beowulf. archetype is a greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” in literature and art...

Beowulf Archetypes in Literature

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Page 1: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,


Archetypes in Literature

Page 2: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.”

In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works, in different cultures, and in different periods of time.

Can you think of any stories of image patterns that have been repeated in movies, books, or even commercials?

Definition of Archetype

Page 3: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

They are the basic building blocks of stories that all writers use to create a world in which readers can escape.

Without communicating about archetypes, all cultures around the world use them to build their stories. This is called Collective Unconscious (term coined by Carl Jung).

Examples or archetypes are: the hero, the outcast, the battle between good and evil

What is an archetype?

Page 4: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Quest—This motif describes the search for someone or some talisman which, when found and brought back, will restore fertility to a wasted land, the desolation of which is mirrored by a leader’s illness and disability. (Ex. The Lion King, Galahad’s search for the Holy Grail).

Beowulf’s search for glory. Corresponds to Flight in ppt. To search for…

Situation Archetype

Page 5: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Task—To save the kingdom, to win the fair lady, to identify himself so that he may resume his rightful position, the hero must perform some nearly superhuman deed. NOT THE SAME AS THE QUEST—A FUNCTION OF THE ULTIMATE GOAL, THE RESTORATION OF ORDER. In many myths and stories, the hero must complete multiple Tasks before completing the Quest. (Ex. Frodo must arrive at Rivendale, Arthur pulls Excalibur from the stone). To do…

Situation Archetype

Page 6: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Journey—The journey sends the hero in search for some truth or information necessary to restore fertility to the kingdom. Usually the hero descends into a real or psychological hell and is forced to discover the blackest truths, quite often concerning his own faults. Once the hero is at this lowest point, he must accept personal responsibility to return to the world of the living. (Ex. The Odyssey, The Fellowship of the Rings). To go…

Situation Archetype

Page 7: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Initiation—This archetype usually takes the form of an initiation into adult life. The adolescent comes into his maturity with new awareness (and problems) along with new hope for the community. This awakening is often the climax of the story. (Ex. Huck Finn, The Hobbit). Corresponds to Test in ppt.

Situation Archetype

Page 8: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Fall—This archetype describes a descent from a higher to a lower state of being. The experience involves a defilement and/or loss of innocence and bliss. The fall is often accompanied by expulsion from a kind of paradise as penalty for disobedience and moral transgression. (Ex. Adam and Eve, Lancelot and Guinevere).

Beowulf descends into Grendel’s lair. Beowulf’s arrogance about his prowess costs him his life. Corresponds to Crossing the Threshold in ppt.

Situation Archetype

Page 9: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Battle between Good and Evil—The battle between two primal forces. Mankind shows eternal optimism in the continual portrayal of good triumphing over evil despite great odds. ( Ex. Forces of Sauron and Middle Earth in Lord of the Rings).

Final battle between Beowulf and Grendel’s mother.

Situation Archetype

Page 10: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Death and Rebirth—The most common of all situational archetypes, this motif grows out of the parallel between the cycle of nature and the cycle of life. Thus, morning and springtime represent birth, youth or rebirth; evening and winter suggest old age or death. Corresponds to Return in ppt.

Situation Archetype

Page 11: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,


Forest/Trees/Gardens = life, proliferation, immortality

Mountains and Peaks = Gain insight, spiritual, powerful

Rivers= journeys, decisions, paths to be crossed

The Sea = Good/Evil/ human subconscious

Tower/Castle = Power, human pride, and folly, protection

Islands = Isolation with positive/negative effects

Deserts/Wastelands = Emotional and physical wasteland

The underworld (HELL) (caves, tunnels, "death", mazes) = Discovering one's self, death, unknown

Setting archetypes

Page 12: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Light versus Darkness—Light usually suggests hope renewal, or intellectual illumination; darkness implies the unknown, ignorance, or despair.

Corresponds to Crossing the Threshold in ppt.

Symbolic Archetypes

Page 13: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Fire versus Ice—Fire represents knowledge, light, life, and rebirth, while ice, like desert represents ignorance, darkness, sterility, and death. When humans began to control fire, they began to control their environment and their lives. Beowulf’s funeral pyre. He asks Wiglaf to pass on knowledge.

Symbolic Archetype

Page 14: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Haven versus Wilderness— Places of safety contrast sharply against the dangerous wilderness. Heroes are often sheltered for a time to regain health and resources. (Ex. Batcave, Camelot, Rivendale).

Herot Hall is the haven.

