basics of geography. learning target to understand some of the basic fundamentals of geography...

World Geography Basics of Geography

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Post on 28-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

World GeographyBasics of


Page 2: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

LEARNING TARGETTo understand some of the basic

fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human geography)

Page 3: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Exploring GeographyWhat is World Geography?1. Fueled by the need to understand our

world2. Geo – earth Graphy – writing about

(study of)3. The study of where people, places, and

things are located and of the ways in which these 3 relate to each other. It involves the study of the distribution and interaction of physical (natural) and human features on the earth.

What will you gain by studying WG?1. You will see the world through different

perspectives (views)2. Provides a way to organize information

to make it logical.3. Having knowledge of the world will help

you to make better decisions, contribute to solving problems, and increase your opportunities for success

Page 4: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

5 Themes of Geography1. Location answers the question where

is it?

*Used in 2 ways1. Absolute – is the precise(exact) spot on the earth* Latitude – measures distances north and south of the Equator* Longitude – measures distances east and west of the Prime Meridian* crossing these lines (circles) creates the global grid

Tucson, Arizona is at 32 degrees N of the Equator and 110 degrees W of the Prime Meridian

2. Relative – is a general description of one place to another place

* most commonly described by using direction and distance (or time)

Tucson is approximately 1440 miles SW of Chicago

Page 5: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

5 Themes of Geography2. Place answers the

question what is it like?* describe unique characteristics of a place that separate it from other places

a. Physical – all natural features* examples – landforms , water bodies, climate, vegetation

b. Human – all manmade features*material objects (examples) – roads, buildings, products, etc.*nonmaterial ideas (examples)- language, religion, laws, etc.

Page 6: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

5 Themes of Geography3. Movement answers the

question how do people, goods, and ideas move from place to place?

* looks at the migration or movement of people* looks at transportation networks like roads, RR, air, and water routes* looks at communication networks like TV, radio, satellites, and internet* looks at economic movement of goods called trade* looks at the spread of culture called cultural diffusion

Page 7: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

5 Themes of Geography4. Human Environment

Interaction answers the question how do people relate to the natural world?* looks at how people adapt to their environment by changing their behaviors* looks at how people alter (change) their environment to meet their wants or needs

- need to minimize the negative consequences and find a balance

Page 8: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

5 Themes of Geography

5. Region answers the question how are places similar and different? * regions are smaller parts (areas)of the earth that are defined by a common characteristic* these characteristics can be physical or human or defined by a type of movement (perception)* breaking our earth into smaller units makes it easier to understand relationships between places

Page 9: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

** Using the 5 Themes helps us to better understand our world by organizing information in a logical way

Page 10: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Tools of Geography

1. Globes – 3D models (representations) of the earth* most accurate representation of the earth* very limited in their use for geography

Page 11: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Maps2. Maps – 2D representation of

parts or all of the earth.* have many advantages over globes* the main problem is distortion or inaccuracy due to flattening a round object* different map projections are used to overcome the inaccuracy of size, shape, distance and direction found in maps*Cartography is the art and science of making a map and a cartographer is a mapmaker* some modern tools used today are satellites and global positioning systems (GPS)

Page 12: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

* 4 components of a map1. A title tells what the map is about (red)2. A legend or key explains the meaning of colors and

symbols. (yellow)3. A scale gives the relationship of distance on a map

compared to the real earth (blue)4. A directional indicator (compass rose) shows the 4

cardinal directions and maybe intermediate directions (purple)

Page 13: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

* Types of maps1. A small scale map shows a large area with little detail2. A large scale map shows a small area with many details3. There are two types of general purpose maps used most by readers

a. Physical maps show relief (elevations)

b. Political maps show borders of countries4. Thematic maps show specific data or information like climate or population density

Page 15: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Physical Geography1. Our earth is approximately

