baseball. - la84 ·...

!Feb. THE BASEBALL. CIIADWICK'S CHAT. fTIic >:<-\v York Preparations for Ihe Ans- tniU.iii Tourists' Kec«?i»tlo«— Antipodean Comments on the Game The Base Ball Throwing Ketnu'ds. New VoriK, Jan. 31. LMitor SroRTfNO LIFE: Jlanager Mutric has mado :i "palpable bit," and it is in iho form of his arrangement to take tiie worli's champion* and their host of friends on the giant steamer Grand Republic nest April, to uieet tho Australian touri.-ts in the lower bay of New York barber, and escort them to the comjianv'a do*;k in this city. Mutric has not been blind to tbo'fuct that the getting up of a reception celebration of this kind was nut only the rorrcet thing to do, but that it would be an investment which would yield a handsome fiimiciut return, from the boom in base b;il! it would lead to in the early part of the exhibition season campnign. The lestive James intends to }i»y himself out on the ooeasion, and he intends to have the calibration one to be remembered for yeaw to conic a* the great base ball event of 38S!). Jniuej is altcady busy in a imbuing tho dttiils 01 liia PIHII of caiiipat^ii for ihu r^ccptiou iu qucsiiuu, und nirtiitly he In.* had a ton table cf the \v- r.t it iii- \i.!it-s in tbu rect-pt if hini-lfc-dd of letters f;onib=iBe ball pu r !!« who Hith to i'aiti<;iiu'o in the grand bttia tall tietnai. tui thtti u wlml it r tally wilt bo. is s. uu thiu* wuithy lo be s'gnai'/x-d as only wo Ame- ricans c-iii tu tin- way iii an wppn j». i.iti rt*co»uitlou t*y a izrtuid rt'ccrtiou givt-u t*i the reluming IUIBB ball plUi-K unU thu i-iiterpr'!»e ni ni»t cnirncien-i c r^pit sentative t-f ihe gre»t Wec-l« f ->"r rcpui-lic, Mr. AHn-i t G. Ftpuhliiig. dwit-rve ttiu beiriiest tribute tbc nuetro- ptlis of our country ton i>ny bioi. I am pNd to note the I act lhat Mr. D»y U in full accord wilh hit* liTt-ly maiugrr in thm in»tt*-rof get- ting up a (traod r«tptit.!i a<id thut Le fully tnujrst's th" giving of a grand ban<|uot tu the tounste the night of their arrival or O-e day after, at which that special Hdinirt-r i.f the the- Giants ami tht-ir game, IJovt-rinT Hill, will pioM-lf, and .by the mayors of New York and Brooklyn, not forgetting tb<* llou. Chauticey M. l>o- tew ati tho t= rntor (:( tho lestive occasivu. It should be a gr»u 1 Eiibstrrii tTou uftVIr, and tme, iu itn w-ciul character aiirt iullm ntial en«ct, which should u!aco unr ^anie on a highei plane In publ c eotlnntiou ibau i-voi accorded it btfuro in this f-p-cinl icsptct. I want to eec all.the gianU welcomes and rcceplioTb ncc^irdvd ; o our base bal! mUsicnniy torp^, under the Kfov. AUt-rt, outdone by that ^iseu tluni i-n thc-ir rcturu to their Dative Boil,and if :iuy city on the Anicricsn routiiier.t can do this thiui* up brouu it H o!il New York. I t<'ll you, Jauiw*, old boy, you havM made a bi^ tut in this muttt-r, and if jou run y«--ur well nest April you will wiu the game aim*. I expect to epjny a C'.uple »'f hours reading wb^o I get a jtlance ut Walter Sliding1 !* culU'ctiun uf uow^- p«l« rcomraeiitB taken from tho AiHtmliuti jmroals during ilio Rcjuurn ot the touriata in Mc-llKnirnc uud Sydney. Hcr« iy a nampl«i ol what tbe Ble'.Duiirne 1/cruW, in Us graphic rei 011 ( f the firel gtnie played on the cricket cluu'd grutiud.-! iu the ijjuo of Duceujber 24. .-ays: "We were all expectation to ftp* the American game, aud when All-Ainviicu wtnt in firut, and wht-n l ; ie triker lock l:ia pofition nnd tie n<;M vas set, ibete w»s 3i»meihin<; of u brtatblets fibinco anmud. When you«ee ttie way tbe pitch*.r puts ihf; ball you imvmdly ay to yuimolf thai 5011 wuiiuin t like to be tho b&ts- man. ''Demon 1 ' Spotfunh's t'.einilieal delivery in bo-Al- iup is nothing to U. The ball ererca to go like i Ibi-h of lightning, and you must have very keen t-yi-s be- fore yon can flfo it. *I5v fi*..n:e, Mn't thwy Hpltjudid catchers!' was wbat a well-known re^n-a niativn of Australian ciicket icmarked, an-i there is no donut of it. They must tiave bands cf iron, and ey^'f cxtrcnudy sharp niidtiirr. Though the ball wt-nt with the forcn which ti cnnuou iiii^l.t have cent i f , sti'l, if tbero wna the least poaKilde clmnce, it WHS c-iUtfM, and, 'hot' as it uii»;"t be, tin ro was no Koini< about vujTf;liug the band in lb:it agonizing sort, of \\ay th it is i:ot uncl ftracle;i*»*iic ot thu uviMVige crickt't* r And can't thi'y ruu;aud don't (buy catch when they nr« running! You h* t! 'Ih.-co or four tim*8 you really Said tu yourself, af or a 1111*111} er of c ue of Iho ti-HUi-* had run over a biindrtd fiftaud rau^bt H )>lgb liver, iriaml!* And it ct-rtwuly wafl capital wt.rk, and it cau ttacb our crickttera bonu-tbiiiK iu that Hue." I want (o 6iy vomc ttriiK about the records of Crone's Ihfovtin^ fcnt8. it upbear* that 1 uni charged witti nol ("oinji him jiistirt- in t!iir* rcs[ifci in one qimrtar. Crane iscrwiitcd with having thrown a l-a*1 bait 130yd:*. In, 16S I, in licet on. A^ain. IIH Is crniitwl with a throw of l3riclH. iu t'iiicinnati wi.d 134 in St. Louis in 1881. Let, mo ijuute from an answer given to a qutbtiun cm thi-i subjt-ci « hicb apj^arcd io tbe C'»V- peruf Jan. 19, ISS'.i, given by ihu Us* ball editor, Mr. A. fT. Wiight. H«-roit is: "K. !>., Puitlaud John Hf.tficld's Hirow of ITly Ifr, 7)<Jin. ut the Ui'ion ground-, Krooklyn, Oct. 187-, tl'C hist ou record with n hasf lisill. Ed ('cane clu'nM the creUH "I throwing liWyls, in July, 1881. in BotftuJi; ISavd.i. lit. %\\\. in October. 18*4, in Cincin- nati, n';il 134j(ls.fiin.Ui:t. *.y, 18SI, in St. Louis. Tli three tbrov\>, however, have i.uver been autheulicated, and therefore :iro uot arcep'cd as record^." In reyurd lo Cnmo'tt alb^ul throw iu l?fil, no par- ticular? have ev» r b-. en published or »ny cviiietice bv eye witnotistK produced t" substantiate (lit* c'aini. Of tbe throw in Cincinnnti il WHS stati'd l:i tiio Cincinnati Ga:.*ite lit Ilia limu tint Iho tluow WHH not olfici^ meacr.rfd until ihe he si day, antl in the interim there vn-> nothing to prevent Ih b takes !:»id down frjia t»e- iiiK uinovi'il. Jn fncf, (here wns IM> o(Hci»l rt-cunl of tint tl.ruw iu St. L(-u ; s; it VMS reported ihnt Cr«oe overs'epj e i th* nrtrk, *DtJ, inuitii-vt-r, that ttie Ihrnw wa-* fr.a ifl d( :i I a^aunt 6(ron<; breeze, and yet it vm ttlli'ped to Lavt> beaten the record There was uo* «iitii«-uMc record mn'Je of this latter tbio-v. 3Iur»fCVer. it id very ti^nifiennt tint t«f t* i^so tuo k-n^ ihrortB by Cr;it;e, Ed Wii]iam< offered to t!iri;\v agtt'n^t Crnoe t-ir any amonnt, after be furl liilnte f u::to'i; ihr'-o uiis I'.iV'HClory i brows in private, and this chirH*-iij.e OtRin- fniletl tu accept. In Tie* ol tho f.ict lhat all tho other throws refordvJ were oftio-ially nuaaiticd dheclly after ihe throws wore Biivlc, it rte*UM tv HIM Miiit Sir. Wii^ht'^ Jt-cison, that C'rane'fi throwaaio r<J -. fticinl reci rd ihroWB.'ia c< rrect. At iirsy r»t«', I uwfrt Lot'er proof of ihe legitimacy cf his fi'!''ireil tbrnv;.-; t'.nn any vd presented before 1 differ wi:h Sir. Wri^hl's decision. I B tbisaatisfactory, Mr. tolej? *'A heap of (rouble" us n Kentnckian would siy, is Cau-ed at this season ol Ihe l-a-e bail y*«r by bas» ball JcrilxH in Bc-j-rch for news Hkfly to create a p<uaition. Th' v nt t e. thiiik ot tVio UUICOIIIM uf ulnit Hit-y wrifo lout ibis, ib it or th^t ctlur player, so long us it will maku "ii fpify itom" or a jen.-a ionul paragrurh. The t'tnciMuiti (,'!ub apj^ars to have bveu conaiderably vlftiu.iztd in tliw wny rt-cvotly, aud it li'is causfd Mr. BUM n coiiifidcvaMw uunoyuiic*-. For iu^tanre, in re- gard io 3'i'l'tif-, tieiltyasul ('urpenter, of his tonm, vth it a u umber of a^i s:i!i<;r.»l |'ar;tgra['h* have ap- peared a'»o«t ilife>-. iiu-n, t 1 e result of which I.a 1* l-ci-n ti» cro.ite ili-rcfiinj; in the r;v!;ks, a;id in aomo io- el^uC'H it luoks a? if mid.'bicf was tbe intttt tf Iho T dr.<i i o 1 iii to se > Vaiitr f^j u'dinjr, lait wt-ok, and I \V:<H fniicl) pi^astjii to luttrii fr<iin htiu th'tt he had a!- ri.';«ty lullilKd oideia f..r base- tall ^co;l fi-r Honolulu an 1 ilylb'mtnc, »ud olio espt-ciuMy tn'.( resting item of hi' teavt* me, wits, thai the gt.vcrBinetit of Jr. pan hud luit \ t-:ir DiHtle <>nqiiiri(?.i thrf ui-h thi-ir cinbas-iy at Wti-hin: t-jf, In rt^anl to oar Kuti nal game, withe Titw to im ndo; tion In Japa:-, AS thiy highly approve c-f tbu ptil if y of providing tho r i.eop'.u with » fit-Id *port eo entirely unobjectionable in every rte£.e:t na twtso tail, whilo it ie u jjamo rcple'c with exc'temcnt, at.d unc (jfffriug a fit-l i IVr ll»e cmpjrynieiit of every ci::uly attribute. It wHI no: bt- n yt-ar from now be- fore America's gauie wili le knuwn in evciv civilized fart ot ih» nh'be lislly a? much as rrickct is. Walter toll! UK* tlint An<cr.'cati rpoitinx n-.iods were iu dfiiund iu China us well HH Jafnut, and thnt he seat (.ooJj to Turkf) lubt lj.ll u bl^o to llu-sia. I rfekiMJ Walter »bc'Ht the (j'ica Ion of (he player:, ol the t<m;i*(8 All-Auscrica ieiru L-cing prtvtnteJ from t'lkh'^ p"t in tl;e home exhibition aerit-s in April ' ' lii K M?.ti bo Ue c:*c r cp p ; e e aet- t. ll« s-ii.j li.jit lie did net Hii'icijat" tbe least cult. TLe !/---t liico he t«lked with Mr, llrnsli, of IbdiitiiaiiolU Club, be «gke 1 tlmt eentlcmati a^oct u!r, of thi? AH- America niu \ whytlier l.e w. u!tl te tit.'d. uud Mr. llrush promptly replied tlat whether wiii or cot ho \vonld nc/t deprive Mr. Spalding of !\'d . icrvicw Kr r.ayt!-inx utder the exceptional 'i:«sta!ico? of the geriee. Tliia .reply was rlrirac- -Uo uf Mr. l-riish »'*" no doubt it will be followed by every club president who IIHH pla\er» 0:1 tho -Antoii^ii Uii'it. The tuuris's merit Ihe compliment those reroption nenei? of coutes's for their lakiiij^ rt es they uid In ilu> trip, reJoiiuding ai it has to o g'X>'l iii'.nse of Amer can utMe'ep. ftlnnacer uti io has uilsu iuTormed W^Jter Syludiug thut there wlM Le no difficulty in regard to Crane, and Sir. Nimick sni 1 tl.o RHtue thing as regards Citrroll ani Hitulon. lr would, in fuct, be oue of the tmalie t Rclioua (.o^- Biblo to aitmi;it to prevent the playing of the recep- tion fetrifs us some of the mischief-making writers IIKVO reported by refusing to allow ihfir players to take part iu tlitt Lur or five home gauiee ahcady ^cl:eduk'J for the Urst week in April. In a contest in running bate', heM at tha Chicago Ba*e IJall Grounds on Get '*0, I88i, the foll.Aviog waa the record made by ihe Chicago team of tl at year: li tinner. Sjc'^.| Runner. See's.! It unner. Sec'a. AViliiarr.sOii.. 14-l^'CiTcvrAn..... 1.1^ Bura^.. ....... lli Goro.. ........ 15 jXicnl.. ........ 15> 4 Gjldsaiith... 1C Kelly,......,. 15 'Dalrymnle... 15%' ALSCU, ........ l*>)a Pfcffer ........ 15 Klhit........... 15%| It would be intt-rcfting loH8'?ertfrn whether Wil- liamrfon, Pfcfliir, Flint, Burns aud Ausm, of this }ca''s it-am, could b.-at (lie a'.ove tirua nvide by thtm its running around theb-ises in 1S«2. Kelly and Nicol, rosp<-ctire!y of the IJoston and Ciucinuati teamt», hido it, but C: rconin and GoMnuith could uot l tho oJU RgurLs, and it ia ques.ijnable whether the oihLTBccull. In tho throwing contest on the same date the record stood as follows: Name. Fcet.'Knnio. F"f t.'Name. Feet, Wiliiftms.'.n 3'j6 jKeily......... 3C3Jxi Ourcoran ... 3lo . .175 (Anson ...... 319 "jQntat......... IK*) . ^CC Goro.. ....... MlU Flint., ...... 2S7 . 3G5 jlliiru*........ 217>^ Nicol......... 218 uD beat the above throw of his of ISSli this wh!-n he tlire\* the ball :i99 feet 11 inches. incinnati prize couttbt, which gave him first od the Enquirer prize. IH the latter coiitest of IJaHrno^e; Stov«-y, of the Athletics, «ud of the St. L.IQW, beat Ddlrjnipla'fl throw of Pfcfler.... Palrymp nnst reis ft tho Ci honors n GriniD, Vaiighn, Tho city of Philadelphia has twice h*>ld professional rhiiinpiuntliip laii;oia, viz., for tlm first time in 1871, when Mu> old Athletic Club won the 1'ioVssioual A«*o- ciation hr.aois. and in 18S:t, wlien the lator Athletic Club of thu Ami-rican Association woo ttie peuuaut. It is now tUe Philadvlnbifi League Club's turn. The Thilatl^lphia 7VjMctiitoriaIl.v commented on the v»-s' irjwd {:ath<>n'd in the citv s'rt-e e in the fall of 1883, to greet the Athle'lc tenin on their n-Mru from the \\Vsta-i clMinpicusof the American Asso:iation, taid the Presi of tl'at year: "Since the review iu Philodr-lphla after the clofe of the rebellion of tiie IVnns>lv%DJa volunteers ou the occa-ion (.f iho pneontuti m ot the battle Hags to 'ha S'.ute, there h;*-» teen n.> such rvmnrkable pubh«: di'moiittrntion io tins <ityns ilint nt* Ust ni£i:t. Iho crowds were crt-at t nit met in ISrt") to SPC the vet- eians of many ft harj-fuu^ht (it- Id ui-irshaled lor the 1'int lime ty Me^td", llwacock, Humphreys, G.*«ry, IIiirtrHiift, Averill and do/ m of others whose names have been cut with their Hworda upon their country's records, tbe crowds unou the utreela t > greet our ciiatu* plu n base bull clui- app^aod no pmnller. The band* plave.1; huridredsof flags IluUeml in the lirc?z>*; iho che'cr* could not have been heartier; the eutbusiasia could not ba\e been more roil." Now, if such a reception wai given th« Ame'ican Asincitilioii team after r<jturnin<; home from u'iniiing the championship by one g*mc only, *h*it kind of a n ecptlon should be given the Ansi'mllan towri^ts on their n-tiun home to New York after the gttuttl tour of the world? IJsMttX CHAUSVICK. CINCINNATI CHIP8. Hecker Alone in Demand— The Salary Question— The Local Amateur League A Chat With Hick Carpenter— The Club Captaincy, Etc. CINCINNATI, Jan. 80. Editor SPORTING LTFK: All is quiet on the banks of the peaceful Oh'o. There is not a crack in the bise ball situation. Numerically considered the Cincin- natis could star now in "The Scarlet Nine" but they won't. Cbl. A. S. Stern has designs on Louisville. lie wants to change the local team to "Ten Little Injuns," and if Sir Guv Heeker is secured the plot of the play will have to bo changei. Cincinnati cares nothing for Cook and will say naught to debar the Athletics from securing him, but as for allowing Hecker onco king of Louisville to drift out of the As- sociation, that is something Col. Stern will not submit to. He has wired President Davitison to name tho terms for Hecker's release alone, wav- ing claim to Cook, now that tho offer of $500 for tba release of butli plajeid brjugbt na answer pro or con from ihe Pal's City chieftaiu. "Tho old man ' has d^no much in his time to put the Keda "in ihe hole," »ud Cincinnati does not bf lievo that I e is dead to tlte huso bull world. He will rind himself welcomed hen*, while Louisville, whicb once 8ai/g his crying aloui for hia scalp. What t\ cl.angeaMo world this is! One day weaio kings, tlte next fiodd UB clawed in G lower case. Bun Johnson, I see, ii a convcit to Iho idea that It IB FOLLY TO BLUSTER ABOUT SALARIES. "The magnates" have been misguided in tbia matter tr - cou'd pay lh» salaried d^nsanned by plavers at,d /ire, if U teas iiotfof the alleged iitifjuitous t-.tiei system. The Bja- teiu that i* » is pliiyt-rH iu "the slttve market" makes it possible for the clubs t> pay thimi twice much aa 'r - COLUMBUS CHATTER. The Tri-S(ate League Presidency—Manager IJuckenhergtT 3Iakcs au Kxplanatioii Club News and Xoles. COLUMBUS, Feb. 1. Editor SPORTING LIFT: The Tri-State Leaguo is a g", nnd it will be run on much more business-like principles than the one ol' vorc. It haj been hiutecl in several papers in tho Tri-State Lfague circuit that President McDermith would be relegated to the rear, and Col. Tiiylor, of Miinstiold, elevated to the position. Of course it was simply tho wild ravings of know it-all reporter,*, who had not the slightest foundation fir such a break. There can bc~no 1'uult fuund viih President McUcr- mith's iidministration, for a harder working, more painstaking official I never saw, and his cool, calculatingjudgtnent, idjust what is needed in such an orsanizatton. BCCKKNBSfiGKR GETS BACK. Mr. Freeman, the Kansas City correspondent of THE SPUIUJSU LIPB, says in writing about tho Johnson case, wherin he briefly gives the flatus of the Johnson case as it is now: "Man- ager Buckenbcrgcr will tind out that he has made a mistake, just as he found out that he laid niHi'o a nun take ft f*-w davs ago, wLf D he tclc- 11aphel a falsehood to I'reti.'cnt Sp^-w a-id tried t.j c*u at thtf club out of §2<K). Man.'S^r WittUlnt ha-i oHerefl C'ulumbiia McT;im..ny for 11,000 Uucken- te--K*-r telegraphed Pie Urot Sp<us: " 'Watkius offers McTauittuy for £600. Will you coo- fir m Kilo? 1 "V,'ba( the Ooltim!'U8 man txpect^d w\8 thnt Pre-i- dent Spent" would toll iu:«> HIP little echemu ti>>'J ne would get tLe p!u>er for SfeiKi Mr Spi-us di.iu't full and Coluii.biH had lo |:iy tiie $\,i*A). NOH-, I do-a'i know what Buck cult rgcr thi nits of kind ol «oik, Lu: it look* mm 1 to mo. Th* dishonorable pirl of U ia t> o apparent for refe-enct " TliU aj pc.ired like t-vetty -ttons Ittnztiage t'» DI*-, nnd it occurred to tn« tliaf I \v».uld wjit* to 31nhaj;ur I>ickenl>erger at Detroit uud get hia version 1 havo it; iu ro :t IK "DETROIT, Jan. 28. I wish you woul 1 set me right in THE SPORTING LIFI. Tlml KuDsaa Citv article « i it- ten by Krt-eman ia ^ery uro:i^. Whoe'er Wikfiff nud II«ny Stcvi-tii were at tiie depot when I had the LO:I- verisHtion wi'li Whtkins ul'Oiit aicT;ini»my V. u know we offered W..tkiiifl fe"5») for BficT., «hKh they woiilt not accept. As V a'kina wi s ft:-out tu btep on tt;« truiu he made tliis r- unrlc 'McTaruaiiy \i wort'i SS''"J t«> m?.' I aneiviTfd: 'Supposing 1 c-»n get our directors' couaeoUo piy f80d; will you take it?' He said: 'Wire me »t I'itKsburg to-m-irrow/ which I d d,lmi the niesiage wns n-tunied nudeiivere.i, Watkius having left tho town. Not knowing hia wli*-ifat:out», I wir^d Mr. Spras ask in a: him if ht- \v<.ul 1 c TiB'-ul to cell for thataiuouut. llpaiwwerei: 'Ifyou will n.,t jay £1,000, wttive t;lHim;' wheivupon we close:! tho de^l. ' Now Ffi'emiin'd article is very ninlicious anrl pu's me iu a very bad liyl't I don't waU to li.ivo pe-ople think I dcr*n'l upon scheming to meet with succeed. I di;n'l do busim63 in th»t wuy." There nre both sides. It isn't necowry for this spare and wl at it contains toeqinire Mni^^er Buckecber-er, . for all who know him here ktio* him 1c tin credit, but for the benefit of others, who d.> nol know him, and who rt^ai THE SPOUTING LIFK. this IH made. 3Ir. Freeman, I believe, ha^ been mi&inf.jrmed, aud will, \vlicn hu'oeute Mr. Bucbenberger, »yree with me that he to uot that kin<i of a peraju. auJ is a gentle- man from luegf.jiind up. In connection with thi^ su'ject I desire lo say that Ihivoj'ist met J.nuny IVoples, md wai distn^iug Fieiman's attack on "Bi:ck"und People* s«ld. "Why I reuiemb' r tiie circunntatjct-s, ar;d know 'JJuck' is right. I iiuiistiocily re.m'niber he ifing th:it idoutictit convcrritition touio time, but 1 can'c lemtaibtr juot whcu ur where." CALLED DOWN. My friend Brunei! call.i me d*-wu on the ft eneth of wluit I paid iu reply to tin criticism of the mo ality of the receut Tii-SUito League placers. !Ia thinkH J am wrong or t!mt my originul lignc?* cf 25 p*-r cent do ii'it come as uenr tfle truth in Kacertaiu DJ fie number < t hard drinkers i;i the Lenpue ua his at bO per c- nt. Well, maybe not. I happened to b-J pt;vce-l iu a po-.j- tiou where 1 could know with n f.ur degree of accu- racy, else 1 3fio!ildu't rmve dwpulel ti:f, stntemcut rmide by Mr. Biuuell, aud ngret* that C-.lnmbus auJ ToUfdo did not represent nil i r nearly all of the thir*l- qii»nclit;i J in :he League, but I fitlirm they pro'jsilly were ihe worst. Yet tt ia, alter all, o^ly n diHereuct' of opinion, and I want Io say rigtt here, friend Bru- ucll, yon iin-l 1 cancot, nor will vc. qt;arrel about U. Althufi^h it's bygoncB. I fchouKIn't have referred to it in Ihe first plnee, if I didn't 8e* a stri-jug and wrongful rellfeCliun t.u m^ny line and gentlemanly ball players. COLUMBl'S UNIFORMS. 3t lias bofn rept-rtcd, allliousli with what authority is unpaid, th;:t (,'olumbua Inn selt-ctej uniforms for next Si-a-iun. There will bo, it is said, two in us*1 a blue ii'id a black. Tho blue will consist of dark navy blue hhiri, r.anta and f-tockings, blue or white cap, and white belt. The other M'ill consi-t of black Jersey shift and puiU^, bl.Hck s-tockings find cap, aod white bt-U. Oue of tbo dirojtors, however, hits denied that anything bas b&en said about tho uniforms, BO it in in .doubt as yet. NOTES. Twitchell and Duck luve ginned contract? nnd sent them toClovelrtnJ. Twitchell will got 42.000 aud Duck £1,500. There is a g^uera! deeire on the part of many Col- umbia people let aee a trade male of Daily for Twitchell. Jimmy Pe*ple« hn? befrun gymnasium practice. Ho will pull his weight down to ISO poubda by April 1. The Theatre is daily us?d by Duck, Twitchell, Nick Ilatidiboe, Con gtrotbers, Milt West and all Ibe players winieriuz here. Three thousand dollars will be iperit upon the bail park nnd buildings this *pricg, Columbus will uot liuve cauae to blush at tuo appearance of its grand stund. Tho edict baa pone forth that dcad-lifadi^m uext season will bo reduced to a ir.lniinum. It is wull, Gus Scfcmelz goes to Cincinnati tliie week on buei- ness for the club. If Manager Ilarrineton puts his ibouMer to the wheel tbe Tri-Stato League will a piirp thing in 1S&9. F. W. ABNCLD. Providence Pickings, PROVIDENCE, Jnn. 28 Thnt base boll !