beginnersguide aika


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Aika Beginners' Guide





    ClassesControls and UIPranCrafting

    NationsGuildsCastle SiegeBattle GroundsRelic War



    VerbandRegensheinZantorian Citadel


  • THE WARRIORPossible Roles

    Melee DPS (AoE, Burst), Initiator,Off-Tank

    Primary attributesStrength, Constitution

    Secondary attributesPhysical Attack

    WeaknessesIntelligence, Magic Defense, Magic Attack

    THE RIFLEMANPossible Roles

    Long-range DPS (Burst), Disabler, Stealth

    Primary attributesAgility

    Secondary attributesPhysical Attack

    WeaknessesMagic Attack, Luck

    THE WARLOCKPossible Roles

    Long-range DPS (AoE, DoTs), Nuker,Crowd Controller

    Primary attributesMagic Attack, Magic Defense,


    Secondary attributesLuck

    WeaknessesStrength, Constitution, Physical Defense

  • THE PALADINPossible RolesMain Tank, Hybrid DPS/Healer (Self),Buffer (Self)

    Primary attributesStrength, Physical Defense

    Secondary attributesConstitution

    WeaknessesIntelligence, Magic Attack

    THE CLERICPossible RolesHealer, Buffer, Cleanser

    Primary attributesMagic Attack, Intelligence

    Secondary attributesMagic Defense, Luck

    WeaknessesStrength, Physical Defense

    THE DUAL GUNNERPossible RolesMid-range DPS (DoTs), Stealth, Evader

    Primary attributesPhysical Attack

    Secondary attributesAgility

    WeaknessesMagic Attack, Physical Defense

  • Inventory: ICharacter Info: CSkill List: KQuest Log: LParty Tab: YGuild Tab: GNation Info: NArea Map: MWorld Map: UPersonal Store: HEmoticons: ,Pran Info: PPran Skill List: [Hide User Interface: F11

    1. Player Frame- Class Icon- Name- Character Level- Health Points - Red Bar- Mana Points - Blue Bar

    2. Party Window

    3. Chat- Clicking a Channel will hidechat from that Channel

    Run Forward: W / Up-arrowRun Backward: S / Down-arrowRun Left: ARun Right: DTurn Left: Left arrowTurn Right: Right arrowToggle Autorun: RWalk: Shift

    Use Skills: 1~8Pran Skills: 9~"-"Select Enemy: TABToggle AutoAtk: Z

    4. Menu- Settings- Community- Map- Quest- Info- Pran- Character- Shop

    5. Action Bar

    6. Combat Log

    7. Quest Tracker

    8. Buff Bar

    9. Mini Map

    10. Nation Buffs







  • When your character reaches Level 7, a quest be-comes available to you at the Flour Mill. Captain Cromwellhas recognized your progress and directs you to thePran Station in the Commercial District of Regenshein.You are given a quest to prove your worth, where youneed to kill Breeding Boars, Moguns, and Kubari.

    After collecting the items from these MOBs, youmust head to the Pran Station where you are given theoption of what affinity Pran you'd like to choose.

    The perils of your long journey require the assistanceof a devoted partner. This companion should act not onlyas a reliable sidekick in battle, but also as a close friend.The Pran fits both descriptions with ease as she castshelpful spells on you and grows to trust you over manyinteractions. She is your fairy familiar!

    A fun feature of the Pran is her many different per-sonalities. The specific personality she develops islargely dependent on the way you interact with her asyou fulfill quests and undertake adventures together.

    All Pran in Lakia are given lessons on basic socialbehavior and proper etiquette before they are permittedto work with Aitan. After this training, they await their sum-moning by a qualified potential partner. Always remem-ber: you are the Pran's master! Treat her properly andshe will return your good will with camaraderie and magi-cal blessings. The bond between the Aitan and the Pranis singular and revered within the world of Lakia.

    Examples of Each Prans Personality

    CuteYeah, I think its fun playing with you! I think that you mightbe one of my best friends, master! That makes me reallyhappy! Lets get going.

    ToughSome dumb Pran was running her mouth, so I socked itshut. Im only sorry that she wasnt sent straight back to thePran Station.

    SmartIm slightly bemused, master. Im getting insulted because ofmy ears. Its slightly gratuitous, isnt it?

    SpunkyYes, I really like being happy, too! Yay, this should be easy!

    MeanHey, lets see if youre actually good for something. Handover some cash. Um please.

    SassyIts usually cold in the mornings, so I warm myself up with acup of tea, too! But sometimes I feel like I dont need it baby, Im already steamin hot!

