barry johnson stia presentation

Copyright © PMA 2002 Polarity Map ™ 1 Leveraging Polarities For Individuals, Organizations, & Nations Systems Thinking In Action Presented by: Barry Johnson April 2014 This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Management Associates

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Copyright © PMA 2002 Polarity Map ™ 1

Leveraging Polarities

For Individuals, Organizations, & Nations

Systems Thinking In Action

Presented by: Barry Johnson

April 2014

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Management Associates

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Three Parts:

• Personal History

• Polarity Thinking

• Justice AND Mercy

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Personal History – First Protest 1963

I have a dream… 200,000 gather

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East Harlem - Civil Rights 1965 - 1970

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Clergy and Laity Concerned About Viet Nam 1966

Refuse Induction 1968

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Learn how to create healthy systems rather than just protest unhealthy systems. 1969 – 1975

Gestalt Institute of Cleveland 1973-75

First Polarity Map – 1975

Last 39 years learning about polarities

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Effective Leadership

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

Clear Flexible

Rigid Ambiguous

Tight Looseand

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Visionary Groundedand

Effective Leadership

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Self Assured Humbleand

Effective Leadership

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Directive Participativeand

Effective Leadership

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Task Relationshipand

Effective Leadership

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Effective Organization

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Short Term Long Termand

Effective Organization

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Profitability Growthand

Effective Organization

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Cost Qualityand

Effective Organization

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Continuity Transformationand

Effective Organization

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Why leverage polarities?

Move toward your preferred future faster and more sustainably

Increase you capacity to see-love yourself and others more completely

Make a difference and enjoy life

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Loss of Energy





Activity Restand

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Activity Rest

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* Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit ** Thanks to The Strategy Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

*** Thanks to Todd Johnson, Rivertown Consultants




Increased endurance

Muscles build

Run a Marathon


Muscle injury Muscle atrophy

Can’t Run a Marathon

Actions Steps: Actions Steps:

Run further on each workout day

Get adequate down time between workout days

Early Warnings: Early Warnings:

Feeling tired when you wake up in the morning

Missing a workout day

Greater Purpose

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Can’t Complete Marathon

Muscles Atrophy


Achy Muscles



Finish Marathon


Muscles Condition


Muscles Rest/Develop


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Can’t Complete Marathon

Muscles Atrophy


Achy Muscles



Finish Marathon


Muscles Condition


Muscles Rest/Develop


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Healthy Life

Unhealthy Life










Loss of Energy


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Independence Interdependenceand

Systems Thinking

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Parts Partsand

Systems Thinking

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Parts Wholesand

Systems Thinking

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

Over Time

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Left Pole Right Poleand

Polarity Thinking is Systems Thinking

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

The most basic system is 2

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Polarity assumptions:

Seeing is Loving – Jack Gibb

If we can see a person, organization or country completely, we will love them.

A polarity lens helps us see ourselves and others more completely – increasing our capacity to love.

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Polarity assumptions:

No person, organization or nation is above accountability…

Or, below forgiveness

ANDJustice Mercy

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Either/or Assumptions about good and evil:

1. The more you move toward good the more you move away from evil.

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Either/or Assumptions about good and evil:

1. The more you move toward good the more you move away from evil.

2. Laws with conseqences are good

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Either/or Assumptions about good and evil:

1. The more you move toward good the more you move away from evil.

2. Laws with conseqences are good

3. More laws = better

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Either/or Assumptions about good and evil:

1. The more you move toward good the more you move away from evil.

2. Laws with conseqences are good

3. More laws = better

4. Harsher consequencs = better

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Either/or Assumptions about good and evil:

1. The more you move toward good the more you move away from evil.

2. Laws with consequences are good

3. More laws = better

4. Harsher consequences = better

5. Action = stone a woman to death for being pregnant an not married. We do it with self-righteous indignation.


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What would you do?

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This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

Me Not Meand

Deflect and Project on “Not Me”

Should be: Good

HonestSmart = IQHold Power

Can’t access: Good

DiplomaticHigh EQ

Share Power

Become: EvilCruel

Low EQAbuse Power

Can’t be: EvilDishonestStupid = IQ



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This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

Me Not Meand

Deflect and Project on “Not Me”

Should be: GoodHonest

Smart = IQHold Power

Can’t access: GoodDiplomatic

High EQShare Power

Become: EvilCruel

Low EQAbuse Power

Can’t be: EvilDishonestStupid = IQ


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This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

Me Not Meand

Deflect and Project on “Not Me”

Should be: GoodHonest

Smart = IQHold Power

Can’t access: GoodDiplomatic

High EQShare Power

Become: EvilCruel

Low EQAbuse Power

Can’t be: EvilDishonestStupid = IQ



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This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –



Deflect and Project on “Not Me”

Should be: Good

HonestSmart = IQHold Power

Can’t access: Good

DiplomaticHigh EQ

Share Power

Become: EvilCruel

Low EQAbuse Power

Can’t be: EvilDishonestStupid = IQ


✔✔Accountable Loved


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This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

United States Russiaand

Deflect and Project on the “Evil Empire”

Should be: Good


Can’t access: Good


Become: EvilCapitalismInequality

Can’t be: EvilCommunism

Lose Freedom✔✔

Accountable Loved


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Restorative Justice


Grace General Amnesty - Chile

LawNuremburg Trials - Germany

National amnesia; simmering resentments by the victims of Apartheid as their experiences were denied once again; a past that continues to haunt because it has not been dealt with adequately.

