bchmx2015 universidades inglés


Upload: ilse-valeria-ornelas-ferreyra

Post on 21-Aug-2015




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What i s Bus Chal lenge MX?

Is the largest ent repreneursh ip

event in Lat inamer ica ,

where you wi l l create , develop and val idate a

bus iness idea on a bus.

Bus Chal lenge MX 2015

More than 50part i c ipant un ivers i t ies from Mexico and other countr ies

More than 200 proyects w i l l be created

More than 1 ,000 part i c ipants !

Event exper ience

Let ’s get started ! We board the bus wi th dest inat ion to Mon-terrey , NL

On the bus you wi l l develop yourbus iness idea wi th in an establ i shed methodology (Lean Canvas)

Almost there (mid-point venue) we keep work ing

Event exper ience

Back on the road! on our way to Monterrey

Latest changes and comments

El iminat ions

YOUR MOMENT TO SHINE! ! ! final presentat ion to potent ia l investor judges

PARTY! Let ’s celebrate

Who is involved?

Tecnológico de Monterrey

Inv i ted un ivers i t ies from Mexico

Inv i tedunivers i t ies from another country

We’re look ing to createmult id i sc ipl inary teams wi th

a d ivers i ty of careers , semesters and profiles

Go ahead and part i c ipate !

Who i s involved?


Is the largest ent repreneursh ip

congress inLat inamer ica

together w i th BCHMX, where you can do network ing , learn from the experts ,

at tend to workshops and conferences ,

improve your sk i l ls

The pr ice of the BCHMX 2015 i s $3 ,500 pesos

I t includes :

Stay (Hotel in Monterrey , NL)

Meals at the mid-point venues and dur ing the event

Gi f t k i t of the event

Admiss ion to the INCMty *The cost of the t ransportat ion wi l l be respons ib i l i ty of each un ivers i ty

P r i ce of the event

1 ) Inv i tat ion to the un ivers i ty

2 ) Regist rat ion of the un ivers i ty Form at the internet page The nat ional organi z ing commi ttee confirms the part i c ipat ion of the un ivers i ty Programming board to d iscuss relevant po ints and quest ions related to the event Regist rat ion fee for students Transfer student enrol lmentattendees

Un ivers i t ies reg ist rat ion

I want to part i c ipate !

Apply on the internet webs i te

Contact your Dr iver

Define the interv iew wi th your ass igned Dr iver

Confirmat ion of your part i c ipat ion in the event

To pay regist rat ion



Fl ickr (Bus Chal lenge)

Facebook : ht tps ://www.facebook.com/BusChal lenge1

Twi t ter : ht tps ://tw i t ter .com/BusChal lenge

Pág. de internet ht tp ://buschal lenge.com

More informat ion

I lse Ornelas : i lse-vale@hotmai l .com

Eduardo Ortuño : edortuno@gmai l .com

Part i c ipate and l iveth i s exper ience!November 19 to 22 , 2015