barulina 1930 lentils of the ussr vicia ervilia dark

С С Приложение К  ТРУДАМ П О ПРИК ЛАДНО Й БОТАНИ КЕ , ГЕНЕТИК Е  И  СЕЛЕКЦ И И SUPPLEMENT 40 th TO THE BULLETIN OF APPLIED  BOTANY,  OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING E.  И .  БАРУЛИН А г * 2076 m o w  есер  и  т  ТРАН БОШ ИКОАГРОНОШ ЕСКАЯ МОНОГРАФИЯ С  3  цветны ми  таблицами , 16 картами и 86 рисунками  в  тексте Helena  BAKDLINA Ш OF  Т І  Ü Ш  AI  OF соиш А ВОШ ІШ Ш ОМ ІСАЬ М ОШ НАРЯ Wt h  many  tables  and  figures. Всесоюзная Академия СельскоХозяйственных Н аук . им . Ленина . И здание И нститута Прикладной Ботаники  и  Н овых Культур ЛЕНИ Н ГРАД  —1930    LENINGRAD

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  • 7/22/2019 Barulina 1930 Lentils of the USSR Vicia Ervilia Dark



    S U P P L E M E N T 40 t h T O T H E B U L L E T IN O F AP P L I E D BOTANY, O F G E N E T I C SA N D P L A N T B R E E D I N G

    E . . *

    2 0 7 6

    m o w 3 , 16

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    ( 67:44/), 1925 . 1927 . (6433') . ( 6 0' ) . . , 1924 1925 . ( 1.760 .) ( 1.550 .). . , . . . , 2.2002.400 . , 3.130 . ( , \ ), , 2.700 . . A i t c h i son 'y Vicia Ervilia Willd. 4.000 (1.220 .) ]) .

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    7. .

    Vicia ErviliaWlld.Willd. Spec. PL . 1800 , p . 1103.M . B ieb . F l . Taur . Cauc. I I . 1808.Led eb. F l . Ross. I . 1842, p.663.Boiss. F l.Or II . 1872, p. 595 .Bo nn ier, F l . compl. il l. Fran ce, I II , p. 67,tab. 154. . 830.P s p h. F l . oesterr.Kstenl. . 1898, p. 410.R o u y e t F o u c a u d F l . F r a n c e V, 1899, p . 2 4 8. B e c k i n R c h b .Ic . XXI I, 1903, p. 204, t . 261, fig. 110.Ase h e r s . u. G r a eb n .Synop. VI, 2, 190610, p. 904.Ervum Ervilia L in n . Spec. PI . ed. 1. 1753, p . 738.DC . Prod. I I . 1825, p .367.Koc h Syn. I . ed. 3, 1892, p . 684. St urm Deutschl. Fl. , 1812, H. 32.Ervilia sativaL in k E num. Hort . Berol. I I . 1822, p . 240.Ervumplicatum M e n h M ethod. 1794, p. 147.

    V. Ervilia . D o d o n a e u s (Stirp . H ist. . p em pt . , 1583) ( . 514) MochoCicere sativo. a b i n , Park inson (1. .) Orobus(Orobussiliquis art iculat is, semine majore Ba u h . Pin . 346). P ar k in s o n : Orobus vulgaris T h e o r d in a r y b it t e r v et ch . T o u r n e f o r t(1. .) Lens,Cicer . Ervum, , ( t . 221) , Ervum verum E rs. , (1753, 1. .) Ervum . Ervilia .L e ns, .monanthos, . hirsutvm . . Ervilia, .S e r i n g e ( in D e C a n d o l l e P r od r. , 1825) Ervilia Ervum. ( . , K o c h , E n g l e r , A s c h e r s o n& G r a e bn e r ) Ervilia Vicia, : Ervum, Euvicia . ." , ; Ervilia sativa L i n k . , , .

    , , Vicia, Vicia. ^ _ . Ervilia, ( . . . . . ). .

    . 29. Yicia Ervilia Wi l l ., ( ) . . ' /5. . 31. . .Fig. 29. ErviliaWill d.,growing wild in Uzbekistan(environs of T ashkent). G rown in irreenh ousp, DetskoyeSselo. 2/ 5.Drawn by M. P. L an v a.

    V. Ervilia , , ( , ), ( 67 ) . ; V. Ervilia, h abitus'y . , , , ( ).

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    _ 146 Vicia Ervilia " , V. Erviha. . , V. Ervilia, :R ovi , ( . arg o r vi) . ( ) ( k ir se n n e h ) , , . , ( ) . , . , , ( ) ( , }. , ( . , . .). . ( ) , . ( . ), ., , , , , . ( ). p i c o l o , , l e r o , z i r l o , m o c n i , c a p o g i r l o ,veccio l i .J e r o s . E rvi l ie, E r v e n l i n s e , k l e i n eE r ve , E r v e n w i c k e , S t e i nWicklinse, S t e i n l i n s e ,E r v e , Wicklinse, L i n s e n w i c k e .

    e r s, erv i l ie r , l e n t i l l e b tarde ,vesce ervi l ie re , e rv i l i e r cu l t ive . F e n h L e n t i l s , b l a c k b i t t e r ve tc h .. : , .Ervilia. > ) 0 ) 0 . , ,' , , . , , , . , : , ( , 1), , , , , , , , . , , , ( , , 2).' , . R . M u s c h l e r 3 ) , , k u r s e n e .. .) f f 1, 1 . s t , . F l ore de l a F rance . T . I . Par i s . 1901 .K e i c h e n b a c h . 1903 .3 ) , . ' . . V. . 11*261927. ) M u s c h l e r , . A M a nu al F lo ra ofEgypt. Berlin. 1912, p. 543. 10*

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    150 ' ). , . ( V.Ervilia ). , , . 2) . , , ' ) ,, . , : , 4) . , ^

    . . , . 56 , . , . . {Semina Ervi).V.Ervilia ; ,

    , , . . , * . V. Ervilia ') . V. Ervilia .

    qcewa B . ^ J O) . ( ) , , . . . . , . : . .') , . . , . . . . 1929.3) . . .3) , . ., 1. .*) s s (I . ,1 . ) Gre sli off, M. Beschrijving der giftige en bewehnende planten bij deTischvangst ingcbruik. Batavia. 1913, p. 78.