    PRAN: The Fairy Familiar


    - Anvils will transform ordinary materials into the finest weaponry andarmor- Drop-down menus state the components needed, the price of crafting,the required level for crafting that particular item, and a full description ofthe finished product.- Any player can successfully forge a valuable piece of equipment.- Much less expensive to start from scratch.- Crafted equipment may sometimes possess a statistical advantageover the store-bought kind, such as greater durability.- Over 200 craftable weapons and armor components available- Can also create higher quality goods for materials- Possible to create certain mana and health potions at the anvil by com-bining weaker potions and other materials.- You can bring old weapons to the anvil and disassemble it, perhapssalvaging useful materials in the process.


    - Blacksmiths can infuse equippable items with theproperties of other equipment- One-to-one reassignment of a particular item'soffensive, defensive, and magical statistics toanother of the same type of item.- The two pieces of equipment involved must besimilar in all respects except for these statistics- The cost of Transfer is always 500 gold- There is a chance that the operation will notsucceed, in which case both items will remainunaffected.- Transfer requires the presence (and consump-tion) of Athlon- Athlon can only be found or received as a reward.- Useful when a player wishes to disguise the truenature of his or her level- Preserve the aesthetics of an item while changingits features- Level restrictions transfer along with the item'sother properties- The item whose statistics are being reassigned isdestroyed after a successful transfer.


    There are different types of equipment enhancement combinedwith a rich variety of craftable, buyable, or findable items result inan endless array of unique weaponry and armor. Visit the localEnchanter, Alchemist, and/or Blacksmith with the right precioussubstances and some gold in order to engineer the perfect equip-ment. Be careful, however, as certain processes carry the risk ofdamaging or destroying the item being enhanced.


    - Pellurite and rubicine can add considerable heft toan item's attack/defense properties.- Pellurite and rubicine may be found or purchased- Rank of the substance must match the rank ofthe item being reinforced.- Adds points to the statistics of an equippable itemvia a percentage increase which accounts for therank of the item.- The cost of reinforcement rises with the quality ofthe equipment and there is significant risk involved- If the procedure fails, the item being reinforcedmay be damaged or destroyed


    - All equipment carries a minimum level require-ment for use- A Blacksmith can attempt to reduce the minimumrequired level for a specific piece of equipment.- Level Down fee ncreases as the item rank in-creases- Risk: you may end up spending your money onlyto increase the required level for equipping an item- The gamble may be worthwhile for the chance touse higher quality weaponry and armor.


    - An Enchanter will apply his or her powers to yourequipment- You must provide a precious stone to add specialproperties- A stone will either provide specific enhancementsor randomly selected ones.- Enchantment does not affect the weapon orarmor's basic stats- Enchantment stones are extremely rare

  • - Less inclined towards war- Tend towards exploration and acquisition- Independent-minded and won't attack preemptively- Defend their relics and altars fiercely- Guard their nation's borders with tenacity- Some may consider Feonians stubborn and overlyskeptical of others- Resistance to outside pressure is evidence ofconsiderable inner toughness- Interested in depth and variety built into the world

    Citizens of Feonir consider themselves moreknowledgeable about the world than people ofany other nation.

    Lakia's nations are a foundational unit in the PvP system. InCastle Siege, guilds contend with each other for control of eachnation. In Relic War, entire nations fight each other over hoardsof treasure and artifacts whose mystical properties can tip the

    international balance of power. Aitan may apply for citizenship to the nation of their choice at level 10, and aftertheir requests are approved they are fully able to join guilds, earn special rewards for fighting Aitan of other nations,and battle alongside fellow citizens for national glory.

    Once an Aitan has reached level 10 and decided which nation he or she wishes to pledge loyalty to, the questfor citizenship must be completed. Applicants should be in the nation of choice (either channel) and visit NPCMagnus Trovato in southern Regenshein to receive the quest. Magnus Trovato will ask the Aitan to collect certainitems which are dropped by MOBs in Verband, and after these are collected he will bestow national citizenship, XP,and a financially rewarding settlement package upon the Aitan.

    For those who wish to leave their nation, there is an item sold in the Aika Item Shop called an Exile Warrantwhich assists in this goal. Once de-nationalized, Aitan must re-initiate the citizenship quest in a new nation ofchoice in order to gain citizenship and its attendant benefits. The names, personalities, and flags of the five nationsare listed below, and it's also helpful to visit different nations in-game and their boards on the Aika forums to makean informed citizenship decision.

    - Very militaristic nation- Reputation for their ferocity in war- Renowned for their strategic and tactical prowess- Building their military strength is their national goal- Only involved for a benefit to themselves- Not the ideal place for the anti-establishment type- This nation is about group efficiency and power

    Citizens of Vanov have national pride and may trustthe people they form groups with, but they remainclosed to everyone else.


