basic motivation to deen(islam)

The existence of Almighty Allah and his power (Allahu Akbar): The Almighty Allah is omnipotent. He is alone. We cannot think so much massive like him. There is no share and partner of it’s own. He is only one who wonderful and invisible in the world and outside the world in the seven skies even if everywhere. He is staying all creatures’ body, heart and brain. He has given authority to implement task all human being and all creatures to serve their necessity. The Almighty Allah has created his A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

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Page 1: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

The existence of Almighty Allah and his power (Allahu Akbar):The Almighty Allah is omnipotent. He is alone. We cannot think so much massive like him. There is no share and partner of it’s own. He is only one who wonderful and invisible in the world and outside the world in the seven skies even if everywhere. He is staying all creatures’ body, heart and brain. He has given authority to implement task all human being and all creatures to serve their necessity. The Almighty Allah has created his creatures by (Kun fia Kun). Allah has told to be created and it was created. And all creatures will be destroyed by the Almighty Allah. Allah has created the 4 famous and gigantic angels (Malaika). All are delegated to allocate to the task of the Almighty Allah. Hadrath Jibrail (AS), Hadrath Ajrail (AS), Hadrath

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 2: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Mikail (AS), Hadrath Israfil (AS). Hadrath Gibrail (AS): He is the messenger Angel of the Almighty Allah. He is biggest angel than any other angels. If all of waters in the world is to be fallen on his head, It will reach to take time from his head to feet in 12000 years. He has also 600 wings. It is enough to cover the whole world to use by his one wing. If he fly’s one wing, it will not be spread to another wing in the world. Hadrath Ajrail (AS): He is also second big angel. He takes responsibility to migrate to take over human being’s soul. Hadrath Mikail (AS): He is also another big Angel. He is delegated to allot the rain falling on the earth. Hadrath Israfil (AS): He is another big Angel. He is waiting for the order of Allah for end of the world. He delegated to destroy the world by his puff of breath. Can we imagine? Our Almighty Allah has created how many gigantic things on the world, on the skies, under the earth and Heaven and Hell. All are

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 3: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

belongs to Allah and all are monitoring by him. He is taking care them. He is feeding them. How Allah gigantic? How is existence by his own? We can’t have sufficient brain to think about him. How is being immense our Allah! We take breath by the Allah. But air has no authority to give the air. Allah has allocated all air for us. The Almighty Allah has created seven skies (Asmans) and seven earths (Jamins) under step by step. There are no similar by it’s own. The creatures of seven skies. There is no similar by one after another. 1st sky is different from 2nd sky. 2nd sky is bigger than 1st sky. 2nd sky is different from 3rd sky. 3rd sky is bigger than 2nd sky. Then all are different one after another. The Almighty Allah is staying on the top of place at seven skies, the name of place is Sidratul Mantaha. It’s the preside over Allah’s Arosh in heaven. First time our Holy Quran was created there at Lauhe Mahfuz where Allah’s (Arosh) preside over on water on

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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the top of seven sky. Second time, The Holy Quran was transferred from Lauhe Mahfuz to four sky. Then there was created our Holy Quran on the earth during 23 years on our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) by Hadrath Zibrail (AS). The Almighty Allah has covered 70 screens by his noor (Light) in front of him. One screen is capable fire to dust in the whole world. The amusing things is that Allah has given cow’s milk in it’s body. Another amusing thing is that Allah has given juice of date tree. If we slay the cow, we will not find out milk in it’s body. If we cut the date tree, we will not find juice of it’s body. The Almighty Allah is a colorful engineer that out of our brain & mind (Allahu Akbar). Allah is so great. There is no alternative to him. Allah’s name is Khaliq (Creator).