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    152 . 42. ,ViciaErvilia"Willd., .


    . .

    . . . . .

    . . . . . . . . . .



    . . . .

    . . . . . . .


    . . .




    V ic i a E r v i l i a W i l l d . . .

    I. .1.

    2. 5.

    a. 1) ( . , )2) ( )b. a. 810 ) 78 )a. b.

    4. . 12 ( , , . ) .24

    5. a. b.

    II . . .

    7. 8. 9.

    a. ( 2125 , 5 )b . ( 1721 , 45.5 )a. b . ( , )a.

    b . ( , )a. 34b . 45

    I I I . .10 .

    11 .

    12 , ( 1000 )

    a. ( )b . a. ( 56.5 )b . (

    3.55 )a. 22 .b . 6075 .

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    164 . ) ,

    (20) var. vulgaris (Krn.),m. . , , , , , , . , , , , . , , , , . V. Ervilia.

    . . , , , . , , . V. Ervilia ') . pcc , Ervum; . .D e C a n d o l l e V. Ervilia , . , , > . , . , ,1 . . V. Ervilia, , J iabitus'y . , . , . , , , , V. Ervilia ( 11).

    Vicia monanthos5) Desf.F l. Atlan t , II . 1800, p . 165 . Rouy & F o u c a u d Fl. FranceV. 1899, p. 241Beck in R ch b . I c .XXII. 1903, p. 201. t. 263.fig. I. II. 1 7. N ym a n Consp. Fl. Eur. 187882, p. 208;Suppl. II. 1889, p. 103.Arcang. Com pen. Fl. ital. 1882, p. 205.Ervum monanthos L. Sp. Plant, ed. 1. , 1753, p . 738. D C Prodr. I I . 1825,p: 367. Koch Syn. I . ed. 3, 1892, p. 684.Lens monanthos T o u rn . I n s t . , p . 3 90 . Mnch, Meth., 1794, p. 131.Lathyrus monanthos Wi l ld . Spec. PI. III. 1800, p. 1083.') Wittmack. Sitrungsber. d. bot. Vereins zu Brandenburg, 19 Dec. 1879.2) . monantha , , t u s : . monantha (= Y. calcarata).

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    2U4 em e , h. 1924. Vererbungsstudien mit Lupinen. I. Zeit. f.Pflanzenz,B. IX. H. 4.R u p pert, H. 1921. Apergu agricole surlaRegionde Fez.R o u y , G.etFou c a a d,J.1899. F loredeF rance . V.Paris.S a k a m u r a . 1920. Experimentelle Studien ber die Zeil u. Kernteilungmit besonderer Rcksicht derForm, Grosse u.Zahl derChromosomen. Tokyo.San chez San t smar ia , J. I. 1925. Geografia Comercial economic*deColombia. Bogota.S h be1e r, F. 188S. Viridarium N orvegicum.B.II. Christiania.S c h u r , J.F . 1866. Enumeratio plantarum Transsilvaniae. Vndobonae.Sc h wei nf u rt h, G. 1883.NeueBeitrge zur Flora desalten Aegyptens.Ber. d.Deutsch. Bot. Ges.I.Sh aw and Rakh al das se. 1929.Studies in IndianPulses. J.Lentil.(Ervutn Lern,Ln . ). Mem.ofthe D epart,ofAgricult. inIndia. Vol. XVT. No. 6.December 1928. Calcutta.S i b t h o r p , J.1813. F lora Graecae. Londini. tS t u r m , J.1812. Deutschlands Flora.Nrnberg.T c h i h a t c h e f f , P.1860. Asie Mineure. Trois. par. Botanique. I. Paris.Te d in, Hans andOlof. 1928. Contributions to theGenetics ofPisumV:Seed Coat Color. Linkage and Free Combination. Hereditas. B.XI.H. I.T en or e, M. 183536. Flora Napolitana. T. V.Napoli.Tbomps ton e , F. and Sawyer , A.M. 1914. The Peas and Beans ofBurma. Department ofAgriculture, Burma. Bull. No 12. Rangoon.T i s c h l e r . G.192122. Allgemeine Pflanzenkaryologie. Handbuch der Pflan-zenanatomie.I. T.Abt. I. Berlin.Tj ebbes , . 1923. Ganzfarbige Samenbeigefleckten Bohnenrassen. Ber.d.D . Bot. Ges.,XLI.Tjebbes, K. 1925. Pie Zeichnung der Samenschale vonPhaseolus milliflorus.Hereditas, B. VII, H.I .T o u r n e f o r t . 1719. Institutiones Rei Herbariae. T.I. Parisiis.T r b u t , D.L. et Mares, K.1907. L'Algerie Agricole en1906. Alger.T sc h er ma k, Erich. 1928. Einige Bastardierungsergebnisse anLinsen und

    Ackerbohnen. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wissensch. Wien. Abt. I,137. .,3 u 4Heft.T s c h i r c h , A.und Qe ste rl e, 0.1900. Anatomischer Atlas der Pharmakognosie und Nah rungsmittelkunde.Leipzig.Vavilov, N.I.1922. The Law ofHomologous Series iii Variation. Journ.of Genetics.V 1 r, N.I. 1927. Essais geographique surl'etude de la variabilitedes plantes cult iveesenURSS.Rapport 1'Institut International d'AgriculturedeRome ennoyembre.Velen ovsky , J. 1891. Flora bulgarica. Pragae.W e e s e,J.1924.Zur Kenntnis der Anatomie der Samen eines Linsen-Wickenba-stards. Mitteil, Laborat. d.Tecbn. Hochschul. Wien.W e11e n se k, S. J.1927. LinkageStudiesinPisum.I.Genetica. IX. 4 .Well e n se k,S. J.1925. Genetic monograph onPisum. Bibl. Genetica. II.White , 1916. Inheritance -Studies in Pisum. Inheritance of cotyledoncolour. Am. Natur.50.W hite , .1917. Interrelationofthe genetic factorsofPisum.J. Agr. Research. II.Wiegmann, A.F. 1828. Ueber die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreiche.Braunschweig.Wil lkomm, M. et L g ,J. 1880. Prodromus F lorae Hispanicae. Vol.I I I .Snttgartiae.Wnt n, A. L.1916. The MicroscopyofVegetable Foods. N.Y.W g, F r. 1886. Die Pflanzen im alten Aegypten. Leipzig.Wood wor th , . . 1921. Inheritanceofcotyledon, seed coat, hilumandpubescens coloursinsoybeans. Genetics.6.W dv r th, C. and C ol e, L. 1924. Mottlingofsoybeans. The Jour, orHeredity.XV

    Lentils of theUSSR and of other countries.Helena Barulina.(A BotanicoAgronomical Monograph).

