barrington area library · & months of .31 reviewed in brief oulstandinu •

& Months of .31 Reviewed in Brief Oulstandinu •<«><*! Events | or [.,^( Year- Gleaned |.- r „m Files. ff< •L.. .r Calendar pt a Chain Store fWN<|J¥ff iJELL A: ;,I>I milling newfc .-, ,, i'..r tin- List six- printed in this : I- t,.< the review of .- Marti'd with a •-• MV numths last .'. municipal swim- ..!.• -Itt•-•(* under the \!;:ri';in Legion in ;i \\liich included .•mil exhibitions, . .; l,n-'h:i!l games.' , .miners used the .mining pool dlir- il-. Kight roun- .-I'I- npen to visit- In' Miispiew of the . -!„v ' . - " •• :. I,."„'ifn mi the-first in tli.- Ilerren ; ,'r HI factory. . ;>• lOdxyard. Han- ._'•' ;i. municipal ,f tli.- Inle A . W . '.•,••: i.iii' his large l>ii-.K shells, Harrington ;• •v.i'Uin'iit i< Civen- !.. \<l. Chief 1-..1 1.1- diluted 2W . .!.il. - in ten inin- i ..''.t.juhwii.v 1!> <)ii ' i \ .ir.-rililin. • • caravan ! . 11 i '1 -tuily tinir.. 111iiT• ('('liter • i > .1 1-. i-l 'II' I ML' StJl- : •>:<• < 'ivii War. is i n!. h.".\- wi'n- • • .! itimis. •-.- -I .Nm-tliwest \|-..-i s-H-eef mill | . I i'iinli'1.. rufld is "•• • -iii Legion I •••..') .-ippivip a,i | !"-iivril to be | S.ii iinliiy. Har- i..' corps will ! ' :u- fur the tirst I •i l '•ii.w.l turned otit i <-in-nival ever •• at Hie"Barring-1 i,..,.| Friday. A stitt per semes- | I'i- T'.arriitgton j i: outside of the i ' ..'i-inc-t. This • is tin- computed cost' il. j Sun.lay rnmil at flic ..nli .-amp totaled 1.- ' ••:' t'.st pupils' attended -.'II.M.1 Wednesday. V-nt lifnl thieves stole ••" gulf halls and ear- :-•: i Hie pro house 4it the !'rv i-lnl) Sunday morn- 1 in.' t.> ;i w\dc open •lie Illinois game code •! .-.'lit. hen pheasants 1'i'ntectinii Wednes- "Medusa's Head;' Will Provide Mahy Thrills "If you try to find out by the police, 7 -I swear that I 1 will never- come back'! is tfie only thing made explicit in connection with the mysterious disappearance of Mrs. Crandall White in "Me- dusa's Head," th<| new and un- usual story which is appearing serially in The Review. Apparently Mrs; White, one of the most beautiful young matrons of the fashionable set, is happily married, certainly j she is in, good health, and the note she leaves on ber departure may mean most anything. .>> • ;.' Mrs'. Josephine. Dnskani Ba- con,, the author, wHtes of society j and society folk With a sureness of one whose, knowledge of the subject is intimate. This author knows? the background of New York'? social life, and her hires"-', of this background bright and fascinating and her characters vivid, i One way of solving this puzzling plot is tb read the in- stallment each week in The Re- view. :. The tsecorid instalment ith ja synopsis ojf the first' ap- pears [in this issue}. , -—;—-—f-i i : , ^ pic- ! are HigherThanThose of Other Viilafjes Local Tax Rates of Nearly Comitijunitfes in Two Counties Along with the receiit iof t ke wel- towh- eome news Tuesday that Gubi ship. taxpayers in school, clistt iet. No, in. tax ewa jof to Go Over Books With^ustees Will Attempt to Justify Claims for More Than Contract Price Arnold. Himmelbluu and Co., Hc- »|»IR)CM4&, Who, hold, ^he j".b, of audit- ing Harrington village records, have arranged' it .'special meeting \ with the board of trustees Friday night to go over tlie ' tjreasurer's books with the trustees and try t|o j Mul'stan- fiiite their claims and show why they aie entitled to mow than the.contract price for the auditing job. ; Tito firm originally contracted to do the vork for a sum hot to exbeed $1,- 000, after examining the records, and submitting bids along with j several other accounting firms. A'tetf 1 spending two months on the boots,- -the accountants presented a left<r to the board] requesting''..the vil- lage to grant thenj the achntl salary cost, of the time expended in complet- ing the work plus railroad fires, and stating that the actual salitrf cost plus (railroad fa^es op „' to t ia • • time was $2,238.13 and that it wouljt cost an iddi'tio-nal $58)0 to com]ilete the audi rand furnish satisfactory, repor.ts. Tlie board retaliated with ip unah>; iiiomi rejection of the request. Tlie accountants Contend that the job mtailed more work than at first estimated because of ineoniplete fec- oidsTand iuacenratie books of the ril- la|ge,l and will tr« t» provii .to the hoard Friday nigh| that tbelr'claims for t larger fee apt justifiable. The meet ng will not he opijn to tlie public ,1 f inn nwners' vigor- ' In: a sins activities on \ -vi-je> ,>( diree social - .'...ii-i \. a ton, lln d n for. :i.-e. marked the open- 1 "il on page 3 liilvy Pleased ! Yhvn Assessors \ Mil h Defeated i' t'nhii i'.wn,sli-tfi mnile 1 "" hmise. hi'lj Tl which "i i In- ri..ii.-,v ot'ltvpre- W ; ..|n.-,.| lliV . Mr. I'tiley '•••••• iii« ii'legrnm to the lii-Mi-w -Wednesday 'in'orn* -hiv" :if<eni,M.n house hill 'I '" passu K e in tiu> house. ' th.11 the time honored i :I-->,-III-S he taken from "I IjiinTled over to the poli- ihis nits a hi'-par^ ii»ie(id ,of a non-parttsnn '"W'l.'.l that the governor •'.viir nf Chicago appoint 'vliin w'iis cimcked nnd all -sin-,. wiiK brought to bear, 1 hitter tight lusting until. " chirk Wednesday inor.n- 1 decided defeat, 1 'ax dodgers aiyl a poli- the luegiiining of n • dan- "i-that might eventually "\'er the stufe. It is well t'yple nf all the state tHat H *i!l > Tfiyi'-- ,,,1. ! ~ "ii" bill known as senate bill ' rd the senate last week and ^•a passage in the hope next Humors, of different deals ate -••'• hut we have faith that mem- •'!-. house, will assert their in- ' • ai/d defeat them." I Miljtary Funeral for National Guard Officer M litnry funeral services were held at tlie 131nt Armory, OhicaRO, at 1} l». n i. Wwlnesdny fpr Major Edwnrd AV. llnrt. 103 S. Walton street of this village/ Death followed an operation performed nt the Amerleun hospital, (MiWago, .lanimry I}. Major Hart jmssled .away Sunday ninht. Tlie ! deceased Is survived by hi« wife, Ttiose, and one daughter, Miriam. In civil li^e, Majlor H » rt wn " »" employee of i.Iewel Tea (^o,, having been.w-Uh th« company for the part twelvo years. He moved to HarrinK- ton with bis family one nnd one-half yea-re ago. In 1H$8, ho Joined the 131st Ihfanlry of tlie Illinois Nation- al guard, in which organization ,lie WHS active until the time of hlrf death. \ ' Glasses. Break While at Play; Endangers Eyesight Hobert Hilton, assistant to Presi- dent M. HI Karker'of the Jewel Tea Co.. was seriously threatened with the loss of an eye Wednesday noon when his eye glasses were broken while he was .playing handball. Mr. Hilton was taken to Grant hos- pital, fhjeago, yesterday afternoon and he) underwent j an operation for the reriioval of the 1 broken glass last niglt." Attending Iphysiciansr report Hurt it will reouijre two or three d'ajhr t(i determine whether or not he will, regain the sigbit of the eye. His eyesight has been weak for some time neci 'ssitating *he wearing of glasses practically--.all Of the time. | Has Attack of Pleurisy Herman Schwe^m, 215' S. Cook street, .has been suffering from \& t^- vere attack of pleurjisy this keek. Those re< ujction afent, iji 4 will enjoy a flight rate on the 1931 assessAii a different appeal was I Ireceiyed by Barring?k>n. township taxpayers in school district No. 4i to :lje effect*tfajat Barnngton's rate for th; 1930 assess- iment is higher than thai: »f any bthler village i^i tho northwest part of Cook county. The Lake eomty Barring- ton rate is also [higher ban that .of any other village lying? [>i,rt or whole in tbe southwesp distrht . of Lake county. This may ha partly tM result! .of'a' generally lower level .of assesspiehts in Bnrrington. The ta|xIrate for Bar- rington village pronerty in Cuba towns-hip is higher than the tax rate for Barrington propejrty in Barring- ton township. This also is due to a low|er assessnifnt level in Cuba town-* ship than in Barring 1 ,on township. CubA Reduction The 1030 and 1031 tax rates for that'part of the Ivillngfc'of Barring' ton lying in Cuba towns lip along with the rates for the same years for other village^ in the southjyeKii part of Lake county j are outlined lie|ow. These latest ^represent the amiuht of money to be' paid on each. $ly0 of assessed valuations; 1030 Harrington J..6.20 l-ibertyvillo ,....,....1....5.87 Miindelein (L. twns'hp. 4.0« Mtindelein -(F. twnshp.: 4.15 Wftufondn .:..... .5.05 L«k«v Zurich .1...4.34 From, tbe. above figures it Syill jbe noted ' that Lake coun y Burlington rate is higher than that:' >f any other emmnunity in the groiii). It will bo also noticed fhaf the Bn'Hngtoik'ratfiH are the only .ones whicli showed a de- crease^ from 1930. to 1-031. I General Incrnse Tlie 1028, 1929, and 1930 <. tax rates for that part of Bar-ington lying within Cook county along with rates for other villages in the northwest part of Cook county aie outlined be- low. These rates also represent the amount, of money paid on each $100 of assessed valuation!. ;.•'••• ' 1 9 ½ Mount Prospect .... 2.1)3 Arlington Heithts ....3,46 Wheeling .. Goif .: Niles; .-..: .... ; Palatine ... Park Ridgltt Barrington' From thj> aliove ..L.._.,.,...3.:ni' : .3.1)2 ...... 3.111 ..3.33 ..:....... , .4.1)1 .:..4.26 that all communities in tlie northwest part of Cook county except Arlington Heights have ^faced hij-hir |tax rates yearly, from 1SI29 -to :.0JiO jinclusive. 'Ba'rringtion lias had the nig^hest rate on. each ; of the three y;a^s. $4mDim^ut<id in D&cktnber for LocalWfl&et Work ber, , ... secretary, MrsJ A. L, ireamrejri Henry Muth, Koet ig, an|l D ( J. Heffe Twlently-two nfeedy -famililes in Bar- ringtun received help from be. Bar- rington relief conmittee in tM month of' I> «ember; acsording to a monthly repor; g^ven to The Revievr| Mrs. A. | L. Rol ertson, trtasurer for the committee. An| average wf $20 was spe-jit per family, th« total ex- penditure amou lting, to 11455.19 as compired wtth $170^41 sjent on 17 familiesiin November. . Th> relief: fuid, raised »y popular stibfc ription, tot als $1,536.13 to-date. In hdping needy families, tins relief comn ittoe cstabl sbes credit at various busir ess houses for each amly and each bays \vjiat it cain frok the amount placed tJ its 'Credif. | 3 e itemized repoitt for December ..»»«,TJS..'' the following ex fienditures: food, $336.97; milk, $2: .72; fuel, $57.S5; clothing, 12; rent, $25; giso*- llne,l$aJ25.. , •: •' In addition! to their regular work in helpiig needy families, the relief com- mittee Supervised the sending out.of 30 ("hristmas ! laskets in December. Each basket containet grocery staples, meat,; fruit, vegetal»les, leandy, nuts, and toys ] 6i* childrei. /Schools, churches, Jewel Tea jCo., (ifferent pr- ganiiations v an I individuals contri- butee, and' the baskets I ffere distri- buted Dec. 23 f nd 24. Mc mbers of tl e relief co: nmittee are Elden {JU'ejske, chairmsh",', M H. Schrei- ,'ice chnirmnn, Mrs. Inez Brown, Robertson, ( ev. H. fi. nan. 1931 «.15 5.98 5.02 4.49 , 5.4« 4,34 table, it is realized 1929 3.01 3.84 4.09 4.10 4.31 3.50 4.87 5.52 1930 3.33 3.7T 4.17 4.67 4.73 4.74 5.16 6.00 erMQwmfs ^eci^^Water Being Shut Off The village; mil was pearly filled th Bnrringt m proi»ei|y owners Monhty ilight, naity of Hipm angered by l|p,|6^on,J(ii the superintendent of wiifii r Sprits i|i) shutting ol)T their sup ply^; to protest; to theboardj of trustees aga|»»l the retwnt diwJsiofn ito force delff oueiits to 'j|ay up." ••.•;! mi i,e;ppot«sti ;< »iiie mninl |? from own ers ; ; tf propertj '•'•rented' tc , I enants in arrciirs on tlieir water bills. One property owner decltirei . that his AVati ubad btseji shut off ;bi ft re he liad bees! notifiod,.--'t'iat thej teriant of the liropRrty ;w#* lelinqufent. Ifte mis- undi rstandings 'ce.rtterlpd ai'ound the 'fnejtiii ithat maiy tenaints art behind i tr 4 ie;ir Water bills, that c rners of j^rop n tj( afe rei iponrible f >t ] laymcnjts When *rs !isve not Boon notified heretofore that sitn^it tlhat Two Local Menon Stout Anniversary Week Committee i ) Extensive Program Planned for Troops in Northwest Suburban Council \ PlanK for celebratltiK tb* 1 Iwentv- seeond anniversary of he Boy Scout (irgnnljirttloti in the Noithwest Snbur- ban council were forn ulfttcd at the lender's round table n eating at Ar-, lliigton Heights last Wsdiosday even- lug. ActivUles for anniversary week, February 7-13, are undi-r the dlreotiop of the following com nltHee: chair- man. K. J. Anderson, J)en Plainer; (). T. Baird and A. I), Ohureh, Ba^ rlngton; 0. M. Siuidlorji, Palatine; J. T. Sayerrt and P. IT. Roth, Arling- ton Hcigbts; w: I). A widen and W. Imig. Dea Plaines; \V. Wunluck and , Continued on pace 5 > Anticipate Big Rt - Vehicle Tag Slightly overilOO tags have been Issued tin I plications illage vehicle |o-«late, accord- ing to latest reports "from A. C Bur- andt, village clerk, which! meanp that the clerk's office will b£ a bu«y| placlc within t^ie next few wepks. . Vehicle licenses will j become delin- quent tjiis year after, January 31, through I a recent decisi on of the vil- lage board. Ordidrtrily tbere are about 900 vehicle tags issued ii the village during the year. "This means that 800 applications must be mide within the next two and one-half n/sieks to avoid .the, risk of pajying a peialty. i . -T' 1 ' b4a ri 1 cm »1 wnti'r linqii e street, betoie ment motii 'j street* a bit If if uch bills are in" arj-ea^s. This on has jprown) out of the fact 1 he board tenants tiefaullt, nn<[ that own- Year Assiired liy ale of Warrants ston Will Barrinj ~ main Open; Crisis Faied ^y Others in Countj Re- recebtly tjo j collect the i;reat accu nidation of Unpi i(! bills, : j TSie ten mt-property Own^r;situation was not ifnticipated. 'h yffni kotify dw| overcome the- si adopted a resolutio tbe. ij-i lage colle ;tor to noi property; on wh M bills hav d become ' ?0 it. AVater will not be the instructing all -own- tebants' days', de- shut, off in sdclh eases'bjifojre, that ^iihe. Sejtrcfral property; owners along'Main and Dundee ayeniie appeared the board to ask for their pave-, bond refujnds. The' amount of collected for improving those was Miffi rient for a 1 costs ( with nee of nore than $3,000 left. Tt wa£ reported that the money had been used to purchase vijlagc of Bar- rington tax anticipation i warrants, That was a plat whereby [be property owners' surphiH would bel invested in the interest bearing warrants and thus automatic illy tranlsferred from one fund to i nother. i Sit! Vera! of t lese property owifers npp|ti(r<>d before the boiivd declaring the money was theirs anjd not village Continued on paif? 5 Bar -tngten schools willfbej kept in operation throughout the* yea•.with full s ilaries assun d to the s iff of teachers, it was r sported this week by a tnember ofj tl e board of educa tipn.. j '.' " l.-l ]••• Whi(e unable/ t| sell any of its Cook county anticipation warrants, 1 the beard found a maj-ket foi Bake countj' anticipation wajrrants mount ing |:o ;$25,000. tThisf, almost, but; not quite, covers the salaries fyr ^li year. The [joke county school tai: money due ii 1932 amodnt8|to somewhat more than $40,0001 This tax m«|>ney will be used as it com^s in to >ay ,of| the niw Lake, county-tax antic pation warrants. While part of the "final month's salaries to teachers will have to come from somewhere other than the $J25,000 loan fund, the (mount will to so small tbat the board prob- aily will not be hi rdf pressed ta.raise it, should the tax| receipts pe flow at ccriiirg in. ' j ! ;, j ' j . . ;.- Barringtoit Fortunate Banjlngton's scbbol financing situ- atiojn is pleasing ns compare I with tfiat Iof the school situations in vil- lagesj ilocatedl wholly Within Cook county, • , {' •- •' -. •;.••'''"' In Dcs Plaines, school teachers havci;been paid sculpt.-1 for many mont fi«. In Park Ridge tlie bo ird has exhaiste<l its cash resources ailtl\is up agniist a propositini of rairinfi money by popular subscription, pa/fng in script,! or elosing its Hcboolti The school board at Blue Island wis alert early in the game, areordinir to n statement appearing in the phicago Trihide 1 -'lJlt|ie Island nijipearn to hare seen the trouble coming sooner than other (M'hojil boards. It trimmed is sails last; spring and began savin? cash. TJi'is board has eliminated manual training and domett ic 'science, ri'duced its Bhysicaf education, nnd otherwise cut eiptjnses." , Gleneoe,' Western Springs and Rroij>k(ield - have tilosed their W'hools, Tie Ayesterh Springs schojds liaWf been re-opened this wpek result took action Schjroeder's Bid LoW for Village iall Improveinent dimpany was a total bid fiojliroedcr'fl lilttnlware Wa« the giiC' CMS ul bidder for the n-ork of in stalling the toilets In the vlllafe hall and Converting the presirt rtove Jjito a pipelesH hent r. Tlie awarded a' contract nt prioti of $160. Sin local phimblng ; did heating firm i put in bl Is for th> work. Tlie bids yaried fron ?160 to .1241.93. 'This covers the cost cf the heating and plumbing work only, its' lubor used In movi tig the hca in; unit i nd in doing other repair work will be paid for by the, reliefi job i£k wliere the fcfeSfc Hough Strent Is Opjsn at Railroad Crossing Sone with iv pre to of a'drive to collect from {Families with children m schools. Nearly all school bo|a CXioittoi'iity are jreaching thq is the $ >0,0(JO havii reached rese rves*. the end of the ,-• S>me of the.sclools have paid their teachers nothing " ' ' caslable at some schools ht script payments, mt script—vj-ltit'll is of the local stores, ve alternnthl cash Hough street is again cpen to traf- fic «t tbe 'Chic igo & Nof;th Western railroad tracks with a crusting completed, I St ate i highwa r Wokers took up the railroad brew left off tracks .with preparation and filled in between. tjb< a | ci ushed rock and (tar Concrete has been ordered for the ci-osi|;ing, and it W,ill replice the tem porary filling bier. Elden (i. (iieskr e-Elerted Heid of Business ( M ," : - - ; - ' ' E. J. Langendorf Will B; Sec- retary Again; 1 Election , Tuesday Night i i FEMiifi G. Gieske was reelected p|refhlent ajid E. J. Lnngentb rf sec retary of the BarringtejirChai iber of Commerce at the quarterly meeting held in Greengard Grill Monday even- ing.! Frank II. Plagge was rj elected treasurer; but the reronimenditlon of the i nominating coroiirittU'e lor rev- olectieli of nil oflleera was mt nom piled with boeduso of R. L. Mund henk'a! withdrawal from the liomlna tlon, for the office of vice prmldent J, S. Gierke was elected a' si ecc«Bor to (hh Mundbenk. I I A motion mode, on , the flojir- that the'eiuh use Itjf Infftienee t/ bring pro-oW route f»l) to Barrlnglon foi lowefd a lively dlscnaalhl'on tlit» bene fits ind evils"whWi ml «iit rettilt from this fmpoHiiht north ind sout t rotfto paHslnic through Bnrritgton. The mo- tion w'a's withdrawn aid one was ai|J[>- sfltuted tlintbisfnictel, tho htcretary to write the district h g'hway MiperliT- tondent OKking for rout ing of tlin route west (ft Barrington b i t as m'ar tlie villajgel limits as feasll ile.. Tlu latter motion carried.^ ! The program of the < vening 1 lduded annual reports 0¾ tk« treasnrer, the secretary, and the i resident The activities of the year \iere rcv.ii wed I which it was pointed out tl at tbe Chamber was sucfiessft 1 in bel >ing/to brini; the state highway depirtment and {tbe North Wester I railrw d/com- pany together in a pan to improve the J Hough street railroa,d o ossing. temporary* It waif also, pointed out tnttt the Chattier was tnstr,ume ital iii persuad- ing itlje railroad company; tc con- strutft a passenger wai inj/rooi i south of the r tracks. One o'. the oitstand ing ncjromplisbmcnts 11 jthe y tar for the oijganization wa i ijn spoasoring and managing a suinesjsful co5pora tive sales .day early h the'fall, ^1 1 I f '1 I MikMttdk: &3&L the ds in e{nd or cash X A ' driverless J)i u tackled a light ppsfjlon the .cor- ner of Russell and Spring.streets te Monday nigbt Jn a tie between the the ppst.'stoppetl both fared badly. . The machirie, an Oakland coupe owned b;r Edwin Ajnderson who resides on the, V a l W v i e w farms, west of town, lu>d .been parked on the t>p of the hill on "East t o |m b b i Which ended two forpes—he car, but Russell s treet ncur the Division street in :erseetion, aCco rding to Witnesses, when it was bumped by Francis Donlea who had just turned the corner fj<Jm the south. The impact was enough to cause the machine to start down the hill.- The automobile was guided along the| street by the side curbing until it came to tbe Spring street intersection- where it veered off to 4he right and col- lided with-the light pole. The- owner Of thje ruia'away car ".was across the street and saw it start, but failed in an attempt to catch the machine. ; L The Jrontl of {the- automobile was badly wrecked from the im- pact, the car having gained con- siderable momentum on the des- cent. The Ilkht pol| was clipped completely off. | m 19 is laniedtorYear Would Extend 40-Foot Strip 5 to Junction Wjth High- ways 22 ajid 61 —H- f Surveying Work preparatory to wid- ening Northwest highway through Lake county will bo eoniplcted this •Jvinter, according to llmfprmntlnn re- vived by Supervisor' H. D. Kelwey |rom the state highway department. The proposed widening project for t)ho coming simmer is an extension of he four-lam route, whicli was com- pleted last dninm{i' to the Cook-Lftke county line to the junction with high- ways 22 and 61 on this"'side of Crys- tal Lake—a distance of approximately "0 miles, according ,to information from Charles Lamb, district, superin- tendent of highways. WidenTto 40 Feet The present slab of pavement will ! e given i£verp tests to determine any efective portions which may have de- eloped and these .will be replaced with ew paving in addition to widening le entire strip to 40 feet. The im- provement project will follow the pres- (»t route, approximately five miles of which lies in Lake county and five in McHenry. Mr. Lnm|> intimated that the job probably would be let in fjwo contracts. Although the project is included in the 1932 state road lonstruction program, he would not <ommit himself as to when the work would be started. Takes Off in Feet at Aii 0e<j>rge , Fischer, I*iIotl dares trial Plight Js Successful. | the! field by jtelephoni "I 1 > brine-it- djtiWh and 'have- sjugiestro^ S^cliimpif<)ycment.| I ne> manager* ffiet) i < I cp^l|d not fjiiggestl in i™ iwb o: t ptpfeiir De Tie Herren Aeronauticijl eirpora- tlons .first airplane made its) initial fligl.t. at Sky .Harbor, nwir til' Dun d;e joad, .Tluiirsday inornini. Tbn plaiJ took ot&Jt^ 9-M a. nl with Ceofge FiscWj". manngejr. 6f SJiy nar- li t>r' at the controls. After!'flyinj; around the field for" lt>/ minu| ft, Mr, i'iseher landed .the plane andflofferetI tlie comment; that the new fjPUvvejr off i be Air" . i \ marvel Jus. " [(; is ,ama!:;|^ig»"/>lr.. Fisefl^r sal* i! ii Review |iimporter On favor, ieady.for flfgl^on Tjiftredny-^ I t^on TUfti jiBle/ weaj! lug ne ,...,„ . veittherj Wtts Hich' as'tjo he te| \ arable'-rraUicI?[than linfavori The offlelalj hiHght lifev* mi|t{ otje flight f r i t h s inrlier if lecfn Willing, j to ashemhlo ; h, ;j i he,t motor wljen tbe part^t atmosphere Whs bot i»er|«ct, 'fHo '" •" ' " ned'fii- le. h.a prt' ley Imil acii!] 1 t,can« lie'y,' d! eetioi it tJmt tUc vith tjii perfcfi it ,-T. A. to Hold First Meeting Thursday Evening Tlie first program of the Barring- on Parent'Teachers association will ie [held in the high (-t-li<?ol' aiiditorwm ijt 8 p. m. Thursday, .tan. 21. ' Mi™ Lenore Torgrimson, remedial ((eacher, will talk on reading And Miss Dorothy McCanley will speak of tho alue of kbidcrgarten trnhilng to the (thlld. The following officers; who were elected at the organization meeting t|f the association on October 8, will preside for the.- first time Tuesday; Mrs. Wirt Lawrence, t president; Mrs. Walter Seaverns, first vice president; Mrs. P. R. Drover, .treasurer, and ||I(|NH Dorothy McCutiley, secretary. Thit' association welcomes all- par- ents aud ii'nyone lnteh>Hted in school ijirobleths. At the meeting ThiirHtlay, there will be a question box for que* lions pertaining to IV-T. A, problems cr suKKCHtlotiH which will'further the UK-cess of the organisation. A hVieinl hour will follew the program. IMre /Department -Answers . / Call to Paddock Home > i i j . /The BarringjUm volunteer fire de- partment was called to extinguish a Haze In the L. B. Paddock home, 5'25 IS. Hillsido avenue,] at 9 a.m., Wel- nesday: Tlie. tlam&gej was estimated at $76 and was cowrecj by" insurant; e. Just bow the fire started was nit determined. MrJ 'Paddock reported that he went to thc{ basement/, at 7 c clock tp fix the fire 1 In the furnace I nd found everything all right: A f iort time later smoke filled the hoqse i ndj an alarm was tuirned In. The Masse was extinguished quickly. The blaze started on a partition i ear the furnace and spread op to the iafters, burning -off' several electric light wires and scorfching the first floor above the| partition. ' .<• 'i ' I I l who ha >f tbe iJcdmpa'i iJroWmeiit. 3 'u<e», liglitj plape j i i 'ISjfe'et of iplace* It .^'ntli, i nd flics fair jj' fast. I It ial# sd lik J cfiiafer. t did'inert liuvc tlJHjnpto ^16^011^11 , . WalJ|.s!a t o / l m p r o v e f The machlii e; waS'taiKen a Jes^ay morii tijr and' tjanaj 4kjf Harbor yliere. It was) a| i l' cnlle<| Jjt'pectei I list of ' offe f Tbs tber. t W«-1 teil W embl« | lepcbit thotigi <*r i rom the foiii 1 dry. Hmvevi rldpd to maWi alt po^iiblp, ind improveiwilts hvfi «> iriginal flight would lte midii uAtemli'led ailiilane 11^1 iie« j| is possible, , ' j, * j' Additional flights' were* colli dlfot Tlmrs'lay and a piibw ion lllight p 'obably Will In* " he near fill ire. The factor; is, prepcied to id'JItmiui/i. iiii'iiliineV and nio fact' parl« or ' ndditio'unl uive lieen <•< nstri|cte<l. 1. , ^ ,j •mplrijb ejUdbi Made tr instnici Ol'l—Ii achfni" 0. 0. F Holds, 'AnnMl Installation ;cf iOjfficeifs The follow ng offieei-- weri l! the regulir meeting i>f \\ ington I. O. 0 . P. held at tl< ooms Januaiy 7: E. W, rajid; K. J houp. vice grnjiu Miaefer, r< cording' . neerel tli j" > routy, treasurer. TbV applied ojf leers for th<' new year ;arp' Hiller. It. S, 'X. G.; Ed. Mfl ;t. N. G.; Ed. Ricke. R. H. .V, lollister, L. 3. V^ fl.;' NeallH varden; John Sehwiirta, (Jail >. Sliiley: ehi plain'; (Jeo, Ifijim Ii. P.; Harry Ai»kew, L, Arthur ' Jura, lodge, {depot; (he meeting refreshments W^rJe I y the committee I'-tallei Ba iodi Raad-, nnbjl( Sal I'harli ajgee, Ji G.;_ *•, nwiigji lift-to* R. S S. P; Afta sVrvi' w«ek, ni bill diet n, utor jsfiCU. 11 i enter utter!] >y clanst \i legislature Mufi't TruA)iQ^h$rPttyn for ipdok Cointy 'Revenue for Cook count;•. anil ievenue from Cooln {'ouutyt jjor tin iitafe of HHiois—these nrej'tho ini m-rajtlye neetlK today, 1 arid ify pro! 1 'iiis that tin at be Solved in w hurriy l y this specijil sewfoii' fh"fh*i,lfgl«Ii 1 nro A \ \ ' „ ' - • I '" A state jAlnarw thnw- •'inkmed « lodny the Mtuatjnp 'ir»ii»fo)|tl >g\th< I wislature, .ffollnjijluB jrhe dofe it ln(< 11st night of the fioifaJW ''Kjtlly, Conk 1 roniise Iwil," discarded'iby fill- hontfi in a'midnight vote. 1 . jl l That hill ,'pjropnsed uHiitN rHy M, 1 iscard tht» IjcVM-nt boii'i-d of Jit isesttori 1ridhoard oj; review <|f <'IM»| *ounty 1 nd replace"tiliem ,wlthia iHNtjrt of ni* Mrtnent amjl appeal^: (ippalited b; J Jovenior EiilmerHon rtiut tp prowl 1 ent of the fH|»rtl !if rViofi ubtltl y com niHsloners. / , Passed by [tile nenfif> lu'ht in i'mtTgeiidlj- nfc«Hilr»v the 11 the hoiiHe 'after n King ddw 1 ty tk'bnte. Plrot defentcfl nrf icncy' meiiHurn, the bill 'Waft 1 ltffturdcd, wliii the', l-mcrjicn itrlckeil out. t i • ' ' ', This, In a toin*f- placed M entire loglslature ^juare- mi. ag^list thi < upstion of providing wayHjm hieaw lo'obtain fundif Immediately ^ I r«t f«i Oook county, fk preserve iti ^»vcrn nental funct|oi« and! prevail bank uptcy, and Htcotw? t^ enaWfl'; Cool lounty to pay the stafcp fifa )00,001 iii back taxea,. ' ' | * Thfy nWKbrpe accomplish*!, quick ' y nbd cleanly by 'the cnatttr tent- 0 two peasures k ' Jeirg^.the Ian cover ing assessment,and review «11 if hav. .harp teeth placed, fn it oni cnmpe personal property to pay taiefi. / Second, the .unpaid'taxe»!flr192i (nd 1929, hnrf the' t«tnt aasessjiieiit fo 1930 must be funded on a tw# 1 ,y yea: 1 mortization bond' istjuc,'. hj:(ed by I he full faith' and credit offfcie cit; f(f Chicago and fhe'egtinty 6t ('wk P, ii 1. i 1 «4 ' *•!» H '•?>

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Page 1: Barrington Area Library · & Months of .31 Reviewed in Brief Oulstandinu •

amp Months of 31 Reviewed in Brief

Oulstandinu bullltlaquogtlt Events |or [ ( Year- Gleaned

|-rbdquom Files

fflt bullL

r Calendar

pt a Chain Store fWNlt|Jyenff iJELL


IgtI mil l ing newfc

- ir tin- List six-

printed in t h i s

I- tlt the r e v i e w of

- Martid w i t h a

bull-bull MV numths l a s t

munic ipal s w i m -

bull -Ittbull-bull( under the

r i i n L e g i o n in

i l i ich inc luded

bullmil e x h i b i t i o n s

bull ln-hil games

miners used the

mining pool dlir-

i l - Kight r o u n -

-II- npen to v is i t -

In Miispiew of the

- bdquo v - bullbull

Ibdquoifn mi the-f irst

bull in tli- I l e r r e n

r HI factory

gtbull lOdxyard Han-bull _bull i m u n i c i p a l

f tli- Inle A W bullbullbull i i i i his large

lgtii-K she l l s Harrington

bull bullviUiniit ilt Civen- ltl Chie f

1-1 11- d i l u t e d 2 W il - in ten inin-

i tjuhwiiv 1gt lt)ii i ir-rililin bull

bull bull caravan 11 i 1 -tuily t in ir

Itin 111iiTbull bull rraquo ((liter bull i gt 1 1- i-l I I I ML S t J l -

bullgtltbull lt i v i i W a r i s i n h- win-

bull bull it imis bull-- -I Nm-tliwest |--i s-H-eef mill |

I iiinli1 rufld is bullbull bull - i i i L e g i o n I

bullbullbull) -ippivip ai | bull -iivril t o be | Sii i inliiy Har-bull i corps w i l l

u- fur the tirst I bulli l

bulliiwl turned otit bull i lt-in-nival ever bullbull at HieBarr ing-1 i| F r i d a y A

stitt per s e m e s - | Ii- Tarriitgton j

i outs ide of t h e i i-inc-t T h i s bull is

tin- computed c o s t

i l j Sunlay r n m i l a t flic

n l i -amp tota led 1- bullbull tst pupils a t t ended

-IIM1 W e d n e s d a y V-nt lifnl th ieves bull s to l e

bull bullbull gulf halls and ear--bull i Hie pro house 4it the

r v i-lnl) S u n d a y morn-

1 in tgt i w d c o p e n bulllie I l l inois g a m e code

bull -lit hen p h e a s a n t s 1intectinii Wednes-

Medusas Head Will Provide Mahy Thrills

If you try to find out by the police7-I swear that I1 will never-come back is tfie only thing made explicit in connection with

bull the mysterious disappearance of Mrs Crandall White in Meshydusas Head thlt| new and unshyusual story which is appearing serially in The Review

Apparently Mrs White one of the most beautiful young matrons of the fashionable set is happily married certainly j she is in good health and the note she leaves on ber departure may mean most anything gtgt bull

Mrs Josephine Dnskani Bashycon the author wHtes of society j

and society folk With a sureness of one whose knowledge of the subject is intimate This author knows the background of New York social life and her hires- of bull this background bright and fascinating and her characters vivid i

One way of solving this puzzling plot is tb read the inshystallment each week in The Reshyview The tsecorid instalment

ith ja synopsis ojf the first apshypears [in this issue

- mdash mdash - mdash f - i i ^

p i c -are

HigherThanThose of Other Viilafjes

Local Tax Rates of N e a r l y Comitijunitfes

in Two Counties

Along with the receiit iof t ke wel-

towh-eome news Tuesday that Gubi ship taxpayers in school clistt iet No

in tax ewa jof

to Go Over Books With^ustees

Will Attempt to Justify Claims for More Than

Contract Price

Arnold Himmelbluu and Co Hc-raquo|raquoIR)CM4amp Who hold ^he jb of auditshy

ing Harrington village records have arranged it special meeting with the board of trustees Friday night to go over tlie tjreasurers books with the trustees and try t|o j Mulstan-fiiite their claims and show why they aie entitled to mow than thecontract price for the auditing job

Tito firm originally contracted to do the vork for a sum hot to exbeed $1-000 after examining the records and submitting bids along with j several

other accounting firms Atetf1 spending two months on the

boots- -the accountants presented a leftltr to the board] requestingthe vilshylage to grant thenj the achntl salary cost of the time expended in completshying the work plus railroad fires and stating that the actual salitrf cost plus (railroad fa^es op bdquo to t ia bull bull time was $223813 and that it wouljt cost an idditio-nal $58)0 to com]ilete the audi rand furnish satisfactory reports Tlie board retaliated with ip unahgt iiiomi rejection of the request

Tlie accountants Contend that the job mtailed more work than at first estimated because of ineoniplete fec-oidsTand iuacenratie books of the ril-la|gel and will trlaquo traquo provii to the hoard Friday nigh| that tbelrclaims for t larger fee apt justifiable The meet ng will not he opijn to tlie public

1 f inn nwners vigor-bull In a sins activities on

-vi-jegt gt( diree social - ii-i a ton l lnd n for

i-e marked the open-

1 il on page 3

liilvy Pleased

Yhvn Assessors Mil h Defeated

bull i tnhii iwnsli-tfi mnile 1 hmise hilj Tl which i i In- riii-v otltvpre-

W|n-|lliV Mr Itiley bullbullbullbullbullbull iiilaquo iilegrnm to the lii-Mi-w -Wednesday inorn

-hiv iflteniMn house hill bull I passuKe in tiugt house th11 the time honored

i I--gt-III-S he taken from I IjiinTled over to the poli-ihis ciseit nits a hi-par^

bull iiraquoie(id of a non-parttsnn Wll that the governor bullviir nf Chicago appoint vliin wiis cimcked nnd all -sin- wiiK brought to bear

1 hitter tight lusting until chirk Wednesday inorn-1 decided defeat 1 ax dodgers aiyl a poli-

the luegiiining of n bull dan-bull i-that might eventually er the stufe It is well

typle nf all the state tHat

H il gt Tfiyi--

1 ~ ii bill known as senate bill rd the senate last week and

bulla passage in the hope next Humors of different deals ate

-bullbullbull hut we have faith that mem-bull- house will assert their in- bull aid defeat them


Miljtary Funeral for National Guard Officer

M litnry funeral services were held at tlie 131nt Armory OhicaRO at 1 lraquo n i Wwlnesdny fpr Major Edwnrd

AV llnrt 103 S Walton street of this village Death followed an operation performed nt the Amerleun hospital (MiWago lanimry I Major Hart jmssled away Sunday ninht

Tlie deceased Is survived by hilaquo wife Ttiose and one daughter Miriam

In civil li^e Majlor Hraquo r t w n raquo employee of iIewel Tea (^o having beenw-Uh thlaquo company for the part twelvo years He moved to HarrinK-ton with bis family one nnd one-half yea-re ago In 1H$8 ho Joined the 131st Ihfanlry of tlie Illinois Nationshyal guard in which organization lie WHS active until the time of hlrf death

Glasses Break While at Play Endangers Eyesight

Hobert Hilton assistant to Presishydent M HI Karkerof the Jewel Tea Co was seriously threatened with the loss of an eye Wednesday noon when his eye glasses were broken while he was playing handball

Mr Hilton was taken to Grant hosshypital fhjeago yesterday afternoon and he) underwent j an operation for the reriioval of the1 broken glass last niglt Attending Iphysiciansr report Hurt it will reouijre two or three dajhr t(i determine whether or not he will regain the sigbit of the eye His eyesight has been weak for some time neci ssitating he wearing of glasses practically--all Of the time |

Has Attack of Pleurisy Herman Schwe^m 215 S Cook

street has been suffering from amp t^-vere attack of pleurjisy this keek


relt ujction afent iji

4 will enjoy a flight rate on the 1931 assessAii a different appeal was I Ireceiyed by Barringkgtn township taxpayers in school district No 4i to lje effecttfajat Barnngtons rate for th 1930 assess-iment is higher than thai raquof any bthler village i i tho northwest part of Cook county The Lake eomty Barring-ton rate is also [higher ban that of

any other village lying [gtirt or whole in tbe southwesp distrht of Lake county

This may ha partly tM result ofa generally lower level of assesspiehts in Bnrrington The ta|xIrate for Bar-rington village pronerty in Cuba towns-hip is higher than the tax rate for Barrington propejrty in Barring-ton township This also is due to a low|er assessnifnt level in Cuba town- ship than in Barring1on township

CubA Reduction The 1030 and 1031 tax rates for

thatpart of the Ivillngfcof Barring ton lying in Cuba towns lip along with the rates for the same years for other village^ in the southjyeKii part of Lake county j are outlined lie|ow These latest ^represent the amiuht of money to be paid on each $ly0 of assessed valuations

1030 Harrington J620 l-ibertyvillo 1587 Miindelein (L twnshp 40laquo Mtindelein -(F twnshp 415 Wftufondn 505 Llaquoklaquov Zurich 1434

From tbe above figures it Syill jbe noted that Lake coun y Burlington rate is higher than that gtf any other emmnunity in the groiii) It will bo also noticed fhaf the BnHngtoikratfiH are the only ones whicli showed a deshycrease^ from 1930 to 1-031 I

General Incrnse Tlie 1028 1929 and 1930 lt tax rates

for that part of Bar-ington lying within Cook county along with rates for other villages in the northwest part of Cook county aie outlined be-low These rates also represent the amount of money paid on each $100 of assessed valuation

bull bull bull bull 1 9 frac12 Mount Prospect 21)3 Arlington Heithts 346 Wheeling Goif Niles - Palatine Park Ridgltt Barrington

From thjgt aliove

L_3ni 31)2 3111

333 41)1


that all communities in tlie northwest part of Cook county except Arlington Heights have faced hij-hir |tax rates yearly from 1SI29 -to 0JiO jinclusive Barringtion lias had the nig^hest rate on each of the three ya^s

$4mDim^utltid in Dampcktnber for LocalWflampet Work

ber secretary MrsJ A L ireamrejri Henry Muth Koet ig an|l D ( J Heffe

Twlently-two nfeedy -famililes in Bar-ringtun received help from be Barshyrington relief conmittee in tM month of Igt laquoember acsording to a monthly repor g^ven to The Revievr todayby| Mrs A | L Rol ertson trtasurer for the committee An| average wf $20 was spe-jit per family thlaquo total exshypenditure amou lting to 1145519 as compired wtth $170^41 sjent on 17 familiesiin November

Thgt relief fuid raised raquoy popular stibfc ription tot als $153613 to-date In hdping needy families tins relief comn ittoe cstabl sbes credit at various busir ess houses for each amly and each bays vjiat it cain frok the amount placed tJ its Credif |

3e itemized repoitt for December raquoraquolaquoTJS the following ex fienditures food $33697 milk $2 72 fuel $57S5 clothing 12 rent $25 giso-llnel$aJ25 bull bull In addition to their regular work in helpiig needy families the relief comshymittee Supervised the sending outof 30 (hristmas laskets in December Each bull basket containet grocery staples meat fruit vegetalraquoles leandy nuts and toys ] 6i childrei Schools churches Jewel Tea jCo (ifferent pr-ganiiationsv an I individuals contri-butee and the baskets I ffere distrishybuted Dec 23 f nd 24

Mc mbers of tl e relief co nmittee are Elden JUejske chairmsh M H Schrei-

ice chnirmnn Mrs Inez Brown Robertson

(ev H fi nan

1931 laquo15 598 502 449

54laquo 434

table it is realized

1929 301 384 409 410 431 350 487 552

1930 333 37T 417 467 473 474 516 600

erMQwmfs ^eci^^Water

Being Shut Off

The village mil was pearly filled th Bnrringt m proiraquoei|y owners

Monhty ilight naity of Hipm angered by l|p|6^onJ(ii the superintendent of wiifii r Sprits i|i) shutting ol)T their sup ply to protest to theboardj of trustees aga|raquoraquol the retwnt diwJsiofn ito force delff oueiits to j|ay up bullbullbull

mi ieppotlaquosti lt raquoiiie mninl | from own ers tf propertj bullbullrented tc I enants in arrciirs on tlieir water bills One property owner decltirei that his AVati ubad btseji shut off bi ft re he liad bees notifiod--tiat thej teriant of the liropRrty w lelinqufent Ifte mis-undi rstandings certterlpd aiound the fnejtiii ithat maiy tenaints art behind i tr 4 ieir Water bills that c rners of j rop n tj( afe rei iponrible f gtt ] laymcnjts When rs isve not Boon notified heretofore that sitn^it tlhat

Two Local Menon Stout Anniversary Week Committee

i bull )

Extensive Program Planned for Troops in Northwest

Suburban Council

PlanK for celebratltiK tb1 Iwentv-seeond anniversary of he Boy Scout (irgnnljirttloti in the Noithwest Snbur-ban council were forn ulfttcd at the lenders round table n eating at Ar- lliigton Heights last Wsdiosday even-lug ActivUles for anniversary week February 7-13 are undi-r the dlreotiop of the following com nltHee chairshyman K J Anderson J)en Plainer () T Baird and A I) Ohureh Ba^ rlngton 0 M Siuidlorji Palatine J T Sayerrt and P IT Roth Arlingshyton Hcigbts w I) A widen and W Imig Dea Plaines V Wunluck and

Continued on pace 5 gt

Anticipate Big Rt - Vehicle Tag

Slightly overilOO tags have been Issued

t i n I plications

illage vehicle |o-laquolate accordshy

ing to latest reports from A C Bur-andt village clerk which meanp that the clerks office will bpound a bulaquoy| placlc within t ie next few wepks

Vehicle licenses will j become delinshyquent tjiis year after January 31 through I a recent decisi on of the vilshylage board Ordidrtrily tbere are about 900 vehicle tags issued i i the village during the year This means that 800 applications must be mide within the next two and one-half nsieks to avoid the risk of pajying a peialty i

-T1 b4a ri 1

cm raquo1 wntir linqii e

street betoie ment motii j street a bit If

if uch bills are in arj-ea^s This on has jprown) out of the fact

1 he board

tenants tiefaullt nnlt[ that own-

Year Assiired liy ale of Warrants

ston Will Barrinj ~ main Open Crisis Faied

^y Others in Countj


recebtly tjo j collect the ireat accu nidation of Unpi i( bills j TSie ten mt-property Own^rsituation was not ifnticipated

h yffni kotify dw| overcome the- si

adopted a resolutio tbe ij-i lage colle tor to noi

property on wh M bills hav d become 0

it AVater will not be

the instructing

all -own-tebants

days de-shut off

in sdclh easesbjifojre that ^iihe Sejtrcfral property owners alongMain

and Dundee ayeniie appeared the board to ask for their pave- bond refujnds The amount of

collected for improving those was Miffi rient for a 1 costs( with

nee of nore than $3000 left Tt wapound reported that the money had been used to purchase vijlagc of Barshyrington tax anticipation i warrants That was a plat whereby [be property owners surphiH would bel invested in the interest bearing warrants and thus automatic illy tranlsferred from one fund to i nother i

Sit Vera of t lese property owifers npp|ti(rltgtd before the boiivd declaring the money was theirs anjd not village

Continued on paif 5

Bar -tngten schools willfbej kept in operation throughout the yeabullwith full s ilaries assun d to the s iff of teachers it was r sported this week by a tnember ofj tl e board of educa tipn j l-l ]bullbullbull

Whi(e unable t | sell any of its Cook county anticipation warrants1

the beard found a maj-ket foi Bake countj anticipation wajrrants mount ing |o $25000 tThisf almost but not quite covers the salaries fyr li bull year The [joke county school tai money due i i 1932 amodnt8|to somewhat more than $400001 This tax mlaquo|gtney will be used as it com^s in to gtay of| the niw Lake county-tax antic pation warrants While part of the final months salaries to teachers will have to come from somewhere other than the $J25000 loan fund the (mount will to so small tbat the board prob-aily will not be hi rdf pressed taraise it should the tax| receipts pe flow at ccriiirg in j bull j j -

Barringtoit Fortunate

Banjlngtons scbbol financing situ-atiojn is pleasing ns compare I with tfiat Iof the school situations in vil-lagesj ilocatedl wholly Within Cook county bull bull- bull - bull bullbull

In Dcs Plaines school teachers havcibeen paid sculpt-1 for many mont filaquo In Park Ridge tlie bo ird has exhaisteltl its cash resources ailtlis up agniist a propositini of rairinfi money by popular subscription pafng in script or elosing its Hcboolti The school board at Blue Island wis alert early in the game areordinir to n statement appearing in the phicago Trihide 1 -lJlt|ie Island nijipearn to hare seen the trouble coming sooner than other (Mhojil boards It trimmed i s sails last spring and began savin cash TJiis board has eliminated manual training and domett ic science riduced its Bhysicaf education nnd otherwise cut eiptjnses

Gleneoe Western Springs and Rroijgtk(ield - have tilosed their Whools T i e Ayesterh Springs schojds liaWf been re-opened this wpek result

took action

Schjroeders Bid LoW for Village ia l l Improveinent

dimpany was a total bid

fiojliroedcrfl lilttnlware Walaquo the giiC CMS ul bidder for the n-ork of in stalling the toilets In the vlllafe hall and Converting the presirt rtove Jjito a pipelesH hent r Tlie awarded a contract nt prioti of $160

Sin local phimblng did heating firm i put in bl Is for thgt work Tlie bids yaried fron 160 to 124193 This covers the cost cf the heating and plumbing work only its lubor used In movi tig the hca in unit i nd in doing other repair work will be paid for by the reliefi comiaittee


i pound k

wliere the


Hough Strent Is Opjsn at Railroad Crossing

Sone with

iv pre to

of adrive to collect from Families with children m schools Nearly all school bo|a CXioittoiiity are jreaching thq

is the $ gt00(JO

havii reached rese rves

the end of the

-bull Sgtme of thesclools have paid their teachers nothing caslable at some

schools ht script payments

mt scriptmdashvj-ltitll is of the local stores

ve alternnthl cash

Hough street is again cpen to trafshyfic laquot tbe Chic igo amp Nofth Western railroad tracks with a crusting completed

I St ate i highwa r Wokers took up the railroad brew left off

tracks with preparation

and filled in between tjblt a | ci ushed rock and (tar Concrete has been ordered for the ci-osi|ing and it Will replice the tem porary filling bier

Elden (i (iieskr e-Elerted Heid of Business ( M

- -- mdash

E J Langendorf Will B Secshyretary Again1 Election

Tuesday Night i mdash i mdash

FEMiifi G Gieske was reelected p|refhlent ajid E J Lnngentb rf sec retary of the BarringtejirChai iber of Commerce at the quarterly meeting held in Greengard Grill Monday evenshying Frank II Plagge was rj elected treasurer but the reronimenditlon of the i nominating coroiirittUe lor rev-olectieli of nil oflleera was mt nom piled with boeduso of R L Mund henka withdrawal from the liomlna tlon for the office of vice prmldent J S Gierke was elected a si ecclaquoBor to (hh Mundbenk I I

A motion mode on the flojir- that theeiuh use Itjf Infftienee t bring pro-oW route fraquol) to Barrlnglon foi lowefd a lively dlscnaalhlon tlitraquo bene fits ind evilswhWi ml laquoiit rettilt from this fmpoHiiht north ind sout t rotfto paHslnic through Bnrritgton The moshytion was withdrawn aid one was ai|J[gt-sfltuted tlintbisfnictel tho htcretary to write the district h ghway MiperliT-tondent OKking for rout ing of tlin route west (ft Barrington b i t as mar tlie villajgel limits as feasll ile Tlu latter motion carried^

The program of the lt vening 1 lduded annual reports 0frac34 tklaquo treasnrer the secretary and the i resident The activities of the year iere rcvii wed I which it was pointed out tl at tbe Chamber was sucfiessft 1 in bel gtingto brini the state highway depirtment and tbe North Wester I railrw dcom-pany together in a pan to improve the J Hough street railroad o ossing

temporary It waif also pointed out tnttt the Chattier was tnstrume ital iii persuadshying itlje railroad company tc con-strutft a passenger wai injrooi i south of the r tracks One o the oitstand ing ncjromplisbmcnts 11 jthe y tar for the oijganization wa i ijn spoasoring and managing a suinesjsful co5pora tive sales day early h thefall

^ 1 1 I f 1 I

MikMttdk amp3ampL

the ds in

end or cash


A driverless J)i u tackled a light ppsfjlon the corshyner of Russell and Springstreets

te Monday nigbt Jn a tie between the the ppststoppetl both fared badly

The machirie an Oakland coupe owned br Edwin Ajnderson who resides on the V a l W v i e w farms west of town lugtd been parked on the tgtp of the hill on East

t o |m b b i 1laquo

Which ended two forpesmdashbull he car but

Russell s treet ncur the Division street in erseetion aCco rding to Witnesses when it was bumped by Francis Donlea who had just turned the corner fjltJm the south

The impact was enough to cause the machine to start down the hill- The automobile was guided along the| street by the side curbing until it came to tbe Spring street intersection- where it veered off to 4he right and colshylided with-the light pole The-owner Of thje ruiaaway car was across the street and saw it start but failed in an attempt to catch the machine L

The Jrontl of the- automobile was badly wrecked from the imshypact the car having gained conshysiderable momentum on the desshycent The Ilkht pol| was clipped completely off |

m 19 is lanied tor Year

Would Extend 40-Foot Strip5

to Junction Wjth High-ways 22 ajid 61


f Surveying Work preparatory to widshyening Northwest highway through Lake county will bo eoniplcted this bullJvinter according to llmfprmntlnn reshyvived by Supervisor H D Kelwey |rom the state highway department

The proposed widening project for t)ho coming simmer is an extension of he four-lam route whicli was comshy

pleted last dninmi to the Cook-Lftke county line to the junction with highshyways 22 and 61 on thisside of Crysshytal Lakemdasha distance of approximately 0 miles according to information from Charles Lamb district superinshytendent of highways

WidenTto 40 Feet The present slab of pavement will

e given ipoundverp tests to determine any efective portions which may have de-eloped and these will be replaced with ew paving in addition to widening le entire strip to 40 feet The imshy

provement project will follow the pres-(raquot route approximately five miles of which lies in Lake county and five in McHenry Mr Lnm|gt intimated that the job probably would be let in fjwo contracts Although the project is included in the 1932 state road lonstruction program he would not ltommit himself as to when the work would be started

Takes Off in Feet at Aii

0eltjgtrge Fischer IiIotl dares trial Plight Js

Successful |

the field by jtelephoni I 1 gt brine-it- djtiWh and have-sjugiestro^ S^cliimpiflt)ycment| I negt manager ffiet) i lt I cp l|d not fjiiggestl in itrade

iwb o t ptpfeiir


Tie Herren Aeronauticijl eirpora-tlons first airplane made its) initial fliglt at Sky Harbor nwir til Dun de joad Tluiirsday inornini Tbn plaiJ took otampJt^ 9-M a n l with Ceofge FiscWj manngejr 6f SJiy nar-li tgtr at the controls Afterflyinj around the field for ltgt minu| ft Mr iiseher landed the plane andflofferetI tlie comment that the new fjPUvvejr off i be Air i marvel Jus

[( is ama| igraquogtlr Fisefl^r sal i ii Review |iimporter

On favor ieadyfor flfgl^on Tjiftredny-^ I t^on TUfti

jiBle weaj lug ne bdquo

veittherj Wtts Hich astjo he te| arable-rraUicI[than linfavori

The offlelalj hiHght lifev mi|t bull otje flight f r i t h s inrlier if lecfn Willing j to ashemhlo hj

i het motor wljen tbe part t

atmosphere Whs bot iraquoer|laquoct fHo bull nedfii-

le ha prt ley Imil

acii] 1 tcanlaquo liey d eetioi it

tJmt tUc vith tjii perfcfi


-T A to Hold First Meeting Thursday Evening

Tlie first program of the Barring-on ParentTeachers association will ie [held in the high (-t-liltol aiiditorwm

ijt 8 p m Thursday tan 21 Mitrade Lenore Torgrimson remedial

((eacher will talk on reading And Miss Dorothy McCanley will speak of tho alue of kbidcrgarten trnhilng to the

(thlld The following officers who were

elected at the organization meeting t|f the association on October 8 will preside for the- first time Tuesday Mrs Wirt Lawrence tpresident Mrs Walter Seaverns first vice president Mrs P R Drover treasurer and ||I(|NH Dorothy McCutiley secretary

Thit association welcomes all- parshyents aud iinyone lntehgtHted in school ijirobleths At the meeting ThiirHtlay there will be a question box for que lions pertaining to IV-T A problems cr suKKCHtlotiH which willfurther the UK-cess of the organisation A hVieinl hour will follew the program

IMre Department -Answers Call to Paddock Home

gt i i j

The BarringjUm volunteer fire deshypartment was called to extinguish a Haze In the L B Paddock home 525 IS Hillsido avenue] at 9 am Wel-nesday Tlie tlamampgej was estimated at $76 and was cowrecj by insurant e

Just bow the fire started was nit determined MrJ Paddock reported that he went to thc basement at 7 c clock tp fix the fire1 In the furnace I nd found everything all right A f iort time later smoke filled the hoqse i ndj an alarm was tuirned In The Masse was extinguished quickly

The blaze started on a partition i ear the furnace and spread op to the iafters burning -off several electric light wires and scorfching the first floor above the| partition ltbull

i I I l

who ha

gtf tbe iJcdmpai

iJroWmeiit 3 ulteraquo liglitj plape j i i ISjfeet of iplace It ^ntli i nd flics fair jj fast I It ia l sd lik J c f i i a f e r t didinert liuvc tlJHjnpto ^16^011^11

WalJ|sa tolmprovef The machlii e waStaiKen a

Jes^ay morii tijr and tjanaj 4kjf Harbor yliere It was) a|

i l

cnllelt| Jjtpectei I

l ist of offe f



t Wlaquo-1 teil W embllaquo | lepcbit -frac34 thotigi

ltr i rom the foiii1 dry Hmvevi rldpd to maWi alt po^iiblp ind improveiwilts hvfi laquogt iriginal flight would lte midii uAtemliled ailiilane 111 iielaquo j | is possible j bull j

Additional flights were colli dlfot Tlmrslay and a piibw ion lllight p obably Will In he near fill ire

The factor is prepcied to idJItmiuii iiiiiiliineV and nio fact parllaquo or ndditiounl uive lieen ltbulllt nstri|cteltl 1

^ j

bullmplrijb ejUdbi

Made tr

instnici OllmdashIi achfni

0 0 F Holds AnnMl Installation cf iOjfficeifs

The follow ng offieei-- weri l the regulir meeting igtf

ington I O 0 P held at tllt ooms Januaiy 7 E W rajid K J houp vice grnjiu Miaefer bull rlt cording neerel tli j gtrouty treasurer TbV a p p l i e d ojf leers for thlt new year arp Hiller It S X G Ed Mfl

t N G Ed Ricke R H V lollister L 3 V fl NeallH varden John Sehwiirta (Jail gt Sliiley ehi plain (Jeo Ifijim

Ii P Harry Airaquokew L Arthur Jura lodge depot

(he meeting refreshments W rJe I y the committee

I-tallei Ba iodi

Raad- nnbjl( Sal

Iharli ajgee Ji

G_ bull nwiigji lift-to


Afta sVrvi

wlaquoek ni bill diet

n utor


11 i enter utter]

gty clanst


legislature Mufit TruA)iQ^h$rPttyn

for ipdok Cointy

Revenue for Cook countbull anil ievenue from Cooln ouutyt jjor tin iitafe of HHioismdashthese nrejtho ini m-rajtlye neetlK today 1 arid ify pro 1 iiis that tin at be Solved in w hurriy ly this specijil sewfoii fhfhilfgllaquoIi 1 nroA bdquo - bull I

A state jAlnarw thnw- bullinkmed laquo lodny the Mtuatjnp irraquoiiraquofo)|tl gtgthlt I wislature ffollnjijluB jrhe dofe it ln(lt 11st night of the fioifaJW Kjtlly Conk 1 roniise Iwil discardediby fill- hontfi in amidnight vote 1 j l l

That hill pjropnsed uHiitN rHy M 1 iscard thtraquo IjcVM-nt boiii-d of Jit isesttori 1 rid hoard oj review lt|f ltIMraquo| ounty 1 nd replacetiliem wlthia iHNtjrt of ni Mrtnent amjl appeal^ (ippalited b

J Jovenior EiilmerHon rtiut t p prowl 1 ent of the fH|raquortl if rViofi ubtltl y com niHsloners

Passed by [tile nenfifgt luht in imtTgeiidlj- nfclaquoHilrraquov the 11 the hoiiHe after n King d d w

1 ty tkbnte Plrot defentcfl nrf icncy meiiHurn the bill Waft 1 ltffturdcd wliii the l-mcrjicn itrlckeil out ti bull

This In a toinf- placed M entire loglslature ^juare- mi ag^list thi lt upstion of providing wayHjm hieaw loobtain fundif Immediately ^ I rlaquot flaquoi Oook county fk preserve iti ^raquovcrn nental funct|oilaquo and prevail bank uptcy and Htcotw t^ enaWfl Cool

lounty to pay the stafcp fifa )00001 iii back taxea |

Thfy nWKbrpe accomplish quick y nbd cleanly by the cnatttr tent- 0 two peasuresk Jeirg^the Ian cover ing assessmentand review laquo11 if hav harp teeth placed fn it oni cnmpe personal property to pay taiefi

Second the unpaidtaxeraquo flr 192i (nd 1929 hnrf the tlaquotnt aasessjiieiit fo 1930 must be funded on a tw 1 y yea 1 mortization bond istjuc hj(ed by I he full faith and credit off fc ie cit f(f Chicago and fheegtinty 6t (wk




i 1


bull raquo

H bullgt





Lake Zurich l a k e Zurich Public l ibrary

MraK JKIf-in DeWire chairman of the itihrary Kxteii-sion reports 54 cards hvf lifiMi issued iiiii four nevv

iueinhera enrolled Inst weekj A hew awignmnt ltgtf laquoviraquonty-rive lft11 hooks dative heen received froni thltgt Library Bxtenxioi) Kerviee of thgt State of ll i innis in KpririKfield anil may he kept fcerraquo for three laquonlaquogtiith It includes

several hooks otf Hneciul interest for laquo e n and )iuigtr donations of current bullnagasiitCN

The Ijibrnry hour are from 2 to 5 |gt m WediiesJlaquogtbullraquobull but will he changed t o include two veiling a month if n number lt|f requests are received to remain oj)laquoi in the e-vjiifng

l aW Aid NoteJ-A groujl of Gt membersa

enjoyed fi^neltHing of the III field at tttr- PmR hall Th bullernoon Jan] 7 Mrs Mnyine Prehm ltiregt5dent|irlaquoiltraquoHl and welcomed two laquo e w memhers MrsRichard pgtnne and Mrlaquo 1 14 ftnith

The hostess wns Mrs Oeojrge Hoeft Cha irman^wil h Viesdames per William Poblinan

Sturm bullafsistinjc Mrs frrcil RIIII gave a

The MhWotiarv Ienny ThursdaV Itn 14 has

asiihraquo as enoi|iltT metaling dj|tv for the Benwroville Orphans home

|)il visitors laquodies Aid ursday af

tVm Pep-md Dan


heen slt t

CTiurm Basketball Tennis The church ream journeyed over

4o Huntley flafirday evening to play the strong Iluntk-^r teams T raquoe Ileavyweight- won 24-20 jgirls also won 42-7 and Hie Lake Zurich lightshyweights lo^i Tgt raquo0 - -

Thursday Utnunry 14 the I en ins meet the Morion Grove teams at Morshyton Grove

Tuesday r(n lft-the SKaiem church team of Ilirifiriton w i l l - p l a y on the home floor

officers of May-tVYiiiiromlu Jfridny

ick will vlraquolt her II Doraey while

Montana where

the installation of Hower Chapter in evening

Mrs K L Milk histor-in-lnw Mm 8 Mr Milkwlck is ii bin mother w very ill | Mr and Mrlaquo Myron Welhj and daughter of Mundeteiti Mr ami Mrs G Holland and soiiH and Mr and Mrs Witllenkeen yiiijted Sunday even--ing at th GroHh home

Mr- Rose Grimm is reported on the sick listthis week

Mrs Kranin HaiiH and daughter Phyllis Soderberg ijvere in Chicago Saturday

luteal young peopjle have been en joying ice skating th

Womans Club Notes Several inejriiers of the Lake Zurshy

ich Community Womans club will attend the ^ -nth district meeting Thurvtljiy i tlti 14 at the RogerPark Womans rlulj it is th he an alhday-meet ing i

A group foin the local Womans club have nilt-t raquond organized n Rook Study elnh tigtrieet once a month and review one gathering

he late books a t each

Many Utend Christening Mr- and Mrgt (Jeorge Gehrke en-

tertained thirty-live relatives and friends Sunday night at ai ltlinner in honor of the christeningof their inshyfant daughter Helen Alice by Rev Paul Serin of St Mathewi church of FaJirficht Guestf were j present from Crystal Lnke Rarriiigmn Palshyatine and I1- Zurich I

Mr and flrv Percy Philips of Richmond nii-Uiief the birth of a riaby boy TiisrsdHy Jan X M r s Philips in the daughter of Mr and

Mrs Jim Itun- of Lake Zurich Mrs fjee liflndwer rind Mrs Ross vfsited af the PhiliDi home Friday Mr and Mrs Clarence Snetsinger and sons Kpent Sunday evening with Mrs RoseGsi in Palatine

Mr and MrsL Paul Meyernud famshyi l y visited in rjinidelein Sunday after-tnoon with tin-formers father II C Ikfeyer bull i

Roy Loom is j is able to Ire out after aeveral weeks tf illness

Iraquoake Zurich Iomuiiiiiitv folks en-joyetl the old tiine dance at Long Grove Thiirsdakr Might

A L Plytoti oclock dinner inj home Wednesday

was host at a t |l bridge party at his

evening in celebrfl titgtn of his birthiliiy aiiniverrtiry The Rridge Plivirs wigtrilaquo guests

Mrs 1Ved Tljlea and daughter Ruih wen- in Libertyville Wednesday visiting friends

Wiss Ai Meyer of Libertyville spent Hie raquo k-end with her sister Mrtraquo KreilbullbullKropo and on Sunday with Mr e n d MRS Kropp aitltl- son George vei led Hitnry Meyer and famshyily of IhuitfV

Mr mid Mr- Junien Sneisinger are located In laquo tNgttersbing Flu where they will lie tiiijil March 1 - 1

Mr and nlrlti Albert lleyheiik and son Frank laquoM|I Mrs Mue llncken-Imch araquoteii|ed ithe InstallniiiJu hf Wheeling CltipllerO K X VJwliies-dny eveniiia ] |

Mr aod Mv Jacoh Zitmnecninhnf Ottawa traquotit te week-emi with Mr angtl Mrs L V ilumdanvllle of Clover Hill farm j

Mixs lliiiiici I Gruehiiaii of Klgin visited Snuilv with her mother Mrt IJ (Irtiehnnii j

Peter Meylaquor jtnd sons visited Mon-day With the fujniers brother George

Mr anil MI-MIRobert Iteiulein were guest of iitfVfi of RavenswoodSun-dny evening laquof ja 5 oclock dinner

Mr mid Mr-j Paul Rorre of Glen-view and Mr Uul Mrs iVII of Garshyfield Pari visirtjd Sunday with Mrs Emma Peppio- i

Mr Fred Gk^iss of Libertyville and Mrs Paul Jensen and daughters ofjljakp Forest visited Saturday after- noon with (he [formers s-on George

and family j Mr and Hngt Arthur Froelich and

daughter were Sunday evening- giiests of 5Ir and Mtk George Broughton in Wijiiconda -

Mr[ and- Mrs Fretl Hancker M Elshygin and Mrs T^uis Tarnnw of Igtra-

deev is i ted Sunday with Jlr and[Mrs MtttoS Rndsinski

Mr and Mik Henry Hillman vlsitetl Fred Hillman Sunday aftershynoon nt the George Lintelman bull home

Mr and Mrs Clarence Drinkard ltof Teffetrson Park ispent the week-end with Mr and MrLouis Walbaum

Mr and Mrs John Fink attended the funeral of Mr Finks aunt Mrs

Sofia Wieneclse in Palatine Friday afterntgtn

Mr and Mrs Enoch I^ndwer of Rarrington v^iated Sundajj w i t i their son I e and family

Mesitames Patriih Loom is Weaver Tonne Williams Sandman Buesch-

Injt and Misx Alice Tonjie attended

is frozen over fort|ie first time this winter

s week Th^ lake

Wauconda laquoM) at O E S Installation

Wauconda- Mayfai bull chapter 0-13-S held installation xercisetj on Fr-day evehirig About SOOwere pt-e^c it at the ceremony Mpr-t Amelia Dick-son and- Eugene Prior were retiring worthy matron and patron Elect worthy matron Whs Mrs Adeline Boehmer and Arthur Boehmer was elect patron The following officers were (introduced1 and eblisltite-l Mrs Bessie Broncheon asKoiiate maltron Mrs Mabel Matthews secretary Miss Belle Taggart treasurer Mrs Eflio Fraiftjisco conductress Mrs Louislaquoi Brown associate condulttreMSMr81 Amelia Dickson chaplain Mrs Kinnia Dahms marshi Mrs Miry Prior organist Mrs Alda Smith Ada Mrs Delia K i n a i d U u t h Mrs Myrtl^ Esping Esther Mrs Celestia Ross M a r t h a Mrs Dorothea Ctrr Electa) Mrs Martha Pru-ax wanter and ViHinm Johns seitihel

George Bennett Dies GHojre Bennett an old and highly

res-pecied resident of Wauconda passpd away Wednesday at the home of neighliirs Mr and Mrs Oliver Croy-den who had tenderly cared for him during the last two weeks of hifj life after his return from the Cojnd|gtll

Liberty ville



disal bea

Coigtyrlraquoht raquoy AptfUton and Comp^n|



GHAPTKR t mdash I n concern ar the - iHn d ft full wife of his weath|y friend

earanc of th rb oyi

Crandal White Aaron a laen ier enshygages Motherwell private It vest iga-tor to find hlaquor A note front the mlBstnK woman warns her husband not to c i l l in the police saving she hoped io come back


M [gtT^ERWELLread tiilis through very rapidly and did lotread

it again Holding it in his hand he addressed a question

Lely Her mine Is Clelia sjtid Mr

Glaenzer Is thst ber writing I phot lid say so beyond -A

Here is a note I had frora[ few jdays ago And he


doubt her a

handed Motherwell ai small pale grajy sheet

Dfear Glen [It read] be come iti about four on le Iri

nt yo

Memorjial hospital at where he had been receiv treatm -nt for some time

Mr Bennett wnsborir-i^ Brnnlfcrry Englnrid Juiie 21 1872 this country when-a youilig boy| arid utmost nil this time he lived here He isj sttcvived by a brother iii England

ing medical

a nepljew in niece i|i Nashua]

a large circle oil 4vhltiin hei will be

Fnirmonnt Minn a la These relatives

vame fer t i l e body which was shipped to Iowa for hurijal Mr Bennett had

jf f ricMds here by greatly missed

AM Bruih Passes Away Willbuu A Brush who formerly -re-

sided in and owinetl property at My-lith Park hilt later became a resident of Crystal Luke jiassed away at his home thereon Monday Jan 4 l i e was pn^nged in real estate and insur- a nee huViness He is survived by the widow Mrs Mayiiie C Brush

Ftiiieftil services were held Wednes-ilny at thltgt funeral home at 2gt17 S Michigan avenue Chicago Burial wils at Forest Home cenieterr

i bull

tVtbialjc Silver Wedding

Mr and Mrs John BroWn who te-cithon the Sloeum lake rhad c l e -lrated Hilaquoir silver W-eddingT annivershysary ^a uiday About 75 friends and relalivr alended Both dinner and supper ire served the guests bull

Mr a ad Mrs Brown receive numshyerous and beautiful gifts In departshying guests wished them many more wedding anniversaries The Browns nrV anu ng our most highly respected farniers They have threif children one son Elmer two daughters Eveshylyn and La Verne

Miss YB Turnbull a-eturned Friuny from sMeral days visit with lier lisshyterand jimily Mrs William Shnxy at Kenosha Her nephew Gordon Shaw uecompa uied her home gt |

Tlioinris Moffltt Miss Rink W|jclt unith anil Arthur Lawrence attemled the funefal of Mrs Juul in Chieti|itraquo last week bull bull

Watikegitii visitors Thursday wcln Igtr John Ross Homer Cook iifd wlf^e Dr (Irion Iluhlmrd Lewis Muhlmid Mrs Edith Peck Mrs Cuddle Whitfe Mr andMrs (Jeorge Jepson Victijir Carr at i i lMrs Ciirr

Iionnhl Johnson of Crjrtal Lnae called tit relatives here F-iiliy

Mr a ml Mis Knos Hlwd of Woodshystock spjent a recent-ttoy with Mr nud MrsjClyde Wrlglft1 f

Ahx Rotteiv and Hurry Wiwlellna of ChieiiKo were guests Vt the Cnrr home Sunday

Earle JRroughtOn and ]Virlir Cnier were Chfiigo Visitors Sunday bull

Mr and Mrs FfedSnrrell of Norshyfolk Va| have returned to their hoihe after an I extended yirit at the J J Harris home I

Mr ni d Mrs Harvey Bailey have returned jto their home in Davenport bullla aftifr [several days spcrt with Mrlaquo finiley4 parents Mr ami Mrs Wii-i lard Dir|eU bull bull

Mr artdj Mrs James Carr Mgtert Friday i i Waukegan aitendn a birthday fgtarty in honor of Iheir niece Mary Alice Allen

Aaron Huntooh underwent a major operation tit thif Libertyville Condeil hospital Wednesday

Harry Francisco atfendeil he Amershyican Legibn meet Tuesday evening ai Grayslake

Dr John Roslaquo attended the medical staff meeting lit Condel) Memorial hospital at j Libertyville | Thursday evening -

gt|r and Mrs Roy L a r s i n a n d oliH-dreii of Chichgo spent Sunday with the Frank Dickson famil-

Joseph Wita of Ivanhlaquobdquo spent Tuia-dhy in Waucwda

Mrsvlda Withers wfts-a business caller in W a p R a n Tkjulav IRp

taj It

sure to Friday k over I have lr dont


wont yoju I want to Crannys birthday presenjl thought gtf something b t know wli it you will say


I CU You wfere good friends I udgd Crandiill White and I have been

assoctateil for twenty-five years said Mr Glaenzer There ire not two men in the world closer to me I knew the flrlst Mrs Whit well and her children werei as ree In my housf ]as their own ^1 ond manage is but sevpn old and the present Mrs can hardily be much older titan my second dijighter even now

Ohmdashhf I Then there Is jtjulte a difference^-

White l i s fifty-four sfl|d Glaenzer Clella enrinot p thirty aid sometimes she nearer twenty-five Frankly know her| ]age precisely

is sec-years


Mr over

looks |I dont

have heard n)y daughter tease her about It FnnceA says she Is thlrtr and I supptse she knows They are great ft lei 4s

She nia^ be your dauj htens friend hi lit she Is not yours thought Mi Motherwell thatistute young mat -

Your di lughter does not kn 3Wmdash She thjiks Clella is tak|iig a

cure soneyvhere about somithlng connectd (jdth reducing her weight You kntWfthewomen today-- I i i f

I knowT said Motherwell briefshyly Was mdash s Mrs White quite iveil

I haxe lever seen her when she was not In perfect health said Mr Glaenzei

And ldiipy Contented j If s t e was not I hare nevejr

known tny human being conceal It better snld Mr hlaenzer inshystantly 3he has a remaikably even (Its ponition

Mbtherwsil pondered a motieiit Of dourse Mr Glaenzer i he

said looking squarely at his host there Is nu use my going Int) this unless I hnye at least all -the help you can give hie People dont do odd tilings unless they are itisane without retson Wbroenri reasons are lejss complicated I mean they nil a more limited field thmi men

nd Mrs White hnpi raquoy to-Were Mr gether

Mm VI swered lnsfantly butchooslnk his

hlte tlio Jeweleri

words eiirefulty litis been


slnce I met lier (always taklni hlin conHlderniltii her exceptional liMiiify end the fiict that she Is young enough to lie her husbands daughshyter) a devocd and loving wife1

And Mr WhtteV | Mr Wolfes uttKudo can oily m



HM tmld l|iy one wordmdashbullluflittia-

HlPitl wU

Mr Whites Ills first ninriliigo otjlieP1-mdashrouititicw tlom|esljlc

ship But when iii to this house n Nettles deuth I jhever been In lov We-

njnythlng has liappjened

son Mr Shell land wife of accompanied ber bull bull

Mr and Mrs Perry Johnson of ^Crystal Iike visited at tlilaquo Siundjiy


Carr homo

quickly Itke any life frlend1 brought Cie|l after poor that he tiftal fore If to her Mr Klotherwelt he will die I have not t i e slightest doubt otlt

Where did lie meet het-r was shemdash bull She was nobody In the world but

a Ifeautlful girlsnld Mr Glaenshyzer arraquod ne1 er pretended to bejsny thing else Her nnme was Ciella Lee and shlt was a distant connecshytion of a ^oor and gone-to-teed branch of tlie Virginia Lees Wlien interested I idlesmdashyon know bow kindly and 1 ow interested our New York ladies can bemdash-asked her about this Lgte and that Carrolland all the rest of If (the man it ja hundred gerii -rations smiled sllghpy) she told tlem jusf what I iliave told you II really left tbem jvery little to say I thought |i gt