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 5: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Khaliq means creator. Allah has created all things. Allah has created probably more than 18000 creatures on the earth, under the earth and (Asmans) skies. The best creature of Allah is human being. The Almighty Allah has created his all Makhluk (Creatures) by his own. It did not need to create his creatures without any body’s permission and any conditions. He didn’t take anybody’s help to create all his creatures. Allah has created skies. Skies has no power of it’s own. Allah has created air. Air has no power of it’s own. Allah has created water. Water has no power of it’s own. Allah has created breath of human body. Breath has no power of it’s own. Allah has created light. Light has no power of it’s own. Allah has created dark. Dark has no power of it’s own. All power belongs to the Almighty Allah. There is no power except Allah. We can’t imagine and not to determine that one can do power except Allah.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 6: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Allah’s one name is Malik (Owner): Malik means owner. The Almighty Allah has owner of all his creatures. All human being and all living creatures, all natural resources, come by birth and go by death all are ownership by the Almighty Allah. Allah is owner of human being, Animals, Water’s animals, Birds, Heaven, Hell, Stars, Sun, Moon, Air, Fire, Water etc everything belongs to him. Allah gives sunrise and takes sunset. Allah gives us rain. Allah gives us sunny. Allah gives us light. Allah gives us dark. Allah gives us crops. Allah gives us fruits. Allah gives us fishes. Allah gives us strength. Allah gives us weak. Allah gives us fat. Allah gives us thin. Allah gives us birth. Allah gives us death. All everything creatures of Allah is owner of its. Nobody belongs to those of things except Allah. The Almighty Allah is owner of everything.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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Allah’s one name is Razzak (Allocator): Razzak means allocator of all creatures’ consumption. Allah gives us those of things we consume by birth, food, clothing, marriage, life, death etc. We get all things from the Almighty Allah. Allah has determined all human being fate of consuming before 50 thousand years of their born. What will do every human on the earth birth to death? Where will be born? Where will die? Who will conjugal? How many children? How long will alive on the earth? How many houses to make? How many businesses to run? How many fields to cultivate? How many cars to drive or ride? These are all inclusive by Allah. When will finish all allocating things (Rizik), then Allah will migrate from this earth to grave (Kabor).

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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Allah is our Rob (Director): Rob means director. The Almighty Allah regulates everything that are happening. Planning, organizing, staffing, controlling and decision making that is to doeverything implementation by the Almighty Allah. When the sun rises in the sky, It becomes day? But the sun has no authority to rise. When the sun sets from the sky, it becomes night? Night has no authority to exist to-day. Day start and day end. Night start and night. All start and end by the Almighty Allah. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west by instruction of the Almighty Allah. Man can’t create and ruin everything. But they can only do moderate. But the Almighty Allah can do everything without any permission and anybody help.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 9: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

The Almighty Allah planning to create Human Being: One day the Almighty Allah discussed with his Angels (Malaika- Feristas) that I am going to create human being. But some of theAngels contradicted and denied that Human being will come to the world and will involve in unethical& unjust activities with one after another. They will do big sin and small sin as crime, murder, gambling, stolen, cheating, drunken, refusing, making subterfuge, doing unethical Sexual relation one after another by the provocation of sinner evil Iblis. Then Allah replied that I know that you know nothing. My human being will involve the activist that sin. But if he feels very depress in his heart and want to forgive to me. I will forgive every sin for him. But it will be responsible to forget that sin forever. The Almighty Allah at first created every body’s soul at his Jannah (Paradise) from 50 years ago before come to the world. At first the Almighty Allah has

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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created our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)’s noor. It was on the corner of Jannah (Heaven). It was visible by first prophet Adam (AWS). Hadrath Adam (AWS) asked to the Almighty Allah. What is that? Allah replied that it was noor of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS). He will be greatest prophet on the earth and leader of the world and after death (Akherat). I would nothing create if I would not create to him. He will my best friend and I fond of him. I have created the Jannah (Heaven) for him. I created earth, Skies and all creatures. Ashraful Maklukat is the best creatures. I all created for him. He will be king of both sides on earth and after death. But I will create him for my Deen (Islam).

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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Ghust (walking to the way of Allah) : Ghust means that to walk the way of Allah. Walking to disagree peoples who are uninterested of Deen Islam, to walk by his own interest and spend by own money.

What is Deen (Islam)?Deen is Islam. Islam means peace and happiness on earth and after death life if they obey the Deen. Deen is very favorable of the Almighty Allah. Deen means order of the Almighty Allah by the process of our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS). Deen came from the Allah. It is biggest than other creatures of Allah. Deen is very much precious to Allah. It was situated on all prophets. It’s not situated for all companions of prophets. Our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) was created only for Deen

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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(Islam). Deen is to authorize to do or not to do all activities for Muslims by the almighty Allah on the process of our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (ASWS). Who will obey this Deen, he will success his life on earth and after end of life (Akherat)? Deen is flexible of Muslims heart where get peace & happiness. For this Deen, Allah transmitted all his prophets for their companions to obey Deen for age after age of all prophets’ life. Deen is like blessing (Hedayet) for all Muslims. Who got this Deen, he will success his life after death? Who will get to entrapment, he will go to death without Deen. Deen is the advisable of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) for every peoples who will birth to death till the last day on the earth.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 13: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

