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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 1

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 2

WARNING: This eBook is for your personal use only. You may NOT Give Away, Share Or Resell This

Intellectual Property In Any Way

All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2010 – Hagel. All rights are reserved. You may not distribute this report in any way. You may not sell it, or reprint any part of it without written consent from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. Disclaimer NOTE:

Although there are many names used throughout the world to describe the higher power: God, Jehovah, Allah, The Divine, Loving Creator, Higher Self etc. For the purpose of this book I have chosen to refer to that creative loving power as the Universe.

I have chosen, for ease of reading, the pronoun “he” when referring to a child rather than alternating between he/she.

Limits of Liability/ Disclaimer of Warranty

The author and publisher of this book and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this program. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this program. They disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. As always the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought.

This manual contains material protected under international and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 3


Introduction Page 4

The Movement Page 11

Defining an Awakened Parent Page 16

The Goal of an Awakened Parent Page 19

It All Begins with YOU! Page 21

From Awareness to Awakening Page 23

Author’s Note Page 25

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 4

Awakened Parenting’s

“Becoming an Awakened Parent”

Welcome Friends!

Are you tired of always wondering if you are doing the “right” thing for your children’s

well being? Do you get discouraged every time you hear yet another parenting “expert”

saying there are no specific criteria to being a successful parent? And do you feel a

twinge of skepticism when the expert of the day says they have the answer!

All of that is about to change…

If you are like me, you want to know exactly what it will take to feel confident that you

are providing your children with exactly what they need to have happy and successful


Typically, most of us get our ideas and attitudes about parenting from our own

experiences growing up…the way our parents raised us…for better or worse.

For example:

parenting is hard work

parenting is a difficult job

parenting takes an enormous amount of energy

parenting requires a high level of patience

parenting is stressful

Parenting…What is the Missing Secret?

Well, here it is…

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 5

Drum Roll Please!

The Missing SECRET to Parenting is….

The Universal Law of Attraction!

Okay, some of you may be wondering how the law of attraction could possibly

affect your parenting skills or your relationship with your children…Some may even feel

turned off by just hearing the term law of attraction because of all the “wanna be gurus”

coming out of the woodwork with get rich quick schemes and hacks promising all sorts

of miracles if you simply think positive thoughts.

That is not the case here. I am not going to tell you that if you just think good thoughts

your children will suddenly be happy, confident, and successful people. If that were the

case, our job as parents would be almost effortless!

What I am saying is that with all parents already do for and with their children, we must

face the fact that something is missing.

When we look around at the world our children are living in…drugs, violence in schools,

bullying, sex at the elementary school level, not to mention depression, suicides or teen

pregnancy, we know that something is not working.

The law of attraction is not a quick fix solution. Upon closer examination, the

essence of the law of attraction principles is really talking about our mindset, our

thoughts, attitudes and beliefs.

Its principles provide a blue print for the foundation on which to build a strong,

meaningful relationship with your children that is rooted in trust, honor, mutual respect,

and unconditional love that will serve as a spring board for your children to have self-

confidence, a positive self-image, and a healthy level of self-esteem.

In addition to all you do for your children to ensure their happiness and success in life,

understanding and utilizing the principles of the law of attraction will be what fills that

missing piece.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 6

There are three main components to consider.

The first is to understand that the single most important trait that anyone can possess

is a healthy level of self-esteem. What they believe about themselves…what they are

capable of and what is possible for them to achieve.

The second is to recognize that parents are the primary source of information for their

children concerning the world, their view of it and their perception of themselves.

The third is to acknowledge that by applying the principles of the law of attraction in

your life, including how you approach raising your children will be the method that will

ensure you are providing your children with positive information that will benefit them

and enhance their overall well being. Thus, creating and building the level of self-

esteem that is critical to your child’s success and happiness.

I urge you to continue to read on with an open mind as I provide you with a more in-

depth look at the “Missing Secret to Parenting”…you have nothing to lose and your

children have everything to gain…

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 7

Let’s start with what you already know: The Universal Law of Attraction states

that what you think, feel and put your focus on is what you will attract…negative or

positive. The story you tell is what you will create.

Here is what you may not know: These same principles apply to

relationships…including yours with your children…in other words, parenting.

We live in a Universe of Attraction. The law of attraction is not something

someone made up…it is not a new age fad. It is Universal Law. It is the law of cause

and effect.

What you send out, you will get back.