One or tv o of them dldtft in rite her I believe but after ^rankaR took her to London It was a little eaibarra8slng| for them because she created as they say a fubire there ThW dont know a di ay-mans daughW from a Colonial Dame yon knpjnr over there tald Mr Glaenzer smiling mildly And now Mr Motherwell you know as much as I knowmdashwhich Is nonore thanjBveryJiody knpws he adj^d

k HAk



| I that I con only say that l me that she was1 recom-

Kixcepi- tne young man suggest ed gently what MissLee was doshyling hefonji she married 1 ^ s to Wh|te tol mended to his attention by a Ifrench friend of [wor Nettlesmdashan old gov-jerness She duennn-ed a bakers dozen of music students In Paris and this girl she told hlM had come direct from a conventJjn the South ovraquor h ere somewhere on a icholarshlp She knew all) about ler Ha4 aiij amount of letters he was ia good us she was bequ-

jllful-He paused and sighed It was evishy

dent that (be i was worried to a deshygree

You sie -Mr- Motherwell^ my boor frieni didnt go to the music I alls he SB|H He might have i mrrled anyone he liked I suppose If he hapiens to love beauty more Uaki anything on earth and found 1 with a Ieaspnable amount of love l i the barjainl from a woman who IK one of the 1 rankest I ever jmetmdash poop Cram lull Id give up anything but one of my own children to bring Wer back bjand oyer

You thllnk come back gjaletly

Come bjack

he hlStee8

groaned and put bis

then that she wont Motherwell asked

Come GlaUzef rkgteate(l siornfully Get back you-hieah j think] What but the I most dreadful bdquon ecesslty could j take her away Dees tnat letter sound like an eloping wife And why should

ife go A lorep literally adored by a man whi would cut out his eyes if she wai ted them set In a dinshyner ring Pfcjarls ia yacht+-you kpow Moth erw^ll anjthlng dn fjlojds earth she wutlred His ^ch^ldren fmendly e en which Isnt always o be expec eltL you know And such i man Si ch a character suchl dlS-j tl ictkgtnf 8 ich brains and bellevbulle

ne Mo|hei (veil more charm than I ier found In one of your countryshymen Whal do you make of the letshyter Mother (veil

I think as anybody must tlitnk of course hat she was forcell to gc for soniiraquo reuson or thought alie wis and ilialj she couldnt we llletl it beauae she cried when-she wrote it I think that she may have been intlfnliiate-d by threats against her husbands lifemdashperhaps iher own but t should say his

v What said Motherwell after a moment coes lie expect- to do] In caiie she doisnt return after area-soiable tim^f

iHIaenzer ly What

iipread his hands blank- an| he do After tjhat

You thlhk



to felt


letter he vtoulti not dare appea thffl police

Lely m ins what she said told me V

rThat | s Motherwell torrecied sle means the t she h a d t o write it Itsbull ncji very difficult to dei stand tftit she may have that she had to at lejast 7

You men11 that this may not bet feeling bull at all but a dictated phrase mor or less T

And -thj ttiat base Its simply ^he threat of any cvimlnaL

Of cdurseL We thought of that Ami yetmdash said Glaenzei slowly Si e may- hive meant lt Mi Moth1

envell We have to ^member thatj And If laquohe |l|dmdash-then she never will come back

so Clella Wjhlte Is one of the most

even-temper ad women I ever knevf sali 1 Mr Glaenzer] but she Is tkao one of the Los t determined That letter sounds) vfery[ much like lier Mr MotherWell] [What does ihe say there jmdashRemember that I meim R Personally- ^ think she does bull -

ITou mean that you think she waiited to disappear like that |

bull dont say tjiat Of course she couldnt watt to Rut I think that she thought she had to I admit frankly that that doesnt sound to me like a dltnted letter Mf Moth-erwjl l -[-bull - bull bull bull bull bull

J It wtls evitlently decided In great

hasle nil of It The paper Its oti^ IIhe chaotic way its written tile repHltlons the utter lack of jmspti-hilltm the fact ijhnt she leaves the jillbl b her hmbitiHl I But my dimr yonng mnn tllaeiji-

Iier I-Interrnpted i luiHtlly people Ion inuke elaborate -|iropiiratlonH or lelngmdash he stopped suddenly j flelng what Moiherwell asked jOsrss Mr Glaenzer you know

you dont think Mrs White was abshyduct ed

|fo I dont the Jeweler agreed shortly I Youre very clever Mr Motherwell I dont As a matter of fact people dont afiduct rich men ally som

but the usually

irhapsJ litfully e rich

|s wives Chlldren| occasion-letter naming the ran-comes along quickly Motherwell suggested theyre afraid the

Inian mightnt pay such a lai-ge ransom1 for his wife Bijt It BO happens that in this case the rich man would I take it there are no ciildren I

NJane j A|J a matter of fact It wouldnt

be at all Impossible to abduct a rich man wife Motherwell persisted I admit iff not a fashionably crime but It Could be done He would pay anything wouldnt his

Anything he owns Then it willbe easier -Eiiaierr | Whyvof course Its milch easier

to find a woman1 Who doesnt want to be lost than one who does And one thing that makes it easier in any event In tills ladys case ts her spectacular bet uty It must be fairshyly dlincult to keep such a person unnoticed I slould think Do yjou

w what eJu had on when she

^ f e i

left thje house t-Nor said Clacnzer despairingly

Hve djint And we cant very well ask made C|randall telephone Iter maid froth my house

What did he say) Why let me see he suM Cog-

geshai ypuirmistress has decid ed suddenly to stay out of town Shes not milte up to the mark Im sorry o sal and wants you to puck heir cbthes ifor a tew-daysmdashnegll-gees j nd simple things you know Send them to the office anil Ill take them M-i i bull ]

I sippose you dont she an swered I bullbull

Wfcy yes as It halppens I asklt d him because I of C01|l were _r been back all that evelalngv and OrandaU Was nearly wild] She only sailtl Is that so sir Im truly sorry PR pack directly sir I suppose she woit ^faat you to bring any of her jewlels sir 1 bull - So then [he said ho and 1 nudged and whispered to him to ask if she had enoiUghv or scmething like that I thought It would be an ex-

chtincep+-V ] bull Exacltly1 artd had shte

sure she had only her wed-anji guard Mr White

Medusa of jcourse she

know what

I Yl-I do

wondered] U- illiui UCVBUDX j A nvMuvicwi rseraquo Just what jthe servants hlnking You see she jhadht


j T m ding rlhgl and the answered]


tored Mr and Mrs Carl Ill

cngo and Etui Phillips ol were Sunday guests of 3i| Wf B Philllpa j bull

Mr and Mrs Harold JKelsey eiiter-taincd Mr ami Mrs W RJ Comfdrt of PalntHje Mr and Mrs Jjoe Wollar and Mrs Mitchell of Birrington at theirIiome Tllursday ev|ning

Elaine Rasmussen of dary enjoyed the week-end at the hope of her aunt Mrs Frank Lages|hult^

Mr and Mrs Henry Feekitig called on Mr and4VIrs Albert gt artin of Al-goniiuiu Sunday

t and Mngt Frank Kelsey and Mrs Oliver Fitts of Shally Hill m6lt-tored to Elgin Saturday

Mr and Sirs Peter s A rorkmnn of Park Ridge Were Saturdi y afterhoon callers at tlie Frank Kir gty f ome

|v Mr and Mrs Frank Lageschulte enjoyed Saturday with Mr andMrs Frank Rasmussen of Carlaquo gtbullbull

Mr and Mrs Harry --1) onncr S^rs B Donuer Lucy DonUci Mr and

s i r y Moth-the Medusa enjvell asked J

The jeweler handed him for the second time the magazine etill open at the portrait bullbullJShe has jit oh lie said

Agalnst an evening dress of irshyidescent white cunhlngly massed against her marvelous skin there shone but ^ne Jewel al laihhent green thing as large as a wlvee dolshylar or nearly in low but exquisiteshyly clear relief was cut uponh it a womans beautiful face framed in a mass of iossing serpents toreg tiny for belief At flrsjt you tlioughtf theni wild locks of he|lr merely but In a moment you knew theim for What they were and wondered since) the painter was so glf teiuj what must the gerflipounduitei hajce beeai I


Boy Scouts Troop 21

Scouts of Troop 21 assembled in the troop meeting roonis on Thursday Jan 7 for a business and patrol meeting The meeting w a s called to orSer at 7 30 and adjourned at D i l5 The business lasted for 30 minutes and the patrol meeting enme to order and adjourned after one hour

Mr Englesman] a lieutenant in the National Guard is teaching the troop the advantages off marching He gave instructions for about 20 minutes The troop then j played a game similar to the initiation of the Order of the ^ r -row The Order of the^ Arrow is a secret organization in scout camps This1 was furnished by the] Wolf pashytrol being assisted by the Black Bear patrol - i bull

bull As there were only a few scouts at the Board of Review there will bo no Court of Honor Their awards will be mailed to the- troop and given to them by their scoutmanter

A C B jv T L

Buelness Notices Bring JResults

i raquo

Cuba TowAship1 - - _ - bull i bull 1 1

Chniles Finn of spigtnt Thursday and home of his M Htcr of Hhady Hill I

C H irpontersville Friday at Abe

Mrs f 8hlaquody Milii Mr and Mrs] H irold

bullml to Chicago ThtirH I

Oliver FlltK

Kelsey ntO gtbull lt

j|lipraquo of Chi Barrington

r and Mrs

Mrs Johh Uy|n M4 ward ftyan tiiidson cwgo Mrjandiilrif Alii) J children Uutljj Therj^ of Criry spettMSundflJi Jjw Mrs Conrad raquornus 1 Mr and Mm W Palatine enjoyjd p in l

^Ir and Mrf Harold vrbullbull jniilpH hddi

Moinlay-1 f A

AVarrcn ann sen and Alico-li S^ridaytcalleriii

hulte] home MkoKelsey

iVednesday call nd Mrs Myro

Mr and M gtundajflevenin| r and Mrs

j Mr and Grandview Huidivuiiti l to Chicago forlpvo mn [Mr M M|i Beiai Were Thesday 1 veninj lnjnie ot Mr a d Mr hagen of Prairlt A ielaquo Mrijand Mi|gt - Fr-ShadyvHill we|sect Thu -i

rfhe Albert Abbott hon e| (he Wilfred Uo sou hj I Mr a|id MTsijirank ip Elgin Monjliy

bull - i |

il Mr u

No (J Ivrm

H raquo bullI Mt


am bullttraquo


nr nk



fbullieaco 1^ | ITfcoiMofl


flwnisch o

l T v M hick

^Worf bdquors bdquo tbf

M M gt r t Wild

Reluct 0)| wallers 1frac34 called il

) Cnry v motors

jjeoves1 Orii TfUST imake a bundle of eve J| thini that you We U tract th

for itmdashwash it water in our spi

baskets-^-and return every p sweetly clean ami just dam enough fpr ironing Thus spare yo^ithe more arduousw day tasilsmdashan^l 4gt raquot at a pr much legs than home-washi costs JMav lire C i l l e r ne| weeks^ ash Phone us your ai dress bull bull)(

- -- fK ]

Lsium 26




1 I T Look for thoroilghne^i in Pontiac engineering fn a 1 new gear-shifting effortlessmdashsecond gear is really quietmdashand coast along at will Then shift gears without totichi ig the telu but all three of these big improvements in all Pontiacs at to extrdxosk

if chief of ^y v a l u e s

Pontiac offers those important developments at no extra cost








47 CHASSIS POINTS bull bull bull


reejwh clutch

iacs ampyncrjH or n A r ilaquo L t 1^1

Wheeling fipe|mit^ You $et not

NEW PONTIA h W 1 e lt

the Important Devlaquoiop|rr| |i 5 r^ j 1 M bull r 11

Year to Mhfa Low-Pilce

Brings of the f deg NEW WqfrfTIA Qfteisi the bis l f f ictM ojV-4 formante at a Lfat Prce r

li)U to



21 Sdft tBtri itooL amp CSgtLNS

Tel Barring ton J8B KF Cool Street I ( J

FOEHLER MOTOR 8ALES 02 No Wf irgreea Avenue

Arlington Helgh|taIIU MR H B N R r S H O P f B T P n l M I ^ I l L | - lt


Criftekti RAND

wa AN OVtraquojtAHntdGpimiAtLUp^30mi^






bull gt

1 i




L^ J


(Jtinued f^W page i

( J lelaquoutttul Hew Barriii W r bdquo bull i i bdquo | W)UHejulaquot j

^ ^ ^ - ^ oulaquo hull

whil m r n r ) ibdquot -Teaeherraquo n s

W hoo l auditorluin t o n laquo h t r

raquoub ( ) ir eerswereotecteA l to

^ r r L rencc nr8t viee ^ i

r w - r ^ V e r n s t m j W - bullbullgt n r k e r feecretary MJlaquoS

r 1 ulev ou- y o u t h s t U y met n o - h ^ r f laquo r c rfre into Mi r Lbdquo~raquobdquo kih

day^1 ^T^ ^t iv^A largeb|irrcont^ J n d ^ i ^ t w ^ U o ^ U t ^ ^

I an uutMi bile and a mrik ^ i n f u y ^ t e M ^ k l e f a r m

bullthree JIIV ff w 0 ^ (|^trogted by 6re aftoruoon

0laquoraquot bull-

of tiarrii early Tlinr

laquo bull - - A r m y spotlights usf bull c l r a T y o f M n i e r a f r o i p F o r f h laquogt =ltbull raquolaquovirglaquo laquo u r raquo u llt1 bdquo nVllMMiriK miiht fliers

ffl ^ he h^rvfn- -do-r i^ f c J bull b T S - Tl) soldier are s t j tu nedj bulltradebdquorirv encampment | tVQ J

t n deg S bdquorringtW iThv^bje north t | bdquo pl ^IKi is ii I ra raquo ithe solil t | | (gt |gtl i lgt-lllt- - bull-- bull bull - T mdash bull - j

hi W a i i up n tdaiie in h e | shod |Hgtssrtflr tii iV 1 v- bull-bull

Oct i t y N c j proentMl- nf S 1 7 5 riiilizgtl fewlaquou the lt-ii-iil- pi r t v f h v ]

[ Biltm I l j imlry -lt-lu|lgt- HriTiiv for hlt- iiinlyen ltgtf iiirriMsHi^ townships i-elief fuiul T h e s i r r j ^KVl lS was[ net red laquo t lhltgt lirst tit iraquoarty i IIIH)ltMgt hlaquoraquoh| at the Tea Colt)ltraquo I t

Nov SmdashTlngt hnrvest fe^SValnj toiiight Willi u HulIiVweiii - p a r niiisiiil jirosrani and t a l k ltm - inifriiii Si-lltriiited Ifcat hy AVJ rtriiii-ili (il the sihool aiuiitoriuij

jVji ^IUA-VNIW intWrnl ban bulltuViird HUH ItiiiitUKloju -aiaiiis H (and in Ji-iiiv of- iilimit i o o InTilir-viii Ioinpiiiiv mlaquon rtrt^lid tli) i mil Ui nt bull] ho noissu ry ix l jnstnlet l lraquoi)iii(iv to lit the1 new-Iras Ahgti i t | lliiisons iittiiided the A u x i iiiryTS Mails Arinistiltraquoltraquo I lay (Ut nor li t4Hou hall Widm^dity- iiusht

Xiiv I lmdashHiirringtoli h a s llievt bull nil illiiiTiu-y |Ki-olttntngc of a n y

i th jt i w p u l i |n t SfgoJ

~ ic ]

mming thlaquogt]

Iiimlilv in t h e Ntate w wf Lri(Mt iHcording t o miiil ir i is i is s u r v e y seflt ~tn Tlv

viiiv t h i s w o j k JKi T h i n s for r ^ bdquo

misiylittv ) inor l ine Hides f r o m ilnwntraquo II s t ree t s of B o r r i n g t o n - aniioiiMied todaybullbull It iwilj hivraquor f

donelaquoiie st-i igtt ut laquo t ime Iurt

e|ieiise ill iiiukilijf tlligt ^-lifrilfE w I


AH 1



increases i

POUlTliyJnmhtvel and evenjog lighting

comes a flew deyelbbn poultry bouse brings est egg productiitt espeOS eggs s c i y peak pricsfct ~- v - -I J v lt Tlie cxpkrwtjon is StmJ the house bullislightecltl to lay mow


the Ohio tulte pul(ei weeb Birds to Inarch ls|r Also even though


The relatively small cos times offset b y the prof Careful use

ii pt thcreas^d

averagedl |rhen thep

is the Ithey weic

molt into production ofligh t can


For complex poultry house the Public one of our r oh you H e try house an Remembeti


U^da^l iceCon

restentativ ill help] also recc exe^isiap

PuBmi s i i OFHdftl


1 i f


Flaquocopy flhExp tl i-^rt

wr i td a laquowd ask fori



1 1


l ll

gt gt



IK f

bulli i t

bull1 ) I d M

i 1-I


i 1raquo

I - A ]

p ltl M

tali a l vaa Mr and M R ^ I lt-I jKiif -MIIJ sraquon Robert oft^Tf

- r j U 1(11 Mrs A u g u s t K r a a s 1 bulllr|i Ifiili T h e r e s e a n d E - j i i 4 s | i t S u n d a y w i t h Mgt I

M C-gtnri 1 K n u i s M

I x -i-^ M r- w- K- Claquomfcraquo j r bull^y-r Sunday d i n n e r - - 1 | I nil Mt IIiirld Kelsey lt

bull C l i |M)illi|s mtigtred (r i M -gtbull p ^ i f V I I f | l | I 1-11frac34 I I

^ f laquolaquo A l l - - Mi l l er of C a r ^ H ir i i i v - i m-rv laquo the KranL- e N

H f gtlt -

K i raquo u i 11 Jjt ri4 mdashbulllaquolaquolaquobull

^ raquo r M V f t i a l h - a t t h e h o w V H

^ r n bdquo d J l r K| Igtramlaquotait ^ e J iil-y -verting callers a t t h c H Tod M | N B m a n l z i i 2 S 0 B e 0 laquo

f fJ 1 1


I A I -bullbull U rlaquo


fih firaquo

laquo i if i

r )- VraquoH[- a r r h e Kranfc e N Mi S C T 1


1 bullbullbullbullbullbull ^-iwiorf i - f t ml- Mrs Pau l HanlM-h bdquof j H l i - i w lMivis ilaquon moved bacfcS j i biult fr two months gt -1

Nff 77711 ^ M r ^ B e r n a r d Ze l sdoJ h - T ^ v - r e n i n callers a t 5

J j - f M i n d Mrs Albert t ^ i a - -i -1 Ir-hn- View - r W

Mr iil Mrs F r a n k Kelsev bdquolaquor -bullU ij raquo home and en l lL a t

tivlaquon home in Caj-y

n d laquo ^ f l n k K d S e y m deg ^ r e J

1raquo Ml V

^ - i i - l | r

Hi M

f + I iu-it-^ Not ice B r i n g R e s u l t


lw fjm y




M fc^ iea hutidle of etery-

lill lor jimdashgt-ujsK it-r-cxj bullvfiter n our ^pidning

(spi-alc d re iurn every piece ^Uvri and jusi d^fflp

iroiiinjg Thuk we xnpteacduous Wash-tnd dd it at a copyrice hnl fcoine-vv^sr|ing

ay we call iFor itext Phone ui youij ad-

tU I

u peed wasttied


oh iLau^idry oripj26 I f il I ^ W l


r O N D | f t St bullp^U^JTHliEE


tt laquo

Iff A


i i i^outiics ncjro-Mesh make

ami-1rty-r^-heeling fieri^iits you to

t u- klutiflix You jket not just one

^H^UitriJicosk bull y i i I bull I (

bullSi- i f-

PONTlAc SIX I-U ^ipoftdne Deveopmen(s

fajrfo the Low-Price Field

PokriAc v-8

Mm tlkhli


iNtif P^OPI


Distinction pf V-8 Pw-a Likt Price] under 8S0

BI^OSJ^ [COLLINS IftI Karpringtrin 2r

[ I I fa r r ing ton I f f i W

ltJK H U s i 8 S C ^ A U f e L E T S O A B A O B t^n i eT

ts ii I 8^ S r a n t Avenue

| jCrySal Lake BJL bull

IKAND b O A D G A R A O B t i a c o n d a IB j

V A t O B 4oi


_ d i

ptoess of Last pfonths of 31 Reviewed in Brief

BARRINGTON REVIEWj takeh ca re of by the Publ ic Service

th res t by proper ty owners

i--ni 1raquolaquo 1 I

bull i nviv HarriiiRton house jllKt com the raquold building

bull Ti l iers associa-ir ilie KarriiiRtoh

11 totiiclit The --1- -lected to head president Mrs

I vire pOKjidcnt - (ren-s-lirer Mrs i irv Miss Doro-1--- youths broke

bulli ltlviv store Fr i -bull j _-ids valued a t

- mi contents of v 1-- i pr ivate Rashy

in I a mi lk house | M-rkle fiirni es ta te -i of Harr ington bull bullbullbull enrly Tlmrmlay

- l i^lils used by M-in Fort Slier- i iiiMe in oh-

-11 ll iers have -11-- the jiast

bull -1 iHied a( a

- -t two miles Tli- object of

bull I he so ld iers r the shortes t

bullbull SI To Were 1 l l i hl 111

1 1 1 - n i i h (

- - lt M | e lt i i l m

T h e s | ( t i | ( i f

- he lir-d lieiie-- il I he Imvel

bull IV-l bullbullbull I

bull bull i i | i i l i l e

- 11 Co l l

bull bull lv W-K bull bull i I-in in

e i - 11 s

1-- I I I IS I n l l l l V

t I--11- S T

11- Milage bull n s l l l l l l l s o f

- A-i l l - J bull u-v S-rvn-e

bull bull bull - h e l d l i t

- the low-

- I i lv l l l l l l l i -

bulli i |e i ( i l la t ion I S goverii-

- Th-He-

bull - Hi -ihe Id

bullbullbullbull- Il-iH the 1- -11 on wore

IIV e i l ^ III

I - n f lh -- Will I)

Dec 1 0 j - A t ax levy of $700 was voted nt the sigtecial Cuba town meetshying a t Har r ing ton Monday afternoon to cover the relief needs for the year 1032 T h i s levy will be raised by 11)31 taxes payable next yea r A $2-000 tax levy for pauper relief in Kla town was voted a t a mee t ing held it) Lake Zurich Monday afternoon E ighty spruce trcelaquo ar r ived in Bar r ing ton today jus t ahead of a beautiful Deshycember suowstorni to be erected throughout the business d is t r ic t The first conce r t appearance of the 110^ Bar r ing ton communi ty orchestra was a t the school audi tor ium Tuesday evening I as a benefit performance shared equally by t h e B a r r i n g t o n W o m a n s club and the orchestra

Dec 17mdashCollections to ta l ing $ V 42343 and disbursements amount ing to $17041 were reported by the Bar shyrington Belief committee for the pershyiod^ ending Dec 1 1

Dc-e 24mdashChris tmas cheer baskets will be sent to 35 families

Dec 31mdashA tax of $6 on every $100 of assesved bull va luat ion 1930 levy will be paid by B a r r i n g t o n proper ty owni ers living sou th of Main s t reet acshycording to r a t e s published Monday More than one-half of th is amoun t is for school operation and upkeep

New Coffee Shop (jpens for Businesjs Satut|day

The new Dayton Cofftc tj-hop dnder the m a n a g e m e n t of M r George A t kins will j jpen i)p for business in the Dayton bull Hotel Iniilding nor th of the Nor th Wes te rn statfon on Sa turday J a n 16 bull

Har r ing ton s new specialize in light service d inners a t regular hours and special p a r t y ami Sun lay pinners Complete modern cquipiuent has been installed to make it a n up-to-date eat ing l)lace The n ianagemint announces both counter and table service

The opening ai nounci ment appears

Itir ch room will lum hes fountain

in an advertiseinejit on ltif The Review


MrS| George Blackburn ejitertttined lite past ma t rons of Mayflower Chapshyter O E S on F r i d a y afternoon

Mr juid Mrs L - I I Cypher spent Saturday- evening with the hi t ter s lrotlier Uiiliartl Baseley and family

at Orays-liilir Leslie Nor th und Miss Clara Kunile

of r n i o i i unit Mi and Mrs WiUiani Baseley of Woodstock were Sundae visitors at the 1 II--Cypher honre

jMrs Clnyloii W-erdeii entertaitied 30 members itm| friends of the LndieH Auxi l iary of the Federated churcji IViursdav iittertiMn

Uesideuls were slarlleil early Silt bull itidiiy tnoiiiiitg by -t i le fire tnicl wllbitle wtieii the homo of Faill gtlll(H(-bullltrti about a mile west-of town Wilt cpirfej ii lire but the lire was ex 1 ingiilshei 11fore the llreiiteu ^aiiivd with but t i t t le damage The l i r e Was located on 1 he pof near the chimney

( 1 jetniiii timldaughter iniil- Mr ciil Mrs hola tul MtCiiinion itt|d siiit oi lli i iu 101 were Sunday gue i 11 |i (icorgc JcpNol) lionie

Ms- Mny Italey spent Fr iday i||i IIM-II^V bull

- anil Mrs bullbullWarier I luii lu 11 ut v s|bdquo||( Sunday at the Arthnir I-1 0 HI- line in Chicago | M s (ieorgi M lepson and ton lt i r were Crys ta l Lake- callers Sa tu rday

Frigidaire Looks fcr Greater Year in 1932

Pr ig ida i re s advert is ing and promoshytional program for 1932 will bel dishyrected toward surpassing 1931 - w| it built and shipped 3 5 household models than

666 (Kid jfJiitiid or Tablets used [internally and 0H0 Salve external ly m a k e a comshyplete a n d effective t rea tment for Colds

SSfOOd n Cash Prizes X-h Your Druggist for I a r t i cu la r s

PROVED A$ll- nighflighting Increases egg production

| ) i t CRY men have known for years thlaquot etrly-mornlng bull -m I evening lightingmttkes hens lay more eggs Now 1 s -new ilcvclopment All-night lighting in the r -bull -11 ry house brings even better resultsmdashfurther increases ltn |Tiluction especially during winter months when uik srll at peak prices

bullbullI- (lination is simple Hens are more active when lt i use is lighted They eat more feedmdashand are able liy more eggs N bull bull

bullic Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station finds that ma-[ re pullets increased from 40 to 75 production in 4 bullbulltks Birds averaged 57 eggs each from becember lit

laquo March 1st when the poultry house was lighted all night Vso important is the fact that the hens gained weight ltbullbulllt- n though they were laying more eggs

bull - - bull

li-c relatively small cost of -all-night lighting is several -s offset by the profits from increasedegg production f-Tttul use of light can also bring pullets and hens out of r-raquolc intq produaton

i-v-r complete information on the benefits of all-night poultry house lighting you are invited to ^rite or phone e Public Service Company We will be glad to send 1 ic of our representatives familiar with this subject to call 1 n you He will help youplan the wiring of your poulshytry house apoundid also recommend the proper lights to use Rmember there isno obligation



For a copy of the Experiment Stations report write Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station Wooster Ohio

andaskfor Bulletin 476 No charge^

I bull bull bull

Lc iJML a f e ^ v i ^ f e

another page

hen jSer cent more

dur ing the

p r o dentl


BARRINGTON ing year E G Bi ichler presi-

i ami general manager said rlltl a t t a i n t l is still l a rger volume

we a r e increasing t h e number n d type of our stiles out le ts and ip t ro ducing new ne rcband i s i O u r line has t een expan wider marke t equiremerits W e a r e now1 building staall un i t a i r condition ing p lants suitible for elf her home or offic use he- said

conveniences IThe economies and


r uui

Ided metpods to meet

of electric refrigeration equipment cons i tu te a popu la r and logical buyshying urge in bdth the household and commercial fields

Q u r field inventories a re the lowshyest a t this t ime of the year they have been in several years on the same date W e a re expecting ha t ^vhen-Frigidairei s nel resul ts of 193^ ore tabulated they will reflect a decided improvement over 1931 | bull

and other listel securities bpuamphti sold and quoted

GOVEN EDDINS amp Co ( LaSa l le Street cor Madison Street 1 1 1 S o u t h

C H I C A G O Telephones F r a n k l i n 4719

AT THE 7r7 I Bridge Ballroom


day Night i oclock i


9 p m untill 1 oclock

Ward Drill artd I^is Banltt


f lt bull


e ione educes Prilt

Buy now

Dont dri c on worn |inioo|th when you can have new Firestone fTires at these low rices

Never hei ore could ylt |i huy remarkable values

You get extra strength] extra safety extra service with every Firestone Tire because of tliese extra struction features


Ford CbevMgtllaquotj ChTrc4at Fordmdash^ Ford Hl i lM II

Chovrokt Whippet J Eraklno Plymouth Chandler^ DaSotou^ Dodse)Mu IlttMliVaM Gr Paige Poi|tlacw~ RoOMvelt WUljrfKnlaquo

o f t h e t i r e manuCkcturer bull t o n e Serv ice D e a l e r s a n d Serv ice Si o n every t i r e F i r e a t o n e m a k e s


440-21 $ 4 7 t | MJO

^50-20 SSS 450-21 S43


475-20 i bull

soo-uH sect sa1

tone con- 1931mdashthe year in which values their extra safety and satisfaction


N a i h H I I M N I I


Na h Ih u n o b laquo

i ok Mi Irt ioby

lakmdashraquo Aubunu IondssilaquouM H M k H r i M M I H H

Studebkr |nMPCUIMpMraquoalaquo M-UPIIIOIIMW

bullOulsttiL ipAttPlttMi StaUebVjr

1 brand tlr^a are madej by a i|iahiif^Catajer wltl^ont his nanie for


Gam-Dlp iraquo lng the Fin H9tone patented extra process that makes the ct rd body tougher

t ireS |- and stronger

o E x t r a C o r d P i l e s U n d e r t h e Treat a patented Firestone construction that gives added protection against punctures and blpW-outs an d stronger bond bet and coird body

| I j o u g h e r t h l e k e r n o n - s k i d treaidl that gives greater non-skid protection and longer nOn-skid Wear

tween tread

counted most^was for Firestone a year

4fi te mm

108 S

D R I V E Listen to tfie Voic

5 h

550-191 sect4laquo| 1

the lowest prices ilk history

Chryalrir Studehhr Viking Franklin laquo [Hudaon Hupmobei Bttideb kV La Sail i nu (Paekard

CadUIobdquo LlnoolnuuM Packard bdquo


600-18 HD

600+19 i i a

600-20 BD

1600-21 1600-frac34


1650-20 HD

700-20 B 0


bull i ition by matt order houses and other lutora unde^ their own bianda^pinea^firel are aofl to the publiewithoui the reaponsibUiiy identity or guarantee

r Firestone donotmakje Speela| Brand tires for ANYONEl FtrieatoneT^ a n aold though Flre-vrhogijre eompljete sdrvice You get extra protection with the name Firestone



of great Accompli shment Because of B u t t o n 8 raquoneqraquoaed poblUdn Jh huy-ing raw Biaterials---rubber and cotton ---efficient factories and economical disiributi on they gave car owners the greatest values in ii|eir history $


IMyeinioday Equip your c i r wit^i Firestone Gum-Dijjped Tires anlaquoJ enjoy


30x5 HD 4 32x6 HD 34x7HDlJ 36x8 HD 600-20 HB 650-20 HE 750-20 HE 900-20 HE 975-20 HD

oil tire if tetter i bullbull



ioJO Slaquo4S 4M



- I 1


f gt

i 1 M f gt

gt 1-1 -

OOSlUs OlMraStM-Every tire mana-faetnred by Firlt atone bears the name bullbullFIRESTONE tind earriea their and our

ted guaran tee You are doubly pro- t TI t


Tel ington 497


Barrington Illinolt r


j j j l ^ laquo ^ ^ ^ 2

D EQUIP YOUR CA ires tone Every Monday Night


i nt

i i

raquo - lt


bull )


f laquo n j o y s Eighty Arst f [ raquoirthdajr -bulllaquo Mrs L l Sehroeder 413 S Cook ^otreer- enjoyed her eightv-nrgtt birth-Sday anniversjirji Friduy Jnn 8 | _bull-bull- Mrs Jkhrowlcr is the oldest mefli ( | j e r of 41ie missionary society of t)Se

f g a l e m church and many members jof Jpoundhls organization railed at the Scbrd-raquoder home Kridiy afternoon to express J their beat wishes those who were uraquo-feable tohow rotirtesy to Mrs Sehroe-f 4 e r in this V i y sent greetings by

ifpnenns of IJ yostil card shower

1 At_ sin oclock Mrs Sehroeder en-t joyed abirthday dinner with Rev and

fWrs Philip Riraquoulaquoher and Mr and twrs George futdwer and family as Claquouests l i lti happened that Rev ^ e t i s c h e r end Miss Eunice Landwer

ftlso were (lebiflting their birthdays


v Misvionary Irgtlaquoram Interesting

The ell-dvv missionary program Tuesday

ful The iven over to White gtvigtd by sin enjoyable

fciven at -the Baptist church rl proved Jo l very successful morning w i s i (lfigtss woilr fll fiot-luck dimi-r

Mrs T lUwIuigs of the Woodlawn Btjgttit chuili ltgtf fMiicngo gnlve the address ltf (Jie itmrnoon program takshying alt her -11(1 ieltt ^Missionary Kead-

iu2 Contcsl W gtrfe MI-N Helen Drus-sel gave f vpurt on her visit to the ttnplist missionary training school in Chh-Hgo vlncli was both interesting iiinl edntlaquoiicgt) il and Mrs bull Tohn Sheesley i-i-vii-wid several chnplt$rsof the study 1-1 T V diiilhjilfe of (liiiure in HI interesting manner About 2gt in bulliiiie-rs enioyed this all-ilay liieetiuK

Enjoy Kainili

tat tiering Mrs V (bdlister Mrs Kmest

Kieke Mrs J-IIHSII Coe and family Mr ind Mi- Clifford Stijuit and famshyily Mr and Mrs thiiidlWt Hiekc mul son Hid Mr gtnd Mr-- Victor Itieke niv1 tiimilv It gti Biirrington enjoyed n f-imily tiili-ring at the home of Mrgt lti li fvl 11-I1 in Chicago Saturshyday It loos | to be a surprise to Mi- MIIIIII raquoitii iier vigtri-ri Mrs Anna lloniin nl -iier a very enjoyable lgtot Jnefe- dinner the afteituHin was spent Kueiillt MrsL Ilojlister Mrs K Uieke Tirs Doiiini | adit Mrs Mar-li raquorgt sUiis

Kntertains Thursday bull Club bull j

Mrs A V-iielt l i t AV Lake Ktrt v HS ligt-tess 1raquo tlie Thursday rlnli Janmiry 7 it a pretty one oclock lniiiheoii The lfternunii was enjoyed at lnincji wilti nvards goiuK to Mrs I Powers Mr y ( Schroedeo and Mrs V II White

The spirit of bull Christmas--was still ei ident ft tlii-s party and the -cheershyful tree efforiled a gift for each quest vho nmvra-piieil the interesting pack-Ill e with smdash fni-li ze-t is she did tjhose of 111 ( ilIl-r lti ite

W R C Hirtds -Installation At Officers ^

T^e BarrWgtort W ^ C nesday aftettiafengtatt6e Catraquow4 HMI where the installation of officers took place ^r^f^j^a(PTOnraquonrfer-^ajas installing officer Mr Virginia Haw-ley as installing coiiductor and Mrs Myrtle Abbott as chaplain The four color bearers were as follows Mrs Lena Sass Mrs Matilda Kuhl-man Mrs Mae Scherf and Mrs ampfary Rohlmeier A social hour folowen the installation program

Entertains Lions Bridge Club

Mrs M H Schreibe-r S02 8 book street was hostess at a bridge party Monday evening for men hers of the Lions Ladies Bridge club andseveral guests xt the close of a very pleasant evening prizes were awardshyed to Mrs Warren Meier Mrs Lesshylie McClure and Mrs-Alfred Church Mrs Harry Hoglund received the

guest prize Dainty refreshments AYHe served by the hostess

I-Bntertaihs Twelve Guests |

Mrs 7 C Foelschow enfeijtained group o twelve friends Wltdnesda|r evening at bunco and other games Dainty lefwshmehts complete an er joyable wening and prizes nere re eeived by Mrs Ernest Rieck ijnd Mrs| Fred Sqhumaker

MiS wer

Attend Concert at Blackstoie Motel

Miss Mae Johnson and Blanche Frye of Barringtoi guests of the Lake View Musical club at the B ackstonc hotel Moiidi y after noon at| an artists recital I y Tom ford H a r r i s - a t the--piano a | idMis^ Ruby Lj on vocal soloist

Entertains Philathea Members

The Philathea class of the Salem church will be entertained at the home of Mrs S L Landwer 30 S Hough street Friday night This is the regular bi-monthly meeting of the organization and the business session will be given over to the election of officers Mrs Frank Gieske has served as teacher of the group for seventeen years

Give Dinner for Victorious Bowlers

Members of the Jefferson lee- Co bowling team were guests of honor at a dinner held at The Farm rond-hoiise Monday evening with members of the -Chicago team as hosts After dinrjer thestag|tuirty adjourned to soipe bowling alleys for a few (games flood fellowship was the keyijote of the evening J

TlMtater Party Hear Madame Butterfly

The following Barington people will enjoy a theater-party and hear Matlame Butterfly at[the Civic opera hoijsei Wednesday nijsht Mrs K A Beerman MrsJ E Montgomery Mrs Clyde Carr Mrs Edwin Olcott | bchle prizes iUrs- K F Wichmnh Misj H Muth Milhjr Mrs gtfis Harry -Brandt lind Mrs William KJesslei- nf Palatine

To Enteijtain Ojorcas Society i J 16 floiifes society Of the

^LMilifjmeetfLt^ie horn of-(1frac34frac34 Mrs Anna Ahren i fo

chiflrc pi-esii ipcia1alfteirnoon Tuesday Officers for the coming year elected at a short business preceding the social hour

Baptist th|raquo

f o j Jtan^lf

will bs meetin f

Annoiinri Betrothal of Miss Hoernecke

Mr nnd Mrs A H Hoeme Grove avenue announces the ment of their daughter Wilhelmini Marie to Leonard J iframer Mr and Mrs Sandusky O

Willianv Kramer

Entertains 500 Club bull

Mrs Cora Purcell 311 streit was hostess Friday (to


club At the close of an enjoyable afternoon prizes were awarded William Grunaii Mrs E dorf and Mrs Delia Cadj


w^mp -bull--y-yf

bull raquo - i - 1

son Donaljl all of Naperville vlrere guests Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs i l l lden Gieske 124 N l i a r ripon street Mrs Gasscr is an a|unt

Mrs Glske- bull bull It-)

M i s M rgaret Weiclielt 106 Eake street enjoyed Saturday Sjlnday wilh frienils a t K n o t coi Galesburg

Mrs Clifford Sjsout and daughter Phyllis 431 Cook street hlaquoard Mlgnon it the Civjc opera h^use

Monday evrning


w and ege

Dotterrer |549 Division street spen|t several days this weeljc at Geneva N trip

ke 41( engage

isor o f


Mrsj Dudley darmichael 520 plvision street re-


Mr and ahd sons turned Tuelsday I from a visit of

Mrs Carmichaerb parents

Main the 50C

to Mrs [iangen

Paul The Gleaners class of the f t church will he entertainled at tlieliome of Mrs Edward ORt J208 S Cook street Thursday eveniiig Jan 21

Mrs Charles Kainer was at nn afternoon card party-

hostess it her

hotrie 301 Northwest highway Mon day Dainty refreshments served after the game

Mrs Louis Miller 107 street entertained I the


chili Thursday afternoon wi going to Mrs

Knlaquoertaiiif V P M ( of Salem Cliinh

Mrs Vi i i i - Jlavlev bull-bull -S Cook Street Nil- lii-tss to I lie Voll|llg peoshyple- missii|i11 y circle of the ^nleni church Ti ie i| iv evening The busi-

Voung People Kntertained

The Interniediate tengiie members of the Salem church wereentertained bv their superintendent MrSi Mildred Wolthausen Monday evening at the church parlors The young people enshyjoyed i program of different games followed by the serving (if refreshshyments About twenty members were present I -


lies- mecliiiu insl illnt ion if year wilh Mi illslillliiiK ltiHce ntut talks mi were follow 1

bull refleshlnili1 v-i-ie prCsiii1

is uiven iiver-1 to the itlicers fur [the coming

Philip BciLscliei- as A proernni of imisic

s^inu work in -Ja| 1111 lie a lociiil hour and

Vhimi ihirtv 1-


KnlArlnins Jutiters ClftsH

bull The Mother Chlircll wllaquo

eystone Class Entertainod L

Mrs Edward Sehroeder 21-1 W Kits-sell street was hostess Monday evening to the Ieysliine class of the Salein church ii-iid- to the nev teacher

i Mrs Nellie Schultze After the busishyness meeting a social luuir at-games was enjoyed and ri-freshnicirfs servtd Mrs Harold Sehroeder

- clit Hcrtiuiied

I the Millin Wcdnesilay


bulsi-he w-

nftcriioon di no home of the pn dent- Mrs II li A Grebe 31(1 Cool Nliffi 1 luring the short IMss tiiiielinii lew olfllers fof coining i gti n iigt elected irild folio log this Mi - ( i ireme Miller review 111 el iaphi Hid Ilaliits In the Iejiu bir study loilr Mis Lorelle Lai d-wer gin hjoyabl Which Jilllsir rioted the hostess - M -ii J dainty

reading after bullprogram I retlisjllillllt


Celebrate W^Wftig AnniversiUiv

Mr end Tfrs Albert GoSsell of Cuba iLiwii-liip celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary Sun day by ctitertuining forty-five re a fives als in Ilt-iay family gatheriig After 011 vHiivible dinner the aftj r-110011 was spciit bull in visiting anil sii g-ing games wer enjoyed in the evenshying The ul-sts included- relatives from C-biisgo Elgin Mareiigo Lake Zurich ntnl ItarHngton who before leaving presented Mr and Mrs Gos-sell with many lovely sifts

Former Wtmconda Girl Married in Tpxas

Relalivijs in Barriugton received nnnounceiifeiits this week of the marshyriage of hljss Velda Bangs daughshyter of Mrs- Cora Bangs of Amarillo IVx fo Woodson CofftCltof Amarilloj The bullweilibiuj tnok place at San An tonio Tev on Thursday Jan 7 and the- bridal couple will make their

home a I Aniuilltgt The bride a forshymer residei^t of Wauwnda moved to Texas wiitrJwr family1 five years ago

Entertain xt Sunday Dinner l

Mr and Ttrs Ray Scheer 530 Grove iivenue entertained the follow1

ing guests at dinner Sunday Mr and Mrs Frnnk Sclieer of Deerlield M r and amp^rraquotIf A runcaid Mr and Mrs Major Cote laquond Mrs Bertha Wene-gar ahilsoii Elmer of Palatine

Mrs Stayner Entertains Auxiliary Members

Mrs Noel Stayner 205 N Cook street entlaquortained meuibcrs of the

Auxiliary raquot carpet-rag sewing party this eveninj Convalescent

bull^Isoldiewi in jrtylaquonment hospitals will bull ^ f e s e the strip- in making rug

Ilotuiitlt assii-ted Mis

li ( nvei

Mrs Cudwullader Entertains

A group (if eighteen ntet at ihe Ijonie rf Mrs Imler l i l t E Hillside day evening anil eiijoyed lirogiiini of games and gr ing Mrs1 Cudwnlliiiler Is Ilfjlsl teacher for th^ group ami was their initial Kiiwiiil gnih licliuis fefreshiiients were si

youi g women Cnihviil-it Moil-a siieltil i lp siug-

I school ihe party ring lie-


Ted McCabe a i d Mrs Wesley Nelson Refreshments won served by the

The BrVthfrhood of the Si Paul church enjoyed a debate Wednesday evening on tin subject Resolv|ed that Protestant d merfee and a dated denom The affirniath Brintlinger ai Koenig

^nominations s i 1 o u 1 d

The Gleane church will m|ei Eilward Ost Thursday evening Jan 21

Mrs Irving street enter


Station Foiirsone

h pi L

1 churches be Nationally and e was taken by d the negative 1

On soli locally H R y Rev

Tclass of the S at tlie home of Mrs

208 S Cook

Hollister 515i It talined the fo

guests at a one oclock dinner day Mr and Mrs J S Hollis soii Oliver 3 - 3 W Main stre Mr 11 ml Mr) George Broil daughter Bariara of Chica

Ninth District Meeting of Legion Auxiliary

The ninth district meeting of the Aniericnn Legidn Auxiliary Will he held at the John J Conley lTnit 3H(I2 W Grand boulevard near Crawford avenue at 730 p in Jan 21 An American and National Defence grain will be given r

The Auxiliary asks all interestdi to notify Mrs Itiith Whitcoinb

l e g i o n Anviliary Gives Benefit Party

Members of thft Aniericni Legion Auxiliary were In stesses at a benefit card party and hikery salt at their club roonis Tiiesiay atternoon A prize was awarded to ecli table aifi refreshments folio ved he card gamfe Nineteen guests Merepresent

The regular monthly meeting of the club wi l l j i e held Wednesrlay Jan 20 at 2 Woeloek in the Methodist church The program for theaftershynoon Ai l l be Thinking It OutmdashAn Experiment in PJhllOsophy by Dr Charles G Obernieyer j

There wi l l be ftreciprocity djy proshygram at the W^ker Park Womans club 2340 Kedzie tonlevard at 2 p m January 10 Eveijj-one is invited

n anumincemejit of the aeknowl eilgment of the Christmas cards has lieen receiveil from the Elgin hospital

The Irving Park Catholic Womans club will hold a reciprocity meeting at 130 p- m j|raquonunrv 20 in the j Indepeiidence Pari Field - House at l iv ing Park boulevird and Springfield street

bull that forget ^eliclous at The Catlow theatre Thi rsday and Friday Jan 14 and 15 Tlid proceeds will be

jippdjtor the scholi rship loan fund

Mr and son Kdwitnt accotnpiitili Hoinulh iOH Hatiirdaywlth

Afchie Domoney 502 PiMyfrlo left Friday foi a visitnf ivo x the home of his brothcrValeii Oklahoma Citjjr Okla

bullv bullMr anil Mrs

ttiifl family of 1 spent Suivilay w

QharlcM W Garfield



i ivenne eeks-nt inlt in

swetaer street

V Iiownloii a Park Illdge mid Mrrf A

Edward Tie 21K N Cook

[v Mr and M r s H llotigh Mtroet

M r s F W ter-|iC0iic 11 are Apeiidiug Ijlridhergs mot

joyed Sunday wood

il-laquoltd street John spent

friends In Hnclnl- Wis

Lindlierg and i N Harrison wo weeks with her at Ottawa



Mr and Mm James Domont Lewis 6(i2 Prairie nvenue

yith relatives in

Mr anil Mrs Emil Mr and Airs Albert

Gassi r Weinert

y and 1 en-Atay-

utid and

Mrs Johni street

D W i

Jlngeles jCaiif last week after having spent the1 holiday- season with their daughters 1 Miss Morion and Mrs Jack O Halloran and her family Mr and Mrs- Seivernscalled on sewral fprmV residc|ifs of Barrington while in California i -

M i s s Vera I^allowel of ChicaRO visited over the weck-eW with Miss Verna Cov-ey raquo njembcjr of the local School faculty

Charles Tcsar and his sister Miss 6enevieve of Park Ridge were guests Sunday at the home of Mr arid Mrs W N Sears 506 Grove avenue

This was a business

wteks with Mr and Mrs Frank Alversdn Madison WiSi

Henry Ai ler of Chicago enjoyed Saturday a id Sunday with Mr

Jurs 207 W Rusi

ittertbn of Baltimore and formerly of Barriugton- wak a recent giiest of Mr and Mrs Willjani Dotterrer 5)49 Division street

Mr ond Mrs Charles Berkley Algonquiii irerei guests Sunday of and Mrs y C F^ielschow 402 Main street

is in St Lo


tnd sell


of Mr


Rev and Mrs M SFreeman httvo had as the r guest gt Mrs Freemans niece Miss i luth Mo^lrc of Sao P a i l o Brazil Mi JS- Moore has been ^ prinshycipal of a- h gh school in that city the pdst four years and will return I to

ter work th gtre - the-latter part of tpist i6nth

Mrs M y r l e Gillette and son H i r old and grandson James of Chi^go were guests -Wednesday at toe ho of j Mr and itfrs HJ Kirschner 607 Cook street

0 C Bitel ieK 0 l 4 Glshyove aven lis this week on busiivess

Mr and Mrs Wilbur Wagn9 Second avenue and Mr ar Paul Kolle 510 N Cook street


guests Mon lay -evening Mrs GeorgisTvloepfer Heights

Mr and Mrs Walt r Cannoii and daughter ElVa J e a n a n d MissMarshygaret Tobias in 1 2 4 w Russellstreet visited the eoiiseratory at Garfield park Sunday

Miss Virji

of Mr Arlingt

Dr and Mrs Arthur Krujegr of Chicago visited Mr Krueger s raquount Mrs Anna Freye 512 Grove avenue Sunday j

Mr and Mrs Henry Dammermntr of Palatine were guests Sini ing of Mr and Mrs Theodbre Free-man and Mrs Anna Freyej 512 Grove avenue

lt j ^ even-

laquo Miss t^cina W a g n w of Chicago is a guest this weeit at the home of Mrs Mary Wilmer 132 W Station street 5 Umdashbull

Miss Esther Wisemaiii of Elgin who has spent several weekamprwlth relatives in Barrington left Sunday for a-Weekgt with frieiulK at Itasca --

Mr and Mrs Edward James of Chishycago were guests Saturday and -Sunshyday of Mr and Mrs Willard Abbott 126 W Main street-

Christian Science R lading Rooms Is at New Locatipn

The Christian Science reading room is being movjd from its 1 resent loca tion at 110 N Hough street to neW qunnters on^ the second loor of tlje Lipofsky building The enfwnCe at 114 Station street Til e ropra Will he cloijied on Saturday Ji n 23 durshying the mowing re-openiig on Mon day Jan 25 (The readii room will be open to the public in the new lo cation from 2 to 5 p ni each week day and on Saturday efening from 7 to 0 oclock

Flaquoraquot-Growing gt laquo bull The balsa reuches a 1 lameter of

15 Inches In five years and lgtas a very fast height growth


ft Vi bull -v

M[r and Mrs Clifford Oberg of Chi cngo enjoyed Sunday with Mrs Obergs parents Mr and Mrsl Willshyiam Walbaum 444 North avenue

Mr and Mrs William Gbttschalk 436 N 1 Cook street spent Sundnjt with Mr aiidi Mrs Elmer Reese in Woodstock I

T H E X Shows 7iOO-fraquobppni

Miss Eloise jP^nfield of Eviiitston enjoy|ed Saturday aiuj i Sunday as a

of Miss icieatior Trash 20S E street i

gue8t Lake

MrsVF W Homuth of the jGras-mere farmland Mrs William Hoinnth i38 W ilincoln avenue nttpnled a lecture at -the- Audijtoriunr hotel Sunshyday-evening bullbull- i _ | 1

E M Wallace 223 W Russell street left on a businesstrip-to Day-toil Q Tuesday




T R A V E L O G mdash N E W S - ^ ARTOON

Adhiission 15c-4i k

s o t Ttit I

bull j f F l i T|dlaquovlk Mi-^Ory 1 Tills Is the versfe w|jllaquoh Colerldi

Arote^tiJUlustrat the 1 nittrlcaljifeet j Ijroclt Icing tp short d Frdfr l o i solemn sort plow spip Strong foot (Jret ctotne npwlth i lac t l l

w bullbull

v-arietlet otbull


tolon-j 1 0 0 stalk I Kilaquo to 3aWeln raquorraquoB With raquolaquoiftm

bullbull SUNDAY

ittpiEVOpL 3fc Rose Buds

9 Clever Youngsters in a Minute presents tion

ON l l T p SCREriivf LEW AYRES

Mr and Mrs G A Lindskog of Irving Pfcrk were guests Monday at thehotfie (if Mr at)tl Mrs Charles R Tliies niO S Cook street

Mr and ld Eilward Hbrfl granddaughturi Dawn Landwer Grove a v e n t i Spent Sunday with 3 nnd Mrs ft^ G Kennedy and fam at D o w n e d Grove

Ir altid Mrs Paul ^Andrews of Chi cago were) g ies t s Saturday and Suin day At the home of Mr arid Mf4 Aujsftst GOSHJII 338 W Lake street

Mr and Mrs George Whitcotub and ftmily were ifuests at the home and Mrs Hjtrry Whitcomb of f efd Strnday

of Mr Deer-

(i(laquo) Mr and Mrs JHarry Kirivtvue S Cook stre-t jisited theirdiughtir Luicille winj is i n training at the Grant hospital Friday evening

Beatrice Mi guests of Mr horn 514 and Sunday


joyed Su mln Mirk II G 1 fo 1 Ntiwi

liai Herman ilaquol T mdash- - MIss trielt of Chicago were

ani| Mrs Herbert Beijg-laquo(alHe| aveiiut Satin-du-v

1 T nil

I Owen of (Chicago en-I at the home of Mr add [agewchulte 214 W Stlt-

Invaid ITJWII Harold Wright J TlitunpliM mid Tliomnw Doeltey of llarri gtoitj attended a game It

hw-jkey laquot t ugt Vadium In Chicago Sunday even iig i bull (

Mr (uul Mrs John Sehwemm l l j l W Main street spent Sunday with Mrs^Schwei mis sister Mrs Henry Bncdimer in Chicago

Mr and Mrs H L Schultze Miss Lmtille Marions and Ray Jurs atshytended the Civic [opera Friday even iK

Mr and Mrs Frank Seavcrhs 2UJ Lincoln aveiue returned from Los

Lafees Stt^rt Uoats jkedii|dd frbm


manufac ured to


These coats include

gether wpth pur reglular stockmdashall M which were

sel at 50 to 75f higher prices

M^ns Sh eep-lined at ( reat Savings

These must be


a shipment just received to

seen to be appreciated


some stock

Oddity in Nature It Is a curious fact that

plants are poisonous to l ive ^ when i tunted If p lant growthi i is Interfetcti with by drought iropt

brulsitijf these plants develop it much It rger amount of cyanogeiietic jlucosit e than norinal growjtli would provide and this substance =taken ipto an animals stomach cuuies-se-rious pusonlHg



Barringtons Safe Milk Supply


We operat undor Certlflcntfl of Approvshyal No my iMuefby State Dejiartmont of Ilealtlu

Phone 409

eTOQGERY GatJow Tl^atre Buildini



N E W S - C A R T O O N

SHOWS GONTINl|jfgtJJS Mat 230 to 6

10cattd$Oc Evening Admission 2 c 50c


LAUREL laquolaquodHARpY

in their feature comedy

Pardon Short Subjects Added

WED THURS RJM JAN 20 21 and 22



Us iBc-lOe


IHE mo siiOtw OK THE SKAHON AdiniMHiiui1 lfi(-l(k

tu steoUeJtk rigiii rt liyiriin bulltpin tiaiUsaii

m Irisb

When you select infslepii reirigert-tor choose onel tblt you know will keepvegetables | r i w a n i l resh-one that you i^otc willpceeji rozea des-serts J^rmaod s a | o | th-r i gti e1 that you Attougt will provide pi intyjo icei Mike certain otafioithe thuij sby-being sure it is Frigidlaquoiir t a ik for the naine plate( Thert ill onljy lt ne eleoric refrigerator named jFrigid lire i General Motors Va^ue CtSme in and inspect tt i beautiful

models npyir oa ouflsho r o o m doer See for yourself the | ian) flt anireithu nake Frigidaire SO truly c itstanding in cdnveoience a^d|aluit Let ui tell you about the n e w lo - trices and convenient terms Stop i i tyoutftw opportunity


Tel llarrlnirton W



Kf 0tIraquoAl|laquoK|rlaquo4l

K ni ion

OWNG to the reductions raw materials we have

o^ our Home-Made Candies 1( and on Saltdd Nuts 15c

i rawet priries of ^educ^dthe prices

tol 30c per pound

Fountain Luncheon Prices

Specials far Saturday Peanut Brittle )b box Cream Pattiesper lb

We use only thle highest graj$of Materials n the manufacture ofiou

d) soii




fkltistm IfymtmuU euroutea

f I



I t -

ft ix Tbiraquo in Memory is tli verse which Colerta

i IHiistnue the varietfe J i i [^ t bullbullbullTpochee t r t p 3 ^ 0 J


L- to shorr Krjm long to h w j bullv hn raquor t s low spondee 3frac34frac34 iM-fo yT ill able E e r

i- HI Hih 1-Ktyl tri-syllableiaa0 bull) miiritt f|nn shor t t o long- y l th

raquo uivl ra [-unir-ihe swift a n -1frac34 f l r i H I

t i l

1 1








Km jWiJi Perishable Vegetables be


bullf A

|jcgt o prvptr mois-rir rrluis ii wiitcj

utitit-ot vtge-liLr

j ijj jJSJierj ytm select an e lectr ic refrigera-dtL chltJose one that you knew will

cltp feg^tablcs cr isp and freshmdashone u yjuui ijoi wi l l k e e p frozen des-

fcris jirm raquond s m o o t h mdash o n e that you

|ffjf[fgt| I h i tytl [HlviJe plenty o f ice Make Ittain oLti of these t h i n g s by being ifc laquot is Frigidaire L o o k for the

ie pliicl There is only o n e electric



fTigfratcir named Frigidairc raquo ttnerjilMpcor Value Cortie ini ami inspect the beautiful

y o d e l s ltioW on our s h o w r o o m floor i-e for vi gtuirU-l I the- many features that

ttkc jld^ikhiirc so truly outstanding cnrlvojriitrue and va lue Let US tell

pu i Mtia the new l o w pr ices and gtnvc iilaquontterms Stop in at your first





J i c

ih|tifii|H4t jWees of l

th$ prices fpefpound )cr| pound



Tbt moist cold of lot Frigidain Hjdrttoi iteps vtgiUiht crisf firm antrtsb

i f)I

K I U M O SERVICE CO hu iirrlnirton 380


tttlLlCSERVICE CO S h j t I MKKN r t x i N O I S rlv Harrington J 3

i gt U K i S A L E S amp SERVICE

mWy Educed

Sfiknldav-1 8 lt

l l H S Student Digs Up Practical

Geological Study

c h Township Sch0degl degieS bla led Weekly by


-t he Pupils

S bullU

vai-ation Richard helped his brother

n vlnijrh About two irfac-1 was a layer of

-ITS layer was about iMlgtrnoatb this bed

I f pout which was r This proved to bull - well ns education-

I li11 a business afternoon They bullusiitiition and

rli -fs ns fol lows |resident Violet

r-iiligtiit Carol ine irv-treasurer1 E l - - h i i i i i n a n

bull11-ie s t range odors bull bullkins rxjni One thr day rahbnge

bull ci tainly smells n w-re a wee hit

lio tin ill Kamef of i imi(it Tliey bent gt 1 - ^irl- gym class

tha l l i- absent Tuesday - illness E lmer

bull Wednesday i-i smie back to

bull _bull -i liool here a

bull -p-lit par t of her-

bullbull-gt-lit- frmi schpol ] bull- Kliznheth Iloff-

Vlnlaquoliiy bull i ~ --ir |gtart of her j bull Kianston with


bull -i Milvin r o t t s

lti InI Notes


I IJiif Sver a re - bull-- in March

i bull - t l d y i n t t h e

1-1 1 iniinatizi-d agt i- bull - 1 1 i bull -_r

i-t-n viiv K m x l

Ci-ailTs rc iuni -1 1raquo i i K i i r l y

k iiii-- riinark j bull in^-tinu old

-1 - |raquo- l l t a SUIll-Ji--1-

- - JI 1--ni I h u r s -

bullbull i in i l l o n raquoltbull-

McHenry County to $2024 for Nelsot

of Session



a n l and

and jurors

biggest [service

the bail-total

county witnesses

When the Lake county bo|ard supervisors starts i t s Mareh McIDenry county will ask for menjt of $2024 for services i nectjion with the trial1 of State tor | Oscar Nelson on a misflt asance chaifge acconling^ to Circuit Clerk Will Conn at Woodstock

The services for the talisman the housing and feeding of the during the trial make_up the items on the bill The jury cost was placed at $1060 mea s rooms extra janitor iffs and service of the sheriff $ 5 2 1 1 5

O her items-which McHenry will claim are foreign $ 2 5 3 eircuit clerk $120 $ 5 sheriff $5815 anil serving $5815

Thirty^eight persons were moned for the jury panel TJ s-elected Was locked up eight and fed three meals a day

Nelson was dismissed by ward Igt Shurtleff after two court proceedings on themisflaquo charge for Jack of3 jurisdiction ordered the jury to sign a Jver|diet not guilty

The conspiracy charge growi of fhe failure of the Waukegai Bankis- to be heard at on January 1$ States Attor|iey V Smith has petitioned Jtukre leff t a have nuotiier judge hei| triiilr



Property Owners Object to

Water Being Shijt Off

Continued from page 1

funds A motion was made b- Earl Hatje that the money be refunded- to the property Q vners and that if war--rants had been purchased with the funds these warrants be otl envise disp(|sed of It was uiiiuii nously carried

Report Collections Hatje also oferednj resolution that

the village tresurer and clerk be inshystructed tn report all water Uid tax collections to the board and tlint the collectors file u statement 1ltgt the board for their commissions It iwas said that in the past the collector has said i rejioil







Two Local Men on

Judge Ed-w | e k s of

usance and


ng out State

Woodstock A

Shurt-r this

r|tod the iu(t sum to the b o i r d afshyter deducting h i s commissions] The mot inn passed

The village engineers re-rioitell a s a result of invest igat ing the sewe^- overshyflow in Jewel I a rk t h a t tlie will have to be pumped put by trifuKiil pump iu order to determine w h ^ r e t h e excess of surface wa t e r enshyters the system Th i s can be dpne a t a low cost he reported The ordered the work done^--

II I l~ I l l t e r -

lt gt lar-oj] -1laquo ( I r a n t e d

( nimUirHT in H e a r i n g

water a cen-


Week Committee Continued from page 1

3 P Fritz Park Ridge l H P Wet-more and Earle Cooke of Niles Center and Paul Stoker of Niles

Every one of the 27 troops cub packs and sea acout ships in the local council will join in the observance Scouts will wear their uniforms all week j Troops are planning window disphiys demonstrations good turn projects parenta nights and simitar activities i

Plan Special Scout Sc-rVkces Sunday Feb-7 will be Scdut S^ii-

day and every S(pt5(t ami leader will attend his church in uniform Many places special scout services will be held with troops attending in a body and bull Scouts participating in the services bull

At 800 Monday -evening Feb 8 al l scouts Will hvaffirm rheir Scout pledges As part of the ceremony eac I hoy and leader will receive a small scroll upon which the Scout law is printed These will be ceremoniously

Th tyi as year tionsl year

$53274350 tax property less than 10 per cent of t ie exter ded County Treasprer Morse revealed I

i paymentsthrough a whole came in

previous Morse dailaquo|l paid their taxes while a few districts--

Aut|o Acci Deaths

rolled up and tied w and susli)emled from cpaf lapel by a bowline Worn the entire-week

ith a square knot a shirt button or

knot and

Land Values Down Lai I County Taxes Up fojr 32

in the Increases of 6 cents to $184 t i x ra tes for 1931 on taxes to he paid in 1932 were made in 30 of I he 36 qity and village taxing dis t r ic ts in Lake county according to the ra tes compiled by Rober t Pearsa l l and Ches-tiir Hus ton deputies in County Clerk Lew A Hendee s office j T h e rise of the ra tes in the various

eomninnitietl is blamed on the decrease i i va luat ions and the t ransfer of l a u p e r aid from the county to town-sliips fTljo three dis t r ic ts in the Lake Purest school dis t r ic t 32 in Lake Villa- school distr ict 4 in Harr ington showed dropjs in the ra tes while Lake bullgtlunchs ra te is the same

Under the new law passed a t the siiiniuer session of tlie s ta te legislature Hid nniended a t fhe present special session the t axpayers will have to make the i r first payment by May 1 The second (iiilt final payment w i l l have to he paid by August t to avoid ucnnltlelaquo -

Tlie tax levies Will be xjompleted by (founty Clerk Lew A Hendees clepu-fes next week bull

Taxpayer in Lake county forfeited

r ing


Eighty-six persons automobile accidents in

1931 to Dec 17 ajhnual report of

Of thej 80 in ^collisions of

plt destrians were killed| a rs Twenty of the qutomoblie-train bullear jcnty-tWo plersons during 1031 the

iHecn persons died tration during the three

summer The heat unusual ini that

du the Ta killed 20 by in the jj

TM cide Tin

last were a fewl

Anijiial JFarnt Burea|u Mee at Gray^lake Jinuar^

T Lakel


CouiJty ho on IO




Mi enter ta prog^a

J Illi F Mi will

Thje usual the t dents by and

M strceJ

Barri Mrl

r ingt daugli

thortty tanc but pare1

as if 11 swam parrot

i i I icar in - M i l l l l M i l

bullbulll-r-i- in 1

ig -if bullinlay bullank-

uas brought -raquo l i ^ i r i c t

-bulla pli--nlid raquoi- i l l am UK MlV

-bull f t - i L- on


that 1 uii-Laamp-Lar -

-A supplies - bull bull I s b y lt bullredi-

bullnhnii- i l m i t i l i

11-- Swreetett F lower

A l i s t smell Is W - 1 i l - iwor l l i


9ut thecoun-well as the

Some1 sec-than last

were lax better

have occurred in pijevious ypars


joint anl County Fit

Farm at fhe

Thursday a in

e and Bob iners from

in at 10 C Watsoti

Agricult Higgins (j

be the usiiai repi interest

reasurers of botii

niial me rm b


n 21]


tlie fwlt|i WBS a m tax expert

ural association f Lake Cfeneva Wis

ers lirts whilt) Liill also Aiecretariek

Ma anageij arm Aidvislor Gilkerlson

and- Mrs

bullh aifp of un-be given by i and presi-

orjjrahizatioris as well as Snfiith Mapager Abney


He M

V l udr]ey j Mae

ngiton G and Mrs

n township tfr Vivia

Owl N o t Ca|rl[W Neu

sajts f thej owl

his Is not With that]

e falcon goose

Lake county according to

Corjiner John L victims 3 0 were automobiles and when struck

victims died erflsbW during |

ccmimitted sui-rppiori shows

heat pros-hot wavits of

proBtfa ion8 nev|er mkire than


iting ofl the |ure iu jind Lake

cjompany will Opeja house

beginning at

blind radio jreill efpen the

of the and

Pdwin-M) arente o(-

jrn emfral hosp

Frank are the


L o n g ] jnnnn a

the |l is sixty untisunll y of othei

|ulture duckl eiJler

Two beautifully new and surpassingly swift and powerful

New aampd Greater Hudson ^

Here are seven adjutages of buying Zeigler





bull-nb ash

bulllt nil responsive bullbullbull )v of hea t

bull-bullbullbulls very little smoke

-tirilly clean in ground i r i picked t o insure


bull Ke ami firm in s t ruc--Stvres well over long

Very little fine coal bulli storage


i i-

Jf for every purpose

bulllaquo not dropped and 1 in loading t o cars

irifitffy forked to gt line coal

A - 0-- 1 1 1

an i pSjlIl

neinhbor -tibout bull ^eiKlcr Corl Ex-

i our bins t r y it _ laquoIt fuul thcsc seven qaal i ty vcryevident i

Lapoundesckulte amp H after-Inc

Phones 5 and 450 HARRINGTON ILL

New ana Q^ater Essex Su Thrilling new color8 gem-like and clear Dashing nev linen longer lower the airplanes j(racefil speeds and streams Scores 3f advi trices over anything heretofore offeree or likely to be available on oth r cam for many months to come in striking new stand-


Of 8




Tjhree Splendid New Serieraquo

Wheelbasei Major 132f-

Sterling 126mdashStandard|

101 Horsepower at 360Or Hue son Speeds 85-90 Miles Silent Second Speed 55 Miles mostatio Carburetor Heat Compensated inherently Balanced Crankshaft Power Dome Anti Conburt ibn Chamber Anti( Siiencer and Air Cteaner Oiling raquoTriphgtSealed Oil-Selective Free Wheeling Silent Constant Mesh Second Frame Twin I Neutratone Instrument Panel Startix Generator Safety Signals Grip Steering Wheel Later AU Seats Adjuiuble F 14 New Models Gem-Like in New Pastel Shade Fitments

Tkttt audalmprttivlaquoltotfitk$r Me txtra eott ilfuttfait tht nrnpltttntt standard tgutpmtift Priciifnm


p m Hour Theri


i-Knock I-Flood

E ubfIo Automatic Cu hion Clutch Syt efajro-Mejih

Gear Mufflerf

bullTell bullRide Controls

GMM Colon

in Ivory

ard equipment features convenience style More you probably e er w|ll all combined in two tinctive quality cars which in its fiejld Sets Value




70 Hojrsepow^r at) 3200 r p Speeds Seyond Speed SO Miles Compensa ently balanced Crankshaft

Choke Intake Engine

Simplified Transmission

f Diagonal Truss bullQuick-Vision Tale Oil and

bullNatural Seat Cushions

Windihield and Upholstery

and Silver Finish

Signals Ride Controls Lateral Spring Seat Cujihions Front and Rear FuH Opening Finger Control 9 Sparjtling N i w Like Body Colors and UJpholstery isi Wbeelbsse Length 113

txcljHtfoi ftatmrn at of Hudttn 1932

S99SMUS9S EOBDitrolt

fa 1 bull - bull - raquo bull i ltJL -frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34 frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34^ frac34

] lalanced Dome i Lnti-Knbck iCdithl ber Intake Siencjer and bullFully djusta gtle jsilejnt T i m i n [ G e a n SupAr J cdelera or 1 ump Tappet i Diagi gtnal Truss

flo AutomaticEngine Oilin Thermostatic HeatControl Triple-SsaledOil-Cushion plified Selective Free Wl eelibg Synohro mission Silent Constai it Mesh Second Gearj Vision Instrument Panel Startix and Anti-Stall bullTell-Tfle Oil arjd Genera1


in J931 or total taxes

Jay B



jyerlbf Wool a daughter

January 0 at fhe ital I folte of Bar-pa rehts of a

n Jan 7 Worn


Ger life] eigl


ipan au-expec-

t years corn-

birds such gjoldeii eagle

raiten and

mqtor cars

lor comfort power than

draw on And r dis-

each at a the Pace for


ml 1 I - | bull

Essex 70 Miles Siljsnt Second

M Inher-EoWer

bust^on Cham-Cleaner

Chain Driven Choke obd

Roller Valve j u |Ouo-Carburetor


Clutch Mesh

flsW Trans-


tor Safety bullNaturLl drip sUtjkng Wheel L mdash iJfjustaWe Heat Both

(rithr ltrith Gem-ii tel Shades

bullM Windshield

Models NewPai


iillllilli|l|lilMll lliiillWIllllllll|lliilllttiib

I ^



THE NEW bull W^iA-vibull igtlaquo I w^t mfpound umjtm Coffee

ALI iliii In the Payton Hotel Buildin^mdash North

will be

pen for Business bullaturday Jan 16th


bl Deriot




The Management Assures Yon of thi Courteous and Attentive Servia


A Plade V^ere Youll Enjoy 4 bull I

Counteror Table Service YOUR PATRONAGE SOLI




Most f I

Eat ing


1 inmiiiiiironiniiiiiiiraquoniKiiiimiiiHiiiiiWiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiii

Big Grocery Stoc Reduced Below C

1 Having sold out to Mr Ed C Groff and as


ho is the moving his stock of Groceries to our sto^e in

Gfroff Building we are obliged to sacrifice o^r^n^ire stock of clean new merchandise at prices below ct)st i

Sale Starts raquo


riday Jan I and will continue

until everything in the store is so

|gtigt Double Bu i for You at Thi laquo ^ ^ - I I gr

If i I Come Early and Get first

Choice-No Items Will Be Replaced With New Stock

i bull j bull [ bull - _ bull bull bull I - bullbull bull -

Evefy Iterri on Our Shelves Drastically Reduced bull

Absokitely Nothing IlfalpMed Positively No Credit to Anyonemdash

Please Do Not Phone in Tour Orders N

i I


I f


r u l i raquo v l ^ r r il ^ i i R J

1 -

m r-m


lt bull p-


tlt bull t

- i


h o - i i

laquo -i t


S i-


i H




n rt

I 1raquo i


) t



IS in w



rgt Jlaquo

lltfmmTttwm gt nwHliiii m i n Fifa iraquoFp

^bullft - bull


L E S L I E W McCJLUREJ Editor and Publisher

WALTER It WlMTERINGHAM Business Director and Fpreman

Published every Thursday afternoon- at Barringtor minois and entered as Second-class matter at the B a r rington postoffice under Act gtf March 8 1879



Cards of thanks resolutions of condolence obltuarp poetry memorials and all notices of entcrtainjments or bullodety and church saled and parties given for pecuniar benefit will be charged|for

All communications should be addressed to the


BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS bull _ (Sterl ing Daily Gazette)

F a r be it from The Gazette to Unduly criticize an ladymdashbut the editorial in the Bockford RegistorJtepub lic on Monday Jan 4 under the editorship of Mrs R u t h Hannai McCormick c e r t a i n l y w a s not inspired bj

any real desire to help the republican party In n heavy- weight hairspliting effort Mrs J McCormick intriguingly

tries to convince her readers that a political habit should not be permitted to defeat the republican party She trietf to convince readrtrs of the Register-Republic that President Hoover is a most unpopular President She tr ies to convince her readers that if lie is renominated it will be because it is the usual custom ^ She tries to make her renders believethat it is a Very-foolish custokn to renominate a republican president just because it has bcelaquo the habit of the party toido laquo6

A s a matter of fact those Who remember the national eonvention at K a n a s City whichf nominated President Hoover will remember that Sirs McCormick was one bf the leaders of Illinois who engaged in the dismal failure of attempting to organize a movement which hud as its central idea Anybody to slop Hoover or komej such s logan as that

At Kansas City the politicians did unt wn nominated They were opposed to him then been opiwsed to him ever s ince he has sat in dential chair They thought him they have learned sincje and they laquo o w know that lie is1 nut the type of man who can be twisted around the fingers of the politicians for their personal or political gain And that is why think ing people are for b is renoniination and that is- why thinking people are going to p r d e c t him in spite of ijll the enmity of newspapers of the Chicago Tribune and the Register-Republic type It is well known that no-presishydent in the historyof the republic has been assailed w i p the vindictivenesu the unreasonableness through inujn-

t F I R S T B A P T I S T

Bible school 9 3 0 Morning worship 1035 P V

B njamin Franklins birthday anniversary f ills on next Sunday Account of this event will be tajken in the n orning worship when the pastor -will- speak theme will speak on| A Timely Guide

Si ecial lmusic as well ns congregational sinjing o f hymni adds inspiration jto each of tbest( gospel si gtrvices

Our annual business ImeetIng will be held Ved(neHdny levculi ig Jan -20 bullbull j bull bullbullbullbull

W B plan a George (Washington service on Sunday evening l 4 b 21 Watch for later nnnouncem|nt re-gardiig this special service

cordial welcome to all I


ut Hoover They have the prei-

endo and false statements t President Hoover A systemn has liecn working against hin in the magazines andthe big city papers ever since he

) the same extent is has ic cuiiftuiign of propaganda

was elected Nothing like it was ever known before in America

Mrs McCormick suggests tliat if ii considerable numshyber of republican would prefer to have Mr Hoover step aside as a-candidate for leiiitmiiitition why should not the party leaders Helect xltgtint)bo|ly else Why should Hoover step aside Xo person of intelligence suggests for a moment that lie is responsible for the depression Then why blame him for conditions which no one could control If (inveruur Al Smilh pressimi would have been ben rountrv was in such condition th gress no political iwrty -could rushing back upop us Then wlgtjy bliimeHoover

Even if they do blalne Homer can the voters of this district follow the advice of Mrs McCormick She had her opportunity to lead in this Mute as a candidate for senator Those of us wjho stippotted her in sincerity and good-Will know that result Certainly it would be im-

liid been elected the (leshyf t i s t the same The it no president no con-ltti)p the tide that was

possible by even the greatest st blame Hoover for the election Lewis in Illinois over Mrs McCormick

retch of imagination cent0 of Senator Jim italn

Opposition to President that they are or should

As a matter of- fact the Hoover comes from those who feel be the republican machine1 and not from the voterjs who constitute the republican party Tlie opposition

and the propognuda against HocWer have been directed by thosD who have been who nroj now or who aspire to be leaders of i the republican pa|rty- and not from the rank and file 6f the voters in tfjie -party Look at the record President Hoover has( worked like a coal heaver He has refused to take a vacation l i e has aged twenty-years in three carrying the burdens that were thrown on his disk burdens for which he was in no wise responshysible which no party could forsee and which no party could prevent Must he lie condemned for sticking to his disk working like a Trojan in the interest W his country gt bull

His moratorium program I was condemned by sucjt newspapers as rire opposing ijis renominntion from one esd of the country to the other Yet in the democratic house where the democrats have a majority that proshygram appealed to the common sense of democratic conshygressmen to the extent that it was approved by three to one Can our good friend Mrs MeCortoick suggest any candidate for thepresjdency who could win greater ap+ proval from the leading men of both parties of the nu^ tion In the senate the same program was adopted overwhelmingly Senator Johnson macje a bitter attack on the moratoriummdashbut the- senatecarried it by five to one Do these opponents of President Hoover have in mindany republican who could miike better headway