The Importance of Deen (Islam): The Almighty Allah has created all creatures for our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS). And Allah has created our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) for Deen. . Deen is like a head of a body. The body requires for head and the fish requires for water. It’s very essential of peoples for Deen. The body is nothing without head. The body cannot run without head. The fish can’t live without water. We can’t make our introduction without head. On the other hand, Deen is acquaintance of Muslims. We can’t introduce ourself as Muslim without Deen. The Deen will remain where world will sustain. If Deen will loss, Allah will destroy the world.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 14: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Daowat (Motivation to Islam): Daowat (Motivation to Islam) means to motivate unconcern people who do not obey Deen (Islam). Daowat is that Kalima (Laa Ilaha Illallahu Mohammadur Rasululah). It means the peoples listen that The Almighty Allah is one. There is no share of it’s own. And Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) his prophet. He is all powerful. He is so kind. We have to die. After our death, we have to go another universe. Who will obey, he will get peace and happiness in Jannah (Heaven)? Who will refuse it, he will go to hell? His life will be unbearable suffering. We should admit the true. Daowat is Deen. Deen consist of Daowat. At first the Almighty Allah had given Daowat when we were as soul age in Jannah (Heaven). Allah told tous. Am I your Rob/lord? We confined that yes you are our Rob/lord. We are created by you.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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If Daowat do, The Deen will go on. The peoples of Islam will increase. If Daowat stop, the Deen will stop. Then the Almighty Allah will destroy everything. Daowat is backbone of Deen. For this, the Almighty Allah transmitted prophets for the peoples and their companions of all prophets’ age. The prophets came in the world for Deen. How to increase peoples on Deen? Who have admitted this Daowat, he was succeeded on the earth and will have after death (Akherat). When the prophets had come to their Daowat, he had got suffered from non-Muslims. Here has described some of prophets had fallen in danger from their peoples. Since we are follower of our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS), we have got the opportunity to give Daowat. There were no companion & follower to get the opportunity the work of daowat. It’s a work of

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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prophets in their age.It’s not for general people. Fortunately, we have got the opportunity to do to do this. Here is described about some prophets who suffering from their peoples in their age.lHadrath Ibrahim (AS): He was fallen in fire, Hadrath Younus (AS): He was fallen in river then in the stomach of fish, Hadrath Zakaria (AS): He was cut by two parts, Hadrath Musa (AS): He was fallen in blue ocean, Hadrath Isa (AS): He was raised up to the fourth sky to leave from their peoples suffering. And our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS): He was an unbearable suffered from his peoples. He was the best prophet than all other prophets. He was very adorable to the Almighty Allah. It was forbidden to touch any of mosquitoes & flies on his body. But for the Deen, He was suffered from the peoples at Tayef in Mecca. The peoples of Tayef were stroked and threw small stones to his body. As a result, he was bleed from his body to

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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foot sothat his foot and shoe was obstructed by bleeding. They had given camel navel on his head and shoulder. When he would come back his house, It was dust with their cloth and body. Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) told that they have as much as exploited me that other prophet didn’t make it suffer for Deen. Hedayet (Achieve to bless) is very precious things belongs to the Almighty Allah. No prophets have authorized to provide Hedayet. Hadrath Nooh (AS) had given Daowat (Call for Islam) 950 times his peoples in his age. Hadrath Ibrahim (AS) had given Daowat to Namrud. Hadrat Musa (AS) had given Daowat to Ferayun. Our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) also had given Daowat to Abu Zehel 950 times. He had also given Daowat to his uncle Abu Taleb. Nobody didn’t get Hedayet from prophets. That was example that prophets were

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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not authorize to give Hedayet. Allah didn’t give hedayet for this they were deprived of Imaan. They died without Deen/Islam.

The importance of Daowat: Daowat (Motivation to Islam) is very important to sustain peoples for Deen. Deen consists of Daowat (Motivation to Islam). If Daowat is existing, the Deen will besustained? If Daowat stop, the Deen will be destroyed. For example that prophet Hadrath Isa (AS) to Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) was not making Daowat probably (500-600) years, the peoples of Mecca was crucial for Islam. They migrated to Muslims to non Muslims. It was the age of (Jahiliat) darkness, ignorance age. The peoples of Mecca were ferocious. They would kill their own daughter child when it was born. They would fight to their brother and relatives for a