    S UM M ARY.I n t r o duc t i o n .

    Beinginpossession of vast world collections of cultivated.plants, brought home from different countriesb\ awhole seriesofexpeditions, th eBureau ofApplied Botany ofthe State Instituteof Experimental Agronomy and th eInstituteofApplied Botanyhave made ittheir purpose topublish aseries ofmonographs oncultivated plants. Thepresent work is the first essay togivea botanicoagronomical world monograph on the lentil.O ur investigation embraces chiefly th ecommon lenti l,LensesculentaMojnch, asbeing of the greatest economical importance.I t partly applies also tothe French lentil, Vicia Ervilia"Willd.,an d touches shortly on theOneflowered lentil, Vicia monanthosD e s f. The last two species belong to grainforage plants.

    C h a p t e r 1.History of the cultivation of the lentil.

    T h e lentil isoneofthe most ancient crop plants, cultivatedalready inprehistorical times in theEast, inHungary and inSwitzerland. Lentil of theneolithic period hasbeen found inEurope in: Bosnia, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland and in the Southernpar tofGermany. This crop was evidently adventiveofthe SouthEasternAsia.The ancientness of lentil cultivation in SouthWesternAsiaistestified bynumerous Sanskrit names. It was known to theancient Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks andRomans . From Italyth elentil has spread over th eAlps toGermany,to theLithuaniansan d Slavs.C h a p t e r 2.The geography of the crop and the limits of its cultivation.

    T h e areaoflentil cultivation embraces aconCountries siderable acreage. Common lentil isgrown in USSR;esculenta." oft h e"WestEuropean countries inF rance ,Germany,Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Roumania, Spain,Portugal, Italy,Sicily,Sardinia; in the Balkan P eninsula: in Bulgaria,.

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    208 is Vicia Ervilia,while thecommon lentil comes last. Besides Spainere French lentil is an important crop in Syria, Palestine,Transjordania, in Cyprus and Greece. The acreage occupiedbythis crop in the above mentioned countriesisconsiderably greaterthan that sown to common lentil. If we attempt the approximateestimation of the acreage under lentils in all countries of theworld growing this crop (not only the common lentil, butalsothe French and theOnef owered one), it will find its expressionin about on e mil li on he ct ar es . This value gives anidea,of the importance of the crop in theeconomy of the world.

    Import andExport.The countries which export lentils areUSSR, Spain, Egypt,Chile, Abyssinia, Turkey, Western Asia andIndia. The majorityof West-European countries, asGermany, France, England, Greece,Bulgaria, aswell asAmerica import thelentil from other countries.Previously to the war Russia occupied thefirst place amongother countries as regards the export of lentils. Almost the wholeRussian lentil export went to -Germany through Knigsberg. Thebulkof the exported lentil wassupplied by theprovinces Saratov,Penza and Tambov. After the war Chile hasbecome a seriousrival of USSR on the world market.

    The limits oflentil cultivation.The data of the geographical experimentsThe latitudinal conducted by the Institute of Applied Botanylimitsofthecnl- With regard to the lentil uring 6years (1923escnlenta eDS 1 9 2 8) h a v e shown that the Northern limit ofmaturation of the separate lentil varieties mayvary in dependence on the meteorological conditionsof thevege-tation period(see map 4). Thus, in the moist year 1923 not oneof the lentil varieties reached full maturity in the Northernstations. Only beginning with 5740' North iatitude (Kostroma)full maturation could be observed. In the comparatively dryyear 1924 the limit shifted considerably to theNorth. Thus, atthe Station near the Ladoga lake (5952') and at the NovgorodStation (58 40') almost all varieties attained maturity.As far as may be judged from theresultsofthe geographicalexperiments conducted by the Institute of Applied Botany,thecultivation of the lentilmay be regarded asmore or less reliable

    only beginning with approximately 57 N. lat. (provinces Kostroma,.Tver, Moscow). At anelevation of 1760 m. above sea-levelThe vertical (Georgia: Bakuriani, prov. Tiflis) and 1550 m. a t ? " ff ^ ( T u r k e s t a n : Chimgan) the responseofthe lentilVaes"lentafnS environmental conditionsis thesameas intheextreme N or th and as a rulei tdoesnot reachmaturity. In 1926 inArmenia (Leninakan1470m.) allvarietiesof thelentil attained maturity.

    269 According to"the dataof theexpeditionofN.I. Vavilov,th e chief regionoflentil cultivationinAfghanistan issituatedatan ,altitude of 12001300m . above sealevel.Thehighest pointfor the lentil was markedat2700m. andeven 2800 m., whereth is plantisgrownin amixture with, wheat.T h eextreme vertical limitof lentil cultivationinAbyssiniais even higher (3000m.)t ha n inAfghanistan.According to the data of the geographicalT h i? U l? . it s sowings conducted by the Ins t i tu t e of Appliedcultivation of .> , ,, V ,, J ,. ., , ,, ... S fV. Ervilia. Botany, th e N or the r n limitof thecultivation ofV.Ervilia also sharply fluctuates in dependenceon themeteorological conditionsof thesummer (seemap5). Itmustbenoted t h a t this crop may advance considerably fartherto the N or th . Thus, in 1924 V.Ervilia ripened even in theMurman region (Khibiny,6744');in1925 andin1927in Arkhangelsk (6433')and inSeveroDvinsk(6110').T h e vertical limit of thecultivation of V.Erviliaequallyascends much higher t ha n tha t ofthe commonlentil.C h a p t e r 3.

