bedford inquirer. (bedford, pa.) 1858-02-12 [p...

mm JSSOGIATION, PHILADELPHIA. \u25a0 J Benevolent Institution, established by special en- dowment for ihe relief of the sick ami dis- tressed, ajfliclei tilth Virulent and JEpidcnde diseases. FJTO all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases, A such us SPERMATORKIKEA, SEMINEL WEAKNESS, IMPOTENCE. GONORRHOEA, GLEET, SYPHILLIS, the Vice of ONANISM, cr SELF ABUSE. He., He. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, ;.u tie deceptions practised "upon the unfortunate victim.-, of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Sur- geon as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of t.iis class of diseases, in all their forms and to give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condi- tion, (age, occupation, habits oi life, Ace.,) and in eases of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDI-1 CINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to I dd that .ue Association commands the highest Medical i,;:ffl of tbe age, and will furuish the most approved modern treatment. The Directors, on a review of the past, teel as- sured that their labors in this sphere of benevo- lent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflict- ed, especially to the young, aud they have resolv- ed to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. Just published by the Association, a Report o:i ?'Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the Vice >t Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and oth- er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consult- ing Surgeon, which will he sent bv mail, (in a sealed letter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of T W O STAMPS for postage. Address, for Report or treatment. Dr. GEORGE R. CALHOUN. Consulting Surgeon, Howard As- I ocittion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadel- phia. Pa. Bv order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. GEO. FAIKCHILD, Secretary. Dec. 4, 1857.-ZZ. THE GOLDEN FREE. THE NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY &io3<!ei) i'rizv. One of the largest and best literary papers of the day. An imperial quarto, containing eight pages, or forty columns of choice reading matter each week. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION TWO DOL- LARS PER YEAR. Jnd a Gift uili be presented to each subscriber im- mediately on receipt of the subscription money. Each subscriber will be entitled to a g;tt worth from si to 500.00 in 4i!d. TO CLUBS. 3 Copies for 1 year $5.00 10 ?'< '? 1 " 1,3.00 rRE AD?R E AD-RE AD?RE AD. THE LIST OF GIFTS?GIFTS?GIFTS. T Package containing SSOO in Gold. 10 Gold Patent Lever English Hunt- ing Cased Watches, lop Each. 15 " <i t: i 75 25 Gold Wrtchea fit) 100 . o 50 o 300 Ladies ? - '< v. 35 100 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 25 ?' 2do ?' Watches 10 to 20 " 600 Gold Vest and Guard and Fob Chains 10 to 30 *' 5000 Gold Lockets 2to 10 " Gold Kings?Ear Drops?Broaches Breast Pius-?Studs?Cuff" Pins Sleeve Buttons, fcc.. He i to sls Each. Immediately on receipt of the subscription mo- ney, the subscriber's name wiU be entered upon our subscription book, opposite a number, and the gift corresponding with that nntuber will be for- warded to his or her address by mail or express 1 post-paid. -Address BKCKE! V COMPANY, PUBLISH KRS. 48 and 49 Moffat's Buildings. New YO&K. Specimen Copies sent free. Bills tj all the Bunks taken that pass current '* biz States from tCfifHf.? they arc scut. Postage stamps are also received. Dec. 10 1857.-81 LIST IIFWIR PU f down ior trial at February Term, (2d Mon- day, Stli day,) 1858. George Muilin va J. S. Morrison's adm'r. J. S. Morrison's adin'r ?' George Muliin Margaret fitdvile ?' Henry Bailey ot al. Mana McEivlowner Samuel Williams ct al, Conrad Ron® ?? Solomon Diehl, Dr. G. W. Anderson ?? David Over, Peter J. Little Jacob Struck, E. A. I ock..-r <?' Joseph Ilardsock et al, A. J. Saively ? Samuel Brown, Same " William Keefib, James Cessna " 11. ury Miller et al, Amos Wiliison Jesse Dicken, John Bridaham " Maty Uyler et al, Kben Pennell " Abnm it. Craine et al, Joseph Goiidea ?' Datiiei Metzgar ct al, Elizabeth Kelly > William Walsh, D. L . Keagy's use Peter Morniugsfar et aT, Jesse Sleek " William Sleek, Ludwick Fisher's sd'r " John McCanles, Burgess He. Bed. Bor. " S. M. Barchy's heirs, Solomon Dickeuet ai ?? Margaret Elliott, T. & J. King ?? John G. Hartley, Samuel Krciger ; William Woy, ' Mici.ael Wheeling et al" Philip Hoon et al, John Bowser Samuel Whetstone. SAM'L H. TATE, Prcth'y. Prothonotary'S Office, Jan. 16, 1857. IWI'EST ikltlVlL IT RKL'BS. NEW GOODS! NOTM ITHSTANDING the pecuniary r-ni- barassment, and the universal complaints of the hard times, tlie subscriber takes pleasure in announcing to the people of Bedford and vicin- ity, that he has just returned from the Eastern Cities, with a large, handsome and cheap stock FILL m WINTER ROODS, among which may be iound Cloths, Ladies' Dress Goods, Cassiinires, French Merinos, Satinets, Silki, Tweeds, Mous de Laines, Jeans, Valencias, Vesting?, and a great variety of other Goods for Ladies, and Children's wear. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS- WARE, Ate., Ate. .an excellent assortment of BOOTS nd SHOES. HyAll kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. The notes of all Pennsyl- vania Banks taken at par, as well as the notes of good Banks of other States. JACOB REED. Oct. 30, 1857. SU MME R ARR A N'GK ME NT?Huntingdon and Broadtop R._ R., On and after Mon- day, March 21, 1857, two passenger trains a day acb way. (except Sunday .) will run be- tween Hopewell and Huntingdon. Leaves Hopewell at 12 15 P. H? and ft 10 P.M. Arrives at Hopewell at 9 40 A . M., and 540 P. M. 'oaaeciing ii Huntingdon with trains for the East and Wvat on Penra. K. R. THOS. T. WEERMAN. _ Snpt. Hontingdon, Feb. 26, 1557. " jmiOTric®:. HAVING purchased the following projierty at -Constab.c s Sale, on t'_.. day of Janua- ry, ins?., we wish u> leave the same with Henry Zan merman, during .mr pleasure: 1 Bay Mare, "l ?potted Cow, 2 J' tfrUng Calvea, 1 Wagou and Hay Ladder, I Log Chain, and 1 jiairof Sureader*. PIPER Sc SCOTT. Pattonsville, Jan. 22. c. \u25a025 WITNESSES; or, THE FOSGEH CONVICTED. John S. Dye is the Author, Who has had 10 years experience as a Baak- and Publisher, und Aulhoi of ??} J aeries of Lecture> at the Eroadvcay 'j* Tabernacle, © when, for 10 successive nights over fe Dy 50,000 People _£XI Greeted him with Rounds ot Applause, ® while he exhibited the manner in which Coun- .2 terieiters execute their Frauds, and the Surest and Shortest Means of Detecting them! The Bank Mote Engravers all say that he is £2 ihe greatest Judge of Paper Money Itriag. ©f 1 BEATEST DISCOVERY OF QVJ the Present Century for © !)eteciitig Counterfeit BankXoies Describing every Genuine Bill in Exis- O tence, and exhibiting at a glance > every Counterfeit iu Circulation!! ® Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE 4*is EASY and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS, Q C7" No iudex to examine! No pages to hunt up! But so simplified and arrang- -5(3 e.(i, that the .Merchant, Banker, and Bu- siness Man can See all at a Glance. h ,£j English, French and German. ©Thus Each may read the same in his own Native Tongue. Kost Perfect Hank Note List < Published. w Also a List of *"? All the Private Banker? in America. " A Complete Summary of the FINANCE OF J EUROPE AND AMERICA will be published iu W each edition, together with all the important <1 NEWS OF THE DAY. Also 1-3 J SERIES OF TJI.ES Wi'rom an Old Manuscript found in the East. 2 It furnishes the Most Complete History ot p ORIENTAL LIFE, Describing the Most Perplexing Positions Siu which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that Country have been so often found. These ©Steries will continue throughout the whole year, and will prove the Most Entertaining ever offered to the Public. ET* Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at if I a year. AH letters must be ad- dressed to JOIW S. DI E Broker, Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, April 21, 1857-zz. New York. 11. i>. PFUGII. ETTIE A. fISBBUKN. m n\i\ STORE. MRS. H. D. PKUGH A Co., respectfully in- vite the attention of the ladies of Bedford and vicinity, to their new and handsome stock of goods, just opened in "Mann's Building," Ju- liana Mieet. opposite Dr. Reamer's Ding Store, These goods have been selected with the greatest care, and are of the latest styles and Uc. t quality. Their stock consists in part of Moire Antique Silks, All Wool De Laines, Do do " (printed.) Black Gro de Rhine, French Merino, (plain and printed.) Moss Head Fringes, Bugle Laces, Ladies' Kid Gloves, Ladies' Gauntlets, Gents' Black Kid Gloves, Black and Fancy Elastic Belts, Chenille Trimmings, Chenille Scarfs, Chenille Head Dresses, Fancy French Corsets, Velveteen, Ac., Ac. Ladies and Children's HOXHETS. in great variety. A general assortment of Ladies' and Misses' SHOES, GAITERS, OVER SHOES, 4c. SHA W Ij S of every quality and description. PERFUMERY, EXTRACTS, JEWELRY, \c , Arc. Bedford, Oct. 80, 1857. STAGE OFFICE^ WASHINGTON HOTEL, Bedford, Pa. A JRS. MART COOK would announce to her ATX friends and tli pubiie, that she has fitted up this old and well known stand, in a very su- perior style, for the accommodation of the pub- lic. 1lsi tors to the Bedford Mineral Springs will find the Washington Hotel a comfortable summer retreat?and no pains will be spared to please ail who patronize the house. Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month aud year. ey*A gentleman of high qualification, and corteous deportment, has charge of the house, who will do all in his power to make the guests happy and comfortable. [C7"Terms as .moderate as auvwhere else in the place. Daily Stages irom Latrobe, Cumberland, Holli- daysburg and Hopewell, all stop at this Hotel. A Hack belonging to this Hotel will run be- tween Bedford and the Springs. Bedford, June 12, 1857.-zz. Plastering Laths!! 'ITiliJ "* MOERSICiJVED having erectel A a Mill for sawing PLASTERINOLATHS on tiis premises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is QO w ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest notice. Price {1.50 per thousand, 3 ft. long. Other leagthsin proportion. Letters addressed to me at St. Clairsvilh-. will be promptly attended to. WM. GRIFFITH. Union Tp.. Feb. 16, 1834.-zz. hreat Arrival of FILL AMI WINTER GOODS. JUsT received and on hand, the best as- sortment of ROOTS and SHOES that c<> Id be selected for the citizens of Bedford and strangers visiting the place, 1 door south of Minnick's Contectionary Store, on Juliana Street. Mens' Grained Water-Proof long legged Boots, Mena' thick sole eastern made long legged Boots, Meus' Kip anu c >arso Heavy Boots, Gents' Fine Calf double sole Boots, Gents' Oxford Ties, Gents' Congress Gaiters, Meus'Heavy city made Broguns, Ladies' Morocco Boots, Ladies' Goat Heel Boots, Womens' Calf heavy winter Boots; Misses' and Children*' Boots in variety, Boys' Boots of all kinds, size and description. CAPS, in variety, will be alwavs kept on band. Persons wishing to purchase good Boots and Shoes will please give me a call before buying elsewhere. ADAM FERGUSON. Oct. 2, 1857. iieitys' Photographic hailery, EXCHJSGE BUILDING,' BEDFORD, PJ. VyiIERE Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes, 4-v. vV 4c., are executed in the latest styles aud improvements of the Art. A full assort- ment ol plain and fancy cases, gold and plated Lockets at very low prices. Tbe public are respectfully invited to call aud examine his specimens. T. R. GETTYS, JR. May 22,1857. A yer's Cherry Pectoral, for the cure of Coughs X\. Coins, Ate., can be bad at Dr. Harry's. TIIS INQUIRER Is published every Friday morning, in Juliana Street, in the white frame building, nearly opposite the Meugel House, bv- D AVI 11 OVER. TERMS: If paid in advance, $1.50; within the year, $2.00; and if not paid wi,bin the year, $2.50 will be charged. Uo paper discontinued until all ar- rearage* are paid?except at the option of the Editor. A failure to notify a discontinuance will bo regarded as a new engagement. Jldvtrtiacmiui a not exceeding a square, (l 2 lines,) inserted three times for sl?every subsequent in sertion, 26 cents. Longer ones in the same pro- portion. Each fraction ola square counted as a lull square. All advertisements not specially ordered tor a given time will be continued until forbid. A deduction will be made to those who ad\crtise by the year. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly and on reasonable terms. Bedford Classical School, AKD FEMALE SEMINARY. Male aud Female Departments DEV tioet. Rev. G. \V. iWcaiiistßADan, A. M., Prin- cipal, Mrs. GEO. W. AUGHINBAURH, Precep- tress. Miss CORNELIA A. EVARTS, Music, French, Drawing, &c. Mrs. JICCY SPOTTSWOOD, Oil Painting and Shell NVork, Miss MART HELEN SMITH, Assistant. THE duties of this Institution will be re- sumed on Monday, Aug. 31st. Owing to the limited accommodation* of tho Seminary Building, the number ol pupils will be lim- ited. It is iuiportaut, therefore, that appli- cations for admission be made at an earlv day. These who enter bejore the expiration of half ilte quarter, vi!l be charged for tne whole quarter; those who enter after the cxpiratiou of half the quarter, will be charg- ed for the half quarter. No deduction made for absence except in cases of protracted illness. In this school students are prepared for the higher clashes of any college, or to en- ter at once upon the active duties of life.? \Y fcilst special care i* taken to form in our pupils habits of order, strict punctuality and thoroughness, their Physical, Moral and Social Education is not neglected. The government of the school is designed to be parental. It is the aim of the Prin- cipal and his associates to excite in their pupils a love of right-doing; and to awaken within them some proper cousciousness of the dignity ot humanity. Parents mav lest assured that any gross delinquency on the part of their children will he reported to them immediately, should circumstances re- quire it, or the discipline of the school fail to accomplish ihe desired reformation. TERMS per quarter of 11 weeks, inclu- ding Board, Tuition, Furnished Room, Wash- ing, Light uud Fuel, $ 10.00,?one-half in advance. EXTRA CHARGES. Music, £lO 00 Use of Instrument, 2 00 French, 5 00 Drawing, and painting in Water Col- ors, each, 5 00 Oriental Painting, 5 00 Grecian Painting, 5 00 Oil Painting, 10 00 Ornamental Needle Work, .6 00 Shell Work, 5 00 TERMS FOR DAY SCHOLARS. Elementary English, §4 00 Higher, 4 00 Classics, 0 05 Bedford, August 6, 1857. I>9SSO(j(TTIOIV OF IMRTXERSIIIP 'ltilE [1 utnership heretofore existing between A Heniy 8. King and James Madura, under the nace an 1 tir:n of Madura, King (t Co., doing business at Lemnos Iron Works, in Hopewell Township Bedford County, is dissolved by mutual consent. HENRY" S. KING N0v.27, 1857.-tf. JAMES MADAKA! THE business of manufacturing iron at Leto- nos Iron IV orks, will bo continued bv the under- signed, who has purchased all tho interest of his late partner James Madara in the books, prop rty and effects, belonging to the late firm ofMadara King at Co. Nov. 27, 1b57.-tf. HENRY KING. W. IIOERHC 31 S , ~ UPHOLSTERER. WOULD announce to the citizens of Bed- Vf ford and vicinity, that he is prepared to do all wont in his line, in the best stvle and on reasonable terms. MATRASSES, with or without sptings, made in a superior manner equal to the best made in the city, and to this branch of his business he would invite especial attention.? Ho may be found at the shop of Michael Weis- el, a short distance East of the Borough or at ins residue on East Pitt Street, one door west oi Mai. Washabaagh s. Bedford, Dec. 5, 1856. TO N E W A R E.?Cream Crocks, Milk Crocks of ail sizes; Butter Dishes,from one to one and a half gallon Pitchers, all of hioh are of best quality, for sale by Sedford, Jan. 16, 1856. A ' FERGUSON * For pimples, and wrinkles and ireekles and tan, Nothing has e'er been discovered by man Like that wonderful product of tropical bow- ers, The popular"Balm of a Thousand Flowers" To be had at DR. HARRYS. March 8. BROAD TOP COAL, ~ FROM RIDDLESRFRG COLLIERY. T HE subscribers are now engaged iu shipping X COAL from foe celebiated K'ddlesbunr Bank by Railroad to Hopewell, at as low price as cau be furnished by any other persons in the country. Persons desiring a good articl- will find it to their advantage to call on them, or on their am-nr T. M. Smith, at Hopewell g ' OSBOURNE If CRESS WELL Dec. 11, 1857.-3 m. mFALL (.10111 THE subscribers have just opened a lares assort meat of FALL and WINTER GOODS, all of which will be offered at prices to suit the times - We respectfully invito cash and prompt six month cus' oiners to call and examine our stock, assuring them that we ahali offer greater inducements than ever heretofore. Country Produce ofall kinds wanted, for whi.h we will pay the highest price. rw , re~r A - B - CRA # E & CG Out. 16, 1807. BSDFOKB mmmm. SHEWS SALE. BY virtue oi sundry writs of Fi l'a. to rue di- rected, there will IK. o!d at the Court House, in the Borough ot Bedford, ou Monday the Bth day of February, 185H, at 1 o'clock, p. 31., the following Heal Estate, to vvd : Oue Tract of Land continue g 250 acres, more or less, about 50 acres cleared and under fence, with a two story Log House and log stable there- on erected, adjoining lauds of Joseph Barkman, Philip Snider and ethers, rituate in Monroe Town- ship, Bedford County, mid taken in execution as the property of James Mountain. Also, one Tract of land containing 132 acres, more or less, about 18 cleared and under ienue, with a two story Log House thereon erected, adjoining land* of Samuel Weekly, John Zook, Christian Long and others, situate in Broadtop Township, Bedford County, and taken in execu- tion as the property of William Lowery. Also, one Tract ol unimproved Land containing 21 acres, more or less, adjoining binds of George W. Gump, Joseph Souser, James Ferguson and others, situate in Napier Township, Bedfoid Coun- ty, and taken in execution as the property of James Hughes. Also, ail defendant's, Samuel A. Sleek's, right, title, interest and claim, iu and to a Tract of Land containing 100 acres, more or less, about 15 acres cleared and undei fence, adjoining lands of B. W. Garretson, Jacob Suider, John Wolfs heirs. Hen- ry Hoover and others, situate in St. Claif Tow u- ship, Bcdiurd County, and taken in execution as the property of Samuel A. Sleek. Also, one Lot of Ground, ia the Borough of She lisburg, fron'.ing 120 l'eet on Vine Street, and extending back about 200 foot to land of A. B. Buno, with a story and a half Frame House and log stable thereon erected, adjoining puiiljc road oi: the East, ami lot of Edwaid Garlinger on the West, and taken iu execution as the property of Mary Palmer. Also, one Lot of Ground, in the town of Hope- well, fronting 30 leet QII Mittiin Street and extend- ing back 150 leet, with a two story Plank House and smoke h use thereon erected, adjoining lot of Barndollar, Lowry & Co., on tie North and lot of Henry K. Strong on the South East? Also, one Lot ol' Ground, in the Town of Hope- well, fronting about 150 leet on Wood Street and about 120 on Broad Street, extending, back to mill race, aud lying three square, with three two story rough cast Dwelling Houses, blacksmith shop shoemaker shop and turn -r shop, thereon erect, d Al.