* etill an lo- tfrest to alarga mass of people ia shown by the crowds that gather aiouud tho bulletins nightly during tho ff-u-<on to eec (ho result of the day'd gmneB.........Jce Start is «round and looka the pink of health......... Win. Sullivan, of tbe clanipion LoweMa, h ia fiue condition. Sully will be among tbe leaders iu Ilia class the com- ing eea§orj.,.......Morgan Murphy is around and all right and will do credit to the club that secure? him .........Abncr Claflin, of the famous old Atlilttic?. of Springfield, Ma«« , 13 working at th9 watch case busi- DP«*I fyr ihe LatM Co. Al-ner li looking iu the best of condition.,.......Evaufl, pitcher, and McWilliams, left fielder, of the champion Atlantics, aro both good men und heavy hitters and would maTte g iod men for eoruo minor league club........-Charles Wtlls, tbe cb.impinn mntcur bicycle rid«r of Kent County, R. I., is in cou- Bt»nt practice aud will be ut*rd fiuuj tLe coming seaauu. ll draw aa much ug ttcy u;au ia tho country," is all lculated to arotite the apiiit of ret elliou iu the old eu. It is noniwuge t>> make such n "liow-de-do" over the niatu-r uf silarifp, and if a ni.inai:cment can keep all its financial fitldire inside cover, so much the belter for it. Its |ii(t.s will be kmoutber and there Mill be !ees cftine fur lo->s of sic*-p on the |>art of the monied men ot* tho panto. What i i«lu has the i>ubl:c t ) know how much 'Jays" WcGmu's gets f^r playing third? If he is cute enough lo vork u Jr2,!'"0 contr:u-t out of '"tho boss- s' 1 and makes itmre errors «nii le.-ss baas hiti tlmu 6we-t-8Cent*-d Btlly JoMuU at shorf, who is starting: on a ?2,('00 salary, why Job Iota will Hick like a &t< er lor thdt t-xti-a MOO, and it is tinman nature for him to ur^ue this wav. ''If that dub gch S^lOiH'm worth 32,400." Aud a'j the black t-p-tk of war has growu until it ihr-atetm tho diacinlino of nt>ai Iy uow e is "Ie king of uu-piio',' 1 and are glad ho ia iu ihe Association aiaia. Tho mi-re secrecy on the efil-ry quest io>, ihe plainer ttie Knilin.;. 1 think ColoiK'l iIujT> Steru-, Hided and abettt-d by thnt c*-r- I u etit co of mi^ch.t-f, Col. A. S. Steru, hui dark de- sigim ou llurry Weldou, J-diosoii uud my;o.f. Ptr- haps they wanted to see us JOIN THE HALF-HEAD ARMY, aad if at tho end uf a month we h-ivo not lost enough hair to entitle us to perch on the plmh iu *\-pit nav" at tiie baliet, 1 will lost* my gue^t. have a nice, r oa-iseo ,,r e ampon" of the gross receipts will be divi It-U umoDg inn ci.n- tfstattts twenty p:-r cent, to the vk-tt r-, «i:d ;eu per ceut t" tho victiuia, Di>cliti-nn:ni and \\.\\i ado/en otlv-r »tr«pping country hovtt are iiiteresU-d in putting in a team t f gianfs fn<m Uinnn and fl^rrisun. \\ill 1,'llery, whu was an Ohio L-sfjne umpire for a fii.-nt time, hope-* to «;r^airze tho pennant witui-ra «r IJvll^vue, Ky. It takt-a an amateur to pick up mtitifr! "Hi*- White CAJ s'' are ftlreiidy ou (-ar«li, rfiuly hero to ru!o the diamond IuUi»ri tiibe^i are (" rp- tuatcd by juv.-nile "Kt.o ,kt rs." A;\(-t!jer itio^-ting will not 1* In-lit f-ir some time. T\vu -;ther amateur iett^uo^ are fonniiiK ii'ilej^-ii'Ii-ut of the suburban <'iX!tui/aticn3 -lie Miami Vull-.v aud tiift Amateur ba-ta ball around CmtiLiiati will Le wry very tirtd n> xt 6ttt30U. f A CHAT WITH "oi.n niCKOUV.'' "I h«Vf not tet'U Mr. St^rti ftince tlso '28 Jh of Octo- ber, " uiti'l "Jiicjt-' : Carpt-n *r tn_Die this tnornifir. "!he "old nun" i-* Kurd ai work Ht the "Gvni ," twining every dty. losing: a wo'gM-d b^il, tiamping the fcm l.aik, eiidmir the exercib-; with a bath un t rub-lowu. Continuing he 1 <-aid: "There has Lee;i no 1riii;blu be- tween us, and all I kuow is that I Imv.' read lo'^ of in- tt-rvie-As wiih him in which lie stud, he waa going to pHl another player on third." "ll(- d --fiiita iKat," I veutnrtd. "All the yarns romo from tho ouUi-Je. Why duo't you go down aod call on tjitn?" "In be home? To ttil the truth I hate to bother liim at bis pl:ice of busn-e-?. Tlie:e are always so ui»uy an that he nirwly dnn'1 Wfint io dcvoto much time lo base ball plajers. No*, there was thnt Jim Duviu tt ry-" "He don't wnnt to displace yon, T am sure, and the Dav a story fame hko a eiirprite purty." And tlit-re you are. I t»m su:e tht-ra would he DO occasiun for RO mucit talk if ttie conferences 1 etwee n p'a>er«aud manat/cr woui'l takeptuce. Aa it is, l here is ruom for «-xaggertvtoJ «t«rio-«, po^^sinj; f.erhajw a grufn of truth, but which are ui^ulli-jd a I: uud rod told. ' Hick" Carpenter looks well. AVhile in Iowa he Laggo 1 considerable eiua<l pa me. Mcl'li-e. Tetxati, Jack Boyle, and "Lefty" Marr jiro tht.*e wlm are pet- ti UK into coodition. "Shorty*' Ftil'er hurt hia ankle aligritly yeakrday, but the' injury will not prove gtriocd. THE CAPTAINCY QUBSTI03T rerr.iins uose'tied and it nny uot bo decided tiotil after the tpring (.'xhilitiou g.nues a e over. "T!;at is a matter I leave en'irely w ith ?chme!z," was ihe way President Steru discns-^el tlio htibjecr, "1 lienr there i.i a little oprosi'ion to cif," rcinrti keel ,,161.**^ tb'ri u^tiiniiiK, "tut I urn fure I liever »^ko I a single n ember of tho team to do anything t»u,t was not tight while I h«M ihe position list fall. I wanted evtry man to play tall to wiu from start to fniL-h. 1 wanio-1 every man to rnu a^ last he could to finr. Tliftt i^ nil. 1 did not a^k for the n'ace before, nnd if I am reiippoiuled there will bo no occMsion for protests Jrom any innn who plays to get tn^re." Oiio of the aiinniii;^ rnmora extent is to the effect that the mauilo i_f the captain would fall upon "Bus;" Uolliuay. This loads the Cleveland Leader YoUfg man lo bredk n drawer Bt;iug so: "Tho appointment of 'llux' Holliday tu the captaincy of tho llt-da would le an unjust tliuz at such faithful veterans as McPh<e and Reiliy." L; ut > the tender care of Frank Bruneil I would command him. Tell him. Francisco, that '-ELIK" will nut fool ihe lightning strike this trip. liiive you iK-tired that red streak (trrosa tlie sun during the last week? Well, sir, there is THE DEUCC ON TAP Hehl here in thi.-t t-eaceful borough of onre. At one lime it looked like a duel an nv.-fui c image and down at th-j Uouatol-'gy Cfub tongue* were vaeging madly. The t rinti|»l-? Listc.i to the lale of woi-: And it came to pass ou the third d«y of December, 18S8 A D., (hat ono Gns H. Schmelz lauded to the skies the p:\latablo hae^'-npfeffer, nnd from that hour until th« present "His Wltiekcrlcta" has been culled "Uas'n'pt'fer. 1 ' T!ie kidding Sfa-on grt-w (in r.pace, and Harry We:don declared t!:at "Home Swact Ilijmo" and "The KnuaTh;it Novor Came" «p oultl be played by tlio wind through Gus' whiskers when the rcbim ueste.l ID ; 89. Follow-in jt this musical information this awful teltgram was sprung upoa the guardian of tho Hods: "Gus SCHMKLZ, Columbus. Ohio: TVke first limited ve-tibule train for Cincinnati. There was a load of haaenpfffrer, siuer kraut and garlic sausage dumped at Ibe Ciucinnati Park yesterday. Come on, fur God's e;ik'.'! I am foundered, and my partner, Ileiney, has the (jout. GENERAL 'Dfirscif OEIILER." That was more than Gusuvua could stand and in red ink ho wrote to "iJis Ciicltvilles" in thia stralu: "You mr.y crit'cise my management, but when you drag in perdODalanairn I will defoiid myself as best 1 know how." Tho letter was so bot lhat it burned Harry's finders and scorched all tho grccu Lair off George Washiiig- iii^ttm'g head on the etaiup. There WBS o ma;-sinK of 11 »iibto'ogy fjrcea at ouca. Hike Aruold and Al. Jennitifis were suggested as secocdn and wiener wurtta as the weapons. Col. Stero, the litilu penren>aktr, WHS called ID, end a l»;ttla of buT restorer quieted the troubled waters. Gus is 0. K. So ia Hairy. At Colum- bus in March tho hatchet will be buried and Frank Arnold and Ed, K. Rife wilt be aabcd to act as pall- beaters at the funeral. PICKED UP AT RANDOM. Pat Zirgler may return West to pitch for one of the Colorado League clubs. So may George Creighton. The latter ha* a nice position with the Louisville aod Naehville Kailroad now and will rjot throw it up unless he can do better on Ihe dmmoud. lie tells mo that a Kacsaa League is a possibility, for Wichita has written for his terms. Hen Drischol Is disappointed in being left out fa the new Toledo dt-al. The faithful do not always draw their reward in this world- All the toys are "decidedly fistic" this week, and the presence of iH-nny Cos'igan aud Jack Dtrnpsey baa drawn them all to the People's. "Bm:k" Ewing is not all proud-not a tit of It. He smiles affably as of yore, and will not run for Mayor eviD if a new catcher's glove baa Ucj named after him. Frank Gillespfa, tho mute pitcher, assumed clerical duties ID n mercantile bouse Monday. He is still firm in his determination to "catch OD" somewhere, and if all other clubs fail him will try and pitch for one of the clubs in the CitKinrjaU Aaiuteur League. rre^-ieal &t«iu m,&4e "a flying trip*' to St. Louis last week over one day and back before a man could whistle Jack Itobinsou. There H an Elmer Smith in the Bellefue Club. He plajs second base. Thu Amateur League players will be asked to sign a special contract. CU'eaco G. Baldwin is in Quincy, 111. Clarence, so Daaio Humor siyc, has ft pocket full of Matches He is about to ligiit Hymtifs torch. Jfliedo^s "ijtep oft"' Piesident Stern saya ha will d-.i the hiHdsome by him. As us'iaf, tho Rids o;«u the season with picked nines, the paps to be filled by lo<:al players. These games will bo filled March 30 and ^1. The- Pittsbiir^* are due April 1, 2 and 12; Sprlngfitld, III., Club, wiih Uarry Fuller, 3il aud 4th; Milwaukee, 8;li, and ToleJo 14th. 15th and IGth. Oilier boc-kings will be made. Secretary Harrj Sterne has given up his Eis'trn trij). He infende<l to stop over at AlloKheuy and say "HowMe" to Elmer Smiih. KEN MuLrojiD.jR. LOUISVILLETACQNICS. The Stains of the Ilecker-Coolc I>eal—A Sale Blocked—A Team for tlio Southern League Items Gathered Here and There. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 20. Editor SPORTING LIFE: The probability that Hecker nnd Cook might be traded to Baltimore for Tucker and a bonus, was the cause of mush talk here, and most people wished it to be true, although they had little expectation that it wa^. I asked Mr. DavUson about the matter, and he said that Tucker's playing attracted hia attention the first time the Ualiimores visited Louisville last sea- son. He and ilr. Barnie were together, and he rcioarked to the latter that there was one man in the Baltimore Club whom ho would like very much to have. ''Who ia that?" asked Barnie. "Tucker, )-our first baseman." Barnie smiled und np'.iol that ho wasa.good en?. Theio thn innt- tt-r was dropped, aud nothing more was siiJ about it until lately. The iipplo nf excitement among basi bal' peop'e, cre- ated by tlie Ttickwr talk, bus sul«tdoJ since everyone is now well Hwaie thnt there ia no chance to <>bt>iu Tucker. The tnt'.lo. it bean nmdo, would. I think, h:ive been a pood one fjr Louisville. Tucker B quite a tavoiite here, and bis accession w;ocld have added coiiBidi-nib'e sirencth to the LcuiftTJllo teun. 1'reai- d'-nt DrtvidiOD, however, bas uot entirely given up hojte, a'thonph eaya it lo^ks verv mudi un if the w lio'e tr«de was ofif. Popple won U-r a gou.l al what Mr. David.<on wllldo with He ker aud Cook, b::t the fact of his a-kinj the Association teams to waive (lai.-naon them causes one to nmko niuuy er.ruiisfs. Owing 'o this the theory naturally advanced is that ho lias had an offer t) eel! t r tnulo them to the Washing- ton LeRgne Club. I am pretty sure that Ileckcr would like to go iuto tno League SevtTul JCJKS lt ^o lie told ni" tt-;it he would jump at the ct:nnce tu co with one of the clubs uf tho older oraauiz'ition if tho Assocm- ti >u would allow him to do so. Hut slnco Bf-nif of the Ass ciiitioo clubs refuse to waive cJiilm upon h:m Hiid (.-'ook ho is not liktly ever now to have the oppor- tunity. A SOUTHERN LEAGUE MOVEMENT. The li'llpee Cinb, cf tliis City, is likely t-j be trans- ferred to tho tfuiiihu'u Lmgue. The Vclipse team i* tiie str. ngeat ot the locwl numtfur clubs, and has U-en in i-xie'cnco for five or six ^eur^. Ii luis turned out ninny {-layers whcso names uro fnmitiiir to tt=w bdee tall imbiic. It i* quite a strong ««gren:«tii>o, last st-i*- g, n winning pames fr.m Uulliis, the Chicago \Vhit- lug*, tiie Cincinnati Slianuock-, the New Albany Browns und olhfts. The present muke-up is as lows: ^inc'n, Dani* U nud Yo-cl. j itcherp; Eell- nuin nnd Ilurucit, cnlcijcr-; .llt-iritznMii, first I use, Frank Jlocci«», second b=isf; Striper, thini bnee; Sh.phortsrop; KnJolph , It-It field; ,I. Itt-ccm*, cei.tre fi"ld; one of thepiuht-rs plitys rigi t fieUl. Mr. J. W. P.fcciu- is tlie iiwner and niiiiuifi^r cf "he teun, feud be s«id yesterday to m*-: "KuraLiont ten d**ys negotia- tions liavo been on foot to tninsf-. r t*ie Ecl:pso Club lo one *>f the Soritlu-rn Leigne t-itiis I do n. t care lo name Ihe town jet, tut they nre very uhxioiu to get my boys there, nml 1 ihinlt the trn'Io will be luti-e. I believo t!ie Ei;!ip-e team is tho ef|i-al in strength of any t<-«m tht-y are likely to get duwn ihere, aud if the b;>is K.' th'iy will do fomo lively hustling for the Southern League pennant." Recr-inn lias h;id a great deal ^>f exj erifnco in 1 ase ba"'l especially in the South, lie eatabhsbsd ti.e first jrt-niiine profrssii'nal base ball te«n» lhat ever existed in thnt tectiMi, Iu It-84, when i ast* bull rectivtd such :i tromenduona b om, At'aMn hud a good nntati-ur team culL-il Ibe Atbleuc-*. 5'acon an-l Cnhunbus, ( »., bad MrtDliir uincs, aud tbero WHS much viva'ry (unong ibe tlirt-f. A thin l:i, iu order to htrenpt'ieu bcr < lub, tfsnt here to Kecoius foi i4»jt'rs. II* eont tbem mem- bers cif d e Eclip.49 T'lue, and I piVr« tlis e^nson was i vr the At initn Club \v is formed tilnn«t entirt'iy 'f F»ouisvil'e piayeis furuisbcd by Billy Il-cc'iia. lfa»e b:iH eriihtisi-am run eo bi^h tbat tho uc\t year tlm Southern iitu.unc was formed, mid tl;o Atluitt:* Cl-ib, couiHiuiug u number of Louisville playcis, won the LOCAL PLAYERS SIGNED. Doug Crotlif-a, niMUa^nr of He U«lla< team, has bet-n in this city for several days p'.sl. fcnta f'.'ii*- sint-o I mid in THE SronTi.vo LIFK that the ie<m« in the t-'uinli would do wi'll to si-nd n<i* :re in I.ouiHvill- aft*-r p1(n-er», aa there were-plenty nf them hei» cf i*uffic;en: cittibte I" >v tl.e minor ur>,'ani/,:iticii'i It &te:ii-* that th^-.v art 1 ctrinninp to find my words correct At h-aat Cn.theM israiisii.d wiih the result ..f h-V vU't h* re He has signed ho h Jack Wt-nt/ KU 1 IVto Dani^l.s to 1 Uy wish Dallas ccxi seat-on. Weiitz wapiti the T(-XAS Ltvigua lii-t yi «r and was n great fav^-ritH d'jwn tlu-re. A jfi-o 1 litany nr^ed up n I'reei.ltnt D«vii*rf;.n t'i-i=rn him for L ui^ville. but 3!r. D»tvidsun thought h-* was ti o iijfht for Aas-vcifttion company. Pe^e Drtiiit-ls wad rii::az'd by .'uhn Kt l!y for iho I.onievillee last season. I!f had [ireM'.usly pU> ed in Wic!.iUr.i!(l other West- d-ii tnwiiH. It MUS thcmjcht. he was (juiie a pruttiihini; Iwirler, but h-s W.H never played in a c!iH!ii;>i.>nbhip pnino snd ttiiaslurily rcK-rtsaJ. I think will do well iu Texus. RAYMOND ALL RIGHT. >- It seems now lo be prelly well >Hllad that Raymond will bt- back here next year to cover th : ni b-ge fyr LouisV:llo. I stated in Tl! E ^ 1-1FE he b«d received <.ffer!) lo «r»y iu California, ant wrctti to MHtia^r Diividsurt as if hij roturn to Kentucky were 'riMiier dnhiona. At tho;e time I sail 1 thuujrbt Iliiynrtiid s actions were dictated by a desire to furc^ nn « ff-r ot big; or eal;iry frcm the L'Kitville Club. A few t'avs ntfo Kerins r. ct-iv^d a letter from Ka> mond iu whicb be statod dvfin'te'y that he would return to Louisvit)« ariy in th*1 aiTing, an ho liked L- u:6vi!!o, t?i« Lonisviilo temn and M.linger I>;»vjt^ n. With ihe pla}ia<; he baa done this w.i.tu. Iii»jn/.i.d OWR lo !/e iu fiuo form for tbe o[>ebiLg gam ad next MINOR MENTION. Hecltor is a ? c!i at lih hcnie in 0;1 City. Hed.'ly Mack will [irobMbK.luiTa lhl« week on that long expected trip to lift 8r.ri*.;*s, Scott Stiatton is Btickinji to hi4 homo Iu Taylors- ville. He is now selling gooda for one of tbe etoies I!u'?o ITcIljiirn is still rushing hia applicaUon fr.r pos't'on on n=e AMKxi'itio:i £l:iff';f uinpi'rua. M^s. B , Dav <3-;m and J'hclrs are naiiij* their influence for hluj and Mr. Hariiie ii alf-o Raid to favor him. bib Cork, th? liro'jklyn ci.tchor, who lives in Cov- ingtou, ia in tbe city on u visit to his friend Iteddy Mack. Ho stys rhat all the members of his club have &i£n«.i fft nt-xL. eciVK'i, except hin.fetlf and Snii'h. He thinks Brooklyn ou«bt to win the peethct ot 1389. Dan Shannon's cfintruct wilh Louisville Lua been tipprovid l>y President WiJtofT iiotwitbtt^ridi'JK the numerous predictions tbat Newark won)a mako trouS'le. It is reported liere lhat Will White, our former thcrt 8top, is to manage th*. tcnm cf^andusky, Ohio. A new iark id \n lo li.rnled at ThtrlceMli nnd Wulimt streets, aud strong ci-lored (--lubi will pVv ti:c-i-e every Sni:d«y. Tbere are eeveral good colored teams hi tt;o city. Coibf-tf, of this c'ty, w!;o played la>t reason with S'. Paul, I ( a8 received an off* r from tbe club of EvaLsvilie, Ii.d , but has not yut accepted it. President Eavi hon wi-.bea it stated lhat be did n^'t relieve Keiim of ihe captaincy of the club berause ho thought him inc'-)mpatent. Kerlns Icing a caicbc-r only, be could not play ia nil the fram-'a. He thouubt it was n»ccP3iry tu h:tve Iho captain iu every gun-" an'1 tberefcre ho appointed Esteibrook. PrfBideut David on has received Eiterbrook's etgLei conlrwct. Ti nmiv wrote Blr. Dividai,n tbat he appre- ciated tbo h.uiurof Leius; selected to captain the ttium, and would eudeavor to perform well tbe duties cf ' Th.t reaches In the grand and the wire work at Ecliise Park have been newly painted. J. A HAMILTON IN LINE. A New Club Organized With a Clean Score to Start With. HAMILTON, Ont., Jan. 30. Hamilton will have a team next summer, and it will be a good ono. The Association was organized last night, when a meeting of tho fub;cribcrs WHS held at tbe St. Nicholas Hotel. There waa a large at- tendance. AM. Janiea Dixon was appointed chairman, and Richard Mack ay acted ua secre tary. For a time it looked ac if the gcfitlemcn who have been instrumental in keeping the team alive would throw up the ppontre, owing to the kicking of T. W. Kalston, one of tho subscribers, who raised a point about the liabilities of the Ass< cintion, which amount to about ftiOO. Ho was op; osed to iho sew Association assuming any of the dtbU ot liet S9«non T d team. This difficulty was oter- comeby Crouki AStmuil and the old directors, who arc the ptincipal creditors, consenting to waive their c'nims. Tin-re is enough money outstanding, consist- in^ of subscriptions an-J unpaid stock, to liquidate tho liabilities, to there are virtually no dtbt*. Tbe next bujiueas was t!io election of d.rectors, which resulted in the following gentlemen being selected: Aid. James Dixon, W. R. Duvis, John FatterEon, It. B. Skinner, E. J. Moore, Wai. Malcolm and Richard Bluckay. Only time of the directors were members of Iwat rear's bourd. The directors met aub^equeutly and appointed Ulchard JIuckay st'cretary. There i* DO reason why the team should nol flonrieh. About Sil/iOO IIHS been eubscril-etl «nd au efl.trt will be m»do to have the amount increan-d to So.UOO. Kd Swartwood will be engaged na manager. Tbo direc- tors teleiriaribed him to 'n-r* on S»turd«v to confer with tli em about the Bigniug of players. ApplicRtions have be^n received from enough players to fill up a couple of leaiiiB. It is likely that several flret-claat men will be eijined io a couple ol days, and the wise- acres who feel confide nt that LUni:ll<m will be a tail- cuder uiaj get slipped uy. WATKINS VS. BARNIE. Manager Walking I>*-feiidocl Facts and Correspondence Called, to His AW in the Umpire Question Interesting Disclosures as to Salaries, Etc. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 23. Editor SPORTING IFK: Your Baltimore correspondent wrote a peculiar letter last week. Ha seems to think :hot I have been imposed upon by Manager Watkins. J cannot say that he has been im- posed upon Ly onycne. I should 3 l'd*e th^t he hn a decp-*t'ared Knidge against Manager \VaUiD«. There s malice iti the writ'ng of "T. T. T.," and nn!:ce of no common sort. He dips hia pen iu venom aud spreads t out in a column of cnnlou, shooting f«r wide of tno mark and iho truih from bepintJrij; to end. U-t me sny for Mr. Watkiii?, wlu-ii tiie letter which Barnie and ttie Baltimore coirtafcr.d.-nl corn;:l iin of was written, Mr. Watkina hud tever mentioned um- pires to rne. He had never suggested lhat I "score'' Mr. Barnie in any way. Wbat was wrilteu was writ- en on rr.y own VvMiion. I have taken a lick at the corrcspoudt-Dco, at "T. T. T.'s" sii^estion, and find nothiug to alter my opinion. 1 will s-*y that Mr liarnie has usurped Iho function of uu entire com- mittee. I gay tbal as spt-cimena of pure utiadnl'i-ratfcd iicrvo. bin netkins are unsQ'jal'eJ, aua the cories- >ondence uiil sliow tt. As fur »* hi* tirade a-alnit Mr. Wntklts is con- cerned, I IIHVC very little to eay. With bass t-a!I men who lint w Mr. Waiklns the It-tier M ill gn for no hiu*. Those who are unacqtMiiitsd with Kan-ai City's inmi- *gfrr wj:i rpcognl/fj ru-m the corre-p"mloi.ce b<-l »w how vt-ry wiJoof tin* truth are "T. T. T V itaterr.cLM. In the fin-t place, Mr. Watkius has usurped nothing, fie is iicilng t T the Kansas City Club aud tor Mr. Speaa and Mr. Kraut buff, because tho-e gentl-'iiifti .avo not iht> tim-? to atieud lo tte^i n:atteia. When Minims City w:n mt upon the umpire committee nil he co; rt-spoi.deuce ftom applicat-ti WHS given to Mr. Krauthoft, thrivby making him chairman of tho com- mittee. Mr. KraiithotT lurntii over thise documents to Sir. Walking a-,tl told him lu atu nd to thf mutter. It i in this wuy that Manager Watkina Utctiiue con- Ci-iued iu the matter. THE FIHST OIMML'NIC.MION. The cnnesponJeuce between Jje-w-rs Watkim and Puruie is rcierred ro again and ag;t>c n- proof positive- thtit Mr. Watisics has acted oiitrnget.U'ly 1 t " ^na Mr. Watkirw that this cuirt-spocdccc*: te leprociuctil. It is ii,ten-stills reading, atyLow. The nrstletter was ' KANSAsCiTY.Mo..Dec. 17.1SSS W Bo'ni«. 2»7- Manager B<tUti»ore iSase Btll Club—Dtnr S.* Ihete- nre applications for uiupirt&hip In truiu Kes-feiidea, Pare SuilivoD ( ormerly of CMc-nco). RoU-rt Matht-ws, J Clinion, I' 1'ike, J Holland, CLaa Briuily and W J. Carlin. Most of these I have u-rltttn to. 1 a!*o i'ioti GafliH'y, a ie;»ly to which I received lo-nigbt ty wire as follows 'My eaiary tuuat be same as last r, Rum" conditions. Ciiii K*'t coii-iJi'TtiMy more. £uw\] J. It. Gufluey.* What dj .you think, and wl o do you pi'ffer amongst lhos«* named ubovef Jts- senden. Sullivan and llo'.htiid nre u&oil meo. U. tbvvg. I think, wuuld m-tkt* a very good man. Will jou Uinrily ttdvisc me vhat yciir ideas art-on the umpire qiieeti-ju? Yours veiy truly. W. U. WATKINS." Thf second letter leads: "KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. IS. 1S88. IF. B**ne. Ei-j., Riltimore. jM-l—btt*r ifir:— O. F tiu.liviin, formerly umpire in the N'ationnl League cf >C, now a customs oflict-r in Ciiicjco, ui«k.u aj.pHcatioii for a p(jeitif». He is a first-clues i:uip re, and wa* eucc- S3 f ul iu the Leaxue. I offered him $1,400, subject, of c-Jinse, to tiie approval <f tba cotuiu'lteo. Wb«t di you ntlvititf. "Moatc aiiswtron receipt of ;his. Yours very tr-ily, W. 11. WATKINS." Then t!ii<) Me;»r'.m was recoiv«d: "UnuOKi.YN, N. Y.. Dec. 20, 188S. L. 0 K'^ihojT. \<nMit C.iy, JUo. JJrti-Die req'iesta me to wire juu ho n.3 secured Ferx»*on Negotf:iiinj with GalTm-y ami .InU-tud. Lattv-r strongly roccmmended. Have jou auy autigos iut.8, Answer bcrt-. [Sillied] C. B.EVENE." A M1I.D EPISTLE. Now, while no GIH ribj*-ct« to FergusoB. wasn't It «n assumpfion c>u linruie's p .rt h- sign nim wituout aay- iiiR a \vi>r'l lo ihe f-ther nifmbera of tbe umpire ctun- uiiitre. Still Mr. Wuikius wrote very corduliy as fol- low -KANSAS C:TT, Mo, Dec. 22. 1883 W Bumie, E*q., Ttf<n,f.r,tr Kollunore Bate ISnil Club—Dear Sir:— Mr. iijrno'a U-h^ra-n to 31 r. KrauthotT bunded to mo aud answon-d in Mr. KraulhnfT'a i-an;e. that we n) prove 1 cf Fersn-on's PD^ag;-metit if ea'ary is mtiefactory. of which Mr. Byrne iu lih tflfj^rrtiii said nothing. 1 wrote you leilin^- you that I had op md rorr«'spondoi:ce with several of the un.pirrs n-im:nu'tbt'iu. I have hrarJ fr»m IloiUud ftinl I-'es-emlon, accepting a salary of £1,200 aud ex- ix-nvs for the season. 1>. F Sullivan, of Cliicsfco, v^ould iinifirf for tbe ra;ne fu?nre, 1 tliink, altbough I told him «e woro paying 81,100. By r-nGcngit.g IU-I- !ai.d, Fess«?i*den or ^uiiivan, or two cf tbeai, we would Lave a great staff of mnp-'res if we CM.Id secure Guflnoy and F. rguson.ts tlmt would leave us SS.COO wiib wbicli tuen^ags thelafcl two narded if it were needed IG §erure their c*-i vi- e-j. Our prtft-rence ia far Sullivan Mii>1 ilul'and, a»we tuiiik tliem tii^ most competent, ahd Fesit-nden, it' ueeJoJ, a., lie is undoul>iedly a goo-J lu-tn, with lots *if nerve arid hout-et. I hope ihat if yi.u bavo talked or w itt>-n to tlie-fe umpires tbat I vrote t->, our ii-rius do n >t conflict. Sin^eyow have stcured Fi-r^u9«jn let us know on what terms. If two uf kttp diekeiiiiie « Itn the others we will &* !. things mixed. It wiii be far bitter f..T man to attend to ihe correspondence wi:b tlis remaining uinp ; r^o to be t;tg!ij£«d. 1 -peiitfd coirepp-na*-noy with ih«?in us H!I tli« Hin/licatioi.s wtre \ lac«J in the hai;d<» of Mr. Ktau- tliofl, HoJ t.e t,att.r rt lly tupl o^t-d he was or we (the K. C. U. H. C ) was to aimngf terms with nil the umpnea {exc^ptiDii; Ftrguson, you and Mr. Krauthoff afro'.-in^ tluil y .u weie lo Bee him,) Bii^ject to tl e HJ proval of tit committtc Af- the umpire question isvt-iy ini- [.'CUHi.i, and u u were attending to yum theatrical tujm*-o3 we L; id not ttilak ycu would* to pive it tlie time it wt.v.l.i i«ke. Howevtr, Mr Uarnie, if you ran give >our lime t'» it, «nd c«ru to do so, we will withdniw mid leitve it in your hands fuljtct to tlio fi[,{,roval of ihecominittca. An early reply nil! greatly favcr us, as we do not care to get ilio nmit'-r mixt-d up. Yours truly, W. 1J. WATKINS." E.\ItME HEARD FROM. The fi-fit htord from Buriiie wia a telegram of this britf suit: - CR.CKI.VN. N. Y,,Dec. 22, 1S88 W. R. Watlin*t Mnwgcr K«II«U Ctt*, Boll Club—Dtar Sir . For snfticieiit reaa-ns deem it now se Loengn^o Ft-ssende UulL-tud will sigu to-mono-*-. Am iu coire^pondein w th him. [SiRn«-d.J W. DABMK." i>i'!r,"t the other m-ml^rs of tha committee lutrA rJ 0 -!it to knew wluit tbe "euftkieiit re:is;iu.t" were? For iinadulu rated gill in a imin' cr cf a roaimittee dopsn't thnt take tie tntiro bnkt-ry? Now, in all sinccrityt \*bo \\n* dcint< the usurp u^, Bitruic or Watkins? I is uscUss to oigue the mutter luithor. > This gi-n!lf-man next v;ritw: "II..TEL fiRiNswiCK, NEW II A VEX, Conn., Dec. 24, 1888 Mr. W. U WalllHA.— btnr Sir— I WolllJ gil^eet bu- fore u-goiiHtiuiis are opened wilh n^w applicauts wo cmleavuj to close with our old ones, Am in concs- P'.ndence with Mr. Gaffasy, and Holland AVI 1 - t-^-day (Wcdiiesday). Mr. Furguaon lias tigo Wiili t lift s»U.vo cotuacteil wilh, wo could then select tbe lounb Jrom flmnn<j the irmtiy applicants wliicb tbe corsmiiteo are receiviug-. Tben we should uot dis- criir.iiiate us to the amounts we pay new men; possibly Hr e cun ei,ru Holland at ifI,-U), airl caun< t understand whySl,l';0 should be j-aul Mr. Sul'ivnn- If be had been iu our fcinpioy last seaccti and bud been satisfui:- tory, wUch Q«flLty and Ffr^u-on were, then it would be just to pay him mute; i.t!.<rwi*e a.-n dtcidodly iti'iiiu^t prtvirig i.»w iijfcii &n Advance r-verv\hitue n.ay contract with Mr. Holland for. Will udviao when O^ffuey ai.d Holland ei^u. lours, e'-c., [Signed] W. lUnxif "In it-feit-oce to Fcssenrlon, I l;nvo very bail icports about bini from very reliat'e paitiea aud deem It mh " Balilo to refuse bis aj plxuiion Ii " Tnorei it is stkkm- out a^ain. "1" deem it advisa- ble to relufce bis npj.liculou. Whairigbt did "I" b fl v L to do It «itbout consultation wilh tho other mombf rs? If bad desired to act faltly, he woul-t bavc givbii tho other cluts un opportunily to be heard. STILL CONClLIATOnV. Kansas City atill hud DJ disposition to ralee a row "KANSAS CITY, Wo, Doc 27, 1888. W. Bnrnie, E*j. Manager Hvliimure L'i*f: B<il C'/"6. Dtnr Sir— Vi,urs ol Ibe 2i'tb inst to hand and noted. Yon did not say what figures you bud signed Fstguson at. I'k-iife Ift mo know. Do everything >">'" (no to sign UafTiiey As t'» Sulttvan, 1 tbiuk wo cuu gel him for &1,20'J. J imv« \vniteu him Iu re^aia to it aijd will rjotify you of Ms reply. Just bad a c!Js>-atcb from Feueodt withilriiwiug bid application. You say iu y<.ur letter tbat you 'willeUn Ilollai.d to-mrtrrow.' Tlitn luti-r ou you auy, 'possibly Holland may sign fur Jfl.iiO" Now, Mr. li*!riji«, tbere l^* no iloubl o! it. He h acce/.ted that figuio and will feigu at tbut fi^nri;. As to S.jlllvan, be fca^a pf.snion in Ibe Customs Depart- n:tiit iu C'uica^o, but I ttnnk there Is no doubt of his acc*;.Mnco of 81,200. Your?, etc., W. 11. WAIKIKS."' Mr. Uallilu \MOte: "KANiAsCiTt. Mo., Jan. '2. 1&89. Mr W J7 W«t- AiiM, JI/;mO'/*f A'<i/i>aa Ci'i, Ba*t B-i/l Clt*b.— bwr Sir: Ferfiuuou wttssUi.fcii ul*21,7iJU. Iloilauil at fl,2uO. II you cau ibcnru Sullivuu Ml £1,2('0 you have m> sanction. The fourth ruuu iheie need bt> no j'^rticutar hnrrv about. « * 1 ani boptlul of couiinji to ternis with Guffn'ey Yours, etc., [Sigh'-d.] W LA UN IE." Tin- answer to lira v»as as fallows: "KANSAS CITY. Wo, Jav 11,18b!>. -W. Ramie, E*fj Manager Bntliiaore />'<[s« H-tll Club.—Den* Sir:— Yours to brtii.l. lluvo writlea Sullivau ax»iu, but do not think hs will como In now ut gl,i;00. Dutwcher hi written thitt ho would liku to mu(;irg pg^ln iu tlie As- sociatiou, and signifies his willingness to stund tbo du- crcaso in salary. What do you s»aj? Yours truly, W. H. WAIKINS. "Kansas City favors his re ungagumeut. This was tbe s'ntus ot Iho case when I wrotu tho paragraph that stirred up all Ibe gull nod bitterness tu Uaruie and "T. T. T." I fctuleJ plainly lhat Kaunas City UioMght Bi*rnio was artiug Ladly and wa^ nca giving them a siju.iro deal in tbe matter. For tho truth, of the churgo I merely refer to the corresf ou derico. In rep'y to niy lettt-r the Daltiino:e curres- P'jn-lent Lruke Icoso in an unquulififd abuao of Mr. Watkins c.s a bnso brill IIKUI from alpha to omeg«. Ilo may consider tlie attack fair and warranted. I'll have to leave thnt tu him. AH I said before, Mr. Wutkins' ta.-e bull career, and ha himself as a pleasant, genial getitlenviu, !i entirely too woll known to ueed da- fence. BARNIE MAD. Brother Baruie finally wrote this kind of an epistle, closing the deal: -KANSAS Cm', Mo., Jan. 14. 1S89. Mr. W. JJ. Wat- kins.— Vtar Str: You have abused me so severely ou the etlecticu tl uuapirea iu tlie CeluuLua and Kaubaa 'Hy papers that I have com lad >d to turn over Hie ffairs of the umpire committee, «^ far a: I am con- cerned, to the Bub-titnte meiibvr, I feol. in doing f'O, you will rarry out tiie baliiue of tli3 work in usual partial way. 1 wmiM menticu L am op;u g^J lo Mr Doe-i_her, but Hits noe 1 not prevent yuu froua i/laciQ« him on the staff. Respectfully, fS^gnsd.] \V. BARNIE," Mr. Wmk*i!s answrred: "KANSAS Cm, Mo.,JtD.17,1889.--IV £.-mife, Baltintan9 I/;/. benr Sir- A3 your accusation in u holly uncalled 'or J fail to appreciate yuiir attempted sircsem I mve Dot abueed ycu or ta'Ue 1 of you to auy lit- wi- pa[.er men, Iu F poking of a '«;it-stiti;te me:nbt'r' I Htn ^norant of whom you have reference to I \v,jr,ld ug^e-t that you retain till the honors yon am assMr.e, ny dear TJa.nfe; flicy are inexpensive luxuries, uoi jard tc be curried* Very re-uectfully, W. II TVATKINS," In the light of this corresnoridenco, who In* noted ieculi»riy? Kansas Citv wante I a pay--o Hbout F*-s- ccdtn. He wns a «ooil iniD and tli.- Xatio^a! League yickcd him up. Kitnsi^ t'rty lhou;ht I)o.^-:her was vorth cdosi'leration anvliovv, and vet l!an;ii' refused c ulk almnt him. In fact, liarnie has hal t'.e .-ct ro ay, j'i*t as I ha'i cl'.nrged he haJ, anJ noshing »-Ue :ur. be made of tl:* matter. FBEEM.\N. CAYLOR'S COMMENT.. The Turn-t*p at In<lianapoli«i The Saj;e in Prophetic Voin Additions to tho I>i:i- inonii Library Holly's Case The Oi<U Tiiner's IJispute The Scattered Mt»t*, ttc. CAnTHACE, Jan. 2;». Editor SI-CSTING LIFE: It ha* not surprise,! me much to hear tho news which cctoca from Indianapolis. I have always had full faith in the good business-like jrocecclmgs of the National League "magnates." Yet, it did seem strange to n'.e that they should lave been willing last November to hold en to a failing, non-supporting club noJ city, when gnod cities and strong clubs were standing meekly by waiting for a vacancy. Whether Indianapolis goe;< or ehiys, makes littlo difference now. The club that once totters on its props, ia bound to Tallin the end. Indianapolis, as a League city, is a goner. The other clubs may carry it through thU season, but that ends tho club's cxistca.'e as member of the National League. The outcome will be as certain us the rising of to-morrow's sun. Indianapolis will be re- placed iu 1890 by Cincinnati. Th«T«- will be a pie^ure brought to Lu-ar vvhi< h will be inviolable upou the part cf Mr. feturu » club. Club iu tlie spr;us. fcly Byriio. Tl,e risk is all on ODS eidf, and he kno^e It. The Ginnis have everything to lose Bud njthuiK to gain in ^cti <t sTio= f tin- Bruuk- lynB citii lufee notbm^ and ^itin much It if- uot in my province to gnea* wbat Mr. J)i»y nod Jim Mutrie will do about it. Rut I have to »ny if they c n^ent t> 'he arrauxin of such ft seii>-8. an-l by chance Ibe Urook l>na ehonl i e(e*l a marcti cu their, »ud win tbe geries, Messrs. Day aud Maine wcr.ld le a gay pair ol what tbe b;j},« call thuiiH-j. 1 ut\ur dij Ltlieve in a Bnriu£ teik-s. I Lever ki.e* eu< b a setioi to pny or res-Jt in The New York Club has beaten the champions of the Association in iho regular jeinly conttet. \Vl ; y do they \VHUI to tfike cliaiice-t iu >i spring series with tho Cuud team in tbe 1 alter organization? For cne nf your many rendeis, I rog'el to hear of the O^BS of Mr. Day. Kvi-ryb jdv who kuowj tiitu p«r- iiHily will shaia ihe-o i egret « with me. I trust his cki;Cdi ciay not be serious uor lung coutinuod. He cannot le «i>nr«J fro:u tiie couacila ot ba^o ball evea a short time. Erory true American an J lnyal lover of our National game ulil r*juice at dp;i'dh<g's succ-esa on his irip- uruiitsd ihe \\(,rid. All thu nu^ncci-s^fti] bbtcliui^ihu^ in th^ Iaii-1 CHiir,ot take from Iho ylury of ibid ^rt-at <-s[icditi(tn. Ii ia second only to the c**le!)r;iT«d jour- ii?y cf O.'Q. Or.)D*. Sinlding hut pr»vel hiin^lf a tral mil a .succ«-f-6fiil pio-ueer. To bis pluck and il of ctit'-rjiri.«'e ihe AnittricHii trame owes au Kdvt-r- tn Lt th.u has made il talk fur people iu all piila of the earth. I «m amused to bear all this talk about Kt-lly and tbe Boston Club. One w-ek Kelly is inifivieued «ud U'-xt week Mr. S -den tak'-s his turn. Tha'id a good pair to draw to. Tbo-*e two mun caught ui.»r« atver- ti-*ing out «f u<<th:<<g for their club limn a ay two to«u 1 know. But isn't the plan iie'tin^ a lit loibc-atuutty? Ktl ought to inve'it HOUIB i ew scheme. They muy say wliat they please about Mike, but I am willing to go hi^'i un iho ussnrduce lh«t hi-'s the last nmn of every »-iie iit the Boston Club thm Mr. S.>d< n would l-e willing to let to. Miko lifts mugucjiisia about him, and that pays iu everything. It is a grievous thing to beo th->ie two "49-cr/" Hurry \Vri-htttnl Harry Cbadwick (iMputm.^ over tho aoontific rr-latiotis of t-a ;e bull In the seventies and the b^s-e bait of to-day. When those two pioueora disagr^*1 . who ohatl d«-cidt-V I am inclint-d to side witli Htiirv Wri^ht. I believe there have b^^n ai uwift deli^criua by the underhuuil prcce^s as huui the nvcr- bnnd throw. B;it tt catcher suffered utiic'i less pui!- ishmeiit. It is not ih- 1 swill delivery ot the pitcher tlmi crippl-8 your catcher, but bis -sharp curv*pt rtropi and f-hoolsd-'j it. And cve-i then UIH csttc^ier ntvca his band- if ho knows exactly \vbat is coniiti,'. But it ia the uii.-takcn ei^n ur tbe lutH of control h.v ti e pitcher, wheiehy an eiitirfly different bill i- dt-livcrtd from that winch h.s catcher cx|it-ct9, which usually kn^fka n j.jjnt or l.vo out or splits a baud. There wert* far le.^ of tb»ce Hcc:d<!iits iu the nxtv-uiues und Beveulies than liure are tu-JiiV. The otbor diy 1 was rea-ltng in TBE Si-onTiKO T.IF:: a story puipjitiug to come fro;n Hilly Hulo-it a'>oi;L th» panmbiuent of Ins hni'is whe&Tiui lie'fe (!J*t ti;' 1 pitchiug for him. It \* as it terrible r* citnl und did I not know that [Silly was a ti utn-!elV_-r of ;ho A cl.ww f- sho'iid bavt- been iucliutU t'j take itskopltcaliy. lie say a lhat i>fien his h^u-It* swelled np as bl^ an harm, tc- camu bi'tct;, blue, yellow and to/milliou; l-dliel like dog in cat ciifrwol for j.ujw, and Iba entire l.iind and arm np to within un inch of bis lieart was i«r»lyy.t-d for days Thuso may Imvo D'-t be^n lii.s exact word.s, hut it onrevs* th»» meaning <>1 \ilMt he \v»s tr-ying to express 1 ito'ibt tbe pai«lysif* put of ihe ifininiB- ceucu. H Billy tvcr bt-oi'iiits paialy?.ed m any mem- ber it wili bi: bis ton^uo. Spcakiox of Billy runimla mo of tho old Mflt?. all (iolns io C hiriil«ii9, I under tan i Wi-lll wehl How Colun.hiiH will btiller. If Jimmy Jlt^erM^ii uould iiniy go then', t;-o. By the wav, whai li;is t tjc^ino of tbe Chief ODD *cArccl> b-hrsofhiin r..,w 1 b..-» K wtrni sido for him. Jimmy always trout-d .i>" nlctly, htid them »r« many \\»Tfv nn-n playi'-x hall to-ibt;' ttiHt) Jimmy K .HHIDUH Hu ha-I :i bi,^ l-tvirt nnd a kindly \ fur nvoiybody. It 1 wt-ru imkoJ lo pick (.ut a nmn tu Iho M':ts thiif was tho wura* in th:*t oid team, I'd pick out Pi-Vyral m<ri t/fjoio JiEun>y Uyd- Uian would coiiii* up to bo naajcd. There aro two (»f tbat old brnnd wlir>m 1 partknl.irly wfti;l to Bi-i; [.I08p('t. I lefi-r l-> Duby Dldicn an-l J -e Oihardt Tnty are bojs wh t lo kimw is to MI- Wiiys lenr ni')er in kiiid'if-8<i. 1 shall uatull the foi- tunes of U>!h no loiig m they p'ay ball. It >i pl<-H«n;r lo me to hitow thul J >e diJ tu well 1'iet > cur in tlio. O'litiul Lcu,£;iiO Stl ikes in*-, th* Cul-imbus <,'l'ih Mould laiu wi.iei' In luking ujuuy ptny^ia they m&. slgiiiug instead of JUG. Then thorn is Jimmy J>..ii-jbr>«. Ilo is doincr w--ll. niid everybody who Itn-.MS him plad of it Kritnk llankiitrtun, I suppose, will MX>U tetiiH from thf n; ort. It is t'> !'« rebelled. Vrauk bolotued tu the ^-ittle- inarily claw of playois, nnd lh« los.i of uny of ttin fitripe iii a Ions indeed. Jack Lynch, l -o, IH u mun I bate Bto Olo[j behimt. T!iM« in H innii who ba* fir.-I class b-i--i ba'I iOt-(i», itnd uoiilii (nako a go d iriun- fttft-r Ji>r u new club which h'»3 yoiin^ [il;i}i-rt lu d>*- vel >p afjd train lie is ft until ol %>**] idetw, H cloar- betdbd, L'uod-tcinpeie.l and u j'lily guod fellow g«uer ally. Wbat ba» become of Jack? Let rr.t coiigrp.tnlale th'j Association nnd Mr. RVnch upon the fact tl.Hl Urn Association Ouiri ; tMa «K;ISOII will bo thu work of J niiny NVillniin-s N-> out ncoil furnish a*nuranee tbat th»t work will ho «'<-ll d"ii.». That youth never doe* ati> thing by hulvfu. Thi)<«uida will a urize number and evuryt.oJy cuti "Hank" ou it. I eee that Mr. M. F. Gallaahf-T nnd a f«w other Chicago geullenifn ur« nropHrnu a urand Unn]net lo welcome borne tho SpiUin^ touridts. Let her go, Ga'.laghei! 0. P. CATLJB. Futnlltios of the Game. Baso ball'i* mortality lint win r!iili.-i hi^h la-it s'-fleon^ no !e.-s than Ivvclv-j uualhs beiug directly tra :eahto to tlio Xatioiiiil s^'i'o. F« of Ihe victims warn j*jK.'eta- torn, two of whom dropped dead Jiuiu heattdjiiit dis- ease ag^ravnteil by excitement, ti;i> third, a youn< eirl, bein^ bit by a foul ball and the iourth btiu^ hit fn the tenip'e by tliohall. Oil') wa*au uuipiro hit by a pitched ball. Two pliyera died of tioirt di^eas; while playing, one io !h"i box ami on-j on s.'iurt atop; one w:ii ^ ttccitlcutully stiui'k by <i hat, ou« was struck by a base-runner, three were killed by beiujz hit by pit bed balls; one,a catcher, was struck iu the breast by a foul tip. It iHii Dotevrotthy fact tbiluf tbelwcHt: d«:>tlid Uol uu« was proledalobiU.