    Th echemical compositionand thecooking propertiesoflentil seeds.Accordingto theinvestigationofth e BiochemicalLaboratoryof theIns t i tu t e ofApplied Botany,theseedsoflegumino usplantsshow a constant chemical composition.Inpeas, lentils, vetches,horsebeans, grown in the most different regionsof U S S R,noconsiderable changes are observed as regards the contents ofproteins, ash,cellular tissue and fat. Thus,the varietal differencesobserved in the lentil with regard to its chemical compositionremain practicallyunalteredinanygeographicalstation(see table 2).The a u thor gives th e data concerning the 8^" coking properties of different lentil varieties.lentilseeds. according to the investigation carried out byV. S. F d t v at theG enetical Station of theIns t i tu t e ofApplied Botany(seetable3).Ofallgrain Leguminosaethe lentil shows the highest cookingcoefficient. Thesmallseeded varieties (Afghanistan, India, Abyssinia, Persia)arebetter cookers t ha n thelargeseeded ones (Italy,U S S R) . Thepolourof th eseeds doesnotinfluence t he i r cookingproperties. The thickness of the seed coat plays aconsiderablerole inregardto thecooking properties.

    C h a p t e r 4.Th e genus Lens,itshistoryand geography.. From an agriculturalpointof view usuallyth ecultivated t b r e Pl a n t s a r e referred to thecultivated lentils.Lentil. Botanically they belong to the same familyLeguminosaeJuss., sub-family Papilionatae Taub.and tribus Vicieae Bronn., but to two separate genera [Lens(To urn .) Ad ans. and Vicia L.]: common lentilLens escuhnta

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    292 General scheme of the variation of Vieia Ervilia Willd.


    Hereditary varying features. Character of features.

    I. F lower c harac ters .1.Colour of corolla

    2. Dimensions of flower3.Colour of pedicel4. Number of flowers on pe-duncle5. Length of awn of peduncle

    a. yeowish: 1)standard without veins(Asia Minor, Syria), 2) standard withviolet veins (Afghanistan)b. reddish-violeta. large (length 810 mm)b.small (length 78 mm)a. greenb. purplea. 12 (Syria, Palestine, Cyprus)b. 24a. longb. short

    II. Po d c h a r a c t e r s .6. Dimensions of pod

    7. Colour of immature pod8.Colour of mature pod9. Number of seeds per pod

    a. large (length 2125 mm,width56 mm)b. small (length 1721 mm, width45,5 mm)a. greenb. purple (Syria, Palestine)a. straw-colouredb. brown (Syria, Palestine)a. 34b. 45

    III. Seed cha ra ct er s.10. Shape of seeds11. Size of seeds12 Weight of 1000 seeds

    13Colour of seeds

    a. spherical (Afghanistan: Vazirabad)b. triangular (pyramidal)a. large (greatest diameter 56,5 mm)b. small (greates t diameter 3,55 mm)a. 2260gr.b. 6075gr.a. pinkb. grey brownd. black

    Hereditary varying features.



    16.Colourof cotyledons


    Character offeatures.

    a. marbly patternb.spottinessc.dottinessd. complex pattern (combination ofa, b, c)a. brownb.purplec. blacka. yellowb. brightorange (red) lightorange (piiik)a. lightbrownb.dark brown

    IV Ve ge t a t i v e c h a r a c t e r s .18. Colour of seedlings19. Shape of leaflets20. Size of leaflets21. Numberofpairsof leaflets

    22 .Colour of plant23 .Height of plant

    24. Colour of stem25. Thickness of stem26 .Branching

    27. Habit of young plant

    a. green (Syria, island Ehodos)b.purplea. ovalb.lineara. largeb.smalla.612(Syria, Palestine, Cyprus)b. 1117(Italy, Algeria, Tunis. Bula. lightgreen (yellowgreen)b. darkgreen(Syria, Palestine, Cyprus)a. tallb. medium dwarfya. greenb.purplea. thick (2,54 mm) "b. thin (22,5 mm)a. forms profusely branched (710and more)b.forms scantily branched (47)a. erectb.semip rostrate (Zarafshan) prostrate (Palestine, Tunis)

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    3 1 6

    h ap te 4.Th e g e n u s L e n s ; i t s h i s t o r y a n d g e o g r a p h y 39Species of cultivated lentil. . . . . . . . . 39The history of the genus Lens in literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39The position of the genus Lens in the tribue Vicieae. Its differences from oth er

    g e n e r a , * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ,. . 4 0G e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n o ft h e g e n u s T i c i a L . ... . 42G e n e r a l d e s c r i p t i o n o ft h e g e n u s L e n s ( T o u r n e f . ) A d a n s . . . . . . . . . 42G e o g r a p h i c a l d i s t r i b u t i o n o f t h e g e n u s L e n s . . . . . . . . 43T h e g e n e r a l a r e a o ft h e g e n u s L e t t s a n d t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f i t s s p e c i e s . . . . 43T h e e c o l o g y o ft h e s p e c i e s o ft h e g e n u s L e n s . 47D e s c r i p t i o n o f t h e s p e c i e s o f t h e g e n u s L e n s . J . . . . . . 48L e n s L e t d i a d a ( S e h r e b . ) Al e i 48L e n s m p r i c a n s ( M . B .) G o d r . . . . , . " 50Lens Kotschyana ( B o i s s . ) Alef. . . . . 53Lens orientalis ( s s.) H a n d. M a z z .... 54Lens esculentaM o e n c h . . . . . . 59