The house and seriate adopted overwhelmingly Hoovers measure for $20Ot000000 for the vetcraiisof the

country There is every assurance that both houses will approve his $500000000 proposition to release the frozen assets ofthe failed banks and get that money into-cirshyculation That| will be a great help to returning prosshyperity Hooverjs whole program is one of constructive statesmanship The indications are that he will have better support for his public measures thnt nnj recent

president Yet in the face of these plain facts the false prophets are starting a clamor to prevent his rcnomina-tion Beware of false prophets

SHORTER HOURS- Aside from all these tcmpojrju-y conditions] however

it must be admitted by all thibughtfulobservers that a new situating has been growjng on us gradually for years that it was apparent long before the stock market crash and will continue after quotations begin to go up again It is the situation brought about by the invention of so many labor-saving devices The machine age has put great numbers of earnest willing and competent workers out of their jolis and the return of prosperity bullfpr other people will ncit heln them materially Some bullway must be found of adjusting the world to nlew conshyditions j f - - - 1

I f machfnes have cut down the amount of work to be done we should all share in the restilts Less work and more leisure for everybody will give employshyment for all T h i s could be arranged without much difficulty for factory hands and mine workers Just how it is to be arranged for lawyers and doctors and editors i s not so plain Once it i s recognized however ithatf this is the problem which must be solved the world yill find a way-mdashBrooklyn Times



Church News

and Juniors 6 4 5 and Evening service 7J0

Filling Our Place In the evening the on the pastor

R- KVbdquo C It D R U 8 8 E L Past r

S A I N T JAMES j Dundee 111 j

X) a m Holy Communion 1st and jlrd S indays Chora I Eucharist

45 a m 2nd and 4th Sundays Morhing rnyer ormon

- 10 and S gt Church School 030 a m

3 R S GRAY tRectcr

METHODIST EPISCOPAL Tlhere is one place that I cannot afford to miss

to during these strenuous times and that is the Sunday worsh p hour We invite you I to check up on this pef-KIIIS vtntement by attending regularly for two months If not worshipping elsewhere we cordially invite you to our worship at 1035 a m and 730 p m

Cturcb school with separate rooms for the] different ileparl meilts at 0 30 a m ^ -|

Ej worth league at 045 p in j REV M S FREEMAN Pastoir

Supday Ja Go


Suhday jscrvice 1045 a m school 930 a ni

iiuary 17mdashSubject Life [den Text 1 John 511 This is the reccrd

pod hath given to us eternal life and this life i s (klnesday evening meeting 8 p m

Reading room and lending library at 110 N Hough street lopen to the public daily exceptSunday frbnc 130 oclock 9 oclock

to 530 p m Also Saturday evening fjr oni 7 to

S A I N T P A U L EVANGELICAL I Sunday Jniniary 20 I

-j 0^0 a m Bible school I 1())30 a in Mai l ing worship The Pelfect i Y|rgtuth

I bull Thursday^Jnnunry 21 8 pj in Monthly meeting of the Gleaners class at the

home of Mrs Edward Osti i KEViL E KOENIG Pnstolr

lt bull bull - bull mdash r ^ mdash T -

SALEM EVANGELICAL i- The following j services will be observed in Hraquohni

Siunday Jan 1 7 Church school at- 030 a ni Classes for all a Divinewtjrship services at 1030 a m and

pi m Thepastor-willlaquopeak |ori the subjects Author-itly in Religion and Christ jhp Chief Shepherd cfinrch choir Vill assist in in and worshipful - =

At laquo45 p mi Chrisliun E l A cordial welcome- awhits ou at the services o

home-like church

aking the services li



i laquo II iBEF CHER Pastor

The Lutheran church

to] attend its services and


Divine jservices every Sunday j at 1030 a m Bible class and SUnda r schbol at 945 a m

extends to all who are a t the present time without a cl urch home a sincere invitition

classes D l c HENNIG Pastor

I 1302 N 14th Ave iue Melfoeej Park i l l


] ST ANNES Sunday Low Mass 8 a m and10 a m Week days Low Mass 7 a m Devotions in honor of the SJtacred I^eart first Friday

each month Mass at 8 a m Confosions Saturday 8 p m

am by appointment REV JOHN A D U F f l O T Pastor


bull J






Bjy Natiom J (Speci tl

PLAYING POlLiTICSmdashIt is beshya m i n g incnasinfly apparent that a got dly shari of t raquoe legislators are so bury weavinK prjtectivq devices for their political future that even their best iiitentiois for the publics weir far kre sidetracked Their fervent premises for the rendition of a ser-vic) lo not iibe with their pcrtorm-ancesj In a vordj they artf victims of their ltgtwn vanity for these public sorgt vhi ts are uii villingto publicly admit that there iK a liinit to their power Unlesjs the d ist is blown from their

eye i by stroig jvltiiecs lit their baill-wicks the chnncest are that the vacilshylating policit nit( ly A cleiLr non-partisan unalysis of oiigrpsslor al performances to-date through friendly glasses would show tlja eliminating Spectacular gestures lj nothing b||t t | e tapping Jof dry w]el Is


that Son

res 7 301

In AN OLD IIRITISII proverb says

uljuitHy ends i i fijillly This itescrip-ijinOptly covtfrs our imtionnl legisla-iyc situntjon By IOJI of deeds with readily disceriicl pi ii s have be gtn soind by- vanity Hon may be fonild fetbral expeiuljtim enoimous deficit nn|ist be met by econshyomics in cost af government and by bulljnbensed- taxes representatives ing risks nrje thej million governi] joying compara do so means enmity from those on

The elpful


PROSPERITY NEWS Plans for the construction Of a modern emergency

hospital building to cost $1(0000 are being made in Waukegan

Approximately 1000 dmployes have been) adde the pay roll of the Lycoming Manufacturing Co w the last two weeks Practically all departments working on a full six-day week basis

Chicago territory showed Construction contract^ to taling $13640700 during thei month of November most $3000000 were spent on residenth 1 building

Quincy is utilizing relief funds for thraquo cleaning the city parks and employment has beer given to men j-

Construction of a sweeping -compound and manufacturing plant will begin [in Rockfltrd jSoon

Orders have been pouring in to the Carlinville GJlovc factory and the plant has j found it necessary to vork overtime More than 50 people are employed in plant [ -

The Gunite corporation manufneurerH of cast btake drums and general castings Rockford has annoti iced that that beccmbjer tonnage of the conn any will he apshypreciably ahead of any other month slijce the business was started four years ago

St ^re

1 to thin are


up of many



During 193 64 new industries have lociited in Louis 65 plants were enlarged and 203 prospects now under negotion The 64 new industries have given employment to 2533 workers

Edwardsville has launched a city improvement rnm as a means of carrying on uilemployiineiit relief me day-28 Edwardsville taen were given employment

Two large industries in Jefferson City Mo have iaid out more wages this year than they did last year one factory is idle in the city andit iseipeeted that it re-open-soon ] bull -f bull bull

John L Bennet president of the U S Manufacturing wrporation Decatur says that 1931 has been the jiest in the history of the corporation Since August ompany has made arid shipped over 3000000 dprn poppers

Libcityvifle with a 308 per cent gain in builcing started during September over that started in Auj ust gtf this year was well up among the leaders in building activities in suburban Chicago

Editorial Association to The Review)

Wandering irdm This to That

) will continue indefi-

politics Whftt begins in fear

a simple eomprtri-promises it will be that many gltiraquoMl

llnm-strung or poi-A current illustra-inefforts to adjust s in revenues- An

The senators nnd perpetually calcnlat-

n- bull i quniidry Shall authorizp ^ng^ cuts for nearly a

lent employes now en-ively high snlaries To

federal payroll voti ig money fo work nnd then in t le ir district fere ices this yt

i | The alternative is r high-cost government

asking the -taxpayers s to make up thedif-ar -

THOSE OUTSIDE Washington do not realize the temptations of ailegis-latb-to satisfy I he world andinipress the countryWith his importance - It is a natural human fharacteristie but one destined to )lny Itivoc with facfe Jusl now execttive iepaitments are releasing e m p i r e s who imnledrately call on their senators and representashytives to find them jobs when theirs hiiv gt been abolh-hedy The department chiefs point ou that nrfgt- funds are available to tak caf patronage


iraquo care of this politi-The demiuids^oif the

ltigtn|lttifuent caniiot be met wtthont inci Ijfsing taxes) A legislator does not- relivh the ifien of having his job-seeker turned down because it makes polii fciair appear politically- impotent The relatives of the disappointed job-liunler back l i o n e never understand Mul iply this case by the number of congressional menibeTH-anl you have a partial answer |to - the-pjresent ment

T i e most insistent-deihaiul of-the day is to -do something for impovershyished citizens Reflection will show that itj is n problem which will admit no counterfeit remedies Though there is bliviousjy a ned for expediency it if generally -recognized that relief musr not be voted at the expense of good sense In a degree this may account for the iiloftness which marks Cong]-essionai action Veteran lead ers e fbpth parties realize that noth ing nust be em cted intolaw which will eventually leaet against the aushythors] v I - - bullbull- 1


6ut cvilk

Opera Dates The twelfth week of opei3y at the

Civic Opera house Chicago will bring Carmen into the repertoire for the first time in two years Two perform-W e s of the Bizet jwork1 one on Monshyday evening Jan ] 8 anp one on Sat-iiwlay afternoon Jt n 23 will be sung In both Confchitn Stipervia favorite Carmen of Europjenn opera houses will appear in the title role ns guest artist

Ambroise Thomas Migiion v i l l be sungifor ii third time on Ti esday evening Jan 19 There is an jmpor-tnht change in cast for Charles Hack- ett will have the ruin of W| lhelm Meirter

Monday Jan 18mdashnt 8mdashCarmen (Iiii French)mdashOpera lii four acts by Georges Biaet With Consifn Super-vin (guest) Leolu TurniM Reno Mni-soii John Charles Thomas and others Ballet Ctinducfor Emil Cooper

Tuesday Jiui Wmdashnf 8mdash-Mignon (In French JmdashQpcrti in three acts by Ambroid Thomas With Marglierltn Sulvi Coe Glaedis Charles Hackett Vi nui-Mnrcoux nhel i others Ilallct Conductor iEmil Cooper

Wednesday Jnn 20mdash-ut 8^-Miidamo Butterfly (In Ital inn)r-A Japanese tragedy founded lt|n the bltraquobk by John| Luther Long andj tho drnnia by David Bejusco MusicIbyi--Puccini With Rosettn Pampani ii Helen Ornktein Charles Ilncketti Victor Daminnj and others Conductor Roberto Mornn-zoni -

Thursday Tak 21--nt 8mdash-Lohenshygrin (In German)-^-Opera in threj^ bullacts by Richard WnRner With Lotte Lehinnnn -Maria Olsxcwskn Rene Maisoii Hnns Ilwmninn Nissen Ediinnl Habich and Alexander Kip-niii Conductor Egou P^llnk

Saturday Jan ^3mdashat 2mdashCarmen iFrench)mdashOpera in four ncti by

ltH asm

bulli bullamp

Aid GdNTraquo|Alt

by Vfyix ae F^gtraquo$|)n Aiithor o f - P R A C T I C A AUCTlijINJBW CB

orges Bizet pewia (guelaquoit^

lie Maisbn 1 others

Cooper Saturday Jan Rusticana and

W5th Conchitn | Su With Leola Turner

Jcdin Charles Thomas ftallet Conductor Enill

ut 23mdashat 8mdashJCavaller-I Paginicci (In Itrtl-

in)mdash-Opera in one act by Pietro Mas-cagni and drama in two nets by Rug-giero Leoncavallo With Claudia Muzhi RosCtta Piimpanini Coe Glade Marin Chtessensj Antonio -Cortis Charles Marshall Desire Defrere and otheBs Con(hict(frs Isaac Van Grove and Frank St Ijlteger

Violate |Suffrage Amendment The barring of women from jury

lists in Massachusetts under n recent decision of the supreme judicial court of Massachusettsdenies to this sex equality of legal protection contrary to the federal constitution it is claimshyed in briefs filed with the suprepie court of the United States I by counsel for the NationnI Association of Wifmen Lawyers and the national womans- party The briefs were filed pursuant to leave of the court granted on January 4 in the case of Welosky v Commonwelilrli of MasSachusdtts No 564 in which the petitioner is seeking a review of the decision of the Massachusetts court holding that she was not entitled to have women on a jury which tried a criminal charge against her The supreme court has^ not yet acted upon the petition for review

THIS POLICT is manifest in the iienuje debates in which banking legisshylation w i s subjected to searching stushy

dies as ft the rest purposes and might later be c onstrue J as helping bankers Righly gtr wrorgly sentiment exists in congressional circles that bankers are inore or less responsible for the n a t i u s economic ailments1 Araquo a conshysequence ielief measures nre minutely testae for loopholes

ltbull j Museum Popularity Grows bull More than on- and one-half million

persons visited Jpield Museum of Na-tursI History during 1931 it was ar)-nounced by SteiJhcn C Sinims direct-tor of the institution The exact numshyber of visitors when the figures wee checked at closing time Thnrsday December 31 was 1515463

This marks a new recoWi for a yeai $ attendance and makc4 the fifth coniecutive year in Which the One milshylion figure has been exceeded Mr Simms stated The previous record was made in 1930 when the attendshyance was 113327991 over 4 h i c h the 193 total represents an increase of 182664 or approximately 1 3 ^ per





As neighbors they talked by telephone almost every day Then the Barrya

Ved to another town and the friend ip might have ended But th se wise

friends keep in touchby Long I listante telephone and it seems Just Ike old tijmuk Telephone distant friendi today

It it iur aim la furtUh th btt tele icreic laquot Ik cLrguhtwt

tio^ ttUph 4CW nlt iyltmthgtm


mJMng offic

Copyright 131 by Hoyle Jr

One of the writers c o m spondeht Jhaa asked for an opinion on he followshying queatipn which aa he secta ra is not sufficiently or explicitly covlaquo red in any recent book we have bee i able to obtain t o definitely settle th s matter It is orsuch nature that any discussion regarding it is bound t o be gtf interest to all Auction and Contrac t players

Under what conditions i hould the Initial bidder if he has one si it missing entirely or represented b t only a singleton declare no trumi D o the ordinary no trump indicatio ts hold in such cases --

A sound no trump bid i s composed of two elements (I) the pro x r values for the ho trump bid (I) the)proper

l distribution of such values i mong the four suits The authorities iracticallv all agree that the minimun strength on which the dealer should bid One no trump is two and one- lalf quick tricks distributed among a t east three suits The quick trick strei gth must

not only be there but it n ust be so divided among the four suits that jthere is more than a reasonable hance to make the contract A hand r light very easily contain two and one- lalf quick tricks and still not justify a no trump bid If these quick tricks are c Dnfinedto one suit the suit bid is the c irreci bid If these quick tricks are c istributed among two suits only it i i not adshyvisable to bid no trump Experience has shown that with two su ts unproshytected a no trump bid seldoti i is sound For thafreason to justify a aid of one no frump the hand must contain at least two and one-half quick tricks and these should be distributed among at leastthree suits That leavei only one suit For partner to protect or if he also has no protection only on s suit for opponent to make

In case the dealer has a si lgletoh of a suit or none at all expeiience has shown that the no trump bic as a rule is a losing bid For that re tson with this-tybe of hand it is bette r to bid a suit even though hand cohtaii s two and one-half quick-tricks divided anjiong three suits If the opponents bid the missing suit then of course he dialer should not subsequently bid no trump but if his partner should bid the missshying suit then the dealer shou d bidthe no trump on the second row id of bid

Solution to Last

A R b C L B tyoU

ding-A eingletijn M aj voif danger point fcr a l p trum bestproce lureii tojoid a sui shiftito a no turn theblddinjattihat course nee tssary or

The foil gtwimi hat no truiripbids V t | | dealer

Heartsr-KQ J 109 Clubs mdashK J 9

Diamonds mdash none -Spades -^ 9

If spades are trumps and 2 is in the lead how can Y Z win eig it of the nine tricks against any defenie-

SolutionZ should leadbull thgt jack of spades and discard the Jcinj of diashymonds from Ys hand This i i the key play for it prevents Y b^ng forced in the lead to his disadvantages Z should now lead the deuce pf clue s arid Y should win any card played raquoy A At trick three Y should lead t i e ace of hearts and follow with the five] which

Its All in th

Reasts mdash 4 8 | 1 Clubs mdash R J 1

Diam)ndsmdash Spadts-^jK

suit ii gt b and th

first and

) f

PMf^jrvf opadt 1 T - |vgt J |

H^i-4ji Q u b laquo J - T 8 i | | bull^-VdagiT1



bid ls^lronlyif

5edS|T8 U C h a


I Heart ifmdash i Clubs

gt Diamnnds f- Spadlsir-A-]

- All of th Bin C mttfii at lcaa one-Half quick tric|||and tHlt tioh i s of 8 itch 4-na|t|re thai reasonable chaice to bake

The folbwlnj h f f l s ho| not justifiible no Itrump though they con quick-trick bull strengti if of such i natiure tl black type should thenotrunp j |

Hearts tiubraquo Diamc n d s | f ^ Spade raquomdash

Heartlaquo Clubs -Aj 1Q Diamc ads $pades mdash K7

Hearts mdash 4 Clubs - 0 7 Diamc nds Spades mdash-K J

ilf the oA]porienfa suit they v ill bid i but sit tigl t and lfdj

3limp bid Prefer ump biu when t

Siriglciltcjri or void sti rruinyagariifeandri Mernbt ^pbssiblei8 bull

leeks Pre blem W Hearts mdash Ai 7 6 5 Clubs - r A Q 10 Diamonds mdash-raquo K 5 Spades -r none

f P

Itearts Clubs j pound iamo Spades-

Heart smdash Elubs-^-S 4| 32 Diamondsmdash J 3 spades mdash Jbullbullltampbullbull 1

Zj(should trump spades Z 8 ^oiild of clubs anc once any card played by lead his last club fiVe of dianbnds this trick a i d musts

Played in eight of the| nine defense


old t l [gainst

it agj i suit

hand ffland yc

ho and fistribu-ierc is a bid

-vet arc even

Sessary butjon set in

ir than

ttnssmt duit bid-lit a no [he no ains A ilhvin


W-- bull


3i the ien lead

in Y sHlaquo Yshcli

follow js fori

_ jtherefci diamond wl licii Z wins with and then mikes hifiast club

this wiy Y Z icks ai

jilt of e trey lid win d then tth the to win lead a

e jack

$twin it any

A j MAN w^i^iiprt ita ^ ^ mi ch of a| garden ui less he planted seeds a cultivated it regularly

Neither will h(j have mu money unless save an As a garden p mdash saved interest

he sta d does it steid^r

oduces money procjlu ef




Bwihtss NoicesJ^miff

^ffiefoa ikihilk-amp t^Mpound$mlthki$h^j jb


I Capital laquond^urplua $16(pound OOfj ti J LAQ1BSCIIULTE Chairmanof he bdquo bdquo

A L R D B E R t S O N Presldelifc 1 bull H O W A R D ] gt CASTLE Vice Prlaquo Idcnl

A T ULITSOH Asst Ct shjer H E L E N B ME IER i s s t CafeU gt I AH LAG 2SOHULTB Asst C i f s h l e r f


Howard P Castle l i w y e r George JHtigcjr - Lafeschulle laquo Hagc^ Inef Precl Hobe n Retired farmers JL J |laquoMseMulilaquo Chairman oj| the Board Walter N ndweif V N i E s n d w l J I Co I r v m E Landwer Ileal Estate Management) A f t B


- I lti




Orr HarryPIerj m M ^

Ponies Wtn in SeesaV 1 Warren Boys to ^lay

Helaquo Friday j

T h 0 ItnrriuKton HW pound -entheir ^ n d Kame o f j l h e w

r l laquo y nlhlt wh^n laquo 1 raquo ^ laquo

hbdquo vei-laquorlaquon Wswonda nve 18 to Htnrted riiiiwr s|owlf


VCnnM ^ wne defenses Vnlaquolaquon-rH banlcet from thegt to -L the I ^ ^ 0 8 Ame-W B a S i B

theenrraquoe first Half B o p A n t seoreiHWlc^from Zi nn1 three t i m laquo from th ch^ y t o t n k e laquo T gt 2 earl

fbdquo tlie enrly nnrt of Ue second bullhere was Wtje wrorlnR nrtd the Jauee betwer-n the tww tcam^ rems about mark

Thlaquovlm the MAlt-1nN npP | rcnVgt

Inure peiraquoltbullltbullbullbull bullbull - mdash- - about the wiiift At thU thri nuar mnrk nnrriiiRton laquoWlaquoW laquo g

Mbdquobdquore with their shots Wto WiUiiims rniul Hlaquorcybdquo WlaquoJJ-

bullthree bullhiiKkits^npWef- the Bran bull0Vertnraquok iui1 muni their rivali the midille f the 1ns quarter H

coiida then l)|raquoenM up With St rmiKe hamiRe in which Bafceley

iiiroiiiiMiis -lraquooth seored prettjr| hut DiirriiiBton bad too lante A to overcome The thrillinfe Inst q iter mure than rondoupampkthe

W of the tirht half U_ The Harrington Rnardi - Mfi And Thorpe deserve a lot of tcredi holdinp down those clever Wa^w forwards Biiseley who is one of hottest forwards in the confereneb

only nMe to connect witjitwo^ and both1 of tlrem were cliiieult t iBohhy iVolf did not-get ft iy bagt but hewas busier than a cranbi m|rcliii)t at Christ ria-s tryiiirw dAvii yaiuonltln8 k0-re i r --^

loonies Stae Comeback^ The Ionies got nack injhe vici

ephlmn with a 17 t]rgt lOQwiii o v ^ Waiieoiidn lights1 JThey ca userf ndlierenls quite n few herrous Wtes however (for they fritti-rec^ ai a 0 In 2 leadkvhieht they held at half nnd let Wnuoonda taltJ tftft_ away from theijif Cpnns three bi

|ets aiijl lirnnclts two kHgtp them itettiiiR swamped in the Meraquohd Beernianand Dave Oinujlijhnve doing raquoi Ilflek Wilson jtliltl Inst pie of games when it comW to get

baskets but they may Mart hiti again soon bull L |

Warren Here Frjdaj Warren township ^igh seiool

CJiirneu 6rthwest hoirfereriee eliamtis Instyear will iiniraclp the

fl h I

rington gym this Mm Keltbn has another rfij zone defenses and his up of a series of Wo tfl which

ni^hfiCd i laquo those tsect


be plenty ha4-| to-ston hostile nifiial traquovo Kamesj HghtwoightH lorklpg -hor laquo BarrineMn will alsiraquo melaquot rnafinr the Pnjntino- floor onsTult sday nie

ensjit 1raquo ltraquohich Tbpw with - ^ 7 -


bullTan lil This Bnme wrtU Hiednhvl ibdquor Saturday ntiht hutl heen postponed to the TllPeflav

The box score

bullUroiulms 1 R _ Williams f Wneironer f-

rn a

Wolf Thorpe pound MeiMter (j Miller f Orahenllt(gti-t



Wniioojfla RnseJev f Howell f ^Vimfttl rgteelh- c IfironinitiN



-t (f

1 0

Sorfei^i hraquoit 1


ii Ft 1 0 1-0 0 -6-o

T imdash


o 1-0 0 o


-1 0 0


yenbull Ronie

Rarrini Att^nlnirv ^ deg fapiilU ( Ollll

^ n - t a p n l i i Kra|iit s Heerinaii ^hristinnjjo- Meiners gtniiiii tftwlnm|

_ Totals

Unusual ly^

n e s mdash +bull-


i i 3 0 raquo Q-

0 J -0 o

bullbullbullt bull-j



1deg-- iO~

0 0 0 0

1-= 0L_ 0


arm Weather ^ Sets New OfficialJRecdi

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^rmJh-ofr i t

I r I t i ^ t h ^ ^ o f r o f A)

bullInnimrj 3 l M r hlm stated oral

for the P i M f ihlaquolaquonce hnsSii bullrnwliv hlT ^ t ^ 1 t h e ma^wHc

bullbullbull St ilF a s hnr f t h laquo bulllaquoraquolaquolaquo hhd frac34 8 d ^ a n a p o l r K Inlt

W - 2rr poundbullbullpilpatp r gtflaquoslgtviD i n raquof In form^ ^1^ T h laquo M l o Khrllr mtgta 8 ^ ^ given bj M

Tl -- ~_ I laquo d M n e l w n r e r W f o r e ^ raquo toJ 8l^r pound 5 ^ Y dinlaquottc 4laquogtaitTolaquo

moSi Maeem^t^aU aigtbdquo 8Juwd cotomeJitrBl 1 Rented p e r i o d t e nHreIy lorip iJ T r

^ ^ ^ o ^ B r ^ B e ^ w

f bull -

--J-1 mUmMtmtSmmim Jt 12^



0rr Williams and Harry Miller Star-in Final Barrage

o n l l bdquo win in Seesaw Ti l t

Wiirrtn Boys tQ Play

Here FridayV



i l l T

l l t l v



IIIKII h e a v y w e i g h t s

f the week on

ln laquo r a c from

bull-ArUt t o d e f s a t

iivjp18 to l

s l o w l y w i t h

stumppltl by

defense J a k e

-run the corner

(-11- by F a r r i n B - tirit half w h i l e

-1 twice from the - irgtm the f h a r i t y

- bull bull laquo I

- f thgt- second h a l f - - iir and the d i s -

ti-nnis r e m a i n e d 1 v bullbullbullbull three quar ter s

llnly h e c a n t o - tlt Led by Orr

Mil ler w i t h the Bronchos

1 thijr r iva l s in bull bull i|tiirter W n u -

wi th a long bullgt ii Base ley a n d

-gtbullbull pret ty c o a l s 1 -bull lirsie u lead bullbullilium last i |iuir-

- i) for the sihiw-

- l i inN Mei s t er bull 1 f credit for

1i T W a u e o n d a i l niie of the

bull -i nferenee was bull w i th two shots

- -=bull difficult o n e s

i bull L-t any b a s k e t s iim a cri i i iherry

bull- i rv-ini to keep

bull M I lt Dinrliaek

-i in the v i c tory bull 7 bullbull In w in over the

Ilu-i bull iu- i d their bulliTcinis mill-

bull - - f r i t te red awny [ lt- - 1 - l i t l i l at the

V f -i -I r (ki file lefljl i i -nil t l iree buck- - bullbull kei P tinin from

bull bullbull bullIn-- -111 half 1 i nntl i h i ve been

-bull t i n - I-1gt I C O I l - bull bull III - I- bullbulleitine

bulllt-bullbull ---ivi h i t t i i i K

Jefferson Ice Bowlers Drop Series to Riggs

Kids Elgin by 12 Pins

Riggs Kids bowling team of Elgin triumphed over the Jefferson Iclt teata of Barrington by a narrow mar (fin gtf 12 pins fof a three-Rome series gtn the Kelly hotel alleys in Elgin Friday night

Each game was a battle in itselfmdash the local team taking the first game by a matter of four pins the Elgin keglers winning the second by^18 pins and the locals coming back to take the rubber by three pins ^

Franklin gchroeder anchor man on the Jefferson team set the pacS for individual scoring with a 202-202-224 mdash628 series

The Elgin quint will play a return match here Friday night The scores for last Friday nights match follow

Riggs Kidsmdash P Schmitz 20 16 181 548 Hake bull(bdquobdquo 173 886 |102 601 DaWlek 153 192 156 483 Wekerman 168 165 214 J547 B Schmitz 140 162 180 482

Totals^ 810 Jefferson Ice Co-

W-essel 154-C MeGowata Mitchell Gerdau F Schroeder

1 Totals

190 -136 138 202

922 i

- bull

162 210 159 170 202

923 2661

175 178 176 173 224

491 578 471 481 628

820 903 926 2649

Pohlman Drugs Still in Lead of

for First Place Latter Team Seeks to J in Lead Only 200

Pins Behind



REYliSWy^ARROT^ ^ iJ^DAYf - frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 1 -frac34frac34frac34frac34


junior high ied by the brilliant playinj of Lattn a 87 0 victor) bull over the

fhe Cadwallader teams hold on t place in the Lions bowling league

became less secure Monday night when Hagers V n ^6 1 1 cracked the maples for a total of 2358 pins against the Beerman teams 2246 Hagers team rolled itself up to with- in 200 pins of the leaders so the meeting nest Monday night promises to be a battle for first place

CadWalladers team nosed out the Pomeroy aggregation by 40 pins the oral score being 2198 j to 2158 pins

jomeroyk men stillneed quite a few ]gtins to get but of the lower berth in ljeagues standing

Beermanmdashbullbull 132 14 144 138 127 128

]i Plagge A Sass Catlow IcClure L Miller Beerman

Shoups Confectionery Five Wins Three Games From



lriiligt 1 J - ihool bull - l i t leu co-

bull i I- the H i i r -

bullbull i n - l i t Coach bullbull I thu-e touch

)-bullbull is made which wi l l Tir i-ill with thjj




Iohlman Drugs Lipofsky Clothiers and Greengard Grill howling teams each garnereltl two games in last weeks schedule of the Harrington fowling league and as a result held

1 their respective first secondand third | places the fcjame a s before the two 1 weeks holiday intermission

Shotips Confectionery quintet trishyumphed in three panics over McLeisshyters team and moVed up to tie for fourth place wjjth the Barrington Reshyviews The Confectionery boys have licuM^howinc some excellent bowling Intefppind may hand-the other teams some surprises before the season is aver

So far each team has ftlayed 30 games almost one half of the comshyplete schedule The seasons schedule contains 61 games for each team


Tuesday J a a 5 Liliofsky Clothier^mdash

Purcell 159 16fl 163 485 Ilnwlcy 12raquo 140 157 420 Zitzmnu 138 138 138 414 Carr 7 164 188 158 485 Beerman 151 159 144 454

gtgtlt R-

gt h-

T i

7 -M i l i t inn nn - i lnv nisht

bulllt iTMinillv i i i ht but has




bull w






full gtwing

F T 1 (i

1 bull n

(raquo 0


Totals 735 783 740 2258

- -Cameron Real Estatemdash P Landwer 156 214 J Kiimics 141 141 J Welch 150 119 1 Hager 150 147 C McGownn 192 154

161 141 114 142 149

531 423 38frac34 439


Barrington J McCoy J

Uarbisch Burton Miller Conn

789 775 707 2271

Reviewmdash 133 390 132 122 147 136 1 4 2 144 180 152

210 1321

157 135 146

533 386 440 421 478

Ti- ta l s 734 744 780 2258



o ltgt


R-r- Hi- bull 11 - X

amp ntNi1i|



bull 1-

i -


V Kc - I J - bull v bull


bull bull

bull bull bull bull

K ^ gt bull

l( I-



() bullgt raquo 0 0

gt () 1raquo 1 tgt 0 1

1 1 1 iraquo 0 (gt

bull lt bull ltgt 0

s 1 bull

u V i r m W e a t h e r

^ Nraquow Official R e c o r d

bull - iininih 6f the 1 i h IIIN gtnfimied

bullbull bullbullbullbullbull- raquof 11)32 has - lunatic conditions i-t n|- | |bdquo Hooky

raquobullgtbullgt miles J B i I ivisinnof Agrl-

bull -~gt f tlv bull Chi ted in stated orally

bullbullbullbull HI-fa lice has halaquol ltl lie eVimnte which bullbull Meridian Miss hi- had the climate

11 Iiidufunntdis Ind bullbullbullbull of Nashville

bull nit rift follow- u raquo s laquoiven hy Mc

Miller Brosmdash Xorton Peters [ Miller j Schreiuer

( 1 Meyer

T o t a l s

K19 133 160 143 147

143 159 145 123 180

176 M 9 IS 3 1(0 168

488 441 428 426 495

bull i hefnre been So long bullbull climatic conditions th r((gtrds go Occa-i-ldai-ement for a sin-cii used comment but

is entirely unpre- i i l



ltbullbulllaquoraquo Bring Restate

752 750 776

Thursday Jan 7 S l u m p s C o n f e c t i o n e r y ^ -

A Marten 1 5 8 A M i t c h e l l bullE H e u e r F S c h r o e d e r E W e s s e l

T o t a l s

McLeistei- i V S c h r o e d e r G r a h a m bull^cjiaubh I l o i m i t h ( j e t d u u


Pohlman K Scherf L Yeoman I Landwer E Gleiije J Dneschleif



t 57 34


157 165 157

120 225 157

436 416 255 120 548 471

Totals 1 718 735raquo 793 i 2246

Hager-1 lager Paulson dol lar

M i l l e r n g d a l e S a s s bdquo

160 137

155 148


176 1U 146 151


1180 150 147



356 484 430 306 327 455

Totals 737 801 820 2358

Cadwalladetw-Ifohlman 141

Sehweirim -196 W Catlow 135

iimlberg 141-If rjlagge adwalladert

Totoifl J

Pomeroy-(jlhivreh Iavy (rreengard Iteffernani ^clireiber


144 153

8tandiii|g Team



l iager H eerman Iomeroy


(36 games eaehj Pins IJi-B

bdquo26i857 ^ 0 2 26057



2 58 2347 2259

Si-G 851 828 846 834

Lake Quintet Bows Before Strong Defense of Salem Team

| Salem cagers won a fast and intershyesting game fiiom thegt strrbg Crystal Like team Wednesday night hy a 2C -17 scbrp The Crystal Lake cagers failed to penetrate the strong defense of Barrington j |

The Salem eager took the lead and led 16-8 i t thj end of I the first half Hirder and| Gielaquoke were1 the high sorers for Salem while Lundahl and Buhrow ^ poundere the higli Icttre^s for Ciystal lake

The next ganie wijj be wrth the sfiong Late Zurich team at Lake Zurshyich Tuesday night Jan -Ml On the fo) lowing night the Salem team meets thi- Austin Boulevard (Jmiitet of Chi-cngoj citjf champions pt tilie church

761 84raquo

Greengard Grillmdash M Lines 174 170 I Banks 153 124 K McGownn 141 212 R Brown 109 164 Cadwallader 138 180

143 180 145 124 7X83

487 457 498 397 501

Totals 715 850 775 2340

Standing Team Won Lost Pet

Pohlman Drugs 30 10 667 Lipofsky Clothiers 18 12 600 Greengard Grill gt17 13 567 Barrington Review 15 15 500 Shoups Confectionery i 5 15 500 Cameron Real Estate 13 17 403 McLeisters 12 18 400 JkUBer Bros 10 20

leigue fqi the past t^o years game wilt be played at the Lake

The Zur-

ICII high school ifynl- Preliminary ga nes have beenarranged before the main game

Salem fit u scher Tate If Ilirder jfl Parlikrg Giesk Ig


Orystal Lake Kltok rf Sciuette If Bu hrow c Gutiske rg Polhlman lg 0 Li ndahl rf Kcuhnert rg Htimann rf

Totals tef Hoffman

Business Notices Bring Results

last apnea rat clt

out the Arlington

a 12-sccond

team after thJt visitors hail staged a last ninute n 11f that ended Just one point short Both Barrinj ton teams show much iinnrpvement pinte

Grabmkort f Olms tea4 f

Kers mw t L a t t i c MuifevY-j Deissper graquo

r Totlals

and shoi ld stronjg oppositjio|i for the undefeated Algonquin boys next Friday

Barrington 3)7-)1- FG 3

1 1 12 0



Ar ington Heights 6 - ^ Koppiin f 0 Vernon f - 0 Miad icls c ^T 1 Adair s g 0 Tuiry g if 0


anted bullof -^4

Holg i t s lndtf last Friday evening and incidentally increased their to 150 in t i c conference Lattn a s high point man for U2 field ijiojils or] a total poijnis

Arlington wW allowed bujt goal the bajame of their ing iccured b r f r e e thrpwf

Th e bull lightweights nosed 11 V i n over

turned in Arlington

^ss^K^ri^^fm^nw^^m^^ ^qiW^pltw l i f w ^ w r ^ - T w i - T i ^ - bull j


their make


aturedonS at Catlow Sunday

laquo ( erven on

low Si Earth Pardon




qs and jThe Chlamp Coming to Screen

Ken| Mnynard tidpular hero of the western dramas is seen as a Texas ranget in his- lajtult thrill-play Alias the Bud Man which plajja The Cat- low Saturday njglit

Susiiense tlwills h a r - r a i s i iig riding stunts and an iictioh-fillcd] battle between Maynard anil the]chief of the cattle rustlers are t i e big fea-raquo tttres bull bull

Short siibjedsJ selected for this pjrogram includt ft Slim Simmerville corned cartoon iportlight and news-

Nex j -Sunday- i ifternooii and evenshying Tlip Rosebndu a clever group of youngsters iif a kiddie presentation will IM presented on the straquoge This groiiptif nine talontcd hoys and girls will ofer 30 minutes of kidilie frolic

The swreen feature for Sundays show v ill be Heaven on Earth with Lew Ay res starrel

This picture hritf d^flnitrgtly regisshytered us Lews bciit screen effort since All (wie t on tlie Wester i F r o n t s and tells an nbscjrbing stoy of life oh the Mississippi river w th young Ayres oast as the son of a (steamboat captair I

Ijew Ayres supporting cast in eludes Slim SimnicrvilU Anita

and many fch ic Sale in fkfnny A Slip will

Jraquor6vide the comedy feature for the

Lain el and Hardy comedia as khown gtr- pictures

shown nights comedy

next Monlay

s i tuatkns in this

day the


in their ull-length Pardon Js The

their j dlley and Pardon U s wi l | ^laffinj est corned iei

Wedi ie8day Tl u ihts bf net

force are

pi esentation WAlli

other not M uctors

arc shown and

tvill be psday

ea ture hilarious right up

audit gtnces for |see on $

on the ay

week raquo f little

ace Berry

a ad ill

Lost 20 Lbs of Fat In Just 4 Weeks

Mrs Mae West of St Louis Mo writes Im only 28 sectrv old and weighed 170 lbs until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks agltL I now weigh 150^ lbs I also have more energy and furthermore IYgt never had a hungry fflomept

liat folks should^fake one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a g i n s of hot water in the morning beshyfore breakfastmdashits^the S A F E harm les i way to reduce as tens of thous-ancaof men and women know

Tor your healths sake ask for and get Kruschen at Fredlund DrUg Co or aby drag storemdashthe cost for a bot tie that lasts 4 weeks is but1 a tr i t e and if after the first bottle you are not joyfully satisfied with results

bulln ioney back f

Mplusmn Wltrifeaj-^h

of the screen

Fri bring

Jackie in The

tch iour

ELS What s|ould wojmAn do to kltlaquop their bowels moving1 freely A dob tor should 1 now the aiiswer Thu t u why bum Snrup Pepsin is so (ood for women It just suits their delicate organism It is the prescription of an old fanily doctor who has treated thousands of women patieMs and who nude a special study of bowel troubles 1

It is fine for children tojo They love its taste Let them have it every time tht ir tongues ire coated or their skin is i allow Dr Caldwejls S^rup Pepsin s made from fresh laxative herbs jure pepsin and other harm less ingredients i

When youve t sick h(adajhe cant eat are bilous or duggisn and at the times when you laquore most ant to bamp constipatedtake a little of this famous prcsciption (ill drug stores keep it ready in big jottles) and youll know wiy Dr Cildwells Syrjip Pepsin is thlt favorite laxative

er t million wo otenl |

Da W 8 CkL-owCLt

YUIJP gtEPSI ( A Posters Family Laxative I mdash - J mdash raquo [


^^^i^^^^^^tmmim waM


Oflee over Pohhnans Druf Store

Hours 8laquo to900am (K to2K)Opm i(K to8^)0pm

Sundays by Apboiatment

Office and R sidence Barrington 2

D R B P G R i L B I R |



830 to 9

7 laquo 4 Sunday



HOURS 30 a in 2

880 p U W 12

K ne



bull bull bull - t l bull bull bull - - - ^ - - bull]bullbull - I - bull l t


o8 t noon

J i r t BANK

arringion 23

SpeciaUj lint in Diseaces of Wonu|d and Chfldfea

HOURS Tuesday Thursday and Saturday

23( to 430 pm

Telephoie Barrington 525

130 Park Ave above Peerlgtss Market




[- paouRS 9 t gt 10 a m

i 2 traquo 8 p m -7 traquo 8 p m

Sundayi by Appointment

Bartington 801

Hudson-Bssitx B Main St

Telephoi e Barrlngtot 235

1717 Conway Building 111 Was Washington Street

CHICAGO ILL Tel Randolph laquo856 _

ilaW4gtlaquoraquoMliraquo-- -V-j Evenings 525 copyrove Ave bull bull Tel Barrington 502


usiness Director


Barrington Phone 403 -


118 N LaSalle St

Phone Dearborn 0399

bull v - i-Vii bull i-



112 West Adams Street


Telephone Randolph 6144 V

Howard i t Brlntlinger Telephone Barrington 660-W bull





E Main St

Barrington 52

By Appointmeit for your i ouvenience




135 lark Avehi Phone Birrington 301-J

HOURS 630 t ) 830 p

t)ther Hours and Sun i by Appointment





Successor fo


Phone] Barrington 77 115 E Main St


Office In Pohlman BallAnk 127 E Main St I 127

Barri Ington


0 to 12 lt 1 to 5 p 7 to 0 p


Tel Barrington 471

- HOURS 9 a nL to 6 p m and 7 to II p m


801 B Main St

Phone Barrington 458

| Banilnttou





- i- - - ^ 1 - bullbullbullbullbull - bull

60S Summit Street

Telephone Barrington 650-3

omoAQQ bwnca 134 N LaSfcUe St

Chicago Phone Central 4646


105- W Adams St laquo CHICAGO

Telephone Franklin 2788


- Barrington Phone 32-J


JUSTICE OF TflB PEACE (Cook County) (

8agt West Lake 8trelaquot^ bull Telepnone Barrington 634-J

v N -- Chicago Ofnce - - 20raquo W WasbJngton St Room 1401

Telephone Franklin 0122


Chiropodist and Foot Specialist

i -



Diseases and Deformities of the Feet

CHICAGO OFFICE 2020 Garland) Bldg Phone Centra^ 8005

Barrington By | Appointment Tel Barrlngtdn 248-W



bull I l

Office Hoars 9 to 12 a m ad 2 to 5 p m I Evenings by Appointment

Telephones Residence Barrington 588-J 8t6r( Barrington 298-W

Readers of the Review find this

directory raquo eapvcnleptj index to

bushiess and professional Bar

ringtoa When In need of some

specuv service they inrn to fids

page quickly to locate firms tote

phone numbers streei addresses

ftiM dugteetorjr has been raquo feature

j f l i yean

W raquo for almost 44


HENRY J GKARMAN Phuto Tuning aad-



E xpert work on alt repn dddl

or send S card 41


Plagge Home FtirnikMmt 6e


FREDLUND DRjUaffO 100 W Main


Phone 54$



Ifbull bull bull fl-j 111 -it s -th laquo5 i


i I







102 N Cook Sreet

Tel Barrington 2 Ftjill



1 i


bull raquo bull

n bull i ^ laquo


CALKINS Etawating and Grading


Tennis Courts Bbwlir|Oreias

4 B A R R I N G ^

H C A L K I N S Phon A S CALKINS] Phott4 4 W


^Li raquoraquo


-frac34 ii tl

Erery professional nsn in Baningfo) hi i name aaorfsB niunber and hours ef Ir this directory laquo I et ery week and mall eiery home In the 0 ber directories nay tl Is directory -ut wiek i


SERVICE INC 217 East Smtlojn St bull


bulli fin j ]

Furniture Remgtvalj d LongDi^tan

bull If embMPj

United VaWsiervljce

- ii- bull 4ryr GuaranteMi w


COST - -



r $ HX rlt i

fV bull u ft



ift 4





Local Brevities Mrs Blanche Ford ill nt h laquo

home 721 8 jCook street

Mrs Kdwaird Ostj 20laquo S Cook utreet spent Saturday) with her sister-in-law Mrs Kdward j Wicjkershpim of Long Orove raquoho hail jdst returned from the Libjltrtvville] hospital where die was tnkeij New Yearns Fflaquo after lgtelnK injured in an iuitnmobile aelt|i dent

Sir nnd Mfrlaquo T Garfield utreejr will a vacation of two West They wijl v Oklahoma CI bullikla que N M Hefore nia where thej will v friends in several cities


Dockcy 1frac34) leave todii-jr for

months in the sit rutatmw in

and Albuqncr-ing to Calif or-

l|sit relatives nnd of that state

Association Asks Help in Tuberculosis Fight

A training class for Sunday school teachers will be organized Thursday evening at the Saleni church It is to mect-bnee a week and will be under the direction of A Carsten-a-n

Mr and Mrs Paul Clark and famshyily 532 Orove avenue returned frolm Abingdon this week and Mr Clark will resume his duties at the high school Monday

Mrs John Horn and infant daughshyter June Alice returned to their home 502 Grove nvenue Tuesday

Volmer Anderson of Chicago who hYs many relatives and friends in Birrington underwent an operation fof appendicitis Moilday at the- St

onys hospital in Chicago His ition is reported to be satisfac-


Miss Amy Anderson retu-ntd from the Itavenswood hospital to her home at Honey Lake Sunday Mis Ander-son is recovering nicejy from nn opshyeration for appendicitis

Mrs Delia Cady 213 E Lincoln avenuevisited relatives in Libertyville Saturday and Sunday k

Mrs P L Anderson 628 Summjt street who returned from the Franshyces bullWlllard hospital recently is imshyproving in health nnd able to be up

Walter Ahrcns 21 street is recovering frim tack of tonsilitis

2 W Russell a severe at-

jp The home of Mr ajnd Mrs Lnwr-^ ence T York 40 E Kussell street

is under quarantine- Mr York is sufTering from an at alaquok of ^scarlet fever

Mrs Henry Will ljlVbullWashington street who iins been ill the pnst three weeks is so much improved that she is able to be up nnd around in- the


Thn monthly clinics maintained by the Lake County Tuberculosis assoshyciation for the examinations and sushypervision of the 40Opatici)t)i-wlio arc sick with tuberculosis In the county cannot be held Jin 1032 unless the people of this county cooperate to mnke the sen saj^ a succhsH accord-frfc to Ruth HcmMekiSOTij executive secretary of the association

The meager buduet upon which we are now compelled to (wottk does not permit school examinatiojiN or any

bullother phase of tmbl i c lipilth work which might prevelit the sp^nd of this gi-ent white plagin Miss Itendrickson stated |

The-neriountiesi$ of thin] situation is revealed when one renliz^s tliat 2W8 children active cjise of j tuberculosis are today attending classes in the scbools of Lake county

Lake County Tuberculoijas associashytion lias no menijs of support other than the returns from the ChriltmnK Seal sale There are no state or coun ty appropriations made flaquojr the care of patients suffering from tuberculous in this county

Childrens Reading Club to Be Formed Wednesday raquonhlt

A Book WormClub fdr girW and boys of the sixth seventh iand eighth grades will be formed at the public library Wednesday afternoon Jan 20 and will meet at 5 p m every Wednesday thereafter f lect ion of officers and the rehding of ^ulps which will govern this n lt w reading club will comprise the program for the first meeting The first twcnt|y-five boys nnd-girls who cone will W eligible to join the organization There will be a waiting list fof- any others -who wish to belong

Club meetings vill not be like the story hour jield for younger children

State Nevbd

Tho Century of Progress sion authorized by the last lcgii 1 has been appointed by Governor LvEmmerson The groupwill vise erection of a state buildfyig Worlds Fair in 1033 The leraquo provides lt that) Governor E shall be chairman with Li Governor Fred ESterling and e r David E Shnnahaii art me Those named -by fjoverttor Ein arc StiJte Senators Roy Wood i bullV (JiMiham Chicago Florence BoliiTr Hloominijton Hit Bnrr Jol iet Charles H T Ilarrisburg State Reprcscn Homer 7 Tilt(e O r o e n v W Schnnckenbergi Frank Ryiln K King Chicago Itichar 1 J Miiiidelein The fiillowiijig were also named Noble Bi Juduh George F Ilaiding Ai T CltzarnltScKi wtlloejor of cut V G -Hermann J F C o r i e l i u s Ideiir Illinois Academy of Paul Demos all of Chicago limn Leonard Karclier Fred P Watson Mt Vernon

Fine Mri Ft

W Baker Kewanec Col H son Pana The legislature i i ateed $350000 for a btViMlnfc preparation of exhibits

c^mmis-nture Louis super-at the

legislation miderson

icu tenar t 3peak-nbers

ipcrson nd K Fiffcr

hoihpson aitlvles R jJ-

nm yoris fsons

ha id


tgt FraquoIP




Ill pc

at 2 p m every

L A K E (Furnished by

Company Guaranteed 2^0 Waukegan 111

R C Ross extension specia agricultural economies at ihe of Agriculture Univers i ty of has announced that the 22 cut which Illinois farmers mad fall in their winter wWat speeds up a downward adjustm a c r e a g e ^ h i c h has been going most without interruption sincp The 22 per cent reductionfor is more than twice as much average reduction for jthe country - I

1st In (follegc

inois centj this)

acreage tit in

)ii al-1919

Illinois the




COUNTY the Illinois Title

Abstracts of Title Title Washington Street

Tel 4)

bull Chester-Callow 112i WMaiii left Tuesdny for a six weeks vacatiojn on the Isle of Pines whiiili is nhout 100 miles south of Havana Cuba Durshying Mr Callows absence Miss Helen Glenson 722 Second nVenue will Jake his plnce at the organ in The Catlow theatre

Mr and Mrs AVilliam Dawson 30 ) Lincoln avenue left S inday for Florshyida where they will abend thewinter months

Buzzards Lin itaitiont With its Ilinnnkalili eyesight pov

er of flight and size there probably Is only one1 reason why the vuituru or buzzard Is not one of the tuos active pursuers of living prey in stead of feeding upon dead or help leas preymdashthe absence of talon f with which to seize laquond hold living preymdashCuppers Farmer

FremontmdashH Ruura amp w)F to C Milshyler QCIgt laquo10 U t 17 Blk 12 Ar-tliitr Dunas Mundelein Manor Sec 25

II Ruurs 17 Blk 12 n Manor Alundclci

FremontmdashC Miller to amp wf jt tens D $l | ) Lot Arthur Dunas Sec 25

FremontmdashtJnioii Bnnft i)f Chgo to J Avon amp wf jt tens Dgt$lb Lots 13nnd 14 Blk 8 Arthur Dunas Munshydelein Manor Sect 25

ElamdashH M Overland and J Over-hmd to V Overlaid QCD 10 P t of SIC qr of SW qr of Sec 35

Waucondraquo-f-J if Johnson amp hun to T V Johnson QCD 10 I^its (K) 01 amp (12 Einicrest Sub Sees 23 25 and 20 bull j

WaucoiKliijmdashJ d Kelly amp wf to H Wagner amp wf j | tens W D $10 Iot 03 Maiinailsf 1st Adda to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

WaucondahmdashII E Maimiin amp wf et al to J Ci Kelly wf jt tlt Lot (Kl Maimans 1st Add i to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

ElamdashC W Ofit amp wf to E Ost amp others w r i N hf of N W qr the S W qr of NA qr and N E qr of MV qr of Sec 20

Fremontmdash-Union Bk of

qr N E

Chief Highway Engineer Fin Sheets has anlaquoiounced t in t highway divisioi _has under wa for constructing the equivWlcnf 200 miles o f T n w - two-lane roads in 1932 I t i s estjmate^l this extensivp st|atc-wide progi givlaquo| employment to between and 35000 men Tlie hig|hway ment will insist on the employm



local labor whenever^ fair rate of wages


Directoir Leo Hj Howej of t partmJMit of trade nnd coiiimercb announced that th j Insurance dty one of tin largcs reyenue agencies at the state | g n turned intlgt the st raquote treasury 1931 $6(|373705 T This only $40000 TCBS tha|gt the collie for the previous y^ar

annll of the div the I second tral Sttjtes cinnatij O congress was from Illinoit tucky- ailaquoB0 to consider


3[ Paul static planni i nouiiccd five planning Hon of the KiUigtn of Ian

isijon of forestry

Jiaj meeting of ewry congress

December 3 to made up of Indiana IowK

uri Ohio and the problema anlt|l

late forfestry in the Central region Mr Springer was the j board of directors for a thrtfe yi

(llac gyton chairniai igf tjommiasion broad-objectives

cse include dejtermiiia-st Sensible type

I nrijas to dirfeiii iioi

anded r__ Cen-

t Cin-I This

c elcgat ea Ken

Tennessee stimu-

lot elbcted to Iieriod of



of the uis an-of state

of utili-thc deshy

velopment of localization tion to which go jtf of the typi maintain a plete a coir which ^rill ordinattd and lirtper vaatrcsoui

a second distribution and of industry and popula-

(letermine the elements to the pattern and plaiv al urban-rural area to high standard to comshyprehensive plan | program bull

mejin the systematic coshyrd economical development

onservatioii of all Illinois S



A HANDY MAN wanted to take care of fires and do

jobs around country place live on place References Address 2212 Barrlngton Barrington III


Senatltr rimes Ilaniiltbn Lewis will be honorpd lit a ilaquoeptiou to1 be given By tho Illinois State ^ociety at Wash-( ington at i t) first meeting in the new year on Jti dary 21 All we repre-sentativcls i rom Illinois and their wives willlc in the receiving line

bull NOTICE bull

Not feinonsible for any traced Jgty anyone othW |ltn A Jij Sclirojljer North nve rlnjrtflin III L

^ mdashu Business Notices Bring I


t tut the Subscriber Ellen ncy Executrix of the Will of

rtnlaquoigtt deceased will nUcnd

nk TJ inois

plans of 1-

c|o(ncrcte that will

10000 epart-ent of at a

MODERN fcir rent in 3 bedrooms and basemeni strejet 32ogtWi

MODERN JSIX ROOM house for rent at 5C3 Grove avenue Reason

able Inquire at 439N Coot street Tel Barrington 209-J1 1 r

FIVE ROOM furnished

Strictly modern refrigeration Dundee avehue or 849

OLD LOG road one

ich for (rent $10 0 0 a n

qr of N W

Cligo to D Lot 7 J If I Conperlaquo amp v f jt tens

Oak TerraceSub Sec 30 FremontmdashJr IL Connors^ to A

Brady W D Pt of Lot 7 Oak Terrace Sub Sec 30 also ^ot 08 Second Addn to Oak Terrace Sijb S E qr of Sec 30

FremontmdashA JJ Brady to J| II Connors amp wf jt itens P t of Lot 7 Oak Terrace SubJ-Sec 36

Waucondamdash-A Bchling amp wf to V Behling W D Lot3 Blk5 At Home Sub Sees 25 aiidj 30

F U R N I S H E D Barrington Livi

i kitchen breakfast L Call at 642 N

telephone Ba

H O U S E room

nook Hough

rrington tf

FURNISHED apartmelit for

Oil heat Mrs H L

Tel Barritig

or un-rent

Electric s a on 28

FIVE wooded

tate district Price ronly Box 21 BarH

for faje Beautifjully igli located in finest es-

near bull$ W highway J

KOHLER 1500 wajtt

hauled M ton 395-JW

^iECTHflC LIGHT ilnnlaquo for sale Recently ovcr-


LOST OR male cat

black tipped large cat ton 325-J

PERSIAN with larlaquo]e

not-ify Mrs ringt(u 310

ACRJraquo FIVE Ijby private

pwee or no 2111 Barrington Illinois

Prqbate Court of Lake Count) eof to blaquo Iiolden at

Hoise in Wnukegaii In sahjl t |0 first Monday of

li|whcn and where al uiig clnims against said

yiotilied^nrid requested to ] tjanie to said court for ndjuldication

E L t E N ti COURTNEY ^bullaukctran 111 January cent- ^932

Philip Young Attorney

$^550 per acre ington 111

Ow nerj

Telephone Barring-


STOLENmdashGray and tan with black stripes and tail and feet Unusually Reward Tel Barring-

CAT lost dafck grey and bushy- tail Kindly

E A Bcermun Tel Bar-


FOR CASH wanted lgtarty~ Give location and attention given Address

i Review Barrington

r I

drive car otjier odd

Not to required Review

i ebtjs con-n myself me Bnr-



jfivon L- Court-Tomes V

the atntenn

ijhe Court County

Majrch next persons

bullstnte are picqcnt the



1 Aikilonwrs rdegW AuoU in on thf o ] locate I 2 mil

Will Mil at man farm ltDunuec 3 miles Nortjlt of Crystal new Dundee

in n large sharp on 1 I Sat] 4raquo l^BAD


19 CoWsr-Soma Springers some spraquo-r Registerod

Thts hilaquo of GueriiNtj first fimv sey sale and abort I in tho cuujntry were houghit them for them have must be fore sale cldse right know my rfputn be seen It down anft Terms





mile East bull ofj ( of Elgin 8j

I rtke pne-hnlf -GilbjFts roal IJB i|ve will Rtjl

i w laquobull IWU 5 south jilles ^-amp this laquobull1230

Jaii 16 |9 f OF RJBAL OJtfK m^ ciyslating of ome ^TenH Bala

lO^Ielfers |fl itiXlnjria lWfr l l

Jue^jiey^n except lofinll

H and it gt evct had a

Iliesekowlaquo a testefi apd u bulllaquoraquo Wisc|

ibylfjpurty t oVjuV herd




ii MHB00tJ0iiifiN^ All M i t will ftjo Uii^ bdquobdquo

laquolf htti BULL

raquof Il lunifli vm th tiftern-

it^lltod llOllslJt

Thev 1 liini(-iit iiiost (if


as I know tl Wn ak| vo PuMtttiL ThMti ( Uvs mubdquo

he WiipreclHt | w buy some cheajj KV8


h A^ttowraquo mu(t k- tud deridianie dai n j Snligt

JOE KVIDEPlit 1 V Myer C

AUCTION SAL Frank Gahlbeck AJict H I H Shoppe


Having decided toquit log raising1 will bell af publi old Sell rage Farm fir st farm eastfi ltfi Nebfls cor) road 2frac12 miles north )f Schaumburg 5 mil^s soj

Monday Janu - lt] bull bull Beglialng at 1 oclock shjjrjilaquo

6 0 Head o f H o g s 45 Gil

auction lt on Hi of Pal

__ r_ fan|o March land AptfiT 20 Shoatswt ampbii | 75 lbs

25 wi|from 100 to [ l l raquo J Chester White Boar 75 Chichenel SO WhbeWyan- dottes 2SLeghonislB IIpullets Brooder houie Chichi n coops 400-egg Tyco Incuba-or used bull one seasonj Hot Bias Hester Grain elevator Corn c rusher Drag cart Land rollei Thistle machine a ] Wheel

barrows 1frac14 h p Fairbanks mdtor Riding cultivator Pti mp-Jack Timothy seeder |TJuik heater Grindstone Home-made tinnier

M l Trucli and Rattle rakj good condition^

Hay rake arid gear Oil jtnd C laquo l Bugtner Wooden jslocktaik Good dumi wafOln Cookjsampve Washing maohliie with gas

bull bull bull i bull bull i All |shte vlndOff storri

dows M i screens MIW strainers milk claquoM|er Nome n n luiober Wonsbi l id stra Tablesan I chatljs Wa^on-bo arid If car

fERMSmdashCASH _ (

u (

t - -






WN 209 to 215 Park




ISHINNERraquoCO le 3 7 1

104 W Main St I Barrington HI





Stewing Hens


Pork Steak

irtm S L I C E D

Beef Liver 15




bull G E N U I N E bullbullbull

Lamb Stew 3^is



tn Roast



gtlaquoraquolaquo25lt -j F-^N-CY-

Leg oE Lamb


Avemdash210 to ate er

Station St

^ilTURDAY M bull

Part Wool ^ r arm Lined Color Gray raquoea

Big brother Fill Cut Heavkr Denim

31ue fcambray

Blealhed 81 inches Quality i

$179 ea^C

39c to89c Good O C i per yd laquoviraquo

Sheeting Unbc|olaquoifiyncfcr yd 23c 23c 46 inches wide


cs ai b

Grocer SALIf PORK lb FRESH LOIN per PURE PORK SAUfeAGE hiilk lb PORK LINKS Heidelberg lb Ripe Bananas 3 lb t I G A Yellow Lauudrfc Soai| lgTaais 10 for 4 3 I G A

Cqp- mdashDel Maisj Ni whole kernel J cam

Aljnerican Family S oap 5 bi ra Fan^y Applesauce

Soap Chips large phgsi 2 for 29 I G A Beauty Soap Gold C ream Bari bars

23c value) for J^ i-l G I A White Floa tirig ampoa]) the B ath Soap bull

Supreme each 5 10 or 49 I 0- A Cocoa Hard water Soap 2 bars 1 5 Household Cleanser] I G Aj 3 boxes 13

blets Vrouuih Packed



No 2 can Aunt Jemima Pane ike Flour 2 reg Cbmet White iloaeiElici 2 Mb pkgs Libbys Rosedale A pricjots lg cans Extra fine sweet and juicy naval fejrlaflgei

dozen ^-^^--^ - -- mdashu-vJSgn Iciiid 99laquo Fresh Eggs and Buttltr art declining Come ir Saturday and see sp ecial pric ss on th se necessities

Moats is 18 15 28 18

New York Pack


s27 28

10 pkgs 19

16 1 5

T 1-frac34 A D L HT - A N D S A V E

ywt raquo Y A L h j

STORES B E S T - Q U A L I T Y mdashr~ ALV t AYS

Independently Owned

SPECIALS for Friday1 and Satiard

Cranberries Fancy J lbs t e c n s Stringless Greer l b s raquo 5 c

Pet is Fancy California l b $ 2 5 c

Let t luce LgFan 3yHlt ads lbs 1 Swlt e t P o t a t o e s lbs I S p u j a c h CurleyL^af 3 l b e l


lt bull

M e n per

POTATOES Large White Cobblers bag ORANGES 200 size Heavy w i t h iuice do GRAPEFRUIT 80 siz TANGERINES APPLES Stayman Wi^iesajp

I Grimes

10 h do

lbs fo) tuslhet

OUR ROYAL5lb14c|Z4i lb

^AE^at2tbI iol^r PURE CANE SUOiUl ( ^Mlb tMc^ kles^ Tlaquof f

A K l laquo 03 Score or KHttr M$^J

r Peas AUT NO x 1laquo cans

ON SALE OXYttOL 1 lg i sm both for 2 3 T(raquo]Aro SOUP VanCam^s

OATS Royal Blue Quaker


Royal Biw

How Plaquocim T l p i i Ik ChioVlVf |fej

Brookfisld B2 geerf Or TMtoti

Tiny m kti 8lftlaquod laquo C I B Z rciiasJ

3 can flaquo 3 No 2 12


raquo raquo bull raquo bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull bull raquo H raquo raquo bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull p l


28 17frac12

9 CAKE FLOUR Virginia Sweet

nl idi ll - L bull 8 frac12 ^ PUMPKINI Ar-BeNo 2frac12 can 9 No 2 can

APPLESAUCE No 1 can i raquo raquoraquo


We Deliver Pto^e 6 l S Not a W E GUARANTEE EVERYTHING W E S


I tubbi samp


R I C M - l b pk HONEY s m

lg glass 1 lb BEEJTS No 2 Ar SYkl StfYbERCAifi

siti all

i in kf th ai i i tec

JUtCE kr S|


bullBj SHce^lJ JP Maple itnl Cane 21 oz

1 if t iw


mampM l^fjiiiQi^ 1

i^hM^^^l laquofe laquo l bull I

Thlaquo R tuiat1


T le r lmas In eiU

the Barr ing t raquotfraquofcB

PerCa ofEducMwttft 2 7 S c ^ S h ^

ItarrtaRton Hjfch SchMlJ

93041 i LoterTKb e

Tlbdquo -raquoni|wirallvc

AltbU^ S t a C V KrmWS Smithy

i bdquo i i i r i i i ] 1 d nrbull hiKh Hfh^t 6laquotilaquon 0 ^ frac34

bdquo1 IJgt tho per laquoM)ita aw

r T nrivolnt by dm

I bvh^^f pnpbatf

COIlaquotlaquo Of

yenr iiie tlio srhool - I j

Of 1 -JT M-liwllaquoraquo 1 laquo M pound 0f ilistriM per

Hut riii

MixJ lWI tlltj rtKhtU bdquo ilaquo-^laquoi T-r ilaquolaquoKM copy laquo


-i7st for 1 03 1^ nfwrtliM ^15() eapiin

c^tinii is dulaquo I

srliool follows

|Ii)igt Srlliraquoi| llnmiiioml Irjd

A w l^gtinm(ilaquoifv Bluom Township -

Dmuk Ilimurani Thon1 Yvw To Pulnt inltgt Towuship

tKlKin Harriimioii IMslnct

bull Proviso -Towiifhip Hint 1-lnml (JHitmijiiHyj

bullQnk IaiU 11 ml Uiv^ rnwn-fhip

H(iiiAigtlaquovilli ltVraquogtulaquoui)iy TlivifiiiHi Townsfiii

1 bull wimirit la lthmews vrollOTMltr The list of iij

- i TnltfimVlS j^

A-i) s h i p

V bull t ltraquoval^bull-

bull NfjJltciIKo - j - =bullbullbull-bull-bull- bull AHiniiuMi Iloiuhis To^iiMtii n Jolilaquott bull bullbullbullbullbull_ bullbullbullbull J Aniiorli Towiisliip Lihiiiyvilh1 Towtfsl ip IAOIIS TowiiNhip


IX 7-3 ii2 bull

^1 2frac34 - amp 25

26 -28

(Jrnnf Township WiNlraiidil Kill Township bull ^ Mjilinraquo Towm hip 1j lfvaiisioir Toivnship Tgt

^ VnrrlaquoMi Towhship j r Niw Trier Township Ijoyiliii ltojnnnmitv iWrlifld-Shiohls M Smilti tins tr rtCord of t|raquo

jCiipita oitsts of sovoji of thlaquo-k-hoitls for tluv year V^V-lit jours Iurlior Tho compatisnil of hvo srhooj viiir costs i Is

HiK-li ^iliool t020-2T Pjilaliuo $iSofJO BnrriiiKtou - 1ltUgt07 Arlington Jlk-ights 1S040 Proviso bull -f m)m Whcrtyvilh ^18500 Leyd-ii SOOIM) Oporficld-shiclds 24gtL$)

Elgin Lions Entertained Ky Ixtcal C liib ^lemb

r f bull27Jj

laquo3 1 n

19 bull bull amp fas -x

Twcijiy-tvfo KlRinJ JTJampiisf ^BltJ other visitors fronf I Moitdnv iiiRht ltif tho lt-lid) al dinner foll(jvod ontertjilaquoti)mraquont1iind n round

KollowiiiR dinup^ j Paul

irriiipton mn

t_ tei BerRer

world the

K BW croup

| vninhn-jllc faiiio AvhJ) Krnlt)iously [ mittwl lie ^iis tho

mnfciraii cntertainetl mnkiiiK riirds disapppora^d laquoW eomltgt out of the air nnd hy articles of femininlt iiitirp vlaquowt iMieketN-of sweral of the Of tlje Hiirrhifjtnn club

T|ie howling niatciim-nt ky jilley inelHdlaquod pickedbull t bdquo iiwrpliwttir IJoim d u b mVgttinif lraquot fowlers nntonp t k- Ktj

pxtcas frorii meml

the Jji bull i ihi ijjf

n visit

Park Ridgi Man AppointedCc^

of qirat] Naim

raquolaquobull inat rgtf the


Ajiiioii|ilt|Henl- w J-wrd of director Mbdquo

raquolaquolaquo raquolaquoraquo$ of llHrrlngtonj ^raquolaquoK ThftT-dfl-yfnhwmrf WPIHMiiii ofChnrbis A ^ l i - (1s vMWr 0 wtion - -

Mi KlKtier has ]jaj

11 ltViral TW Claquov bullf^MhwWnf state bank m

iSn^ inmtradelaquo



Kjr- bullKiwt-foltPji

iVnpob KlSBJl ] tye ii


[Kraquon laquoj

f IilN

^kt yfj laquoii ^gt Jjf

l x Families Are Um|er Scarlet FeverQuaraiii

S i l q m r i ^ M for laquornrfctfp

J J t raquoox t^w d ^ ^

^ 1 ) raquo ^ in t h i ^ i n e i m

n bullraquoUuiiMiiHiirf8|ilaquoIw^i||

RorftveHmr FVoiH injury H

bullCrr h f l r-52oalaquonnii^ bullto U i n laquoraquolaquo^nlaquol tlaquo -k^S u poundk lA tnm

bulltfor^L WU tvtrade wtM lH S^rofdw ttanlwtre Coi

A plusmnA A

Page 2: Barrington Area Library · & Months of .31 Reviewed in Brief Oulstandinu •





Lake Zurich l a k e Zurich Public l ibrary

MraK JKIf-in DeWire chairman of the itihrary Kxteii-sion reports 54 cards hvf lifiMi issued iiiii four nevv

iueinhera enrolled Inst weekj A hew awignmnt ltgtf laquoviraquonty-rive lft11 hooks dative heen received froni thltgt Library Bxtenxioi) Kerviee of thgt State of ll i innis in KpririKfield anil may he kept fcerraquo for three laquonlaquogtiith It includes

several hooks otf Hneciul interest for laquo e n and )iuigtr donations of current bullnagasiitCN

The Ijibrnry hour are from 2 to 5 |gt m WediiesJlaquogtbullraquobull but will he changed t o include two veiling a month if n number lt|f requests are received to remain oj)laquoi in the e-vjiifng

l aW Aid NoteJ-A groujl of Gt membersa

enjoyed fi^neltHing of the III field at tttr- PmR hall Th bullernoon Jan] 7 Mrs Mnyine Prehm ltiregt5dent|irlaquoiltraquoHl and welcomed two laquo e w memhers MrsRichard pgtnne and Mrlaquo 1 14 ftnith

The hostess wns Mrs Oeojrge Hoeft Cha irman^wil h Viesdames per William Poblinan

Sturm bullafsistinjc Mrs frrcil RIIII gave a

The MhWotiarv Ienny ThursdaV Itn 14 has

asiihraquo as enoi|iltT metaling dj|tv for the Benwroville Orphans home

|)il visitors laquodies Aid ursday af

tVm Pep-md Dan


heen slt t

CTiurm Basketball Tennis The church ream journeyed over

4o Huntley flafirday evening to play the strong Iluntk-^r teams T raquoe Ileavyweight- won 24-20 jgirls also won 42-7 and Hie Lake Zurich lightshyweights lo^i Tgt raquo0 - -

Thursday Utnunry 14 the I en ins meet the Morion Grove teams at Morshyton Grove

Tuesday r(n lft-the SKaiem church team of Ilirifiriton w i l l - p l a y on the home floor

officers of May-tVYiiiiromlu Jfridny

ick will vlraquolt her II Doraey while

Montana where

the installation of Hower Chapter in evening

Mrs K L Milk histor-in-lnw Mm 8 Mr Milkwlck is ii bin mother w very ill | Mr and Mrlaquo Myron Welhj and daughter of Mundeteiti Mr ami Mrs G Holland and soiiH and Mr and Mrs Witllenkeen yiiijted Sunday even--ing at th GroHh home

Mr- Rose Grimm is reported on the sick listthis week

Mrs Kranin HaiiH and daughter Phyllis Soderberg ijvere in Chicago Saturday

luteal young peopjle have been en joying ice skating th

Womans Club Notes Several inejriiers of the Lake Zurshy

ich Community Womans club will attend the ^ -nth district meeting Thurvtljiy i tlti 14 at the RogerPark Womans rlulj it is th he an alhday-meet ing i

A group foin the local Womans club have nilt-t raquond organized n Rook Study elnh tigtrieet once a month and review one gathering

he late books a t each

Many Utend Christening Mr- and Mrgt (Jeorge Gehrke en-

tertained thirty-live relatives and friends Sunday night at ai ltlinner in honor of the christeningof their inshyfant daughter Helen Alice by Rev Paul Serin of St Mathewi church of FaJirficht Guestf were j present from Crystal Lnke Rarriiigmn Palshyatine and I1- Zurich I

Mr and flrv Percy Philips of Richmond nii-Uiief the birth of a riaby boy TiisrsdHy Jan X M r s Philips in the daughter of Mr and

Mrs Jim Itun- of Lake Zurich Mrs fjee liflndwer rind Mrs Ross vfsited af the PhiliDi home Friday Mr and Mrs Clarence Snetsinger and sons Kpent Sunday evening with Mrs RoseGsi in Palatine

Mr and MrsL Paul Meyernud famshyi l y visited in rjinidelein Sunday after-tnoon with tin-formers father II C Ikfeyer bull i

Roy Loom is j is able to Ire out after aeveral weeks tf illness

Iraquoake Zurich Iomuiiiiiitv folks en-joyetl the old tiine dance at Long Grove Thiirsdakr Might

A L Plytoti oclock dinner inj home Wednesday

was host at a t |l bridge party at his

evening in celebrfl titgtn of his birthiliiy aiiniverrtiry The Rridge Plivirs wigtrilaquo guests

Mrs 1Ved Tljlea and daughter Ruih wen- in Libertyville Wednesday visiting friends

Wiss Ai Meyer of Libertyville spent Hie raquo k-end with her sister Mrtraquo KreilbullbullKropo and on Sunday with Mr e n d MRS Kropp aitltl- son George vei led Hitnry Meyer and famshyily of IhuitfV

Mr mid Mr- Junien Sneisinger are located In laquo tNgttersbing Flu where they will lie tiiijil March 1 - 1

Mr and nlrlti Albert lleyheiik and son Frank laquoM|I Mrs Mue llncken-Imch araquoteii|ed ithe InstallniiiJu hf Wheeling CltipllerO K X VJwliies-dny eveniiia ] |

Mr aod Mv Jacoh Zitmnecninhnf Ottawa traquotit te week-emi with Mr angtl Mrs L V ilumdanvllle of Clover Hill farm j

Mixs lliiiiici I Gruehiiaii of Klgin visited Snuilv with her mother Mrt IJ (Irtiehnnii j

Peter Meylaquor jtnd sons visited Mon-day With the fujniers brother George

Mr anil MI-MIRobert Iteiulein were guest of iitfVfi of RavenswoodSun-dny evening laquof ja 5 oclock dinner

Mr mid Mr-j Paul Rorre of Glen-view and Mr Uul Mrs iVII of Garshyfield Pari visirtjd Sunday with Mrs Emma Peppio- i

Mr Fred Gk^iss of Libertyville and Mrs Paul Jensen and daughters ofjljakp Forest visited Saturday after- noon with (he [formers s-on George

and family j Mr and Hngt Arthur Froelich and

daughter were Sunday evening- giiests of 5Ir and Mtk George Broughton in Wijiiconda -

Mr[ and- Mrs Fretl Hancker M Elshygin and Mrs T^uis Tarnnw of Igtra-

deev is i ted Sunday with Jlr and[Mrs MtttoS Rndsinski

Mr and Mik Henry Hillman vlsitetl Fred Hillman Sunday aftershynoon nt the George Lintelman bull home

Mr and Mrs Clarence Drinkard ltof Teffetrson Park ispent the week-end with Mr and MrLouis Walbaum

Mr and Mrs John Fink attended the funeral of Mr Finks aunt Mrs

Sofia Wieneclse in Palatine Friday afterntgtn

Mr and Mrs Enoch I^ndwer of Rarrington v^iated Sundajj w i t i their son I e and family

Mesitames Patriih Loom is Weaver Tonne Williams Sandman Buesch-

Injt and Misx Alice Tonjie attended

is frozen over fort|ie first time this winter

s week Th^ lake

Wauconda laquoM) at O E S Installation

Wauconda- Mayfai bull chapter 0-13-S held installation xercisetj on Fr-day evehirig About SOOwere pt-e^c it at the ceremony Mpr-t Amelia Dick-son and- Eugene Prior were retiring worthy matron and patron Elect worthy matron Whs Mrs Adeline Boehmer and Arthur Boehmer was elect patron The following officers were (introduced1 and eblisltite-l Mrs Bessie Broncheon asKoiiate maltron Mrs Mabel Matthews secretary Miss Belle Taggart treasurer Mrs Eflio Fraiftjisco conductress Mrs Louislaquoi Brown associate condulttreMSMr81 Amelia Dickson chaplain Mrs Kinnia Dahms marshi Mrs Miry Prior organist Mrs Alda Smith Ada Mrs Delia K i n a i d U u t h Mrs Myrtl^ Esping Esther Mrs Celestia Ross M a r t h a Mrs Dorothea Ctrr Electa) Mrs Martha Pru-ax wanter and ViHinm Johns seitihel

George Bennett Dies GHojre Bennett an old and highly

res-pecied resident of Wauconda passpd away Wednesday at the home of neighliirs Mr and Mrs Oliver Croy-den who had tenderly cared for him during the last two weeks of hifj life after his return from the Cojnd|gtll

Liberty ville



disal bea

Coigtyrlraquoht raquoy AptfUton and Comp^n|



GHAPTKR t mdash I n concern ar the - iHn d ft full wife of his weath|y friend

earanc of th rb oyi

Crandal White Aaron a laen ier enshygages Motherwell private It vest iga-tor to find hlaquor A note front the mlBstnK woman warns her husband not to c i l l in the police saving she hoped io come back


