benefits of learning history-hoang ha

NGUYỄN HOÀNG HÀ The benefits of learning History. Some students think that history is a boring range of events, dates in the past which cannot be used in practice. However, in my point of view(it is personally believed that learning history is very important, it is much of benefit to students. First of all, history is a collection of solutions to many questions in reality. Unlike what people often say, history is a long story, which can be told to improve the solving-problem skill of students. The way the commander-in-chief lead the combatant arms, the burst of counter-insurgencies, how diplomatic corps work are what can be applied in the real life. Not only having the practicability, learning history also has edeological effects on the students. For example, in the war time, the love of the country and the altruism between people are shown vehemently. So when learning about that time, the love of country and people of students is awaken. It can also make students pay their duty to the predecessor. The third advantage of learning history is that it helps us have a good memory. When learners try to commit all the events and dates to their memory, they have to use their brain and focus their attention on it. If students try to learn it time to time, they will gradually get used to engraving everything to their mind. In conclusion, although history is a difficult subject, it can not be denied that it improves the students’edeology,

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Page 1: Benefits of Learning History-hoang Ha


The benefits of learning History.

Some students think that history is a boring range of events, dates in the past which cannot be used in practice. However, in my point of view(it is personally believed that learning history is very important, it is much of benefit to students. First of all, history is a collection of solutions to many questions in reality. Unlike what people often say, history is a long story, which can be told to improve the solving-problem skill of students. The way the commander-in-chief lead the combatant arms, the burst of counter-insurgencies, how diplomatic corps work are what can be applied in the real life. Not only having the practicability, learning history also has edeological effects on the students. For example, in the war time, the love of the country and the altruism between people are shown vehemently. So when learning about that time, the love of country and people of students is awaken. It can also make students pay their duty to the predecessor. The third advantage of learning history is that it helps us have a good memory. When learners try to commit all the events and dates to their memory, they have to use their brain and focus their attention on it. If students try to learn it time to time, they will gradually get used to engraving everything to their mind. In conclusion, although history is a difficult subject, it can not be denied that it improves the students’edeology, skill and so on. History, in short, is a great subject.