    Cha p t e r5.Systemofhereditary variationofth e lentil (Lens esculenta) an ddescriptionofseparate ch aracters . .Material andmethods. * . . . . . . . . .General schemeofhereditary variation of thespeciesLensesculentaMoench.De sc r i p t i on ofc h a r a c t e r s of Lens esculentaCharactersofflower 4 . . . . . .Colour of corolla.Size of flowerSize of calyxte ethNumber of flowers on peduncleCharacters of pod , . . .' . .Sue of podForm of surface of pod (thickness of pod) Shape of pod (outline). . . \ .Colour of pod. Deh iscence of podCharactersofseeds.Size of seeds..Shape of seeds (thickness) , __Surface of s e e d s . . . .Colour of seeds . . . . . . . .vP a t t e r n of s e e d s . .Co l o u r of c o ty l e d o n s . .* . . . . . . . . . . . . .^P r o d u c t i v i ty . ; . . . . "Vegetative charactersColour of seedlings.Colour of plant .Pubescence of plantSize of leafletsShape of leaflets.Number of pairs of leafletsLength of tendrilsH abit of growthTypes of branching.Branchiness.Height of plantsPhysiologicalcharacters. . 'Vegetation periodInvestigation of some quantitat ive charactersBiologyofthe lentil

    317 Page

    Germination H?Germ ination power of the seeds 119Branching. 11Flowering and fruit formation Pollination. 120G ytological investigation of the lentil 122Boot system of the len til . 4. . I 2 2

    ; ' . .' * C h a p t e r6.,ClassificationofL e n s e s c u l e n t a . K e y t o v a r i e t i e s . 123Short survey of the systematic study of the lentil 1 2 3Classification of the common lentil 124P r in c ip a l sys t e ma tic u n i t s : . . . I *4Subspecies. " *' * : . . . . . . . * * , ^Geographical groups of varieties ''. ' 7Description of geographical groups 128Varieties .' IfElement ary speeiee jordanons **JEcotypes. . . . . , . . . . , . . IGeographkffi and non geographical charact ers IB*Systematic value of the characters ' I 3 2K e y t o t h e v a T i e t i e s ofLens csculenta M o e n c h 134

    ; " ' " , ; \~f.~' ' Chapter7Other speciesofculifyaied lentil. . 142Trench le nt il BrviliaWilld. I4 2Shorthistory of its generican d specificname I4 2Description,ofwild growing V. Ervia I 43General aescription 0 cultivated F. Ervuia , . ' . . - . 145Modem namesot V. Ervia I4Eegion of cultivationof V. Brvilia l4^UtilizationofT.Ervuia~ I48*Material and scheme of variation I 50Classificalion ef V. Ervia l o9' K e y t "the v a r i e t i e s ofYt Ervia 16Hi*tOTy ofc u l t i va t i on an d oxigi_nof V. Ervilw, : 164, .I-ntil-;Tieo nonuH os De sf. .*. . . . 164

    - - - 167

    dis tribution and origin. - 16B

    C h a p t e r 8.T h e l e n t i l o f U S S R , ; . ' lG e o g r a p h y o f d i e l e n t i l . f o r m s i n E u r o p e a n U S S R . . . . . . . 17Botanical diversity of the lentil in European. USSR and in Siberia . 172Pract ical work with the lentil conducted by the experimental institutions of

    * T B B B : i . V . T S M . . . . . . . . 173Th e lentil of, the Daghestan SSE 181The lentil of the Transcaucaettn Eepublics 182T h e lenti l of Azerbaijan . 8 3T h e lenti l ofA r m e n i a ' . , . . . : . 184T h e l e n t i l of Georgia. . .'. s I 8 5T h e l e n t i l of t h e M i d d l e A s i a t i c E e p u b l i c s . . . . . . . 185

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    , 120.000 . , : , , XII (2.4002.220 . ) . , . 3 A da sc h u m A da s h i m , da s. , , , , ( . 1). , , ( . II,17,28);

    .1. (Hebron). . , . . . . .Fig. I. Palestine (Hebron). Ancient cemetery nearAbraham's tomb, where Esau sold his birthrighttoJacobfor a messof pottage madeof lentils.Phot ,of N.I. Vav 1 v. , , ( , 4, 9). , S eh 1 em a n ny> (Hoops , 1. , . 327). (T heop h r a s t o s , Hist, plant. II. 4, 2), ( D i o s c o r i de s, D e med. mat. II, 129) , , . , . Vro ( ) . . ; , Revalenta arabica , .

    L ent u1 , . Lent is, L ens ( ) , ( ) , , , L inse, 1 n s z s, , , 1 n s s . . , , , Faba, Pisum, Cicer. , , '). . ( 1u m 11a, De re rustica 2). , . , , . , , , Lent *). . , 15 . , . "

    4). ,

    > i_ ) , Bielersee, L uscherz, ( M o n t e Loffa), (Butm ir), (Schussenried), (Aggtelek, Lengyel, Fels-Dobsza,Ripac), . ( ). (Petersinsel), (Mistelbach), (Bourget) , . (Heraclea) [ (D raAbu Negga) ]. : Brandenburg(Niemitzsch, Guben), (Lutzmannstein) , (Karhof), (Steinburg) (Striegau), (HauteLoire); (Baden, Buchs) (Bor, Pacengo,Aquileja). 5).

    ') H e e r, Oswa l d. DiePflanzen derPfahlbauten.Zrich. 1865.2) 1u m e11 e, D el'economie rurale. TraduitparM. Louisdu Bois.T.prem.Liv. II,p. 159.Paris.1844.;1) H u t t o n , B. 1, b.c.4) , . . .1866, . 612.r>) H e e r, ., 1. ; B u s c h a n , 1. ; H o o p s , 1. .P a x , F. Schlesiens Pflanzenwelt. Jena.1925.H e g i ,G.I llustrierte Floravon Mitteleuropa.B. IV. T. 3.Mnchen. 1925.N e u w e i l e r , E. Die prhistorischen Pflanzenreste Mitteleuropas mit beson-derer Bercksichtigung der schweizerischen Funde. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturfor-schenden Gesellschaft in Zrich. 1905.

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    U 5 '



    8 , , , , ( 1).H e e r {Ervum lens microspermum); , , , . B u s c h an 'a , . u s h a n , , , , . , . . , , .

    . .

