beginners handbook of ritual magic


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explanation of different types of occult magick


Page 1: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic



WMT' q ffiqRAFT, U






( coPYR t cHr )

Page 2: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic





'l'his handbook is intended to assist the developing student along vhatever path in Occultismhe chooses.There is much information on the 'nitty-grilty' of technique and ritual in rhetitlesin our l-rooklist. IIowever, to the newcomer there is a bewildering ringe of opportunitics andc(-!nflictins information and here we have set out information as suicinclly as [rossible to helphim,uhcr become more proficient at his prefered aspecr of occultism. tn-this iittle book vehavtl als,.l given much in the way of practical h!nts an<j tips !/hich have cost may occultiststlear. itt t hc ir. evolutionary fight, Using this booklet in conjunction with hard study of booksrvhiclt arc relevent you will have a safe and quick way of experiencing the etfects ;f Occultism.l:irstly' howevgr',15... is one misconception that muit be ailayed. Tlie difference between whatis termed l{hite Magic and Black Magic. 'Ihe answer to which wiII also give the newcomer someidc.a of what real magic is:

ll is a common misconception by newcomers to Occultism (and in some instances to those notso n,:w ) that rhere are two TypES of maqic l3lack or Evil magic ana whiteor Good Magic. Letus state categorically at the oustet that this is entirely erroneous.

this popular division of Magic into qood and evil has been done by those who have tittleidca of what True Magic really is. The type of person who believes thal Satanists lurk underevery lacade employing unnatural energie! io commir dastardly dee<is.

Maqic is fttE most natural energy, Without it all creation would not exist, This naturalforce powers the elements and giveJ us life. lt is an active but NoN-pARTlsAN force. Itcan trc used lor Good intqntions as well as evil intentions and it is the Goodness or Badnessof lhe oPL li AToR that makes the result Black Magic or White magic as the fopulace would have it.

. lo qive an analogy which may help in the deeper understanding of the occult Law; one canheal one's houseduring the cold rrinter months with rhe power,of eiectricity put throuqh speciale(luiPm('nt designed for that PurPosei or you can executs a condemned criminirl in an Eleciric Chairwhich was designed.sP-ecifically for that purpose. The energy is the same. It is the morivarion oilhe I)urpose that is differont. That motivation may be good if you are a close relative of the VlC.tlvof tllr'condemned criminal or very bad if you are i cloie relarjve of the condemned criminal him-sell. Likewise if you are warm and snug in your eleclrically heated house you will feel ccinfidentin y,;ttr qoodrtcss but i[ you are told of the natural resourcei of the Earh wilidl are being destroyedor alfected Ly your use of the materials/pol lution neederl to produce that electricity, your moralitywill lrt reduced into '9rey' ar"els. 1he tleciding factor theiefore as to \./hethe; you imploy ,Black'or 'White' magic can only be from your personaI and subjective standpoint Uased on horr, othersmay r.-act to your aclion and how it may affect them personally.

An understanding of the above will make clear the fact that whether a book gr item of equipmenrconcorns ilsr'lf by title or association with $ o called lllack or White Maeic or has this feattired init'.s 'arlvertising blurb' is irrelevant. Al-t. MACIC lS MAGIC and the virious techniques used toslmmon anddirect thepover are ALL oF l'HEM vALID in so much as they all exist and work.'l'he 'rasteless' narure of some of the tecniques is apparenr to the majoritf ;i o;;ultists bur toignor!' lhe lucllNlcALlTlES or building blocks of ihe technique is io cur yourself off from somesnipl,et oI irrformation which may turn your learninq and maqicli from innefective into potent.,

Page 3: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

In short rlle wise occultist knows that every system, no matter how'alien'has somethinq tct

oll.:r him,'hcr and is clever enough to realise that the choice is theirs whether or nol lr beirrflucnced by the doc t rine s/propaga nda of the system itself. NO SYS'lt:M Wlt.t.5UL:K YoUI N l'O lTSLil-F UNLESS YOU LET l-l'. "Man relinquishes himself neither to Cod nor the AnqelsLlxc.rpt unto his own f ree iiTi-. "

wt)nc of the nrost bewildering points about Occultism to the newcomqr (and in many cases to thecomrnitted bcginner student) is that coming in from 'regular society' he is bound by the precon-cdl,tiolls thdt this society has burdened him with. To the Layman all Occultism is Witchcralt antiAll i)ccultism is unnatural. When the newcomer finds the bewildering array of techniques andl(.rminoloqy after reading his first few books on Occultism, he becomes fogqed h,ith conflictingirtforrnation, Although much of original Occultism is traceable back over 6,000 years there arerlinr areas I)revious to this,due to the lack of development of communication facilities such aswritinq, vhich can only be surmised scientifically but which can be given validity by clairvoyantdnrl olhcr L)ccult means .

It is generally understood by the majority of advanced Occultists thal there are four MA jORwdys to ntagical proficiency. lt should be mentioned thot within these four paths there are arnultitude of differing techniques vhich are similar but individuali sed , but at rhe moment, forbruvily wo are going to define lhese four. You will find that the definition of one may appealto yru more than another and after conducting study into aIl these ihree paths with introductorywork I rom our booklist, should find one you wigh to commit yourself to more than the others.ll('nr(rnrber that these definitions are not so cut and dried and there are areas of overlap in techniquewlri. h drc worked by some groups.


Wil\rhcrail is a worshipful IIELIEF in itrs pure state. lt aro'se wirh the origins of man. Earlyin tho history of the world man was 'Lunar' in conscience - much more INTUITM and PSYCtIICtlrirr h,., is now.(Our structured society has <lulled the Psychic centres of man by limitinq his exp-('rid,rces,) l'rehistoric man not only felt and heared and saw and smelled and tasted the elementslrrrl hirl att effpalhy; a 'oneness' which was much like a fifth dimension of existence and madelrirrr lrr.:r.e attuned to the rfates' of his existence. From this 'oneness' arose a deep sympathy andawc for the Ijarth and itrs elemental power; and other Ievels of existence rrrere actualities tohiln , l'hercfore without structure, name or divison over all parts of inhabited EiI[-'iI' re arosesinrult.rncously a religion oflg1Slglgg for lhe planet. Later as man became more 'organised' ther.'xp!.riencL's of t nilid[pT-ii1frEi]ffi on the;arth's crust which had marked a further step forthin llis roncncss' r,,fere entrusted to a Priestess and the dissemination dthe Word of Witc!.craft hadlrt'qun, Al tlrese Pagan festivals lo mark renremberance of such experiences, many people attended,thc 'tribe' \{(,lcoming the ritual and it was not limited to 13 or less as is the case normally,rn lre re.rlised lhat once the Christian Church had become politically powerful at a later dareau,.l h;rtl 'turnr-'d the head'of the population whether by cajolling or by terror ractics, that onlylh,: l3 ofl iciators, the initiated ones, remained to continue the Tradilion of Pagan religion under-qr'.rrr cl lo ollviate persecution. '[his is how it remained over the centuries until the surqe in int-(,rr'r,r in Wilchcraft of the late fifties and early sixties.

Page 4: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


M.,rnyr':fyouwil}beaskingwhereMAGlCcameintoallthis',Ihemanipulationofelemenlalpo\,/erto produce nragical

"u.uiir""u, o very important integral but secondary function of the rel'iqion

,-:rf !,lrru:hcrafi. rrearing'tni sict ,to'.arl to the cir;te, Divination for.guidance as to future con-

sidfralions ,u.r, u. ptunii,ig."opi, trru"aous journeys; decisions of tribal. siqnificance etc.

werc u[derraken in the ;;;"";;;;h;"""d atmospfiere oi ritual situation. Talismans or Fetishes

for specific uses and *;;i';h;;'iirr of magit vere underraken for the good of the lribe and

Sornetimesin.revenge.Asl,tighPriestessespu,,udontotheoldones;other.natural.ordcvr,lopellpsychics vere chosen to'r"ptu3" her from her entourage and.the Runes or laws and traditions of

thc Cr.lft grew and g"ur.'-ii *outd be wise to point out-here that the rePresent'ltion of thc powers

of thc univers ana tne pianei i; eS (i 'e ' various gods) was drawn from the belief

- in spirir entities or 'animism' Tfi'fiaea;nggests-lhu, uuu"y *at"iiul thing has it's own 'divine spark'

of lifc and as such n"r ,r'i^iugr"i""+oniii-irit,, for itself in it's place in the Llniverse' To

cx,l.rin the polarity of the pow-ers deaft with in nagic and mundane life on a continuaI

basrs u pair ot.rp*"_goi.';;;;;;;.''ir," r_ora*';uay; The Horned.God.and the silver Ladv;

l,an & llecate. fn"i" "'." ntu^V names aeriving from folk-history and mythological or'-S-'n:.P:t. . .-..they rcpresent rhe Acti;; male and female forCes at work in the Universe. AB6VE ALL TttE LADY


rr.r srrri.iciH nno powun: !\llsDoM AND BEAUTY. witchcraft is TltE

I'la t ri a rca I religion.

l)uring the perseculion times it was a Rune in the craft that only the heads of covens had

_ conract or \./ere gr"." ;i;;;;iion regarding other coyens This to stop infiltration and inform-

;;i; i";k"g" "iu".onf"iiionr extracted thrjugh torture by the inquisitors ' Many Covens .lost . .

conlacl wilh "u.n

uorn"-.-iir ton,g pu"i"a. and'so it v/as that tradiiions became altered by individ-ual circum5tancu "no

sii,riiion aitlr a while so that today there is a foundation of tradition upon

which Modern witcncraii is-uuili but the details of which are sometimes slightly different'

'l herefore witchcraft is an intuitive ; sympathetic anrl natural , earth loving religion' A romantic

way of cxistcnce uringin.e one closer to nat;r; in a way unex pe rienced. previous Iy by'concrete-.#..iou., ,un. tf y-.;"";;;;i-gr" si riou. and do noilike sentimentalism then l,,Iitchcralt may not

bc for. you. tr is rhe ;;y i;;;;t.' jurt on. final point-.Male & female witches are all termed

Wirclcs antl nor Warloc[J "i',rr"

lit". 'i Qu*"n of thL witches is a more modern invention which

sorne lrarlitionalists ..dislikel: vhich is not a democractically enforcpable status due to the difficultnarut.c of complete contact with all existing covens. lt wai coinecl (as much trivia is in Occultism)

by the Metlia '


liss.:ntially a product of the middle ages and early Renaissan6e it is deriveA from Practical

e,tbl,dllah, allhouqh sometimes bande? with Witchcraft (as in the 'Alexandrian System') ln ritualMapic rhc MACtCtAN ,"eti-to impose his WILL on energies conc-eptualis€d in pictorial and symb-

;il: i.;;; ;;;"";;;;;; ;i;ih; pranes. rhe forces rhat Lan manirest durins prolonged and well

excc,tcd ritual are t"u*"njou"'und the most part of the Magicians Work entail6 long study and

pre,rrt.ation so that lhe operation will be SAIIE. This form of Occultism is the one that siares

if,"'t,.'tt our o[ most people butis in fact nuch more sinister in itrs full implications than they think'-

If all it were. Iike were u rJi".tion of rheir fears they woul<l have little to worry about. Conversely

ir i!, ol$o such a hallowed onJ "-igtti"out Path and technquu (when performed correctly) that the

[lagician actually becomes one with Cod '

V,:ry srmply; by the use of special tcchniques-and visual aids such as elemental veaponry. and

"i,u,ii pl.,,r,iioinalia all ro""lr dr the operation of Conscious Mind are 'tilled'to bursting' with the

;;.;;j ,Jh;;

sp.,cial recnniques o[ ecsri.cis rhc Mind of the Masician-Transcends into other planes

of cxislence,notably rhe Asiral t,lane which is sometimes termed 'Skrying in the sPirit Vision' l!,vcl experiences unJ infoa,norion withheld from ordinary mortals are undergone for the

fr,1,,"tir ,:f l)ivination; lnformation Capturei (luidance; Spiritual Evolution etc etc'

Page 5: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


I n Iivocation much more power is needed to actually bri ng the subject of the evocation to visibleexistence. 5o much so that this is usually beyond the scope of all but advanced practitioner$. .lnvocation is a much more easily attainable result and is more apt and certainly more helpful tothe beginner. There are several forms of Invocation but the main one involves the assumingof a 'Godform'. AII this means is that a special Archetypaf image (it can be taken from any1'antheon) which immortalises a certain set of' quali tie s(the Egyptian God Thoth is one of the mostwell known; he symbolises magical power and knowledge) which the magician wishes to KNOW, isby a process of rituaL synchronised vith the body of the magician and in an instant tsECOMESihe magician; the magician's identity also mixes totally vith the Godform. All.answers and know-ledee of that being are immediately given and the Godform is thanked and dismissed. AFterwardsthe magician can remember and use the information so experienced to the better of himself andothcrs,

Obviously there are occasions for idiots dnd psychotics to carrupt this holy system and some_in fact do, However, it must be stated that whilst the 'Gods'can be instructed by the Magicianwhether he is a good or evil Magician, he is in no way superior in intelligence to the Gods andcan never 'profit'from any negative magics without paying the piper. Although ritual magic maysound dialrolical it is not, The only ttring you have to fear is yourself, A weak, unpreparedcharacter can be taken advantage of by marauding Spirits in the lowei Aslr.rl dnd although theycannot actually blow you to smithereens right there and then as Ddnnis Wheattey would haveyou believe, they can cause a hell of a lot of trouble \,rhich the wise magician yill well do withc-.

One of the advantages of ritual magic is that there are Lou Magic areas in which the beginnercan work without contacting any of the'troublesome'areas, These basic rituals (such as the -banishing ritual of the lesser Penlagram and Solar and Lunar Salutations) can provide a wealth ofsafe t'xperience for the would be student. To excell in Ritual Magic one must do much study of thew.ry nragic has evolved from the OId Grinoires tlrrough the Occult Renaissance via the Goltlenl)awn Order. HelShe must study at least elementary Qabballah but properely start committed ssludy of the Tree of Life. Books by Regardie; Waite; Fortune; Levi; Mathers; Crowley and Burlerwlll help. One of the advantages vith Ritual Magic is that it can be practiced ( and indeed in theear'ly stages must be practiced ) Solo; All learning coming from books and personal experience.J'his is because of the current availability of vqry difficult to get and potent vrritten works onthc subiect uhich connect to form major instruction in the nost important systens.. No othersyst(tln has as much detailed information availdble to go at. It is a dramatici effective and pow-erluI path .

