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Baseline Survey of Information Services Component at NAFRI Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute (NAFRI) Lao-Swedish Upland Agriculture and Forestry Research Programme May 2007

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Page 1: Baseline Survey of Information Services Component at · 2008. 8. 21. · Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ... Research Institute (NAFRI)

Baseline Survey of Information Services Component at NAFRI

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

National Agriculture and Forestry

Research Institute (NAFRI)

Lao-Swedish Upland Agriculture and Forestry Research Programme May 2007

Page 2: Baseline Survey of Information Services Component at · 2008. 8. 21. · Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ... Research Institute (NAFRI)

Table of Contents

Summary and Implications of baseline survey .........................................1 1. Introduction .........................................................................................4

1.1 Information Services at NAFRI..............................................................4 2. Information service capacity (organizational, individual and institutional) ............................................................................................5

2.1 Organizational Capacity Development....................................................5 2.2 Capacity Development of Staff at Division and Centers ............................7 2.3 Institutional linkages ...........................................................................8

2.3.1 AIM working group and building downward linkages ..........................9 2.4 Developing mechanisms for collecting and sharing information ............... 10 2.5 Cost recovery and sharing mechanisms ............................................... 10 2.5 The Organizational Baseline ............................................................... 12

3. Information Management...................................................................13 3.1 Information Management Baseline ...................................................... 13 3.2 Library ............................................................................................ 14 3.3 Lao Agriculture Database ................................................................... 14 3.4 Research Management Information Systems (ReMIS)............................ 15

3.4.1 Learning from data management experiences in Phase 1.................. 15 4. ICT .....................................................................................................16

4.1 ICT baseline ..................................................................................... 16 4.2 Infrastructure................................................................................... 17

4.2.1 Key issues and concerns............................................................... 17 4.2.2 Ways forward to connect centers................................................... 18

4.3 Services........................................................................................... 18 4.3.1 Overview of deployed services ...................................................... 19

5. Information Production, dissemination & exchange...........................21 5.1 Production, dissemination and linkages baseline ................................... 21 5.2 Current mix of information products .................................................... 22 5.3 Key issues and challenges.................................................................. 23

5.3.1 Refocusing the section and capacities of staff.................................. 23 5.3.2 Production of Lao language materials and targeting them................ 23 5.3.3 Support to local dissemination ...................................................... 24 5.3.4 Support to policy dialogue and feedback......................................... 25

References .............................................................................................25 Annex 1: Current staff at NAFRI HQ and their training needs.................26 Annex 2: List of key publications and reports.........................................27 Annex 3: List of key activities/achievements for Information Services Phase 1 ..................................................................................................29

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Summary and Implications of baseline survey The focus for phase 1 was on developing NAFRI’s capacity to handle, manage and deliver information within the information service strategy framework and develop the capacity of the Information Management and Strategic Planning Division (IMPSD). Within the division, an information services unit has been established with three main overall functions and set of corresponding activities: 1. Information management: which includes library development, establishment

of the Lao Agriculture Database as well as support to institutional databases such as the Research Management Information System (ReMIS)

2. ICT: which includes developing IT infrastructure, systems and services such as connections within NAFRI HQ and between centers, institutional servers and space for all of NAFRI to use and basic services such as website, email, back up facilities and virus protection

3. Information Production, dissemination and networking: which focuses on improving the production of information as well as networking within NAFRI and among actors within the Lao Agriculture Knowledge Information System (LAO AKIS).

When the ISC started in 2003, the IMSPD had a few activities and no clear strategy or functional working routines. Some of the elements were there, scattered within the NAFRI family. Today the division has a clear organizational structure and roles and responsibilities of staff are clear. The range of activities has been diversified and the divisions’ reputation for producing high quality information materials and important workshops is well recognized. Information services has also raised NAFRI’s profile both within the country and regionally through the quality of publications, workshops and website. Below are some of the key issues and recommendations for strengthening information services at NAFRI. Organization and Management of Division The information service strategy served as a basis for organizing activities and the division. When information services began in 2003, there were few staff and it was easier to manage. Today, there are much higher expectations on the division and staff, more staff and the complexity of activities has increased. This means there needs to be better prioritization of activities based on NAFRI objectives and focus as well as better management from within the division. Some key areas to focus on in management of the organization: Expanding current sections to ensure activities are managed properly and

there are clear roles and responsibilities (I.e. LAD, ReMIS, linkages to media, etc).

Developing staff capacity in networking, training support and packaging of materials for different purposes.

Developing simple monitoring routines in each unit/section to know what activities have been carried out.

More regular meetings of the division and or sections/units to plan activities together and ensure that staff are developing their plans and implementing them rather than be told what to do by advisers or by management.

Developing policies and procedures gaining more ownership of information services among projects, centers and donors. While information services has been successful in phase 1 to gain support from range of projects and donors to collaborate on specific activities (e.g. workshops, funding of publications and development of sourcebook), URDP should support mechanisms to ensure that information activities are better ‘owned’ and supported by all donors and projects working in NAFRI. In addition, NAFRI will need to better ensure that centers are actively contributing to information service activities.

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Some activities could include developing clear guidelines for pricing and charging of publications and materials (as well as monitoring), developing charges for projects to use internet or space on the servers and NAFRI website, establishing linkages to projects to provide support (staff and money) to develop an integrated information services for NAFRI, rather than separate information for each project.

Rural dissemination and communication The first phase focused on building a national information research system. In-line with MAF’s priorities, the focus in phase 2 will be on rural dissemination and communication. This means that resources of the component will need to be decentralized to districts and provinces. It will also mean that staff at NAFRI will play a supportive role in training and developing linkages. Some recommendations include:

Developing a network of staff at NAFReC, provinces and districts with an operating budget which is used to implement activities

Activities within the URDP districts and provinces should focus on testing approaches and developing tools for how information service centers at the cluster level can be practically developed. In-line with this there should be a focus not only on information dissemination but also on building the facilitation skills of staff to improve information sharing among farmers in the village cluster.

Work at the NAFRI information division should be made in expanding and strengthening linkages to NAFES and other organizations to develop materials for wider dissemination.

Library services In Phase 1, a functioning library was established as well as connections to the centers. The library should move beyond daily routines to develop services which can be clearly articulated and monitored, this could include:

Developing regular acquisition services by making contacts with libraries and organizations in the country and region. This could be complemented by a quarterly accession lists to let users know what has been received.

Collecting and collating information on key themes or topics for researchers and other users. This could be done by collating materials already in the library (in Lao and English), searching the web, etc.

Mining the web to find websites and information that will be of use to researchers. This could include developing a list of useful websites

Training researchers in how to search and use the library Supporting development of libraries in provinces or other organizations.

Lao Agriculture Database The Lao Agriculture Database was established to collect and disseminate agriculture and natural resource information in the country. There are currently more than 1000 materials in the system, but there have been challenges in regularly updating and using the system. The LAD should become a fully functioning unit/section within the information division and not seen as a part of the library. The focus should be moving from development of the systems to use and expansion. Some recommendations for how this can be done include:

Developing procedures and mechanisms to regularly collect and index materials

Training and promotion of the system to users at NAFRI, university and extension system

Working with provinces to be able to access information from the system Developing a network of organizations who can provide regular inputs and

materials for the system

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ICT In 2003 there were no “ICT activities” at NAFRI. Internet connection was through individual dial-up connections, there was no common email and there was no NAFRI website. Today NAFRI has a functioning ICT section with four staff members who can manage most routine activities as well as provide a range of services to NAFRI staff. In terms of infrastructure, there is a need to find alternate connections or options to connect the centers. Any new investments or solutions should take into account: electrical situation, distance from town center, capacity of staff to manage and actual usage by staff. In terms of services, new services which need to be explored include: Promoting NAFRI email usage and ensuring staff have email addresses. Developing intranet services to share information within NAFRI Developing mechanisms for projects and centers to regularly update the

NAFRI website and develop content in Lao language Providing training and support to NAFReC, URDP districts and provinces and to

researchers Production, dissemination and linkages In the past 4 years, NAFRI has been recognized as a leader in information production and knowledge exchange. This is in part due to the work in the production and dissemination unit. The unit will need to move beyond producing a few publications to working with a range of media and organizations. It will also need to learn how to collect and appropriate package a range of materials. Some recommendations for how this can be done include: Inventorying current technologies and methods being carried out by NAFRI to

be used more widely and packaged appropriately, particularly in conjunction with NAFES.

