basics on project profile - product lifecycle management

Get ti ng St ar ted New slett ers Store SearchtheCommunity  Welcome, Guest Login Register  i l i Product Lifecycle Management  /  / Project System - Structures Basics on Project Profile Purpose This wiki page will discuss about the basic things about Project Profile. Which will be help/assist you in understanding/configuring a project profile. Project Profile Proj. Type (WBS Element): An object that groups projects according to criteria, for example: Capital-investment projects Customer projects Development projects Field Key (WBS Element ) It determines the key words (field names) for user-defined fields. For examples; 0000001-User-defined fields, 0000002-Special data per course, 1300000-Setting WBS/network, BREMBO-User field BREMBO, CB-Carl bro brugerfelter, EMP-NAME OF EMPLOYEE, Z_EUIP-Fields for Work Routes, ZA01-Dept Specific, ZKN01-Tieprojektit lisäkentät, ZLEGL01-Legal Matter - Principle field keys, ZLEGL 02-Legal Matter - Std f ield keys, ZPS0001-GD DEMO Basic Data Version Profile (can't be changed in application ): It specifies the status dependent project versions are created. For example; 0000001-Standard version profile, 1300000 -All objects, NTPC1-Standard version profile, PRD0001-Pharma R&D version profile 01, ZLEG001-Legal Engagement Services Version Simulation Profile (Project Definition ): It determines which objects are transferred to an operative project. In other words, it specifies which text is copied to and from simulation versions. For example, 1300000-Ps text, long text, documents; PRD000-Pharma R&D simulation profile 01 Display option (WBS Element ): It determines how the WBS element will be displayed on the Overview screen: 1. Identification based on the project number, 2. Identification based on the short text, 3. Identification based on the description Level of Detail (WBS Element ): Lowest level in the hierarchy that is displayed. You use this value to determine the number of levels you want to display when you call up the display of the work breakdown structure. For example, you enter 5 for the number of levels and call up the first level of the work breakdown structure (WBS). The system displays the first five levels of the WBS starting with the first level. All other levels in the WBS will not be shown. Partner Determination Procedure (Project Definition ) The procedure specifies which partner functions are allowed for particular business transaction (for example, for processing a sales order) and which of those partner functions are mandatory. For billing documents, for example, you can specify a partner determination procedure where the sold-to party, bill-to party, and payer are mandatory but the ship-to party is not (for billing, you are more interested in who orders and pays for the goods than in who receives them). All Account Assignment Elements (WBS Element ): Sets the account assignment indicator for all the WBS elements. Account assignment is for Actual postings or Commitment postings. Only one root  (can't be changed in application): There can only be one top WBS element. Transfe r to Project definition (can't be changed in application ): Only relevant for the "Create Single Element" Tcode (CJ11 - Create WBS Element.) Change Documents (can't be changed in application) Change documents for master data are written when saving. So, the system only creates change documents when the business transaction "Create change documents" is allowed in status management and the WBS element has already been released. Bas ics on Proj ect Pr ofi le - Produc t Life cyc le Ma nag eme nt - SCN Wiki htt p:/ /wi ki. p.c om/ wiki/disp lay/PLM/Basi cs +on+Pr oje ct+Profile 1 of 7 2/14/2014 4:23 PM

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Basics on Project Profile


This wiki page will discuss about the basic things about Project Profile. Which will be help/assist you in understanding/configuring a project profile.

Project Profile

Proj. Type (WBS Element): An object that groups projects according to criteria, for example:

Capital-investment projects

Customer projects

Development projects

Field Key (WBS Element ) It determines the key words (field names) for user-defined fields.

For examples; 0000001-User-defined fields, 0000002-Special data per course, 1300000-Setting WBS/network, BREMBO-User field BREMBO, CB-Carl bro brugerfelter, EMP-NAME OF EMPLOYEE,

Z_EUIP-Fields for Work Routes, ZA01-Dept Specific, ZKN01-Tieprojektit lisäkentät, ZLEGL01-Legal Matter - Principle field keys, ZLEGL02-Legal Matter - Std f ield keys, ZPS0001-GD DEMO

Basic Data

Version Profile (can't be changed in application): It specifies the status dependent project versions are created. For example; 0000001-Standard version profile, 1300000 -All objects, NTPC1-Standard

version profile, PRD0001-Pharma R&D version profile 01, ZLEG001-Legal Engagement Services Version

Simulation Profile (Project Definition ): It determines which objects are transferred to an operative project. In other words, it specifies which text is copied to and from simulation versions.