19,S,*,, 1,,Y r,il,t* I,l "q,r,

Yoga is a sanskrit term meaning Union. lt is in it's true sense much more potent than peoplein the hest realise, Ilecause they have been exposed to'get fit and lessen slress' Yoga prom-ulcated by holf-learned teachers of various systems via the Media, very few individuals canser th* (logree of magiral power yoga give$ in it's higher levels.

Yoga is essentially pacificstic. lt is the way of Non*action. People vho are neither Qreg-aricrus nor dramatic, but who like the Universe to take it's owh time, find Yoga an effectivelhird way. SimPly stated Yoga is a system of Mind control vhich demands certain bodily posturesfor lhe eose in which those postures allor.r certain types of breathing. There are Yogas thatdcurand little in the way of postures (Asanas). 1'here are other branches of Yoga such as Mantra -loga(known in this country and thc L. S.A. unrlcr the trade name o[ Transcendental Meditationhul which is accessible \./ithout resort to the Transcendental Movement) v,/hich use repetltive chantsftir a focus ,)f attention but in all these systems one thing is paramount, By the concentration ofntirttl on ONI': particular (one pointed concentration) to the exclusion of all else, the consciousnrinrl is still:d of re-acticn. lt takes neither heed of bodily function; pain or re-action of any cfth(r sr.nse$ and eventually receeds to such an extent that to all outside appearances the body lsd*arl ' Within the mind vhen this state is reached are areas of experience/being vhich transcendnerm.rl cxislence. They are analagous lo the states reached via Lcstasis by the Magician and Witch.It is sinrply a different m3thod to the same end. Advantages are that, apart from books on the sub-jL.ct, ir is imrrcdiately avlilable for use without expensive equipment ( apart from whatever theinrlividual thi rks necessary in the way of Incense; robes etc) lt is usually agreed, however, that

Page 6: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


it (loes take much longer using Yoga to achieve results of a magical character and that the finalinforrDation tor the uJe of magicalYoga technique has to be searched out, sometimes wilhr).: rsLrnill oilerimages to the hinterlands of the East. Aleister Crowley, the much maligned

[*,ri,ir"'r a"r""'iuAty) magician spent his lifetime building a synthesis of Ritual Magic and Yoqa

inro lris own technique Theiema. tiis books are storehouses of information on this subject. Othc'r

tyPcs of ,part-active, Yoga which are potent and very- much to the fore at this moment in lime

a'r -* 'lantrik yoga and TJoist Yoga. Certain types of Tantrik Yoga use Sex Magic techniques.For every inrtiv-idual there will bi iound a 'Shiipnel' technique to.aid hirp under lhe parasol of

one of the major paths. llelshe must however, identify it Personally' i'


'l'hc \dorcl Sorcerer is derived from the word sortilege which means divination by the random

fall ot lots. I{any centuries ago however, this term was applied to,a certain tyPe of shamanisticuraqic and has now become synonymous with it. We shall use this {effinition in this way thene[ore.

Sorcery is a natural but indisciplined use of sympathetic and spirit magic. Still practicsedirr arcas when tribal origins are not [ar removed from our technological societies lt Pivots on

thc s(,nsilivily ol the 'tribal archetypal force' of the masses and the mediumistic ability of the

sha1ra1. Via a process of voluntary obsession, the Shaman can diagnose splritual and mundane

tliseascs I'or those who seek his help. Any problems can beforseen i or an ans$,,er to it defined.Ir is very much analagous \,/ith lhe Sorcery used as a practical adiunct to Witchcraft €xcePt thalrhe religion is not compulsory and the use of regular rites not a situation that is needed'

$ome of t he results from this type of magic are sufficiently amazing lo prove it's validityl)ul lhe ,staccatto' success rate which is tround up with a natural understanding of psychology bytl). 5ham0n and his rougeish use of other systems (as in Voodoo for instance using Christianfrarrcwork) for flexil-rle purposes means that the system is entirely individual to the particulars;anr,rn anrl can only be developed by much personal research or via an aPprenticeshiP as Iittleon tllc systems structure exists by way of infoimation.

It must be understood that these are generalisations and that there are pockets of uncorruptedSorc,.'ry involving the natural plant drugs available to indigenous tribes of South America and

rhl: lndon('sian lslandswhichareextremely potent in system and effecl. These are, however'.bcyortrl tlrc scope of all bur advanced student6. ln Western Occultism one of the greatest sorcererswiis Ausril Osman Spare (see booklist) . Sorcery is more dangerous to lhe uninitiated than other Patlparlrs arrrl the beginner would do well to study other aspectstfirsl .

: t,l t I l,:,,Y ,,1,,,?,tY l,f ,,l{,'-,1,?li,1,li,

r\s will bc gathered fnom the foregoing categories. Satanism & Devilworship are not major.rsl)L:cts ol Occultism, Originally they were propaganda legends developed by rhe Churchl.rr: p.rliric;rl reasons lo ensure the oblitcralion of I'agan Religions. What is Satanic to one

l)r)t'sotl is rluite acceptable to another and there is a great moral debate here which we cannotvrrrrturc into. A re-read o[ our note on lllack & White magic will be in order, Most of thel,,r4,rrr religions \.t/ere aware of the powcrful nalure of fertility and did not deny it's p,urPose

rrl ;irrwerine the Llnivcrse. Fertility rites were held to promote onset of good crops forrlr,it ycar irnrl for other more Arcane reasons. None of these rites were tBinge ups' inthescrrsi (hat the Church would have you believa ( and what if they were anyhow?) except lorthr 5 tugldlian least. AII this Bachanalian revelry was totally unjustilied and a waste ofi\lltts,ts lrr as the Church was concerned and had tb be stopped' not the least of their reasonsrv,rs llre [,rct that just about everybody cnjoyed these feasts at which 'naive bliss' hras Paramount'.yorr can'r oblircrate a creed it everybody want's it to continue the Church therefore 'discovered'

Page 7: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


lc'gonds o[ l)evil Worship which struck fear into the average person of those tirnes ( and plentyare still allected by them today may we add) warning rhem to keep avay lrom such debauches,lor lear o[ becoming possessed (drunk?). They then promptly replaced Saturnalian Revelrywith Christmas and after an awful lot of persuasion it eventually caught on. Since the persec-ution liDes there have always been a small minority of groups who v/ere led by individuals whohad suffered so much at the hands of the Church that, thinking that the grealest sin as far asthe Church was concerned \./as Satanism they adapted some of the rites of lrlitchcraft and employedP.ll'!)dies of Church rites to develop an ANTI-CltRIST rebellion. They succeeded in releasinqt h-ei r a qgravation during rites and after this had been expiated (you can't keep in a continual slateof anqer all the time) the philcophies of these groups <lescended into sexugl e:icess an<l indulgence.As onc of the great tenets of Occultism is 'Do what thou wilt an it harm noiie'meaninq that as longas yout' m agic/phil osophy was subjective and affected no one else who wished you no harm thenanything you care to experimenl vith is valid, this employmenl rras quite in order. The onlythine it tended to do of a negative nature vas to perpetuate the Myth ihat rhe Church had createrl .

Notably the greatest modern exponents of Satanism is American, The Church of Satan inAmorica, kun by Anton La Vey has achieved worldkide infamy. Howeverr opart from some verynasty misdoings by tl=ir members acting independently of the Church of Satan, their actions havebeen remarkably in line with the current mode of American Society. lndulge yourself all you canbc''.'a Ltst' thr'rre is no existence aftcr death; 'fake your fill of what you will; qralr it at the expenseof anolher and if somebody gets in your way desolatc rhem, Perhaps lhar souods too critic;l buwe nlust cmphasise that Satanism is not a Traditional aspect of Occuliism.

sex Magic and left hand path Qabbatah working is very similar to overallSatanic image on rhesurlace bul extends much, much further into arcane knowledge antl law and those individiials un-conlrc(cd wilh the lcvels o[ existence that exponents have achieved are not in possession of thesdm'r Reality and should not draw judgement until the system can be appreciati<t fulty.


sl'lRIl'l5M: SPIRITUAL.ISM AND SIlANClls'AND t',tEultttr.t5. These are ofren confused, mixedup tr't:iuch an extent lhat they are difficult to differentiate. SPIRI'fUALISM is the name userl byCllR lS llAN SFlRlTISTS. They admit most creeds but talk in terminoloev of the Saviour antJChrist etc and the majority of members of their Churches are Christian Conilimea. SpIRITISMis lhr llanle Eive'. to the Movement begun in earnest by Alan Kardec in France in the late lB00!sIl is .'ss.'ntially the same but withorrt any rcal Religion-bias. Both forms rely on the possessionof a Mc'dium by spirit entities' the former during a 'sermon' in a Church settin;; the laiter at a- _Stlrttrcs. A Private meeting attended by any containable number of peopie, usuaiiy around a tabEwirh rhe Itcrlium ar rhe head. '[he idea is tlrat rhe ,conqregation' giv"'porer to tie Medium andbui.lrl an 'ilr'e tr'cr atmosphere in which she/he can work. bnce pos"r.ion has occureti mcssaqesantl rvarnings are given' Some advanced mediums can also produie psychokinetic effects and asttltrlattcc calleti ectoplasm which is a fluid*plastic goo whiih assumis-material shape. Therlcvi'lopmr:ttl o[ a Mediunr is quite st rai shl forwarr! allhough it is easier if there is a inatulal, abilirylo b('qin wilh. ,\mateur Seancers can act vory good results from the use of Ouija Boards andAtrlorn;llic Wr"ilirg Equipment and these are indeed one step in the development oi mediumship.

Ilccaurie SI'lhlTSlM AND SPIRITUAI-l5M has lirtle connedion wirh ,harrl Occultism, theirconvcrts tcnd to look upon O,ccultism proper as bcing near Satanic (especially Spiritualisrs becauSe.'r I llrcir chtrrch leanings) ln fact they \.vould do well to investigate othei aspecis of Occultism asl[e tcchnirlues used can have a great bearingon the performance o[a Medium at a seance.

r\l'tr.'r' r'eil(lrr)q the above information ancl'aspecis' ol' OccultiI)(tllls ('lr(' firclticds to the same end. As somebody once selidyrru (r re (lr.rl'ini tely eoing Ll[) but everybody needn't climb theV ir'W .

sm it must be un(lerstood that al I these" when you're climbing a mountainsame mour)tain to achie ve a birds*c!,e

Page 8: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

Artifacts for RitualsWhy do we need so much in the way of strange and vonderful equipment before we can practicetrlaelct 't'his is a common question from newcomers and early students. The answer is simple-you',lon'tl All you really need to begin with is the basics (explained later) but as ritual is a

iornr of dramatic art and most ritualists become 'professionals' at it, just as Camera Iluffsb.'gin with Kodak Brownies and work up to Rolleis the experienced Occultist.wants equipmentwlrich he knows is something special, has been designed especially for i{s purpose and vill nrrt

ler him dor.r'n. There is a lot of nonsense talked about what you should or should not have inthe way of equipment. A t125,00 Solomnic Sword made from Steel;Copper and Brass, by hantlat the correct planetary phases and hours, complete with Solar and Lunar correspondences andincorporating a special cayity to rake vibration oil , being covered in strange and mysterioustooking Sigits and Hieroglyphs is only different in itrs impressiveness to an old convertedLiread-knife not it's purpose. Of course, any enthusiastic ritualist would sooner weild theformer within a magic circle embattled by legions of demons than the latter if he could afford it ''I he end result would differ little providing the pyrpose and use of the weapon was understood.

l'here are items of equipment which are used purely symbolically. There are other itemsof equipment which are used because of their hel pful,/practical constructionto conplete a specialact and there is a third quality which are used as 'props' (this in no way inferring any skull-duggery) to assist in the performance of the ritual .

Although the following list can be ammended and even further slimmed down we think itrepresents the minimum working requirements for most Occult rituals. You needl A Goodinccnse burner; The four Elemental Weapon s;(S word/da gger - Chalice - Wand - Pantacle'An Altar or an Altar covering to turn an ordinary table into an Altari A Candle/Candles &

lherefore C andleholders/ S tic ks to keep them safe; some incense appropriate to the ritualinlentioni A long cord or chalk or some salt to nake the circle (or a pre-fashioned one inrvood or cloth if you are oppulent); a second incense burner for the triangle of Art. Candleswith holders for the four quarters (or small incense burners for joss sticks); Some taPerseither for Coverners or for lighting candles etci some annointinB oil; a robe if worn andallcll or llorn or Cong to'ring the changes in'consciousness"

I t nust be remembered that with Witchcraft there are seasonal ri tes and that not all oflhese iroms are employed at every ceremony. However anybody who begins to Practice ritualwill find that if he purchases items for specific riiuals he will eventually end up after a year.'or so with most of the aboveitems as standard equipment.

-l'o this list must be added if the occasion demands it ; A. Scourge (tor iniliations); Tenple!ian<lals(ifworkingoutdoors@ards)RedBlue&Whitecords;Hornedll(]lmels plus flower circlets and crowns; accunulator bowls and crystal or magic mirror;runcsrones or Tarot etc. Obviously we could go on and on as for each individual ritual ofI)iyinatioti or initiation or for welcoming in each season there are individual demands. Thesdasonal rituals vary in their complexity, some items beinq used once a year and some itemsbeing m;r{e easily by the group/person. lt is generally the gase that the paraphernalia ofy()ur chosen Path is collected in bits & pieces, (some of it being made personally if you arepractical \^/ith your hands) either by outright purchase or by gift' when it is needed for the

l) rticul,rr rite in hand.

Ohviously the idea in purchasing an incense burner is that it is made for the job and willnot 'sufiocate' the incense and stop it burning, while at the same time being safe for useol)viating a fire hazard, so this will come into lhe c6tegory of practical equipment. So villcandleholders as in many rituals these have to be moved about and a sturdy holder with aspace for burnt or dripping wax is needed. We don't need to dwell on these points too muchtrut iis you may be aware, the elemental forces will get out of control given the slightest Prov-ocation and excess of fire elemenl may tnake your ritual go with a banq - literally.

