beatles not for sale - by belmo ( part 1 )

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The Beatles' Musical Legacy As Archived On Unauthorized Recordings

By Belmo

THE HOT WACKS PRESS PO Box 544, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 5R1, CANADAFax 519 376 9449E-Mail [email protected]

Web-Page http://www.bootlegs.comTHE BEATLESNOT FOR SALE 1997The Beatles' Musical Legacy AsArchived On Unauthorized RecordingsBy Belmois a copyright 1997 protected publication ofROBERT W. WALKER and THE HOT WACKS PRESS PO Box 544, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 5R1, CANADAFax 519 376 9449E-Mail [email protected] http://www.bootlegs.comandSCOTT 'BELMO' BELMER and BELMO PUBLISHING PO Box 17163, Ft. Mitchell, KY, 41017 USACover design by Jim Blake, Precision Studios, Owen Sound, ON, CanadaPRINTED IN CANADAbyWEBCOM the printer of HOT WACKS books for over 10 years.ISBN 9698080-9-7All rights reserved. Copyright 1997. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic, digital or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission inwriting from the publisher except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.CONTENTSPART 1 PART 2FOREWORDPAGE 2ACKNOWLEDGMENTSPAGE 3INTRODUCTIONPAGE 4THE DISCOGRAPHY*AN EXPLANATIONPAGE 5THE BEATLES(GROUP) *THE EARLY BEATLESPAGE 10*RADIO SHOWSPAGE 15*TELEVISION APPEARANCESPAGE 28*THE TOUR YEARSPAGE 36*STUDIO OUTTAKESPAGE 66*THE GET BACK SESSIONSPAGE 89*COLLECTIONS, DEMOS & ODDITIESPAGE 119THE ANTHOLOGY(AN OVERVIEW)PAGE 174THE BEATLES(THE SOLO YEARS)*JOHN LENNON PAGE 1*PAUL MCCARTNEYPAGE 39*GEORGE HARRISONPAGE 85*RINGO STARRPAGE 102*SOLO COLLECTIONSPAGE 107UNRELEASED ARTIFACTSPAGE 112DESERT ISLAND BEATLEGSPAGE 124INDEX TO DISCOGRAPHYPAGE 128SUGGESTED READINGPAGE 147THE END?PAGE 148THE FINAL WORDPAGE150ABOUT THE AUTHORPAGE 150



One afternoon during the early 1980s, I wandered into one of the used record stores I eventually came to haunt on a regular basis, and began my customary browse through the Beatles bin. I was confused, but pleasantly surprised, upon discovering an album called BEATLES BROADCASTS, which sported an attractive cover with an embossed color photo of the Fab Four. I was puzzled by the album's track listing, which included such unfamiliar song titles as Clarabella, Soldier Of Love, Lend Me Your Comb, and Hippy Hippy Shake. I was even more baffled by another album in the bin, which seemed at first a black parody of the celebrated WHITE ALBUM, right down to the Beatles' name stamped on the cover. The track listing inside the ebony gatefold was even more exotic than the one on BEATLES BROADCASTS, containing song titles like Tennessee, Commonwealth, and Hi Ho Silver.

Only later would I realize that these were not authorized Beatles releases, but underground bootleg records that contained material otherwise unavailable to fans of the Liverpudlians. BEATLES BROADCASTS featured songs that the group had recorded exclusively for BBC Radio programs, while the gatefold I had opened proved to be the entrance to THE BLACK ALBUM, a collection of outtakes recorded during the January 1969 filming of LET IT BE. During the years that followed those initial discoveries, hundreds of new Beatles bootleg records and CDs would appear, affording listeners a chance to hear dozens of live Beatles concert performances, radio and television appearances, and studio outtakes that were never officially released. While the sound quality on many early discs were often dicey, many later releases featured astonishingly good sonics, including improved reissues of earlier material. Underground sound took a giant leap forward with the advent of the compact disc, a format that bootleggers were quick to co-opt.Bootlegs presented a less-varnished Beatles portrait in sound than the group's official releases could. Here were hours of studio trial-and-error, including conversations among the Beatles, that provided first-hand insight into the creation of the most influential music of the 1960s. Other bootlegs captured the hysteria and unpolished performances that characterized most of the group's Beatlemania-era concerts, or the jocular fun they enjoyed on BBC Radio in their early years. The Beatles themselves took a dim view of this illicit use of their material, which afforded them no control over the releases or income from their sale. They steadfastly insisted that the material was below Fab standards for public release, and had thus remained in the can. After fighting the bootleggers for decades, with virtually no success, the Fabs finally gave in and released three ANTHOLOGY albums filled with the very recordings they had previously found unfit for human consumption. ANTHOLOGY'S release was an acknowledgement of public interest in recorded Beatles 'rough drafts', a point brought home when each of the three albums reached number one on Billboard's album chart, all within a twelve-month period. More than a quarter-century after their breakup, the Beatles became the first recording artists in history to accomplish that feat, and they did it with the kind of material that bootleggers had been marketing for decades, over their objections.As both the scope and quality of bootleg material escalated, Beatles collectors found it increasingly difficult to keep up with it all. It was not always clear where the recorded material had come from since bootleggers often misrepresented dates and sources. Collectors were sometimes lured into purchasing material that had simply been recycled from earlier releases, and some bootleggers were not above pawning off non-Beatles recordings as the genuine article.It wasn't long before books and newsletters devoted to this forbidden fruit began to spring up. Among the few that provided both useful information and an entertaining format was Belmo's Beatleg News, a fanzine that offered reviews and descriptions of new bootlegs, amusing observations on the bootleg scene, inside intelligence on new underground discoveries, and clever original art work. Unlike its competitors, Belmo's Beatleg News refused to take itself too seriously, and it never lost sight of the need to preserve the joy and fun that had originally kindled interest in these recordings.Thus, it seems both logical and inevitable that this comprehensive Beatles bootleg reference should be produced by Belmo himself. As his avid readers would expect, the volume is an extensive compilation of Beatles underground titles, including recordings made during their solo years, an era often ignored by Beatles scholars and discographers. In describing more than 1,000 Beatles bootlegs, it provides valuable additional guidance to collectors by distinguishing worthwhile from disposable discs. In short, it is the reference that most long-time Beatles collectors have wished for, and it is indispensable to newcomers lured into those forbidden Beatles record bins. It is certain to become one of the most dogeared, frequently-thumbed volumes on Beatles bookshelves everywhere.*Allen J. Wiener is the author of The Beatles: The Ultimate Recording Guide. He has written on a variety of topics for The Washington Post, People, American History, Musician, Goldmine, and other publications.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

The author wishes to thank the following people who have helped to make this book possible (either directly or indirectly) through their moral support, suggestions and invaluable information:Terri Gauck Belmer, Allen J. Wiener, Jim Berkenstadt, Jeff Jerdon, John Dougherty, Ted Greenwald, Mike Hockinson, Pete Howard, John Waters, Warren Melnick, Joe Pope, Jeffrey Ressner, Randy Short, Andy Wallace, L.R.E. King,The Biedenbenders, Lori Hartzler, Brian Davis, Robin Imaging Services, Doug Sulpy, Steve Loveless, Massimo Meregalli, Renato Facconi, Tom Jones, Nick Kocz, Woody Jones, Michael Papelian, Masato Nogami, Harald Gernhardt, Ian Gumming, Garry Marsh, Robert Ballard, Gary Read, Arno Guzek, Randy Hall,Yvon Marie, Roger McGuinn, Stan Hertzmann, Evelyn Schwarz, Garry Marsh, Michelle Pate & Ken Smith, Terry Toner, Ken Kessler, Ian Drummond, Andy Davis, Mark Lewisohn, Frank Badenius, Cheryl Winslow, Matt Hurwitz, Guy Ridley, Mr. Tripnip, Charles Reinhart, Michael Solof, Metro Fritz, Michael Jasinski, Mark Sokolski, Mike Seller, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Bear, Molly Rubin, Adrian Belew, Eric Gregnoli, Russ & Denice, Ed Wood, Bilbo & Frodo (the Hobbits), Mr. Spock, Data, Stevie Nicks, Phil's Records, Steve Miller, Billy Peterson, the guys from Liverpool, Stan, Gary at FOX-FM, 'Breakfast With The Beatles' gals, Keith, Howie, Mary Jane, Bettie Page, Betty Boop, Bob Adamonis, Bill Nienaber, Janet Wilson, Tessla Rhu, Tom Conner, Fred Schumacher, Rick Wollman, Deborah Kiech, Bill Hall, Dave Allen, Yellow Dog Records, Swingin' Pig, Mr. Vigo, Great Dane, George Martin, The Beatles, The Monkees, Dr. Pepper, Dr. Demento, Little Debbies, Cosmo, Fred, Mickey Kat and anyone else I inadvertently forgot. Thanks. I love you!

And a super BIG THANKS to Scott 'Dog' Dailey for the terrific artwork he sketched for Belmo's Beatleg News 10 those many years! You are magnifique!


My very special thanks to my friend Bob Walker of The Hot Wacks Press for all his support, ideas and the immense database which made the preparation of this book a great deal easier. Without Bob's Beatles information I would probably be working until the next millennium to compile all the data found in Not For Sale. If the readers of this book are not familiar with Bob's Hot Wacks books, then I would highly recommend you search them out because the information on bootlegs (by hundreds of rock artists) compiled within their pages is invaluable.


This book is dedicated to my wife, Terri - the love of my life.


By Belmo

You were standing at the station with a bootleg in your hand...*Bootlegs have been given a bum rap. For over twenty years the media and members of 'official' Beatledom have castigated bootlegs and those who manufacture and sell these underground records. These people (who should know better and probably do) have done everything in their power to make 'bootleg' a dirty word. I am here to tell you different. Because if you love Beatles music, then you cannot help but love the music on Beatles bootlegs (well, most of it anyway).Sure, I know bootlegs are illegal to manufacture and sell. I know the pros and cons of bootlegging can be argued for hours. And I understand why the artists and their record labels are opposed to bootlegs of their music. As an artist myself I can even sympathize with them. However, as a collector I see a tremendous value in bootlegs. The most obvious value is the preservation of musical artifacts for collectors and historians for this and future generations. I openly thank the bootleggers for saving the hundreds of hours of music (and thousands of songs) which would have been lost otherwise. This historically important music can now be studied and enjoyed for many years to come.Additionally, it is my belief that had it not been for the popularity of 'Beatlegs', The Beatles would not have released the BBC and ANTHOLOGY series in the 1990s. This is true for many other artists and record labels as well, and is evidenced by the proliferation of boxed sets filled with 'rarities' and of the reissued albums complete with 'bonus tracks'. Heck, Frank Zappa even reproduced actual bootlegs right down to the artwork in his series of releases called BEAT THE BOOTS.