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    ( ;. * .. . : ., .:.. . '. 11 . . , . , , , . 7 , 4.8 . . , . . , . , , " ( = 2.3 , = 2.8 ), ,, , . ( . 29 30). . ^ , , . , , , , . . 3 0.VitiaErvilia WilJd., ( ).1 ;2 :3 :4 ; 5 ( 1 < / / ) . . . .Pig. 30.Yicia ErviliaW 1Id.,growing wild inUzbekistan(environs of Tashkent).1flower; 2pod; 3seeds;' ' t ( 1_J

    Drawnby A M.She> 1

    . Asia n : propeAngora,in jnontibus calcareis. Dykmen.1834. Wie de ma nn . KaiaguenlDere,a2 Jieuesaa SO d'Oucbak. Phrygie 29. V 1857. . a1 s a ,Jf 1197. Syria. ATontium Antilibani, in decvita-tflms prope Baalbek, alt 11501300 m. 8. m.V.1910. J. Bor nmller, 11727. Iter Syriacum.Pe rs ia : . Kirman, in monte Kuh-i-Hsar(inter Kirman et Bender-Abbas) 3400m.s.m. 10.YIIL 1892. J. Bor nm ll ex. Iter Perrico-tur-dcnm, 3680. T r a n s c a u c a s i a : . 14. VL1889. . . , . ., 3 . , . .VI.1888. . . . , . 5000 24. .1888. . . . Armenia.. . In lapidosis. . . 1922. . sellim . : . . . . . . . 12. V 2. . ' . , . . ., P ar kas imTechirtschibThaL 23000' VIL 1881. . g eL . ., .Jassy. pr. Usgent,56000'V 1879.A.BegeL IterTarkestan icum . . ., . . . . 2'JT.1916. . " . Monies meridionales: TianSchan oceidentalis.Inagrls derelictd*prope stationem riae ferreae Dehilga. 1P26. W. 22L, V. 14ft.Popov. .

    . . : provenit culta, spontanea et subspon .per omnem pro rinc Gaditanam ( Wil lko mm , M. Snpplem. PL Hispanicae.Stungr&rtiae. 1893). : in campestribns planftiei Sadoro et Philippopol, spontanea (Te le no Ts ky , J. Flora Bulgarica. Pragae. V. Ervilia ' , ., B a t t a n d i er et T r a b ut , . Alg.; Pi , . et Beguino t , . anal it ic a d lta lia.19001902; F i o r i , A. Nuova Flora analitica d'ltalia.1925;Z g1er, A. and Dru d e, O. DieVegetation der JErde. XI. 1909,p. 531; H al ac sy, Consp. FL Gxaec. 1901; K oc h, Synopsis.1892;Coste, H., Flore delaFrance. 1901,. I.

    145 . . . ' ) , V. Ervilia . . , , , . . Lens orientalis ( ). , 20 60 > ,B0V?eErvjna.M , , ( ) . ( ), ( , . ). , , , . 617 , . , ; 13 17 , 34.5 . , , . , , , . , 14 , . , (710 . , 57 ), * ( . , ) , , , . , . , " , . 610 24 , . , , , ;34 , ,

    ( , , ). 1925 56 . ( ), ( , ). 3.56.5 , ( 1000' ) 20 75 ^ , Lensesadenta; . , . , . , . , , , L. esculenta: . ^ S i b t h o r p , Flora Graeca. 1833., , S t ur m (1. ) ,G a m sinH egi (1. ) .') Schedae ad Herbarium florae AsiaeMediae ab Universitt Asiae Mediaeeditum. Fasc. XIXIII. Taschkent. . . 15. 1927. . . . . 10


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    150 ' ) . , ( V.Ervui ) . , , . % ^ , , ^ ) ^ ^ . , ,

    . . . ,

  • 7/22/2019 Barulina 1930 Lentils of the USSR Vicia Ervilia Dark


    152 . 42, * ' :ErviaWilld.,

    . gj .

    , . . 11 0

    . . . . . . . . I2 . . . .I7

    . , . . . Ana

    *: . . . . .1 7 . . 1 2 . . . . . . , .

    .^ . . . .


    Vicia Ervilia W I d. . .

    I. .1. . ' . ,1) ( . , )2) ( ). .

    ' ' & . ' ' ' 'a. ( 810 )b. ( 7S )a. b.

    4. .12( , , . ) . 2 4

    2. 5.

    5. a. b.

    . . .

    7. 8. 9.

    a. ( 2125 , 5G )b. ( 1721 , 45.5 )a. b. ( . )a. b. ( , )a. 34b. 45

    III . .10.


    a. ( )b. . ( 56.5 )1> ( .5 jatf

    12, ( 1000 ) . .2260 . .6075 .

  • 7/22/2019 Barulina 1930 Lentils of the USSR Vicia Ervilia Dark


    154 155

    ? \ 4\;

    : . .






    a. .b. c. vd. a. b. c. ( , , > .;:a. b. ( )^ . 1> ( )c. a. b.

    IV 18. 19 20 . .

    a. ( . )b. a. b. a. b


    23 .

    24 . 25 .

    a. 612 ( , . ) b. 1 11 7 ( , , ) ' 'a. ( 8 )b. ( , . . )a . b. _ . a . b.

    a . (2.54 )b. (22.5 )


    26 .


    a. (710 )b. ( 47)a. b. ( )c. ( , ).

    V .28 . 19.

    . 1) . 2050 . 50100 a. 1.55 .b. 510 .

    1) 2) .30 .

    1) ( . siphe communisG ) . . 2) (Bruchm vlicis 1s. & )

    , , . ' V. Ervilia . , . , L.esculenta ,, 3 6 , V. Ervilia" . 1722 (3 ). . , , . . V , V. Ervilia . , ,. , . *

    , , , / , ( * ) , . . V. Ervilia, L. esculenta, iaurantiacd) {flava) .

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    YJBC.31.Vicia Ervilia Wi l ld. . / 3. . . .3L .Tig. 31. Vicia Ervilia WiHd. Branch, of the Frenchlentilof Syria. %Drawnby A. M. Sb ep ele va.