Page 9: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


13efore buying your elemental equipment and ritual gear it is wise to purchase booksuhich vill enlighten you to their use and the part elemental power plays in ritual . You willcertainly not be able ro use th.: equipment if you do not study their imporrance firsl . somegood titles here vould be Magical Ritual Methods (Iri,G. Gray); The [)ractice of Ritual Maeic(G. Knight) and Magic An Occult Pri mer (D.Convay) -'fhere are many others but rhese areespecially useful lo beginners, You will then understand the meaningi behind the equipment,Let us rePeat that although certain symbolic'styles and particular sigils are prescrited bythe Old Grimoires and various Book of Shadows, that unless you undersrand iully why thelehave been chosen and used, there is no point in stopping your maqical evolution and delayinqpractice until you have saved up sufficient money to afford to buy one. A sirnpte but speciallyconotatcd symbolic (nife at a fifth the price will do the job of a l.luna Gaurd Athame wlth goneHandle and Runic inscription_s,- until you are experienced enough to r^rant otherwise,

The oth'er thing to bear in mind is lhat there is a reluctance on the part of most nehrcomersto tregin ritual until theyrknow all'. This is a mistake. It is true rhal one should not overstepthe mark with practice BEYOND that trained for. This rvould be nothing short of idiori?-Ilowever, there are various forms of low-magic vhich you can involve yourself in wirh safetyand w hich ve you yery good experience of condutting ritual (and'of course bring abouithe magie you desire) The most straightforward of rhese i;CANDLEMAGIC, (see boolilist fortitles). All you need here is candle annointing oil; requisite number of colouretl candles corr-esPond,ed for the particular use, candleholders (naturally) rapers to light wilh and some larqeAltar Candles (See L24 on our price list) Otherforms of magic are prayei magic and Knot Mag.rc.Rituals for these are also straightforva rd. It is Evocatioriand Invocation which are the triclyones.

So far we have not discussed the differences tretween rilual Witchcraft and the Rites Qabbalistic Magicians. The Wirch will have tvo sacred knives; One white handled and(he lJlack hendled. The Magician will have a dagger and a sword. A wiich vill use planetaryittcenses whe re a magician will be likely to use Qabbalistic incenses, theymav both uie elementalincenses ' The l,llitch is more likely to use candles and the magician i" ,Jrel"itety to use a wick-lanp os lempte.light. The ma.gician is more likely to be robed-whereas the Witch, ureather perm-itting will be sky-clad (naked). The Magician will use a rriangle of art to form Elementals indSpirits Whereas the Witch t{ilI not._ The inscriprions on toolsind pantacles is likely to belinochian, Tlreban or celestia-I script-with a 6agicial, but Runes are used by witches. TheMagician will makemuch u s.e of Taro_t for m-agickal purposes whereas the wit;h is more likely toube them for divination. The m.agic.ian vrll,use a cryjt,,l or magic mirror for this, A scouiqeis more likely to be found on a witchcraft Altar than on a Magicians. Skulls and human remainsare only userl in necromantic lagicians or on Samhain (All Hallows Eve) by Witches.stalueltes of the llorned God.and the.Silver l.arly will appear in the witches Altar but if any Gorlsare trse(l in e Magicians temPle it will only be for the assumption of his stereotype (see pre"vio

'-inlormation ) and not for worship. Decoration in the I etrple or Workroorr will'6e minimal tor -lditr':hes (unless for a specific ritual such as Beltane) Wheibas the whole pictoqraphlc symbolismo[ the occult may be used in the Magicians temple including banners symUbticaity repreientingforcds dt thc fourcompass points; solomnic Pillars; decoiated ceilini etc, rr,ui" ole muny

'io""'ongles' that ve could mention but it will confuse further. Suffice to iay that the modestly equipped'l *urple will lre a sufficiently impressive stomping-qround for the newconierand he can gisL to theextremes-of r:,ymbolic complexity when he has the eiperience, knowledge and funds. There is aqIe,t.t differerce in the philosophy of Witch and QaL,balist which is expliined further in the fore-vard. . l'lte .e bove comparisons are general and without boring you much further I must repeatlhdl indivi(luirl eccentricity and idiocyncratic adaptarion of tec-hniques in Occultism is evident thefttrther one frogresses. There is no absolute system giving a vaii,lity which you can argue over.'l'hcre are di.ferent spokes to the same vheel bui they rll lead to rhe ljub.

Do not berlieve that some ritual items are purely for show. There is a purpose behind rheinrPli'm{:nls vhich goes far beyond the comprehension of the beginner. l'he ileli for instance is notlust for show. lt is usually chosen fpr itrs timbre and equateJvith the Astral Note, Sound cansometimes as,sist in Aslral Projection as lhe vibrationary rate causes changes in consciousness(s*e work on colour later). This bell is runq at specific periods to sound tlie leaving of one ,plane,ol'consciousrilss and the move to the next. It is also used in reverse, -lhis enables a track io bekclrt on'rt'aliry' by the use of the bell and it is a ,;r,'i,r :.ri,rr.inedsure. ,,.rrue people use gonqsfor tlns; or Ilnocks ; hornblasts or drumbeats. The r,:clrnrque is the same, The bell has been foundnrore univcrsally uselul.

Page 10: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


'l lte construction of a temple can be very grand (as mentioned above) or modest, but whcther.yotrltave ir room kept sotely frir this purposd Cwhich is obviously the better idea as thc circle willi)c'coffic llore and more established each tlme you use it leaving more maqickal enerqy for dir('ctusc, rather than setting up fresh each time) or \{hether you re-arrange the furniture and make

loom lor your rites; there are certain prticautions you should follow. Each ritual item musl l)cstored out of harms way when not in use and covered to prevent stray 'radiesthetic' influencesfrom being absorbed whieh may not be helpful' The equipment and the Altar top; gateways torhe room and any opening shouid be ri tual'ly' clea nsed (you can use chinese wash for this) andyou yourself should take a Purification Bath to ensure your Aura is free from engativilies.

The 1'emple and your person should be subtley perfumed in preparalion for the rites anda period of Meditation should precede it. Robing should be done with care and vith purpose 'Atrer the rite and indeed after any occult experiment the Maqical Diary or Book of Shadowsmu5tbefilIedin.Thisis@oftenoverlookedpartofmaqicaldeveIop-

ment. the diary should contain the unbiased result and performance of the ritual along with youridL'as and opinions of what happened. It should record exactly all that was done and who waspresent, This not only re-afirms what has gone on in your own mind, but will also enable you

io fully study it obiectively afterwards, These diaries will be of inestimable value for yourself;r[ler a iew months have passed not the least of which htill be the facility of seeins iust how faryou have progressed (which is usually surprisingly quickly in comparison) but also for posterity'You never know when your work may have some important bearlng on magickal technique whichy!)u may overlook but which a Mentor may find useful and important.

Now a fe*small tips on the practice of ritual to promote a greater success' You will findlhat music appropriate to the ritual being worked vill be of inestimable value. The Planet Suitel-ry l{olst is a very well used and effective record giving tracks for all the planets which aresu;rcrl.r. You vill find other Magickal songs in casse[e form in our lists and ve recommend'l he Rollright Ritual,/Magical Songs and Gwyddion Sings. These will set the atmosPhere and[ive your imagination flights of Astral importance. No doubt the music enthusiast will be ableto choose records from his collection which will suffice. Don't leave out Orqan Music becauseo[ it's Church associations. It is very powerful and this is exactly hrhy it was monopolised byth.' Church .

One of the main problems in ritual initially is the overcoming of fear by early is a very important reflex action and iF essential to some aspects of Ritual Maqic. Fearcan dcvelop a lot of magical power, Ilowever, you must learn not to fear the fear. Courageousfear is what we need (Godfearing) and lhere are various ways of Setting over this problem ofanxiety over fear. The only real way ia to meet it yourself bul there are excercises in fearwhich will assist you to do this gradually instead of all at once which was lhe v/ay used in theMysreries traditionaliy. One is to work all your rituals in pitch dark with only one small candlelor illumination. The other is to take this a step further and do rhe same in front of a full lengthnrirror. In fact a full length mirror is of inestimable value when yoq become proficient enough1o t)egin the assumption of godforms. Another thing that beginners get tied up uith is the perf-()rmance o[ ritual . They tend to think that it must be done once and once only and when done itnrusr be done absolutely word perfect, It is true lhat the actual ritual must be correctly'worked'using all the interplays of sound and movement vhich have been built inio the ceremony and willhave llttle success unless it is done professionally. However, there is nothing to stoP you

'rr'hearsinq' beforehand, Obviously you must use your common sense over this and not play outlh. complere ritual otherrrise the effect during the actual rite will be diminished, You can hor{-cver recire the passages in the rite and do the movements and generally find out whether t'hingsvill go wclt on the day. lt \{ould be gtupid to begin the bannishing ritual of the lesser Pentagramand finrl that when your sword is extended you haven't enough room in your bedsit to make a com-'ple te circlel

Another tip to a beginner would be noi to take magics too seriously to start with. This may

$ilund iln odd ihinq to siy but the fact is lhat although Magic is an instantaneous force, the knolr-l..dge and cxperience needed to manipulate it i6 not inst6ntaneous; much study has to be donelrlortl a novitiatet maglcs become a,r powerful ond as instantaneous as the magical force itself''l hose tlrot cannot seeihat what they are studyinq for is worth their life itself and cannot make

tltc co[rntinment hrill fall by the wayside, There is plenty of scope for the newcomer toOccultismto makr. his magic vork. ln other words qny rilual wiII produce so"qe Power.and obviously ifrullicir"'nt power is not drummed Up the firli-time the neoPhyte shorlid not.sit back and wait foriii, io nurrrion- he should get right'back in there and do thc rilual again. Eventually there will[,c a cornirirund effect and the desired result will occur.

Page 11: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

l:inallyrhcreisonequesrronwhichinawaycannotbeansweredcollectively'ltmustbeanswerc<l each unto himselt by resort to \|lilhin. Wllat cun t,tugi. Do and ItIl ,.rr.)' an.l 1..()R 1"111:?

.t he limitctl answer is lh"r ir'ca-n.;;'; i., evunvrttt ltc. 'io tne '[rue occultist maqic beiomcs

Iile irself. Ile sees no airru""il" ["t""", his normaI workaday existence and his work in the

.l.e mple other than a airtere"ncl'in thu ruuul of cons.iourneri.

'all Iife become.s maqic and all

Mdqic becomes Iife. The ""rp.".iiiriiv',o o,tru", ir i*rnuniu and the responsibility ro mankinrl

is awesorhc. He who v/ishes io wiekl this l)owcr becones more than human and parl of this

Drocess is the reli nqui sn",""i or i state or'existence wlrich at the momenl he may holtl dear; a

ih,,nue in attitude *ni.n rnuV'.Iu." muL'h slnife in fris associafiorrs with olhcrs nol ()f a simililr

iiil'';#,h,i;i; f;;';;;;:i:;;il il ;i";; it'"'lnuii.u-. LrvE ro f he fqil with a promisc or

conrinued existence it nu .o*i,iii-'nl* i"ri to the Palh. lf he test the fornrulae and motives

arighr hr. may become .". u"*r"g., i'rr"'t"-..ip"r"trul.of individuals in the World' lf he lrieslo,-,rrrrDt ir the force will destroy him. one exlra point here for you to meditate upon' lhe

ii.,i,,J.t .i " ir-t,^e it ii's vuliaitv for existence No'l' it's morality'

!rt trRICt LISI toR: crystalsi Athaoes/daggersi Pentaclc Altar cloth; Altar chalices; Altar Belli Altar salvers: LLninous Paioti

scourqesi Tishing Boxes for Tarot;1.;;1i;, Incense llur.ers C lhuriblesi Censers; Annointing 0ils; Chinese liash; Candlesticks;

lbrn Buglcsi tlatching Pairs Honrs; S*ords of Purer; Altor Plaquesi Trce ofLife Posters; Robes: lncensei sandals: Silks; Scent

r:cn!ers; A0nointing 0il phialsi carbon steel BIades for c'istonising; fands; Pantaclesi Tr.ivets; AItar Glyplrs; tancesl t{agic

Hirrtirs; Srinq chain censersl *i"fi.."t, gtlt, Coaa"'u tigurines; Pan figunines; llax lapers; CanJles; lodiac Candlesi Staq

ArtIcrsi li'rnsstones i Tarot; etc.

tlsins Oils M, INCEI\SE't.lls use of Altar incense of a traditional occult type involving. blends of herbsi rare gums; oils

arrtl aromalics is a great pu"t "f,f," atmo$ph{-'re in'any magical ritual' The incense is also a

tool . lncense when 'balanceii'in u i"iaitiotial way antl burnetl on the correct burner qives of

suroke which coPlain 'accumrl,"a;' 'I his 'flrrid' "b'tuncu has been used from time immemorial

ro bridge rhe planes, , "na

in g*-p"-uvur. nu*r"ntruta and providing f leetinq qlimpses of the Astral

wolltl when medirated 'pon""friuii"in!u an't trypnotic icent which pervades the Temple when

inrr,nse is used, especiatly *;;; iil; i"tt .ttoiun for the work in tiand, ig very powerful ' ' We

i,i""J .-ii"",ioni of^herbs whi"n nu*" treen said to produce heightened states of a$'/areness ',*,ar.irte the nrind fo" rrunt"Jna";;"li.r. Many oi the tra<litional incense formulas are cen

- iet

Lrl(l dnd lhc rariry oI ttre sc en t s

-corntline with the visual e[[ect prod-uced to.bring about success'

Soruc. o[ our incen'se include more lhan 25 constituenls ' A specially blended mix of rare and

;,;"i;,'1" *utuiiut.; grm., uliti*t; "ssentiul

oils and other aromatics compounded in a time-

honourctl \^i ay tc Providr:the required effect'

All rratlitio,ral Occult incenses need charcoal tliscs as a burning aqent' You simply Iight

lltc, charcoal d!sc and ,p"inlt" i-ru, grains of the.incense upon it-usinq mo r.e incenge for more

,;;;,;;i,h.;;,.f : h'e *,pPly 's"ie-ienitlnei charcoal disc.s which simplv means that rhev are very

."rv i. iig',, vitn a'maich ";t i[;;;i;". iiadtine wirh methylated sPirits to qet Ihem qoinq as

was the case previouslY..

ln..cnsc i; also used tor the consecralion ol ilL.rrs. lly Permeating lhe maqical tool or talis-

man i. the incense t*r"r,rh"-iior, will bc subtley you chant the apPropriate

.;,,;;;;ii;" rn'hile vi sual ising the consecralion \''il t be completed'

ln cv('rcat;on the spirils are summoned to appear in the 1'riangle of Art' lncensc is placed

irr rhis rriangle outsi(lc o[ if,."-l4rl^ Ci^:lc anrl ilie entitics can use the smoke from the incense

as'prortrplain' to make thedrselves visil'rle'

so*rL, i.ce nses arc beautifully and compellinety scented '

iillrJ yct arl,rin a few are quite simply clisgustinq; throwing up

rlt:r'li ?.r'n't.rl'oiher planeS. Each one i5 made an(l chosen for

Some are straqne an(l hYPnotic

visions of clemonic entities and

a sPecif ic PurPose ' Venus f or lcve

Page 12: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

LL \!_I

nlagici Mars for vengence; Saturn for Malefic works or Necromancy; Mercury for Intelliecncc/salesafety'in travel; lupiter for success; Sun for Wealth and Material achievement; Moon for works of

intuitive magic, ieinces and divination. 'Further uses o[ these planetary incenses can be sleaned

from elemeniary study of Astrology, We also supply Elementary .incenses , The foru elements

Air ; Earth Fir!; Water and the fifth'Element'Akasha or Spirit/Soul are the buildine bloks ofour dimension. These are not naterial substances but 'qualities'and a proper rile will takcaccount o[ the balance of Elements vithin the mgaician and his tools or lho group he workswith using an appropriate elemental incense either to balance out the errors or specificallyfor the appropriite elementary result. Each of the compass points eguatei with a particularelement ,ina to nring in the Ar;hangels of the four quarters the particilar elemental incensecan be used in conjunc tion, vrith the main.Altar incense for the work in hand.