For example, 1300000-Ps text, long text, documents; PRD000-Pharma R&D simulation profile 01

Display option (WBS Element ): It determines how the WBS element will be displayed on the Overview screen:

1. Identification based on the project number,

2. Identification based on the short text,

3. Identification based on the description

Level of Detail (WBS Element ): Lowest level in the hierarchy that is displayed. You use this value to determine the number of levels you want to display when you call up the display of the work

breakdown structure. For example, you enter 5 for the number of levels and call up the first level of the work breakdown structure (WBS). The system displays the first five levels of the WBS starting with

the first level. All other levels in the WBS will not be shown.

Partner Determination Procedure (Project Definition ) The procedure specifies which partner functions are allowed for particular business transaction (for example, for processing a sales order) and

which of those partner functions are mandatory. For billing documents, for example, you can specify a partner determination procedure where the sold-to party, bill-to party, and payer are mandatory but

the ship-to party is not (for billing, you are more interested in who orders and pays for the goods than in who receives them).

All Account Assignment Elements (WBS Element ): Sets the account assignment indicator for all the WBS elements. Account assignment is for Actual postings or Commitment postings.

Only one root (can't be changed in application): There can only be one top WBS element.

Transfer to Project definition (can't be changed in application): Only relevant for the "Create Single Element" Tcode (CJ11 - Create WBS Element.)

Change Documents (can't be changed in application) Change documents for master data are written when saving.

So, the system only creates change documents when the business transaction "Create change documents" is allowed in status management and the WBS element has already been released.

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Project Summarization Master Data (WBS Element ): It activities the project summarization using master data characteristics instead of classification.

Validation: The process of checking values and combinations of values as they are entered into the SAP System. Entered values are checked against a user-defined Boolean statement (this is a

prerequisite). If the statement is true, the SAP System validates the data using a second Boolean statement (as a check). If the check statement is true, the SAP System posts the data. If the check

statement is false, it issues a user-defined message. Depending on the message type, the posting may be blocked. Validation occurs before the data is posted, so that only valid data is posted.

Project Definition (Project Definition ): Profile for validation of Project Definition.

WBS Elements (WBS Element ): Profile for validation of WBS Element.

Automatic Validation (can't be changed in application): Executes validation when saving the Project.

Substitution Automatic process for replacing values as they are entered into the SAP system. Entered values are checked against a user-defined Boolean statement (this is a prerequisite). If the

statement is true, the SAP System replaces the values concerned. Substitution occurs before data is written to the database.

Project Definition. (Project Definition ): Profile for substitution of Project Definition.

WBS Elements (WBS Element ): Profile for substitution of WBS element.

Automatic Substitution (can't be changed in application): Executes substitution when saving the Project.

Project Stock

This can be changed till first SAVE.

No stock (Project Definition ): permits the use of project stock.

Non-valuated Stock (Project Definition ): permits the use of project stock.

(An inventory of materials for processing a project. The value of this inventory is calculated by results analysis at the end of the period.)

Valuated Stock (Project Definition ): permits the use of project stock.

(An inventory of materials for processing a project, the value of which is calculated by valuating the material movements in real time.)

Automatic Requirements Grouping (Project Definition ): set the value 1 for the" Grouping WBS element" field in the top WBS element

A Grouping WBS Element  is a WBS element that:

Has valuated project stock

Has been flagged for materials requirement planning (MRP)

The material requirements for different stock objects are combined in the grouping WBS element and can be managed jointly. The stock in this element includes finished products and related semi-finished


In other words, it allows the entire requirement for the project to group under one WBS element.

Status Management

Project Definition Status Profile (Project Definition ): This specifies default values for a user status profile for the Project Definition.

WBS Status Profile (WBS Element ): This specifies default values for a user status profile for the WBS Element.

