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Yoon’s BEFL Note Dictation은 ‘베플리<베플리학습<BEFL Note’에서 들으세요. 윤선생 중학영어 3학년 Book 3

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Dictation은 ‘베플리<베플리학습<BEFL Note’에서 들으세요.

윤선생 중학영어 3학년

Book 3


Book 3 Study Planner


학습 목표 확신 · 계획 말하기, 제안하기, 동정 하기 등의 표현을 익히고 대화에 활용할 수 있다

날짜 Part Title Page 학습




학습한 내용

(단어, 표현, 문법, 줄거리…등을

자유롭게 쓰세요.)

체크리스트 평가

1. 매일매일 계획대로 공부했나요?

2. 학습 내용을 충실히 공부했나요?

3. 교재 학습이 끝난 후 부족한 부분은 복습했나요?

학부모 확인 ___________ 선생님 확인 ___________


윤선생 중학영어 3학년 Book 3 Word List

Audio Meaning Word Practice Test


좋아하는 fond

교사 instructor

상황 condition

오페라 opera

첨가 addition

용기 courage

그만두다 quit

전환점 turning point

인정하다 admit

확신하는 confident


아마추어 amateur

테너 tenor

성가대 choir

수집 collection

지지하다 support

역 station

부주의한 careless

제안 proposal

관계 relationship

인상 impression


Audio Meaning Word Practice Test


초상화 portrait

영혼 soul

자세 posture

순간 moment

회상하다 recall

셔터 shutter

소리치다 yell

지도자 leader

정확하게 exactly

첼로 cello


씹다 chew

시가 cigar

낚아채다 snatch

응시하다 stare

삼키다 swallow

주요한 main

쥐다 hold

목구멍 throat

시 poem

강세, 사투리



Audio Meaning Word Practice Test


대조 contrast

주 state

돌투성이의 rugged

빙하 glacier

촘촘한 dense

낙농장 dairy farm

환경 surroundings

종족 tribe

먼 옛날의 ancient

기술 craft


황량한 desolate

나무가 없는


얼음 같은 icy

위치 location

북극 Arctic

항로 airline

폐허가 된 ruined

외향적인 outgoing

검색하다 search

의도하다 intend


Audio Meaning Word Practice Test


영향을 주다


전적으로 totally

썰매 sled

저장하다 store

임금 wage

눈자동차 snowmobile

덫 사냥꾼 trapper

이글루 igloo

순록 caribou

모터보트 motorboat


대체하다 replace

날것의 raw

경제 economy

보존하다 preserve

연결하다 connect

가정하다 suppose

완전히 completely

응답하다 respond

교환하다 exchange

야구 장갑 mitt


Audio Meaning Word Practice Test


잡다 capture

표지 cover

상반신 bust

전시 wartime

습기 찬 damp

기술 technique

사회적인 social

영향을 주다


허락하다 allow

시합 match


짐을 싸다 pack

막대기 stick

기침하다 cough

매달리다 hang

마녀 witch

수정 crystal

~에 속하다 belong to

긁다 scratch

준비하다 prepare

구성 organization


Book 3 Part 1 Luciano Pavarotti

Word Master

영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word

1 fond 좋아하는 11 상황 condition

2 instructor 교사 12 오페라 opera

3 condition 상황 13 확신하는 confident

4 opera 오페라 14 좋아하는 fond

5 addition 첨가 15 교사 instructor

6 courage 용기 16 그만두다 quit

7 quit 그만두다 17 인정하다 admit

8 turning point 전환점 18 첨가 addition

9 admit 인정하다 19 용기 courage

10 confident 확신하는 20 전환점 turning point


20개 중 ________________ 개 정답


Key Points

확신 말하기

‘나는 ~라고 확신해’하고 자신감이나 확신을 말할 때는 ‘I’m confident ~.’의 표현을 써요.

‘I’m sure ~.’ 역시 같은 표현이라는 것도 알아 두세요.

I want my parents to buy me a racket. (난 부모님이 라켓을 사줬으면 좋겠어.)

– I’m confident they’ll buy one for you.

(그분들이 너를 위해 하나 사주실 거라고 확신해.)