Remember, as the law of attraction states, the story you tell will become your reality. If

you believe parenting is stressful or requires an extraordinary amount of patience you

will attract stressful situations needing a great deal of patience.

“If you see parenting as a difficult job…it will be, if you see it as an amazing

opportunity to enhance, encourage, and support the journey of a magnificent new

soul…it will be.”


The Law of Attraction is the very foundation of science and medicine,

as stated in Newton’s Third Law of Physics.

“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

The Law of Attraction is the Universal Law upon which all

major religions were founded.

“What you sow, you will reap.”

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 8

Millions of people are applying the principles of the law of attraction into their daily lives

in order to manifest their desire for material possessions, improved financial status,

finding their life partner, and improved health…and many are realizing amazing results.

When you approach raising your children in the same way you approach anything you

want to create or attract into your life, you are in effect enlisting the assistance of the


When applied to the parent/child relationship it requires a 2 step process.

The first and most important step is to examine YOUR beliefs and ideas regarding

parenting, both conscious and unconscious. Some of your ideas and beliefs you will

recognize immediately, others will take work to uncover. The goal is to remove those

negative beliefs that are passed on to your children without your awareness…

I call it “passed-down parenting” vs. “conscious parenting”.

What that means is to be clear about what you desire from your parenting experience

and what benefits you want your children to receive as a result of your role in their lives.

Do you want your children to be independent thinkers with confidence and a healthy

self-esteem or do you want them to conform to the thoughts, ideas, and beliefs of


The goal is to relate to your children from an “awakened” perspective based on your

conscious choices.

The second is to understand how to raise your children to approach life from a

place of strength, confidence, and inner peace, empowered with an understanding of

the law of attraction at work in their lives, thus providing them with the confidence and

skills to experience life in a way that is supports who they truly are...

The key to a successful parenting journey for you and your children is to become

the best parent you can be in order to raise empowered children.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 9

Before we go any further, I would like to share a bit about myself and my personal

experience with the law of attraction principles throughout my own journey.

I was fortunate to have been raised by forward thinking parents. I was raised with the understanding that I was important...I felt valued. My parents instilled in me a sense of responsibility. I was taught that I had choices and with those choices came consequences…some good and some not so good.

I learned, by being allowed to experience life based on my choices, that what happened in my life was a direct result of my choices and my thoughts. I gained an understanding of the power I had over my thoughts and my actions. In essence, I was taught to live by the principles of the law of attraction before the law of attraction became a household term.

That foundation, early in life, created a desire in me to learn more about human psychology…how different people approach life, why they make the choices they do, and how they see themselves in relation to the people in their immediate lives as well as the world around them.

As an adult I continued to follow my passion to understand and help people, both in my professional and my personal life. And now, as a mother and grandmother, I do my best to pass on to my family the same principles and values my parents instilled in me.

My interest in psychology led me to a career and life choices that centered on helping people discover their strengths, learn from their mistakes and challenges, and believe in themselves and their ability to create a truly great life.

Subsequently, I have over twenty-five years experience in researching, studying, practicing and teaching the principles of the law of attraction.

Thus, I have formed my company, Awakened Parenting LLC. It is a company that is dedicated to helping parents become the best they can be in order to be the best parent, enabling them to empower their children with the skills and tools to create the life they were born to live.

I have taken the principles and values instilled in me as a child and combined them with a common sense approach to help parents empower their children with this knowledge to create a generation immune to the negativity in the world.

It is my intention, through my publications and programs, to get this information to as many parents as possible and effectively change the child... at a time.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 10

With that being said, it is important to bear in mind that human beings typically resist change…sometimes even change they say they want. Change requires stepping out of your comfort zone into unknown territory. A successful motivator is the promise of instant gratification. And while, as a result of reading this publication you will become aware of immediate results in certain areas, other areas will take longer.

As you consistently apply the principles and practices I suggest, you will see change. Celebrate the ones that come quickly and be patient with the ones that take a little longer.

As you read on you will see that some of these changes involve lifestyle changes requiring self-discipline, encouragement, and patience. The degree of change needed will depend upon your current perception of parenting, the age of your children, your dedication, and your persistence.

It is always easier to accept a new concept when there are no pre-conceived ideas to get in the way. And believe it or not, regardless of your lifestyle or level of self-growth, by virtue of the simple fact that you have gone through your own childhood, you do have some pre-conceived ideas about parenting.

These ideas are automatically formed by the way your parents chose to parent you.