For Qabbalists there is a more extensive range of incenses, These are Sephirothic and

equate with the atmosphere and qualities of the spheres on the Tree of Life bringing reminiscenceso[ rhat sphere flooding forth and helping with work on the Astral Plane, They can be mixed byrhe magician to provide incense for path workings (1 part Malkuth + I part Yesod = an incenselor the 32nd Path vorking) and are corresponded in conjunction with Liber 777 aad Traditionalsources. Lastly our Ioose incense can be used for Meditation too' although Incense STICKSare prelerred here. Incense sticks that we sell are long-Iasting (About an hour Per stick)and economical tor repetiiive meditation and are easy to cope with givi ng little 'fug" Choosea 'flowcry' scent lor your meditation; not Patchouli or Musk (the first i5 a psychotic and thesccond a depresant) and the effect on your level of meditation will be quite amazing.

Remember, the formula and style of The Sorcerer's Apprentice incense is exclusive andunique. They should only be used in Ritual or for specific nagical purposes and not for'aroundrhc house scenting' if you intend to use them lor ritual later on. This will corruDt the effectand imoqes of the incense in your consciousness and render them less effective than if theywcre kept exclusively for magical work. lncense CONES are very sinilar in effect to incensesricks but can be used to 'bomb-scent' a temple before work begins as they are quite strong.'1 6.'y last about l5 minutes each cone.

Because of the myriad of demands for censing work during yorkings the Sorcerer'sApprentice has developed the exclusive SCENT-CENSER Not only does it burn charcoal andloose incense but it will take cones too, and also any AROMATIC OIL OR BALSAM. It iscandlepowered when in the Oil evaporating mode and so doubles up as a votive/altar light aswell. 't'his unit solves all the Occuttists censing problems and enables correspondencesin planctary and sephirothic workings to be extended to oils and balsams in their Pure state.'l-he wholesome natiire of the effect when used as an oil evaporator is extremely strong & Pureand conyerts lind this theanswer to their special workings. To aid thls we have a range ofl'lanetary oils and Sephirothic Oils which can be used \,/ith this uni[.or seperately as talismanid


thl.l( PRII:E IIST F0[ Abra l{elin Incense; lncense;0al$alistic Incensei P]anetary Incense; Chorcoal Discsi $qall-t{ ]h-uribles; Loose incense sta.ter kiti Scont Censeri Church censersi lrivets and sring chain censersl Planetary

t)il,; and $ephirothic 0ils; Joss Sticks Long lasti Cone incense and Frankincente t ilymh.

Ilcre ar.e some hint6 and tips on the use of incense. Choose a metal burner with ability for'lhrouqh draught' so the charcoal isn't choked of air. Use as many charcoal discs as yourburner will hold so no incense gets wasted'down the sidet. Place the burner on a tile ororher hcat absorbing material to protect your Altar from heat (the charcoals get very hot)l)o not Dove your burner/thurible once it is 'stoked' unless it has special facilities fordning so. A Thurible is usually considered to be an oPen brazier; free standing. A censer.r brazier often with chainsfor manipulation. Add as much incensb as you need.l,,Isure that the incense is mixed well in the packet you get it in before you apply it. Don'tcrush the incense constituents smaller than they are supplied to you. There is a time delayinvovlc'd in the release of scent calculated for the size of the pieees to give the incense 'characterM acerating the pieces will change this 'character'" which is the basis of a r"rell blended incense.ll,rve a jar ol sand hanrly at some aPproPriate spot \^,ithin easy reach yet out of the way durinqrach riiual when you use incense. This is to'kitI'the incense for salety reasons or at the end

ol .r rilo lrnen you are finished. A cheap burner can be made by using a large metal ashtrayItall filled with sand,

Page 13: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


OCCTJL? HERBALISMThe original herbalists nere witches. It was witches that were skilled in the use of danqerousplants and slrange herbs for healing and other purposes that combined rLith magical healinq tol::vent disease and brin_g cure' If you cast your'mind back to the ru.t itut'iiu"rthetics haveonly very recently been introduced. and that people have had teeth and toothache, broken timbsth'tt needed re-settinq and ariPutaling and wounds that needed bullets and arrows cutting out ofalong with <ither diveise and fainful inalaaiei-- tt is no wondur thar strained simples of Aconireand llemlock and soporific sponges were in much demand along with the knowledge of how muchand when to use themi rhe-Foii-Botany of this country is steeperi in ,nlifuiio"" and whilstmanv hereditarv Covens have great storis of herbat informari.n onlt ;;;a;Jlri to initiates,much of the old folk-herbalists knowledge can be broughi.c;il;;il;;rrilir, and publiiations.

,,^,,iL: lt::l-1::0.1: -tu.Tt' balsams; resinsl seeds and.aromatiis for healing, concoctinsP()tlons' proouclng ungeunts' massage oils and compounding incenses is a treiendously inier-csring and reu,arding parr of occulrGm. you wiII irna it ui"y

"rt"" onty.iiiii;;i;;;;;',:l::-{,,:..r..:* ordinarity availabte kitchen equipm;^r i;u;;jii

"rse rension;olspct dcl)resslon and provide tonic..teas for yourself and youi friends. The ability to compo,rn,l

ll::lt:- i'_-l:ll ,L'J,rlh in your scope if you havi access ro those rare constituents which are needed.r e rorcerers Apprentice can supply Aromatic and Medicinal Herbs as r"rell as other ingredientsthat are used in irncient recipes. 'Nuudless

to .uy'ioru herbs can "rr. u" ,""a iJ'"ja'"i

"'p"r*"] '

ean llavour ro yc,ur cooking i.nd no curry ,", "n.i done jusrice

"ith;;-a ;p;;;iting of Asafoetida9lT.^; lllr-11: secret ingredienr.the rndians keefciosely guarded. you witl find much in rhew.ry or slrange splces whrctl can improve ygur Culinary range and Saffron is just one examplewnich is very economic and can malie a trem.n<to;;;i'f;;".";.;;h;;;.;',;:,L'ste or any meatdish' By the co!'rect useage of these matet'ials you .on ctroore intreai"n?tio i,-""u formulate yourown i.cense comprying r./ith your speciar corpespondences; correct and or improve your perf-ormdnce of magi:ar operarions; he[p wirh.medir"iion una is.ii; j;;i,rd .ft;;Ji- ro" the deverop_ment of psvchi,: faculties s.uch as Asrrar projeoion and clairvoy;;;;. 'Ti;;;;

ingredients havebeen rhe b&sic t)ols o[ the Wiccan; Magician u,ia fott Botanisr tfrio"gfrout if* ug", and are apowgl in knowlt'dgeable hands-. The uies of herbs and oils u"u rno"u-air."i" iii'un $," newcomerwould think' Trke tseigamot for instance; tnrue arops of.the o in i i""i"i*iiitu"^ ordinaryrr. inro an almcst perfecr subsrirute fo-r rhe expensiv'e and rare Eu"ir-C;;y iieia, rarourea uyI{oy'rlty and the rich. Tventy.drops of the safii'oil-in t*o orn"u. of otive"oil tvill give you asrrran prolccrir:n oil of rhe.calibre and anti-burn properrieg;i-B;"g";;i'_-1f," J*p"isirJ irn_oi1.'I h. wisc (lccurtist keeps his -eyes & t,ars op.n. bni last irp, tr,-ttre tasi'-cJmphor has longttr"rrtt uscrl for 'I emple liehts; tor two reasoris. I.'irstly it givis a prrre-wt

"" rig-;, which is sym-bolicatly and actually gorlly and secondly b"cuuseihe fures are considered to have rhe property.r[ '.'levarinq, consciousness to higher and pu.u" levels rturing m"di,;i;;ii;;;;.Ierltrmes and essentiai oils used as aromatics is an essential part of Traditional occultism.lhose people who have not experiencea the richnesi or tnu u.ti,unaing ;;ff.";;;.; of scenrsuscd in compounded rare incenses and perfumes r,aru no ioea lusi tro'w joruitJitr," ,r" ordromatics can be. There so many 'notes' of scent that one never fails to become amazedat lhe possibi ities' used in incensei as a scent ro. ite uoay; even for medicianl use (Aromath- -erapy) scent is one of the most helpfui 'agents'for the extension of imagination and tantasy -two of the mo!t potent areas of ,emoiional energy source, ro trre experiin.aa

'p"rron u pu",_i(:uldr scent crn transport one back in time ro re-tiru a particular situation, The use of this

a$Pect in fiturl can be extremely advantageous.

Page 14: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

Crystals 6&, Magic MirrorsThe use of a Crystal Ball or Magic Mirror for divining the future is one of the most well knowntechniques in Occultism. The early Crystals were used by the Egyptian lnitiates and TempleSkryers and were made from polished Black Obsidian. Since then various forms of Crystalsand reflective surfaces have been used for Skrying (an ancient tern for crystal qazing) includ-ing polished stone, steel and pools of ink.or coloured water; coloured smoke from incense erc.All that is really needed is a focal point to enable a deep trance state to be produced. A cryst.rlball has been found to be the most effectiveof these methods with magic mirrors coming a closesecond.

The use of a crystaluses to which crystalsorm a specific purpose

is very straightforward in it's role for dirinilrg but there are orhercal be put.Theycan be'charged'with etheric fluid or symbols to perf-almost like an Occult tlatteny.

Magic Mirrors are extremely practical working tools of the accomplished Occultist, Theycan be charged as with a crystal in two modes. As an emitter, (for protection; projection;sending forth energy to accomplish a particular matter etc) or as an dttracter (ciusing energiesof.whatever quality desired to populate the area o[ the mirror; bringing people/items into thtsphere of the mirror operator etc). The use of the Mirror in.this ienie is not too complicatedbut takes some study and the application of the use of magic nirrors is adequately coveied inthe amazing little book 'Magic Mirrors' by Nigel clough ( see booklist). which givis a goodgrounding in practical nagic too,

l'he other- use of magic mirrors and by far the most vell known is for fortune telling orSkrying, IN this mode the mirror is used very similarly to lhe v/ay a crystal ball is u-sed buth1t' foa the majority of people much more visual power. Because the miiror is concave (some.,mirrors are-flat but greater success is recorded with concave mirrors) they can also be filted 'vith accumulator, charged

_to assist-\{ith clairvoyance, giving all help possible to the operator.By.holding the miror at a distance of about 12" to 18" away from the thiid eye (the distance varie:vith indiv iduals) a very concentrated effect can be felt on-the third eye and'trance states arefound to be easily achieved by the maiority of students.

It must be realised that uith the straightforward use of Crystal balls for divination (andmirrors too) that symbols and pictures ard first seen in the mind,s eye. Oniy later with comp-lete mastery of the magical technique can things actually be said to eiist in tf,e crystal..

. - ln connec-tion with charging of crystals and magic mirrors ve can offer Gold Chloride(salts of gold) which is the most poverful accumulaior known. once set and charged it nq,ver

needs renewing. A few drops -of .thie ln your accumulator; tallsmang etc wlll por,rir then'foras long as you need. Details of charging are given in Franz Bardon,s books a'na Magic Mirrorsby Nigel Clough. , ',.


There is almost as much in the way of taboos about vhat you should or should not do withyour crystal/m-irror and how you shouid or should not keep ii as ttrei" ii "itt iirot (see later)

Ilany. i.ndividuals vraP the ball or mirror in silk to insulate it from srray p"y.horn.tric influencesand this is about the most sensible idea. The vrapping cloth doesn,t f,uiu: td Uu iilk and a ulackcloth ./ill suffice. one of the reasons for this is that your crystal will automatically ,attractenereies'from the surrounding environment if it is used on a rigular basis (afier all this iscxactly what you wish it to do for skrying). It is therefore bei ro know vhat influences arePresent at lhe time so that a reading cannot be toverlaid' vith stray influences absorbed fromcasual use o and cause error in your prognostieations .

one last tip wlen using a crystal . By staring at the sphere you are trying to produce aspecial 'balance of minds' between subconsciousi conscious-and 'higher ionicious'ininds.'l hink of it as a three way see-saw. lf you concentrate too much with conscious mind youare using more than you need for ttre balance and the see-saw will tip. Go too far into asomnambulistic state and the images thrown up will fade from your nimory or become mean-irrgless. Therefore don't try too hard. Don't expect a'televised'image in the ball anddonrl take everything that 'comes through' as being either pertinent or Truthful until you havesomc experience,

Page 15: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

TF{E F{OLY QABALAI-{['-irstly lor those who haven't 'clicked' the wor]d Qabbala is t{ebraic and as such is \rritten phonetic-ally in llebrew. TRansliterated into English it can therelore become: Kabbalah; Quabbaiah; Qabala;Qabballah or any olher such differentation which gets across it's tonal quality. The word is the saorehovevcr it is written in Engl ish. Qabbalism is the inner mystery technique of .;udaism and is hunrired:;

o[ years old. One meaning of Qa ballah rs ' from mouth toear'and suggests that through the cc!.nturies this secret tradition was passed orally from Adept to pupil. ln the 9th Century vaiioustexls began to appear which Iaid down the basic philosophy of QJbbalism. From these texrs andstrains of teaching which have been passed down via thc traditional oral method,'the Western use o[ et3qabballah was given a boost in the 1800's when Eliphas Levi's teachinqs on'lhe qabballah gave riseto whdt is now known as the 'Occuit Renaissance,, 'Ihese teachings were furthei modifieeiand refinedby lvlac g re gor

_I1dt h-ers and other.rnembers of the Order of the Goldln Dawn at the turn of rhe C--ntury

and Aleister Crowley refined and opened up the eabballah even further h/ith his own reasearches. -