Let’s Practice

주어진 표현을 사용해서 대화를 완성하세요.

Expression: I want my parents to buy me a racket.

– I’m confident they’ll buy one for you.

1. I want my mother to buy me ________________. – I’m ___________ she’ll buy one for you.

a pretty dress /


2. I want my father to buy me ________________. – I’m ___________ he’ll buy one for you.

a new bike /


3. I want my sister to buy me ________________. – I’m ___________ she’ll buy one for you.

a big bag /


4. I want my boyfriend to buy me ________________. – I’m ___________ he’ll buy one for you.

a bundle of roses /


5. I want my grandmother to buy me ________________. – I’m ___________ she’ll buy one for you.

a teddy bear /


a pretty dress



a new bike

a big bag


a bundle of roses


a teddy bear



Sentence Master

다음 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

1. 너는 자라서 훌륭한 사람이 될 거야.


2. 처음에, 파바로티는 체육 지도자가 되었다.


3. 사실 파바로티는 좋은 음악적 환경에서 자랐다.


4. 아버지의 방대한 수집 덕분에, 어린 파바로티는 훌륭한 가수들의 음반들을 들을 수 있었다.


5. 그의 모든 가족들은 그를 지지했다.



잘 듣고 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.

1. Pavarotti was deeply ______________ ______________ his grandmother.

2. He kept her ______________ in his mind.

3. However, his father always told him that he could ______________ ______________

than anyone else.

4. He knew that his son had a wonderful ______________.

5. His father was a baker, but he had a great love for ______________.

선생님 확인 ___________________

You’ll be a great man when you grow up.

At first, Pavarotti became a gym instructor.

In fact, Pavarotti was raised under good musical conditions.

Thanks to his father’s huge collection, young Pavarotti could listen to recordings of great singers.

All his family supported him.

fond of


better sing




Book 3 Part 1 Luciano Pavarotti

Word Master

영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word

1 amateur 아마추어 11 수집 collection

2 tenor 테너 12 지지하다 support

3 choir 성가대 13 부주의한 careless

4 collection 수집 14 아마추어 amateur

5 support 지지하다 15 테너 tenor

6 station 역 16 인상 impression

7 careless 부주의한 17 성가대 choir

8 proposal 제안 18 관계 relationship

9 relationship 관계 19 제안 proposal

10 impression 인상 20 역 station

20개 중 ________________ 개 정답



Key Points

Let’s Practice

빈칸에 for와 of 중 알맞은 말을 써넣으세요.

1. It is impossible __________ him to get there by six.

2. It is stupid __________ her to make such a mistake.

3. It is nice __________ you to send me such a nice present.

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 to부정사를 사용해서 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 써넣어 문장을 완성하세요.

1. It is necessary that he should study hard.

= It is necessary _____________________________.

2. She is very kind to say so.

= It is kind _____________________________.

3. You are thoughtful to help the poor beggar.

= It is thoughtful _____________________________.

4. This book is so difficult, so she can’t read it.

= It is difficult _____________________________.

<It is… of 사람 + to ~>

* It is 다음에 사람의 성질을 나타내는 형용사(kind, good, nice, wise, foolish, clever,


careless… 등)가 올 때는 부정사의 의미상의 주어를 「of + 목적격」으로 나타낸다.

to invite의 의미상 주어

It is kind of you to invite me to the party.

= You are kind to invite me to the party.

참고 It is 다음에 사람의 성질을 나타내는 형용사 외의 말이 올 때는 「for + 목적격」을 쓴다.

It is very important for you to be on time.


<가주어> <진주어>



for him to study hard

of her to say so

of you to help the poor beggar

for her to read this book.


Sentence Master

다음 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

1. 파바로티의 할머니는 그에게 희망을 주었다.


2. 내 장화를 찾는 것을 돕다니 그녀는 착하다. ( to부정사 사용 )


3. 나는 내 부모님이 라켓을 사주셨으면 좋겠다.


4. 친구를 사귈 때, 네가 좋은 첫인상을 남기는 것은 매우 중요하다.


5. 제 차를 세차하는 것이 가능할까요?



잘 듣고 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.