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!Feb. THE


fTIic >:<-\v York Preparations for Ihe Ans- tniU.iii Tourists' Kec«?i»tlo«— Antipodean Comments on the Game The Base Ball Throwing Ketnu'ds.New VoriK, Jan. 31. LMitor SroRTfNO LIFE:

Jlanager Mutric has mado :i "palpable bit," and it is in iho form of his arrangement to take tiie worli's champion* and their host of friends on the giant steamer Grand Republic nest April, to uieet tho Australian touri.-ts in the lower bay of New York barber, and escort them to the comjianv'a do*;k in this city. Mutric has not been blind to tbo'fuct that the getting up of a reception celebration of this kind was nut only the rorrcet thing to do, but that it would be an investment which would yield a handsome fiimiciut return, from the boom in base b;il! it would lead to in the early part of the exhibition season campnign. The lestive James intends to }i»y himself out on the ooeasion, and he intends to have the calibration one to be remembered for yeaw to conic a* the great base ball event of 38S!). Jniuej is altcady busy in a imbuing tho dttiils 01 liia PIHII of caiiipat^ii for ihu r^ccptiou iu qucsiiuu, und nirtiitly he In.* had a ton table cf the \v- r.t it iii- \i.!it-s in tbu rect-pt if hini-lfc-dd of letters f;onib=iBe ball pu r !!« who Hith to i'aiti<;iiu'o in the grand bttia tall tietnai. tui thtti u wlml it r tally wilt bo.

is s. uu thiu* wuithy lo be s'gnai'/x-d as only wo Ame­ ricans c-iii tu tin- way iii an wppn j». i.iti rt*co»uitlou t*y a izrtuid rt'ccrtiou givt-u t*i the reluming IUIBB ball

plUi-K unU thu i-iiterpr'!»e ni ni»t cnirncien-i c r^pit sentative t-f ihe gre»t Wec-l« f ->"r rcpui-lic, Mr. AHn-i t G. Ftpuhliiig. dwit-rve ttiu beiriiest tribute tbc nuetro- ptlis of our country ton i>ny bioi.