Even if at this point in your life you disagree with the manner in which you were parented, some of those ideas are deeply embedded in your subconscious mind and affect your choices without your awareness.

Have you ever found yourself speaking to your children and the words that came out of your mouth were the exact words that once came from your mother’s mouth?

And those were the words you vowed when you were a child you would NEVER speak to your children? Regardless of your background or how you were parented, there are probably very few who haven’t had that “Oh No…” experience.

It is my goal through this eBook, “Becoming an Awakened Parent” to take you through a process of insights that will uncover those ideas and beliefs that are hidden in your subconscious mind and guide you to an awareness that will allow you to consciously choose to parent your children in a way that will support the intention and purpose of your child’s life.

I choose to see parenting as a privilege and an opportunity that we have been blessed with. I do not see it as a “job” in the sense that it is a task that must be completed to gain an expected reward. Sharing the journey of a newly arrived soul and witnessing their growth and experiences is the ultimate form of bliss.

Parenting is without a doubt the most amazing experience one can have.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 11

The Awakened Parent Movement

Parenting is not an exact science. There are no “proven” parenting methods available. The obvious reason being there are no two children exactly alike. Human beings are unique. What works for one child may not work for another child.

Some children will require careful monitoring and others will blossom with a free reign.

In recent years, the importance of understanding the different temperaments and learning styles has become main stream in the public school systems.

The fact that we all learn and absorb information differently has opened the eyes of those in the educational field. The progress in this area has made it possible for many children to learn in a way in that enables them to easily obtain and retain knowledge. Specialized testing has been developed to identify the individual learning styles and needs so that all children will receive the best education possible.

For the most part, parents with more than one child will typically assume a particular way of parenting and approach each child the same way. The choice of parenting style is generally based on the personality of the parent rather than the personality of the child. If the personality of the parent and the child are different from one another, this becomes a recipe for a strained relationship between the parent and child. “Cookie cutter” parenting is a thing of the past.

There is, however, a common thread that runs throughout the minds of parents.

When you ask people, “What do you feel has the greatest value in your life?” Some may say their home, some their stock portfolio, others their diamonds or their sports car.

When asked this question many automatically think in terms of material wealth. But if you ask if they’d be willing to trade the life of their child for those things, without exception, the answer would be a resounding NO!

Parents agree, “Our children are what we value most in the world.”

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 12

“There’s nothing new under the sun” is a phrase commonly used by people in the field of psychology and self-help. It means that most theories and philosophies have been studied, researched, and presented to the world in one form or another, for hundreds of years. Authors and experts interpret these theories, add their insights and opinions and present their view in a slightly different way, enabling people to hear them in a fresh way. The core information remains virtually the same…simply enhanced and expanded on.

What is new is the attitude of millions of parents worldwide. Human beings are a never-ending evolving species that continues to be forward thinking in almost every area of our lives. From technology to medicine…from social reform to personal growth we share a common goal to improve.

We live in a society where parents have more resources to be better educated about how to raise their children than ever before. There’s an abundance of books available on how to produce children who are healthy, happy, and successful.

That being said, parents have to ask themselves the following questions:

Why in the last year have 84% of public schools reported incidents of crime to the police?

Why has teen suicide had its highest increase in 15 years? Why then are anti-depressants prescribed for more than 52% of our children and teenagers?

Why has illegal drug use become an unbeatable war, with over 1/3 of children in the U.S. using them?

Why has “bullying” become the number one topic on the minds of millions of parents?

Parents are looking for help. Many parents are confused about how to deal with these problems. They are not certain which approach is the right one. They have tried everything to no avail and end up feeling guilty and question whether they are good parents.

Parenting guides, parenting classes, and parenting coaching continue to flood the market at an amazing rate as a result of the time tested theory of supply and demand. There is a huge demand so the supply becomes greater and greater. Today's parents are aware of the difficult times their children face and are concerned.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 13

For the most part, the information on the market all has something of value to offer…new parenting methods…alternative approaches to education…new insights into special needs children…and a new approach or new information about a myriad of concerns that parents have. The authors and instructors who offer information base their views and advice on their education, experiences, and ideas. They use all the information they have gathered from these areas and form an opinion. Based on their opinion they devise helpful tools for parents to use in raising their children.

Here's the problem. This information is as varied as the unique personalities of our

children. The information is based on the personality, interpretations, and opinions of the author, instructor, or coach and then must be matched to the personality and circumstances of the child to be successful.