-o, all defendant's right, title and interest in 30 acitrs of unimproved coal lend, w.uran.ed in the name of John L. Grove, adjoining lands of John Cesrna, Esq., the Hopwvill, Coal andiron Company, and others? Also, one Tract of unimproved bottom Land, known as the Adam Young Tract, containing 25 acres, more or less, adjoining Juniata River on the North, and lands of John King's liei-s on the East and West? Also, all defendant's, Thomas W. Hortoo's, right, title, int rest and claim, iu and to one Tract of Land, called buck Bottom, containing 6y acres, more or less, about 4 acres cleared and under fence, with a story and a half Plunk House thereon erect- ed, adjoining ltpds of William Forrester on the \V est, and the Juniata ltlver on the North, hunt una South? Also, nil the defendant's interest in and to t! roe T/acts of unimproved Coal Lauds, warranted m the name of Thomas W. IJorton and Jesse Grove, containing iu all cbout 154 acres, more or less, ad- joining lands of William Montgomery, now John Cessna, EM}, on the North and West, and land* of John Ford and others on the South, and lands cf William Evans on the East, and all the above de- scribed lands siluaiein Bn.adtop Township, Bed- ford County, except Buck Bottom, which is situate iu Hopewell Township, Bedford County, and t-iteu in execution as the prof*:rty of Thomas XV. Hor- tOli. Also, all defendant's, Robeit Elliott's, interest in ana to a Tract of Land, containing 280 acres, more or less, about 20 acres cleared and under fence, with a Cabin House and double log barn thereon erected, adjoining liuds of Jacob O-tor, John (later and oth.-rs, situate iu Cumberland Wi- ley Township, Bedford County, aud taken in exe- cution us tho propeitv of Robert Elliott. Also, oue Tract of Land, containing 50 acres, more or 1 '*s, about 20 aeres cleared and under fence, with a Cabin House thereon erected, ad- joining 1 in Is of Alfred Entrekin, John Savage and others, situate in Liberty Township, Bedford Coun- ty, and taken iu execution as the property of Hen- ry Berkstres-er. Also, ai defendant's, Peter Barmond's. right, title, interns', and claim, in and to one Tract o. unimproved Kidgr Laud,containing44acres, more or less, adjoining lauds ot B. W. Garretson, James Rea, Watson's heirs and others, situate in Bedford Township, Bedford County, ami taken iu execu- tion as the property of Peter Uarrauod. * WILLIAM S. FLUCK, Sheritf. Sheriff*s Olficc, Bedford, Jan. 15, 1858; HEGISiinTMiFBT A LL persons interested, will take notice that the J\. following accountants have settled their ae- couuts in the Register's offico of Bedfoid County, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court for confirmation, on Friday the 12th day of February next, at the Court IIous, iu Bedford, viz : The account of James Camell, Administrator of the Estate of Elias Kitz, Esq., late of Monroe ToWhship, dee'd. The final account of David Stoler, Administra- tor ol the Estate of John Stoler, lrte of Liberty Township, dee'd- The account of William Overaker, Administra- tor ot the Estate of Thomas Overaker, late of Cole- rain Township, dee'd. The account of Jonathan Snider. Admin is irdlnr of the Estate ot Sophia Snider, who was Admin- istratrix of John Snider, late of Monroe Town- shin, dee'd. 1 be account of Jonathan Snider, Administrator of the Estate of Sophia Snider, late of Monroe Township, dee'd. The account of Simon Brumbaugh, Administra- tor of the Estate of David Barley, I ite of Middle Woodberry Township, dee'd. The Guardianship account of John B. Alexan- der of Well* Township, Fulton County, formerly Brcadtop Township, Bedford County " Guardian of Catharine Ready, now intermarried with Wil- liam Took aid, Mary Ann Ready, Itusanuu Heads, George Ready and John Ready, minor children i>l Alexander Ready, late of said Tosvnship, dee'd. The final account of John Kinton, Administra- tor of the Estate of Elizabeth Kinton. late ol the Borbugh if Bedford, dee'd. The account of David Walter, Executor of tbe last Will and Testament of James Walter, late of Southampton Township, dee'd. The accout of Jacob Dunklo, Administrator of the K-tate of Susan Duukle, late of West Provi- dence Township, dee'd. The account of Mrs. Charlotte L. Uarmer, Ex- ecutrix of tbe last Will and Testament of Harmcr. dee'd, who was Administrator of the Es- tate of Thomas B. Miller, late of the Borough of Bedford, dee'd. The Guardianship account of Frederick Kauff- nian, Guardian ot David, George and Susanna Keagy, late of Middle Woodberry Township, dee'd. Tbe acconnt of Frauds Jordan, Esq., Adminis- trator of the Estate of Samuel Cromwell, late of Bedford Borough, dee'd. Hie account of Gideon Hitchew, Administra 2 tor ot the Estate of Charies Zembrun, late of Juniata Township, dee'd. Ihe account .t Atnariah Wilson, Executor of the .ast H ill and Testament of John Wilson, late of Napier Township, dee'd. SAM L 11. TATE, Register. Register's Office, Jan. 15, 1858. WAKTTEO, AN active and well qualified salesman?one pos- sessing the necessary Modifications? and can bring undoubted references, us to character, mer- cantile habits, itc. ?may hour of u situation by ap- plication to the Editor of this paper?no inexperi- encad assistant need apply. Jan. i, 18-58. physicians prescription* careftally componud- Ha^i'> at n h £? r,of tb< > <4*7 or night, at Dr. Harry s, Drag Store* (DRUGS, BCOKS &\i) &TITICKMtY DR. F. C. REAMER, KERFORff, PI, ! LIAVING purchased the Drug and Bonk Stor. I j J o. Or. h, II Scott, ha;* constantly on haim, j ssx the oT<l MaD'l, a largo and well selected srock of choice Drugs and Medicines, wholesale and re- i tail, all of WIUJIJ will LT> Sold on /sir terms. the | assortment consists in part of j Drugs anri Chemicals, Dye Wood !s and JcitLs, Paints and Oils, Window Glass and Ulcus Ware, Tobac- co and Seg-irs, Perfumery, Fancy .iriieles, 4c.. 4c. I'stenx MrDiets m.? Having the regular agency for the sale cf many of these Medicines, tb ? puh- lic are assured tlist tlmy are of the best; MUh us haVe stood the test of time and experience, and ? can be safely recommended as genuine, viz: Townsend's and Sand's Sarssjienlla, H ixtar's j Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ; Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, Dr. I Jayne's Family Medicines, Fahnatock , HoibU- i sack's and other vermifuge; lloofland's German ; Bitters, lite., tec. Constantly on band a large stock of historic, I geogiaphical, scientific, religious, poetical, school j and iniscellaneons BOOKS. AUuit great variety of FANCY STATIONE- RY, Cap, Post and Wr..;iplng Paper, of every quality, Paper Hangings ;; rr t variety. Win- dow Blinds, in patterns uy He pieeo. Wall Paper, Steel and Fancy Good--. BLANK. BOOKS of every ?/ 1 quality. Pocket Bookound Port Man a ties, Diaries, Biattk j Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils, ? Combs, Brushes, P- rfuiuery in great variety. Soaps, &0., &c. Lamps, and CaOiphiot' (bland Burning I luid, j kept constantly ort iiatid. CHOICE LIQUORS for medical nse; Wolff's Scheidam Schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherrv and Ma- deira Wines. Feh. 10, 1857. Ciift ant! Kftail Book More. XOIV OPFTUIED TWO DOORS WEST OF THE W 4SITFIX&TOX HOTEL, BEDFORD, Pi. i NEW AND VALUABLE BORK.S TO EC DISPOSED OK IMMEDIATE Li. j Our Plan is to insure a Rapid Sat.?. ALL books Will la* aolrl as low ;;,s the usual I retail prices, many of them for hi-. A SIT- : I'ERB till T will l,e delivered with each book, , without additional expense ti the buyer. Onriist ! of books comp;ises tun works of the best Amer- | ican and European authors,bound in various s*vi-*s | in Morocco, best lurkish, Antique, CI ; edg. ' Ra P^ r > *tC., Aa. Wo keep on hand. al. ?. STATIONERY, including Gold I'oas am' Pencils, j Silver ditto, letter paper, f. ola-c<p end we h:-.g paper ot all kinds, wnvc' >p's, inks ot the best j quality, Ac. i Jewelry-?Breast-pins. Ear-rings, Finger-; in;: s, o. ail description*; W i ;>:.*?.* and Chains, Port- ; monaes; Perfumeries. Children's Bel; T,.-. Cravats. Ac., .V c ., AC. CIGARS of t!i choir- ,r 1 rands will ahm he . loun 1 at our store, which be sCI eh. , p-r ' an the cij- apost. : * McCJ.ITSLTN A SHOEMAKER., l.e 1 Sept. 4. ihs7. B2DFOPD HOTEL- ixII SKMftiL At U OFim. XAHE subscriber respectfully begs leave to tin- iiounce to* his o.d friends and the public fen- I ernl.y, that be has leased >-.ud taken possession of th Be Lord Hotel, lately in II:, occupancy of Co:. Adam Barn',art. It is not his design t ? | 1 :vI J" prolcasions a? :a wha.f 1.0 vi 1 do. but he ',! vi I S his war I rl. hi* most vnoraetic c-iierta will 'm employed t render coiniortaide all w! | K'*' 11,11 i '- c: dh The house will be hr.ndom< Iv titted up, and none but cisrdul and aUtuiive .