I am pNd to note the I act lhat Mr. D»y U in full accord wilh hit* liTt-ly maiugrr in thm in»tt*-rof get­ ting up a (traod r«tptit.!i a<id thut Le fully tnujrst's th" giving of a grand ban<|uot tu the tounste the night of their arrival or O-e day after, at which that special Hdinirt-r i.f the the- Giants ami tht-ir game, IJovt-rinT Hill, will pioM-lf, and .by the mayors of New York and Brooklyn, not forgetting tb<* llou. Chauticey M. l>o- tew ati tho t= rntor (:( tho lestive occasivu. It should be a gr»u 1 Eiibstrrii tTou uftVIr, and tme, iu itn w-ciul character aiirt iullm ntial en«ct, which should u!aco unr ^anie on a highei plane In publ c eotlnntiou ibau i-voi accorded it btfuro in this f-p-cinl icsptct.

I want to eec all.the gianU welcomes and rcceplioTb ncc^irdvd ; o our base bal! mUsicnniy torp^, under the Kfov. AUt-rt, outdone by that ^iseu tluni i-n thc-ir rcturu to their Dative Boil,and if :iuy city on the Anicricsn routiiier.t can do this thiui* up brouu it H o!il New York. I t<'ll you, Jauiw*, old boy, you havM made a bi^ tut in this muttt-r, and if jou run y«--ur

well nest April you will wiu the game aim*.

I expect to epjny a C'.uple »'f hours reading wb^o I get a jtlance ut Walter Sliding1 !* culU'ctiun uf uow^- p«l« rcomraeiitB taken from tho AiHtmliuti jmroals during ilio Rcjuurn ot the touriata in Mc-llKnirnc uud Sydney. Hcr« iy a nampl«i ol what tbe Ble'.Duiirne 1/cruW, in Us graphic rei 011 ( f the firel gtnie played on the cricket cluu'd grutiud.-! iu the ijjuo of Duceujber 24. .-ays:

"We were all expectation to ftp* the American game, aud when All-Ainviicu wtnt in firut, and wht-n l ; ie triker lock l:ia pofition nnd tie n<;M vas set, ibete w»s 3i»meihin<; of u brtatblets fibinco anmud. When you«ee ttie way tbe pitch*.r puts ihf; ball you imvmdly ay to yuimolf thai 5011 wuiiuin t like to be tho b&ts- man. ''Demon 1 ' Spotfunh's t'.einilieal delivery in bo-Al- iup is nothing to U. The ball ererca to go like i Ibi-h of lightning, and you must have very keen t-yi-s be­ fore yon can flfo it. *I5v fi*..n:e, Mn't thwy Hpltjudid catchers!' was wbat a well-known re^n-a niativn of Australian ciicket icmarked, an-i there is no donut of it. They must tiave bands cf iron, and ey^'f cxtrcnudy sharp niidtiirr. Though the ball wt-nt with the forcn which ti cnnuou iiii^l.t have cent i f , sti'l, if tbero wna the least poaKilde clmnce, it WHS c-iUtfM, and, 'hot' as it uii»;"t be, tin ro was no Koini< about vujTf;liug the band in lb:it agonizing sort, of \\ay th it is i:ot uncl ftracle;i*»*iic ot thu uviMVige crickt't* r And can't thi'y ruu;aud don't (buy catch when they nr« running! You h* t! 'Ih.-co or four tim*8 you really Said tu yourself, af or a 1111*111} er of c ue of Iho ti-HUi-* had run over a biindrtd fiftaud rau^bt H )>lgb liver, iriaml!* And it ct-rtwuly wafl capital wt.rk, and it cau ttacb our crickttera bonu-tbiiiK iu that Hue."

I want (o 6iy vomc ttriiK about the records of Crone's Ihfovtin^ fcnt8. n» it upbear* that 1 uni charged witti nol ("oinji him jiistirt- in t!iir* rcs[ifci in one qimrtar. Crane iscrwiitcd with having thrown a l-a*1 bait 130yd:*. In, 16S I, in licet on. A^ain. IIH Is crniitwl with a throw of l3riclH. iu t'iiicinnati wi.d 134 in St. Louis in 1881. Let, mo ijuute from an answer given to a qutbtiun cm thi-i subjt-ci « hicb apj^arcd io tbe C'»V- peruf Jan. 19, ISS'.i, given by ihu Us* ball editor, Mr. A. fT. Wiight. H«-roit is:

"K. !>., Puitlaud John Hf.tficld's Hirow of ITly Ifr, 7)<Jin. ut the Ui'ion ground-, Krooklyn, Oct. 187-, i« tl'C hist ou record with n hasf lisill. Ed ('cane clu'nM the creUH "I throwing liWyls, in July, 1881. in BotftuJi; ISavd.i. lit. %\\\. in October. 18*4, in Cincin­ nati, n';il 134j(ls.fiin.Ui:t. *.y, 18SI, in St. Louis. Tli three tbrov\>, however, have i.uver been autheulicated, and therefore :iro uot arcep'cd as record^."

In reyurd lo Cnmo'tt alb^ul throw iu l?fil, no par­ ticular? have ev» r b-. en published or »ny cviiietice bv eye witnotistK produced t" substantiate (lit* c'aini. Of tbe throw in Cincinnnti il WHS stati'd l:i tiio Cincinnati Ga:.*ite lit Ilia limu tint Iho tluow WHH not olfici^ meacr.rfd until ihe he si day, antl in the interim there vn-> nothing to prevent Ih b takes !:»id down frjia t»e- iiiK uinovi'il. Jn fncf, (here wns IM> o(Hci»l rt-cunl of tint tl.ruw iu St. L(-u ; s; it VMS reported ihnt Cr«oe overs'epj e i th* nrtrk, *DtJ, inuitii-vt-r, that ttie Ihrnw wa-* fr.a ifl d( :i I a^aunt t» 6(ron<; breeze, and yet it vm ttlli'ped to Lavt> beaten the record There was uo* «iitii«-uMc record mn'Je of this latter tbio-v. 3Iur»fCVer. it id very ti^nifiennt tint t«f t* i^so tuo k-n^ ihrortB by Cr;it;e, Ed Wii]iam< offered to t!iri;\v agtt'n^t Crnoe t-ir any amonnt, after be furl liilnte f u::to'i; ihr'-o uiis I'.iV'HClory i brows in private, and this chirH*-iij.e OtRin- fniletl tu accept. In Tie* ol tho f.ict lhat all tho other throws refordvJ were oftio-ially nuaaiticd dheclly after ihe throws wore Biivlc, it rte*UM tv HIM Miiit Sir. Wii^ht'^ Jt-cison, that C'rane'fi throwaaio r<J •-. fticinl reci rd ihroWB.'ia c< rrect. At iirsy r»t«', I uwfrt Lot'er proof of ihe legitimacy cf his fi'!''ireil tbrnv;.-; t'.nn any vd presented before 1 differ wi:h Sir. Wri^hl's decision. I B tbisaatisfactory, Mr. tolej?

*'A heap of (rouble" us n Kentnckian would siy, is Cau-ed at this season ol Ihe l-a-e bail y*«r by bas» ball JcrilxH in Bc-j-rch for news Hkfly to create a p<uaition. Th' v nt t e. thiiik ot tVio UUICOIIIM uf ulnit Hit-y wrifo lout ibis, ib it or th^t ctlur player, so long us it will maku "ii fpify itom" or a jen.-a ionul paragrurh. The t'tnciMuiti (,'!ub apj^ars to have bveu conaiderably vlftiu.iztd in tliw wny rt-cvotly, aud it li'is causfd Mr. BUM n coiiifidcvaMw uunoyuiic*-. For iu^tanre, in re­ gard io 3'i'l'tif-, tieiltyasul ('urpenter, of his tonm, vth it a u umber of a^i s:i!i<;r.»l |'ar;tgra['h* have ap­ peared a'»o«t ilife>-. iiu-n, t 1 e result of which I.a 1* l-ci-n ti» cro.ite ili-rcfiinj; in the r;v!;ks, a;id in aomo io- el^uC'H it luoks a? if mid.'bicf was tbe intttt tf Iho

T dr.<i i o 1 iii to se > Vaiitr f^j u'dinjr, lait wt-ok, and I \V:<H fniicl) pi^astjii to luttrii fr<iin htiu th'tt he had a!- ri.';«ty lullilKd oideia f..r base- tall ^co;l fi-r Honolulu an 1 ilylb'mtnc, »ud olio espt-ciuMy tn'.( resting item of hi' teavt* me, wits, thai the gt.vcrBinetit of Jr. pan hud luit \ t-:ir DiHtle <>nqiiiri(?.i thrf ui-h thi-ir cinbas-iy at Wti-hin: t-jf, In rt^anl to oar Kuti nal game, withe Titw to im ndo; tion In Japa:-, AS thiy highly approve c-f tbu ptil if y of providing tho r i.eop'.u with » fit-Id *port eo entirely unobjectionable in every rte£.e:t na twtso tail, whilo it ie u jjamo rcple'c with exc'temcnt, at.d unc (jfffriug a fit-l i IVr ll»e cmpjrynieiit of every ci::uly attribute. It wHI no: bt- n yt-ar from now be­ fore America's gauie wili le knuwn in evciv civilized fart ot ih» nh'be lislly a? much as rrickct is. Walter toll! UK* tlint An<cr.'cati rpoitinx n-.iods were iu dfiiund iu China us well HH Jafnut, and thnt he seat (.ooJj to Turkf) lubt lj.ll u bl^o to llu-sia.

I rfekiMJ Walter »bc'Ht the (j'ica Ion of (he player:, ol the t<m;i*(8 All-Auscrica ieiru L-cing prtvtnteJ from t'lkh'^ p"t in tl;e home exhibition aerit-s in April ' '

liiKM?.tiboUec:*ct« rcp

p ; e e aet- t. ll« s-ii.j li.jit lie did net Hii'icijat" tbe least cult. TLe !/---t liico he t«lked with Mr, llrnsli, of IbdiitiiaiiolU Club, be «gke 1 tlmt eentlcmati a^oct

u!r, of thi? AH- America niu \ whytlier l.e w. u!tl te tit.'d. uud Mr. llrush promptly replied tlat whether wiii or cot ho \vonld nc/t deprive Mr. Spalding of !\'d . icrvicw Kr r.ayt!-inx utder the exceptional 'i:«sta!ico? of the geriee. Tliia .reply was rlrirac--Uo uf Mr. l-riish »'*" no doubt it will be followed by every club president who IIHH pla\er» 0:1 tho

-Antoii^ii Uii'it. The tuuris's merit Ihe compliment those reroption nenei? of coutes's for their lakiiij^ rt es they uid In ilu> trip, reJoiiuding ai it has to o g'X>'l iii'.nse of Amer can utMe'ep. ftlnnacer uti io has uilsu iuTormed W^Jter Syludiug thut there

wlM Le no difficulty in regard to Crane, and Sir. Nimick sni 1 tl.o RHtue thing as regards Citrroll ani Hitulon. lr would, in fuct, be oue of the tmalie t Rclioua (.o^- Biblo to aitmi;it to prevent the playing of the recep­ tion fetrifs us some of the mischief-making writers IIKVO reported by refusing to allow ihfir players to take part iu tlitt Lur or five home gauiee ahcady ^cl:eduk'J for the Urst week in April.

In a contest in running bate', heM at tha Chicago Ba*e IJall Grounds on Get '*0, I88i, the foll.Aviog waa the record made by ihe Chicago team of tl at year: li tinner. Sjc'^.| Runner. See's.! It unner. Sec'a. AViliiarr.sOii.. 14-l^'CiTcvrAn..... 1.1^ Bura^.. ....... lliGoro.. ........ 15 jXicnl.. ........ 15>4 Gjldsaiith... 1CKelly,......,. 15 'Dalrymnle... 15%' ALSCU, ........ l*>)aPfcffer ........ 15 Klhit........... 15%|

It would be intt-rcfting loH8'?ertfrn whether Wil- liamrfon, Pfcfliir, Flint, Burns aud Ausm, of this }ca''s it-am, could b.-at (lie a'.ove tirua nvide by thtm its running around theb-ises in 1S«2. Kelly and Nicol, rosp<-ctire!y of the IJoston and Ciucinuati teamt»,

hido it, but C: rconin and GoMnuith could uot l tho oJU RgurLs, and it ia ques.ijnable whether

the oihLTBccull.

In tho throwing contest on the same date the record stood as follows:Name. Fcet.'Knnio. F"f t.'Name. Feet, Wiliiftms.'.n 3'j6 jKeily......... 3C3Jxi Ourcoran ... 3lo

. .175 (Anson ...... 319 "jQntat......... IK*). ^CC Goro.. ....... MlU Flint., ...... 2S7. 3G5 jlliiru*........ 217>^ Nicol......... 218uD beat the above throw of his of ISSli this

wh!-n he tlire\* the ball :i99 feet 11 inches. incinnati prize couttbt, which gave him first od the Enquirer prize. IH the latter coiitest of IJaHrno^e; Stov«-y, of the Athletics, «ud of the St. L.IQW, beat Ddlrjnipla'fl throw of

Pfcfler.... Palrymp

nnst reis ft tho Ci honors n GriniD, Vaiighn,

Tho city of Philadelphia has twice h*>ld professional rhiiinpiuntliip laii;oia, viz., for tlm first time in 1871, when Mu> old Athletic Club won the 1'ioVssioual A«*o- ciation hr.aois. and in 18S:t, wlien the lator Athletic Club of thu Ami-rican Association woo ttie peuuaut. It is now tUe Philadvlnbifi League Club's turn.

The Thilatl^lphia 7VjMctiitoriaIl.v commented on the v»-s' irjwd {:ath<>n'd in the citv s'rt-e e in the fall of 1883, to greet the Athle'lc tenin on their n-Mru from the \\Vsta-i clMinpicusof the American Asso:iation, taid the Presi of tl'at year:

"Since the review iu Philodr-lphla after the clofe of the rebellion of tiie IVnns>lv%DJa volunteers ou the occa-ion (.f iho pneontuti m ot the battle Hags to 'ha S'.ute, there h;*-» teen n.> such rvmnrkable pubh«: di'moiittrntion io tins <ityns ilint nt* Ust ni£i:t. Iho crowds were crt-at t nit met in ISrt") to SPC the vet- eians of many ft harj-fuu^ht (it- Id ui-irshaled lor the 1'int lime ty Me^td", llwacock, Humphreys, G.*«ry, IIiirtrHiift, Averill and do/ m of others whose names have been cut with their Hworda upon their country's records, tbe crowds unou the utreela t > greet our ciiatu* plu n base bull clui- app^aod no pmnller. The band* plave.1; huridredsof flags IluUeml in the lirc?z>*; iho che'cr* could not have been heartier; the eutbusiasia could not ba\e been more roil."

Now, if such a reception wai given th« Ame'ican Asincitilioii team after r<jturnin<; home from u'iniiing the championship by one g*mc only, *h*it kind of a n ecptlon should be given the Ansi'mllan towri^ts on their n-tiun home to New York after the gttuttl tour of the world? IJsMttX CHAUSVICK.

CINCINNATI CHIP8.Hecker Alone in Demand— The Salary

Question— The Local Amateur League — A Chat With Hick Carpenter— The Club Captaincy, Etc.CINCINNATI, Jan. 80. Editor SPORTING LTFK:

All is quiet on the banks of the peaceful Oh'o. There is not a crack in the bise ball situation. Numerically considered the Cincin- natis could star now in "The Scarlet Nine" but they won't. Cbl. A. S. Stern has designs on Louisville. lie wants to change the local team to "Ten Little Injuns," and if Sir Guv Heeker is secured the plot of the play will have to bo changei. Cincinnati cares nothing for Cook and will say naught to debar the Athletics from securing him, but as for allowing Hecker onco king of Louisville to drift out of the As­ sociation, that is something Col. Stern will not submit to. He has wired President Davitison to name tho terms for Hecker's release alone, wav­ ing claim to Cook, now that tho offer of $500 for tba release of butli plajeid brjugbt na answer pro or con from ihe Pal's City chieftaiu. "Tho old man ' has d^no much in his time to put the Keda "in ihe hole," »ud Cincinnati does not bf lievo that I e is dead to tlte huso bull world. He will rind himself welcomed hen*, while Louisville, whicb once 8ai/g his crying aloui for hia scalp. What t\ cl.angeaMo world this is! One day weaio kings, tlte next fiodd UB clawed in G lower case.

Bun Johnson, I see, ii a convcit to Iho idea that It IBFOLLY TO BLUSTER ABOUT SALARIES.

"The magnates" have been misguided in tbia matter tr

-cou'd pay lh» salaried d^nsanned by plavers at,d /ire, if U teas iiotfof the alleged iitifjuitous t-.tiei system. The Bja- teiu that i* » is pliiyt-rH iu "the slttve market" makes it possible for the clubs t> pay thimi twice a« much aa 'r -

COLUMBUS CHATTER.The Tri-S(ate League Presidency—Manager

IJuckenhergtT 3Iakcs au Kxplanatioii Club News and Xoles.COLUMBUS, Feb. 1. Editor SPORTING LIFT:

The Tri-State Leaguo is a g", nnd it will be run on much more business-like principles than the one ol' vorc. It haj been hiutecl in several papers in tho Tri-State Lfague circuit that President McDermith would be relegated to the rear, and Col. Tiiylor, of Miinstiold, elevated to the position. Of course it was simply tho wild ravings of know it-all reporter,*, who had not the slightest foundation fir such a break. There can bc~no 1'uult fuund viih President McUcr- mith's iidministration, for a harder working, more painstaking official I never saw, and his cool, calculatingjudgtnent, idjust what is needed in such an orsanizatton.