'l'oday enough is kno\tn of the qabballah as a system for it to be taught in many mystery schools ancl -

via easily obtainable books ' as well as through correspondence courses. Qabbllisrnis a morescientilic path than most and hinges on the relationship of man ro his exterior senses and ultimatelyGod. -l'he tree of life is lhe well known schema/glypli or design which graphicatly illustrates a mapof th.' httman mind and all itts experiences in a two <[mensional form. ;.-ust'as if you wished to traveifront say ,.llaseow to London you would need to plan your route on a roadmap so th; mys tic,/magic ianu$!rs tht ma;r of the l'ree of l.ife upon which to rate his or her progress; aim his/her ambitionl anrjcxPririerlce things normally denied the man without this aid. 'l'he iree of life has ten spheres joir,._-by ?2 Patlrs (sce illusfation on back cover) Due to lhe philosophy of the Qabhallah whtih sremi fromlh!'lr(!r' r.}tic itxiom 'as above, so below' ALL'lltlNr;s CAN wlTl.t EACII o.IllERL)N lIIIS'IRIJU O}, LIFE t.OR CUMPARISON AND UNDERS'tANDING.

l-{l Lls give an example. If we were on our way, using our imagined roa<i map, fronl Glasgow toI-ondo I and su<ltlenly lound that a scction of map hid been-misprintid and was blink, which rJad would '

w-e talic to gd( through this area of lack of knowledge? We w-ould, of course, look on the next pageof ou''.roadutap.and see if we.could spot the same roadnumber that \i/e are on at present. l3y this*m('lh')(l we can lirrd our \./ay through the 'blank' of knowledge. By using the 'l'ree of Life so too canwe qrrw in unde!standing by.relating the spheres rve do know and by logic assimiliating those L,e donot . ihis is ool:' ihe tip of the ice.l.rerg as far as the Qabalah is concer-nerl. lrreviously ve have sairlthal ,l^ is 1.T-1p o' ALL creation and this mcan s exdctly uhat ir says.' A lilrrrg system o; referencep,.rin'. for ANY exrerience, concept, colour, idea!, plant, perfumi, nure,goJfoirn, magical weapon,otc.cltr' etc, Everyttling and anything is CORRESPONDIID to the Tree ofLife, As sich it isLn


elllllrirrtly suitable system.for sc entifically analysing oners Universe and a fantastic working ioolfor the tagician. Study af the kaL'ballah entails undersranding how ir works and then applying-itlo y')ur every liv ng moment. It is a Pe-rfect system which givis you results at whatever livei yqubr:r'i.rt with and it will never run sh{trt of challenges for youl wit}iour complicating rhis introducioryPi*ietoomuchlttusgiveasimpleuseoftheKabballatr.'rletwol,otromsephiritroftheTreear,nurrl,crt tl 9 and ll, 'I'hese are respectively yesod and Mal kuth, (t.le bre,,r NhmLs) transtareailey meCn['o,rll(l,rliol'l anrl Kingdom.-

-Malkuth is Xingdom and Yr::otl is Foundatiorr, These erluate in psycliology;

a$ dl)l,liud to lhc tree of life as 5ul-rconscious Mind and Conscious Minrl. lo reart ihrs Uooi you arJ''usrllg l)lend of s,ubconsci ous and co nsci ous mind (you need your subconscious and automaiic commandol r'"'arli trg pluq ycur consci ous attention for the meining of the printed words) The patn tnii ,ri;; -"

Y .:5o(l {ro d I'l.rlkuth is the 32nd path,.of.the 'l'ree of t-ife. So in tire 32nd parh you can see by tfiis exam-P'c wlry the qal,rbolists sometimes name this path the 'adninisrrativ.e inteiligence,, This by itself is nnot cnr'lll sh.rtlcring but if you meditate upon the orher attributions of the 3-2nd path such a; , the sumtot a l of al l intell gences"; tlre 'wild original nature ol man' and then think why

'saturn the Ronan God,is cort'csPonded lo this palh (he taught the people agriculture and su ppres sed-their savagery and int-'rodu.-r'tl lhem to civilisation' by legend)it will be more meaningful . i'he corresponded tiroi cartl for'rhL' ,]2n(l I).ltlr is rlhe World, which, of course , is man-made (God made the Eartli; Man by his powero[ thouqlrr made his world.) Other trore practical and Fpecific applicarions abound in thi eabLatan.l-!'t us suPPoie ycu wanted lo structure a ritual, The symbolism in a ritual,for enhancing love, forcxilrll,l(' would be attributable to sephira or sphere of Netzach who's corresponded planei is venus..l h.' ittcr.'nse you rrould use would be ltosd"buds or,petals or rose oil, for these also are attributableto NL'tr.rch; Ilathor is the Goclfrom for this sephira 9o a stattuel.te of llathor on the Altar is ideal; RedSartrl,rl vood ts the perfume to use for the effects of Netzach so a blend of san<lalwood and rose petalswoLll(l lrLr aiine sacred incense; Netzachrs colour is Green so your robe or altar cl oth should be ofth,tl cL-)l{rlr, irl, ly you should have a green shade to your temple light and/or green candles on the.\llar. See lrow lhe Qabballah helps you put thtngs together? The idea is, of course, that by tradit-

Page 16: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

trdrlilion an(l successful prior example these corresponded items have been shown to pull youcl$:,(,r to tlld Dagical vibrations of Netzach so you can manipulate them or affect lhern to your o\{nentls,

Whatevcr we said of the Qabalah though must of necessity only bri ng you to further study. -l hcreis such a wealth of information on the qabballah that it is the best used system in Occullism and thilonc wirh the most proven success. lt is ideal for the logical mind and for those intellectuals who

may think of occultism as being for the more i'ntuitive. The Qabballah v/ill bring these individualsup sharp vith a rude and respectful alwakening. If you are at aI I interested in the qabballah you oweii to yoursetl to purchase at least one introductory book on the subject which explains it more fuilythan we had space to do here. Then gi ve it caieful thought for whilst it is a trustworlhy and safeand potent path to magic it entails considerable study to achieve mastery'

Ill,l :11*ll : :,: l1l Il'l :,tl'13,1lllli,Tl?'['here is some dissension about ]/hat constitutes a Ta]igman and what constitutes an Amulet, It is

generally taken that Amulets are things that can be worn on the person, especially around the head or necland that Talismans are specially produced magically directed items made for a specific purpose.Oniginally and traditionally TaI ismans are vri tten and dravn using involved mathmatical and symbolicaldesigns incorporating the sigils bf the intelligences one lrished to harness to producd the end resultwantcd. 1'hey were prescribed to be made on Virgin Sheepskin Parchhent in lhe Old Grimoires andwritlen with Dove's Blood Ink. They vere then 'insulated' from disturbancebya silk pouch and wornclose lo the bkin of the individual for whom the talisman was to work. Mostly protective but also

'projective they are the true Talismans as far as ocullt practice is concerned and the drawing and erectinof Talismans or Pantaclesas they are sometimes known should be well studied. Using properely chargedTalismans any reIlflfifrimagician,/ \.ritch desires can be brougnt about without intensirie and continua[magical concentration. A Talisman can be said to incorporate sigils that are imbued with their 'ovnpower whcn errected correctly vhereas Amulets have to be continually re-consecrated for use. This is'not to suggest that Talismans don't need consecrating but that once done their effect is continual.AmuL'ts derive most of their power from thbir shape or symbolism. Various ghapes or symbols have beenfound to provide magical pover in themselves ( suih as the Ankh Cross or Phatlus) and wien this specialshape ls combined with a th(,tough oonsecration the amulet will act like a battery giving off it'd particularray and influencing the enviroment, Some Amulets are made from speci fic materials which have a corr-esponded value to the use in hand, Copper for instance is the 'corresponded' metal for Venus so a love

amulet would be better made from copper than any other metal . This guestion of correspondences is a qui!quite comPlicated affair but derives from the Umdraid Tablet ot Hermes. The philosophy can be condenierlby the axiom'AS AISOVE SO BELOW". This means that the Occultisr percei ves many lavets or dimensionof exililcnce which have interfaces of contact (naturally they could not axi st indepenaehtly of each other),'l he polarised forcesinvolved with the existence of these levels means that thera is a continual 'pull, fromtrne plane to another. Many levels surround us al I the time and any effect on one plane causes a ihangein Polarity in lhe other'as above, so belowr, There is a 'correspondlng' effect fron one plane to an6ther

used l)y lhe use of certain irems which have the equivalqnt correspondencq., Details of mbst of theset-orre.s lrrrndence s are. given in the book Liber 777 by AI ei srer Crokley which is an extremely potent andIseful ielerence work. This-law.of correspondenies is the basis ofLll magickal uork. Correspondedlrldnet.rry oils can be used to further compliment your talismans (or indeedbe \./orn by themselvei) totrring tttr' c[fecls under the auspices of that planet into play. Any item of ri tual equipnent must eyeniuallylrecomc magically alivd/ith use and have an initial consecration; therefore the applicaiions of Amulets and-'l alisttr,tns runs lhroughout the occult Techniques and philosophies that u,e corli-. Not only j'ewellery butrobes and altar clothst chalices and suords and athames musi all have their notivation and purposeianc-

-lified so tha t they become so hallowed in your mind that you are awed in their prescence and utterlyconfid-enl o[ rhcir porency and purpose. All lhis is not impossible to achieve and evln a rar.r beginner vill beable to charge his equlpment and talismans sufficiently to impress himself and others with ihe results.f,1ost books on producing talismans give the details of consecration and show how to set about it. It is aconlmon nlisconception by newcomers that unless you have had hatf a lifetime's apprenticeBhip at Magickor unless you are 'gifted', you cannot charge talismans or amulets, This is a fiitacy. The-degree towhich a rtr"'wconter could charge a talisman or amulet as Compared r,/ith a seasoned occultist vould obviouslylre less ,rrtd the effecis slower to come to fruition. This is much the same with comparing somebody whoi'i jusI lcarninc to olay cricket with a County cricket.professi onal. With the latter the cricket ball uill behit over^ the stands on a good day; the neophyte might only be able to reach the boundary vith his best hit.Nevtrrlhr,less the object is the same and the result different only by degree. As uith al I magic, you mustp;r( in rifort and gain experience by DOTNG that r{hich you wish to develop. Virutally all of us have thecapacity. I ,initcity and application is rhe crilerion,


Page 17: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


TAROT Its use and meaningTurot (L'rench) or Tarrochi (Italian) cards are, as most people seem to be aware, usedpopularly and effectiveiv.for fortune rellins.l aci uut. o"i ein.' ""; ;;r.;;;; iut the eencrat opinio,rby L)cculrisrs is rhat rhe Malon Arcana iii,--iz rvrrr.ric pitrr""

"u"aij ,""u-iormcrry rjgypr i.,n'I cmple taLrlets slr.rwino a- dcptlr of trum,,n t ,rowt,,lleo o,,,1 oru".n"ss that h,is still to l)e rcvcalcrltutlv, wlrich *ru"u ,uuu",r r.",i, .r,l i,.'""ii;';;;i;;'fi..,.rri o.res rry a criqr.r* of Arrepri. .r.heknowledge contdrned rherein is thought ro #r;;.;; passetl on r.ry word df mourh unril it wasthilt the olderit existing tarot cards ippuu"Au"runJ t43O.

- l'hc Minor Arcana, 56 ca.ras in total, is founri in lhcse packs too, bringinq rhe totar deckto 78 cartls ' very briefry;, the tdror is roortJ ,pii try occulrists u. u u*[oi:rire, picruringin it's symbolism not onry the passage

"r rite iro'm uirrh to dcath in the physical plane butalso the spir'tual growttr o[ tni, inaiJi,ruii uni "n

oi"upo" ptane inrornrlti'on -.1

p".sonrt a. tob+ revelaed only individualty rhrough .iuJy unJ'riaitotion,lleciluse of these artributes o[ thq Tarot borh or

li,li'jil;iil j:*i:i:l*i:1"":'il:"i'i:";"'."il"lli;;:['::l.,]il.';lii'l^lli,i:l';1,:"1f,,'*IiJ" _

since the earriest packs, learned and in some instances not so learned occultists havepro(lucL'd their or.r n versions of rarot. 'r'r,ore or.j,.in ,oru.u.u. iup""ii" "-.pu.iurry insym[ro]is;n ' I mprovenrent in Awareness una-"uptiiity concentrated into rhe cards make lhem'casier ro get inro'ar:<j some are ideat fo; bugi;;;;;. The packs we sell ar the Sorcerer,sApprr-nricc are a gooc represenrative selecriJn o[ worrh^.. ^i", ,iri ""iii^i','ur,.. commrtringvortrscll to monlhs of study, that rhe pu.rr u"u onlv useful for f."i;";:i;ii;;L lna are not appro_Priare [,: r nragikar use. This is an a

jsr"unc;;i;i "iii "*r,riirv

'r"r'"= ,1,1-,,i'r.n rime ande\l)L'tlS!',

'l he a)ldest exlant rarot deck is the Visconti_Sforza circa 1430. This pack has some beaut_iltrlly s''mbolic illustrations and one.*a irJ,,ni"riar puts paid to the idea rhat some historianshavc, t'rat rhe carcls vere-invenrc<l ,*piv. ioltnu,iing o" urrr"rn"nr. .Ihe l3th card in this pack(lhe. l)e:lrh card) is a :;keleton with a bow'(as iri Uor'o"a arrow). The synrtrolism o[ this as far'l$ ()cctrltisls are concerned is paromount irut is-on extra_the skeleton n"u i i t un,ru g"zshroud asa kind 'rf circlet and after bei ng ,."ppud "".r"i iii" "rrtt ti,u toose uanargi

"^0, take off from ei th.i::,:il.',1,:,,J::1-^l"iJi."lwhat can ud',.riit"i-.r,iv a.r"",r",r'"r r,.""r.""irii",{orned god in his ,

'l ite use of tarot for fontune. telling is well known bul fe*er p.ople ire aware of it,s totalL)Lctr't si{nificance' 'l he cards inco"po.,,ie n,oa-ningtrrt gryphs of every state o[ human endeavourdr'|l *vcry cxperience unrlergone in thc rifo-cycr" oi'it,u inalui,tuat. aj *"t-,["y representrlr(' r,.o\^,rrl, and ful.illrnenr "lil"^::1,-rlur_"_i;:;;,? pranu und i^ ii., il* li"i.r.,

"rrp, are ,Keys,ro ri,' A\, I,lane itself. 'fhere is a special recirnique i.r.rrire;"iiiui.ior,i,rpon rhe sards.rri ,\,'rrdl I)oorways , whereinexperi"n"d" o""u" ,;;;i;;;;:;i;;;:1;:U;:i,",..'l he el'ft-'ct of rar)t on every.level is very p(rtent but as they are indeed l{oly it is remarkablertr.rr bon)r ignoranr pcople a:ruaily ruu" tr," Js some evil metnoa or aiiuiidat import.N'rrhing coultr be furt'rer from the Trurh. i;;i;;"i can not only tell your fortune but wi1 alsor!'vcitl your true self in such a way th.rr entightcn;e,it and wisdom

"iii'"."ir"," For straight_f"rwlirtl rnetlital'ion usine Ihe cards as ,r"auiyp"'. onl takes an inner journey which because of it,s.'bjccrivity eives insighG s.erf ,*sru i,,r iir[iry-oir,o" r"unr. Taror rherefore is the Master,(L'y lo L)ccurris m and it cannol be over rare(r. 'tjhrs is-wiry ir i" s" i;;;;;n'r'io outai n a ,purisr,$L'l o[ 'fflrot if you wish to do anything else other itJn..1..o"runu ,.ri-c,"ii*;'u|-6 effort spentrrrvolvinq yourself in rhe srudy oi nonjpurist .o",r,

"irr rr" ,iir"i'*r,1, *;';;L to a level arwhiclr thr, cards (because of tireir corruption) connot wo"k for you. Most students of the Occulrsllt'rrrl nr'|rr)v vcars fultillin r their commiirm"ni to .triy rhc Taro'r "rd "ii;il;;""" """ hundredsol l'tt'ol I)'rcks thal havc bcen p"oar"uJ ui on" iin,lji?unor r,er, very few packs acrually contriburet"t'rlly''l lre symbolism of 'purist' tarots are unified even though t'hey miy look different in srylr.