1. In addition, he was an amateur ________________ with a beautiful voice.

2. He sang with his son in a ________________ for some time.

3. It took ________________ to quit teaching.

4. I ________________ that my singing teachers trained me very well.

5. It was very ________________ of her to give me hope.

선생님 확인 ___________________

Pavarotti’s grandmother gave him hope.

It’s nice of her to help me find my boots.

I want my parents to buy me a racket.

In making friends, it’s very important for you to make a good first impression.

Is it possible to have my car cleaned?







Book 3 Part 2 A Real Portrait

Word Master

영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word

1 portrait 초상화 11 소리치다 yell

2 soul 영혼 12 첼로 cello

3 posture 자세 13 셔터 shutter

4 moment 순간 14 영혼 soul

5 recall 회상하다 15 지도자 leader

6 shutter 셔터 16 초상화 portrait

7 yell 소리치다 17 자세 posture

8 leader 지도자 18 순간 moment

9 exactly 정확하게 19 회상하다 recall

10 cello 첼로 20 정확하게 exactly

20개 중 ________________ 개 정답



Key Points

관심을 물을 때

상대방에게 ‘어떤 ~에 관심이 있니?’하고 관심을 물을 때는 ‘What + 명사 + are you

interested in?’의 표현을 사용해요. 대답할 때는 ‘I’m interested in ~.’으로 하면 됩니다.

이때 be interested in 다음에는 명사나 「동사의 -ing형」을 쓰면 됩니다.

What field are you interested in? (넌 어느 분야에 관심이 있니?)

– I’m interested in teaching English. (난 영어를 가르치는 데 관심이 있어.)

Let’s Practice

주어진 표현을 사용해서 대화를 완성하세요.

Expression: What field are you interested in?

– I’m interested in teaching English.

1. What _____________ are you interested in? – I’m interested in ________________.

subject / math

2. What _____________ are you interested in? – I’m interested in ________________.

sports / handball

3. What _____________ are you interested in? – I’m interested in ________________.

activities /

horse riding

4. What _____________ are you interested in? – I’m interested in __________________.

field /

studying biology

5. What _____________ are you interested in? – I’m interested in __________________.

animal /







horse riding


studying biology




Sentence Master

다음 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

1. 그것은 매우 짧은 순간이지만 훌륭한 초상화를 얻기 위해서는 그 순간을 잡아야 한다.


2. 그는 사진 속에 진짜 처칠의 모습을 잡기 위한 방법을 생각해내야 했다.


3. 갑자기 나는 그에게 다가갔다. 그러고 나서 그의 입에서 시가를 낚아챘다.


4. 그러고 나서 나는 나의 카메라로 되돌아왔다.


5. 그 사진은 Life 잡지의 표지를 장식했고 그를 유명하게 만들었다.



잘 듣고 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.

1. ‘A ____________’ is a painting, photograph, or drawing of somebody.

2. A Canadian ____________, Yousuf Karsh, was famous for his portraits.

3. Sometimes, a person’s soul appears in his eyes, hands or ____________.

4. In December 1941, Karsh was ____________ to take photographs of Winston Churchill.

5. Churchill kept ____________ his cigar, so I had to wait.

선생님 확인 ___________________

It’s a very short moment, but to get a good portrait, you must catch that moment.

He had to think of a way to catch the real Churchill in the photograph.

Suddenly I came up to him and then snatched his cigar from his mouth.

Then I returned to my camera.

The photograph was on the cover of Life magazine and made him famous.







Book 3 Part 3 A Real Portrait

Word Master

영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word

1 chew 씹다 11 목구멍 throat

2 cigar 시가 12 응시하다 stare

3 snatch 낚아채다 13 쥐다 hold

4 stare 응시하다 14 씹다 chew

5 swallow 삼키다 15 시 poem

6 main 주요한 16 낚아채다 snatch

7 hold 쥐다 17 주요한 main

8 throat 목구멍 18 강세, 사투리 accent

9 poem 시 19 삼키다 swallow

10 accent 강세, 사투리 20 시가 cigar

20개 중 ________________ 개 정답



Key Points

Let’s Practice

직접화법은 간접화법으로, 간접화법은 직접화법으로 바꿔 쓰세요.

