basics of veda swaras and vedic recital-09 consonant of veda...

Discussion Draft Version 0.0 June 10, 2016 Basics of Veda Swaras and Vedic Recital-09 Consonant Sandhi

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Version 0.0 June 10, 2016

Basics of Veda Swaras

and Vedic Recital-09

Consonant Sandhi


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1 Veda Basics – Consonant Sandhi ....................................................................................... 6

1.1 Introduction: .................................................................................................................. 6

2 Consonant Letters .............................................................................................................. 7

2.1 Consonant Examples with their Classification: .............................................................. 7

2.2 Summary of Classification (including Vowels) ............................................................... 9

2.3 Roots( Halants) of Consonant Letters ......................................................................... 11

2.4 Important Notes: .......................................................................................................... 12

3 Basic Rules and Explanations ........................................................................................... 14

3.1 Rules relating to Letters in Words ............................................................................... 14

3.2 Rules on the types of Letters:...................................................................................... 17

3.3 Some Examples: ......................................................................................................... 19

4 Change from Soft to Hard Consonant ............................................................................... 20

4.1 Soft Consonant of a Class (except Nasal) followed by a Hard Consonant Changes to

the first hard consonant of its Varga ..................................................................................... 20

4.2 Exception to 4.1 .......................................................................................................... 21

5 Change from Hard to Soft Consonant ............................................................................... 23

5.1 Hard Consonant followed by a Vowel, Semi-vowel,Soft Consonant (except Nasal)

changes to 3rd letter of that varga ......................................................................................... 23

5.2 Exceptions to 5.1 ......................................................................................................... 26

5.2.1 Ta varga HC (iÉ,jÉ, î,î2, Z,a ) when followed by Cha Varga SC (except nasal gya),

the ta varga changes to 3rd letter of the Cha varga ........................................................... 26

5.2.2 ‘ta’ Varga HC followed by Ta varga Soft Consonant, it changes to 3rd letter of Ta

varga 27

5.2.3 Verbal base donot change when followed by Vowel and semi vowel

termination/case ending .................................................................................................... 28


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5.3 When HC is followed by a nasal, the HC can change to 3rd letter of the varga or the

nasal of that varga ................................................................................................................ 30

5.4 Change of ‘ha’ (Wû, ý, t) to 4th letter of that varga ..................................................... 32

6 Change of First Hard Consonant to Second Hard Consonant .......................................... 35

7 Change from Dental(ta) to Palatal(cha) ............................................................................. 38

7.1 ta varga consonant when followed by ‘cha’ varga consonant, ‘ta’ changes to

corresponding ‘cha’ varga letter ............................................................................................ 38

7.2 ta varga nasal ‘n’ (lÉç , ï¢, d§) followed by Soft Consonant changes to nasal of class of

the following letter ................................................................................................................. 40

7.3 Ta Varga Consonant followed by S (palatal sibilant) ................................................... 41

7.4 Dental Class Sibilant ‘s’ (xÉ, ú , s ) is followed by ‘S’ (zÉç, Ÿ q§) Palatal Sibilant ... 44

8 Dental to Cerebral ............................................................................................................. 45

8.1 ta (iÉ, î, Z )Varga followed by Ta(Oû, ì, U) varga ........................................................ 45

8.2 ta varga Nasal ‘n’(lÉç , ï¢, d§) followed by Ta (Oû, ì, U) varga Soft Consonant ................ 46

8.3 Ta Varga is followed by Sh (cerebral Sibilant)............................................................. 47

8.4 Dental Sibilant ‘s’ (xÉç, ú¢ , s§ ) followed by Cerebral Class change to Cerebral Sibilant

‘Sh’ (wÉç û¢ r§) ........................................................................................................................ 48

8.5 Summary of relations of Sibilants to the respective Varga: ......................................... 49

9 Dental changes to Semi vowel l ........................................................................................ 52

9.1 Ta varga consonant changes to l when followed by l .................................................. 52

10 Consonant changes to Nasal ......................................................................................... 55

10.1 Anuswara Changes to Nasal of the following Varga letter ....................................... 55

11 M (qÉç) and n (lÉç )to anusvaram ......................................................................................... 57


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11.1 ‘m’ (qÉç, ñ¢, i§) followed by Vowel, Sibilant ,h,r changes to Anuswara and then to

gm,gg 57

11.2 Nasal ‘m’ (qÉç, ñ¢, i§) followed by ‘ya,la,va, changes to nasalised form ..................... 63

11.3 ‘n’ (lÉç , ï¢, d§) changes to anuswaram+’S’(zÉç, Ÿ q§) followed by ca and cha (hard cha

varga consonant) .................................................................................................................. 66

11.4 ‘n’ (lÉç , ï¢, d§) changes to anuswaram+’Sh’ followed by Ta and Tha (hard Ta varga

consonant) ............................................................................................................................ 68

11.5 ‘n’ (lÉç , ï¢, d§) changes to anuswaram+’s’ (xÉç ú¢ s§) followed by ta and tha (hard ta

varga hard consonant) .......................................................................................................... 69

11.6 ‘n’ (lÉç , ï¢, d§) at the end of a word is followed by ’s’ (xÉç ú¢ s§) then a ‘t’ is added

after ‘n’ 70

11.7 Oèû ì¢ U§ at the end of a word is followed by ’s’ (xÉç ú¢ s§) then a ‘t’ iÉç, î¢, Z is

optionally added after ‘n’ ....................................................................................................... 72

12 Consonants doubling ...................................................................................................... 74

12.1 Consonants ~ga, Na, na at the end of the word after a short vowel doubles when

followed by a vowel ............................................................................................................... 74

12.2 Class Consonants of the doubles Optionally when preceeded by a Semi-vowel ..... 76

12.3 Consonants of the five major class doubles Optionally when preceding letter is a

vowel and succeeding letter is not a vowel ........................................................................... 77

12.4 Consonants of the five major class doubles Optionally when the when followed by r

or h and the ‘r’ and ‘h’ is preceded by a vowel ...................................................................... 78

13 Ca before cha ................................................................................................................. 80

13.1 ‘ca’ inserted before Cha after short vowel with a word ............................................. 80


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13.2 ‘ca’ is optional before Cha after long vowel .............................................................. 81

13.3 ‘ca’ before Cha is mandatory for particles ‘maa’ or ‘aa’ ............................................ 82

14 Ushman(Sibilant) Change in termination ........................................................................ 83

14.1 ‘s’ changes to ‘Sh’ in termination.............................................................................. 83

15 Change of n to N ............................................................................................................ 85

15.1 ‘n’(lÉç , ï¢, d§) changes to N ,(hÉç, í¢,Y§)....................................................................... 85


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1 Veda Basics – Consonant Sandhi

1.1 Introduction:

This article deals with the concept of how Consonants combine and produce a

Sandhi. The Sandhi rules in Sanskrit Grammar are devised to make the sounds

/words smoother, easier for rendering and aid the flow of the language.

Readers must note that almost all Consonant Sandhis are generally incorporated

in the respective words and printed in the Veda books. Sometimes, some areas

the Consonant Sandhis are not incorporated when the source document/

granta/samhita do not include them or there are two methods of

effecting/treating the Sandhi. Please note that some Sandhi rules are

Optional. The Student relies more on the pronunciation/ rendering of the Guru.

However, understanding of the Consonant Sandhi rules helps the student to

understand Pada Paatam, Krama Paatam and its rendering and how the Padams

are taken together or split in Ghana Paatam. This helps improving the quality of

the recital under the guidance of the Guru.


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2 Consonant Letters

2.1 Consonant Examples with their Classification:

Let us first recapture what we have seen in the first article on Sanskrit Letters.

Reader are requested to understand the classifications as Hard Consonant (HC),

Soft Consonant (SC), Alpa PraNa(AP) Aspirate/ Maha PraNa(MP) Nasal varga,

Semi-vowel, etc. since the rules are based on some of these classifications.

Please note the classification of Semi-Vowel and Ushman into

Ka,Cha,Ta,ta,pa grouping as they combine based on their sound.

Varga or Class Consonan ts Varga


Sibilants &



















ka Mü è K

kha ZÉ

*è2 L

ga aÉ

*è3 M

gha bÉ*

è4 N

~nga Xû

é O

ha W

ý t


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Palatals: (iÉÉsÉÑ)



ca cÉ

ê P

cha Nû

*ê2 Q

ja eÉ

*ü R

jha fÉ

*ü2 S

gya gÉ

ë T

Sa zÉ

Ÿ q

ya rÉ ò j


s: (qÉÔkÉïlÉç)

Ta Varga

Ta Oû ì U

Tha Pû

*ì2 V

Da Qû

*ì3 W

Dha Rû

*ì4 X

Na hÉ

í Y

sha wÉ

û r

ra U

ó k

Dentals (SliÉ) ‘ta’


ta iÉ î Z

tha jÉ

*î2 a

da S

*î3 b

dha kÉ

*î4 c

na lÉ

ï d

sa xÉ ú s

la sÉ

ô m

Labials (AÉå¸Éæ) Pa varga

pa mÉ ð e

pha Tü

*ð2 f

ba oÉ

*ð3 g

bha pÉ

*ð4 h

ma qÉ

ñ i

va uÉ

õ p


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(AliÉxjÉÉ) (all SC)

ya rÉ ò j (AP)

ra U

ó k


la sÉ

ô m


va uÉ

õ p


ha W

ý t


Sibilants (FwqÉlÉç) Sha varga (all MP) (all HC)

sa xÉ *ú s

Sa zÉ

*Ÿ q

sha wÉ

*û r

2.2 Summary of Classification (including Vowels)

Type of Letter Letter or the basic varga Letter


A AÉ C D E F L Lã AÉå AÉæ AÇ , AÈ G H Ü Ý Þ ß à á ã ä æ å÷ Üñ¢ Ü: ¼ Ï A B C C¦ D D¦ F ¤F Hx H¦ AI AJ E u


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Mü ZÉ cÉ Nû Oû Pû iÉ jÉ mÉ Tü

zÉ xÉ wÉ

è è2 ê ê

2 ì ì2 î î2 ð ð2

Ÿ, ú û

K L P Q U V Z a e f

s q r



aÉ bÉ Xû eÉ fÉ gÉ Qû Rû hÉ S kÉ lÉ

oÉ pÉ qÉ rÉ U sÉ uÉ Wû

è3 è

4 é ü ü

2 ë ì

3 ì

4 í î

3 î

4 ï

ð3 ð

4 ñ ò ó ô õ ý

M N O R S T W X Y b c d

g h i j k m p t


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2.3 Roots( Halants) of Consonant Letters



Müç ZÉç cÉç Nûç Oçû Pûç iÉç jÉç mÉç Tüç

zÉç xÉç wÉç

è¢ è¢2 ê¢ ê¢

2 ì¢ ì¢2 î¢ î¢2 ð¢ ð¢2

Ÿ¢, ú¢ û¢

K§ L§ P§ Q§ U§ V§ Z§ a§ e§ f§

s§ q§ r§


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aÉç bÉç Xûç eÉç fÉç gÉç Qûç Rçû hÉç Sç kÉç lÉç

oÉç pÉç qÉç rÉç Uç sÉç uÉç Wûç

è¢3 è¢

4 é¢ ü¢ ü¢

2 ë¢ ì¢

3 ì¢

4 í¢ î¢

3 î¢

4 ï¢

ð¢3 ð¢

4 ñ¢ ò¢ ó¢ ô¢ õ¢ ý¢

M§ N§ O§ R§ S§ T§ W§ X§ Y§ b§ c§ d§

g§ h§ i§ j§ k§ m§ p§ t§

2.4 Important Notes:

1. The examples, given in this Article, focus on the current Consonant Rule that is being

taken up in the respective Section/Para/Table. The example may ignore or not highlight

the other Rule that has been applied in another word or padam in that same example to

keep focus.

2. Please note that some swaram markings may be missing or not copied. The focus is on

the specific Sandhi rule only. Please ignore the Swaram for the purpose understanding

Sandhi rule.

3. We have tried to give examples from the Vedic Vakhyams/mantraas that we recite and

are not interested in giving theoretical examples as given in many internet sites. The

purpose is that the student is able to relate it to what is being learnt in the Class.


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4. The Examples given are adequate but we find that certain Sandhi rules do not occur

often and we have given lesser examples. Readers are requested to contribute more if

they find relevant examples in these areas of fewer occurrences. We shall increase the

number of examples after reference to Samhita Pada Paatam in future.