Page 18: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


'lhe larer'purist' decks hav9. opgn symbolism and can herp the student much. They also lravclrrc br'nefit of an 'iliumi nated'miior ga-auq" i"."na_. This tretps wittr remcmberinq rhc pipc,trds. lt is obviously easier iemeh r,uiir," r", of Su,o;ds ;;;rr"i;"i", afllictionn(l d!'solation if you have.a pictograph oria"i"rt"a scene \,,,ith a traveller face tlown form-inq a Iqudra(pose of hands) wltn ten."."aii*-u"di"a in ni. back along wirh black croudslormin{ menacing palterns above (as i;ih" w;i;;;irj ""ir"" ii],, ""o,li,i'"1'"r ren swordssurrountled by pretty flowers, .

I'o uive the newcomer some idca ofthc symbolis.m.involyed wilh each .o"d, *u havc takencard .l . from rhe \daitc Blue_pack of ia",,r,ir."""ti.f, you will fi,,d;h;-i"li;;ing; A Maqicianst'rnding at a table surrounded uv rro*er";- r,.iraini'tri s right hand up alofr \./irh his left handrroirrin{ ro earrh. so mucri-cin [,u "uiJ-,u]out'inii' cu"a tn'ut u b.o[.";;;;' (; ni' i n rr., has;secI'r.rnz Bardon's rnitiation in_to Hermeiic,, i-uiln

'rrii,"^ "n

it. .succinctly; ihe uagician rep_rese,rs the Elements. The iorces or nutu.u,tilt manifest through,an,'Munu, the Micro_cosnric r'enraeram keeoing a complete uutu,,ce io maintain existencI. "i"rr."i'iu""

is symbol_iserl by rhis card is in'the prime of."nairi,,n. 'iouir, *itr, all the pover at it,s fingertips hasnot yL'l lhe knowledge to minipulate th" foi .,., ,til.or"ru through him. The wand held in thc.rqrrt h'rnd ' aroft is thc

"r:uL'.r.^,11n d or r", ,rui, force acling as an aeria[ lor Godforcewhich courses rhoueh ttie magician , u.rt,uJBy_ the pointing earthvard left hand. Ire isr'!)r)\'d jn Rt'd for his ambition ro conrrol ,.,rrhly woiks. iri, uuti i;ih;";;;;;i of responsirriliryrivins him his microcosmic 'ring pass i. ;'riiili"-rr,,ich he works tor the bLnefit of himsclI ant]Itl'rrrkirrJ ' [rpen rhe tab[e are the-u'ren, er, r.,l nE;;;.r Earrh.Air Fire & water (panracle; swordl{.rrrr & ('up) Around the-tabt" u"u trr"

", in" o-ti'n-u'ioaiu" the conjunctions of which give thetnaqician his basis of exislence anrl ,lecr*e r,is rla.iion" to circumstances. Above his head istltt liternat figure of eipht or eu-ckti. ot"isii';;i;;;;g his Divine origin and ensuri ng him of('ontinuc(l exisrence, Th9, ma nyflr,, oif, i i fu"-,]'ro*u of them white lillies, also show hisiIOtrvi,llion and responsit:ility to .,odforce.'I his is just a short

"l:1"::li::^::-u,we could go much.furrher. However, ir should be ptainl() tlle l'cader that has not yet understood these rhin'es so far that the wisdom ani derail involvedrrr rhe cartrs is worrhv.f ir;,h;;l;;;;;i1"" ili'iirov for ir is indee<t rrE BooK oF rrFE.ll('rc nre a few tips on using the Tarot ct Forttne Telling cards for Divination rerhich cant'('ddor)rL'd ;by rhe beeinner to a-id his,zhe. *rrrir.-"ei.stry do not try and concenrrate too rnuch.'rr rlrc ,l.rook-meanine,of

the cards.. y;;-.;;i;';;;iously, iearn ,r,ui,ui.ri liri genurarty t)ur whcn complctinq a reading i, ir *i',r,"'.i"a.,nri 1;;;;;;ffi;in'ril'"r"uaing. A readingrrr rrrl bd a joint effort bcth/een ttrJ intorro iion',r," i it," "aro, cin u"in; i;ilh,iil your highor;;fi:il:'li:ft;il? lil:1i,1:inins'

i",r iv,i;oi' univou" iuac",uniiif .on'."Jou. human being

l)earh for instance (the Trump) does not arways m'e-an d.eath cut and dried, in fact it veryl*i'i,ilJ li,:,,i1,"i::""f?#.1" :lLliated,'i:;;;-,i,"'p""'i;c.r t.J;i;i;;ffi#;: uith the re-biith:jl,1rj1r). --,_h starr could bc one interprelation DEpENbil,ieoi,t i;E ilE;ibffit

Anothcr tip is to make sure that you (ro not corrupt a ,message ,or inruitive idea that comesr'r'''uslr r'rrm rhe cards. rf'gssi;h;;;;;rv personalrydisrike tora particularr'.,rsorr) {c'ls a readino via yoursel[ i""i}'i"r,'i-r.," *-is'a lcaor docume .involved your prejudiccsrnrql'l r',.'vear thar asarourr cas-c.lnd that she ,touti1"ror". It courd be that she comes inro alc.qacy.' l'hink lhis over carefully. ;;,tt-r;;;"Jiing o .p"uua ro begin with i1 is a welt restedllint to cdlrare a momL.nt by screwing_up iil ;t* ; tnar rrre .u",r, eo Bi;";uj, rn tnis sratc yourvrll ti^tl rhar one parricurai car<r -*iri.1i.if .rt:'i"yf"r. This is the;;;ii;i;'r..r promincnt

ill ,','li,ill,..#o,i:,:"i"i:,,,1*".oresrioner is concerned'ara gi-", v"r;'.;;;."';'iri*, upoi, whicri io

r'asrry we nlusr menlion about the 'laboos' which are sometimes associ4red with rarot. Asrvrlh all 'r.l-roos' if vou fear them then y;,i;;ur;;;;pj, bu.ouro logic will nor work to erradicarerlrr' la lrr'.r''r Ior you ' llpwever., although ir ,r"k;. ;;i'"-^sc to keep yor" ru"ot oui of harms wayrrr .r l)(tx .rrrl only lct olhers touch thi'm n, rr," Jlirlu i"io" to a reading rt is againsr your bestI I('t-c5t5 to lcavetheo there sanctilicd as monumcnls to Occultism.


Page 19: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

- Devetroping'o PsychismI'AI(ASyC ltOL()(;y li, S. l, ANt) r\tlRA S'l'UIIY


rrtrij'r llo'rrrls More rubbish is promulgated about this aspccr of the occurl than any olhcr. \)uijar'Jo'rr'(rs are No'J iIcear ana thev "-,-;;];;";;;;us in.the r,"^ar'triJi.oi.,p"v.r,o,ics and nL,urorics:ii;:ll"'l:i,lr",;:ljlljJ;1X",;,;n::*m};j:,i," in,or,i ng'in",*r,#i,'',tism anyway. rlos,r"ts-h.rvei-a-raJgi,-.ts--rri"-rer",i'il,,,r.i"1'")ir,'J;j-ilii:::ii,",1i",!i,f,l;n".il,l,,ijHrl:"::;;:::;'rs o'(' L)[ rrr('Iirsr r,ur:,:: trre ratro-r or'-p"s-y"Jrr". .t"r"topur,""i ;; i;; v.,L'r.r rc,or. Ir is rhe iniri,ltl'rlnlrl{ ground of mediunts ' once succcss rras ucen gaincd with rhc oulju]iloo.o t5c se,^sitive rnuvr.,so'ro rtlc Auromaric writing equipme;, i;;;;"i;i",,.rir,i,, o,i'io',i.r',i"r,,rxl",". .rhe

oui ja Loard i:: a,o\vr"rful rool and it's erriiacv;;;;;;;;il",l'uv,r," rt""y """"gi". i;;:;",, fools can tjrum uu rocir,rs.. rhcmselvL,s rroublc ua ,ii"fri"f ."ji'rJ"i,",.- he used.wirh

"_u.poct.urd intelligence _ as rlo aItttccult traininq rnelhods'" r rrc s'a '-ouii;,ni;i"u is a.n origirral p"oailiion.-L he question as ro why rr,r,t)ttr j'r lJorrd works so effectively i"

" Jii["rii.^e.

.'r'he ,ri'""",["."i*'i"", yo, can conr.rcr aiscarnarcir)irirs arld conv!:rse using their,abir"v i.'i*r"".r." tir" ,fu* urj;r.;;..;;"." ro give answers to'luL'sliorr5; 2' It is erouP telepathy

"i,n -,n"1'"rr,.n

t mi'd of .r.-p*ri.ri""iy naturdlly ,sychic indi_vr'|luat co('rreirre the "".st, ,r,"-i.ri'"uni"p";;#;:i"s used as

" *airr'r." "_,erior cnergics.t' I rr. ,uija is .r techniqxe or..r,""ins ;p pr;;"r.,i.'.-n"r,r"r;i"-,il-;;;i:,p;i."nt

un.r consolidarins r,arvuh Ir.rr. r,hich produccs magickal "^";gl

(i;;;l as wirh riruat) whic[ in.,nor, "r.", ptays up becaur:I;;il::-),ii":i,:'r:X,'"l5fl'ff,;:.:l,ii"li*;:i,""" ,.;.;;h;; ;;i'#'i'n1.""",", ,,ur rrrcsl ,hiee.,,irr, rr L, s.a."truiia-uoa,r.r,,r" ,.iJ j;;;ij,j^,:l:":.,,,{i[rr]ift:.iJi::r,;::i:,]:";;:;],1$1"".",u('rrrr'rrl tvord Ior yes (Ja). ,truny

"orp-tut"-ri"i;;L ona instrucilon"'."r ,'n"ir,r, ,ature are recciverlvta tltr-'t)uii'r lloard everv vear ind r;;;;;;;;;-t;"c^uttirt. i""iu*r'il-r*ii'_},,,r, rhcm as they get vcrv,',"* l,:,:'],i:; ll.: ?ru11"'r;t".X;:H;'".I.iiij.uru" ir ,'"i-r.'o' ;;,;;iil";,. rnrormation on pasr

, t,yl,?y,i, I : :, II t,1, i *, Iti i,:tii iT,:,r\s m'-'nriorrcrr at'!)ve this-,is.rho.-n!Ir step on rhe ,rdlf131'. n-rr-"r',i" d"r."roprunt although many narurarl'svcr'|ri:' !:..'|r drsr)('rsr.: wir)r rrre.ouija;;;H';;j;;;rroigr,r'o,ito iii;;;;Jil|. euitc simply ir is a;HIllr;i\:lii:Lli'"'i:,'I:"::ll":;",11:lji::L:f lr in conract ,,in "tr,""i or brank papei. rhe

1a.r irr ilru 'carrcc righrrv,oucr,". tne fri;;;;;;;;I,f,J::;J:"1'J;ff;;:::.,,u-1.1i^iri",,!,"-i,"ri,s(iuusr'rons vcr'l'''rrrv whire re.loxins. w[;;';;;i;.';']err rrre pr"r.r,",i"-riii:;iiirT;:ir""._:l1"":T,;d,n"(r'|"'krv.,(r i,r rr,('can b,:.dispcrised wi,i;,-;;'i,;:;,or sin,;ry r,orJi"s'ir,";J;ir rtscrf in "ontu"t ,ith1,,', li;l'l"";, 'l::iT'.:..',1'J.:l:s..'.' ;;;;t;;;,'.r,,"iif,'.i-",,u ,,,,i.i, in ir,o'",,ii,i',,,qr"ss squiggres appearr..',..,, 'u,,.i.,'.,i:Iii; li;:;;;*Jl*t,1:;t;1,:l'l;,,, Tlll..l:l"ls and symltoni",l ooor, an<r messagcs have

. ,ltilos,rt,lrr.r's .rrr,.t nrusiciurrs. r n" cat" oi ii";;;;;".:j^tll. techniquc supposot y.orin.e roir-A'i.:olnio,u(.,di' S..\. llJ.lli:,t./. vr t\tixrclrrurancc ts a rcccnrly rcprinted ciassic oi i;i;'g;;;"""'

, l;;,?,r ll;,,!,l,i li?,

lh..' lrr'"t l'l'op'rl'scicntilic irlvestigdtiors into rixrra scnsory r)crsccption were undertakcn by Dr. Rhinc,,rr 1.r111.., r,,rr'.n,.:,iry',,,n" ,.::r..1-...;t r;i;;;;p;iiuirv,,i r;;.;;;;;on cards which werc(r':rrr

',r,.r rr.rrrdled in a: cc'rain way ( a way In r^lri c tr cari ty easity;;;;;J,i.;:i; -"ny.home) he equated.. ha"(' ,''irrr possirriritv arrrr canrc i,p

"i,n l.r.irriro.,*ri,run"e ot rhe exisrencc;f an unknoh,n.factorL',tui\rl('rr lo thc, t)ccultir,, tr,"u'Sun.o"r'i:_.i1,,,1-,j". sincc thcn o,"".i,y work has goneorr lc !'xl) tl(i lhds!' results u-sing sophisticite,.t equ'ii,n,e,,t and the re s ulii-hu;;'il",, so succeisfur thatt':rrttr rho ''s.s.rt' ana tn,= u.s'.;l:i;,;"ir;:,;.i. l1i'i,l",r""rr.t,r,"i"wr" i,r""-ur", have raken inreresr andl'r'Llurr tlr\'ll ot{r) pl oqrammLrs of invesrigation. Ihc use of .li.s.r,,. "rrlr'o-"""'"inrinual basis wilr hcrp'l"ve lo, rtrc racurry of t'.s' r'. rr,,, i,,.ii.