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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long time being for their asset, wealth etc. They would lick blood if it is on the road. Our Holy Haram Sharif at Mecca, peoples of Mecca was raised 360 worships. They would walk round to keep worships in it being naked. They mean it is Deen. Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) was stand for Deen and had given Daowat (Laa Ilaha Illallahu Mohammadur Rasululah). Give up your worship that does not own power. It doesn’t walk, it doesn’t talk. You admit the Almighty Allah whose existence everywhere. Allah is one. Nobody share of it’s own. I am his prophet. If you agree, you will go to Jannah (Heaven) forever. Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) hardly worked with them. Then some of peoples were given up worship and accepted Deen. The Mecca was changed from the dark to light. Who would do worship? After accepting Deen, they got

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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honored from Allah. Some of peoples have achieved good news to Jannah (Heaven. The Deen were gradually increased. All those implemented by Daowat (Motivation to Islam).

The benefit of Daowat(Motivation to Islam): There are many benefits if we do Daowat’s work. It will get reward 1000 benefit (Shoab) for every word of Deen’s It is better than on the earth and all things of the earth if we wait the way o f Allah a

little. The fire of hell will not touch in our body if the dust of the way of Allah in our body to

work for Daowat

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 21: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

It is better than prayer (Saalat) of 60-70 years in our own house if we think a little for Deen.

When we wait for a house or shop a little for Daowat, We get reward for praying of whole night being on the Lylatul Kador(Night of 27 Ramjan)in front of Hazre Aswat stone

Walking the way of Allah for per step, We get 700 benefit, to get rid of 700 sin and increase 700 door of Jannah (Heaven)

How to do implement Ghust (Walking to way of Allah): The process of Ghust (Walking to the way of Allah) is that there will be two of Jamats (Team). One team will work at Mosque and another team will go outside the Mosque.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 22: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

The Jamat of Mosque: There are four types of peoples. One people will talk about belief in Allah ( Iman Eakin) One people will be meditation on Allah and will raise his hand (Jikir & Doa) One people will be reception for incoming Muslims from outside Mosque (Estegbal) Some of general peoples (Mamur) will be listened to Mutakalim’s speaking

The Jamat of Ghust: There are four types of people to work together One people will be Rahabar(Introducer for listener) One people will be Mutakim (Speaker for Listener)

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 23: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Some of peoples will be Mamur(Common people) One people will be Jimmadar, Amir( Controlling the Jamat)

Rahabar will go away by the road and will introduce with the listener to Mutakalim.Muttakalim will give Daowat about Allah, Rasul and Akherat to the listener.Mamur will listen the Daowat about MutakalimJimmadar (Amir) will take responsibility to regulate the Jamat

At first we will have to make a Jamat. We will preserve our eakin that we will go for the way of Allah not for peoples .It’s a work for prophets. We should follow the instruction. Then we will

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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go by Jamat in line. We should follow the Rahabar. Mamur (General peoples) will not talk with others. On the Ghust, Rahabar, Mutakalim and Jimmadar can talk if necessary. Mamur will not talk each another. They will not take Salam & they will not give Salam. Rahabar Mutakalim and Jimmadar will do that. We will go by right side on the road. We will protect our eyes for visible things. We will follow the instruction of Jimmadar(Amir). Lean our eyes when we will walk. Listen to the Daowat of Mutakalim when he talks to listener. We will contemplate in our soul silently and make doa that Oh Allah! Please make Mutakalim’s Sohi speech (Daowat) sothat the listener will get accepting the Daowat and will come the Mosque. When Ghust will finish, Rahabar and Jimmadar (Amir) will discuss to return the Jamat.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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Six Qualities of Daowat & TabligThe way of Jaanah (Heaven): Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) told to the follower of the respected companions [Shahabi (RA)] that Deen is that advise like infront of me and all for the peoples on the earth and for the peoples will come till end of the earth. If we want to go to Jannah(Heaven), we have to obey Deen? Here have some qualities for Deen. These quality was Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) and his companions Shahabi’s (RA). If we obey and follow it, Insallah we will go to Jannah(Heaven)

There are six qualities here: 1. Imaan/Kalima (Believe in Allah), 2. Saalat (Prayer), 3. Elm & Jikir (To obtain Islamic Knowledge and meditation for Allah), 4. Ekramul Muslim (To help the

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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people), 5. Tashiye Niyat/ Sohi Niyat (To do or not to do for Allah), 6. Daowat & Lablig (To walk for the way of Allah)