5. Some Sandhi rules as per Sanskirt Grammar are taken care through Visarga Sandhi or

Vedic representation of letters. A note has been added in those sections.


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3 Basic Rules and Explanations

3.1 Rules relating to Letters in Words

1. A word in Sanskrit may start with any Vowel or Consonant except the letters

ॠ, ऌ, �, ञ,् ण,् Ï, ô¢¼, é¢,ë¢,í¢, u , öm¢, O§, T§, Y§)

or their consonants, an Anuswaram or a Visargam.

Please note that this rule is not applicable to single-letter words, particles, words of

address like tvam, tam, prefixes like sam which together with other words make a

complete meaning. Words build with two padams of which the first one gets an

Anuswaram as per rules. Normally the Visarga gets converted as per

Visarga Sandhi Rules.

rÉÈ xÉÉerÉ xÉÍqÉþΰ-rÉïýeÉÌiÉ | òÈ (ú¢) ú£ü¢ò úñ¤†î¢3ð¤4ó¢

ò…üî¤ | jJ sxRõsiy—b§hyª j–RZy |

iÉÇ iÉqÉlÉãþlÉ xÉÉýkÉrÉãiÉç | îñ¢ îñ«ù†ù ú£…î4«òî¢ |

ZI Zi¥d—d sx–c¥jZ§ ||

xÉýÇuÉýÆjxÉýU qÉãýuÉÉ uÉþÂlkÉã | ú…ñ¢…Æõî¢2ú…ó «ñ…õ£ õ†¼ï¢«î4 |


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s–IÆp–a§s–k ¥i–px p—k¡¥Ê |

2. A Word can end with any of the Vowel sounds like a,aa, e,ee, u,uu, ae, ai, O, au

Anuswaram and Visargam with any of the Consonants.

The vowel sounds that are not allwed are G, ॠ ऌ, ¼, Ï ,ô¢¼ ,

E, u and öm¢.

3. A complete word can end with the following Consonant Halants -

क्, , त,् प,् �, ण,् न,् म,् ल.्

è¢, ì¢, î¢, ð¢, é¢, í¢, ù¢, ñ¢, ô¢

K§, U§, Z§, e§, O§, Y§, d§, i§, m§

4. Please note that the second letter (Aspirate,Mahaprana Hard letter) of the class gets

converted to the first letter for class consonants/respective varga.

5. It is important to note that words Hard Consonant Halant, ch cÉç, ê¢, P§ cannot come

in the end of a word that is inserted into a statement nor at the end of a sentence.


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Soft Consonants of the Cha varga, that is, eÉç, ü¢, R§, fÉç , ü¢2, S§ do not

come in the end of the sentence.

6. At the end of the sentence, the halants of Soft Consonants like

aÉç, bÉç, Qèû, Rèû, Sè, kÉç, oÉç ,pÉç,

è¢3, è¢4, ì¢3, 좢4, î¢3, î¢4, ð¢3, ð¢4

M§, N§, W§, X§, b§, c§, g§, h§ are not used/allowed as per rule and are substituted with the hard consonants, subject

to some rules explained below.

7. Semi-vowel based halants like rÉç, Uç, uÉç, Wèû , ò¢, ó¢, õ¢, ý¢,

j§, k§, p§ , t§ cannot appear in the end of the sentence. They may appear in

the end of the words as part of the words through application of other rules.

Example, r coming for visarga. If ‘h’ comes then it gets transformed from the original

word to ’t’ or ‘k’. Note sÉç, ô¢, m§ is allowed but is found very rarely. Our analysis

shows that it does not appear in any of the texts in Shanti Japam, Udaga Shanti or

Upanishad books.


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8. Sibilant halants xÉç, zÉç wÉç , ú¢, Ÿ¢ û¢, s§ç ,q§, r§ also do not appear in

the end of a sentence. They tend to become visarga letters or substituted with other

hard consonant halants at the end of the sentence.

9. When a letter, which is not allowed as per above generic rules, appear at the end of the

sentence there will be substitution of letters with suitable letter.(read sound )

3.2 Rules on the types of Letters:

1. A Hard Consonant halant like Mçü, Oè, iÉç , mÉç , è¢, ì¢, î¢, ð¢ , K§, U§, Z§, e§

remain unchanged at the end of the sentence. This is not applicable to Sibilants.

2. If the Final letter in a word is a Hard Consonant and is followed by a word with first

letter Hard Consonant, they are not generally affected unless we need to use some

other specific Sandhi rule(s).

3. The following Table gives examples of how the end Soft Consonant Halants or other

halant letters are transformed into Hard Consonants or alternate halant letters.

Words with ending letter not allowed as

per rules stated above

What they transform to at the end of the


aÉç, bÉç è¢3, è¢4 M§, N§ Mçü, è¢, K§,

cÉç, Nè ê¢, ê¢2 P§ Q§ Mçü, è¢, K§,


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eÉç, fÉç ü¢, ü¢2 R§,S§ Mçü, è¢, K§,

Qèû , Rèû ì¢3, 좢4 W§, X§

eÉç, fÉç ü¢, ü¢2 R§,S§

Oèû ì¢ U§,

Oèû ì¢ U§, (based on roots of the word)

Sè ,kÉç iÉç î¢, Z§,

oÉç ,pÉç mÉç ð¢, e§,

gÉç hÉç í¢ Y

wÉç ,Wèû Oèû ì¢ U§, (or rarely Mçü, è¢, K§, based on the word)

zÉ, Ÿ q Oèû ì¢ or Mçü, è¢, K§, (based on the



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3.3 Some Examples:

Words with end letter not allowed as

per rules stated above

What they transform to at the end of the


CirÉÑþmÉýÌlÉwÉþSç CirÉÑþmÉýÌlÉwÉþiÉç

urÉÍjÉýUÉ SþkÉwÉÏïþSç urÉÍjÉýUÉ SþkÉwÉÏïiÉç

mÉëþjÉýqÉÉã SæurÉÉãþ ÍpÉýwÉeÉç mÉëþjÉýqÉÉã SæurÉÉãþ ÍpÉýwÉMçü

qÉlÉÉãý uÉÉMçü iuÉaÉç qÉlÉÉãý uÉÉMçü iuÉMçü

xÉqÉþqÉ×iÉýiuÉ qÉÉþlÉxÉûç xÉqÉþqÉ×iÉýiuÉ qÉÉþlÉOèû

mÉëpÉÑÈ mÉëÏhÉÉÌiÉþ ÌuɵÉýpÉÑaÉç mÉëpÉÑÈ mÉëÏhÉÉÌiÉþ ÌuɵÉýpÉÑMçü

ClSìÉrÉÉþÌWû xÉýWûxÉëþrÉÑaÉç ClSìÉrÉÉþÌWû xÉýWûxÉëþrÉÑMçü



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4 Change from Soft to Hard Consonant

4.1 Soft Consonant of a Class (except Nasal) follow ed by a Hard

Consonant Changes to the first hard consonant of it s Varga

Rule: The Soft Consonant of a Varga/class (normally the 3rd and 4th letters) changes to

(1st letter of that varga/class ) when followed by a Hard Consonant except Nasal letters.

Sub Rule: Such first letter becomes second letter of the class Consonant when followed by

the Sibilants (xÉ, ú, s), (zÉ, Ÿ, q), (wÉç û¢ r§)

̲ýmÉSè cÉiÉÑþwmÉSý-xqÉÉMüýóèý becomes ̲ýmÉiÉç -cÉiÉÑþwmÉSý-xqÉÉMüýóèý

î¢3õ¤…ðî¢3 궆û¢ðî…3-ú¢ñ£è…óèý becomes î¢3õ¤…ð 궆û¢ðî…3-ú¢ñ£è…óèý bûy–eb§ PZ¡—rðb–-sôxK–óè– becomes bûy–eZ§ -P¶Z¡—rðb–-sôxK–óè–

Sè, î¢3, b§ is a soft consonant. It is followed by cÉ, ê, P , which is a hard

consonant. The Sè, î¢3, b§ changes to iÉç, , Z§ which is the first letter in its



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Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

ÌSýuÉÈ MüýMÑüSè mÉÌiÉþÈ î¤…3õ: è…°î¢3 ð: by–pJ K–K¡b§§ eZy—J

ÌSýuÉÈ MüýMÑüimÉÌiÉþÈ î¤…3õ: è…°î¢ð: by–pJ K–K¡Z§eZy—J

̲ýmÉÉSè xÉÑþ mÉýzÉÑwÉÑý cÉiÉÑþwmÉÉSè xÉÑ î¢3õ¤…ð£î¢3ú§† ð…Ÿ§û§… 궆û¢ð£î¢3ú§ bûy–exb§§s¡— e–q¡r¡–, PZ¡—rðxb§§s¡

̲ýmÉÉjxÉÑþ mÉýzÉÑwÉÑý cÉiÉÑþwmÉÉjxÉÑ î¢3õ¤…ð£î¢2ú§† ð…Ÿ§û§… 궆û¢ð£î¢2ú§ bûy–exa§s¡— e–q¡r¡–, PZ¡—rðxa§s¡

4.2 Exception to 4.1

Rule: When a Verbal base is followed by (terminations beginning with iÉç or jÉç like ta, taa,te)

the ta, becomes the fourth letter ‘dha’ and the verbal base last letter changes to the third

(corresponding non-aspirate (alpha prana) third varg a letter.


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xiÉpÉ+ iÉÉã becomes xiÉokÉÉã, ú¢îð4+«î£ becomes ú¢îð¢3«î£4

sëh +¥Zx becomes së¥gîx

The pÉ, ð4, h becomes oÉç, ð¢3, g§ (alpha prana in that group) and the

iÉÉã, «î£,¥Zx becomes fourth letter in its varga ie. kÉÉã, «î£4, ¥jx

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

ÌuÉïýzÉÉã AýxrÉÉ ASþpÉ + iÉÈ õ¤…«Ÿ£ Ü…ú¢ò£ Üî†3ð4 +îÈ py–¥qx A–sõx Ab—h+ ZJ

ÌuÉïýzÉÉã AýxrÉÉ ASþokÉÈ õ¤…«Ÿ£ Ü…ú¢ò£ Üî†3ð¢3î4È py–¥qx A–sõx Ab—gîJ

ÍlÉýkÉrÉãþuÉ oÉýkÉç+iÉÉlÉç 串î4«ò†õ ð…3î¢4 + î£ù¢ dy–c¥j—p g–c§ + Zx©

ͳÉýkÉrÉãþuÉ oÉý®ÉlÉç 串î4«ò†õ ð…3î¢3î£4ù¢ Ëy–c¥j—p g–Æx©


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5 Change from Hard to Soft Consonant

5.1 Hard Consonant followed by a Vowel, Semi-vowel, Soft

Consonant (except Nasal) changes to 3 rd letter of that varga

When a Hard Consonant like ka,ca, are followed by a Vowel , Semi-Vowel or

Soft Consonant (except the nasal like gna,gya,Na,na,ma), the Hard consonant

changes to third letter of that varga/group.

xÉɤÉÉiÉç AÉiqÉÉþÅÍxÉ becomes xÉɤÉÉ-SÉiqÉÉþÅÍxÉ ú£þ£î¢ Ýî¢ñ£†Åú¤ becomes ú£þ£î£3î¢ñ£†Åú¤ sx±xZ§ BÃx—„sy becomes sx±xbxÃx—„sy

iÉç, î¢, Z§ the hard consonant is followed by a Vowel in the above example. It

becomes the third letter in its varga, S, î¢3, b, then combines with ‘aa’AÉ,Ý ,

B to become SÉ, î£3, bx


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Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

LiÉiÉç AjÉuÉïzÉÏwÉïÇþ ÆrÉÉãÅkÉÏýiÉã | ãîî¢ Üî2ó¢õŸ¦ó¢û†ñ¢ Æ«ò£Å4«î | GZZ§ Aaªp qzªrI— Æ¥jx„cz–¥Z |

LiÉSjÉuÉïzÉÏwÉïÇþ ÆrÉÉãÅkÉÏýiÉã | ãîî3î2ó¢õŸ¦ó¢û†ñ¢ Æ«ò£Å4«î | GZbaªp qzªrI— Æ¥jx„cz–¥Z |

A¹Éæ oÉëɼhÉÉlÉç xÉqrÉMçü aÉëÉþWûÌrÉýiuÉÉ Üû¢ªì÷ ð¢ó£2ý¢ñí£ù¢ úñ¢òè¢ - è¢3ó£†ýò¤…î¢õ£ Aræ¦ ögxÖYx© siõK§-öMx—tjy–Zûx