~r vents mil be engaged. Persons visiting tip* lle.j. ; lord Nprlnga, as well as attending Court. , sr.ii tin traveling community generally, are re- ! speet fully* invited to give bin," a tall cud "judge R- t Lbeiiueives. T?" 1 be stages all stop ~i this hotel. : tdf~ Boarders taken by the week, month or * <r. on atvorahie terms. ? f Ampi * and eom.'et table stab ing is attached j tn this hotel, which will always be attended by :i : oatelu: hostler. Also a safe and convenient cul- iiage bouse. JOHN HApKli. > Bedowd, Apr.! 6, 1855. iSCYt Jflltil'j, tpi;:: subscriber has opened ot.t :: new X *l<ioa<iiJ assortment of ali ki; ds ( .f the i;:oM fashionable Jewelry? cqiisirting part< t I Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear 1; ; g . A:. I Oah an t s 'i* bia stock . DANIEL EuKDLi.. iiiinihes'! lau:nMir!! 10H SHINGLES of different JL > XvAy kinds. Also, To.bOb feet ol LI .dtir./i ol various sorts, sue.h as White Pine, Y.'How Pine, Poplar, Spruce, ,hc. For sak * '>? F. D. BEEGLE. ; St.fcla rsville. Feb. IS. 1853-U du a. v. Ssßr RESPECTFULLY TENDERS HIS PROFESSIONAL services to ;th; citizens of Bedford and vi- , cinity. .J®CO and res: '.ct.eo u PiU-Street, in the but]fmg formerly occ. . ?' Dr. J. 11. Ilolius. .Vov. . JSS7. \u25a0 II;.. iIA it ItI, at the Cboat Drug and Book Stors, nas justreceived, a la'gc assortmeut ol i the best flavoring extracts, together with Bak , tug Soda, of Tartar, Salerstus, kc.. ol the very b. >t quality, all of which Lc will sell ; the lowest prices. \IUSIC A MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS?- j ITX Pianos, Melodious, Flutes, Guitars. Brass Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu- facture, always on band. Bonds supplied at city wholesale rates. We Keep always on band a full \u25a0 assortment of all the new and fashiouahle music, ; *hicb wo .nail at our erpenst to ativ part o; the country. | N. 8. Music arranged to order SHKYOCK A SMITH. Chambtrsburz? March 7, 1857. TO BUILDERS." rj (he suuscriberis fully prepared to furnish any I X quantity* or quality ol Building Lumber ana Plastering Latns. Orders directed to St. Clairs- , ville, Bedford County, will he promptly attended to, iy jiving a reasonable notice. ' I F. D. BEEGLE ? Dec. hn. 1854. \T7' A LL and BLIND PAPER..?Dr. B. F. ? ' Harry is our agent for this necessary \u25a0 article. By cTTtng .it bis store, our patrons ? will see samples of our papers. We havenmde j our spring salactionf wifh much care, md think . wo cannot fail to please. SHIU'OCK A SMITH, Chambcrsburz. Administrator'* Notice- j X ETTERS ol Admitiistratioa lutvinc been grant- -Li ed to the suli&eriber upon the Estate of Ab- ; rsliiiu Li ngenfelter, late of Napiiy Township, j dee'd, all persons knowing themselves indebted to j the estate are notified to make immediate payment, i and all persons having claims against the Estate arc requested to present the same properly autht o- j jicated for aeUlanieut. DAVID LINGENFELTEK, Jdm'r. ] Dec. 11, 1867,-f. Napier Township | a- - I rjasin's and Lubin's Extracts for the Haudker- L> chief, Cologne Water, kc. ( at Dr. Ilarrv'e. i ue Great FTtgiifcii Uemedf. Sik JA.MLS CLAUSE'S Celebrated Female Fills. Prejtarrd from a prescription of Sir J. Ciarke Af I) , Physician Extraordinary to iho Quee?. ' j his mvaluab'e medicine is uniailmg in the cure ot .if those painful a d dar.getous ois- ease t which the female constitution is sub- ject. It moderates ail excess ami removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be vehed TO M4HRIED L.llHEsi it Uj ; ""i.arly saited. It will.ina abort'ime bring 0Mi,c..., 1 .h,y period with regular,^ ' *". if!l e, puce One DoiTitr, bra-s the Ow- en,...not Stamp of Great Britain,to prevent cuuu- terfei'.s. , r , . CAUTION. \u25a0 e I be lu >** females du- , Ue HlDsf THREE MOAPHS of Prerncry. mhJ i i 0 bnug but at any outer time they ait nvje. Vi- '1 \u2666 NV ;°. a;< ari '' l S i >sn ' Affections, aia in the , and LimU, Fatigue on slwht. x- ertmn. Pibatatmn of the Heart, Hysterics, and ites. these F.hs will effect a cure when all oth- er means bavo failed, and although powerful rem- -""c contain iron, calomel, antimonv, or any thinglmrtful to the constitution. Full .Hons accompany each package, hoie Agent for the Unite:: States and Canada, JOB MOSES, ( I. C. Bildwin A C 0.,) v- Rochester. N. Y. *"* - ' ? l '* l nnd ' postage stamps enclosed to a: y authorized Ag?nt, will insure a bottin of the Fills bv return mail. For sal* by Dr. B. F. Marry. Oct. 9 IFoT -zz. wmsm B =\ v A N * s :i I'IT; .HO XI i ? ®SI WAFERS. V ' p.- ' u ,j ,i -- n -Jv fe - j Atfrt vrred 1"T 1.1 i-u Chi,; i 'Uz* C?*jks 9 C .i . a..:. (' Hroiihiui^ I . ;kw5J2 Ihrr r::. r | 1* ? " ik"!: .*..* IL-v.-l ;. ?.*t:*ar*on J 1 . vi-.i 't v*-r<*d with ace* r*ifcg t ? ? E '? ?? ? ? >'* ' rr. \u25a0: { curt, r? '.-.* - - tif hfaxlzu mho h%\e trie i"";.er tjif* . . vulv. Tn nilri':Ase nr.,A*Q eonsttov t;.itß to* a **'-! jii 't ,% b!eri.<*itis: a cere?need ;:iir, ; . ? ver ' v : .tiir the ii>:'; kve elisted, f)~ ?v * il .* Ns, jir>v;.tel tii orgruiß} strue* t:. *i*y -V or.-;*>* is r t *. o !e> **v tleoir#tl. Every OL'* <jliiTtui uh.val l jjive lutjcuFtU triL J ? il Sole Rochester, X. V. Pric 4 - 25 ceaif pertx r'- stie ';*? Dr. B. Y. Harry. Sc . If, 1;-37-zz. RRH.LI.i YT PROSPECTVST FOchili YEAR OF THE fO.-y,Bop liulta Al'i WBoCiatioU. 1n * famous I)its.. :nhrf f,alv*r** ot Faiiitir:ga Purchas l at cost c And Powers' Wo; i . raoow'.'ietl Statue of t|> Greek Slave! Ke- purcna.'cd ior sjx thoi.saml dollars, with sever,.l 1 liundreo other Work t Art, i:i Paintings, Scnln- i "fe and Bronzes, comprise the lWuiuma to be awar led to the subscriliera of the Cosmopolitan .-:t *.M'r* iatiori who M>! scrife I eli ;e the 1" rf, t,f January, 1608. at which time the award* will take place. TtRMS (IF SCBsCbII'TIOS. Every <mliscriber of three dollars is entitled to : a copy of the luge an 1 spiendi l Steel Engraving, entitle i ??Manifest Destiny,"' also to ;i copy of the 1 COM* .p. liun Art Journal one year, also to A Cer i iinvr: in the award of premiums, also ,i fee ad- iiii-si ;; t. the Dusseflori and Cosmopolitan Gal- i l .-ries. I ibus It i.. s.i. u that f.r every three dollar* paid ; j tiie subscriber uoi only revives \u25a0.splendid thtee ! ' i? evt* h*.i*t .* tut aisotre 'waafifu! illustrated \u25a0 two doiiar A* I Journal, ot : ve;;r. Ei*ch snhsci lb. ! is I Is.l prt'Seiltei'with a Cel titi ( cate in this : W..r ;s. by which a valuable work of 1 aintiog s ; u!;.tui. . may be received in i addition, thus giving :\u25a0 even .-übscrilier an oquiva- lent to the value ol fly e doil irs. Rtni a Cvrtiiicat.* ; gratis. Any on. of the i ?I'ting: S3 Mi;;azincs is furnish- ! e;i, idste d of the Er gravi: g m t Art Journal, if I desi j _Xo pe: * ;s reft;; etc J ta :i sing'e store. *1 nose taking ti. e memberships, remittim* 515 entil! ? 1 jo in x:ra L .-o ivu.g and six tickets.' Foil parii.ul ; so? toe A.-s.eiation are given in ; i he Art J* :irr ... .vbirti coos, ins over sixty splen- did Engt .vinos, prion fljty c ;*.ts per number. ' Specimen . qou w Jj It., scut to all person who de- siu*:o i: s ...on r oeiptif five posture jtannis i (15 wuk.) _ Address C. L. DEKB Y, Actuary C. A. A., 518 Broadway, New York. ; Savo a Bellur! Subscribe for 1858! PETER SON S M AGIZIAE. - '|3ll]S ii j u.-ar Monthly Magaz ce . Rheady the ; ,L C*.. - tpest and best K; the world, will be greatlv- i imprived t.o 180S. It wid contain over Stun pages of column reading matter; from ! twenty to thinj sr,, 1 ~v! tK. ~: fi ..yriwood ! l ugjavincspvioeli is prop, rtionat iy more tlu.n any I periodical, of any price, ever gave. Its Mori;s are fu.m the lust authors. Every volume sontuiiis one of Mrs. anx ?S. Stkphkxs' eoj.yriglv Novels, th ? cckiiuted author of ??Fusion and Famine." Also, one of Mrs. E. D.E. N Southworth s, uuthot of \u2666?The Lost Heiress." Its Supvtii Xl,zzolints and other Steel Engrav- ings, are the best published anywhere. I s Colored Fas:.ion I'lates. Elach numlicr contains u Fashion Plate, engraved en Steel ar.d colore*;; also a dozen more New Styles, engraved on XX ood. Also, :> Patttern, troni which a dress'; mantilla or child's costume, can be cut out with out thuaii of u mantu.tnukcr. New Receipts, Crocket Work, Embroidery,* Patterns, 4-c. In the greatest pr.portion, arc given. Alsa, | new* and fashionable Music. It is tli - best Ladies' Magazine in the world. j Try it for ona year. TERMS. ?Always la Advance. One copy one year, $2,00 Three Copies, for one year, 5,00 Five copies tor onu year, 7,50 Eight copies, for one year, 10.00 Sixteen copies for one year, 20,00 PREMIUMS FOR CLUBS. Three, five, eight or sixteen copies make s Club. To every person getting up a Club, our "Casket," containing forty Engravings, will be g.vcii,gratis: or, if preferred, a copy or the Ma- gazine tor 1858. For a Cluo of si xteen. an extra copy of the Magazine for 1868 in aJdition. Ad- dress, post paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON. J506 Chestnut Street, Phtla. Nov. 27, 1857. uy Special ens sent Gratis. Chair* and Cabioei Furniture. THE suWscriheT has removed to the shop on West Pitt Street, recently occupied by \¥ni. Kitchey as a Machine shop, where be continues to make to order and keep on h iud u general assortment of chairs and Cabiuet furniture, con- sisting In part of Spring Seat Parlor Uhairs, French Rocking Claims, Cane seat and Wind- sor. Sofas, L-unges. Ottoma-bs. Wbat-Nots, Mu- sic Stands, Fancy Parlor Table*, Breakfast, Din- ner, Hud Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wardrobes, kc. Suits of cottage-furniture at very moderate prices, so that It is wiihiu tlie reach of a l'to have nice, good and fashionable turniiure. The Ladies aro particularly invited to call and examine for themselves, as it will be my* desire to please all tastes. N. B. Coffins will tic made on tbe shortest notice for any who will favor him with a call. June lit 1857. ISAAC 11KNUEL, Jr.