BCCKKNBSfiGKR GETS BACK.Mr. Freeman, the Kansas City correspondent

of THE SPUIUJSU LIPB, says in writing about tho Johnson case, wherin he briefly gives the flatus of the Johnson case as it is now: "Man­ ager Buckenbcrgcr will tind out that he has made a mistake, just as he found out that he laid niHi'o a nun take ft f*-w davs ago, wLf D he tclc- 11aphel a falsehood to I'reti.'cnt Sp^-w a-id tried t.j c*u at thtf club out of §2<K). Man.'S^r WittUlnt ha-i oHerefl C'ulumbiia McT;im..ny for 11,000 Uucken- te--K*-r telegraphed Pie Urot Sp<us:

" 'Watkius offers McTauittuy for £600. Will you coo- fir m Kilo? 1

"V,'ba( the Ooltim!'U8 man txpect^d w\8 thnt Pre-i- dent Spent" would toll iu:«> HIP little echemu ti>>'J ne would get tLe p!u>er for SfeiKi Mr Spi-us di.iu't full and Coluii.biH had lo |:iy tiie $\,i*A). NOH-, I do-a'i know what Buck cult rgcr thi nits of kind ol «oik, Lu: it look* mm 1 to mo. Th* dishonorable pirl of U ia t> o apparent for refe-enct "

TliU aj pc.ired like t-vetty -ttons Ittnztiage t'» DI*-, nnd it occurred to tn« tliaf I \v».uld wjit* to 31nhaj;ur I>ickenl>erger at Detroit uud get hia version 1 havo it; iu ro :t IK

"DETROIT, Jan. 28. I wish you woul 1 set me right in THE SPORTING LIFI. Tlml KuDsaa Citv article « i it- ten by Krt-eman ia ^ery uro:i^. Whoe'er Wikfiff nud II«ny Stcvi-tii were at tiie depot when I had the LO:I- verisHtion wi'li Whtkins ul'Oiit aicT;ini»my V. u know we offered W..tkiiifl fe"5») for BficT., «hKh they woiilt not accept. As V a'kina wi s ft:-out tu btep on tt;« truiu he made tliis r- unrlc 'McTaruaiiy \i wort'i SS''"J t«> m?.' I aneiviTfd: 'Supposing 1 c-»n get our directors' couaeoUo piy f80d; will you take it?' He said: 'Wire me »t I'itKsburg to-m-irrow/ which I d d,lmi the niesiage wns n-tunied nudeiivere.i, Watkius having left tho town. Not knowing hia wli*-ifat:out», I wir^d Mr. Spras ask in a: him if ht- \v<.ul 1 c TiB'-ul to cell for thataiuouut. llpaiwwerei: 'Ifyou will n.,t jay £1,000, wttive t;lHim;' wheivupon we close:! tho de^l.

' Now Ffi'emiin'd article is very ninlicious anrl pu's me iu a very bad liyl't I don't waU to li.ivo pe-ople think I dcr*n'l upon scheming to meet with succeed. I di;n'l do busim63 in th»t wuy."

There nre both sides. It isn't necowry for this spare and wl at it contains toeqinire Mni^^er Buckecber-er, . for all who know him here ktio* him 1c tin credit, but for the benefit of others, who d.> nol know him, and who rt^ai THE SPOUTING LIFK. this IH made. 3Ir. Freeman, I believe, ha^ been mi&inf.jrmed, aud will, \vlicn hu'oeute Mr. Bucbenberger, »yree with me that he to uot that kin<i of a peraju. auJ is a gentle­ man from luegf.jiind up.

In connection with thi^ su'ject I desire lo say that Ihivoj'ist met J.nuny IVoples, md wai distn^iug Fieiman's attack on "Bi:ck"und People* s«ld. "Why I reuiemb' r tiie circunntatjct-s, ar;d know 'JJuck' is right. I iiuiistiocily re.m'niber he ifing th:it idoutictit convcrritition touio time, but 1 can'c lemtaibtr juot

whcu ur where."CALLED DOWN.

My friend Brunei! call.i me d*-wu on the ft eneth of wluit I paid iu reply to tin criticism of the mo ality of the receut Tii-SUito League placers. !Ia thinkH J am wrong or t!mt my originul lignc?* cf 25 p*-r cent do ii'it come as uenr tfle truth in Kacertaiu DJ fie number < t hard drinkers i;i the Lenpue ua his at bO per c- nt. Well, maybe not. I happened to b-J pt;vce-l iu a po-.j- tiou where 1 could know with n f.ur degree of accu­ racy, else 1 3fio!ildu't rmve dwpulel ti:f, stntemcut rmide by Mr. Biuuell, aud ngret* that C-.lnmbus auJ ToUfdo did not represent nil i r nearly all of the thir*l- qii»nclit;i J in :he League, but I fitlirm they pro'jsilly were ihe worst. Yet tt ia, alter all, o^ly n diHereuct' of opinion, and I want Io say rigtt here, friend Bru- ucll, yon iin-l 1 cancot, nor will vc. qt;arrel about U. Althufi^h it's bygoncB. I fchouKIn't have referred to it in Ihe first plnee, if I didn't 8e* a stri-jug and wrongful rellfeCliun t.u m^ny line and gentlemanly ball players.

COLUMBl'S UNIFORMS.3t lias bofn rept-rtcd, allliousli with what authority

is unpaid, th;:t (,'olumbua Inn selt-ctej uniforms for next Si-a-iun. There will bo, it is said, two in us*1 a blue ii'id a black. Tho blue will consist of dark navy blue hhiri, r.anta and f-tockings, blue or white cap, and white belt. The other M'ill consi-t of black Jersey shift and puiU^, bl.Hck s-tockings find cap, aod white bt-U. Oue of tbo dirojtors, however, hits denied that anything bas b&en said about tho uniforms, BO it in in .doubt as yet.

NOTES.Twitchell and Duck luve ginned contract? nnd sent

them toClovelrtnJ. Twitchell will got 42.000 aud Duck £1,500.

There is a g^uera! deeire on the part of many Col­ umbia people let aee a trade male of Daily for Twitchell.

Jimmy Pe*ple« hn? befrun gymnasium practice. Ho will pull his weight down to ISO poubda by April 1.

The Theatre is daily us?d by Duck, Twitchell, Nick Ilatidiboe, Con gtrotbers, Milt West and all Ibe players winieriuz here.

Three thousand dollars will be iperit upon the bail park nnd buildings this *pricg, Columbus will uot liuve cauae to blush at tuo appearance of its grand stund.

Tho edict baa pone forth that dcad-lifadi^m uext season will bo reduced to a ir.lniinum. It is wull,

Gus Scfcmelz goes to Cincinnati tliie week on buei- ness for the club.

If Manager Ilarrineton puts his ibouMer to the wheel tbe Tri-Stato League will b« a piirp thing in 1S&9. F. W. ABNCLD.

Providence Pickings,PROVIDENCE, Jnn. 28 Thnt base boll !* etill an lo-

tfrest to alarga mass of people ia shown by the crowds that gather aiouud tho bulletins nightly during tho ff-u-<on to eec (ho result of the day'd gmneB.........JceStart is «round and looka the pink of health......... Win.Sullivan, of tbe clanipion LoweMa, h ia fiue condition. Sully will be among tbe leaders iu Ilia class the com­ ing eea§orj.,.......Morgan Murphy is around and allright and will do credit to the club that secure? him .........Abncr Claflin, of the famous old Atlilttic?. ofSpringfield, Ma«« , 13 working at th9 watch case busi- DP«*I fyr ihe LatM Co. Al-ner li looking iu the best of condition.,.......Evaufl, pitcher, and McWilliams, leftfielder, of the champion Atlantics, aro both good men und heavy hitters and would maTte g iod men for eoruo minor league club........-Charles Wtlls, tbe cb.impinn mntcur bicycle rid«r of Kent County, R. I., is in cou- Bt»nt practice aud will be ut*rd fiuuj tLe coming seaauu.

ll draw aa much ug ttcy u;au ia tho country," is all lculated to arotite the apiiit of ret elliou iu the old eu. It is noniwuge t>> make such n "liow-de-do"

over the niatu-r uf silarifp, and if a ni.inai:cment can keep all its financial fitldire inside cover, so much the belter for it. Its |ii(t.s will be kmoutber and there Mill be !ees cftine fur lo->s of sic*-p on the |>art of the monied men ot* tho panto. What i i«lu has the i>ubl:c t ) know how much 'Jays" WcGmu's gets f^r playing third? If he is cute enough lo vork u Jr2,!'"0 contr:u-t out of '"tho boss- s' 1 and makes itmre errors «nii le.-ss baas hiti tlmu 6we-t-8Cent*-d Btlly JoMuU at shorf, who is starting: on a ?2,('00 salary, why Job Iota will Hick like a &t< er lor thdt t-xti-a MOO, and it is tinman nature for him to ur^ue this wav. ''If that dub gch S^lOiH'm worth 32,400." Aud a'j the black t-p-tk of war has growu until it ihr-atetm tho diacinlino of nt>ai Iy

uow e is "Ie king of uu-piio',' 1 and are glad ho ia iu ihe Association aiaia. Tho mi-re secrecy on the efil-ry quest io>, ihe plainer ttie Knilin.;. 1 think ColoiK'l iIujT> Steru-, Hided and abettt-d by thnt c*-r- I u etit •co of mi^ch.t-f, Col. A. S. Steru, hui dark de- sigim ou llurry Weldou, J-diosoii uud my;o.f. Ptr- haps they wanted to see us

JOIN THE HALF-HEAD ARMY,aad if at tho end uf a month we h-ivo not lost enough hair to entitle us to perch on the plmh iu *\-pit nav" at tiie baliet, 1 will lost* my gue^t. W« have a nice,


oa-iseo ,,r e ampon" of the gross receipts will be divi It-U umoDg inn ci.n- tfstattts twenty p:-r cent, to the vk-tt r-, «i:d ;eu per ceut t" tho victiuia, Di>cliti-nn:ni and \\.\\i ado/en otlv-r »tr«pping country hovtt are iiiteresU-d in putting in a team t f gianfs fn<m Uinnn and fl^rrisun. \\ill 1,'llery, whu was an Ohio L-sfjne umpire for a fii.-nt time, hope-* to «;r^airze tho pennant witui-ra «r IJvll^vue, Ky. It takt-a an amateur to pick up mtitifr! "Hi*- White CAJ s'' are ftlreiidy ou (-ar«li, rfiuly hero to ru!o the diamond IuUi»ri tiibe^i are (" rp- tuatcd by juv.-nile "Kt.o ,kt rs." A;\(-t!jer itio^-ting will not 1* In-lit f-ir some time. T\vu -;ther amateur iett^uo^ are fonniiiK ii'ilej^-ii'Ii-ut of the suburban <'iX!tui/aticn3 -lie Miami Vull-.v aud tiift Amateur ba-ta ball around CmtiLiiati will Le wry very tirtd n> xt6ttt30U. f

A CHAT WITH "oi.n niCKOUV.''"I h«Vf not tet'U Mr. St^rti ftince tlso '28 Jh of Octo­

ber, " uiti'l "Jiicjt-' : Carpt-n *r tn_Die this tnornifir. "!he "old nun" i-* Kurd ai work Ht the "Gvni ," twining every dty. losing: a wo'gM-d b^il, tiamping the fcm l.aik, eiidmir the exercib-; with a bath un t rub-lowu. Continuing he1 <-aid: "There has Lee;i no 1riii;blu be­ tween us, and all I kuow is that I Imv.' read lo'^ of in- tt-rvie-As wiih him in which lie stud, he waa going to pHl another player on third."

"ll(- d --fiiita iKat," I veutnrtd. "All the yarns romo from tho ouUi-Je. Why duo't you go down aod call on tjitn?"

"In be home? To ttil the truth I hate to bother liim at bis pl:ice of busn-e-?. Tlie:e are always so ui»uy an that he nirwly dnn'1 Wfint io dcvoto much time lo base ball plajers. No*, there was thnt Jim Duviu tt ry-"

"He don't wnnt to displace yon, T am sure, and the Dav a story fame hko a eiirprite purty."

And tlit-re you are. I t»m su:e tht-ra would he DO occasiun for RO mucit talk if ttie conferences 1 etwee n p'a>er«aud manat/cr woui'l takeptuce. Aa it is, l here is ruom for «-xaggertvtoJ «t«rio-«, po^^sinj; f.erhajw a grufn of truth, but which are ui^ulli-jd a I: uud rod told.

' Hick" Carpenter looks well. AVhile in Iowa he Laggo 1 considerable eiua<l pa me. Mcl'li-e. Tetxati, Jack Boyle, and "Lefty" Marr jiro tht.*e wlm are pet­ ti UK into coodition. "Shorty*' Ftil'er hurt hia ankle aligritly yeakrday, but the' injury will not prove gtriocd.

THE CAPTAINCY QUBSTI03Trerr.iins uose'tied and it nny uot bo decided tiotil after the tpring (.'xhilitiou g.nues a e over.

"T!;at is a matter I leave en'irely w ith ?chme!z," was ihe way President Steru discns-^el tlio htibjecr,

"1 lienr there i.i a little oprosi'ion to cif," rcinrti keel ,,161.**^ tb'ri u^tiiniiiK, "tut I urn fure I liever »^ko I a single n ember of tho team to do anything t»u,t was not tight while I h«M ihe position list fall. I wanted evtry man to play tall to wiu from start to fniL-h. 1 wanio-1 every man to rnu a^ last he could to finr. Tliftt i^ nil. 1 did not a^k for the n'ace before, nnd if I am reiippoiuled there will bo no occMsion for protests Jrom any innn who plays to get tn^re."

Oiio of the aiinniii;^ rnmora extent is to the effect that the mauilo i_f the captain would fall upon "Bus;" Uolliuay. This loads the Cleveland Leader YoUfg man lo bredk n drawer Bt;iug so: "Tho appointment of 'llux' Holliday tu the captaincy of tho llt-da would le an unjust tliuz at such faithful veterans as McPh<e and Reiliy." L; ut > the tender care of Frank Bruneil I would command him. Tell him. Francisco, that '-ELIK" will nut fool ihe lightning strike this trip.

liiive you iK-tired that red streak (trrosa tlie sun during the last week? Well, sir, there is

THE DEUCC ON TAPHehl here in thi.-t t-eaceful borough of onre. At one lime it looked like a duel an nv.-fui c image and down at th-j Uouatol-'gy Cfub tongue* were vaeging madly. The t rinti|»l-? Listc.i to the lale of woi-: And it came to pass ou the third d«y of December, 18S8 A D., (hat ono Gns H. Schmelz lauded to the skies the p:\latablo hae^'-npfeffer, nnd from that hour until th« present "His Wltiekcrlcta" has been culled "Uas'n'pt'fer. 1 ' T!ie kidding Sfa-on grt-w (in r.pace, and Harry We:don declared t!:at "Home Swact Ilijmo" and "The KnuaTh;it Novor Came" «p oultl be played by tlio wind through Gus' whiskers when the rcbim ueste.l ID ; 89. Follow-in jt this musical information this awful teltgram was sprung upoa the guardian of tho Hods:

"Gus SCHMKLZ, Columbus. Ohio: TVke first limited ve-tibule train for Cincinnati. There was a load of haaenpfffrer, siuer kraut and garlic sausage dumped at Ibe Ciucinnati Park yesterday. Come on, fur God's e;ik'.'! I am foundered, and my partner, Ileiney, has the (jout. GENERAL 'Dfirscif OEIILER."

That was more than Gusuvua could stand and in red ink ho wrote to "iJis Ciicltvilles" in thia stralu:

"You mr.y crit'cise my management, but when you drag in perdODalanairn I will defoiid myself as best 1 know how."

Tho letter was so bot lhat it burned Harry's finders and scorched all tho grccu Lair off George Washiiig- iii^ttm'g head on the etaiup. There WBS o ma;-sinK of 11 »iibto'ogy fjrcea at ouca. Hike Aruold and Al. Jennitifis were suggested as secocdn and wiener wurtta as the weapons. Col. Stero, the litilu penren>aktr, WHS called ID, end a l»;ttla of buT restorer quieted the troubled waters. Gus is 0. K. So ia Hairy. At Colum­ bus in March tho hatchet will be buried and Frank Arnold and Ed, K. Rife wilt be aabcd to act as pall- beaters at the funeral.

PICKED UP AT RANDOM.Pat Zirgler may return West to pitch for one of the

Colorado League clubs. So may George Creighton. The latter ha* a nice position with the Louisville aod Naehville Kailroad now and will rjot throw it up unless he can do better on Ihe dmmoud. lie tells mo that a Kacsaa League is a possibility, for Wichita has written for his terms.

Hen Drischol Is disappointed in being left out fa the new Toledo dt-al. The faithful do not always draw their reward in this world-

All the toys are "decidedly fistic" this week, and the presence of iH-nny Cos'igan aud Jack Dtrnpsey baa drawn them all to the People's.

"Bm:k" Ewing is not all proud-not a tit of It. He smiles a» affably as of yore, and will not run for Mayor eviD if a new catcher's glove baa Ucj named after him.

Frank Gillespfa, tho mute pitcher, assumed clerical duties ID n mercantile bouse Monday. He is still firm in his determination to "catch OD" somewhere, and if all other clubs fail him will try and pitch for one of the clubs in the CitKinrjaU Aaiuteur League.

rre^-ieal &t«iu m,&4e "a flying trip*' to St. Louis last

week over one day and back before a man could whistle Jack Itobinsou.

There H an Elmer Smith in the Bellefue Club. Heplajs second base.

Thu Amateur League players will be asked to sign a special contract.

CU'eaco G. Baldwin is in Quincy, 111. Clarence, so Daaio Humor siyc, has ft pocket full of Matches He is about to ligiit Hymtifs torch. Jfliedo^s "ijtep oft"' Piesident Stern saya ha will d-.i the hiHdsome by him.

As us'iaf, tho Rids o;«u the season with picked nines, the paps to be filled by lo<:al players. These games will bo filled March 30 and ^1. The- Pittsbiir^* are due April 1, 2 and 12; Sprlngfitld, III., Club, wiih Uarry Fuller, 3il aud 4th; Milwaukee, 8;li, and ToleJo 14th. 15th and IGth. Oilier boc-kings will be made.

Secretary Harrj Sterne has given up his Eis'trn trij). He infende<l to stop over at AlloKheuy and say "HowMe" to Elmer Smiih. KEN MuLrojiD.jR.

LOUISVILLETACQNICS.The Stains of the Ilecker-Coolc I>eal—A

Sale Blocked—A Team for tlio Southern League Items Gathered Here and There. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Jan. 20. Editor SPORTING

LIFE: The probability that Hecker nnd Cook might be traded to Baltimore for Tucker and a bonus, was the cause of mush talk here, and most people wished it to be true, although they had little expectation that it wa^. I asked Mr. DavUson about the matter, and he said that Tucker's playing attracted hia attention the first time the Ualiimores visited Louisville last sea­ son. He and ilr. Barnie were together, and he rcioarked to the latter that there was one man in the Baltimore Club whom ho would like very much to have. ''Who ia that?" asked Barnie. "Tucker, )-our first baseman." Barnie smiled und np'.iol that ho wasa.good en?. Theio thn innt- tt-r was dropped, aud nothing more was siiJ about it until lately.