M [gtT^ERWELLread tiilis through very rapidly and did lotread

it again Holding it in his hand he addressed a question

Lely Her mine Is Clelia sjtid Mr

Glaenzer Is thst ber writing I phot lid say so beyond -A

Here is a note I had frora[ few jdays ago And he


doubt her a

handed Motherwell ai small pale grajy sheet

Dfear Glen [It read] be come iti about four on le Iri

nt yo

Memorjial hospital at where he had been receiv treatm -nt for some time

Mr Bennett wnsborir-i^ Brnnlfcrry Englnrid Juiie 21 1872 this country when-a youilig boy| arid utmost nil this time he lived here He isj sttcvived by a brother iii England

ing medical

a nepljew in niece i|i Nashua]

a large circle oil 4vhltiin hei will be

Fnirmonnt Minn a la These relatives

vame fer t i l e body which was shipped to Iowa for hurijal Mr Bennett had

jf f ricMds here by greatly missed

AM Bruih Passes Away Willbuu A Brush who formerly -re-

sided in and owinetl property at My-lith Park hilt later became a resident of Crystal Luke jiassed away at his home thereon Monday Jan 4 l i e was pn^nged in real estate and insur- a nee huViness He is survived by the widow Mrs Mayiiie C Brush

Ftiiieftil services were held Wednes-ilny at thltgt funeral home at 2gt17 S Michigan avenue Chicago Burial wils at Forest Home cenieterr

i bull

tVtbialjc Silver Wedding

Mr and Mrs John BroWn who te-cithon the Sloeum lake rhad c l e -lrated Hilaquoir silver W-eddingT annivershysary ^a uiday About 75 friends and relalivr alended Both dinner and supper ire served the guests bull

Mr a ad Mrs Brown receive numshyerous and beautiful gifts In departshying guests wished them many more wedding anniversaries The Browns nrV anu ng our most highly respected farniers They have threif children one son Elmer two daughters Eveshylyn and La Verne

Miss YB Turnbull a-eturned Friuny from sMeral days visit with lier lisshyterand jimily Mrs William Shnxy at Kenosha Her nephew Gordon Shaw uecompa uied her home gt |

Tlioinris Moffltt Miss Rink W|jclt unith anil Arthur Lawrence attemled the funefal of Mrs Juul in Chieti|itraquo last week bull bull

Watikegitii visitors Thursday wcln Igtr John Ross Homer Cook iifd wlf^e Dr (Irion Iluhlmrd Lewis Muhlmid Mrs Edith Peck Mrs Cuddle Whitfe Mr andMrs (Jeorge Jepson Victijir Carr at i i lMrs Ciirr

Iionnhl Johnson of Crjrtal Lnae called tit relatives here F-iiliy

Mr a ml Mis Knos Hlwd of Woodshystock spjent a recent-ttoy with Mr nud MrsjClyde Wrlglft1 f

Ahx Rotteiv and Hurry Wiwlellna of ChieiiKo were guests Vt the Cnrr home Sunday

Earle JRroughtOn and ]Virlir Cnier were Chfiigo Visitors Sunday bull

Mr and Mrs FfedSnrrell of Norshyfolk Va| have returned to their hoihe after an I extended yirit at the J J Harris home I

Mr ni d Mrs Harvey Bailey have returned jto their home in Davenport bullla aftifr [several days spcrt with Mrlaquo finiley4 parents Mr ami Mrs Wii-i lard Dir|eU bull bull

Mr artdj Mrs James Carr Mgtert Friday i i Waukegan aitendn a birthday fgtarty in honor of Iheir niece Mary Alice Allen

Aaron Huntooh underwent a major operation tit thif Libertyville Condeil hospital Wednesday

Harry Francisco atfendeil he Amershyican Legibn meet Tuesday evening ai Grayslake

Dr John Roslaquo attended the medical staff meeting lit Condel) Memorial hospital at j Libertyville | Thursday evening -

gt|r and Mrs Roy L a r s i n a n d oliH-dreii of Chichgo spent Sunday with the Frank Dickson famil-

Joseph Wita of Ivanhlaquobdquo spent Tuia-dhy in Waucwda

Mrsvlda Withers wfts-a business caller in W a p R a n Tkjulav IRp

taj It

sure to Friday k over I have lr dont


wont yoju I want to Crannys birthday presenjl thought gtf something b t know wli it you will say


I CU You wfere good friends I udgd Crandiill White and I have been

assoctateil for twenty-five years said Mr Glaenzer There ire not two men in the world closer to me I knew the flrlst Mrs Whit well and her children werei as ree In my housf ]as their own ^1 ond manage is but sevpn old and the present Mrs can hardily be much older titan my second dijighter even now

Ohmdashhf I Then there Is jtjulte a difference^-

White l i s fifty-four sfl|d Glaenzer Clella enrinot p thirty aid sometimes she nearer twenty-five Frankly know her| ]age precisely

is sec-years


Mr over

looks |I dont

have heard n)y daughter tease her about It FnnceA says she Is thlrtr and I supptse she knows They are great ft lei 4s

She nia^ be your dauj htens friend hi lit she Is not yours thought Mi Motherwell thatistute young mat -

Your di lughter does not kn 3Wmdash She thjiks Clella is tak|iig a

cure soneyvhere about somithlng connectd (jdth reducing her weight You kntWfthewomen today-- I i i f

I knowT said Motherwell briefshyly Was mdash s Mrs White quite iveil

I haxe lever seen her when she was not In perfect health said Mr Glaenzei

And ldiipy Contented j If s t e was not I hare nevejr

known tny human being conceal It better snld Mr hlaenzer inshystantly 3he has a remaikably even (Its ponition

Mbtherwsil pondered a motieiit Of dourse Mr Glaenzer i he

said looking squarely at his host there Is nu use my going Int) this unless I hnye at least all -the help you can give hie People dont do odd tilings unless they are itisane without retson Wbroenri reasons are lejss complicated I mean they nil a more limited field thmi men

nd Mrs White hnpi raquoy to-Were Mr gether

Mm VI swered lnsfantly butchooslnk his

hlte tlio Jeweleri

words eiirefulty litis been


slnce I met lier (always taklni hlin conHlderniltii her exceptional liMiiify end the fiict that she Is young enough to lie her husbands daughshyter) a devocd and loving wife1

And Mr WhtteV | Mr Wolfes uttKudo can oily m



HM tmld l|iy one wordmdashbullluflittia-

HlPitl wU

Mr Whites Ills first ninriliigo otjlieP1-mdashrouititicw tlom|esljlc

ship But when iii to this house n Nettles deuth I jhever been In lov We-

njnythlng has liappjened

son Mr Shell land wife of accompanied ber bull bull

Mr and Mrs Perry Johnson of ^Crystal Iike visited at tlilaquo Siundjiy


Carr homo

quickly Itke any life frlend1 brought Cie|l after poor that he tiftal fore If to her Mr Klotherwelt he will die I have not t i e slightest doubt otlt

Where did lie meet het-r was shemdash bull She was nobody In the world but

a Ifeautlful girlsnld Mr Glaenshyzer arraquod ne1 er pretended to bejsny thing else Her nnme was Ciella Lee and shlt was a distant connecshytion of a ^oor and gone-to-teed branch of tlie Virginia Lees Wlien interested I idlesmdashyon know bow kindly and 1 ow interested our New York ladies can bemdash-asked her about this Lgte and that Carrolland all the rest of If (the man it ja hundred gerii -rations smiled sllghpy) she told tlem jusf what I iliave told you II really left tbem jvery little to say I thought |i gt

One or tv o of them dldtft in rite her I believe but after ^rankaR took her to London It was a little eaibarra8slng| for them because she created as they say a fubire there ThW dont know a di ay-mans daughW from a Colonial Dame yon knpjnr over there tald Mr Glaenzer smiling mildly And now Mr Motherwell you know as much as I knowmdashwhich Is nonore thanjBveryJiody knpws he adj^d

k HAk



| I that I con only say that l me that she was1 recom-

Kixcepi- tne young man suggest ed gently what MissLee was doshyling hefonji she married 1 ^ s to Wh|te tol mended to his attention by a Ifrench friend of [wor Nettlesmdashan old gov-jerness She duennn-ed a bakers dozen of music students In Paris and this girl she told hlM had come direct from a conventJjn the South ovraquor h ere somewhere on a icholarshlp She knew all) about ler Ha4 aiij amount of letters he was ia good us she was bequ-

jllful-He paused and sighed It was evishy

dent that (be i was worried to a deshygree

You sie -Mr- Motherwell^ my boor frieni didnt go to the music I alls he SB|H He might have i mrrled anyone he liked I suppose If he hapiens to love beauty more Uaki anything on earth and found 1 with a Ieaspnable amount of love l i the barjainl from a woman who IK one of the 1 rankest I ever jmetmdash poop Cram lull Id give up anything but one of my own children to bring Wer back bjand oyer

You thllnk come back gjaletly

Come bjack

he hlStee8

groaned and put bis

then that she wont Motherwell asked

Come GlaUzef rkgteate(l siornfully Get back you-hieah j think] What but the I most dreadful bdquon ecesslty could j take her away Dees tnat letter sound like an eloping wife And why should

ife go A lorep literally adored by a man whi would cut out his eyes if she wai ted them set In a dinshyner ring Pfcjarls ia yacht+-you kpow Moth erw^ll anjthlng dn fjlojds earth she wutlred His ^ch^ldren fmendly e en which Isnt always o be expec eltL you know And such i man Si ch a character suchl dlS-j tl ictkgtnf 8 ich brains and bellevbulle

ne Mo|hei (veil more charm than I ier found In one of your countryshymen Whal do you make of the letshyter Mother (veil

I think as anybody must tlitnk of course hat she was forcell to gc for soniiraquo reuson or thought alie wis and ilialj she couldnt we llletl it beauae she cried when-she wrote it I think that she may have been intlfnliiate-d by threats against her husbands lifemdashperhaps iher own but t should say his

v What said Motherwell after a moment coes lie expect- to do] In caiie she doisnt return after area-soiable tim^f

iHIaenzer ly What

iipread his hands blank- an| he do After tjhat

You thlhk



to felt


letter he vtoulti not dare appea thffl police

Lely m ins what she said told me V

rThat | s Motherwell torrecied sle means the t she h a d t o write it Itsbull ncji very difficult to dei stand tftit she may have that she had to at lejast 7

You men11 that this may not bet feeling bull at all but a dictated phrase mor or less T

And -thj ttiat base Its simply ^he threat of any cvimlnaL

Of cdurseL We thought of that Ami yetmdash said Glaenzei slowly Si e may- hive meant lt Mi Moth1

envell We have to ^member thatj And If laquohe |l|dmdash-then she never will come back

so Clella Wjhlte Is one of the most

even-temper ad women I ever knevf sali 1 Mr Glaenzer] but she Is tkao one of the Los t determined That letter sounds) vfery[ much like lier Mr MotherWell] [What does ihe say there jmdashRemember that I meim R Personally- ^ think she does bull -

ITou mean that you think she waiited to disappear like that |

bull dont say tjiat Of course she couldnt watt to Rut I think that she thought she had to I admit frankly that that doesnt sound to me like a dltnted letter Mf Moth-erwjl l -[-bull - bull bull bull bull bull

J It wtls evitlently decided In great

hasle nil of It The paper Its oti^ IIhe chaotic way its written tile repHltlons the utter lack of jmspti-hilltm the fact ijhnt she leaves the jillbl b her hmbitiHl I But my dimr yonng mnn tllaeiji-

Iier I-Interrnpted i luiHtlly people Ion inuke elaborate -|iropiiratlonH or lelngmdash he stopped suddenly j flelng what Moiherwell asked jOsrss Mr Glaenzer you know

you dont think Mrs White was abshyduct ed

|fo I dont the Jeweler agreed shortly I Youre very clever Mr Motherwell I dont As a matter of fact people dont afiduct rich men ally som

but the usually

irhapsJ litfully e rich

|s wives Chlldren| occasion-letter naming the ran-comes along quickly Motherwell suggested theyre afraid the

Inian mightnt pay such a lai-ge ransom1 for his wife Bijt It BO happens that in this case the rich man would I take it there are no ciildren I

NJane j A|J a matter of fact It wouldnt

be at all Impossible to abduct a rich man wife Motherwell persisted I admit iff not a fashionably crime but It Could be done He would pay anything wouldnt his

Anything he owns Then it willbe easier -Eiiaierr | Whyvof course Its milch easier

to find a woman1 Who doesnt want to be lost than one who does And one thing that makes it easier in any event In tills ladys case ts her spectacular bet uty It must be fairshyly dlincult to keep such a person unnoticed I slould think Do yjou

w what eJu had on when she

^ f e i

left thje house t-Nor said Clacnzer despairingly

Hve djint And we cant very well ask made C|randall telephone Iter maid froth my house

What did he say) Why let me see he suM Cog-

geshai ypuirmistress has decid ed suddenly to stay out of town Shes not milte up to the mark Im sorry o sal and wants you to puck heir cbthes ifor a tew-daysmdashnegll-gees j nd simple things you know Send them to the office anil Ill take them M-i i bull ]

I sippose you dont she an swered I bullbull

Wfcy yes as It halppens I asklt d him because I of C01|l were _r been back all that evelalngv and OrandaU Was nearly wild] She only sailtl Is that so sir Im truly sorry PR pack directly sir I suppose she woit ^faat you to bring any of her jewlels sir 1 bull - So then [he said ho and 1 nudged and whispered to him to ask if she had enoiUghv or scmething like that I thought It would be an ex-

chtincep+-V ] bull Exacltly1 artd had shte

sure she had only her wed-anji guard Mr White

Medusa of jcourse she

know what

I Yl-I do

wondered] U- illiui UCVBUDX j A nvMuvicwi rseraquo Just what jthe servants hlnking You see she jhadht


j T m ding rlhgl and the answered]


tored Mr and Mrs Carl Ill

cngo and Etui Phillips ol were Sunday guests of 3i| Wf B Philllpa j bull

Mr and Mrs Harold JKelsey eiiter-taincd Mr ami Mrs W RJ Comfdrt of PalntHje Mr and Mrs Jjoe Wollar and Mrs Mitchell of Birrington at theirIiome Tllursday ev|ning

Elaine Rasmussen of dary enjoyed the week-end at the hope of her aunt Mrs Frank Lages|hult^

Mr and Mrs Henry Feekitig called on Mr and4VIrs Albert gt artin of Al-goniiuiu Sunday

t and Mngt Frank Kelsey and Mrs Oliver Fitts of Shally Hill m6lt-tored to Elgin Saturday

Mr and Sirs Peter s A rorkmnn of Park Ridge Were Saturdi y afterhoon callers at tlie Frank Kir gty f ome

|v Mr and Mrs Frank Lageschulte enjoyed Saturday with Mr andMrs Frank Rasmussen of Carlaquo gtbullbull

Mr and Mrs Harry --1) onncr S^rs B Donuer Lucy DonUci Mr and

s i r y Moth-the Medusa enjvell asked J

The jeweler handed him for the second time the magazine etill open at the portrait bullbullJShe has jit oh lie said

Agalnst an evening dress of irshyidescent white cunhlngly massed against her marvelous skin there shone but ^ne Jewel al laihhent green thing as large as a wlvee dolshylar or nearly in low but exquisiteshyly clear relief was cut uponh it a womans beautiful face framed in a mass of iossing serpents toreg tiny for belief At flrsjt you tlioughtf theni wild locks of he|lr merely but In a moment you knew theim for What they were and wondered since) the painter was so glf teiuj what must the gerflipounduitei hajce beeai I


Boy Scouts Troop 21

Scouts of Troop 21 assembled in the troop meeting roonis on Thursday Jan 7 for a business and patrol meeting The meeting w a s called to orSer at 7 30 and adjourned at D i l5 The business lasted for 30 minutes and the patrol meeting enme to order and adjourned after one hour

Mr Englesman] a lieutenant in the National Guard is teaching the troop the advantages off marching He gave instructions for about 20 minutes The troop then j played a game similar to the initiation of the Order of the ^ r -row The Order of the^ Arrow is a secret organization in scout camps This1 was furnished by the] Wolf pashytrol being assisted by the Black Bear patrol - i bull

bull As there were only a few scouts at the Board of Review there will bo no Court of Honor Their awards will be mailed to the- troop and given to them by their scoutmanter

A C B jv T L

Buelness Notices Bring JResults

i raquo

Cuba TowAship1 - - _ - bull i bull 1 1

Chniles Finn of spigtnt Thursday and home of his M Htcr of Hhady Hill I

C H irpontersville Friday at Abe

Mrs f 8hlaquody Milii Mr and Mrs] H irold

bullml to Chicago ThtirH I

Oliver FlltK

Kelsey ntO gtbull lt

j|lipraquo of Chi Barrington

r and Mrs

Mrs Johh Uy|n M4 ward ftyan tiiidson cwgo Mrjandiilrif Alii) J children Uutljj Therj^ of Criry spettMSundflJi Jjw Mrs Conrad raquornus 1 Mr and Mm W Palatine enjoyjd p in l

^Ir and Mrf Harold vrbullbull jniilpH hddi

Moinlay-1 f A

AVarrcn ann sen and Alico-li S^ridaytcalleriii

hulte] home MkoKelsey

iVednesday call nd Mrs Myro

Mr and M gtundajflevenin| r and Mrs

j Mr and Grandview Huidivuiiti l to Chicago forlpvo mn [Mr M M|i Beiai Were Thesday 1 veninj lnjnie ot Mr a d Mr hagen of Prairlt A ielaquo Mrijand Mi|gt - Fr-ShadyvHill we|sect Thu -i

rfhe Albert Abbott hon e| (he Wilfred Uo sou hj I Mr a|id MTsijirank ip Elgin Monjliy

bull - i |

il Mr u

No (J Ivrm

H raquo bullI Mt


am bullttraquo


nr nk



fbullieaco 1^ | ITfcoiMofl


flwnisch o

l T v M hick

^Worf bdquors bdquo tbf

M M gt r t Wild

Reluct 0)| wallers 1frac34 called il

) Cnry v motors

jjeoves1 Orii TfUST imake a bundle of eve J| thini that you We U tract th

for itmdashwash it water in our spi

baskets-^-and return every p sweetly clean ami just dam enough fpr ironing Thus spare yo^ithe more arduousw day tasilsmdashan^l 4gt raquot at a pr much legs than home-washi costs JMav lire C i l l e r ne| weeks^ ash Phone us your ai dress bull bull)(

- -- fK ]

Lsium 26




1 I T Look for thoroilghne^i in Pontiac engineering fn a 1 new gear-shifting effortlessmdashsecond gear is really quietmdashand coast along at will Then shift gears without totichi ig the telu but all three of these big improvements in all Pontiacs at to extrdxosk

if chief of ^y v a l u e s

Pontiac offers those important developments at no extra cost








47 CHASSIS POINTS bull bull bull


reejwh clutch

iacs ampyncrjH or n A r ilaquo L t 1^1

Wheeling fipe|mit^ You $et not

NEW PONTIA h W 1 e lt

the Important Devlaquoiop|rr| |i 5 r^ j 1 M bull r 11

Year to Mhfa Low-Pilce

Brings of the f deg NEW WqfrfTIA Qfteisi the bis l f f ictM ojV-4 formante at a Lfat Prce r

li)U to



21 Sdft tBtri itooL amp CSgtLNS

Tel Barring ton J8B KF Cool Street I ( J

FOEHLER MOTOR 8ALES 02 No Wf irgreea Avenue

Arlington Helgh|taIIU MR H B N R r S H O P f B T P n l M I ^ I l L | - lt


Criftekti RAND

wa AN OVtraquojtAHntdGpimiAtLUp^30mi^






bull gt

1 i




L^ J


(Jtinued f^W page i

( J lelaquoutttul Hew Barriii W r bdquo bull i i bdquo | W)UHejulaquot j

^ ^ ^ - ^ oulaquo hull

whil m r n r ) ibdquot -Teaeherraquo n s

W hoo l auditorluin t o n laquo h t r

raquoub ( ) ir eerswereotecteA l to

^ r r L rencc nr8t viee ^ i

r w - r ^ V e r n s t m j W - bullbullgt n r k e r feecretary MJlaquoS

r 1 ulev ou- y o u t h s t U y met n o - h ^ r f laquo r c rfre into Mi r Lbdquo~raquobdquo kih

day^1 ^T^ ^t iv^A largeb|irrcont^ J n d ^ i ^ t w ^ U o ^ U t ^ ^

I an uutMi bile and a mrik ^ i n f u y ^ t e M ^ k l e f a r m

bullthree JIIV ff w 0 ^ (|^trogted by 6re aftoruoon

0laquoraquot bull-

of tiarrii early Tlinr

laquo bull - - A r m y spotlights usf bull c l r a T y o f M n i e r a f r o i p F o r f h laquogt =ltbull raquolaquovirglaquo laquo u r raquo u llt1 bdquo nVllMMiriK miiht fliers

ffl ^ he h^rvfn- -do-r i^ f c J bull b T S - Tl) soldier are s t j tu nedj bulltradebdquorirv encampment | tVQ J

t n deg S bdquorringtW iThv^bje north t | bdquo pl ^IKi is ii I ra raquo ithe solil t | | (gt |gtl i lgt-lllt- - bull-- bull bull - T mdash bull - j

hi W a i i up n tdaiie in h e | shod |Hgtssrtflr tii iV 1 v- bull-bull

Oct i t y N c j proentMl- nf S 1 7 5 riiilizgtl fewlaquou the lt-ii-iil- pi r t v f h v ]

[ Biltm I l j imlry -lt-lu|lgt- HriTiiv for hlt- iiinlyen ltgtf iiirriMsHi^ townships i-elief fuiul T h e s i r r j ^KVl lS was[ net red laquo t lhltgt lirst tit iraquoarty i IIIH)ltMgt hlaquoraquoh| at the Tea Colt)ltraquo I t

Nov SmdashTlngt hnrvest fe^SValnj toiiight Willi u HulIiVweiii - p a r niiisiiil jirosrani and t a l k ltm - inifriiii Si-lltriiited Ifcat hy AVJ rtriiii-ili (il the sihool aiuiitoriuij

jVji ^IUA-VNIW intWrnl ban bulltuViird HUH ItiiiitUKloju -aiaiiis H (and in Ji-iiiv of- iilimit i o o InTilir-viii Ioinpiiiiv mlaquon rtrt^lid tli) i mil Ui nt bull] ho noissu ry ix l jnstnlet l lraquoi)iii(iv to lit the1 new-Iras Ahgti i t | lliiisons iittiiided the A u x i iiiryTS Mails Arinistiltraquoltraquo I lay (Ut nor li t4Hou hall Widm^dity- iiusht

Xiiv I lmdashHiirringtoli h a s llievt bull nil illiiiTiu-y |Ki-olttntngc of a n y

i th jt i w p u l i |n t SfgoJ

~ ic ]

mming thlaquogt]

Iiimlilv in t h e Ntate w wf Lri(Mt iHcording t o miiil ir i is i is s u r v e y seflt ~tn Tlv

viiiv t h i s w o j k JKi T h i n s for r ^ bdquo

misiylittv ) inor l ine Hides f r o m ilnwntraquo II s t ree t s of B o r r i n g t o n - aniioiiMied todaybullbull It iwilj hivraquor f

donelaquoiie st-i igtt ut laquo t ime Iurt

e|ieiise ill iiiukilijf tlligt ^-lifrilfE w I


AH 1



increases i

POUlTliyJnmhtvel and evenjog lighting

comes a flew deyelbbn poultry bouse brings est egg productiitt espeOS eggs s c i y peak pricsfct ~- v - -I J v lt Tlie cxpkrwtjon is StmJ the house bullislightecltl to lay mow


the Ohio tulte pul(ei weeb Birds to Inarch ls|r Also even though


The relatively small cos times offset b y the prof Careful use

ii pt thcreas^d

averagedl |rhen thep

is the Ithey weic

molt into production ofligh t can


For complex poultry house the Public one of our r oh you H e try house an Remembeti


U^da^l iceCon

restentativ ill help] also recc exe^isiap

PuBmi s i i OFHdftl


1 i f


Flaquocopy flhExp tl i-^rt

wr i td a laquowd ask fori



1 1


l ll

gt gt



IK f

bulli i t

bull1 ) I d M

i 1-I


i 1raquo

I - A ]

p ltl M

tali a l vaa Mr and M R ^ I lt-I jKiif -MIIJ sraquon Robert oft^Tf

- r j U 1(11 Mrs A u g u s t K r a a s 1 bulllr|i Ifiili T h e r e s e a n d E - j i i 4 s | i t S u n d a y w i t h Mgt I

M C-gtnri 1 K n u i s M

I x -i-^ M r- w- K- Claquomfcraquo j r bull^y-r Sunday d i n n e r - - 1 | I nil Mt IIiirld Kelsey lt

bull C l i |M)illi|s mtigtred (r i M -gtbull p ^ i f V I I f | l | I 1-11frac34 I I

^ f laquolaquo A l l - - Mi l l er of C a r ^ H ir i i i v - i m-rv laquo the KranL- e N

H f gtlt -

K i raquo u i 11 Jjt ri4 mdashbulllaquolaquolaquobull

^ raquo r M V f t i a l h - a t t h e h o w V H

^ r n bdquo d J l r K| Igtramlaquotait ^ e J iil-y -verting callers a t t h c H Tod M | N B m a n l z i i 2 S 0 B e 0 laquo

f fJ 1 1


I A I -bullbull U rlaquo


fih firaquo

laquo i if i

r )- VraquoH[- a r r h e Kranfc e N Mi S C T 1


1 bullbullbullbullbullbull ^-iwiorf i - f t ml- Mrs Pau l HanlM-h bdquof j H l i - i w lMivis ilaquon moved bacfcS j i biult fr two months gt -1

Nff 77711 ^ M r ^ B e r n a r d Ze l sdoJ h - T ^ v - r e n i n callers a t 5

J j - f M i n d Mrs Albert t ^ i a - -i -1 Ir-hn- View - r W

Mr iil Mrs F r a n k Kelsev bdquolaquor -bullU ij raquo home and en l lL a t

tivlaquon home in Caj-y

n d laquo ^ f l n k K d S e y m deg ^ r e J

1raquo Ml V

^ - i i - l | r

Hi M

f + I iu-it-^ Not ice B r i n g R e s u l t


lw fjm y




M fc^ iea hutidle of etery-

lill lor jimdashgt-ujsK it-r-cxj bullvfiter n our ^pidning

(spi-alc d re iurn every piece ^Uvri and jusi d^fflp

iroiiinjg Thuk we xnpteacduous Wash-tnd dd it at a copyrice hnl fcoine-vv^sr|ing

ay we call iFor itext Phone ui youij ad-

tU I

u peed wasttied


oh iLau^idry oripj26 I f il I ^ W l


r O N D | f t St bullp^U^JTHliEE


tt laquo

Iff A


i i i^outiics ncjro-Mesh make

ami-1rty-r^-heeling fieri^iits you to

t u- klutiflix You jket not just one

^H^UitriJicosk bull y i i I bull I (

bullSi- i f-

PONTlAc SIX I-U ^ipoftdne Deveopmen(s

fajrfo the Low-Price Field

PokriAc v-8

Mm tlkhli


iNtif P^OPI


Distinction pf V-8 Pw-a Likt Price] under 8S0

BI^OSJ^ [COLLINS IftI Karpringtrin 2r

[ I I fa r r ing ton I f f i W

ltJK H U s i 8 S C ^ A U f e L E T S O A B A O B t^n i eT

ts ii I 8^ S r a n t Avenue

| jCrySal Lake BJL bull

IKAND b O A D G A R A O B t i a c o n d a IB j

V A t O B 4oi


_ d i

ptoess of Last pfonths of 31 Reviewed in Brief

BARRINGTON REVIEWj takeh ca re of by the Publ ic Service

th res t by proper ty owners

i--ni 1raquolaquo 1 I

bull i nviv HarriiiRton house jllKt com the raquold building

bull Ti l iers associa-ir ilie KarriiiRtoh

11 totiiclit The --1- -lected to head president Mrs

I vire pOKjidcnt - (ren-s-lirer Mrs i irv Miss Doro-1--- youths broke

bulli ltlviv store Fr i -bull j _-ids valued a t

- mi contents of v 1-- i pr ivate Rashy

in I a mi lk house | M-rkle fiirni es ta te -i of Harr ington bull bullbullbull enrly Tlmrmlay

- l i^lils used by M-in Fort Slier- i iiiMe in oh-

-11 ll iers have -11-- the jiast

bull -1 iHied a( a

- -t two miles Tli- object of

bull I he so ld iers r the shortes t

bullbull SI To Were 1 l l i hl 111

1 1 1 - n i i h (

- - lt M | e lt i i l m

T h e s | ( t i | ( i f

- he lir-d lieiie-- il I he Imvel

bull IV-l bullbullbull I

bull bull i i | i i l i l e

- 11 Co l l

bull bull lv W-K bull bull i I-in in

e i - 11 s

1-- I I I IS I n l l l l V

t I--11- S T

11- Milage bull n s l l l l l l l s o f

- A-i l l - J bull u-v S-rvn-e

bull bull bull - h e l d l i t

- the low-

- I i lv l l l l l l l i -

bulli i |e i ( i l la t ion I S goverii-

- Th-He-

bull - Hi -ihe Id

bullbullbullbull- Il-iH the 1- -11 on wore

IIV e i l ^ III

I - n f lh -- Will I)

Dec 1 0 j - A t ax levy of $700 was voted nt the sigtecial Cuba town meetshying a t Har r ing ton Monday afternoon to cover the relief needs for the year 1032 T h i s levy will be raised by 11)31 taxes payable next yea r A $2-000 tax levy for pauper relief in Kla town was voted a t a mee t ing held it) Lake Zurich Monday afternoon E ighty spruce trcelaquo ar r ived in Bar r ing ton today jus t ahead of a beautiful Deshycember suowstorni to be erected throughout the business d is t r ic t The first conce r t appearance of the 110^ Bar r ing ton communi ty orchestra was a t the school audi tor ium Tuesday evening I as a benefit performance shared equally by t h e B a r r i n g t o n W o m a n s club and the orchestra

Dec 17mdashCollections to ta l ing $ V 42343 and disbursements amount ing to $17041 were reported by the Bar shyrington Belief committee for the pershyiod^ ending Dec 1 1

Dc-e 24mdashChris tmas cheer baskets will be sent to 35 families

Dec 31mdashA tax of $6 on every $100 of assesved bull va luat ion 1930 levy will be paid by B a r r i n g t o n proper ty owni ers living sou th of Main s t reet acshycording to r a t e s published Monday More than one-half of th is amoun t is for school operation and upkeep

New Coffee Shop (jpens for Businesjs Satut|day

The new Dayton Cofftc tj-hop dnder the m a n a g e m e n t of M r George A t kins will j jpen i)p for business in the Dayton bull Hotel Iniilding nor th of the Nor th Wes te rn statfon on Sa turday J a n 16 bull

Har r ing ton s new specialize in light service d inners a t regular hours and special p a r t y ami Sun lay pinners Complete modern cquipiuent has been installed to make it a n up-to-date eat ing l)lace The n ianagemint announces both counter and table service

The opening ai nounci ment appears

Itir ch room will lum hes fountain

in an advertiseinejit on ltif The Review


MrS| George Blackburn ejitertttined lite past ma t rons of Mayflower Chapshyter O E S on F r i d a y afternoon

Mr juid Mrs L - I I Cypher spent Saturday- evening with the hi t ter s lrotlier Uiiliartl Baseley and family

at Orays-liilir Leslie Nor th und Miss Clara Kunile

of r n i o i i unit Mi and Mrs WiUiani Baseley of Woodstock were Sundae visitors at the 1 II--Cypher honre

jMrs Clnyloii W-erdeii entertaitied 30 members itm| friends of the LndieH Auxi l iary of the Federated churcji IViursdav iittertiMn

Uesideuls were slarlleil early Silt bull itidiiy tnoiiiiitg by -t i le fire tnicl wllbitle wtieii the homo of Faill gtlll(H(-bullltrti about a mile west-of town Wilt cpirfej ii lire but the lire was ex 1 ingiilshei 11fore the llreiiteu ^aiiivd with but t i t t le damage The l i r e Was located on 1 he pof near the chimney

( 1 jetniiii timldaughter iniil- Mr ciil Mrs hola tul MtCiiinion itt|d siiit oi lli i iu 101 were Sunday gue i 11 |i (icorgc JcpNol) lionie

Ms- Mny Italey spent Fr iday i||i IIM-II^V bull

- anil Mrs bullbullWarier I luii lu 11 ut v s|bdquo||( Sunday at the Arthnir I-1 0 HI- line in Chicago | M s (ieorgi M lepson and ton lt i r were Crys ta l Lake- callers Sa tu rday

Frigidaire Looks fcr Greater Year in 1932

Pr ig ida i re s advert is ing and promoshytional program for 1932 will bel dishyrected toward surpassing 1931 - w| it built and shipped 3 5 household models than

666 (Kid jfJiitiid or Tablets used [internally and 0H0 Salve external ly m a k e a comshyplete a n d effective t rea tment for Colds

SSfOOd n Cash Prizes X-h Your Druggist for I a r t i cu la r s

PROVED A$ll- nighflighting Increases egg production

| ) i t CRY men have known for years thlaquot etrly-mornlng bull -m I evening lightingmttkes hens lay more eggs Now 1 s -new ilcvclopment All-night lighting in the r -bull -11 ry house brings even better resultsmdashfurther increases ltn |Tiluction especially during winter months when uik srll at peak prices

bullbullI- (lination is simple Hens are more active when lt i use is lighted They eat more feedmdashand are able liy more eggs N bull bull

bullic Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station finds that ma-[ re pullets increased from 40 to 75 production in 4 bullbulltks Birds averaged 57 eggs each from becember lit

laquo March 1st when the poultry house was lighted all night Vso important is the fact that the hens gained weight ltbullbulllt- n though they were laying more eggs

bull - - bull

li-c relatively small cost of -all-night lighting is several -s offset by the profits from increasedegg production f-Tttul use of light can also bring pullets and hens out of r-raquolc intq produaton

i-v-r complete information on the benefits of all-night poultry house lighting you are invited to ^rite or phone e Public Service Company We will be glad to send 1 ic of our representatives familiar with this subject to call 1 n you He will help youplan the wiring of your poulshytry house apoundid also recommend the proper lights to use Rmember there isno obligation



For a copy of the Experiment Stations report write Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station Wooster Ohio

andaskfor Bulletin 476 No charge^

I bull bull bull

Lc iJML a f e ^ v i ^ f e

another page

hen jSer cent more

dur ing the

p r o dentl


BARRINGTON ing year E G Bi ichler presi-

i ami general manager said rlltl a t t a i n t l is still l a rger volume

we a r e increasing t h e number n d type of our stiles out le ts and ip t ro ducing new ne rcband i s i O u r line has t een expan wider marke t equiremerits W e a r e now1 building staall un i t a i r condition ing p lants suitible for elf her home or offic use he- said

conveniences IThe economies and


r uui

Ided metpods to meet

of electric refrigeration equipment cons i tu te a popu la r and logical buyshying urge in bdth the household and commercial fields

Q u r field inventories a re the lowshyest a t this t ime of the year they have been in several years on the same date W e a re expecting ha t ^vhen-Frigidairei s nel resul ts of 193^ ore tabulated they will reflect a decided improvement over 1931 | bull

and other listel securities bpuamphti sold and quoted

GOVEN EDDINS amp Co ( LaSa l le Street cor Madison Street 1 1 1 S o u t h

C H I C A G O Telephones F r a n k l i n 4719

AT THE 7r7 I Bridge Ballroom


day Night i oclock i


9 p m untill 1 oclock

Ward Drill artd I^is Banltt


f lt bull


e ione educes Prilt

Buy now

Dont dri c on worn |inioo|th when you can have new Firestone fTires at these low rices

Never hei ore could ylt |i huy remarkable values

You get extra strength] extra safety extra service with every Firestone Tire because of tliese extra struction features


Ford CbevMgtllaquotj ChTrc4at Fordmdash^ Ford Hl i lM II

Chovrokt Whippet J Eraklno Plymouth Chandler^ DaSotou^ Dodse)Mu IlttMliVaM Gr Paige Poi|tlacw~ RoOMvelt WUljrfKnlaquo

o f t h e t i r e manuCkcturer bull t o n e Serv ice D e a l e r s a n d Serv ice Si o n every t i r e F i r e a t o n e m a k e s


440-21 $ 4 7 t | MJO

^50-20 SSS 450-21 S43


475-20 i bull

soo-uH sect sa1

tone con- 1931mdashthe year in which values their extra safety and satisfaction


N a i h H I I M N I I


Na h Ih u n o b laquo

i ok Mi Irt ioby

lakmdashraquo Aubunu IondssilaquouM H M k H r i M M I H H

Studebkr |nMPCUIMpMraquoalaquo M-UPIIIOIIMW

bullOulsttiL ipAttPlttMi StaUebVjr

1 brand tlr^a are madej by a i|iahiif^Catajer wltl^ont his nanie for


Gam-Dlp iraquo lng the Fin H9tone patented extra process that makes the ct rd body tougher

t ireS |- and stronger

o E x t r a C o r d P i l e s U n d e r t h e Treat a patented Firestone construction that gives added protection against punctures and blpW-outs an d stronger bond bet and coird body

| I j o u g h e r t h l e k e r n o n - s k i d treaidl that gives greater non-skid protection and longer nOn-skid Wear

tween tread

counted most^was for Firestone a year

4fi te mm

108 S

D R I V E Listen to tfie Voic

5 h

550-191 sect4laquo| 1

the lowest prices ilk history

Chryalrir Studehhr Viking Franklin laquo [Hudaon Hupmobei Bttideb kV La Sail i nu (Paekard

CadUIobdquo LlnoolnuuM Packard bdquo


600-18 HD

600+19 i i a

600-20 BD

1600-21 1600-frac34


1650-20 HD

700-20 B 0


bull i ition by matt order houses and other lutora unde^ their own bianda^pinea^firel are aofl to the publiewithoui the reaponsibUiiy identity or guarantee

r Firestone donotmakje Speela| Brand tires for ANYONEl FtrieatoneT^ a n aold though Flre-vrhogijre eompljete sdrvice You get extra protection with the name Firestone



of great Accompli shment Because of B u t t o n 8 raquoneqraquoaed poblUdn Jh huy-ing raw Biaterials---rubber and cotton ---efficient factories and economical disiributi on they gave car owners the greatest values in ii|eir history $


IMyeinioday Equip your c i r wit^i Firestone Gum-Dijjped Tires anlaquoJ enjoy


30x5 HD 4 32x6 HD 34x7HDlJ 36x8 HD 600-20 HB 650-20 HE 750-20 HE 900-20 HE 975-20 HD

oil tire if tetter i bullbull



ioJO Slaquo4S 4M



- I 1


f gt

i 1 M f gt

gt 1-1 -

OOSlUs OlMraStM-Every tire mana-faetnred by Firlt atone bears the name bullbullFIRESTONE tind earriea their and our

ted guaran tee You are doubly pro- t TI t


Tel ington 497


Barrington Illinolt r


j j j l ^ laquo ^ ^ ^ 2

D EQUIP YOUR CA ires tone Every Monday Night


i nt

i i

raquo - lt


bull )


f laquo n j o y s Eighty Arst f [ raquoirthdajr -bulllaquo Mrs L l Sehroeder 413 S Cook ^otreer- enjoyed her eightv-nrgtt birth-Sday anniversjirji Friduy Jnn 8 | _bull-bull- Mrs Jkhrowlcr is the oldest mefli ( | j e r of 41ie missionary society of t)Se

f g a l e m church and many members jof Jpoundhls organization railed at the Scbrd-raquoder home Kridiy afternoon to express J their beat wishes those who were uraquo-feable tohow rotirtesy to Mrs Sehroe-f 4 e r in this V i y sent greetings by

ifpnenns of IJ yostil card shower

1 At_ sin oclock Mrs Sehroeder en-t joyed abirthday dinner with Rev and

fWrs Philip Riraquoulaquoher and Mr and twrs George futdwer and family as Claquouests l i lti happened that Rev ^ e t i s c h e r end Miss Eunice Landwer

ftlso were (lebiflting their birthdays


v Misvionary Irgtlaquoram Interesting

The ell-dvv missionary program Tuesday

ful The iven over to White gtvigtd by sin enjoyable

fciven at -the Baptist church rl proved Jo l very successful morning w i s i (lfigtss woilr fll fiot-luck dimi-r

Mrs T lUwIuigs of the Woodlawn Btjgttit chuili ltgtf fMiicngo gnlve the address ltf (Jie itmrnoon program takshying alt her -11(1 ieltt ^Missionary Kead-

iu2 Contcsl W gtrfe MI-N Helen Drus-sel gave f vpurt on her visit to the ttnplist missionary training school in Chh-Hgo vlncli was both interesting iiinl edntlaquoiicgt) il and Mrs bull Tohn Sheesley i-i-vii-wid several chnplt$rsof the study 1-1 T V diiilhjilfe of (liiiure in HI interesting manner About 2gt in bulliiiie-rs enioyed this all-ilay liieetiuK

Enjoy Kainili

tat tiering Mrs V (bdlister Mrs Kmest

Kieke Mrs J-IIHSII Coe and family Mr ind Mi- Clifford Stijuit and famshyily Mr and Mrs thiiidlWt Hiekc mul son Hid Mr gtnd Mr-- Victor Itieke niv1 tiimilv It gti Biirrington enjoyed n f-imily tiili-ring at the home of Mrgt lti li fvl 11-I1 in Chicago Saturshyday It loos | to be a surprise to Mi- MIIIIII raquoitii iier vigtri-ri Mrs Anna lloniin nl -iier a very enjoyable lgtot Jnefe- dinner the afteituHin was spent Kueiillt MrsL Ilojlister Mrs K Uieke Tirs Doiiini | adit Mrs Mar-li raquorgt sUiis

Kntertains Thursday bull Club bull j

Mrs A V-iielt l i t AV Lake Ktrt v HS ligt-tess 1raquo tlie Thursday rlnli Janmiry 7 it a pretty one oclock lniiiheoii The lfternunii was enjoyed at lnincji wilti nvards goiuK to Mrs I Powers Mr y ( Schroedeo and Mrs V II White

The spirit of bull Christmas--was still ei ident ft tlii-s party and the -cheershyful tree efforiled a gift for each quest vho nmvra-piieil the interesting pack-Ill e with smdash fni-li ze-t is she did tjhose of 111 ( ilIl-r lti ite

W R C Hirtds -Installation At Officers ^

T^e BarrWgtort W ^ C nesday aftettiafengtatt6e Catraquow4 HMI where the installation of officers took place ^r^f^j^a(PTOnraquonrfer-^ajas installing officer Mr Virginia Haw-ley as installing coiiductor and Mrs Myrtle Abbott as chaplain The four color bearers were as follows Mrs Lena Sass Mrs Matilda Kuhl-man Mrs Mae Scherf and Mrs ampfary Rohlmeier A social hour folowen the installation program

Entertains Lions Bridge Club

Mrs M H Schreibe-r S02 8 book street was hostess at a bridge party Monday evening for men hers of the Lions Ladies Bridge club andseveral guests xt the close of a very pleasant evening prizes were awardshyed to Mrs Warren Meier Mrs Lesshylie McClure and Mrs-Alfred Church Mrs Harry Hoglund received the

guest prize Dainty refreshments AYHe served by the hostess

I-Bntertaihs Twelve Guests |

Mrs 7 C Foelschow enfeijtained group o twelve friends Wltdnesda|r evening at bunco and other games Dainty lefwshmehts complete an er joyable wening and prizes nere re eeived by Mrs Ernest Rieck ijnd Mrs| Fred Sqhumaker

MiS wer

Attend Concert at Blackstoie Motel

Miss Mae Johnson and Blanche Frye of Barringtoi guests of the Lake View Musical club at the B ackstonc hotel Moiidi y after noon at| an artists recital I y Tom ford H a r r i s - a t the--piano a | idMis^ Ruby Lj on vocal soloist

Entertains Philathea Members

The Philathea class of the Salem church will be entertained at the home of Mrs S L Landwer 30 S Hough street Friday night This is the regular bi-monthly meeting of the organization and the business session will be given over to the election of officers Mrs Frank Gieske has served as teacher of the group for seventeen years

Give Dinner for Victorious Bowlers

Members of the Jefferson lee- Co bowling team were guests of honor at a dinner held at The Farm rond-hoiise Monday evening with members of the -Chicago team as hosts After dinrjer thestag|tuirty adjourned to soipe bowling alleys for a few (games flood fellowship was the keyijote of the evening J

TlMtater Party Hear Madame Butterfly

The following Barington people will enjoy a theater-party and hear Matlame Butterfly at[the Civic opera hoijsei Wednesday nijsht Mrs K A Beerman MrsJ E Montgomery Mrs Clyde Carr Mrs Edwin Olcott | bchle prizes iUrs- K F Wichmnh Misj H Muth Milhjr Mrs gtfis Harry -Brandt lind Mrs William KJesslei- nf Palatine

To Enteijtain Ojorcas Society i J 16 floiifes society Of the

^LMilifjmeetfLt^ie horn of-(1frac34frac34 Mrs Anna Ahren i fo

chiflrc pi-esii ipcia1alfteirnoon Tuesday Officers for the coming year elected at a short business preceding the social hour

Baptist th|raquo

f o j Jtan^lf

will bs meetin f

Annoiinri Betrothal of Miss Hoernecke

Mr nnd Mrs A H Hoeme Grove avenue announces the ment of their daughter Wilhelmini Marie to Leonard J iframer Mr and Mrs Sandusky O

Willianv Kramer

Entertains 500 Club bull

Mrs Cora Purcell 311 streit was hostess Friday (to


club At the close of an enjoyable afternoon prizes were awarded William Grunaii Mrs E dorf and Mrs Delia Cadj


w^mp -bull--y-yf

bull raquo - i - 1

son Donaljl all of Naperville vlrere guests Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs i l l lden Gieske 124 N l i a r ripon street Mrs Gasscr is an a|unt

Mrs Glske- bull bull It-)

M i s M rgaret Weiclielt 106 Eake street enjoyed Saturday Sjlnday wilh frienils a t K n o t coi Galesburg

Mrs Clifford Sjsout and daughter Phyllis 431 Cook street hlaquoard Mlgnon it the Civjc opera h^use

Monday evrning


w and ege

Dotterrer |549 Division street spen|t several days this weeljc at Geneva N trip

ke 41( engage

isor o f


Mrsj Dudley darmichael 520 plvision street re-


Mr and ahd sons turned Tuelsday I from a visit of

Mrs Carmichaerb parents

Main the 50C

to Mrs [iangen

Paul The Gleaners class of the f t church will he entertainled at tlieliome of Mrs Edward ORt J208 S Cook street Thursday eveniiig Jan 21

Mrs Charles Kainer was at nn afternoon card party-

hostess it her

hotrie 301 Northwest highway Mon day Dainty refreshments served after the game

Mrs Louis Miller 107 street entertained I the


chili Thursday afternoon wi going to Mrs

Knlaquoertaiiif V P M ( of Salem Cliinh

Mrs Vi i i i - Jlavlev bull-bull -S Cook Street Nil- lii-tss to I lie Voll|llg peoshyple- missii|i11 y circle of the ^nleni church Ti ie i| iv evening The busi-

Voung People Kntertained

The Interniediate tengiie members of the Salem church wereentertained bv their superintendent MrSi Mildred Wolthausen Monday evening at the church parlors The young people enshyjoyed i program of different games followed by the serving (if refreshshyments About twenty members were present I -


lies- mecliiiu insl illnt ion if year wilh Mi illslillliiiK ltiHce ntut talks mi were follow 1

bull refleshlnili1 v-i-ie prCsiii1

is uiven iiver-1 to the itlicers fur [the coming

Philip BciLscliei- as A proernni of imisic

s^inu work in -Ja| 1111 lie a lociiil hour and

Vhimi ihirtv 1-


KnlArlnins Jutiters ClftsH

bull The Mother Chlircll wllaquo

eystone Class Entertainod L

Mrs Edward Sehroeder 21-1 W Kits-sell street was hostess Monday evening to the Ieysliine class of the Salein church ii-iid- to the nev teacher

i Mrs Nellie Schultze After the busishyness meeting a social luuir at-games was enjoyed and ri-freshnicirfs servtd Mrs Harold Sehroeder

- clit Hcrtiuiied

I the Millin Wcdnesilay


bulsi-he w-

nftcriioon di no home of the pn dent- Mrs II li A Grebe 31(1 Cool Nliffi 1 luring the short IMss tiiiielinii lew olfllers fof coining i gti n iigt elected irild folio log this Mi - ( i ireme Miller review 111 el iaphi Hid Ilaliits In the Iejiu bir study loilr Mis Lorelle Lai d-wer gin hjoyabl Which Jilllsir rioted the hostess - M -ii J dainty

reading after bullprogram I retlisjllillllt


Celebrate W^Wftig AnniversiUiv

Mr end Tfrs Albert GoSsell of Cuba iLiwii-liip celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary Sun day by ctitertuining forty-five re a fives als in Ilt-iay family gatheriig After 011 vHiivible dinner the aftj r-110011 was spciit bull in visiting anil sii g-ing games wer enjoyed in the evenshying The ul-sts included- relatives from C-biisgo Elgin Mareiigo Lake Zurich ntnl ItarHngton who before leaving presented Mr and Mrs Gos-sell with many lovely sifts

Former Wtmconda Girl Married in Tpxas

Relalivijs in Barriugton received nnnounceiifeiits this week of the marshyriage of hljss Velda Bangs daughshyter of Mrs- Cora Bangs of Amarillo IVx fo Woodson CofftCltof Amarilloj The bullweilibiuj tnok place at San An tonio Tev on Thursday Jan 7 and the- bridal couple will make their

home a I Aniuilltgt The bride a forshymer residei^t of Wauwnda moved to Texas wiitrJwr family1 five years ago

Entertain xt Sunday Dinner l

Mr and Ttrs Ray Scheer 530 Grove iivenue entertained the follow1

ing guests at dinner Sunday Mr and Mrs Frnnk Sclieer of Deerlield M r and amp^rraquotIf A runcaid Mr and Mrs Major Cote laquond Mrs Bertha Wene-gar ahilsoii Elmer of Palatine

Mrs Stayner Entertains Auxiliary Members

Mrs Noel Stayner 205 N Cook street entlaquortained meuibcrs of the

Auxiliary raquot carpet-rag sewing party this eveninj Convalescent

bull^Isoldiewi in jrtylaquonment hospitals will bull ^ f e s e the strip- in making rug

Ilotuiitlt assii-ted Mis

li ( nvei

Mrs Cudwullader Entertains

A group (if eighteen ntet at ihe Ijonie rf Mrs Imler l i l t E Hillside day evening anil eiijoyed lirogiiini of games and gr ing Mrs1 Cudwnlliiiler Is Ilfjlsl teacher for th^ group ami was their initial Kiiwiiil gnih licliuis fefreshiiients were si

youi g women Cnihviil-it Moil-a siieltil i lp siug-

I school ihe party ring lie-


Ted McCabe a i d Mrs Wesley Nelson Refreshments won served by the

The BrVthfrhood of the Si Paul church enjoyed a debate Wednesday evening on tin subject Resolv|ed that Protestant d merfee and a dated denom The affirniath Brintlinger ai Koenig

^nominations s i 1 o u 1 d

The Gleane church will m|ei Eilward Ost Thursday evening Jan 21

Mrs Irving street enter


Station Foiirsone

h pi L

1 churches be Nationally and e was taken by d the negative 1

On soli locally H R y Rev

Tclass of the S at tlie home of Mrs

208 S Cook

Hollister 515i It talined the fo

guests at a one oclock dinner day Mr and Mrs J S Hollis soii Oliver 3 - 3 W Main stre Mr 11 ml Mr) George Broil daughter Bariara of Chica

Ninth District Meeting of Legion Auxiliary

The ninth district meeting of the Aniericnn Legidn Auxiliary Will he held at the John J Conley lTnit 3H(I2 W Grand boulevard near Crawford avenue at 730 p in Jan 21 An American and National Defence grain will be given r

The Auxiliary asks all interestdi to notify Mrs Itiith Whitcoinb

l e g i o n Anviliary Gives Benefit Party

Members of thft Aniericni Legion Auxiliary were In stesses at a benefit card party and hikery salt at their club roonis Tiiesiay atternoon A prize was awarded to ecli table aifi refreshments folio ved he card gamfe Nineteen guests Merepresent

The regular monthly meeting of the club wi l l j i e held Wednesrlay Jan 20 at 2 Woeloek in the Methodist church The program for theaftershynoon Ai l l be Thinking It OutmdashAn Experiment in PJhllOsophy by Dr Charles G Obernieyer j

There wi l l be ftreciprocity djy proshygram at the W^ker Park Womans club 2340 Kedzie tonlevard at 2 p m January 10 Eveijj-one is invited

n anumincemejit of the aeknowl eilgment of the Christmas cards has lieen receiveil from the Elgin hospital

The Irving Park Catholic Womans club will hold a reciprocity meeting at 130 p- m j|raquonunrv 20 in the j Indepeiidence Pari Field - House at l iv ing Park boulevird and Springfield street

bull that forget ^eliclous at The Catlow theatre Thi rsday and Friday Jan 14 and 15 Tlid proceeds will be

jippdjtor the scholi rship loan fund

Mr and son Kdwitnt accotnpiitili Hoinulh iOH Hatiirdaywlth

Afchie Domoney 502 PiMyfrlo left Friday foi a visitnf ivo x the home of his brothcrValeii Oklahoma Citjjr Okla

bullv bullMr anil Mrs

ttiifl family of 1 spent Suivilay w

QharlcM W Garfield



i ivenne eeks-nt inlt in

swetaer street

V Iiownloii a Park Illdge mid Mrrf A

Edward Tie 21K N Cook

[v Mr and M r s H llotigh Mtroet

M r s F W ter-|iC0iic 11 are Apeiidiug Ijlridhergs mot

joyed Sunday wood

il-laquoltd street John spent

friends In Hnclnl- Wis

Lindlierg and i N Harrison wo weeks with her at Ottawa



Mr and Mm James Domont Lewis 6(i2 Prairie nvenue

yith relatives in

Mr anil Mrs Emil Mr and Airs Albert

Gassi r Weinert

y and 1 en-Atay-

utid and

Mrs Johni street

D W i

Jlngeles jCaiif last week after having spent the1 holiday- season with their daughters 1 Miss Morion and Mrs Jack O Halloran and her family Mr and Mrs- Seivernscalled on sewral fprmV residc|ifs of Barrington while in California i -

M i s s Vera I^allowel of ChicaRO visited over the weck-eW with Miss Verna Cov-ey raquo njembcjr of the local School faculty

Charles Tcsar and his sister Miss 6enevieve of Park Ridge were guests Sunday at the home of Mr arid Mrs W N Sears 506 Grove avenue

This was a business

wteks with Mr and Mrs Frank Alversdn Madison WiSi

Henry Ai ler of Chicago enjoyed Saturday a id Sunday with Mr

Jurs 207 W Rusi

ittertbn of Baltimore and formerly of Barriugton- wak a recent giiest of Mr and Mrs Willjani Dotterrer 5)49 Division street

Mr ond Mrs Charles Berkley Algonquiii irerei guests Sunday of and Mrs y C F^ielschow 402 Main street

is in St Lo


tnd sell


of Mr


Rev and Mrs M SFreeman httvo had as the r guest gt Mrs Freemans niece Miss i luth Mo^lrc of Sao P a i l o Brazil Mi JS- Moore has been ^ prinshycipal of a- h gh school in that city the pdst four years and will return I to

ter work th gtre - the-latter part of tpist i6nth

Mrs M y r l e Gillette and son H i r old and grandson James of Chi^go were guests -Wednesday at toe ho of j Mr and itfrs HJ Kirschner 607 Cook street

0 C Bitel ieK 0 l 4 Glshyove aven lis this week on busiivess

Mr and Mrs Wilbur Wagn9 Second avenue and Mr ar Paul Kolle 510 N Cook street


guests Mon lay -evening Mrs GeorgisTvloepfer Heights

Mr and Mrs Walt r Cannoii and daughter ElVa J e a n a n d MissMarshygaret Tobias in 1 2 4 w Russellstreet visited the eoiiseratory at Garfield park Sunday

Miss Virji

of Mr Arlingt

Dr and Mrs Arthur Krujegr of Chicago visited Mr Krueger s raquount Mrs Anna Freye 512 Grove avenue Sunday j

Mr and Mrs Henry Dammermntr of Palatine were guests Sini ing of Mr and Mrs Theodbre Free-man and Mrs Anna Freyej 512 Grove avenue

lt j ^ even-

laquo Miss t^cina W a g n w of Chicago is a guest this weeit at the home of Mrs Mary Wilmer 132 W Station street 5 Umdashbull

Miss Esther Wisemaiii of Elgin who has spent several weekamprwlth relatives in Barrington left Sunday for a-Weekgt with frieiulK at Itasca --

Mr and Mrs Edward James of Chishycago were guests Saturday and -Sunshyday of Mr and Mrs Willard Abbott 126 W Main street-

Christian Science R lading Rooms Is at New Locatipn

The Christian Science reading room is being movjd from its 1 resent loca tion at 110 N Hough street to neW qunnters on^ the second loor of tlje Lipofsky building The enfwnCe at 114 Station street Til e ropra Will he cloijied on Saturday Ji n 23 durshying the mowing re-openiig on Mon day Jan 25 (The readii room will be open to the public in the new lo cation from 2 to 5 p ni each week day and on Saturday efening from 7 to 0 oclock

Flaquoraquot-Growing gt laquo bull The balsa reuches a 1 lameter of

15 Inches In five years and lgtas a very fast height growth


ft Vi bull -v

M[r and Mrs Clifford Oberg of Chi cngo enjoyed Sunday with Mrs Obergs parents Mr and Mrsl Willshyiam Walbaum 444 North avenue

Mr and Mrs William Gbttschalk 436 N 1 Cook street spent Sundnjt with Mr aiidi Mrs Elmer Reese in Woodstock I

T H E X Shows 7iOO-fraquobppni

Miss Eloise jP^nfield of Eviiitston enjoy|ed Saturday aiuj i Sunday as a

of Miss icieatior Trash 20S E street i

gue8t Lake

MrsVF W Homuth of the jGras-mere farmland Mrs William Hoinnth i38 W ilincoln avenue nttpnled a lecture at -the- Audijtoriunr hotel Sunshyday-evening bullbull- i _ | 1

E M Wallace 223 W Russell street left on a businesstrip-to Day-toil Q Tuesday




T R A V E L O G mdash N E W S - ^ ARTOON

Adhiission 15c-4i k

s o t Ttit I

bull j f F l i T|dlaquovlk Mi-^Ory 1 Tills Is the versfe w|jllaquoh Colerldi

Arote^tiJUlustrat the 1 nittrlcaljifeet j Ijroclt Icing tp short d Frdfr l o i solemn sort plow spip Strong foot (Jret ctotne npwlth i lac t l l

w bullbull

v-arietlet otbull


tolon-j 1 0 0 stalk I Kilaquo to 3aWeln raquorraquoB With raquolaquoiftm

bullbull SUNDAY

ittpiEVOpL 3fc Rose Buds

9 Clever Youngsters in a Minute presents tion

ON l l T p SCREriivf LEW AYRES

Mr and Mrs G A Lindskog of Irving Pfcrk were guests Monday at thehotfie (if Mr at)tl Mrs Charles R Tliies niO S Cook street

Mr and ld Eilward Hbrfl granddaughturi Dawn Landwer Grove a v e n t i Spent Sunday with 3 nnd Mrs ft^ G Kennedy and fam at D o w n e d Grove

Ir altid Mrs Paul ^Andrews of Chi cago were) g ies t s Saturday and Suin day At the home of Mr arid Mf4 Aujsftst GOSHJII 338 W Lake street

Mr and Mrs George Whitcotub and ftmily were ifuests at the home and Mrs Hjtrry Whitcomb of f efd Strnday

of Mr Deer-

(i(laquo) Mr and Mrs JHarry Kirivtvue S Cook stre-t jisited theirdiughtir Luicille winj is i n training at the Grant hospital Friday evening

Beatrice Mi guests of Mr horn 514 and Sunday


joyed Su mln Mirk II G 1 fo 1 Ntiwi

liai Herman ilaquol T mdash- - MIss trielt of Chicago were

ani| Mrs Herbert Beijg-laquo(alHe| aveiiut Satin-du-v

1 T nil

I Owen of (Chicago en-I at the home of Mr add [agewchulte 214 W Stlt-

Invaid ITJWII Harold Wright J TlitunpliM mid Tliomnw Doeltey of llarri gtoitj attended a game It

hw-jkey laquot t ugt Vadium In Chicago Sunday even iig i bull (

Mr (uul Mrs John Sehwemm l l j l W Main street spent Sunday with Mrs^Schwei mis sister Mrs Henry Bncdimer in Chicago

Mr and Mrs H L Schultze Miss Lmtille Marions and Ray Jurs atshytended the Civic [opera Friday even iK

Mr and Mrs Frank Seavcrhs 2UJ Lincoln aveiue returned from Los

Lafees Stt^rt Uoats jkedii|dd frbm


manufac ured to


These coats include

gether wpth pur reglular stockmdashall M which were

sel at 50 to 75f higher prices

M^ns Sh eep-lined at ( reat Savings

These must be


a shipment just received to

seen to be appreciated


some stock

Oddity in Nature It Is a curious fact that

plants are poisonous to l ive ^ when i tunted If p lant growthi i is Interfetcti with by drought iropt

brulsitijf these plants develop it much It rger amount of cyanogeiietic jlucosit e than norinal growjtli would provide and this substance =taken ipto an animals stomach cuuies-se-rious pusonlHg



Barringtons Safe Milk Supply


We operat undor Certlflcntfl of Approvshyal No my iMuefby State Dejiartmont of Ilealtlu

Phone 409

eTOQGERY GatJow Tl^atre Buildini



N E W S - C A R T O O N

SHOWS GONTINl|jfgtJJS Mat 230 to 6

10cattd$Oc Evening Admission 2 c 50c


LAUREL laquolaquodHARpY

in their feature comedy

Pardon Short Subjects Added

WED THURS RJM JAN 20 21 and 22



Us iBc-lOe


IHE mo siiOtw OK THE SKAHON AdiniMHiiui1 lfi(-l(k

tu steoUeJtk rigiii rt liyiriin bulltpin tiaiUsaii

m Irisb

When you select infslepii reirigert-tor choose onel tblt you know will keepvegetables | r i w a n i l resh-one that you i^otc willpceeji rozea des-serts J^rmaod s a | o | th-r i gti e1 that you Attougt will provide pi intyjo icei Mike certain otafioithe thuij sby-being sure it is Frigidlaquoiir t a ik for the naine plate( Thert ill onljy lt ne eleoric refrigerator named jFrigid lire i General Motors Va^ue CtSme in and inspect tt i beautiful

models npyir oa ouflsho r o o m doer See for yourself the | ian) flt anireithu nake Frigidaire SO truly c itstanding in cdnveoience a^d|aluit Let ui tell you about the n e w lo - trices and convenient terms Stop i i tyoutftw opportunity


Tel llarrlnirton W



Kf 0tIraquoAl|laquoK|rlaquo4l

K ni ion

OWNG to the reductions raw materials we have

o^ our Home-Made Candies 1( and on Saltdd Nuts 15c

i rawet priries of ^educ^dthe prices

tol 30c per pound

Fountain Luncheon Prices

Specials far Saturday Peanut Brittle )b box Cream Pattiesper lb

We use only thle highest graj$of Materials n the manufacture ofiou

d) soii




fkltistm IfymtmuU euroutea

f I



I t -

ft ix Tbiraquo in Memory is tli verse which Colerta

i IHiistnue the varietfe J i i [^ t bullbullbullTpochee t r t p 3 ^ 0 J


L- to shorr Krjm long to h w j bullv hn raquor t s low spondee 3frac34frac34 iM-fo yT ill able E e r

i- HI Hih 1-Ktyl tri-syllableiaa0 bull) miiritt f|nn shor t t o long- y l th

raquo uivl ra [-unir-ihe swift a n -1frac34 f l r i H I

t i l

1 1








Km jWiJi Perishable Vegetables be


bullf A

|jcgt o prvptr mois-rir rrluis ii wiitcj

utitit-ot vtge-liLr

j ijj jJSJierj ytm select an e lectr ic refrigera-dtL chltJose one that you knew will

cltp feg^tablcs cr isp and freshmdashone u yjuui ijoi wi l l k e e p frozen des-

fcris jirm raquond s m o o t h mdash o n e that you

|ffjf[fgt| I h i tytl [HlviJe plenty o f ice Make Ittain oLti of these t h i n g s by being ifc laquot is Frigidaire L o o k for the

ie pliicl There is only o n e electric



fTigfratcir named Frigidairc raquo ttnerjilMpcor Value Cortie ini ami inspect the beautiful

y o d e l s ltioW on our s h o w r o o m floor i-e for vi gtuirU-l I the- many features that

ttkc jld^ikhiirc so truly outstanding cnrlvojriitrue and va lue Let US tell

pu i Mtia the new l o w pr ices and gtnvc iilaquontterms Stop in at your first





J i c

ih|tifii|H4t jWees of l

th$ prices fpefpound )cr| pound



Tbt moist cold of lot Frigidain Hjdrttoi iteps vtgiUiht crisf firm antrtsb

i f)I

K I U M O SERVICE CO hu iirrlnirton 380


tttlLlCSERVICE CO S h j t I MKKN r t x i N O I S rlv Harrington J 3

i gt U K i S A L E S amp SERVICE

mWy Educed

Sfiknldav-1 8 lt

l l H S Student Digs Up Practical

Geological Study

c h Township Sch0degl degieS bla led Weekly by


-t he Pupils

S bullU

vai-ation Richard helped his brother

n vlnijrh About two irfac-1 was a layer of

-ITS layer was about iMlgtrnoatb this bed

I f pout which was r This proved to bull - well ns education-

I li11 a business afternoon They bullusiitiition and

rli -fs ns fol lows |resident Violet

r-iiligtiit Carol ine irv-treasurer1 E l - - h i i i i i n a n

bull11-ie s t range odors bull bullkins rxjni One thr day rahbnge

bull ci tainly smells n w-re a wee hit

lio tin ill Kamef of i imi(it Tliey bent gt 1 - ^irl- gym class

tha l l i- absent Tuesday - illness E lmer

bull Wednesday i-i smie back to

bull _bull -i liool here a

bull -p-lit par t of her-

bullbull-gt-lit- frmi schpol ] bull- Kliznheth Iloff-

Vlnlaquoliiy bull i ~ --ir |gtart of her j bull Kianston with


bull -i Milvin r o t t s

lti InI Notes


I IJiif Sver a re - bull-- in March

i bull - t l d y i n t t h e

1-1 1 iniinatizi-d agt i- bull - 1 1 i bull -_r

i-t-n viiv K m x l

Ci-ailTs rc iuni -1 1raquo i i K i i r l y

k iiii-- riinark j bull in^-tinu old

-1 - |raquo- l l t a SUIll-Ji--1-

- - JI 1--ni I h u r s -

bullbull i in i l l o n raquoltbull-

McHenry County to $2024 for Nelsot

of Session



a n l and

and jurors

biggest [service

the bail-total

county witnesses

When the Lake county bo|ard supervisors starts i t s Mareh McIDenry county will ask for menjt of $2024 for services i nectjion with the trial1 of State tor | Oscar Nelson on a misflt asance chaifge acconling^ to Circuit Clerk Will Conn at Woodstock

The services for the talisman the housing and feeding of the during the trial make_up the items on the bill The jury cost was placed at $1060 mea s rooms extra janitor iffs and service of the sheriff $ 5 2 1 1 5

O her items-which McHenry will claim are foreign $ 2 5 3 eircuit clerk $120 $ 5 sheriff $5815 anil serving $5815

Thirty^eight persons were moned for the jury panel TJ s-elected Was locked up eight and fed three meals a day

Nelson was dismissed by ward Igt Shurtleff after two court proceedings on themisflaquo charge for Jack of3 jurisdiction ordered the jury to sign a Jver|diet not guilty

The conspiracy charge growi of fhe failure of the Waukegai Bankis- to be heard at on January 1$ States Attor|iey V Smith has petitioned Jtukre leff t a have nuotiier judge hei| triiilr



Property Owners Object to

Water Being Shijt Off

Continued from page 1

funds A motion was made b- Earl Hatje that the money be refunded- to the property Q vners and that if war--rants had been purchased with the funds these warrants be otl envise disp(|sed of It was uiiiuii nously carried

Report Collections Hatje also oferednj resolution that

the village tresurer and clerk be inshystructed tn report all water Uid tax collections to the board and tlint the collectors file u statement 1ltgt the board for their commissions It iwas said that in the past the collector has said i rejioil







Two Local Men on

Judge Ed-w | e k s of

usance and


ng out State

Woodstock A

Shurt-r this

r|tod the iu(t sum to the b o i r d afshyter deducting h i s commissions] The mot inn passed

The village engineers re-rioitell a s a result of invest igat ing the sewe^- overshyflow in Jewel I a rk t h a t tlie will have to be pumped put by trifuKiil pump iu order to determine w h ^ r e t h e excess of surface wa t e r enshyters the system Th i s can be dpne a t a low cost he reported The ordered the work done^--

II I l~ I l l t e r -

lt gt lar-oj] -1laquo ( I r a n t e d

( nimUirHT in H e a r i n g

water a cen-


Week Committee Continued from page 1

3 P Fritz Park Ridge l H P Wet-more and Earle Cooke of Niles Center and Paul Stoker of Niles

Every one of the 27 troops cub packs and sea acout ships in the local council will join in the observance Scouts will wear their uniforms all week j Troops are planning window disphiys demonstrations good turn projects parenta nights and simitar activities i

Plan Special Scout Sc-rVkces Sunday Feb-7 will be Scdut S^ii-

day and every S(pt5(t ami leader will attend his church in uniform Many places special scout services will be held with troops attending in a body and bull Scouts participating in the services bull

At 800 Monday -evening Feb 8 al l scouts Will hvaffirm rheir Scout pledges As part of the ceremony eac I hoy and leader will receive a small scroll upon which the Scout law is printed These will be ceremoniously

Th tyi as year tionsl year

$53274350 tax property less than 10 per cent of t ie exter ded County Treasprer Morse revealed I

i paymentsthrough a whole came in

previous Morse dailaquo|l paid their taxes while a few districts--

Aut|o Acci Deaths

rolled up and tied w and susli)emled from cpaf lapel by a bowline Worn the entire-week

ith a square knot a shirt button or

knot and

Land Values Down Lai I County Taxes Up fojr 32

in the Increases of 6 cents to $184 t i x ra tes for 1931 on taxes to he paid in 1932 were made in 30 of I he 36 qity and village taxing dis t r ic ts in Lake county according to the ra tes compiled by Rober t Pearsa l l and Ches-tiir Hus ton deputies in County Clerk Lew A Hendee s office j T h e rise of the ra tes in the various

eomninnitietl is blamed on the decrease i i va luat ions and the t ransfer of l a u p e r aid from the county to town-sliips fTljo three dis t r ic ts in the Lake Purest school dis t r ic t 32 in Lake Villa- school distr ict 4 in Harr ington showed dropjs in the ra tes while Lake bullgtlunchs ra te is the same

Under the new law passed a t the siiiniuer session of tlie s ta te legislature Hid nniended a t fhe present special session the t axpayers will have to make the i r first payment by May 1 The second (iiilt final payment w i l l have to he paid by August t to avoid ucnnltlelaquo -

Tlie tax levies Will be xjompleted by (founty Clerk Lew A Hendees clepu-fes next week bull

Taxpayer in Lake county forfeited

r ing


Eighty-six persons automobile accidents in

1931 to Dec 17 ajhnual report of

Of thej 80 in ^collisions of

plt destrians were killed| a rs Twenty of the qutomoblie-train bullear jcnty-tWo plersons during 1031 the

iHecn persons died tration during the three

summer The heat unusual ini that

du the Ta killed 20 by in the jj

TM cide Tin

last were a fewl

Anijiial JFarnt Burea|u Mee at Gray^lake Jinuar^

T Lakel


CouiJty ho on IO




Mi enter ta prog^a

J Illi F Mi will

Thje usual the t dents by and

M strceJ

Barri Mrl

r ingt daugli

thortty tanc but pare1

as if 11 swam parrot

i i I icar in - M i l l l l M i l

bullbulll-r-i- in 1

ig -if bullinlay bullank-

uas brought -raquo l i ^ i r i c t

-bulla pli--nlid raquoi- i l l am UK MlV

-bull f t - i L- on


that 1 uii-Laamp-Lar -

-A supplies - bull bull I s b y lt bullredi-

bullnhnii- i l m i t i l i

11-- Swreetett F lower

A l i s t smell Is W - 1 i l - iwor l l i


9ut thecoun-well as the

Some1 sec-than last

were lax better

have occurred in pijevious ypars


joint anl County Fit

Farm at fhe

Thursday a in

e and Bob iners from

in at 10 C Watsoti

Agricult Higgins (j

be the usiiai repi interest

reasurers of botii

niial me rm b


n 21]


tlie fwlt|i WBS a m tax expert

ural association f Lake Cfeneva Wis

ers lirts whilt) Liill also Aiecretariek

Ma anageij arm Aidvislor Gilkerlson

and- Mrs

bullh aifp of un-be given by i and presi-

orjjrahizatioris as well as Snfiith Mapager Abney


He M

V l udr]ey j Mae

ngiton G and Mrs

n township tfr Vivia

Owl N o t Ca|rl[W Neu

sajts f thej owl

his Is not With that]

e falcon goose

Lake county according to

Corjiner John L victims 3 0 were automobiles and when struck

victims died erflsbW during |

ccmimitted sui-rppiori shows

heat pros-hot wavits of

proBtfa ion8 nev|er mkire than


iting ofl the |ure iu jind Lake

cjompany will Opeja house

beginning at

blind radio jreill efpen the

of the and

Pdwin-M) arente o(-

jrn emfral hosp

Frank are the


L o n g ] jnnnn a

the |l is sixty untisunll y of othei

|ulture duckl eiJler

Two beautifully new and surpassingly swift and powerful

New aampd Greater Hudson ^

Here are seven adjutages of buying Zeigler





bull-nb ash

bulllt nil responsive bullbullbull )v of hea t

bull-bullbullbulls very little smoke

-tirilly clean in ground i r i picked t o insure


bull Ke ami firm in s t ruc--Stvres well over long

Very little fine coal bulli storage


i i-

Jf for every purpose

bulllaquo not dropped and 1 in loading t o cars

irifitffy forked to gt line coal

A - 0-- 1 1 1

an i pSjlIl

neinhbor -tibout bull ^eiKlcr Corl Ex-

i our bins t r y it _ laquoIt fuul thcsc seven qaal i ty vcryevident i

Lapoundesckulte amp H after-Inc

Phones 5 and 450 HARRINGTON ILL

New ana Q^ater Essex Su Thrilling new color8 gem-like and clear Dashing nev linen longer lower the airplanes j(racefil speeds and streams Scores 3f advi trices over anything heretofore offeree or likely to be available on oth r cam for many months to come in striking new stand-


Of 8




Tjhree Splendid New Serieraquo

Wheelbasei Major 132f-

Sterling 126mdashStandard|

101 Horsepower at 360Or Hue son Speeds 85-90 Miles Silent Second Speed 55 Miles mostatio Carburetor Heat Compensated inherently Balanced Crankshaft Power Dome Anti Conburt ibn Chamber Anti( Siiencer and Air Cteaner Oiling raquoTriphgtSealed Oil-Selective Free Wheeling Silent Constant Mesh Second Frame Twin I Neutratone Instrument Panel Startix Generator Safety Signals Grip Steering Wheel Later AU Seats Adjuiuble F 14 New Models Gem-Like in New Pastel Shade Fitments

Tkttt audalmprttivlaquoltotfitk$r Me txtra eott ilfuttfait tht nrnpltttntt standard tgutpmtift Priciifnm


p m Hour Theri


i-Knock I-Flood

E ubfIo Automatic Cu hion Clutch Syt efajro-Mejih

Gear Mufflerf

bullTell bullRide Controls

GMM Colon

in Ivory

ard equipment features convenience style More you probably e er w|ll all combined in two tinctive quality cars which in its fiejld Sets Value




70 Hojrsepow^r at) 3200 r p Speeds Seyond Speed SO Miles Compensa ently balanced Crankshaft

Choke Intake Engine

Simplified Transmission

f Diagonal Truss bullQuick-Vision Tale Oil and

bullNatural Seat Cushions

Windihield and Upholstery

and Silver Finish

Signals Ride Controls Lateral Spring Seat Cujihions Front and Rear FuH Opening Finger Control 9 Sparjtling N i w Like Body Colors and UJpholstery isi Wbeelbsse Length 113

txcljHtfoi ftatmrn at of Hudttn 1932

S99SMUS9S EOBDitrolt

fa 1 bull - bull - raquo bull i ltJL -frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34 frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34^ frac34