Developing a NAFRI wide report series and publication guide to ensure that all information is being collected and disseminated

Developing processes to improve production of materials in Lao language including the use of writeshops to produce materials directly.

Developing capacity to work with a range of media other than print (video, radio, etc)

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1. Introduction The programme document for Phase 2, states that:

“…baseline surveys will be made for capacity development and information management [should read service] component[s] in order to establish a point of reference against which to measure progress and results…these baseline surveys will make it possible to separate achievements in Phase II from Phase 1.” (p. 37, NAFRI 2006)

Thus the focus of this report is to establish some baseline for where the Information Management Division currently stands in terms of capacity, products and services it provides, and layout some key issues that need to be addressed in Phase 2 (see Annex 3 for list of major activities and achievements). The report draws upon a number of documents produced within the first phase 1 (see references as well as Annex 2), an internal workshop of Information Service Staff carried out in March 2007 and discussions among key staff. The component is currently in the process of revising and updating the strategy so any final monitoring and evaluation system should see that as the main benchmark from which to evaluate the component.1 The document is structured around the key information service activity areas as outlined in the current strategy (p. 15, IMSPD 2004) and provides an overview of what was planned, the current status achieved and what are possible outcomes from phase 2. Looking back on the planned outputs for 2007, it is striking to see that most of the targets have been achieved and in turn, it is interesting to understand the changes that took place (why some activities were not achieved, were changed or did not occur). Finally, the report also looks at key issues and lessons from Phase 1 which can inform Phase 2.

1.1 Information Services at NAFRI The focus for phase 1 was on developing NAFRI’s capacity to handle, manage and deliver information within the information service strategy framework (see Annex 4 for list of key achievements). When the ISC started in 2003, the IMSPD had a few activities and no clear strategy or functional working routines. Some of the elements were there, scattered within the NAFRI family. Today the division has a clear organizational structure and roles and responsibilities of staff are clear. The range of activities has been diversified and the divisions’ reputation for producing high quality information materials and important workshops is well recognized. Information services has also raised NAFRI’s profile both within the country and regionally through the quality of publications, workshops and website. The challenge for the Phase 2 will be on expanding activities and linkages to other levels (particularly with NAFES, in the provinces and at NAFReC) and making sure that a set of tasks and roles and responsibilities are clearly defined at different levels. This will be a real challenge because it will mean for the NAFRI staff that they will need to think differently and move outside their own organization and line authorities and collaborate with different actors such as PAFO staff, DAFEO staff, NAFES, radio, TV, etc.

1 The development of the strategy has been put on hold since NAFRI is currently going through a major restructuring and it has been proposed to develop an Information Service Center. It is expected that the strategy will completed once the final arrangements for information services have been agreed to by MAF

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2. Information service capacity (organizational, individual and institutional) Sida describes capacity development as efforts to: develop the knowledge and competence of individuals and organisations develop organisations and systems of organisations change and strengthen institutional frameworks in the form of policies, laws

and norms, within which organisations and individuals develop (see Christoplos 2006)

The Information Service Component (ISC) has taken such an approach to capacity development in Phase 1. The component first sought to analyze what would be the most appropriate activities based on needs of users and the capacities of staff. From this a set of activities were formulated based (IMSPD, 2004). Following the adage ‘form follows function’ this then informed the organizational structure of the division as well as the staff roles and responsibilities.

2.1 Organizational Capacity Development One of the main approaches of the ISC has been to work through the NAFRI Information Management and Strategic Planning Division, rather than create a parallel structure. The strategy provided the basic framework for the component and the division to work. The strategy is based around three key areas as shown in the diagram below. These three areas then became the over-arching framework for how we structured organizational change as well as individual roles, responsibilities and training efforts. This type of progression can be seen as one approach to organizational development. At organizational level, the information service strategy and its subsequent implementation can be seen as a model for both NAFRI and other organizations. At an internal evaluation in 2007, most information staff commented that they felt such a framework for working helped them understand how their activities fit together and provided them with a clear idea of their own roles and responsibilities (ISC workshop 2007). Externally, many organizations (NAFES, DoF, IUCN, MAF IT Center, STEA, etc) have been interested in how the strategy was developed and most importantly are interested to learn from NAFRI staff how to implemented specific activities whether it be setting up an information unit, developing a library system or establishing a newsletter.

Diagram 1: Key Activity Areas as Defined in Information Service Strategy

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The current structure of the division is shown in diagram 22. Due to staff limitations and capacity, a number of activities were lumped together. This includes three main areas of work:

1. Lao Agriculture database: this is currently under the leadership of the library. While they should form close linkages, there will be a need for it to become its own operating unit.

2. Management Information Systems and Databases: currently the development of ReMIS and other databases is either taken care of ICT or by the Unit head. This is another functional activity area where organization roles need to be clarified

3. Information Production, Dissemination and Networking Section: This section will to be better categorized and functional activities created in order to better articulate all the different activities that are carried out in it. This includes working with different media than just print and organizing workshops and seminars.

For the division to function effectively in phase 2, these functional tasks will need to be better reflected in the organizational structure of the division. In addition, to the changes with GIS, it is foreseen that the Socio-economic Unit will be transferred to the policy research unit/center which is going to be established at NAFRI. Thus, one issue during revision of the strategy will be to restructure the division keeping in mind what was envisioned (Diagram 3).

2 In mid-2006 a strategic decision was made by NAFRI to move the GIS unit from the division to the SSLC so it could directly work on the priority task of land suitability zoning. There has been discussion that the unit might return to the division once this important work is finalized.

Diagram 2: Current Structure of the NAFRI Information Management Division

Diagram 3: Propose structure of IMSPD in 2009 (IMSPD 2004)

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There might be other functions and activities for which the division will need to factor in and these will be further worked out during the revision of the information service strategy. However, a key change will take place in the operational modes and working approach of the information division. While the first phase focused on building the internal capacity of the division, the 2nd phase will focus more on fostering linkages to other organizations to scale up different systems (LAD, NALiS, etc) as well as improving communication linkages to different levels (centers, provinces, districts). However, given the continuing capacity development needs of the division, there will still need to be support to improving the overall capacity of information staff at NAFRI3 Table 1: Changing nature of information service work

Task/Function Phase 1 Phase 2 Scope of work Improving communication and

information processes in NAFRI Supporting the development of information and communication channels at different levels

Target groups Broader target audience with large scope including resaerchers, development practitioners academics, extension agents, policy makers

More explicit focus on three target groups: Farmers and extension agents Policy makers Researchers

Mode of work Activities focused on basics routines and procedures

Providing training support to other agencies and levels and receiving training support from others

Types of products and services

Traditional ‘research materials’ (newsletter, reports, journal, website, etc)

Working with different media and partners to produce alternative materials and information

Relationships with other organizations

Selective collaboration on different activities

Collaboration to develop different materials and processes

Funding sources Funding from Sida with some activities funded by others (sourcebook, workshops, etc)

Developing ownership among projects, centers, organizations and donors of the need to harmonise and align support to AKIS development

In regards to managing the division and unit, there will also be a need for more robust and inclusive planning and management arrangements. The number of staff and the complexity of activities has increased without any real changes to the management of the program. New bottom-up approaches are needed to planning, implementing and monitoring activities which could include: Regular meetings of sections to discuss issues and concerns Regular meetings of section heads to review progress and plan together More effective monitoring of services (library, ICT, publication/dissemination)

2.2 Capacity Development of Staff at Division and Centers As can be seen in Table 2, the numbers of staff have increased in the key activity areas but there is still a lack of capacity both in numbers and skills. For the most part, one senior or experienced staff is in each section along with young contract staff who are under-going on-the-job training and to limited extent external training to build their capacity in a given area (see Annex 2 for a list of staff and their training needs). This has worked well but there has been a lot of turn over in the last two years and if any of the key senior staff were to leave their would be big holes, particularly in information production and dissemination.

