bayes-nash equilibrium with incomplete information econ 171

Bayes-Nash equilibrium with Incomplete Information Econ 171

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Page 1: Bayes-Nash equilibrium with Incomplete Information Econ 171

Bayes-Nash equilibrium with Incomplete Information

Econ 171

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First some problems

• The Goblins.• Working backwards.

• What if there are 100 Goblins

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Todd and Steven Problem

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Problem 1 p 281

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How many proper subgames are there?

A) 0B) 1C) 2D) 4E) 6

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The Yule Ball

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How many strategies are possible for Hermoine?

A) 2B) 4C) 6D) 8

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What are the strategies?

Victor and Ron each have only one information set and only two possible actions, ask or don’t ask. Hermione has 3 information sets at which she must choose a move. A strategy specifies whether she will say yes or no in each of them. Set 1: Victor has asked: Say yes or no to RonSet 2: Victor has asked, Hermione said no, Ron asked: Say yes or no to Ron Set 3: Victor didn’t ask and Ron asked: Say yes or No to RonSo she has 8 possible strategies.

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Dating Dilemma



Victor Asks


Ask 8,3,6 8,3,6 8,3,6 8,3,6 1,8*,8* 1,8*,8* 3,2,4 3,2,4

Don’t 7*,6*,5* 7*,6*,5* 7*,6*,5* 7*,6*,5* 2,5,3 2,5,3 2,5*,3 2,5*,3


Victor Doesn’t Ask


Ask 4,7*,7* 6,1,2 4,7*,7* 6,1,2 *4,7*,7* 6,1,2 *4,7*,7* 6,1,2

Don’t 5,4,1 5,4,1 5,4,1 5,4,1 5,4,1 5,4,1 5,4,1 5,4,1Ron

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Simplifying the Game

If Hermione ever reaches either of the two nodes where Ron gets to ask her, she would say Yes. So a subgame perfect equilibrium must be a Nash equilbrium for the simpler game in whichHermione always says “yes” to Ron if she hasn’t accepted a date from Victor.

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Yes to Victor No to Victor

Ask 8,3,6 1,8*,8*

Don’t Ask 7*,6*,5* 2,5,3

Victor Asks

Hermione’s strategy

Ron’s Strategy

Yes to Victor No to Victor

Ask 4,7*,7* 4*,7*,7*

Don’t Ask 5,4,1* 5,4,1*

Hermione’s strategy

Victor Doesn’t Ask

Ron’s Strategy

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What are the strategies used in subgame perfect equilibria?

Equilibrium 1)– Victor asks– Ron doesn’t ask– Hermoine says yes to V if V asks, Yes to Ron if she says No to V

and Ron asks, Yes to Ron if Ron asks and Victor doesn’t ask.Equilibrium 2)– Victor doesn’t ask– Ron Asks– Hermoine would say No to V if Victor asked, Yes to Ron

and Victor asked and she said no to V, Yes to Ron if Ron asked and Victor didn’t.

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She loves me, she loves me not?

Go to A Go to B

Go to A


Go to B Go to A

Go to B





She loves him


She scorns him

Go to A

Go to A Go to AGo to BGo to B

Go to B









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Whats New here?

Incomplete information: Bob doesn’t know Alice’s payoffs

In previous examples we had “Imperfect Information”. PlayersKnew each others payoffs, but didn’t know the other’s move.

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Bayes-Nash Equilibrium

• Alice could be one of two types. “loves Bob”“scorns Bob• Whichever type she is, she will choose a best

response. • Bob thinks the probability that she is a loves

Bob type is p. • He maximized his expected payoff, assuming

that Alice will do a best response to his action.

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Expected payoffs to Bob

• If he goes to movie A, he knows that Alice will go to A if she loves him, B if she scorns him.

His expected payoff from A is 2p+0(1-p)=2p.• If he goes to movie B, he knows that Alice will

go to B if she loves him, A if she scorns him. His expected from B is then

3p+1(1-p)=2p+1.• For any p, his best choice is movie B.

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Does she or doesn’t she?Simultaneous Play

Go to A Go to B

Go to A


Go to B Go to A

Go to B





She loves him


She scorns him

Go to A

Go to A Go to AGo to BGo to B

Go to B









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Bayes’ Nash equilibrium

• Is there a Bayes’ Nash equilibrium where Bob goes to B and Alice goes where Alice goes to B if she loves him, and to A if she scorns him?– This is a best response for both Alice types.– What about Bob?

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Bob’s Calculations

If Bob thinks the probability that Alice loves him is p and Alice will go to B if she loves him and A if she scorns him:– His expected payoff from going to B is3p+1(1-p)=1+2p.– His expected payoff from going to A is 2(1-p)+0p=2-2p.Going to B is Bob’s best response to the strategies of the Alice types if 1+2p>=2-2p. Equivalently p>=1/4.

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Is there a Bayes-Nash equilibrium in pure strategies if p<1/4?

A) Yes, Alice goes to B if she loves Bob and A if she scorns him and Bob goes to B.

B) Yes, Alice goes to A if she loves Bob and B if she scorns him and Bob goes to B.

C) Yes there is one, where Alice always goes to A.

D) No there is no Bayes-Nash equilibrium in pure strategies.

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What about a mixed strategy equilibrium?

• Can we find a mixed strategy for Bob that makes one or both types of Alice willing to do a mixed strategy?

• Consider the Alice type who scorns Bob. If Bob goes to movie A with probability q, When will Alice be indifferent between going to the two movies?