Bloody coup by police or military; huge financial burden of defending state employees; impossibility of meeting legal standards to prove guilt in cases with no surviving witnesses; simmering resentment by accused and their families; a perpetuation of a cycle of violence and retribution.

Justice and Accountability; punishment of aggressors for crimes committed; satisfaction for victims at seeing justice done; and, the importance of remembering the past.


Peace and reconciliation; focus on forgiveness, healing and the future; avoid provoking a military coup; save limited funds to build for the future and address the needs of the historically disadvantaged.

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Restorative Justice


Truth and Reconciliation

* Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit ** Thanks to The Strategy Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

*** Thanks to Todd Johnson, Rivertown Consultants


**Positive results from focusing on this left pole:

Justice and Accountability; Punishment of aggressors for crimes committed; Satisfaction for victims at seeing justice done; and, The past is remembered

Positive results from focusing on this right pole:

Peace and reconciliation; Focus on forgiveness, healing and the future; Avoid provoking a military coup.Save limited funds to build for the future and address needs of historically disadvantaged.

Negative results of over-focusing on this left pole to the neglect of the right pole:

Bloody coup - police or military; Huge $ burden of defending state employees; Impossible to meet standards to prove guilt in cases with no surviving witnesses; Simmering resentment by accused and their families; and, Perpetuation of a cycle of violence and retribution.

Negative results of over-focusing on this right pole to the neglect of the left pole:

National amnesia; Simmering resentments by the victims of Apartheid as their experiences were denied once again; A past that continues to haunt because it has not been dealt with adequately.


General AmnestyChile

LawNuremburg Trials


Action StepsHow will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures?

1.Offer amnesty for abuses to which offenders have publicly admitted during the process.2.Give victims and victims families an opportunity to forgive and lighten the load of resentment and rage.3.Give the abusers an opportunity for admission and forgiveness.

Action StepsHow will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures?

1.Have people come forward and publicly own up to abuses they committed under apartheid.2.Bring the victims and the victim’s family to the session in which the abuses to them or their family is admitted.

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Why leverage polarities?

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Continuity Transformationand

Move toward your preferred future faster and more sustainably

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Justice Mercyand

Increase you capacity to see-love yourself and others more completely

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

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Doing Beingand

Make a difference and enjoy life

This material is based on work by Barry Johnson and Polarity Partnerships LLC –

We can do this! Love, Barry

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Polarities are energy systems that are:

1. Unavoidable 2. Unsolvable3. Indestructible 4. Unstoppable5. Free6. Leverage-able

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Higher Purpose = Why Balance This Polarity?

Deeper Fear from Lack of Balance?

Generic Part & Whole Polarity

* Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit ** Thanks to The Strategy Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

*** Thanks to Todd Johnson, Rivertown Consultants


**Positive results from focusing on this

left pole:

1. Freedom

2. Uniqueness3. Initiative of

each part

Positive results from focusing on this right pole:


2.Connectedness3.Synergy of all parts

Negative results of over-focusing on this left pole to the neglect of the right pole:


2.Isolation3.Lack of coordination

Negative results of over-focusing on this right pole to the neglect of the left pole:


2.Sameness3.Excess Conformity

Early Warnings***

Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this left pole.


Early WarningsMeasurable indicators (things you can count)

that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this right pole.


Action StepsHow will we gain or maintain the positive

results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures?


Action StepsHow will we gain or maintain the positive

results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures?