3 In-line with the overall restructuring of NAFRI, there has been a proposal to make the information service unit into a center of its own. Such a center’s mandate and role are still not clear but if this is operationalized, capacity development at NAFRI will still be a priotity

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Table 2: Staff Numbers and positions of the information service unit No. of staff and responsibility Section/Unit 2003 2007 Foreseen in 2010 * Manager No Unit 1 Unit head 1 unit head

1 admin assistant Library 1 head librarian 1 Head librarian

3 Assistants 1 Head librarian 2 Assistants

Lao Agriculture Database

- 1 Part-time coordinator (left for studies) 2 assistants in charge

1 Full time coordinator 3-4 assistants on need

ICT 1 staff part time 1 Head (on study leave) 1 Networking/Database 1 Web and web services (1 left in June 2007)

1 Head 2 Networking/Database 2 Web and web services 2-3 support staff based on need

Production/ Dissemination

2 1 unit head & editor 1 layout person 2 Dissemination and administration

1 Head and content developer 2 writer/editors 2 support

* Taken from Information Service Strategy One weak point in Phase 1 has been developing the capacities of the centers and improving information flows between centers and NAFRI HQ. On the one hand, this could be due to the focus of the information component on NAFRI activities as well as the program activities. On the other, it has been difficult to get staff working on information activities full time at the centers. Often times new staff show up for training activities or the staff trained only work on information activities partially. Only at NAFReC has there been a commitment to developing a fledging information service and providing resources and staff accordingly. Table 3: Status of information staff at centers Center Library ICT LAD ARC Viengsavanh &

Haksamone – part-time Soulideth (left) Viengsavanh

Phetmaneesang – no longer available

CRC 1 staff trained - - FRC 2 staff trained Dalyvanh (left)

Outtamah Khamfeua – off for PhD

LRC Sinavieng part-time Boualorn LaRReC Gaewmannee but part-

time Gaewmanee Somboune

Aloun – moved to MAF

HRC 2 trained now one there Noi Boula (left)

Xayasinh – off for masters

NAFReC Sisopha - will leave Gaew (left) - SSLC No library since at

NAFRI HQ Nachitda Veekham (left)

Kongkeo – stopped because of other work

There will be a need to rethink how we develop information linkages with the centers and what type of support is necessary. Given the limited amount of human resources, it might be more efficient to have a strong centralized information service within Vientiane that could link up each center and focus support more to the districts and NAFReC. For instance, it is has been mentioned that LaRReC will move to Nam Suang (where the LRC and FRC are). Maybe it would be best to create another information hub there rather than trying to build up information services at all three centers?

2.3 Institutional linkages One of the components biggest achievements in phase 1 was to form linkages and collaboration with different organizations in the country and region. This can

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be seen in almost all aspects of work where we were able to receive support and funding for various collaborative activities such as workshops, sourcebook and material development. In addition, to activity based partnerships, the information services has played a major role in establishing NAFRI as a key source for information and knowledge through its workshops, reports and even website. For instance the NAFRI/SNV NTFP newsletter currently goes out to more than 900 partners in the country and region (up from 400 when it was initiated in 2005).

2.3.1 AIM working group and building downward linkages This type of partnership approach can be most exemplified through the development of the NAFRI-NAFES Agriculture Information Management Working Group (AIM). In 2003, there were few linkages to NAFES and there was no way to interact in terms of sharing and exchanging information4. In 2006, the AIM working group was established based on initial collaboration in developing the sourcebook and Research-Extension linkage workshop. The first year was spent trying to establish informal contacts and build up trust and relations between NAFRI and NAFES. By the end of the 2006 a concept for the working group was developed along with a concrete workplan. This is an important step for NAFRI and NAFES as this is the first time that 2 divisions/units of these organizations are working together. The development of AIM working group in a sense shows how the unit/division will be working in Phase 2. The focus is on developing collaboration not for collaboration sake but to improve farmers and extension staff’s access to information. This implies changes in how ISC will operate, particularly in that there will be more of an explicit focus on building the capacity of different levels (see box 1). One way this will happen is to develop mechanisms to work within the programme at different levels (with NAFReC, provincial staff and district staff). Within the programme we can test out new tools and approaches to improve communication mechanisms. In addition, it also implies the need to work with other actors outside of NAFRI and NAFES to generate content and disseminate this effectively. It could mean working with NGOs and projects in Laos as well as actively with other dissemination channels (radio, tv, local groups, etc). To do this, there will be a need to look at different partnerships that have been developed, not only with NAFES but with other organizations and the private sector. In addition, there will be a need to see what type of capacity has been developed in the provinces and districts. This could be monitored by looking at:

1. Comparing key partnerships and activities implemented in Phase 1 compared to those in Phase 2

2. Changes in organizational setting at the provinces and districts in terms of information management and communication (strategies developed, divisions/units established, activities implemented)

3. Numbers and changes in staff capacity at districts and provinces The AIM group is also a good example of how to donors (SDC and Sida) have supported the development of an institutional linkages between NAFRI and NAFS rather than on a project-to-project basis. This is something that should be encouraged with other donors and shown as an example for how the Paris Declaration can be implemented practically within NAFRI.

4 In 2003, there was actually a ‘hand over’ ceremony of materials and information from NAFRI to NAFES. It is not clear what was done with that information or even if NAFES could use it.

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2.4 Developing mechanisms for collecting and sharing information

The component has helped to build a growing awareness of the important role information services can play in supporting the research effort. Many projects are interested to further collaborate or work through the division5. The challenge in the long-term will be to build on this interest and have projects at NAFRI both use and show ownership of the information systems and resources that have been established (and therefore they all contribute resources to). This will ensure that 1) resources developed by the program are used for the whole of NAFRI and not just the project, 2) cost recovery and cost-sharing mechanisms established. In terms getting different projects and organizations to use the common information systems (LAD, REMIS, etc), it will be important to develop mechanisms and procedures for centers and projects to contribute on a regular basis. Again, there is a lot of interest but the system for collecting, indexing and data entry will still need to be improved so that information can be continuously inputted and disseminated. Table 4 shows a number of different products and services that are ready for wider use and even costs sharing

2.5 Cost recovery and sharing mechanisms In terms of cost recovery we are currently carrying out a number of such activites but if they can be better coordinated it might be cost effective, this includes. • Charging for use of IT services: this could be for internet connection,

space on the NAFRI website or server space. In addition, NAFRI should encourage organizations and project to use the NAFRI IT services rather than setting up their own system. This would help projects should go through or develop information activities in collaboration with the division. This should constitute the bare minimum and something that NAFRI with support from URDP and Sida should discuss with other donors and projects at NAFRI.

• Charging for publications and books: Again, this is done now but on an ad-hoc basis. If NAFRI could pool publications and reports and sell them, there could be a substantial amount for producing other materials or reprints.

• Developing proposals for alternative funding: NAFRI could seek alternative sources of funding such as getting companies to support the production of the newsletter or journal or developing separate proposals to foundations with other organizations to produce information.

