basic civil and mechanical may-june-2010 question paper studyhaunters

Re g. No·: LI ~ ~-L~ ~-L L-~~ _ L-~ Quest ion Pap er Code: E3tt 0  B.E./B. Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2010 Second Semester Elec trica l and Elec tron ics Eng ineer ing GE21 52 - BASI C CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERI  NG (Regulation 2008) (Common to Bio-medica l Engi neer ing, Elect roni cs and Communication Engi neer ing, Elec tron ics and Inst rume ntati on Eng ineer ing, Information Technology, Computer Sci ence and En gin eer ing , Ins tru men tat ion and Control Engineering ) Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL Questions PART A - (10 x 2 =20 Marks) 1. State the two pr inci pl es of sur  veying. 2. How ar e br ic ks cl as si fi ed? 3. Define be aring cap acit y of soil. 4. Define stress and str ain. 5. What is the use of sur ge tan k in hydr opowe r pla nts ? 6. Give two examples for posi tive disp lacement pumps. 7. What is the func tion of a c arbu reto r? 8. Co mp ar e two st roke and fo ur stroke engi nes wi th reg ar d to po wer out put and thermal efficien cy, for the same spee d and cylin der capa city . 9. Define Ton of Refr iger at ion. 10. Sta te the val ues ofDBT and RH for human comfo rt in India . 

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Page 1: Basic Civil and Mechanical  may-june-2010 question paper studyhaunters

7/28/2019 Basic Civil and Mechanical may-june-2010 question paper studyhaunters 1/2

Reg.No·:LI ~ __ ~-L~ __ ~-L __ L-~~ __ L-~

Question Paper Code: E3tt 0


Second Semester 

Electrical and Electronics Engineering


(Regulation 2008)

(Common to Bio-medical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering,

Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Information Technology, Computer 

Science and Engineering, Instrumentation and Control Engineering)

Time: Three hours Maximum: 100 Marks

Answer ALL Questions

PART A - (10 x 2 =20 Marks)

1. State the two principles of sur veying.

2. How are bricks classified?

3. Define bearing capacity of soil.

4. Define stress and str ain.

5. What is the use of surge tank in hydropower plants?

6. Give two examples for positive displacement pumps.

7. What is the function of a carburetor?

8. Compare two stroke and four stroke engines with regard to power output and

thermal efficiency, for the same speed and cylinder capacity.

9. Define Ton of Refrigeration.

10. State the values ofDBT and RH for human comfort in India. 

Page 2: Basic Civil and Mechanical  may-june-2010 question paper studyhaunters

7/28/2019 Basic Civil and Mechanical may-june-2010 question paper studyhaunters 2/2

PART B - (5 x 16 =80 Marks)

11. (a) The following perpendicular offsets were taken at 10 m intervals from a

survey line to an irregular boundary line: 3.15 m, 4.30 m, 8.20 m,

6.85 m, 7.60 m, 4.20 m, 5.60 m, and 4.30 ill. Calculate the area enclosed

 between the survey line, irregular boundary line, first and last offsets by

trapezoidal rule.


(b) What are the different types of cement? Explain their properties and



12. (a) Describe with neat sketches:

(i) Anyone type of shallow foundation

(ii) Pile foundation.

(b) Describe with neat sketches

(i) Arch culvert

(ii) T-Beam and Slab Bridge.

13. (a) Draw a neat Layout of a typical Steam Power Plant and explain the

various circuits involved.


(b) With the help of suitable sk etches, explain the working of a Reciprocating

Pump. What are the advantages of centrifugal pumps over reciprocating


14. (a) Explain the wor king of  a two stroke Petrol engine. What are the merits

and demerits of two stroke engines?


(b) Explain the- principle of working of a four stroke Diesel engine with

suitable sketches. What are the merits and demerits of four stroke


15. (a) With the help of flow diagram explain the principle of working of a

vapour compression refrigeration system. Compare vapour absorption

refrigeration with vapour compression refrigeration.


(b) With a neat sketch, explain in detail the working of a window type room

air conditioner.

2 E3110