beginnings of vocational education david agnew. historical look at apprenticeship programs

Beginnings of Vocational Education David Agnew

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Beginnings of Vocational Education

David Agnew

Historical look at Apprenticeship Programs

What is an Apprenticeship?

Form of instruction in which a novice learns from a master of a craft or artPurpose was to provide a type of education in exchange for work.Oldest Type of Vo Ed.Involved a formal binding agreement that required the employer (Master) to provide formal training in return for work

History of Apprenticeships

Until the late 19th century apprenticeship was the only means for people to acquire skills for most occupations.

Used in Vocational areas as well as Medicine and Law.

The Industrial revolution helped to bring this method almost to a complete stop by the mid to late 1800s.

History of Apprenticeships –2

1562 The Statue of Artificers transfor Apprenticeship programs from local to a national system.

English Poor law of 1601 allowed churches to place children of the poor under a Master apprentice so they could learn a skill.

History of Apprenticeships –3

Two kinds of apprenticeshipsVoluntary


Provisions of the Master were….

Reasons for decline in America

Apprenticeships in Recent History

1934 Federal committee createdIn 1940 11 states had enacted Apprenticeship laws. 1990s saw a new interest in apprenticeshipsDepartment of Labor provides federal oversightDWE has person who is the lasion with DOL Two types

Youth Adults

Department of Labor provides federal oversight

The Office of Apprenticeship, is responsible for developing materials and conducting a program of public awareness to secure the adoption of training in skilled occupations and related training policies and practices used by employers, unions, and other organizations; developing policies and plans to enhance opportunities for minority and female participation in skilled training; and coordinating the effective use of Federal, labor, and resources to create a clear training-to-employment corridor for customers of the workforce development system. OA engages in partnership activities, ensuring quality service and customer satisfaction. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Write or call the Office of Apprenticeship, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, D.C. at (202) 693-3812. You may also contact your nearest OA Regional Office.

National Apprenticeship Acthonored with a stamp--1962

Apprenticeships continue today:

Adult YouthState LevelNational LevelMost every night of the week you can go to Delta Technical Institute here in Jonesboro and find apprenticeship classes being conducted in electricity, plumbing, etc…..

The Land Grant CollegeWith Commentary from Kemp P. Battle (President of the University of North Carolina, 1876-1891)

and Leonidas L. Polk (President, National Farmers Alliance, Populist Party Founder, NC Grange

Leader, Commissioner of Agriculture and Founder of the Progressive Farmer Magazine)

Colleges - 1860










No Science Science

Less than 3% of the Colleges had Departments of Science. The emphasis was on the liberal arts.

Less than 3% of the Colleges had Departments of Science. The emphasis was on the liberal arts.

Background Information

1851 - Jonathan Baldwin Turner of Illinois proposed a new model for higher education. He said there were:

Two classes of people• Well-to-do people


• Industrial Classes No university

Background Information

Turner’s Industrial University Plan (1851)Experimental Farm

Lectures would be held during cold weather

all types of livestock and crops

Turner’s Plan (1851)

Dormitories and buildings

Commencement to be like a fair

Funding to come from the Central Government

Designed for the industrial classes


Advocated federal land grants to support such universities (1852)

Convinced Representative Yates of Illinois to introduce a Bill into Congress (1854)

Yates was defeated

Senator Justin Morrill (Vt.)

Introduced a resolution to Congress in 1856 to establish a national agricultural college (like the naval academy)

Resolution failed

Morrill Bill

Turner sends all his land grant information and ideas to MorrillMorrill introduces land grants acts in 1857, 1858 and 18591859 bill passes both houses but is vetoed.

Southerners were opposed to the bill because it infringed on state rights. President Buchanan was concerned that Southerners might secede if he signed the bill.

Morrill Act

1862 - Morrill Act finally enacted (however, North Carolina had seceded from the Union and was not eligible to receive the benefits of the act)

The Morrill Act of 1862

Gave federal lands to each state to sell to support the establishment of a collegeStates received 30,000 acres per senator and representative in CongressIf no public lands were left in the state, land in other states (generally out west) was given to states to sell in the form of “land scrip”

The Morrill Act of 1862

The money generated from the sale of lands was to be invested and the income generated was to support the college.