• Consultancy/training services: Many staff in the division already provide consultant services to a number of organizations and projects on information and communication but on an ad-hoc basis. There could be a more strategic way to provide training and support to different organizations rather than

5 CIRAD/PRONAE will have a project at Information Division, and the National Rice Research Programme will most likely also have one component based at the Division

Linking the last mile: developing a network of information and communication staff at provincial and district levels

Through the NAFRI-NAFES Agriculture Information Management Working Group (AIM), there has been discussion to develop information capacity of districts and provinces so that there can be a better two-way flow of information. The idea is to ensure that there is a network of staff at all levels rather than focusing all our efforts on the national level. There are two current initiatives underway. As part of disseminating the “Wisdom Bag” (district library), NAFES is requesting that each district nominate 1 district staff to act as the information/communication focal point. The other initiative is that AIM will be working with the PAFO Oudomxay (and districts) to develop an information strategy which can act as a model for other provinces.

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doing it on a individual basis each time (training on library development for organizations, training on media production, etc).

Table 4: Information Products and Services ready for Product/service Collaborators Cost recovery Library Projects and centers Projects providing books & materials LAD Projects and organizations

in Laos and NAFES Support to indexing, scanning and overall coordination of LAD

ICT infrastructure (fiber, servers, etc)

NAFRI Projects and donors Support to maintaining and managing fiber connection, internet and servers

ICT services (Email, web, intranet)

NAFRI Projects and donors Space on website, use of intranet or email addresses

Research reports and materials

NAFRI Projects and donors Support to developing NAFRI wide report series and other materials

Newsletter & Journal

Readers, Donors, Projects, private sector

Advertisements, support to production costs.

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2.5 The Organizational Baseline The table below shows the key activities in terms of organizational development, where ISC is now and what could be seen as possible areas to monitor. Area Baseline in 2007 Possible Areas to monitor Information Service Strategy & Capacity of staff at NAFRI

Strategy under revision No strategy at NAFReC but

library established 14 staff (6 full time & 8

contract staff)

Strategy finished and use Strategy for NAFReC

developed, activities and staff in place

No of staff at NAFRI. Trainings provided and capacity

Provincial/district information systems

Info communication study carried out

No support to districts One person assigned in

Phonxay, Namo and NAFReC but no real activities

Strategies developed in 4 provinces we work in

Staff assigned at provincial and district levels

Activities carried out at district and provincial level

Linkages and information capacities at centers

Irregular contact Irregular staff

Procedures & mechanisms in place to share information on different areas

Web-based systems in place

Regular collection of materials

Support and interaction within NAFRI from other projects/donors

No other projects directly funding division or providing information on regular basis

No. of projects and donors supporting division

Cost recovery mechanisms in place and how much they bring in

Procedures and mechanisms in place to collect information (No. of publications from different

Collaboration with external projects, agencies and organizations

NAFES-NAFRI AIM working group established

NUOL – Sourcebook and studies

Projects and donors – Sourcebook, workshops, etc

Lao National TV – video done

Number of activities carried out by AIM WG

Activities carried out in cooperation with Lao National Radio or TV

Activities carried out with

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3. Information Management

3.1 Information Management Baseline The following table shows the activities that were planned for 2007 (taken from the information service strategy), current status of activities, and possible areas/issues to monitor activities in Phase 2.

Activity Area 2004 – 2007 Current Status Areas to monitor 1. Library Services

• NAFRI HQ library established

• Common library database and catalogue system developed

• Linkages to regional & international sources of information established

• Capacities of librarians upgraded

• Awareness, promotion and training for researchers to use libraries

• Library functional • Library database

system in place • No regular

services to users • No system to

regularly receive books

• 2 training courses provided to center librarians

• Few trainings provided to users

• Quarterly accession list developed

• Library system installed and used at other libraries

• List of all new national, regional, global organizations who send information

• New services established

• Number of trainings to users

2. Lao Agriculture Database

• System in place to collect and store research results and relevant reports (Lao Agris)

• Keyword classification system in Lao developed

• Linkages established with other Agris providers in the region.

• 1038 records • Only NAFRI HQ

inputting • Database

developed but needs to be improved

• Not an official AGRIS center

• Set up and strategy for expanding LAD

• Number of publications entered

• Number of organizations inputting

• Number of users • Database system

improved 2. Management Information Systems

• Research Management System in place to track research being carried out in Laos

• System developed to track human resource development in NAFRI

• Projects database developed to track progress of on-going NAFRI projects

• Annual reviews and reports produced

• Research system in development

• Human resource system finished

• No project database

• 1 annual review produced

• No system in place for Research Data management in LSUAFRP

• 6 components of ReMIS finalized and regularly inputted (how much used and how regular data)

• Strategy in place for research data management in URDP

• Simple database for tracking projects at NAFRI

• Regular NAFRI annual reports produced

3. GIS and Data management

• Development of common storage facilities and better access of data systems at IMD and SSLC

• Services to at NAFRI and government agencies

Moved to SSLC and not under direct responsibility of division

From the outset, the goal of ISC has been to develop common information tools for NAFRI and the Agriculture sector. There are now a couple of products (LAD, NaLIS and ReMIS) ready for wider use and they face three common challenges:

1. Assigning staff to have overall management and coordination responsibility of the systems rather than adding on to work.

2. Developing regular procedures and routines for inputting information 3. Engaging other organizations to use and further develop these systems.

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3.2 Library The library has been transformed from a small resource forestry library to a full “information center”. Different ministries and organizations have taken an interest in the library and have requested support (Central Committee Library, FAO, IUCN, etc). In addition, the librarian and library staff have taken on the role training and support to NAFRI centers as well as a number of other organizations. A concern for the library is to develop a system to regularly update books and provide different services to NAFRI researchers. Currently there are a lot of resources in the library itself but they are not often accessed or used by NAFRI researchers (the main users of the library are NUOL students). In terms of the baseline, a clear distinction can be made by the types of services provided. This could be based around three areas:

Acquisition system (collecting books, announcing) and linkages to other libraries and information systems in the region.

Collection of materials on important topics and disseminating to researchers

New modes of working with centers and support to NAFReC In addition, the librarian should also be allowed to upgrade her knowledge and skills so they are in-line with modern library and knowledge management systems. Currently her background is in library management and there are a number of exciting changes that have taken place in the field in response to the internet revolution.

3.3 Lao Agriculture Database Both LAD and Lao AGROVOC are for the most part ready to be disseminated widely. LAD currently consists of 1,038 records, 400 of which with digital records. The lessons learned in LAD and AGROVOC are relevant and important for other data management systems to be developed at NAFRI particularly the Research Management Info System. Again, some of the most important include:

• Focus more on the process for collecting, inputting and disseminating information rather than on the system itself.

• Need to train staff in how to collect and input and think of the institutional arrangements between centers and NAFRI

• Need to develop partnerships and show immediate benefits of the systems if people are to use.

It has to be reiterated that NAFRI is the only institution in Laos with the mandate to collect and disseminate agriculture and forestry research related information for all of Laos. The LAD system is designed specifically for this, but in order to create a sustainable system, resources need to be allocated. The financial resources to establish such a center is nominal but staff and commitment are needed from NAFRI and the centers. Some recommendations for LAD include: Establishing it as a separate unit/section in the division with its own staff Developing a network of organizations who can provide regular inputs and

materials for the system Creating a cadre of indexers at centers and organizations interested to

contribute to the system. Updating and revising the LAD database system Training and promotion of the system to users at NAFRI, university and

extension system Working with provinces to be able to access information from the system

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3.4 Research Management Information Systems (ReMIS) ReMIS is an important tool not only for better collecting information to improve management processes but also is one impetus for improving management practices at NAFRI. Such a system is a long-term process and as much time and effort will need to be put into 1) collecting and inputting data regularly 2) providing useful reports 3) providing training to managers in how to use and take advantage of the system. Since the initial proposal in 2004, the system concept has expanded and there are now 6 systems proposed to be designed, including:

- Program Management Information System - Research Management Information System - Human Resource Information System - Asset Management Information System - Support Management Information System - Administrative Management Information System

Currently, one system is ready for use (Human resource system). The Human resource system that has been developed is impressive and could potentially assist in managing human resources more efficiently and effectively. Again, the main concern is not in the data system itself but rather the process for collecting information and regularly updating. Another issue will be the strategy for finalizing other elements of the system. For some elements, particularly research management, it might be useful to start with the research management component in Phase 2 to help them first develop a system to manage research and data which could then be scaleable to all of NAFRI.