In recent years, new laws in Europe, the United States, the Far East, Canada and Australia have forced bootleg manufacturers even further underground. Distributors and retailers have been the victims of crackdowns, shakedowns and arrests. Still, the flow of bootlegs continue and probably always will. Why? Because music fans and collectors demand them. And until the record companies and their artists give the buying public what they want, bootlegging will exist at some level.There was a time not so very long ago when bootlegs and traders' tapes were in the possession of only a few persistent collectors and hard core fans. That era encompassed the years of the late Sixties and into the late Seventies. But in the early Eighties something extraordinary occurred when amazing outtakes started popping up on finely produced vinyl records (such as the NEMS Records series) and later on compact discs (ULTRA RARE series from Swingin' Pig). This time is now referred to as "The Golden Age of Bootlegs." This period culminated in the mid-Nineties when The Beatles released the six compact discs in their highly successful ANTHOLOGY series of 'official' outtakes, demos and live tracks. Millions of fans who had previously been ignorant of the existence of bootlegs or who had believed all that misinformation about the supposed 'nas-tiness' of bootlegs had suddenly come around to the pleasures of Beatles outtakes.Bootlegging The Beatles had come full circle.I fear that most of the significant and available (in the hands of private individuals) Beatles unreleased music has been bootlegged. By 1997 the Beatlegs being produced were mostly of previously released music and (with a few notable exceptions) offered little in the way of new music. Unhappily, the bootleggers had reverted to their old methods of reissuing material with new titles and packaging. However, solo outtakes and concert material were still coming to light but at a snail's pace.Since the beginning of 1970 when I purchased my first Beatles bootleg (KUM BACK), I have acquired an additional 900 Beatlegs at an investment of nearly $15,000. In the years since there have been well over 1800 group and 600 solo titles released to a ravenous public hungry for new Beatles music. Certainly there is no way a collector can hope to collect all those titles - and there is really no reason you'd want them all. Much of the music is repeated on discs and sometimes the sound quality on many of the records is just plain awful.In 1987 I first began publishing my Beatles bootleg newsletter which I called Belmo's Beatleg News. It's purpose was to make sense of the new 'Beatleg' releases which had begun to pop up at an ever increasing rate. Hot Wacks bootleg discographies (see page 438 in book) also tried to decipher bootleg releases of nearly all the major rock artists. It was a daunting task. L.R.E. King authored two Beatles bootleg discography books (Do You Want To Know A Secret? and Fixing A Hole) in the late 1980s and Charles Reinhart wrote You Can't Do That in the early 1980s. All three books are good but have since become outdated. And in 1995 Jim Berkenstadt and I coauthored Black Market Beatles - a history of bootlegging and an in depth look at Beatles bootlegs (see page 437 in book). And while that book touched upon some of the major Beatlegs, detailed analysis was left for the book you are now holding in your hands.The purpose of this book is to fill the gaps left by those books and others like them. Should you attempt to locate the bootlegs reviewed herein, you may find it difficult as production runs were generally limited to a few hundred per title or to maybe several thousand copies of the more successful titles. Also, I cannot tell you where to find bootlegs. This book is a discography - not a catalog. I neither manufacture nor sell bootlegs. So please do not ask.I am aware that when writing a book of this magnitude errors and omissions may sometime occur, so feel free to write me with corrections and additions (include documentation!) so that I can correct the mistakes before the next printing. Thanks and keep on Beading!*HI HI HI (Paul McCartney)


Not For Sale has been divided into categories and chronologically (where possible) to make it easier to access the information. For instance, if you want to look up The Beatles' 1965 Paris performances, you need only go to TOUR YEARS: PARIS 1965 to find the bootlegs relating to those performances. In the sections where a chronology is not feasible (such as COLLECTIONS, DEMOS & ODDITIES), I have arranged the titles alphabetically or in sub-categories. In some cases there is crossover of titles for which I could find no way around, so you will find a few titles listed more than once. It is not uncommon for a bootleg to have one side BBC songs and the other GET BACK sessions. There are no rules when it comes to compiling a bootleg. A number of past bootleg discography books arranged the titles just alphabetically. While that makes it easy to find the bootlegs when you know their names, it serves little purpose when you need to locate comparable subject matter (such as ABBEYROAD outtakes). So I have followed my own sense of logic as to how the discography should be organized. It seems to work. If it doesn't work for you, just remember the words of that great philosopher as preserved forever on Melvin's BEATLES VS DON HO: "If we haven't done everything we could have done, we tried".

Not For Sale is arranged in the following manner:

THE BEATLES (GROUP BOOTLEGS)THE EARLY YEARS: This chapter focuses on the releases relating to and including the recordings of the Quarry Men, The Beatles with Pete Best, Cavern Club material, Tony Sheridan sessions, The Star Club and the Decca Audition Tapes. The bootlegs of this period illustrate how The Beatles grew and evolved and eventually found their own sound which became the worldwide phenomenon known as Beatlemania.RADIO SHOWS: The most famous and possibly most bootlegged performances by The Beatles originate with the Fab Four's appearances on the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) in the early 1960's. Perhaps more than any of their live performances, these radio shows capture the excitement of Beatlemania (without the screaming fans!) as our heroes sing and perform rare rock and roll tunes as well as Beatles originals. Happily, the sound quality of the surviving tapes are quite good and have been preserved on disc by such far-seeing labels as Great Dane and BEEB Transcription Records.TELEVISION APPEARANCES: From 1963 to 1968 The Beatles performed live and mimed on numerous television programs in England, Europe and the United States. In those days television exposure was quite important to the career of an artist and spots on television music programs were at a premium. It was The Beatles performances on the Ed Sullivan Show that brought the Fab Four to the attention of the world and led the way for the British Invasion. For the most part I have only reviewed the bootlegs that featured actual 'live' performances by The Beatles.THE TOUR YEARS: The Beatles first real city-to-city tours began in 1963 and ended at Candlestick Park in San Francisco in 1966. During that time they performed in over 100 cities and their concerts were recorded by various people using a wide range of recording devices (some of which were nowhere near soundboard quality). The Beatles' concerts typically lasted less than 30 minutes and the shows changed very little from one date to the next. Consequently, many of the live concert bootlegs are boring and unlistenable; however, there are some pleasant surprises out there.STUDIO OUTTAKES: There is nothing as exciting as 'listening in' on The Beatles while they are in the studio working on a song. Hearing the outtakes is like being a fly on the wall as The Beatles' creative process is exposed. It is thrilling and entertaining to 'be there' when lyrics are muffed or guitar lines are experimented with. And to hear the working demos and alternate mixes of songs is akin to finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is impossible to be unmoved when you hear the outtakes.GET BACK SESSIONS: For many collectors this is the most painful period in The Beatles' musical career. The seemingly endless and often uninspired rehearsals offered up very little in the way of great music. However, there would occasionally be sparks of greatness and The Beatles would actually rock. To relieve the boredom they would play old rock and roll standards or break into long jams. Sometimes they would argue among themselves or Yoko Ono would screech to John's guitar feedback. Youch! The bootlegs of this period mostly originated from the film footage shot of The Beatles at Twickenham's sound stage in London. Some of it comes from the Apple studio or the Apple rooftop. About thirty hours of this material is available and another sixty hours is rumored to be floating around in the hands of a few collectors. (Bootleggers are still threatening to release these sessions.)COLLECTIONS, DEMOS & ODDITIES: This chapter brings together the bootlegs that contain a hodge podge of material. Unlike a concert bootleg, for example, which has a set theme and location, the bootlegs in this section may have live material, studio outtakes, radio shows and spoken word all mingled together on one disc (such as STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER on NEMS) or on a multi-disc set (ARTIFACTS on Big Music). Also included are those collectible 'oddities' that could only find a home in this section.SOLO BOOTLEGS

JOHN LENNON: Lennon's solo career lasted only ten years, but thanks to Yoko Ono Lennon this career extended well into the Nineties. The ground-breaking radio series, 'The Lost Lennon Tapes,' ran for more than four years on the Westwood One network from 1988 to 1992. With Yoko's blessing and her active participation in the program, listeners were treated to many rare home recordings, studio session tapes and concert material. The program had its flaws but for the most part it was a treasure trove for collectors. Bootleggers quickly pressed albums of the material and the fans eagerly bought everything that came their way. Lennon, a fan of bootlegs himself, would have been proud.PAUL McCARTNEY: It is only natural that there are more bootlegs of McCartney's music than of the other three Beatles. McCartney has played more tour dates, made more television appearances and recorded more albums than his former bandmates. When you look at the type and quantity of McCartney bootlegs ('McBeatlegs'?!), it is truly amazing that there is so much rare music that has slipped through the cracks and found its way to collectors. Concert bootlegs are one thing but studio outtakes and home demos are a totally different story. Plenty of rarities exist that will keep McCartney historians busy for years to come.GEORGE HARRISON: Not as prolific as McCartney and Lennon, Harrison was still one hell of a songwriter. George's studio outtakes and home recordings illustrate the workmanship behind his songs. Just give a listen to the outtakes from ALL THINGS MUST PASS and you'll be amazed by his skill and intuition when it comes to song writing. Harrison's 1974 concert tour was a very unpleasant experience for him (illness and bad reviews), so he avoided touring until his pal Eric Clapton convinced him to tour Japan in 1991. Consequently, Harrison concert bootlegs are naturally small in number. And although his concert presence was not as strong as Paul's or John's, his musicianship was exceptional (as many bootlegs show).RINGO STARR: Ringo may be a great drummer, but he is not a notable songwriter. This fact is evidenced by the lack of outtakes and home recordings of his music. The studio outtakes we do have are generally uninteresting and uninspired. He was always content to be a sideman to The Beatles and even after the end of that group he was often called upon by others to play drums at studio sessions and conceit gigs. He even tried his hand at acting in movies and on television (with some success). Who can forget his role as a Neanderthal in Caveman or as the train conductor on Shining Time Station! Ringo's best album was Ringo and he had a respectable number of solo hits (such as Back Off Boogaloo). He even made a bit of a comeback in the 1990's with the nicely produced Time Takes Time and several years of touring with his ALL STARR BAND. But the fact is that Ringo's career never really went very far after The Beatles and so bootleggers didn't invest much time or effort in producing underground recordings of Richard Starkey.COLLECTIONS: This section gathers together those bootlegs that feature outtakes by some or all of The Beatles from their solo years. There are titles to be found in the Group Beatles that might also be appropriate here, but which I did not list for repetition sake. Most of these collections were put together at the whim of bootleggers and generally made little sense. The exception to this was ARTIFACTS III, which collected rare solo material and arranged it chronologically. And, on occasion, a collection surprised us with a rare tidbit or two not available anywhere else. So read closely.For the bootlegs that I deem to be of major importance, collectible or of some significant interest, I have written a detailed description of the record, which includes TITLE, LABEL, MATRIX #, FORMAT, YEAR MANUFACTURED, SOURCE, SOUND QUALITY and a RATING. Additionally, I offer a brief analysis of the bootleg, historical background information, song listings, timings, packaging information, data on related titles and other tidbits, which might be useful to the collector. Minor bootlegs are listed and include brief descriptions of their contents. Generally, I listed the song titles as the bootleggers reported them; but common sense will help the reader when determiningthe actual titles. If it wasn't immediately obvious, I noted it as such. For the most part the bootlegs are identified as either being on vinyl or on compact disc. If it is not clear to you, just see if there are 'sides' listing the tracks. Since a CD has only one side, then the boots with more than one side must be vinyl recordings! OK? And, of course, with over 2400 titles manufactured over the years, I had to be somewhat selective as to what should be included (or not) in this book. What are generally not covered here are common interview discs, CDR's, tapes traded by collectors, bootleg videos, official imports, and legitimate releases.THOSE TERMS