1.Imaan (Kalima): Iman is Islam. To believe and to admit in our heart to the Almighty Allah and his creatures without any conditions, it’s called Iman. The word of Iman, (Laa Ilaha Illallahu Mohammadur Rasulullah) there are no alternative God except Allah. Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) is his prophet [Messenger (Rasul). We think, feel and observe the power of Almighty Allah has preserved his visible and invisible things. One thing is to see our eyes. And another thing is not to see in our eyes. Example: We see a tree. But we can’t observe his growth. Here are two things. One is see and another is not to see (Like a Tree & a Growth).These are created

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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by Almighty Allah. There is no power of its own to execute without the power Almighty Allah. But Allah is all powerful to execute without anybody help. To believe these things is called Imaan. Imaan means trust of messages by our prophet brought from the Almighty Allah and his creatures on visible and invisible things. We cannot see Allah, we cannot see prophet, we cannot see Angel, we cannot see air, we cannot see Heaven, we cannot see Hell. But all have existence. It’s true. To believe this things called Imaan. To avoid the power of all creatures by his own. They have no power to regulate and execute without permission of Allah. But Allah can do without any permission of all his creatures. To believe these things is called Iman. Who believe this things is called Imandar (Believer). When Imandar do pure work, It’s called Momin (Honest Man). ). The place of Momin will be in the Heaven. Imaan means trust in Allah and his

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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power. Allah wants all people’s belief in heart. The Almighty Allah has created skies, clouds, earth, universes, light, air, water, fire, sun, moon, hills, mountains, snow, trees, human being, angels (feristas), Heavens, Hells and so forth. There is no power of its own. The sun has no power to give us heat. The moon has no power to give us light. Air has no power to give storm. Fire has no power to burn. Snow has no power to cover the mountain. Trees have no power to grow up and to give fruits. All power is to implement by the Almighty Allah. To preserve this belief in our real heart, it is called Imaan. Imaan has more than 70 steps in our life. There are tiny and simple Imaan is that to keep off trouble things from the way. Imaan is not for word but it’s faith in the depth of our heart & soul. It’s called Imaan. When anybody feels to believe in their heart to the Almighty Allah and his creatures and his power, he grows Imaan. Imaan

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 29: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

means eakin (Confident). There is no doubt in belief. It’s mean depth belief in heart. We can’t keep two things in our heart combine. One is to keep the love of the world and another is to keep the love of the Almighty Allah. Such as we can’t keep two things in a pot. One is water and another is fire combine. We have to keep water or fire. Same things like that we have to keep in our heart with love of world or love of the Almighty Allah. Both of two things will not keep in our heart. Another consist of Imaan is two things. One is Eakin (Confident) and another is Ekhlas (For the pure work of Allah) When these two things will come accordingly, It’s called Imaan. The Almighty Allah has given to learn Iman by two parts. One is to trust in our heart to the Almighty Allah, his power and all creatures his things. And another is to follow our prophet Hadrath Moahammad’s (SAWS) Sunnah. This is all about is to obey in our life is called Iman.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 30: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

The Benefits of Kalima: Who will say one time this Kalima (Laaa Ila Illallahu MohammadurRasulullah) with faith in the Almighty Allah, Allah will have forgiven his all previous sin. Allah is to be pleased who say this Kalima in belief (Eakin). Whose first word will be Kalima and last word will be Kalima if he would alive 1000 years round in the world. Allah will not any question to give Jannah (Heaven).When people say this Kalima, it’s to like a tree that the root is to be on earth and branches on the heaven (Jannah). One day Musa (AS) told to the Almighty Allah that please advise me about a Kalima sothat I will get more benefit from you. Allah told that say Kalima (Laaa Ilala Illallahu Mohammadur Rasululah). Musa (AS) told to the Almighty Allah that all people say this Kalima. I want to say such as as Kalima sothat I will get more benefit. Allah

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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says to Musa (AS), Oh Musa listen if a part of scale to keep this Kalima and another part of scale to keep whole things in the world, seven skies & seven under the earth’s. The weight of scale of Kalima will be vast. Who say this Kalima, A cane of heaven recoils. Allah say, oh cane why do you recoil. Cane says, your one people has told the Kalima (Laa Ilaha Illallahu Mohammadur Rasulullah but it didn’t forgive his sin. So I am recoiling. Allah will say, you stop. I will forgive his all sin.How to achieve Kalima?Kalima comes by 4 paths in our heart. And Kalima returns by the same way.