3.4.1 Learning from data management experiences in Phase 1 Data management in Phase 1 was done primarily by the different components with the belief that each research component should manage their own data. Towards the end of the program when there was a need to begin doing impact studies and it became evident that data collected by the different components could not be compared or analyzed (Keobunnam, et al., 2007). In general this has lead to a situation where:

- Each component had kept different records of family members they interviewed and it was confusing to compare different sets of data.

- It has become apparent that similar information was collected multiple times by different components

- Farmers themselves became confused as to how and why information was being collected.

In Phase 2 a common framework for managing and using research data will need to be developed. This should be a major area of collaboration between Information Service and the research management components during the inception period of. Socio-economic and farming systems made some good recommendations based on lessons from phase 1 and this should be the starting point for work in phase 2. However, again, the main issue will be agreeing on the overall purpose of such a system, what needs to be collected and managed at each level and how they will carry out their work. Again, a system developed in URDP could be made scaleable and act as a model for the research management component of REMIS.

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4. ICT

4.1 ICT baseline The following table shows the activities that were planned for 2007 (taken from the information service strategy), current status of activities, and possible areas/issues to monitor activities in Phase 2.

Activity Area 2004 – 2007 Current Status Possible areas to monitor

Infrastructure Dev.

• Internet connection established from NAFRI Headquarters to STEA

• Network connection established between all research centers

• LANs established at each center and at NAFRI headquarters

• Backup connections identified and established

• NAFRI HQ Fiber optic completed

• Fiber optic connection to NUOL and STEA

• No connection at centers

• LANs established at centers

• Slow connection to internet

• Connections to centers and their use and management

• Internet connection and infrastructure at NAFReC

• Speed of connection

• Maintainence of system at NAFRI

Services • Email services provided for all staff including account administration, mail promotion and user training

• Intranet established for file sharing, information distribution.

• Support provided to development of common library system for NAFRI

• Support provided to development of Lao AGRIS System

• NAFRI web page established and maintained centrally at HQ

• Open area established at NAFRI HQ

• Dial in service for management

• Around 140 internet accounts provided & Lao interface

• File sharing available but no intranet

• Library system developed, and LAD system supported

• NAFRI webpage revised and number of hits monitored, little Lao Language content

• Anti-virus system in place

• GPRS units purchased for senior staff to connect to internet from home

• SNV e-letter established

• More internet accounts provided

• Intranet system developed and used

• LAD system modified, installed and used

• NAFRI webpage updated frequently and Lao language content produced by staff at NAFRI and centers

Training • Training provided to NAFRI researchers and managers in how to use and maintain basic functions of internet, web and email

• Training provided to NAFRI ICT administration and staff on maintenance of network systems

• 4 training courses held for researchers and managers

• 2 training courses/ workshops held for network staff

• Training provided to district staff in computer maintenance

• Training provided to center staff on IT management and website development

• Training provided to staff in internet usage and intranet

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4.2 Infrastructure Below is a table of the current status of IT at each center. Wireless connections (to NAFRI HQ) at each center were set up along with Local Area Networks (LANs). The wireless solution was chosen because it offered the best way for NAFRI centers to share and exchange information directly. If they were just provided with individual Internet connections through a local ISP, there would be limited opportunities to share information between and among centers and researchers (NAFRI ICT, 2006). Unfortunately, due to electrical problems, attenna misalignments (towers not built strong enough), lightening strikes and distance to NAFRI, the wireless connections did not work. Table 4: Status of IT at Centers Center Equipment

purchased Current status Comments

HRC 2 indoor units 2 outdoor units 2 antennas 1 server 1 LAN

Wireless connection broken due to electrical surges and ligteninng LAN in place

Equipment damaged. Not enough electricity at center. Too far for stable wireless connection

ARC 2 indoor units 2 outdoor units 2 antennas 1 server 1 LAN

No internet connection LAN in place

Equipment damaged in electrical storm. Too far for stable wireless but can connect to Faculty of Agriculture

LARREC 2 indoor units 2 outdoor units 2 antennas 1 server

Internet connection provided by projects LAN in place

The equipment is still within NAFRI and not being used


2 indoor units 2 outdoor units 2 antennas 1 server 1 LAN

Signal between NAFRI HQ and LRC is too low to operate.

It is uncertain what is malfunctioning and needs to be checked.

NAFReC No equipment purchased

No LAN Dial-up connection for internet

Capacity low to manage and maintain system


Fiber network LANs in each office Fiber to

NUOL/STEA New servers

purchased in 2007

All complet. Regular maintenance needed Transformer purchased by Admin Division but still electricity not stable

Electricity at this point is the biggest concern since there is not enough in the Information Building.

4.2.1 Key issues and concerns There are three issues that need to be considered when dealing with the IT infrastructure development. The first concerns electricity at the center and even at NAFRI. Most centers as shown above have irregular and poor electrical connections. This is the main reason for the damaged equipment at different centers and of concern at NAFRI even though they have installed new electrical equipment.6 Similarly, there are issues with grounding to guard against electricity. Unless electricity is improved at many of the centers, long-term investments in equipment should be avoided.

6 The electrical equipment was upgraded at NAFRI by the administration division after projects at NAFRI pitched in. Unfortunately, the electricity situation, at least at the Information service building, is still quite erratic. When the photocopy machine needs to be used, the air conditioning upstairs needs to be turned off. This will only get worse once the new servers are installed.

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Another issue concerns the overall sustainability of ICT at the centers and even at NAFRI. Purchasing and maintaining the equipment necessary is a long-term affair. Computers breakdown and need repair or need to be upgraded and replaced every 3-4 years. After the project leaves it is uncertain how this will be done. Since competent staff are in place at NAFRI HQ, different solutions can be found to have other projects and donors support such purchases. Finally, it is uncertain how expensive connections can be maintained in the long-term, particularly when there is little capacity to maintain and manage such systems. The only way of having ICT services sustainable in the long-run is to have competent staff that can take of the system locally. Again, at NAFRI headquarters these staff are in place. However, if there are going to be investments in infrastructure then there will need to be staff who can manage them on daily basis.

4.2.2 Ways forward to connect centers Below are possible options for redoploying the internet connections at the centers as well as establishing better IT access at NAFReC. The option provided seems the most feasible based on cost effectiveness, infrastructure at the center (electricity, remoteness, etc) and number of users. Table 5: Options for connecting centers to IT

Center Option Comments HRC Provide dial up


Preferred solution is dial up connection. Wireless connection should only be used if electricity is improved and lightening protection established. Satellite connection too expensive for number of staff at HRC

ARC Fiber link to Faculty of Agriculture/NUOL

Fiber optic too NOUL would be US$ 3 – 5,000 and would provide stable and long-term connection. Should be done with other projects providing some support as well


A wireless connection between three centers and satellite dish connection.

Assuming LaRReC moves to Namsouang, a wireless network can be made between the three centers using existing equipment. A satellite connection would be most appropriate due to distance between NAFRI and Nam Souang. Other projects, particularly at LaRRec could support the internet satellite connection

NAFReC LAN established with 2 servers

Satellite Connection

A satellite connection would be the most feasible for the coming 3-5 years and should be reinvestigated to find a more sustainable solution as internet becomes more widely available in North

4.3 Services do we think we should have table?? Maybe nice?? A number of services have been developed at NAFRI for the internet. The introduction of infrastructure to link people (NAFRI HQ’s Local Area Network) has greatly facilitated the ease of communication. When the project began only advisers used the internet to communicate. While some staff had email address (yahoo, hotmail) they were rarely checked. As of now, the email has become the preferred choice of communication between many senior managers at NAFRI. The DG, Vice DGs as well as LSUAFRP component heads all regularly check email and respond in kind.