ACETATE: A one-sided disc which is heavier than commercially pressed records. Distribution is usually restricted to the artists, producers, management and publishing sectors of the industry. Oftentimes the acetate features a pre-final mix of the record and is therefore highly sought after by collectors.ALTERNATE: Refers to a different version, take, or mix of a song that is commercially released.BEATLEG: A bootleg of music by The Beatles. The word is a hybrid of 'Beatles' and 'bootleg' - the origin of which is lost somewhere in the mists of time.BOOTLEG: Bootlegs or underground recordings include unreleased material, such as demonstration and rehearsal tapes, studio outtakes and alternate takes, TV/radio performances and concerts.COUNTERFEIT: Unauthorized recordings that attempt to completely reproduce an officially released album, including the music, album artwork and label graphics.DEMO: A demonstration disc or tape used by artists, producers, music publishers and record companies for a variety of purposes. Usually consists of a rough version of a song yet to be formally recorded and produced.FORMAT: How the title was released - LP (vinyl), CD (compact disc), EP (extended play), 45, etc.LABEL: The name of the company which is printed on the label or disc - though it may not necessarily be the same company manufacturing the disc. It may say SWINGIN' PIG on the label, but the bootleggers may have used that name as a cover or as an effort to give their product legitimacy. Also, some manufacturers have subsidiary labels (PEG-BOY is a sub label of VIGOTONE).MATRIX #: This is the identifying code (usually in the form of numbers and/or letters) printed on the cover or disc by the manufacturer to identify the disc or its sequential place in a catalog. Oftentimes different bootlegs will have the same matrix numbers.MONITOR MIX: An off-line (not tape-to-tape direct) recording taped from the studio monitors during the preliminary mixing of a song. Often done when the artist needed a quick copy of a session to take home for later use.OUTFAKE: An 'outtake' created by a bootlegger(s) with the purpose of passing off a re-mixed legitimate take as an alternate take.OUTTAKE: Refers to a finished track that is usually left off of a commercial release -relegated to the studio vaults.PIRATE DISC: Unauthorized recordings that reproduce legitimately released music, with no attempt made to reproduce the legitimate album cover artwork or labels.RATING: This is highly subjective and is determined by these requirements:1) The HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE of the material. Is it rare? Is it collectible? Does it add to our knowledge of the Beatles?2) SOUND QUALITY. Is it crisp, clean and free of pops and snaps? Is it distinguishable from the screams of the fans? Is it soundboard quality?3) ENJOYABILITY. Is it a disc I would listen to a number of times? Is it fun to listen to? Is it easy to dance to?4) PACKAGING. Does it come with accurate liner notes? Is it nicely packaged? Does it have a printed color cover or a black and white xeroxed cover? Is there a picture disc? Are there unique photos or artwork?All of these factors were taken into consideration when I rated the featured discs using the 'five star' rating system. Hence:* (One Star): Poor. Don't bother. No redeeming value. Horrid sound and poor packaging.** (Two Stars): Fair. Just passable. Only for the serious collector. Maybe an item or two worth having.*** (Three Stars): Good. An above average bootleg which should satisfy most collectors.**** (Four Stars): Very Good. Has a lot going for it. The material is worthy and it has very nice packaging. For both the casual collector and the hardcore fan. Highly recommended.***** (Five Stars): Excellent. It doesn't get any better than this. Superb sound quality. Excellent packaging. And the music itself is a MUST HAVE for all Beatles fans.SOURCE: Signifies if the music was from a recording studio, television or radio broadcasts, home recordings, audience concert tapes, soundboard concert tapes, monitor mixes, alternate mixes, or legitimate cover versions. I also state whether the songs are stereo or mono - though sometimes it is not always that clear cut with some of the bootlegs and so I've made a 'best guess' on those.SOUND QUALITY: From 'poor' (unlistenable), 'fair' (barely listenable), 'good' (average quality), 'very good' (above average) to 'excellent' (as good as any legitimate release).TITLE: The actual title of the bootleg as found on the front cover or the spine. 'A', 'An', and, 'The' are dropped for the purpose of alphabetizing.YEAR: The year (when known) when the title was made available to the public, NOT the year the music was recorded. You will find the date the music was recorded in the description of the material.


Abbreviations have been used in order to save space and to make Not For Sale easier to use. These are as follows:

R = Recording: Ex = Excellent, Vg = Very Good, G = Good, s = stereo, m = mono. S = Source. C = Comments, Eb = European bootleg, Dec = deluxe color cover, Dbw = deluxe black & white cover, GF = gatefold, cv = commercial version. CV = colored vinyl, MCV = multi-colored vinyl, SS = song separation, LP = vinyl long-playing album (33 & 1/3 rpm), PD = picture disc, CD = compact disc, EP = extended play vinyl record or compact disc, 2LP = a number placed in front of LP, CD, etc.- indicates the release is a multi-unit set, BX = a multi-unit set packaged in a box, CASS = cassette, CDR = recordable compact disc - CD recorded using a computer.Okay. That is it for the technical side of understanding this book. Now sit yourself down in front of the stereo, put on your headphones, place your bootleg on the turntable or in the CD player, and follow along with Not For Sale as you once again discover the wild and wonderful world of BEATLEGS!THE EARLY BEATLES

The Quarry Men / Cavern Club / Decca Audition


MADMAN RECORDS (13-14) 2CD 1996

Source: Home rehearsals 1960

Sound Quality: Very good mono

Rating: *****

CD1: Wild Cat #1 (1:24)/ Wild Cat #2 (2:24)/ I'll Always Be In Love With You (2:19)/ You'll Be Mine (1:42)/ Matchbox (0:53)/ Some Days (1:32)/ Cayenne (2:28)/ One After 909 (1:28)/ Well, Darling (3:19)/ You Must Write Everyday (2:32)/ That's When Your Heartaches Begin (1:14)/ Hello Little Girl (1:51) The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (2:30)/ I Don't Know (improvisation) (5:52) I Don't Need No Cigarette Boy (improvisation) (5:53)/ That's An Important Number (improvisation) (7:49)/ Improvisation (4:56)

CD2: I'll Follow The Sun (1:46)/ Hallelujah, I Love Her So (2:12)/ One After 909 (2:25)/ Movin' And Groovin'/Ramrod (3:45)/ Improvisation (11:44)/ Improvisation (7:42)/ Improvisation (11:06)/ Improvisation (17:40)This two-disc set contains all of the known 1960 rehearsal recordings by John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Stuart Sutcliffe (Pete Best was not present) known then as The Quarry Men or THE BEATALS. This spelling of the group's name is from a letter written by Paul to Butlin's nightclub in an attempt to procure a playing gig. (Thus the title for this set.) As we all know The Beatals would eventually become The BEATLES.

The songs on these two compact discs feature the only known recordings made with Stuart Sutcliffe and their historical importance cannot be overemphasized. Here we have The Beatles in their embryonic stages as they musically search for an identity. Old standards, blues, improvisational jams and originals are all explored. Three of these songs (Matchbox, One After 909 and I'll Follow The Sun) would appear on Beatles albums.Although the music on these discs have appeared on numerous bootlegs in various quality and form, this is the best one available. The music has been digitally remastered, the songs are logically arranged, the liner notes are thorough and accurate, and the booklet features nice photographic reproductions from this time period. This bootleg comes in a color slipcase and is complemented nicely with a 28-page booklet. The Madman label is a subsidiary of Vigotone.

It should be noted that there has been a lot of discussion and debate as to when these recordings were made. In an interview with Mark Lewisohn, Paul McCartney stated that they were recorded in his home in Liverpool in 1960. This is certainly true for some of the songs but not all of them. A number of the songs were recorded in Hamburg in the fall of 1960 as the playing of I'll Follow The Sun on a 1966 German TV show proved out. No matter what the exact dates were, there is no question that these songs are truly golden artifacts.The earliest appearance of these tracks were on THE QUARRYMEN REHEARSE WITH STU SUTCLIFFE SPRING 1960 (Pre Beatle Records) LP, THE QUARRYMEN AT HOME (Blackshop Records - BS 007) LP, LIVERPOOL MAY 1960: JOHN PAUL GEORGE AND STU (Indra - M5-6001) 2LPs.