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Polarity Map © 1992, 2008 Polarity Management Associates, LLC

Values = positive results from focusing on the left pole

Values = positive results from focusing on the right pole

Fears = negative results from over-focusing on the left pole to the neglect of the right pole

Fears = negative results from over-focusing on the right pole to the neglect of the left pole

Deeper Fear from lack of balance

Greater Purpose Statement (GPS) - why balance this polarity?*


andPart Whole

Thriving Nation

Declining Nation

• Freedom (liberty)

• that among these are life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

• Equality

• We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights

• Inequality • Loss of Freedom

Polarity Management® Map

Declaration of Independence

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Polarity Map © 1992, 2008 Polarity Management Associates, LLC

Values = positive results from focusing on the left pole

Values = positive results from focusing on the right pole

Fears = negative results from over-focusing on the left pole to the neglect of the right pole

Fears = negative results from over-focusing on the right pole to the neglect of the left pole

Deeper Fear from lack of balance

Greater Purpose Statement (GPS) - why balance this polarity?*


andPart Whole

Thriving Nation

Declining Nation

• Freedom (liberty)

• Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation conceived in liberty,

• Equality

• And dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

• Inequality • Loss of Freedom

Polarity Management® Map

Gettysburg Address

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and WholePart

Thriving Democracy

Declining Democracy

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Thriving Democracy

Declining Democracy

* Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit ** Thanks to The Strategy Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

*** Thanks to Todd Johnson, Rivertown Consultants


**Positive results from focusing on this

left pole:

Tea Party

1. Freedom

2. Uniqueness3. Initiative of

each part

Negative results of over-focusing on this right pole to the neglect of the left pole:

Big Government


2.Sameness3.Excess Conformity


Tea Party Point of View

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Thriving Democracy

Declining Democracy

* Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit ** Thanks to The Strategy Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

*** Thanks to Todd Johnson, Rivertown Consultants


**Positive results from focusing on this right pole:

Occupy Wall Street


2.Connectedness3.Synergy of all parts

Negative results of over-focusing on this left pole to the neglect of the right pole:

Big Money


2.Isolation3.Lack of coordination


Occupy Wall Street Point of View

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Thriving Democracy

Declining Democracy

* Thanks to John Scherer, Center for Work and the Human Spirit ** Thanks to The Strategy Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

*** Thanks to Todd Johnson, Rivertown Consultants


**Positive results from focusing on this

left pole:

Tea Party

1. Freedom

2. Uniqueness3. Initiative of

each part

Positive results from focusing on this right pole:

Occupy Wall Street


2.Connectedness3.Synergy of all parts

Negative results of over-focusing on this left pole to the neglect of the right pole:

Big Money


2.Isolation3.Lack of coordination

Negative results of over-focusing on this right pole to the neglect of the left pole:

Big Government


2.Sameness3.Excess Conformity

Early Warnings***

Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this left pole.


Early WarningsMeasurable indicators (things you can count)

that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this right pole.


Action StepsHow will we gain or maintain the positive

results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures?



Action StepsHow will we gain or maintain the positive

results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures?





Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street

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Early WarningsMeasurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this right pole.

Early Warnings***

Measurable indicators (things you can count) that will let you know that you are getting into the downside of this left pole.

Action StepsHow will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this right pole? What? Who? By When? Measures?

Action StepsHow will we gain or maintain the positive results from focusing on this left pole? What? Who? By When? Measures? Values = positive results from focusing on

the left poleValues = positive results from focusing on the right pole

Fears = negative results from over-focusing on the left pole to the neglect of the right pole

Fears = negative results from over-focusing on the right pole to the neglect of the left pole

Greater Purpose Statement (GPS) - why balance this polarity?

Deeper Fear from lack of balance




Healthy Safe World

Unhealthy, Unsafe World

Mercy with Forgiveness

Justice withConsequences

1. Increase in the number of laws and harshness of punishment.

2. Increase in blaming and expressed hatred for others.

1. Increased abuse of the less powerful by the more powerful.

2. Increased complaints of uncertainty, fear and chaos.

1. Treat all people with dignity, love, and compassion.

2. Listen to people, regardless of status.

3. Recognize your self in the other.

1. Agree on laws to live by.2. Agree on consequences.3. Agree on fair processes to

determine guilt or innocence.

Laws with consequences provide order and accountability. They also provide predictability, protection, consequential thinking and community through shared agreements and compliance.

Grace with forgiveness provides unconditional love and hope. They also provide relief, gratitude, and community membership, in spite of noncompliance.

Laws and consequences without grace and forgiveness leads to guilt, and despair. It also leads to being judgmental, legalistic punitive, and the loss of community membership through noncompliance.

Grace and forgiveness without laws and consequences leads to disorder, and no accountability. It also leads to vulnerability to bullies while no shared agreements undermines community.

The Infinity Factor™ Within Justice and Mercy

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& WholePart







&Seeing Evil in Ourselves

Seeing Evil in Others


Other RelianceSelf Reliance







Greatness in Others

Seeing Greatness

in Self

Inequality and Isolation -

Lack of the spiritual -

Guilt, judgementalism -And projection

Imposition on others, chaos -

I am right and you are wrong -

Power hoarding -

Neglect of impact -

Self righteous indignation -

Arrogant condescention

-Loss of Freedom

-Lack of science

-Overtolerating victomization

-Rigid unresponsive


-Excessive dependency

-Politically correct and immobilized

-Feeling guilty and deserve punishment

-Ignoring own potential