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\u25a0 J Benevolent Institution, established by special en-dowment for ihe relief of the sick ami dis-

tressed, ajfliclei tilth Virulent andJEpidcnde diseases.

FJTO all persons afflicted with Sexual Diseases,A such us SPERMATORKIKEA, SEMINEL


The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of theawful destruction of human life, caused by Sexualdiseases, ;.u tie deceptions practised "upon theunfortunate victim.-, of such diseases by Quacks,several years ago directed their Consulting Sur-geon as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of theirname, to open a Dispensary for the treatment oft.iis class of diseases, in all their forms and togive MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS, to all whoapply by letter, with a description of their condi-tion, (age, occupation, habits oi life, Ace.,) and ineases of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDI-1CINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to Idd that .ue Association commands the highestMedical i,;:fflof tbe age, and will furuish the mostapproved modern treatment.

The Directors, on a review of the past, teel as-sured that their labors in this sphere of benevo-lent effort, have been of great benefit to the afflict-ed, especially to the young, aud they have resolv-ed to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, tothis very important but much despised cause.

Just published by the Association, a Report o:i?'Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the Vice>t Onanism, Masturbation or Self-Abuse, and oth-er Diseases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consult-ing Surgeon, which will he sent bv mail, (in asealed letter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, onreceipt of T W O STAMPS for postage.

Address, for Report or treatment. Dr. GEORGER. CALHOUN. Consulting Surgeon, Howard As-I ocittion, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadel-phia. Pa.

Bv order of the Directors.EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President.

GEO. FAIKCHILD, Secretary.Dec. 4, 1857.-ZZ.


&io3<!ei) i'rizv.One ofthe largest and best literary papers ofthe day.

An imperial quarto, containing eight pages, orforty columns of choice reading matter each week.


Jnd a Gift uili be presented to each subscriber im-mediately on receipt of the subscription money.

Each subscriber will be entitled to a g;tt worthfrom si to 500.00 in 4i!d.

TO CLUBS.3 Copies for 1 year $5.0010 ?'<

'? 1 " 1,3.00rRE AD?R E AD-RE AD?RE AD.

THE LIST OF GIFTS?GIFTS?GIFTS.T Package containing SSOO in Gold.

10 Gold Patent Lever English Hunt-ing Cased Watches, lop Each.

15 " <i t: i 7525 Gold Wrtchea fit)

100 . o 50 o

300 Ladies ? - '< v. 35100 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 25 ?'

2do ?' Watches 10 to 20 "

600 Gold Vest and Guard and FobChains 10 to 30 *'

5000 Gold Lockets 2to 10 "

Gold Kings?Ear Drops?BroachesBreast Pius-?Studs?Cuff" PinsSleeve Buttons, fcc.. He i to sls Each.

Immediately on receipt of the subscription mo-ney, the subscriber's name wiU be entered uponour subscription book, opposite a number, and thegift corresponding with that nntuber will be for-warded to his or her address by mail or express 1post-paid.-Address BKCKE! V COMPANY, PUBLISH KRS.

48 and 49 Moffat's Buildings.New YO&K.

Specimen Copies sent free.Bills tj all the Bunks taken that pass current

'* biz States from tCfifHf.? they arc scut. Postagestamps are also received.

Dec. 10 1857.-81

LIST IIFWIRPU f down ior trial at February Term, (2d Mon-

day, Stli day,) 1858.George Muilin va J. S. Morrison's adm'r.J. S. Morrison's adin'r ?' George MuliinMargaret fitdvile ?' Henry Bailey ot al.Mana McEivlowner Samuel Williams ct al,Conrad Ron® ?? Solomon Diehl,Dr. G. W. Anderson ?? David Over,Peter J. Little Jacob Struck,E. A. I ock..-r <?' Joseph Ilardsock et al,A. J. Saively ? Samuel Brown,

Same " William Keefib,James Cessna " 11. ury Miller et al,Amos Wiliison Jesse Dicken,John Bridaham " Maty Uyler et al,Kben Pennell "Abnm it. Craine et al,Joseph Goiidea ?' Datiiei Metzgar ct al,Elizabeth Kelly > William Walsh,D. L . Keagy's use Peter Morniugsfar et aT,Jesse Sleek " William Sleek,Ludwick Fisher's sd'r " John McCanles,Burgess He. Bed. Bor. " S. M. Barchy's heirs,Solomon Dickeuet ai ?? Margaret Elliott,T. & J. King ?? John G. Hartley,Samuel Krciger ; William Woy,


Mici.ael Wheeling et al" Philip Hoon et al,John Bowser Samuel Whetstone.

SAM'L H. TATE, Prcth'y.Prothonotary'S Office, Jan. 16, 1857.


NOTM ITHSTANDING the pecuniary r-ni-barassment, and the universal complaints ofthe hard times, tlie subscriber takes pleasure inannouncing to the people of Bedford and vicin-ity, that he has just returned from the EasternCities, with a large, handsome and cheap stock

FILL m WINTER ROODS,among which may be iound

Cloths, Ladies' Dress Goods,Cassiinires, French Merinos,Satinets, Silki,Tweeds, Mous de Laines,Jeans, Valencias,

Vesting?,and a great variety of other Goods for Ladies,and Children's wear.


.an excellent assortment ofBOOTS nd SHOES.

HyAll kinds of Country Produce taken inexchange for Goods. The notes of all Pennsyl-vania Banks taken at par, as well as the notes ofgood Banks of other States.

JACOB REED.Oct. 30, 1857.

SU MME R ARR AN'GK ME NT?Huntingdonand Broadtop R._ R., On and after Mon-

day, March 21, 1857, two passenger trains aday acb way. (except Sunday .) will run be-tween Hopewell and Huntingdon.

Leaves Hopewell at 12 15 P. H? and ft 10

P.M.Arrives at Hopewell at 9 40 A . M., and 540

P. M.'oaaeciing ii Huntingdon with trains for the

East and Wvat on Penra. K. R.THOS. T. WEERMAN.

_ Snpt.Hontingdon, Feb. 26, 1557.



HAVING purchased the following projierty at-Constab.c s Sale, on t'_.. day of Janua-

ry, ins?., we wish u> leave the same with HenryZan merman, during .mr pleasure: 1 Bay Mare, "l?potted Cow, 2 J' tfrUng Calvea, 1 Wagou andHay Ladder, ILog Chain, and 1 jiairof Sureader*.

PIPER Sc SCOTT.Pattonsville, Jan. 22. c.

\u25a025 WITNESSES;or, THE

FOSGEH CONVICTED.John S. Dye is the Author,

Who has had 10 years experience as a Baak-and Publisher, und Aulhoi of

??} J aeries of Lecture> at the Eroadvcay'j* Tabernacle,© when, for 10 successive nights over

fe Dy 50,000 People _£XIGreeted him with Rounds ot Applause,

® while he exhibited the manner in which Coun-.2 terieiters execute their Frauds, and the

Surest and Shortest Means ofDetecting them!

The Bank Mote Engravers all say that he is£2 ihe greatest Judge of Paper Money Itriag.©f1 BEATEST DISCOVERY OFQVJ the Present Century for© !)eteciitig Counterfeit BankXoies

Describing every Genuine Bill in Exis-O tence, and exhibiting at a glance> every Counterfeit iu Circulation!!® Arranged so admirably, that REFERENCE4*is EASY and DETECTION INSTANTANEOUS,

Q C7" No iudex to examine! No pages!£ to hunt up! But so simplified and arrang-

-5(3 e.(i, that the .Merchant, Banker, and Bu-siness Man can See all at a Glance.

h,£j English, French and German.©Thus Each may read the same in

his own Native Tongue.Kost Perfect Hank Note List

< Published.w Also a List of*"? All the Private Banker? in


A Complete Summary of the FINANCE OF

J EUROPE AND AMERICA will be published iuW each edition, together with all the important<1 NEWS OF THE DAY. Also1-3 J SERIES OF TJI.ESWi'rom an Old Manuscript found in the East.2 It furnishes the Most Complete History otp ORIENTAL LIFE,

Describing the Most Perplexing PositionsSiu which the Ladies and Gentlemen of that

Country have been so often found. These©Steries will continue throughout the whole

year, and will prove the Most Entertainingever offered to the Public.

ET* Furnished Weekly to Subscribersonly, at if I a year. AH letters must be ad-dressed to

JOIW S. DI E Broker,Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street,

April21, 1857-zz. New York.


m n\i\ STORE.MRS. H. D. PKUGH A Co., respectfully in-

vite the attention of the ladies of Bedford andvicinity, to their new and handsome stock ofgoods, just opened in "Mann's Building," Ju-liana Mieet. opposite Dr. Reamer's Ding Store,

These goods have been selected with thegreatest care, and are of the latest styles andUc. t quality.

Their stock consists in part ofMoire Antique Silks,All Wool De Laines,

Do do " (printed.)Black Gro de Rhine,French Merino, (plain and printed.)Moss Head Fringes,Bugle Laces,Ladies' Kid Gloves,Ladies' Gauntlets,Gents' Black Kid Gloves,Black and Fancy Elastic Belts,Chenille Trimmings,Chenille Scarfs,Chenille Head Dresses,Fancy French Corsets,Velveteen, Ac., Ac.

Ladies and Children's HOXHETS. in greatvariety.

A general assortment of Ladies' and Misses'SHOES, GAITERS, OVER SHOES, 4c.

SHA W IjSof every quality and description.

PERFUMERY, EXTRACTS, JEWELRY,\c , Arc.Bedford, Oct. 80, 1857.


Bedford, Pa.A JRS. MART COOK would announce to her

ATX friends and tli pubiie, that she has fittedup this old and well known stand, in a very su-perior style, for the accommodation of the pub-lic. 1lsi tors to the Bedford Mineral Springswill find the Washington Hotel a comfortablesummer retreat?and no pains will be spared toplease ail who patronize the house.

Boarders will be taken by the day, week, monthaud year.

ey*A gentleman of high qualification, andcorteous deportment, has charge of the house,who will do all in his power to make the guestshappy and comfortable.

[C7"Terms as .moderate as auvwhere else in theplace.

Daily Stages irom Latrobe, Cumberland, Holli-daysburg and Hopewell, all stop at this Hotel.

A Hack belonging to this Hotel will run be-tween Bedford and the Springs.

Bedford, June 12, 1857.-zz.

Plastering Laths!!

'ITiliJ "* MOERSICiJVED having erectelA a Millfor sawing PLASTERINOLATHS on tiispremises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is QO w

ready to furnish any quantity on the shortestnotice. Price {1.50 per thousand, 3 ft. long.Other leagthsin proportion.

Letters addressed to me at St. Clairsvilh-. willbe promptly attended to.