A¹Éæ oÉëɼhÉÉlÉç xÉqrÉaaÉëÉþWûÌrÉýiuÉÉ Üû¢ªì÷ ð¢ó£2ý¢ñí£ù¢ úñ¢òè¢3 - è¢3ó£†ýò¤…î¢õ£ Aræ¦ ögxÖYx© siõ-öMÞx—tjy–Zûx

rÉÈ xÉÉerÉ xÉÍqÉþiÉç- ÍpÉrÉïýeÉÌiÉ òú¢ ú£ü¢ò úñ¤†î¢ð¤4ó¢ ò…üî¤ jJ sxRõsiy—Z§§ hyª j–RZy

rÉÈ xÉÉerÉ xÉÍqÉþΰ-rÉïýeÉÌiÉ òú¢ ú£ü¢ò úñ¤†î¢3ð¤4ó¢ ò…üî¤ jJ sxRõsiy—b§hyª j–RZy


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cÉ lÉýÈ zÉqÉïþ rÉcNûiÉç ÌuÉýoÉWûÉïÿÈ ï…Ÿ¢ Ÿó¢ñ† òê¢êî¢-õ¤…ð3ó¢ý£: ‡ P dJ– qªi— jPâZ§§ py–gªtxJ˜

cÉ lÉýÈ zÉqÉïþ rÉcNû̲ýoÉWûÉïÿÈ ï…Ÿ¢ Ÿó¢ñ† òê¢êî¢3õ¤…ð3ó¢ý£: ‡ P dJ– qªi— jPâbûy–gªtxJ˜

iÉxqÉÉÿiÉçè ÌuÉýUÉQûþ eÉÉrÉiÉ îú¢ñ£‡î¢-õ¤…ó£ì†3ü£òî Zsôx˜Z§§ py–kxW—RxjZ

iÉxqÉÉÿSè ÌuÉýUÉQûþ eÉÉrÉiÉ îú¢ñ£‡î¢3-õ¤…ó£ì†3ü£òî Zsôx˜b§ py–kxW—RxjZ

ÆuÉÉMçü rÉý¥ÉãlÉþ MüsmÉiÉÉ-qÉÉýiqÉÉ Æõ£è¢ò…ü¢«ëù† èô¢ðî£ñ£…î¢ñ£

ÆpxK§õ–¥¹d— KmðZx-ix–Ãx

ÆuÉÉarÉý¥ÉãlÉþ MüsmÉiÉÉ-qÉÉýiqÉÉ Æõ£è¢3ò…ü¢«ëù† èô¢ðî£ñ£…î¢ñ£ ÆpxMõ–¥¹d— KmðZx-ix–Ãx

AÉýÌSýirÉÉ ÌuɵÉãý iÉûiÉç SåýuÉÉ Ý…î¤…3î¢ò£ õ¤Ÿ¢«õ… îî…3õ£ B–by–Zõx py¥qû– ZZ§§ ¥b–px

AÉýÌSýirÉÉ ÌuɵÉãý iɬãýuÉÉ Ý…î¤…3î¢ò£ õ¤Ÿ¢«õ…î î¢3«î…3õ£ B–by–Zõx py¥qû– Z¥Å–px


[email protected] Page 26 of 88

iÉç, î¢,Z§§ becomes Sè, î¢3, b§, then with Så, «î3 ¥b becomes¬ã,«î3, ¥Å

This is a general rule it has exception based on the sound the varga which are

given below.

5.2 Exceptions to 5.1

5.2.1 Ta varga HC ( iÉ,jÉ, î,î2, Z,a ) when followed by Cha Varga SC

(except nasal gya), the ta varga changes to 3 rd letter of the Cha varga

Please note that in the following examples, the ‘t’ iÉç, î¢, Z§ does not become

‘d’ S, î¢3, b but becomes ‘j’ eÉç, ü¢, R§.(third letter of Ca varga)

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

rÉjÉÉþ lÉýxxÉuÉïýÍqÉiÉç-eÉaÉþS ò2 ï…ú¢-úó¢õ…ñ¤î¢¢-üè†3î3

jax— d–sþªp–iyZ§§ - RM—b

rÉjÉÉþ lÉýxxÉuÉïýÍqÉ-‹aÉþS ò2 ï…ú¢-úó¢õ…ñ¤ü¢-üè†3î3

jax— d–sþªp–iy-¸M—b

iÉxqÉÉiÉç-eÉÉýiÉÉ AþeÉÉýuÉrÉþÈ iÉxqÉÉÿ‹ÉýiÉÉ AþeÉÉýuÉrÉþÈ


[email protected] Page 27 of 88

îú¢ñ£‡î¢¢ü£…î£ Ü†ü£…õò: † Zsôx˜Z§§ Rx–Zx A—Rx–pjJ—

îú¢ñ£‡ü¢ü£…î£ Ü†ü£…õò: † Zsôx˜¸x–Zx A—Rx–pjJ—

rÉŠþ ÌMüýÎgcÉiÉç-eÉþaÉjxÉýuÉïýÇ òê¢ê† 褅ë¢ê¤î¢¢-ü†è3î¢2 ú…ó¢õ…ñ¢ j¶— Ky–ºyZ§§§-R—Ma§ s–ªp–I

rÉŠþ ÌMüýÎgcÉ-‹þaÉjxÉýuÉïýÇ òê¢ê† 褅ë¢ê¤ü¢-ü†è3î¢2 ú…ó¢õ…ñ¢ j¶— Ky–ºyR§-R—Ma§ s–ªp–I

5.2.2 ‘ta’ Varga HC followed by Ta varga Soft Conso nant,

it changes to 3 rd letter of Ta varga

Rule: When Ta varga Hard Consonants (iÉ,jÉ, î,î2, Z,a ) (Dental class hard consonant)

followed by (Ta Varga (Cerebral class) Soft consonant Da and Dha, Qèû, Rû, ì 3 , ì 4,

W, X, the ‘ta’ changes to the 3rd letter of the Ta varga (Cerebral class )

ie. D, Qèû, ì 3 , W§).


[email protected] Page 28 of 88

Table of Examples:

Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

iÉiÉç + QûqmÉÌiÉ (verb meaning collect)

îî¢ + ì3ñ¢ðî¤ ZZ§ + Wi§eZy

iÉiÉçQèQûqmÉÌiÉ îì¢3ì3ñ¢ðî¤ ZW§Wi§eZy

iÉiÉç+QûqÉ îî¢+ì3ñ¼ ZZ§+Wik¡

iÉiÉçQèûQûqÉ îì¢3ì3ñ¼ ZW§Wik¡

iÉiÉç+RûÉæMüiÉã (go near/approach)

îî¢+ªì÷4è«î ZZ§+X¦K¥Z

iÉiÉçQèûRûÉæMüiÉã îì¢3ªì÷4è«î ZW§X¦K¥Z

5.2.3 Verbal base donot change when followed by Vow el and semi vowel

termination/case ending

Rule: Hard Consonat as a Verbal base or Nominal stem is followed by (vowel or

semivowel termination or case ending), then the Hard Consonant does not

change to the 3rd of class.It retains its class number.


[email protected] Page 29 of 88

Note: The rule is applicable to words with Vowel and Semi-vowel termination.

The words are build to indicate the verb from a base to indicate the gender,

singular/ plural, tense to complete the verb. The Hard Consonants retains its

class and does not change to third letter of the varga.

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

mÉPèû+rÉ+iÉå ðì¢



mÉœiÉå ðì¢



mÉiÉç +AÎliÉ ðî¢ +Üï¢î¤ eZ§ +AÇy

mÉiÉÎliÉ ðîï¢î¤ eZÇy

ͤÉmÉç +rÉ+ÌiÉ þ¤ð¢ +ò+î¤ ±ye§ +j+Zy

ͤÉmrÉÌiÉ þ¤ð¢òî¤ ±yeõZy


[email protected] Page 30 of 88

5.3 When HC is followed by a nasal, the HC can chan ge to 3 rd

letter of the varga or the nasal of that varga

Class hard consonant (Müç ZÉç cÉç Nûç Oçû Pûç iÉç jÉç mÉç Tüç)

followed by a (nasal Xûç gÉç hÉç lÉç qÉç) either changes to (3rd letter of that Varga/class )

or more commonly changes to the nasal of that varga letter

Note: This is not applicable to letters ‘r’ or ‘h’

AÉuÉÏýiÉç qÉÉÇ becomes AÉuÉÏýlqÉÉÇ , Ýõ¦… ñ£ñ¢ becomes Ýõ¦…ï¢ñ£ñ¢ Bpz–Z§ ixI becomes Bpz–ÍxI

iÉç, , Z§ is a hard consonant followed by a nasal varga letter ‘m’, qÉ, ñ, i

so ‘iÉç, , Z’ changes to the nasal letter ‘n’ (lÉç , ï¢, d§) of ‘ta’ varga.

In examples seen in vedic texts, it changes to nasal to enable smooth rendering.

Change to 3rd letter is to be traced/noticed in normal Suktams.


[email protected] Page 31 of 88

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

rÉiÉç qÉÑZÉÇý iÉSÉþWûuÉýlÉÏrÉÉåý òè…2ñ¢ î3ýõ…ù¦«ò£… jZ§ i¡LI– Zbx—tp–dz¥jx–

rÉlqÉÑZÉÇý iÉSÉþWûuÉýlÉÏrÉÉåý òù¢ºè…2ñ¢ î3ýõ…ù¦«ò£ jÍ¡LI– Zbx—tp–dz¥jx–

LýiÉjxÉý§ÉÇ ÆrÉiÉç qÉUþhÉÇý ã…îî¢2ú…î¢óñ¢ Æò ñó†í…ñ¢ G–Za§ s–öZI ÆjZ§ ik—YI

LýiÉjxÉý§ÉÇ ÆrÉlqÉUþhÉÇý ã…îî¢2ú…î¢óñ¢ Æòï¢ñó†í…ñ¢ G–Za§ s–öZI ÆjÍk—YI

iÉiÉç qÉÉqÉÉþuÉÏiÉç î ñ£ñ£†õ¦î¢ ZZ§ ixix—pzZ§ |

iÉlqÉÉqÉÉþuÉÏiÉç îï¢ñ£ñ£†õ¦î¢ ZÍxix—pzZ§ |

wÉOèû+qÉÑZÉ ûì¢+ºè rU§+i¡L

wÉhqÉÑZÉ ûí¢ºè r¿¡L

uÉÉMüç qÉlɶɤÉÑÈ-´ÉÉã§É õ£è¢ ñùŸ¢êþ§Ÿ¢-

uÉÉXèû qÉlɶɤÉÑÈ-´ÉÉã§É õ£é¢ ñùŸ¢êþ§Ÿ¢-


[email protected] Page 32 of 88

Ÿ¢«ó£î¢ó pxK§ idÒ±¡J-¥öqxöZ

Ÿ¢«ó£î¢ó pxO§ idÒ±¡J-¥öqxöZ

5.4 Change of ‘ha’ (Wû, ý, t) to 4 th letter of that varga

When a Hard Consonant like ka,Ta, is followed by ‘ha’ ( Wû, ý, t) the ka,ta

changes to the third letter of its class and the ‘h a’ (W, ý, t) optionally changes

to 4 th letter of that Hard consonant like ka,Ta,


uÉÉMçü ™SþrÉã becomes uÉÉaübÉ×SþrÉ or uÉÉaü™×SþrÉ õ£è¢ ý¢¼î†3«ò becomes õ£è¢3è¢4¼î†3«ò or õ£è¢3ý¢¼î†3«ò pxK§§ t£b—¥j becomes pxM§N£b—¥j or pxM§ t£b—¥j Note: Students must note this Paata Pedham which is acceptable grammatically. Veda

books may print either way. Don’t take this as a mi stake.


