain or due to blood

clots traveling from the heart to the brain, many other medical conditions can increase the risk of

strokes in children. These include the following.

o Low blood count

o Certain types of heart disease

o Heart surgery

o Inflamed blood vessels in the brain

o Central venous catheters

o Certain types of cancer

o Nose, ear or sinus infections

o Viral infections

o Head injury

o Dehydration

o Low blood pressure for extended periods of time

o Brain tumors

o Sickle cell anemia

o Thalassaemia

At the same time, it is pertinent to note that about quarter of all children experiencing stroke do

not have any of the aforementioned risk factors. In such children, the reason for stroke is not

known. Stroke in children is a medical emergency and seizures, speech loss or paralysis should

not be ignored. You should seek immediate medical attention.


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With winter here, you will end up gaining 2 to 3 kg. This is because winters a depressing and people end up

overcoming the doom and gloom by eating. If you want to avoid gaining weight this winter, here are some

simple tips.

1. Early Morning Exercise: Rather than snuggling up in your bed to stay cosy and warm, you should get up

early in the morning and do some exercise. The morning sun will energise you and help you start your day on a

more positive note.

2. Let More Light Enter Your Home: Winter means lethargy and depression. You can combat this with

phototherapy. So pull back the curtains and allow natural light to come in. When your home is bright, it will

stimulate the hypothalamus, which controls mood, appetite and sleep. A bright house means no depression,

which in turn means no emotional eating.

3. Maintain a Food Diary: Rather than sitting in front of the TV and gorging comfort food, you should be

looking to maintain a food diary which will give you details about your calorie intake. This way you can alter

your diet to increase or reduce your calorie consumption and keep your weight under control.

4. Opt for Hot Soups and Fresh Salads: Try consuming hot soups to reduce your calorie intake. Also,

including fresh veggies in the form of salads will help you get vital nutrients and fiber to keep your digestive

system working optimally. It also will prevent you from snacking in between meals. If you do feel puckish,

you always can enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables to kill those midday hunger pangs without feeling guilty.

5. Drink Lots of Water: Winter season reduces your water intake. However, because of the warm clothing,

you tend to perspire more and this dehydrates your body. Dehydration slows down the metabolism and can

cause you to put on weight. Keep your body hydrated by drinking water throughout the day and ensuring your

metabolism is also up.

6. Get Enough Sleep: You need a minimum of eight hours of sleep every night. Sleep deprivation causes

release of hormones that spur hunger and reduce the levels of hormones that send signals to the body that the

stomach is full. This can cause you to overeat and put on weight.

7. Drink Sugarless Hot Beverage: If you need to warm yourself up, opt for tea or coffee without sugar.

Drinking a hot beverage will make you feel nice, but there is no need to increase your calorie intake. By

avoiding sugar in your tea or coffee, you can reduce your calorie intake by 400 calories every day.

These tips will help you stay slim and fit during winter and prevent you from piling on unwanted weight and


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Obesity has got linked often to family and hereditary. While this can be true, modern lifestyle

habits have contributed to obesity becoming an epidemic in present-day society. But there is

hope for obese people. Bariatric surgery can help obese people lose weight and get a trimmed

body that they have always dreamt of.

Bariatric surgery is a formal name in medical science aiming to weight loss surgery. The word

“bariatric” is the Greek origin splitting word “baros” as “weight” and “iatros” as “physician”.

Bariatric surgery is neither a cosmetic surgery nor a liposuction. Basically, it changes the

digestive system of the body so that body in-takes a little calories. This particularly modifies

body’s energy balance so that body consumes little calories than it burns, resulting long-lasting

weight loss effect gradually.

Today, bariatric surgery is considered to be one of the most effective ways to tackle obesity. In

India, thousands of people have benefitted from this surgery, which can be of many different

types. The surgeon uses a surgical option based on the needs, age and overall health of the


Types of bariatric surgery:

o The laparoscopic band

o Laparoscopic Roux-en

o The laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

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Effect of Bariatric Surgery:

o The stomach secretes hormones that decrease hunger. Bariatric surgery causes decrease in

the amount of “ghrelin” that stomach produces. It makes feel to have less hungry.

o The functional capacity of the stomach is reduced. This helps to feel full even after eating a

smaller meal.

o The bypass in the gastric region and the biliopancreatic duodenal diversion switch (BPD-

DS) both transform some intestine. This acts to limit the body’s calorie absorption.

Bariatric surgery works well for some people and may not be suitable for others. Specific

identification of surgery is important. There is some evidence to show that women who have

bariatric surgery before becoming pregnant are less likely to have children. Intrauterine

environment is crucial in a child’s development, and after bariatric surgery, a woman’s uterus is

less likely to contain substances within the amniotic fluid that can contribute to a child’s

likelihood of becoming obese. Patients who find wellness after bariatric surgery must adopt

healthy diet and exercise routine to sustain their health and fitness after the surgery.

Process of weight Loss:

o By reducing the size of the stomach with the help of an implanted medical device ensures the

person consumes less food and does not resort to overeating. The process is generally called

as gastric sleeve resection.

o Intestine bypassing surgery can also be carried out, thereby effectively curtailing the

absorption of in-taken food. This sort of treatment is termed as gastric bypass surgery.

Consult your surgeon before opting for bariatric surgery to understand the process and the pros

and cons.