becoming unoffendable

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  • 7/27/2019 Becoming Unoffendable



    Page 1 of 7 Aug 14, 2013 10:37:52AM


    Munich Rathaus

    Becoming UnoffendableNovember 15, 2011

    I was at a busy library in London a few weeks back when a quirky, middle-aged lady started chatting to

    me. About three minutes into the conversation . And thshe commented on the grand size of my nose

    she poked at it once with her finger while laughing.

    A few years ago, such an incident would have really upset me. I would have turned bright red and cursethat woman under my breath. Then I would have spent the rest of the day secretly seething, and feeling

    very self-conscious about my appearance.

    But what actually happened a few weeks back was this: Nothing.

    What I once would have perceived as an insult had no effect on me whatsoever. The conversation

    soon ended and I went on about my day quite happily.

    Last week in Munich I had another (albeit small) opportunity to take offense,

    when a German chap mistakenly identified me as an Englishman

    - Im actually from Ireland.

    - Oh, Im sorry. I didnt mean to offend you.

    - [smiling] Dont worry, its very hard to offend me.

    Tis true. It is very hard to offend me nowadays. In this post I want to share

    with you the type of mindset Ive developed that makes me pretty much

    immune to insults.

    And then you can go post nasty accusations in the comments to test me out

    Refusing gifts

    Theres a story about the Buddha that I like to keep in mind.

    There was a man who constantly harassed and insulted the Buddha, throwing all sorts of verbal abuse a

    him. But the Buddha never seemed fazed by this. When someone asked why he didnt take offense, he

    simply replied

    If someone gives you a gift and you refuse to accept it, to whom does the gift belong?

    Last week in Frankfurt I was writing part of this very post while waiting for a train. An American woman

    approached and asked me for some spare change. When I returned a polite-but-firm no, she called me a

    jerk and moved on.

    That was her gift, and I refused to accept it . I shook off the insult and got right back to work as if

    nothing had happened.
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    Page 2 of 7 Aug 14, 2013 10:37:52AM

    Market in Munich

    You always have a choice

    I also like to keep in mind the words of Viktor Frankl in .Mans Search For Meaning

    Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust and

    went on to found . In the book, he recounts hislogotherapy

    experiences in the Nazi concentration camps. He writes of the guar

    taking everything away from the prisoners, all of their human

    freedoms, in an effort to crush their spirit and destroy their will. ButFrankl came to the realization that there was one thing that could no

    be taken away from him: his freedom to choose his reaction to wha

    was happening to him. As Frankl himself put it:

    Between stimulus and response lies mans greatest power: the

    power to choose.

    Its easy to blame others for our misgivings.

    Its his fault this happened!

    If only my boss wasnt such a condescending bitch!

    I would have gotten away with it if it wasnt for those pesky kids!

    I see that as surrendering your power to choose. Even if you find yourself in a terrible situation, or if

    someone throws the mother of all insults your way, you still get to choose your response. Nobody can

    .take away that power from you, but too often we surrender it ourselves

    Standing up for yourself

    I should clarify that Im not advocating you sit back and let people insult you repeatedly without response

    (sorry, Buddha). You have to stand up for yourself every now and then, lest folks start taking advantage

    you and your unoffendability.

    I was in a hostel in Munich last week, sharing a room with three other people. One of them had a real

    knack for waking me up. It was like hed been preparing his whole life for that one task. Hed get up at

    5am, turn on the light, and start making all sorts of noise as he got ready for the day, seemingly oblivious

    to the fact that there were other people in the room trying to sleep.

    The first morning I let it go, choosing not to take offense. But the second morning, when it became

    apparent that this guy wasnt going to figure out the whole empathy thing on his own, I called him on it. If

    hadnt, I knew I would have carried the resentment around with me for the rest of the day, and probably

    would have bitched about the guy behind his back.

    Too many of us do this, methinks. We whine and complain about

    how other people mistreat us, but we never actually say
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    Page 3 of 7 Aug 14, 2013 10:37:52AM

    Munich rooftops

    Birds in Munich

    . Whining and complaining is prettyanything to the offenders

    pointless in general, but it also becomes spineless when you haven

    brought up the issue with the offender first.

    So, if you ever have cause to take issue with someone or somethin

    instead of getting offended, take action to rectify the situation. If

    youre watching a movie that sucks, stop watching and go do

    something else. If someone pisses you off, call them on it.

    And if you cant call them on it for whatever reason, the smart choic

    is to distance yourself from that person, or just learn to accept their behavior. No good comes from

    enduring an annoyance and building up all kinds of secret resentment.

    The Stoic approach to insult management

    I recently read about Stoicism as a practical philosophy of life. There was a whole chapter a great book

    how to deal with insults. Ill share with you here a few of my key takeaways.