The iipplo nf excitement among basi bal' peop'e, cre­ ated by tlie Ttickwr talk, bus sul«tdoJ since everyone is now well Hwaie thnt there ia no chance to <>bt>iu Tucker. The tnt'.lo. it bean nmdo, would. I think, h:ive been a pood one fjr Louisville. Tucker B quite a tavoiite here, and bis accession w;ocld have added coiiBidi-nib'e sirencth to the LcuiftTJllo teun. 1'reai- d'-nt DrtvidiOD, however, bas uot entirely given up hojte, a'thonph h« eaya it lo^ks verv mudi un if the w lio'e tr«de was ofif. Popple won U-r a gou.l d« al what Mr. David.<on wllldo with He ker aud Cook, b::t the fact of his a-kinj the Association teams to waive (lai.-naon them causes one to nmko niuuy er.ruiisfs. Owing 'o this the theory naturally advanced is that ho lias had an offer t) eel! t r tnulo them to the Washing­ ton LeRgne Club. I am pretty sure that Ileckcr would like to go iuto tno League SevtTul JCJKS lt^o lie told ni" tt-;it he would jump at the ct:nnce tu co with one of the clubs uf tho older oraauiz'ition if tho Assocm- ti >u would allow him to do so. Hut slnco Bf-nif of the Ass ciiitioo clubs refuse to waive cJiilm upon h:m Hiid (.-'ook ho is not liktly ever now to have the oppor­ tunity.

A SOUTHERN LEAGUE MOVEMENT. The li'llpee Cinb, cf tliis City, is likely t-j be trans­

ferred to tho tfuiiihu'u Lmgue. The Vclipse team i* tiie str. ngeat ot the locwl numtfur clubs, and has U-en in i-xie'cnco for five or six ^eur^. Ii luis turned out ninny {-layers whcso names uro fnmitiiir to tt=w bdee tall imbiic. It i* quite a strong ««gren:«tii>o, last st-i*- g, n winning pames fr.m Uulliis, the Chicago \Vhit- lug*, tiie Cincinnati Slianuock-, the New Albany Browns und olhfts. The present muke-up is as lows: ^inc'n, Dani* U nud Yo-cl. j itcherp; Eell- nuin nnd Ilurucit, cnlcijcr-; .llt-iritznMii, first I use, Frank Jlocci«», second b=isf; Striper, thini bnee; Sh.phortsrop; KnJolph , It-It field; ,I. Itt-ccm*, cei.tre fi"ld; one of thepiuht-rs plitys rigi t fieUl. Mr. J. W. P.fcciu- is tlie iiwner and niiiiuifi^r cf "he teun, feud be s«id yesterday to m*-: "KuraLiont ten d**ys negotia­ tions liavo been on foot to tninsf-. r t*ie Ecl:pso Club lo one *>f the Soritlu-rn Leigne t-itiis I do n. t care lo name Ihe town jet, tut they nre very uhxioiu to get my boys there, nml 1 ihinlt the trn'Io will be luti-e. I believo t!ie Ei;!ip-e team is tho ef|i-al in strength of any t<-«m tht-y are likely to get duwn ihere, aud if the b;>is K.' th'iy will do fomo lively hustling for the Southern League pennant."

Recr-inn lias h;id a great deal ^>f exj erifnco in 1 ase ba"'l especially in the South, lie eatabhsbsd ti.e first jrt-niiine profrssii'nal base ball te«n» lhat ever existed in thnt tectiMi, Iu It-84, when i ast* bull rectivtd such :i tromenduona b om, At'aMn hud a good nntati-ur team culL-il Ibe Atbleuc-*. 5'acon an-l Cnhunbus, ( »., bad MrtDliir uincs, aud tbero WHS much viva'ry (unong ibe tlirt-f. A thin l:i, iu order to htrenpt'ieu bcr < lub, tfsnt here to Kecoius foi i4»jt'rs. II* eont tbem mem­ bers cif d e Eclip.49 T'lue, and I piVr« tlis e^nson was i vr the At initn Club \v is formed tilnn«t entirt'iy 'f F»ouisvil'e piayeis furuisbcd by Billy Il-cc'iia. lfa»e b:iH eriihtisi-am run eo bi^h tbat tho uc\t year tlm Southern iitu.unc was formed, mid tl;o Atluitt:* Cl-ib, couiHiuiug u number of Louisville playcis, won the

LOCAL PLAYERS SIGNED.Doug Crotlif-a, niMUa^nr of He U«lla< team, has

bet-n in this city for several days p'.sl. fcnta f'.'ii*- sint-o I mid in THE SronTi.vo LIFK that the ie<m« in the t-'uinli would do wi'll to si-nd n<i* :re in I.ouiHvill- aft*-r p1(n-er», aa there were-plenty nf them hei» cf i*uffic;en: cittibte I" >v tl.e minor ur>,'ani/,:iticii'i It &te:ii-* that th^-.v art 1 ctrinninp to find my words correct At h-aat Cn.theM israiisii.d wiih the result ..f h-V vU't h* re He has signed ho h Jack Wt-nt/ KU 1 IVto Dani^l.s to 1 Uy wish Dallas ccxi seat-on. Weiitz wapiti the T(-XAS Ltvigua lii-t yi «r and was n great fav^-ritH d'jwn tlu-re. A jfi-o 1 litany nr^ed up n I'reei.ltnt D«vii*rf;.n t'i-i=rn him for L ui^ville. but 3!r. D»tvidsun thought h-* was ti o iijfht for Aas-vcifttion company. Pe^e Drtiiit-ls wad rii::az'd by .'uhn Kt l!y for iho I.onievillee last season. I!f had [ireM'.usly pU> ed in Wic!.iUr.i!(l other West- d-ii tnwiiH. It MUS thcmjcht. he was (juiie a pruttiihini; Iwirler, but h-s W.H never played in a c!iH!ii;>i.>nbhip pnino snd ttiiaslurily rcK-rtsaJ. I think h« will do well iu Texus.

RAYMOND ALL RIGHT.>- It seems now lo be prelly well >Hllad that Raymond will bt- back here next year to cover th : ni b-ge fyr LouisV:llo. I stated in Tl! E ^ 1-1FE he b«d received <.ffer!) lo «r»y iu California, ant wrctti to MHtia^r Diividsurt as if hij roturn to Kentucky were

'riMiier dnhiona. At tho;e time I sail 1 thuujrbt Iliiynrtiid s actions were dictated by a desire to furc^ nn « ff-r ot big; or eal;iry frcm the L'Kitville Club. A few t'avs ntfo Kerins r. ct-iv^d a letter from Ka> mond iu whicb be statod dvfin'te'y that he would return to Louisvit)« ariy in th*1 aiTing, an ho liked L- u:6vi!!o, t?i« Lonisviilo temn and M.linger I>;»vjt^ n. With ihe pla}ia<; he baa done this w.i.tu. Iii»jn/.i.d OWR lo !/e iu fiuo form for tbe o[>ebiLg gam ad next

MINOR MENTION.Hecltor is a ? c!i at lih hcnie in 0;1 City.Hed.'ly Mack will [irobMbK.luiTa lhl« week on that

long expected trip to lift 8r.ri*.;*s,Scott Stiatton is Btickinji to hi4 homo Iu Taylors-

ville. He is now selling gooda for one of tbe etoies

I!u'?o ITcIljiirn is still rushing hia applicaUon fr.r pos't'on on n=e AMKxi'itio:i £l:iff';f uinpi'rua. M^s. B , Dav <3-;m and J'hclrs are naiiij* their influence for hluj and Mr. Hariiie ii alf-o Raid to favor him.

bib Cork, th? liro'jklyn ci.tchor, who lives in Cov- ingtou, ia in tbe city on u visit to his friend Iteddy Mack. Ho stys rhat all the members of his club have &i£n«.i fft nt-xL. eciVK'i, except hin.fetlf and Snii'h. He thinks Brooklyn ou«bt to win the peethct ot 1389.

Dan Shannon's cfintruct wilh Louisville Lua been tipprovid l>y President WiJtofT iiotwitbtt^ridi'JK the numerous predictions tbat Newark won)a mako trouS'le.

It is reported liere lhat Will White, our former thcrt 8top, is to manage th*. tcnm cf^andusky, Ohio.

A new iark id \n lo li.rnled at ThtrlceMli nnd Wulimt streets, aud strong ci-lored (--lubi will pVv ti:c-i-e every Sni:d«y. Tbere are eeveral good colored teams hi tt;o city.

Coibf-tf, of this c'ty, w!;o played la>t reason with S'. Paul, I ( a8 received an off* r from tbe club of EvaLsvilie, Ii.d , but has not yut accepted it.

President Eavi hon wi-.bea it stated lhat be did n^'t relieve Keiim of ihe captaincy of the club berause ho thought him inc'-)mpatent. Kerlns Icing a caicbc-r only, be could not play ia nil the fram-'a. He thouubt it was n»ccP3iry tu h:tve Iho captain iu every gun-" an'1 tberefcre ho appointed Esteibrook.

PrfBideut David on has received Eiterbrook's etgLei conlrwct. Ti nmiv wrote Blr. Dividai,n tbat he appre­ ciated tbo h.uiurof Leius; selected to captain the ttium, and would eudeavor to perform well tbe duties cf '

Th.t reaches In the grand and the wire work at Ecliise Park have been newly painted. J. A


A New Club Organized With a Clean Score to Start With.

HAMILTON, Ont., Jan. 30. Hamilton will have a team next summer, and it will be a good ono. The Association was organized last night, when a meeting of tho fub;cribcrs WHS held at tbe St. Nicholas Hotel. There waa a large at­ tendance. AM. Janiea Dixon was appointed chairman, and Richard Mack ay acted ua secre tary. For a time it looked ac if the gcfitlemcn who have been instrumental in keeping the team alive would throw up the ppontre, owing to the kicking of T. W. Kalston, one of tho subscribers, who raised a point about the liabilities of the Ass< cintion, which amount to about ftiOO. Ho was op; osed to iho sew Association assuming any of the dtbU ot liet S9«non T d team. This difficulty was oter- comeby Crouki AStmuil and the old directors, who arc the ptincipal creditors, consenting to waive their c'nims. Tin-re is enough money outstanding, consist- in^ of subscriptions an-J unpaid stock, to liquidate tho liabilities, to there are virtually no dtbt*. Tbe next bujiueas was t!io election of d.rectors, which resulted in the following gentlemen being selected: Aid. James Dixon, W. R. Duvis, John FatterEon, It. B. Skinner, E. J. Moore, Wai. Malcolm and Richard Bluckay. Only time of the directors were members of Iwat rear's bourd. The directors met aub^equeutly and appointed Ulchard JIuckay st'cretary.

There i* DO reason why the team should nol flonrieh. About Sil/iOO IIHS been eubscril-etl «nd au efl.trt will be m»do to have the amount increan-d to So.UOO. Kd Swartwood will be engaged na manager. Tbo direc­ tors teleiriaribed him to b« 'n-r* on S»turd«v to confer with tli em about the Bigniug of players. ApplicRtions have be^n received from enough players to fill up a couple of leaiiiB. It is likely that several flret-claat men will be eijined io a couple ol days, and the wise­ acres who feel confide nt that LUni:ll<m will be a tail- cuder uiaj get slipped uy.

WATKINS VS. BARNIE.Manager Walking I>*-feiidocl Facts and

Correspondence Called, to His AW in the Umpire Question Interesting Disclosures as to Salaries, Etc.KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 23. Editor SPORTING

IFK: Your Baltimore correspondent wrote a peculiar letter last week. Ha seems to think :hot I have been imposed upon by Manager Watkins. J cannot say that he has been im­ posed upon Ly onycne. I should 3 l'd*e th^t he hn a decp-*t'ared Knidge against Manager \VaUiD«. There s malice iti the writ'ng of "T. T. T.," and nn!:ce of

no common sort. He dips hia pen iu venom aud spreads t out in a column of cnnlou, shooting f«r wide of tno

mark and iho truih from bepintJrij; to end.U-t me sny for Mr. Watkiii?, wlu-ii tiie letter which

Barnie and ttie Baltimore coirtafcr.d.-nl corn;:l iin of was written, Mr. Watkina hud tever mentioned um­ pires to rne. He had never suggested lhat I "score'' Mr. Barnie in any way. Wbat was wrilteu was writ- en on rr.y own VvMiion. I have taken a lick at the

corrcspoudt-Dco, at "T. T. T.'s" sii^estion, and find nothiug to alter my opinion. 1 will s-*y that Mr liarnie has usurped Iho function of uu entire com­ mittee. I gay tbal as spt-cimena of pure utiadnl'i-ratfcd iicrvo. bin netkins are unsQ'jal'eJ, aua the cories- >ondence uiil sliow tt.

As fur »* hi* tirade a-alnit Mr. Wntklts is con­ cerned, I IIHVC very little to eay. With bass t-a!I men who lint w Mr. Waiklns the It-tier M ill gn for no hiu*. Those who are unacqtMiiitsd with Kan-ai City's inmi-*gfrr wj:i rpcognl/fj ru-m the corre-p"mloi.ce b<-l »w how vt-ry wiJoof tin* truth are "T. T. T V itaterr.cLM.

In the fin-t place, Mr. Watkius has usurped nothing, fie is iicilng t T the Kansas City Club aud tor Mr. Speaa and Mr. Kraut buff, because tho-e gentl-'iiifti .avo not iht> tim-? to atieud lo tte^i n:atteia. When Minims City w:n mt upon the umpire committee nil he co; rt-spoi.deuce ftom applicat-ti WHS given to Mr.

Krauthoft, thrivby making him chairman of tho com­ mittee. Mr. KraiithotT lurntii over thise documents to Sir. Walking a-,tl told him lu atu nd to thf mutter. It

i in this wuy that Manager Watkina Utctiiue con- Ci-iued iu the matter.

THE FIHST OIMML'NIC.MION.The cnnesponJeuce between Jje-w-rs Watkim and

Puruie is rcierred ro again and ag;t>c n- proof positive- thtit Mr. Watisics has acted oiitrnget.U'ly 1 t " ^na Mr. Watkirw that this cuirt-spocdccc*: te leprociuctil. It is ii,ten-stills reading, atyLow. The nrstletter was

' KANSAsCiTY.Mo..Dec. 17.1SSS W Bo'ni«. 2»7- Manager B<tUti»ore iSase Btll Club—Dtnr S.* Ihete- nre applications for uiupirt&hip In truiu Kes-feiidea, Pare SuilivoD ( ormerly of CMc-nco). RoU-rt Matht-ws, J Clinion, I' 1'ike, J Holland, CLaa Briuily and W J. Carlin. Most of these I have u-rltttn to. 1 a!*o i'ioti GafliH'y, a ie;»ly to which I received lo-nigbt ty

wire as follows 'My eaiary tuuat be same as last r, Rum" conditions. Ciiii K*'t coii-iJi'TtiMy more.

£uw\] J. It. Gufluey.* What dj .you think, and wl o do you pi'ffer amongst lhos«* named ubovef Jts- senden. Sullivan and llo'.htiid nre u&oil meo. U.

tbvvg. I think, wuuld m-tkt* a very good man. Will jou Uinrily ttdvisc me vhat yciir ideas art-on the umpire qiieeti-ju? Yours veiy truly.

W. U. WATKINS." Thf second letter leads:"KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. IS. 1S88. IF . B**ne. Ei-j.,

Riltimore. jM-l—btt*r ifir:— O. F tiu.liviin, formerly umpire in the N'ationnl League cf >C, now a customs oflict-r in Ciiicjco, ui«k.u aj.pHcatioii for a p(jeitif». He is a first-clues i:uip re, and wa* eucc- S3 f ul iu the Leaxue. I offered him $1,400, subject, of c-Jinse, to tiie approval <f tba cotuiu'lteo. Wb«t di you ntlvititf. "Moatc aiiswtron receipt of ;his. Yours very tr-ily,

W. 11. WATKINS." Then t!ii<) Me;»r'.m was recoiv«d: "UnuOKi.YN, N. Y.. Dec. 20, 188S. L. 0 K'^ihojT.

\<nMit C.iy, JUo. JJrti-Die req'iesta me to wire juu ho n.3 secured Ferx»*on Negotf:iiinj with GalTm-y ami .InU-tud. Lattv-r strongly roccmmended. Have jou

auy autigos iut.8, Answer bcrt-.[Sillied] C. B.EVENE."

A M1I.D EPISTLE.Now, while no GIH ribj*-ct« to FergusoB. wasn't It «n

assumpfion c>u linruie's p .rt h- sign nim wituout aay- iiiR a \vi>r'l lo ihe f-ther nifmbera of tbe umpire ctun- uiiitre. Still Mr. Wuikius wrote very corduliy as fol­ low

-KANSAS C:TT, Mo, Dec. 22. 1883 W Bumie, E*q., Ttf<n,f.r,tr Kollunore Bate ISnil Club—Dear Sir:— Mr. iijrno'a U-h^ra-n to 31 r. KrauthotT bunded to mo aud answon-d in Mr. KraulhnfT'a i-an;e. that we n) prove 1 cf Fersn-on's PD^ag;-metit if ea'ary is mtiefactory. of which Mr. Byrne iu lih tflfj^rrtiii said nothing. 1 wrote you leilin^- you thatI had op md rorr«'spondoi:ce with several of the un.pirrs n-im:nu'tbt'iu. I have hrarJ fr»m IloiUud ftinl I-'es-emlon, accepting a salary of £1,200 aud ex- ix-nvs for the season. 1>. F Sullivan, of Cliicsfco, v^ould iinifirf for tbe ra;ne fu?nre, 1 tliink, altbough I told him «e woro paying 81,100. By r-nGcngit.g IU-I- !ai.d, Fess«?i*den or ^uiiivan, or two cf tbeai, we would Lave a great staff of mnp-'res if we CM.Id secure Guflnoy and F. rguson.ts tlmt would leave us SS.COO wiib wbicli tuen^ags thelafcl two narded if it were needed IG §erure their c*-i vi- e-j. Our prtft-rence ia far Sullivan Mii>1 ilul'and, a»we tuiiik tliem tii^ most competent, ahd Fesit-nden, it' ueeJoJ, a., lie is undoul>iedly a goo-J lu-tn, with lots *if nerve arid hout-et. I hope ihat if yi.u bavo talked or w itt>-n to tlie-fe umpires tbat I vrote t->, our ii-rius do n >t conflict. Sin^eyow have stcured Fi-r^u9«jn let us know on what terms. If two uf u« kttp diekeiiiiie « Itn the others we will &*•!. things mixed. It wiii be far bitter f..T man to attend to ihe correspondence wi:b tlis remaining uinp ; r^o to be t;tg!ij£«d. 1 -peiitfd coirepp-na*-noy with ih«?in us H!I tli« Hin/licatioi.s wtre \ lac«J in the hai;d<» of Mr. Ktau- tliofl, HoJ t.e t,att.rrt lly tupl o^t-d he was or we (the K. C. U. H. C ) was to aimngf terms with nil the umpnea {exc^ptiDii; Ftrguson, you and Mr. Krauthoff afro'.-in^ tluil y .u weie lo Bee him,) Bii^ject to tl e HJ proval of tit committtc Af- the umpire question isvt-iy ini- [.'CUHi.i, and u u were attending to yum theatrical tujm*-o3 we L; id not ttilak ycu would* to pive it tlie time it wt.v.l.i i«ke. Howevtr, Mr Uarnie, if you ran give >our lime t'» it, «nd c«ru to do so, we will withdniw mid leitve it in your hands fuljtct to tlio fi[,{,roval of ihecominittca. An early reply nil! greatly favcr us, as we do not care to get ilio nmit'-r mixt-d up.