    FEONIR Explorative, Knowledgeable, Tenacious

    VANOV Cunning, Militaristic, Ruthless

  • - Concerned with justice and fair play- Want to preserve order in their nation- Value respect and chivalry- Sportsmanlike battles- Effective structure of their social establishments- Strive to be honorable- Great importance on maintaining a stellar personalreputation- Morally superior to people of other nations- If any nation, group, or individual attempts to cheat anAlethian, rest assured that the offending party will bedealt with swiftly and severely

    Citizens of Alethius are willing to help non-Alethiansprovided the terms are fair to everyone.

    - Very focused on the social aspect of Aika- Enjoy cooperative activities- Social bonds are paramount in this nation- Value strong community ties and fellowship overmore materialistic, quantified goals- They gather themselves into guilds and parties tohang out with their friends and cultivate connectionswith fellow citizens

    Citizens of Lenaria think the other nations takewar too seriously, but they may initiate allianceswith them for the sake of building friendly interna-tional relations.

    - Not for the faint of heart- They don't trust anyone- May band into packs to prey upon others who areweaker or bear riches- Tends to lack significant organization- Only the most callous and rapacious will thrive- They believe that they are all the most skilled fightersin the world- They possess no national pride, with the exception oflooking down on the citizens of other nations morethan they look down on each other

    Citizens of Ostyrion lust for the kill, no matter howunfair or immoral the fight may be, and they donot hesitate to double-cross each other on awhim.

    OSTYRION Chaotic, Predatory, Treacherous

    LENARIA Friendly, Good-natured, Harmonious

    ALETHIUS Honorable, Lawful, Noble

  • uilds are Aitan organizationswhich possess special pow-

    ers within Human civilization in theland of Lakia. Guildmates may ini-tially band together for purposes ofraiding or dungeon exploration, orthey may rally around a commoncause or set of values. Perhaps theysee the profit in pooling their re-sources to more efficiently acquirethe necessary goods for crafting andcompleting quests. Whatever thereason might be for a guild's cre-ation, those who take part in the sys-tem would do well to recall that guildsare privy to a powerful process inLakia's political system whereby asingle guild or an alliance of up to fourguilds may rise to ultimate su-premacy in governing one of the fivenations.

    Guilds are created when a partyof six Aitan who are all citizens of thesame nation and who are not alreadymembers of any guild approach theGuild Administrator in Regenshein.The Aitan who speaks to the GuildAdministrator to begin this processbecomes the guildmaster, the undis-puted leader of the guild. Theguildmaster has authority over all


    guild processes, including acceptingand removing members, assigningcertain powers to members, main-taining the guild warehouse, editingguild information, and disbanding theguild. The guildmaster may controlthe hierarchy of the guild by assign-ing members to one of up to four dif-ferent units, each of which can havea different combination of adminis-trative abilities. However, as theguildmaster has the final say, it is es-sential that this individual be capableand respected if the guild is to pros-per.

    The position of guildmaster is alsocrucial because it is the guildmasterwho can create alliances with up tothree other guilds, and it is theguildmaster who has the authority toenter his guild or guild alliance intothe weekly Castle Siege. If the guildor guild alliance then manages tosucceed in usurping the ruling re-gime, that guildmaster becomesLord Marshal-military commander ofthe nation who also wields immensepolitical and economic power. Theother members of the Lord Marshal'sguild are known as the LordMarshal's Knights, and as theguildmasters of any allied guilds arecalled Archons, other members ofthose guilds are called Archon's

    Knights. Lord Marshal's and Archon'sKnights enjoy special status benefitsand, as a function of their policingpowers, are not subject to the nor-mal penalty for attacking citizens oftheir own nation.

    Joining a guild is an excellent wayto get a leg up in exploring all thatLakia has to offer, and starting a guild(or being appointed guildmaster of anexisting guild) is the first step towardsleading an entire nation to glory.Aitan who seek like-minded brethrenor who dream of controlling vastarmies and financial reserves wouldbe advised to consult the Guild Re-cruitment forum.

  • is a PvP (player versus player) feature unique toAika where the guilds and guild alliances within anation compete in a bloody campaign to secure

    the Lakian Fortress-the ultimate national seat of power. Every week, all five nations will each be host toa potential military revolution, where the Lord Marshal and his ruling regime must defend the Fortressagainst an onslaught of would-be usurper guilds and guild alliances. As the Fortress is very heavilyfortified and the incumbent administration is given large status and damage bonuses, it is no simple taskfor the invaders to achieve victory within the designated time limit.


