bermuda undred nited methodist hurch 2025 florence...

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Page 1: BERMUDA UNDRED NITED METHODIST HURCH 2025 FLORENCE … · 6 Tom Myrick, Jr. 7 Cheryl Garrett, Megan Burke, Mary Simmons 9 Edna

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July 2014 Newsletter

Page 2: BERMUDA UNDRED NITED METHODIST HURCH 2025 FLORENCE … · 6 Tom Myrick, Jr. 7 Cheryl Garrett, Megan Burke, Mary Simmons 9 Edna

2014 The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want….

So begins the 23rd Psalm- a psalm many of memorized as

children. A psalm that has brought comfort to many us

throughout the years.

Years ago, I wrote and offered a bible study on the Psalms

and one woman in the class shared that she had a hard

time with Psalm 23. Rather than bring her comfort, it

made her sad, because her only connection to the psalm

was at funerals. It reminded her of the loss of her loved

ones, rather than the comfort of God our Shepherd. She

found through our class on the Psalms that she was able to reclaim the psalm as a place of comfort and create a

connection with it that became positive.

Psalm 23 meets us in many different ways and gives a strong foundation for our understanding of the Nature of


Knowing who God is defines our faith.

Knowing who God is has repercussions throughout our life.

When you know who God is, you can begin knowing who you are called to be, where you are called to go, what

you are called to do, and how all of that is possible.

The 23rd Psalm is a guide for our lives. It tells of our journey and of the promises and providing God gives

throughout our lives.

Continued on the next page:


We begin this sermon series this Sunday, July 6 with Psalm 23: 1-3.

The title of my Sermon is “The Lord is my Shepherd, I Shall Not Want”

We will explore how God provides, restores, and leads us.

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July Meetings in the Grundy Parlor: -The Finance Committee will at 6:45 PM on Tuesday, July 8th. -Church Council will meet at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, July 8th.

--The Nominating and Leadership Development Team Meeting will meet at noon on Sunday, July 13th.

-The Worship Team will meet at 6:30 PM on Thursday, July 24th. -SPRC will meet during the month of July. Date & Time TBA.

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church July 2014

Continued from the previous page

I pray that you can join us for this series exploring a beloved Psalm in a new way that restores our lives and nourishes our relationship with God and one another!

In God’s Love,

Pastor Beth

On Sunday, July 13 our sermon will focus on Psalm 23: 4.

We will grow in our understanding of how God is present always to comfort, guide, and challenge us.

Our series will wrap up on Sunday, July 20 with our focus on Psalm 23: 5-6 exploring how God’s abundance is real and overflowing in every situation.

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church July 2014

We will not meet on Sunday, July 6th. During the summer months, we're going to study single-week topics connecting current events to faith. Please visit our blog to stay updated on what we will be doing:

Thanks to ALL who contributed and assembled UMCOR Health Kits this year. We surpassed our goal of 305 kits and sent 313 kits to Annual Conference in June. There, over 41,000 kits were collected, and over 20,000 were Health Kits!

Just Coffee

Welcome New Members! Mark, Melissa, Trip, Radiley & Oscar Anderson 11601 Shallow Cove Drive

Chester, VA 23836


Email: [email protected]

Children: Trip, Radiley & Oscar

Joined: 4/20/14

Health Kits

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church July 2014

Babies are in bloom! At least at Bermuda

Hundred UMC! We have several babies who are

part of our church and we would like to have a

more permanent nursery area for them!

Once upon a time, we had a permanent nursery

area for children and we are bringing it back! We

have a crib coming to us by the end of July and we

will need other items for the nursery as well.

The nursery will be located across from the Chil-

dren's Church room downstairs and should be fully

functional by August!

Other items we will need for the church nursery: Diaper changing table, Rocking Chair, Diaper Genie/

Diaper Pail, Diaper Changing Table, Changing Table Sheets and covers, Crib Sheets, Receiving

Blankets, Baby Wipes, Baby Toys, Clorox Wipes, etc.

If you would like to donate items or funds or give of your time to help clean and spruce up the nursery

please contact Tabitha Strickler, Discipling Team Chair at: [email protected]

July 14-19 I will be taking a week of Study

Leave to work on sermon planning for the

next year.

Planning sermons a year out, gives time for

our Worship Team to plan creative and col-

laborative worship and our Discipling Team

to plan spiritually formative small groups.

Last year when I left for Study Leave, I left

with lots of wonderful feedback from all of

you about what kinds of sermons and sermon series you are seeking or feel our com-

munity would like to hear.

The most requested sermon and series last year were sermons on Forgiveness and that

is how we came to have a Sermon Series and small group on Forgiveness this past


Please email, or place in my mailbox at church any thoughts and suggestions you

have. You can email me at [email protected]

I look forward to hearing from you as together we listen to how God is calling in this

next year!