Saying by mouth to Kalima Seeing by eyes to Kalima

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 32: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Hearing by ears to Kalima Thinking by Brain to Kalima

2. Salaat (Prayer): Salaat is the second step of Deen (Islam). Salaat had come after Imaan inour Islamic Life. Salaat is medium of taking from the Allah’s stock. Who will achieve Iman, he will get his prayer? If there anybody of the era of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) would require any problem on the earth or after death (Akherat), Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) would say to them to pray of 2 parts (2 Rakat).Every promising of the Almighty Allah has to be done by Salaat. Who will fit Salaat in our daily life, he will get reward from the Almighty Allah. Salaat had situated on Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) in the astonishing Meraj (On reaching to Allah) night.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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Allah has given his all promised by prayer. Who will do this Salaat (Prayer), he will go to Jannah (Heaven). When anybody concentrates his prayer, the Almighty Allah very much pleased on him? The Almighty Allah says to be proud with the Angels that our human being will pray for me. When the human being say Sura Fateha (Al Hamdulillahi Rabbil Aalamin) all praising is for the Almighty Allah, Allah says to the Angels that my people has praised to me.

The purpose of Salaat: Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) how have to pray Salaat and have taught to his companions (Shahabas RA), by trying to achieve that Salaat is called purpose of Salaat (Prayer)The Benefit of Salaat: Who will obey this Salaat with Eakin (Belief) & Ekhlas (To work only

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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for Allah), the Almighty Allah will make him entrance Heaven by his own responsibility. Who will obey his Salaat by taking time and will give importance, the Almighty Allah will give 5 gifts for him.

1. Allah will recover his shortage of all needs (Rizik) both side on earth & after death2. Allah will remove his punishment in the grave3. Allah will give work list (Amal Nama) on his right hand on the judgment day4. Allah will have made him across on the bridge of Pulsirat5. Allah will reward him Heaven (Jannah) without any questions

The Almighty Allah has promised all his words for Jannah (Heaven) by Salaat (Prayer).

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 35: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

The Almighty Allah has given Salaat to us for solving our problem. Salaat is the key to entry of Jannah (Heaven) and Azu (Ablution for Prayer) is to key to entry of Salaat. So we need to do purity our body by Azu (Ablution for Prayer) too. The inside & outside of Salaat has obtained 13

Farz (Obligation). The proper Salaat depends on the purity of body, clothing, place etc.The Almighty Allah wants to get a proper Salaat from his human being. Being patience, we should protect our Salaat. Allah is to be happy on him who concentrates his Salaat carefully. Salaat will protect him who will protect Salaat. Salaat will destroy him who will destroy Salaat. Salaat throw on his face as old dirty cloth who will destroy Salaat. If we protect Salaat, Salaat will solve our problem, it will develop our mind and will keep peace & happiness also. The era of Hadrath

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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Mohammad (SAWS), the companions (Shahabas RA) learned Salaat by our prophet Mohammad (SAWS). Allah accepts his Salaat who’s Salaat has been likable. It needs Takwoa (Fear to Allah), Fajayel (Benefit of Salaat), and concentration to Allah,. Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) would pray at Mosque when it would storm or cloud in the sky. If scarcity of food Shahabas (RA) in his house, they would pray two parts (2 Rakat) of Salaat. Then they would solve their food. If they would face any of problems, they would pray? The child of Shahabas (RA) had died, they would pray (2 rakat) two parts of pray. Then the child had alive. All pray will be in faith of Almighty Allah. Ehtesaf means that to get hope of returning by Salaat. For this we have to make by Salaat with belief in Allah.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 37: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

How to pray our Salaat?We will pray our Farz Salaat with Jamat by Imam (Group of peoples), we will pray Wajib &Shunnat Salaat accordingly, we will also maintain Nafal (Optional) Salaat

Contributions: Allah will give 5 types of contributions who will come to Mosque (Mosjid). Allah will give peace (Shanti) in his heart Allah will give blessing (Rahmat) on him Allah will be pleased (Razi)on him Allah will make across on the bridge of Pulsirat Allah will give Jannah

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 38: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

3. Elm & Jikir (Learning to Deen and Meditation of Allah):

Elm: Elm means to achieve knowledge of Deen and Islam. How to acquire? What is obligation to obey Allah’s order? What is Halal (to do)? What is Haram (Not to do)? To obey the process and maintain knowledge is called Elm.

The purpose of Elm (Learning to Deen): When the Almighty Allah’s order to do or not to do By knowing to obey Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) process, it’s called purpose of Elm. Benefit of Elm:

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 39: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Who will walk out outside of house to achieve Elm, Allah will have given the easy way of Jannah (Heaven).