WM. GRIFFITH.Union Tp.. Feb. 16, 1834.-zz.

hreat Arrival of

FILL AMI WINTER GOODS.JUsT received and on hand, the best as-

sortment of ROOTS and SHOES thatc<> Id be selected for the citizens of Bedfordand strangers visiting the place, 1 door southof Minnick's Contectionary Store, on JulianaStreet.

Mens' Grained Water-Proof long leggedBoots, Mena' thick sole eastern madelong legged Boots, Meus' Kip anu c >arsoHeavy Boots, Gents' Fine Calf doublesole Boots, Gents' Oxford Ties, Gents'Congress Gaiters, Meus'Heavy city madeBroguns, Ladies' Morocco Boots, Ladies'Goat Heel Boots, Womens' Calf heavywinter Boots; Misses' and Children*' Bootsin variety, Boys' Boots of all kinds, sizeand description.

CAPS, in variety, will be alwavs kept onband.

Persons wishing to purchase good Boots andShoes will please give me a call before buyingelsewhere.

ADAM FERGUSON.Oct. 2, 1857.

iieitys' Photographic hailery,EXCHJSGE BUILDING,' BEDFORD, PJ.

VyiIERE Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes, 4-v.vV 4c., are executed in the latest stylesaud improvements of the Art. A full assort-ment ol plain and fancy cases, gold and platedLockets at very low prices.

Tbe public are respectfully invited to callaud examine his specimens.

T. R. GETTYS, JR.May 22,1857.

A yer's Cherry Pectoral, for the cure of CoughsX\. Coins, Ate., can be bad at Dr. Harry's.

TIIS INQUIRERIs published every Friday morning, in Juliana

Street, in the white frame building,nearly opposite the Meugel

House, bv-DAVI11 OVER.

TERMS:If paid in advance, $1.50; within the year,

$2.00; and ifnot paid wi,bin the year, $2.50 willbe charged. Uo paper discontinued until all ar-rearage* are paid?except at the option of theEditor. A failure to notify a discontinuance willbo regarded as a new engagement.

Jldvtrtiacmiui a not exceeding a square, (l 2 lines,)inserted three times for sl?every subsequent insertion, 26 cents. Longer ones in the same pro-portion. Each fraction ola square counted asa lull square. All advertisements not speciallyordered tor a given time will be continued untilforbid. A deduction will be made to thosewho ad\crtise by the year.

Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly andpromptly and on reasonable terms.

Bedford Classical School,AKD

FEMALE SEMINARY.Male aud Female Departments DEV

tioet.Rev. G. \V. iWcaiiistßADan, A. M., Prin-

cipal,Mrs. GEO. W. AUGHINBAURH, Precep-


Miss CORNELIA A. EVARTS, Music, French,Drawing, &c.

Mrs. JICCY SPOTTSWOOD, Oil Painting andShell NVork,

Miss MART HELEN SMITH, Assistant.

THE duties of this Institution will be re-sumed on Monday, Aug. 31st. Owing tothe limited accommodation* of tho SeminaryBuilding, the number ol pupils will be lim-ited. It is iuiportaut, therefore, that appli-cations for admission be made at an earlvday. These who enter bejore the expirationof half ilte quarter, vi!l be charged for tnewhole quarter; those who enter after thecxpiratiou of half the quarter, will be charg-ed for the half quarter. No deduction madefor absence except in cases of protractedillness.

In this school students are prepared forthe higher clashes of any college, or to en-ter at once upon the active duties of life.?\Y fcilst special care i* taken to form in ourpupils habits of order, strict punctualityand thoroughness, their Physical, Moral andSocial Education is not neglected.

The government of the school is designedto be parental. It is the aim of the Prin-cipal and his associates to excite in theirpupils a love of right-doing; and to awakenwithin them some proper cousciousness ofthe dignity ot humanity. Parents mav lestassured that any gross delinquency on thepart of their children will he reported tothem immediately, should circumstances re-quire it, or the discipline of the school failto accomplish ihe desired reformation.

TERMS per quarter of 11 weeks, inclu-ding Board, Tuition, Furnished Room, Wash-ing, Light uud Fuel, $10.00,?one-half inadvance.

EXTRA CHARGES.Music, £lO 00Use of Instrument, 2 00French, 5 00Drawing, and painting in Water Col-

ors, each, 5 00Oriental Painting, 5 00Grecian Painting, 5 00Oil Painting, 10 00Ornamental Needle Work, .6 00Shell Work, 5 00

TERMS FOR DAY SCHOLARS.Elementary English, §4 00Higher, 4 00Classics, 0 05Bedford, August 6, 1857.

I>9SSO(j(TTIOIV OF IMRTXERSIIIP'ltilE [1 utnership heretofore existing betweenA Heniy 8. King and James Madura, under the

nace an 1 tir:n of Madura, King (t Co., doingbusiness at Lemnos Iron Works, in HopewellTownship Bedford County, is dissolved by mutualconsent. HENRY" S. KING

N0v.27, 1857.-tf. JAMES MADAKA!THE business of manufacturing iron at Leto-nos Iron IV orks, will bo continued bv the under-

signed, who has purchased all tho interest of hislate partner James Madara in the books, prop rtyand effects, belonging to the late firm ofMadaraKing at Co.

Nov. 27, 1b57.-tf. HENRY KING.



UPHOLSTERER.WOULD announce to the citizens of Bed-Vf ford and vicinity, that he is prepared to do

all wont in his line, in the best stvle and onreasonable terms. MATRASSES, with or withoutsptings, made in a superior manner equal tothe best made in the city, and to this branch ofhis business he would invite especial attention.?Ho may be found at the shop of Michael Weis-el, a short distance East of the Borough or atins residue on East Pitt Street, one door westoi Mai. Washabaagh s.

Bedford, Dec. 5, 1856.

TO N E W A R E.?Cream Crocks, MilkCrocks of ail sizes; Butter Dishes,from

one to one and a half gallon Pitchers, all ofhioh are of best quality, for sale by

Sedford, Jan. 16, 1856.A' FERGUSON *

For pimples, and wrinkles and ireekles andtan,Nothing has e'er been discovered by manLike that wonderful product of tropical bow-ers,The popular"Balm of a Thousand Flowers"Tobe had at DR. HARRYS.March 8.


FROM RIDDLESRFRG COLLIERY.T HE subscribers are now engaged iu shippingX COAL from foe celebiated K'ddlesbunr Bankby Railroad to Hopewell, at as low price as caube furnished by any other persons in the country.

Persons desiring a good articl- will find it totheir advantage to call on them, or on their am-nrT. M. Smith, at Hopewell g '

OSBOURNE If CRESS WELLDec. 11, 1857.-3 m.

mFALL (.10111THE subscribers have just opened a lares assort

meat of FALL and WINTER GOODS, all ofwhich will be offered at prices to suit the times -

We respectfully invito cash and prompt six monthcus' oiners to call and examine our stock, assuringthem that we ahali offer greater inducements thanever heretofore.

Country Produce ofall kinds wanted, for whi.hwe will pay the highest price.

rw , re~rA- B - CRA#E & CG

Out. 16, 1807.


BY virtue oi sundry writs of Fi l'a. to rue di-rected, there will IK.o!d at the Court House,

in the Borough ot Bedford, ou Monday the Bthday of February, 185H, at 1 o'clock, p. 31., thefollowing Heal Estate, to vvd :

Oue Tract of Land continue g 250 acres, moreor less, about 50 acres cleared and under fence,with a two story Log House and log stable there-on erected, adjoining lauds of Joseph Barkman,Philip Snider and ethers, rituate in Monroe Town-ship, Bedford County, mid taken in execution asthe property of James Mountain.

Also, one Tract of land containing 132 acres,more or less, about 18 cleared and underienue, with a two story Log House thereon erected,adjoining land* of Samuel Weekly, John Zook,Christian Long and others, situate in BroadtopTownship, Bedford County, and taken in execu-tion as the property of William Lowery.

Also, one Tract ol unimproved Land containing21 acres, more or less, adjoining binds of GeorgeW. Gump, Joseph Souser, James Ferguson andothers, situate in Napier Township, Bedfoid Coun-ty, and taken in execution as the property ofJames Hughes.

Also, ail defendant's, Samuel A. Sleek's, right,title, interest and claim, iu and to a Tract ofLandcontaining 100 acres, more or less, about 15 acrescleared and undei fence, adjoining lands of B. W.Garretson, Jacob Suider, John Wolfs heirs. Hen-ry Hoover and others, situate in St. Claif Tow u-ship, Bcdiurd County, and taken in execution asthe property of Samuel A. Sleek.

Also, one Lot of Ground, ia the Borough ofShe lisburg, fron'.ing 120 l'eet on Vine Street, andextending back about 200 foot to land of A. B.Buno, with a story and a half Frame House andlog stable thereon erected, adjoining puiiljc roadoi: the East, ami lot of Edwaid Garlinger on theWest, and taken iu execution as the property ofMary Palmer.

Also, one Lot of Ground, in the town of Hope-well, fronting 30 leet QII Mittiin Street and extend-ing back 150 leet, with a two story Plank Houseand smoke h use thereon erected, adjoining lot ofBarndollar, Lowry & Co., on tie North and lot ofHenry K. Strong on the South East?

Also, one Lot ol' Ground, in the Town of Hope-well, fronting about 150 leet on Wood Street andabout 120 on Broad Street, extending, back tomill race, aud lying three square, with three twostory rough cast Dwelling Houses, blacksmith shopshoemaker shop and turn -r shop, thereon erect, d

Al.-o, all defendant's right, title and interest in30 acitrs of unimproved coal lend, w.uran.ed inthe name of John L. Grove, adjoining lands ofJohn Cesrna, Esq., the Hopwvill, Coal andironCompany, and others?

Also, one Tract of unimproved bottom Land,known as the Adam Young Tract, containing 25acres, more or less, adjoining Juniata River on theNorth, and lands of John King's liei-s on the Eastand West?

Also, all defendant's, Thomas W. Hortoo's,right, title, int rest and claim, iu and to one Tractof Land, called buck Bottom, containing 6y acres,more or less, about 4 acres cleared and under fence,with a story and a half Plunk House thereon erect-ed, adjoining ltpds of William Forrester on the\V est, and the Juniata ltlver on the North, huntuna South?