Change Documents (can't be changed in application): Activities the writing of change document for status change.

Only if change documents are created for status from the start can you recreate a seamless picture of the progress or development of a project or WBS element over time.

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Master Data Profile Group (can't be changed in application): Key identifying a profile group for the hierarchy graphic in the master data. The profile group together with the profile name determines the

parameters for displaying the hierarchy graphic.

Vertical from level (WBS element ): With this value you specify, the level in the work breakdown structure where the WBS elements are displayed vertically in the h ierarchy graphic. You can specify this

value in customizing for the project profile, but you can change this level in the graphic.

Graphical Profile Master Data (can't be changed in application): Key identifying a profile name for the hierarchy graphic in basic data. The profile name is used to differentiate among the various graphic

profiles within one area according to various applications. The profile name together with the profile group determines the parameters for displaying the hierarchy graphic.

Search Text Index1 (can't be changed in application): Text index for the text that should be used first for the search. In the graphic, nodes are used that are filled with text. The structure of the nodes is

defined in Customizing in the form definitions. These form definitions comprise of various fields, each of which is assigned a text index. The search text consists of three texts. You should enter the first

text here.

Search Text Index2 (can't be changed in application): same as above 

Search Text Index3 (can't be changed in application): same as above 

Project Summarization

All WBS elements (WBS element ): Specifies that all WBS elements are defined to be summarization objects when you create them.

Billing elements (WBS element ): Use this indicator to specify that WBS elements which you identify as billing elements are summarization objects. An element in a work breakdown structure (WBS) in

which billing can take place. Revenues can be posted in the billing element.

Account Assignment element (WBS element ): Use this indicator to specify that WBS elements which you identified as account assignment elements are used as summarization objects.

It is an element in a work breakdown structure (WBS) to which the following postings can be made:

Actual postings

Commitment postings


Default values for organizational assignment of the project definition and WBS elements.

Controlling Area (Project Definition): Can be changed up to first  SAVE.

Company Code, Business Area, Plant, Functional Area, & Profile Center (Project Definition & WBS Element):

Project Currency (Project Definition & WBS Element): Depends on Controlling Area and Company Code

WBS Time Scheduling

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WBS Scheduling profile (Project Definition ): Contains Controlling data for scheduling in the project planning board, structure planning and the Project builder.

Scheduling Scenario (Project Definition): Predefined scheduling scenarios that can be used instead of the "WBS scheduling Profile.

With activities: It's for read project with activities. It specifies that activities and not just WBS Elements are selected. In other words, you can use this indicator to determine whether all activities in the

WBS elements will be read in when the Project Builder, time scheduling, structure planning or the project planning board is activated. By using this, you can improve the performance of the system by not 

setting  this indicator for projects that contain a lot of activities. It depend on, if you call up a function in the Project Builder, time scheduling, structure planning or the project planning board which requires 

activity data and have not set this indicator, the system automatically reads in the activities.

Default Values

Factory Calendar (Project Definition & WBS element ): assigns a factory calendar to the project.

Time Unit (Project Definition & WBS element ): Units of the duration of WBS element.

Planning Method

Planning method/basic (Project Definition ): specifies the method of planning the basic dates of WBS elements.

Planning method/forecast (Project Definition ): specifies the method of planning the forecast dates of WBS elements.

Calculation with Activities (Project Definition ): specifies whether the activities dates are taken into account in bottom up planning.

Different of Planning Method (These are only to the WBS and not to activities):

> In Top Down Planning you plan the dates starting from the top WBS element in the hierarchy. The dates that you maintain in the subordinate WBS elements must lie within the date's periods of the

superior WBS elements.

> In Bottom Up Planning you plan the dates starting from the subordinate WBS elements. The dates of the superior WBS elements are only changed, if they do not include the dates of the subordinate

WBS elements.

> In Strict Bottom Up Planning you specify that the dates of subordinate WBS elements determine the dates of the superior elements. If you have already entered dates for the superior WBS elements,

the system deletes them, and calculates new dates based on the dates of the subordinate WBS elements.

> In Free Planning you plan the dates without hierarchical dependencies.


