bellringerfebruary 22, 2012

BellringerFebruary 22, 2012 Take out something to write with Grab your clicker Take everything else off of your desk

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BellringerFebruary 22, 2012. Take out something to write with Grab your clicker Take everything else off of your desk. February 22, 2012. Chapter 14, Section 3: Life in Medieval Japan. Objective. Today we will be learning about religion’s influence on medieval Japan. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: BellringerFebruary 22, 2012

Bellringer February 22, 2012 Take out something to write with

Grab your clicker

Take everything else off of your desk

Page 2: BellringerFebruary 22, 2012




February 22, 2012

Page 3: BellringerFebruary 22, 2012

ObjectiveToday we will be learning about

religion’s influence on

medieval Japan.

Page 4: BellringerFebruary 22, 2012

Japanese Religion & Culture *Most Japanese

believe in both Buddhism & Shinto, but each religion had different beliefs or customs

*Shinto believed in the concern of daily life

*Buddhism believed in the life after death

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Japanese Religion & Culture Different Sects of

Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism

○ *Began in India & spread to China & Korea.

○ Other sects branch from MB

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Japanese Religion & Culture Pure Land Buddhism

* A type of MB *A great life after death.

*Amida, the Buddha of love and mercy.

*They say that he found a paradise above the clouds and to get there, you had to have faith in Amida.

Page 7: BellringerFebruary 22, 2012

Japanese Religion & Culture Zen Buddhism

*Find inner peace through self-control and a simple life.

*Learned martial arts, or sports that involve combat and self-defense.

*Practiced meditation, or sitting cross-legged for hours, with a mind clear of all thoughts and desires.

Page 8: BellringerFebruary 22, 2012

Japanese Religion & Culture *The arts of Japan

revealed the Japanese love of beauty and simplicity.

*Artisans made statues, furniture, & household items. They would put a shiny black and red coating, or lacquer.

Page 9: BellringerFebruary 22, 2012

Japanese Religion & Culture *Japanese also

made origami. This was a way of folding paper into decorations.

*Buddhist monks and samurai made a ceremony for drinking tea.

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Japanese Religion & Culture Shinto shrines were

built by a natural feature that was beautiful.

The shrines usually only had a single room.

*The entrance of the Shinto shrine was through a sacred gate, or torii.

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Japanese Religion & Culture *During the middle

ages the Japanese wrote many stories, poems, and plays.

They used a borrowed Chinese writing system.

*A.D. 800s – they added symbols that stood for sounds.

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Japanese Religion & Culture *Calligraphy was

used in these. This is the art of writing beautifully.

*Tanka was the oldest form of poetry. It was a five-lined poem that did not rhyme.

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Japanese Religion & Culture *Murasaki Shikibu

wrote The Tale of Genji. (Maybe the world’s first novel.)

*The Tale of Heike was novel about the fight btw Taira & Minamoto clans.

*Noh was a type of play that used masks

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Economy & Society *Wealthy class:

emperor, nobles w/the emperor, & military officials.

*Most Japanese were poor farmers.

*Japanese farmers provided most of Japan’s wealth.

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Economy & Society *In the 1100s, they

used better irrigation. This made their job easier.

*Artisans started making weapons, armor, and tools.

*Kyoto became a major center of trade in Japan.

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Economy & Society *There,

merchants/artisans made guilds, or za, to protect their profits.

*Japan also increased trade w/Korea, China, & SE Asia.

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Economy & Society *During the Middle

Ages, Japan had extended families.

*The man was the head of the family.

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Economy & Society *Under Prince

Shotoku, women had a high place in society.

*During the warrior society, women lost their freedoms.

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Economy & Society *On farms, women

worked for a long time. They also cooked and cared for the children.

*In town, women helped run the family business & ran the home

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Economy & Society Despite this, women

still made an impact.

*Tomoe was a famous female samurai.

She was described in The Tale of the Heike.

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