Symbolic Archetype

Page 15: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Heaven vs. Hell ----Man has traditionally associated parts of the universe not accessible to him with the dwelling places of the forces that govern his world. The mountain tops and skies house his gods; the depths of the earth contain diabolical forces that inhabit his universe.

Grendel’s lair

Symbolic Archetype

Page 16: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Black: Death/mourning, emotional darkness, hidden desires/instincts, un-enlightenment. Black: darkness, chaos, mystery, the unknown, death, wisdom, evil, melancholy.

•     Blue: The color of the spirit, the spiritual, the heavenly, the divine, intuition, inspiration. Has the association with the unconscious and feminine qualities.

Color archetypes

Page 17: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Color archetype

Green: In positive terms, Mother Nature, fertility, hope, renewal, health, youth, harmony, prosperity. The color of sensual and spiritual passion. •     Orange: Balance, creative expression, pride and ambition, cruelty, ferocity, luxury. As the color of fire, can represent burning away impurities./  Fire from hell.  

Page 18: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Purple: The color of royalty, imperial power, pride, justice, intuition, wisdom, truth. As a blend of red and blue, it is the color of authority/ power and the wisdom to know how to use it.

•     Red: Blood, life, life-force; embarrassment, anger; fire, lust, passion. Associated with activity, energy, courage, will power, and war.

Color archetypes

Page 19: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

White: Purity, holiness, sacredness, redemption, mystical enlightenment, innocence, joy, light and life it is transcendent perfection. It signifies the union of opposites to form a whole as well as the symbolic death of transformation and renewal.

•     Yellow: The sun, illumination, intellect and generosity, maturity. The color of fire and thus the purification of flame. Yellow: enlightenment, wisdom.

Color archetypes

Page 20: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Hero—This archetype is so well defined that the life of the protagonist can be clearly divided into a series of well-marked adventures which strongly suggest a pattern. The circumstances around his conception are unusual, and at birth some attempt is made to kill him. He is, however, spirited away and reared by foster parents. Almost nothing is known about his childhood, but upon reaching manhood he returns to his future kingdom.

Character Archetypes

Page 21: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

After a victory over the king or a wild beast, he marries a princess, becomes king, reigns uneventfully, but later loses favor with the gods. He is then driven from city after which he meets a mysterious death, often at the top of a hill. His body is not buried, but nevertheless, he has one or more holy sepulchers. (Ex. Christ, Perseus, Arthur, Robin Hood, Frodo).

Character Archetype-Hero cont.

Page 22: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 23: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 24: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 25: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Initiate—These are young heroes or heroines who, prior to their quest, must endure some training and ceremony. They are usually innocent and often wear white. (Ex. Arthur, Daniel in The Karate Kid).

Beowulf’s repeated attempts to slay Grendel

Character Archetype

Page 26: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 27: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 28: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Loyal Retainer—This individual is a servant who is heroic. His duty is to protect the hero and reflect the nobility of the hero. (Ex. R2D2-C3PO, Robin and Batman, Little John & Robin Hood).Beowulf’s men. Wiglaf in particular.

Character Archetype

Page 29: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 30: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 31: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Character Archetype

The Devil Figure

• Totally evil

• Offers worldly goods, fame, or knowledge in exchange for the possession of the soul.

• Wishes to corrupt the protagonist, and thereby destroy him or her.

Page 32: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 33: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 34: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

Character Archetype

Mentors• Mentors serve as teachers or

counselors to the heroes.• Sometimes they work as role

models.• Sometimes they serve as a

father or mother figure.

Page 35: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 36: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 37: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Outcast—A figure who is banished from a social group for some crime (real or imagined) against his fellow man. Sometimes the outcast can rise above his circumstance and become a hero or an assistant to the hero. (Ex. Simba, Snow White, Romeo, Robin Hood).Grendel

Character Archetype

Page 38: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 39: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 40: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Creature of Nightmare—A monster usually summoned from the deepest, darkest part of the human psyche to threaten the lives of the hero/heroine. Often it is a perversion or desecration of the human body. (Ex. Werewolves, vampires, Frankenstein, Marshmallow Man from Ghost Busters, Freddy Kruger).Grendel, Grendel’s mother.

Character Archetype

Page 41: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 42: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,
Page 43: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,

The Scapegoat—An animal or more usually a human whose death in a public ceremony expiates some taint or sin that has been visited upon a community. Their death often makes them a more powerful force in the society than when they lived. Grendel. His death results in his mother’s powerful rage

Character Archetype

Page 44: Beowulf. Archetype is a Greek word meaning “original pattern or model.” In literature and art archetype is an image that reoccurs in different works,