The angels (Feristas) will spread out their wings of Allah’s noor (Light) under their foot on this way.

From the hole of Ants in the seas fishes will bless on him. If anybody is to be died that day, he will get honor door of Shahid (Died to Islam)

Types of Elm: There are two types of Elm. One is Fajayel (By learning from Hadith) Elm. By sitting on Talim. Second is that Masayel (Who is learned man to Islam). We will learn fromAlem.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 40: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Jikir (Concentration to Allah): Jikir means to remember all time in his heart of the Almighty Allah and his existence in quiet, soundless or loudly.

The benefit of Jikir: Who will be speedy by doing Jikir in his tongue all the time, he will go to Jannah (Heaven) by laughing. Types of Jikir: We can do Jikir by doing some modes.

Kalima (Believe in Allah): The best Jikir of Deen (Islam) Afzal Jikir( The Holy Quran): To read the Holy Quran regularly 3 number of Tasbis( Amal): To do 3 Tasbi in the morning and afternoon ( 100 times

Shobhan Allah Al Alhamdulillah Wa Lailah illallahu Allahu Akbar), 100 times Estegfar

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 41: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

(Forgiving), 100 times to say Darud Sharif (On the Mohammad SAWS) Masnoon Doa(To maintain the Amal) To obey Masnoon Doa all the times as per

Shunnat (On the time of eating, on the time of entrance and getting out to Mosque, On the going to Toilet, On the time of going to bed and rising to the bed

4. Ekramul Muslim in ( To help the peoples): To respect the peoples of knowing their honor of one Muslim to another Muslim. We should determine that one Muslim is better than of ourselves.The benefit of Ekramul Muslimin:

If anybody tries to help one Muslim, he will get (Shoab) Benefit( Etekaf)of meditation of

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 42: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

10 years in the Mosque If anybody help the Muslim one time, he will get the blessing of 73 from Allah, One is on

the earth and rest of those will be (Akherat) after death. One of blessing on the earth is that he will solve problem of all their needs.Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) told that there are three types of Ekram (Honor).

1. To respect the elders2. To honor the Alem (Learned man about Islam)3. To adore the younger

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 43: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) says that who does not do the above; he is not my Ummat (Follower). Ekramul Muslemin means Momin’s Aklakh (Momin’s Character)(“Innamal Mu’minuna Ekhwa) Muslims are brotherhood one after another for the Imaan (Belief) and Aklakh (Character). We are different people’s different manners. But we havesimilar in place of Kalima (Imaan). We obey one lord (Allah), we have one eakin belief (Kalima).In the Akhlak, we have responsibility to maintain all rightful (Father, Mother, Wife, Son and daughter brother, sister, relatives, neighbors, Poor etc), Character has three parts: 1. Behavior (Muamilat), 2. Transaction (Muasirat), Character (Akhlak)

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 44: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

5 . Sohi Niyat/ Tashiye Niyat (Pure work for Allah): Sohi Niyat means that happened to work only for Allah. Not for people, not for family, not for president. We will do work such as this pure work for the Almighty Allah. Allah does not accept those of work, donor, service, sacrifice, help which has related to Riya means to work for peoples not for Allah. So we should take care to do before work. (Innamal A’malu Bin Niyat) Every pure work depend on Niyat (Pure)

Benefit of Sohi Niyat: One who donates a tiny things like a date or something like this for pleasing for Allah, he will get his return as like a hill. If anybody donates like a hill by his wealth for the peoples not for Allah, he will never get return like a date or a tiny part. Allah likes that

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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donating who will do for his undoubtedly. One the judgment day, Allah will call for three types of peoples who had contribution for peoples on the earth.

Qaree (Memorized the Holy Quran): Allah will ask that people’s of Qaree who had memorized Holy Quran by himself and taught the peoples on the world. Allah will say I had given your brain to memorize the Holy Quran. What had done for me? He will say. Oh Allah! I had recited Holy Quran on the night and day and had taught the peoples on the world. Allah will say. You are telling a lie. You read the Holy Quran sothat peoples of the world honor you Quree. You had achieved it. Now you will not get any return to me.

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 46: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Data (Donor): Allah will ask that a person’s who had donated on the world. Allah will say I had given you wealth and prosperity on the world. What have you done for me on the world on the return? He will say Oh Allah! I had spent my wealth and my money on the way of you. Allah will say that you are telling a lie. You spent your money sothat peoples of world will give you honor as Donor. You have achieved it. Now you will not get it’s return from me.

