behaviour management on placement

Behaviour management on placement Behaviour management within a school is to help children understand what is acceptable and unacceptable in certain environments (in this case school) and take responsibility for themselves. Alongside the encouragement of positive behaviour, children also need to understand consequences of inappropriate actions. Behaviour policy is not necessarily about rule enforcement but instead to promote good relationships so that people can work together with common purpose and help everyone to learn. Placement school has 2 policies: Children have the right to learn in an environment, which is free from disruption. Teachers have the right to teach in an environment, which is free from disruption. Good behaviour: Smiley face – the children in the class will first get placed onto the smiley face if they have achieved anything or have shown positive attitude within the classroom. At the end of the day if they still remain on the smiley face then they receive a sticker for their own individual sticker charts. Sticker charts – all children in the class have their own personal sticker chart. The aim is to fill it up throughout school time with stickers that have been rewarded for positive behaviour. The first time they fill it up they receive a ‘bronze’ certificate in the rewards assembly as well as a prize. The second time is silver and the third gold. Rewards: Individual praise, smiles and comments for positive behaviour. Praise for the individual in front of the whole class. Stickers and sticker charts.

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Post on 23-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Behaviour management on placement

Behaviour management on placement

Behaviour management within a school is to help children understand what is acceptable and unacceptable in certain environments (in this case school) and take responsibility for themselves. Alongside the encouragement of positive behaviour, children also need to understand consequences of inappropriate actions. Behaviour policy is not necessarily about rule enforcement but instead to promote good relationships so that people can work together with common purpose and help everyone to learn.

Placement school has 2 policies: Children have the right to learn in an environment, which is free from

disruption. Teachers have the right to teach in an environment, which is free from


Good behaviour: Smiley face – the children in the class will first get placed onto the smiley face if they have achieved anything or have shown positive attitude within the classroom. At the end of the day if they still remain on the smiley face then they receive a sticker for their own individual sticker charts.Sticker charts – all children in the class have their own personal sticker chart. The aim is to fill it up throughout school time with stickers that have been rewarded for positive behaviour. The first time they fill it up they receive a ‘bronze’ certificate in the rewards assembly as well as a prize. The second time is silver and the third gold.

Rewards: Individual praise, smiles and comments for positive behaviour. Praise for the individual in front of the whole class. Stickers and sticker charts. “Always” raffle tickets at the end of each term – to recognise the children

that are always displaying positive behaviour. Certificates Whole class rewards – tidy classroom trophy etc. Name mentioned in the school newsletter.

Bad behaviour: Sad face – The teacher has this upon the wall and is started fresh each morning. If children display unnecessary behaviour that breaks the schools rules they will be put onto the sad face. The children that are on the sad face then have till the end of the day to reflect on the poor behaviour that they demonstrated, and apologise to whom is necessary. It is possible for them to work themselves off the sad face, and even make it onto the happy face.