PILZ (449830-2) CD 1993

Source: 1960 Home Recordings

Sound Quality: Good mono

Rating: ***Hallelujah, I Love Her So (2:23)/ The One After 909 (2:29)/ I'll Always Be In Love With You (2:22)/ You'll Always Be Mine (1:46)/ Matchbox (1:02)/ You Just Don't Understand (2:30)/ Somedays (1:37)/ Thinking Of Linking (instrumental) (2:32)/ I'll Follow The Sun (1:49)/ The One After 909 (1:32)/ Hey Darling (3:23)/ You Must Lie Everyday (2:34)/ Guitar Bop (instrumental) (2:20)/ That's When Your Heartaches Begin (1:19)/ Hello Little Girl (1:55)/ That'll Be The Day (0:45)An incomplete collection of the 1960 rehearsals released to the general market as a legitimate release. A few of the larger department stores in the United States carried this disc for a short time and at a discounted price. The titles given to the instrumental jams were contrarily chosen by the bootleggers - though Thinking of Linking may be the real thing. The last track, That'll Be The Day, is a snippet of the complete Quarry Men acetate which later appeared in its entirety on ANTHOLOGY 1.THE QUARRYMEN: 58 TO 62


Source: 1960 Rehearsals & 1962 Cavern Club Rehearsals

Sound Quality: Good Mono

Rating: ***Hallelujah I Love Her So (2:22)/ One After 909 (2:29)/ I'll Always Be In Love With You (2:24)/ You'll Be Mine (1:45)/ Matchbox (1:02)/ Wildcat (2:31)/ Some Days (1:36)/ Looking Glass (2:26)/ I'll Follow The Sun (1:48)/ One After 909 (1:31)/ Well Darling (3:23)/ You Must Write Every Day (2:35)/ Movin' And Groovin' (2:20)/ That's When Your Heartaches Begin (1:16)/ Hello Little Girl (1:56)/ The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (1:30)/ That'll Be The Day (1:04)/ Instrumental Jam 1 (7:44)/ Instrumental Jam 2 (7:56)/ Instrumental Jam 3 (5:53)/ I Saw Her Standing There (3:08)/ One After 909 (3:12)/ One After 909 (3:17)/ Catswalk (1:23)/ Catswalk (1:23)Tracks one through sixteen and eighteen through twenty are the Quarry Men rehearsals from 1960. Track seventeen is a portion of the 1958 Quarry Men acetate. The last five tracks are the Cavern Club rehearsals from early 1962 in Liverpool. WILDCAT (Pegboy) and THE SILVER BEATLES/THE ORIGINAL DECCA TAPES (Yellow Dog) renders this disc obsolete.JOHN, PAUL, GEORGE AND STU - LIVERPOOL 1960

FU207 CDI'll Follow The Sun (first version) (1:47)/ Long Rambling Blues (7:30)/ Blues & Roll Expectations (instrumental jam) (11:47)/ Hallelujah, I Love Her So (2:32)/ That's Not A Banjo, It's Blues Guitar (instrumental jam) (4:49)/ Dreaming Old Mississippi Blues (instrumental jam, some vocal) (7:39)/ Cold As Ice/ Elvis' Nightmare (unreleased) (5:45)/ Oh Pretty Darling (unreleased) (5:42)/ One After 909 (first version) (2:21)/ Brown-Eyed Handsome Man (instrumental jam) (3:43)/ Screaming Guitar Blues (instrumental jam) (11:28)/ Shuffle Boogie Blues (instrumental jam) (17:11)/ Won't You Try (unreleased) (1:46)R: G. S: Don't be fooled by the titles. This CD is a copy of LIVERPOOL MAY 1960 (Indra M5-6001) which first featured these historical tracks on a two-LP set with extensive liner notes. Some of the same songs are found on various Quarry Men bootlegs -albeit in edited form. C: ECD. Dcc.THE QUARRYMEN AT HOME

GEMA947CDHallelujah (2:15)/ One After 909 (2:21)/ I'll Always Be With You (2:16)/ You'll Be Mine (1:41)/ Matchbox (:57)/ You Don't Understand (2:25)/ Some Days (1:34)/ Thinking Of Linking (2:23)/ I'll Follow The Sun (1:42)/ One After 909 (1:25)/ Hey Darling (3:13)/ You Must Lie Everyday (2:28)/ The Guitar Bop (2:10)/ When Your Heartaches Begin (1:13)/ Hello, Little Girl (l:49)/ That'll Be The Day (:43)R: Gm. C: Dbw & brown insert. Disc is red & lists 'The Carpenters' as the artist.THE QUARRYMEN AT HOME

CHAPTER ONE CD 25190Hallelujah I Love Her So (2:21)/ One After 909 (Version 1 - 2:34)/ I'll Always Be In Love With You (2:56)/ You'll Be Mine (1:44)/ Matchbox (1:05)/ Wildcat (2:32)/ Some Days (1:39)/ Looking Glass (2:28)/ I'll Follow The Sun (2:28)/ One After 909 (Version 2 - 1:31)/ Well Darling (3:28)/ You Must Write Every Day (2:38)/ Movin'N Groovin (2:18)/ That's When Your Heartaches Begin (1:24)/ Hello Little Girl (1:59)/ The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise (1:30)/ That'll Be The Day (1:06)/ Sweet Georgia Brown (2:03)/ I Saw Her Standing There (3:40)/ Red Hot (0:59)R: Tracks 1-16 G. Track 17 poor. Track 18 Ex. Tracks 19-20 G. S: Tracks 1-16 Quarrymen rehearsal, Liverpool May '60. Track 17 Quarrymen acetate '58. Track 18 first version with original Tony Sheridan vocals Hamburg Apr. '62. Tracks 19-20 The Star Club, Hamburg Dec. '62. C: ECD. Dcc.THE REAL EARLY BEATLES

STARLIGHT RECORDSS1: That'll Be The Day (recorded as The Quarrymen, London '58)/ I'll Always Be In Love With You/ You'll Be Mine/ Matchbox/ You Just Don't Understand/ Some Days/ I'll Follow The Sun/ Hey Darling/ You Must Lie Every Day/ When Your Heartaches Begin/ One After 909/ Thinking Of Linking/ Hello Little GirlS2: I Saw Her Standing There/ One After 909 #!/ One After 909 # 1/ Catswalk/ Love Of The Loved/ Like Dreamers Do/ Hello Little Girl/ Some Other Guy (Cavern Club Aug. 22 '62)R: Tracks 1 -4 poor - Gm. Tracks 5-8 Vgm. S: S1 Tracks 2-13 Liverpool, England May '60. S2 Tracks 1-4 rehearsals from The Cavern Club '61 or '62. Tracks 5-7 Decca audition - Decca Studios, London Jan. 1 '62. C: Dbw slicks pasted on white jacket.REINTRODUCING THE BEATLES

SAPCOR28S1: I'll Follow The Sun/ Hallelujah, I Love You So/ One After 909/ Thinking Of Linking/Gonna Move Out Of Town/ Winston's TaleS2: That'll Be The Day (first studio recording - Aug. '58)/ My Bonnie (long original German intro - Apr. '61)/ Sweet Georgia Brown (outtake)/ Red Hot (live in Hamburg '62)/ Dream Baby (first BBC appearance - '62. Pete Best on drums)/ Hello Little Girl*/Love Of The Loved*/ Like Dreamers Do*/ Three Cool Cats*/ September In The Rain*/Sheik of Araby*/ Take Good Care Of My Baby* (*Decca Auditions, Jan. 1 '62)S3: First Radio Interview (Oct. 27 '62)/A.F.N. Radio (interview '62)/ Beatleviews

S4: Side By Side (complete version)/ Pop Goes The Beatles/ From Us To You/ Happy Birthday, Saturday Club/ Beautiful Dreamer/ Carol/ Clarabella/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Don't Ever Change/ Glad All Over/ Sure to FallR:Vg-Ex. C:Dcc. DL.YOUNGBLOOD

THE MASTER WORKS CD PCS-1960One After 909/ Waiting For The Sunrise/ What'd I Say/ Some Other Guy/ Some Other Guy/ Twist And Shout/ Please Mr. Postman/ PS. I Love You/ Besame Mucho/ Picture Of You/ From Me To You/ Ticket To Ride/ All My Loving/ Seventeen/ Kansas City, Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!/ Simmy Simmy/ Unknown Song/ Roll Over BeethovenR: Poor to G. S: Cover says 'Lost BBC tapes, lost Star Club tapes and more'.C: Japanese CD. Unflattering drawings of the band. Yellow background. Red Type. Pic CD.



Source: Decca Studios & Cavern Club

Sound Quality: Excellent Stereo & Mono

Rating: *****

Time: 46:30Like Dreamers Do/ Money/ Till There Was You/ The Sheik Of Araby/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ Take Good Care Of My Baby/ Memphis/ Sure To Fall/ Hello Little Girl Three Cool Cats/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Love Of The Loved/ September In the Rain Besame Mucho/ SearchinV I Saw Her Standing There/ The One After 909/ The One After 909/ Catswalk/ CatswalkAny Beatles fan worth their salt knows the background of the Decca Tapes, but for those who want their memories refreshed here is a brief history lesson: On January 1, 1962, The Beatles performed 15 songs at their audition for Decca Records in London. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Pete Best played their hearts out but the group was ultimately turned down by Decca's A& R man, Mike Smith. (I am sure Decca has forever regretted that decision!) Semi-legitimate releases of the Decca Tapes have appeared through the years; however, the sound quality was never as good as we have here. Also, the three Lennon-McCartney titles (Like Dreamers Do, Hello Little Girl and Love of the Loved) were usually omitted for the obvious copyright reasons.The last five tracks are from a Beatles rehearsal at the Cavern Club on Mathew Street in Liverpool. It is believed these songs were recorded sometime in early September 1962.MARCH 5,1963 PLUS THE DECCA TAPE

VIGOTONE (VT-123) CD 1994

Source: EMI Studio/Decca

Sound Quality: Excellent stereo

Rating: *****

Time: 73:23This disc will be reviewed in depth later in the book. But it is important now to note here that the Decca Tape songs on this disc have been speed-corrected and the sound is the best you will find. And though the Decca Tapes are also speed-corrected on Yellow Dog's ULTIMATE COLLECTION VOL. I, the sound quality is not nearly as clear and vibrant.Related Titles: SILVER BEATLES: LIKE DREAMERS DO (Backstage Records - BSR 2-201) 2LPs (PD), THE DECCA TAPES (Circuit Records - LK 4438-1) LP, DAWN OF THE SILVER BEATLES (PAC Records - VDL 2333) LP. And in 1977 a series of colored vinyl singles were released by a Beatles' fan magazine of the Decca songs. These were: Besame MucholTo Know Him Is To Love Him, Crying Waiting Hoping/'Till There Was You, Hello Little Girl/Three Cool Cats, Like Dreamers Do/Searchin', Love Of The Loved/Memphis, Money/Sure To Fall, September In The Rain/Sheik Of Araby.THE CAVERN CLUB REHEARSALS

THE EARLY YEARS 02-CD-3333I Saw Her Standing There (2:50)/ One After 909 (version 1 - 2:42)/ One After 909 (version 2 - 2:40)/ Catswalk (version 1 -1:35)/ Catswalk (version 2 - 1:20)/ From Me To You (1:12)/ I Saw Her Standing There (2:35)/ All My Loving (2:06)/ Roll Over Beethoven (2:14)/ Boys (2:03)/ Till There Was You (2:10)/ She Loves You (2:16)/ This Boy (2:13)/ I Want To Hold Your Hand (2:19)/ Money (2:43)/ Twist & Shout (2:16)