] lalanced Dome i Lnti-Knbck iCdithl ber Intake Siencjer and bullFully djusta gtle jsilejnt T i m i n [ G e a n SupAr J cdelera or 1 ump Tappet i Diagi gtnal Truss

flo AutomaticEngine Oilin Thermostatic HeatControl Triple-SsaledOil-Cushion plified Selective Free Wl eelibg Synohro mission Silent Constai it Mesh Second Gearj Vision Instrument Panel Startix and Anti-Stall bullTell-Tfle Oil arjd Genera1


in J931 or total taxes

Jay B



jyerlbf Wool a daughter

January 0 at fhe ital I folte of Bar-pa rehts of a

n Jan 7 Worn


Ger life] eigl


ipan au-expec-

t years corn-

birds such gjoldeii eagle

raiten and

mqtor cars

lor comfort power than

draw on And r dis-

each at a the Pace for


ml 1 I - | bull

Essex 70 Miles Siljsnt Second

M Inher-EoWer

bust^on Cham-Cleaner

Chain Driven Choke obd

Roller Valve j u |Ouo-Carburetor


Clutch Mesh

flsW Trans-


tor Safety bullNaturLl drip sUtjkng Wheel L mdash iJfjustaWe Heat Both

(rithr ltrith Gem-ii tel Shades

bullM Windshield

Models NewPai


iillllilli|l|lilMll lliiillWIllllllll|lliilllttiib

I ^



THE NEW bull W^iA-vibull igtlaquo I w^t mfpound umjtm Coffee

ALI iliii In the Payton Hotel Buildin^mdash North

will be

pen for Business bullaturday Jan 16th


bl Deriot




The Management Assures Yon of thi Courteous and Attentive Servia


A Plade V^ere Youll Enjoy 4 bull I

Counteror Table Service YOUR PATRONAGE SOLI




Most f I

Eat ing


1 inmiiiiiironiniiiiiiiraquoniKiiiimiiiHiiiiiWiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiii

Big Grocery Stoc Reduced Below C

1 Having sold out to Mr Ed C Groff and as


ho is the moving his stock of Groceries to our sto^e in

Gfroff Building we are obliged to sacrifice o^r^n^ire stock of clean new merchandise at prices below ct)st i

Sale Starts raquo


riday Jan I and will continue

until everything in the store is so

|gtigt Double Bu i for You at Thi laquo ^ ^ - I I gr

If i I Come Early and Get first

Choice-No Items Will Be Replaced With New Stock

i bull j bull [ bull - _ bull bull bull I - bullbull bull -

Evefy Iterri on Our Shelves Drastically Reduced bull

Absokitely Nothing IlfalpMed Positively No Credit to Anyonemdash

Please Do Not Phone in Tour Orders N

i I


I f


r u l i raquo v l ^ r r il ^ i i R J

1 -

m r-m


lt bull p-


tlt bull t

- i


h o - i i

laquo -i t


S i-


i H




n rt

I 1raquo i


) t



IS in w



rgt Jlaquo

lltfmmTttwm gt nwHliiii m i n Fifa iraquoFp

^bullft - bull


L E S L I E W McCJLUREJ Editor and Publisher

WALTER It WlMTERINGHAM Business Director and Fpreman

Published every Thursday afternoon- at Barringtor minois and entered as Second-class matter at the B a r rington postoffice under Act gtf March 8 1879



Cards of thanks resolutions of condolence obltuarp poetry memorials and all notices of entcrtainjments or bullodety and church saled and parties given for pecuniar benefit will be charged|for

All communications should be addressed to the


BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS bull _ (Sterl ing Daily Gazette)

F a r be it from The Gazette to Unduly criticize an ladymdashbut the editorial in the Bockford RegistorJtepub lic on Monday Jan 4 under the editorship of Mrs R u t h Hannai McCormick c e r t a i n l y w a s not inspired bj

any real desire to help the republican party In n heavy- weight hairspliting effort Mrs J McCormick intriguingly

tries to convince her readers that a political habit should not be permitted to defeat the republican party She trietf to convince readrtrs of the Register-Republic that President Hoover is a most unpopular President She tr ies to convince her readers that if lie is renominated it will be because it is the usual custom ^ She tries to make her renders believethat it is a Very-foolish custokn to renominate a republican president just because it has bcelaquo the habit of the party toido laquo6

A s a matter of fact those Who remember the national eonvention at K a n a s City whichf nominated President Hoover will remember that Sirs McCormick was one bf the leaders of Illinois who engaged in the dismal failure of attempting to organize a movement which hud as its central idea Anybody to slop Hoover or komej such s logan as that

At Kansas City the politicians did unt wn nominated They were opposed to him then been opiwsed to him ever s ince he has sat in dential chair They thought him they have learned sincje and they laquo o w know that lie is1 nut the type of man who can be twisted around the fingers of the politicians for their personal or political gain And that is why think ing people are for b is renoniination and that is- why thinking people are going to p r d e c t him in spite of ijll the enmity of newspapers of the Chicago Tribune and the Register-Republic type It is well known that no-presishydent in the historyof the republic has been assailed w i p the vindictivenesu the unreasonableness through inujn-

t F I R S T B A P T I S T

Bible school 9 3 0 Morning worship 1035 P V

B njamin Franklins birthday anniversary f ills on next Sunday Account of this event will be tajken in the n orning worship when the pastor -will- speak theme will speak on| A Timely Guide

Si ecial lmusic as well ns congregational sinjing o f hymni adds inspiration jto each of tbest( gospel si gtrvices

Our annual business ImeetIng will be held Ved(neHdny levculi ig Jan -20 bullbull j bull bullbullbullbull

W B plan a George (Washington service on Sunday evening l 4 b 21 Watch for later nnnouncem|nt re-gardiig this special service

cordial welcome to all I


ut Hoover They have the prei-

endo and false statements t President Hoover A systemn has liecn working against hin in the magazines andthe big city papers ever since he

) the same extent is has ic cuiiftuiign of propaganda

was elected Nothing like it was ever known before in America

Mrs McCormick suggests tliat if ii considerable numshyber of republican would prefer to have Mr Hoover step aside as a-candidate for leiiitmiiitition why should not the party leaders Helect xltgtint)bo|ly else Why should Hoover step aside Xo person of intelligence suggests for a moment that lie is responsible for the depression Then why blame him for conditions which no one could control If (inveruur Al Smilh pressimi would have been ben rountrv was in such condition th gress no political iwrty -could rushing back upop us Then wlgtjy bliimeHoover

Even if they do blalne Homer can the voters of this district follow the advice of Mrs McCormick She had her opportunity to lead in this Mute as a candidate for senator Those of us wjho stippotted her in sincerity and good-Will know that result Certainly it would be im-

liid been elected the (leshyf t i s t the same The it no president no con-ltti)p the tide that was

possible by even the greatest st blame Hoover for the election Lewis in Illinois over Mrs McCormick

retch of imagination cent0 of Senator Jim italn

Opposition to President that they are or should

As a matter of- fact the Hoover comes from those who feel be the republican machine1 and not from the voterjs who constitute the republican party Tlie opposition

and the propognuda against HocWer have been directed by thosD who have been who nroj now or who aspire to be leaders of i the republican pa|rty- and not from the rank and file 6f the voters in tfjie -party Look at the record President Hoover has( worked like a coal heaver He has refused to take a vacation l i e has aged twenty-years in three carrying the burdens that were thrown on his disk burdens for which he was in no wise responshysible which no party could forsee and which no party could prevent Must he lie condemned for sticking to his disk working like a Trojan in the interest W his country gt bull

His moratorium program I was condemned by sucjt newspapers as rire opposing ijis renominntion from one esd of the country to the other Yet in the democratic house where the democrats have a majority that proshygram appealed to the common sense of democratic conshygressmen to the extent that it was approved by three to one Can our good friend Mrs MeCortoick suggest any candidate for thepresjdency who could win greater ap+ proval from the leading men of both parties of the nu^ tion In the senate the same program was adopted overwhelmingly Senator Johnson macje a bitter attack on the moratoriummdashbut the- senatecarried it by five to one Do these opponents of President Hoover have in mindany republican who could miike better headway

The house and seriate adopted overwhelmingly Hoovers measure for $20Ot000000 for the vetcraiisof the

country There is every assurance that both houses will approve his $500000000 proposition to release the frozen assets ofthe failed banks and get that money into-cirshyculation That| will be a great help to returning prosshyperity Hooverjs whole program is one of constructive statesmanship The indications are that he will have better support for his public measures thnt nnj recent

president Yet in the face of these plain facts the false prophets are starting a clamor to prevent his rcnomina-tion Beware of false prophets

SHORTER HOURS- Aside from all these tcmpojrju-y conditions] however

it must be admitted by all thibughtfulobservers that a new situating has been growjng on us gradually for years that it was apparent long before the stock market crash and will continue after quotations begin to go up again It is the situation brought about by the invention of so many labor-saving devices The machine age has put great numbers of earnest willing and competent workers out of their jolis and the return of prosperity bullfpr other people will ncit heln them materially Some bullway must be found of adjusting the world to nlew conshyditions j f - - - 1

I f machfnes have cut down the amount of work to be done we should all share in the restilts Less work and more leisure for everybody will give employshyment for all T h i s could be arranged without much difficulty for factory hands and mine workers Just how it is to be arranged for lawyers and doctors and editors i s not so plain Once it i s recognized however ithatf this is the problem which must be solved the world yill find a way-mdashBrooklyn Times



Church News

and Juniors 6 4 5 and Evening service 7J0

Filling Our Place In the evening the on the pastor

R- KVbdquo C It D R U 8 8 E L Past r

S A I N T JAMES j Dundee 111 j

X) a m Holy Communion 1st and jlrd S indays Chora I Eucharist

45 a m 2nd and 4th Sundays Morhing rnyer ormon

- 10 and S gt Church School 030 a m

3 R S GRAY tRectcr

METHODIST EPISCOPAL Tlhere is one place that I cannot afford to miss

to during these strenuous times and that is the Sunday worsh p hour We invite you I to check up on this pef-KIIIS vtntement by attending regularly for two months If not worshipping elsewhere we cordially invite you to our worship at 1035 a m and 730 p m

Cturcb school with separate rooms for the] different ileparl meilts at 0 30 a m ^ -|

Ej worth league at 045 p in j REV M S FREEMAN Pastoir

Supday Ja Go


Suhday jscrvice 1045 a m school 930 a ni

iiuary 17mdashSubject Life [den Text 1 John 511 This is the reccrd

pod hath given to us eternal life and this life i s (klnesday evening meeting 8 p m

Reading room and lending library at 110 N Hough street lopen to the public daily exceptSunday frbnc 130 oclock 9 oclock

to 530 p m Also Saturday evening fjr oni 7 to

S A I N T P A U L EVANGELICAL I Sunday Jniniary 20 I

-j 0^0 a m Bible school I 1())30 a in Mai l ing worship The Pelfect i Y|rgtuth

I bull Thursday^Jnnunry 21 8 pj in Monthly meeting of the Gleaners class at the

home of Mrs Edward Osti i KEViL E KOENIG Pnstolr

lt bull bull - bull mdash r ^ mdash T -

SALEM EVANGELICAL i- The following j services will be observed in Hraquohni

Siunday Jan 1 7 Church school at- 030 a ni Classes for all a Divinewtjrship services at 1030 a m and

pi m Thepastor-willlaquopeak |ori the subjects Author-itly in Religion and Christ jhp Chief Shepherd cfinrch choir Vill assist in in and worshipful - =

At laquo45 p mi Chrisliun E l A cordial welcome- awhits ou at the services o

home-like church

aking the services li



i laquo II iBEF CHER Pastor

The Lutheran church

to] attend its services and


Divine jservices every Sunday j at 1030 a m Bible class and SUnda r schbol at 945 a m

extends to all who are a t the present time without a cl urch home a sincere invitition

classes D l c HENNIG Pastor

I 1302 N 14th Ave iue Melfoeej Park i l l


] ST ANNES Sunday Low Mass 8 a m and10 a m Week days Low Mass 7 a m Devotions in honor of the SJtacred I^eart first Friday

each month Mass at 8 a m Confosions Saturday 8 p m

am by appointment REV JOHN A D U F f l O T Pastor


bull J






Bjy Natiom J (Speci tl

PLAYING POlLiTICSmdashIt is beshya m i n g incnasinfly apparent that a got dly shari of t raquoe legislators are so bury weavinK prjtectivq devices for their political future that even their best iiitentiois for the publics weir far kre sidetracked Their fervent premises for the rendition of a ser-vic) lo not iibe with their pcrtorm-ancesj In a vordj they artf victims of their ltgtwn vanity for these public sorgt vhi ts are uii villingto publicly admit that there iK a liinit to their power Unlesjs the d ist is blown from their

eye i by stroig jvltiiecs lit their baill-wicks the chnncest are that the vacilshylating policit nit( ly A cleiLr non-partisan unalysis of oiigrpsslor al performances to-date through friendly glasses would show tlja eliminating Spectacular gestures lj nothing b||t t | e tapping Jof dry w]el Is


that Son

res 7 301

In AN OLD IIRITISII proverb says

uljuitHy ends i i fijillly This itescrip-ijinOptly covtfrs our imtionnl legisla-iyc situntjon By IOJI of deeds with readily disceriicl pi ii s have be gtn soind by- vanity Hon may be fonild fetbral expeiuljtim enoimous deficit nn|ist be met by econshyomics in cost af government and by bulljnbensed- taxes representatives ing risks nrje thej million governi] joying compara do so means enmity from those on

The elpful


PROSPERITY NEWS Plans for the construction Of a modern emergency

hospital building to cost $1(0000 are being made in Waukegan

Approximately 1000 dmployes have been) adde the pay roll of the Lycoming Manufacturing Co w the last two weeks Practically all departments working on a full six-day week basis

Chicago territory showed Construction contract^ to taling $13640700 during thei month of November most $3000000 were spent on residenth 1 building

Quincy is utilizing relief funds for thraquo cleaning the city parks and employment has beer given to men j-

Construction of a sweeping -compound and manufacturing plant will begin [in Rockfltrd jSoon

Orders have been pouring in to the Carlinville GJlovc factory and the plant has j found it necessary to vork overtime More than 50 people are employed in plant [ -

The Gunite corporation manufneurerH of cast btake drums and general castings Rockford has annoti iced that that beccmbjer tonnage of the conn any will he apshypreciably ahead of any other month slijce the business was started four years ago

St ^re

1 to thin are


up of many



During 193 64 new industries have lociited in Louis 65 plants were enlarged and 203 prospects now under negotion The 64 new industries have given employment to 2533 workers

Edwardsville has launched a city improvement rnm as a means of carrying on uilemployiineiit relief me day-28 Edwardsville taen were given employment

Two large industries in Jefferson City Mo have iaid out more wages this year than they did last year one factory is idle in the city andit iseipeeted that it re-open-soon ] bull -f bull bull

John L Bennet president of the U S Manufacturing wrporation Decatur says that 1931 has been the jiest in the history of the corporation Since August ompany has made arid shipped over 3000000 dprn poppers

Libcityvifle with a 308 per cent gain in builcing started during September over that started in Auj ust gtf this year was well up among the leaders in building activities in suburban Chicago

Editorial Association to The Review)

Wandering irdm This to That

) will continue indefi-

politics Whftt begins in fear

a simple eomprtri-promises it will be that many gltiraquoMl

llnm-strung or poi-A current illustra-inefforts to adjust s in revenues- An

The senators nnd perpetually calcnlat-

n- bull i quniidry Shall authorizp ^ng^ cuts for nearly a

lent employes now en-ively high snlaries To

federal payroll voti ig money fo work nnd then in t le ir district fere ices this yt

i | The alternative is r high-cost government

asking the -taxpayers s to make up thedif-ar -

THOSE OUTSIDE Washington do not realize the temptations of ailegis-latb-to satisfy I he world andinipress the countryWith his importance - It is a natural human fharacteristie but one destined to )lny Itivoc with facfe Jusl now execttive iepaitments are releasing e m p i r e s who imnledrately call on their senators and representashytives to find them jobs when theirs hiiv gt been abolh-hedy The department chiefs point ou that nrfgt- funds are available to tak caf patronage


iraquo care of this politi-The demiuids^oif the

ltigtn|lttifuent caniiot be met wtthont inci Ijfsing taxes) A legislator does not- relivh the ifien of having his job-seeker turned down because it makes polii fciair appear politically- impotent The relatives of the disappointed job-liunler back l i o n e never understand Mul iply this case by the number of congressional menibeTH-anl you have a partial answer |to - the-pjresent ment

T i e most insistent-deihaiul of-the day is to -do something for impovershyished citizens Reflection will show that itj is n problem which will admit no counterfeit remedies Though there is bliviousjy a ned for expediency it if generally -recognized that relief musr not be voted at the expense of good sense In a degree this may account for the iiloftness which marks Cong]-essionai action Veteran lead ers e fbpth parties realize that noth ing nust be em cted intolaw which will eventually leaet against the aushythors] v I - - bullbull- 1


6ut cvilk

Opera Dates The twelfth week of opei3y at the

Civic Opera house Chicago will bring Carmen into the repertoire for the first time in two years Two perform-W e s of the Bizet jwork1 one on Monshyday evening Jan ] 8 anp one on Sat-iiwlay afternoon Jt n 23 will be sung In both Confchitn Stipervia favorite Carmen of Europjenn opera houses will appear in the title role ns guest artist

Ambroise Thomas Migiion v i l l be sungifor ii third time on Ti esday evening Jan 19 There is an jmpor-tnht change in cast for Charles Hack- ett will have the ruin of W| lhelm Meirter

Monday Jan 18mdashnt 8mdashCarmen (Iiii French)mdashOpera lii four acts by Georges Biaet With Consifn Super-vin (guest) Leolu TurniM Reno Mni-soii John Charles Thomas and others Ballet Ctinducfor Emil Cooper

Tuesday Jiui Wmdashnf 8mdash-Mignon (In French JmdashQpcrti in three acts by Ambroid Thomas With Marglierltn Sulvi Coe Glaedis Charles Hackett Vi nui-Mnrcoux nhel i others Ilallct Conductor iEmil Cooper

Wednesday Jnn 20mdash-ut 8^-Miidamo Butterfly (In Ital inn)r-A Japanese tragedy founded lt|n the bltraquobk by John| Luther Long andj tho drnnia by David Bejusco MusicIbyi--Puccini With Rosettn Pampani ii Helen Ornktein Charles Ilncketti Victor Daminnj and others Conductor Roberto Mornn-zoni -

Thursday Tak 21--nt 8mdash-Lohenshygrin (In German)-^-Opera in threj^ bullacts by Richard WnRner With Lotte Lehinnnn -Maria Olsxcwskn Rene Maisoii Hnns Ilwmninn Nissen Ediinnl Habich and Alexander Kip-niii Conductor Egou P^llnk

Saturday Jan ^3mdashat 2mdashCarmen iFrench)mdashOpera in four ncti by

ltH asm

bulli bullamp

Aid GdNTraquo|Alt

by Vfyix ae F^gtraquo$|)n Aiithor o f - P R A C T I C A AUCTlijINJBW CB

orges Bizet pewia (guelaquoit^

lie Maisbn 1 others

Cooper Saturday Jan Rusticana and

W5th Conchitn | Su With Leola Turner

Jcdin Charles Thomas ftallet Conductor Enill

ut 23mdashat 8mdashJCavaller-I Paginicci (In Itrtl-

in)mdash-Opera in one act by Pietro Mas-cagni and drama in two nets by Rug-giero Leoncavallo With Claudia Muzhi RosCtta Piimpanini Coe Glade Marin Chtessensj Antonio -Cortis Charles Marshall Desire Defrere and otheBs Con(hict(frs Isaac Van Grove and Frank St Ijlteger

Violate |Suffrage Amendment The barring of women from jury

lists in Massachusetts under n recent decision of the supreme judicial court of Massachusettsdenies to this sex equality of legal protection contrary to the federal constitution it is claimshyed in briefs filed with the suprepie court of the United States I by counsel for the NationnI Association of Wifmen Lawyers and the national womans- party The briefs were filed pursuant to leave of the court granted on January 4 in the case of Welosky v Commonwelilrli of MasSachusdtts No 564 in which the petitioner is seeking a review of the decision of the Massachusetts court holding that she was not entitled to have women on a jury which tried a criminal charge against her The supreme court has^ not yet acted upon the petition for review

THIS POLICT is manifest in the iienuje debates in which banking legisshylation w i s subjected to searching stushy

dies as ft the rest purposes and might later be c onstrue J as helping bankers Righly gtr wrorgly sentiment exists in congressional circles that bankers are inore or less responsible for the n a t i u s economic ailments1 Araquo a conshysequence ielief measures nre minutely testae for loopholes

ltbull j Museum Popularity Grows bull More than on- and one-half million

persons visited Jpield Museum of Na-tursI History during 1931 it was ar)-nounced by SteiJhcn C Sinims direct-tor of the institution The exact numshyber of visitors when the figures wee checked at closing time Thnrsday December 31 was 1515463

This marks a new recoWi for a yeai $ attendance and makc4 the fifth coniecutive year in Which the One milshylion figure has been exceeded Mr Simms stated The previous record was made in 1930 when the attendshyance was 113327991 over 4 h i c h the 193 total represents an increase of 182664 or approximately 1 3 ^ per





As neighbors they talked by telephone almost every day Then the Barrya

Ved to another town and the friend ip might have ended But th se wise

friends keep in touchby Long I listante telephone and it seems Just Ike old tijmuk Telephone distant friendi today

It it iur aim la furtUh th btt tele icreic laquot Ik cLrguhtwt

tio^ ttUph 4CW nlt iyltmthgtm


mJMng offic

Copyright 131 by Hoyle Jr

One of the writers c o m spondeht Jhaa asked for an opinion on he followshying queatipn which aa he secta ra is not sufficiently or explicitly covlaquo red in any recent book we have bee i able to obtain t o definitely settle th s matter It is orsuch nature that any discussion regarding it is bound t o be gtf interest to all Auction and Contrac t players

Under what conditions i hould the Initial bidder if he has one si it missing entirely or represented b t only a singleton declare no trumi D o the ordinary no trump indicatio ts hold in such cases --

A sound no trump bid i s composed of two elements (I) the pro x r values for the ho trump bid (I) the)proper

l distribution of such values i mong the four suits The authorities iracticallv all agree that the minimun strength on which the dealer should bid One no trump is two and one- lalf quick tricks distributed among a t east three suits The quick trick strei gth must

not only be there but it n ust be so divided among the four suits that jthere is more than a reasonable hance to make the contract A hand r light very easily contain two and one- lalf quick tricks and still not justify a no trump bid If these quick tricks are c Dnfinedto one suit the suit bid is the c irreci bid If these quick tricks are c istributed among two suits only it i i not adshyvisable to bid no trump Experience has shown that with two su ts unproshytected a no trump bid seldoti i is sound For thafreason to justify a aid of one no frump the hand must contain at least two and one-half quick tricks and these should be distributed among at leastthree suits That leavei only one suit For partner to protect or if he also has no protection only on s suit for opponent to make

In case the dealer has a si lgletoh of a suit or none at all expeiience has shown that the no trump bic as a rule is a losing bid For that re tson with this-tybe of hand it is bette r to bid a suit even though hand cohtaii s two and one-half quick-tricks divided anjiong three suits If the opponents bid the missing suit then of course he dialer should not subsequently bid no trump but if his partner should bid the missshying suit then the dealer shou d bidthe no trump on the second row id of bid

Solution to Last

A R b C L B tyoU

ding-A eingletijn M aj voif danger point fcr a l p trum bestproce lureii tojoid a sui shiftito a no turn theblddinjattihat course nee tssary or

The foil gtwimi hat no truiripbids V t | | dealer

Heartsr-KQ J 109 Clubs mdashK J 9

Diamonds mdash none -Spades -^ 9

If spades are trumps and 2 is in the lead how can Y Z win eig it of the nine tricks against any defenie-

SolutionZ should leadbull thgt jack of spades and discard the Jcinj of diashymonds from Ys hand This i i the key play for it prevents Y b^ng forced in the lead to his disadvantages Z should now lead the deuce pf clue s arid Y should win any card played raquoy A At trick three Y should lead t i e ace of hearts and follow with the five] which

Its All in th

Reasts mdash 4 8 | 1 Clubs mdash R J 1

Diam)ndsmdash Spadts-^jK

suit ii gt b and th

first and

) f

PMf^jrvf opadt 1 T - |vgt J |

H^i-4ji Q u b laquo J - T 8 i | | bull^-VdagiT1



bid ls^lronlyif

5edS|T8 U C h a


I Heart ifmdash i Clubs

gt Diamnnds f- Spadlsir-A-]

- All of th Bin C mttfii at lcaa one-Half quick tric|||and tHlt tioh i s of 8 itch 4-na|t|re thai reasonable chaice to bake

The folbwlnj h f f l s ho| not justifiible no Itrump though they con quick-trick bull strengti if of such i natiure tl black type should thenotrunp j |

Hearts tiubraquo Diamc n d s | f ^ Spade raquomdash

Heartlaquo Clubs -Aj 1Q Diamc ads $pades mdash K7

Hearts mdash 4 Clubs - 0 7 Diamc nds Spades mdash-K J

ilf the oA]porienfa suit they v ill bid i but sit tigl t and lfdj

3limp bid Prefer ump biu when t

Siriglciltcjri or void sti rruinyagariifeandri Mernbt ^pbssiblei8 bull

leeks Pre blem W Hearts mdash Ai 7 6 5 Clubs - r A Q 10 Diamonds mdash-raquo K 5 Spades -r none

f P

Itearts Clubs j pound iamo Spades-

Heart smdash Elubs-^-S 4| 32 Diamondsmdash J 3 spades mdash Jbullbullltampbullbull 1

Zj(should trump spades Z 8 ^oiild of clubs anc once any card played by lead his last club fiVe of dianbnds this trick a i d musts

Played in eight of the| nine defense


old t l [gainst

it agj i suit

hand ffland yc

ho and fistribu-ierc is a bid

-vet arc even

Sessary butjon set in

ir than

ttnssmt duit bid-lit a no [he no ains A ilhvin


W-- bull


3i the ien lead

in Y sHlaquo Yshcli

follow js fori

_ jtherefci diamond wl licii Z wins with and then mikes hifiast club

this wiy Y Z icks ai

jilt of e trey lid win d then tth the to win lead a

e jack

$twin it any

A j MAN w^i^iiprt ita ^ ^ mi ch of a| garden ui less he planted seeds a cultivated it regularly

Neither will h(j have mu money unless save an As a garden p mdash saved interest

he sta d does it steid^r

oduces money procjlu ef




Bwihtss NoicesJ^miff

^ffiefoa ikihilk-amp t^Mpound$mlthki$h^j jb


I Capital laquond^urplua $16(pound OOfj ti J LAQ1BSCIIULTE Chairmanof he bdquo bdquo

A L R D B E R t S O N Presldelifc 1 bull H O W A R D ] gt CASTLE Vice Prlaquo Idcnl

A T ULITSOH Asst Ct shjer H E L E N B ME IER i s s t CafeU gt I AH LAG 2SOHULTB Asst C i f s h l e r f


Howard P Castle l i w y e r George JHtigcjr - Lafeschulle laquo Hagc^ Inef Precl Hobe n Retired farmers JL J |laquoMseMulilaquo Chairman oj| the Board Walter N ndweif V N i E s n d w l J I Co I r v m E Landwer Ileal Estate Management) A f t B


- I lti




Orr HarryPIerj m M ^

Ponies Wtn in SeesaV 1 Warren Boys to ^lay

Helaquo Friday j

T h 0 ItnrriuKton HW pound -entheir ^ n d Kame o f j l h e w

r l laquo y nlhlt wh^n laquo 1 raquo ^ laquo

hbdquo vei-laquorlaquon Wswonda nve 18 to Htnrted riiiiwr s|owlf


VCnnM ^ wne defenses Vnlaquolaquon-rH banlcet from thegt to -L the I ^ ^ 0 8 Ame-W B a S i B

theenrraquoe first Half B o p A n t seoreiHWlc^from Zi nn1 three t i m laquo from th ch^ y t o t n k e laquo T gt 2 earl

fbdquo tlie enrly nnrt of Ue second bullhere was Wtje wrorlnR nrtd the Jauee betwer-n the tww tcam^ rems about mark

Thlaquovlm the MAlt-1nN npP | rcnVgt

Inure peiraquoltbullltbullbullbull bullbull - mdash- - about the wiiift At thU thri nuar mnrk nnrriiiRton laquoWlaquoW laquo g

Mbdquobdquore with their shots Wto WiUiiims rniul Hlaquorcybdquo WlaquoJJ-

bullthree bullhiiKkits^npWef- the Bran bull0Vertnraquok iui1 muni their rivali the midille f the 1ns quarter H

coiida then l)|raquoenM up With St rmiKe hamiRe in which Bafceley

iiiroiiiiMiis -lraquooth seored prettjr| hut DiirriiiBton bad too lante A to overcome The thrillinfe Inst q iter mure than rondoupampkthe

W of the tirht half U_ The Harrington Rnardi - Mfi And Thorpe deserve a lot of tcredi holdinp down those clever Wa^w forwards Biiseley who is one of hottest forwards in the confereneb

only nMe to connect witjitwo^ and both1 of tlrem were cliiieult t iBohhy iVolf did not-get ft iy bagt but hewas busier than a cranbi m|rcliii)t at Christ ria-s tryiiirw dAvii yaiuonltln8 k0-re i r --^

loonies Stae Comeback^ The Ionies got nack injhe vici

ephlmn with a 17 t]rgt lOQwiii o v ^ Waiieoiidn lights1 JThey ca userf ndlierenls quite n few herrous Wtes however (for they fritti-rec^ ai a 0 In 2 leadkvhieht they held at half nnd let Wnuoonda taltJ tftft_ away from theijif Cpnns three bi

|ets aiijl lirnnclts two kHgtp them itettiiiR swamped in the Meraquohd Beernianand Dave Oinujlijhnve doing raquoi Ilflek Wilson jtliltl Inst pie of games when it comW to get

baskets but they may Mart hiti again soon bull L |

Warren Here Frjdaj Warren township ^igh seiool

CJiirneu 6rthwest hoirfereriee eliamtis Instyear will iiniraclp the

fl h I

rington gym this Mm Keltbn has another rfij zone defenses and his up of a series of Wo tfl which

ni^hfiCd i laquo those tsect


be plenty ha4-| to-ston hostile nifiial traquovo Kamesj HghtwoightH lorklpg -hor laquo BarrineMn will alsiraquo melaquot rnafinr the Pnjntino- floor onsTult sday nie

ensjit 1raquo ltraquohich Tbpw with - ^ 7 -


bullTan lil This Bnme wrtU Hiednhvl ibdquor Saturday ntiht hutl heen postponed to the TllPeflav

The box score

bullUroiulms 1 R _ Williams f Wneironer f-

rn a

Wolf Thorpe pound MeiMter (j Miller f Orahenllt(gti-t



Wniioojfla RnseJev f Howell f ^Vimfttl rgteelh- c IfironinitiN



-t (f

1 0

Sorfei^i hraquoit 1


ii Ft 1 0 1-0 0 -6-o

T imdash


o 1-0 0 o


-1 0 0


yenbull Ronie

Rarrini Att^nlnirv ^ deg fapiilU ( Ollll

^ n - t a p n l i i Kra|iit s Heerinaii ^hristinnjjo- Meiners gtniiiii tftwlnm|

_ Totals

Unusual ly^

n e s mdash +bull-


i i 3 0 raquo Q-

0 J -0 o

bullbullbullt bull-j



1deg-- iO~

0 0 0 0

1-= 0L_ 0


arm Weather ^ Sets New OfficialJRecdi

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^rmJh-ofr i t

I r I t i ^ t h ^ ^ o f r o f A)

bullInnimrj 3 l M r hlm stated oral

for the P i M f ihlaquolaquonce hnsSii bullrnwliv hlT ^ t ^ 1 t h e ma^wHc

bullbullbull St ilF a s hnr f t h laquo bulllaquoraquolaquolaquo hhd frac34 8 d ^ a n a p o l r K Inlt

W - 2rr poundbullbullpilpatp r gtflaquoslgtviD i n raquof In form^ ^1^ T h laquo M l o Khrllr mtgta 8 ^ ^ given bj M

Tl -- ~_ I laquo d M n e l w n r e r W f o r e ^ raquo toJ 8l^r pound 5 ^ Y dinlaquottc 4laquogtaitTolaquo

moSi Maeem^t^aU aigtbdquo 8Juwd cotomeJitrBl 1 Rented p e r i o d t e nHreIy lorip iJ T r

^ ^ ^ o ^ B r ^ B e ^ w

f bull -

--J-1 mUmMtmtSmmim Jt 12^



0rr Williams and Harry Miller Star-in Final Barrage

o n l l bdquo win in Seesaw Ti l t

Wiirrtn Boys tQ Play

Here FridayV



i l l T

l l t l v



IIIKII h e a v y w e i g h t s

f the week on

ln laquo r a c from

bull-ArUt t o d e f s a t

iivjp18 to l

s l o w l y w i t h

stumppltl by

defense J a k e

-run the corner

(-11- by F a r r i n B - tirit half w h i l e

-1 twice from the - irgtm the f h a r i t y

- bull bull laquo I

- f thgt- second h a l f - - iir and the d i s -

ti-nnis r e m a i n e d 1 v bullbullbullbull three quar ter s

llnly h e c a n t o - tlt Led by Orr

Mil ler w i t h the Bronchos

1 thijr r iva l s in bull bull i|tiirter W n u -

wi th a long bullgt ii Base ley a n d

-gtbullbull pret ty c o a l s 1 -bull lirsie u lead bullbullilium last i |iuir-

- i) for the sihiw-

- l i inN Mei s t er bull 1 f credit for

1i T W a u e o n d a i l niie of the

bull -i nferenee was bull w i th two shots

- -=bull difficult o n e s

i bull L-t any b a s k e t s iim a cri i i iherry

bull- i rv-ini to keep

bull M I lt Dinrliaek

-i in the v i c tory bull 7 bullbull In w in over the

Ilu-i bull iu- i d their bulliTcinis mill-

bull - - f r i t te red awny [ lt- - 1 - l i t l i l at the

V f -i -I r (ki file lefljl i i -nil t l iree buck- - bullbull kei P tinin from

bull bullbull bullIn-- -111 half 1 i nntl i h i ve been

-bull t i n - I-1gt I C O I l - bull bull III - I- bullbulleitine

bulllt-bullbull ---ivi h i t t i i i K

Jefferson Ice Bowlers Drop Series to Riggs

Kids Elgin by 12 Pins

Riggs Kids bowling team of Elgin triumphed over the Jefferson Iclt teata of Barrington by a narrow mar (fin gtf 12 pins fof a three-Rome series gtn the Kelly hotel alleys in Elgin Friday night

Each game was a battle in itselfmdash the local team taking the first game by a matter of four pins the Elgin keglers winning the second by^18 pins and the locals coming back to take the rubber by three pins ^

Franklin gchroeder anchor man on the Jefferson team set the pacS for individual scoring with a 202-202-224 mdash628 series

The Elgin quint will play a return match here Friday night The scores for last Friday nights match follow

Riggs Kidsmdash P Schmitz 20 16 181 548 Hake bull(bdquobdquo 173 886 |102 601 DaWlek 153 192 156 483 Wekerman 168 165 214 J547 B Schmitz 140 162 180 482

Totals^ 810 Jefferson Ice Co-

W-essel 154-C MeGowata Mitchell Gerdau F Schroeder

1 Totals

190 -136 138 202

922 i

- bull

162 210 159 170 202

923 2661

175 178 176 173 224

491 578 471 481 628

820 903 926 2649

Pohlman Drugs Still in Lead of

for First Place Latter Team Seeks to J in Lead Only 200

Pins Behind



REYliSWy^ARROT^ ^ iJ^DAYf - frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 1 -frac34frac34frac34frac34


junior high ied by the brilliant playinj of Lattn a 87 0 victor) bull over the

fhe Cadwallader teams hold on t place in the Lions bowling league

became less secure Monday night when Hagers V n ^6 1 1 cracked the maples for a total of 2358 pins against the Beerman teams 2246 Hagers team rolled itself up to with- in 200 pins of the leaders so the meeting nest Monday night promises to be a battle for first place

CadWalladers team nosed out the Pomeroy aggregation by 40 pins the oral score being 2198 j to 2158 pins

jomeroyk men stillneed quite a few ]gtins to get but of the lower berth in ljeagues standing

Beermanmdashbullbull 132 14 144 138 127 128

]i Plagge A Sass Catlow IcClure L Miller Beerman

Shoups Confectionery Five Wins Three Games From



lriiligt 1 J - ihool bull - l i t leu co-

bull i I- the H i i r -

bullbull i n - l i t Coach bullbull I thu-e touch

)-bullbull is made which wi l l Tir i-ill with thjj




Iohlman Drugs Lipofsky Clothiers and Greengard Grill howling teams each garnereltl two games in last weeks schedule of the Harrington fowling league and as a result held

1 their respective first secondand third | places the fcjame a s before the two 1 weeks holiday intermission

Shotips Confectionery quintet trishyumphed in three panics over McLeisshyters team and moVed up to tie for fourth place wjjth the Barrington Reshyviews The Confectionery boys have licuM^howinc some excellent bowling Intefppind may hand-the other teams some surprises before the season is aver

So far each team has ftlayed 30 games almost one half of the comshyplete schedule The seasons schedule contains 61 games for each team


Tuesday J a a 5 Liliofsky Clothier^mdash

Purcell 159 16fl 163 485 Ilnwlcy 12raquo 140 157 420 Zitzmnu 138 138 138 414 Carr 7 164 188 158 485 Beerman 151 159 144 454

gtgtlt R-

gt h-

T i

7 -M i l i t inn nn - i lnv nisht

bulllt iTMinillv i i i ht but has




bull w






full gtwing

F T 1 (i

1 bull n

(raquo 0


Totals 735 783 740 2258

- -Cameron Real Estatemdash P Landwer 156 214 J Kiimics 141 141 J Welch 150 119 1 Hager 150 147 C McGownn 192 154

161 141 114 142 149

531 423 38frac34 439


Barrington J McCoy J

Uarbisch Burton Miller Conn

789 775 707 2271

Reviewmdash 133 390 132 122 147 136 1 4 2 144 180 152

210 1321

157 135 146

533 386 440 421 478

Ti- ta l s 734 744 780 2258



o ltgt


R-r- Hi- bull 11 - X

amp ntNi1i|



bull 1-

i -


V Kc - I J - bull v bull


bull bull

bull bull bull bull

K ^ gt bull

l( I-



() bullgt raquo 0 0

gt () 1raquo 1 tgt 0 1

1 1 1 iraquo 0 (gt

bull lt bull ltgt 0

s 1 bull

u V i r m W e a t h e r

^ Nraquow Official R e c o r d

bull - iininih 6f the 1 i h IIIN gtnfimied

bullbull bullbullbullbullbull- raquof 11)32 has - lunatic conditions i-t n|- | |bdquo Hooky

raquobullgtbullgt miles J B i I ivisinnof Agrl-

bull -~gt f tlv bull Chi ted in stated orally

bullbullbullbull HI-fa lice has halaquol ltl lie eVimnte which bullbull Meridian Miss hi- had the climate

11 Iiidufunntdis Ind bullbullbullbull of Nashville

bull nit rift follow- u raquo s laquoiven hy Mc

Miller Brosmdash Xorton Peters [ Miller j Schreiuer

( 1 Meyer

T o t a l s

K19 133 160 143 147

143 159 145 123 180

176 M 9 IS 3 1(0 168

488 441 428 426 495

bull i hefnre been So long bullbull climatic conditions th r((gtrds go Occa-i-ldai-ement for a sin-cii used comment but

is entirely unpre- i i l



ltbullbulllaquoraquo Bring Restate

752 750 776

Thursday Jan 7 S l u m p s C o n f e c t i o n e r y ^ -

A Marten 1 5 8 A M i t c h e l l bullE H e u e r F S c h r o e d e r E W e s s e l

T o t a l s

McLeistei- i V S c h r o e d e r G r a h a m bull^cjiaubh I l o i m i t h ( j e t d u u


Pohlman K Scherf L Yeoman I Landwer E Gleiije J Dneschleif



t 57 34


157 165 157

120 225 157

436 416 255 120 548 471

Totals 1 718 735raquo 793 i 2246

Hager-1 lager Paulson dol lar

M i l l e r n g d a l e S a s s bdquo

160 137

155 148


176 1U 146 151


1180 150 147



356 484 430 306 327 455

Totals 737 801 820 2358

Cadwalladetw-Ifohlman 141

Sehweirim -196 W Catlow 135

iimlberg 141-If rjlagge adwalladert

Totoifl J

Pomeroy-(jlhivreh Iavy (rreengard Iteffernani ^clireiber


144 153

8tandiii|g Team



l iager H eerman Iomeroy


(36 games eaehj Pins IJi-B

bdquo26i857 ^ 0 2 26057



2 58 2347 2259

Si-G 851 828 846 834

Lake Quintet Bows Before Strong Defense of Salem Team

| Salem cagers won a fast and intershyesting game fiiom thegt strrbg Crystal Like team Wednesday night hy a 2C -17 scbrp The Crystal Lake cagers failed to penetrate the strong defense of Barrington j |

The Salem eager took the lead and led 16-8 i t thj end of I the first half Hirder and| Gielaquoke were1 the high sorers for Salem while Lundahl and Buhrow ^ poundere the higli Icttre^s for Ciystal lake

The next ganie wijj be wrth the sfiong Late Zurich team at Lake Zurshyich Tuesday night Jan -Ml On the fo) lowing night the Salem team meets thi- Austin Boulevard (Jmiitet of Chi-cngoj citjf champions pt tilie church

761 84raquo

Greengard Grillmdash M Lines 174 170 I Banks 153 124 K McGownn 141 212 R Brown 109 164 Cadwallader 138 180

143 180 145 124 7X83

487 457 498 397 501

Totals 715 850 775 2340

Standing Team Won Lost Pet

Pohlman Drugs 30 10 667 Lipofsky Clothiers 18 12 600 Greengard Grill gt17 13 567 Barrington Review 15 15 500 Shoups Confectionery i 5 15 500 Cameron Real Estate 13 17 403 McLeisters 12 18 400 JkUBer Bros 10 20

leigue fqi the past t^o years game wilt be played at the Lake

The Zur-

ICII high school ifynl- Preliminary ga nes have beenarranged before the main game

Salem fit u scher Tate If Ilirder jfl Parlikrg Giesk Ig


Orystal Lake Kltok rf Sciuette If Bu hrow c Gutiske rg Polhlman lg 0 Li ndahl rf Kcuhnert rg Htimann rf

Totals tef Hoffman

Business Notices Bring Results

last apnea rat clt

out the Arlington

a 12-sccond

team after thJt visitors hail staged a last ninute n 11f that ended Just one point short Both Barrinj ton teams show much iinnrpvement pinte

Grabmkort f Olms tea4 f

Kers mw t L a t t i c MuifevY-j Deissper graquo

r Totlals

and shoi ld stronjg oppositjio|i for the undefeated Algonquin boys next Friday

Barrington 3)7-)1- FG 3

1 1 12 0



Ar ington Heights 6 - ^ Koppiin f 0 Vernon f - 0 Miad icls c ^T 1 Adair s g 0 Tuiry g if 0


anted bullof -^4

Holg i t s lndtf last Friday evening and incidentally increased their to 150 in t i c conference Lattn a s high point man for U2 field ijiojils or] a total poijnis

Arlington wW allowed bujt goal the bajame of their ing iccured b r f r e e thrpwf

Th e bull lightweights nosed 11 V i n over

turned in Arlington

^ss^K^ri^^fm^nw^^m^^ ^qiW^pltw l i f w ^ w r ^ - T w i - T i ^ - bull j


their make


aturedonS at Catlow Sunday

laquo ( erven on

low Si Earth Pardon




qs and jThe Chlamp Coming to Screen

Ken| Mnynard tidpular hero of the western dramas is seen as a Texas ranget in his- lajtult thrill-play Alias the Bud Man which plajja The Cat- low Saturday njglit

Susiiense tlwills h a r - r a i s i iig riding stunts and an iictioh-fillcd] battle between Maynard anil the]chief of the cattle rustlers are t i e big fea-raquo tttres bull bull

Short siibjedsJ selected for this pjrogram includt ft Slim Simmerville corned cartoon iportlight and news-

Nex j -Sunday- i ifternooii and evenshying Tlip Rosebndu a clever group of youngsters iif a kiddie presentation will IM presented on the straquoge This groiiptif nine talontcd hoys and girls will ofer 30 minutes of kidilie frolic

The swreen feature for Sundays show v ill be Heaven on Earth with Lew Ay res starrel

This picture hritf d^flnitrgtly regisshytered us Lews bciit screen effort since All (wie t on tlie Wester i F r o n t s and tells an nbscjrbing stoy of life oh the Mississippi river w th young Ayres oast as the son of a (steamboat captair I

Ijew Ayres supporting cast in eludes Slim SimnicrvilU Anita

and many fch ic Sale in fkfnny A Slip will

Jraquor6vide the comedy feature for the

Lain el and Hardy comedia as khown gtr- pictures

shown nights comedy

next Monlay

s i tuatkns in this

day the


in their ull-length Pardon Js The

their j dlley and Pardon U s wi l | ^laffinj est corned iei

Wedi ie8day Tl u ihts bf net

force are

pi esentation WAlli

other not M uctors

arc shown and

tvill be psday

ea ture hilarious right up

audit gtnces for |see on $

on the ay

week raquo f little

ace Berry

a ad ill

Lost 20 Lbs of Fat In Just 4 Weeks

Mrs Mae West of St Louis Mo writes Im only 28 sectrv old and weighed 170 lbs until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks agltL I now weigh 150^ lbs I also have more energy and furthermore IYgt never had a hungry fflomept

liat folks should^fake one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a g i n s of hot water in the morning beshyfore breakfastmdashits^the S A F E harm les i way to reduce as tens of thous-ancaof men and women know

Tor your healths sake ask for and get Kruschen at Fredlund DrUg Co or aby drag storemdashthe cost for a bot tie that lasts 4 weeks is but1 a tr i t e and if after the first bottle you are not joyfully satisfied with results

bulln ioney back f

Mplusmn Wltrifeaj-^h

of the screen

Fri bring

Jackie in The

tch iour

ELS What s|ould wojmAn do to kltlaquop their bowels moving1 freely A dob tor should 1 now the aiiswer Thu t u why bum Snrup Pepsin is so (ood for women It just suits their delicate organism It is the prescription of an old fanily doctor who has treated thousands of women patieMs and who nude a special study of bowel troubles 1

It is fine for children tojo They love its taste Let them have it every time tht ir tongues ire coated or their skin is i allow Dr Caldwejls S^rup Pepsin s made from fresh laxative herbs jure pepsin and other harm less ingredients i

When youve t sick h(adajhe cant eat are bilous or duggisn and at the times when you laquore most ant to bamp constipatedtake a little of this famous prcsciption (ill drug stores keep it ready in big jottles) and youll know wiy Dr Cildwells Syrjip Pepsin is thlt favorite laxative

er t million wo otenl |

Da W 8 CkL-owCLt

YUIJP gtEPSI ( A Posters Family Laxative I mdash - J mdash raquo [


^^^i^^^^^^tmmim waM


Oflee over Pohhnans Druf Store

Hours 8laquo to900am (K to2K)Opm i(K to8^)0pm

Sundays by Apboiatment

Office and R sidence Barrington 2

D R B P G R i L B I R |



830 to 9

7 laquo 4 Sunday



HOURS 30 a in 2

880 p U W 12

K ne



bull bull bull - t l bull bull bull - - - ^ - - bull]bullbull - I - bull l t


o8 t noon

J i r t BANK

arringion 23

SpeciaUj lint in Diseaces of Wonu|d and Chfldfea

HOURS Tuesday Thursday and Saturday

23( to 430 pm

Telephoie Barrington 525

130 Park Ave above Peerlgtss Market




[- paouRS 9 t gt 10 a m

i 2 traquo 8 p m -7 traquo 8 p m

Sundayi by Appointment

Bartington 801

Hudson-Bssitx B Main St

Telephoi e Barrlngtot 235

1717 Conway Building 111 Was Washington Street

CHICAGO ILL Tel Randolph laquo856 _

ilaW4gtlaquoraquoMliraquo-- -V-j Evenings 525 copyrove Ave bull bull Tel Barrington 502


usiness Director


Barrington Phone 403 -


118 N LaSalle St

Phone Dearborn 0399

bull v - i-Vii bull i-



112 West Adams Street


Telephone Randolph 6144 V

Howard i t Brlntlinger Telephone Barrington 660-W bull





E Main St

Barrington 52

By Appointmeit for your i ouvenience




135 lark Avehi Phone Birrington 301-J

HOURS 630 t ) 830 p

t)ther Hours and Sun i by Appointment





Successor fo


Phone] Barrington 77 115 E Main St


Office In Pohlman BallAnk 127 E Main St I 127

Barri Ington


0 to 12 lt 1 to 5 p 7 to 0 p


Tel Barrington 471

- HOURS 9 a nL to 6 p m and 7 to II p m


801 B Main St

Phone Barrington 458

| Banilnttou





- i- - - ^ 1 - bullbullbullbullbull - bull

60S Summit Street

Telephone Barrington 650-3

omoAQQ bwnca 134 N LaSfcUe St

Chicago Phone Central 4646


105- W Adams St laquo CHICAGO

Telephone Franklin 2788


- Barrington Phone 32-J


JUSTICE OF TflB PEACE (Cook County) (

8agt West Lake 8trelaquot^ bull Telepnone Barrington 634-J

v N -- Chicago Ofnce - - 20raquo W WasbJngton St Room 1401

Telephone Franklin 0122


Chiropodist and Foot Specialist

i -



Diseases and Deformities of the Feet

CHICAGO OFFICE 2020 Garland) Bldg Phone Centra^ 8005

Barrington By | Appointment Tel Barrlngtdn 248-W



bull I l

Office Hoars 9 to 12 a m ad 2 to 5 p m I Evenings by Appointment

Telephones Residence Barrington 588-J 8t6r( Barrington 298-W

Readers of the Review find this

directory raquo eapvcnleptj index to

bushiess and professional Bar

ringtoa When In need of some

specuv service they inrn to fids

page quickly to locate firms tote

phone numbers streei addresses

ftiM dugteetorjr has been raquo feature

j f l i yean

W raquo for almost 44


HENRY J GKARMAN Phuto Tuning aad-



E xpert work on alt repn dddl

or send S card 41


Plagge Home FtirnikMmt 6e


FREDLUND DRjUaffO 100 W Main


Phone 54$



Ifbull bull bull fl-j 111 -it s -th laquo5 i


i I







102 N Cook Sreet

Tel Barrington 2 Ftjill



1 i


bull raquo bull

n bull i ^ laquo


CALKINS Etawating and Grading


Tennis Courts Bbwlir|Oreias

4 B A R R I N G ^

H C A L K I N S Phon A S CALKINS] Phott4 4 W


^Li raquoraquo


-frac34 ii tl

Erery professional nsn in Baningfo) hi i name aaorfsB niunber and hours ef Ir this directory laquo I et ery week and mall eiery home In the 0 ber directories nay tl Is directory -ut wiek i


SERVICE INC 217 East Smtlojn St bull


bulli fin j ]

Furniture Remgtvalj d LongDi^tan

bull If embMPj

United VaWsiervljce

- ii- bull 4ryr GuaranteMi w


COST - -



r $ HX rlt i

fV bull u ft



ift 4





Local Brevities Mrs Blanche Ford ill nt h laquo

home 721 8 jCook street

Mrs Kdwaird Ostj 20laquo S Cook utreet spent Saturday) with her sister-in-law Mrs Kdward j Wicjkershpim of Long Orove raquoho hail jdst returned from the Libjltrtvville] hospital where die was tnkeij New Yearns Fflaquo after lgtelnK injured in an iuitnmobile aelt|i dent

Sir nnd Mfrlaquo T Garfield utreejr will a vacation of two West They wijl v Oklahoma CI bullikla que N M Hefore nia where thej will v friends in several cities


Dockcy 1frac34) leave todii-jr for

months in the sit rutatmw in

and Albuqncr-ing to Calif or-

l|sit relatives nnd of that state

Association Asks Help in Tuberculosis Fight

A training class for Sunday school teachers will be organized Thursday evening at the Saleni church It is to mect-bnee a week and will be under the direction of A Carsten-a-n

Mr and Mrs Paul Clark and famshyily 532 Orove avenue returned frolm Abingdon this week and Mr Clark will resume his duties at the high school Monday

Mrs John Horn and infant daughshyter June Alice returned to their home 502 Grove nvenue Tuesday

Volmer Anderson of Chicago who hYs many relatives and friends in Birrington underwent an operation fof appendicitis Moilday at the- St

onys hospital in Chicago His ition is reported to be satisfac-


Miss Amy Anderson retu-ntd from the Itavenswood hospital to her home at Honey Lake Sunday Mis Ander-son is recovering nicejy from nn opshyeration for appendicitis

Mrs Delia Cady 213 E Lincoln avenuevisited relatives in Libertyville Saturday and Sunday k

Mrs P L Anderson 628 Summjt street who returned from the Franshyces bullWlllard hospital recently is imshyproving in health nnd able to be up

Walter Ahrcns 21 street is recovering frim tack of tonsilitis

2 W Russell a severe at-

jp The home of Mr ajnd Mrs Lnwr-^ ence T York 40 E Kussell street

is under quarantine- Mr York is sufTering from an at alaquok of ^scarlet fever

Mrs Henry Will ljlVbullWashington street who iins been ill the pnst three weeks is so much improved that she is able to be up nnd around in- the


Thn monthly clinics maintained by the Lake County Tuberculosis assoshyciation for the examinations and sushypervision of the 40Opatici)t)i-wlio arc sick with tuberculosis In the county cannot be held Jin 1032 unless the people of this county cooperate to mnke the sen saj^ a succhsH accord-frfc to Ruth HcmMekiSOTij executive secretary of the association

The meager buduet upon which we are now compelled to (wottk does not permit school examinatiojiN or any

bullother phase of tmbl i c lipilth work which might prevelit the sp^nd of this gi-ent white plagin Miss Itendrickson stated |

The-neriountiesi$ of thin] situation is revealed when one renliz^s tliat 2W8 children active cjise of j tuberculosis are today attending classes in the scbools of Lake county

Lake County Tuberculoijas associashytion lias no menijs of support other than the returns from the ChriltmnK Seal sale There are no state or coun ty appropriations made flaquojr the care of patients suffering from tuberculous in this county

Childrens Reading Club to Be Formed Wednesday raquonhlt

A Book WormClub fdr girW and boys of the sixth seventh iand eighth grades will be formed at the public library Wednesday afternoon Jan 20 and will meet at 5 p m every Wednesday thereafter f lect ion of officers and the rehding of ^ulps which will govern this n lt w reading club will comprise the program for the first meeting The first twcnt|y-five boys nnd-girls who cone will W eligible to join the organization There will be a waiting list fof- any others -who wish to belong

Club meetings vill not be like the story hour jield for younger children

State Nevbd

Tho Century of Progress sion authorized by the last lcgii 1 has been appointed by Governor LvEmmerson The groupwill vise erection of a state buildfyig Worlds Fair in 1033 The leraquo provides lt that) Governor E shall be chairman with Li Governor Fred ESterling and e r David E Shnnahaii art me Those named -by fjoverttor Ein arc StiJte Senators Roy Wood i bullV (JiMiham Chicago Florence BoliiTr Hloominijton Hit Bnrr Jol iet Charles H T Ilarrisburg State Reprcscn Homer 7 Tilt(e O r o e n v W Schnnckenbergi Frank Ryiln K King Chicago Itichar 1 J Miiiidelein The fiillowiijig were also named Noble Bi Juduh George F Ilaiding Ai T CltzarnltScKi wtlloejor of cut V G -Hermann J F C o r i e l i u s Ideiir Illinois Academy of Paul Demos all of Chicago limn Leonard Karclier Fred P Watson Mt Vernon

Fine Mri Ft

W Baker Kewanec Col H son Pana The legislature i i ateed $350000 for a btViMlnfc preparation of exhibits

c^mmis-nture Louis super-at the

legislation miderson

icu tenar t 3peak-nbers

ipcrson nd K Fiffcr

hoihpson aitlvles R jJ-

nm yoris fsons

ha id


tgt FraquoIP




Ill pc

at 2 p m every

L A K E (Furnished by

Company Guaranteed 2^0 Waukegan 111

R C Ross extension specia agricultural economies at ihe of Agriculture Univers i ty of has announced that the 22 cut which Illinois farmers mad fall in their winter wWat speeds up a downward adjustm a c r e a g e ^ h i c h has been going most without interruption sincp The 22 per cent reductionfor is more than twice as much average reduction for jthe country - I

1st In (follegc

inois centj this)

acreage tit in

)ii al-1919

Illinois the




COUNTY the Illinois Title

Abstracts of Title Title Washington Street

Tel 4)

bull Chester-Callow 112i WMaiii left Tuesdny for a six weeks vacatiojn on the Isle of Pines whiiili is nhout 100 miles south of Havana Cuba Durshying Mr Callows absence Miss Helen Glenson 722 Second nVenue will Jake his plnce at the organ in The Catlow theatre

Mr and Mrs AVilliam Dawson 30 ) Lincoln avenue left S inday for Florshyida where they will abend thewinter months

Buzzards Lin itaitiont With its Ilinnnkalili eyesight pov

er of flight and size there probably Is only one1 reason why the vuituru or buzzard Is not one of the tuos active pursuers of living prey in stead of feeding upon dead or help leas preymdashthe absence of talon f with which to seize laquond hold living preymdashCuppers Farmer

FremontmdashH Ruura amp w)F to C Milshyler QCIgt laquo10 U t 17 Blk 12 Ar-tliitr Dunas Mundelein Manor Sec 25

II Ruurs 17 Blk 12 n Manor Alundclci

FremontmdashC Miller to amp wf jt tens D $l | ) Lot Arthur Dunas Sec 25

FremontmdashtJnioii Bnnft i)f Chgo to J Avon amp wf jt tens Dgt$lb Lots 13nnd 14 Blk 8 Arthur Dunas Munshydelein Manor Sect 25

ElamdashH M Overland and J Over-hmd to V Overlaid QCD 10 P t of SIC qr of SW qr of Sec 35

Waucondraquo-f-J if Johnson amp hun to T V Johnson QCD 10 I^its (K) 01 amp (12 Einicrest Sub Sees 23 25 and 20 bull j

WaucoiKliijmdashJ d Kelly amp wf to H Wagner amp wf j | tens W D $10 Iot 03 Maiinailsf 1st Adda to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

WaucondahmdashII E Maimiin amp wf et al to J Ci Kelly wf jt tlt Lot (Kl Maimans 1st Add i to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

ElamdashC W Ofit amp wf to E Ost amp others w r i N hf of N W qr the S W qr of NA qr and N E qr of MV qr of Sec 20

Fremontmdash-Union Bk of

qr N E

Chief Highway Engineer Fin Sheets has anlaquoiounced t in t highway divisioi _has under wa for constructing the equivWlcnf 200 miles o f T n w - two-lane roads in 1932 I t i s estjmate^l this extensivp st|atc-wide progi givlaquo| employment to between and 35000 men Tlie hig|hway ment will insist on the employm



local labor whenever^ fair rate of wages


Directoir Leo Hj Howej of t partmJMit of trade nnd coiiimercb announced that th j Insurance dty one of tin largcs reyenue agencies at the state | g n turned intlgt the st raquote treasury 1931 $6(|373705 T This only $40000 TCBS tha|gt the collie for the previous y^ar

annll of the div the I second tral Sttjtes cinnatij O congress was from Illinoit tucky- ailaquoB0 to consider


3[ Paul static planni i nouiiccd five planning Hon of the KiUigtn of Ian

isijon of forestry

Jiaj meeting of ewry congress

December 3 to made up of Indiana IowK

uri Ohio and the problema anlt|l

late forfestry in the Central region Mr Springer was the j board of directors for a thrtfe yi

(llac gyton chairniai igf tjommiasion broad-objectives

cse include dejtermiiia-st Sensible type

I nrijas to dirfeiii iioi

anded r__ Cen-

t Cin-I This

c elcgat ea Ken

Tennessee stimu-

lot elbcted to Iieriod of



of the uis an-of state

of utili-thc deshy

velopment of localization tion to which go jtf of the typi maintain a plete a coir which ^rill ordinattd and lirtper vaatrcsoui

a second distribution and of industry and popula-

(letermine the elements to the pattern and plaiv al urban-rural area to high standard to comshyprehensive plan | program bull

mejin the systematic coshyrd economical development

onservatioii of all Illinois S



A HANDY MAN wanted to take care of fires and do

jobs around country place live on place References Address 2212 Barrlngton Barrington III


Senatltr rimes Ilaniiltbn Lewis will be honorpd lit a ilaquoeptiou to1 be given By tho Illinois State ^ociety at Wash-( ington at i t) first meeting in the new year on Jti dary 21 All we repre-sentativcls i rom Illinois and their wives willlc in the receiving line

bull NOTICE bull

Not feinonsible for any traced Jgty anyone othW |ltn A Jij Sclirojljer North nve rlnjrtflin III L

^ mdashu Business Notices Bring I


t tut the Subscriber Ellen ncy Executrix of the Will of

rtnlaquoigtt deceased will nUcnd

nk TJ inois

plans of 1-

c|o(ncrcte that will

10000 epart-ent of at a

MODERN fcir rent in 3 bedrooms and basemeni strejet 32ogtWi

MODERN JSIX ROOM house for rent at 5C3 Grove avenue Reason

able Inquire at 439N Coot street Tel Barrington 209-J1 1 r

FIVE ROOM furnished

Strictly modern refrigeration Dundee avehue or 849

OLD LOG road one

ich for (rent $10 0 0 a n

qr of N W

Cligo to D Lot 7 J If I Conperlaquo amp v f jt tens

Oak TerraceSub Sec 30 FremontmdashJr IL Connors^ to A

Brady W D Pt of Lot 7 Oak Terrace Sub Sec 30 also ^ot 08 Second Addn to Oak Terrace Sijb S E qr of Sec 30

FremontmdashA JJ Brady to J| II Connors amp wf jt itens P t of Lot 7 Oak Terrace SubJ-Sec 36

Waucondamdash-A Bchling amp wf to V Behling W D Lot3 Blk5 At Home Sub Sees 25 aiidj 30

F U R N I S H E D Barrington Livi

i kitchen breakfast L Call at 642 N

telephone Ba

H O U S E room

nook Hough

rrington tf

FURNISHED apartmelit for

Oil heat Mrs H L

Tel Barritig

or un-rent

Electric s a on 28

FIVE wooded

tate district Price ronly Box 21 BarH

for faje Beautifjully igli located in finest es-

near bull$ W highway J

KOHLER 1500 wajtt

hauled M ton 395-JW

^iECTHflC LIGHT ilnnlaquo for sale Recently ovcr-


LOST OR male cat

black tipped large cat ton 325-J

PERSIAN with larlaquo]e

not-ify Mrs ringt(u 310

ACRJraquo FIVE Ijby private

pwee or no 2111 Barrington Illinois

Prqbate Court of Lake Count) eof to blaquo Iiolden at

Hoise in Wnukegaii In sahjl t |0 first Monday of

li|whcn and where al uiig clnims against said

yiotilied^nrid requested to ] tjanie to said court for ndjuldication

E L t E N ti COURTNEY ^bullaukctran 111 January cent- ^932

Philip Young Attorney

$^550 per acre ington 111

Ow nerj

Telephone Barring-


STOLENmdashGray and tan with black stripes and tail and feet Unusually Reward Tel Barring-

CAT lost dafck grey and bushy- tail Kindly

E A Bcermun Tel Bar-


FOR CASH wanted lgtarty~ Give location and attention given Address

i Review Barrington

r I

drive car otjier odd

Not to required Review

i ebtjs con-n myself me Bnr-



jfivon L- Court-Tomes V

the atntenn

ijhe Court County

Majrch next persons

bullstnte are picqcnt the



1 Aikilonwrs rdegW AuoU in on thf o ] locate I 2 mil

Will Mil at man farm ltDunuec 3 miles Nortjlt of Crystal new Dundee

in n large sharp on 1 I Sat] 4raquo l^BAD


19 CoWsr-Soma Springers some spraquo-r Registerod

Thts hilaquo of GueriiNtj first fimv sey sale and abort I in tho cuujntry were houghit them for them have must be fore sale cldse right know my rfputn be seen It down anft Terms





mile East bull ofj ( of Elgin 8j

I rtke pne-hnlf -GilbjFts roal IJB i|ve will Rtjl

i w laquobull IWU 5 south jilles ^-amp this laquobull1230

Jaii 16 |9 f OF RJBAL OJtfK m^ ciyslating of ome ^TenH Bala

lO^Ielfers |fl itiXlnjria lWfr l l

Jue^jiey^n except lofinll

H and it gt evct had a

Iliesekowlaquo a testefi apd u bulllaquoraquo Wisc|

ibylfjpurty t oVjuV herd




ii MHB00tJ0iiifiN^ All M i t will ftjo Uii^ bdquobdquo

laquolf htti BULL

raquof Il lunifli vm th tiftern-

it^lltod llOllslJt

Thev 1 liini(-iit iiiost (if


as I know tl Wn ak| vo PuMtttiL ThMti ( Uvs mubdquo

he WiipreclHt | w buy some cheajj KV8


h A^ttowraquo mu(t k- tud deridianie dai n j Snligt

JOE KVIDEPlit 1 V Myer C

AUCTION SAL Frank Gahlbeck AJict H I H Shoppe


Having decided toquit log raising1 will bell af publi old Sell rage Farm fir st farm eastfi ltfi Nebfls cor) road 2frac12 miles north )f Schaumburg 5 mil^s soj

Monday Janu - lt] bull bull Beglialng at 1 oclock shjjrjilaquo

6 0 Head o f H o g s 45 Gil

auction lt on Hi of Pal

__ r_ fan|o March land AptfiT 20 Shoatswt ampbii | 75 lbs

25 wi|from 100 to [ l l raquo J Chester White Boar 75 Chichenel SO WhbeWyan- dottes 2SLeghonislB IIpullets Brooder houie Chichi n coops 400-egg Tyco Incuba-or used bull one seasonj Hot Bias Hester Grain elevator Corn c rusher Drag cart Land rollei Thistle machine a ] Wheel

barrows 1frac14 h p Fairbanks mdtor Riding cultivator Pti mp-Jack Timothy seeder |TJuik heater Grindstone Home-made tinnier

M l Trucli and Rattle rakj good condition^

Hay rake arid gear Oil jtnd C laquo l Bugtner Wooden jslocktaik Good dumi wafOln Cookjsampve Washing maohliie with gas

bull bull bull i bull bull i All |shte vlndOff storri

dows M i screens MIW strainers milk claquoM|er Nome n n luiober Wonsbi l id stra Tablesan I chatljs Wa^on-bo arid If car

fERMSmdashCASH _ (

u (

t - -






WN 209 to 215 Park




ISHINNERraquoCO le 3 7 1

104 W Main St I Barrington HI





Stewing Hens


Pork Steak

irtm S L I C E D

Beef Liver 15




bull G E N U I N E bullbullbull

Lamb Stew 3^is



tn Roast



gtlaquoraquolaquo25lt -j F-^N-CY-

Leg oE Lamb


Avemdash210 to ate er

Station St

^ilTURDAY M bull

Part Wool ^ r arm Lined Color Gray raquoea

Big brother Fill Cut Heavkr Denim

31ue fcambray

Blealhed 81 inches Quality i

$179 ea^C

39c to89c Good O C i per yd laquoviraquo

Sheeting Unbc|olaquoifiyncfcr yd 23c 23c 46 inches wide


cs ai b

Grocer SALIf PORK lb FRESH LOIN per PURE PORK SAUfeAGE hiilk lb PORK LINKS Heidelberg lb Ripe Bananas 3 lb t I G A Yellow Lauudrfc Soai| lgTaais 10 for 4 3 I G A

Cqp- mdashDel Maisj Ni whole kernel J cam

Aljnerican Family S oap 5 bi ra Fan^y Applesauce

Soap Chips large phgsi 2 for 29 I G A Beauty Soap Gold C ream Bari bars

23c value) for J^ i-l G I A White Floa tirig ampoa]) the B ath Soap bull

Supreme each 5 10 or 49 I 0- A Cocoa Hard water Soap 2 bars 1 5 Household Cleanser] I G Aj 3 boxes 13

blets Vrouuih Packed



No 2 can Aunt Jemima Pane ike Flour 2 reg Cbmet White iloaeiElici 2 Mb pkgs Libbys Rosedale A pricjots lg cans Extra fine sweet and juicy naval fejrlaflgei

dozen ^-^^--^ - -- mdashu-vJSgn Iciiid 99laquo Fresh Eggs and Buttltr art declining Come ir Saturday and see sp ecial pric ss on th se necessities

Moats is 18 15 28 18

New York Pack


s27 28

10 pkgs 19

16 1 5

T 1-frac34 A D L HT - A N D S A V E

ywt raquo Y A L h j

STORES B E S T - Q U A L I T Y mdashr~ ALV t AYS

Independently Owned

SPECIALS for Friday1 and Satiard

Cranberries Fancy J lbs t e c n s Stringless Greer l b s raquo 5 c

Pet is Fancy California l b $ 2 5 c

Let t luce LgFan 3yHlt ads lbs 1 Swlt e t P o t a t o e s lbs I S p u j a c h CurleyL^af 3 l b e l


lt bull

M e n per

POTATOES Large White Cobblers bag ORANGES 200 size Heavy w i t h iuice do GRAPEFRUIT 80 siz TANGERINES APPLES Stayman Wi^iesajp

I Grimes

10 h do

lbs fo) tuslhet

OUR ROYAL5lb14c|Z4i lb

^AE^at2tbI iol^r PURE CANE SUOiUl ( ^Mlb tMc^ kles^ Tlaquof f

A K l laquo 03 Score or KHttr M$^J

r Peas AUT NO x 1laquo cans

ON SALE OXYttOL 1 lg i sm both for 2 3 T(raquo]Aro SOUP VanCam^s

OATS Royal Blue Quaker


Royal Biw

How Plaquocim T l p i i Ik ChioVlVf |fej

Brookfisld B2 geerf Or TMtoti

Tiny m kti 8lftlaquod laquo C I B Z rciiasJ

3 can flaquo 3 No 2 12


raquo raquo bull raquo bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull bull raquo H raquo raquo bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull p l


28 17frac12

9 CAKE FLOUR Virginia Sweet

nl idi ll - L bull 8 frac12 ^ PUMPKINI Ar-BeNo 2frac12 can 9 No 2 can

APPLESAUCE No 1 can i raquo raquoraquo


We Deliver Pto^e 6 l S Not a W E GUARANTEE EVERYTHING W E S


I tubbi samp


R I C M - l b pk HONEY s m

lg glass 1 lb BEEJTS No 2 Ar SYkl StfYbERCAifi

siti all

i in kf th ai i i tec

JUtCE kr S|


bullBj SHce^lJ JP Maple itnl Cane 21 oz

1 if t iw


mampM l^fjiiiQi^ 1

i^hM^^^l laquofe laquo l bull I

Thlaquo R tuiat1


T le r lmas In eiU

the Barr ing t raquotfraquofcB

PerCa ofEducMwttft 2 7 S c ^ S h ^

ItarrtaRton Hjfch SchMlJ

93041 i LoterTKb e

Tlbdquo -raquoni|wirallvc

AltbU^ S t a C V KrmWS Smithy

i bdquo i i i r i i i ] 1 d nrbull hiKh Hfh^t 6laquotilaquon 0 ^ frac34

bdquo1 IJgt tho per laquoM)ita aw

r T nrivolnt by dm

I bvh^^f pnpbatf

COIlaquotlaquo Of

yenr iiie tlio srhool - I j

Of 1 -JT M-liwllaquoraquo 1 laquo M pound 0f ilistriM per

Hut riii

MixJ lWI tlltj rtKhtU bdquo ilaquo-^laquoi T-r ilaquolaquoKM copy laquo


-i7st for 1 03 1^ nfwrtliM ^15() eapiin

c^tinii is dulaquo I

srliool follows

|Ii)igt Srlliraquoi| llnmiiioml Irjd

A w l^gtinm(ilaquoifv Bluom Township -

Dmuk Ilimurani Thon1 Yvw To Pulnt inltgt Towuship

tKlKin Harriimioii IMslnct

bull Proviso -Towiifhip Hint 1-lnml (JHitmijiiHyj

bullQnk IaiU 11 ml Uiv^ rnwn-fhip

H(iiiAigtlaquovilli ltVraquogtulaquoui)iy TlivifiiiHi Townsfiii

1 bull wimirit la lthmews vrollOTMltr The list of iij

- i TnltfimVlS j^

A-i) s h i p

V bull t ltraquoval^bull-

bull NfjJltciIKo - j - =bullbullbull-bull-bull- bull AHiniiuMi Iloiuhis To^iiMtii n Jolilaquott bull bullbullbullbullbull_ bullbullbullbull J Aniiorli Towiisliip Lihiiiyvilh1 Towtfsl ip IAOIIS TowiiNhip


IX 7-3 ii2 bull

^1 2frac34 - amp 25

26 -28

(Jrnnf Township WiNlraiidil Kill Township bull ^ Mjilinraquo Towm hip 1j lfvaiisioir Toivnship Tgt

^ VnrrlaquoMi Towhship j r Niw Trier Township Ijoyiliii ltojnnnmitv iWrlifld-Shiohls M Smilti tins tr rtCord of t|raquo

jCiipita oitsts of sovoji of thlaquo-k-hoitls for tluv year V^V-lit jours Iurlior Tho compatisnil of hvo srhooj viiir costs i Is

HiK-li ^iliool t020-2T Pjilaliuo $iSofJO BnrriiiKtou - 1ltUgt07 Arlington Jlk-ights 1S040 Proviso bull -f m)m Whcrtyvilh ^18500 Leyd-ii SOOIM) Oporficld-shiclds 24gtL$)

Elgin Lions Entertained Ky Ixtcal C liib ^lemb

r f bull27Jj

laquo3 1 n

19 bull bull amp fas -x

Twcijiy-tvfo KlRinJ JTJampiisf ^BltJ other visitors fronf I Moitdnv iiiRht ltif tho lt-lid) al dinner foll(jvod ontertjilaquoti)mraquont1iind n round

KollowiiiR dinup^ j Paul

irriiipton mn

t_ tei BerRer

world the

K BW croup

| vninhn-jllc faiiio AvhJ) Krnlt)iously [ mittwl lie ^iis tho

mnfciraii cntertainetl mnkiiiK riirds disapppora^d laquoW eomltgt out of the air nnd hy articles of femininlt iiitirp vlaquowt iMieketN-of sweral of the Of tlje Hiirrhifjtnn club

T|ie howling niatciim-nt ky jilley inelHdlaquod pickedbull t bdquo iiwrpliwttir IJoim d u b mVgttinif lraquot fowlers nntonp t k- Ktj

pxtcas frorii meml

the Jji bull i ihi ijjf

n visit

Park Ridgi Man AppointedCc^

of qirat] Naim

raquolaquobull inat rgtf the


Ajiiioii|ilt|Henl- w J-wrd of director Mbdquo

raquolaquolaquo raquolaquoraquo$ of llHrrlngtonj ^raquolaquoK ThftT-dfl-yfnhwmrf WPIHMiiii ofChnrbis A ^ l i - (1s vMWr 0 wtion - -

Mi KlKtier has ]jaj

11 ltViral TW Claquov bullf^MhwWnf state bank m

iSn^ inmtradelaquo



Kjr- bullKiwt-foltPji

iVnpob KlSBJl ] tye ii


[Kraquon laquoj

f IilN

^kt yfj laquoii ^gt Jjf

l x Families Are Um|er Scarlet FeverQuaraiii

S i l q m r i ^ M for laquornrfctfp

J J t raquoox t^w d ^ ^

^ 1 ) raquo ^ in t h i ^ i n e i m

n bullraquoUuiiMiiHiirf8|ilaquoIw^i||

RorftveHmr FVoiH injury H

bullCrr h f l r-52oalaquonnii^ bullto U i n laquoraquolaquo^nlaquol tlaquo -k^S u poundk lA tnm

bulltfor^L WU tvtrade wtM lH S^rofdw ttanlwtre Coi

A plusmnA A

Page 3: Barrington Area Library · & Months of .31 Reviewed in Brief Oulstandinu •



1 1


l ll

gt gt



IK f

bulli i t

bull1 ) I d M

i 1-I


i 1raquo

I - A ]

p ltl M

tali a l vaa Mr and M R ^ I lt-I jKiif -MIIJ sraquon Robert oft^Tf

- r j U 1(11 Mrs A u g u s t K r a a s 1 bulllr|i Ifiili T h e r e s e a n d E - j i i 4 s | i t S u n d a y w i t h Mgt I

M C-gtnri 1 K n u i s M

I x -i-^ M r- w- K- Claquomfcraquo j r bull^y-r Sunday d i n n e r - - 1 | I nil Mt IIiirld Kelsey lt

bull C l i |M)illi|s mtigtred (r i M -gtbull p ^ i f V I I f | l | I 1-11frac34 I I

^ f laquolaquo A l l - - Mi l l er of C a r ^ H ir i i i v - i m-rv laquo the KranL- e N

H f gtlt -

K i raquo u i 11 Jjt ri4 mdashbulllaquolaquolaquobull

^ raquo r M V f t i a l h - a t t h e h o w V H

^ r n bdquo d J l r K| Igtramlaquotait ^ e J iil-y -verting callers a t t h c H Tod M | N B m a n l z i i 2 S 0 B e 0 laquo

f fJ 1 1


I A I -bullbull U rlaquo


fih firaquo

laquo i if i

r )- VraquoH[- a r r h e Kranfc e N Mi S C T 1


1 bullbullbullbullbullbull ^-iwiorf i - f t ml- Mrs Pau l HanlM-h bdquof j H l i - i w lMivis ilaquon moved bacfcS j i biult fr two months gt -1