1. He said, “I want to go home.”


2. She said to me, “I will meet your teacher.”


3. I said, “I met Jack in the park.”


4. I said that my uncle lived in Busan.


5. Mary tells me that she was in the hospital.


<화법의 전환>

① say[said] say[said] / say[said] to tell[told]

② 콤마(,)와 인용부호(“ ”)를 없애고 that절로 고친다.

③ 피전달문의 1인칭은 전달문의 주어와 일치시킨다.

④ 시제의 일치: 전달동사의 시제가 과거형이면 피전달문의 동사는 다음과 같이 바꾼다.

현재 과거, 현재완료 과거완료, willㆍshallㆍcan wouldㆍshouldㆍcould

She said to me, “My father is sick.”

She told me that her father was sick.

He said that he wanted to go home.

She told me that she would meet my teacher.

I said, “My uncle lives in Busan.”

Mary says to me, “I was in the hospital.”

I said that I had met Jack in the park.


Sentence Master

다음 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

1. 안젤라는 하루에 10시간 일했다고 말했다.


2. 선생님은 뭐라고 말씀하셨니?


3. 나의 주요 관심사는 우표 수집이야. 넌 어때?


4. 난 케이크 만드는 것에 관심이 많지 않아.


5. 그는 호텔에 50명 이상의 관광객이 있었다고 말했다.



잘 듣고 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.

1. He stared at me as if he wanted to ____________ me.

2. I knew that was the moment and I ____________ the shutter.

3. Of course Churchill ____________ at me that I might have said so then and there.

4. In this way, Karsh ____________ the real Churchill.

5. A bust of Churchill in this pose became a symbol of the strong leader during


선생님 확인 ___________________

Angela said that she worked 10 hours a day.

What did the teacher say?

My main interest is collecting stamps. What about you?

I don’t have much interest in making cakes.

He said that there were more than 50 tourists in the hotel.







Book 3 Part 3 Alaska

Word Master

영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word

1 contrast 대조 11 먼 옛날의 ancient

2 state 주 12 환경 surroundings

3 rugged 돌투성이의 13 종족 tribe

4 glacier 빙하 14 낙농장 dairy farm

5 dense 촘촘한 15 대조 contrast

6 dairy farm 낙농장 16 돌투성이의 rugged

7 surroundings 환경 17 기술 craft

8 tribe 종족 18 빙하 glacier

9 ancient 먼 옛날의 19 주 state

10 craft 기술 20 촘촘한 dense

20개 중 ________________ 개 정답



Key Points


상대방에게 무언가를 제안할 때는 ‘Shall we ~? / Why don’t we ~? / Let’s ~. /

Wouldn’t it be better ~? / I’d like to suggest ~.’ 등의 표현으로 시작해서 말할 수 있어요.

이에 대해 수락할 때는 ‘Yes, let’s. / All right. / OK.’, 거절할 때는 ‘No, let’s not. / No, thank

you.’로 대답할 수 있어요.

Wouldn’t it be better to take the subway? (지하철을 타는 게 낫지 않겠니?)

– OK. (그러자.)

Let’s Practice

아래에서 알맞은 표현을 골라 써넣어 대화를 완성하세요.

1. I can’t hear you. It’s very noisy here.

– __________________________________________

2. It’s too hot to play outside. __________________

– Yes, let’s.

3. We need a hobby we can share.

– __________________________________________

4. Jim will not come to the meeting this Friday.

– __________________________________________

5. I want to improve my English.

– __________________________________________

I’d like to suggest you read lots of English books. Shall we move to a quiet place?

Wouldn’t it be better to reschedule our meeting? Let’s stay inside.

Why don’t we try badminton?

Shall we move to a quiet place?

Why don’t we try badminton?

Wouldn’t it be better to reschedule our meeting?

I’d like to suggest you read lots of English books.

Let’s stay inside.


Sentence Master

다음 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

1. 그곳은 미국에서 가장 넓은 지역이면서 인구가 가장 적은 주이다.


2. 그곳에는 돌투성이의 산들과 깊고 높은 절벽의 피요르드가 있다.