Funds could not be used to build buildings. It was expected the state would furnish this.

Morrill Act - Purpose

“to the endowment, support, and maintenance of at least one college where the leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies and including military tactics, to teach such branches of learning as are related to agriculture and the mechanic order to promote the liberal and practical education of the industrial classes in the several pursuits and professions in life.”

Morrill Act - Accountability

“An annual report shall be made regarding the progress of each college, recording any improvements and experiments made, with their costs and results, and such other matters, including State industrial and economical statistics, as may be supposed useful; copy to the Secretary of the Interior”

The Failure of the University of North

Carolina as the Land-grant College

As viewed by Leonidas Polk

Background InformationBorn in Anson County, 1837 (died 1892)Attended Davidson and studied agriculturePlantation ManagerConfederate Colonel State Grange LeaderInfluential in creating the Board of AgriculturePresident, National Farmers AllianceFounder, Progressive FarmerU.S. Presidential Candidate, Populist Party

The Truth

The University of North Carolina was never serious about teaching agriculture

President Battle was primarily concerned with using the land-grant funds to support the general work of the university

He interpreted the Morrill Act to his own way of thinking

Agricultural Education

1823 - Governor Gabriel Holmes recommended the purchase of a farm near the University of North Carolina. The farm was “to be put under the care of a scientific and practical farmer” on which experiments could be conducted. It didn’t happen.

Agricultural Education

1844 - Governor Morehead made a recommendation similar to that of Holmes. He also advocated the establishment of an agricultural professorship at UNC or the creation of a school where agriculture might be taught.

Agricultural Education

In 1872 I called for "an agricultural college somewhere in North Carolina…” At this time the University of North Carolina was closed

Agricultural Education

1886 – this editoral appeared in the August 25 issue of Progressive Farmer:

"After a period of eleven years of laborious effort, and with an expenditure of $82,500 of money given our people by the government, …


... we have at last succeeded in getting a College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts. It is a model of architectural beauty and admirably equipped in all its departments. It is located on the forty-eighth page of the catalog of the University...


...The catalog says that 'two courses are offered' in this elegant paper college. 'Offered' is a good word! These 'courses' we presume, have been 'offered' to our farmer boys for these eleven years, but we search the catalog in vain to find one who has availed himself of the offer."

The Second Morrill Act

It was evident early on that the original Morrill Act did not provide enough funds to adequately establish the new colleges

land sold for less than expected

money couldn’t be used to erect buildings

original money was to serve as an endowment

2nd Morrill Act

Morrill introduced legislation providing more money to support land-grant colleges in:



and in six other years prior to 1890

The legislation failed each time

2nd Morrill Act

Why did the legislation fail?Public’s perceptions of land-grant colleges was less than favorable

Northerners didn’t want southern states to benefit from the legislation because of segregation

2nd Morrill Act

2nd Morrill Act finally passed in 1890Three major components to the bill

• 1. Provided more funding for land grant colleges Each state would have direct, annual appropriations Sum would eventually reach $25,000 per year

2nd Morrill Act

Three major components to the bill• 2. Greater accountability

subjects to be taught were specified: “ instruction in agriculture, the mechanic arts, the

English language and the various branches of mathematical, physical, natural, and economic science, with special reference to their applications in the industries of life, and to facilities for such instruction’

2nd Morrill ActThree major components to the bill

• 2. Greater accountability More detailed annual reports required

“An annual report by the president of each of said colleges shall be made to the Secretary of Agriculture, as well as to the Secretary of the Interior, regarding the condition and progress of each college, including statistical information in relation to its receipts and expenditures, its library, the number of its students and professors, and also as to any improvements and experiments made under the direction of any experiment stations attached to said colleges”

2nd Morrill Act

Three major components to the bill• 3. Black land grant colleges established

“no money shall be paid out under this act to any State or Territory for the support and maintenance of a college where a distinction of race or color is made in the admission of students, but the establishment and maintenance of such colleges separately for white and colored students shall be held to be a compliance with the provisions of this act if the funds received in such State or Territory be equitably divided as hereinafter set forth”

2nd Morrill Act

Legislation said money should be divided equitably

• There is a big difference between equal and equitable

• State legislature was to determine what equitable meant

• In the South, the word equitable meant the new land grant colleges didn’t get much

2nd Morrill Act

After the passage of the 2nd Morrill Act, NC State officials approached Shaw University to see if they would teach a few agriculture classes for black students. The intent was to make Shaw the 1890 institution but give it a very limited role and funding.