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The Prayer Shawl Ministry will not meet during the Summer and will resume in the Fall. See Lilly Enz for more information.

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church July 2014

Please note that the Keenagers will take a break for the

Summer and will meet again for lunch in the Fall. Keenagers spend time in fellowship going to lunch together on the first Thursday of the month.

We give thanks to God for the ministry our Director of Children and Youth Ministry Susanna Carson!

Susanna has blessed Bermuda Hundred UMC throughout the past seven months and made an impact on the lives and faith of our children and youth! As a result of her work with the youth group, Susanna has felt her passion for teaching grow and has begun the process to be-come certified to teach. And in this, she has chosen to step down from her work at Bermuda Hundred UMC to pursue her call to teach.

We will miss Susanna and her passion and en-ergy and we blessing in this new journey! We wish her much joy in teaching and we know that God continues to shine through her!

The Staff Parish Relations Committee will be meeting within the next week to discern the next steps forward. I ask you to join us in prayer and discernment as we listen to how God is calling us forward. We had a large turnout of children and youth volunteers to VBS (many who were new to our church) and we are excited to continue making disciples of Jesus Christ and helping all of our children and youth grow in their faith.

The youth have some mission projects and fun activities planned throughout the summer. This month in July the youth are invited to gather to make lunches for the homeless on Thursday, July 24 and serve lunch to the homeless on Friday, July 25. Both days we will meet at the church at 10am. The youth are looking at some fun activities like: bowling, skating, jumpology, and other fun activities. When UMYF kicks off in the fall we will have a draft of our programming calendar for youth for the year, begin our work to develop a Youth Council (with youth leaders to plan devotions, missions, etc.), and begin discerning a summer mission trip.

I give thanks for Bermuda Hundred UMC and our commitment to nurture children and youth in faith! Youth Group is an essential part of faith development and growing spiritually and together we can make sure our children and youth have the opportunity to know Christ, grow in Christ, and serve with Christ!

In God’s Love,

Pastor Beth

Blessings on a New Journey!

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church July 2014

United Methodist Women

We are glad to report we cleared $479.25 on the Fashion Show and Luncheon. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Elaine for leading this project. All monies from this project will go to Missions.

We sent 313 Health Kits to Conference. This was accomplished by the working together of the whole church. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Tabitha and Tammy for leading this project.

To all Young Ladies in the church there is a Young Women's Event ( age 18 thru 35) in Blackstone begin-ning Friday September 19th 5:00 pm Registration and 7:00 pm Dinner thru Saturday September 20th at 4:00 pm. Please put these dates on your calendar and plan to attend. Scholarships are available. Please let me know as soon as possible if you plan to attend.

Our next official meeting is Monday, September 15th in the Grundy Parlor at 7:00 pm.

-Doris Morefield, UMW President

Congratulations to our 2014 Confirmands! June 8, 2014

was Confirmation Sunday 2014 Confirmands are:

Allison Beaudoin, Kelsey Callahan,

Christiana Hodges, Jenna Mathis, & Christian Shier.

Ron & Phyllis Carpenter,

Tina Morris, Katie Sloan & Gary Starr, & Tabitha Strickler were recognized and

awarded a pin for completing the Disciple Bible Study Program on

Sunday, June 15th at the 11:00 am service.

(l-r) Jenna Mathis, Kelsey Callahan, Christiana Hodges, & Allison Beaudoin on Confirmation Sunday, June 8, 2014.

Disciple Recognition Sunday

(l-r) Gary Starr, Katie Sloan, Tina Morris, Tabitha Strickler, Ron & Phyllis Carpenter

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church July 2014

The UMM last met in May and won't meet again until August 19th. We hope you are having a great Sum-mer, with lots of vacation time planned. My family would take several short vacations to visit Thomas Jef-ferson, Abraham Lincoln, Virginia Beach, and the beautiful mountains of Virginia. Enjoy your Summer and mark your calendars for the August meeting.

Charles Woodard, UMM President

United Methodist Men

Photos from Vacation Bible School

Thank you to Sandy Forbes for taking photos during VBS! These photos and many more can be found on the church Facebook page. Like us on Facebook at:

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church July 2014

1 Tyler Craddock

2 Evan Nunery, Mark Anderson

4 Pam Myrick, Lucas Sage

6 Tom Myrick, Jr.

7 Cheryl Garrett, Megan Burke, Mary Simmons

9 Edna Sherrill

10 Hunter White

12 Barbara Alexander

13 Kathleen McNinch

17 Mattie Rogers

18 Richard Enz, Tabitha Strickler

21 Jeremy Marshall

22 Josh Webner

23 Michael Marshall

24 Aamina Rosier

25 Bob Collie. Emilee Carpenter, Keith Weiszbrod

27 Ann Coker, Kyle McTernan

28 Mark Strickler

30 Joseph Rickman, James Manor

We have two events for Missions in July. The first event is a Food Drive for Our Daily Food Pantry which will take place from Sunday, July 6th through Sunday, July 27th. The non perishable food that is needed the most is cereal, peanut butter, jelly and the canned goods, mixed vegetable, carrots, peas and potatoes. There will be a collection bin at the bottom of the stairs. Would you like to make an IMPACT on someone’s life? Our church will be going to Petersburg to help feed some hungry people through Down-

town Churches United Feeding Ministry. The date is set for Friday, July 25th from 10:00 am till 2:00 pm. The church is Third Baptist, located at 550 Farmer Street in Petersburg. We’ll be serving subs, potato chips and pasta salad. If you are able, please come on Thursday, July 24th at 10:00 am and help prepare the meal. Ann McNinch, Missions Chair


Ann McNinch would like to thank all of you for your generosity with food and monetary donations to the Backpack Program! During the school year, our church provides weekend snacks for children who are in need. We now assist ten children at three of the local elementary schools. We are finished with collecting items for this 2013-2014 school year and will accept donations of food items again in August. You are also invited to contribute monetarily to the Backpack Program. Please write your check to BHUMC and put “Backpack Program” in your check memo.

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8:30 AM



Marc & Mindy Wilts Neil & Ditty

Mooney Glen Mitteer

Charlie & Elaine

Ruxton /Youth

11:00 AM



Betty & Sandy Forbes Helen & Earl Hogarth Ann & Owens McNinch Youth

Acolytes Tyler Woodell &TBA Jeremy Gutshall &

Kelsey Callahan

Caitlin LaRue &

Savannah Talley



Lay Ser-

vant Liz Carter McDonough Tyler Craddock Tyler Craddock Tina Morris



Kevin Anderson

Bill Talley Jessica Mathis Meredith Steinbraker




Summer Break


Summer Break


Summer Break


Summer Break

Altar Guild for July: Nancy Byrd & Doris & Stuart Morefield

If you cannot serve on your assigned Sunday, please call your contact as soon as possible:

8:30 AM Ushers/Greeters: Mindy Wilts at 586-7195

11:00 AM Ushers/Greeters: Sandy Forbes at 530-2055

Acolytes: Sheila LaRue at 454-1284

Altar Guild: Nancy Byrd at 530-5319

July 2014 Sunday Servants

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church July 2014

Photos from Worship on the Water

We are very grateful to Eve Gray and Evelyn Tucker for welcoming us to Bermuda Hundred, their home, for a special 11:00 am worship service on Sunday, June 29. Christian Shier, Sandra Miller and Cathy Weikert(Mindy Wilts’ mother and aunt) were baptized in the river. Dwight Harro provided the music for Worship on the Water.

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Thank You!

Thank you Bermuda Hundred UMC for opening the doors of the church for an amazing Vacation Bible School this year!

I am so very thankful for our VBS Director, Pam Winn and for all our amazing Volunteers who have made this week possible!

When you see these folks- please tell them THANK YOU! Some of our VBS Volunteers this week were: Blake Britt, Nathan Cole, Brenton Hamlett, Faith Hamlett, Jared Kelley, Savannah Hodges, Kailey Craddock, Jeremy Gutshall, Jordan Dorbra, Kathleen McNinch, Jared McDonough, Jessica McDonough, Mindy Cline, Dylan Craddock, Melinda Hodges, Kelly Manor, Ditty Mooney, Vickie McCormick, Debbie Winn, Tabitha Strickler, Jason Coker, Ann Coker, Meredith Steinbraker, Rebecca Alexander, Jessica Mathis, Lisa Crowder, Sean McCormick, April Booth, Laurel Sage, Stacy Woodell, Betty Forbes, Margaret Reynolds, Susanna Carson, Kevin Anderson, Sandy Forbes, Katie Sloan, Ann McNinch, Tracy Craddock, Kathleen Frick, Ola Wyatt, Mattie Rogers, Peggy Proper and many, many others!

We have had over 100 children registered, 83+ children attending, 15 Youth Volunteers and 30+ Adult Volunteers!

We learned how we can Imagine With God, Build with God, Grow with God, Work with God, and Walk with God in our lives!

We learned about Queen Esther, Zerubbabel and the building of the temple, mustard seeds and faith, and so much more!

We had fun with Science, made Crafts, and played fun games!

It has been amazing to welcome so many children and families into our church! We want to continue growing in faith with these families!

As part our Outreach. Pastor Beth will be setting up times to visit these VBS families with church members. If you would like to be part of this Outreach Ministry, please let Pastor Beth know.