benefit of women in climate change adaptation: the case of simlesa

Southern Africa Regional ‘Beating Famine Conference’ 14 – 17 April, 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi Benefit of Women in Climate Change Adaptation: In The Case of SIMLESA Rehima Mussema

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Page 1: Benefit of Women in Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of SIMLESA

Southern Africa Regional ‘Beating Famine Conference’14 – 17 April, 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi

Benefit of Women in Climate Change Adaptation: In The Case of SIMLESA

Rehima Mussema

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• Climate change affects agriculture and food production in complex ways

• Climate change affects men and women differently

• The inequitable access to resources, information, less decision power as well cultural rules and norms constrains women ability to take action on climate change

• Therefore, gender is a critical factor in understanding vulnerability to climate change


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Adoption of new techniques and technologies will have to complement preventive strategies.

technological developments (new crop varieties, drought/diseaseresistant/early matured, new breeds, etc)

production practices (change use of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides, diversification and irrigation changing planting dates, planting tree, mulching, etc).

soil conservation, and new/improved land use and management practices


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• Introduction of new technologies

• Sustainable intensification (SI) options:

maize-legume cropping systems that show considerable promise in boosting productivity and helping reverse the decline in soil fertility

CA that minimize soil disturbance and maintain permanent organic matter soil cover


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Key Message Sustainable intensification offers

viable options for beating famine

Sustainable intensification approaches need to place women and men farmers on equal terms - at the center of R&D

SIMLESA Framework offers lessons for gender responsive technology testing, scaling, and capacity strengthening

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Challenge Gender gaps and lags in food security and in adoption of SI

options due to socio-economic

Failure to recognize the salience of women in male headed households – who influence decisions on jointly managed plots

Gender gaps in participation in agricultural value chains

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Principles for SIMLESA Gender Framework

Recognize that men and women may face different constraints and opportunities

Acknowledge that men and women may have different needs, preferences and aspirations

Men and women may be impacted differently by SI options

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Gender Responsive Sustainable Intensification R&D in SIMLESA

Understanding and designing

technologies for women

Strengthening capacity for gender responsive R&D

Strengthening inclusive scaling


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Understanding and designing technologies for women

Providing equal opportunities to participate in on station evaluations, to host on farm trials, demos and field days

Asking the right questions and using inclusive approaches in gathering evidence

SIMLESA Framework for Gender Responsive SI

Strengthening Inclusive Scaling Options

Fostering inclusive agricultural IPs that: Bridge gender knowledge

gaps Integrate women and men

equally in value chains Ensure equal access,

effective participation, and leadership

Strengthening gender capacity through coaching and training teams and individuals working on above

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Lessons It is possible to be intentional – and ambitious – about gender

equitable adoption of SI options to improve human wellbeing

In some contexts, some SI options compound drudgery for women (Kandiwa et al forthcoming)

Understand women in poor farm households benefited from a decrease in labor pressure (Maguzu and others 2007).

Equitable scaling outcomes do not happen by accident, they have to be nurtured (Misiko, 2014)

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