batman_free amigurumi pattern_tales of twisted fibers

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Page 1: Batman_Free Amigurumi Pattern_Tales of Twisted Fibers

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Page 2: Batman_Free Amigurumi Pattern_Tales of Twisted Fibers


light worsted weight yarn in black, dark grey, yellow, light peach | embroidery thread or lace

weight yarn in black | 2.5 mm crochet hooks | 10 mm safety eyes | fiber fill | yarn needle

Round 1: With black yarn, ch 6. Starting from second ch from hook, sc 4, 3 sc in the last ch. Working on the underside of the foundation chain, sc 3, 3 sc in the last ch. (13)

Round 2: sc 4, inc in the next 3 st, sc 3, inc in the last 3 st. (19)

Round 3: sc 6, inc in the next 3 st, sc 7, inc in the last 3 st. (25)

Round 4: Working in BLO, hdc around. (25)

Round 5-6: sc around. (25)

Round 7: sc 4, dec X 6, sc 9. (19)

Round 8: sc 3, dec X 4, sc 8. (15)

Round 9-10: sc around. (15)

Round 11: Using FLO, sc 3, hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc, sc 7. (15)

Slip stitch into the next st. FO and weave in ends. Stuff.

BOOT (make 2)

Round 1: Hold both legs together, making sure they face in the same direction. Insert hook into the 2 stitches that meet in the center, YO and make a sc. Continue making sc stitches in the remaining 29 st around both legs. (30)

Round 2: inc in the first two st, sc 12, inc in the next two st, sc 12, inc in the last two st. (36)

Round 3-5: sc around. (36)

Round 6: (sc 4, dec) X 6. (30)

Round 7-8: sc around. (30)

Round 9: (sc 3, dec) X 6. (24)

Round 10-13: sc around. (24)

Round 14: (sc 2, dec) X 6. (18)

Round 15: (sc 1, dec) X 6. (12)

FO. Weave in ends. Stuff.



LEG (make 2)

Fold the boot top outwards to reveal the back loops of Round 11. Join dark grey yarn.

Round 1-6: sc around. (15)

FO. Stuff.

Follow Round 1-6 for the other leg but do not FO. We will join the legs in the next round.

Round 1: ch 36. Join to the first ch with a sl st. ch 1 and sc around. Join with a sl st, ch 1. (36)

From here, we will work in rows.

Row 1: dec, sc 6, dec, ch 1, turn. (8)

Row 2: dec, sc 4, dec, ch 1, turn. (6)

Row 3: dec, sc 2, dec, ch 1, turn. (4)

Row 4: dec X 2, ch 1, turn. (2)

Row 5-6: sc 2, ch 1, turn. (2)

Row 7: inc X 2, ch 1, turn. (4)

Row 8: inc, sc 2, inc, ch 1, turn. (6)

Row 9: inc, sc 4, inc, ch 1, turn. (8)


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Fold the glove outwards to reveal the back loops of Round 8. Join dark grey yarn.

Round 1-5: sc around. (12)

Stuff glove.

Round 6: (sc 2, dec) X 3. (9)

Round 7-11: sc around. (9)

Stuff arm.

Round 12: dec X 4, sc. (5).

FO, leaving a long tail. With a yarn needle, weave the tail through the front loops of all remaining 5 st and pull it tight to close. Weave in ends and attach arms to the body.

ARM (make 2)

How to Make a Cluster Stitch

YO, insert hook in the next st, YO, draw up a loop, YO, pull through the first two loops on your hook. *YO, insert hook in the same st, YO, draw up a loop, YO, pull through only the first two loops**. Repeat * to ** 2 more times. YO and pull yarn through all 5 loops on your hook to close the cluster.

Row 10: inc, sc 6, inc. (10)

FO, leaving a long tail.

To make the waistband: Join yellow yarn on Round 1 and sc around. FO. Weave in ends.

Finishing up: Slip the piece up the legs. Position the top half of the ‘hourglass’ on the front of the body (Figure 1). Push the lower half of the piece through the legs to the back, and with a yarn needle and black yarn sew it to the waistband (Figure 2).