2nd Morrill Act

North Carolina A&T State University was established in 1891 as the second land grant institution in North Carolina.

1994 Land Grant Schools

The federal congress passed legislation in 1994 according land grant status to 29 tribally controlled (Native American) colleges.

This was primarily so that could tap into funds for extension purposes

There are none in North Carolina

Most of the colleges are in Montana, the Dakotas, Minnesota, Wisconsin and New Mexico.

Farmers’ Institutes

Farmers’ Institutes

Found in nearly every state in the late 1800s

Structure varied from state to state

Modeled after the teacher institutes

Farmers’ Institutes

Ohio (1847) - County agricultural societies sent lecturers out on request

Farmers’ Institutes

New York (1842-43)- State agricultural society started a program of itinerant lecturers

Farmers’ Institutes

Institutes were held in counties, occasionally there would be 2-3 in a county

Meetings were 1-3 days in length, 2-3 days at first, then one day

Variety of speakers featuredTypically balanced between local people and outside experts

Farmers’ Institutes Program

Welcome by local dignitary

Overview by Institute official

Speakers followed by question and answer period

Speeches were normally 30 minutes or less

Question box used to overcome hesitancy to ask questions

Farmers’ Institutes

Lunch prepared by the ladies (a time to socialize)

Afternoon session consisted of more speakers

Program, cont.

If there was an evening session, it was often light hearted entertainment (had to entice farmers back from doing their evening chores)

Farmers’ Institutes

Recreational activities were provided for young people (baseball, games, races)

Institutes were scheduled for “down time” on the farms

Farmers’ Institutes

Once a year there was often a state wide Farmers’ Institute or Round-up

Farmers’ Institutes

By 1900 Farmer’s Institutes were operated primarily by:

Land-grant colleges (19 states)

State Departments of Agriculture (17 states)

Counties (Delaware, Iowa)

Independent Board (Minnesota)

Typical Topics

How to increase profits in dairying

Maintaining soil fertility

Are sheep profitable?

Potato growing

Good citizenship

National Grange

Rural Roads

SpeakersUniversity Professors and Experiment Station staff

Farmers often had a deep suspicion of scientists and few trained men could speak in a manner intelligible to the farmer

Well known farmers in the state

Local farmers

State Department of Agriculture staff

Farmers’ Institutes

American Association of Farmers’ Institute Workers organized - 1896

Farmers Institutes

1903 - Office of Experiment Stations (USDA) added an Farmers’ Institute specialist

1903 - Congress appropriated $5,000 for Farmers’ Institute work

Women’s Institutes (NC)

A separate Women’s Institute program was started in 1906

Program conducted at the same time as the Farmers’ Institute

Some joint meetings held

The NC Women’s Institutes claim to be the first in the nation

Train Institutes in NC

1908 - First Demonstration Train

1909 - Two Demonstration TrainsBladenboro to Rutherfordton, 800 miles round trip, SeaboardAir Line Rail Road - 30 institutes held

Hillsboro to Murphy - 900 miles round trip, Southern Railway - 27 institutes held

Demonstration Trains

One car was equipped with modern kitchen appliances

Women’s Institutes were held in this car

Equipment was demonstrated and lectures given

Demonstration Trains

One car contained farm implements

At each stop, the workings of the implements were explained

If a team was available, the implements were demonstrated

Demonstration Trains

The trains continued in popularity fora number of years.

A provision in the Smith-Lever Act doomed the trains.

The End

Two factors contributed to the demise of Farmers’ Institutes

Establishment of the Cooperative Extension Service

World War I