Also, nil the defendant's interest in and to t! roeT/acts of unimproved Coal Lauds, warranted mthe name of Thomas W. IJorton and Jesse Grove,containing iu all cbout 154 acres, more or less, ad-joining lands of William Montgomery, now JohnCessna, EM}, on the North and West, and land* ofJohn Ford and others on the South, and lands cfWilliam Evans on the East, and all the above de-scribed lands siluaiein Bn.adtop Township, Bed-ford County, except Buck Bottom, which is situateiu Hopewell Township, Bedford County, and t-iteuin execution as the prof*:rty of Thomas XV. Hor-tOli.

Also, all defendant's, Robeit Elliott's, interestin ana to a Tract of Land, containing 280 acres,more or less, about 20 acres cleared and underfence, with a Cabin House and double log barnthereon erected, adjoining liuds of Jacob O-tor,John (later and oth.-rs, situate iu Cumberland Wi-ley Township, Bedford County, aud taken in exe-cution us tho propeitv of Robert Elliott.

Also, oue Tract of Land, containing 50 acres,more or 1 '*s, about 20 aeres cleared and underfence, with a Cabin House thereon erected, ad-joining 1 in Is of Alfred Entrekin, John Savage andothers, situate in Liberty Township, Bedford Coun-ty, and taken iu execution as the property of Hen-ry Berkstres-er.

Also, ai defendant's, Peter Barmond's. right,title, interns', and claim, in and to one Tract o.unimproved Kidgr Laud,containing44acres, moreor less, adjoining lauds ot B. W. Garretson, JamesRea, Watson's heirs and others, situate in BedfordTownship, Bedford County, ami taken iu execu-tion as the property of Peter Uarrauod.


WILLIAM S. FLUCK, Sheritf.Sheriff*s Olficc, Bedford, Jan. 15, 1858;

HEGISiinTMiFBTA LL persons interested, will take notice that the

J\. following accountants have settled their ae-couuts in the Register's offico of Bedfoid County,and that the same will be presented to the Orphans'Court for confirmation, on Friday the 12th day ofFebruary next, at the Court IIous, iu Bedford,viz :

The account of James Camell, Administrator ofthe Estate of Elias Kitz, Esq., late of MonroeToWhship, dee'd.

The final account of David Stoler, Administra-tor ol the Estate of John Stoler, lrte of LibertyTownship, dee'd-

The account of William Overaker, Administra-tor ot the Estate ofThomas Overaker, late of Cole-rain Township, dee'd.

The account of Jonathan Snider. Admin is irdlnrof the Estate ot Sophia Snider, who was Admin-istratrix of John Snider, late of Monroe Town-shin, dee'd.

1 be account of Jonathan Snider, Administratorof the Estate of Sophia Snider, late of MonroeTownship, dee'd.

The account of Simon Brumbaugh, Administra-tor of the Estate of David Barley, I ite of MiddleWoodberry Township, dee'd.

The Guardianship account of John B. Alexan-der of Well* Township, Fulton County, formerlyBrcadtop Township, Bedford County


Guardianof Catharine Ready, now intermarried with Wil-liam Took aid, Mary Ann Ready, Itusanuu Heads,George Ready and John Ready, minor children i>lAlexander Ready, late of said Tosvnship, dee'd.

The final account of John Kinton, Administra-tor of the Estate of Elizabeth Kinton. late ol theBorbugh if Bedford, dee'd.

The account of David Walter, Executor of tbelast Will and Testament of James Walter, late ofSouthampton Township, dee'd.

The accout of Jacob Dunklo, Administrator ofthe K-tate of Susan Duukle, late of West Provi-dence Township, dee'd.

The account of Mrs. Charlotte L. Uarmer, Ex-ecutrix of tbe last Will and Testament of Elwo.nlHarmcr. dee'd, who was Administrator of the Es-tate of Thomas B. Miller, late of the Borough ofBedford, dee'd.

The Guardianship account of Frederick Kauff-nian, Guardian ot David, George and SusannaKeagy, late ofMiddle Woodberry Township, dee'd.

Tbe acconnt of Frauds Jordan, Esq., Adminis-trator of the Estate of Samuel Cromwell, late ofBedford Borough, dee'd.

Hie account of Gideon Hitchew, Administra 2

tor ot the Estate of Charies Zembrun, late ofJuniata Township, dee'd.

Ihe account .t Atnariah Wilson, Executor ofthe .ast H ill and Testament of John Wilson, lateof Napier Township, dee'd.

SAM L 11. TATE, Register.Register's Office, Jan. 15, 1858.

WAKTTEO,AN active and well qualified salesman?one pos-

sessing the necessary Modifications? and canbring undoubted references, us to character, mer-cantile habits, itc.?may hour of u situation by ap-plication to the Editor of this paper?no inexperi-encad assistant need apply. Jan. i, 18-58.

physicians prescription* careftally componud-

Ha^i'> atn

h£? r,of tb<> <4*7 or night, at Dr.Harry s, Drag Store*


KERFORff, PI,! LIAVING purchased the Drug and Bonk Stor. Ij J o. Or. h, II Scott, ha;* constantly on haim,j ssx the oT<l MaD'l, a largo and well selected srockof choice Drugs and Medicines, wholesale and re-

i tail, all of WIUJIJ will LT> Sold on /sir terms. the| assortment consists in part of

j Drugs anri Chemicals, Dye Wood !s and JcitLs, Paintsand Oils, Window Glass and Ulcus Ware, Tobac-co and Seg-irs, Perfumery, Fancy .iriieles, 4c.. 4c.I'stenx MrDiets m.? Having the regular agency

for the sale cf many of these Medicines, tb ? puh-lic are assured tlist tlmy are of the best; MUh ushaVe stood the test of time and experience, and

? can be safely recommended as genuine, viz:Townsend's and Sand's Sarssjienlla, H ixtar's

j Balsam of Wild Cherry, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,; Moffat's Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, Dr.I Jayne's Family Medicines, Fahnatock , HoibU-i sack's and other vermifuge; lloofland's German; Bitters, lite., tec.

Constantly on band a large stock of historic,I geogiaphical, scientific, religious, poetical, schoolj and iniscellaneons BOOKS.

AUuit great variety of FANCY STATIONE-RY, Cap, Post and Wr..;iplng Paper, of everyquality, Paper Hangings ; ; rr t variety. Win-dow Blinds, in patterns uy He pieeo. WallPaper, Steel and Fancy Good--.

BLANK. BOOKS of every ?/ 1 quality.Pocket Bookound Port Man a ties, Diaries, Biattkj Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and Pencils,

? Combs, Brushes, P- rfuiuery in great variety.Soaps, &0., &c.

Lamps, and CaOiphiot' (bland Burning Iluid,j kept constantly ort iiatid.

CHOICE LIQUORS for medical nse; Wolff'sScheidam Schnapps, Gin, Port, Sherrv and Ma-deira Wines.

Feh. 10, 1857.

Ciift ant! Kftail Book More.XOIV OPFTUIED TWO DOORS WEST



j Our Plan is to insure a Rapid Sat.?.ALL books Will la* aolrl as low ;;,s the usual

I retail prices, many of them for hi-. A SIT-: I'ERB till T will l,e delivered with each book,, without additional expense ti the buyer. Onriist! of books comp;ises tun works of the best Amer-| ican and European authors,bound in various s*vi-*s| in Morocco, best lurkish, Antique, CI ; edg.' RaP^ r> *tC., Aa. Wo keep on hand. al. ?.

STATIONERY, including Gold I'oas am' Pencils,j Silver ditto, letter paper, f. ola-c<p end we h:-.gpaper ot all kinds, wnvc' >p's, inks ot the bestj quality, Ac.

i Jewelry-?Breast-pins. Ear-rings, Finger-; in;: s,o. ail description*; W i ;>:.*?.* and Chains, Port-; monaes; Perfumeries. Children's Bel; T,.-.Cravats. Ac., .V c ., AC.

CIGARS of t!i choir- ,r 1 rands will ahm he. loun 1 at our store, which be sCI eh. , p-r

' an the cij- apost.:


McCJ.ITSLTN A SHOEMAKER.,l.e 1 Sept. 4. ihs7.

B2DFOPD HOTEL-ixII SKMftiL AtU OFim.XAHE subscriber respectfully begs leave to tin-

iiounce to*his o.d friends and the public fen-I ernl.y, that be has leased >-.ud taken possession ofth Be Lord Hotel, lately in II:, occupancy ofCo:. Adam Barn',art. It is not his design t ?

| 1 :vIJ" prolcasions a? :a wha.f 1.0 vi 1 do. buthe ',! vi I S his war I rl. hi* most vnoraetic c-iiertawill 'm employed t render coiniortaide all w!

| K'*' 11,11 i'- c: dh The house will be hr.ndom< Ivtitted up, and none but cisrdul and aUtuiive .~rvents mil be engaged. Persons visiting tip* lle.j.

; lord Nprlnga, as well as attending Court., sr.ii tin traveling community generally, are re-! speet fully* invited to give bin," a tall cud "judge R-t Lbeiiueives.

T?" 1 be stages all stop ~i this hotel.: tdf~ Boarders taken by the week, month or * <r.

on atvorahie terms.? f Ampi * and eom.'et table stab ing is attached

j tn this hotel, which will always be attended by :i: oatelu: hostler. Also a safe and convenient cul-iiage bouse. JOHN HApKli.> Bedowd, Apr.! 6, 1855.

iSCYt Jflltil'j,tpi;:: subscriber has opened ot.t :: new ar.clX *l<ioa<iiJ assortment of ali ki; ds ( .f thei;:oM fashionable Jewelry? cqiisirting part< t

I Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear 1; ; g . A:.I Oah an t s 'i* bia stock .


iiiinihes'! lau:nMir!!10H SHINGLES of differentJL >

XvAy kinds. Also, To.bOb feetol LI .dtir./i ol various sorts, sue.h as WhitePine, Y.'How Pine, Poplar, Spruce, ,hc. Forsak* '>? F. D. BEEGLE.

; St.fcla rsville. Feb. IS. 1853-U


services to ;th; citizens of Bedford and vi-, cinity.

.J®CO and res: '.ct.eo u PiU-Street, in thebut]fmg formerly occ. . ?' Dr. J. 11. Ilolius.

.Vov. . JSS7.

\u25a0 II;.. iIAit ItI, at the Cboat Drug and BookStors, nas justreceived, a la'gc assortmeut ol

i the best flavoring extracts, together with Bak, tug Soda, of Tartar, Salerstus, kc.. ol

the very b. >t quality, all of which Lc will sell; the lowest prices.