Because of this, many parents find themselves in bookstores and on the internet playing detective to research and find what feels right for them and their children.

Generally, it comes down to "trial and error". If life stood still to give parents the time to zero in on the method that is helpful to them this would be acceptable. However, as we all know, it doesn't.

As human beings we are constantly evolving. Children develop knew skills and abilities almost daily during their developmental years. The type of help needed by parents changes as rapidly as the child himself which compounds the problem.

Here's the solution. As we stated earlier, the “missing secret to parenting” is not

based on a professional's opinion or an expert's theory; it is based on three key components using a Universal Law...the law of attraction.

It is a law.

Its principles apply to every human being, regardless of age or personality. It encompasses every area of life. It addresses all aspects of our existence. There has been a major shift in thinking in the last 10 years. Breakthroughs in science, medicine, and psychology have caused people to question traditional methods of thinking, believing and operating...and opened doors to new and alternative possibilities.

U.S. health officials report that Americans spent $33.9 billion out-of-pocket on complementary and alternative medicine in 2007 alone.

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Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 14

Continuing education for health care professionals in the areas of both physical and mental health offer many courses in alternative approaches to medical care, including courses that incorporate the principles and power of the law of attraction.

These principles are also being taught in teacher’s workshops, in sabbatical programs for people in ministry, to parenting groups, and to the general public.

As a large part of that market, books on the law of attraction have received growing attention in recent years. Tremendously successful books like “Think and Grow Rich”, written by Napoleon Hill, 1937, “The Magic of Believing”, by Claude M. Bristol, 1948, and “You Can Heal Your Life”, by Louise Hay, 1984, brought attention to the principles of the law of attraction and popularized the concept that thoughts and beliefs impact your health, success, relationships, and create your reality.

But it was when Rhonda Byrne’s film entitled, “The Secret”, hit the market in 2006, and her book by the same title was released in 2007, that the term “The Law of Attraction” became a household word. It was featured on Larry King Live and Oprah and created quite a stir around the world.

During that same year, Esther and Jerry Hicks’ book, “The Law of Attraction”, that had been published in 2006, catapulted to the New York Times bestseller list.

Many authors have had an impact in opening people’s minds to the incredible power of the law of attraction: Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Joe Vitale and other teachers featured in “The Secret”, as well as countless others...too many to name.

However, understanding the critically important role of our own psychology has been one of the slower areas of our lives to evolve. For many years there was a stigma attached to seeking psychological help or even turning to self help material for personal growth.

Many equated this with being weak or not in control of your own life. At one time the mere mention of counseling or therapy would be dismissed as non-sense and something only those with weak minds would engage in.

In recent years this has changed. There has been a change in public perception regarding the importance of emotional and psychological health as well insights into the cause of many problems. It has been encouraging to witness the progress that has been made.

It’s the snowball effect in action…the more we know the more open we become, and the more we want to know. This has opened the door to looking at alternative approaches and discoveries in medicine, science, and psychology, as well as opening minds to the power and principles of the law of attraction.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 15

And now, many parents have come to realize that these same principles, based on the law of attraction, when modeled to their children will create a mindset that says they can do and become whatever they choose. As a result, their children will know they are worthy of all they desire, understand they have within them the power to choose what is positive, and that they are the creators of their lives.

Empowering your children with these principles guarantees their success in whatever they choose. Does it sound too good to be true? Ask any one of the millions and millions of adults who became aware of the law of attraction through Rhonda Byrne's work in the movie "The Secret" or Dr. Joe Vitale's work in "The Missing Secret". You will find countless testimonies of these "miracles" happening everyday to people in all walks of life.

There is no question as to whether it works, like the law of gravity it is working all of the time without our consent or knowledge.

Initiating this movement, “The Awakened Parent”, was born out of my passion to share the life changing benefits promised by the principles of the law of attraction

with children.

With this mindset, children become confident, believe in themselves and enjoy a healthy self-esteem. They learn to be pro-active rather than re-active.

Understanding the principles of the universal law of attraction and the results it promises and delivers removes the “victim” mentality and replaces it with one of responsibility and choice.

In this year, 2010, our generation is blessed with the knowledge of the amazing power of the law of attraction and the enormous difference it makes in our lives. The real value lies in the fact that when integrated into our lives and our children’s lives everyone wins. There are no age requirements, no pre-set criteria. It is a universal law.