[email protected] Page 33 of 88

Table of Examples:

Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

mÉÑýUÉiÉþlÉ-ÌrÉý¦ÉÉã-UýÍcɨÉÉýiÉç- ÌWûûUþhrÉ-ÃmÉýqÉuÉþxÉã ¹…ó£-î†ùò¤…-ï£ó…-ê¤î¢î£…î¢- ý¤ó†í¢ò-Ïð…ñõ†«ú e¡–kx Z—djy–¥Ùxk–PyÀx–Z§§§§ tyk—Yõ-k¢e–ip—¥s

mÉÑýUÉiÉþlÉ-ÌrÉý¦ÉÉã-UýÍcɨÉÉý-Ì® (SèÌWû)ûUþhrÉ-ÃmÉýqÉuÉþxÉã ¹…ó£-î†ùò¤…-ï£ó…-ê¤î¢î£…î¢3-

î¤4(î¢3ý¤)ó†í¢ò-Ïð…ñõ†«ú e¡–kx Z—djy–¥Ùxk–PyÀx–b§ cy(b§ty)k—Yõ-k¢e–ip—¥s

SͤÉþhÉÉý-uÉÉMçü WûÉåiÉÉÿ mÉëÉýhÉ î3þ¤†í£…-õ£è¢ «ý£î£‡ ð¢ó£…í b±y—Yx–-pxK§ ¥txZx˜ öex–Y

SͤÉþhÉÉý-uÉÉakÉÉåiÉÉÿ mÉëÉýhÉ î3þ¤†í£…-õ£è¢3«î£4 ð¢ó£…í b±y—Yx–-pxM§¥NxZx˜ öex–Y

mÉëÉgcÉýóèý wÉOèû WûÉÉãþiÉÉUÇ ð¢ó£ë¢ê…óè… ûì¢ «ý£†3î£óñ¢ öexº–óè– rU§ ¥tx—ZxkI

mÉëÉgcÉýóèý wÉ•ûÉãþiÉÉUÇ ð¢ó£ë¢ê…óè… ûì¢3«ì£†3î£óñ¢ öexº–óè– r¥Wèx—ZxkI


[email protected] Page 34 of 88

cÉýlSìqÉÉýÈ wÉOèû WûÉãþiÉÉ ê…ï¢î¢3óñ£…: ûì¢ «ý£†3î£ P–öÉix–J rU§ ¥tx—Zx

cÉýlSìqÉÉýÈ wÉ•ûÉãþiÉÉ ê…ï¢î¢3óñ£…: ûì¢3«ì£†3î£ P–öÉix–J r¥Wèx—Zx

xÉ wÉOèû WÖûþiÉÉãÅpÉuÉiÉç ú ûì¢ ý¨†«î£Åð4õî¢ s rU t¢—¥Zx„hpZ§

xÉ wÉ•ÖûþiÉÉãÅpÉuÉiÉç ú ûì¢3dž4«î£Åð4õî¢ s rW颗¥Zx„hpZ§


[email protected] Page 35 of 88

6 Change of First Hard Consonant to Second Hard


Rule: When Hard Consonant first letter ka,Ta,ta,pa Mü Oû iÉ mÉ, è, ì, î, ð,

K, U, Z, e is followed by Sibilants (xÉ, ú, s), (zÉ, Ÿ, q),

(wÉç û¢ r§) that Hard Consonant changes to the second hard consonant

ie. ZÉ, P,jÉ, Tü, è2, ì2, î2, ð2 , L, V, a, f respectively.

iÉiÉç xÉþÌuÉýýiÉÑ-uÉïUãÿhrÉÇ becomes iÉjxÉþÌuÉýýiÉÑ-uÉïUãÿhrÉÇ

îî¢ ú†õ¤……¶ó¢ õ«ó‡í¢òñ¢ becomes îî¢2ú†õ¤……¶ó¢ õ«ó‡í¢òñ¢

ZZ§§ s—py––Z¡ª p¥k˜YõI becomes Za§s—py––Z¡ª p¥k˜YõI

Many books do not print it with second letter of the varga.

But shall be pronounced/rectied as the second letter to enable smooth flow of

sound. This rule is not found in some grammar books/Internet sites.


[email protected] Page 36 of 88

Table of Examples:

Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

MüÉqÉÉýliÉçç-xÉqÉþSèkrÉïliÉÑ lÉÈ è£ñ£…ï¢î¢ úñ†ó¢î¢3î¢4ò ï:

Kxix–©Z§§§ si—ªÆõÇ¡ dJ

MüÉqÉÉýljÉç-xÉqÉþSèkrÉïliÉÑ lÉÈ è£ñ£…ï¢î¢2 úñ†ó¢î¢3î¢4ò ï:

Kxix–©a§ si—ªÆõÇ¡ dJ AÉåÇÿ iÉiÉç xÉýirÉÇ AÉåÇÿ iÉiÉç xÉuÉïÇÿ æ‡ñ¢ îî¢ ú…î¢òñ¢ | æ‡ñ¢ îî¢ úó¢õ‡ñ¢ HxI˜ ZZ§§ s–ZõI | HxI˜ ZZ§§ sªpI˜

AÉåÇÿiÉjxÉýirÉÇ AÉåÇÿiÉjxÉuÉïÇÿ æ‡ñ¢ îî¢2ú…î¢òñ¢ | æ‡ñ¢ îî¢2úó¢õ‡ñ¢ HxI˜ Za§s–ZõI | HxI˜ Za§sªpI˜

aÉlkÉýuÉï-xiÉxrÉÉmÉÉãÿ ÅmxÉýUxÉÉãþ è3ï¢î…4ó¢õú¢-îú¢ò£«ð£‡- Åð¢ú…ó«ú£ MÊ–ªp-sësõx¥ex˜ „e§þ–k¥sx

aÉlkÉýuÉï-xiÉxrÉÉmÉÉãÿ ÅnxÉýUxÉÉãþ è3ï¢î…4ó¢õú¢-îú¢ò£«ð£‡- Åð¢2ú…ó«ú£ MÊ–ªp-sësõx¥ex˜ „fþ–k¥sx

UýU¤Éý iÉÉliÉçç xÉÑýM×üiÉÉãþ ó…óþ…î£ï¢î¢ ú§…袼«î£†

UýU¤Éý iÉÉljÉç xÉÑýM×üiÉÉãþ ó…óþ…î£ï¢î¢2 ú§…袼«î£†


[email protected] Page 37 of 88

k–k±– Zx©Z§§§ s¡–K£¥Zx— k–k±– Zx©a§ s¡–K£¥Zx— AýÎalÉUÉrÉÑþwqÉÉýliÉç xÉ uÉlÉýxmÉÌiÉþÍpÉý Ü…è¢3ù¤-󣻆û¢ñ£…ï¢î¢ú õù…ú¢ðð¤…4

A–²ykxj¡—rôx–©Z§§§s pd–sðZy—hy–

AýÎalÉUÉrÉÑþwqÉÉýljxÉ uÉlÉýxmÉÌiÉþÍpÉý Ü…è¢3ù¤-󣻆û¢ñ£…ï¢î¢2ú õù…ú¢ðð¤…4

A–²ykxj¡—rôx–©a§s pd–sðZy—hy–

xÉÇuÉðixÉýUÏhÉÉòþ xuÉýÎxiÉÇ úñ¢Æ¢õî¢ú…ó¦í£ò† ú¢õ…ú¢î¤ñ¢ sIpÆZ§§§s–kzYxòè— sû–sëyI

xÉÇuÉðjxÉýUÏhÉÉòþ xuÉýÎxiÉÇ úñ¢Æ¢õî¢2ú…ó¦í£ò† ú¢õ…ú¢î¤ñ¢ sIpÆa§s–kzYxòè— sû–sëyI

aÉlkÉýuÉïxiÉxrÉMçüï xÉÉýqÉÉlrÉþ è3ï¢î…4ó¢õú¢-îú¢ò†ó¢è¢-ú£…ñ£ù¢ò† MÊ–ªp-sësõ—ªK§ sx–ixdõ—

aÉlkÉýuÉïxiÉxrÉþZÉïç xÉÉýqÉÉlrÉþ è3ï¢î…4ó¢õú¢-îú¢ò†ó¢è¢2-ú£…ñ£ù¢ò† MÊ–ªp-sësõ—ªL§ sx–ixdõ—


[email protected] Page 38 of 88

7 Change from Dental(ta) to Palatal(cha)

7.1 ta varga consonant when followed by ‘cha’ varga consonant,

‘ta’ changes to corresponding ‘cha’ varga letter

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

xÉiÉç ÍcÉiÉç AÉlÉlSÉ úî¢ ê¤î¢ Ýùï¢î£3 sZ§ PyZ BdÉx

xÉΊSÉlÉlSÉ úê¢ê¤î£3ùï¢î£3 s¶ybxdÉx

iÉiÉç cɤÉÑþ-SãïýuÉÌWûþiÉÇ îî¢ êþ§†ó¢-«î…3õý¤†îñ¢ ZZ§ P±¡—ª ¥b–pty—ZI

iÉŠ¤ÉÑþ SãïýuÉÌWûþiÉÇ îê¢êþ§†ó¢-«î…3õý¤†îñ¢ Z¶±¡—ª ¥b–pty—ZI

uÉwÉOèMüÉýUÉrÉý rÉiÉç cÉûþiÉÑUç aÉ×WûÏýiÉÇ õûì¢è£…ó£ò… òî¢ ê†¶ó¢ è¢3¼ý¦…îñ¢ prU§Kx–kxj– jZ§ P—Z¡ª M£tz–ZI

uÉwÉOèMüÉýUÉrÉý rÉŠþiÉÑUç aÉ×WûÏýiÉÇ õûì¢è£…ó£ò… òê¢ê†¶ó¢ è¢3¼ý¦…îñ¢ prU§Kx–kxj– j¶—Z¡ª M£tz–ZI


[email protected] Page 39 of 88

̲ýmÉiÉç cÉiÉÑþwmÉSý-xqÉÉMüýóèý î¢3õ¤…ðî¢ ê¶†û¢ðî…3-ú¢ñ£è…óèý bûy–eZ§ PZ¡—rðb–-sôxK–óè–

̲ýmÉ-ŠiÉÑþwmÉSý-xqÉÉMüýóèý î¢3õ¤…ð-ê¢ê¶†û¢ðî…3-ú¢ñ£è…óèý bûy–e-¶Z¡—rðb–-sôxK–óè–


[email protected] Page 40 of 88

7.2 ta varga nasal ‘n’ ( lÉç , ï¢, d§) followed by Soft Consonant

changes to nasal of class of the following letter

Rule: When the ta varga nasal ‘n’ (lÉç , ï¢, d§) (dental nasal) is followed by cha varga soft

Consonants ‘ja, eÉ , ü , R , or jha fÉ ü2 S (palatal soft consonant),

the dental ‘n’ changes (lÉç , ï¢, d§) to gÉç, ë¢, T (palatal class nasal ).

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

xÉÉýrÉÇ mÉëÉýiÉÈ mÉëþrÉÑlÉç eÉÉýlÉÉãý ð¢ó£…î: ð¢ó†»ï¢¢ ü£…«ù£… öex–ZJ öe—j¡d§ Rx–¥dx–

xÉÉýrÉÇ mÉëÉýiÉÈ mÉëþrÉÑgeÉÉýlÉÉãý ð¢ó£…î: ð¢ó†»ë¢ü£…«ù£… öex–ZJ öe—j¡Øx–¥dx–

LýuÉæMüÉÿlÉç eÉÑWÒûrÉÉiÉç ã…¬õ 裇¢ ü§ý§ò£î¢ K—sôx G–¤¤pKx˜d§-R¡t¡jxZ§

LýuÉæMüÉÿgeÉÑWÒûrÉÉiÉç ã…¬õ 裇ë¢ü§ý§ò£î¢ K—sôx G–¤¤pKx˜-Ø¡t¡jxZ§


[email protected] Page 41 of 88

oÉ×WûýxmÉÌiÉþÈ mÉëjÉýqÉÑlÉç eÉÉrÉþqÉÉlÉÈ ð¢¼3ý…ú¢ðî¤: † ð¢óî…2ñï¢-ü£ò†ñ£ù:

g£t–sðZyJ— öea–i˜d§ Rxj—ixdJ

oÉ×WûýxmÉÌiÉþÈ mÉëjÉýqÉgeÉÉrÉþqÉÉlÉÈ ð¢¼3ý…ú¢ðî¤: † ð¢óî…2ñë¢-ü£ò†ñ£ù:

g£t–sðZyJ— öea–iØxj—ixdJ

ÍzÉýuÉÉ qÉSþxiÉÉýÑlÉç eÉѹÉÿÇ Ÿ¤…õ£ ñî†3ú¢î£…ï¢-ü§û¢ì£‡ï¢ qy–px ib—sëx–d§ - R¡ræx˜I

ÍzÉýuÉÉ qÉSþxiÉÉýgeÉѹÉÿÇ Ÿ¤…õ£ ñî†3ú¢î£…ë¢-ü§û¢ì£‡ï¢ qy–px ib—sëx–-Ø¡ræx˜I

ÂcÉþÇ oÉëÉý¼ÑlÉç eÉýlÉrÉþliÉÈ ¼ê†ñ¢ ð¢3ó£…ý¢ñï¢ ü…ùò†ï¢î:

k¡P—I ögx–Öd§ - R–dj—ÇJ

ÂcÉþÇ oÉëÉý¼geÉýlÉrÉþliÉÈ ¼ê†ñ¢ ð¢3ó£…ý¢ñë¢ ü…ùò†ï¢î:

k¡P—I ögx–Ö-Ø–dj—ÇJ

7.3 Ta Varga Consonant followed by S (palatal sibil ant)

Rule: ‘ta’ varga letter (dental class consonant) is followed by (zÉ, Ÿ q) (palatal sibilant),

the ‘ta’ changes to the corresponding ‘cha’ varga letter (Palatal Consonant)


[email protected] Page 42 of 88

If the (zÉ, Ÿ q) is followed by (Vowel, Semivowel, Nasal or ‘ha)’, then the

(zÉ, Ÿ q)) optionally changes to N, ê2, Q . (second letter of Cha Varga)

This option can create difference in the way books print the word. This should not be treated

as a mistake; A grammatical paata pedham only.