"i,ir,ur"l,,".].."" ir you arc above average rs an rnrercstirrq

Page 20: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


dxPcricnce. lhe set includes 3O cards. for.the full experiment employed at Duke University along wirhIull tl.'tails and hints andtips on 'running them'. A iecrrd pad ii iricluded to make scori1ig eusliruiit.1'p(.rfll.lnency for later checking of advancement in ability.


'l he l-,asis of Aura Go-ggles uras the work undertaken by 14. J . Kilner a Rariioligist at London's St.-l'h,:mas llosPital in the late-1800's. tly using coal tar dletl screens with othei additives he found thatthc violet colour that ensued produced a filtei through rhi.:h he could see the 'lluman Rtmosphere,ashc tormed it' Kilner was looking at it form the healih diagirosis angl e asge \r,as not an occultist butof course the system was seized upon by occultists immedi.rtely andsi,nce-then tt," tectrniqu" i,ui --'helpcd make grea.t advances in the study of the Aura and coloui vibrations. The idea of Complimcntary' S:t:,.r-. C om pari son

-h-as. been a l?rtar developrEnt. Originally rhe dyes that were syntheticatly availablclorthe Production of KiIner screens were costly but in recent timei special filters have been prc,duced

. which bring.the l"..hli1]" within the soope of tlle regular occultist. Ltltra Violet Filters replace the.tiltc'rs devcloped by KiIner and fit into Iight ex:luding goggles. Through rhese,with practiie, rheintler aura (life force) can be seen undulhting .nd vibiatini close to rhe- skin (t"l-2,, Odptn) ,ni.rt ru"i"sin intensity wilh the excitement and health ol tre subject. The Aura is a field of energy which isgrddcd in ir's materiality with contact thror , rhe higher planes. facI of the levels # nays wtictrcottslilute the outer Aura are representati ol particular menthl ind bodily functions. & study ofthc ()urdr Aura using colour. com.plimenta r..y. processes (more later) will allo.i the nrood of the suiject

.- to bc discernedand when using.this lensr, system can give great insight into the knowledge of seifaltd cnoble control to be practised over very fine changes in sensitibi=ty reproducing an<l ihangingthc colours at will. Colour .Complimen tary .iy stems arJbased on the o;ticai-effect Jf viewin! irrriugtliltr:rs which screen out all but one ,y of rhi spectrum. when the filters are removed form ihe eyeithcrr:isacomplimentarycolourirnogevhichis-leftasaresiduewhiletheeyerealignsitselfto'-:,

rnr,ltiple ray white light. Thic res idue takes a second or two ( or a minute o'r so aefenaing on the tir[eo[.cxposure of the single ray tight) to clear. During this delay it is posiible to picfout .Jrpii*unii"vcolours in rha Aura for su[ssquxnl study. A tull set of filterjcan bli euppliea form the S.A.It nrust be mentioned that there are several tips which can be given ftr piopiu who wish to trainthr':!rsol ves to see the Aurd vitl'out the use of'goggles and filtJrs uut ii lrrolia be borne it mind thatthc usc o[ the Aura Goggles also assiEts in tnJaiielopment of reguiar ,q,uric sicnt. gome dodgesctn;rloyod6ps. Do not look directly AT. what you wish io view Auricirtly - toot s'[igtrtty to the l"It o"riqht. I'he. re is a point wher. alrhough-you iren't actually rooltin! ii-ine lr* you carch leetingqlirtrpsr.:s ot it. Many people find thatif'they stretch theii eyesigf,t oui or'i[u .i,"ner (or iofor iottom)oI th*ir.,eyc uP to itrs maximu,n articulation ihat rhi s very slightf di storis ihe rerina or rr,d

"y" inJ-


cauur's llashes of Auric!'rvilrg a subjects aura ih condlelight ag_ainst o dark background can be useful and some peopld findthat a.backgroundof a particular colour-of the spectrum ass-ists them better.'ln alt ca ses'ind'ivid uilirxl'('rinrcnts will prove what. is correct for that experminter, . Making ruii'vour subiect is assistino

- yott liy III'cparing beforehand is a must, You can call a mood o'ur to hlm,zher;hi.h ;;i;i;;;;i;;i"rr"'l h.r clrangr. irr mood in the Aura can cause flashes,r*hich are more easiLy seen, Las{ly contiquedottqrrll)ts at all experiments 1o or with Auric.sight will improve the devdlopment of the individual notonly l'crr .rur-ic sight h:t for general psychic rlevilopment too.


Acr:o;'di ng to occu'It philosophy and science the universe exists in a state of bibration. Everythinglll.ll rrxists bolh material and non-malerial (to us) exists in a state o[ potential vhich'vibrates,-at a"cfl'tilirr rdtc. 'l hese bibrations can good guides ro many aspetts of occultism. Ttrey manitest inltnr(','5pilc!'continum in sounds i solids living organisms and moie oi less tlense lnatter, tui they alsodPp('rrr lowards the extemes of our plane in COLOURS, tiach colour is a uibrationary level an<l ihis'l(,,'y' ,rrsist with the understanding of our reason for exisrcnce. t,eopte are liven a-certain Ray moretlld,l r)tllcrs.rnd each ray confers cerlain attributds (and also disadvantag"r *iiah have to be taier,rinto'lccoulrl whcn working magic) lt's more mundane practical use is in healt-h diagnosis via viewinq theAura

Page 21: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

(wirich is a microcosmic colour vibration sclr.rne r,'frccring the state of thr. in(rividual). Alr discas,:'ri'ri'l('sl5 through thd n,,ent,l ana psyctic u.,ii*. i,ur"rry and advance warninr:")r.c'riJr) bclore rLc Dhy^ uoay'ir ;J"r.gJ.",,-i,

rherefore or 1*"uroi,,i1',1,i:r?:;,:: l:l,lil: ,'tlciullisl ol any persuision to understana rt"'*roit ings or'.Corour.

-i'J"fi.i"r.y rn a cerr.lin r(ay cnrr b.,lll';::,'ili'fli1.,".1']#"""""u"t bv the u." oicoiou"-r,urr,inc in-,,i,i.;-,;;1;;;; screens (our cornl,ri,rcn_

s sno,,, .,,, ;;. .ri.iil"l#:+,1,,"1ii::":.H1"?:H;"^Tri,i!ilalri:li*ii:*;llul.l,"*x^,,t'rlt'crivrlv for ltsvcholoelc"r irr. *J'i*[""r.i",1i".'"-.rrssic .uru.-- ,nlu';]i"il; how rhc, otd saws'(' w..s rr"r wirh raqe' and' e's in a brde ,n*j;'r"rr f... ;r;;;; 'r,,i,Iui, ,l'"* ti sing jrrsr how corrccrth('se lrrtr'ritivc descrir)tions ane,' rno r." oi.p*-.ialty c-olourei .i;i;;;.;^-l'".ountl cerlain parts olrrrt' rrcr'rv or wc, chosen

"oror.i "n*');.;,;'*T"::;"i" r"rt"rr,. jirt";;.:;,. repair_hcarins or rr..'lrtot,tl ':l the tlay" our silk squares u"u aariiuliu for.this type o[ use u. tr,ui" natural and traditio.Jrpsvc'l)ic insuraring properries i"J;JiJ't" ir"'ro?r'lir".,iru triu'n ,ynir,"ti. ri'ui". ur..

,,T,1 IH *,,t, Ill 9I9f I LTI L,' I or th'rse ol a lnore 'scientific' persuasion we carr rrffr.r 'proofl of the Aura with our Kirlian cameral;,.,;l Xt.,-'Ji:,li::'J l:j:l'1.:" r;^"ipi" .r',ilJ',1.

"1"uia uu ;;j;;,;j,ri,l, iu,, as science ca, ,r

i;;.llfiHliti:il'gJJ*[iH#.";:tri:n":".dii!;::":'.""",ft;iji[;,{,,!:i}!}":';; "

,TI';,:,, j:i,,:::' ii".""Jl:i,I:,,:j[{$n:lt:.";:iii:Flt !',1} ,I1'ji.?ls;:':; Ljij::"::1";iH,,,l:-ll j: :l,.TT;:;i';:'fi:i*";i,*:r;[i*iJififl"+."i"#ri,rn{i";ll'l#i,fl'ff"r',*#;"J,:il":i':;l',,]"fi', j'1,."'j;;lffl:lrr,ich.Lii"e;. ;;""J:::lff,;;t','i, ff;lf"'.'j,: ?i ji:f"T:ln":li{L_.i,1,, i,"i, r,,,i'.,r,*i *"I;:li ii;",,lti$:",1"",,U0"f",,j:::l iirl,"*H-I":lli?ffitit"d;;":;:#!."iiilli:';;;;';;;1"*n",iti|,o'T' rhere is

" s;ui',i,iv., rr,"',o,"ni u.ffi i<'i.-r1"" phorosraphy orgtrei.;r.rrorrgh io br: wirSin et ng undertaken by requlaioccultlsts ,orri"ia'*.in"" the units became,un.ri,,.auJri,i;.;.;J'i; ili:::';:ff':lJT::fJ",ft"I!,,I?{;,:},",ft ,i[i"3;lit#mi;:rn_"1;S,"id.rrr'|s ph,;rogrrphed while svchonreiir;rs.;T:;j::tand a second';il;,;k.;,;n"n rhat pErsons mindli,;"'i:',i,1:il;"jus,t two or the m'anv,r;;;';F;.;.";1"io,,pu"irion.,uii".',ili.un

be unde.aken with rhis

lndcx finger of a $everedhand. This was our lirstopportunity to study theenergy image ol a dea<Jobject. 'Ihe resulls wereastonishing but inconclu-sive, because lhe hand hadbeen chemically preservedand was very old The cor-ona dld. hclwevor. fook verydillorent lrom thosn we lradprcviorrsly seen. Nolice ilscobwebbed appc,,il, a, rce.


Page 22: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


,, r: wL)* r) do.wsins ..,"; "';;;;;." ;;;;;; ;; ;"; ;;; ;rJ,;:.. to mean rhesoarahinll out of water and other minerals, under and above ground by ihe use o[ a l,endulum, Anelc rodsL)r tll!' morc r.rr'll known forked hazel divining rod. 'Very

much research has and is being done of iatt intlic' Univcrsities on lhis subiect and some remarkable findings have occuretl which witl f,e explained latcrN('xt wc have ltadiesthesia which is generally understood to be the use of the pendulumalone or in conjunc-lion with other'Classifying and grading'equipment to procure diagnosis oI discases and remeclies [oriurc.,s vc'll as for rlineral and water divining and spin off p:rposes.

ln octu.llity thcre are many schools of thought and technique involved in both these areas from the purely"intuilivc 'All I rreod is my l" persper( pendulunand I can gei results for anything' to the more ,aca4emic, "

.tsc ol hotneopalhic 'witnesses' (samples) and el ec tro-ma gnetic coils and spri ng-assiste<i cavitied 4owsi nqvattds. Very recently Occult-incl ined University students have begun to inveitigate Stone Circles and'l-cys (tnole of which later) and the equipment used here is of hightechnology minurely scale'd measurirrq i

.'quiprl.:nt recot'ding known waves at the ends of the Osc iIIato"/ " pe.t"un ii a bid ro,classify, the cncigy

,1.'t vc r,..d by l)o\"se rs..

lll.r strattge lhing about dowsing is that although it cannol be totally theroreticised almost anybody ce rr,t-:lticv,-' r"'orkmanlike resulls. lt is said that about lour out of five piople are po.tcntial rlowseis/ ratlies-

j:'li5ts il tlrcy \,vould c.rre to take the trouble to investigate and expiriince thc. pirenomena. In the old dayr-irr.rrry, nl.lry, lurlttworkers and smallholders would casually and without drama decicle or be asked to searll,l.'r cxtr.t witler orl their spread and w-ou.ld snap off a forked rwig and go'hunting,. 'Itris was thoulhinciLltc'r slrartgr-' not occult and most of these 'dowsers' when questionirl thoughithat everybody eIIe coulil'loit.,.)c',;loqistsandl"lydrodynanricEqgineerswerenotneededtofindwate;intheol<laaysinatnisII.rrlitiorl wds k('pt up in out of the way country ardas until post war period. ln short you'will p"oUuf,fyl,.ivc rhc caPlciry to dowse if you get stilclk in.

lh. tyl)r,s ol e(luipment used are extensive. 'to begin with it is best to experiment with a few tools andr'i!)t just I'llrk to on!'(urlless you get good results wilh that parricular one oicourse) rathcr than have vour!.'rithusiu5rrr curt,ril.d. some people have greal success wi ih angle rods yet cannot make th" i;;;;iri.l;-'tc l'ttttiulunts. slrltre People find lhat-lhe forked tpring or twig iod worl(l great yet thependulum just'l..rstr't lr. tlorrir we'll at all. Above all the other dccult scienies there is more idiocyndracy in liowsingirr'rir .rny ,..rtlt,.'r. lhe first thing tL) do is topolarise the tool. That means you compleie three easy('\l)crilrlt'rll\ whic h give you a Yes;No and Maybe response from your equipnrent. ']'his can be done in thelrr'51 srtlirrq anrl from thenon the ramifications wiII treco me .appaient. i.tsing a general punpose p""rp"*lr('rrtlrrltrrn l.rt' i11t,nn." you can: l)ouse lor missing objects; locate buried unJfoigotten ciut"s uni pipss;l rrirl th(' \rl)('r('dl)outs of long lost friends and areas o[ Leys using maps; Choose ihat is good tor ybu in'tl" tv'ry .rl l.rod. !lot answcrs to a myriad of usefut and practicaf information. Use the [endulum'as an-

ilL'; l)L)\''iiL. lor water, and mUch nore. , ..

rr" r)l lirt' l.rl('rit ill)d most int!'resting, occultly, of investigations using Dowsing is lhe rectification of the'| rr'rr'\! .olllrrlq Irorrr l-eys. If any of you don't know what Leys are, quite simpl/they are held to S" fi^"ral.rt r:r-'li,:lrls rvltich itlign themselves with the maenelic and ethlric wavis of foice eminaring from the Centre,rtl'l l)'':'1.'s.)l thc l:rrth. irrehistoric man being more intuitive and psychically awake thaius knew of these'"'' ll ,Lt*l i'uilt slreci,rl rece ptor s/a€ri a Is so he could use the power'and energy that these would ,earth,l-'r' l,ls (r\!'ir l)url)rscs, Stonchenge is one of these Leys and ill other srone ircles and prehistorici'l..:tr.rlttir> yotr willlindornany ordanance survey maps will be ALIGNED. 'this Ley system is world wide.itrri .iltit,rrr,.llr :,clL'rrtilically hypothetical at the present, University reasearches h'avi recentty found th.rt.\lJ'.llrctl. ittrlrLtlscs lncrease al,tlrese Lr'ys a,t specific limes of planetary phases (especially mton phases)'r!! (l!'qt'\'('i!, Ilot ve'ry powerful , but thcre is a considerabXe increase in'the emmisiion of. Micro-wave'| rr('r'!ly. llris rcsult has many ramifications for advanced Occultist' work. In any event Leys have become

.) I il\' .il'(',r lor 'licld-reasearch' (if you can't get resulls [ron your Pendulum on one of theie sites yr:ulJt. rldy ns \vcll qtvc up).