Round 1: With black yarn, 6 sc in a magic ring. (6)

Round 2: Inc in all 6 st. (12)

Round 3: (sc 1, inc) X 6. (18)

Round 4: sc around. (18)

Round 5: cluster stitch*, sc 17. (18)

*If you are unfamiliar with this stitch, see the section on How to make a Cluster Stitch.

Round 6: (sc 1, dec) X 6. (12)

Round 7: sc around. (12)

Round 8: Using FLO, (sc 1, inc) X 6. (18)

Round 9: sc around. (18)

FO. Weave in ends.

GLOVE (make 2)

Round 1: With black yarn, 8 sc in a magic ring. (8)

Round 2: Inc in all 8 st. (16)

Round 3: (sc 1, inc) X 8. (24)

Round 4: (sc 2, inc) X 8. (32)

Round 5: (sc 3, inc) X 8. (40)

Round 6: (sc 4, inc) X 8. (48)

Round 7: (sc 5, inc) X 8. (56)

Round 8-14: sc around. (56)

Round 15: sl st in the next 26 st, working in FLO (hdc, dc, tr, dc, hdc), sl st in the remaining 25 st.

Round 16: In this round, we will work on the visible loops of Round 14 on the wrong side of the head.


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Insert eyes on either side of the nose, making sure the eyes stay within the last round of the mask.


Round 1: With black yarn, 3 sc in a magic ring. (3)

Round 2: inc in all 3 st. (6)

Round 3-4: sc around. (6)

FO, leaving a long tail. Sew ears between Round 5 and 7, aligning them with the eyes.

EAR (make 2)


Round 1: With yellow yarn, ch 6. Starting from second ch from the hook, sc 4, 3 sc in the last ch. Working on the underside of the foundation chain, sc 3, 2 sc in the last ch. (12)

Round 2: inc in the next st, sc 3, inc in the next 3 st, sc 3, inc in the last 2 st. sl st to join to the first st. (18)

FO, leaving a long tail.


With embroidery thread or lace weight yarn in black, create an outline of the Batman logo (you can search online for a sample). Fill it in with straight stitches.

Sew the logo patch on the chest. Finally, sew the head to the body.

Your little hero is now ready to fight crime.


Join light peach in one of the visible loops and sc around. (56)

Round 17-18: sc around. (56)

Round 19: (sc 5, dec) X 8. (48)

Round 20: (sc 4, dec) X 8. (40)

Round 21: (sc 3, dec) X 8. (32)

Round 22: (sc 2, dec) X 8. (24)

Round 23: dec X 12. (12)

FO, leaving a long tail.

Stuff head.

Now we work on the remaining section of the mask.

Mark the center of the head at the back on the last round worked in black (Figure 3). Count 12 st from this point to the left and mark the last st. Count 12 st from the center to the right and mark the last st. Now we will work on these 25 st (including the st marked as the center) to complete the remaining section of the mask.

With the neck opening facing away from you, join black yarn on the st marked on the right (Figure 4).

Row 1-4: sc across, ch 1, turn. (25)

Row 5: sc across.

FO, leaving a long tail. Sew flap to head.


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USING: You can use this pattern and make these little amigurumis for yourself, your friends and your family. I’d be thrilled if you drop me a line (along with your web link or a photograph of the amigurumi you made using my pattern); it’s always a pleasure to see what you guys do with my pattern.

SELLING: Unless you happen to run a sweatshop somewhere, I don’t mind if you sell dolls made from my patterns; though it would be nice if you mentioned somewhere in the description of the doll that it’s made from a “Tales of Twisted Fibers design”. I’d love to hear from you and see your amigurumis. Send me your link and I’ll give your online shop a mention on my blog.

SHARING: You can pin any image of the doll (available on my blog) on Pinterest or give your blog readers a heads up regarding the availability of this free pattern by using any of the images on this particular blog post along with a link to my blog. Sharing is loving. So go ahead and share the love :D

DON’T: Please do not sell this pattern or publish it in its entirety on any website (and that includes unauthorized translations too) because that would make me very sad and force me to send my ninjas after you.


SerahTales of Twisted FibersKathmandu, May 2014




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