    Lets say someone insults you intentionally. Their goal is to upset you. The best way to handle that is tosimply refuse to become upset. This not only stumps your insulter, but it also makes them feel complete

    powerless. . How do yoIts like someone trying to kill you by shooting you point blank in the chest

    think theyd feel if the bullet just bounced off, superman style, and you responded with nothing more than

    a raised eyebrow?

    If someone is trying to hurt you with an insult, it can also help to imagine that theyre a child. Because,

    really, such insults are childish. If youre at a friends dinner party and his 3-year-old son comes up to yo

    and calls you a poo poo head, youre probably going to look at him in amusement, maybe ruffle his hair

    and then return to the adult conversation. You wouldnt take the insult seriously.

    Unless, that is, you are actually a poo poo head, and not all that

    comfortable being one.

    Which brings me to another point: Sometimes we find ourselves

    taken aback by insults because theres some truth to them,

    . Like if youre losing yourbecause they poke at our insecurities

    hair and someone makes a bald joke at your expense. In such a

    scenario, realize that your reaction says more about you than it doe

    about the severity of the insult. If you have a solid foundation ofself-assurance and are comfortable with your appearance, you won

    take offense.

    See, if youre really sensitive about your hair loss, thats entirely your issue to deal with. Instead of wishi

    people would stop mentioning your receding hairline (out of your control), you could just learn to be

    comfortable rocking the bald dome (within your control).

    Anytime we think the problem is out there, that thought is the problem. Stephen Covey
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    Page 4 of 7 Aug 14, 2013 10:37:52AM

    Crowded street in Munich

    Likewise, if someone calls you fat and you get offended by it, I suspect that youre not truly comfortable

    with your weight. Instead of resenting that person, you should use their words as a launch pad for

    exploring your relationship with your body, and making it a healthier one.

    The Stoics actually welcomed insults, for two reasons.

    The first is best summed up by these words from Antisthenes (who was technically a Cynic and not a

    Stoic, but I digress)

    Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to discover your mistakes.

    The idea here is that . If theres a grain of truth to them, then they help poiinsults can act as signposts

    us in the direction of our faults and insecurities, and we can get busy working on those and improving


    The second reason Stoics welcomed insults was because they believed they helped build a kind of

    . A man who has been criticized regularly in the past is likely to shrug offimmunity against criticism

    future insults as no big deal, while a man who has never been insulted before will surely be left reeling

    when someone first likens him to donkey appendage.

    Along these lines, a Stoic named Cato purposely used to go against the norms of fashion in ancient

    Rome, shunning the popular light purple tunic in favor of simpler, darker attire. As explained in the

    aforementioned book

    Cato did this not because he sought vainglory; on the contrary, he dressed differently in order

    to accustom himself to be ashamed only of what was really shameful, and to ignore mens low

    opinion of other things.

    This mindset has definitely proven beneficial to me. I used to get

    upset by negative comments here on the blog, or by people

    disagreeing with me. But not so much anymore.

    I encourage foks to put themselves out there online, and in the real

    world, because you learn how to deal with other people not liking w

    you, or disagreeing with you, or thinking youre a complete asshole

    believe its important to learn how to handle that. Youre inviting

    criticism, sure, but I see it as hardening myself against criticism,

    building a thicker skin.

    Again, imagine the guy who never puts himself out there, never puts himeself in a position to be criticize

    What happens when he falls into an unavoidable situation where criticism is inevitable?

    Easy: He crumbles.

    Its (usually) nothing to do with you

    Nowadays I tend to feel sorry for people who insult me. Granted, pity isnt always my initial reaction, but

    give me a few seconds and I can usually reign myself in and realize that I dont have to take offense.
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    Page 5 of 7 Aug 14, 2013 10:37:52AM

    View from the riverbank in Munich

    Some people seem to be put out by the fact that I dont drink, and they act a little shitty towards me

    because of it. I met a girl in England who openly mocked me about not drinking, and I understood

    . It wasnt healthy, and she knew it. My teetotallingperfectly once I saw her realtionship with alcohol

    ways shone an unflattering light on her drinking habits, and she resented me for that. The quick and easy

    way for her to feel better about herself was to write me off as a weirdo, worthy of her best insults.

    I once parted ways with a girlfriend, and a few months later she told me she was glad we broke up

    because I was too free thinking and in love with the world. She wasnt being cruel Im pretty sure shedidnt mean it as an insult at all but those words really hurt me at the time. Being free thinking and in

    love with the world are two of my favorite things about myself, and there was someone telling me that the

    disliked those qualities.

    It took me a while, but I eventually came to realize that those words said more about my ex than they did

    about me. As long as I was happy with my world-loving, free-thinking ways, it didnt much matter what sh


    With that realization, I was able to let go of the hurt.