    A guild which aspires toreign may form an alliance with upto three other guilds and perfect astrategy for takeover. However,since only one of up to four alliances(aside from the incumbent guild orguild alliance) may rule over the na-tion, each alliance must also fend offother rivals for the throne. The con-siderable rewards of attaining rulerstatus through Castle Siege are noteasily won, but ambitious guilds ledby formidable guildmasters won't ig-nore the opportunity to acquire powerof this scale. The Lord Marshal ofevery nation controls taxation, relicupgrades, international military alli-ances, allocation of defensive re-sources, and more. Those Aitanwithin the Lord Marshal's guild aregiven privileges worthy of their spe-cial title - Lord Marshal's Knights -including immunity from the penaltyinflicted on those who kill their coun-

    trymen.Every week, guilds and guild alli-

    ances may apply via the Castle SiegeAdministrator in Regenshein duringa specific time window to participatein that week's Castle Siege. Thereis room for up to 16 guilds to com-pete, including guilds in alliances.The regime in power is automaticallyentered into the battle. The final listof guilds and guild alliances is an-nounced the day before the CastleSiege. Guilds on the offensive sideare assigned to one of four startingpoints on the outside of the Fortress(A through D in the graphic), whilethe Lord Marshal's guild or guild alli-ance takes the fifth point (E). In or-der to achieve victory, a guild or guildalliance must break down one of thegates to gain entry into the castle, tagfive of its protective orbs to break theshield over the Marshal's Flag, andthen keep other attacking guilds and

    the defending regime busywhile its guildmaster takesthe flag from the central plat-form. This must be accom-plished within the CastleSiege time limit, which isone hour.

    Once a guildmaster hassuccessfully acquired theflag, the Castle Siege is overand that guildmaster's guildor guild alliance has won su-preme control over the na-tion for the week. If the battlewas won by a guild alliance,the guildmaster of the lead-ing guild in the alliance be-comes Lord Marshal and theother alliance guildmasters

    become Archons. The Archons as-sist the Lord Marshal in ruling thenation, and they and their guild mem-bers receive status boosts as well.If none of the attacking guilds or guildalliances accomplishes this goal, theincumbent regime has retained theright to continue its dominion over thenation.

  • The Battlegrounds system is agreat way to participate in player-vs-player combat on a smaller scalethan one might find in Castle Siegeor Relic War. Whether scrimmag-ing with guildmates, relaxing withfriends from other nations, or joininga pickup game on the fly, Battle-grounds scenarios provide a venuefor PvP training as well as a sourceof special items and honor points.Fighting in Battlegrounds can offergreater direct benefit to participantsthan fighting in the other PvP modes,since the rewards given after eachmatch are based on players' indi-vidual contributions in battle and notdistributed to an entire guild or na-tion.

    Aitan wishing to draw blood inBattlegrounds must first teleport toHero's Square via the Battlefield Ad-ministrator NPC in the Military Dis-trict of Regenshein. Only Aitan whoare citizens of a nation may accessHero's Square. Hero's Square is aninternational safe area where fight-ers of different nations may gatherand organize themselves beforejumping into combat.

    The window displays a wealth of

    information aboutmatches, includingname, status (InProgress or OnStandby), game mode,and number of partici-pants on each team. Atthis point, a player mayjoin any existing matchwhich is On Standby andaccepting players. Thecreator of the match hascontrol over the com-petitors who may play inthe match.

    Alternatively, theplayer may opt to create a newmatch. In this case, the creator canadjust the name, party size, timelimit, and target score of the matchin a Battlefield Settings window. Af-ter clicking "Confirm," the match willthen be available for others in Hero'sSquare to view and join.

    The Waiting Room lists the ros-ter for each side, indicates whetherplayers have confirmed their slots,and also shows the level and classof character for each player.

    Currently, the only available optionfor game mode is Team Deathmatch,

    which is a scenario involving twoteams of the same size (team sizecan range from 6 to 24) fighting toearn a given number of points via kill-ing players on the opposite team inthe time allotted. Matches end eitherwhen the time limit has been reachedor one side has attained the targetscore.

    Matches take place on the mapAgros Haima ("land of blood") wherethe spawn points for teams are lo-cated on the upper left hand cornerand the lower right hand corner.Teamwork and geographically-ori-

    ented strategy are essentialfor success.

    At the end of a match,players receive gold, specialbattlefield medals, and honorpoints according to indi-vidual prowess. Theseitems and points may betraded for EXP, powerfulequipment, and more, mak-ing Battlegrounds a valuableresource for the ambitiouscombatant. To return home,players must speak to thesoldier NPC to the left of theTheletar and they will betransported to theRegenshein of their nation.


  • Relic War is a PvP mode whichpits nations against one another inceaseless competition for control ofpowerful items called relics. Relics

    are sacred objects which bestowpowerful blessings upon the citizensof the nations which possess them-these blessings typically include apercentage boost to a certain char-acter statistic such as physical de-fense or HP. Nations may possessmultiple relics, in which case the rel-ics' effects add together, making itadvantageous for a nation to controlas many relics as possible. The ef-fects of relics are location-bound,meaning that they only affect citi-zens of the nation (or citizens of anallied nation) when those citizens arein the nation geographically. RelicWar is a constant PvP mode, mean-ing that nations must always be onguard against raids from other na-tions seeking to rob their Temples.However, relics have a six-hour "sta-bilization" period after they are placedin a temple when they cannot be sto-len. Relics cannot be destroyed in-tentionally, and may very rarely be re-ceived as a reward for special questsunlocked in dungeons.