Those who choose to be a part of this movement and to become an “awakened parent” have the opportunity to give their children a gift that will insure their journey through life will be one of true inner happiness.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 16

Defining an Awakened Parent

Awakened Parenting LLC has declared:

“2010: The Year of the Awakened Parent”

and I am pleased that thousands are jumping on board!

If asked if you are you an “awakened” parent you would probably pause to consider what that actually means. What constitutes being an awakened parent?

Many equate the term “awakened” with “eyes wide-opened” or being “aware”. In terms of parenting, to be awakened means:

To be conscious of your role and its impact on your child’s life.

In their best selling book “The Vortex”, Esther and Jerry Hicks, through the wisdom of Abraham, discuss the role of parents and the many misconceptions of parents and their role in their children’s lives. In describing their perspective of a joyous and valuable parental approach, they state the following:

“I understand that my child is a powerful creator who has come into this physical environment, not unlike myself, to carve out a wonderful experience. My child will have the benefits of sifting through the contrast of life in order to determine his preferences. Each time my child has an experience that amplifies his awareness of what he does not want, a Vibrational request for the improved opposite will emanate from him, and will be held for him, in his Vibrational Reality, in his Vortex of Creation. And as he pays attention to the Emotional Guidance System within him and seeks the best-feeling thoughts he can find, he will gravitate into alignment with who-he-has-become and will know the fullness of who-he-is. And, in all of that process, he will feel the satisfaction of being the creator of his own reality. And, as his parent, I will support him completely in his becoming.”

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 17

Our children are born fully aware of their connection to the Universe and the purpose of their physical journey on earth. As time goes by, they lose that awareness and become a product of the impact and influence of their family, their associations, and their environment.

As we all know, parents were once children! As each generation is born and absorbs from the past generation (their parents and environment) a cycle is created and perpetuated. Thus, we lose sight of where we came from, the non-physical knowing part of us, and transform into the physical confused, fearful, and questioning part of us.

In other words, by the time you reach adulthood and become a parent…you have forgotten. But your child is born “knowing”.

When you have awakened as a parent you will acknowledge your child’s purpose and desire to be on earth in the physical state. You will recognize the true meaning of being a parent and you will be willing to purposefully commit to act in that role as their primary resource for support, acceptance, encouragement, and above all unconditional love.

When you have awakened as a parent, your child will feel love and appreciation for who he is. He will walk through his journey feeling respected. He will know he is valued and honored based on his choices and preferences, not someone else’s.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 18

“If there is anything that we wish to change in the child, we should first examine it and see whether it is not something that could better

be changed in ourselves.” ~ Carl Jung

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Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 19

The Goal of an Awakened Parent

Our generation has been afforded a wealth of information regarding the meaning and purpose of life. We know we must change and break the cyclical pattern of molding, dominating and controlling children that many parents have adopted and continue to pass on so that children can come into their physical existence, knowing their purpose, having that purpose honored and supported by those closest to them in physical form (parents).

When the cycle is broken and parents approach parenting with this awakened mindset, the dynamics of the parent/child relationship will change from controlling, dictating, and instructing to nurturing, inspiring, and encouraging.

As more and more parents adopt this mindset and integrate this understanding into their relationship with their children, the world will begin to see changes in the interactions between people and choices they make. We will have less and less negativity.

As the children of this generation grow, being honored and celebrated for being who they came into this physical life to become, harmony will surface.

Today’s children are growing up in a world that is far different than the world their parents grew up in. Parents know this and they are concerned. In today’s world, parenting is serious business with serious consequences. They are facing challenges in raising their children for which they have no frame of reference. The parenting skills their parents used to raise them seem out of touch and for the most part ineffective.

Parents are looking for answers. They really don’t need to read the statistics that reflect the increase in drug use, the rise in crime in our school systems, or the rate of increase in drugs being prescribed to children for depression to know about the devastation they see first hand through their children or through friends of their children.

Being aware of the law of attraction and having the skills to work in concert with its principles to attract positive results is the key.

Parents have the opportunity to use these principles in their parenting methods. They have the opportunity to take it a step further and empower their children with an understanding of the power of their thoughts, the value of positive thinking, their power to choose positive thoughts, and the power to be all they were created to be.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 20

Applying the principles of the law of attraction is actually far more than a parenting method or set of skills to elicit certain behavioral responses in your children. It is a way of life. It is a mindset. It is a process that enables each of us, adult or child, to approach life and all of its challenges with courage, confidence and a deep belief in ourselves. Regardless of how you interpret success, whether monetarily like Donald Trump, spiritually like the Dalai Lama, or physically like professional athletes, the common thread that exists in all of these people is a strong positive mindset combined with believing they could achieve what they desired.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 21

It All Begins with YOU!