R: Tracks 1-5 Gm. Tracks 6-16 Poor - Gm. S: Tracks 1-5 afternoon rehearsal at The Cavern Club Sept. '62. Tracks 6-16 Liverpool Empire Dec. 22 '63. C: ECD. Dcc.THE DECCAGONE SESSIONS

SE 7701S1: SearchinV Like Dreamers Do/ Three Cool Cats/ Hello Little GM/ How Do You Do It ('62 outtake)/ Dig It (from 'Sweet Apple Trax'7 Crying, Waiting, Hoping; Bound By Love; There's Nothing Shaking (Vgm)S2: Love Of The Loved/ Memphis/ September In The Rain/ Sheik Of Araby/ Revolution (original soundtrack '68)/ Some Other Guy (Cavern Club '62, Gm)/ Everyone Wants Someone/ Gonna Sit Right Down; Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (Vgm)R: Exm. C: Dcc. SS.THE DECCA TAPES

POD LK 4438S1: Hello Little Girl/ Three Cool Cats/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ Love Of The Loved/ September In The Rain/ Besame Mucho/ Searchin'S2: Like Dreamers Do/ Money/ Till There Was You/ Sheik Of Araby/ To Know Him Is To Love Him/ Take Good Care Of My Baby/ Memphis/ Sure To FallR: Exm. C: SS. Reissued as a b&w pic disc on Circuit Records LK 4438, later as a brownish tint pic disc. A copy with sides reversed available as a color pic disc.THE ROAD TO FAME


Source: Tony Sheridan sessions & the Decca sessions

Sound Quality: Excellent Mono & Stereo

Rating: ****My Bonnie (2:41)/ My Bonnie (2:41)/ When The Saints Go Marching In (3:18)/ Why (2:58)/ Cry For A Shadow (2:23)/ If You Love Me Baby (2:53)/ Sweet Georgia Brown (2:04)/ Nobody's Child (3:54)/ Ain't She Sweet (2:11)/ Like Dreamers Do (2:34)/ Money (2:22)/ Till There Was You (2:58)/ The Sheik Of Araby (1:40)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (2:34)/ Take Good Care Of My Baby (2:26)/ Memphis, Tennessee (2:20)/ Sure To Fall (2:01)/ Hello Little Girl (1:38)/ Three Cool Cats (2:23)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (2:00)/ Love Of The Loved (1:50)/ September In The Rain (1:53)/ Besame Mucho (2:38)/ Searchin'(3:02)This is a nice collection of early Beatles material. Included are the German and English versions of My Bonnie, the original version of Sweet Georgia Brown and the re-recorded version with changed lyrics by Tony Sheridan from 1963. The Beatles' sessions with German pop star Sheridan were recorded at Freidrich Ebert Halle in Hamburg, Germany in June 1961. The Decca Tapes have been 'speed-corrected' here and are excellent stereo.LIVE AT THE STAR CLUB

DESPERADO RECORDS (DPS) CD 1995Source: Star Club, Hamburg, Germany, December 1962Sound Quality: Fair monoRating: ***Intro (0:24)/ I Saw Her Standing There (2:36)/ Roll Over Beethoven (2:16)/ Hippy Hippy Shake (1:52)/ Sweet Little Sixteen (3:19)/ Lend Me Your Comb (2:00)/ Your Feets Too Big (2:23)/ Twist And Shout (2:20)/ Mr. Moonlight (2:24)/ A Taste Of Honey (2:10)/ Besame Mucho (2:46)/ Reminiscing (2:05)/ Kansas City (2:56)Ain't Nothing Shaking Like The Leaves On A Tree (1:25)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (3:23)/ Little Queenie (3:57)/ Falling In Love Again (2:13)/ Ask Me Why (2:33)/ Be Bop A Lula (2:29)/ Hallelujah, I Love Her So (2:06)/ Red Sails In The Sunset (2:11)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (3:05)/ Matchbox (2:36)/ Talkin' 'Bout You (2:06)/ Shimmy Shake (2:20)/ Long Tall Sally (1:46)/ I Remember You (1:56)/ Where Have You Been All My Life (2:09)/ Till There Was You (2:02)/ Sheila (1:59)/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry Over You (2:43)The Hamburg songs were released as a legitimate two-LP set by Lingasong Records in 1977. The legality of the records have been questioned ever since. However, the historical importance of this material cannot be questioned. These raw Beatles performances (from two or more sets) from December 1962 were captured on tape by Adrian Barber at 'King Size' Taylor's request. They sat in a box for ten years until Allan Williams finally had them released to the general public. They have been edited in various forms by numerous manufacturers. No release to date has the entire uncut versions of these rare performances.This disc is notable in that the songs have been digitally remastered and are the best we are likely to hear of these performances. It is not, however, complete (most notably it is missing Red Hot). It has been rumored that FOUR shows were taped and feature numerous songs not listed above. Hopefully these will come to light someday.

Related Titles: THE BEATLES VS. THE THIRD REICH (Boxtop Records) LP, MACH SHAU (Savage - SC 12620) LP, LIVE AT THE STAR CLUB (Overseas - 38CP-44) CD, THE STAR CLUB (unknown, TSC-1962, Japanese CD - a copy of the Teichiku CD, STARS OF '63 (SUPER LIVE CONCERT SERIES) on Gamma Alpha Records (Shalom 474974750) 2LP, BEFORE THEIR TIME (Shalom 4749 DJ6) LP.RADIO SHOWS


GREAT DANE RECORDS (GDR-9326/9)9CDBX 1994Source: BBC Radio 1963-65Sound Quality: Fair to excellent mono/stereoRating: *****CD1: Dream Baby, Memphis, Tennessee, Please Mr. Postman ('Teenager's Turn' Mar. 8 '62)/ Ask Me Why, Besame Mucho, A Picture Of You ('Here We Go' June 15 '62)/ Some Other Guy, Keep Your Hands Off My Baby, Beautiful Dreamer ('Saturday Club' Jan. 26 '63)/ I Saw Her Standing There, Misery, Too Much Monkey Business, I'm Talking About You, Please Please Me, The Hippy Hippy Shake ('Saturday Club' Mar. 16 '63)/ From Me To You (Apr. 7 '63)/ Twist And Shout, From Me To You ('Swingin' Sound' Apr. 18 '63)/ Side By Side Theme, Long Tall Sally, A Taste Of Honey, Chains, Thank You Girl, Boys ('Side By Side' May 13 '63)/ I Saw Her Standing There, Do You Want To Know A Secret, Boys, Long Tall Sally, From Me To You, Money (That's What I Want) ('Saturday Club' May 25 '63)/ Please Please Me, I Saw Her Standing There ('Steppin' Out' June 3 '63)CD2: Pop Go The Beatles, Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, Do You Want To Know A Secret, You Really Got A Hold On Me, Misery, The Hippy Hippy Shake, Pop Go The Beatles ('Pop Go The Beatles' (1) June 4 '63)/ Too Much Monkey Business, I Got To Find My Baby, Youngblood, Baby It's You, Till There Was You, Love Me Do ('Pop Go The Beatles' (2) June 11 '63)/ A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues, Memphis Tennessee, A Taste Of Honey, Sure To Fall (In Love With You), Money (That's What I Want), From Me To You ('Pop Go The Beatles' (3) June 18 '63)/ Some Other Guy, A Taste Of Honey, Thank You Girl, From Me To You ('Easy Beat' June 23 '63)/ Too Much Monkey Business, Boys, I'll Be On My Way, From Me To You ('Side By Side' June 24 '63)/ Anna (Go To Him), I Saw Her Standing There, Boys, Chains, P.S. I Love You, Twist And Shout ('Pop Go The Beatles' (4) June 25 '63)CD3: I Got To Find My Baby, Memphis, Tennessee, Money (That's What I Want), Till There Was You, From Me To You, Roll Over Beethoven ('Saturday Club' June 29 '63)/ A Taste Of Honey, Twist And Shout ('The Beat Show' July 4 '63)/ That's Alright Mama, There's A Place, Carol, Soldier Of Love (Lay Down Your Arms), Lend Me Your Comb, Clarabella ('Pop Go The Beatles' (5) July 16 '63)/ I Saw Her Standing There, A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues, There's A Place, Twist And Shout ('Easy Beat' July 21 '63)/ Sweet Little Sixteen, Nothin' Shakin' (But The Leaves On The Trees), Love Me Do, Lonesome Tears In My Eyes, So How Come (No One Loves Me) ('Pop Go The Beatles' (6) July 23 '63)/ Memphis, Tennessee, Do You Want To Know A Secret, Till There Was You, Matchbox, Please Mr. Postman, The Hippy Hippy Shake ('Pop Go The Beatles' (7) July 30 '63)CD4: I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You), Crying, Waiting, Hoping, Kansas City, Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey, To Know Her Is To Love Her, The Honeymoon Song, Twist And Shout ('Pop Go The Beatles' (8) Aug. 8 '63)/ Long Tall Sally, Please Please Me, She Loves You, You Really Got A Hold On Me, I'll Get You, I Got A Woman ('Pop Go The Beatles' (9) Aug. 13 '63)/ She Love You, Words Of Love, Glad All Over, I Just Don't Understand, (There's) A Devil In Her Heart, Slow Down ('Pop Go The Beatles' (10) Aug. 8 '63)/ Long Tall Sally, She Loves You, Glad All Over, I'll Get You ('Saturday Club' Aug. 24 '63)/ Ooh! My Soul, Don't Ever Change, Twist And Shout, Anna (Go To Him), A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues ('Pop Go The Beatles' (11) Aug. 27 '63)

CD5: From Me To You, Money (That's What I Want), There's A Place, Honey Don't, Roll Over Beethoven ('Pop Go The Beatles' (12) Sept. 3 '63)/ Too Much Monkey Business, Love Me Do, She Love You, I'll Get You, A Taste Of Honey, The Hippy Hippy Shake ('Pop Go The Beatles' (13) Sept. 10 '63)/ Chains, You Really Got A Hold On Me, Misery, Lucille, From Me To You, Boys ('Pop Go The Beatles' (14) Sept. 17 '63)/ She Loves You, Ask Me Why, (There's A) Devil In My Heart, I Saw Her Standing There, Sure To Fall (In Love With You), Twist And Shout ('Pop Go The Beatles' (15) Sept. 24 '63)/ I Saw Her Standing There, Memphis, Tennessee, Happy Birthday Saturday Club, I'll Get You, She Loves You, Lucille ('Saturday Club' Oct. 5 '63)