    Relics are stored in special pro-tective structures called Temples.Each nation has four Temples:Amarkand Temple, Tabazra Temple,Algon Temple, and Kynari Temple.These majestic buildings wereblessed by Aika so that their ener-gies are manifest in airy, suspendedstone or wood designs.

    Every nation has the same fourTemples in the same locations, andthe World Map fully displays the dis-tribution of each nation's relics be-tween the Temples, which meansthat strategy for defending nationalrelics cannot depend upon the ele-ment of surprise. Rather, the LordMarshal for each nation must set

    aside some of the national treasuryto upgrade Temple defenses.

    Temple defenses include TempleGuards, which move within a certainradius of the Temple's center to fightoff any invading Aitan, the GuardianStones, which stay in one place butemit deadly lightning bolts to attackinvaders, and finally the Monolith,which stores the relics. The Mono-lith can only be accessed when allthree Temple Guards and all threeGuardian Stones have been de-feated.

    Once an intrepid Aitan has cap-tured an enemy relic, there are stillmany obstacles on the way to trans-porting it safely home. Any time arelic is taken out of a Temple, a mes-sage is transmitted to all citizens ofthat nation alerting them of the dan-ger. Additionally, the invader Aitancarrying the stolen relic appears toglow, making him or her easily iden-tifiable to defenders. If the relic car-rier is killed, the relic appears on theground in a treasure box, ready to besnatched up by anyone lucky enoughto get to it first. However, if the Aitanbrings the relic back to a homeTemple successfully, his or hername will be broadcast to the entirenation to identify a great hero.


  • Makin Bacon To compete against thecheap produce importscoming intoRegenshein, farmers inVerband have begunbreeding boar forcheaper meat to sell atthe market. These wildboar have managed tobreak down the fences.Guard Diego wants youto get rid of some!

    Kill 5 Young Boar in thefields around OvervoldFarm. After you defeatthem, speak to GuardDiego at OvervoldFarm.

    - 30 EXP- 30 Gold- 3 Potions

    - You can find YoungBoar directly north(3486, 972) or directlysouth (3465, 923) ofGuard Diego's position(3471, 935).

    - Young Boar are Level2.

    The MissingComrade

    William Mayze, one ofGuard Diego's com-rades, was last seenchasing a boar a fewhours ago. Guard Diegois getting worried abouthim. Can you find him?

    Find the fallen colleagueof Guard Diego. You'llbe able to find him nearthe large rock past theGara Field to the east.

    - 50 EXP- 150 Gold

    Mutant Boar Hunt Guard Diego figuresout that a mutatedboar has murdered hiscomrade, WilliamMayze. He wants helpto take vengeance.

    Defeat the MutatedBoar that killedWilliam Mayze. Youwill find him at thesouth end of OvervoldFarm. Afterwards,speak to Guard Diego.

    - 200 EXP- 600 GoldChoose:Leggiero GlovesGavras GlovesAqueton GauntletsNarbe GauntletsEtana GlovesSomnium Gloves

    To Regenshein! Guard Diego is gratefulthat you've avenged thedeath of William Mayze.He reveals that he andhis friend were raised bySir Hattori Hanzo. Diegowould like for you todeliver the bad news toHattori Hanzo, who wasa father figure to theboth of them.

    Take Diego's Letter toHattori Hanzo in theMilitary District ofRegenshein.

    - 300 EXP- 400 goldChoose:Aqueton HelmetLeggiero MaskGavras ClocheNarbe HelmetEtana TiaraSomnium Hat

    Reporting for Duty It's time to report foryour appointment! Meetwith Colonel Otto vonSchroder who will as-sign you to a unit.

    Find Colonel Otto vonSchroder in the MilitaryDistrict of Regenshein.

    - 250 EXP- 400 gold- Bag

    09 Company Colonel Otto vonSchroder has assignedyou to the Eighth Unit!It's now time to meetyour new commander,Captain Cromwell of 09Company.

    Take the Arrival Reportfrom Colonel Otto vonSchroder to the FlourMill northeast ofOvervold Farm. Speakwith Captain Cromwell,the commander of 09Company.

    - 200 EXP- 150 gold

    Young William Mayzemade his last pitch justeast of Guard Diego(3572, 948).

    - Find em in the fieldsouth east of Guard Di-ego (3515, 876).

    - Make sure to equipyour health potions andmana potions in yourskill bar in case youneed them.

    - Hattori Hanzo is inRegenshein at (3379,659)

    - While youre there,you may want to levelup your skills if youhave the points.