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On the other hand there is a need to develop mechanisms to assist researchers to search for relevant information using the internet. This could be in English or Thai Languages since most staff can easily read Thai language of which there is an increasing digital body of agriculture knowledge. In addition, once the new servers are in place it will be important to develop improved ways to share files and information. This could be services such as an intranet service, common file areas, photo-galleries or the development of common templates so that reporting and other activities are more standardized. The website too has become somewhat of a showcase with a large number of people using it on a daily basis to download information and news from NAFRI (see chart to the right). The main reason for this is that we have been really trying to build up the website as a hub of information in agriculture and forestry. Currently, key reports from LSUAFRP as well as other projects and centers is on the website as well all information from different workshops that have been held in the last two years. This has been coupled with the sending out of updates through email and the NAFRI/SNV NTFP e-letter which helps to publicize new reports or sections to the web. One concern with the website is regards the development of Lao Language content. Currently, the website is done in English and then translated which takes a long time. The IT team is also working on a new web-system which will allow people to more easily send things to the website or create their own content (using the new open source website content management system called joomla). However, the key issue is finding a way of having staff from centers and projects be able to send information to upload to the website or have the webmasters be able to write up local content. While they have the skills to technically manage the website now, they are still lacking content development skills. This will be a key issue for phase 2 and one that is discussed in section 5 as well as the conclusion.

4.3.1 Overview of deployed services Below is an overview of currently deployed services at NAFRI HQ as well as services that's planned to be deployed but that has been delayed due to late arrival of hardware. The table describes the type of service, what the current status is and comments regarding the service. Table 6: Status of services deployed and planned at NAFRI Service Current status Comments Email service, including: • SPAM and anti-virus

filter • Web based interface in

Lao language • WAP interface for

mobile phones • Administration

interface and monitoring tools

Around 140 nafri email accounts have been provided

Although the mail server is very stable it still needs constant attention for administration of email accounts as well as tuning it for SPAM and other security matters.

NAFRI Web site Work well with a constant increase of

The website is well maintained but is currently lacking information in Lao

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Service Current status Comments visitors, however the content in Lao language is very limited.

language. A new system is under implementation which will make it easier for both translation and decentralized updates.

E-news system for disseminate information to various email lists

Work well with over 1600 members in total.

This component make use of both the web and mail server and are therefor also dependent on these services to work well.

Digitalized Library system, NALiS

Operating at the head quarter but is far from complete regarding the data entry.

The idea of this system is to implement it also at the different centers but since they currently lacking connection to NAFRI this has been postponed. It is also planned to install the NALiS at other agro-forestry locations such as NAFES.

LAD (see also section 3.4) Working but difficulties with Lao language.

The current LAD system is working but it is unclear how well it is used. It is planned to re-develop it to implement more support for Lao language but also improve other issues such as distribution to un-connected areas and simplify search functions.

Intranet websites Working but not frequently used and lack of content.

The intranet web sites needs to be improved. Currently there is not many users using the Internal websites due to lack of content. NAFRI ICT has planned to create new systems for the intranet websites once new servers are purchased.

File and printer sharing Working via windows work groups without centralized server.

File and printer sharing works but are used with so called “work groups” instead of a centralized server. This will be implemented in the next step together with more advanced intranet services.

Anti-Virus software Working but with a limited license.

License currently valid until early 2009 after this period a new solution must be found.

“Invisible” network services, including among others: • DHCP • Web and DNS proxies • Content filtering • Firewall

Working but need constant maintenance.

These services are working well but needs constant attention by the network administrators. The content filtering has been very successful in filtering out material that consumes a lot of bandwidth (mainly pornography) and this is extremely important in order to deliver a decent Internet connection.

Monitoring tools Working well where deployed.

The monitoring tools are used for both external and internal users in order to see statistics and provide a good service. However, some services still lacks monitoring tools, such as LAD.

Backup service Not yet deployed. Will be deployed when new servers arrive in order to provide backup both for NAFRI users and it's various servers.

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5. Information Production, dissemination & exchange

5.1 Production, dissemination and linkages baseline Activity Area 2004 – 2006 Current Status Areas to Monitor

Support to documentation of research

• Support to the development of farmer technology sheets

• Support to the development of video on at least two different topics

• Develop system to reward researchers who document research

• Farmer technology sheets and farmer profiles complete

• Research reports from FSR complete

• One video complete

• Organization of farmer field days – 2 years

• Write shops held to produce material in Lao language

• Packaging of research results for extension agents and farmers.

Information Production & Dissemination

• Support repackaging of materials for thematic issues relevant to NAFRI priorities (ie. NTFP, source book)

• Establish a NAFRI wide report series

• Produce and disseminate newsletter

• Produce and disseminate journal

• Produce and disseminate NAFRI strategy

• Develop Annual report for 2005

• Lao Uplands Sourcebook complete – still need to disseminate

• LSUAFRP reports but no NAFRI report series

• Newsletter produced regularly

• Journal produced regularly

• Annual report produced (2007)

• Publications on demand produced

• Dissemination system ad hoc

• Development of new materials based on feedback from sourcebook

• Develop publication guidelines for URDP and NAFRI

• Develop report series for URDP and NAFRI

• Develop new products beyond journal and newsletter

• Develop systematic dissemination system

Linkages and networking

• Support establishment of market information systems in the North

• Support to organizing and facilitating NAFRI workshops with different partners

• Coordinate with NAFES on providing continuous flow of information

• Facilitate regional/ provincial workshops to share experiences between research and extension

• MIS workshops held but no system in place

• Number of important workshops held

• Establishment of working group with NAFES, workplan developed

• Concept for sub-regional workshops and network of information staff at district and provincial level

• Joint material production with NAFES

• Use of alternative media other than print (radio, video, newspaper)

• Workshops on important issues held to support policy feedback

• Network of staff at province and districts established

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In-line with the government’s focus on providing support the village cluster level, ISC’s focus for phase 2 is on building effective communication linkages downward to the district and provincial levels. Such a focus will require a fundamental shift in how activities are actually carried out in Phase 2, particularly for the area of information production and dissemination. In Phase 1, the focus was primarily on developing NAFRI information for wider sharing with less of a focus on who was actually reading the materials. This included the newsletter, journal and various reports and publications. In Phase 2, the focus will be on developing a range of publications to reach three key target groups: farmers, extension agents and policy makers. Another area of attention is to develop viable and simple market information systems. This has been identified as a key aspect of information systems at the provincial and district level. This means not only price information but also information on where farmers can find basic services for inputs, equipment and selling products. In the first phase, a focus was spent on building a better understanding of what constitutes a market information system but little has been done to implement lessons and experiences learned (from the MIS workshop in Luang Prabang in 2005 and the study tour to Nepal focused on MIS). There are two challenges facing the information and production unit. The first is to generate and develop content that is based on the needs of these target groups. This implies understanding their needs, how they like to use and receive information and being able to analyze and package content from various sources. The second challenge concerns being able to use a wider range of media and mechanisms to disseminate information. For the most part the unit produces written materials. In a country like Laos, a range of medium are needed to be used other than print.

5.2 Current mix of information products Table 6 shows the different products produced in Phase 1. There are a number of products which have been produced but there has been little improvements for the last couple of years. There will be a need to develop new products both to collect what NAFRI is doing as well as use with other media or with NAFRI. Table 6: Information Product Mix

Products Target group Comments NAFRI newsletter Extension staff,

professionals Evaluation carried out. Need to move from news on workshops to packaging technical information

NAFRI Journal Researchers and academics

Should carry out readership survey and send out more widely

NAFRI Promotional materials (Calendar, brochures, directory)

Donors and others interested in NAFRI

Could develop a whole range of products including name cards.

