bbfc ratings

In this presentation I will describe five of the BBFC certificate ratings and then explain why we have chosen to rate our film as the one that we did.

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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: BBFC Ratings

In this presentation I will describe five of the BBFC certificate ratings and then explain why we have chosen

to rate our film as the one that we did.

Page 2: BBFC Ratings

This is a certificate that is deemed suitable for all audiences four and over. ‘U’ films should be filmed using moral framework and if there is any violence, threat or horror included there should be

reassuring counterbalances in place.

Do’s and Don’ts

Any scary scenes should be mild, brief and unlikely to cause anxiety in children.

There is to be no potentially dangerous behaviour that children could copy and no reference to easily accessible weapons.

Very mild bad language can be used.

Mild violence only and the occasional mild threat or menace theme shown.

If we were to rate our film a U it would be extremely unsuitable as there is violent behaviour and occasional strong language involved. There is also behaviour in our film that could be deemed as very

unacceptable and could be copied by younger children.

Page 3: BBFC Ratings

This is a certificate that includes films that are suitable for unaccompanied children. It should make sure that it would not disturb children 8 and over.

Do’s and Don’ts

Any frightening sequences should not be prolonged or too intense and any fantasy settings should not be infrequent.

No dangerous behaviour that children are likely to copy and no reference to accessible weapons.

Mild bad language only.

If serious themes are shown they should not condone unacceptable behaviour.

Moderate violence can be shown if it can be backed up by it’s context.

PG rating would also be unacceptable because our film is going to include violence behaviour such as murders and there is going to be strong language. This would not be complying with the guidelines if we

were to use it.

Page 4: BBFC Ratings

This rating is deemed suitable for persons 12 and over. Films rated at 12 or 12A may upset children younger than 12 and many parents may find the content unsuitable for them.

Do’s and Don’ts

Any misuse of drugs should be infrequent and not be glamorised.

Physical and pyscological threat may be shown however any dangerous behaviour should be shown in a way that can be copied.

Moderate language can be used but strong language should be infrequent.

Mature themes can be shown but they must be suitable for teenagers.

This is another rating that will be unsuitable for our film as there is dangerous behaviour such as murders will be shown. Also I don’t think the theme of our film is suitable for teenagers as it includes suicide.

Page 5: BBFC Ratings

This rating is on films for persons aged 15 and over and no-one younger may see a ’15’ film in a cinema or rent a ’15’ DVD.

Do’s and Don’ts

Dangerous behaviour should not dwell on detail which could be copied. Easily accessible weapons should not be glamorised

Strong threat and menace are permitted unless sadistic or sexualised.

There may be frequent use of strong language. Aggressive or repeated use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable.

No theme is prohibited, provided the treatment is appropriate for 15 year olds.

Violence may be strong but should not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury.

I think that a 15 rating would be suitable for our film because we are including strong language and violence. The film’s theme would also be suitable because it will be appropriate for 15 year olds. Although

there is suicide at the end of the film, there is no detail to it and it does not dwell on it.

Page 6: BBFC Ratings

This rating is put on films that are for people 18 and over.

In an ’18’ film basically anything can be shown to its full extent. However there are some restrictions which include:

Any material that breaches criminal law

Material that could risk harming individuals

Explicit images

If we were to make our film an 18 then it would mean we could show all that we want to show without having to check boundaries however it would also mean that we have cut out most of the audience that we

are aiming our film at. The language and behaviour is not as extreme as an 18 rating would allow.