    - Colonel von Schrodercan be found down thestreet at 3376 686.

    - Captain Cromwell isgoing to be north eastout the gate ofRegenshein (3557,1018).


    VERBANDStarting in the fields?

    Heres a short guide through


  • Mushroom Thief 09 Company hasn'tbeen able to carry outtheir plan of actionagainst the Munta Clanbecause of the mogunthieves, who werekicked out of their vil-lage. They've begun toprovoke the boar, whoall became infuriatedand unintentionally cre-ated a diversion whilethe moguns stole ex-pensive mushroomsfrom the farms.

    Hunt 5 CowardlyMoguns and AnxiousMoguns around theSweet MushroomFarm. Report back toCaptain Cromwell at theFlour Mill.

    300 EXP250 gold10 Training HealthPotions

    It's Bekun! Bekun was used as amain breeding pig untilthe moguns began pro-voking her. She is con-sidered the leader of theboar. Captain Cromwellwould like for you to getrid of her.

    Defeat Bekun at thesoutheast end of SweetMushroom Farm. Re-port back to CaptainCromwell at the FlourMill.

    300 EXP700 goldRaw Auralar

    Getting Feisty Captain Cromwellwould like to find outwho the mogun leaderis. He believes thatsome of the mogunsmay have some informa-tion on this and wouldlike you to find outmore.

    Kill Feisty Mogunssouth of the SweetMushroom Farm. Lookfor clues that will iden-tify the mogun leader.Afterwards, report toCaptain Cromwell at theFlour Mill.

    300 EXP300 gold

    Decoding theMessage

    A letter written by amogun was found, butnobody can read thelanguage - except oneman. The letter needsto be taken to Mer-chant Hernan for atranslation.

    Take the FeistyMogun's Letter toMerchant Hernan atOvervold Farm.

    100 EXP150 gold

    - Go show them whosboss at Sweet Mush-room Farm (3646, 943).

    - Cowardly Mogun arelevel 5, and AnxiousMogun are level 6.

    - Its Bekun time! Youllfind him in the south-east part of Verband atSweet Mushroom Farm(3683, 896).

    - Bekun is level 5.

    - These Mogun are atthe border of LowerVerband and SweetMushroom Farm (3578,902).

    - Feisty Mogun are level6.

    - Be careful! Rememberwhen leveling to makesure you visit the skillmasters to increaseyour skills and learnnew ones.

    - Merchant Herman isat (3470, 966)

    Mogun MessageDecoded

    Merchant Hernan ownstwo mogun servants andlearned their languagefrom them. The lan-guage

    Bring the Decoded Let-ter to the Flour Mill, andgive it to CaptainCromwell.

    100 EXP300 gold10 Training HealthPotions

    - Captain Cromwell isat (3558, 1016)



  • Plan of Attack Grizzler lost the fight forthe throne of themoguns and cameback with his cronies tomeet with Muntano, thechief of the Muntakubari. He is nowscheming with Muntanoto take back Mogun Vil-lage. The decodedmogun letter says thatGrizzler is slated to visittheir village today tomeet with a messenger.Defeat Grizzler beforethe two teams joinforces!

    Defeat Grizzler south-east of the Flour Mill.Afterwards, speak toCaptain Cromwell.

    400 EXP600 gold10 Waypoint Scrolls

    Armies Attack! The Munta and TuricClan are attacking fromboth fronts! CaptainCromwell wants you tobe a diversion by at-tacking the kubari nearthe Munta clan. It willcause Muntano to thinkthat the Aitan are at-tacking the MuntaClan.

    Defeat 5 Munta Kubariand 5 Fierce MuntaKubari at the MuntaClan Village, then reportto Captain Cromwell atthe Flour Mill.

    300 EXP600 gold

    The company was ableto annihilate the troopsof the Turic Clan andthe Munta Clan now hasno support line. In thismission, you will be incharge of either defeat-ing Muntano or holdingoff fierce Munta kubariclanmates.

    Defeat Muntano(Choice #1)

    Go to the Munta ClanVillage and defeatMuntano. Afterwards,report to CaptainCromwell at the FlourMill.

    1000 EXP1000 goldMuntano's Sword

    Do Support Attack(Choice #2)

    Defeat 10 Fierce MuntaKubari near the MuntaClan Village and reportto Captain Cromwell atthe Flour Mill.

    800 EXP800 goldMuntano's Sword

    Muntanos Sword Kubari clanmates takeabandoned farmingtools and loot from theirdefeated opponents. In-cidentally, Muntano'ssword is made out ofincredible material. Getin touch with Black-smith Dean to see ifanything can be donewith it.

    Take Muntano's Swordto Blacksmith Dean inthe Commercial Districtof Regenshein.