3. 북극내의 북쪽 지역은 매우 추운 반면에 캐나다 근처의 남쪽 지역은 습하고 온화하다.


4. 하지만 좀더 먼 남쪽 지방은 높은 건물들과 유행을 쫓는 집들이 있는 현대적인

도시들이 있다.


5. 대학을 포함해서 훌륭한 교육 체계가 갖추어져 있다.



잘 듣고 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.

1. Alaska is a land of great ____________.

2. It has ____________ glaciers and active volcanoes.

3. Alaska has hot springs in some places and ____________ streams in other places.

4. The ____________ in Alaska also varies according to location.

5. Naturally, the way of life in Alaska differs according to the ____________.

선생님 확인 ___________________

It is the state with the greatest area and the smallest population in the United States.

It has rugged mountains and deep, high-walled fiords.

There is a fine educational system; including universities.






While the northern part, within the Arctic, is very cold, the southern part, near Canada

is damp and mild.

However, farther south, there are modern cities with tall buildings and fashionable homes.


Book 3 Part 3 Alaska

Word Master

영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word

1 desolate 황량한 11 폐허가 된 ruined

2 treeless 나무가 없는 12 항로 airline

3 icy 얼음 같은 13 검색하다 search

4 location 위치 14 외향적인 outgoing

5 Arctic 북극 15 나무가 없는 treeless

6 airline 항로 16 위치 location

7 ruined 폐허가 된 17 얼음 같은 icy

8 outgoing 외향적인 18 의도하다 intend

9 search 검색하다 19 황량한 desolate

10 intend 의도하다 20 북극 Arctic


20개 중 ________________ 개 정답


Key Points


Let’s Practice

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 써넣으세요.

1. I was so surprised that I couldn’t say anything.

I was __________ __________ __________ __________ anything.

2. He is so rich that he can buy that expensive jewelry.

He is __________ __________ __________ __________ that expensive jewelry.

3. She was so tired that she couldn’t go out for dinner.

She was __________ __________ __________ __________ out for dinner.

4. He is so smart that he can understand it.

He is __________ __________ __________ __________ it.

두 개의 빈칸 중 알맞은 위치에 enough나 too를 써넣으세요.

1. This bag is ___________ light ___________ for me to carry it.

2. This coffee is ___________ hot ___________ to drink.

3. I am ___________ young ___________ to travel alone.

<enough to / too… to ~>

* 형용사[부사] + enough to ~: ~할 정도로 ···하다 = so… that 주어 can[could] ~

He was so rich that he could buy the new car.

He was rich enough to buy the new car.

* too + 형용사[부사] + to ~: 너무 ···해서 ~할 수 없다 = so… that 주어 can’t[couldn’t] ~

The elephant is too big to walk through that door.

The elephant is so big that it can’t walk through that door.



surprised to

rich enough to

too tired to




smart enough to understand





Sentence Master

다음 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

1. 팀은 첫 기차를 탈 수 있을 만큼 일찍 일어났다.


2. 몇몇 나라는 너무 많은 물을 갖고 있는 반면에 다른 나라들은 물이 충분하지 않다.


3. 댄은 밝고 외향적인 반면에, 마이클은 수줍고 조용해.


4. 이 소파는 앉을 만큼 충분히 넓지 않아.


5. 저를 위해 제 자리를 지켜주시겠어요? ( Would you mind ~? 사용 )



잘 듣고 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.

1. In the ____________, snow-covered north, Eskimo tribes live by hunting seals and

polar bears.

2. They keep up the ancient customs and ____________ of their ancestors.

3. People and goods are ____________ by airline, railroad, and automobile.

4. There is a fine ____________ system; including universities.

5. In a word, Alaska is the ____________ of wind and sun, heat and cold, old and new.

선생님 확인 ___________________

Tim got up early enough to catch the first train.

While some countries have too much water, others don’t have enough.

Michael is shy and quiet while Dan is bright and outgoing.

This sofa isn’t wide enough to sit on.

Would you mind keeping my seat for me?







