basics of radiation physics how heat can travel through the vacuum of space how radiation affects...

Basics of Radiation Physics How Heat Can Travel Through the Vacuum of Space How Radiation Affects Heat Here on Earth

Post on 19-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Basics of Radiation Physics How Heat Can Travel Through the Vacuum of Space How Radiation Affects Heat Here on Earth

Basics of Radiation Physics

How Heat Can Travel Through the Vacuum of Space

How Radiation Affects Heat Here on Earth

Page 2: Basics of Radiation Physics How Heat Can Travel Through the Vacuum of Space How Radiation Affects Heat Here on Earth

EM Spectrum

Page 3: Basics of Radiation Physics How Heat Can Travel Through the Vacuum of Space How Radiation Affects Heat Here on Earth

Wavelength vs. Frequency

λν = cLambda*nu = C

wavelength*frequency = speed of light

C = 3.00 x 108 m/s (in a vacuum)

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Example 1

λν = cFrequency of green light?

Wavelength 500 nm = 5 x 10-7 mν = c/ λ = (3x108 m/s)/(5 x 10-7 m)

= 6 x1014 s-1 1 s-1 = 1/(2π) Hertz (cycles/sec)

ω = 3800 GHz

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Example 2

λν = cWavelength of FM radio waves?

Frequency 103 MHz1 s-1 = 1/(2π) Hertz

λ = c/ν = (3x108 m/s)/(1.6x107 s-1)= 18.3 meters (!)

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Planck Relation

E = hνE = energy of one photon

h = Planck Constant= 6.63 x 10-34 J s Can also write:

E = hc/λ

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Example: Energy of Green Photons

E = hc/λ

E = (6.6 x 10-34 J s)(3 x108 m/s)500 x 10-9 m

= 4.0 x 10-9 J/photon x 6.02 x 1023 photons/mole

= 2.4 x 105 J = 240 J/mole

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Compare to Carbon Fixation

CO2 + H2O -> Glucose G = +120 kJ/mole

Light has energy of ~200 kJ/mole

Can visible light provide enough energy to fix carbon?

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Stefan-Boltzmann Law

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Black Cadillac vs. White Cadillac

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Energy from Sun to Earth

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Solar Angle

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Solar Angle

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Effect of Solar Angle on Radiation at the Surface of the Earth

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Comparative Latitudes of 4 US Cities• Fairbanks, AK• Ithaca, NY• Madison, WI• Honolulu, HI

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Sunlight Flux, cal/cm2/day

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Local Solar Angle Effects