    200 EXP300 gold

    - Grizzler can be foundat Sweet MushroomFarm at (3640, 896)- Captain Cromwell is at(3558, 1016)

    - Fierce Munta Kubarican be found in EasternVerband northeast ofthe Flour Mill at (3599,1051).

    - Munta Kubari can befound just south on theborder of EasterVerband and SweetMushroom Farm at(3609, 1010).- Muntano can be foundwalking between the vil-lages found from (3657,1052) to (3606, 1057).

    - Fierce Munta Kubarican be found around thevillage at (3593, 1047).

    - Blacksmith Dean isfound in Regenshein at(3545, 717).



  • Kubari Sword Find the sword ofMuntari, the son ofMunatno. He is still aliveand the Munta Clan stillholds strong. Black-smith Dean does notknow where he may be,but suggests that youask Joanne Sutherland.

    Go to Sutherland Banklocated in the Commer-cial District to seeJoanne Sutherland.

    100 EXP250 gold

    Fugitive Muntari Joanne claims thatMuntari was last seenat Joshua Farm. AfterMuntano was killed,Muntari headed to theTuric Clan's Village. Arethey getting ready toenter Turic Clan's Vil-lage?

    Find Muntari at thewheat field to the south-east of Bridge of Hope.Acquire Muntari'sSword. Take the swordto Blacksmith Dean atthe Commercial Districtof Regenshein.

    600 EXP700 gold

    Choice:Havire SwordM1-B300Carava WandBella BladeNina Custom x2Tamarack Staff

    To the PranStation!

    Your Pran is ready tomeet you! Meet withEllin Maria at the PranStation.

    Go to Pran Station inthe Commercial Districtof Regenshein and seeEllin Maria.

    250 gold150 EXP

    Becoming a TrueAitan

    Before you can obtainyour Pran, it must beverified that you'vegrown strong enough.Because a largeamount of tax moneygoes into training anAitan and Pran team,there is a test associ-ated.

    Get Grade A Meat fromBreeding Boar, PungentCheese Bread fromAnxious Moguns, andLilac Oil from FierceMunta Kubari. Find theitems within an hourand see Emma Milan atthe Pran Station inRegenshein.

    500 EXP700 gold10 Training HealthPotions

    Dispatch The area is now pacified!Consequently, you'll bedispatched to a differentcompany. It's time tomeet with your newcommander: the lovelyCaptain Rosalyn.

    Go to Solva Windmilland speak to CaptainRosalyn. Solva Wind-mill is north OvervoldFarm.

    200 EXP500 gold

    - Joanne Sutherland canbe found in Regensheinat (3518, 661).

    - Muntari can be foundin a field near the bridgeof hope in MiddleVerband at (3543,1081).

    - Ellin Maria can befound near theSutherland bank inRegenshein at (3498 ,659).- Level 3 Breeding Boarcan be found just out-side Regenshein (3512,864)

    - Level 6 AnxiousMoguns are found Westof Sweet MushroomFarm (3578, 893)

    - Level 8 Fierce MuntaKubari are in the MuntaClan Village (3590,1047)- Captain Rosalyn is atSolva Windmill (3446,1068)



  • How to Become aCitizen

    Before becoming a citi-zen of your nation, ev-ery Aitan must undergoa series of tests. Whenyou complete the tests,Magnus Trovato will re-ward you with citizen-ship.

    Find Dillot northeast ofMogun Village to obtainDillot's Silk Feather.Then, acquire 5 FireEssences and 4 piecesof Caelium. Give theseitems to MagnusTrovato in Regenshein.

    A New World Clair Wright is helpingyou become orientedwith the game's control.

    Talk to Catharina Pierowho is standing acrossfrom Clair Wright, thentalk to Clair Wrightagain.

    50 EXP, 75 gold

    100 EXPNation citizenship

    - Catharina Piero isacross the walkway, di-rectly west of ClairWright's position (3446,687).

    Trading Items Clair Wright suggeststhat a great way to earngold is by selling itemsor completing quests.To practice tradingitems, she wants you tovisit Helen Staedler'sstore to purchase amugwort.

    Talk to Helen Staedlerat the Staedler GoodsStore in the CommercialDistrict to sell the extraweapon and purchaseMugwort. Then, go talkto Clair Wright.

    5 Training HealthPotions5 Training ManaPotions30 EXP


    Clair Wright wants tohelp you get used toyour equipment.

    Click the inventory but-ton or press I to to openthe inventory window.Double-click theweapon you received.Equip the weapon, andtalk to Clair Wright.

    30 EXP

    Help Guard Diego Now that Clair Wrighthas given you the ba-sics, you're ready forthe fields! Find GuardDiego.

    Talk to Guard Diego atOvervold Farm. He's introuble.