Book 3 Part 4 The Life of the Inuit

Word Master

영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word

1 influence 영향을 주다 11 눈자동차 snowmobile

2 totally 전적으로 12 순록 caribou

3 sled 썰매 13 임금 wage

4 store 저장하다 14 이글루 igloo

5 wage 임금 15 영향을 주다 influence

6 snowmobile 눈자동차 16 모터보트 motorboat

7 trapper 덫 사냥꾼 17 썰매 sled

8 igloo 이글루 18 전적으로 totally

9 caribou 순록 19 저장하다 store

10 motorboat 모터보트 20 덫 사냥꾼 trapper

20개 중 ________________ 개 정답



Key Points

Let’s Practice

주어진 표현을 사용하여 대화를 완성하세요.

Expression: I’m thinking of having a party at my house.

– Really? That sounds exciting.

1. I’m thinking of ________________________________. – Really? That sounds exciting.

visit the National Art Gallery

2. I’m thinking of ________________________________. – Really? That sounds exciting.

buy a new laptop

3. I’m thinking of ________________________________. – Really? That sounds exciting.

travel abroad for a while

4. I’m planning to ________________________________. – Really? That sounds exciting.

write a novel

5. I’m planning to ________________________________. – Really? That sounds exciting.

visit my uncle in China

계획 말하기

계획을 말할 때는 ‘I intend to ~. / I’m planning to ~. / I’m thinking of ~.’로 시작해서 말할 수

있어요. 이때 I intend to와 I’m planning to 다음에는 동사의 원형을, I’m thinking of 다음에는

「동사의 -ing형」을 쓴다는 것도 알아 두세요.

I’m thinking of having a party at my house. (난 집에서 파티를 할까 생각 중이야.)

– Really? That sounds exciting. (정말? 신나겠는데.)

visiting the National Art Gallery

buying a new laptop

travelling abroad for a while

write a novel

visit my uncle in China


Sentence Master

다음 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

1. 어떤 에스키모인들은 임금을 받기 위해 일을 하고 상점에서 음식을 산다.


2. 그 계절 동안 그들은 여름에 저장해 놓았던 물개 고기를 먹으면서 살아간다.


3. 물론 어떤 면에서 변화하고 있는 것은 사실이다.


4. 공식적으로 그 이름은 1977년에 열렸던 국제회의에서 바뀌었다.


5. 무엇보다도 이누이트인들은 자연과 연결된 그들의 정신과 생활방식을 보존하고 있다.



잘 듣고 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.

1. They are still seal hunters and fur ____________.

2. Some of them still spend the winter in igloos and travel using dog ____________.

3. But ____________ meat is not the only food that they eat.

4. They also fish all year round and have ____________ as well.

5. Of course it is true that things are ____________ in some ways.

선생님 확인 ___________________

Some Eskimos work for wages and buy some food in stores.

During that season they live on the seal meat that they have stored in summer.

Most of all, the Inuits are preserving their spirit and a lifestyle that is connected to nature.






Of course it is true that things are changing in some ways.

The name was officially changed at an international meeting held in 1977.


Book 3 Part 4 The Life of Inuit

Word Master

영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word

1 replace 대체하다 11 보존하다 preserve

2 raw 날것의 12 연결하다 connect

3 economy 경제 13 응답하다 respond

4 preserve 보존하다 14 교환하다 exchange

5 connect 연결하다 15 날것의 raw

6 suppose 가정하다 16 대체하다 replace

7 completely 완전히 17 경제 economy

8 respond 응답하다 18 야구 장갑 mitt

9 exchange 교환하다 19 완전히 completely

10 mitt 야구 장갑 20 가정하다 suppose

20개 중 ________________ 개 정답



Key Points

Let’s Practice

괄호 안에서 알맞은 말을 골라 동그라미 하세요.

1. She is the very woman ( whom, that ) I am looking for.

2. The taxi ( who, which ) crashed was completely destroyed.

3. He is the only student ( who, that ) can solve this problem.

빈칸에 알맞은 관계대명사를 써 넣으세요. 단, that은 반드시 써야 하는 경우에만 쓰세요.

1. I have a book ___________ is very interesting.

2. This is the oldest building ___________ I’ve ever seen.

3. The actor ___________ I like best is Brad Pitt.

4. This is the same bag ___________ I lost yesterday.

5. You can’t buy everything ___________ you want.

<관계대명사 that>

* 선행사가 사람ㆍ사물ㆍ동물 어느 경우라도 쓸 수 있으며 주격과 목적격이 같다.