Nff 77711 ^ M r ^ B e r n a r d Ze l sdoJ h - T ^ v - r e n i n callers a t 5

J j - f M i n d Mrs Albert t ^ i a - -i -1 Ir-hn- View - r W

Mr iil Mrs F r a n k Kelsev bdquolaquor -bullU ij raquo home and en l lL a t

tivlaquon home in Caj-y

n d laquo ^ f l n k K d S e y m deg ^ r e J

1raquo Ml V

^ - i i - l | r

Hi M

f + I iu-it-^ Not ice B r i n g R e s u l t


lw fjm y




M fc^ iea hutidle of etery-

lill lor jimdashgt-ujsK it-r-cxj bullvfiter n our ^pidning

(spi-alc d re iurn every piece ^Uvri and jusi d^fflp

iroiiinjg Thuk we xnpteacduous Wash-tnd dd it at a copyrice hnl fcoine-vv^sr|ing

ay we call iFor itext Phone ui youij ad-

tU I

u peed wasttied


oh iLau^idry oripj26 I f il I ^ W l


r O N D | f t St bullp^U^JTHliEE


tt laquo

Iff A


i i i^outiics ncjro-Mesh make

ami-1rty-r^-heeling fieri^iits you to

t u- klutiflix You jket not just one

^H^UitriJicosk bull y i i I bull I (

bullSi- i f-

PONTlAc SIX I-U ^ipoftdne Deveopmen(s

fajrfo the Low-Price Field

PokriAc v-8

Mm tlkhli


iNtif P^OPI


Distinction pf V-8 Pw-a Likt Price] under 8S0

BI^OSJ^ [COLLINS IftI Karpringtrin 2r

[ I I fa r r ing ton I f f i W

ltJK H U s i 8 S C ^ A U f e L E T S O A B A O B t^n i eT

ts ii I 8^ S r a n t Avenue

| jCrySal Lake BJL bull

IKAND b O A D G A R A O B t i a c o n d a IB j

V A t O B 4oi


_ d i

ptoess of Last pfonths of 31 Reviewed in Brief

BARRINGTON REVIEWj takeh ca re of by the Publ ic Service

th res t by proper ty owners

i--ni 1raquolaquo 1 I

bull i nviv HarriiiRton house jllKt com the raquold building

bull Ti l iers associa-ir ilie KarriiiRtoh

11 totiiclit The --1- -lected to head president Mrs

I vire pOKjidcnt - (ren-s-lirer Mrs i irv Miss Doro-1--- youths broke

bulli ltlviv store Fr i -bull j _-ids valued a t

- mi contents of v 1-- i pr ivate Rashy

in I a mi lk house | M-rkle fiirni es ta te -i of Harr ington bull bullbullbull enrly Tlmrmlay

- l i^lils used by M-in Fort Slier- i iiiMe in oh-

-11 ll iers have -11-- the jiast

bull -1 iHied a( a

- -t two miles Tli- object of

bull I he so ld iers r the shortes t

bullbull SI To Were 1 l l i hl 111

1 1 1 - n i i h (

- - lt M | e lt i i l m

T h e s | ( t i | ( i f

- he lir-d lieiie-- il I he Imvel

bull IV-l bullbullbull I

bull bull i i | i i l i l e

- 11 Co l l

bull bull lv W-K bull bull i I-in in

e i - 11 s

1-- I I I IS I n l l l l V

t I--11- S T

11- Milage bull n s l l l l l l l s o f

- A-i l l - J bull u-v S-rvn-e

bull bull bull - h e l d l i t

- the low-

- I i lv l l l l l l l i -

bulli i |e i ( i l la t ion I S goverii-

- Th-He-

bull - Hi -ihe Id

bullbullbullbull- Il-iH the 1- -11 on wore

IIV e i l ^ III

I - n f lh -- Will I)

Dec 1 0 j - A t ax levy of $700 was voted nt the sigtecial Cuba town meetshying a t Har r ing ton Monday afternoon to cover the relief needs for the year 1032 T h i s levy will be raised by 11)31 taxes payable next yea r A $2-000 tax levy for pauper relief in Kla town was voted a t a mee t ing held it) Lake Zurich Monday afternoon E ighty spruce trcelaquo ar r ived in Bar r ing ton today jus t ahead of a beautiful Deshycember suowstorni to be erected throughout the business d is t r ic t The first conce r t appearance of the 110^ Bar r ing ton communi ty orchestra was a t the school audi tor ium Tuesday evening I as a benefit performance shared equally by t h e B a r r i n g t o n W o m a n s club and the orchestra

Dec 17mdashCollections to ta l ing $ V 42343 and disbursements amount ing to $17041 were reported by the Bar shyrington Belief committee for the pershyiod^ ending Dec 1 1

Dc-e 24mdashChris tmas cheer baskets will be sent to 35 families

Dec 31mdashA tax of $6 on every $100 of assesved bull va luat ion 1930 levy will be paid by B a r r i n g t o n proper ty owni ers living sou th of Main s t reet acshycording to r a t e s published Monday More than one-half of th is amoun t is for school operation and upkeep

New Coffee Shop (jpens for Businesjs Satut|day

The new Dayton Cofftc tj-hop dnder the m a n a g e m e n t of M r George A t kins will j jpen i)p for business in the Dayton bull Hotel Iniilding nor th of the Nor th Wes te rn statfon on Sa turday J a n 16 bull

Har r ing ton s new specialize in light service d inners a t regular hours and special p a r t y ami Sun lay pinners Complete modern cquipiuent has been installed to make it a n up-to-date eat ing l)lace The n ianagemint announces both counter and table service

The opening ai nounci ment appears

Itir ch room will lum hes fountain

in an advertiseinejit on ltif The Review


MrS| George Blackburn ejitertttined lite past ma t rons of Mayflower Chapshyter O E S on F r i d a y afternoon

Mr juid Mrs L - I I Cypher spent Saturday- evening with the hi t ter s lrotlier Uiiliartl Baseley and family

at Orays-liilir Leslie Nor th und Miss Clara Kunile

of r n i o i i unit Mi and Mrs WiUiani Baseley of Woodstock were Sundae visitors at the 1 II--Cypher honre

jMrs Clnyloii W-erdeii entertaitied 30 members itm| friends of the LndieH Auxi l iary of the Federated churcji IViursdav iittertiMn

Uesideuls were slarlleil early Silt bull itidiiy tnoiiiiitg by -t i le fire tnicl wllbitle wtieii the homo of Faill gtlll(H(-bullltrti about a mile west-of town Wilt cpirfej ii lire but the lire was ex 1 ingiilshei 11fore the llreiiteu ^aiiivd with but t i t t le damage The l i r e Was located on 1 he pof near the chimney

( 1 jetniiii timldaughter iniil- Mr ciil Mrs hola tul MtCiiinion itt|d siiit oi lli i iu 101 were Sunday gue i 11 |i (icorgc JcpNol) lionie

Ms- Mny Italey spent Fr iday i||i IIM-II^V bull

- anil Mrs bullbullWarier I luii lu 11 ut v s|bdquo||( Sunday at the Arthnir I-1 0 HI- line in Chicago | M s (ieorgi M lepson and ton lt i r were Crys ta l Lake- callers Sa tu rday

Frigidaire Looks fcr Greater Year in 1932

Pr ig ida i re s advert is ing and promoshytional program for 1932 will bel dishyrected toward surpassing 1931 - w| it built and shipped 3 5 household models than

666 (Kid jfJiitiid or Tablets used [internally and 0H0 Salve external ly m a k e a comshyplete a n d effective t rea tment for Colds

SSfOOd n Cash Prizes X-h Your Druggist for I a r t i cu la r s

PROVED A$ll- nighflighting Increases egg production

| ) i t CRY men have known for years thlaquot etrly-mornlng bull -m I evening lightingmttkes hens lay more eggs Now 1 s -new ilcvclopment All-night lighting in the r -bull -11 ry house brings even better resultsmdashfurther increases ltn |Tiluction especially during winter months when uik srll at peak prices

bullbullI- (lination is simple Hens are more active when lt i use is lighted They eat more feedmdashand are able liy more eggs N bull bull

bullic Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station finds that ma-[ re pullets increased from 40 to 75 production in 4 bullbulltks Birds averaged 57 eggs each from becember lit

laquo March 1st when the poultry house was lighted all night Vso important is the fact that the hens gained weight ltbullbulllt- n though they were laying more eggs

bull - - bull

li-c relatively small cost of -all-night lighting is several -s offset by the profits from increasedegg production f-Tttul use of light can also bring pullets and hens out of r-raquolc intq produaton

i-v-r complete information on the benefits of all-night poultry house lighting you are invited to ^rite or phone e Public Service Company We will be glad to send 1 ic of our representatives familiar with this subject to call 1 n you He will help youplan the wiring of your poulshytry house apoundid also recommend the proper lights to use Rmember there isno obligation



For a copy of the Experiment Stations report write Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station Wooster Ohio

andaskfor Bulletin 476 No charge^

I bull bull bull

Lc iJML a f e ^ v i ^ f e

another page

hen jSer cent more

dur ing the

p r o dentl


BARRINGTON ing year E G Bi ichler presi-

i ami general manager said rlltl a t t a i n t l is still l a rger volume

we a r e increasing t h e number n d type of our stiles out le ts and ip t ro ducing new ne rcband i s i O u r line has t een expan wider marke t equiremerits W e a r e now1 building staall un i t a i r condition ing p lants suitible for elf her home or offic use he- said

conveniences IThe economies and


r uui

Ided metpods to meet

of electric refrigeration equipment cons i tu te a popu la r and logical buyshying urge in bdth the household and commercial fields

Q u r field inventories a re the lowshyest a t this t ime of the year they have been in several years on the same date W e a re expecting ha t ^vhen-Frigidairei s nel resul ts of 193^ ore tabulated they will reflect a decided improvement over 1931 | bull

and other listel securities bpuamphti sold and quoted

GOVEN EDDINS amp Co ( LaSa l le Street cor Madison Street 1 1 1 S o u t h

C H I C A G O Telephones F r a n k l i n 4719

AT THE 7r7 I Bridge Ballroom


day Night i oclock i


9 p m untill 1 oclock

Ward Drill artd I^is Banltt


f lt bull


e ione educes Prilt

Buy now

Dont dri c on worn |inioo|th when you can have new Firestone fTires at these low rices

Never hei ore could ylt |i huy remarkable values

You get extra strength] extra safety extra service with every Firestone Tire because of tliese extra struction features


Ford CbevMgtllaquotj ChTrc4at Fordmdash^ Ford Hl i lM II

Chovrokt Whippet J Eraklno Plymouth Chandler^ DaSotou^ Dodse)Mu IlttMliVaM Gr Paige Poi|tlacw~ RoOMvelt WUljrfKnlaquo

o f t h e t i r e manuCkcturer bull t o n e Serv ice D e a l e r s a n d Serv ice Si o n every t i r e F i r e a t o n e m a k e s


440-21 $ 4 7 t | MJO

^50-20 SSS 450-21 S43


475-20 i bull

soo-uH sect sa1

tone con- 1931mdashthe year in which values their extra safety and satisfaction


N a i h H I I M N I I


Na h Ih u n o b laquo

i ok Mi Irt ioby

lakmdashraquo Aubunu IondssilaquouM H M k H r i M M I H H

Studebkr |nMPCUIMpMraquoalaquo M-UPIIIOIIMW

bullOulsttiL ipAttPlttMi StaUebVjr

1 brand tlr^a are madej by a i|iahiif^Catajer wltl^ont his nanie for


Gam-Dlp iraquo lng the Fin H9tone patented extra process that makes the ct rd body tougher

t ireS |- and stronger

o E x t r a C o r d P i l e s U n d e r t h e Treat a patented Firestone construction that gives added protection against punctures and blpW-outs an d stronger bond bet and coird body

| I j o u g h e r t h l e k e r n o n - s k i d treaidl that gives greater non-skid protection and longer nOn-skid Wear

tween tread

counted most^was for Firestone a year

4fi te mm

108 S

D R I V E Listen to tfie Voic

5 h

550-191 sect4laquo| 1

the lowest prices ilk history

Chryalrir Studehhr Viking Franklin laquo [Hudaon Hupmobei Bttideb kV La Sail i nu (Paekard

CadUIobdquo LlnoolnuuM Packard bdquo


600-18 HD

600+19 i i a

600-20 BD

1600-21 1600-frac34


1650-20 HD

700-20 B 0


bull i ition by matt order houses and other lutora unde^ their own bianda^pinea^firel are aofl to the publiewithoui the reaponsibUiiy identity or guarantee

r Firestone donotmakje Speela| Brand tires for ANYONEl FtrieatoneT^ a n aold though Flre-vrhogijre eompljete sdrvice You get extra protection with the name Firestone



of great Accompli shment Because of B u t t o n 8 raquoneqraquoaed poblUdn Jh huy-ing raw Biaterials---rubber and cotton ---efficient factories and economical disiributi on they gave car owners the greatest values in ii|eir history $


IMyeinioday Equip your c i r wit^i Firestone Gum-Dijjped Tires anlaquoJ enjoy


30x5 HD 4 32x6 HD 34x7HDlJ 36x8 HD 600-20 HB 650-20 HE 750-20 HE 900-20 HE 975-20 HD

oil tire if tetter i bullbull



ioJO Slaquo4S 4M



- I 1


f gt

i 1 M f gt

gt 1-1 -

OOSlUs OlMraStM-Every tire mana-faetnred by Firlt atone bears the name bullbullFIRESTONE tind earriea their and our

ted guaran tee You are doubly pro- t TI t


Tel ington 497


Barrington Illinolt r


j j j l ^ laquo ^ ^ ^ 2

D EQUIP YOUR CA ires tone Every Monday Night


i nt

i i

raquo - lt


bull )


f laquo n j o y s Eighty Arst f [ raquoirthdajr -bulllaquo Mrs L l Sehroeder 413 S Cook ^otreer- enjoyed her eightv-nrgtt birth-Sday anniversjirji Friduy Jnn 8 | _bull-bull- Mrs Jkhrowlcr is the oldest mefli ( | j e r of 41ie missionary society of t)Se

f g a l e m church and many members jof Jpoundhls organization railed at the Scbrd-raquoder home Kridiy afternoon to express J their beat wishes those who were uraquo-feable tohow rotirtesy to Mrs Sehroe-f 4 e r in this V i y sent greetings by

ifpnenns of IJ yostil card shower

1 At_ sin oclock Mrs Sehroeder en-t joyed abirthday dinner with Rev and

fWrs Philip Riraquoulaquoher and Mr and twrs George futdwer and family as Claquouests l i lti happened that Rev ^ e t i s c h e r end Miss Eunice Landwer

ftlso were (lebiflting their birthdays


v Misvionary Irgtlaquoram Interesting

The ell-dvv missionary program Tuesday

ful The iven over to White gtvigtd by sin enjoyable

fciven at -the Baptist church rl proved Jo l very successful morning w i s i (lfigtss woilr fll fiot-luck dimi-r

Mrs T lUwIuigs of the Woodlawn Btjgttit chuili ltgtf fMiicngo gnlve the address ltf (Jie itmrnoon program takshying alt her -11(1 ieltt ^Missionary Kead-

iu2 Contcsl W gtrfe MI-N Helen Drus-sel gave f vpurt on her visit to the ttnplist missionary training school in Chh-Hgo vlncli was both interesting iiinl edntlaquoiicgt) il and Mrs bull Tohn Sheesley i-i-vii-wid several chnplt$rsof the study 1-1 T V diiilhjilfe of (liiiure in HI interesting manner About 2gt in bulliiiie-rs enioyed this all-ilay liieetiuK

Enjoy Kainili

tat tiering Mrs V (bdlister Mrs Kmest

Kieke Mrs J-IIHSII Coe and family Mr ind Mi- Clifford Stijuit and famshyily Mr and Mrs thiiidlWt Hiekc mul son Hid Mr gtnd Mr-- Victor Itieke niv1 tiimilv It gti Biirrington enjoyed n f-imily tiili-ring at the home of Mrgt lti li fvl 11-I1 in Chicago Saturshyday It loos | to be a surprise to Mi- MIIIIII raquoitii iier vigtri-ri Mrs Anna lloniin nl -iier a very enjoyable lgtot Jnefe- dinner the afteituHin was spent Kueiillt MrsL Ilojlister Mrs K Uieke Tirs Doiiini | adit Mrs Mar-li raquorgt sUiis

Kntertains Thursday bull Club bull j

Mrs A V-iielt l i t AV Lake Ktrt v HS ligt-tess 1raquo tlie Thursday rlnli Janmiry 7 it a pretty one oclock lniiiheoii The lfternunii was enjoyed at lnincji wilti nvards goiuK to Mrs I Powers Mr y ( Schroedeo and Mrs V II White

The spirit of bull Christmas--was still ei ident ft tlii-s party and the -cheershyful tree efforiled a gift for each quest vho nmvra-piieil the interesting pack-Ill e with smdash fni-li ze-t is she did tjhose of 111 ( ilIl-r lti ite

W R C Hirtds -Installation At Officers ^

T^e BarrWgtort W ^ C nesday aftettiafengtatt6e Catraquow4 HMI where the installation of officers took place ^r^f^j^a(PTOnraquonrfer-^ajas installing officer Mr Virginia Haw-ley as installing coiiductor and Mrs Myrtle Abbott as chaplain The four color bearers were as follows Mrs Lena Sass Mrs Matilda Kuhl-man Mrs Mae Scherf and Mrs ampfary Rohlmeier A social hour folowen the installation program

Entertains Lions Bridge Club

Mrs M H Schreibe-r S02 8 book street was hostess at a bridge party Monday evening for men hers of the Lions Ladies Bridge club andseveral guests xt the close of a very pleasant evening prizes were awardshyed to Mrs Warren Meier Mrs Lesshylie McClure and Mrs-Alfred Church Mrs Harry Hoglund received the

guest prize Dainty refreshments AYHe served by the hostess

I-Bntertaihs Twelve Guests |

Mrs 7 C Foelschow enfeijtained group o twelve friends Wltdnesda|r evening at bunco and other games Dainty lefwshmehts complete an er joyable wening and prizes nere re eeived by Mrs Ernest Rieck ijnd Mrs| Fred Sqhumaker

MiS wer

Attend Concert at Blackstoie Motel

Miss Mae Johnson and Blanche Frye of Barringtoi guests of the Lake View Musical club at the B ackstonc hotel Moiidi y after noon at| an artists recital I y Tom ford H a r r i s - a t the--piano a | idMis^ Ruby Lj on vocal soloist

Entertains Philathea Members

The Philathea class of the Salem church will be entertained at the home of Mrs S L Landwer 30 S Hough street Friday night This is the regular bi-monthly meeting of the organization and the business session will be given over to the election of officers Mrs Frank Gieske has served as teacher of the group for seventeen years

Give Dinner for Victorious Bowlers

Members of the Jefferson lee- Co bowling team were guests of honor at a dinner held at The Farm rond-hoiise Monday evening with members of the -Chicago team as hosts After dinrjer thestag|tuirty adjourned to soipe bowling alleys for a few (games flood fellowship was the keyijote of the evening J

TlMtater Party Hear Madame Butterfly

The following Barington people will enjoy a theater-party and hear Matlame Butterfly at[the Civic opera hoijsei Wednesday nijsht Mrs K A Beerman MrsJ E Montgomery Mrs Clyde Carr Mrs Edwin Olcott | bchle prizes iUrs- K F Wichmnh Misj H Muth Milhjr Mrs gtfis Harry -Brandt lind Mrs William KJesslei- nf Palatine

To Enteijtain Ojorcas Society i J 16 floiifes society Of the

^LMilifjmeetfLt^ie horn of-(1frac34frac34 Mrs Anna Ahren i fo

chiflrc pi-esii ipcia1alfteirnoon Tuesday Officers for the coming year elected at a short business preceding the social hour

Baptist th|raquo

f o j Jtan^lf

will bs meetin f

Annoiinri Betrothal of Miss Hoernecke

Mr nnd Mrs A H Hoeme Grove avenue announces the ment of their daughter Wilhelmini Marie to Leonard J iframer Mr and Mrs Sandusky O

Willianv Kramer

Entertains 500 Club bull

Mrs Cora Purcell 311 streit was hostess Friday (to


club At the close of an enjoyable afternoon prizes were awarded William Grunaii Mrs E dorf and Mrs Delia Cadj


w^mp -bull--y-yf

bull raquo - i - 1

son Donaljl all of Naperville vlrere guests Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs i l l lden Gieske 124 N l i a r ripon street Mrs Gasscr is an a|unt

Mrs Glske- bull bull It-)

M i s M rgaret Weiclielt 106 Eake street enjoyed Saturday Sjlnday wilh frienils a t K n o t coi Galesburg

Mrs Clifford Sjsout and daughter Phyllis 431 Cook street hlaquoard Mlgnon it the Civjc opera h^use

Monday evrning


w and ege

Dotterrer |549 Division street spen|t several days this weeljc at Geneva N trip

ke 41( engage

isor o f


Mrsj Dudley darmichael 520 plvision street re-


Mr and ahd sons turned Tuelsday I from a visit of

Mrs Carmichaerb parents

Main the 50C

to Mrs [iangen

Paul The Gleaners class of the f t church will he entertainled at tlieliome of Mrs Edward ORt J208 S Cook street Thursday eveniiig Jan 21

Mrs Charles Kainer was at nn afternoon card party-

hostess it her

hotrie 301 Northwest highway Mon day Dainty refreshments served after the game

Mrs Louis Miller 107 street entertained I the


chili Thursday afternoon wi going to Mrs

Knlaquoertaiiif V P M ( of Salem Cliinh

Mrs Vi i i i - Jlavlev bull-bull -S Cook Street Nil- lii-tss to I lie Voll|llg peoshyple- missii|i11 y circle of the ^nleni church Ti ie i| iv evening The busi-

Voung People Kntertained

The Interniediate tengiie members of the Salem church wereentertained bv their superintendent MrSi Mildred Wolthausen Monday evening at the church parlors The young people enshyjoyed i program of different games followed by the serving (if refreshshyments About twenty members were present I -


lies- mecliiiu insl illnt ion if year wilh Mi illslillliiiK ltiHce ntut talks mi were follow 1

bull refleshlnili1 v-i-ie prCsiii1

is uiven iiver-1 to the itlicers fur [the coming

Philip BciLscliei- as A proernni of imisic

s^inu work in -Ja| 1111 lie a lociiil hour and

Vhimi ihirtv 1-


KnlArlnins Jutiters ClftsH

bull The Mother Chlircll wllaquo

eystone Class Entertainod L

Mrs Edward Sehroeder 21-1 W Kits-sell street was hostess Monday evening to the Ieysliine class of the Salein church ii-iid- to the nev teacher

i Mrs Nellie Schultze After the busishyness meeting a social luuir at-games was enjoyed and ri-freshnicirfs servtd Mrs Harold Sehroeder

- clit Hcrtiuiied

I the Millin Wcdnesilay


bulsi-he w-

nftcriioon di no home of the pn dent- Mrs II li A Grebe 31(1 Cool Nliffi 1 luring the short IMss tiiiielinii lew olfllers fof coining i gti n iigt elected irild folio log this Mi - ( i ireme Miller review 111 el iaphi Hid Ilaliits In the Iejiu bir study loilr Mis Lorelle Lai d-wer gin hjoyabl Which Jilllsir rioted the hostess - M -ii J dainty

reading after bullprogram I retlisjllillllt


Celebrate W^Wftig AnniversiUiv

Mr end Tfrs Albert GoSsell of Cuba iLiwii-liip celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary Sun day by ctitertuining forty-five re a fives als in Ilt-iay family gatheriig After 011 vHiivible dinner the aftj r-110011 was spciit bull in visiting anil sii g-ing games wer enjoyed in the evenshying The ul-sts included- relatives from C-biisgo Elgin Mareiigo Lake Zurich ntnl ItarHngton who before leaving presented Mr and Mrs Gos-sell with many lovely sifts

Former Wtmconda Girl Married in Tpxas

Relalivijs in Barriugton received nnnounceiifeiits this week of the marshyriage of hljss Velda Bangs daughshyter of Mrs- Cora Bangs of Amarillo IVx fo Woodson CofftCltof Amarilloj The bullweilibiuj tnok place at San An tonio Tev on Thursday Jan 7 and the- bridal couple will make their

home a I Aniuilltgt The bride a forshymer residei^t of Wauwnda moved to Texas wiitrJwr family1 five years ago

Entertain xt Sunday Dinner l

Mr and Ttrs Ray Scheer 530 Grove iivenue entertained the follow1

ing guests at dinner Sunday Mr and Mrs Frnnk Sclieer of Deerlield M r and amp^rraquotIf A runcaid Mr and Mrs Major Cote laquond Mrs Bertha Wene-gar ahilsoii Elmer of Palatine

Mrs Stayner Entertains Auxiliary Members

Mrs Noel Stayner 205 N Cook street entlaquortained meuibcrs of the

Auxiliary raquot carpet-rag sewing party this eveninj Convalescent

bull^Isoldiewi in jrtylaquonment hospitals will bull ^ f e s e the strip- in making rug

Ilotuiitlt assii-ted Mis

li ( nvei

Mrs Cudwullader Entertains

A group (if eighteen ntet at ihe Ijonie rf Mrs Imler l i l t E Hillside day evening anil eiijoyed lirogiiini of games and gr ing Mrs1 Cudwnlliiiler Is Ilfjlsl teacher for th^ group ami was their initial Kiiwiiil gnih licliuis fefreshiiients were si

youi g women Cnihviil-it Moil-a siieltil i lp siug-

I school ihe party ring lie-


Ted McCabe a i d Mrs Wesley Nelson Refreshments won served by the

The BrVthfrhood of the Si Paul church enjoyed a debate Wednesday evening on tin subject Resolv|ed that Protestant d merfee and a dated denom The affirniath Brintlinger ai Koenig

^nominations s i 1 o u 1 d

The Gleane church will m|ei Eilward Ost Thursday evening Jan 21

Mrs Irving street enter


Station Foiirsone

h pi L

1 churches be Nationally and e was taken by d the negative 1

On soli locally H R y Rev

Tclass of the S at tlie home of Mrs

208 S Cook

Hollister 515i It talined the fo

guests at a one oclock dinner day Mr and Mrs J S Hollis soii Oliver 3 - 3 W Main stre Mr 11 ml Mr) George Broil daughter Bariara of Chica

Ninth District Meeting of Legion Auxiliary

The ninth district meeting of the Aniericnn Legidn Auxiliary Will he held at the John J Conley lTnit 3H(I2 W Grand boulevard near Crawford avenue at 730 p in Jan 21 An American and National Defence grain will be given r

The Auxiliary asks all interestdi to notify Mrs Itiith Whitcoinb

l e g i o n Anviliary Gives Benefit Party

Members of thft Aniericni Legion Auxiliary were In stesses at a benefit card party and hikery salt at their club roonis Tiiesiay atternoon A prize was awarded to ecli table aifi refreshments folio ved he card gamfe Nineteen guests Merepresent

The regular monthly meeting of the club wi l l j i e held Wednesrlay Jan 20 at 2 Woeloek in the Methodist church The program for theaftershynoon Ai l l be Thinking It OutmdashAn Experiment in PJhllOsophy by Dr Charles G Obernieyer j

There wi l l be ftreciprocity djy proshygram at the W^ker Park Womans club 2340 Kedzie tonlevard at 2 p m January 10 Eveijj-one is invited

n anumincemejit of the aeknowl eilgment of the Christmas cards has lieen receiveil from the Elgin hospital

The Irving Park Catholic Womans club will hold a reciprocity meeting at 130 p- m j|raquonunrv 20 in the j Indepeiidence Pari Field - House at l iv ing Park boulevird and Springfield street

bull that forget ^eliclous at The Catlow theatre Thi rsday and Friday Jan 14 and 15 Tlid proceeds will be

jippdjtor the scholi rship loan fund

Mr and son Kdwitnt accotnpiitili Hoinulh iOH Hatiirdaywlth

Afchie Domoney 502 PiMyfrlo left Friday foi a visitnf ivo x the home of his brothcrValeii Oklahoma Citjjr Okla

bullv bullMr anil Mrs

ttiifl family of 1 spent Suivilay w

QharlcM W Garfield



i ivenne eeks-nt inlt in

swetaer street

V Iiownloii a Park Illdge mid Mrrf A

Edward Tie 21K N Cook

[v Mr and M r s H llotigh Mtroet

M r s F W ter-|iC0iic 11 are Apeiidiug Ijlridhergs mot

joyed Sunday wood

il-laquoltd street John spent

friends In Hnclnl- Wis

Lindlierg and i N Harrison wo weeks with her at Ottawa



Mr and Mm James Domont Lewis 6(i2 Prairie nvenue

yith relatives in

Mr anil Mrs Emil Mr and Airs Albert

Gassi r Weinert

y and 1 en-Atay-

utid and

Mrs Johni street

D W i

Jlngeles jCaiif last week after having spent the1 holiday- season with their daughters 1 Miss Morion and Mrs Jack O Halloran and her family Mr and Mrs- Seivernscalled on sewral fprmV residc|ifs of Barrington while in California i -

M i s s Vera I^allowel of ChicaRO visited over the weck-eW with Miss Verna Cov-ey raquo njembcjr of the local School faculty

Charles Tcsar and his sister Miss 6enevieve of Park Ridge were guests Sunday at the home of Mr arid Mrs W N Sears 506 Grove avenue

This was a business

wteks with Mr and Mrs Frank Alversdn Madison WiSi

Henry Ai ler of Chicago enjoyed Saturday a id Sunday with Mr

Jurs 207 W Rusi

ittertbn of Baltimore and formerly of Barriugton- wak a recent giiest of Mr and Mrs Willjani Dotterrer 5)49 Division street

Mr ond Mrs Charles Berkley Algonquiii irerei guests Sunday of and Mrs y C F^ielschow 402 Main street

is in St Lo


tnd sell


of Mr


Rev and Mrs M SFreeman httvo had as the r guest gt Mrs Freemans niece Miss i luth Mo^lrc of Sao P a i l o Brazil Mi JS- Moore has been ^ prinshycipal of a- h gh school in that city the pdst four years and will return I to

ter work th gtre - the-latter part of tpist i6nth

Mrs M y r l e Gillette and son H i r old and grandson James of Chi^go were guests -Wednesday at toe ho of j Mr and itfrs HJ Kirschner 607 Cook street

0 C Bitel ieK 0 l 4 Glshyove aven lis this week on busiivess

Mr and Mrs Wilbur Wagn9 Second avenue and Mr ar Paul Kolle 510 N Cook street


guests Mon lay -evening Mrs GeorgisTvloepfer Heights

Mr and Mrs Walt r Cannoii and daughter ElVa J e a n a n d MissMarshygaret Tobias in 1 2 4 w Russellstreet visited the eoiiseratory at Garfield park Sunday

Miss Virji

of Mr Arlingt

Dr and Mrs Arthur Krujegr of Chicago visited Mr Krueger s raquount Mrs Anna Freye 512 Grove avenue Sunday j

Mr and Mrs Henry Dammermntr of Palatine were guests Sini ing of Mr and Mrs Theodbre Free-man and Mrs Anna Freyej 512 Grove avenue

lt j ^ even-

laquo Miss t^cina W a g n w of Chicago is a guest this weeit at the home of Mrs Mary Wilmer 132 W Station street 5 Umdashbull

Miss Esther Wisemaiii of Elgin who has spent several weekamprwlth relatives in Barrington left Sunday for a-Weekgt with frieiulK at Itasca --

Mr and Mrs Edward James of Chishycago were guests Saturday and -Sunshyday of Mr and Mrs Willard Abbott 126 W Main street-

Christian Science R lading Rooms Is at New Locatipn

The Christian Science reading room is being movjd from its 1 resent loca tion at 110 N Hough street to neW qunnters on^ the second loor of tlje Lipofsky building The enfwnCe at 114 Station street Til e ropra Will he cloijied on Saturday Ji n 23 durshying the mowing re-openiig on Mon day Jan 25 (The readii room will be open to the public in the new lo cation from 2 to 5 p ni each week day and on Saturday efening from 7 to 0 oclock

Flaquoraquot-Growing gt laquo bull The balsa reuches a 1 lameter of

15 Inches In five years and lgtas a very fast height growth


ft Vi bull -v

M[r and Mrs Clifford Oberg of Chi cngo enjoyed Sunday with Mrs Obergs parents Mr and Mrsl Willshyiam Walbaum 444 North avenue

Mr and Mrs William Gbttschalk 436 N 1 Cook street spent Sundnjt with Mr aiidi Mrs Elmer Reese in Woodstock I

T H E X Shows 7iOO-fraquobppni

Miss Eloise jP^nfield of Eviiitston enjoy|ed Saturday aiuj i Sunday as a

of Miss icieatior Trash 20S E street i

gue8t Lake

MrsVF W Homuth of the jGras-mere farmland Mrs William Hoinnth i38 W ilincoln avenue nttpnled a lecture at -the- Audijtoriunr hotel Sunshyday-evening bullbull- i _ | 1

E M Wallace 223 W Russell street left on a businesstrip-to Day-toil Q Tuesday




T R A V E L O G mdash N E W S - ^ ARTOON

Adhiission 15c-4i k

s o t Ttit I

bull j f F l i T|dlaquovlk Mi-^Ory 1 Tills Is the versfe w|jllaquoh Colerldi

Arote^tiJUlustrat the 1 nittrlcaljifeet j Ijroclt Icing tp short d Frdfr l o i solemn sort plow spip Strong foot (Jret ctotne npwlth i lac t l l

w bullbull

v-arietlet otbull


tolon-j 1 0 0 stalk I Kilaquo to 3aWeln raquorraquoB With raquolaquoiftm

bullbull SUNDAY

ittpiEVOpL 3fc Rose Buds

9 Clever Youngsters in a Minute presents tion

ON l l T p SCREriivf LEW AYRES

Mr and Mrs G A Lindskog of Irving Pfcrk were guests Monday at thehotfie (if Mr at)tl Mrs Charles R Tliies niO S Cook street

Mr and ld Eilward Hbrfl granddaughturi Dawn Landwer Grove a v e n t i Spent Sunday with 3 nnd Mrs ft^ G Kennedy and fam at D o w n e d Grove

Ir altid Mrs Paul ^Andrews of Chi cago were) g ies t s Saturday and Suin day At the home of Mr arid Mf4 Aujsftst GOSHJII 338 W Lake street

Mr and Mrs George Whitcotub and ftmily were ifuests at the home and Mrs Hjtrry Whitcomb of f efd Strnday

of Mr Deer-

(i(laquo) Mr and Mrs JHarry Kirivtvue S Cook stre-t jisited theirdiughtir Luicille winj is i n training at the Grant hospital Friday evening

Beatrice Mi guests of Mr horn 514 and Sunday


joyed Su mln Mirk II G 1 fo 1 Ntiwi

liai Herman ilaquol T mdash- - MIss trielt of Chicago were

ani| Mrs Herbert Beijg-laquo(alHe| aveiiut Satin-du-v

1 T nil

I Owen of (Chicago en-I at the home of Mr add [agewchulte 214 W Stlt-

Invaid ITJWII Harold Wright J TlitunpliM mid Tliomnw Doeltey of llarri gtoitj attended a game It

hw-jkey laquot t ugt Vadium In Chicago Sunday even iig i bull (

Mr (uul Mrs John Sehwemm l l j l W Main street spent Sunday with Mrs^Schwei mis sister Mrs Henry Bncdimer in Chicago

Mr and Mrs H L Schultze Miss Lmtille Marions and Ray Jurs atshytended the Civic [opera Friday even iK

Mr and Mrs Frank Seavcrhs 2UJ Lincoln aveiue returned from Los

Lafees Stt^rt Uoats jkedii|dd frbm


manufac ured to


These coats include

gether wpth pur reglular stockmdashall M which were

sel at 50 to 75f higher prices

M^ns Sh eep-lined at ( reat Savings

These must be


a shipment just received to

seen to be appreciated


some stock

Oddity in Nature It Is a curious fact that

plants are poisonous to l ive ^ when i tunted If p lant growthi i is Interfetcti with by drought iropt

brulsitijf these plants develop it much It rger amount of cyanogeiietic jlucosit e than norinal growjtli would provide and this substance =taken ipto an animals stomach cuuies-se-rious pusonlHg



Barringtons Safe Milk Supply


We operat undor Certlflcntfl of Approvshyal No my iMuefby State Dejiartmont of Ilealtlu

Phone 409

eTOQGERY GatJow Tl^atre Buildini



N E W S - C A R T O O N

SHOWS GONTINl|jfgtJJS Mat 230 to 6

10cattd$Oc Evening Admission 2 c 50c


LAUREL laquolaquodHARpY

in their feature comedy

Pardon Short Subjects Added

WED THURS RJM JAN 20 21 and 22



Us iBc-lOe


IHE mo siiOtw OK THE SKAHON AdiniMHiiui1 lfi(-l(k

tu steoUeJtk rigiii rt liyiriin bulltpin tiaiUsaii

m Irisb

When you select infslepii reirigert-tor choose onel tblt you know will keepvegetables | r i w a n i l resh-one that you i^otc willpceeji rozea des-serts J^rmaod s a | o | th-r i gti e1 that you Attougt will provide pi intyjo icei Mike certain otafioithe thuij sby-being sure it is Frigidlaquoiir t a ik for the naine plate( Thert ill onljy lt ne eleoric refrigerator named jFrigid lire i General Motors Va^ue CtSme in and inspect tt i beautiful

models npyir oa ouflsho r o o m doer See for yourself the | ian) flt anireithu nake Frigidaire SO truly c itstanding in cdnveoience a^d|aluit Let ui tell you about the n e w lo - trices and convenient terms Stop i i tyoutftw opportunity


Tel llarrlnirton W



Kf 0tIraquoAl|laquoK|rlaquo4l

K ni ion

OWNG to the reductions raw materials we have

o^ our Home-Made Candies 1( and on Saltdd Nuts 15c

i rawet priries of ^educ^dthe prices

tol 30c per pound

Fountain Luncheon Prices

Specials far Saturday Peanut Brittle )b box Cream Pattiesper lb

We use only thle highest graj$of Materials n the manufacture ofiou

d) soii




fkltistm IfymtmuU euroutea

f I



I t -

ft ix Tbiraquo in Memory is tli verse which Colerta

i IHiistnue the varietfe J i i [^ t bullbullbullTpochee t r t p 3 ^ 0 J


L- to shorr Krjm long to h w j bullv hn raquor t s low spondee 3frac34frac34 iM-fo yT ill able E e r

i- HI Hih 1-Ktyl tri-syllableiaa0 bull) miiritt f|nn shor t t o long- y l th

raquo uivl ra [-unir-ihe swift a n -1frac34 f l r i H I

t i l

1 1








Km jWiJi Perishable Vegetables be


bullf A

|jcgt o prvptr mois-rir rrluis ii wiitcj

utitit-ot vtge-liLr

j ijj jJSJierj ytm select an e lectr ic refrigera-dtL chltJose one that you knew will

cltp feg^tablcs cr isp and freshmdashone u yjuui ijoi wi l l k e e p frozen des-

fcris jirm raquond s m o o t h mdash o n e that you

|ffjf[fgt| I h i tytl [HlviJe plenty o f ice Make Ittain oLti of these t h i n g s by being ifc laquot is Frigidaire L o o k for the

ie pliicl There is only o n e electric



fTigfratcir named Frigidairc raquo ttnerjilMpcor Value Cortie ini ami inspect the beautiful

y o d e l s ltioW on our s h o w r o o m floor i-e for vi gtuirU-l I the- many features that

ttkc jld^ikhiirc so truly outstanding cnrlvojriitrue and va lue Let US tell

pu i Mtia the new l o w pr ices and gtnvc iilaquontterms Stop in at your first





J i c

ih|tifii|H4t jWees of l

th$ prices fpefpound )cr| pound



Tbt moist cold of lot Frigidain Hjdrttoi iteps vtgiUiht crisf firm antrtsb

i f)I

K I U M O SERVICE CO hu iirrlnirton 380


tttlLlCSERVICE CO S h j t I MKKN r t x i N O I S rlv Harrington J 3

i gt U K i S A L E S amp SERVICE

mWy Educed

Sfiknldav-1 8 lt

l l H S Student Digs Up Practical

Geological Study

c h Township Sch0degl degieS bla led Weekly by


-t he Pupils

S bullU

vai-ation Richard helped his brother

n vlnijrh About two irfac-1 was a layer of

-ITS layer was about iMlgtrnoatb this bed

I f pout which was r This proved to bull - well ns education-

I li11 a business afternoon They bullusiitiition and

rli -fs ns fol lows |resident Violet

r-iiligtiit Carol ine irv-treasurer1 E l - - h i i i i i n a n

bull11-ie s t range odors bull bullkins rxjni One thr day rahbnge

bull ci tainly smells n w-re a wee hit

lio tin ill Kamef of i imi(it Tliey bent gt 1 - ^irl- gym class

tha l l i- absent Tuesday - illness E lmer

bull Wednesday i-i smie back to

bull _bull -i liool here a

bull -p-lit par t of her-

bullbull-gt-lit- frmi schpol ] bull- Kliznheth Iloff-

Vlnlaquoliiy bull i ~ --ir |gtart of her j bull Kianston with


bull -i Milvin r o t t s

lti InI Notes


I IJiif Sver a re - bull-- in March

i bull - t l d y i n t t h e

1-1 1 iniinatizi-d agt i- bull - 1 1 i bull -_r

i-t-n viiv K m x l

Ci-ailTs rc iuni -1 1raquo i i K i i r l y

k iiii-- riinark j bull in^-tinu old

-1 - |raquo- l l t a SUIll-Ji--1-

- - JI 1--ni I h u r s -

bullbull i in i l l o n raquoltbull-

McHenry County to $2024 for Nelsot

of Session



a n l and

and jurors

biggest [service

the bail-total

county witnesses

When the Lake county bo|ard supervisors starts i t s Mareh McIDenry county will ask for menjt of $2024 for services i nectjion with the trial1 of State tor | Oscar Nelson on a misflt asance chaifge acconling^ to Circuit Clerk Will Conn at Woodstock

The services for the talisman the housing and feeding of the during the trial make_up the items on the bill The jury cost was placed at $1060 mea s rooms extra janitor iffs and service of the sheriff $ 5 2 1 1 5

O her items-which McHenry will claim are foreign $ 2 5 3 eircuit clerk $120 $ 5 sheriff $5815 anil serving $5815

Thirty^eight persons were moned for the jury panel TJ s-elected Was locked up eight and fed three meals a day

Nelson was dismissed by ward Igt Shurtleff after two court proceedings on themisflaquo charge for Jack of3 jurisdiction ordered the jury to sign a Jver|diet not guilty

The conspiracy charge growi of fhe failure of the Waukegai Bankis- to be heard at on January 1$ States Attor|iey V Smith has petitioned Jtukre leff t a have nuotiier judge hei| triiilr



Property Owners Object to

Water Being Shijt Off

Continued from page 1

funds A motion was made b- Earl Hatje that the money be refunded- to the property Q vners and that if war--rants had been purchased with the funds these warrants be otl envise disp(|sed of It was uiiiuii nously carried

Report Collections Hatje also oferednj resolution that

the village tresurer and clerk be inshystructed tn report all water Uid tax collections to the board and tlint the collectors file u statement 1ltgt the board for their commissions It iwas said that in the past the collector has said i rejioil







Two Local Men on

Judge Ed-w | e k s of

usance and


ng out State

Woodstock A

Shurt-r this

r|tod the iu(t sum to the b o i r d afshyter deducting h i s commissions] The mot inn passed

The village engineers re-rioitell a s a result of invest igat ing the sewe^- overshyflow in Jewel I a rk t h a t tlie will have to be pumped put by trifuKiil pump iu order to determine w h ^ r e t h e excess of surface wa t e r enshyters the system Th i s can be dpne a t a low cost he reported The ordered the work done^--

II I l~ I l l t e r -

lt gt lar-oj] -1laquo ( I r a n t e d

( nimUirHT in H e a r i n g

water a cen-


Week Committee Continued from page 1

3 P Fritz Park Ridge l H P Wet-more and Earle Cooke of Niles Center and Paul Stoker of Niles

Every one of the 27 troops cub packs and sea acout ships in the local council will join in the observance Scouts will wear their uniforms all week j Troops are planning window disphiys demonstrations good turn projects parenta nights and simitar activities i

Plan Special Scout Sc-rVkces Sunday Feb-7 will be Scdut S^ii-

day and every S(pt5(t ami leader will attend his church in uniform Many places special scout services will be held with troops attending in a body and bull Scouts participating in the services bull

At 800 Monday -evening Feb 8 al l scouts Will hvaffirm rheir Scout pledges As part of the ceremony eac I hoy and leader will receive a small scroll upon which the Scout law is printed These will be ceremoniously

Th tyi as year tionsl year

$53274350 tax property less than 10 per cent of t ie exter ded County Treasprer Morse revealed I

i paymentsthrough a whole came in

previous Morse dailaquo|l paid their taxes while a few districts--

Aut|o Acci Deaths

rolled up and tied w and susli)emled from cpaf lapel by a bowline Worn the entire-week

ith a square knot a shirt button or

knot and

Land Values Down Lai I County Taxes Up fojr 32

in the Increases of 6 cents to $184 t i x ra tes for 1931 on taxes to he paid in 1932 were made in 30 of I he 36 qity and village taxing dis t r ic ts in Lake county according to the ra tes compiled by Rober t Pearsa l l and Ches-tiir Hus ton deputies in County Clerk Lew A Hendee s office j T h e rise of the ra tes in the various

eomninnitietl is blamed on the decrease i i va luat ions and the t ransfer of l a u p e r aid from the county to town-sliips fTljo three dis t r ic ts in the Lake Purest school dis t r ic t 32 in Lake Villa- school distr ict 4 in Harr ington showed dropjs in the ra tes while Lake bullgtlunchs ra te is the same

Under the new law passed a t the siiiniuer session of tlie s ta te legislature Hid nniended a t fhe present special session the t axpayers will have to make the i r first payment by May 1 The second (iiilt final payment w i l l have to he paid by August t to avoid ucnnltlelaquo -

Tlie tax levies Will be xjompleted by (founty Clerk Lew A Hendees clepu-fes next week bull

Taxpayer in Lake county forfeited

r ing


Eighty-six persons automobile accidents in

1931 to Dec 17 ajhnual report of

Of thej 80 in ^collisions of

plt destrians were killed| a rs Twenty of the qutomoblie-train bullear jcnty-tWo plersons during 1031 the

iHecn persons died tration during the three

summer The heat unusual ini that

du the Ta killed 20 by in the jj

TM cide Tin

last were a fewl

Anijiial JFarnt Burea|u Mee at Gray^lake Jinuar^

T Lakel


CouiJty ho on IO




Mi enter ta prog^a

J Illi F Mi will

Thje usual the t dents by and

M strceJ

Barri Mrl

r ingt daugli

thortty tanc but pare1

as if 11 swam parrot

i i I icar in - M i l l l l M i l

bullbulll-r-i- in 1

ig -if bullinlay bullank-

uas brought -raquo l i ^ i r i c t

-bulla pli--nlid raquoi- i l l am UK MlV

-bull f t - i L- on


that 1 uii-Laamp-Lar -

-A supplies - bull bull I s b y lt bullredi-

bullnhnii- i l m i t i l i

11-- Swreetett F lower

A l i s t smell Is W - 1 i l - iwor l l i


9ut thecoun-well as the

Some1 sec-than last

were lax better

have occurred in pijevious ypars


joint anl County Fit

Farm at fhe

Thursday a in

e and Bob iners from

in at 10 C Watsoti

Agricult Higgins (j

be the usiiai repi interest

reasurers of botii

niial me rm b


n 21]


tlie fwlt|i WBS a m tax expert

ural association f Lake Cfeneva Wis

ers lirts whilt) Liill also Aiecretariek

Ma anageij arm Aidvislor Gilkerlson

and- Mrs

bullh aifp of un-be given by i and presi-

orjjrahizatioris as well as Snfiith Mapager Abney


He M

V l udr]ey j Mae

ngiton G and Mrs

n township tfr Vivia

Owl N o t Ca|rl[W Neu

sajts f thej owl

his Is not With that]

e falcon goose

Lake county according to

Corjiner John L victims 3 0 were automobiles and when struck

victims died erflsbW during |

ccmimitted sui-rppiori shows

heat pros-hot wavits of

proBtfa ion8 nev|er mkire than


iting ofl the |ure iu jind Lake

cjompany will Opeja house

beginning at

blind radio jreill efpen the

of the and

Pdwin-M) arente o(-

jrn emfral hosp

Frank are the


L o n g ] jnnnn a

the |l is sixty untisunll y of othei

|ulture duckl eiJler

Two beautifully new and surpassingly swift and powerful

New aampd Greater Hudson ^

Here are seven adjutages of buying Zeigler





bull-nb ash

bulllt nil responsive bullbullbull )v of hea t

bull-bullbullbulls very little smoke

-tirilly clean in ground i r i picked t o insure


bull Ke ami firm in s t ruc--Stvres well over long

Very little fine coal bulli storage


i i-

Jf for every purpose

bulllaquo not dropped and 1 in loading t o cars

irifitffy forked to gt line coal

A - 0-- 1 1 1

an i pSjlIl

neinhbor -tibout bull ^eiKlcr Corl Ex-

i our bins t r y it _ laquoIt fuul thcsc seven qaal i ty vcryevident i

Lapoundesckulte amp H after-Inc

Phones 5 and 450 HARRINGTON ILL

New ana Q^ater Essex Su Thrilling new color8 gem-like and clear Dashing nev linen longer lower the airplanes j(racefil speeds and streams Scores 3f advi trices over anything heretofore offeree or likely to be available on oth r cam for many months to come in striking new stand-


Of 8




Tjhree Splendid New Serieraquo

Wheelbasei Major 132f-

Sterling 126mdashStandard|

101 Horsepower at 360Or Hue son Speeds 85-90 Miles Silent Second Speed 55 Miles mostatio Carburetor Heat Compensated inherently Balanced Crankshaft Power Dome Anti Conburt ibn Chamber Anti( Siiencer and Air Cteaner Oiling raquoTriphgtSealed Oil-Selective Free Wheeling Silent Constant Mesh Second Frame Twin I Neutratone Instrument Panel Startix Generator Safety Signals Grip Steering Wheel Later AU Seats Adjuiuble F 14 New Models Gem-Like in New Pastel Shade Fitments

Tkttt audalmprttivlaquoltotfitk$r Me txtra eott ilfuttfait tht nrnpltttntt standard tgutpmtift Priciifnm


p m Hour Theri


i-Knock I-Flood

E ubfIo Automatic Cu hion Clutch Syt efajro-Mejih

Gear Mufflerf

bullTell bullRide Controls

GMM Colon

in Ivory

ard equipment features convenience style More you probably e er w|ll all combined in two tinctive quality cars which in its fiejld Sets Value




70 Hojrsepow^r at) 3200 r p Speeds Seyond Speed SO Miles Compensa ently balanced Crankshaft

Choke Intake Engine

Simplified Transmission

f Diagonal Truss bullQuick-Vision Tale Oil and

bullNatural Seat Cushions

Windihield and Upholstery

and Silver Finish

Signals Ride Controls Lateral Spring Seat Cujihions Front and Rear FuH Opening Finger Control 9 Sparjtling N i w Like Body Colors and UJpholstery isi Wbeelbsse Length 113

txcljHtfoi ftatmrn at of Hudttn 1932

S99SMUS9S EOBDitrolt

fa 1 bull - bull - raquo bull i ltJL -frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34 frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34^ frac34

] lalanced Dome i Lnti-Knbck iCdithl ber Intake Siencjer and bullFully djusta gtle jsilejnt T i m i n [ G e a n SupAr J cdelera or 1 ump Tappet i Diagi gtnal Truss

flo AutomaticEngine Oilin Thermostatic HeatControl Triple-SsaledOil-Cushion plified Selective Free Wl eelibg Synohro mission Silent Constai it Mesh Second Gearj Vision Instrument Panel Startix and Anti-Stall bullTell-Tfle Oil arjd Genera1


in J931 or total taxes

Jay B



jyerlbf Wool a daughter

January 0 at fhe ital I folte of Bar-pa rehts of a

n Jan 7 Worn


Ger life] eigl


ipan au-expec-

t years corn-

birds such gjoldeii eagle

raiten and

mqtor cars

lor comfort power than

draw on And r dis-

each at a the Pace for


ml 1 I - | bull

Essex 70 Miles Siljsnt Second

M Inher-EoWer

bust^on Cham-Cleaner

Chain Driven Choke obd

Roller Valve j u |Ouo-Carburetor


Clutch Mesh

flsW Trans-


tor Safety bullNaturLl drip sUtjkng Wheel L mdash iJfjustaWe Heat Both

(rithr ltrith Gem-ii tel Shades

bullM Windshield

Models NewPai


iillllilli|l|lilMll lliiillWIllllllll|lliilllttiib

I ^



THE NEW bull W^iA-vibull igtlaquo I w^t mfpound umjtm Coffee

ALI iliii In the Payton Hotel Buildin^mdash North

will be

pen for Business bullaturday Jan 16th


bl Deriot




The Management Assures Yon of thi Courteous and Attentive Servia


A Plade V^ere Youll Enjoy 4 bull I

Counteror Table Service YOUR PATRONAGE SOLI




Most f I

Eat ing


1 inmiiiiiironiniiiiiiiraquoniKiiiimiiiHiiiiiWiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiii

Big Grocery Stoc Reduced Below C

1 Having sold out to Mr Ed C Groff and as


ho is the moving his stock of Groceries to our sto^e in

Gfroff Building we are obliged to sacrifice o^r^n^ire stock of clean new merchandise at prices below ct)st i

Sale Starts raquo


riday Jan I and will continue

until everything in the store is so

|gtigt Double Bu i for You at Thi laquo ^ ^ - I I gr

If i I Come Early and Get first

Choice-No Items Will Be Replaced With New Stock

i bull j bull [ bull - _ bull bull bull I - bullbull bull -

Evefy Iterri on Our Shelves Drastically Reduced bull

Absokitely Nothing IlfalpMed Positively No Credit to Anyonemdash

Please Do Not Phone in Tour Orders N

i I


I f


r u l i raquo v l ^ r r il ^ i i R J

1 -

m r-m


lt bull p-


tlt bull t

- i


h o - i i

laquo -i t


S i-


i H




n rt

I 1raquo i


) t



IS in w



rgt Jlaquo

lltfmmTttwm gt nwHliiii m i n Fifa iraquoFp

^bullft - bull


L E S L I E W McCJLUREJ Editor and Publisher

WALTER It WlMTERINGHAM Business Director and Fpreman

Published every Thursday afternoon- at Barringtor minois and entered as Second-class matter at the B a r rington postoffice under Act gtf March 8 1879



Cards of thanks resolutions of condolence obltuarp poetry memorials and all notices of entcrtainjments or bullodety and church saled and parties given for pecuniar benefit will be charged|for

All communications should be addressed to the


BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS bull _ (Sterl ing Daily Gazette)

F a r be it from The Gazette to Unduly criticize an ladymdashbut the editorial in the Bockford RegistorJtepub lic on Monday Jan 4 under the editorship of Mrs R u t h Hannai McCormick c e r t a i n l y w a s not inspired bj

any real desire to help the republican party In n heavy- weight hairspliting effort Mrs J McCormick intriguingly

tries to convince her readers that a political habit should not be permitted to defeat the republican party She trietf to convince readrtrs of the Register-Republic that President Hoover is a most unpopular President She tr ies to convince her readers that if lie is renominated it will be because it is the usual custom ^ She tries to make her renders believethat it is a Very-foolish custokn to renominate a republican president just because it has bcelaquo the habit of the party toido laquo6

A s a matter of fact those Who remember the national eonvention at K a n a s City whichf nominated President Hoover will remember that Sirs McCormick was one bf the leaders of Illinois who engaged in the dismal failure of attempting to organize a movement which hud as its central idea Anybody to slop Hoover or komej such s logan as that

At Kansas City the politicians did unt wn nominated They were opposed to him then been opiwsed to him ever s ince he has sat in dential chair They thought him they have learned sincje and they laquo o w know that lie is1 nut the type of man who can be twisted around the fingers of the politicians for their personal or political gain And that is why think ing people are for b is renoniination and that is- why thinking people are going to p r d e c t him in spite of ijll the enmity of newspapers of the Chicago Tribune and the Register-Republic type It is well known that no-presishydent in the historyof the republic has been assailed w i p the vindictivenesu the unreasonableness through inujn-

t F I R S T B A P T I S T

Bible school 9 3 0 Morning worship 1035 P V

B njamin Franklins birthday anniversary f ills on next Sunday Account of this event will be tajken in the n orning worship when the pastor -will- speak theme will speak on| A Timely Guide

Si ecial lmusic as well ns congregational sinjing o f hymni adds inspiration jto each of tbest( gospel si gtrvices

Our annual business ImeetIng will be held Ved(neHdny levculi ig Jan -20 bullbull j bull bullbullbullbull

W B plan a George (Washington service on Sunday evening l 4 b 21 Watch for later nnnouncem|nt re-gardiig this special service

cordial welcome to all I


ut Hoover They have the prei-

endo and false statements t President Hoover A systemn has liecn working against hin in the magazines andthe big city papers ever since he

) the same extent is has ic cuiiftuiign of propaganda

was elected Nothing like it was ever known before in America

Mrs McCormick suggests tliat if ii considerable numshyber of republican would prefer to have Mr Hoover step aside as a-candidate for leiiitmiiitition why should not the party leaders Helect xltgtint)bo|ly else Why should Hoover step aside Xo person of intelligence suggests for a moment that lie is responsible for the depression Then why blame him for conditions which no one could control If (inveruur Al Smilh pressimi would have been ben rountrv was in such condition th gress no political iwrty -could rushing back upop us Then wlgtjy bliimeHoover

Even if they do blalne Homer can the voters of this district follow the advice of Mrs McCormick She had her opportunity to lead in this Mute as a candidate for senator Those of us wjho stippotted her in sincerity and good-Will know that result Certainly it would be im-

liid been elected the (leshyf t i s t the same The it no president no con-ltti)p the tide that was

possible by even the greatest st blame Hoover for the election Lewis in Illinois over Mrs McCormick

retch of imagination cent0 of Senator Jim italn

Opposition to President that they are or should

As a matter of- fact the Hoover comes from those who feel be the republican machine1 and not from the voterjs who constitute the republican party Tlie opposition

and the propognuda against HocWer have been directed by thosD who have been who nroj now or who aspire to be leaders of i the republican pa|rty- and not from the rank and file 6f the voters in tfjie -party Look at the record President Hoover has( worked like a coal heaver He has refused to take a vacation l i e has aged twenty-years in three carrying the burdens that were thrown on his disk burdens for which he was in no wise responshysible which no party could forsee and which no party could prevent Must he lie condemned for sticking to his disk working like a Trojan in the interest W his country gt bull

His moratorium program I was condemned by sucjt newspapers as rire opposing ijis renominntion from one esd of the country to the other Yet in the democratic house where the democrats have a majority that proshygram appealed to the common sense of democratic conshygressmen to the extent that it was approved by three to one Can our good friend Mrs MeCortoick suggest any candidate for thepresjdency who could win greater ap+ proval from the leading men of both parties of the nu^ tion In the senate the same program was adopted overwhelmingly Senator Johnson macje a bitter attack on the moratoriummdashbut the- senatecarried it by five to one Do these opponents of President Hoover have in mindany republican who could miike better headway

The house and seriate adopted overwhelmingly Hoovers measure for $20Ot000000 for the vetcraiisof the

country There is every assurance that both houses will approve his $500000000 proposition to release the frozen assets ofthe failed banks and get that money into-cirshyculation That| will be a great help to returning prosshyperity Hooverjs whole program is one of constructive statesmanship The indications are that he will have better support for his public measures thnt nnj recent

president Yet in the face of these plain facts the false prophets are starting a clamor to prevent his rcnomina-tion Beware of false prophets

SHORTER HOURS- Aside from all these tcmpojrju-y conditions] however

it must be admitted by all thibughtfulobservers that a new situating has been growjng on us gradually for years that it was apparent long before the stock market crash and will continue after quotations begin to go up again It is the situation brought about by the invention of so many labor-saving devices The machine age has put great numbers of earnest willing and competent workers out of their jolis and the return of prosperity bullfpr other people will ncit heln them materially Some bullway must be found of adjusting the world to nlew conshyditions j f - - - 1

I f machfnes have cut down the amount of work to be done we should all share in the restilts Less work and more leisure for everybody will give employshyment for all T h i s could be arranged without much difficulty for factory hands and mine workers Just how it is to be arranged for lawyers and doctors and editors i s not so plain Once it i s recognized however ithatf this is the problem which must be solved the world yill find a way-mdashBrooklyn Times



Church News

and Juniors 6 4 5 and Evening service 7J0

Filling Our Place In the evening the on the pastor

R- KVbdquo C It D R U 8 8 E L Past r

S A I N T JAMES j Dundee 111 j

X) a m Holy Communion 1st and jlrd S indays Chora I Eucharist

45 a m 2nd and 4th Sundays Morhing rnyer ormon

- 10 and S gt Church School 030 a m

3 R S GRAY tRectcr

METHODIST EPISCOPAL Tlhere is one place that I cannot afford to miss

to during these strenuous times and that is the Sunday worsh p hour We invite you I to check up on this pef-KIIIS vtntement by attending regularly for two months If not worshipping elsewhere we cordially invite you to our worship at 1035 a m and 730 p m

Cturcb school with separate rooms for the] different ileparl meilts at 0 30 a m ^ -|

Ej worth league at 045 p in j REV M S FREEMAN Pastoir

Supday Ja Go


Suhday jscrvice 1045 a m school 930 a ni

iiuary 17mdashSubject Life [den Text 1 John 511 This is the reccrd

pod hath given to us eternal life and this life i s (klnesday evening meeting 8 p m

Reading room and lending library at 110 N Hough street lopen to the public daily exceptSunday frbnc 130 oclock 9 oclock

to 530 p m Also Saturday evening fjr oni 7 to

S A I N T P A U L EVANGELICAL I Sunday Jniniary 20 I

-j 0^0 a m Bible school I 1())30 a in Mai l ing worship The Pelfect i Y|rgtuth

I bull Thursday^Jnnunry 21 8 pj in Monthly meeting of the Gleaners class at the

home of Mrs Edward Osti i KEViL E KOENIG Pnstolr

lt bull bull - bull mdash r ^ mdash T -

SALEM EVANGELICAL i- The following j services will be observed in Hraquohni

Siunday Jan 1 7 Church school at- 030 a ni Classes for all a Divinewtjrship services at 1030 a m and

pi m Thepastor-willlaquopeak |ori the subjects Author-itly in Religion and Christ jhp Chief Shepherd cfinrch choir Vill assist in in and worshipful - =

At laquo45 p mi Chrisliun E l A cordial welcome- awhits ou at the services o

home-like church

aking the services li



i laquo II iBEF CHER Pastor

The Lutheran church

to] attend its services and


Divine jservices every Sunday j at 1030 a m Bible class and SUnda r schbol at 945 a m

extends to all who are a t the present time without a cl urch home a sincere invitition

classes D l c HENNIG Pastor

I 1302 N 14th Ave iue Melfoeej Park i l l


] ST ANNES Sunday Low Mass 8 a m and10 a m Week days Low Mass 7 a m Devotions in honor of the SJtacred I^eart first Friday

each month Mass at 8 a m Confosions Saturday 8 p m

am by appointment REV JOHN A D U F f l O T Pastor


bull J






Bjy Natiom J (Speci tl

PLAYING POlLiTICSmdashIt is beshya m i n g incnasinfly apparent that a got dly shari of t raquoe legislators are so bury weavinK prjtectivq devices for their political future that even their best iiitentiois for the publics weir far kre sidetracked Their fervent premises for the rendition of a ser-vic) lo not iibe with their pcrtorm-ancesj In a vordj they artf victims of their ltgtwn vanity for these public sorgt vhi ts are uii villingto publicly admit that there iK a liinit to their power Unlesjs the d ist is blown from their

eye i by stroig jvltiiecs lit their baill-wicks the chnncest are that the vacilshylating policit nit( ly A cleiLr non-partisan unalysis of oiigrpsslor al performances to-date through friendly glasses would show tlja eliminating Spectacular gestures lj nothing b||t t | e tapping Jof dry w]el Is


that Son

res 7 301

In AN OLD IIRITISII proverb says

uljuitHy ends i i fijillly This itescrip-ijinOptly covtfrs our imtionnl legisla-iyc situntjon By IOJI of deeds with readily disceriicl pi ii s have be gtn soind by- vanity Hon may be fonild fetbral expeiuljtim enoimous deficit nn|ist be met by econshyomics in cost af government and by bulljnbensed- taxes representatives ing risks nrje thej million governi] joying compara do so means enmity from those on

The elpful


PROSPERITY NEWS Plans for the construction Of a modern emergency

hospital building to cost $1(0000 are being made in Waukegan

Approximately 1000 dmployes have been) adde the pay roll of the Lycoming Manufacturing Co w the last two weeks Practically all departments working on a full six-day week basis

Chicago territory showed Construction contract^ to taling $13640700 during thei month of November most $3000000 were spent on residenth 1 building

Quincy is utilizing relief funds for thraquo cleaning the city parks and employment has beer given to men j-

Construction of a sweeping -compound and manufacturing plant will begin [in Rockfltrd jSoon

Orders have been pouring in to the Carlinville GJlovc factory and the plant has j found it necessary to vork overtime More than 50 people are employed in plant [ -

The Gunite corporation manufneurerH of cast btake drums and general castings Rockford has annoti iced that that beccmbjer tonnage of the conn any will he apshypreciably ahead of any other month slijce the business was started four years ago

St ^re

1 to thin are


up of many



During 193 64 new industries have lociited in Louis 65 plants were enlarged and 203 prospects now under negotion The 64 new industries have given employment to 2533 workers

Edwardsville has launched a city improvement rnm as a means of carrying on uilemployiineiit relief me day-28 Edwardsville taen were given employment

Two large industries in Jefferson City Mo have iaid out more wages this year than they did last year one factory is idle in the city andit iseipeeted that it re-open-soon ] bull -f bull bull

John L Bennet president of the U S Manufacturing wrporation Decatur says that 1931 has been the jiest in the history of the corporation Since August ompany has made arid shipped over 3000000 dprn poppers

Libcityvifle with a 308 per cent gain in builcing started during September over that started in Auj ust gtf this year was well up among the leaders in building activities in suburban Chicago

Editorial Association to The Review)

Wandering irdm This to That

) will continue indefi-

politics Whftt begins in fear

a simple eomprtri-promises it will be that many gltiraquoMl

llnm-strung or poi-A current illustra-inefforts to adjust s in revenues- An

The senators nnd perpetually calcnlat-

n- bull i quniidry Shall authorizp ^ng^ cuts for nearly a

lent employes now en-ively high snlaries To

federal payroll voti ig money fo work nnd then in t le ir district fere ices this yt

i | The alternative is r high-cost government

asking the -taxpayers s to make up thedif-ar -

THOSE OUTSIDE Washington do not realize the temptations of ailegis-latb-to satisfy I he world andinipress the countryWith his importance - It is a natural human fharacteristie but one destined to )lny Itivoc with facfe Jusl now execttive iepaitments are releasing e m p i r e s who imnledrately call on their senators and representashytives to find them jobs when theirs hiiv gt been abolh-hedy The department chiefs point ou that nrfgt- funds are available to tak caf patronage


iraquo care of this politi-The demiuids^oif the

ltigtn|lttifuent caniiot be met wtthont inci Ijfsing taxes) A legislator does not- relivh the ifien of having his job-seeker turned down because it makes polii fciair appear politically- impotent The relatives of the disappointed job-liunler back l i o n e never understand Mul iply this case by the number of congressional menibeTH-anl you have a partial answer |to - the-pjresent ment

T i e most insistent-deihaiul of-the day is to -do something for impovershyished citizens Reflection will show that itj is n problem which will admit no counterfeit remedies Though there is bliviousjy a ned for expediency it if generally -recognized that relief musr not be voted at the expense of good sense In a degree this may account for the iiloftness which marks Cong]-essionai action Veteran lead ers e fbpth parties realize that noth ing nust be em cted intolaw which will eventually leaet against the aushythors] v I - - bullbull- 1


6ut cvilk

Opera Dates The twelfth week of opei3y at the

Civic Opera house Chicago will bring Carmen into the repertoire for the first time in two years Two perform-W e s of the Bizet jwork1 one on Monshyday evening Jan ] 8 anp one on Sat-iiwlay afternoon Jt n 23 will be sung In both Confchitn Stipervia favorite Carmen of Europjenn opera houses will appear in the title role ns guest artist

Ambroise Thomas Migiion v i l l be sungifor ii third time on Ti esday evening Jan 19 There is an jmpor-tnht change in cast for Charles Hack- ett will have the ruin of W| lhelm Meirter

Monday Jan 18mdashnt 8mdashCarmen (Iiii French)mdashOpera lii four acts by Georges Biaet With Consifn Super-vin (guest) Leolu TurniM Reno Mni-soii John Charles Thomas and others Ballet Ctinducfor Emil Cooper

Tuesday Jiui Wmdashnf 8mdash-Mignon (In French JmdashQpcrti in three acts by Ambroid Thomas With Marglierltn Sulvi Coe Glaedis Charles Hackett Vi nui-Mnrcoux nhel i others Ilallct Conductor iEmil Cooper

Wednesday Jnn 20mdash-ut 8^-Miidamo Butterfly (In Ital inn)r-A Japanese tragedy founded lt|n the bltraquobk by John| Luther Long andj tho drnnia by David Bejusco MusicIbyi--Puccini With Rosettn Pampani ii Helen Ornktein Charles Ilncketti Victor Daminnj and others Conductor Roberto Mornn-zoni -

Thursday Tak 21--nt 8mdash-Lohenshygrin (In German)-^-Opera in threj^ bullacts by Richard WnRner With Lotte Lehinnnn -Maria Olsxcwskn Rene Maisoii Hnns Ilwmninn Nissen Ediinnl Habich and Alexander Kip-niii Conductor Egou P^llnk

Saturday Jan ^3mdashat 2mdashCarmen iFrench)mdashOpera in four ncti by

ltH asm

bulli bullamp

Aid GdNTraquo|Alt

by Vfyix ae F^gtraquo$|)n Aiithor o f - P R A C T I C A AUCTlijINJBW CB

orges Bizet pewia (guelaquoit^

lie Maisbn 1 others

Cooper Saturday Jan Rusticana and

W5th Conchitn | Su With Leola Turner

Jcdin Charles Thomas ftallet Conductor Enill

ut 23mdashat 8mdashJCavaller-I Paginicci (In Itrtl-

in)mdash-Opera in one act by Pietro Mas-cagni and drama in two nets by Rug-giero Leoncavallo With Claudia Muzhi RosCtta Piimpanini Coe Glade Marin Chtessensj Antonio -Cortis Charles Marshall Desire Defrere and otheBs Con(hict(frs Isaac Van Grove and Frank St Ijlteger

Violate |Suffrage Amendment The barring of women from jury

lists in Massachusetts under n recent decision of the supreme judicial court of Massachusettsdenies to this sex equality of legal protection contrary to the federal constitution it is claimshyed in briefs filed with the suprepie court of the United States I by counsel for the NationnI Association of Wifmen Lawyers and the national womans- party The briefs were filed pursuant to leave of the court granted on January 4 in the case of Welosky v Commonwelilrli of MasSachusdtts No 564 in which the petitioner is seeking a review of the decision of the Massachusetts court holding that she was not entitled to have women on a jury which tried a criminal charge against her The supreme court has^ not yet acted upon the petition for review

THIS POLICT is manifest in the iienuje debates in which banking legisshylation w i s subjected to searching stushy

dies as ft the rest purposes and might later be c onstrue J as helping bankers Righly gtr wrorgly sentiment exists in congressional circles that bankers are inore or less responsible for the n a t i u s economic ailments1 Araquo a conshysequence ielief measures nre minutely testae for loopholes

ltbull j Museum Popularity Grows bull More than on- and one-half million

persons visited Jpield Museum of Na-tursI History during 1931 it was ar)-nounced by SteiJhcn C Sinims direct-tor of the institution The exact numshyber of visitors when the figures wee checked at closing time Thnrsday December 31 was 1515463

This marks a new recoWi for a yeai $ attendance and makc4 the fifth coniecutive year in Which the One milshylion figure has been exceeded Mr Simms stated The previous record was made in 1930 when the attendshyance was 113327991 over 4 h i c h the 193 total represents an increase of 182664 or approximately 1 3 ^ per





As neighbors they talked by telephone almost every day Then the Barrya

Ved to another town and the friend ip might have ended But th se wise

friends keep in touchby Long I listante telephone and it seems Just Ike old tijmuk Telephone distant friendi today

It it iur aim la furtUh th btt tele icreic laquot Ik cLrguhtwt

tio^ ttUph 4CW nlt iyltmthgtm


mJMng offic

Copyright 131 by Hoyle Jr

One of the writers c o m spondeht Jhaa asked for an opinion on he followshying queatipn which aa he secta ra is not sufficiently or explicitly covlaquo red in any recent book we have bee i able to obtain t o definitely settle th s matter It is orsuch nature that any discussion regarding it is bound t o be gtf interest to all Auction and Contrac t players

Under what conditions i hould the Initial bidder if he has one si it missing entirely or represented b t only a singleton declare no trumi D o the ordinary no trump indicatio ts hold in such cases --

A sound no trump bid i s composed of two elements (I) the pro x r values for the ho trump bid (I) the)proper

l distribution of such values i mong the four suits The authorities iracticallv all agree that the minimun strength on which the dealer should bid One no trump is two and one- lalf quick tricks distributed among a t east three suits The quick trick strei gth must

not only be there but it n ust be so divided among the four suits that jthere is more than a reasonable hance to make the contract A hand r light very easily contain two and one- lalf quick tricks and still not justify a no trump bid If these quick tricks are c Dnfinedto one suit the suit bid is the c irreci bid If these quick tricks are c istributed among two suits only it i i not adshyvisable to bid no trump Experience has shown that with two su ts unproshytected a no trump bid seldoti i is sound For thafreason to justify a aid of one no frump the hand must contain at least two and one-half quick tricks and these should be distributed among at leastthree suits That leavei only one suit For partner to protect or if he also has no protection only on s suit for opponent to make

In case the dealer has a si lgletoh of a suit or none at all expeiience has shown that the no trump bic as a rule is a losing bid For that re tson with this-tybe of hand it is bette r to bid a suit even though hand cohtaii s two and one-half quick-tricks divided anjiong three suits If the opponents bid the missing suit then of course he dialer should not subsequently bid no trump but if his partner should bid the missshying suit then the dealer shou d bidthe no trump on the second row id of bid

Solution to Last

A R b C L B tyoU

ding-A eingletijn M aj voif danger point fcr a l p trum bestproce lureii tojoid a sui shiftito a no turn theblddinjattihat course nee tssary or

The foil gtwimi hat no truiripbids V t | | dealer

Heartsr-KQ J 109 Clubs mdashK J 9

Diamonds mdash none -Spades -^ 9

If spades are trumps and 2 is in the lead how can Y Z win eig it of the nine tricks against any defenie-

SolutionZ should leadbull thgt jack of spades and discard the Jcinj of diashymonds from Ys hand This i i the key play for it prevents Y b^ng forced in the lead to his disadvantages Z should now lead the deuce pf clue s arid Y should win any card played raquoy A At trick three Y should lead t i e ace of hearts and follow with the five] which

Its All in th

Reasts mdash 4 8 | 1 Clubs mdash R J 1

Diam)ndsmdash Spadts-^jK

suit ii gt b and th

first and

) f

PMf^jrvf opadt 1 T - |vgt J |

H^i-4ji Q u b laquo J - T 8 i | | bull^-VdagiT1



bid ls^lronlyif

5edS|T8 U C h a


I Heart ifmdash i Clubs

gt Diamnnds f- Spadlsir-A-]

- All of th Bin C mttfii at lcaa one-Half quick tric|||and tHlt tioh i s of 8 itch 4-na|t|re thai reasonable chaice to bake

The folbwlnj h f f l s ho| not justifiible no Itrump though they con quick-trick bull strengti if of such i natiure tl black type should thenotrunp j |

Hearts tiubraquo Diamc n d s | f ^ Spade raquomdash

Heartlaquo Clubs -Aj 1Q Diamc ads $pades mdash K7

Hearts mdash 4 Clubs - 0 7 Diamc nds Spades mdash-K J

ilf the oA]porienfa suit they v ill bid i but sit tigl t and lfdj

3limp bid Prefer ump biu when t

Siriglciltcjri or void sti rruinyagariifeandri Mernbt ^pbssiblei8 bull

leeks Pre blem W Hearts mdash Ai 7 6 5 Clubs - r A Q 10 Diamonds mdash-raquo K 5 Spades -r none

f P

Itearts Clubs j pound iamo Spades-

Heart smdash Elubs-^-S 4| 32 Diamondsmdash J 3 spades mdash Jbullbullltampbullbull 1

Zj(should trump spades Z 8 ^oiild of clubs anc once any card played by lead his last club fiVe of dianbnds this trick a i d musts

Played in eight of the| nine defense


old t l [gainst

it agj i suit

hand ffland yc

ho and fistribu-ierc is a bid

-vet arc even

Sessary butjon set in

ir than

ttnssmt duit bid-lit a no [he no ains A ilhvin


W-- bull


3i the ien lead

in Y sHlaquo Yshcli

follow js fori

_ jtherefci diamond wl licii Z wins with and then mikes hifiast club

this wiy Y Z icks ai

jilt of e trey lid win d then tth the to win lead a

e jack

$twin it any

A j MAN w^i^iiprt ita ^ ^ mi ch of a| garden ui less he planted seeds a cultivated it regularly