    30 EXP

    To Zantorian Park Colonel Damir, the ad-ministrative official ofthe Chamber of De-fense. He's in charge ofduties related has sum-moned you to ZantorianPark.

    Use the DimensionGate to teleport toZantorian Park. Talk toColonel Damir near theteleport.

    500 EXP300 gold

    [Battlefield] Seizethe Victory!

    The Battlefield is a re-alistic simulation ofwell-known battles tothe Aitan.

    Play the Battlefield andgain one victory. Then,talk to FriedrichKroeger at the militarydistrict of Regenshein.

    30,000 EXP12,000 goldRubicine [C]

    - Helen Stadler (3505,673) sells Mugwort for23 gold

    - Clair Wright can befound near the entranceof Regenshein (3446,687)

    - You dont really needa tip for this - do you?

    - Use the RegensheinDimension Gate (3376,749)

    - Colonel Damir at(3103, 3669)

    - Be in the PvP Chan-nel to enter

    - Friedrich Kroeger is at(3366, 638)

    - Dillot can be founddirectly west of SolvaWindmill (3361, 1064)


    REGENSHEINStarting in the city?

    Heres a guide through



  • Paladins serve as a tank for instances.They should use provoke when it's avail-able to keep monster attacks focused on thePaladin

    Warriors are useful in parties primarilyfor their offensive capabilities. Warriorscan also use Armor Break to increase theparty's damage to a specific creature.Warriors are also capable of using Inciteto tank if needed.

    Riflemen are used in parties due to thesignificant amount of damage they can do.Rifleman can lower a target's defense by

    using Rupture. They can also use stealth to keep pesky monsters off of them.

    Dual Gunners are capable of dealing very consistent damage. They should focus on using Corrosive Roundand Hot Shot to increase their damage and Stealth is they run into trouble.

    Warlocks can deal a lot of damage while offering very powerful crowd controlling abilities. Warlocks shouldfocus on using Fireball and Enervate to bring down an enemy, while Polymorphing his allies.

    Clerics are essential to any group looking to enter a dungeon. They provide valuable healing through Cureto keep their party alive. They're also able to buff their party members through Bless and Angelic Armor.


    Groups receive a buff for taking including each of the Six Classes in their party

    Parties are unable to reenter a dungeon after dying, so Dungeon Recalls should be used to help clear a difficult dungeon.

    Players can purchase Pellurite and Rubicine extracts to improve their gear for the perilous journey through Zantorian Citadel

    Portable Armor and Weapon Repairs are useful for long dungeons in case your equipment breaks

    All of the fights are tank and spank, so haveyour Paladin approach the Duke of Terror first todraw his attention. The Cleric needs to focus onkeeping the Paladin alive, while the rest of theteam brings the Duke down.

    The Duke of Horror is even more formidable thanthe last Duke your party encountered. Make surethe Cleric pays extra attention to your Paladin orit might be too late!

    Ennvictus is one of the strongest monsters aroundand your party is going to have a very tough timebringing him down; however, with the right partycomposition and powerful equipment, he's notmatch for you.

    Helpful tips and a visual guide through your first dungeon!


  • Chamber One:- Careful of the patrolling Level 9 Sir Asmodius

    - Move to your left and pull the group of Sir Asmodius- Move into the hallway behind them

    Chamber Two:- Kill the two Sir Asmodius at the entrance to Chamber 2- Move along the wall to your right- Kill the Level 11 Baron Malevants- Kill the Sir Asmodians and move past them into the hallway- Talk to Neo and accept the Quest: Teleport Repairman

    A V



    L G




  • Chamber Three:- Kill the Sir Asmodians at the right of the entrance

    - Move along the left wall and kill the two Sir Asmodians- Keep moving along the wall and kill the two Baron Malevants, but careful of the patrol in the hallway


  • Hallway of Terror:- Kill the two groups of Baron Malevants and Sir Asmodians

    - Fight the Level 11 Duke of Terror- Return to Chamber Three and kill the remaining MOBs


  • Chamber Four:- Kill the Level 12 Sir Cavolcus at the entrance- Move left along the wall to kill the three Sir


    Hallway of Horror:- Kill the Lv10 Sir Belias group with Sir Cavolcus

    - Kill the group of Sir Belias and Cavolcus- Fight Lv12 Duke of Horror

    - Return to Neo and turn in the Quest


  • Tier Two - Chamber One:- Kill the two Level 13 Vormidons at the hallway entrance

    - Move on and take out the second group- Move right and kill the Sir Belius with the level 11 Baron Rancor

    - Kill the second group guarding the hallway entrance


  • Tier Two - Chamber Two:

    - Kill the patrolling Vormidon

    - Move along the left wall andtake out the Belias and Cavolcus

    Vormican Hallway

    - Kill the two Sir Belias and thenbring down Level 13 Vormican

    Good luck with