He has a cat that(= which) has brown eyes. <주 격>

She is the girl that(= who) I love. <목적격>

* 관계대명사 that만 쓰는 경우

① 선행사에 최상급 형용사, 서수, -ing이 올 때

② 선행사에 the only, the very, all, every 등이 있을 때

She was the first girl that entered the room.

You’re the best teacher that I’ve ever had.







Sentence Master

다음 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

1. 내가 네게 말했던 모든 것은 사실이었다.


2. 실례합니다. 이 양복을 교환하고 싶어요.


3. 미안하지만, 이것이 우리가 가진 유일한 양복이었어요.


4. 이누이트 언어로 이글루는 ‘집’을 의미한다.


5. 난 드라마 학교에 갈 생각이야.



잘 듣고 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.

1. Some Eskimos work for ____________ and buy food in stores.

2. Many of them use motorboats and ____________ instead of kayaks and dog sleds.

3. However, they are trying to fit into ____________ times without giving up the old things.

4. The name was ____________ changed at an international meeting held in 1977.

5. By forming ____________, they are also raising the Inuit voice for their economy

and environment.

선생님 확인 ___________________

Everything that I told you was true.

Excuse me. I’d like to exchange this suit.

I’m sorry, but this is the only suit that we’ve got.

I’m thinking of going to drama school.






Igloo in the Inuit language means ‘house.’


Book 3

Word Master

영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word

1 capture 잡다 11 습기 찬 damp

2 cover 표지 12 허락하다 allow

3 bust 상반신 13 시합 match

4 wartime 전시 14 영향을 주다 affect

5 damp 습기 찬 15 잡다 capture

6 technique 기술 16 사회적인 social

7 social 사회적인 17 표지 cover

8 affect 영향을 주다 18 전시 wartime

9 allow 허락하다 19 상반신 bust

10 match 시합 20 기술 technique

20개 중 ________________ 개 정답



Key Points

Let’s Practice

괄호 안에서 알맞은 말을 골라 동그라미 하세요.

1. This is Mr. Brown, ( that / whom ) I talk to you about last week.

2. My brother, ( who / that ) is a doctor, is a baseball lover.

3. Our school, ( which / that ) is located on the hill, has a fine view.

두 문장이 같은 뜻이 되도록 관계대명사를 사용해서 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 써넣으세요.

1. John wrote a letter, and he mailed it at once.


2. My friend trusts the old woman, but she is actually very wicked.


3. I have a hunting dog, and it runs very fast.


<관계대명사의 용법>

* 한정적 용법: 관계대명사절이 선행사를 수식해 주며, 관계대명사절부터 해석한다.

The book which is written in English is interesting. (영어로 쓰인 그 책은 재미있다.)

* 계속적 용법: 관계대명사절이 선행사를 보충 설명해 주며 관계대명사 앞에 콤마(,)가

있고, 해석은 주절부터 한다. 관계대명사는 「접속사 + 주어」로 바꿔 쓸 수 있다.

She has a son, who studies in Japan.

= She has a son and he studies in Japan.

(그녀에겐 아들이 하나 있는데, 그는 일본에서 공부하고 있다.)

참고 관계대명사 that은 계속적 용법으로 쓸 수 없다.

He bought a house, that is more expensive than mine. ( X )

John wrote a letter, which he mailed at once.

뒤에서 수식

My friend trusts the old woman, who is actually very wicked.

I have a hunting dog, which runs very fast.


Sentence Master

다음 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

1. 그렇게 말씀해 주시다니 당신은 참 친절하시군요.


2. 그는 그 상자를 나를 만큼 충분히 힘이 세다.


3. 우리는 캠핑을 위해 샀던 것들 모두를 점검한다.


4. 의사들에 의하면 유머는 당신의 정신뿐만 아니라 신체에도 영향을 미친다. ( as well as 사용 )


5. 내가 책을 찾았을 때, 한 젊은 남자가 내게 다가왔다.



잘 듣고 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.