Shahid (Sacrifice & Died for Deen): Allah will ask that people’s who had sacrificed for Deen on the world. Allah will say when you were on the world, I had given you strength of your body. What had you done for me? He will say that Oh Allah! I had sacrificed on the way of you

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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without any hesitation. Allah will say. You are telling a lie. You sacrificed sothat peoples of the world honor you as braver. You had achieved the honor. Now you will not get any return ofhonored from me.

Daowat & Lablig (To voyage for way of Allah): ( Oallajina Jahadu Feena Lanahdihum Subulana) The Almighty Allah says that I will open all doors of blessing who will help for ourDeen. Allah says that all of you will have such a Jamat who will call for blessing of Islam for the human being. They are successful Jamat. What word than better word will have who call for people for the way of Allah? (Kuntum Khaira Ummatin Ukhrajattin Nas Tahmuruna BilMaruf Wa

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 48: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

Tan Haona Anil Munkar Wa Tu’minu Billah) you are the best creatures of the entire world. You have brought that for the blessing of peoples on the world. For the blessing, you will motivate peoples to obey for Deen. And you will prohibit for (haram) negative work. We have responsibility to do work. Allah has created to us to obey his Deen and motivate people to do it. It’s a work for prophets. Prophets were innocent and blessing from Allah. Prophets will not come again. Our prophet Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS) transmitted to us for blessing. We are follower to him. For this, we have been responsibility to do this. Since prophets will not come again, but the work of Deen will continue till end of the world. So we are lucky that we have got opportunity give Daowat (Motivation) for the peoples. There were no companions to do this. So we are liable to do this till our death for every peoples and accumulated people still end of the

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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world and the peoples coming follower up to end of the world. Who will do this Mehnat work for Deen, he will stay with prophet in Jannah (Heaven) and will enjoy with them at Jannah?

The purpose of Daowat & Lablig: To work by giving the Allah’s body, money, time, to establish the Deen. The benefit of Islam: To voyage on the way Allah anybody to make a Amal, he will get return of multiplying of 490000000 crores. If anybody does their prayer of one time, it will increase 49 crores. If anybody spends 1 BDT for his own, he will get return of donating of 700000 lac BDT. If anybody dies in the way of Allah, he will get the door of prophet’s in Jannah (Heaven).

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 50: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

How to work: We need to give our time to voyage from our family by giving 120 days toestablish Deen in our heart at first on the way of Allah. Then to fill all Nesab and Takaja (Needs & Demands for Deen). Need to give 40 days in an every year. Then we have to do our root work and major responsibility to maintain work of Mosque (Mosjid wari) five in every day.

Mosque wise of five times work in a day, week and month: We will work for making a discussion with companions of Mosque in Everyday

(Mashwara). We will work for 2.30 hours (Ghust) in Everyday respectively (To meet target peoples).

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

Page 51: Basic motivation to deen(islam)

We will work for saying & listening two Talims. One is in Mosque and second is in house with 6 numbers Bayan.

We will do two Estemayee Ghust (Group of peoples). One is Mukami (Own Mosque), another is Beruni Ghust (Another Mosque) based on probably which mosque has lack of works for Mosque wise.

We will go for 3 days (72 hours) at a time another area for work of Deen in Every month.

Important Hedayet (Advise) of work (Mehnat) on voyage (Safar):

Estemayee Amal ( To work together): Estemayee Amal is that Amal to work together

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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with all companions of Jamat to going at Safar accordingly. It is called Estemayee Amal. It’s very important to do. Estemayee Amal is a prominent Amal of

There are 10 types of Estemayee Amal till Safar.1. Safar (Going to Journey): To go Mosque to Mosque to establish Mehnat of Douwat for Deen2. Manjil (To unite all companions): When we will go to one Mosque to anotherMosque, we need to get together before entrance the Mosque. Make Doa to raise our hand and to unite all companions. 3. Mashwara (To discuss all companions):

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh

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4. Talim (To read and listen Hadith). 5. Salaat (Salaat or to Pray with Jamat to follow Imam). 6. Mokami Ghust (To Daowat with group of peoples). 7. Bayan (All Bayan to say & to listen). 8. Eat (To eat with all companions together). 9. Sleep (To go to bed with all companions). 10. Mojakara (To discuss with companions)

A.K.M.Mamun Follower of Hadrath Mohammad (SAWS)

Companion of Tablig Jamat, Bangladesh