I lt.' ltt,rtrt rlill.'re'nccs irt pendulum,/wand design arL. pr('scril)cd by the major philosophi es at prcsent inv.'|1 l'lr('sr' itl'ci 'l hat you must have a sample o[ the matcrial you are seeki[g close lo the penclulumr.) l('l lil(' r'iqlr[ '!)scillation' in which case you need a cavilied pendulurn,/wa nd . l'hat certain iolouns arc

Page 23: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic


,rdrtcl' lor il)ocilic uses; jn vllich casc you rvill noe.l (,ithcr .r clear pen(]ulum l'or qeneral use or a lrlachl''n(ltdrl'lr to'kill'any stray infl.uences. 'l'hat thcre is a prelerence ior light and sporty penrlulums forill!loor , diagnostic use ;rtrd lhat converscly, there is need for heavier ori.loor pendulurns whirth are notafl('clr(l as much by wind as the lighter versions. Some dowsers are so pattiaular about evon lhesntirllcst [love,nent of the wand/pendulum that special cantilever suspentled wands wilh springs arc uscd Icxaggcrtrte tht' movements that are made making them easier to reco;d. There are of course conrbinarioriol all lhese thin-qs and other additional pieccs of qquipment such as Nemonic charts which make nunrcric.classification ol' the ossiclations of pendulums much'cisier (this is very important for medical tiiaqnosislltt' cxactillE n.lture being a requisit(' and Magnetic 'l'uners but these aie Ior very advanced o*ponautn.

t:,t;,t 9t9s,L:,,tIt J,o"t,T t,1 *,u,?,,tI ;,?,H:,H,,],1,9,,c"S,y1,*i,y,Ucllillg to know the basics of Astrology is easy with rcference to the scores of books on the subje.tlistc(l in our catalogue. lt is a study and we clo not propose to enter into the fundamentals of tech-niqu!'hi're as there is not space. llo\,/ever, we do intend to reveal to the becinner what potencyand place Astrology has in Occultism . I.eaving the ol)viously ove r-qenera Ii secl and shortisightetlPr(.(iicliorrs pcrambulated by the Press there are several distinct wJys o[ Iooking al astrolo;y.orre is lhc traditional way and that is that by carefully and ex.rctly ptor rrng the piocession of--thc l)larlets attd star systems around our sun v/ith reference toa paiiicutai spoiand time on theEarth ( your birthdate and place) one can tabulate the effects on ihe subject of the horoscope rhatofthc conjunctior)s and aspects of the positions of these heavenly bo<iies aie likely to cause iir that

-:individrral' 'lhis is the type of Astrology that everyone knowi of. When you consider that thebilltrlrts upon bi)lions of tons of seawater that cover two-thirds of the Eaith,s surface are swilledand sloppcd about the planet causinq troughs and peaks of over 40 feet in tide measurements insomo instances simply by.lhe -gravitational pull of the moon it is not a far thing to suggcst thar thatsamc lunar [orce afl'ects the t]l ood in our veins and fluids in our brain and uo<iies, df"course theorlret. l)lanrls lrave less of a gravitational pull but Astrology does nol rely on qravitational lorce'tttrl r,ttgrlests a much finer etheric force ernanating trom the- planet$. ,t, ihe ttuma,r Lr.i,iir * -ctr'r111r11 ;1p1'45 a very scn-sitive instrulnent indeed, it is held that even minor gravitaional effectsanrl .osnric ri,ro; can be felt by the individual at many light yed15 aistant.

- "

(('cL'ntly' bccause of the involvement.of very many scientists in'an effort to discredit Astrology,'Astl^r loqy itself has bt'come niore scientilic,ani evaluated. lt has been seen to have extremo poi'Jn" tltt'. r''rle of.rliagnosirrg the mental and physical stare of the individual . psychoanalisis has takln up 'Asl:oloqy wi.lh a vengetlce. and very manli universities throughout rne worlJ'now have courses on theLr-!!'ol Aslrology for tht-diaqnosis of disease in the individuil, whether rnuntil or physical. Becauseol tnis inroarl 1nts 6 fcrrnerly ,scientiIic' aspect of th" nsruUiishmuni-"';f.iaIUuaf, reaction hasc'cr.ut cd wilh even mor(r scientlsts lrying to di scredir Asrrology. Using advanced astronomy andrrlr"si.s rhey have prov3n y.rtrlg&qcn Lo rherr own_rarametei; ihar m;ch

"f i;".tt;;;;i Aii."ii*,9

"'itr r'r'l.tti.,, ro rheir o,v1t6Ii{-GleTi!frEilT-iilI-iililE@+s; r,"* "iriiri,iin;i;;;rt,-il;;ifi-rctoli:.,i" rfiif!-e piEic r!-ul-iiiteo iu"r'to rrurul pdrt ro ptdy in rhe psyche of an individual and howlrc rrlll l\'l lorm ln hls (arreer and life cycles. lhere is therefore a lbbby of Astrologers who f!.eltll'rl .'\:,troloEly is now a science and as these astrologers tend to be non-o'ccult minded", wish to rernoveI ll,;l l{ .rstrolot y from Occultism and establ ish it as a science.

l'rstly, thr:re is the 'working use^'of Astrology. 'Ihis takes into account that rhe plun"ts lorllraliolrs do inde:d.exert an elfect on the person and can be used to aid resulti in magical\4orki r{s or, al rernati /el y, shou}d be watched out. for , lest a ritual is hampered by advers-e planet_ary l ilrdcts. -l'his.asP:ct_of

the use of Astrology does not seek to divinc (tel I fortunes) "" p*ro

,rltytllirrtl with aslrolotl). lt simply recognises lhe improtance of it and allows for it in a technicalw+y r.lrrcn wo|king a rit3. l'he basic use of this mL.thod is exampled in the Old Wirch Lore that youslroulr'l use a Waxing tlo>n to work attraction maqic; to trring rhings ro you, luck etc. and the WiningmoLrrl lo clisp,"l neealive energies from you or makc a person lcave your vicinity, fon instance. TheI).rrk rrl lhr.l l{oon is t}rc tirne for sirrister magic anrJ such is more successful when completed in thispli:r s.:

A'trolocy is a fantaslically rewarding srrbject anrl it must be gtressed that one has to learn howto do rllllL't(' a trddit onal horoscope befor c. one carr tdke lrrll acJvantar;e of any method outlined aL,ovc.1\slrr) !)4y ,rnrl the krrowl,:dte of hov it works, is u aid [or potenuy in rirual arrd Ii)r many orherIor"rrrs,.rl \.)!:clt lt aclrvity,

Page 24: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

Ingenuine Occult Books ?

'lrl ,ltlv.r0.:('(l adcl)l has neither the time nor lhe inclination to wrile tiooks for llre qent'r,il prrl.rlicrr Ilr(' trilltllnq arrd work needed lo acconrplish mdstery (,l the Occult Arls. l)uri rrp ltis e u|c,rlr.rre nr.,v hive pi,-po',-,-., ili;;i"- iil""#r'ji,"u',li',1'.,i'll,ijl""li"I!!",.j l,il'.;, ni'j'ii'::,lli:,.ll;;t sc t lllc:., a n.'lr'or't 5cl!'cl few ol his followcrs of his technique an<J processes ol magic.- Unl()rtun.rtely rlrcrc crretltatly inrltvirluals ovL'r the years vlto.have.pul pen to papcr ltl:l;Oll-t! they r.vr:rr re.rch!:(l thc earl yir!).(l lrrt('rlxd(ll.rle stngcs by way ol' t tf tlt t'tONAt. techriiques, 'l hese indivirluals, who nr.ry irrall l.rtlh tltirtk that thcy are disserninaling 'real Occultisni'have neittrer the,r:xperiencc nor thewis'1.-rrn lo src the complere scene and understand it fu y, 'l'heir books 1to"erl"u rely irl the nlai,.rr, s[rl,l..R5I l.f IoN.

. r\ werrd al,oul superstiligl, An analogy for you to meditate upon. lf a maqician is tauqht bylli:' (iur'o tllrt a certait) combination,rf heit's in an incense l.,ase, couple.l wirri.:oi.,uin,tsrioloeicallrrllu"rrces; 'll a Particular Place on.the Earth; using a specially coniirucretl rite for that particulilrl'rlrl)r)sd iI hand.which may be anything up to a coupie of

'hours in lengrh; *urrieJ wirh rhc use ofsP''ctlic it'-'rrlr of equipnlent and talismans which airl rhe lransferencek consciousness into other

lrl,rrr.'s. . . thar all rhis antl more in. the \./ay of stipul.rrion wif f proJucg ite ,."gi.frf effcct wdnred,I)r\)vr(lrrrg tlt,'' tnagici an has trained hard and weli; all rhis is 'iljcltNj,auE, ;i,i.h has been provlrrby llie (;uru and protraLrly worked for his leacherind his reacher's reaiher ad inirnitum. iin theotlr!r 5r(lo ol lhe coin we a.sut'PosED Guru explaining the Secrets oitt"'ir,,iro"." i1 a coupicol lr'rr {rdl)h:' including a rite of simplic.ity lhat it is obvious ur"n ro rh" au, beginner th.ltit lrrust llc srtsl)cct' and corttbining.the mini-riie-r,rith all manner of rt"ine" irfrrl"n.u, which, theirtl''t'cttce qo('|5'.must tre usbd or ihere vill Lre no success. lhis tarter Jxpilifu is purely:!U'(,t'r"rlriol . rl rtrl as suclr has little place in 0ragics proper.

lrt lhc tl.5'4. there Ethnic magic other than the Red lndian Shaman,s magic. 'l 1e magicrrvd,r.l('d-rrl thc'ntajority ol their exporlcd trooks is pure rullbish. lt is a blend oll'scu,to-clrlrsrian Mysricismi. ISrh ienrury supposed*Tii?f,?iffivooao. inJ !pi"i,irr. uecausethL' l"tr'lcr'r Arncrican has no hereditary migickit rradition rru g""uuii-in po"t-io"nniqr"s and hasI.>sl rn rtrr' rrrujoriry ot cases concerninq paiticulur books we uia no" ji.[""ifnq-,'uny chance o[s...(!ss. llris is because, as we all knot/, ro make somerhing wortiwett t;-;;;r spEClALlsEll,.],,,,,,,j.,,11.]:ly.tli:.:.::-::.p,li:led At.r . tf you.r

-rec trniq ue is aJnix of 8 orhers how can you do rhis?r\r'rrr) rrrrrrlvr(lu'rls sl)cnd a lltst,me alonc on EACII ONE and still realise there is more to lcaru lh.rotir,..y lr.rve l)c(.n ol)le to do,

\)ull'r |'lrlll)ly thtlse bookg are mere IrRoDuC'rs, l'lrille n, I,rinrerl and packaged as l pro(luclrr) ,rrrr,ty :11r.r. ro rhose cur.ious or needy enough ro wanr ro rruy. ,rtrey wiri;;;;; you" nroney r.ory\),r ,rr,l r.rkL\ up much of your time vhich coulcl tre valuably ,poit ,rrayin! ft gii f,oi,t, on Ociulrism.l[( L]lily irtgrcrlicnls lhat are needed lor any rite u"u un iniun.e appropriate to the work in 1a^rl ,llrts ts rtsu,rlly l'l.ANt'-l'ARY (i.'e. Mars for vcrigcnce; verrus for ;ovei'suri-lbr r*latrt, arrd lre.altlr)

'is thr'; Asltll.rrlical concsponrlence of each plarier is at thc basis of .rir- rnugi.. Chuck oul thc'ili.llr J.rlrrt llt.' Coltquercr Root'; give t[e tnot tu'Crossing Oils,i Seven Africao l,owers inccnse;'rrrtl tlt c rrlrrltiltldc ol others. 'llte power lics in You ond riust rro'truueiopuJ rr"l-r,oa"ry; not in thcsc. lr r I,ltr lt uttLlu!:tttS.

lrr tlr. .i.'v(. lccnll) Ccntrtry llasil was l_,elieved to Le a cure for the sting of Scorpions and woulrlkr'('l) llr(' ll''.tv('llLrr t.ree frorn scorpion/rJ.t'a tlly spidcr attach. Mdny p"opte rJru uigs ol it rrhen movioq'rru'i,rrl tlrc.().li.ent o[ Europe.etc, Irly'/ Because it was notetlin an'ancient herbal rhat scorprorrrw.rc ll,rtrlly (v*r lourrd under lJasil llu-shes j lllA'l' is sUt,UttS'i'i'iiOH. f io"*r"., lhose wirh solrerttttly ol llrr ill,l!'r tr'achings ol the llindu religions will appreciate rhar in the temples an4 shrirresIt't:'il w,rr LLrt'rtt.No'l to kccp away Scorpions, l-,u t becausi llre lumes were krrowii.lo dssisl greatlywllL xr(,(lrr.rlrol,/yoga results. 'l'llA I is l'[CllNleUE,

Y.rrt lt.tvt' itrsl hatl your [irsl lesson in magickal altainment. Ask us for reccommen(l(ril boL]ks')rr li",rl L)!'( rrllrsrtr attd stop waslinq your lirne with books soltl in this way; Miraclc powcr ol Avatar:r1r.'llr;Mrllttrrr:r o{ Spclls lor every purpose; Magic wirchcrafr and Spclislor ir.s Use; while t{itch..r 5(,irr1lr' r\) (.i:,t|l)g 5peils.; l(ituals for l,ower & all you lrave ever rlreamed of .:lhe secre,ts o[ t.hellnivlr':, sinll,lrl language for only t2,95 a copy; and other such titles. Magick is rcal l.rur youwill h.rv,.: rr) srurly and put in elfort to tre able ro weild ir. Like the old adage aljour iokcs; ir,s norlllr"rl y.,u :,dy tir,rt's important - I t,s ahe wuy you say it,l

Page 25: Beginners Handbook of Ritual Magic

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