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

SãïýuÉÌWûþiÉÇ mÉÑýUxiÉÉÿiÉç- zÉÑý¢üqÉÑýŠUþiÉç «î…3õý¤†îñ¢ ¹…óú¢î£‡î¢ Ÿ§…è¢ó-º…ê¢êó†î¢ ¥b–pty—ZI e¡–ksëx˜Z§ q¡–öKi¡–¶k—Z§

SãïýuÉÌWûþiÉÇ mÉÑýUxiÉÉÿ-cNûÑý(czÉÑ)¢üqÉÑýŠUþiÉç «î…3õý¤†îñ¢ ¹…óú¢î£‡-ꢲ…2(ꢟ§)è¢ó-º…ê¢êó†î¢ ¥b–pty—ZI e¡–ksëx˜-P§Q¡ (P§q¡)–öKi¡–¶k—Z§

iÉiÉç zÉÇûý ÆrÉÉãUÉ uÉ×þhÉÏqÉWãû îî¢ Ÿ…ñ¢ Æ«ò£ó£ õ¢¼†í¦ñ«ý ZZ§ qI– Æ¥Ðxkx p£—Yzi¥t

iÉcNÇûýÆrÉÉãUÉ uÉ×þhÉÏqÉWãû îê¢ê…2ñ¢ Æ«ò£ó£ õ¢¼†í¦ñ«ý ZPâI–Æ¥Ðxkx p£—Yzi¥t


[email protected] Page 43 of 88

qÉbÉþuÉlÉç-zÉûýÎa® iÉuÉý iɳÉþ ñè†3õù¢- Ÿ…è¢3î¢3î¤4 îõ… îù¢ù iN—p©-q–M§Æy Zp– ZË

qÉbÉþuÉ(lÉç)-gNûýÎa® iÉuÉý iɳÉþ ñè†3õ(ù¢)-ë¢ê…2è¢3î¢3î¤4 îõ… îù¢ù iN—p(©)-TâM§Æy Zp– ZË

mÉÉæýhÉïýqÉÉýxrÉÑSþaÉÉýiÉç-zÉûÉãpÉþqÉÉlÉÉ ªð÷…ó¢í…ñ£…ú¢-»î†3装3î¢ - «Ÿ£ð†4ñ£ù£ e¦–ªY–ix–sõ¡b—Mx–Z§- ¥qxh—ixdx

mÉÉæýhÉïýqÉÉýxrÉÑSþaÉÉý-cNûÉãpÉþqÉÉlÉÉ ªð÷…ó¢í…ñ£…ú¢-»î†3装3-ꢫê£2ð†4ñ£ù£ e¦–ªY–ix–sõ¡b—Mx–- ¥Pâxh—ixdx

iÉýiÉç ´ÉÉãýhÉæÌiÉý îî¢ Ÿ¢«ó£…¬í ZZ§ ¥öqx–¤¤YZy–

iÉcNíûÉãýhÉæÌiÉý îê¢ê¢2«ó£…¬í Z¥öPâx–¤¤YZy–


[email protected] Page 44 of 88

7.4 Dental Class Sibilant ‘s’ ( xÉ, ú , s ) is followed by

‘S’ (zÉç, Ÿ q§) Palatal Sibilant

Rule: D ental class Sibilant ‘sa’ (xÉ, ú , s ) followed by Palatal Class Consonant

(Ca Varga ) or palatal sibilant) (zÉ, Ÿ q) ,

the ‘(xÉ, ú , s ) changes to zÉ, Ÿ q (palatal sibilant ).

Note: Normally these are represented through Visarga and treated in the same manner as

Visarga Sandhi rules.

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

lÉqÉþxÉç + ÎzÉýuÉÉrÉ ïñ†ú¢ + Ÿ¤…õ£ò† di—s§ + qy–pxj

lÉqÉþÎzzÉýuÉÉrÉ ïñ†Ÿ¢-Ÿ¤…õ£ò† di—qüy–pxj


[email protected] Page 45 of 88

8 Dental to Cerebral

8.1 ta (iÉ, î, Z )Varga followed by Ta( Oû, ì, U) varga

Rule: A ‘ta’ (iÉ, î, Z ) varga letter (dental class consonant) is followed by a (Oû, ì, U)

‘Ta’ Varga letter (cerebral class consonant), the ‘ta’ changes to the corresponding letter from

Ta varga. (cerebral )

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

iÉiÉç + ÌOûMüÌiÉ (jump) îî¢ + ®èî¤ ZZ§ + UyKZy

iÉÌ–ûMüÌiÉ î좢®èî¤ Z¼yKZy

iÉiÉç+ÌOûMüÉ (note/commentary) îî¢+®è£ ZZ§+UyKx

iÉÌ–ûMüÉ îì¢®è£ Z¼yKx


[email protected] Page 46 of 88

8.2 ta varga Nasal ‘n’( lÉç , ï¢, d§) followed by Ta ( Oû, ì, U) varga

Soft Consonant

Rule: ta varga nasal ‘n’ (lÉç , ï¢, d§) is followed by Ta varga Soft Consonants Da,Dha (Qû,

R, ì3, ì4, W, X) (cerebral is a soft consonant),

the dental nasal ‘n’ changes to nasal N” (hÉç, í¢,Y§) (cerebral class nasal ).

Table of Examples : (from reference books/sites) Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

iÉÉlÉç + QûqmÉiÉã î£ù¢ + ì3ñ¢ð«î Zxd§ + Wi§e¥Z

iÉÉhQûqmÉiÉã î£í¢¢ì3ñ¢ð«î ZxT§Wi§e¥Z

iÉÉlÉç + RûÉæMüiÉå î£ù¢ + ªì÷4è«î Zxd§ + X¦K¥Z

iÉÉhRûÉæMüiÉå î£í¢ªì÷4è«î ZxT§X¦K¥Z


[email protected] Page 47 of 88

8.3 Ta Varga is followed by Sh (cerebral Sibilant)

Rule: A ‘ta’ varga (iÉ, î, Z ) letter (dental class consonant) is followed by ‘

Sh’ (wÉç û¢ r§) (cerebral sibilant), the ‘ta’ changes to the ‘Ta’ varga letter

(corresponding cerebral ).

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

iÉiÉç+wÉOèû (six,sixth)

îî¢+ûì¢ ZZ§+rU§

iÉOèwÉOèû îì¢ûì¢ ZU§rU§

iÉiÉç+wÉÉQûuÉ (confectionary) îî¢+û£ì3õ ZZ§+rxWp

iÉOèwÉÉQûuÉ îì¢û£ì3õ ZU§rxWp

iÉiÉç+wÉÉãQûzÉ (sixteen,sixteenth) îî¢+«û£ì3Ÿ ZZ§+¥rxWq

iÉOèwÉÉãQûzÉ î좫û£ì3Ÿ ZU§¥rxWq


[email protected] Page 48 of 88

8.4 Dental Sibilant ‘s’ ( xÉç, ú¢ , s§ ) followed by Cerebral Class

change to Cerebral Sibilant ‘Sh’ (wÉç û¢ r§)

Rule: ‘s’ (xÉç, ú¢ , s§ ) (dental class sibilant) followed by Ta varga letter (cerebral class

consonant) or Sh’ (wÉç û¢ r§) cerebral sibilant) changes to Sh’ (wÉç û¢ r§).

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

iɳÉxÉç wÉhqÉÑZÉÈ mÉëcÉÉãýSrÉÉÿiÉç

îï¢ïú¢ ûí¢ºè2:


ZË—s§ r¿¡LJöe¥Px–bjx˜Z§

iɳÉþwwÉhqÉÑZÉÈ mÉëcÉÉãýSrÉÉÿiÉç



ZË—r§-r¿¡LJ öe¥Px–bjx˜Z§

Please Note that the Sandhi of ‘s’ +Ta varga letters becomes Shta, ShTa during internal

sandhi of the words. Examples : Thistati, Ishta;


[email protected] Page 49 of 88

Please note that normally the ‘s’ at the end of a padam or word is represented through a

Visarga. We have leant the same in Visarga Sandhi rules. Normally books may not print a

word with xÉç, ú¢, s§ at its end. This could be a rare instances in vedic texts which need

to be observed. But the rule should be noted that this is a corollary rule of the Visarga rule


8.5 Summary of relations of Sibilants to the respec tive Varga:

Colour Markings: Class Consonant Green, Class Nasal Yellow Class Semi-Vowel Blue



Letters Class Sibilant Rules and Notes

Ka Varga



Mü ZÉ aÉ bÉ Xû

è è2 è

3 è

4 é


W ý t

No Class Sibilant.

Cha Varga



cÉ Nû eÉ fÉ gÉ

ê ê2 ü ü

2 ë

zÉç, Ÿ¢ q§ Class Consonant and

Nasal shall be

preceded only by its



[email protected] Page 50 of 88


rÉ ò j

Ta Varga



Oû Pû Qû Rû hÉ

ì ì2ì

4 í


U ó k

(wÉç û¢ r§) Class Consonant and

Nasal shall be

preceded only by its


ta varga

Dentals (SliÉ)

iÉ jÉ S kÉ lÉ

î î2 î

3 î

4 ï

Z a b c d

sÉ ô m

xÉç , ú¢, s§ Class Consonant and

Nasal shall be

preceded only by its


Pa varga

Labials (AÉå¸Éæ)

mÉ Tü oÉ pÉ qÉ

ð ð2 ð

3 ð

4 ñ

No Class Sibilant


[email protected] Page 51 of 88

e f g h i

uÉ õ p


[email protected] Page 52 of 88

9 Dental changes to Semi vowel l

9.1 Ta varga consonant changes to l when followed b y l

Rule 1 : A ‘ta’ varga (iÉ, î, Z ) letter (dental class consonant ) is followed by

(sÉç , ô¢ , m§) the ‘ta’ varga changes to sÉç , ô¢ , m§

Rule 2: ‘n’ (lÉç , ï¢, d§) (dental class nasal) followed by (sÉç , ô¢ , m§) , the ‘n’

changes nasalized ÆsÉç , Æô¢ , Æm§)

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

qÉkrÉýxjÉÉýSè ÌuÉý±ÑiÉç sÉãþZÉãuÉý pÉÉxuÉþUÉ ñî¢4ò…ú¢î£…2î¢3 õ¤…î¢3»î¢- «ô†«è2õ ð£4ú¢õ†ó£ iÆõ–Óx–b§ py–bõ¡Z§§§§ ¥m—¥Lp– hxsû—kx

qÉkrÉýxjÉÉýSè ÌuÉý±ÑssÉãþZÉãuÉý pÉÉxuÉþUÉ ñî¢4ò…ú¢î£…2î¢3 õ¤…î¢3»ô¢«ô†«è2õ ð£4ú¢õ†ó£ iÆõ–Óx–b§ py–bõ¡¥mø—¥Lp– hxsû—kx


[email protected] Page 53 of 88

(no nasal effect since ‘t’ converts to ‘l’)

SåþuÉsÉÉåýMüÉå qÉþlÉÑwrÉ sÉÉåýMüɳÉÉxqÉÉiÉç sÉÉåýMüÉiÉç «î†3õ«ô£…«è£ ñ†Âû¢ò «ô£…è£ù¢ù£ú¢ñ£î¢ «ô£…è£î¢ ¥b—p¥mx–¥Kx i—d¡rõ ¥mx–KxËxsôxZ§§§§ ¥mx––Kxa§