    . " 3 3 . Vieia Ervilia Willd. var. variegata ., . 2/ 5. . . .Jig. 33.Ticia ErviliaWil ld. .variegata .,Cyprus 2/ 5.Drawn . I I. S h e p e l ev a . .32. Vicia ErviliaWil ld. .variegata .,. .17 */3 ( 8); 8 4 ; 9 8/s>10 *1$; 11 xVs* . . . .Fig.82. ViciaErmiUa Willd. .variegata .,Cyprus.17analysis ofth eflower Xslt (7X8); 8pod */3:9seeds X8/ 3;11 1tipulex4 ;11leaflet X4/ S.Drawnby A. M.S1) ep eIe a.

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    34. Ticia ErvuiaWilld. .intermedia ., .a/s . M. Fig. 34.TiciaErviliaW i l ld . .intermedia .,G eorgia."/ . Drawn by A.M .S h e p e1eva.

    159 " ' " ; : ; ; ' ; f ; ; ~ ~.. . : . . Kj^;. ^ .. (.. _v .Ervilia rp\ :.r.u ( luted). . ,

    35.Yicia ErviliaWi l ld . .3/ 5> ' :/ . . . '. ' ' " '. : :/ *:^|^ ;& ] *; # ." ,^^Fig.36. ErviliaWi l ld . Branch o f ^ J ^ t t ^ ^ n t i l j f r ^ J i u l ^ a . * / ^ . , . .,

    V. Ervilia . ( 3 : V * ' ' . . .; irSiZQ rK?:''W ^ 0: ~' ^ '1. vnlgaris (gemein e Ervenlin se) sxibvar. maefosperma (gross ami g e Ervenlinae) . ': : ; ' :. ' '2.punetata(punktierteErvenlinse) ^^ 3.pygmaeaj[Zwerg Ervenlinse' ). fJ)T chiliatsLeff (AsieMineure) . (Pbrygia) var. minus

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    . 58 , (27 38 ). , ; ( )1724 , 23 . , , , , , , , , . , , . , , , . . 1014 , 8.5 . . , . , . . , . . 11 2 , . , ; . , , , , 24 , . 2632 , 79 , 3.23.7 . 2548. , ^ , . 5.05.8 , 2.83.4 . ( 1000 )4060 . ( ). , , '/ ( . . , ). .

    monanthos . 159 . , 45 . . . , ^ , , . , , 102 . . " , . , . ( ) 5567 , 103112 ( . 37 38).V.mpnanihos , . , , , . , . , , , , , , , .


    169 , . : ; : ~ ~ :'' Coiinbra), . , , , , , , , , , ( ), , , , . . , ( . 39). . . , 1400 .( ).

    V.monanthos . , , , , .* 13 , , , , . ; * : , , , . , , , . Alefeld V. monanthos, : 1 rataAlef. nigraAlef. : ~ . . , . , ( , Vicia): . '

    .39. "Peta monanthos. ( ) , . . . . .Fig.39. Book of thrashed QnefloweredlentilYiamonaK oi Be siSpainW


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    , ( , , ) , , . Vicia sativa Lens esculenta . , . , , 0** . , ,1* , .

    Vicia sativa L. , : , , ( . 61). : , , , , " , , Pisum brirense L. ( . 621,2,3 4). " : ( , . ) . : , , , . , Pisumarvense L,"; . , , .' ' ). , , ,

    Vicia sativa L, : , , , , . ".,; , , . , Camelina linicola 15. Z i n g , Spergida linicola ., . . , * , , , , , . , ^ , , , ~ | *), "

    , . 3L . . 1924. ''2) , . Camelina Spergut] . . . . . . . . J . 1909. , . . . . 1925. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l Si'6.

    ~ 'Vf~*

    . 61. Yiiin srdirrr L. , . ( ' . . .Fi g . 6' ... Tttc '.reetl peas. U kra ine (O rn igov ) . _Drawing of A. M. S h e p .


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    v #"' "

    '). . , ,$ , 6 | . f . , , ., 80ah . Kj*j . . 1918 J 9 I 9 . ^

    , ^ "" , ^ : , , 4 0 % . f. . XIX . . " "*) : . ) . ^ , *. . F . W i e g j n n ^ 1828 , .1 " . ^ : Wi e gm a n n j ~ J ^ , , . "Wi eg m ann , L$ ^ , , , ^ ~ | " ^ . G r t n e r % j * Wi e gm an , ^ Wi e gm an n*oM . , , G&Vt , rnopHm anna . , , G a r V> . , Her Wr tfoM 1839 ., Wiegmbnn*BU'^h$ , I , ' .B e r g 1848 ., ErpumLe n s * , , J; / .' .

    ') . . . . , .( ). , . . 1920. __ ' > * , . . . V1835,

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    235 , ( ) , .G r t n e r n H e r b e r t Berg'a .

    , , , ,, . , , , . , . . ( ,626,10).

    * ', . . . ' . = 6 . 1 4 , = 5.7 . = = 55 . , = 40 . , . , , , ( ) , . ' ~ :

    , , . , ' ; , " ( .63). , . 5 . ; : ( . 64, 65, 66). , ( . . .. ? ") , , cfc| . ; . . , ",

    ^ . , var . platysperma .. , ,35 85 ::..: ; ^ztnck , .

    . 63. Vicia tativa L. . platysperma m , & . . . %. . . . _ ft.Fig. 63. Vicia etwa L. .platytparma m. Meded Tetcb weed in . Pror. Sarator. */v v * ' Drawn by . . S h e pale .


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    f f i l

    57, 1315. 1.42.7 . . , I2 . , , , . 21.723.4 ~ ; 14.1315.4 . ", ( ), 1; ;^ . 57 , , , *" , .4449 .

    . 64. . jar ^ptatyeperma . , , . ^ . .17 , 8 9 . . .7 , " ." ; ^ ' . . .

    Fig. 64. Vieia & L. via. ' .Vetch weed in lentflt BHwr*Saratov, s t. Balashov.l_ 7_ analyeis of the flowerr8^itfpe; leaflets faaatnral size,Tmagnified 3 , , , % irjr A.J t Sfrepe 1 eVat

    .. .. ' "^ 1^ | ^ 1 ^ ^5 '4 :^^8 :^%' 10. 3 . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ , ; ^ ^ ^ , ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^ 2 , 8 .611.8 , ( 5 7 ) . , , , 6 . , . . V - ' , e :

    241 . 1525; 39.5 . 1000 4055 . ( . 62 5 ,6,9, 10). _ = = _

    , . . ? , , , iv ?