Publications on demand: Technical booklets

from newsletter LSUAFRP

publications AEA Handbook Sourcebook PRA Manual Other materials

Extension agents, researchers, education specialists

Little testing of materials and understanding of how actual end users use the materials or if they meet their needs. Publications developed on an adhoc basis and there is no systematic production based on user needs.

Videos: Farmer field day video

Staff still lack capacity to develop or oversee production with video specialists

Workshops: Uplands workshop

Extension agents and development

Staff can organize and facilitate high quality meetings. Issue is to make sure

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MIS workshops Rubber workshop SSLWM Conference NAFRI seminar series

practitioners. Feedback to policy makers

that workshops are not an end to themselves but rather leading to results either at field level or feedback to policy makers.

5.3 Key issues and challenges

5.3.1 Refocusing the section and capacities of staff While this section is seen as the engine of NAFRI information services, in terms of producing and disseminating information, there are two key challenges that staff face. The first is tois a need think of expanding the role/mandate of the unit, beyond mere production of printed materials. There are a number of functions staff will need to carry out in Phase 2:

Developing mechanisms to prioritize what information needs to be produced based on identified needs of farmers and extension agents.

Collecting materials, reports and information from centers and projects Support to researchers in producing reports and materials Repackaging information from research produced Editing, Layout and Production of materials (newsletters, journal,

brochures and selected materials) Dissemination of materials Working with other organizations to generate content based on NAFRI

information (radio, TV, extension materials, etc) Facilitating workshops, seminars and other meetings to share and

exchange lessons between different actors Current capacities and resources are geared toward editing, layout and production of materials, dissemination of materials and organizing workshop and seminars. Staff have a good understanding of each of these aspects. The challenge in Phase 2 will be to continue these activities and build capacities to:

Understanding how to develop materials, test them and get feedback Repackage materials into appropriate information packages Work with other actors to disseminate different information using a range

of media (TV, radio, Video, etc) Facilitate learning processes (workshops, discussion lists, writeshops, etc)

In addition, it was decided at the information workshop that this unit/section would be responsible for collecting and collating information and materials developed by centers and projects based at NAFRI. One suggestion was to make an inventory of all technologies and approaches developed and see how these could be repackaged for video or TV.

5.3.2 Production of Lao language materials and targeting them In Phase 1 most materials for wider distribution were first produced in English and then translated into Lao. A number of interesting ‘field/trip reports’ in Lao language have been produced. Unfortunately, these are mainly for internal use (often only printed and disseminated to key staff). The challenge is to provide opportunities for staff to package their information into materials that will be useful to the various target groups (extension agents, policy markers, etc). In Phase 2, the focus should be on developing Lao based materials rather than relying on solely on translation. Translation is often slow and time consuming, as it relies on the most capable staff who are also the busiest. The other advantage of focusing on Lao language content is that it will build capacity of young researchers to produce content for different audiences. Translation should still be

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supported and seen as an integral part of information strategy but the focus should be on building staff capacity to produce material in Lao language. In terms of developing materials it will be important to consider how they are developed, rather than just producing materials on an ad-hoc basis. There are many ways to package information and there is a need to carefully consider who will use the information and how they best like to receive information. There is a need to develop simple procedures for producing materials, including:

1. Finding ways to understand needs of users (extensionists, farmers, policymarkers).

2. Developing a media plan which lays out why materials are being developed, for whom, how they will be produced and disseminated.

3. Pre-testing materials on the target audience to get feedback 4. Revising and producing materials based on feedback 5. Disseminating materials/information 6. Receiving feedback on usefulness and how materials are produced.

The benefits of such a participatory approach is to ensure that the information is meeting the needs of the intended target audience and get them involved in deciding on what material is produced. This is something that will need to developed more often in phase 2 particularly if we begin to develop materials on a topical basis rather than just as outputs from activities.

5.3.3 Support to local dissemination Developing a ‘rural dissemination’ system implies a number of different things for phase 2. First, there will need to be coordination and collaboration with NAFES and other organizations. NAFRI cannot expect to develop its own parallel extension system and dissemination system. It also implies, as mentioned in an earlier section, that there need to be a network of staff who can help improve the information flow and linkages between different levels. This will be particularly true at the district and provincial levels. Finally, there will need to be a set of rules and procedures for generating or packaging content in collaboration with researchers and other organizations. In terms of collaboration with NAFES, Phase 1 has already set the groundwork with the establishment of the AIM working group. The AIM group should be one of the main conduit’s to build up a functioning national system for rural dissemination. Thus, in Phase 2, the focus will not be on establishing a relationship with NAFES and other organizations but on using these relationships to actually implement activities. In terms of developing a network of staff to improve the information flows, the ISC could be responsible for supporting the development of linkages in the 4 provinces and 8 districts the program will be working in (along with capacity at NAFReC). This will include identifying a set of activities that could be carried out at NAFReC, the provinces and districts and in turn developing staff capacity to implement these at different levels. However, this does not imply that URDP will support the development of such information systems and linkages on its own but rather mobilize and work with projects and key actors engaged in the Lao AKIS to carry this out. Finally, there will be a need to establish procedures and capacities to actually carry out “participatory content development”. By this it is meant to systematically match the needs of users with the content generated by NAFRI or other areas (see section 5.3.2).

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5.3.4 Support to policy dialogue and feedback There has been a lot of interest by NAFRI to produce information for the local level (i.e. farmers and district staff). However, NAFRI also has an important role to play in providing policy feedback and advancing the overall agenda on different issues arising in the agriculture and rural development sectors. The major workshops as well as the sourcebook have shown that the component really reaches out to a range of projects and organizations. These large events have also been one way that NAFRI has been able to develop a reputation for carrying out “research for development” rather than just having technical or scientific oriented meetings. The Uplands workshop (2004), rubber workshop (2006) and the Maize Workshop in Oudomxay (2006) are good examples of how with careful planning and a well thought out process, workshops can be a tool to help improve policy and understanding of those who are involved. These type of processes should be built upon to support policy feedback. Some key activities to consider for phase 2 include: Supporting production of a policy brief series. This could be short overviews of

key research targeted to policy makers Supporting development of descriptive and analytical presentations which

focus on things which policy makers need to hear. Continue to organize workshops on policy related matters to provide feedback

and learning from the field.

References Christoplos, I. 2006. Capacity development in NAFRI with support from LSUAFRP. LSAUFRP, NAFRI. Vientiane, Lao PDR Keobunnam, C., Simone V, Phouyyavong, K. and Yayoi Fujita. 2007. Report on LSUAFRP On-Farm Trial and Household Data Management. LSUAFRP. NAFRI, Vientiane, Lao PDR. IMSPD. 2004. NAFRI Information Service Strategy, final draft. NAFRI, Vientiane Lao PDR NAFRI. 2006. Upland Research and Capacity Development Programme, Programme Document. NAFRI. Vientiane, Lao PDR. NAFRI ICT. 2006. Status report of the “Wireless backbone” and installation of ICT equipment at NAFRI and Vientiane-based Centers NAFRI & NAFES. 2007. NAFRI/NAFES Agriculture Information Management Working Group Concept and Plan. Vientiane, Lao PDR

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Annex 1: Current staff at NAFRI HQ and their training needs Staff Name Responsibility Skills & training proposed

Management Bandith Ramangkoun * Head of Unit - Facilitation

- Content management - Information Systems Management

Library/LAD Pome Phanthavong * Head of Library - Knowledge management in relation

to library and info systems Chongpuang Library service - Library service Bek Library service - Library service Phongsy Library service - Library service Na LAD - Basic indexing and cataloguing Viengxay LAD - Basic indexing and cataloguing ICT Manoluck Bounsathilath * Head of ICT - Currently on masters course in

Australia Phonepaseuth * ICT technical - Network management and

information systems design Duean Webmaster - Content development and use of

web-based tools to improve communication

Sonekham Webmaster - Content development and web-based toold

Production/Dissemination Khanhkham Oudon * Head of

Publication Unit - Content Development (packaging of

materials) - Participatory communication

development Khanthamaly * Administration - Further administration support

- Editing?/Writing support Phetsamone * Dissemination/

Video - Video production/script writing - Layout and design

Keysone Publications - Training in indesign and publication, layout tools

• Full time NAFRI staff

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Annex 2: List of key publications and reports This is just a summary of the key reports, publications and concept notes produced by the component. For a complete list see each year’s analytical report. Information service strategy development

1) Proposed Process for developing Information Strategies at NAFRI. LSUAFRP, NAFRI. August 2002.