4.6 billion years old2. The 3 main layers of the

earth are the core ,the mantle, and the crust

3. The 4 main spheres of the earth:* the lithosphere is the solid rock portion of the earth – contains the 7 continents* the hydrosphere is the water portion of the earth – contains the 4 major oceans* the atmosphere is layers of gases that surround the earth* the biosphere is the part of the earth where plants and animals live

Page 16: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Landforms1. The topography or shapes of

the earth’s surface are classified by relief (elevation)

and slope (angle of the land)* 4 major types of landforms are: mountains, hills, plains, and plateaus

2. The earth’s landmasses are built up by plate tectonics. Where giant pieces of crust move slowly over millions of years separating and colliding with each other

3. The earth’s landmasses are worn down by the process of weathering which breaks rock into smaller and smaller pieces over millions of years

4. When rock is small enough (sediment), the process of erosion moves this material around. The 3 main agents are moving water, air (wind), and glaciers (large slabs of moving ice)

Page 17: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Weather and Climate1. Weather is the condition of the bottom layer of

the atmosphere over a short period of time.* The 3 main conditions that create weather :

a. Temperature - influenced by the angle of the sun’s ultraviolet rays

b. Wind - due to varying air pressure around the globe

c. Precipitation - due to the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere.* Some examples of violent weather are hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, t-storms

2. Climate is the average weather patterns of a given area over a long period of time.* 3 main factors that influence climate

a. Latitude - distance from the Equator (affects the angle of the sun’s rays)

b. Elevation - height above sea level (air cools 3.5 degrees / 1000 ft)

c. Proximity (closeness) to large bodies of water (moderate temps) – also depends on the winds* Climate regions are based on average temperature and precipitation throughout a year* 6 main types – Tropical, Arid or desert (dry), Moderate, Continental, Polar, and highlands (mountain)

Page 18: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Vegetation1. Types are very dependent on

temperature, precipitation, and soil type.

2. Major types are :

Forest (tropical, deciduous - shed leaves, and coniferous or needle leaf)

grasslands (tropical savannas, or temperate prairies)

desert (shrub)

tundra (treeless cold areas)

ice cap (none)

Page 19: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Human GeographyCulture1. Is an entire way of life that guides a

particular group of people (society)2. Main components:

* family – people from the same lineage (share a common ancestor)* social class – defined by money or some other characteristic a society values* ethnicity (race) – people that share common (similar) physical or cultural traits* history – recorded events of the past (written, audio, video)*language – spoken or written forms of communication* religion – a strong belief in something extraordinary (gods, forces, or philosophies)* customs – traditional practices of a society* cultural expression – creative ways of displaying a culture like sports, music, fashion, art, literature, etc.

- the spread of culture is known as cultural diffusion

Page 20: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Population1. Is the total number of

people in a given area2. Demography is the study

of populations3. Population growth looks

at the birth rate compared with the death rate

4. Population distribution looks at where people live and why* Population density looks at how many people live in a given area

5. The two major areas of population are rural (countryside) and urban (city)

Page 21: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Economics1. One of the main questions of

economics is: What and how many goods and services will be produced?

2. The major types of systems are traditional, capitalism, socialism, and communism. The last 3 look at the

amount of government control in running the economy

3. Resources like fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) play a major role in trade and economics

4. Economic activities can be primary (gathering resources like farming, logging, or mining), secondary (manufacturing), or tertiary (service industries)

5. The measuring of wealth can determine if a country is developing (poor) or developed (wealthy)

Page 22: Basics of Geography. LEARNING TARGET To understand some of the basic fundamentals of Geography (Purpose / 5 themes / tools / physical geography / human

Political Systems1. The 4 characteristics needed to

define a country are: territory, a population (citizens), sovereignty (power), and a government

2. The 2 main types of governments:a. Democracy - rule by the people

* most are republics (leaders or representatives are chosen to run the gov’t)b. Dictatorship - rule by a few or one person

* different types : monarchy, military, facism, communism, and theocracy (ruled by a religion)