bemo alan janet 1985 thailand

CHIANGMAI / f T lte  emo^d Soj.ounting.3 in  Uhailand  By faith they sojourned In t he land looking forward to a city which h as foundations, whose builder a n d maker is God. HEB. 1 1: 8- 10 Alan and Janet Bemo B o x 1 60 Chlangmal,Thailand Forwarding Agent: Linda Goerke R.R. 1, King City, Missouri64463 January, 1985 Dear Co-Fighters, . . be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the de vi l' s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and bl oo but against the rule rs , against the au thorit ies , against the Powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil, in the heavenly realms . . . And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Eph. 6: 10-18 Since I wrote last all kinds of things have happened. There have been two more armed robberies on the road to Piang Luang — one just an hour and a half in front o f us as we were coming out one day. Our clock an d over 2,000 Baht were stolen out of our house in Piang Luang. Three more landmines have been discovered in Bing Luang. It is rumored that a big opium war-lord has died and that a big opium war is getting ready to be waged. One man had to be disciplined from the Church because of immorality. The devil is behind all of this. He and his angels and government are the rulers, authorities. Powers of this dark world and spiritual forces in the heavenly realms that weare to be fighting against No physical battles are going to be won except when won in parallel in the spiritual realm. Weare not in danger from theives, bandits, opium war-lords, spies or soldiers. We are in danger from the devil. Weare no more in danger than you are — the devil is roaming around like a hungry roaring lion trying to devour every one of us and God's church. It is only through spiritual warfare that any of us will make it. Which is more dangerous — bullets, land mines, bad roads, or immorality, greed, lust, hate, envy, an d faithlessness. The latter are because they have eternal consequences. The Shan commander in our areas is said to be a very religious buddhist. He is not Buddhist but is very religious meditating ofte and doing spiritual warfare. He is calling on the evil spirits to help him and his cause, which are led by the above mentioned desires of the flesh. All of these factions in Northern Thailand are very religious in the very same way. When you come to visit us I want to show you a temple with all kinds of mock weapons in it. Their fighting is backed by much religious activity. This is why there are hardly any Christians among the Shan and why they will remain bound up unless weapproach themwith much Prayer. Now wecan go directly to the throne of God, through Jesus Christ, and do spiritual warfare. He is the highest authority in th e heavenlies. H e is th e Lord o f Hosts. He is th e Go d of David who defeated Goliath. H e is the Lord Go d who manipulated Babylon, Persia, and Rome. And He has given us a position to have terrific effect in the world today. Praise Jehovah It is precisely because of Prayer that things are happening here. Not what your support is doing or our efforts. Without Prayer these are nothing. We have been praying for the upbuilding of the Chinese Church in Northern Thailand. In the last five years great strides have been made in this area. It is getting difficult to find Chinese communities where the gospel has not be en preachedand there are Christians. There are stilla few. Withina yearthe Churchin Piang Luang has doubled and isgrowingin quality. Just a fewyears ago there wereno Christians among the Shan. God isanswering Pray er s Shans havestarted Bibletraining in the last year in Burma in order to Preach among their own people. And just this month Paul and Cathy Lang and Walter and Jeanette Ridgley have moved up in our valley to start evangelising among the Shans and Northern Thais. This is an answer to prayer. And much more will be accomplished if you and I continue to pray. I should say start to pray. Let's stop praying, Protect and bless the missionaries, but pray, clothe them with your whole armor an d pu t them in the battle. Let your kingdom come to earth as it is in heaven whether by ou r life or death. May every Power in the heavenlies be brought under your subjection as the Gospel is Preached.

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