CD6: I Saw Her Standing There, Love Me Do, Please Please Me, From Me To You, She Loves You ('Easy Beat' Oct. 20 '63)/ She Loves You ('The Ken Dodd Show' Nov. 3 '63)/ All I Want For Christmas, This Boy, I Want To Hold Your Hand, Till There Was You, Roll Over Beethoven, She Loves You, Crimble Medley ('Saturday Club' Dec. 21 '63)/ From Us To You, She Loves You, All My Loving, Roll Over Beethoven, Till There Was You, Boys, Money (That's What I Want), I Saw Her Standing There, Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport, I Want To Hold Your Hand, From Us To You ('From Us To You' Dec. 26 '63)/ All My Loving, Money (That's What I Want), The Hippy Hippy Shake, I Want To Hold Your Hand, Roll Over Beethoven, Johnny B. Goode, I Wanna Be your Man ('Saturday Club' Feb. 15 '64)CD7: From Us To You, You Can't Do That, Roll Over Beethoven, Till There Was You, I Wanna Be Your Man, Please Mr. Postman, All My Loving, This Boy, Can't Buy Me Love, From Us To You ('From Us To You' (2), Mar. 30 '64)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, I Call Your Name, I Got A Woman, You Can't Do That, Can't Buy Me Love, Sure To Fall (In Love With You), Long Tall Sally ('Saturday Club' Apr. 4 '64)/ From Us To You, Whit Monday, I Saw her Standing There, Kansas City, Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey, I Forgot To Remember To Forget, You Can't Do That, Sure To Fall (In Love With You), Can't Buy Me Love, Matchbox, Honey Don't ('From Us To You' (3) May 18 '64)

CD8: Top Gear Spot, Long Tall Sally, Things We Said Today, A Hard Days Night, And I Love Her, I Should Have Known Better, If I Fell, You Can't do That ('Top Gear' July 16 '64)/ From Us To You, Long Tall Sally, If I Fell, I'm Happy Just To Dance With You, Things We Said Today, I Should Have Known Better, Boys, Kansas City, Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey, A Hard Day's Night, From Us To You ('From Us To You' (4) Aug. 3 '64)/ From Us To You (wrong words), From Us To You (complete take, without voice-over), I'm Happy Just To Dance With You (basic track), I Should Have Known Better (false start)/1 Should Have Known Better (track without harmonica) ('From Us To You' (4) recording session July 17 '64)CD9: I'm A Loser, Chat, Honey Don't, She's A Woman, Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, I'll Follow The Sun, Chat, I Feel Fine ('Top Gear' Nov. 26 '64)/ Rock And Roll Music, Chat, I'm A Loser, Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, I Feel Fine, Kansas City, Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey, She's A Woman ('Saturday Club' Dec. 26 '64)/ I Feel Fine (false start and take without overdubbed vocals), She's A Woman (complete take, studio chats) (recording session for 'Top Gear' and 'Saturday Club')/ Ticket To Ride, Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby, I'm A Loser, Chat, The Night Before, Honey Don't, Dizzy Miss Lizzie, She's A Woman, Ticket To Ride ("The Beatles Invite You To Take A Ticket To To Ride' June 7 '65)Off and on for nearly three years The Beatles performed live on a number of British radio programs. Of the 288 performances recorded, Great Dane rescued and preserved on disc 247 of these. An amazing feat considering that a number of the shows had been erased by the shows' producers and only existed in the collections of a few historically-minded fans. Sadly, some are lost forever.While the sound quality varies due to the numerous tape sources, the overall quality is quite good. The 247 songs are chronologically arranged and the set comes with a beautiful, full-sized color book with excellent liner notes and BBC sessions information. The Beatles' live performances were captured best during then- BBC sessions - no screaming fans, just great rock and roll performed by the world's most exciting band. In a number of cases even a lot of the chat between The Beatles and their radio hosts is included. Certainly, this is the BEST BOOTLEG EVER. This fantastic bootleg preserves these important shows with style and respect. A must have for any serious Beatles collector. (Note: Some collectors have reported 'CD rot' on some of their discs on this set. If caught in time, the discs can be cleaned and the CDs will play as normal. If not, the discs will be beyond repair and will cause the collector much distress!)Bootlegs of various BBC material are probably more numerous than any other period of The Beatles' careers. Some are excellent - many are not. The Beatles themselves released a two disc set (69 songs) of BBC material in 1994 called LIVE AT THE BBC, but it was woefully incomplete. For those of you with a computer and a CD Rom drive, LQE Productions has a disc (THE COMPLETE BBC SESSIONS - CDC 9117) with the music and liner notes from the entire Great Dane Box Set as well as from HERE WE GO and THE BEATLES AT THE BEEB - TV. It is quite an amazing disc. Should you not want to opt for the Great Dane set I would recommend you search out some of the following:FROM US TO YOU (The Swingin' Pig - TSP 015-2) 2 CD, AT THE BEEB VOL. 1-13 (BEEB Transcription Records - 2171/2185) 13 LPs, AT THE BEEB (aka: RADIO ACTIVE) VOL. 1-13 (Pyramid - RFT CD 005/033) 13 CDs. Read on for more information on these discs.HERE WE GO

GREAT DANE RECORDS (GDRCD 9326/10)CD 1995Source: BBC RadioSound Quality: Very good monoRating: ****The Trad Lads: Instrumental/ The Beatles: Misery/ The Beatles: Do You Want To Know A Secret/ The Beatles: Please Please Me/ Ben Richmond: Warmed Over Kisses The Northern Dance Orchestra: Waltz In Jazz Time/ The Trad Lads: unknown song.HERE WE GO was recorded March 6,1963 in Manchester at the Playhouse Theatre and was broadcast by the 'BBC Light Programme FM' on March 12, 1963. The show was thought to have been lost, but when the collector holding the tape saw Great Dane's THE COMPLETE BBC SESSIONS he quickly contacted the Italians who immediately rush released it. The tape features three Beatles numbers: Misery, Do You Want To Know A Secret and Please Please Me totaling 13:46. The rest of the show features two songs by The Trad Lads, Ben Rishmond performing Warmed Over Kisses and The Northern Dance Orchestra playing Waltz In Jazz Time. The Beatles had also recorded I Saw her Standing There but the song was not aired. This was the first time the public got to hear Misery and Do You Want To Know A Secret. Their album debut would be released on March 22,1963. This material is included on a Japanese compilation called MOD! SING THE BEATLES. This disc also includes tracks from 'Ready Steady Go' and The Music of Lennon & McCartney' television special.AIR TIME

SUBWAY MX-4729S1: I Saw Her Standing There*/ From Me To You*/ Money*/ Roll Over Beethoven*/ You Really Got A Hold On Me*/ She Loves You* / Twist & Shout*/ Nothin' Shakin'**/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes**/ So How Come (Nobody Loves Me)**

S2: Please Mr. Postman **/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (BBC Aug. '63)/ Ticket To Ride (BBC June '65)/ Rock & Roll Music (BBC Dec. '64)/ Kansas City (BBC Dec. '64)/ This Boy+/ Can't Buy Me Love+R: *Exm. Rest G-Exm. S: *Karlaplann Studio, Stockholm Oct. 24 '63 directly off master tapes. **BBC July '63. +BBC Mar. '64. C: Paper insert or deluxe brown cover that says JOHNNY & THE MOONDGOS - SILVER DAYS (Warwick M16051). SS.AS SWEET AS YOU ARE

CBM 3316S1: I Got A Woman/ Glad All Over/I Just Don't Understand/ Slow Down/ Please Don't Ever Change/ Shot Of Rhythm And Blues/ Sure To FallS2: Nothing Shaking But The Leaves On A Tree/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes/ Everybody Wants Someone/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry Over You/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ Bound By Love

R: Exm. S: BBC Radio '63. C: Also on Dittolino Discs (D-l) & as YELLOW MATTER CUSTARD (TMOQ 71032).AT THE BEEB

EMI-PARLOPHONE CDP 7 48002 2I Saw Her Standing There+/ Do You Want To Know A Secret*/ Boys+/ Long Tall Sally+/ From Me To You+/ Money+/ Side By Side*/ Too Much Monkey Business*/ Boys*/ I'll Be On My Way*/ Some Other Guy(/ A Taste Of Honey(/ Thank You Girl(/From Me To You(/ Pop Go The Beatles (P3)/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (P3) / Memphis, Tennessee (P3) / Happy Birthday Paul (P3)+7 Sure To Fall (P3)/ P.S. I Love You (P4) / Twist And Shout (P4) / That's Alright Mamma (P5)/ There's A Place (P5)/ Carol (P5)/ Soldier Of Love (P5)/ Lend Me Your Comb (P5)/ Clarabella (P5) / I Got To Find My Baby (P2)/ Youngblood (P2)/ Baby It's You (P2)R: Exm. S: BBC Radio recording dates: + Saturday Club May 21 '63. * Side By Side Apr. 4 '63. ( Easy Beat June 19 '63. (P3) Pop Go The Beatles June 1 '63. (P4) Pop Go The Beatles June 17 '63. (P5) Pop Go The Beatles July 2 '63. (P2) Pop Go The Beatles May 24 '63. C: Eb. Cover same as AT THE BEEB VOL. 1.


BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2172/SS1: Saw Her Standing There+7 Do You Want To Know A Seciet+7 Boys+/ Long Tall Sally+/ From Me To You+/ Money+/ Side By Side*/ Too Much Monkey Business*/Boys*/ I'll Be On My Way*/ From Me To You*S2: Some Other Guy(/ Taste Of Honey(/ Thank You Girl(/From Me To You(/ Twist & Shout++/ From Me To YOU++/ Please Please Me**/ Saw Her Standing There**R: Vg & Exm. S: BBC radio +Saturday Club May 21 '63; * Side By Side Apr. 4 '63; ( Easy Beat June 19 '63; ++ Swinging Sound '63 Apr. 18 '63; Steppin' Out May 21 '63.C: Eb. Deluxe cover.