Network Profile (Project Definition ): Is used for new networks that are created from the WBS

Network Assignment (Project Definition ) (can't be changed in application): if the activities are created for a WBS element, this indicator specifies in which network the new activity is created.

Display Network Haeder: With this indicator you determine whether the network header will displayed when you enter dates for a WBS element in time scheduling.

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Project Planning Board

Project Planning Board: this can be changed, if call ed directly. Default profile that is used, when the Project Planning Board is called up. It determines the display of the table and graphic area of the

planning board.

Project Planning Board is a graphical planning board in the Project System that is based on the Gantt chart. Projects can be created and updated using the project planning board.

*Capacity Requirement Planning * (can't be changed in application)

You can call up various capacity planning reports from the project planning board and structure planning. Here you enter the relevant total profiles, taken from the capacity planning in PP.  Capacity load profile for tabular planning table

Tot.graphic.prf:  Capacity load profile in graphical planning table

IndCapTabOvProf:  Individual. capacities, Overall profile for tabular planning table

IndCapGrpOvProf: Individual capacities: Overall profile for planning table

List profile: List profile for capacity evaluations in project planning board.

*Hierarchy Graphic * (can't be changed in application)

These profiles specify how the hierarchy graphic is to be displayed, if it is called up from date planning from WBS (e.g. CJ22).

Profile group & Profile: Profile group hierarchy graphic, it identifies the profile group for the hierarchy graphic in time scheduling. The profile group together with the profile name determines the

parameters for displaying the hierarchy graphic.

Time schd. Prof: Profile for the hierarchy graphic in time scheduling.

"osts # $e%enues # Pa&ments

Object Class (Project Definition & WBS element ): Specifies the cost flow in CO from Business point of view.

The object class  categorizes Controlling objects according to their business function and enables you to analyze cost flows within Controlling from different business perspectives. The following object

classes are available:




Profitability analysis and sales

While certain object types automatically belong to a particular class (for example, cost centers belong to the "Overhead" class), others need to be explicitly assigned to an object class in their master

record (this is the case with internal orders and work breakdown structure elements, for example). In addition to the functional area, the object class is required to

determine or explain certain values in the external accounting components. For example, the balance of all objects in the Production class is categorized as Work in Process (WIP).

Statistical (WBS Element ): This specifies whether a WBS element can have real cost posting or it can have statistical costs posting. Costs and if required revenues are carried on such a WBS element for

statistical purposes. This means that: o For business transactions that lead to actual costs/revenues another object is required to carry the actual costs.

A statistical WBS element cannot be settled.

But, you cannot settle overheads on statistical WBS elements.

Integrated Planning (WBS Element ): Activates the updating of planning activity input form WBS elements to sending Cost center.

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Planning # Budgeting

Planning Profile (Project Definition ): specifies how costing planning is carried out for the WBS.

Budget Profile (Project Definition ): Specifies how budgeting is carried out for the WBS and if the availability control is to be used.

You can control  planning with the following parameters:

You can control  budgeting with the following parameters:

Time horizon

  - Period into the past for which budgeting is possible

  - Period into the future for which budgeting is possible

  - Budgeting start year

  - Budgeting of total/annual values


  - What value is displayed as well as the budget, when you access the function

  - Decimal places and scaling factor as default values

Availability control (Project System, Funds Management)

  - Of annual/total budget

  - Of releases

Currency translation

  - Exchange rate type

  - Value dateTime horizon

  - period into the past for which planning is possible

  - period into the future for which planning is possible

  - cost planning start year

  - planning of overall/annual/period values


  - what value is displayed in addition to the plan when accessing the function

  - decimal places and scaling factor as default values

Detail planning (internal orders, Project System)

Cost element group

  - primary costs

  - revenues

Planning parameters

  - costs

  - revenues

Sender cost center group

Sender activity type group

Statistical key figure group

Costing variant

Planning elements (Project System)

  - planning in all WBS elements or only in planning element

Period'(nd "losing

Costing Sheet (WBS element ): specifies how overhead cost is determined.

You must store one costing sheet for each object for which the R/3 System is to determine overhead costs.


For orders, you enter the costing sheet in the order master record.

  - For overhead cost orders the costing sheet can be defaulted through a model order.