1. At first, Pavarotti became a gym ____________.

2. In fact, Pavarotti was raised under good musical ____________.

3. All his family ____________ him.

4. The photograph was on the ____________ of Life magazine and made him famous.

5. It has ____________ mountains and deep, high-walled fiords.

선생님 확인 ___________________

It’s very kind of you to say so.

He is strong enough to carry the box.

We check all the things that we bought for the camping.

According to doctors, humor affects your body as well as your mind.

When I found a book, a young man came up to me.







Book 3

Word Master

영어를 우리말로, 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

No. Word Meaning No. Meaning Word

1 pack 짐을 싸다 11 마녀 witch

2 stick 막대기 12 매달리다 hang

3 cough 기침하다 13 짐을 싸다 pack

4 hang 매달리다 14 ~에 속하다 belong to

5 witch 마녀 15 기침하다 cough

6 crystal 수정 16 준비하다 prepare

7 belong to ~에 속하다 17 구성 organization

8 scratch 긁다 18 막대기 stick

9 prepare 준비하다 19 수정 crystal

10 organization 구성 20 긁다 scratch

20개 중 ________________ 개 정답



Key Points

가능성 표현하기

가능성을 말할 때는 ‘It is possible to ~.’ 등의 표현으로 시작하거나 「be able to + 동사의

원형」을 사용해서 말할 수 있어요. 또, 부사 Maybe ~ 를 써서 표현할 수도 있어요.

You might be able to see your future through a crystal ball.

(크리스탈 공을 통해 당신의 미래를 볼 수 있을 지도 몰라요.)

– I don’t think so. (전 그렇게 생각하지 않아요.)

Let’s Practice

주어진 표현을 사용하여 대화를 완성하세요.

Expression: You might be able to see your future through

a crystal ball. – I don’t think so.

1. You might be able to __________________________. – I don’t think so.

master Spanish in a year

2. You might be able to __________________________. – I don’t think so.

live without water for a month

3. You might be able to __________________________. – I don’t think so.

get along with him

4. You might be able to __________________________. – I don’t think so.

win the lottery

5. You might be able to __________________________. – I don’t think so.

swim across this river

master Spanish in a year

live without water for a month

get along with him

win the lottery

swim across this river


Sentence Master

다음 우리말을 영어로 써 보세요.

1. 시내에 가서 새로운 컴퓨터들을 훑어 보는 게 어때? ( Why don’t we ~? 사용 )


2. 그는 커다란 문이 있는 동굴로 와서 그 문을 두드린다.


3. 나뭇잎들이 매달려 떨 때, 바람이 지나간다.


4. 같은 실수를 계속해서 반복하다니 너는 부주의하다.


5. 리사는 너무 어려서 차를 운전할 수 없다. ( too… to ~ 사용 )



잘 듣고 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰세요.

1. Drop in a dime and ____________ on the switch.

2. I found a ____________ on one club.

3. This toy train ____________ to Ji-yeong.

4. It’s about dinner time. Let me ____________ some snacks.

5. When I was young, people laughed about my ____________ and how I looked.

선생님 확인 ___________________

Why don’t we go downtown and take a look at new computers?

He comes to a cave with a large door and knocks on the door.

When the leaves hang trembling, the wind is passing through.

It’s careless of you to make the same mistake again and again.






Lisa is too young to drive a car.


NEAT Speaking

유형 그림 보고 질문에 답하기


M: Question number 1. Where is the girl?

M: Question number 2. Did he miss the train?

M: Question number 3. What is she doing?

출처 3권 p. 7, p. 31, p. 35


(1) at home, living room

(2) arrive, catch

(3) take pictures of


(1) The girl is at home. She is watching TV in the living room.

(2) No, he didn't miss the train. He arrived early enough to catch the train.

(3) She is taking pictures of flowers.


NEAT Writing

유형 편지 쓰기

출처 3권 p. 48


color of the shirt

try on

look different [bright]

would like to

exchange A for B



The order number is 1234567. The color of the shirt looked okay online,

but when I tried it on at home, it looked different. It looked too bright.

So I'd like to exchange the blue shirt for a dark blue shirt. Is that possible?

I hope you can help me with this.