PYRAMID 1 RFT CD 005C: Eb. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources.AT THE BEEB VOL. 2

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2173/SS1: I Got To Find My Baby (SC)/ Memphis, Tennessee (SC)/ From Me To You (SC)/ Roll Over Beethoven (SC)/ Long Tall Sally (S)/ Taste Of Honey (S)/ Chains (S)/ Thank You Girl (S)/Boys (S)S2: Too Much Monkey Business (P3)/ I Got To Find My Baby (P3)/ Youngblood (P3)/ 'Till There Was You (P3)/ Baby It's You (P3)/ Baby It's You (P3)/ Love Me Do (P3)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (P2)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (P2)/ Really Got A Hold On Me (P2)R: Vg & Exm. S: BBC radio: (SC) Saturday Club June 24 '63; (S) Side By Side Apr. 1 '63; (P3) Pop Go The Beatles, rec June 1 '63; (P2) Pop Go The Beatles rec May 24 '63. C: Eb. Deluxe cover.AT THE BEEB VOL. 2PYRAMID 2 RFT CD 006C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources.


BB 2174/SS1: Pop Go The Beatles (P3)/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (P3) / Memphis, Tennessee (P3) / Happy Birthday Paul (P3) / A Taste Of Honey (P3) / Sure To Fall (P3) / Money (That's What I Want) (P3) / I Saw Her Standing There (P4)/ Anna (Go To Him) (P4) / Boys (P4) / Chains (P4)S2: P.S. I Love You (P4) / Twist And Shout (P4) / That's Ahight Mamma (P5)/ There's A Place (P5)/ Carol (P5)/ Soldier Of Love (P5)/ Lend Me Your Comb (P5)/ Clarabella (P5)R: Exm. S: BBC radio: (P3) Pop Go The Beatles, rec June 1 '63; (P4) Pop Go The Beatles, rec June 17 '63; (P5) Pop Go The Beatles, rec July 2 '63. C: Eb. Dbw.AT THE BEEB VOL. 3

PYRAMID 3 RFT CD 007C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources.AT THE BEEB VOL. 4

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2175/SS1: Sweet Little Sixteen (2:20) (F)*/ Nothin' Shakin' (3:01) (F)*/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes (2:41)*/ So How Come (No One Loves Me) (1:45)*/ Memphis (2:16)+/ Do You want To Know A Secret (1:48)+/ 'Till There Was You (2:17)+,/ Matchbox (1:59)+/Please Mr. Postman (2:17)+/ Hippy Hippy Shake (1:51)+S2: Pop Go The Beatles (0:18)/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down & Cry (2:03)/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping (2:10)/ Kansas City; Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey (2:41)/ To Know Her Is To Love Her (2:54)/ The Honeymoon Song (1:42)/ Twist & Shout (2:30)/ Pop Go The BeatlesR: Vg-Exm except (F) fair mono. S: *Pop Go The Beatles #6 July 23 '63. + #7 July 30 '63. S2 Pop Go The Beatles #8 Aug. 6 '63. C: Eb. Dcc.AT THE BEEB VOL. 4

PYRAMID 4 RFT CD 008C: ECD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources.AT THE BEEB VOL. 5

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2176/SS1: Pop Go The Beatles (0:18)*/ Long Tall Sally (1:53)*/ Please Please Me (1:55)*/ She Loves You (2:19)*/ You Really Got A Hold On Me (2:57)*/ I'll Get You (2:00)*/ I Got A Woman (2:46)*/ Pop Go The Beatles (0:22)*/ She Loves You (2:17)**/ Words Of Love (1:53)**S2: Glad All Over (1:50)**/ I Just Don't Understand (2:44)**/ Devil In Her Heart (2:20)**/ Slow Down (2:35)**/ Ooh! My Soul (excerpt 1:29)+/ Don't Ever Change (2:02)+/ Twist & Shout (2:27)+/ There's A Place (1:48)++/ Honey Don't (2:10)++/ Roll Over Beethoven (2:17)++R: * ++ Exm. ** + Vgm. S: *Pop Go The Beatles #9 Aug. 13 '63. **Pop Go The Beatles #10 Aug. 20 '63. +Pop Go The Beatles #11 Aug. 27 '63. ++Pop Go The Beatles #12 Sept. 3 '63. C: Eb. Dcc.AT THE BEEB VOL. 5

PYRAMIDS RFT CD 014C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sourcesAT THE BEEB VOL. 6

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2177/SS1: Too Much Monkey Business (2:05)/ Love Me Do (2:24)/ She Loves You (2:11)/ I'll Get You (2:01)/ A Taste Of Honey (1:55)/ Hippy Hippy Shake (1:43)/ Chains (2:14)*/ You Really Got A Hold On Me (2:49)*S2: Misery (1:48)*/ Lucille (2:26)*/ From Me To You (1:49)*/ Boys (2:08)*/ She Loves You (2:09)/ Ask Me Why (1:51)/ Devil In Her Heart (2:19)/ I Saw Her Standing There (2:35)/ Sure To Fall (2:18)/ Twist & Shout (2:31)R: Exm. S: S1 Pop Go The Beatles #13 Sept. 10 '63 except *Pop Go The Beatles #14 Sept. 17 '63. Rest of S2 Pop Go The Beatles #15 Sept. 24 '63. C: Eb. Dcc.AT THE BEEB VOL. 6

PYRAMID 6 RFT CD 015C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above.AT THE BEEB VOL. 7

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2178/SS1: I Saw Her Standing There/ Memphis/ Happy Birthday/ Fools Rush In - Rick Nelson/ Sally Ann; Autumn Leaves - Joe Brown & His Bruvers/ Take Good Care Of My Bay - Bobby Vee/ Walk Right Back; All I Have To Do Is Dream - Everly Brothers/ A Picture Of You - Joe Brown & His Bruvers/ Bye Bye Love - Everly Brothers/ LucilleS2:1 Saw Her Standing There/ Love Me Do/ Please Please Me/ From Me To You/ She Loves You/ From Me To You/ She Loves You/ 'Till There Was You/ Twist & Shout/ Twist & Shout (from an Easy Beat broadcast)R: Exm. S2 6-9 Vgm. S: S1 Saturday Club Oct. 5 '63 Fifth Birthday Show. S2 1-5 Easy Beat Oct. 20 '63, 6-9 Royal Variety Performance Nov. 10 '63. C: Eb. Dcc.AT THE BEEB VOL. 7

PYRAMID 7 RFT CD 016C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs &sources.AT THE BEEB VOL. 8BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2179/SS1: This Boy/ All I Want For Christmas Is A Bottle/I Wanna Hold Your Hand/ Till There Was You/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Christmas messages/ She Loves You/ Beatle Crimble Medley/ From Us To You/ roll call/ She Loves You/ All My Loving/ Roll Over Beethoven/ 'Till There Was You/ BoysS2: Money/ I Saw Her Standing There/ Tie Me Kangaroo Down (with Rolf Harris)/ I Wanna Hold Your Hand/ *report from Malcolm Davis in NY on Beatlemania in the U.S.A.: Murray The K; WINS Radio sweatshirt plug; Kennedy Airport interview with fans & arrival of Beatle plane; Fans in front of Plaza Hotel; Beatle chatR: Exm. *Gm. S: S1 cuts 1-8 Saturday Club Dec. 2 '63. S1 cuts 9-14 & S2 1-4 From Us To You Dec. 26 '63. * Saturday Club Feb. 8 '64. C: Eb. Dcc. DL.AT THE BEEB VOL. 8

PYRAMID 8 RFT CD 016C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources.AT THE BEEB VOL. 9

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS 2180/SS1: All My Loving/ Money/ Hippy Hippy Shake/1 Wanna Hold Your Hand/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Johnny B. Goode/1 Wanna Be Your ManS2: From Us To You/ You Can't Do That/ Roll Over Beethoven/ 'Till There Was You/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Please Mr. Postman/ All My Loving/ This Boy/ Can't Buy Me Love/ From Us To YouR: Vg-Exm. S: S1 Saturday Club Feb. 15 '64. S2 From Us To You Mar. 30 '64. C: Eb. Dbw/red. DL.AT THE BEEB VOL. 9

PYRAMID 9 RFT CD 017C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above.AT THE BEEB VOL. 10

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS BB 2181/SS1: Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/1 Call Your Name/1 Got A Woman/ You Can't Do That/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Sure To FaU/ Long Tall SallyS2: From Us To You/ Whit Monday To You/ I Saw Her Standing There/ Kansas City; Hey-Hey-Hey!/1 Forgot To Remember To Forget/ Can't Do That/ Sure To Fall (In Love With You)/ Can't Buy Me Love/ Matchbox/ Honey Don't/ From Us To You R: Ex. S: S1 'Saturday Club' recorded Mar. 31 '64. S2 'From Us To You' recorded May 1 '64. C: Dbw, blue & red cover.AT THE BEEB VOL. 10

PYRAMID PY CD 024C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources.AT THE BEEB VOL. 11

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS BB 2182S1: Long Tall Sally/ Things We Said Today/ A Hard Days Night/ And I Love Her/ I Should Have Known Better/ If I Feel/ You Can't Do ThatS2: From Us To You/ Long Tall Sally/ If I Fell/ I'm Happy Just To Dance With You/ Things We Said Today/1 Should Have Known Better/ Boys/ A Hard Days Night/ From Us To YouR: Ex. S: S1 'Top Gear' July 14 '64. S2 'From Us To You' July 17 '64. C: Dec.AT THE BEEB VOL. 11

PYRAMID PY CD 025C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sources.AT THE BEEB: VOL. 12

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS TR 2183S1 I'm A Loser/ (Beatle talk)/ Honey Don't/ She's A Woman/ (Introduction) Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ I'll Follow The Sun/ (Beatle talk)/1 Feel Fine

S2: Rock And Roll Music/ (Beatle talk)/ I'm A Loser/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ (Beatle talk)/ I Feel Fine/ (Introduction) Kansas City: Hey-Hey-Hey!/ (Introduction) She's A WomanR: S1 Vgs. S2 Exs. S: S1 - 'Top Gear', Nov. 26 '64. Recorded Nov. 17 '64, 7:30 - 11:30 p.m., The Playhouse Theatre, Manchester. Emcee, Brian Matthew.S2 - 'Saturday Club', Dec. 26 '64 (Special Boxing Day edition). Recorded Nov. 25 '64, 7:00-10:30 p.m., Number 1 studio BBC Aeolian Hall, 135-137 New Bond Street, London. Emcee, Brian Matthew. C: Deluxe purple/black/white cover. DL.AT THE BEEB 12

PYRAMID RECORDS PY CD 032C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above for songs & sourcesAT THE BEEB: VOL. 13

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS TR 2184S1: (Signature tune) Ticket To Ride/ (Introduction)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ I'm A Loser/ (Beatle talk and Introduction)/ The Night Before/ Honey Don't/ (Introduction) Dizzy Miss Lizzie/ She's A Woman/ (Introduction) Ticket To Ride