Neither will h(j have mu money unless save an As a garden p mdash saved interest

he sta d does it steid^r

oduces money procjlu ef




Bwihtss NoicesJ^miff

^ffiefoa ikihilk-amp t^Mpound$mlthki$h^j jb


I Capital laquond^urplua $16(pound OOfj ti J LAQ1BSCIIULTE Chairmanof he bdquo bdquo

A L R D B E R t S O N Presldelifc 1 bull H O W A R D ] gt CASTLE Vice Prlaquo Idcnl

A T ULITSOH Asst Ct shjer H E L E N B ME IER i s s t CafeU gt I AH LAG 2SOHULTB Asst C i f s h l e r f


Howard P Castle l i w y e r George JHtigcjr - Lafeschulle laquo Hagc^ Inef Precl Hobe n Retired farmers JL J |laquoMseMulilaquo Chairman oj| the Board Walter N ndweif V N i E s n d w l J I Co I r v m E Landwer Ileal Estate Management) A f t B


- I lti




Orr HarryPIerj m M ^

Ponies Wtn in SeesaV 1 Warren Boys to ^lay

Helaquo Friday j

T h 0 ItnrriuKton HW pound -entheir ^ n d Kame o f j l h e w

r l laquo y nlhlt wh^n laquo 1 raquo ^ laquo

hbdquo vei-laquorlaquon Wswonda nve 18 to Htnrted riiiiwr s|owlf


VCnnM ^ wne defenses Vnlaquolaquon-rH banlcet from thegt to -L the I ^ ^ 0 8 Ame-W B a S i B

theenrraquoe first Half B o p A n t seoreiHWlc^from Zi nn1 three t i m laquo from th ch^ y t o t n k e laquo T gt 2 earl

fbdquo tlie enrly nnrt of Ue second bullhere was Wtje wrorlnR nrtd the Jauee betwer-n the tww tcam^ rems about mark

Thlaquovlm the MAlt-1nN npP | rcnVgt

Inure peiraquoltbullltbullbullbull bullbull - mdash- - about the wiiift At thU thri nuar mnrk nnrriiiRton laquoWlaquoW laquo g

Mbdquobdquore with their shots Wto WiUiiims rniul Hlaquorcybdquo WlaquoJJ-

bullthree bullhiiKkits^npWef- the Bran bull0Vertnraquok iui1 muni their rivali the midille f the 1ns quarter H

coiida then l)|raquoenM up With St rmiKe hamiRe in which Bafceley

iiiroiiiiMiis -lraquooth seored prettjr| hut DiirriiiBton bad too lante A to overcome The thrillinfe Inst q iter mure than rondoupampkthe

W of the tirht half U_ The Harrington Rnardi - Mfi And Thorpe deserve a lot of tcredi holdinp down those clever Wa^w forwards Biiseley who is one of hottest forwards in the confereneb

only nMe to connect witjitwo^ and both1 of tlrem were cliiieult t iBohhy iVolf did not-get ft iy bagt but hewas busier than a cranbi m|rcliii)t at Christ ria-s tryiiirw dAvii yaiuonltln8 k0-re i r --^

loonies Stae Comeback^ The Ionies got nack injhe vici

ephlmn with a 17 t]rgt lOQwiii o v ^ Waiieoiidn lights1 JThey ca userf ndlierenls quite n few herrous Wtes however (for they fritti-rec^ ai a 0 In 2 leadkvhieht they held at half nnd let Wnuoonda taltJ tftft_ away from theijif Cpnns three bi

|ets aiijl lirnnclts two kHgtp them itettiiiR swamped in the Meraquohd Beernianand Dave Oinujlijhnve doing raquoi Ilflek Wilson jtliltl Inst pie of games when it comW to get

baskets but they may Mart hiti again soon bull L |

Warren Here Frjdaj Warren township ^igh seiool

CJiirneu 6rthwest hoirfereriee eliamtis Instyear will iiniraclp the

fl h I

rington gym this Mm Keltbn has another rfij zone defenses and his up of a series of Wo tfl which

ni^hfiCd i laquo those tsect


be plenty ha4-| to-ston hostile nifiial traquovo Kamesj HghtwoightH lorklpg -hor laquo BarrineMn will alsiraquo melaquot rnafinr the Pnjntino- floor onsTult sday nie

ensjit 1raquo ltraquohich Tbpw with - ^ 7 -


bullTan lil This Bnme wrtU Hiednhvl ibdquor Saturday ntiht hutl heen postponed to the TllPeflav

The box score

bullUroiulms 1 R _ Williams f Wneironer f-

rn a

Wolf Thorpe pound MeiMter (j Miller f Orahenllt(gti-t



Wniioojfla RnseJev f Howell f ^Vimfttl rgteelh- c IfironinitiN



-t (f

1 0

Sorfei^i hraquoit 1


ii Ft 1 0 1-0 0 -6-o

T imdash


o 1-0 0 o


-1 0 0


yenbull Ronie

Rarrini Att^nlnirv ^ deg fapiilU ( Ollll

^ n - t a p n l i i Kra|iit s Heerinaii ^hristinnjjo- Meiners gtniiiii tftwlnm|

_ Totals

Unusual ly^

n e s mdash +bull-


i i 3 0 raquo Q-

0 J -0 o

bullbullbullt bull-j



1deg-- iO~

0 0 0 0

1-= 0L_ 0


arm Weather ^ Sets New OfficialJRecdi

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^rmJh-ofr i t

I r I t i ^ t h ^ ^ o f r o f A)

bullInnimrj 3 l M r hlm stated oral

for the P i M f ihlaquolaquonce hnsSii bullrnwliv hlT ^ t ^ 1 t h e ma^wHc

bullbullbull St ilF a s hnr f t h laquo bulllaquoraquolaquolaquo hhd frac34 8 d ^ a n a p o l r K Inlt

W - 2rr poundbullbullpilpatp r gtflaquoslgtviD i n raquof In form^ ^1^ T h laquo M l o Khrllr mtgta 8 ^ ^ given bj M

Tl -- ~_ I laquo d M n e l w n r e r W f o r e ^ raquo toJ 8l^r pound 5 ^ Y dinlaquottc 4laquogtaitTolaquo

moSi Maeem^t^aU aigtbdquo 8Juwd cotomeJitrBl 1 Rented p e r i o d t e nHreIy lorip iJ T r

^ ^ ^ o ^ B r ^ B e ^ w

f bull -

--J-1 mUmMtmtSmmim Jt 12^



0rr Williams and Harry Miller Star-in Final Barrage

o n l l bdquo win in Seesaw Ti l t

Wiirrtn Boys tQ Play

Here FridayV



i l l T

l l t l v



IIIKII h e a v y w e i g h t s

f the week on

ln laquo r a c from

bull-ArUt t o d e f s a t

iivjp18 to l

s l o w l y w i t h

stumppltl by

defense J a k e

-run the corner

(-11- by F a r r i n B - tirit half w h i l e

-1 twice from the - irgtm the f h a r i t y

- bull bull laquo I

- f thgt- second h a l f - - iir and the d i s -

ti-nnis r e m a i n e d 1 v bullbullbullbull three quar ter s

llnly h e c a n t o - tlt Led by Orr

Mil ler w i t h the Bronchos

1 thijr r iva l s in bull bull i|tiirter W n u -

wi th a long bullgt ii Base ley a n d

-gtbullbull pret ty c o a l s 1 -bull lirsie u lead bullbullilium last i |iuir-

- i) for the sihiw-

- l i inN Mei s t er bull 1 f credit for

1i T W a u e o n d a i l niie of the

bull -i nferenee was bull w i th two shots

- -=bull difficult o n e s

i bull L-t any b a s k e t s iim a cri i i iherry

bull- i rv-ini to keep

bull M I lt Dinrliaek

-i in the v i c tory bull 7 bullbull In w in over the

Ilu-i bull iu- i d their bulliTcinis mill-

bull - - f r i t te red awny [ lt- - 1 - l i t l i l at the

V f -i -I r (ki file lefljl i i -nil t l iree buck- - bullbull kei P tinin from

bull bullbull bullIn-- -111 half 1 i nntl i h i ve been

-bull t i n - I-1gt I C O I l - bull bull III - I- bullbulleitine

bulllt-bullbull ---ivi h i t t i i i K

Jefferson Ice Bowlers Drop Series to Riggs

Kids Elgin by 12 Pins

Riggs Kids bowling team of Elgin triumphed over the Jefferson Iclt teata of Barrington by a narrow mar (fin gtf 12 pins fof a three-Rome series gtn the Kelly hotel alleys in Elgin Friday night

Each game was a battle in itselfmdash the local team taking the first game by a matter of four pins the Elgin keglers winning the second by^18 pins and the locals coming back to take the rubber by three pins ^

Franklin gchroeder anchor man on the Jefferson team set the pacS for individual scoring with a 202-202-224 mdash628 series

The Elgin quint will play a return match here Friday night The scores for last Friday nights match follow

Riggs Kidsmdash P Schmitz 20 16 181 548 Hake bull(bdquobdquo 173 886 |102 601 DaWlek 153 192 156 483 Wekerman 168 165 214 J547 B Schmitz 140 162 180 482

Totals^ 810 Jefferson Ice Co-

W-essel 154-C MeGowata Mitchell Gerdau F Schroeder

1 Totals

190 -136 138 202

922 i

- bull

162 210 159 170 202

923 2661

175 178 176 173 224

491 578 471 481 628

820 903 926 2649

Pohlman Drugs Still in Lead of

for First Place Latter Team Seeks to J in Lead Only 200

Pins Behind



REYliSWy^ARROT^ ^ iJ^DAYf - frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 1 -frac34frac34frac34frac34


junior high ied by the brilliant playinj of Lattn a 87 0 victor) bull over the

fhe Cadwallader teams hold on t place in the Lions bowling league

became less secure Monday night when Hagers V n ^6 1 1 cracked the maples for a total of 2358 pins against the Beerman teams 2246 Hagers team rolled itself up to with- in 200 pins of the leaders so the meeting nest Monday night promises to be a battle for first place

CadWalladers team nosed out the Pomeroy aggregation by 40 pins the oral score being 2198 j to 2158 pins

jomeroyk men stillneed quite a few ]gtins to get but of the lower berth in ljeagues standing

Beermanmdashbullbull 132 14 144 138 127 128

]i Plagge A Sass Catlow IcClure L Miller Beerman

Shoups Confectionery Five Wins Three Games From



lriiligt 1 J - ihool bull - l i t leu co-

bull i I- the H i i r -

bullbull i n - l i t Coach bullbull I thu-e touch

)-bullbull is made which wi l l Tir i-ill with thjj




Iohlman Drugs Lipofsky Clothiers and Greengard Grill howling teams each garnereltl two games in last weeks schedule of the Harrington fowling league and as a result held

1 their respective first secondand third | places the fcjame a s before the two 1 weeks holiday intermission

Shotips Confectionery quintet trishyumphed in three panics over McLeisshyters team and moVed up to tie for fourth place wjjth the Barrington Reshyviews The Confectionery boys have licuM^howinc some excellent bowling Intefppind may hand-the other teams some surprises before the season is aver

So far each team has ftlayed 30 games almost one half of the comshyplete schedule The seasons schedule contains 61 games for each team


Tuesday J a a 5 Liliofsky Clothier^mdash

Purcell 159 16fl 163 485 Ilnwlcy 12raquo 140 157 420 Zitzmnu 138 138 138 414 Carr 7 164 188 158 485 Beerman 151 159 144 454

gtgtlt R-

gt h-

T i

7 -M i l i t inn nn - i lnv nisht

bulllt iTMinillv i i i ht but has




bull w






full gtwing

F T 1 (i

1 bull n

(raquo 0


Totals 735 783 740 2258

- -Cameron Real Estatemdash P Landwer 156 214 J Kiimics 141 141 J Welch 150 119 1 Hager 150 147 C McGownn 192 154

161 141 114 142 149

531 423 38frac34 439


Barrington J McCoy J

Uarbisch Burton Miller Conn

789 775 707 2271

Reviewmdash 133 390 132 122 147 136 1 4 2 144 180 152

210 1321

157 135 146

533 386 440 421 478

Ti- ta l s 734 744 780 2258



o ltgt


R-r- Hi- bull 11 - X

amp ntNi1i|



bull 1-

i -


V Kc - I J - bull v bull


bull bull

bull bull bull bull

K ^ gt bull

l( I-



() bullgt raquo 0 0

gt () 1raquo 1 tgt 0 1

1 1 1 iraquo 0 (gt

bull lt bull ltgt 0

s 1 bull

u V i r m W e a t h e r

^ Nraquow Official R e c o r d

bull - iininih 6f the 1 i h IIIN gtnfimied

bullbull bullbullbullbullbull- raquof 11)32 has - lunatic conditions i-t n|- | |bdquo Hooky

raquobullgtbullgt miles J B i I ivisinnof Agrl-

bull -~gt f tlv bull Chi ted in stated orally

bullbullbullbull HI-fa lice has halaquol ltl lie eVimnte which bullbull Meridian Miss hi- had the climate

11 Iiidufunntdis Ind bullbullbullbull of Nashville

bull nit rift follow- u raquo s laquoiven hy Mc

Miller Brosmdash Xorton Peters [ Miller j Schreiuer

( 1 Meyer

T o t a l s

K19 133 160 143 147

143 159 145 123 180

176 M 9 IS 3 1(0 168

488 441 428 426 495

bull i hefnre been So long bullbull climatic conditions th r((gtrds go Occa-i-ldai-ement for a sin-cii used comment but

is entirely unpre- i i l



ltbullbulllaquoraquo Bring Restate

752 750 776

Thursday Jan 7 S l u m p s C o n f e c t i o n e r y ^ -

A Marten 1 5 8 A M i t c h e l l bullE H e u e r F S c h r o e d e r E W e s s e l

T o t a l s

McLeistei- i V S c h r o e d e r G r a h a m bull^cjiaubh I l o i m i t h ( j e t d u u


Pohlman K Scherf L Yeoman I Landwer E Gleiije J Dneschleif



t 57 34


157 165 157

120 225 157

436 416 255 120 548 471

Totals 1 718 735raquo 793 i 2246

Hager-1 lager Paulson dol lar

M i l l e r n g d a l e S a s s bdquo

160 137

155 148


176 1U 146 151


1180 150 147



356 484 430 306 327 455

Totals 737 801 820 2358

Cadwalladetw-Ifohlman 141

Sehweirim -196 W Catlow 135

iimlberg 141-If rjlagge adwalladert

Totoifl J

Pomeroy-(jlhivreh Iavy (rreengard Iteffernani ^clireiber


144 153

8tandiii|g Team



l iager H eerman Iomeroy


(36 games eaehj Pins IJi-B

bdquo26i857 ^ 0 2 26057



2 58 2347 2259

Si-G 851 828 846 834

Lake Quintet Bows Before Strong Defense of Salem Team

| Salem cagers won a fast and intershyesting game fiiom thegt strrbg Crystal Like team Wednesday night hy a 2C -17 scbrp The Crystal Lake cagers failed to penetrate the strong defense of Barrington j |

The Salem eager took the lead and led 16-8 i t thj end of I the first half Hirder and| Gielaquoke were1 the high sorers for Salem while Lundahl and Buhrow ^ poundere the higli Icttre^s for Ciystal lake

The next ganie wijj be wrth the sfiong Late Zurich team at Lake Zurshyich Tuesday night Jan -Ml On the fo) lowing night the Salem team meets thi- Austin Boulevard (Jmiitet of Chi-cngoj citjf champions pt tilie church

761 84raquo

Greengard Grillmdash M Lines 174 170 I Banks 153 124 K McGownn 141 212 R Brown 109 164 Cadwallader 138 180

143 180 145 124 7X83

487 457 498 397 501

Totals 715 850 775 2340

Standing Team Won Lost Pet

Pohlman Drugs 30 10 667 Lipofsky Clothiers 18 12 600 Greengard Grill gt17 13 567 Barrington Review 15 15 500 Shoups Confectionery i 5 15 500 Cameron Real Estate 13 17 403 McLeisters 12 18 400 JkUBer Bros 10 20

leigue fqi the past t^o years game wilt be played at the Lake

The Zur-

ICII high school ifynl- Preliminary ga nes have beenarranged before the main game

Salem fit u scher Tate If Ilirder jfl Parlikrg Giesk Ig


Orystal Lake Kltok rf Sciuette If Bu hrow c Gutiske rg Polhlman lg 0 Li ndahl rf Kcuhnert rg Htimann rf

Totals tef Hoffman

Business Notices Bring Results

last apnea rat clt

out the Arlington

a 12-sccond

team after thJt visitors hail staged a last ninute n 11f that ended Just one point short Both Barrinj ton teams show much iinnrpvement pinte

Grabmkort f Olms tea4 f

Kers mw t L a t t i c MuifevY-j Deissper graquo

r Totlals

and shoi ld stronjg oppositjio|i for the undefeated Algonquin boys next Friday

Barrington 3)7-)1- FG 3

1 1 12 0



Ar ington Heights 6 - ^ Koppiin f 0 Vernon f - 0 Miad icls c ^T 1 Adair s g 0 Tuiry g if 0


anted bullof -^4

Holg i t s lndtf last Friday evening and incidentally increased their to 150 in t i c conference Lattn a s high point man for U2 field ijiojils or] a total poijnis

Arlington wW allowed bujt goal the bajame of their ing iccured b r f r e e thrpwf

Th e bull lightweights nosed 11 V i n over

turned in Arlington

^ss^K^ri^^fm^nw^^m^^ ^qiW^pltw l i f w ^ w r ^ - T w i - T i ^ - bull j


their make


aturedonS at Catlow Sunday

laquo ( erven on

low Si Earth Pardon




qs and jThe Chlamp Coming to Screen

Ken| Mnynard tidpular hero of the western dramas is seen as a Texas ranget in his- lajtult thrill-play Alias the Bud Man which plajja The Cat- low Saturday njglit

Susiiense tlwills h a r - r a i s i iig riding stunts and an iictioh-fillcd] battle between Maynard anil the]chief of the cattle rustlers are t i e big fea-raquo tttres bull bull

Short siibjedsJ selected for this pjrogram includt ft Slim Simmerville corned cartoon iportlight and news-

Nex j -Sunday- i ifternooii and evenshying Tlip Rosebndu a clever group of youngsters iif a kiddie presentation will IM presented on the straquoge This groiiptif nine talontcd hoys and girls will ofer 30 minutes of kidilie frolic

The swreen feature for Sundays show v ill be Heaven on Earth with Lew Ay res starrel

This picture hritf d^flnitrgtly regisshytered us Lews bciit screen effort since All (wie t on tlie Wester i F r o n t s and tells an nbscjrbing stoy of life oh the Mississippi river w th young Ayres oast as the son of a (steamboat captair I

Ijew Ayres supporting cast in eludes Slim SimnicrvilU Anita

and many fch ic Sale in fkfnny A Slip will

Jraquor6vide the comedy feature for the

Lain el and Hardy comedia as khown gtr- pictures

shown nights comedy

next Monlay

s i tuatkns in this

day the


in their ull-length Pardon Js The

their j dlley and Pardon U s wi l | ^laffinj est corned iei

Wedi ie8day Tl u ihts bf net

force are

pi esentation WAlli

other not M uctors

arc shown and

tvill be psday

ea ture hilarious right up

audit gtnces for |see on $

on the ay

week raquo f little

ace Berry

a ad ill

Lost 20 Lbs of Fat In Just 4 Weeks

Mrs Mae West of St Louis Mo writes Im only 28 sectrv old and weighed 170 lbs until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks agltL I now weigh 150^ lbs I also have more energy and furthermore IYgt never had a hungry fflomept

liat folks should^fake one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a g i n s of hot water in the morning beshyfore breakfastmdashits^the S A F E harm les i way to reduce as tens of thous-ancaof men and women know

Tor your healths sake ask for and get Kruschen at Fredlund DrUg Co or aby drag storemdashthe cost for a bot tie that lasts 4 weeks is but1 a tr i t e and if after the first bottle you are not joyfully satisfied with results

bulln ioney back f

Mplusmn Wltrifeaj-^h

of the screen

Fri bring

Jackie in The

tch iour

ELS What s|ould wojmAn do to kltlaquop their bowels moving1 freely A dob tor should 1 now the aiiswer Thu t u why bum Snrup Pepsin is so (ood for women It just suits their delicate organism It is the prescription of an old fanily doctor who has treated thousands of women patieMs and who nude a special study of bowel troubles 1

It is fine for children tojo They love its taste Let them have it every time tht ir tongues ire coated or their skin is i allow Dr Caldwejls S^rup Pepsin s made from fresh laxative herbs jure pepsin and other harm less ingredients i

When youve t sick h(adajhe cant eat are bilous or duggisn and at the times when you laquore most ant to bamp constipatedtake a little of this famous prcsciption (ill drug stores keep it ready in big jottles) and youll know wiy Dr Cildwells Syrjip Pepsin is thlt favorite laxative

er t million wo otenl |

Da W 8 CkL-owCLt

YUIJP gtEPSI ( A Posters Family Laxative I mdash - J mdash raquo [


^^^i^^^^^^tmmim waM


Oflee over Pohhnans Druf Store

Hours 8laquo to900am (K to2K)Opm i(K to8^)0pm

Sundays by Apboiatment

Office and R sidence Barrington 2

D R B P G R i L B I R |



830 to 9

7 laquo 4 Sunday



HOURS 30 a in 2

880 p U W 12

K ne



bull bull bull - t l bull bull bull - - - ^ - - bull]bullbull - I - bull l t


o8 t noon

J i r t BANK

arringion 23

SpeciaUj lint in Diseaces of Wonu|d and Chfldfea

HOURS Tuesday Thursday and Saturday

23( to 430 pm

Telephoie Barrington 525

130 Park Ave above Peerlgtss Market




[- paouRS 9 t gt 10 a m

i 2 traquo 8 p m -7 traquo 8 p m

Sundayi by Appointment

Bartington 801

Hudson-Bssitx B Main St

Telephoi e Barrlngtot 235

1717 Conway Building 111 Was Washington Street

CHICAGO ILL Tel Randolph laquo856 _

ilaW4gtlaquoraquoMliraquo-- -V-j Evenings 525 copyrove Ave bull bull Tel Barrington 502


usiness Director


Barrington Phone 403 -


118 N LaSalle St

Phone Dearborn 0399

bull v - i-Vii bull i-



112 West Adams Street


Telephone Randolph 6144 V

Howard i t Brlntlinger Telephone Barrington 660-W bull





E Main St

Barrington 52

By Appointmeit for your i ouvenience




135 lark Avehi Phone Birrington 301-J

HOURS 630 t ) 830 p

t)ther Hours and Sun i by Appointment





Successor fo


Phone] Barrington 77 115 E Main St


Office In Pohlman BallAnk 127 E Main St I 127

Barri Ington


0 to 12 lt 1 to 5 p 7 to 0 p


Tel Barrington 471

- HOURS 9 a nL to 6 p m and 7 to II p m


801 B Main St

Phone Barrington 458

| Banilnttou





- i- - - ^ 1 - bullbullbullbullbull - bull

60S Summit Street

Telephone Barrington 650-3

omoAQQ bwnca 134 N LaSfcUe St

Chicago Phone Central 4646


105- W Adams St laquo CHICAGO

Telephone Franklin 2788


- Barrington Phone 32-J


JUSTICE OF TflB PEACE (Cook County) (

8agt West Lake 8trelaquot^ bull Telepnone Barrington 634-J

v N -- Chicago Ofnce - - 20raquo W WasbJngton St Room 1401

Telephone Franklin 0122


Chiropodist and Foot Specialist

i -



Diseases and Deformities of the Feet

CHICAGO OFFICE 2020 Garland) Bldg Phone Centra^ 8005

Barrington By | Appointment Tel Barrlngtdn 248-W



bull I l

Office Hoars 9 to 12 a m ad 2 to 5 p m I Evenings by Appointment

Telephones Residence Barrington 588-J 8t6r( Barrington 298-W

Readers of the Review find this

directory raquo eapvcnleptj index to

bushiess and professional Bar

ringtoa When In need of some

specuv service they inrn to fids

page quickly to locate firms tote

phone numbers streei addresses

ftiM dugteetorjr has been raquo feature

j f l i yean

W raquo for almost 44


HENRY J GKARMAN Phuto Tuning aad-



E xpert work on alt repn dddl

or send S card 41


Plagge Home FtirnikMmt 6e


FREDLUND DRjUaffO 100 W Main


Phone 54$



Ifbull bull bull fl-j 111 -it s -th laquo5 i


i I







102 N Cook Sreet

Tel Barrington 2 Ftjill



1 i


bull raquo bull

n bull i ^ laquo


CALKINS Etawating and Grading


Tennis Courts Bbwlir|Oreias

4 B A R R I N G ^

H C A L K I N S Phon A S CALKINS] Phott4 4 W


^Li raquoraquo


-frac34 ii tl

Erery professional nsn in Baningfo) hi i name aaorfsB niunber and hours ef Ir this directory laquo I et ery week and mall eiery home In the 0 ber directories nay tl Is directory -ut wiek i


SERVICE INC 217 East Smtlojn St bull


bulli fin j ]

Furniture Remgtvalj d LongDi^tan

bull If embMPj

United VaWsiervljce

- ii- bull 4ryr GuaranteMi w


COST - -



r $ HX rlt i

fV bull u ft



ift 4





Local Brevities Mrs Blanche Ford ill nt h laquo

home 721 8 jCook street

Mrs Kdwaird Ostj 20laquo S Cook utreet spent Saturday) with her sister-in-law Mrs Kdward j Wicjkershpim of Long Orove raquoho hail jdst returned from the Libjltrtvville] hospital where die was tnkeij New Yearns Fflaquo after lgtelnK injured in an iuitnmobile aelt|i dent

Sir nnd Mfrlaquo T Garfield utreejr will a vacation of two West They wijl v Oklahoma CI bullikla que N M Hefore nia where thej will v friends in several cities


Dockcy 1frac34) leave todii-jr for

months in the sit rutatmw in

and Albuqncr-ing to Calif or-

l|sit relatives nnd of that state

Association Asks Help in Tuberculosis Fight

A training class for Sunday school teachers will be organized Thursday evening at the Saleni church It is to mect-bnee a week and will be under the direction of A Carsten-a-n

Mr and Mrs Paul Clark and famshyily 532 Orove avenue returned frolm Abingdon this week and Mr Clark will resume his duties at the high school Monday

Mrs John Horn and infant daughshyter June Alice returned to their home 502 Grove nvenue Tuesday

Volmer Anderson of Chicago who hYs many relatives and friends in Birrington underwent an operation fof appendicitis Moilday at the- St

onys hospital in Chicago His ition is reported to be satisfac-


Miss Amy Anderson retu-ntd from the Itavenswood hospital to her home at Honey Lake Sunday Mis Ander-son is recovering nicejy from nn opshyeration for appendicitis

Mrs Delia Cady 213 E Lincoln avenuevisited relatives in Libertyville Saturday and Sunday k

Mrs P L Anderson 628 Summjt street who returned from the Franshyces bullWlllard hospital recently is imshyproving in health nnd able to be up

Walter Ahrcns 21 street is recovering frim tack of tonsilitis

2 W Russell a severe at-

jp The home of Mr ajnd Mrs Lnwr-^ ence T York 40 E Kussell street

is under quarantine- Mr York is sufTering from an at alaquok of ^scarlet fever

Mrs Henry Will ljlVbullWashington street who iins been ill the pnst three weeks is so much improved that she is able to be up nnd around in- the


Thn monthly clinics maintained by the Lake County Tuberculosis assoshyciation for the examinations and sushypervision of the 40Opatici)t)i-wlio arc sick with tuberculosis In the county cannot be held Jin 1032 unless the people of this county cooperate to mnke the sen saj^ a succhsH accord-frfc to Ruth HcmMekiSOTij executive secretary of the association

The meager buduet upon which we are now compelled to (wottk does not permit school examinatiojiN or any

bullother phase of tmbl i c lipilth work which might prevelit the sp^nd of this gi-ent white plagin Miss Itendrickson stated |

The-neriountiesi$ of thin] situation is revealed when one renliz^s tliat 2W8 children active cjise of j tuberculosis are today attending classes in the scbools of Lake county

Lake County Tuberculoijas associashytion lias no menijs of support other than the returns from the ChriltmnK Seal sale There are no state or coun ty appropriations made flaquojr the care of patients suffering from tuberculous in this county

Childrens Reading Club to Be Formed Wednesday raquonhlt

A Book WormClub fdr girW and boys of the sixth seventh iand eighth grades will be formed at the public library Wednesday afternoon Jan 20 and will meet at 5 p m every Wednesday thereafter f lect ion of officers and the rehding of ^ulps which will govern this n lt w reading club will comprise the program for the first meeting The first twcnt|y-five boys nnd-girls who cone will W eligible to join the organization There will be a waiting list fof- any others -who wish to belong

Club meetings vill not be like the story hour jield for younger children

State Nevbd

Tho Century of Progress sion authorized by the last lcgii 1 has been appointed by Governor LvEmmerson The groupwill vise erection of a state buildfyig Worlds Fair in 1033 The leraquo provides lt that) Governor E shall be chairman with Li Governor Fred ESterling and e r David E Shnnahaii art me Those named -by fjoverttor Ein arc StiJte Senators Roy Wood i bullV (JiMiham Chicago Florence BoliiTr Hloominijton Hit Bnrr Jol iet Charles H T Ilarrisburg State Reprcscn Homer 7 Tilt(e O r o e n v W Schnnckenbergi Frank Ryiln K King Chicago Itichar 1 J Miiiidelein The fiillowiijig were also named Noble Bi Juduh George F Ilaiding Ai T CltzarnltScKi wtlloejor of cut V G -Hermann J F C o r i e l i u s Ideiir Illinois Academy of Paul Demos all of Chicago limn Leonard Karclier Fred P Watson Mt Vernon

Fine Mri Ft

W Baker Kewanec Col H son Pana The legislature i i ateed $350000 for a btViMlnfc preparation of exhibits

c^mmis-nture Louis super-at the

legislation miderson

icu tenar t 3peak-nbers

ipcrson nd K Fiffcr

hoihpson aitlvles R jJ-

nm yoris fsons

ha id


tgt FraquoIP




Ill pc

at 2 p m every

L A K E (Furnished by

Company Guaranteed 2^0 Waukegan 111

R C Ross extension specia agricultural economies at ihe of Agriculture Univers i ty of has announced that the 22 cut which Illinois farmers mad fall in their winter wWat speeds up a downward adjustm a c r e a g e ^ h i c h has been going most without interruption sincp The 22 per cent reductionfor is more than twice as much average reduction for jthe country - I

1st In (follegc

inois centj this)

acreage tit in

)ii al-1919

Illinois the




COUNTY the Illinois Title

Abstracts of Title Title Washington Street

Tel 4)

bull Chester-Callow 112i WMaiii left Tuesdny for a six weeks vacatiojn on the Isle of Pines whiiili is nhout 100 miles south of Havana Cuba Durshying Mr Callows absence Miss Helen Glenson 722 Second nVenue will Jake his plnce at the organ in The Catlow theatre

Mr and Mrs AVilliam Dawson 30 ) Lincoln avenue left S inday for Florshyida where they will abend thewinter months

Buzzards Lin itaitiont With its Ilinnnkalili eyesight pov

er of flight and size there probably Is only one1 reason why the vuituru or buzzard Is not one of the tuos active pursuers of living prey in stead of feeding upon dead or help leas preymdashthe absence of talon f with which to seize laquond hold living preymdashCuppers Farmer

FremontmdashH Ruura amp w)F to C Milshyler QCIgt laquo10 U t 17 Blk 12 Ar-tliitr Dunas Mundelein Manor Sec 25

II Ruurs 17 Blk 12 n Manor Alundclci

FremontmdashC Miller to amp wf jt tens D $l | ) Lot Arthur Dunas Sec 25

FremontmdashtJnioii Bnnft i)f Chgo to J Avon amp wf jt tens Dgt$lb Lots 13nnd 14 Blk 8 Arthur Dunas Munshydelein Manor Sect 25

ElamdashH M Overland and J Over-hmd to V Overlaid QCD 10 P t of SIC qr of SW qr of Sec 35

Waucondraquo-f-J if Johnson amp hun to T V Johnson QCD 10 I^its (K) 01 amp (12 Einicrest Sub Sees 23 25 and 20 bull j

WaucoiKliijmdashJ d Kelly amp wf to H Wagner amp wf j | tens W D $10 Iot 03 Maiinailsf 1st Adda to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

WaucondahmdashII E Maimiin amp wf et al to J Ci Kelly wf jt tlt Lot (Kl Maimans 1st Add i to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

ElamdashC W Ofit amp wf to E Ost amp others w r i N hf of N W qr the S W qr of NA qr and N E qr of MV qr of Sec 20

Fremontmdash-Union Bk of

qr N E

Chief Highway Engineer Fin Sheets has anlaquoiounced t in t highway divisioi _has under wa for constructing the equivWlcnf 200 miles o f T n w - two-lane roads in 1932 I t i s estjmate^l this extensivp st|atc-wide progi givlaquo| employment to between and 35000 men Tlie hig|hway ment will insist on the employm



local labor whenever^ fair rate of wages


Directoir Leo Hj Howej of t partmJMit of trade nnd coiiimercb announced that th j Insurance dty one of tin largcs reyenue agencies at the state | g n turned intlgt the st raquote treasury 1931 $6(|373705 T This only $40000 TCBS tha|gt the collie for the previous y^ar

annll of the div the I second tral Sttjtes cinnatij O congress was from Illinoit tucky- ailaquoB0 to consider


3[ Paul static planni i nouiiccd five planning Hon of the KiUigtn of Ian

isijon of forestry

Jiaj meeting of ewry congress

December 3 to made up of Indiana IowK

uri Ohio and the problema anlt|l

late forfestry in the Central region Mr Springer was the j board of directors for a thrtfe yi

(llac gyton chairniai igf tjommiasion broad-objectives

cse include dejtermiiia-st Sensible type

I nrijas to dirfeiii iioi

anded r__ Cen-

t Cin-I This

c elcgat ea Ken

Tennessee stimu-

lot elbcted to Iieriod of



of the uis an-of state

of utili-thc deshy

velopment of localization tion to which go jtf of the typi maintain a plete a coir which ^rill ordinattd and lirtper vaatrcsoui

a second distribution and of industry and popula-

(letermine the elements to the pattern and plaiv al urban-rural area to high standard to comshyprehensive plan | program bull

mejin the systematic coshyrd economical development

onservatioii of all Illinois S



A HANDY MAN wanted to take care of fires and do

jobs around country place live on place References Address 2212 Barrlngton Barrington III


Senatltr rimes Ilaniiltbn Lewis will be honorpd lit a ilaquoeptiou to1 be given By tho Illinois State ^ociety at Wash-( ington at i t) first meeting in the new year on Jti dary 21 All we repre-sentativcls i rom Illinois and their wives willlc in the receiving line

bull NOTICE bull

Not feinonsible for any traced Jgty anyone othW |ltn A Jij Sclirojljer North nve rlnjrtflin III L

^ mdashu Business Notices Bring I


t tut the Subscriber Ellen ncy Executrix of the Will of

rtnlaquoigtt deceased will nUcnd

nk TJ inois

plans of 1-

c|o(ncrcte that will

10000 epart-ent of at a

MODERN fcir rent in 3 bedrooms and basemeni strejet 32ogtWi

MODERN JSIX ROOM house for rent at 5C3 Grove avenue Reason

able Inquire at 439N Coot street Tel Barrington 209-J1 1 r

FIVE ROOM furnished

Strictly modern refrigeration Dundee avehue or 849

OLD LOG road one

ich for (rent $10 0 0 a n

qr of N W

Cligo to D Lot 7 J If I Conperlaquo amp v f jt tens

Oak TerraceSub Sec 30 FremontmdashJr IL Connors^ to A

Brady W D Pt of Lot 7 Oak Terrace Sub Sec 30 also ^ot 08 Second Addn to Oak Terrace Sijb S E qr of Sec 30

FremontmdashA JJ Brady to J| II Connors amp wf jt itens P t of Lot 7 Oak Terrace SubJ-Sec 36

Waucondamdash-A Bchling amp wf to V Behling W D Lot3 Blk5 At Home Sub Sees 25 aiidj 30

F U R N I S H E D Barrington Livi

i kitchen breakfast L Call at 642 N

telephone Ba

H O U S E room

nook Hough

rrington tf

FURNISHED apartmelit for

Oil heat Mrs H L

Tel Barritig

or un-rent

Electric s a on 28

FIVE wooded

tate district Price ronly Box 21 BarH

for faje Beautifjully igli located in finest es-

near bull$ W highway J

KOHLER 1500 wajtt

hauled M ton 395-JW

^iECTHflC LIGHT ilnnlaquo for sale Recently ovcr-


LOST OR male cat

black tipped large cat ton 325-J

PERSIAN with larlaquo]e

not-ify Mrs ringt(u 310

ACRJraquo FIVE Ijby private

pwee or no 2111 Barrington Illinois

Prqbate Court of Lake Count) eof to blaquo Iiolden at

Hoise in Wnukegaii In sahjl t |0 first Monday of

li|whcn and where al uiig clnims against said

yiotilied^nrid requested to ] tjanie to said court for ndjuldication

E L t E N ti COURTNEY ^bullaukctran 111 January cent- ^932

Philip Young Attorney

$^550 per acre ington 111

Ow nerj

Telephone Barring-


STOLENmdashGray and tan with black stripes and tail and feet Unusually Reward Tel Barring-

CAT lost dafck grey and bushy- tail Kindly

E A Bcermun Tel Bar-


FOR CASH wanted lgtarty~ Give location and attention given Address

i Review Barrington

r I

drive car otjier odd

Not to required Review

i ebtjs con-n myself me Bnr-



jfivon L- Court-Tomes V

the atntenn

ijhe Court County

Majrch next persons

bullstnte are picqcnt the



1 Aikilonwrs rdegW AuoU in on thf o ] locate I 2 mil

Will Mil at man farm ltDunuec 3 miles Nortjlt of Crystal new Dundee

in n large sharp on 1 I Sat] 4raquo l^BAD


19 CoWsr-Soma Springers some spraquo-r Registerod

Thts hilaquo of GueriiNtj first fimv sey sale and abort I in tho cuujntry were houghit them for them have must be fore sale cldse right know my rfputn be seen It down anft Terms





mile East bull ofj ( of Elgin 8j

I rtke pne-hnlf -GilbjFts roal IJB i|ve will Rtjl

i w laquobull IWU 5 south jilles ^-amp this laquobull1230

Jaii 16 |9 f OF RJBAL OJtfK m^ ciyslating of ome ^TenH Bala

lO^Ielfers |fl itiXlnjria lWfr l l

Jue^jiey^n except lofinll

H and it gt evct had a

Iliesekowlaquo a testefi apd u bulllaquoraquo Wisc|

ibylfjpurty t oVjuV herd




ii MHB00tJ0iiifiN^ All M i t will ftjo Uii^ bdquobdquo

laquolf htti BULL

raquof Il lunifli vm th tiftern-

it^lltod llOllslJt

Thev 1 liini(-iit iiiost (if


as I know tl Wn ak| vo PuMtttiL ThMti ( Uvs mubdquo

he WiipreclHt | w buy some cheajj KV8


h A^ttowraquo mu(t k- tud deridianie dai n j Snligt

JOE KVIDEPlit 1 V Myer C

AUCTION SAL Frank Gahlbeck AJict H I H Shoppe


Having decided toquit log raising1 will bell af publi old Sell rage Farm fir st farm eastfi ltfi Nebfls cor) road 2frac12 miles north )f Schaumburg 5 mil^s soj

Monday Janu - lt] bull bull Beglialng at 1 oclock shjjrjilaquo

6 0 Head o f H o g s 45 Gil

auction lt on Hi of Pal

__ r_ fan|o March land AptfiT 20 Shoatswt ampbii | 75 lbs

25 wi|from 100 to [ l l raquo J Chester White Boar 75 Chichenel SO WhbeWyan- dottes 2SLeghonislB IIpullets Brooder houie Chichi n coops 400-egg Tyco Incuba-or used bull one seasonj Hot Bias Hester Grain elevator Corn c rusher Drag cart Land rollei Thistle machine a ] Wheel

barrows 1frac14 h p Fairbanks mdtor Riding cultivator Pti mp-Jack Timothy seeder |TJuik heater Grindstone Home-made tinnier

M l Trucli and Rattle rakj good condition^

Hay rake arid gear Oil jtnd C laquo l Bugtner Wooden jslocktaik Good dumi wafOln Cookjsampve Washing maohliie with gas

bull bull bull i bull bull i All |shte vlndOff storri

dows M i screens MIW strainers milk claquoM|er Nome n n luiober Wonsbi l id stra Tablesan I chatljs Wa^on-bo arid If car

fERMSmdashCASH _ (

u (

t - -






WN 209 to 215 Park




ISHINNERraquoCO le 3 7 1

104 W Main St I Barrington HI





Stewing Hens


Pork Steak

irtm S L I C E D

Beef Liver 15




bull G E N U I N E bullbullbull

Lamb Stew 3^is



tn Roast



gtlaquoraquolaquo25lt -j F-^N-CY-

Leg oE Lamb


Avemdash210 to ate er

Station St

^ilTURDAY M bull

Part Wool ^ r arm Lined Color Gray raquoea

Big brother Fill Cut Heavkr Denim

31ue fcambray

Blealhed 81 inches Quality i

$179 ea^C

39c to89c Good O C i per yd laquoviraquo

Sheeting Unbc|olaquoifiyncfcr yd 23c 23c 46 inches wide


cs ai b

Grocer SALIf PORK lb FRESH LOIN per PURE PORK SAUfeAGE hiilk lb PORK LINKS Heidelberg lb Ripe Bananas 3 lb t I G A Yellow Lauudrfc Soai| lgTaais 10 for 4 3 I G A

Cqp- mdashDel Maisj Ni whole kernel J cam

Aljnerican Family S oap 5 bi ra Fan^y Applesauce

Soap Chips large phgsi 2 for 29 I G A Beauty Soap Gold C ream Bari bars

23c value) for J^ i-l G I A White Floa tirig ampoa]) the B ath Soap bull

Supreme each 5 10 or 49 I 0- A Cocoa Hard water Soap 2 bars 1 5 Household Cleanser] I G Aj 3 boxes 13

blets Vrouuih Packed



No 2 can Aunt Jemima Pane ike Flour 2 reg Cbmet White iloaeiElici 2 Mb pkgs Libbys Rosedale A pricjots lg cans Extra fine sweet and juicy naval fejrlaflgei

dozen ^-^^--^ - -- mdashu-vJSgn Iciiid 99laquo Fresh Eggs and Buttltr art declining Come ir Saturday and see sp ecial pric ss on th se necessities

Moats is 18 15 28 18

New York Pack


s27 28

10 pkgs 19

16 1 5

T 1-frac34 A D L HT - A N D S A V E

ywt raquo Y A L h j

STORES B E S T - Q U A L I T Y mdashr~ ALV t AYS

Independently Owned

SPECIALS for Friday1 and Satiard

Cranberries Fancy J lbs t e c n s Stringless Greer l b s raquo 5 c

Pet is Fancy California l b $ 2 5 c

Let t luce LgFan 3yHlt ads lbs 1 Swlt e t P o t a t o e s lbs I S p u j a c h CurleyL^af 3 l b e l


lt bull

M e n per

POTATOES Large White Cobblers bag ORANGES 200 size Heavy w i t h iuice do GRAPEFRUIT 80 siz TANGERINES APPLES Stayman Wi^iesajp

I Grimes

10 h do

lbs fo) tuslhet

OUR ROYAL5lb14c|Z4i lb

^AE^at2tbI iol^r PURE CANE SUOiUl ( ^Mlb tMc^ kles^ Tlaquof f

A K l laquo 03 Score or KHttr M$^J

r Peas AUT NO x 1laquo cans

ON SALE OXYttOL 1 lg i sm both for 2 3 T(raquo]Aro SOUP VanCam^s

OATS Royal Blue Quaker


Royal Biw

How Plaquocim T l p i i Ik ChioVlVf |fej

Brookfisld B2 geerf Or TMtoti

Tiny m kti 8lftlaquod laquo C I B Z rciiasJ

3 can flaquo 3 No 2 12


raquo raquo bull raquo bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull bull raquo H raquo raquo bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull p l


28 17frac12

9 CAKE FLOUR Virginia Sweet

nl idi ll - L bull 8 frac12 ^ PUMPKINI Ar-BeNo 2frac12 can 9 No 2 can

APPLESAUCE No 1 can i raquo raquoraquo


We Deliver Pto^e 6 l S Not a W E GUARANTEE EVERYTHING W E S


I tubbi samp


R I C M - l b pk HONEY s m

lg glass 1 lb BEEJTS No 2 Ar SYkl StfYbERCAifi

siti all

i in kf th ai i i tec

JUtCE kr S|


bullBj SHce^lJ JP Maple itnl Cane 21 oz

1 if t iw


mampM l^fjiiiQi^ 1

i^hM^^^l laquofe laquo l bull I

Thlaquo R tuiat1


T le r lmas In eiU

the Barr ing t raquotfraquofcB

PerCa ofEducMwttft 2 7 S c ^ S h ^

ItarrtaRton Hjfch SchMlJ

93041 i LoterTKb e

Tlbdquo -raquoni|wirallvc

AltbU^ S t a C V KrmWS Smithy

i bdquo i i i r i i i ] 1 d nrbull hiKh Hfh^t 6laquotilaquon 0 ^ frac34

bdquo1 IJgt tho per laquoM)ita aw

r T nrivolnt by dm

I bvh^^f pnpbatf

COIlaquotlaquo Of

yenr iiie tlio srhool - I j

Of 1 -JT M-liwllaquoraquo 1 laquo M pound 0f ilistriM per

Hut riii

MixJ lWI tlltj rtKhtU bdquo ilaquo-^laquoi T-r ilaquolaquoKM copy laquo


-i7st for 1 03 1^ nfwrtliM ^15() eapiin

c^tinii is dulaquo I

srliool follows

|Ii)igt Srlliraquoi| llnmiiioml Irjd

A w l^gtinm(ilaquoifv Bluom Township -

Dmuk Ilimurani Thon1 Yvw To Pulnt inltgt Towuship

tKlKin Harriimioii IMslnct

bull Proviso -Towiifhip Hint 1-lnml (JHitmijiiHyj

bullQnk IaiU 11 ml Uiv^ rnwn-fhip

H(iiiAigtlaquovilli ltVraquogtulaquoui)iy TlivifiiiHi Townsfiii

1 bull wimirit la lthmews vrollOTMltr The list of iij

- i TnltfimVlS j^

A-i) s h i p

V bull t ltraquoval^bull-

bull NfjJltciIKo - j - =bullbullbull-bull-bull- bull AHiniiuMi Iloiuhis To^iiMtii n Jolilaquott bull bullbullbullbullbull_ bullbullbullbull J Aniiorli Towiisliip Lihiiiyvilh1 Towtfsl ip IAOIIS TowiiNhip


IX 7-3 ii2 bull

^1 2frac34 - amp 25

26 -28

(Jrnnf Township WiNlraiidil Kill Township bull ^ Mjilinraquo Towm hip 1j lfvaiisioir Toivnship Tgt

^ VnrrlaquoMi Towhship j r Niw Trier Township Ijoyiliii ltojnnnmitv iWrlifld-Shiohls M Smilti tins tr rtCord of t|raquo

jCiipita oitsts of sovoji of thlaquo-k-hoitls for tluv year V^V-lit jours Iurlior Tho compatisnil of hvo srhooj viiir costs i Is

HiK-li ^iliool t020-2T Pjilaliuo $iSofJO BnrriiiKtou - 1ltUgt07 Arlington Jlk-ights 1S040 Proviso bull -f m)m Whcrtyvilh ^18500 Leyd-ii SOOIM) Oporficld-shiclds 24gtL$)

Elgin Lions Entertained Ky Ixtcal C liib ^lemb

r f bull27Jj

laquo3 1 n

19 bull bull amp fas -x

Twcijiy-tvfo KlRinJ JTJampiisf ^BltJ other visitors fronf I Moitdnv iiiRht ltif tho lt-lid) al dinner foll(jvod ontertjilaquoti)mraquont1iind n round

KollowiiiR dinup^ j Paul

irriiipton mn

t_ tei BerRer

world the

K BW croup

| vninhn-jllc faiiio AvhJ) Krnlt)iously [ mittwl lie ^iis tho

mnfciraii cntertainetl mnkiiiK riirds disapppora^d laquoW eomltgt out of the air nnd hy articles of femininlt iiitirp vlaquowt iMieketN-of sweral of the Of tlje Hiirrhifjtnn club

T|ie howling niatciim-nt ky jilley inelHdlaquod pickedbull t bdquo iiwrpliwttir IJoim d u b mVgttinif lraquot fowlers nntonp t k- Ktj

pxtcas frorii meml

the Jji bull i ihi ijjf

n visit

Park Ridgi Man AppointedCc^

of qirat] Naim

raquolaquobull inat rgtf the


Ajiiioii|ilt|Henl- w J-wrd of director Mbdquo

raquolaquolaquo raquolaquoraquo$ of llHrrlngtonj ^raquolaquoK ThftT-dfl-yfnhwmrf WPIHMiiii ofChnrbis A ^ l i - (1s vMWr 0 wtion - -

Mi KlKtier has ]jaj

11 ltViral TW Claquov bullf^MhwWnf state bank m

iSn^ inmtradelaquo



Kjr- bullKiwt-foltPji

iVnpob KlSBJl ] tye ii


[Kraquon laquoj

f IilN

^kt yfj laquoii ^gt Jjf

l x Families Are Um|er Scarlet FeverQuaraiii

S i l q m r i ^ M for laquornrfctfp

J J t raquoox t^w d ^ ^

^ 1 ) raquo ^ in t h i ^ i n e i m

n bullraquoUuiiMiiHiirf8|ilaquoIw^i||

RorftveHmr FVoiH injury H

bullCrr h f l r-52oalaquonnii^ bullto U i n laquoraquolaquo^nlaquol tlaquo -k^S u poundk lA tnm

bulltfor^L WU tvtrade wtM lH S^rofdw ttanlwtre Coi

A plusmnA A

Page 4: Barrington Area Library · & Months of .31 Reviewed in Brief Oulstandinu •


f laquo n j o y s Eighty Arst f [ raquoirthdajr -bulllaquo Mrs L l Sehroeder 413 S Cook ^otreer- enjoyed her eightv-nrgtt birth-Sday anniversjirji Friduy Jnn 8 | _bull-bull- Mrs Jkhrowlcr is the oldest mefli ( | j e r of 41ie missionary society of t)Se

f g a l e m church and many members jof Jpoundhls organization railed at the Scbrd-raquoder home Kridiy afternoon to express J their beat wishes those who were uraquo-feable tohow rotirtesy to Mrs Sehroe-f 4 e r in this V i y sent greetings by

ifpnenns of IJ yostil card shower

1 At_ sin oclock Mrs Sehroeder en-t joyed abirthday dinner with Rev and

fWrs Philip Riraquoulaquoher and Mr and twrs George futdwer and family as Claquouests l i lti happened that Rev ^ e t i s c h e r end Miss Eunice Landwer

ftlso were (lebiflting their birthdays


v Misvionary Irgtlaquoram Interesting

The ell-dvv missionary program Tuesday

ful The iven over to White gtvigtd by sin enjoyable

fciven at -the Baptist church rl proved Jo l very successful morning w i s i (lfigtss woilr fll fiot-luck dimi-r

Mrs T lUwIuigs of the Woodlawn Btjgttit chuili ltgtf fMiicngo gnlve the address ltf (Jie itmrnoon program takshying alt her -11(1 ieltt ^Missionary Kead-

iu2 Contcsl W gtrfe MI-N Helen Drus-sel gave f vpurt on her visit to the ttnplist missionary training school in Chh-Hgo vlncli was both interesting iiinl edntlaquoiicgt) il and Mrs bull Tohn Sheesley i-i-vii-wid several chnplt$rsof the study 1-1 T V diiilhjilfe of (liiiure in HI interesting manner About 2gt in bulliiiie-rs enioyed this all-ilay liieetiuK

Enjoy Kainili

tat tiering Mrs V (bdlister Mrs Kmest

Kieke Mrs J-IIHSII Coe and family Mr ind Mi- Clifford Stijuit and famshyily Mr and Mrs thiiidlWt Hiekc mul son Hid Mr gtnd Mr-- Victor Itieke niv1 tiimilv It gti Biirrington enjoyed n f-imily tiili-ring at the home of Mrgt lti li fvl 11-I1 in Chicago Saturshyday It loos | to be a surprise to Mi- MIIIIII raquoitii iier vigtri-ri Mrs Anna lloniin nl -iier a very enjoyable lgtot Jnefe- dinner the afteituHin was spent Kueiillt MrsL Ilojlister Mrs K Uieke Tirs Doiiini | adit Mrs Mar-li raquorgt sUiis

Kntertains Thursday bull Club bull j

Mrs A V-iielt l i t AV Lake Ktrt v HS ligt-tess 1raquo tlie Thursday rlnli Janmiry 7 it a pretty one oclock lniiiheoii The lfternunii was enjoyed at lnincji wilti nvards goiuK to Mrs I Powers Mr y ( Schroedeo and Mrs V II White

The spirit of bull Christmas--was still ei ident ft tlii-s party and the -cheershyful tree efforiled a gift for each quest vho nmvra-piieil the interesting pack-Ill e with smdash fni-li ze-t is she did tjhose of 111 ( ilIl-r lti ite

W R C Hirtds -Installation At Officers ^

T^e BarrWgtort W ^ C nesday aftettiafengtatt6e Catraquow4 HMI where the installation of officers took place ^r^f^j^a(PTOnraquonrfer-^ajas installing officer Mr Virginia Haw-ley as installing coiiductor and Mrs Myrtle Abbott as chaplain The four color bearers were as follows Mrs Lena Sass Mrs Matilda Kuhl-man Mrs Mae Scherf and Mrs ampfary Rohlmeier A social hour folowen the installation program

Entertains Lions Bridge Club

Mrs M H Schreibe-r S02 8 book street was hostess at a bridge party Monday evening for men hers of the Lions Ladies Bridge club andseveral guests xt the close of a very pleasant evening prizes were awardshyed to Mrs Warren Meier Mrs Lesshylie McClure and Mrs-Alfred Church Mrs Harry Hoglund received the

guest prize Dainty refreshments AYHe served by the hostess

I-Bntertaihs Twelve Guests |

Mrs 7 C Foelschow enfeijtained group o twelve friends Wltdnesda|r evening at bunco and other games Dainty lefwshmehts complete an er joyable wening and prizes nere re eeived by Mrs Ernest Rieck ijnd Mrs| Fred Sqhumaker

MiS wer

Attend Concert at Blackstoie Motel

Miss Mae Johnson and Blanche Frye of Barringtoi guests of the Lake View Musical club at the B ackstonc hotel Moiidi y after noon at| an artists recital I y Tom ford H a r r i s - a t the--piano a | idMis^ Ruby Lj on vocal soloist

Entertains Philathea Members

The Philathea class of the Salem church will be entertained at the home of Mrs S L Landwer 30 S Hough street Friday night This is the regular bi-monthly meeting of the organization and the business session will be given over to the election of officers Mrs Frank Gieske has served as teacher of the group for seventeen years

Give Dinner for Victorious Bowlers

Members of the Jefferson lee- Co bowling team were guests of honor at a dinner held at The Farm rond-hoiise Monday evening with members of the -Chicago team as hosts After dinrjer thestag|tuirty adjourned to soipe bowling alleys for a few (games flood fellowship was the keyijote of the evening J

TlMtater Party Hear Madame Butterfly

The following Barington people will enjoy a theater-party and hear Matlame Butterfly at[the Civic opera hoijsei Wednesday nijsht Mrs K A Beerman MrsJ E Montgomery Mrs Clyde Carr Mrs Edwin Olcott | bchle prizes iUrs- K F Wichmnh Misj H Muth Milhjr Mrs gtfis Harry -Brandt lind Mrs William KJesslei- nf Palatine

To Enteijtain Ojorcas Society i J 16 floiifes society Of the

^LMilifjmeetfLt^ie horn of-(1frac34frac34 Mrs Anna Ahren i fo

chiflrc pi-esii ipcia1alfteirnoon Tuesday Officers for the coming year elected at a short business preceding the social hour

Baptist th|raquo

f o j Jtan^lf

will bs meetin f

Annoiinri Betrothal of Miss Hoernecke

Mr nnd Mrs A H Hoeme Grove avenue announces the ment of their daughter Wilhelmini Marie to Leonard J iframer Mr and Mrs Sandusky O

Willianv Kramer

Entertains 500 Club bull

Mrs Cora Purcell 311 streit was hostess Friday (to


club At the close of an enjoyable afternoon prizes were awarded William Grunaii Mrs E dorf and Mrs Delia Cadj


w^mp -bull--y-yf

bull raquo - i - 1

son Donaljl all of Naperville vlrere guests Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs i l l lden Gieske 124 N l i a r ripon street Mrs Gasscr is an a|unt

Mrs Glske- bull bull It-)

M i s M rgaret Weiclielt 106 Eake street enjoyed Saturday Sjlnday wilh frienils a t K n o t coi Galesburg

Mrs Clifford Sjsout and daughter Phyllis 431 Cook street hlaquoard Mlgnon it the Civjc opera h^use

Monday evrning


w and ege

Dotterrer |549 Division street spen|t several days this weeljc at Geneva N trip

ke 41( engage

isor o f


Mrsj Dudley darmichael 520 plvision street re-


Mr and ahd sons turned Tuelsday I from a visit of

Mrs Carmichaerb parents

Main the 50C

to Mrs [iangen

Paul The Gleaners class of the f t church will he entertainled at tlieliome of Mrs Edward ORt J208 S Cook street Thursday eveniiig Jan 21

Mrs Charles Kainer was at nn afternoon card party-

hostess it her

hotrie 301 Northwest highway Mon day Dainty refreshments served after the game

Mrs Louis Miller 107 street entertained I the


chili Thursday afternoon wi going to Mrs

Knlaquoertaiiif V P M ( of Salem Cliinh

Mrs Vi i i i - Jlavlev bull-bull -S Cook Street Nil- lii-tss to I lie Voll|llg peoshyple- missii|i11 y circle of the ^nleni church Ti ie i| iv evening The busi-

Voung People Kntertained

The Interniediate tengiie members of the Salem church wereentertained bv their superintendent MrSi Mildred Wolthausen Monday evening at the church parlors The young people enshyjoyed i program of different games followed by the serving (if refreshshyments About twenty members were present I -


lies- mecliiiu insl illnt ion if year wilh Mi illslillliiiK ltiHce ntut talks mi were follow 1

bull refleshlnili1 v-i-ie prCsiii1

is uiven iiver-1 to the itlicers fur [the coming

Philip BciLscliei- as A proernni of imisic

s^inu work in -Ja| 1111 lie a lociiil hour and

Vhimi ihirtv 1-


KnlArlnins Jutiters ClftsH

bull The Mother Chlircll wllaquo

eystone Class Entertainod L

Mrs Edward Sehroeder 21-1 W Kits-sell street was hostess Monday evening to the Ieysliine class of the Salein church ii-iid- to the nev teacher

i Mrs Nellie Schultze After the busishyness meeting a social luuir at-games was enjoyed and ri-freshnicirfs servtd Mrs Harold Sehroeder

- clit Hcrtiuiied

I the Millin Wcdnesilay


bulsi-he w-

nftcriioon di no home of the pn dent- Mrs II li A Grebe 31(1 Cool Nliffi 1 luring the short IMss tiiiielinii lew olfllers fof coining i gti n iigt elected irild folio log this Mi - ( i ireme Miller review 111 el iaphi Hid Ilaliits In the Iejiu bir study loilr Mis Lorelle Lai d-wer gin hjoyabl Which Jilllsir rioted the hostess - M -ii J dainty

reading after bullprogram I retlisjllillllt


Celebrate W^Wftig AnniversiUiv

Mr end Tfrs Albert GoSsell of Cuba iLiwii-liip celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary Sun day by ctitertuining forty-five re a fives als in Ilt-iay family gatheriig After 011 vHiivible dinner the aftj r-110011 was spciit bull in visiting anil sii g-ing games wer enjoyed in the evenshying The ul-sts included- relatives from C-biisgo Elgin Mareiigo Lake Zurich ntnl ItarHngton who before leaving presented Mr and Mrs Gos-sell with many lovely sifts

Former Wtmconda Girl Married in Tpxas

Relalivijs in Barriugton received nnnounceiifeiits this week of the marshyriage of hljss Velda Bangs daughshyter of Mrs- Cora Bangs of Amarillo IVx fo Woodson CofftCltof Amarilloj The bullweilibiuj tnok place at San An tonio Tev on Thursday Jan 7 and the- bridal couple will make their

home a I Aniuilltgt The bride a forshymer residei^t of Wauwnda moved to Texas wiitrJwr family1 five years ago

Entertain xt Sunday Dinner l

Mr and Ttrs Ray Scheer 530 Grove iivenue entertained the follow1

ing guests at dinner Sunday Mr and Mrs Frnnk Sclieer of Deerlield M r and amp^rraquotIf A runcaid Mr and Mrs Major Cote laquond Mrs Bertha Wene-gar ahilsoii Elmer of Palatine

Mrs Stayner Entertains Auxiliary Members

Mrs Noel Stayner 205 N Cook street entlaquortained meuibcrs of the

Auxiliary raquot carpet-rag sewing party this eveninj Convalescent

bull^Isoldiewi in jrtylaquonment hospitals will bull ^ f e s e the strip- in making rug

Ilotuiitlt assii-ted Mis

li ( nvei

Mrs Cudwullader Entertains

A group (if eighteen ntet at ihe Ijonie rf Mrs Imler l i l t E Hillside day evening anil eiijoyed lirogiiini of games and gr ing Mrs1 Cudwnlliiiler Is Ilfjlsl teacher for th^ group ami was their initial Kiiwiiil gnih licliuis fefreshiiients were si

youi g women Cnihviil-it Moil-a siieltil i lp siug-

I school ihe party ring lie-


Ted McCabe a i d Mrs Wesley Nelson Refreshments won served by the

The BrVthfrhood of the Si Paul church enjoyed a debate Wednesday evening on tin subject Resolv|ed that Protestant d merfee and a dated denom The affirniath Brintlinger ai Koenig

^nominations s i 1 o u 1 d

The Gleane church will m|ei Eilward Ost Thursday evening Jan 21

Mrs Irving street enter


Station Foiirsone

h pi L

1 churches be Nationally and e was taken by d the negative 1

On soli locally H R y Rev

Tclass of the S at tlie home of Mrs

208 S Cook

Hollister 515i It talined the fo

guests at a one oclock dinner day Mr and Mrs J S Hollis soii Oliver 3 - 3 W Main stre Mr 11 ml Mr) George Broil daughter Bariara of Chica

Ninth District Meeting of Legion Auxiliary

The ninth district meeting of the Aniericnn Legidn Auxiliary Will he held at the John J Conley lTnit 3H(I2 W Grand boulevard near Crawford avenue at 730 p in Jan 21 An American and National Defence grain will be given r

The Auxiliary asks all interestdi to notify Mrs Itiith Whitcoinb

l e g i o n Anviliary Gives Benefit Party

Members of thft Aniericni Legion Auxiliary were In stesses at a benefit card party and hikery salt at their club roonis Tiiesiay atternoon A prize was awarded to ecli table aifi refreshments folio ved he card gamfe Nineteen guests Merepresent

The regular monthly meeting of the club wi l l j i e held Wednesrlay Jan 20 at 2 Woeloek in the Methodist church The program for theaftershynoon Ai l l be Thinking It OutmdashAn Experiment in PJhllOsophy by Dr Charles G Obernieyer j

There wi l l be ftreciprocity djy proshygram at the W^ker Park Womans club 2340 Kedzie tonlevard at 2 p m January 10 Eveijj-one is invited

n anumincemejit of the aeknowl eilgment of the Christmas cards has lieen receiveil from the Elgin hospital

The Irving Park Catholic Womans club will hold a reciprocity meeting at 130 p- m j|raquonunrv 20 in the j Indepeiidence Pari Field - House at l iv ing Park boulevird and Springfield street

bull that forget ^eliclous at The Catlow theatre Thi rsday and Friday Jan 14 and 15 Tlid proceeds will be

jippdjtor the scholi rship loan fund

Mr and son Kdwitnt accotnpiitili Hoinulh iOH Hatiirdaywlth

Afchie Domoney 502 PiMyfrlo left Friday foi a visitnf ivo x the home of his brothcrValeii Oklahoma Citjjr Okla

bullv bullMr anil Mrs

ttiifl family of 1 spent Suivilay w

QharlcM W Garfield



i ivenne eeks-nt inlt in

swetaer street

V Iiownloii a Park Illdge mid Mrrf A

Edward Tie 21K N Cook

[v Mr and M r s H llotigh Mtroet

M r s F W ter-|iC0iic 11 are Apeiidiug Ijlridhergs mot

joyed Sunday wood

il-laquoltd street John spent

friends In Hnclnl- Wis

Lindlierg and i N Harrison wo weeks with her at Ottawa



Mr and Mm James Domont Lewis 6(i2 Prairie nvenue

yith relatives in

Mr anil Mrs Emil Mr and Airs Albert

Gassi r Weinert

y and 1 en-Atay-

utid and

Mrs Johni street

D W i

Jlngeles jCaiif last week after having spent the1 holiday- season with their daughters 1 Miss Morion and Mrs Jack O Halloran and her family Mr and Mrs- Seivernscalled on sewral fprmV residc|ifs of Barrington while in California i -

M i s s Vera I^allowel of ChicaRO visited over the weck-eW with Miss Verna Cov-ey raquo njembcjr of the local School faculty

Charles Tcsar and his sister Miss 6enevieve of Park Ridge were guests Sunday at the home of Mr arid Mrs W N Sears 506 Grove avenue

This was a business

wteks with Mr and Mrs Frank Alversdn Madison WiSi

Henry Ai ler of Chicago enjoyed Saturday a id Sunday with Mr

Jurs 207 W Rusi

ittertbn of Baltimore and formerly of Barriugton- wak a recent giiest of Mr and Mrs Willjani Dotterrer 5)49 Division street

Mr ond Mrs Charles Berkley Algonquiii irerei guests Sunday of and Mrs y C F^ielschow 402 Main street

is in St Lo


tnd sell


of Mr


Rev and Mrs M SFreeman httvo had as the r guest gt Mrs Freemans niece Miss i luth Mo^lrc of Sao P a i l o Brazil Mi JS- Moore has been ^ prinshycipal of a- h gh school in that city the pdst four years and will return I to

ter work th gtre - the-latter part of tpist i6nth

Mrs M y r l e Gillette and son H i r old and grandson James of Chi^go were guests -Wednesday at toe ho of j Mr and itfrs HJ Kirschner 607 Cook street

0 C Bitel ieK 0 l 4 Glshyove aven lis this week on busiivess

Mr and Mrs Wilbur Wagn9 Second avenue and Mr ar Paul Kolle 510 N Cook street


guests Mon lay -evening Mrs GeorgisTvloepfer Heights

Mr and Mrs Walt r Cannoii and daughter ElVa J e a n a n d MissMarshygaret Tobias in 1 2 4 w Russellstreet visited the eoiiseratory at Garfield park Sunday

Miss Virji

of Mr Arlingt

Dr and Mrs Arthur Krujegr of Chicago visited Mr Krueger s raquount Mrs Anna Freye 512 Grove avenue Sunday j

Mr and Mrs Henry Dammermntr of Palatine were guests Sini ing of Mr and Mrs Theodbre Free-man and Mrs Anna Freyej 512 Grove avenue

lt j ^ even-

laquo Miss t^cina W a g n w of Chicago is a guest this weeit at the home of Mrs Mary Wilmer 132 W Station street 5 Umdashbull

Miss Esther Wisemaiii of Elgin who has spent several weekamprwlth relatives in Barrington left Sunday for a-Weekgt with frieiulK at Itasca --

Mr and Mrs Edward James of Chishycago were guests Saturday and -Sunshyday of Mr and Mrs Willard Abbott 126 W Main street-

Christian Science R lading Rooms Is at New Locatipn

The Christian Science reading room is being movjd from its 1 resent loca tion at 110 N Hough street to neW qunnters on^ the second loor of tlje Lipofsky building The enfwnCe at 114 Station street Til e ropra Will he cloijied on Saturday Ji n 23 durshying the mowing re-openiig on Mon day Jan 25 (The readii room will be open to the public in the new lo cation from 2 to 5 p ni each week day and on Saturday efening from 7 to 0 oclock

Flaquoraquot-Growing gt laquo bull The balsa reuches a 1 lameter of

15 Inches In five years and lgtas a very fast height growth


ft Vi bull -v

M[r and Mrs Clifford Oberg of Chi cngo enjoyed Sunday with Mrs Obergs parents Mr and Mrsl Willshyiam Walbaum 444 North avenue

Mr and Mrs William Gbttschalk 436 N 1 Cook street spent Sundnjt with Mr aiidi Mrs Elmer Reese in Woodstock I

T H E X Shows 7iOO-fraquobppni

Miss Eloise jP^nfield of Eviiitston enjoy|ed Saturday aiuj i Sunday as a

of Miss icieatior Trash 20S E street i

gue8t Lake

MrsVF W Homuth of the jGras-mere farmland Mrs William Hoinnth i38 W ilincoln avenue nttpnled a lecture at -the- Audijtoriunr hotel Sunshyday-evening bullbull- i _ | 1

E M Wallace 223 W Russell street left on a businesstrip-to Day-toil Q Tuesday




T R A V E L O G mdash N E W S - ^ ARTOON

Adhiission 15c-4i k

s o t Ttit I

bull j f F l i T|dlaquovlk Mi-^Ory 1 Tills Is the versfe w|jllaquoh Colerldi

Arote^tiJUlustrat the 1 nittrlcaljifeet j Ijroclt Icing tp short d Frdfr l o i solemn sort plow spip Strong foot (Jret ctotne npwlth i lac t l l

w bullbull

v-arietlet otbull


tolon-j 1 0 0 stalk I Kilaquo to 3aWeln raquorraquoB With raquolaquoiftm

bullbull SUNDAY

ittpiEVOpL 3fc Rose Buds

9 Clever Youngsters in a Minute presents tion

ON l l T p SCREriivf LEW AYRES

Mr and Mrs G A Lindskog of Irving Pfcrk were guests Monday at thehotfie (if Mr at)tl Mrs Charles R Tliies niO S Cook street

Mr and ld Eilward Hbrfl granddaughturi Dawn Landwer Grove a v e n t i Spent Sunday with 3 nnd Mrs ft^ G Kennedy and fam at D o w n e d Grove

Ir altid Mrs Paul ^Andrews of Chi cago were) g ies t s Saturday and Suin day At the home of Mr arid Mf4 Aujsftst GOSHJII 338 W Lake street

Mr and Mrs George Whitcotub and ftmily were ifuests at the home and Mrs Hjtrry Whitcomb of f efd Strnday

of Mr Deer-

(i(laquo) Mr and Mrs JHarry Kirivtvue S Cook stre-t jisited theirdiughtir Luicille winj is i n training at the Grant hospital Friday evening

Beatrice Mi guests of Mr horn 514 and Sunday


joyed Su mln Mirk II G 1 fo 1 Ntiwi

liai Herman ilaquol T mdash- - MIss trielt of Chicago were

ani| Mrs Herbert Beijg-laquo(alHe| aveiiut Satin-du-v

1 T nil

I Owen of (Chicago en-I at the home of Mr add [agewchulte 214 W Stlt-

Invaid ITJWII Harold Wright J TlitunpliM mid Tliomnw Doeltey of llarri gtoitj attended a game It

hw-jkey laquot t ugt Vadium In Chicago Sunday even iig i bull (

Mr (uul Mrs John Sehwemm l l j l W Main street spent Sunday with Mrs^Schwei mis sister Mrs Henry Bncdimer in Chicago

Mr and Mrs H L Schultze Miss Lmtille Marions and Ray Jurs atshytended the Civic [opera Friday even iK

Mr and Mrs Frank Seavcrhs 2UJ Lincoln aveiue returned from Los

Lafees Stt^rt Uoats jkedii|dd frbm


manufac ured to


These coats include

gether wpth pur reglular stockmdashall M which were

sel at 50 to 75f higher prices

M^ns Sh eep-lined at ( reat Savings

These must be


a shipment just received to

seen to be appreciated


some stock

Oddity in Nature It Is a curious fact that

plants are poisonous to l ive ^ when i tunted If p lant growthi i is Interfetcti with by drought iropt

brulsitijf these plants develop it much It rger amount of cyanogeiietic jlucosit e than norinal growjtli would provide and this substance =taken ipto an animals stomach cuuies-se-rious pusonlHg



Barringtons Safe Milk Supply


We operat undor Certlflcntfl of Approvshyal No my iMuefby State Dejiartmont of Ilealtlu

Phone 409

eTOQGERY GatJow Tl^atre Buildini



N E W S - C A R T O O N

SHOWS GONTINl|jfgtJJS Mat 230 to 6

10cattd$Oc Evening Admission 2 c 50c


LAUREL laquolaquodHARpY

in their feature comedy

Pardon Short Subjects Added

WED THURS RJM JAN 20 21 and 22



Us iBc-lOe


IHE mo siiOtw OK THE SKAHON AdiniMHiiui1 lfi(-l(k

tu steoUeJtk rigiii rt liyiriin bulltpin tiaiUsaii

m Irisb

When you select infslepii reirigert-tor choose onel tblt you know will keepvegetables | r i w a n i l resh-one that you i^otc willpceeji rozea des-serts J^rmaod s a | o | th-r i gti e1 that you Attougt will provide pi intyjo icei Mike certain otafioithe thuij sby-being sure it is Frigidlaquoiir t a ik for the naine plate( Thert ill onljy lt ne eleoric refrigerator named jFrigid lire i General Motors Va^ue CtSme in and inspect tt i beautiful

models npyir oa ouflsho r o o m doer See for yourself the | ian) flt anireithu nake Frigidaire SO truly c itstanding in cdnveoience a^d|aluit Let ui tell you about the n e w lo - trices and convenient terms Stop i i tyoutftw opportunity


Tel llarrlnirton W



Kf 0tIraquoAl|laquoK|rlaquo4l

K ni ion

OWNG to the reductions raw materials we have

o^ our Home-Made Candies 1( and on Saltdd Nuts 15c

i rawet priries of ^educ^dthe prices

tol 30c per pound

Fountain Luncheon Prices

Specials far Saturday Peanut Brittle )b box Cream Pattiesper lb

We use only thle highest graj$of Materials n the manufacture ofiou

d) soii




fkltistm IfymtmuU euroutea

f I



I t -

ft ix Tbiraquo in Memory is tli verse which Colerta

i IHiistnue the varietfe J i i [^ t bullbullbullTpochee t r t p 3 ^ 0 J


L- to shorr Krjm long to h w j bullv hn raquor t s low spondee 3frac34frac34 iM-fo yT ill able E e r

i- HI Hih 1-Ktyl tri-syllableiaa0 bull) miiritt f|nn shor t t o long- y l th

raquo uivl ra [-unir-ihe swift a n -1frac34 f l r i H I

t i l

1 1








Km jWiJi Perishable Vegetables be


bullf A

|jcgt o prvptr mois-rir rrluis ii wiitcj

utitit-ot vtge-liLr

j ijj jJSJierj ytm select an e lectr ic refrigera-dtL chltJose one that you knew will

cltp feg^tablcs cr isp and freshmdashone u yjuui ijoi wi l l k e e p frozen des-

fcris jirm raquond s m o o t h mdash o n e that you

|ffjf[fgt| I h i tytl [HlviJe plenty o f ice Make Ittain oLti of these t h i n g s by being ifc laquot is Frigidaire L o o k for the

ie pliicl There is only o n e electric



fTigfratcir named Frigidairc raquo ttnerjilMpcor Value Cortie ini ami inspect the beautiful

y o d e l s ltioW on our s h o w r o o m floor i-e for vi gtuirU-l I the- many features that

ttkc jld^ikhiirc so truly outstanding cnrlvojriitrue and va lue Let US tell

pu i Mtia the new l o w pr ices and gtnvc iilaquontterms Stop in at your first





J i c

ih|tifii|H4t jWees of l

th$ prices fpefpound )cr| pound



Tbt moist cold of lot Frigidain Hjdrttoi iteps vtgiUiht crisf firm antrtsb

i f)I

K I U M O SERVICE CO hu iirrlnirton 380


tttlLlCSERVICE CO S h j t I MKKN r t x i N O I S rlv Harrington J 3

i gt U K i S A L E S amp SERVICE

mWy Educed

Sfiknldav-1 8 lt

l l H S Student Digs Up Practical

Geological Study

c h Township Sch0degl degieS bla led Weekly by


-t he Pupils

S bullU

vai-ation Richard helped his brother

n vlnijrh About two irfac-1 was a layer of

-ITS layer was about iMlgtrnoatb this bed

I f pout which was r This proved to bull - well ns education-

I li11 a business afternoon They bullusiitiition and

rli -fs ns fol lows |resident Violet

r-iiligtiit Carol ine irv-treasurer1 E l - - h i i i i i n a n

bull11-ie s t range odors bull bullkins rxjni One thr day rahbnge

bull ci tainly smells n w-re a wee hit

lio tin ill Kamef of i imi(it Tliey bent gt 1 - ^irl- gym class

tha l l i- absent Tuesday - illness E lmer

bull Wednesday i-i smie back to

bull _bull -i liool here a

bull -p-lit par t of her-

bullbull-gt-lit- frmi schpol ] bull- Kliznheth Iloff-

Vlnlaquoliiy bull i ~ --ir |gtart of her j bull Kianston with


bull -i Milvin r o t t s

lti InI Notes


I IJiif Sver a re - bull-- in March

i bull - t l d y i n t t h e

1-1 1 iniinatizi-d agt i- bull - 1 1 i bull -_r

i-t-n viiv K m x l

Ci-ailTs rc iuni -1 1raquo i i K i i r l y

k iiii-- riinark j bull in^-tinu old

-1 - |raquo- l l t a SUIll-Ji--1-

- - JI 1--ni I h u r s -

bullbull i in i l l o n raquoltbull-

McHenry County to $2024 for Nelsot

of Session



a n l and

and jurors

biggest [service

the bail-total

county witnesses

When the Lake county bo|ard supervisors starts i t s Mareh McIDenry county will ask for menjt of $2024 for services i nectjion with the trial1 of State tor | Oscar Nelson on a misflt asance chaifge acconling^ to Circuit Clerk Will Conn at Woodstock