SåþuÉsÉÉåýMüÉå qÉþlÉÑwrÉ sÉÉåýMüɳÉÉxqÉÉ ssÉÉåýMüÉiÉç «î†3õ«ô£…«è£ ñ†Âû¢ò «ô£…è£ù¢ù£ú¢ñ£ ô¢«ô£…è£î¢ ¥b—p¥mx–¥Kx i—d¡rõ ¥mx–KxËxsôx ¥møx–Kxa§ (no nasal effect since ‘t’ converts to ‘l’)

LMüÉãý uÉÉ AýqÉÑÎwqÉþlÉç sÉÉãýMãü qÉ×ýirÉÑÈ ã«è£… õ£ Ü…ºû¢ñ¤†ù¢ «ô£…«è ñ¢¼…:

G¥Kx– px A–i¡rôy—© ¥mx–¥K i£–Zõ¡J

LMüÉãý uÉÉ AýqÉÑÎwqÉ ÆssÉÉãýMãü qÉ×ýirÉÑÈ ã«è£… õ£ Ü…ºû¢ñ¤† Æô¢«ô£…«è ñ¢¼…:

G¥Kx– px A–i¡rôy— Æ¥møx–¥K i£–Zõ¡J (nasal effect since ‘n’ converts to ‘l’)


[email protected] Page 54 of 88

rÉkrÉý qÉÑÎwqÉþlÉç sÉÉåýMåüÅÎxiÉþ-uÉÉýlÉuÉåÌiÉþ òî¢4ò… ºû¢ñ¤†ù¢ «ô£…«è- Åú¢î¤†-õ£…ù«õ jbõ– i¡rôy—© ¥mx––¥K„sëy— px–d¥pZy—

rÉkrÉý qÉÑÎwqÉþ ÆssÉÉåýMåüÅÎxiÉþ-uÉÉýlÉuÉåÌiÉþ òî¢4ò… ºû¢ñ¤† Æô¢«ô£…«è- Åú¢î¤†-õ£…ù«õ jbõ– i¡rôy— Æ¥møx–¥K„sëy— px–d¥pZy— (nasal effect since ‘n’ converts to ‘l’)


[email protected] Page 55 of 88

10 Consonant changes to Nasal

10.1 Anuswara Changes to Nasal of the following Var ga letter

Rule: (qÉç, ñ¢, i§) palatal nasal followed by class consonants) (this excludes

Vowels,Semi-Vowels and Sibilants). Please refer to 10.1 and 10.2 ) either changes to

(anusvara ) or less commonly to the (nasal of class ). Books represent it both ways.

See the table below for examples.

Rule: Anuswaran at the middle of a word is followd by a Consonant (except Sibilants and r and

ha), it changes to the corresponding Nasal letter of the varga of that following Consonant.

This Rule is applied to vedic recital to join Anusw aram with the first letter of the

following word for continuous rendering.

This rule is not evident while printing in Tamil an d Malayalam Languages,

the printing incorporates the Nasal like ïñ†Ÿ¢-Ÿ…ñ¢ð4«õ, ïñ†Ÿ¢-Ÿé¢è…ó£ò†,

di—qü–Ih¥p—, di—qü´–kxj.

Please note that many Sanskrit books also print the words as it is “to be

read” without anuswaram. Anuswaram is used only for the sound ‘M’ and

at the end of the word. A student must first get co nversant with the

conventions used in the book.


[email protected] Page 56 of 88

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

lÉqÉþzzÉýÇpÉuÉãþ lÉqÉþzzÉýqpÉuÉãþ lÉqÉþzzÉÇMüûýUÉrÉþ lÉqÉþzzɃ¡ûýUÉrÉþ ÌSýzÉÉÇcÉý mÉiÉþrÉãý ÌSýzÉÉgcÉý mÉiÉþrÉãý AÉýÇQûÏ pÉþuÉ AÉýhQûÏ pÉþuÉ lÉqÉÉãþ SÒÇSÒýprÉÉþrÉ lÉqÉÉãþ SÒlSÒýprÉÉþrÉ


[email protected] Page 57 of 88

11 M (qÉç) and n ( lÉç )to anusvaram

11.1 ‘m’ ( qÉç, ñ¢, i§) followed by Vowel, Sibilant ,h,r changes to

Anuswara and then to gm,gg

Rule 1: ‘m’ followed by (Vowels, Sibilants, W, U) changes to anusvara and the Anusvara

becomes a (gm) . óè Rule 2: if the following letters is a Samykta Vyajyani (Conjunct Consonant) the Anusvara

becomes a (gg)- ò

This rule is specific to Krishna Yajur Vedic gramma r for recital.

As per Sanskrit Grammar rules, it remains an Anuswa ram only.


[email protected] Page 58 of 88

Table of Examples:

Original words/padams As represented in Veda



aÉýhÉÉlÉÉÿliuÉÉ aÉýhÉmÉþÌiÉÇ





M–Yxdx˜Çûx M–Ye—ZyI tpxi¥t

aÉýhÉÉlÉÉÿliuÉÉ aÉýhÉmÉþÌiÉóè





M–Yxdx˜Çûx M–Ye—Zyóè tpxi¥t


before W, ý, t


[email protected] Page 59 of 88

xÉuÉÉïÇ AýalÉÏÇ UþnxÉÑýwÉSÉã

úó¢õ£†ñ¢ Ü…è¢3ù¦ñ¢


sªpx—I A–²zI


xÉuÉÉïóèþ AýalÉÏóè UþnxÉÑýwÉSÉã

úó¢õ£†óè Ü…è¢3ù¦óè


sªpxóè— A–²zóè


Anuswaram before

vowel A and U,

vowel Ü & ó

vowel A and k

UÉeÉãý uÉÉqÉþuÉÉýÇ CpÉãþ lÉ

ó£«ü… õ£ñ† õ£…ñ¢…

Þ«ð†4 ï

kx¥R– pxi—px–I– C¥h—d

UÉeÉãý uÉÉqÉþuÉÉýóèý CpÉãþ lÉ |

ó£«ü… õ£ñ† õ£…óè…

Þ«ð†4 ï |

kx¥R– pxi—px–óè– C¥h—d

Anuswaram before

vowel C, Þ, C


[email protected] Page 60 of 88

̧ÉÇýýzÉ®ÉqÉý ÌuÉUÉþeÉÌiÉý





̧ÉýóèýzÉ®ÉqÉý ÌuÉUÉþeÉÌiÉ






before zÉ Ÿ q

rÉý¤qÉÇ xÉÑýqÉlÉÉý AxÉþiÉç |

ò…þ¢ññ¢ ú§…ñù£…


j–±§iI s¡–idx–


rÉý¤qÉóè xÉÑýqÉlÉÉý AxÉþiÉç

ò…þ¢ñóè ú§…ñù£…


j–±§ióè s¡–idx–


Anuswaram before

xÉ ú s


[email protected] Page 61 of 88

ÌuÉzÉþsrÉÉãý oÉÉhÉþuÉÉÇ EýiÉ


ð£3í†õ£ñ¢ à…î

pyq—¥mõx– gxY—pxI


ÌuÉzÉþsrÉÉãý oÉÉhÉþuÉÉóè EýiÉ


ð£3í†õ£óè à…î

pyq—¥mõx– gxY—pxóè

D–Z |

Anuswaram before

vowel E à D

Examples for (gg)

Original words/padams As represented in Veda



iÉmÉÔþÇwrÉalÉã eÉÑýÀûÉþmÉiÉÇýaÉÉ



iÉmÉÔòþwrÉalÉã eÉÑýÀûÉþmÉiÉÇaÉÉ




before joint letter

starting with

wÉ û r


[email protected] Page 62 of 88





AÉmÉýzzÉÇxrÉÉãýlÉÉ pÉþuÉliÉÑ


ú¢«ò£…ù£ ð†õ

Be–qüI ¥sõx–dx


AÉmÉýzzÉòxrÉÉãýlÉÉ pÉþuÉliÉÑ

Ýð…Ÿ¢Ÿò ú¢«ò£…ù£


Be–qüò ¥sõx–dx



before a joint

letter starting with

xÉ ú s


ñ£…îó…ñ¢ Ÿ¢ó¤ò†ñ¢

ix–Zk–I öqyjI

qÉÉýiÉUýòý Í´ÉrÉÇþ

ñ£…îó…ò… Ÿ¢ó¤ò†ñ¢

ix–Zk–ò– öqyjI


before a joint

letter starting with

zÉ Ÿ q


[email protected] Page 63 of 88

mÉÑþÂWÕûýiÉÍqÉlSìþÇ xuÉýÎxiÉ





mÉÑþÂWÕûýiÉÍqÉlSòþ xuÉýÎxiÉ






before a joint

letter starting with

xÉ ú s

11.2 Nasal ‘m’ ( qÉç, ñ¢, i§) followed by ‘ya,la,va, changes to

nasalised form

Rule: When ‘m’ (qÉç, ñ¢, i§) is followed by ‘ya ( rÉ,ò,j), la (sÉ,ô, m),

va (uÉ, õ, p) , the ‘m’ changes to the nasalised form ( Æ) of ‘ya’, respectively.


[email protected] Page 64 of 88

Books may print the Nasal sign ( Æ) before the ya,la,va based letters retaining the

anuswaram or ‘m’ or print it as ‘ ÆrrÉÉ, Æò¢ò£,Æj§jx without the ‘m’

The recital should be correctly nasalised.

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

AýÎalÉÇ rÉÉ aÉpÉïÇþSÍkÉýUã

Ü…è¢3ù¤ñ¢ ò£ è3ó¢ð†ï¢î34«ó

A–²yI jx MªhI— bcy–¥k


Ü…è¢3ù¤Æò¢ò£ è3ó¢ð†ï¢î34«ó

A–²yÆj§jx MªhI— bcy–¥k

ESÒþ¨ÉýqÉÇ uÉþÂhÉý

ආ3î¢î…ññ¢ õ†¼í

Db¡—À–iI p—k¡Y– exq—



Db¡—À–iÆp§p—k¡Y– exq—


[email protected] Page 65 of 88

lÉælÉÇþ sÉÉãýMãü sÉÉãþMãü qÉ×ýirÉÑ ÌuÉïþlSÌiÉ ¬ïù†ñ¢ «ô£…«è «ô£†«è ñ¢¼…ó¢ õ¤†ï¢î3î¤ ¤¤ddI— ¥mx–¥K ¥mx—¥K i£–Zõ¡ª py—ÉZy

lÉælÉþ ÆssÉÉãýMãü sÉÉãþMãü qÉ×ýirÉÑ ÌuÉïþlSÌiÉ ¬ïù† Æô¢«ô£…«è «ô£†«è ñ¢¼…ó¢ õ¤†ï¢î3î¤ ¤¤dd— Æ¥møx–¥K ¥mx—¥K i£–Zõ¡ª py—ÉZy

aÉÉýiÉÑÇ rÉý¥ÉÉrÉþ | aÉÉýiÉÑÇ rÉý¥ÉmÉþiÉrÉã 装3¶ñ¢ ò…ü¢ë£ò† | 装3¶ñ¢ ò…ü¢ëð†î«ò | Mx–Z¡I j–¹xj— | Mx–Z¡I j–¹e—Z¥j |

aÉÉýiÉÑÇ rÉðý¥ÉÉrÉþ | aÉÉýiÉÑ ÇÆrÉý¥ÉmÉþiÉrÉã 装3¶ñ¢ Æò…ü¢ë£ò† |

装3¶ñ¢ Æò…ü¢ëð†î«ò | Mx–Z¡I Æj–¹xj— | Mx–Z¡I Æj–¹e—Z¥j |


[email protected] Page 66 of 88

11.3 ‘n’ ( lÉç , ï¢, d§) changes to anuswaram+’S’( zÉç, Ÿ q§)

followed by ca and cha (hard cha varga consonant)

Rule: lÉç , ï¢, d§ at the end of a word changes to Anusvara + (zÉç, Ÿ¢ q§) when

followed by cÉ,Nû , ê¢,ê¢2 , P Q (hard consonants of Cha varga).