S2: She's A Woman/ (Introduction-John) Ticket To Ride/ Introduction-Paul Long Tall Sally/ Introduction-Murray the K)/ She Loves You/ You Can't Do That/ (Introduction-Paul) Twist And Shout/ (Introduction-Paul) Long Tall SallyR: S1 Exm. S2 Gm. S: S1 'The Beatles Invite You To Take A Ticket To Ride' June 7 '65. Recorded May 26 '65, 2:30-6:00 PM Number 1 studio Piccadilly Theatre, London. Emcee Denny Piercy. S2 1-3, 'New Musical Express '64-'65 Annual Poll-winners' All-Star Concert' Apr. 11 '65 Empire Pool, Wembley, England. 4-8 'NME '63-'64 Annual Poll-winners' All-Star Concert' Apr. 26 '64, Empire Pool, Wembley. C: Dec. DL.AT THE BEEB 13

PYRAMID RECORDS PY CD 033C: BCD. Same cover as album. Also comes with a generic insert. See above.BEATLES BROADCASTS

CIRCUIT RECORDS LK 4450S1: Pop Goes The Beatles (:56)/ Long Tall Sally (1:53)/ Carol (2:29)/ Soldier of Love (1:56)/ Lend Me Your Comb (1:43)/ Clarabella (2:32)/ Memphis (2:10)/1 Got A Woman (2:25)/ Sure To Fall (2:08)/ Do You Want To Know A Secret (1:43)S2: Hippy Hippy Shake (1:47)/ Till There Was You (2:11)/ Matchbox (1:55)/ I'm A Loser (2:28)/ She's A Woman (3:03)/ I Feel Fine (2:05)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (2:17)/ I'll Follow The Sun (1:46)R: Exm. S: BBC Radio '63 & '64. C: Dec. SS. One of the nicest packages at the time. A vinyl classic. Re released by Box Top on CV.BEATLES BROADCASTS

R: Exm. C: Color pic disc copy of BEATLES BROADCASTS (LK 4450) using front & back cover of original. SS.BEAUTIFUL DREAMER

NEM 61842S1: Some Other Guy/ Talkin' About You/ Youngblood/ Too Much Monkey Business/ I Got To Find My Baby/ Johnny B. Goods/ Keep Your Hands Off My Baby/ Beautiful Dreamer/ Glad All OverS2: That's All Right Mama/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down & Cry/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ Sweet Little Sixteen/ Oh My Soul/ There's A Place/ I'll Get You/ Words Of Love/ The Honeymoon SongR: Gm. S: '63 BBC. C: Dec. SS.FROM US TO YOU

THE SWESfGIN' PIG TSP-CD-015-2CD 1: From Us To You/ Hippy Hippy Shake/ Memphis/ Too Much Monkey Business/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ Crying Waiting Hoping/ Don't Ever Change/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ CaroV Soldier Of Love/ Lend Me Your Comb/ Clarabella/ A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues/ The Honeymoon Song/ Nothin' ShakinV So How Come/ I Got A Woman/ Roll Over Beethoven/ 'Till There Was You/ I Wanna Be Your Man/ Can't Buy Me Love/ That Boy/ Long Tall Sally/ And I Love Her/ A Hard Day's Night/ She's A Woman/1 Feel Fine/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby/ Dizzy Miss Lizzy/ Ticket To Ride.CD2: Too Much Monkey Business/ Thank You Girl/ From Me To You/ I'll Be On My Way/1 Saw Her Standing There/ Long Tall Sally/ Some Other Guy/ Boys/ Memphis/ I'll Get You/ She Loves You/ Lucille/1 Got To Find My Baby/ Money/ Young Blood/ Tears In My Eyes/ I'm Gonna Sit Right Down/ Matchbox/ Please Mr. Postman/ I Got A Woman/ Chains/ Glad All Over/ Honey Don't/ You Really Got A Hold On Me/ Lucille/ Twist & Shout.R: Ex. Some tracks on CD2 have a slight 'trembling' sound. S: BBC '62 - '65.C: BCD. Dec. Insert with recording details. GDI Time 66:13. CD2 Time 66:04. A super set of BBC tracks. ****


Unknown label (LMW-28 If)S1: From Us To You #!/ Kansas City/Hey Hey Hey!/Long Tall Sally/ If I Fell/ Boys/ I'm Happy Just To Dance With You (instrumental)/ I'm Happy Just To Dance With You S2:1 Should Have Known Better (false start)/1 Should Have Known Better (without harmonica)/ I Should Have Known Better/ Things We Said Today/ A Hard Day's Night/ From Us To YouR: Vgm. S: NOT Parlophone rehearsals but the BBC recording session for the show which aired on August 3, 1964.LIVE AT THE BBC 1962-65

RSR/TNTERNATIONAL RSR 252S1: From Us To You/ Hippy Hippy Shake/Memphis/ Please Mr. Postman/ Some Other Guy/ Too Much Monkey Business/ Do You Want To Know A Secret/ I'll Be On My Way/ Crying, Waiting, Hoping/ To Know Her Is To Love Her/ That's Alright MamaS2: Carol/ Soldiers Of Love/ Lend Me Your Comb/ Clarabella/ Shot Of Rhythm & Blues/ Matchbox/ Sure To Fall/ Lonesome Tears In My Eyes/ Sweet Little Sixteen/ Nothing Shaking But The Leaves On The Trees/1 Just Don't UnderstandS3: So How Come No One Loves Me/I Got A Woman/ I'm Gonna Find My Baby/ The Honeymoon Song/ All My Loving/ Roll Over Beethoven/ Till There Was You/1 Wanna Be Your Man/ Can't Buy Me Love/ This Boy/ Long Tall SallyS4: Rock & Roll Music/ A Hard Day's Night/ Things We Said Today/ I'll Follow The Sun/ I'm A Loser/ She's A Women/1 Feel Fine/ Johnny B Goode/ Kansas CityR: Vg-Exs. S: BBC '62 - '65. C: Dec. B&w back.THE LOST BEEBS

ADAM VIII LTD CD 49-034Dream Baby (Teenager's Turn - Mar. 8 '62 - rec. Mar. 7 *62)/ Memphis Tennessee (Teenager's Turn - Mar. 8 '62 - rec. Mar. 7 '62)/ Please Mr. Postman (Teenager's Turn -Mar. 8 '62 - rec. Mar. '62)/ Ask Me Why (Here We Go - June 15 '62)/ Besame Mucho (Here We Go - June 15 '62)/ A Picture Of You (Here We Go - June 15 '62)/ Misery (Pop Goes The Beatles June 4, '62) (Rec. May 24 '64)/ The Hippy Hippy Shake/ Money (That's What I Want) (Saturday Club June 29, '63)/ Till There Was You (Saturday Club- rec. June 24 '63)/ Love Me Do (Pop Goes The Beatles July 23 '63 - rec. July 10 '63)/ Anna (Go To Him) (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 27 '63 - rec. Aug. 1 '63)/A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 27 '63 - rec. Aug. 1 '63)/ Money (That's What I Want) (Pop Goes The Beatles Sept. 3, '63 - rec. Aug. 1 '63)/ Long Tall Sally (Saturday Club Aug. 24 '63)/ Nothin' Shakin' (But The Leaves On The Trees) (Pop Goes The Beatles July 27 '63 - rec. July 10 '63)/ Sweet Little Sixteen/1 Just Don't Understand (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 20 '63 - rec. July 16 '63)/ Glad All Over (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 20 '63 - rec. July 16 '63)/ Slow Down (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 20 '63 - rec. July 16 '63)/Words Of Love (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 20 '63 - rec. July 16 '63)/ Don't Ever Change (Pop Goes The Beatles Aug. 27 '63 - rec. Aug. 1 '63)/ Sure To Fall (In Love With You) (Saturday Club Apr. 4, '64 - rec. Mar. 3 '64)/ Long Tall Sally (Top Gear, July 16 '64 - rec. July 14, '64)/ Things We Said Today (Top Gear, July 16, '64 -rec. July 14 '64)/ A Hard Days Night (Top Gear July 16, '64 - rec. July 14 '64)/ I'm A Loser (Top Gear Nov. 26 '64 - rec. Nov. 17 '64)/ She's A Woman (Top Gear Nov. 26 '64 - rec. Nov. 17 '64)/ Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby (Top Gear Nov. 26 '64 - rec. Nov. 17 '64)/1 Feel Fine/ I'll Follow The SunR: Tracks 1-14 poor - Gm. Rest Gm & some Vgm. Surface noise. C: ACD. Dec. Time 72:11.LOST BEEBS

TIGER BEAT RECORDS TBR/LP2S1: Dream Baby/ Memphis Tennessee/ Please Mr. Postman/ Ask Me Why/ Besame Macho/ A Picture Of You/ phone chat with Brian MatthewS2: Misery/ The Hippy Hippy Shake/ Money (That's What I Want)/ Till There Was You/ Love Me Do/ Anna (Go To Him)/ A Shot Of Rhythm & Blues/ Money (That's What I Want)R: Gm. S: S1 - Songs 1-3: 'Teenagers Turn' transmitted Mar. 8 '62, recorded Mar. 7 '62. Songs 4-6: 'Here We Go' transmitted June 15 '62. Phone chat: 'Saturday Club' transmitted Feb. 8 '64. S2 - Songs 1&2: 'Pop Go The Beatles' transmitted June 4 '62, recorded May 24 '63. Songs 3&4: 'Saturday Club' transmitted June 29 '63, recorded June 24 '63. Song 5: 'Pop Go The Beatles' transmitted July 23 '63, recorded July 10 '63. Songs 6&7: 'Pop Go The Beatles'transmitted Aug. 27'63, recorded Aug. 1'63. Song 8: 'Pop Go The Beatles' transmitted Sept. 3 '63, recorded Aug. 1 '63. C: Deluxe blue/black/white cover. Yellow label.MEET THE BEEB

BEEB TRANSCRIPTION RECORDS BB 2190 / 9S1: Dream Baby*/ Memphis*/ Please Mr. Postman*/ Ask Me Why**/ Besame Mucho**/ A Picture Of You**/ Some Other Guy+/ Keep Your Hands Off My Baby+/ Beautiful Dreamer+/ From Me To YOU++S2: I Saw Her Standing There(/ Misery(/ Too Much Monkey Business(/ I'm Talking About You(/ Please Please Me(/ Hippy Hippy Shake(/ I Saw Her Standing There