\IUSIC A MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS?-j ITX Pianos, Melodious, Flutes, Guitars. Brass

Horns, Clarionets, Drums, etc., of various manu-facture, always on band. Bonds supplied at citywholesale rates. We Keep always on band a full

\u25a0 assortment of all the new and fashiouahle music,; *hicb wo .nail at our erpenst to ativ part o; thecountry.

| N. 8. Music arranged to orderSHKYOCK A SMITH.

Chambtrsburz?March 7, 1857.

TO BUILDERS."rj (he suuscriberis fully prepared to furnish any

I X quantity* or quality ol Building Lumber anaPlastering Latns. Orders directed to St. Clairs-

, ville, Bedford County, will he promptly attendedto, iy jivinga reasonable notice. '

I F. D. BEEGLE? Dec. hn. 1854.

\T7' A L L and BLIND PAPER..?Dr. B. F.? ' Harry is our agent for this necessary

\u25a0 article. By cTTtng .it bis store, our patrons? will see samples of our papers. We havenmde

j our spring salactionf wifh much care, md think. wo cannot fail to please.

SHIU'OCK A SMITH,Chambcrsburz.

Administrator'* Notice-j X ETTERS ol Admitiistratioa lutvinc been grant--Li ed to the suli&eriber upon the Estate of Ab-

; rsliiiu Lingenfelter, late of Napiiy Township,j dee'd, all persons knowing themselves indebted toj the estate are notified to make immediate payment,

i and all persons having claims against the Estatearc requested to present the same properly autht o-

j jicated for aeUlanieut.DAVID LINGENFELTEK, Jdm'r.

] Dec. 11, 1867,-f. Napier Township| a-


I rjasin's and Lubin's Extracts for the Haudker-L> chief, Cologne Water, kc. ( at Dr. Ilarrv'e.

i ue Great FTtgiifcii Uemedf.Sik JA.MLS CLAUSE'S

Celebrated Female Fills.Prejtarrd from a prescription of Sir J. CiarkeAf I) , Physician Extraordinary to iho Quee?.


j his mvaluab'e medicine is uniailmg in thecure ot .if those painful a d dar.getous ois-ease t which the female constitution is sub-ject. It moderates ail excess ami removes allobstructions, and a speedy cure may be vehed

TO M4HRIED L.llHEsiit Uj ; ""i.arly saited. It will.ina abort'ime bring0Mi,c..., 1 .h,y period with regular,^

' *".if!le, puce One DoiTitr, bra-s the Ow-en,...not Stamp of Great Britain,to prevent cuuu-terfei'.s.

,r , . CAUTION.\u25a0 e I be lu>** females du-, Ue HlDsf THREE MOAPHS of Prerncry.mhJ i i 0 bnug but at anyouter time they ait nvje.

Vi- '1 \u2666NV;°.a;< ari '' l S i>sn ' Affections,aia in the , and LimU, Fatigue on slwht. x-ertmn. Pibatatmn of the Heart, Hysterics, andites. these F.hs will effect a cure when all oth-er means bavo failed, and although powerful rem--""c contain iron, calomel, antimonv, orany thinglmrtful to the constitution.Full .Hons accompany each package,hoie Agent for the Unite:: States and Canada,

JOB MOSES,( I. C. Bildwin A C0.,)

v- Rochester. N. Y.*"* - ' ? l'*l nnd ' postage stamps enclosed

to a: y authorized Ag?nt, will insure a bottinof the Fills bv return mail.

For sal* by Dr. B. F. Marry.Oct. 9 IFoT -zz.

wmsm B =\ v A N * s

:i I'IT;.HO XIi ?

®SI WAFERS.V ' p.- ' u ,j ,i -- n -Jv fe - j Atfrtvrred 1"T

1.1 i-u Chi,; i'Uz* C?*jks9

C .i . a..:. (' Hroiihiui^I . ;kw5J2 Ihrr r::.

r | 1* ?"

ik"!: .*..* IL-v.-l ; . ?.*t:*ar*on J1 . vi-.i 't v*-r<*d with ace* r*ifcg

t ? ? E '? ???

?>'* ' rr. \u25a0: { curt,

r? '.-.* - - tif hfaxlzu mho h%\etrie i"";.er tjif* . . vulv. Tn nilri':Ase nr.,A*Q eonsttovt;.itß to* a **'-! jii 't ,% b!eri.<*itis: a cere?need

;:iir, ; . ? ver ' v : .tiirthe ii>:'; kve elisted,f)~ ?v * il .* Ns, jir>v;.teltii orgruiß} strue*t:. *i*y -V or.-;*>* is r t *. o !e> **v tleoir#tl. EveryOL'* <jliiTtui uh.val l jjive lutjcuFtU triL

J ? il Sole Rochester, X. V.

Pric 4 - 25 ceaif pertx

r '- stie ';*? Dr. B. Y. Harry.Sc . If, 1;-37-zz.


fO.-y,Bop liulta Al'i WBoCiatioU.1n * famous I)its.. :nhrf f,alv*r** ot Faiiitir:ga

Purchas l at cost c And Powers'Wo; i . raoow'.'ietl Statue of t|> Greek Slave! Ke-purcna.'cd ior sjx thoi.saml dollars, with sever,.l

1 liundreo other Work t Art, i:i Paintings, Scnln-i "fe and Bronzes, comprise the lWuiuma to beawar led to the subscriliera of the Cosmopolitan.-:t *.M'r* iatiori who M>!scrife I eli ;e the 1" rf, t,fJanuary, 1608. at which time the award* will takeplace.

TtRMS (IF SCBsCbII'TIOS.Every <mliscriber of three dollars is entitled to

: a copy of the luge an 1 spiendi l Steel Engraving,entitle i ??Manifest Destiny,"' also to ;i copy of the

1 COM* .p. liun ArtJournal one year, also to A Ceri iinvr: in the award of premiums, also ,i fee ad-iiii-si ;; t. the Dusseflori and Cosmopolitan Gal-

i l .-ries.

I ibus It i.. s.i. u that f.r every three dollar* paid ;

j tiie subscriber uoi only revives \u25a0.splendid thtee! ' i? evt* h*.i*t .* tut aisotre 'waafifu! illustrated

\u25a0 two doiiar A*I Journal, ot : ve;;r.Ei*ch snhsci lb. ! is I Is.l prt'Seiltei'with a Cel titi

( cate in this :W..r ;s. by which a valuable work of1 aintiog s ; u!;.tui. . may be received in

i addition, thus giving :\u25a0 even .-übscrilier an oquiva-lent to the value ol flye doil irs. Rtni a Cvrtiiicat.*

; gratis.Any on. of the i ?I'ting: S3 M i;;azincs is furnish-

! e;i, idste d of the Er gravi: g m t Art Journal, ifI desi

j _Xo pe: * ;s reft;; etc J ta :i sing'e store.*1 nose taking ti. e memberships, remittim* 515

entil! ? 1 jo in x:ra L .-o ivu.g and six tickets.'Foil parii.ul ; so? toe A.-s.eiation are given in

; i he Art J* :irr ... .vbirti coos, ins over sixty splen-did Engt .vinos, prion fljty c ;*.ts per number.

' Specimen . qou w Jj It., scut to all person who de-siu*:o i: s ...on r oeiptif five posture jtannis

i (15 wuk.) _ AddressC. L. DEKB Y, Actuary C. A. A.,

518 Broadway, New York.

; Savo a Bellur! Subscribe for 1858!


'|3ll]S i i j u.-ar Monthly Magaz ce . Rheady the; ,L C*.. - tpest and best K; the world, will be greatlv-

i imprived t.o 180S. It wid contain over Stunpages of column reading matter; from! twenty to thinj sr,, 1 ~v!tK. ~: fi ..yriwood

! l ugjavincspvioeli is prop, rtionat iy more tlu.n anyI periodical, of any price, ever gave.

Its Mori;s are fu.m the lustauthors. Every volume sontuiiis one of Mrs. anx?S. Stkphkxs' eoj.yriglv Novels, th ? cckiiutedauthor of ??Fusion and Famine." Also, one ofMrs. E. D.E. N Southworth s, uuthot of \u2666?TheLost Heiress."

Its Supvtii Xl,zzolints and other Steel Engrav-ings, are the best published anywhere.

I s Colored Fas:.ion I'lates. Elach numlicrcontains u Fashion Plate, engraved en Steel ar.dcolore*;; also a dozen more New Styles, engravedon XX ood. Also, :> Patttern, troni which a dress';mantilla or child's costume, can be cut out without thuaii of u mantu.tnukcr.

New Receipts, Crocket Work, Embroidery,*Patterns, 4-c.

In the greatest pr.portion, arc given. Alsa,| new* and fashionable Music.

It is tli- best Ladies' Magazine in the world.j Try it for ona year.

TERMS. ?Always la Advance.One copy one year, $2,00Three Copies, for one year, 5,00Five copies tor onu year, 7,50Eight copies, for one year, 10.00Sixteen copies for one year, 20,00

PREMIUMS FOR CLUBS.Three, five, eight or sixteen copies make s

Club. To every person getting up a Club, our"Casket," containing forty Engravings, will beg.vcii,gratis: or, if preferred, a copy or the Ma-gazine tor 1858. For a Cluo of si xteen. an extracopy of the Magazine for 1868 in aJdition. Ad-dress, post paid,

CHARLES J. PETERSON.J506 Chestnut Street, Phtla.

Nov. 27, 1857. uy Special ens sent Gratis.

Chair* and Cabioei Furniture.THE suWscriheT has removed to the shop on

West Pitt Street, recently occupied by \¥ni.Kitchey as a Machine shop, where be continuesto make to order and keep on h iud u generalassortment of chairs and Cabiuet furniture, con-sisting In part of Spring Seat Parlor Uhairs,French Rocking Claims, Cane seat and Wind-sor. Sofas, L-unges. Ottoma-bs. Wbat-Nots, Mu-sic Stands, Fancy Parlor Table*, Breakfast, Din-ner, Hud Extension Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus,Wardrobes, kc. Suits of cottage-furniture at verymoderate prices, so that It is wiihiu tlie reach ofa l'to have nice, good and fashionable turniiure.The Ladies aro particularly invited to call andexamine for themselves, as it will be my* desire toplease all tastes.

N. B. Coffins will tic made on tbe shortestnotice for any who will favor him with a call.

June lit 1857. ISAAC 11KNUEL, Jr.