    Fuck, and such

    Some of us insist on getting really offended by profanities, like the word fuck. As my buddy Trevor notes

    this makes little sense

    The only reason [some] words are is because we MAKE them bad some people havebad

    chosen to interpret the noise of the air pressure of the consonant f, followed by the vocal

    chords making an uh, then more air pressure of the consents ck, as poison to their ears.

    And thats really what it comes down to: a choice. Nobody can offend you. If you choose to interpret a word as offensive,without your permission

    thats entirely your business.

    Some people get upset when I use naughty words on this blog, or when I wr

    about . Or theyll get offended just because my opinion istaboo subjects

    different to theirs. And to those people I say: You do realize that thousands o

    children in the world are needlessly starving to death every day, right? If

    youre going to take offense to something, I recommend you start there, not

    with what some random dude writes on the Internet, that little thing you

    disagree with, or wish your sensitive eyes hadnt seen.

    Stephen Fry said it best

    If I had a large amount of money I should found a hospital for those whose grip upon the world

    is so tenuous that they can be severely offended by words and phrases yet remain all

    unoffended by the injustice, violence and oppression that howls daily

    (It must be noted though that Mr. Fry surely has accumulated a large fortune at this stage, yet still no suc

    hospital. Color me disappointed.)
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    Page 6 of 7 Aug 14, 2013 10:37:52AM

    Munich opera house

    Now, all that said, I dont advocate people go around shouting profanities from the rooftops. Best be

    considerate and refrain from asking little old ladies how their motherfucking day is going.

    Practical steps for dealing with insults

    Alright, I feel a bit of a summation is in order. Heres a step-by-step approach to dealing with insults that

    Ive found particularly effective.

    1. Pause

    When someone throws an insult your way, the first thing you need to do is take a moment. Just breathe.

    Dont respond right away. Most people immediately let their lizard brain loose to respond to insults,

    fighting fire with fire, and thats how they get themselves in trouble and say or do things they later regret.

    So take a moment. With time and practice, that moment will become shorter, because youll train yourse

    to instinctively respond in an appropriate manner.

    2. Consider the intent

    Dont even worry about whether theres any truth to the insult just yet. Consider the intent instead. If you

    can figure that out, its easier to come up with an appropriate response.

    3. Respond

    If the other person is intentionally trying to insult you, or at least thats what you suspect, there are a few

    things you can do.

    One is to just completely ignore the insult, to pretend you didnt even hear it. Just act like whatever was

    said isnt even worth acknowledging because its so ridiculous.

    But there is a danger to that. As noted earlier, sometimes you need to stand

    up for yourself and call someone out when they insult you. Because if you

    dont, they may receive the message that youre a pushover, willing to be the

    verbal punching bag whenever they need someone to pick on.

    My approach is to ignore the first insult. If that doesnt work, and the

    person persists in trying to insult me, then I call them out. You can say

    something like, Yeah, I heard you the first time. Say it while looking them inthe eye and with an amused look on your face, and hold that for a few

    seconds before going on to talk about something else.

    Another way to call them out is to name the game. Ask them, You wouldnt

    trying to offend me now, would you? Or say, Wow, my view on that really

    makes you uncomfortable, doesnt it?

    Again, you remain calm and appear as though youre amused by the childish game theyre playing.

    Because . So let them know.insults are a childish game after all, and youre above that
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    Random street in Munich

    You can also respond to an insult with self-deprecation. If someone tries to make a joke at your expense

    you add to the joke. Again, youre sending the message that you cant be messed with, that you dont tak

    offense to silly things.

    4. Contemplate

    Heres where we switch from talking about outer response to inner response. Inner is more important,

    because on the outside you can fake a good response to an insult, or a good non-response, but you may

    end up secretly seething about it for months or even years afterwards.

    And thats not good. You dont just want to unoffendable. You actually want to unoffendable.appear be

    As mentioned, I dont worry about whether theres any truth to the insult whe

    it happens (unless its an obvious falsehood and I can easily dismiss it).

    Instead, I focus on delivering an appropriate response and save the

    contemplation for later, usually when Im alone and have adequate time to

    think. Only then will I consider if the insult actually has any basis in reality, a

    if it points to an issue I need to address. If not, I can just forget about it.

    Ive found that nowadays its almost impossible for me to get offended by fal

    accusations. Im secure enough in myself and I live in line with my values. If

    someone tells me Im a terrible person, I know its not true.

    And if there is some truth to an insult fired my way, I take that Stoic approac

    and try use it to my advantage. Not only does it help me discover parts of

    myself I need to work on, but its also good practice for handling whatever

    future criticism the world sends my way.

    How do you handle insults?

    This was a pretty long and comprehensive post, but Im sure you fine folks can teach me a thing or two

    about handling insults via the comments. Have at em.

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