As I previously shared, being an awakened parent means to be “aware” of your role and its effect in your children’s life. In this section we will take that a step further.

Being “aware” is key to being an awakened parent.

The specific aspects to consider are to become:

Aware of your role in your child’s life

Aware of your child’s individuality

Aware of your child’s personality

Aware of your child’s learning style

Aware of your impact on your child

Aware of your child’s reaction to your parenting style

Aware of your interaction/communication with your child

Aware of the goals you have for your child

Aware of the goals your child has for himself

Aware of the effectiveness of your impact on these goals (both yours and your child’s)

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Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 22

As you can see by the list above, there are many things to pay attention to in an awakened parenting method. They are all equally important. Each ingredient plays an important part in creating a balanced and successful outcome.

It is similar to making a cake, you need all the ingredients to achieve the desired result…a delicious dessert…or when applied to parenting…an empowered child.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 23

From Awareness to Awakened

Now that you have become aware of the specific components necessary in an awakened approach to parenting, it’s time to move to the next step.

First, look at your approach to parenting: what you like and what you don’t like…what is working for you and your children and what is not working.

There are stages of being an awakened parent.

For example, many parents understand the importance of good communication with their child, but do not understand how to establish healthy effective communication.

Many want their children to be confident and believe in themselves but are not clear about what they can do to promote this.

Parents want to see their children achieving true happiness, being strong, resourceful and leading fulfilled lives, yet statistics show that this is not happening in many cases.

As was demonstrated through the cake analogy, the specific ingredients are critical, each having their own value when standing alone. Yet, when these ingredients are mixed together in a bowl they have the potential to become something extraordinary…

Flour + eggs + milk = cake

However, when you add fruit filling or creamy icing…you now have an extraordinary dessert!

Now let’s apply this to your parenting method:

Some of the key components to awakened parenting are:

Healthy Communication + critical thinking skills + encouragement + honoring individuality = potentially empowered child.

When making a cake there are still more ingredients needed, however with the basic ingredients listed you have the potential of creating a cake…you still need some ingredients but you are headed in the right direction with flour, eggs, and milk.

In parenting, as in making the cake, you are still missing a few key elements. However, again, you are headed in the right direction with healthy communication, critical thinking skills, an encouraging attitude, and by honoring their uniqueness.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 24

Only you can determine your level of “awakenedness”.

Perhaps you understand and promote open communication with your children but are not honoring their spirit or individuality. Or maybe your child learns more easily through visual aids and you learn through audio …this would lead to a breakdown in the relationship if not understood and respected that even the best communication would not resolve.

Decide where you want to be and what you want to change to get there.

You know the components for raising an empowered child and you know which ones you already excel in and which ones you need to work on achieving.

I encourage you to look at where you are now, simply to clarify a point of beginning, not to cause feelings of guilt or regret. I encourage you to look ahead to where you want your parenting approach to take you and your children, and above all know that it is doable.

My goal is to create change: in the mindsets of parents, the relationships between parents and their children, and in society as a whole…to raise a generation that is empowered to be all they are meant to be…to be who they really are…capable of attracting all they desire.

Becoming aware is the first step to change and through this publication it is my desire that the seeds of "awareness" are planted.

Real change in our world will begin with the next generation, our children.

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Becoming an Awakened Parent

Copyright © 2010 – Hagel 25

Author’s Note:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for opening your minds and spending this time with me. I hope you are as excited about the changes that are happening around us as I am.

Everyday, more and more parents are becoming awakened and as a result are experiencing a much more loving, honest, and open relationship with their children.

These changes, when implemented in each family, one at a time, will eventually become the normal.

Our children, the next generation, because of the awareness of their parents, will become the leaders of tomorrow who will guide us as a population to changes in society that we all desire.

And it all started with YOU!

Happy Parenting,

Denny Hagel

As always, I welcome your questions, comments, and feedback. The following is a list of places to connect with me.

On the web:

On Twitter: Kidsbestlife (denny)

FaceBook: denny hagel

FaceBook Fan Page: Kids best life/Innovative Parenting LLC>

FaceBook Group: “Awakened Parenting”…The Missing Secret! >

Email: [email protected]