    6 5.FtasativaL.y&r.platysperiKan?. , , 5 . . ., , . / , . . .Fig.65.ViciasafivaL.v&r.pkttyspermam.Seedlings of the flatseeded vetch weedin lentils. Fifth day.Prov. S aratov, distr. Petrovsk. ' ?Drawn by A. M. S be pel ev a.

    . 66 .Vmasativa L. v&i. platyspermam , , , 20 . . ., . . */ . . . . .Fig. 66.FreutmtivaluYKT.platyspermamSeedlings of the flatseeded vetch weedProv. Saratdtv disferPetrovst.rf/.r ;Drawn bf :jLf * Su erp ele v L

    .' s. , ^ Legiiminpsae, , , 20 Wiegm an ' ,. . * H e r b e r f bM . , J o h a n n se n'a , , , . . I I. . 16

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    : .; 'iBdoaoJ * tjuuoxa . ; * ' ( '63 '

    ^ >: ;: '(g MOH4If3XHX3Bd 'H HH bndu 190 ^ 9 ' H3niOldHdHWHW ' BHH8X3Bd 1 OH4ir3XH9BdOU / KBUnXdj KHHhHirSBd ' X 3H H3iTH Bodu ' ^: ' ':'': \ ' ^ 0 ^ :' '.' / 1." ~ 9 9 aqjBdfl 'dO9XO 9 OXh ' ' 9 9 ^ ^ ~ gH Hwodao *OEBd '(, 9 9 *: ^ ^ e m i n j : ' Bd 'wB33Bira 9 ; d ^ d o 190 d o 9 1? 'KBuudjwHHhHireBd 1 1 * adn w B3X3BiraBodu ao fBd * BBinoiyCdHdHHWHw ' , * " 190 dowH irou & ' BJdo & 90 ' 9 airaBodu ^'msttnbtwoVoiDbd " ' & 9 Biff 1 9 ' 9 x u d s do 9xo "xtnoiXd H HH B8oeed9oa ' / -' -CS^. "-.-^THJCdff-'. odu 'am iXdi ^ ^ JgHroxDBdi npXd^xHH ^i i ifSBd, jjirir 190

    OHJHH*JOXb " / B H H Sde X3V ^ 9 'R BonAdj < 1 % ' ^ * 3O H 4if3xneBdou # ao d 9 K0XBX4irXc3d 1 3HEBd9OOHEBd ' ojOJXdV OJOX g > XHHH3ir3l?3diiDBd ' 'hod n ' 6 . ; j n xd airo D avsouiwnSdj 'HHHaxDBd ' 9 0 l3vsouiwriSdi ^ ' 1 1 > 1 1 0 ^H fod 3D8 gatoB iro xo dn ' Boxoh feH daxE BdE x 190 '

    [' &1 / ( 1 "V*8 f t : . osHHaretadiio on * : ?jf(oq ' ' ueravgjepennarray jp snqmra inz "'e s e 9 j \


    ao fB d ' on ' X aHJdff (, \ ' 'V odox nd u ' duBH ' n ndS 'Edo9xo OJOX ^BdoxO T ou 'H irm oeH o dii dtf vjoo /77 vmjdtuvj *Xdo9xo 1 9 ' anH H airalT dduo ' 4irod 9 (t vpiSuads vvijdiuvj 1 xHttiiBdoDBe " 3xo9Bd ft *3do9xo ' ' '149 '0 9 0 1 .90aojXd^f ' 9 l/ Bda ' n d u ' d o 'wosBd9o WHHBJ,

    " R fo dn dn H om md9H J ~ o aBdu ' ' *H0XBX4irAe3d ' 9 09 ' ' 9 9 ' no xo d o j '0HXBd90 ' ^ ^ ^ '-, ^ JS.n J ; ' d ou o f b ^ ' wx}j B ^ ^ a i i i j j ; HHH3XDBd HVodndu 9 ' ' ' i ramndu J \ o ir H iro xD H o d u * ' 9 ( ) ^ 1 n J 0 'aoifH dgH J L 3asH odu ( ( vapvs vpiy\ ' ( ' ) ao fn d 9H J ' 01 0 31 0 0 a 4DHIfBIfU9niDBd MH4irHXd9^ 9 KVHd9HJ ' HHOdOXD 0 ' ' nd u ' H WBffnd9H J % AVn Jj * DOI/U 'vatJVS 7 1/ 1 1 0 *BHH9X3Bd 1 9 ' * O H lT 9d3h oou H KBtTBd ' fBdi raaenodu Boodiioa (,^ $ j0L*E8033d9XHH HOHEBdoosiiHashBh '


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    , , . , . , , , * , , : . . , . , , , . ^ , , , , * , , ~ ,'; . ' .

    Erysiphe eommunisG r e v, f o r m a mciae, Peronospora lenti Gamann Uromycesbrvi " W i n t e r . , ' . , , ( ); , ." , , . , ., 1925 . . , ; . , , . , . . . ( . . ~ ).> , ( )

    , . . . , , Lens. , , , , .


    , . . , Cuscuta europaeassp.viciae K o c h etScbnh. , 1923 . . , . : , Bruchus Jenas F r o L{Laria tentisF r olieh), , , , ; Br.signticornis GjIL (Br.palUdicornisBob.) , , ;B r.ervi FxL{sertatusHL} , . , , , . , , , , . . ^ , , . , . , . BruchidaeCattosobruchus chinensisL. ( ). , , , . , , , , . '). . *) , V*Ervilia, . . , ' . . . , Bruchus uticis if u l s . & R . , V.Ervia ( , , , , ) . . Br . ulicis ssp. vavilovi k m . ( ) . *) , . . . . I II .X 24. 1925. , ., , ., , . , .

    . . . . . . III. 1. 1927.2) , . . . . . . . I T. 1. 1929.

    , . 1878. . , . 1866. . . , . . 1920. , ( q ). III

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