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

AWûÏþlÉç cÉýý xÉuÉÉïÿlÉç Üý¦†ù¢¢ ê…… úó¢õ£‡ë¢ Atz—d§ P–– sªpx˜©

AWûÏòþ¶Éýý xÉuÉÉïÿlÉç Üý¦ò†Ÿ¢ê…… úó¢õ£‡ë¢ Atzò—Ò–– sªpx˜©

SãýuÉÏUeÉÏþiÉÉlÉç cÉ «î…3õ¦ óü¦†î£ù¢¢ ê ¥b–pzkRz—Zxd§ P

SãýuÉÏUeÉÏþiÉÉò¶É «î…3õ¦ óü¦†î£òŸ¢ê ¥b–pzkRz—ZxòÒ


[email protected] Page 67 of 88

aÉlkÉuÉÉïlÉç cÉ ÌmÉiÉ×òþ¶É ÌuÉýµÉÉlÉç è3ï¢î4ó¢õ£ù¢¢ ê ð¤î¢¼†ù¢¢ ê õ¤Ÿ¢õ£…ù¢ Mʪpxd§ P eyZ£þd§ P py–qûx©

aÉlkÉuÉÉïò¶É ÌmÉiÉ×òþ¶É ÌuÉýµÉÉlÉç è3ï¢î4ó¢õ£òŸ¢ê ð¤î¢¼ò†Ÿ¢ê õ¤Ÿ¢õ£…ù¢ MʪpxòÒ eyZ£ò—Ò py–qûx©

AýqÉÔlÉç cÉþ mÉËUýU¤ÉþiÉÈ Ü…Íù¢¢ ê† ðó¤…óþ†î:

A–i¢d§ P — eky–k±—ZJ

AýqÉÔò¶Éþ mÉËUýU¤ÉþiÉÈ Ü…ÍòŸ¢ê† ðó¤…óþ†î:

A–i¢òÒ— eky–k±—ZJ AýÎxqÉlÉç cÉþ sÉÉãýMãüþ-ÅqÉÑÎwqÉþlÉç cÉ pÉÉÌiÉ Ü…ú¢ñ¤ù¢¢ ê† «ô£…«è† -źû¢ñ¤†ù¢¢ ê ð£4î¤ A–sôyd§ P — ¥mx–¥K— - „i¡rôy—d§ P hxZy

AýÎxqÉò¶Éþ sÉÉãýMãüþ-ÅqÉÑÎwqÉòþ¶É pÉÉÌiÉ Ü…ú¢ñ¤òŸ¢ê† «ô£…«è† -źû¢ñ¤ò†Ÿ¢ê ð£4î¤ A–sôyòÒ— ¥mx–¥K— - „i¡rôyò—Ò hxZy


[email protected] Page 68 of 88

11.4 ‘n’ ( lÉç , ï¢, d§) changes to anuswaram+’Sh’ followed by Ta

and Tha (hard Ta varga consonant)

Rule: (lÉç , ï¢, d§) at the end of a word changes to Anusvara Plus (wÉç û¢ r§)

(cerebral sibilant)] when followed by Oû,P, ì ì2, U V (Ta Varga hard consonants).

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

iÉϤhÉ-SýlÉç -OíûÉrÉþ kÉÏqÉÌWû

î¦þ¢íî…3ï¢- ì¢ó£ò† î¦4ñý¤ Zz±§Yb–d§ öUxj— czity

iÉϤhÉ-Sýòý¹íÉrÉþ kÉÏqÉÌWû î¦þ¢íî…3ò…û¢ì¢ó£ò† î¦4ñý¤ Zz±§Yb–ò–öræxj— czity


[email protected] Page 69 of 88

11.5 ‘n’ ( lÉç , ï¢, d§) changes to anuswaram+’s’ (xÉç ú¢ s§)

followed by ta and tha (hard ta varga hard consonan t)

Rule: (lÉç , ï¢, d§) at the end of a word changes to Anusvara plus (xÉç ú¢ s§)

(dental sibilant)] when followed by iÉ,jÉ, î,î2, Z,a (ta Varga hard consonants).

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

mÉýzÉÔlÉç iÉÉò¶Éþ¢ãü uÉÉrÉýurÉÉlÉçþ ð…Ÿ¨ù¢ î£òŸ¢ê†è¢«ó õ£ò…õ¢ò£ù¢† e–q¢d§ ZxòÒ—¥öK pxj–põx©— Current rule of N+ta Previous rule of N+cha

mÉýzÉÔòxiÉÉò¶Éþ¢ãü uÉÉrÉýurÉÉlÉçþ ð…Ÿ¨ò-ú¢î£òŸ¢ê†è¢«ó õ£ò…õ¢ò£ù¢† e–q¢òsëxòÒ—¥öK pxj–põx©— Current rule of N+ta Previous rule of N+cha

mÉëÉýhÉÉlÉç iÉÉÇ eÉÑþWûÉãÍqÉ ð¢ó£…í£ù¢ î£ë¢ü§†«ý£ñ¤ öex–Yxd§ ZëxØ¡—¥txiy

mÉëÉýhÉÉòxiÉÉÇ eÉÑþWûÉãÍqÉ ð¢ó£…í£ò ú¢î£ë¢ü§†«ý£ñ¤ öex–Yxòsëx-Ø¡—¥txiy


[email protected] Page 70 of 88

mÉýzÉÔlÉç iÉý CÌiÉþ ð…Ÿ¨ù¢ î… Þ e–q¢d§ Z– CZy—

mÉýzÉÔòxiÉý CÌiÉþ ð…Ÿ¨òú¢î… Þ e–q¢òsë– CZy—

11.6 ‘n’ ( lÉç , ï¢, d§) at the end of a word is followed by

’s’ (xÉç ú¢ s§) then a ‘t’ is added after ‘n’

If ‘n’ ( lÉç , ï¢, d§) at the end of a wordpadam and is followed by a word/padam starting with

’s’ (xÉç ú¢ s§), then, a "t" iÉç, î¢, Z§ is optionally inserted between them.

This ‘t’ transforms to th jÉ , î¢2, a§ as per rule stated in Section 6.1

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

MüÉqÉÉýlÉçç-xÉqÉþSèkrÉïliÉÑ lÉÈ è£ñ£… úñ†ó¢î¢3î¢4ò ï:

MüÉqÉÉýljÉç-xÉqÉþSèkrÉïliÉÑ lÉÈ è£ñ£…ï¢î¢2 úñ†ó¢î¢3î¢4ò ï:


[email protected] Page 71 of 88

Kxix–© si—ªÆõÇ¡ dJ Kxix–©a§ si—ªÆõÇ¡ dJ eÉýÇpÉrÉýlÉç xÉuÉÉïÿ¶É rÉÉiÉÑ kÉÉýlrÉþÈ ü…ñ¢ð4ò…ï¢ úó¢õ£‡Ÿ¢ê ò£¶ 4ù¢ò:

R–Ihj–© sªpx˜Ò jxZ¡ cx–dõJ—

eÉýÇpÉrÉýlÉç jxÉuÉÉïÿ¶É rÉÉiÉÑ kÉÉýlrÉþÈ ü…ñ¢ð4ò…ï¢î¢2 úó¢õ£‡Ÿ¢ê ò£¶ 4ù¢ò:

R–Ihj–© a§sªpx˜Ò jxZ¡ cx–dõJ—

AýÎalÉUÉrÉÑþwqÉÉýlÉç xÉ uÉlÉýxmÉÌiÉþÍpÉý Ü…è¢3ù¤-󣻆û¢ñ£…ï¢ ú õù…ú¢ðð¤…4

A–²ykxj¡—rôx–© s pd–sðZy—hy–

AýÎalÉUÉrÉÑþwqÉÉýljÉç xÉ uÉlÉýxmÉÌiÉþÍpÉý Ü…è¢3ù¤-󣻆û¢ñ£…ï¢î¢2 ú õù…ú¢ðð¤…4

A–²ykxj¡—rôx–©a§§ s pd–sðZy—hy–

pÉ×ýaÉÔýlÉç-xÉmÉÉïòþ¶ÉÉÇ-ÌaÉUxÉÉãþÅjÉ ð¢4¼…Ã…3ï¢-úó¢ð£ò†Ÿ¢ê£é¢-è¤3ó«ú£†Åî2


pÉ×ýaÉÔýljÉç-xÉmÉÉïòþ¶ÉÉÇ-ÌaÉUxÉÉãþÅjÉ ð¢4¼…Ã…3ï¢î¢2-úó¢ð£ò†Ÿ¢ê£é¢-è¤3ó«ú£†Åî2



[email protected] Page 72 of 88

11.7 Oèû ì¢ U§ at the end of a word is followed by

’s’ (xÉç ú¢ s§) then a ‘t’ iÉç, î¢, Z is optionally added after ‘n’

The ‘t’ iÉç, î¢, Z§ transforms to ‘th’ jÉ , î¢2, a§ as per rule stated in Section 6.1

Table of Examples:

Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

SãýuÉÉã AmrÉþÌiɸý-xrÉlSþqÉÉlÉÉ «î…3«õ£ Üð¢ò†î¤û¢ì…2 -

ú¢òï¢î†3 ñ£ù£ ¥b–¥px Aeõ—Zyrç– sõÉ—ixdx

SãýuÉÉã AmrÉþÌiɸýjÉç-xrÉlSþqÉÉlÉÉ «î…3«õ£ Üð¢ò†î¤û¢ì…2î¢2 -

ú¢òï¢î†3 ñ£ù£ ¥b–¥px Aeõ—Zyrç–a§ sõÉ—ixdx

pÉÌuÉýwrÉSè uÉwÉýOèû xuÉÉWûÉý ð4õ¤…û¢òî¢3õû…ì¢ ú¢õ£ý£… hpy–rõb§ pr–U§ sûxtx–

pÉÌuÉýwrÉSè uÉwÉýOèû jxuÉÉWûÉý ð4õ¤…û¢òî¢3 õû…ì¢î¢2 ú¢õ£ý£… hpy–rõb§ pr–U§ a§sûxtx–


[email protected] Page 73 of 88

eÉaÉþiÉÏý uÉwÉýOèû xuÉÉWûÉý üè†3 õû…ì¢ ú¢õ£ý£… RM—Zz– pr–U§ sûxtx

eÉaÉþiÉÏý uÉwÉýOèû jxuÉÉWûÉý üè†3 õû…ì¢î¢2 ú¢õ£ý£… RM—Zz– pr–U§ a§sûxtx


[email protected] Page 74 of 88

12 Consonants doubling

12.1 Consonants ~ga, Na, na at the end of the word after a short

vowel doubles when followed by a vowel

Rule: Consonants Xèû,hÉç, lÉç é¢, í¢,ï¢ O§, Y§, d§ doubles itself at the end of a

word , when they are after a short/hrasva letter and followed by a Vowel.

rÉÎxqÉlÉç AxrÉ MüÉsÉã becomes rÉÎxqɳÉxrÉ MüÉsÉã

òú¢ñ¤ù¢ Üú¢ò 裫ô becomes òú¢ñ¤ù¢ùú¢ò 裫ô

jsôyd§ Asõ Kx¥m becomes jsôyËsõ Kx¥m

Normally Yasmin +asya =yasminasya, ie rÉÎxqÉlÉçxrÉ, òú¢ñ¤ùú¢ò,

jsôydsõ since (n+a =na).

The (lÉç , ï¢, d§) doubles to becomes nna, ³É, ù¢ù, Ë through this rule.


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Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

sÉÉåýMüÉlÉç AxqÉÉ «ô£…è£ù¢ Üú¢ñ£ ¥mx–Kxd§ Asôx

sÉÉåýMüɳÉxqÉÉ «ô£…è£ù¢ùú¢ñ£ ¥mx–KxËsôx

oÉë¼þlÉç A…ÎxqÉlÉç ð¢3óý¢ñ†ù¢ Ü…ú¢ñ¤ù¢ ögÖ—d§ A…sôy©

oÉë¼þ³ÉýÎxqÉlÉç ð¢3óý¢ñ†ù¢ù…ú¢ñ¤ù¢ ögÖ—Ë–sôy©

mÉëirÉXèû + AÉiqÉÉ ð¢óî¢òé¢ + Ýî¢ñ£ öeZõO§ + BÃx

mÉëirɈûÉiqÉÉ ð¢óî¢òé¢é£î¢ñ£ öeZõµxÃx

xÉaÉÑhÉç + CuÉ ú°í¢ + Þõ sM¡Y§ + Cp

xÉaÉÑÎhhÉuÉ ú°í¢í¤õ sM¡Yêyp


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12.2 Class Consonants of the doubles Optionally whe n preceeded

by a Semi-vowel

This rule is not applicable to nj, gÉç, ë¢, T§. An analysis of word patterns in Standard

Suktams indicate it is optionally used. This rule seems to smoothen the sound effect of

rendering and giving right halant letter of that varga.