2) An Initial information needs assessment of NAFRI. LSUAFRP, NAFRI. September 2002.

3) Information Service Strategy. First draft, May 2003, final draft, May 2004 4) Dissemination strategy for the LSUAFRP reports: process and issues

(October 2003) Uplands Sourcebook

5) Concept note on developing Uplands Sourcebook (March 2004) 6) Minutes from Steering Committee Meetings in September 2004, December

2004 and March 2005 7) Improving Livelihoods in the uplands of Lao PDR, Volume 1: Initiatives and

Approaches (December 2005) 8) Improving Livelihoods in the uplands of Lao PDR, Volume 2: Issues and

Opportunities (January 2006) 9) Lao Version of Improving Livelihoods in the Uplands of Lao PDR (5

Volumes) to be finalized in APRIL 2007 Workshop proceedings and reports

10) 1st Annual Technical Research Review and Planning Workshop for LSUAFRP, February 20-21, 2003. LSUAFRP

11) 2nd Annual Technical Research Review and Planning Workshop (March 2004)

12) 3rd Annual Technical Research Review and Planning Workshop (April 2005) 13) 4th Annual Technical Research Review and Planning Workshop, February

21-23 (August 2006) 14) Summary report of NAFRI uplands workshop and workshop CD-Rom (May

2004) 15) Proceedings of workshop on Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation

Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches, and methods for improving upland livelihoods (March 2005)

16) Workshop on Market Information Systems (MIS) for Agriculture and Forestry Products. July 5-6, 2005. Summary Report (July 2005)

17) Rubber Workshop Information Booklet (May 2006) includes overview of workshop process, agenda, abstracts, key questions for each session and an overview of smallholder rubber development in Lao PDR

18) Summary and recommendations from the Workshop on Rubber Development in Lao PDR: Exploring Improved Systems for Smallholder Production (May 2006)

19) SSLWM Information Booklet includes overview of workshop process, agenda & abstracts


20) LSUAFRP Information resource CD-Rom (October 2003, May 2004, October 2004, May 2005, March 2006, April 2007)

21) Resource CD from workshop on Poverty Reduction and Shifting Cultivation Stabilization in the Uplands of Lao PDR: Technologies, approaches, and methods for improving upland livelihoods (March 2005)

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22) Resource CD from the Workshop on Rubber Development in Lao PDR: Exploring Improved Systems for Smallholder Production (May 2006)

23) Resource CD from the international conference on Sustainable Sloping Lands and Watershed Management (December 2006)

LAD and ReMIS information

24) Proposal to Develop Lao Agricultural Research Information System and NAFRI Library (September 2004)

25) Proposal to Develop a Management Information System (November 2004) 26) System Analysis and Design of the Research Management Information

System, ReMIS, Bounkong Phothisane, November 2005 27) Final Mission report in LAD and Lao AGROVOC Follow up support, Aree

Thunkijjankij and Thiranan Damrongson, November 2006 28) Report on Lao WebAGRI System and Lao Agricultural Thearus

Development Aree Thunkijjankij and Thiranan Damrongson, November 2006

Other reports of interest

29) Mission report for Julian Gonsalves – on rural information systems (May 2005)

30) Overview of issues, challenges and opportunities in small-holder rubber production in Lao PDR (March 2006)

31) Concept Note To Develop A MAF Management Information System (June 2006)

32) Concept and Process for a Proposed Sub-Working Group on Agriculture Information and Knowledge Management (June 2006)

33) Farmer Technology Sheets – 12 (December 2005) 34) NAFRI Information Brochure (July 2006) 35) NAFReC Information Brochure (May 2006) 36) AEA Handbook (June 2006) 37) NAFRI/NAFES Agriculture Information Management Working Group

Concept and Plan for 2007 (March 2007) 38) Presentation on Information needs and Communication preference of local

actors in Phonxay and Namo Districts (November 2006)

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Annex 3: List of key activities/achievements for Information Services Phase 1 Area 2003 2004 2005 2006/7

1. Division/Unit development

• Development of NAFRI Information Service Strategy and reorganization of division

• Development of NAFRI ICT proposal

• Revision/update of information service strategy

• Development of TORs for each staff

• Regular monthly meetings initiated

• Regular monthly meetings held.

• Policy and guidelines developed to recover costs on certain services (renting of equipment, photocopying, use of internet, etc)

• Meeting held with center heads to use IT to improve information flow

• 2 concept notes prepared to support MAF Information center to support Working Group on Information Management

• Establishment of AIM working group

• AIM Concept and plan agreed upon in February 2007

2. Information Management (library, LAD, AGROVOC, ReMIS)

• Moving of FRC Library to NAFRI

• Moving library to downstairs area of information building

• Study tour to Thailand to look at information management systems

• Initiation of LAD & AGROVOC • Development of ReMIS


• Training held for librarian staff from each center

• First version of Lao AGROVOC editing finalized

• Books purchased in Thailand for library and district libraries

• 3 new library staff hired • First round of LAD

inputting finalized • Established libraries in

Phonxay and Namo • REMIS approved and

initiated. Systems analysis carried out

• Human resource component of REMIS finalized

• LAD and Lao AGROVOC placed on NAFRI

• Library expansion finalized

• Follow up training for librarian staff from each center and districts

• Support to developing library in Oudomxay PAFO

• Development Library Information System (NaLIS)

3. ICT • Collaboration with KTH initiated (staff attends CSD course and first linked established between NAFRI, NUOL & STEA)

• ICT proposal and plan developed

• NAFRI website established • Email addresses provided to

all managers

• First BBE arrives (Christine) • Development of fiber optic

system at NAFRI campus • Installation of connections to

centers in Vientiane • Discussions to install fiber

optic from NAFRI/NUOL to STEA initiated

• NAFRI website updated and revised (first time)

• Wireless network to centers goes down

• Second BBE arrives (Joakim)

• Plan and committee established to install fiber optic connection to NUOL and STEA

• Fiber optic connection to NUOL finalized and installed

• New version of website installed and tested

• NALIS system developed • More than 150 NAFRI

email addresses

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Area 2003 2004 2005 2006/7 4. Information Production, Dissemination, Networking

• Development of first LSUAFRP Resource CD

• Development of LSUAFRP Report series and dissemination system

• Support to proposal writing • Support to organizing first

LSAUFRP Annual Technical Review

• NAFRI newsletter moved from GTZ/SMRP to LSUAFRP

• Journal moved from Swiss to LSUAFRP

• Organization of Uplands Workshop

• Upland Workshop summary & Proceedings produced

• Regular production of newsletter, journal and other NAFRI publications

• Initiation of Farmer Technology sheets with FSR

• Start of Sourcebook • Regular production of reports

• Finalization of English Language Sourcebook

• Beginning of Lao Language Sourcebook

• Organization of MIS workshops in Luang Prabang and Savannahkhet

• Writeshop to develop FSR research reports

• Finalization of Farmer Technical Sheets

• Support to organizing farmer field day

• Support to organizing NAFES/NAFRI Extension-Research linkages workshop

• Information and Communication Access survey in Phonxay and Namo

• Finalization of Lao version of Sourcebook

• Organization of Rubber Workshop

• Organization of SSLWM Conference

• Support to farmer profiling and farmer field day exercise

• Support to developing reports (i.e Maize, rubber and AEA/AEZ manual)