  - For CO production orders without quantity structure the costing sheet can be defaulted through a planning profile.

  - For production orders, process orders, produce cost collectors, orders the costing sheet is defaulted through a valuation variant. The valuation variant is stored in the costing variant. You can store the

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costing variant as default value per order type and plant.

For cost centers you enter the costing sheet in the master data.

For business processes you enter the costing sheet in the master data.

For projects you enter the costing sheet in the project profile.

For materials the R/3 System selects the costing sheet through the valuation variant.

For base object plannings, enter the costing sheet in the master data of the costing sheet.

For cost object IDs the costing sheet is defaulted through the cost object profile.

For cost and revenue carrying sales document items the costing sheet is defaulted through the requirements class.

Overhead Key (WBS element ): determines the order-specific overhead rates.

The overhead key is used to determine order-specific or material-related overhead rates. Orders, cost object IDs and base planning objects: To be able to calculate an overhead percentage rate using the

overhead key you must:

Assign a costing sheet to your order or cost object ID or base planning object.

Use the field "Overhead key" in the overhead rates in the costing sheet

For product costing, production orders and run schedule headers:

To be able to apply overhead using the overhead key you must:

Assign a costing sheet to your order or to the valuation variant for the cost estimate

Use the field "Overhead key" in the overhead rates in the costing sheet

Assign the overhead key to an overhead group

Enter this overhead group in the master record of the material being used.

For example; the overhead amounts depend on the plant and the overhead key. The overhead depends primarily on the overhead key. If an overhead key is not maintained for the material or the order,

overhead is to be determined in relation to the plant.

Define a costing sheet that points to two condition tables. In the first table, the overhead amount depends on the overhead key. In the second table, the overhead amount depends on the plant. An access

sequence determines which conditions have priority.


The overhead key is also used as a selection criterion for the determination of the templates for Activity-Based Costing. If a process template is assigned to an overhead key and costing sheet of an order,

process costs are determined for the order. When you change the overhead key or the costing sheet, the system uses another process template, if required.

Interest Profile (Project Definition & WBS element ): specifies how interest calculated for the project.

So, the interest rate and update control are defined when you assign an interest indicator to the interest profile. You also use the profile to define the interest relevance of costs, revenues, and payments

for the interest profile/interest indicator combination.

Investment Profile (Project Definition & WBS element ): specifies how the project is integrated with Investment Management. For example, auto-generation of assets under construction.

Important control functions of the investment profile:

Automatic creation of an asset under construction when you create an internal order or a work breakdown structure (WBS) element

Asset class for the creation of the asset under construction

Asset class for depreciation simulation

Results Analysis Key (Project Definition & WBS element ): is necessary for result analysis in WBS element.

How the results analysis key is used depends on the nature of the order.

For orders with revenue  (internal orders, sales orders, and projects), the results analysis key determines how results analysis is carried out. Results analysis is recommended in the following situations:

  - When you are using a non-valuated sales order stock or non-valuated project stock and you want to valuate the inventories at the end of the period

  - When you are using a valuated sales order stock or valuated project stock and want to valuate goods that have been delivered but not yet invoiced, or when you want to create reserves automatically

For orders without reference  to a sales order item or WBS element, the results analysis key determines how the work in process is calculated. The production type can be make-to-stock or mass

production on the basis of sales orders. The work in process is calculated at the level of the production order, process order, or product cost

Settlement Profile (Project Definition & WBS element ): The settlement profile specifies, foe example, the permitted settlement receives for the WBS elements.

Settmt rule strat. (can't be changed in application): specifies how the settlement rules can be determined automatically.

You use the strategy to determine the following for each settlement parameter:

Control parameters for the objects to which the strategy applies, such as billing elements

Account assignment category - example: responsible cost center

Treatment of sales and distribution document items in the event of multiple assignment to WBS eleme\ 

Graphic Profile

Specifies the graphic profile for the hierarchy graphics called form Budgeting.

The profile name is used to differentiate among the various graphic profiles within one area according to various applications. The profile name together with the profile group determines the parameters

for the display of the hierarchy graphic.

Budget profile group (can't be changed in application):

Graph.profile budget (can't be changed in application):

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