Note: Students must take note of doubling of Conson ants due to application other

Sandhi rules. This optional rule shall be used/ has been applied selectively for right

sound effect only. This rule would have been applie d to the internal Sandhi of the word

from its root word already.

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

SýÍkÉý¢üÉuhhÉÉãþ AMüÉËUwÉÇ î…33è¢ó£õ¢í¢«í£† Üè£ó¤ûñ¢ b–cy–öKxp§¥Yêx— AKxkyrI

hÉÉã, «í£,¥Yx is prefixed with

hÉç, í¢,Y§ after semi-vowel ‘va’.

ÌuɵÉã¨ÉÉÌlÉý uÉÂþhÉxrÉ õ¤Ÿ¢«õî¢î£ù¤… õ¼†íú¢ò

ÌuɵÉã + iÉÉÌlÉ gets additional iÉç õ¤Ÿ¢«õ +î£ù¤ gets


[email protected] Page 77 of 88

py¥qûÀxdy– pk¡—Ysõ

additional î¢, py¥qû+ Zxdy gets additional Z§

12.3 Consonants of the five major class doubles Opt ionally when

preceding letter is a vowel and succeeding letter is not a


This rule is not applicable to Wèû, ý¢, t§

The Consonant is followed by a Vowel, but that Vowel is not followed by another vowel, then

this rule is applied optionally.

Note: The words must be understood carefully since there may be a Vowel Sandhi applied

in that word or padam. This optional rule shall be used/ has been applied selectively for

right sound effect only. This rule would have been applied to the internal Sandhi of the

word from its root word already.

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

AuÉÉã¨ÉýUɨÉÉÿiÉç Ü«õ£î¢î…ó£î¢î£‡î¢ A¥pxÀ–kxÀx˜Z§

AuÉ+ E¨ÉýU Üõ +àî¢î…ó£î¢î£‡î¢ Ap +DÀ–kxÀx˜Z§


[email protected] Page 78 of 88

ÌoÉlSÒ Â¨ÉþU ÃýmÉÇ ð¤33 ¼î¢î†ó Ï…ðñ¢ gyÉ¡k¡À—k k¢–eI

ÌoÉlS: E¨ÉþU ÃýmÉÇ ð¤33: àî¢î†ó Ï…ðñ¢ gyÉ¡: DÀ—k k¢–eI

12.4 Consonants of the five major class doubles Opt ionally when

the when followed by r or h and the ‘r’ and ‘h’ is preceded by a


This rule is not applicable to Wèû, ý¢, t§

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

iuÉqÉãýuÉ MãüýuÉsÉÇý Mü¨ÉÉïþÅÍxÉ | î¢õ«ñ…õ «è…õô…ñ¢ èó¢î¢î£†Åú¤ Zû¥i–p ¥K–pmI– KªÀx—„sy

¨ÉÉ, î¢î£, Àx follows ‘r’


[email protected] Page 79 of 88

AýprÉÉuÉþ¨ÉïSèkuÉý-qÉÑmÉýqÉãiÉþ Ü…ð¢4ò£õ†ó¢î¢-îî¢3î¢4õ…-ºð…«ñî† ú£…è A–hõxp—ªÀÆû–-i¡e–¥iZ—

¨É, î¢î, À follows ‘r’

Note: A Semivowel is optionally doubled when preceded by a consonant belonging to any of the first

five classes except gÉç, ë¢, T§. This has not been found in the current books. References

are made to Pada Paatam for suitable examples.


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13 Ca before cha

13.1 ‘ca’ inserted before Cha after short vowel wit h a word

Rule : cÉç, , ê¢, P§ is inserted before Nû ,ê2 Q if this Nû ,ê

2 Q is after a short/hrasva

vowel within a word. This taken care during the internal sandhi of the word.

Please note that the above rule is for Short Vowels only.

The cN, ê¢ê2 , P§Q combination occurs wherever it is as per Sandhi rules.

An example would be combination of ‘t’ +S. Section 7.3.

Table of Examples: Word after Sandhi or ‘to be read as’ Comments

´ÉuÉþ-CýcNûqÉÉþlÉÉ Ÿ¢óõ†-Þ…ê¢ê2ñ£†ù£ öqp—-C–Pâix—dx

C, Þ, C is a short Vowel.

A ch has been added before Cha.

pÉÉýlÉÑýqɨÉãeÉþ EýcNûUþiÉç ð£…4Â…ñîü† à…ê¢ê2ó†î¢ hx–d¡–i¥ÀR— D–Pâk—Z§

E, à, D is a short vowel


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ÌaÉËUýzÉÉcNûÉþ (ÌaÉËUýzÉ AcNûÉþ) uÉSÉqÉÍxÉ è¤3ó¤…Ÿ£ê¢ê£†2 (è¤3ó¤…ŸÜê¢ê£†2) õî£3ñú¤ Myky–qxPâx— (Myky–q APâx—) pbxisy

Note the word before vowel sandhi. It is acchaa

A, Ü, A is a short vowel

EcNÒûwqÉÉý AÉãwÉþkÉÏlÉÉÇý àꢲ2û¢ñ£… æû†î¦4ù£…ñ¢ DPâ¡rôx– Hxr—czdxI

E, à, D is a short vowel

13.2 ‘ca’ is optional before Cha after long vowel

Rule : cÉç, , ê¢, P§ is Optionally inserted before Nû ,ê2 Q if this Nû ,ê

2 Q is after a

long/Dheerga Vowels within a word.

Note: This optional application has not been found through an analysis of Mantras in Shanti

Japam, Udaga Shanti, Shiva Stuti and Upanishad books compiled.


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13.3 ‘ca’ before Cha is mandatory for particles ‘ma a’ or ‘aa’


Rule : cÉç, , ê¢, P§ is mandatory Nû ,ê2 Q if this Nû ,ê

2 Q is

after Particles ‘aa’ AÉ,Ý, B and ‘maa’ qÉÉ,ñ£,ix

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

qÉÉÍNûþSÉã qÉ×irÉÉãý qÉÉuÉþkÉÏÈ ñ£ê¤†2«î£3 ñ¢¼î¢«ò£… ñ£õ†î¦:4

ixQy—¥bx i£¥Zõx– ixp—czJ

qÉÉÍcNûþSÉã qÉ×irÉÉãý qÉÉuÉþkÉÏÈ ñ£ê¢ê¤†2«î£3 ñ¢¼î¢«ò£… ñ£õ†î¦:4

ixP§Qy—¥bx i£¥Zõx– ixp—czJ


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14 Ushman(Sibilant) Change in termination

14.1 ‘s’ changes to ‘Sh’ in termination

(xÉç ú¢ s§) belonging to a substitute or termination after (any vowel sound

except अ or आ, semivowel, guttural(ka varga) or �) changes to wÉç û¢ r§)

Table of Examples: Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

EmÉÌlÉ + xÉSç àðï¤ + úî¢3

Dedy + sb§

EmÉÌlÉwÉSç àðï¤ûî¢3 Dedyrb§ (after vowel sound e)

xÉuÉãïþxÉÑý uÉÉ LýxÉÑ sÉÉãýMãüxÉÑþ úó¢«õ†ú§… õ£ ã…ú§ «ô£…«èú§ sª¥p—s¡– px G–s¡ ¥mx–¥Ks¡—

xÉuÉãïþwÉÑý uÉÉ LýwÉÑ sÉÉãýMãüwÉÑþ úó¢«õ†û§… õ£ ã…û§ «ô£…«èû§ sª¥p—r¡– px G–r¡ ¥mx–¥Kr¡—


[email protected] Page 84 of 88

(after semivowel va,after guttural letter ka)

rÉã A³ÉãþxÉÑý ÌuÉýÌuÉkrÉþÎliÉý mÉɧÉãþxÉÑýý «ò Üù¢«ù†ú§ õ¤…õ¤î¢4ò†ï¢î¤… ð£î¢«ó†ú§ ¥j A¥Ë—s¡ py–pycõ—Çy– ex¥öZ—s¡

rÉã A³ÉãþwÉÑ ÌuÉýÌuÉkrÉþÎliÉý mÉɧÉãþwÉÑý «ò Üù¢«ù†û§ õ¤…õ¤î¢4ò†ï¢î¤… ð£î¢«ó†û§… ¥j A¥Ë—r¡ py–pycõ—Çy– ex¥öZ—r¡ (after vowel sound ae, semivowel ra)


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15 Change of n to N

15.1 ‘n’( lÉç , ï¢, d§) changes to N ,(hÉç, í¢,Y§)

1. ((lÉç , ï¢, d§) within a word after (Uç ó¢, k§), (wÉç û¢ r), (G ¼ E),

(H Ï u) changes to (hÉç, í¢,Y§) even if it is intervened by a (vowel, a semivowel

except ल,् a nasal, ka varga (guttural), pa varga ( labial) or (W, ý, t)).

Table of Examples:

Source padam/Word before Sandhi Word after Sandhi o r ‘to be read as’

mÉÑÂwÉ + ClÉ ¹¼û + Þù e¡k¡r + Cd

mÉÑÂwÉãhÉ ¹¼«ûí e¡k¡¥rY (‘n’ after Sha intervened by vowel C)

þÌlÉ + xÉÌ…¡ûlÉã ï¤ + ú…é¢è¤3«ù

ÌlÉwÉÌ…¡ûhÉã ï¤ûé¢è¤3«í


[email protected] Page 86 of 88

dy + sO§My¥d dyrO§My¥Y (‘n’ after sa intervened by Guttaral- Ka

varga letter ngi- Ì… )

qÉãMüýUÉlqÉÉlÉÑþwÉÏlÉÉÇ «ñè…ó£ù¢ ñ£Â†û¦ù£ñ¢ ¥iK–kxd§ ixd¡—rzdxI

qÉãMüýUÉhqÉÉlÉÑþwÉÏhÉÉÇ «ñè…ó£í¢ ñ£Â†û¦í£ñ¢ ¥iK–kx¨ ixd¡—rzYxI

N after ‘ra’ becomes ‘N’ ; second one directly after ‘Sha’ -

mÉë + AýlÉÈ ð¢ó + Ü…ùÈ öe + A–dJ

mÉëÉýhÉÈ ð¢ó£…íÈ öex–YJ (‘n’ after ‘ra’ sound intervened by vowel)

U¤ÉÉã + WûlÉÇ ó«þ£ + ýùñ¢ k¥±x + tdI

U¤ÉÉãWûhÉÇ ó«þ£ýíñ¢ k¥±xtYI (‘n’ after ‘sha’ sound intervened by letter ‘ha’ )


[email protected] Page 87 of 88

qÉ×ÌwÉýÌuÉïmÉëÉlÉÉÇ qÉÌWûýwÉÉã qÉ×ýaÉÉlÉÉÿÇ ñ¢¼û¤…ó¢ õ¤ð¢ó£†ù£ñ¢ ñý¤…«û£ ñ¢¼…è£3ù£‡ñ¢ i£ry–ª pyöex—dxI ity–¥rx i£–MxdxI

qÉ×ÌwÉýÌuÉïmÉëÉþhÉÉÇ qÉÌWûýwÉÉã qÉ×ýaÉÉhÉÉÿÇ ñ¢¼û¤…ó¢ õ¤ð¢ó£†í£ñ¢ ñý¤…«û£ ñ¢¼…è£3í£‡ñ¢ i£ry–ª pyöex—YxI ity–¥rx i£–MxYx˜I First ‘naa’ after ‘ra’ directly. Second one in blue after ‘ru’ intervened by Guttaral – ka varga letter

Note that this transformation does not occur when "n" is at the end of a word,

that is, the present Rule of Sandhi cannot be used with a final "n" which is halant.

Source padam/Word before Sandhi Explanation of thi s exception

eÉÉýÍqÉqÉeÉÉþÍqÉÇý mÉëqÉ×þhÉÏÌWûý zɧÉÔlÉçþ ü£…ñ¤ñü£†ñ¤…ñ¢ ð¢óñ¢¼†í¦ý¤… Ÿî¢Ïù¢† Rx–iyiRx—iyI– öei£—Yzty– qöZ¢©—

The ‘n’ as a halant at the end is not converted to ‘N’. Note that the ‘n’ follows a ‘r’ class letter.

mÉýÌuɧÉý qÉirÉãþÌiÉý UãpɳÉçþ The ‘n’ as a halant at the end is not converted to ‘N’. Note that the ‘n’ follows a ‘r’ class letter intervened by a


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ð…õ¤î¢ó… ñò†î¤… «óð4ù¢ù¢† e–pyöZ– i¥Zõ—Zy– ¥kh˧—

Labial –Pa varga letter.