Yours truly, W. 1J. WATKINS." E.\ItME HEARD FROM.

The fi-fit htord from Buriiie wia a telegram of this britf suit:

- CR.CKI.VN. N. Y,,Dec. 22, 1S88 W. R. Watlin*t Mnwgcr K«II«U Ctt*, Boll Club—Dtar Sir . For snfticieiit reaa-ns deem it now se Loengn^o Ft-ssende UulL-tud will sigu to-mono-*-. Am iu coire^pondein w th him. [SiRn«-d.J W. DABMK."

i>i'!r,"t the other m-ml^rs of tha committee lutrA rJ 0-!it to knew wluit tbe "euftkieiit re:is;iu.t" were? For iinadulu rated gill in a imin' cr cf a roaimittee dopsn't thnt take tie tntiro bnkt-ry? Now, in all sinccrityt \*bo \\n* dcint< the usurp u^, Bitruic or Watkins? I is uscUss to oigue the mutter luithor. >

This gi-n!lf-man next v;ritw: "II..TEL fiRiNswiCK, NEW II A VEX, Conn., Dec. 24, 1888 Mr. W. U WalllHA.— btnr Sir— I WolllJ gil^eet bu- fore u-goiiHtiuiis are opened wilh n^w applicauts wo cmleavuj to close with our old ones, Am in concs- P'.ndence with Mr. Gaffasy, and Holland AVI 1 - t-^-day (Wcdiiesday). Mr. Furguaon lias tigo Wiili t lift s»U.vo cotuacteil wilh, wo could then select tbe lounb Jrom flmnn<j the irmtiy applicants wliicb tbe corsmiiteo are receiviug-. Tben we should uot dis- criir.iiiate us to the amounts we pay new men; possibly Hr e cun ei,ru Holland at ifI,-U), airl caun< t understand whySl,l';0 should be j-aul Mr. Sul'ivnn- If be had been iu our fcinpioy last seaccti and bud been satisfui:- tory, wUch Q«flLty and Ffr^u-on were, then it would be just to pay him mute; i.t!.<rwi*e a.-n dtcidodly iti'iiiu^t prtvirig i.»w iijfcii &n Advance r-verv\hitue n.ay contract with Mr. Holland for. Will udviao when O^ffuey ai.d Holland ei^u. lours, e'-c.,

[Signed] W. lUnxif"In it-feit-oce to Fcssenrlon, I l;nvo very bail icports

about bini from very reliat'e paitiea aud deem It mh " Balilo to refuse bis aj plxuiion Ii "

Tnorei it is stkkm- out a^ain. "1" deem it advisa­ ble to relufce bis npj.liculou. Whairigbt did "I" b fl v L to do It «itbout consultation wilh tho other mombf rs? If bad desired to act faltly, he woul-t bavc givbii tho other cluts un opportunily to be heard.

STILL CONClLIATOnV.Kansas City atill hud DJ disposition to ralee a row

"KANSAS CITY, Wo, Doc 27, 1888. W. Bnrnie, E*j. Manager Hvliimure L'i*f: B<il C'/"6. Dtnr Sir— Vi,urs ol Ibe 2i'tb inst to hand and noted. Yon did not say what figures you bud signed Fstguson at. I'k-iife Ift mo know. Do everything >">'" (no to sign UafTiiey As t'» Sulttvan, 1 tbiuk wo cuu gel him for &1,20'J. J imv« \vniteu him Iu re^aia to it aijd will rjotify you of Ms reply. Just bad a c!Js>-atcb from Feueodt withilriiwiug bid application. You say iu y<.ur letter tbat you 'willeUn Ilollai.d to-mrtrrow.' Tlitn luti-r ou you auy, 'possibly Holland may sign fur Jfl.iiO" Now, Mr. li*!riji«, tbere l^* no iloubl o! it. He h acce/.ted that figuio and will feigu at tbut fi^nri;. As to S.jlllvan, be fca^a pf.snion in Ibe Customs Depart- n:tiit iu C'uica^o, but I ttnnk there Is no doubt of his acc*;.Mnco of 81,200. Your?, etc., W. 11. WAIKIKS."'

Mr. Uallilu \MOte:"KANiAsCiTt. Mo., Jan. '2. 1&89. Mr W J7 W«t-

AiiM, JI/;mO'/*f A'<i/i>aa Ci'i, Ba*t B-i/l Clt*b.— bwr Sir: Ferfiuuou wttssUi.fcii ul*21,7iJU. Iloilauil at fl,2uO.II you cau ibcnru Sullivuu Ml £1,2('0 you have m> sanction. The fourth ruuu iheie need bt> no j'^rticutar hnrrv about. « * 1 ani boptlul of couiinji to ternis with Guffn'ey Yours, etc., [Sigh'-d.] W LA UN IE."

Tin- answer to lira v»as as fallows:"KANSAS CITY. Wo, Jav 11,18b!>. -W. Ramie, E*fj

Manager Bntliiaore />'<[s« H-tll Club.—Den* Sir:— Yours to brtii.l. lluvo writlea Sullivau ax»iu, but do not think hs will como In now ut gl,i;00. Dutwcher hi written thitt ho would liku to mu(;irg pg^ln iu tlie As- sociatiou, and signifies his willingness to stund tbo du- crcaso in salary. What do you s»aj?

Yours truly, W. H. WAIKINS."Kansas City favors his re ungagumeut.

This was tbe s'ntus ot Iho case when I wrotu tho paragraph that stirred up all Ibe gull nod bitterness tu Uaruie and "T. T. T." I fctuleJ plainly lhat Kaunas City UioMght Bi*rnio was artiug Ladly and wa^ nca giving them a siju.iro deal in tbe matter. For tho truth, of the churgo I merely refer to the corresf ou derico. In rep'y to niy lettt-r the Daltiino:e curres- P'jn-lent Lruke Icoso in an unquulififd abuao of Mr. Watkins c.s a bnso brill IIKUI from alpha to omeg«. Ilo may consider tlie attack fair and warranted. I'll have to leave thnt tu him. AH I said before, Mr. Wutkins' ta.-e bull career, and ha himself as a pleasant, genial getitlenviu, !i entirely too woll known to ueed da- fence.

BARNIE MAD.Brother Baruie finally wrote this kind of an epistle,

closing the deal:-KANSAS Cm', Mo., Jan. 14. 1S89. Mr. W. JJ. Wat-

kins.— Vtar Str: You have abused me so severely ou the etlecticu tl uuapirea iu tlie CeluuLua and Kaubaa

'Hy papers that I have com lad >d to turn over Hieffairs of the umpire committee, «^ far a: I am con­

cerned, to the Bub-titnte meiibvr, I feol. in doing f'O, you will rarry out tiie baliiue of tli3 work in usual partial way. 1 wmiM menticu L am op;u g^J loMr Doe-i_her, but Hits noe 1 not prevent yuu froua i/laciQ« him on the staff. Respectfully,

fS^gnsd.] \V. BARNIE," Mr. Wmk*i!s answrred:"KANSAS Cm, Mo.,JtD.17,1889.--IV £.-mife, Baltintan9

I/;/. benr Sir- A3 your accusation in u holly uncalled 'or J fail to appreciate yuiir attempted sircsem Imve Dot abueed ycu or ta'Ue 1 of you to auy lit- wi-

pa[.er men, Iu F poking of a '«;it-stiti;te me:nbt'r' I Htn ^norant of whom you have reference to I \v,jr,ldug^e-t that you retain till the honors yon am assMr.e,ny dear TJa.nfe; flicy are inexpensive luxuries, uoijard tc be curried* Very re-uectfully,

W. II TVATKINS,"In the light of this corresnoridenco, who In* noted

ieculi»riy? Kansas Citv wante I a pay--o Hbout F*-s- ccdtn. He wns a «ooil iniD and tli.- Xatio^a! League

yickcd him up. Kitnsi^ t'rty lhou;ht I)o.^-:her was vorth cdosi'leration anvliovv, and vet l!an;ii' refused c ulk almnt him. In fact, liarnie has hal t'.e .-ct ro ay, j'i*t as I ha'i cl'.nrged he haJ, anJ noshing »-Ue :ur. be made of tl:* matter. FBEEM.\N.

CAYLOR'S COMMENT..The Turn-t*p at In<lianapoli«i The Saj;e in Prophetic Voin Additions to tho I>i:i- inonii Library Holly's Case The Oi<U Tiiner's IJispute The Scattered Mt»t*, ttc. CAnTHACE, Jan. 2;». Editor SI-CSTING LIFE:

It ha* not surprise,! me much to hear tho news which cctoca from Indianapolis. I have always had full faith in the good business-like jrocecclmgs of the National League "magnates." Yet, it did seem strange to n'.e that they should lave been willing last November to hold en to a failing, non-supporting club noJ city, when gnod cities and strong clubs were standing meekly by waiting for a vacancy. Whether Indianapolis goe;< or ehiys, makes littlo difference now. The club that once totters on its props, ia bound to Tallin the end. Indianapolis, as a League city, is a goner. The other clubs may carry it through thU season, but that ends tho club's cxistca.'e as

member of the National League.

The outcome will be as certain us the rising of to-morrow's sun. Indianapolis will be re­ placed iu 1890 by Cincinnati. Th«T«- will be a pie^ure brought to Lu-ar vvhi< h will be inviolable upou the part cf Mr. feturu » club.

Club iu tlie spr;us. fcly Byriio. Tl,e risk is all on ODS eidf, and he kno^e It. The Ginnis have everything to lose Bud njthuiK to gain in ^cti <t sTio= f tin- Bruuk- lynB citii lufee notbm^ and ^itin much It if- uot in my province to gnea* wbat Mr. J)i»y nod Jim Mutrie will do about it. Rut I have to »ny if they c n^ent t> 'he arrauxin of such ft seii>-8. an-l by chance Ibe Urook l>na ehonl i e(e*l a marcti cu their, »ud win tbe geries, Messrs. Day aud Maine wcr.ld le a gay pair ol what tbe b;j},« call thuiiH-j. 1 ut\ur dij Ltlieve in a Bnriu£ teik-s. I Lever ki.e* eu< b a setioi to pny or res-Jt in

The New York Club has beaten the champions of the Association in iho regular jeinly conttet. \Vl ; y do they \VHUI to tfike cliaiice-t iu >i spring series with tho

Cuud team in tbe 1 alter organization?

For cne nf your many rendeis, I rog'el to hear of the O^BS of Mr. Day. Kvi-ryb jdv who kuowj tiitu p«r- iiHily will shaia ihe-o i egret « with me. I trust his

cki;Cdi ciay not be serious uor lung coutinuod. He cannot le «i>nr«J fro:u tiie couacila ot ba^o ball evea

a short time.

Erory true American an J lnyal lover of our National game ulil r*juice at dp;i'dh<g's succ-esa on his irip- uruiitsd ihe \\(,rid. All thu nu^ncci-s^fti] bbtcliui^ihu^ in th^ Iaii-1 CHiir,ot take from Iho ylury of ibid ^rt-at <-s[icditi(tn. Ii ia second only to the c**le!)r;iT«d jour- ii?y cf O.'Q. Or.)D*. Sinlding hut pr»vel hiin^lf a

tral mil a .succ«-f-6fiil pio-ueer. To bis pluck and il of ctit'-rjiri.«'e ihe AnittricHii trame owes au Kdvt-r- tn Lt th.u has made il talk fur people iu all piila

of the earth.

I «m amused to bear all this talk about Kt-lly and tbe Boston Club. One w-ek Kelly is inifivieued «ud U'-xt week Mr. S -den tak'-s his turn. Tha'id a good pair to draw to. Tbo-*e two mun caught ui.»r« atver- ti-*ing out «f u<<th:<<g for their club limn a ay two to«u 1 know. But isn't the plan iie'tin^ a lit loibc-atuutty? Ktl ought to inve'it HOUIB i ew scheme. They muy say wliat they please about Mike, but I am willing to go hi^'i un iho ussnrduce lh«t hi-'s the last nmn of every »-iie iit the Boston Club thm Mr. S.>d< n would l-e willing to let to. Miko lifts mugucjiisia about him, and that pays iu everything.

It is a grievous thing to beo th->ie two "49-cr/" Hurry \Vri-htttnl Harry Cbadwick (iMputm.^ over tho aoontific rr-latiotis of t-a ;e bull In the seventies and the b^s-e bait of to-day. When those two pioueora disagr^*1 . who ohatl d«-cidt-V I am inclint-d to side witli Htiirv Wri^ht. I believe there have b^^n ai uwift deli^criua by the underhuuil prcce^s as huui the nvcr- bnnd throw. B;it tt catcher suffered utiic'i less pui!- ishmeiit. It is not ih- 1 swill delivery ot the pitcher tlmi crippl-8 your catcher, but bis -sharp curv*pt rtropi and f-hoolsd-'j it. And cve-i then UIH csttc^ier ntvca his band- if ho knows exactly \vbat is coniiti,'. But it ia the uii.-takcn ei^n ur tbe lutH of control h.v ti e pitcher, wheiehy an eiitirfly different bill i- dt-livcrtd from that winch h.s catcher cx|it-ct9, which usually kn^fka n j.jjnt or l.vo out or splits a baud. There wert* far le.^ of tb»ce Hcc:d<!iits iu the nxtv-uiues und Beveulies than liure are tu-JiiV.

The otbor diy 1 was rea-ltng in TBE Si-onTiKO T.IF:: a story puipjitiug to come fro;n Hilly Hulo-it a'>oi;L th» panmbiuent of Ins hni'is whe&Tiui lie'fe (!J*t ti;' 1 pitchiug for him. It \* as it terrible r* citnl und did I not know that [Silly was a ti utn-!elV_-r of ;ho A cl.ww f- sho'iid bavt- been iucliutU t'j take itskopltcaliy. lie say a lhat i>fien his h^u-It* swelled np as bl^ an harm, tc- camu bi'tct;, blue, yellow and to/milliou; l-dliel like dog in cat ciifrwol for j.ujw, and Iba entire l.iind and arm np to within un inch of bis lieart was i«r»lyy.t-d for days Thuso may Imvo D'-t be^n lii.s exact word.s, hut it onrevs* th»» meaning <>1 \ilMt he \v»s tr-ying to express 1 ito'ibt tbe pai«lysif* put of ihe ifininiB- ceucu. H Billy tvcr bt-oi'iiits paialy?.ed m any mem­ ber it wili bi: bis ton^uo.

Spcakiox of Billy runimla mo of tho old Mflt?.

all (iolns io C hiriil«ii9, I under tan i Wi-lll wehl How Colun.hiiH will btiller. If Jimmy Jlt^erM^ii uould iiniy go then', t;-o. By the wav, whai li;is t tjc^ino of tbe Chief ODD *cArccl> b-hrsofhiin r..,w 1 b..-» K wtrni sido for him. Jimmy always trout-d .i>" nlctly, htid them »r« many \\»Tfv nn-n playi'-x hall to-ibt;' ttiHt) Jimmy K .HHIDUH Hu ha-I :i bi,^ l-tvirt nnd a kindly \ fur nvoiybody. It 1 wt-ru imkoJ lo pick (.ut a nmn tu Iho M':ts thiif was tho wura* in th:*t oid team, I'd pick out Pi-Vyral m<ri t/fjoio JiEun>y Uyd- Uian would coiiii* up to bo naajcd.

There aro two (»f tbat old brnnd wlir>m 1 partknl.irly wfti;l to Bi-i; [.I08p('t. I lefi-r l-> Duby Dldicn an-l J -e Oihardt Tnty are bojs wh t lo kimw is to MI- Wiiys lenr ni')er in kiiid'if-8<i. 1 shall uatull the foi- tunes of U>!h no loiig m they p'ay ball. It >i pl<-H«n;r lo me to hitow thul J >e diJ tu well 1'iet > cur in tlio. O'litiul Lcu,£;iiO Stl ikes in*-, th* Cul-imbus <,'l'ih Mould laiu wi.iei' In luking ujuuy ptny^ia they m&. slgiiiug instead of JUG.

Then thorn is Jimmy J>..ii-jbr>«. Ilo is doincr w--ll. niid everybody who Itn-.MS him i» plad of it Kritnk llankiitrtun, I suppose, will MX>U tetiiH from thf n; ort. It is t'> !'« rebelled. Vrauk bolotued tu the ^-ittle- inarily claw of playois, nnd lh« los.i of uny of ttin fitripe iii a Ions indeed. Jack Lynch, l -o, IH u mun I bate t» Bto Olo[j behimt. T!iM« in H innii who ba* fir.-I class b-i--i ba'I iOt-(i», itnd uoiilii (nako a go d iriun- fttft-r Ji>r u new club which h'»3 yoiin^ [il;i}i-rt lu d>*- vel >p afjd train lie is ft until ol %>**] idetw, H cloar- betdbd, L'uod-tcinpeie.l and u j'lily guod fellow g«uer ally. Wbat ba» become of Jack?

Let rr.t coiigrp.tnlale th'j Association nnd Mr. RVnch upon the fact tl.Hl Urn Association Ouiri ; tMa «K;ISOII will bo thu work of J niiny NVillniin-s N-> out ncoil furnish a*nuranee tbat th»t work will ho «'<-ll d"ii.». That youth never doe* ati> thing by hulvfu. Thi)<«uida will b« a urize number and evuryt.oJy cuti "Hank" ou it.

I eee that Mr. M. F. Gallaahf-T nnd a f«w other Chicago geullenifn ur« nropHrnu a urand Unn]net lo welcome borne tho SpiUin^ touridts.

Let her go, Ga'.laghei! 0. P. CATLJB.

Futnlltios of the Game.Baso ball'i* mortality lint win r!iili.-i hi^h la-it s'-fleon^

no !e.-s than Ivvclv-j uualhs beiug directly tra :eahto to tlio Xatioiiiil s^'i'o. F« of Ihe victims warn j*jK.'eta- torn, two of whom dropped dead Jiuiu heattdjiiit dis­ ease ag^ravnteil by excitement, ti;i> third, a youn< eirl, bein^ bit by a foul ball and the iourth btiu^ hit fn the tenip'e by tliohall. Oil') wa*au uuipiro hit by a pitched ball. Two pliyera died of tioirt di^eas; while playing, one io !h"i box ami on-j on s.'iurt atop; one w:ii ^ ttccitlcutully stiui'k by <i hat, ou« was struck by a base-runner, three were killed by beiujz hit by pit bed balls; one,a catcher, was struck iu the breast by a foul tip. It iHii Dotevrotthy fact tbiluf tbelwcHt: d«:>tlid Uol uu« was proledalobiU.