The services for the talisman the housing and feeding of the during the trial make_up the items on the bill The jury cost was placed at $1060 mea s rooms extra janitor iffs and service of the sheriff $ 5 2 1 1 5

O her items-which McHenry will claim are foreign $ 2 5 3 eircuit clerk $120 $ 5 sheriff $5815 anil serving $5815

Thirty^eight persons were moned for the jury panel TJ s-elected Was locked up eight and fed three meals a day

Nelson was dismissed by ward Igt Shurtleff after two court proceedings on themisflaquo charge for Jack of3 jurisdiction ordered the jury to sign a Jver|diet not guilty

The conspiracy charge growi of fhe failure of the Waukegai Bankis- to be heard at on January 1$ States Attor|iey V Smith has petitioned Jtukre leff t a have nuotiier judge hei| triiilr



Property Owners Object to

Water Being Shijt Off

Continued from page 1

funds A motion was made b- Earl Hatje that the money be refunded- to the property Q vners and that if war--rants had been purchased with the funds these warrants be otl envise disp(|sed of It was uiiiuii nously carried

Report Collections Hatje also oferednj resolution that

the village tresurer and clerk be inshystructed tn report all water Uid tax collections to the board and tlint the collectors file u statement 1ltgt the board for their commissions It iwas said that in the past the collector has said i rejioil







Two Local Men on

Judge Ed-w | e k s of

usance and


ng out State

Woodstock A

Shurt-r this

r|tod the iu(t sum to the b o i r d afshyter deducting h i s commissions] The mot inn passed

The village engineers re-rioitell a s a result of invest igat ing the sewe^- overshyflow in Jewel I a rk t h a t tlie will have to be pumped put by trifuKiil pump iu order to determine w h ^ r e t h e excess of surface wa t e r enshyters the system Th i s can be dpne a t a low cost he reported The ordered the work done^--

II I l~ I l l t e r -

lt gt lar-oj] -1laquo ( I r a n t e d

( nimUirHT in H e a r i n g

water a cen-


Week Committee Continued from page 1

3 P Fritz Park Ridge l H P Wet-more and Earle Cooke of Niles Center and Paul Stoker of Niles

Every one of the 27 troops cub packs and sea acout ships in the local council will join in the observance Scouts will wear their uniforms all week j Troops are planning window disphiys demonstrations good turn projects parenta nights and simitar activities i

Plan Special Scout Sc-rVkces Sunday Feb-7 will be Scdut S^ii-

day and every S(pt5(t ami leader will attend his church in uniform Many places special scout services will be held with troops attending in a body and bull Scouts participating in the services bull

At 800 Monday -evening Feb 8 al l scouts Will hvaffirm rheir Scout pledges As part of the ceremony eac I hoy and leader will receive a small scroll upon which the Scout law is printed These will be ceremoniously

Th tyi as year tionsl year

$53274350 tax property less than 10 per cent of t ie exter ded County Treasprer Morse revealed I

i paymentsthrough a whole came in

previous Morse dailaquo|l paid their taxes while a few districts--

Aut|o Acci Deaths

rolled up and tied w and susli)emled from cpaf lapel by a bowline Worn the entire-week

ith a square knot a shirt button or

knot and

Land Values Down Lai I County Taxes Up fojr 32

in the Increases of 6 cents to $184 t i x ra tes for 1931 on taxes to he paid in 1932 were made in 30 of I he 36 qity and village taxing dis t r ic ts in Lake county according to the ra tes compiled by Rober t Pearsa l l and Ches-tiir Hus ton deputies in County Clerk Lew A Hendee s office j T h e rise of the ra tes in the various

eomninnitietl is blamed on the decrease i i va luat ions and the t ransfer of l a u p e r aid from the county to town-sliips fTljo three dis t r ic ts in the Lake Purest school dis t r ic t 32 in Lake Villa- school distr ict 4 in Harr ington showed dropjs in the ra tes while Lake bullgtlunchs ra te is the same

Under the new law passed a t the siiiniuer session of tlie s ta te legislature Hid nniended a t fhe present special session the t axpayers will have to make the i r first payment by May 1 The second (iiilt final payment w i l l have to he paid by August t to avoid ucnnltlelaquo -

Tlie tax levies Will be xjompleted by (founty Clerk Lew A Hendees clepu-fes next week bull

Taxpayer in Lake county forfeited

r ing


Eighty-six persons automobile accidents in

1931 to Dec 17 ajhnual report of

Of thej 80 in ^collisions of

plt destrians were killed| a rs Twenty of the qutomoblie-train bullear jcnty-tWo plersons during 1031 the

iHecn persons died tration during the three

summer The heat unusual ini that

du the Ta killed 20 by in the jj

TM cide Tin

last were a fewl

Anijiial JFarnt Burea|u Mee at Gray^lake Jinuar^

T Lakel


CouiJty ho on IO




Mi enter ta prog^a

J Illi F Mi will

Thje usual the t dents by and

M strceJ

Barri Mrl

r ingt daugli

thortty tanc but pare1

as if 11 swam parrot

i i I icar in - M i l l l l M i l

bullbulll-r-i- in 1

ig -if bullinlay bullank-

uas brought -raquo l i ^ i r i c t

-bulla pli--nlid raquoi- i l l am UK MlV

-bull f t - i L- on


that 1 uii-Laamp-Lar -

-A supplies - bull bull I s b y lt bullredi-

bullnhnii- i l m i t i l i

11-- Swreetett F lower

A l i s t smell Is W - 1 i l - iwor l l i


9ut thecoun-well as the

Some1 sec-than last

were lax better

have occurred in pijevious ypars


joint anl County Fit

Farm at fhe

Thursday a in

e and Bob iners from

in at 10 C Watsoti

Agricult Higgins (j

be the usiiai repi interest

reasurers of botii

niial me rm b


n 21]


tlie fwlt|i WBS a m tax expert

ural association f Lake Cfeneva Wis

ers lirts whilt) Liill also Aiecretariek

Ma anageij arm Aidvislor Gilkerlson

and- Mrs

bullh aifp of un-be given by i and presi-

orjjrahizatioris as well as Snfiith Mapager Abney


He M

V l udr]ey j Mae

ngiton G and Mrs

n township tfr Vivia

Owl N o t Ca|rl[W Neu

sajts f thej owl

his Is not With that]

e falcon goose

Lake county according to

Corjiner John L victims 3 0 were automobiles and when struck

victims died erflsbW during |

ccmimitted sui-rppiori shows

heat pros-hot wavits of

proBtfa ion8 nev|er mkire than


iting ofl the |ure iu jind Lake

cjompany will Opeja house

beginning at

blind radio jreill efpen the

of the and

Pdwin-M) arente o(-

jrn emfral hosp

Frank are the


L o n g ] jnnnn a

the |l is sixty untisunll y of othei

|ulture duckl eiJler

Two beautifully new and surpassingly swift and powerful

New aampd Greater Hudson ^

Here are seven adjutages of buying Zeigler





bull-nb ash

bulllt nil responsive bullbullbull )v of hea t

bull-bullbullbulls very little smoke

-tirilly clean in ground i r i picked t o insure


bull Ke ami firm in s t ruc--Stvres well over long

Very little fine coal bulli storage


i i-

Jf for every purpose

bulllaquo not dropped and 1 in loading t o cars

irifitffy forked to gt line coal

A - 0-- 1 1 1

an i pSjlIl

neinhbor -tibout bull ^eiKlcr Corl Ex-

i our bins t r y it _ laquoIt fuul thcsc seven qaal i ty vcryevident i

Lapoundesckulte amp H after-Inc

Phones 5 and 450 HARRINGTON ILL

New ana Q^ater Essex Su Thrilling new color8 gem-like and clear Dashing nev linen longer lower the airplanes j(racefil speeds and streams Scores 3f advi trices over anything heretofore offeree or likely to be available on oth r cam for many months to come in striking new stand-


Of 8




Tjhree Splendid New Serieraquo

Wheelbasei Major 132f-

Sterling 126mdashStandard|

101 Horsepower at 360Or Hue son Speeds 85-90 Miles Silent Second Speed 55 Miles mostatio Carburetor Heat Compensated inherently Balanced Crankshaft Power Dome Anti Conburt ibn Chamber Anti( Siiencer and Air Cteaner Oiling raquoTriphgtSealed Oil-Selective Free Wheeling Silent Constant Mesh Second Frame Twin I Neutratone Instrument Panel Startix Generator Safety Signals Grip Steering Wheel Later AU Seats Adjuiuble F 14 New Models Gem-Like in New Pastel Shade Fitments

Tkttt audalmprttivlaquoltotfitk$r Me txtra eott ilfuttfait tht nrnpltttntt standard tgutpmtift Priciifnm


p m Hour Theri


i-Knock I-Flood

E ubfIo Automatic Cu hion Clutch Syt efajro-Mejih

Gear Mufflerf

bullTell bullRide Controls

GMM Colon

in Ivory

ard equipment features convenience style More you probably e er w|ll all combined in two tinctive quality cars which in its fiejld Sets Value




70 Hojrsepow^r at) 3200 r p Speeds Seyond Speed SO Miles Compensa ently balanced Crankshaft

Choke Intake Engine

Simplified Transmission

f Diagonal Truss bullQuick-Vision Tale Oil and

bullNatural Seat Cushions

Windihield and Upholstery

and Silver Finish

Signals Ride Controls Lateral Spring Seat Cujihions Front and Rear FuH Opening Finger Control 9 Sparjtling N i w Like Body Colors and UJpholstery isi Wbeelbsse Length 113

txcljHtfoi ftatmrn at of Hudttn 1932

S99SMUS9S EOBDitrolt

fa 1 bull - bull - raquo bull i ltJL -frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34 frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34^ frac34

] lalanced Dome i Lnti-Knbck iCdithl ber Intake Siencjer and bullFully djusta gtle jsilejnt T i m i n [ G e a n SupAr J cdelera or 1 ump Tappet i Diagi gtnal Truss

flo AutomaticEngine Oilin Thermostatic HeatControl Triple-SsaledOil-Cushion plified Selective Free Wl eelibg Synohro mission Silent Constai it Mesh Second Gearj Vision Instrument Panel Startix and Anti-Stall bullTell-Tfle Oil arjd Genera1


in J931 or total taxes

Jay B



jyerlbf Wool a daughter

January 0 at fhe ital I folte of Bar-pa rehts of a

n Jan 7 Worn


Ger life] eigl


ipan au-expec-

t years corn-

birds such gjoldeii eagle

raiten and

mqtor cars

lor comfort power than

draw on And r dis-

each at a the Pace for


ml 1 I - | bull

Essex 70 Miles Siljsnt Second

M Inher-EoWer

bust^on Cham-Cleaner

Chain Driven Choke obd

Roller Valve j u |Ouo-Carburetor


Clutch Mesh

flsW Trans-


tor Safety bullNaturLl drip sUtjkng Wheel L mdash iJfjustaWe Heat Both

(rithr ltrith Gem-ii tel Shades

bullM Windshield

Models NewPai


iillllilli|l|lilMll lliiillWIllllllll|lliilllttiib

I ^



THE NEW bull W^iA-vibull igtlaquo I w^t mfpound umjtm Coffee

ALI iliii In the Payton Hotel Buildin^mdash North

will be

pen for Business bullaturday Jan 16th


bl Deriot




The Management Assures Yon of thi Courteous and Attentive Servia


A Plade V^ere Youll Enjoy 4 bull I

Counteror Table Service YOUR PATRONAGE SOLI




Most f I

Eat ing


1 inmiiiiiironiniiiiiiiraquoniKiiiimiiiHiiiiiWiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiii

Big Grocery Stoc Reduced Below C

1 Having sold out to Mr Ed C Groff and as


ho is the moving his stock of Groceries to our sto^e in

Gfroff Building we are obliged to sacrifice o^r^n^ire stock of clean new merchandise at prices below ct)st i

Sale Starts raquo


riday Jan I and will continue

until everything in the store is so

|gtigt Double Bu i for You at Thi laquo ^ ^ - I I gr

If i I Come Early and Get first

Choice-No Items Will Be Replaced With New Stock

i bull j bull [ bull - _ bull bull bull I - bullbull bull -

Evefy Iterri on Our Shelves Drastically Reduced bull

Absokitely Nothing IlfalpMed Positively No Credit to Anyonemdash

Please Do Not Phone in Tour Orders N

i I


I f


r u l i raquo v l ^ r r il ^ i i R J

1 -

m r-m


lt bull p-


tlt bull t

- i


h o - i i

laquo -i t


S i-


i H




n rt

I 1raquo i


) t



IS in w



rgt Jlaquo

lltfmmTttwm gt nwHliiii m i n Fifa iraquoFp

^bullft - bull


L E S L I E W McCJLUREJ Editor and Publisher

WALTER It WlMTERINGHAM Business Director and Fpreman

Published every Thursday afternoon- at Barringtor minois and entered as Second-class matter at the B a r rington postoffice under Act gtf March 8 1879



Cards of thanks resolutions of condolence obltuarp poetry memorials and all notices of entcrtainjments or bullodety and church saled and parties given for pecuniar benefit will be charged|for

All communications should be addressed to the


BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS bull _ (Sterl ing Daily Gazette)

F a r be it from The Gazette to Unduly criticize an ladymdashbut the editorial in the Bockford RegistorJtepub lic on Monday Jan 4 under the editorship of Mrs R u t h Hannai McCormick c e r t a i n l y w a s not inspired bj

any real desire to help the republican party In n heavy- weight hairspliting effort Mrs J McCormick intriguingly

tries to convince her readers that a political habit should not be permitted to defeat the republican party She trietf to convince readrtrs of the Register-Republic that President Hoover is a most unpopular President She tr ies to convince her readers that if lie is renominated it will be because it is the usual custom ^ She tries to make her renders believethat it is a Very-foolish custokn to renominate a republican president just because it has bcelaquo the habit of the party toido laquo6

A s a matter of fact those Who remember the national eonvention at K a n a s City whichf nominated President Hoover will remember that Sirs McCormick was one bf the leaders of Illinois who engaged in the dismal failure of attempting to organize a movement which hud as its central idea Anybody to slop Hoover or komej such s logan as that

At Kansas City the politicians did unt wn nominated They were opposed to him then been opiwsed to him ever s ince he has sat in dential chair They thought him they have learned sincje and they laquo o w know that lie is1 nut the type of man who can be twisted around the fingers of the politicians for their personal or political gain And that is why think ing people are for b is renoniination and that is- why thinking people are going to p r d e c t him in spite of ijll the enmity of newspapers of the Chicago Tribune and the Register-Republic type It is well known that no-presishydent in the historyof the republic has been assailed w i p the vindictivenesu the unreasonableness through inujn-

t F I R S T B A P T I S T

Bible school 9 3 0 Morning worship 1035 P V

B njamin Franklins birthday anniversary f ills on next Sunday Account of this event will be tajken in the n orning worship when the pastor -will- speak theme will speak on| A Timely Guide

Si ecial lmusic as well ns congregational sinjing o f hymni adds inspiration jto each of tbest( gospel si gtrvices

Our annual business ImeetIng will be held Ved(neHdny levculi ig Jan -20 bullbull j bull bullbullbullbull

W B plan a George (Washington service on Sunday evening l 4 b 21 Watch for later nnnouncem|nt re-gardiig this special service

cordial welcome to all I


ut Hoover They have the prei-

endo and false statements t President Hoover A systemn has liecn working against hin in the magazines andthe big city papers ever since he

) the same extent is has ic cuiiftuiign of propaganda

was elected Nothing like it was ever known before in America

Mrs McCormick suggests tliat if ii considerable numshyber of republican would prefer to have Mr Hoover step aside as a-candidate for leiiitmiiitition why should not the party leaders Helect xltgtint)bo|ly else Why should Hoover step aside Xo person of intelligence suggests for a moment that lie is responsible for the depression Then why blame him for conditions which no one could control If (inveruur Al Smilh pressimi would have been ben rountrv was in such condition th gress no political iwrty -could rushing back upop us Then wlgtjy bliimeHoover

Even if they do blalne Homer can the voters of this district follow the advice of Mrs McCormick She had her opportunity to lead in this Mute as a candidate for senator Those of us wjho stippotted her in sincerity and good-Will know that result Certainly it would be im-

liid been elected the (leshyf t i s t the same The it no president no con-ltti)p the tide that was

possible by even the greatest st blame Hoover for the election Lewis in Illinois over Mrs McCormick

retch of imagination cent0 of Senator Jim italn

Opposition to President that they are or should

As a matter of- fact the Hoover comes from those who feel be the republican machine1 and not from the voterjs who constitute the republican party Tlie opposition

and the propognuda against HocWer have been directed by thosD who have been who nroj now or who aspire to be leaders of i the republican pa|rty- and not from the rank and file 6f the voters in tfjie -party Look at the record President Hoover has( worked like a coal heaver He has refused to take a vacation l i e has aged twenty-years in three carrying the burdens that were thrown on his disk burdens for which he was in no wise responshysible which no party could forsee and which no party could prevent Must he lie condemned for sticking to his disk working like a Trojan in the interest W his country gt bull

His moratorium program I was condemned by sucjt newspapers as rire opposing ijis renominntion from one esd of the country to the other Yet in the democratic house where the democrats have a majority that proshygram appealed to the common sense of democratic conshygressmen to the extent that it was approved by three to one Can our good friend Mrs MeCortoick suggest any candidate for thepresjdency who could win greater ap+ proval from the leading men of both parties of the nu^ tion In the senate the same program was adopted overwhelmingly Senator Johnson macje a bitter attack on the moratoriummdashbut the- senatecarried it by five to one Do these opponents of President Hoover have in mindany republican who could miike better headway

The house and seriate adopted overwhelmingly Hoovers measure for $20Ot000000 for the vetcraiisof the

country There is every assurance that both houses will approve his $500000000 proposition to release the frozen assets ofthe failed banks and get that money into-cirshyculation That| will be a great help to returning prosshyperity Hooverjs whole program is one of constructive statesmanship The indications are that he will have better support for his public measures thnt nnj recent

president Yet in the face of these plain facts the false prophets are starting a clamor to prevent his rcnomina-tion Beware of false prophets

SHORTER HOURS- Aside from all these tcmpojrju-y conditions] however

it must be admitted by all thibughtfulobservers that a new situating has been growjng on us gradually for years that it was apparent long before the stock market crash and will continue after quotations begin to go up again It is the situation brought about by the invention of so many labor-saving devices The machine age has put great numbers of earnest willing and competent workers out of their jolis and the return of prosperity bullfpr other people will ncit heln them materially Some bullway must be found of adjusting the world to nlew conshyditions j f - - - 1

I f machfnes have cut down the amount of work to be done we should all share in the restilts Less work and more leisure for everybody will give employshyment for all T h i s could be arranged without much difficulty for factory hands and mine workers Just how it is to be arranged for lawyers and doctors and editors i s not so plain Once it i s recognized however ithatf this is the problem which must be solved the world yill find a way-mdashBrooklyn Times



Church News

and Juniors 6 4 5 and Evening service 7J0

Filling Our Place In the evening the on the pastor

R- KVbdquo C It D R U 8 8 E L Past r

S A I N T JAMES j Dundee 111 j

X) a m Holy Communion 1st and jlrd S indays Chora I Eucharist

45 a m 2nd and 4th Sundays Morhing rnyer ormon

- 10 and S gt Church School 030 a m

3 R S GRAY tRectcr

METHODIST EPISCOPAL Tlhere is one place that I cannot afford to miss

to during these strenuous times and that is the Sunday worsh p hour We invite you I to check up on this pef-KIIIS vtntement by attending regularly for two months If not worshipping elsewhere we cordially invite you to our worship at 1035 a m and 730 p m

Cturcb school with separate rooms for the] different ileparl meilts at 0 30 a m ^ -|

Ej worth league at 045 p in j REV M S FREEMAN Pastoir

Supday Ja Go


Suhday jscrvice 1045 a m school 930 a ni

iiuary 17mdashSubject Life [den Text 1 John 511 This is the reccrd

pod hath given to us eternal life and this life i s (klnesday evening meeting 8 p m

Reading room and lending library at 110 N Hough street lopen to the public daily exceptSunday frbnc 130 oclock 9 oclock

to 530 p m Also Saturday evening fjr oni 7 to

S A I N T P A U L EVANGELICAL I Sunday Jniniary 20 I

-j 0^0 a m Bible school I 1())30 a in Mai l ing worship The Pelfect i Y|rgtuth

I bull Thursday^Jnnunry 21 8 pj in Monthly meeting of the Gleaners class at the

home of Mrs Edward Osti i KEViL E KOENIG Pnstolr

lt bull bull - bull mdash r ^ mdash T -

SALEM EVANGELICAL i- The following j services will be observed in Hraquohni

Siunday Jan 1 7 Church school at- 030 a ni Classes for all a Divinewtjrship services at 1030 a m and

pi m Thepastor-willlaquopeak |ori the subjects Author-itly in Religion and Christ jhp Chief Shepherd cfinrch choir Vill assist in in and worshipful - =

At laquo45 p mi Chrisliun E l A cordial welcome- awhits ou at the services o

home-like church

aking the services li



i laquo II iBEF CHER Pastor

The Lutheran church

to] attend its services and


Divine jservices every Sunday j at 1030 a m Bible class and SUnda r schbol at 945 a m

extends to all who are a t the present time without a cl urch home a sincere invitition

classes D l c HENNIG Pastor

I 1302 N 14th Ave iue Melfoeej Park i l l


] ST ANNES Sunday Low Mass 8 a m and10 a m Week days Low Mass 7 a m Devotions in honor of the SJtacred I^eart first Friday

each month Mass at 8 a m Confosions Saturday 8 p m

am by appointment REV JOHN A D U F f l O T Pastor


bull J






Bjy Natiom J (Speci tl

PLAYING POlLiTICSmdashIt is beshya m i n g incnasinfly apparent that a got dly shari of t raquoe legislators are so bury weavinK prjtectivq devices for their political future that even their best iiitentiois for the publics weir far kre sidetracked Their fervent premises for the rendition of a ser-vic) lo not iibe with their pcrtorm-ancesj In a vordj they artf victims of their ltgtwn vanity for these public sorgt vhi ts are uii villingto publicly admit that there iK a liinit to their power Unlesjs the d ist is blown from their

eye i by stroig jvltiiecs lit their baill-wicks the chnncest are that the vacilshylating policit nit( ly A cleiLr non-partisan unalysis of oiigrpsslor al performances to-date through friendly glasses would show tlja eliminating Spectacular gestures lj nothing b||t t | e tapping Jof dry w]el Is


that Son

res 7 301

In AN OLD IIRITISII proverb says

uljuitHy ends i i fijillly This itescrip-ijinOptly covtfrs our imtionnl legisla-iyc situntjon By IOJI of deeds with readily disceriicl pi ii s have be gtn soind by- vanity Hon may be fonild fetbral expeiuljtim enoimous deficit nn|ist be met by econshyomics in cost af government and by bulljnbensed- taxes representatives ing risks nrje thej million governi] joying compara do so means enmity from those on

The elpful


PROSPERITY NEWS Plans for the construction Of a modern emergency

hospital building to cost $1(0000 are being made in Waukegan

Approximately 1000 dmployes have been) adde the pay roll of the Lycoming Manufacturing Co w the last two weeks Practically all departments working on a full six-day week basis

Chicago territory showed Construction contract^ to taling $13640700 during thei month of November most $3000000 were spent on residenth 1 building

Quincy is utilizing relief funds for thraquo cleaning the city parks and employment has beer given to men j-

Construction of a sweeping -compound and manufacturing plant will begin [in Rockfltrd jSoon

Orders have been pouring in to the Carlinville GJlovc factory and the plant has j found it necessary to vork overtime More than 50 people are employed in plant [ -

The Gunite corporation manufneurerH of cast btake drums and general castings Rockford has annoti iced that that beccmbjer tonnage of the conn any will he apshypreciably ahead of any other month slijce the business was started four years ago

St ^re

1 to thin are


up of many



During 193 64 new industries have lociited in Louis 65 plants were enlarged and 203 prospects now under negotion The 64 new industries have given employment to 2533 workers

Edwardsville has launched a city improvement rnm as a means of carrying on uilemployiineiit relief me day-28 Edwardsville taen were given employment

Two large industries in Jefferson City Mo have iaid out more wages this year than they did last year one factory is idle in the city andit iseipeeted that it re-open-soon ] bull -f bull bull

John L Bennet president of the U S Manufacturing wrporation Decatur says that 1931 has been the jiest in the history of the corporation Since August ompany has made arid shipped over 3000000 dprn poppers

Libcityvifle with a 308 per cent gain in builcing started during September over that started in Auj ust gtf this year was well up among the leaders in building activities in suburban Chicago

Editorial Association to The Review)

Wandering irdm This to That

) will continue indefi-

politics Whftt begins in fear

a simple eomprtri-promises it will be that many gltiraquoMl

llnm-strung or poi-A current illustra-inefforts to adjust s in revenues- An

The senators nnd perpetually calcnlat-

n- bull i quniidry Shall authorizp ^ng^ cuts for nearly a

lent employes now en-ively high snlaries To

federal payroll voti ig money fo work nnd then in t le ir district fere ices this yt

i | The alternative is r high-cost government

asking the -taxpayers s to make up thedif-ar -

THOSE OUTSIDE Washington do not realize the temptations of ailegis-latb-to satisfy I he world andinipress the countryWith his importance - It is a natural human fharacteristie but one destined to )lny Itivoc with facfe Jusl now execttive iepaitments are releasing e m p i r e s who imnledrately call on their senators and representashytives to find them jobs when theirs hiiv gt been abolh-hedy The department chiefs point ou that nrfgt- funds are available to tak caf patronage


iraquo care of this politi-The demiuids^oif the

ltigtn|lttifuent caniiot be met wtthont inci Ijfsing taxes) A legislator does not- relivh the ifien of having his job-seeker turned down because it makes polii fciair appear politically- impotent The relatives of the disappointed job-liunler back l i o n e never understand Mul iply this case by the number of congressional menibeTH-anl you have a partial answer |to - the-pjresent ment

T i e most insistent-deihaiul of-the day is to -do something for impovershyished citizens Reflection will show that itj is n problem which will admit no counterfeit remedies Though there is bliviousjy a ned for expediency it if generally -recognized that relief musr not be voted at the expense of good sense In a degree this may account for the iiloftness which marks Cong]-essionai action Veteran lead ers e fbpth parties realize that noth ing nust be em cted intolaw which will eventually leaet against the aushythors] v I - - bullbull- 1


6ut cvilk

Opera Dates The twelfth week of opei3y at the

Civic Opera house Chicago will bring Carmen into the repertoire for the first time in two years Two perform-W e s of the Bizet jwork1 one on Monshyday evening Jan ] 8 anp one on Sat-iiwlay afternoon Jt n 23 will be sung In both Confchitn Stipervia favorite Carmen of Europjenn opera houses will appear in the title role ns guest artist

Ambroise Thomas Migiion v i l l be sungifor ii third time on Ti esday evening Jan 19 There is an jmpor-tnht change in cast for Charles Hack- ett will have the ruin of W| lhelm Meirter

Monday Jan 18mdashnt 8mdashCarmen (Iiii French)mdashOpera lii four acts by Georges Biaet With Consifn Super-vin (guest) Leolu TurniM Reno Mni-soii John Charles Thomas and others Ballet Ctinducfor Emil Cooper

Tuesday Jiui Wmdashnf 8mdash-Mignon (In French JmdashQpcrti in three acts by Ambroid Thomas With Marglierltn Sulvi Coe Glaedis Charles Hackett Vi nui-Mnrcoux nhel i others Ilallct Conductor iEmil Cooper

Wednesday Jnn 20mdash-ut 8^-Miidamo Butterfly (In Ital inn)r-A Japanese tragedy founded lt|n the bltraquobk by John| Luther Long andj tho drnnia by David Bejusco MusicIbyi--Puccini With Rosettn Pampani ii Helen Ornktein Charles Ilncketti Victor Daminnj and others Conductor Roberto Mornn-zoni -

Thursday Tak 21--nt 8mdash-Lohenshygrin (In German)-^-Opera in threj^ bullacts by Richard WnRner With Lotte Lehinnnn -Maria Olsxcwskn Rene Maisoii Hnns Ilwmninn Nissen Ediinnl Habich and Alexander Kip-niii Conductor Egou P^llnk

Saturday Jan ^3mdashat 2mdashCarmen iFrench)mdashOpera in four ncti by

ltH asm

bulli bullamp

Aid GdNTraquo|Alt

by Vfyix ae F^gtraquo$|)n Aiithor o f - P R A C T I C A AUCTlijINJBW CB

orges Bizet pewia (guelaquoit^

lie Maisbn 1 others

Cooper Saturday Jan Rusticana and

W5th Conchitn | Su With Leola Turner

Jcdin Charles Thomas ftallet Conductor Enill

ut 23mdashat 8mdashJCavaller-I Paginicci (In Itrtl-

in)mdash-Opera in one act by Pietro Mas-cagni and drama in two nets by Rug-giero Leoncavallo With Claudia Muzhi RosCtta Piimpanini Coe Glade Marin Chtessensj Antonio -Cortis Charles Marshall Desire Defrere and otheBs Con(hict(frs Isaac Van Grove and Frank St Ijlteger

Violate |Suffrage Amendment The barring of women from jury

lists in Massachusetts under n recent decision of the supreme judicial court of Massachusettsdenies to this sex equality of legal protection contrary to the federal constitution it is claimshyed in briefs filed with the suprepie court of the United States I by counsel for the NationnI Association of Wifmen Lawyers and the national womans- party The briefs were filed pursuant to leave of the court granted on January 4 in the case of Welosky v Commonwelilrli of MasSachusdtts No 564 in which the petitioner is seeking a review of the decision of the Massachusetts court holding that she was not entitled to have women on a jury which tried a criminal charge against her The supreme court has^ not yet acted upon the petition for review

THIS POLICT is manifest in the iienuje debates in which banking legisshylation w i s subjected to searching stushy

dies as ft the rest purposes and might later be c onstrue J as helping bankers Righly gtr wrorgly sentiment exists in congressional circles that bankers are inore or less responsible for the n a t i u s economic ailments1 Araquo a conshysequence ielief measures nre minutely testae for loopholes

ltbull j Museum Popularity Grows bull More than on- and one-half million

persons visited Jpield Museum of Na-tursI History during 1931 it was ar)-nounced by SteiJhcn C Sinims direct-tor of the institution The exact numshyber of visitors when the figures wee checked at closing time Thnrsday December 31 was 1515463

This marks a new recoWi for a yeai $ attendance and makc4 the fifth coniecutive year in Which the One milshylion figure has been exceeded Mr Simms stated The previous record was made in 1930 when the attendshyance was 113327991 over 4 h i c h the 193 total represents an increase of 182664 or approximately 1 3 ^ per





As neighbors they talked by telephone almost every day Then the Barrya

Ved to another town and the friend ip might have ended But th se wise

friends keep in touchby Long I listante telephone and it seems Just Ike old tijmuk Telephone distant friendi today

It it iur aim la furtUh th btt tele icreic laquot Ik cLrguhtwt

tio^ ttUph 4CW nlt iyltmthgtm


mJMng offic

Copyright 131 by Hoyle Jr

One of the writers c o m spondeht Jhaa asked for an opinion on he followshying queatipn which aa he secta ra is not sufficiently or explicitly covlaquo red in any recent book we have bee i able to obtain t o definitely settle th s matter It is orsuch nature that any discussion regarding it is bound t o be gtf interest to all Auction and Contrac t players

Under what conditions i hould the Initial bidder if he has one si it missing entirely or represented b t only a singleton declare no trumi D o the ordinary no trump indicatio ts hold in such cases --

A sound no trump bid i s composed of two elements (I) the pro x r values for the ho trump bid (I) the)proper

l distribution of such values i mong the four suits The authorities iracticallv all agree that the minimun strength on which the dealer should bid One no trump is two and one- lalf quick tricks distributed among a t east three suits The quick trick strei gth must

not only be there but it n ust be so divided among the four suits that jthere is more than a reasonable hance to make the contract A hand r light very easily contain two and one- lalf quick tricks and still not justify a no trump bid If these quick tricks are c Dnfinedto one suit the suit bid is the c irreci bid If these quick tricks are c istributed among two suits only it i i not adshyvisable to bid no trump Experience has shown that with two su ts unproshytected a no trump bid seldoti i is sound For thafreason to justify a aid of one no frump the hand must contain at least two and one-half quick tricks and these should be distributed among at leastthree suits That leavei only one suit For partner to protect or if he also has no protection only on s suit for opponent to make

In case the dealer has a si lgletoh of a suit or none at all expeiience has shown that the no trump bic as a rule is a losing bid For that re tson with this-tybe of hand it is bette r to bid a suit even though hand cohtaii s two and one-half quick-tricks divided anjiong three suits If the opponents bid the missing suit then of course he dialer should not subsequently bid no trump but if his partner should bid the missshying suit then the dealer shou d bidthe no trump on the second row id of bid

Solution to Last

A R b C L B tyoU

ding-A eingletijn M aj voif danger point fcr a l p trum bestproce lureii tojoid a sui shiftito a no turn theblddinjattihat course nee tssary or

The foil gtwimi hat no truiripbids V t | | dealer

Heartsr-KQ J 109 Clubs mdashK J 9

Diamonds mdash none -Spades -^ 9

If spades are trumps and 2 is in the lead how can Y Z win eig it of the nine tricks against any defenie-

SolutionZ should leadbull thgt jack of spades and discard the Jcinj of diashymonds from Ys hand This i i the key play for it prevents Y b^ng forced in the lead to his disadvantages Z should now lead the deuce pf clue s arid Y should win any card played raquoy A At trick three Y should lead t i e ace of hearts and follow with the five] which

Its All in th

Reasts mdash 4 8 | 1 Clubs mdash R J 1

Diam)ndsmdash Spadts-^jK

suit ii gt b and th

first and

) f

PMf^jrvf opadt 1 T - |vgt J |

H^i-4ji Q u b laquo J - T 8 i | | bull^-VdagiT1



bid ls^lronlyif

5edS|T8 U C h a


I Heart ifmdash i Clubs

gt Diamnnds f- Spadlsir-A-]

- All of th Bin C mttfii at lcaa one-Half quick tric|||and tHlt tioh i s of 8 itch 4-na|t|re thai reasonable chaice to bake

The folbwlnj h f f l s ho| not justifiible no Itrump though they con quick-trick bull strengti if of such i natiure tl black type should thenotrunp j |

Hearts tiubraquo Diamc n d s | f ^ Spade raquomdash

Heartlaquo Clubs -Aj 1Q Diamc ads $pades mdash K7

Hearts mdash 4 Clubs - 0 7 Diamc nds Spades mdash-K J

ilf the oA]porienfa suit they v ill bid i but sit tigl t and lfdj

3limp bid Prefer ump biu when t

Siriglciltcjri or void sti rruinyagariifeandri Mernbt ^pbssiblei8 bull

leeks Pre blem W Hearts mdash Ai 7 6 5 Clubs - r A Q 10 Diamonds mdash-raquo K 5 Spades -r none

f P

Itearts Clubs j pound iamo Spades-

Heart smdash Elubs-^-S 4| 32 Diamondsmdash J 3 spades mdash Jbullbullltampbullbull 1

Zj(should trump spades Z 8 ^oiild of clubs anc once any card played by lead his last club fiVe of dianbnds this trick a i d musts

Played in eight of the| nine defense


old t l [gainst

it agj i suit

hand ffland yc

ho and fistribu-ierc is a bid

-vet arc even

Sessary butjon set in

ir than

ttnssmt duit bid-lit a no [he no ains A ilhvin


W-- bull


3i the ien lead

in Y sHlaquo Yshcli

follow js fori

_ jtherefci diamond wl licii Z wins with and then mikes hifiast club

this wiy Y Z icks ai

jilt of e trey lid win d then tth the to win lead a

e jack

$twin it any

A j MAN w^i^iiprt ita ^ ^ mi ch of a| garden ui less he planted seeds a cultivated it regularly

Neither will h(j have mu money unless save an As a garden p mdash saved interest

he sta d does it steid^r

oduces money procjlu ef




Bwihtss NoicesJ^miff

^ffiefoa ikihilk-amp t^Mpound$mlthki$h^j jb


I Capital laquond^urplua $16(pound OOfj ti J LAQ1BSCIIULTE Chairmanof he bdquo bdquo

A L R D B E R t S O N Presldelifc 1 bull H O W A R D ] gt CASTLE Vice Prlaquo Idcnl

A T ULITSOH Asst Ct shjer H E L E N B ME IER i s s t CafeU gt I AH LAG 2SOHULTB Asst C i f s h l e r f


Howard P Castle l i w y e r George JHtigcjr - Lafeschulle laquo Hagc^ Inef Precl Hobe n Retired farmers JL J |laquoMseMulilaquo Chairman oj| the Board Walter N ndweif V N i E s n d w l J I Co I r v m E Landwer Ileal Estate Management) A f t B


- I lti




Orr HarryPIerj m M ^

Ponies Wtn in SeesaV 1 Warren Boys to ^lay

Helaquo Friday j

T h 0 ItnrriuKton HW pound -entheir ^ n d Kame o f j l h e w

r l laquo y nlhlt wh^n laquo 1 raquo ^ laquo

hbdquo vei-laquorlaquon Wswonda nve 18 to Htnrted riiiiwr s|owlf


VCnnM ^ wne defenses Vnlaquolaquon-rH banlcet from thegt to -L the I ^ ^ 0 8 Ame-W B a S i B

theenrraquoe first Half B o p A n t seoreiHWlc^from Zi nn1 three t i m laquo from th ch^ y t o t n k e laquo T gt 2 earl

fbdquo tlie enrly nnrt of Ue second bullhere was Wtje wrorlnR nrtd the Jauee betwer-n the tww tcam^ rems about mark

Thlaquovlm the MAlt-1nN npP | rcnVgt

Inure peiraquoltbullltbullbullbull bullbull - mdash- - about the wiiift At thU thri nuar mnrk nnrriiiRton laquoWlaquoW laquo g

Mbdquobdquore with their shots Wto WiUiiims rniul Hlaquorcybdquo WlaquoJJ-

bullthree bullhiiKkits^npWef- the Bran bull0Vertnraquok iui1 muni their rivali the midille f the 1ns quarter H

coiida then l)|raquoenM up With St rmiKe hamiRe in which Bafceley

iiiroiiiiMiis -lraquooth seored prettjr| hut DiirriiiBton bad too lante A to overcome The thrillinfe Inst q iter mure than rondoupampkthe

W of the tirht half U_ The Harrington Rnardi - Mfi And Thorpe deserve a lot of tcredi holdinp down those clever Wa^w forwards Biiseley who is one of hottest forwards in the confereneb

only nMe to connect witjitwo^ and both1 of tlrem were cliiieult t iBohhy iVolf did not-get ft iy bagt but hewas busier than a cranbi m|rcliii)t at Christ ria-s tryiiirw dAvii yaiuonltln8 k0-re i r --^

loonies Stae Comeback^ The Ionies got nack injhe vici

ephlmn with a 17 t]rgt lOQwiii o v ^ Waiieoiidn lights1 JThey ca userf ndlierenls quite n few herrous Wtes however (for they fritti-rec^ ai a 0 In 2 leadkvhieht they held at half nnd let Wnuoonda taltJ tftft_ away from theijif Cpnns three bi

|ets aiijl lirnnclts two kHgtp them itettiiiR swamped in the Meraquohd Beernianand Dave Oinujlijhnve doing raquoi Ilflek Wilson jtliltl Inst pie of games when it comW to get

baskets but they may Mart hiti again soon bull L |

Warren Here Frjdaj Warren township ^igh seiool

CJiirneu 6rthwest hoirfereriee eliamtis Instyear will iiniraclp the

fl h I

rington gym this Mm Keltbn has another rfij zone defenses and his up of a series of Wo tfl which

ni^hfiCd i laquo those tsect


be plenty ha4-| to-ston hostile nifiial traquovo Kamesj HghtwoightH lorklpg -hor laquo BarrineMn will alsiraquo melaquot rnafinr the Pnjntino- floor onsTult sday nie

ensjit 1raquo ltraquohich Tbpw with - ^ 7 -


bullTan lil This Bnme wrtU Hiednhvl ibdquor Saturday ntiht hutl heen postponed to the TllPeflav

The box score

bullUroiulms 1 R _ Williams f Wneironer f-

rn a

Wolf Thorpe pound MeiMter (j Miller f Orahenllt(gti-t



Wniioojfla RnseJev f Howell f ^Vimfttl rgteelh- c IfironinitiN



-t (f

1 0

Sorfei^i hraquoit 1


ii Ft 1 0 1-0 0 -6-o

T imdash


o 1-0 0 o


-1 0 0


yenbull Ronie

Rarrini Att^nlnirv ^ deg fapiilU ( Ollll

^ n - t a p n l i i Kra|iit s Heerinaii ^hristinnjjo- Meiners gtniiiii tftwlnm|

_ Totals

Unusual ly^

n e s mdash +bull-


i i 3 0 raquo Q-

0 J -0 o

bullbullbullt bull-j



1deg-- iO~

0 0 0 0

1-= 0L_ 0


arm Weather ^ Sets New OfficialJRecdi

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^rmJh-ofr i t

I r I t i ^ t h ^ ^ o f r o f A)

bullInnimrj 3 l M r hlm stated oral

for the P i M f ihlaquolaquonce hnsSii bullrnwliv hlT ^ t ^ 1 t h e ma^wHc

bullbullbull St ilF a s hnr f t h laquo bulllaquoraquolaquolaquo hhd frac34 8 d ^ a n a p o l r K Inlt

W - 2rr poundbullbullpilpatp r gtflaquoslgtviD i n raquof In form^ ^1^ T h laquo M l o Khrllr mtgta 8 ^ ^ given bj M

Tl -- ~_ I laquo d M n e l w n r e r W f o r e ^ raquo toJ 8l^r pound 5 ^ Y dinlaquottc 4laquogtaitTolaquo

moSi Maeem^t^aU aigtbdquo 8Juwd cotomeJitrBl 1 Rented p e r i o d t e nHreIy lorip iJ T r

^ ^ ^ o ^ B r ^ B e ^ w

f bull -

--J-1 mUmMtmtSmmim Jt 12^



0rr Williams and Harry Miller Star-in Final Barrage

o n l l bdquo win in Seesaw Ti l t

Wiirrtn Boys tQ Play

Here FridayV



i l l T

l l t l v



IIIKII h e a v y w e i g h t s

f the week on

ln laquo r a c from

bull-ArUt t o d e f s a t

iivjp18 to l

s l o w l y w i t h

stumppltl by

defense J a k e

-run the corner

(-11- by F a r r i n B - tirit half w h i l e

-1 twice from the - irgtm the f h a r i t y

- bull bull laquo I

- f thgt- second h a l f - - iir and the d i s -

ti-nnis r e m a i n e d 1 v bullbullbullbull three quar ter s

llnly h e c a n t o - tlt Led by Orr

Mil ler w i t h the Bronchos

1 thijr r iva l s in bull bull i|tiirter W n u -

wi th a long bullgt ii Base ley a n d

-gtbullbull pret ty c o a l s 1 -bull lirsie u lead bullbullilium last i |iuir-

- i) for the sihiw-

- l i inN Mei s t er bull 1 f credit for

1i T W a u e o n d a i l niie of the

bull -i nferenee was bull w i th two shots

- -=bull difficult o n e s

i bull L-t any b a s k e t s iim a cri i i iherry

bull- i rv-ini to keep

bull M I lt Dinrliaek

-i in the v i c tory bull 7 bullbull In w in over the

Ilu-i bull iu- i d their bulliTcinis mill-

bull - - f r i t te red awny [ lt- - 1 - l i t l i l at the

V f -i -I r (ki file lefljl i i -nil t l iree buck- - bullbull kei P tinin from

bull bullbull bullIn-- -111 half 1 i nntl i h i ve been

-bull t i n - I-1gt I C O I l - bull bull III - I- bullbulleitine

bulllt-bullbull ---ivi h i t t i i i K

Jefferson Ice Bowlers Drop Series to Riggs

Kids Elgin by 12 Pins

Riggs Kids bowling team of Elgin triumphed over the Jefferson Iclt teata of Barrington by a narrow mar (fin gtf 12 pins fof a three-Rome series gtn the Kelly hotel alleys in Elgin Friday night

Each game was a battle in itselfmdash the local team taking the first game by a matter of four pins the Elgin keglers winning the second by^18 pins and the locals coming back to take the rubber by three pins ^

Franklin gchroeder anchor man on the Jefferson team set the pacS for individual scoring with a 202-202-224 mdash628 series

The Elgin quint will play a return match here Friday night The scores for last Friday nights match follow

Riggs Kidsmdash P Schmitz 20 16 181 548 Hake bull(bdquobdquo 173 886 |102 601 DaWlek 153 192 156 483 Wekerman 168 165 214 J547 B Schmitz 140 162 180 482

Totals^ 810 Jefferson Ice Co-

W-essel 154-C MeGowata Mitchell Gerdau F Schroeder

1 Totals

190 -136 138 202

922 i

- bull

162 210 159 170 202

923 2661

175 178 176 173 224

491 578 471 481 628

820 903 926 2649

Pohlman Drugs Still in Lead of

for First Place Latter Team Seeks to J in Lead Only 200

Pins Behind



REYliSWy^ARROT^ ^ iJ^DAYf - frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 1 -frac34frac34frac34frac34


junior high ied by the brilliant playinj of Lattn a 87 0 victor) bull over the

fhe Cadwallader teams hold on t place in the Lions bowling league

became less secure Monday night when Hagers V n ^6 1 1 cracked the maples for a total of 2358 pins against the Beerman teams 2246 Hagers team rolled itself up to with- in 200 pins of the leaders so the meeting nest Monday night promises to be a battle for first place

CadWalladers team nosed out the Pomeroy aggregation by 40 pins the oral score being 2198 j to 2158 pins

jomeroyk men stillneed quite a few ]gtins to get but of the lower berth in ljeagues standing

Beermanmdashbullbull 132 14 144 138 127 128

]i Plagge A Sass Catlow IcClure L Miller Beerman

Shoups Confectionery Five Wins Three Games From



lriiligt 1 J - ihool bull - l i t leu co-

bull i I- the H i i r -

bullbull i n - l i t Coach bullbull I thu-e touch

)-bullbull is made which wi l l Tir i-ill with thjj




Iohlman Drugs Lipofsky Clothiers and Greengard Grill howling teams each garnereltl two games in last weeks schedule of the Harrington fowling league and as a result held

1 their respective first secondand third | places the fcjame a s before the two 1 weeks holiday intermission

Shotips Confectionery quintet trishyumphed in three panics over McLeisshyters team and moVed up to tie for fourth place wjjth the Barrington Reshyviews The Confectionery boys have licuM^howinc some excellent bowling Intefppind may hand-the other teams some surprises before the season is aver

So far each team has ftlayed 30 games almost one half of the comshyplete schedule The seasons schedule contains 61 games for each team


Tuesday J a a 5 Liliofsky Clothier^mdash

Purcell 159 16fl 163 485 Ilnwlcy 12raquo 140 157 420 Zitzmnu 138 138 138 414 Carr 7 164 188 158 485 Beerman 151 159 144 454

gtgtlt R-

gt h-

T i

7 -M i l i t inn nn - i lnv nisht

bulllt iTMinillv i i i ht but has




bull w






full gtwing

F T 1 (i

1 bull n

(raquo 0


Totals 735 783 740 2258

- -Cameron Real Estatemdash P Landwer 156 214 J Kiimics 141 141 J Welch 150 119 1 Hager 150 147 C McGownn 192 154

161 141 114 142 149

531 423 38frac34 439


Barrington J McCoy J

Uarbisch Burton Miller Conn

789 775 707 2271

Reviewmdash 133 390 132 122 147 136 1 4 2 144 180 152

210 1321

157 135 146

533 386 440 421 478

Ti- ta l s 734 744 780 2258



o ltgt


R-r- Hi- bull 11 - X

amp ntNi1i|



bull 1-

i -


V Kc - I J - bull v bull


bull bull

bull bull bull bull

K ^ gt bull

l( I-



() bullgt raquo 0 0

gt () 1raquo 1 tgt 0 1

1 1 1 iraquo 0 (gt

bull lt bull ltgt 0

s 1 bull

u V i r m W e a t h e r

^ Nraquow Official R e c o r d

bull - iininih 6f the 1 i h IIIN gtnfimied

bullbull bullbullbullbullbull- raquof 11)32 has - lunatic conditions i-t n|- | |bdquo Hooky

raquobullgtbullgt miles J B i I ivisinnof Agrl-

bull -~gt f tlv bull Chi ted in stated orally

bullbullbullbull HI-fa lice has halaquol ltl lie eVimnte which bullbull Meridian Miss hi- had the climate

11 Iiidufunntdis Ind bullbullbullbull of Nashville

bull nit rift follow- u raquo s laquoiven hy Mc

Miller Brosmdash Xorton Peters [ Miller j Schreiuer

( 1 Meyer

T o t a l s

K19 133 160 143 147

143 159 145 123 180

176 M 9 IS 3 1(0 168

488 441 428 426 495

bull i hefnre been So long bullbull climatic conditions th r((gtrds go Occa-i-ldai-ement for a sin-cii used comment but

is entirely unpre- i i l



ltbullbulllaquoraquo Bring Restate

752 750 776

Thursday Jan 7 S l u m p s C o n f e c t i o n e r y ^ -

A Marten 1 5 8 A M i t c h e l l bullE H e u e r F S c h r o e d e r E W e s s e l

T o t a l s

McLeistei- i V S c h r o e d e r G r a h a m bull^cjiaubh I l o i m i t h ( j e t d u u


Pohlman K Scherf L Yeoman I Landwer E Gleiije J Dneschleif



t 57 34


157 165 157

120 225 157

436 416 255 120 548 471

Totals 1 718 735raquo 793 i 2246

Hager-1 lager Paulson dol lar

M i l l e r n g d a l e S a s s bdquo

160 137

155 148


176 1U 146 151


1180 150 147



356 484 430 306 327 455

Totals 737 801 820 2358

Cadwalladetw-Ifohlman 141

Sehweirim -196 W Catlow 135

iimlberg 141-If rjlagge adwalladert

Totoifl J

Pomeroy-(jlhivreh Iavy (rreengard Iteffernani ^clireiber


144 153

8tandiii|g Team



l iager H eerman Iomeroy


(36 games eaehj Pins IJi-B

bdquo26i857 ^ 0 2 26057



2 58 2347 2259

Si-G 851 828 846 834

Lake Quintet Bows Before Strong Defense of Salem Team

| Salem cagers won a fast and intershyesting game fiiom thegt strrbg Crystal Like team Wednesday night hy a 2C -17 scbrp The Crystal Lake cagers failed to penetrate the strong defense of Barrington j |

The Salem eager took the lead and led 16-8 i t thj end of I the first half Hirder and| Gielaquoke were1 the high sorers for Salem while Lundahl and Buhrow ^ poundere the higli Icttre^s for Ciystal lake

The next ganie wijj be wrth the sfiong Late Zurich team at Lake Zurshyich Tuesday night Jan -Ml On the fo) lowing night the Salem team meets thi- Austin Boulevard (Jmiitet of Chi-cngoj citjf champions pt tilie church

761 84raquo

Greengard Grillmdash M Lines 174 170 I Banks 153 124 K McGownn 141 212 R Brown 109 164 Cadwallader 138 180

143 180 145 124 7X83

487 457 498 397 501

Totals 715 850 775 2340

Standing Team Won Lost Pet

Pohlman Drugs 30 10 667 Lipofsky Clothiers 18 12 600 Greengard Grill gt17 13 567 Barrington Review 15 15 500 Shoups Confectionery i 5 15 500 Cameron Real Estate 13 17 403 McLeisters 12 18 400 JkUBer Bros 10 20

leigue fqi the past t^o years game wilt be played at the Lake

The Zur-

ICII high school ifynl- Preliminary ga nes have beenarranged before the main game

Salem fit u scher Tate If Ilirder jfl Parlikrg Giesk Ig


Orystal Lake Kltok rf Sciuette If Bu hrow c Gutiske rg Polhlman lg 0 Li ndahl rf Kcuhnert rg Htimann rf

Totals tef Hoffman

Business Notices Bring Results

last apnea rat clt

out the Arlington

a 12-sccond

team after thJt visitors hail staged a last ninute n 11f that ended Just one point short Both Barrinj ton teams show much iinnrpvement pinte

Grabmkort f Olms tea4 f

Kers mw t L a t t i c MuifevY-j Deissper graquo

r Totlals

and shoi ld stronjg oppositjio|i for the undefeated Algonquin boys next Friday

Barrington 3)7-)1- FG 3

1 1 12 0



Ar ington Heights 6 - ^ Koppiin f 0 Vernon f - 0 Miad icls c ^T 1 Adair s g 0 Tuiry g if 0


anted bullof -^4

Holg i t s lndtf last Friday evening and incidentally increased their to 150 in t i c conference Lattn a s high point man for U2 field ijiojils or] a total poijnis

Arlington wW allowed bujt goal the bajame of their ing iccured b r f r e e thrpwf

Th e bull lightweights nosed 11 V i n over

turned in Arlington

^ss^K^ri^^fm^nw^^m^^ ^qiW^pltw l i f w ^ w r ^ - T w i - T i ^ - bull j


their make


aturedonS at Catlow Sunday

laquo ( erven on

low Si Earth Pardon




qs and jThe Chlamp Coming to Screen

Ken| Mnynard tidpular hero of the western dramas is seen as a Texas ranget in his- lajtult thrill-play Alias the Bud Man which plajja The Cat- low Saturday njglit

Susiiense tlwills h a r - r a i s i iig riding stunts and an iictioh-fillcd] battle between Maynard anil the]chief of the cattle rustlers are t i e big fea-raquo tttres bull bull

Short siibjedsJ selected for this pjrogram includt ft Slim Simmerville corned cartoon iportlight and news-

Nex j -Sunday- i ifternooii and evenshying Tlip Rosebndu a clever group of youngsters iif a kiddie presentation will IM presented on the straquoge This groiiptif nine talontcd hoys and girls will ofer 30 minutes of kidilie frolic

The swreen feature for Sundays show v ill be Heaven on Earth with Lew Ay res starrel

This picture hritf d^flnitrgtly regisshytered us Lews bciit screen effort since All (wie t on tlie Wester i F r o n t s and tells an nbscjrbing stoy of life oh the Mississippi river w th young Ayres oast as the son of a (steamboat captair I

Ijew Ayres supporting cast in eludes Slim SimnicrvilU Anita

and many fch ic Sale in fkfnny A Slip will

Jraquor6vide the comedy feature for the

Lain el and Hardy comedia as khown gtr- pictures

shown nights comedy

next Monlay

s i tuatkns in this

day the


in their ull-length Pardon Js The

their j dlley and Pardon U s wi l | ^laffinj est corned iei

Wedi ie8day Tl u ihts bf net

force are

pi esentation WAlli

other not M uctors

arc shown and

tvill be psday

ea ture hilarious right up

audit gtnces for |see on $

on the ay

week raquo f little

ace Berry

a ad ill

Lost 20 Lbs of Fat In Just 4 Weeks

Mrs Mae West of St Louis Mo writes Im only 28 sectrv old and weighed 170 lbs until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks agltL I now weigh 150^ lbs I also have more energy and furthermore IYgt never had a hungry fflomept

liat folks should^fake one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a g i n s of hot water in the morning beshyfore breakfastmdashits^the S A F E harm les i way to reduce as tens of thous-ancaof men and women know

Tor your healths sake ask for and get Kruschen at Fredlund DrUg Co or aby drag storemdashthe cost for a bot tie that lasts 4 weeks is but1 a tr i t e and if after the first bottle you are not joyfully satisfied with results

bulln ioney back f

Mplusmn Wltrifeaj-^h

of the screen

Fri bring

Jackie in The

tch iour

ELS What s|ould wojmAn do to kltlaquop their bowels moving1 freely A dob tor should 1 now the aiiswer Thu t u why bum Snrup Pepsin is so (ood for women It just suits their delicate organism It is the prescription of an old fanily doctor who has treated thousands of women patieMs and who nude a special study of bowel troubles 1

It is fine for children tojo They love its taste Let them have it every time tht ir tongues ire coated or their skin is i allow Dr Caldwejls S^rup Pepsin s made from fresh laxative herbs jure pepsin and other harm less ingredients i

When youve t sick h(adajhe cant eat are bilous or duggisn and at the times when you laquore most ant to bamp constipatedtake a little of this famous prcsciption (ill drug stores keep it ready in big jottles) and youll know wiy Dr Cildwells Syrjip Pepsin is thlt favorite laxative

er t million wo otenl |

Da W 8 CkL-owCLt

YUIJP gtEPSI ( A Posters Family Laxative I mdash - J mdash raquo [


^^^i^^^^^^tmmim waM


Oflee over Pohhnans Druf Store

Hours 8laquo to900am (K to2K)Opm i(K to8^)0pm

Sundays by Apboiatment

Office and R sidence Barrington 2

D R B P G R i L B I R |



830 to 9

7 laquo 4 Sunday



HOURS 30 a in 2

880 p U W 12

K ne



bull bull bull - t l bull bull bull - - - ^ - - bull]bullbull - I - bull l t


o8 t noon

J i r t BANK

arringion 23

SpeciaUj lint in Diseaces of Wonu|d and Chfldfea

HOURS Tuesday Thursday and Saturday

23( to 430 pm

Telephoie Barrington 525

130 Park Ave above Peerlgtss Market




[- paouRS 9 t gt 10 a m

i 2 traquo 8 p m -7 traquo 8 p m

Sundayi by Appointment

Bartington 801

Hudson-Bssitx B Main St

Telephoi e Barrlngtot 235

1717 Conway Building 111 Was Washington Street

CHICAGO ILL Tel Randolph laquo856 _

ilaW4gtlaquoraquoMliraquo-- -V-j Evenings 525 copyrove Ave bull bull Tel Barrington 502


usiness Director


Barrington Phone 403 -


118 N LaSalle St

Phone Dearborn 0399

bull v - i-Vii bull i-



112 West Adams Street


Telephone Randolph 6144 V

Howard i t Brlntlinger Telephone Barrington 660-W bull





E Main St

Barrington 52

By Appointmeit for your i ouvenience




135 lark Avehi Phone Birrington 301-J

HOURS 630 t ) 830 p

t)ther Hours and Sun i by Appointment





Successor fo


Phone] Barrington 77 115 E Main St


Office In Pohlman BallAnk 127 E Main St I 127

Barri Ington


0 to 12 lt 1 to 5 p 7 to 0 p


Tel Barrington 471

- HOURS 9 a nL to 6 p m and 7 to II p m


801 B Main St

Phone Barrington 458

| Banilnttou





- i- - - ^ 1 - bullbullbullbullbull - bull

60S Summit Street

Telephone Barrington 650-3

omoAQQ bwnca 134 N LaSfcUe St

Chicago Phone Central 4646


105- W Adams St laquo CHICAGO

Telephone Franklin 2788


- Barrington Phone 32-J


JUSTICE OF TflB PEACE (Cook County) (

8agt West Lake 8trelaquot^ bull Telepnone Barrington 634-J

v N -- Chicago Ofnce - - 20raquo W WasbJngton St Room 1401

Telephone Franklin 0122


Chiropodist and Foot Specialist

i -



Diseases and Deformities of the Feet

CHICAGO OFFICE 2020 Garland) Bldg Phone Centra^ 8005

Barrington By | Appointment Tel Barrlngtdn 248-W



bull I l

Office Hoars 9 to 12 a m ad 2 to 5 p m I Evenings by Appointment

Telephones Residence Barrington 588-J 8t6r( Barrington 298-W

Readers of the Review find this

directory raquo eapvcnleptj index to

bushiess and professional Bar

ringtoa When In need of some

specuv service they inrn to fids

page quickly to locate firms tote

phone numbers streei addresses

ftiM dugteetorjr has been raquo feature

j f l i yean

W raquo for almost 44


HENRY J GKARMAN Phuto Tuning aad-



E xpert work on alt repn dddl

or send S card 41


Plagge Home FtirnikMmt 6e


FREDLUND DRjUaffO 100 W Main


Phone 54$



Ifbull bull bull fl-j 111 -it s -th laquo5 i


i I







102 N Cook Sreet

Tel Barrington 2 Ftjill



1 i


bull raquo bull

n bull i ^ laquo


CALKINS Etawating and Grading


Tennis Courts Bbwlir|Oreias

4 B A R R I N G ^

H C A L K I N S Phon A S CALKINS] Phott4 4 W


^Li raquoraquo


-frac34 ii tl

Erery professional nsn in Baningfo) hi i name aaorfsB niunber and hours ef Ir this directory laquo I et ery week and mall eiery home In the 0 ber directories nay tl Is directory -ut wiek i


SERVICE INC 217 East Smtlojn St bull


bulli fin j ]

Furniture Remgtvalj d LongDi^tan

bull If embMPj

United VaWsiervljce

- ii- bull 4ryr GuaranteMi w


COST - -



r $ HX rlt i

fV bull u ft



ift 4





Local Brevities Mrs Blanche Ford ill nt h laquo

home 721 8 jCook street

Mrs Kdwaird Ostj 20laquo S Cook utreet spent Saturday) with her sister-in-law Mrs Kdward j Wicjkershpim of Long Orove raquoho hail jdst returned from the Libjltrtvville] hospital where die was tnkeij New Yearns Fflaquo after lgtelnK injured in an iuitnmobile aelt|i dent

Sir nnd Mfrlaquo T Garfield utreejr will a vacation of two West They wijl v Oklahoma CI bullikla que N M Hefore nia where thej will v friends in several cities


Dockcy 1frac34) leave todii-jr for

months in the sit rutatmw in

and Albuqncr-ing to Calif or-

l|sit relatives nnd of that state

Association Asks Help in Tuberculosis Fight

A training class for Sunday school teachers will be organized Thursday evening at the Saleni church It is to mect-bnee a week and will be under the direction of A Carsten-a-n

Mr and Mrs Paul Clark and famshyily 532 Orove avenue returned frolm Abingdon this week and Mr Clark will resume his duties at the high school Monday

Mrs John Horn and infant daughshyter June Alice returned to their home 502 Grove nvenue Tuesday

Volmer Anderson of Chicago who hYs many relatives and friends in Birrington underwent an operation fof appendicitis Moilday at the- St

onys hospital in Chicago His ition is reported to be satisfac-


Miss Amy Anderson retu-ntd from the Itavenswood hospital to her home at Honey Lake Sunday Mis Ander-son is recovering nicejy from nn opshyeration for appendicitis

Mrs Delia Cady 213 E Lincoln avenuevisited relatives in Libertyville Saturday and Sunday k

Mrs P L Anderson 628 Summjt street who returned from the Franshyces bullWlllard hospital recently is imshyproving in health nnd able to be up

Walter Ahrcns 21 street is recovering frim tack of tonsilitis

2 W Russell a severe at-

jp The home of Mr ajnd Mrs Lnwr-^ ence T York 40 E Kussell street

is under quarantine- Mr York is sufTering from an at alaquok of ^scarlet fever

Mrs Henry Will ljlVbullWashington street who iins been ill the pnst three weeks is so much improved that she is able to be up nnd around in- the


Thn monthly clinics maintained by the Lake County Tuberculosis assoshyciation for the examinations and sushypervision of the 40Opatici)t)i-wlio arc sick with tuberculosis In the county cannot be held Jin 1032 unless the people of this county cooperate to mnke the sen saj^ a succhsH accord-frfc to Ruth HcmMekiSOTij executive secretary of the association

The meager buduet upon which we are now compelled to (wottk does not permit school examinatiojiN or any

bullother phase of tmbl i c lipilth work which might prevelit the sp^nd of this gi-ent white plagin Miss Itendrickson stated |

The-neriountiesi$ of thin] situation is revealed when one renliz^s tliat 2W8 children active cjise of j tuberculosis are today attending classes in the scbools of Lake county

Lake County Tuberculoijas associashytion lias no menijs of support other than the returns from the ChriltmnK Seal sale There are no state or coun ty appropriations made flaquojr the care of patients suffering from tuberculous in this county

Childrens Reading Club to Be Formed Wednesday raquonhlt

A Book WormClub fdr girW and boys of the sixth seventh iand eighth grades will be formed at the public library Wednesday afternoon Jan 20 and will meet at 5 p m every Wednesday thereafter f lect ion of officers and the rehding of ^ulps which will govern this n lt w reading club will comprise the program for the first meeting The first twcnt|y-five boys nnd-girls who cone will W eligible to join the organization There will be a waiting list fof- any others -who wish to belong

Club meetings vill not be like the story hour jield for younger children

State Nevbd

Tho Century of Progress sion authorized by the last lcgii 1 has been appointed by Governor LvEmmerson The groupwill vise erection of a state buildfyig Worlds Fair in 1033 The leraquo provides lt that) Governor E shall be chairman with Li Governor Fred ESterling and e r David E Shnnahaii art me Those named -by fjoverttor Ein arc StiJte Senators Roy Wood i bullV (JiMiham Chicago Florence BoliiTr Hloominijton Hit Bnrr Jol iet Charles H T Ilarrisburg State Reprcscn Homer 7 Tilt(e O r o e n v W Schnnckenbergi Frank Ryiln K King Chicago Itichar 1 J Miiiidelein The fiillowiijig were also named Noble Bi Juduh George F Ilaiding Ai T CltzarnltScKi wtlloejor of cut V G -Hermann J F C o r i e l i u s Ideiir Illinois Academy of Paul Demos all of Chicago limn Leonard Karclier Fred P Watson Mt Vernon

Fine Mri Ft

W Baker Kewanec Col H son Pana The legislature i i ateed $350000 for a btViMlnfc preparation of exhibits

c^mmis-nture Louis super-at the

legislation miderson

icu tenar t 3peak-nbers

ipcrson nd K Fiffcr

hoihpson aitlvles R jJ-

nm yoris fsons

ha id


tgt FraquoIP




Ill pc

at 2 p m every

L A K E (Furnished by

Company Guaranteed 2^0 Waukegan 111

R C Ross extension specia agricultural economies at ihe of Agriculture Univers i ty of has announced that the 22 cut which Illinois farmers mad fall in their winter wWat speeds up a downward adjustm a c r e a g e ^ h i c h has been going most without interruption sincp The 22 per cent reductionfor is more than twice as much average reduction for jthe country - I

1st In (follegc

inois centj this)

acreage tit in

)ii al-1919

Illinois the




COUNTY the Illinois Title

Abstracts of Title Title Washington Street

Tel 4)

bull Chester-Callow 112i WMaiii left Tuesdny for a six weeks vacatiojn on the Isle of Pines whiiili is nhout 100 miles south of Havana Cuba Durshying Mr Callows absence Miss Helen Glenson 722 Second nVenue will Jake his plnce at the organ in The Catlow theatre

Mr and Mrs AVilliam Dawson 30 ) Lincoln avenue left S inday for Florshyida where they will abend thewinter months

Buzzards Lin itaitiont With its Ilinnnkalili eyesight pov

er of flight and size there probably Is only one1 reason why the vuituru or buzzard Is not one of the tuos active pursuers of living prey in stead of feeding upon dead or help leas preymdashthe absence of talon f with which to seize laquond hold living preymdashCuppers Farmer

FremontmdashH Ruura amp w)F to C Milshyler QCIgt laquo10 U t 17 Blk 12 Ar-tliitr Dunas Mundelein Manor Sec 25

II Ruurs 17 Blk 12 n Manor Alundclci

FremontmdashC Miller to amp wf jt tens D $l | ) Lot Arthur Dunas Sec 25

FremontmdashtJnioii Bnnft i)f Chgo to J Avon amp wf jt tens Dgt$lb Lots 13nnd 14 Blk 8 Arthur Dunas Munshydelein Manor Sect 25

ElamdashH M Overland and J Over-hmd to V Overlaid QCD 10 P t of SIC qr of SW qr of Sec 35

Waucondraquo-f-J if Johnson amp hun to T V Johnson QCD 10 I^its (K) 01 amp (12 Einicrest Sub Sees 23 25 and 20 bull j

WaucoiKliijmdashJ d Kelly amp wf to H Wagner amp wf j | tens W D $10 Iot 03 Maiinailsf 1st Adda to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

WaucondahmdashII E Maimiin amp wf et al to J Ci Kelly wf jt tlt Lot (Kl Maimans 1st Add i to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

ElamdashC W Ofit amp wf to E Ost amp others w r i N hf of N W qr the S W qr of NA qr and N E qr of MV qr of Sec 20

Fremontmdash-Union Bk of

qr N E

Chief Highway Engineer Fin Sheets has anlaquoiounced t in t highway divisioi _has under wa for constructing the equivWlcnf 200 miles o f T n w - two-lane roads in 1932 I t i s estjmate^l this extensivp st|atc-wide progi givlaquo| employment to between and 35000 men Tlie hig|hway ment will insist on the employm



local labor whenever^ fair rate of wages


Directoir Leo Hj Howej of t partmJMit of trade nnd coiiimercb announced that th j Insurance dty one of tin largcs reyenue agencies at the state | g n turned intlgt the st raquote treasury 1931 $6(|373705 T This only $40000 TCBS tha|gt the collie for the previous y^ar

annll of the div the I second tral Sttjtes cinnatij O congress was from Illinoit tucky- ailaquoB0 to consider


3[ Paul static planni i nouiiccd five planning Hon of the KiUigtn of Ian

isijon of forestry

Jiaj meeting of ewry congress

December 3 to made up of Indiana IowK

uri Ohio and the problema anlt|l

late forfestry in the Central region Mr Springer was the j board of directors for a thrtfe yi

(llac gyton chairniai igf tjommiasion broad-objectives

cse include dejtermiiia-st Sensible type

I nrijas to dirfeiii iioi

anded r__ Cen-

t Cin-I This

c elcgat ea Ken

Tennessee stimu-

lot elbcted to Iieriod of



of the uis an-of state

of utili-thc deshy

velopment of localization tion to which go jtf of the typi maintain a plete a coir which ^rill ordinattd and lirtper vaatrcsoui

a second distribution and of industry and popula-

(letermine the elements to the pattern and plaiv al urban-rural area to high standard to comshyprehensive plan | program bull

mejin the systematic coshyrd economical development

onservatioii of all Illinois S



A HANDY MAN wanted to take care of fires and do

jobs around country place live on place References Address 2212 Barrlngton Barrington III


Senatltr rimes Ilaniiltbn Lewis will be honorpd lit a ilaquoeptiou to1 be given By tho Illinois State ^ociety at Wash-( ington at i t) first meeting in the new year on Jti dary 21 All we repre-sentativcls i rom Illinois and their wives willlc in the receiving line

bull NOTICE bull

Not feinonsible for any traced Jgty anyone othW |ltn A Jij Sclirojljer North nve rlnjrtflin III L

^ mdashu Business Notices Bring I


t tut the Subscriber Ellen ncy Executrix of the Will of

rtnlaquoigtt deceased will nUcnd

nk TJ inois

plans of 1-

c|o(ncrcte that will

10000 epart-ent of at a

MODERN fcir rent in 3 bedrooms and basemeni strejet 32ogtWi

MODERN JSIX ROOM house for rent at 5C3 Grove avenue Reason

able Inquire at 439N Coot street Tel Barrington 209-J1 1 r

FIVE ROOM furnished

Strictly modern refrigeration Dundee avehue or 849

OLD LOG road one

ich for (rent $10 0 0 a n

qr of N W

Cligo to D Lot 7 J If I Conperlaquo amp v f jt tens

Oak TerraceSub Sec 30 FremontmdashJr IL Connors^ to A

Brady W D Pt of Lot 7 Oak Terrace Sub Sec 30 also ^ot 08 Second Addn to Oak Terrace Sijb S E qr of Sec 30

FremontmdashA JJ Brady to J| II Connors amp wf jt itens P t of Lot 7 Oak Terrace SubJ-Sec 36

Waucondamdash-A Bchling amp wf to V Behling W D Lot3 Blk5 At Home Sub Sees 25 aiidj 30

F U R N I S H E D Barrington Livi

i kitchen breakfast L Call at 642 N

telephone Ba

H O U S E room

nook Hough

rrington tf

FURNISHED apartmelit for

Oil heat Mrs H L

Tel Barritig

or un-rent

Electric s a on 28

FIVE wooded

tate district Price ronly Box 21 BarH

for faje Beautifjully igli located in finest es-

near bull$ W highway J

KOHLER 1500 wajtt

hauled M ton 395-JW

^iECTHflC LIGHT ilnnlaquo for sale Recently ovcr-


LOST OR male cat

black tipped large cat ton 325-J

PERSIAN with larlaquo]e

not-ify Mrs ringt(u 310

ACRJraquo FIVE Ijby private

pwee or no 2111 Barrington Illinois

Prqbate Court of Lake Count) eof to blaquo Iiolden at

Hoise in Wnukegaii In sahjl t |0 first Monday of

li|whcn and where al uiig clnims against said

yiotilied^nrid requested to ] tjanie to said court for ndjuldication

E L t E N ti COURTNEY ^bullaukctran 111 January cent- ^932

Philip Young Attorney

$^550 per acre ington 111

Ow nerj

Telephone Barring-


STOLENmdashGray and tan with black stripes and tail and feet Unusually Reward Tel Barring-

CAT lost dafck grey and bushy- tail Kindly

E A Bcermun Tel Bar-


FOR CASH wanted lgtarty~ Give location and attention given Address

i Review Barrington

r I

drive car otjier odd

Not to required Review

i ebtjs con-n myself me Bnr-



jfivon L- Court-Tomes V

the atntenn

ijhe Court County

Majrch next persons

bullstnte are picqcnt the



1 Aikilonwrs rdegW AuoU in on thf o ] locate I 2 mil

Will Mil at man farm ltDunuec 3 miles Nortjlt of Crystal new Dundee

in n large sharp on 1 I Sat] 4raquo l^BAD


19 CoWsr-Soma Springers some spraquo-r Registerod

Thts hilaquo of GueriiNtj first fimv sey sale and abort I in tho cuujntry were houghit them for them have must be fore sale cldse right know my rfputn be seen It down anft Terms





mile East bull ofj ( of Elgin 8j

I rtke pne-hnlf -GilbjFts roal IJB i|ve will Rtjl

i w laquobull IWU 5 south jilles ^-amp this laquobull1230

Jaii 16 |9 f OF RJBAL OJtfK m^ ciyslating of ome ^TenH Bala

lO^Ielfers |fl itiXlnjria lWfr l l

Jue^jiey^n except lofinll

H and it gt evct had a

Iliesekowlaquo a testefi apd u bulllaquoraquo Wisc|

ibylfjpurty t oVjuV herd




ii MHB00tJ0iiifiN^ All M i t will ftjo Uii^ bdquobdquo

laquolf htti BULL

raquof Il lunifli vm th tiftern-

it^lltod llOllslJt

Thev 1 liini(-iit iiiost (if


as I know tl Wn ak| vo PuMtttiL ThMti ( Uvs mubdquo

he WiipreclHt | w buy some cheajj KV8


h A^ttowraquo mu(t k- tud deridianie dai n j Snligt

JOE KVIDEPlit 1 V Myer C

AUCTION SAL Frank Gahlbeck AJict H I H Shoppe


Having decided toquit log raising1 will bell af publi old Sell rage Farm fir st farm eastfi ltfi Nebfls cor) road 2frac12 miles north )f Schaumburg 5 mil^s soj

Monday Janu - lt] bull bull Beglialng at 1 oclock shjjrjilaquo

6 0 Head o f H o g s 45 Gil

auction lt on Hi of Pal

__ r_ fan|o March land AptfiT 20 Shoatswt ampbii | 75 lbs

25 wi|from 100 to [ l l raquo J Chester White Boar 75 Chichenel SO WhbeWyan- dottes 2SLeghonislB IIpullets Brooder houie Chichi n coops 400-egg Tyco Incuba-or used bull one seasonj Hot Bias Hester Grain elevator Corn c rusher Drag cart Land rollei Thistle machine a ] Wheel

barrows 1frac14 h p Fairbanks mdtor Riding cultivator Pti mp-Jack Timothy seeder |TJuik heater Grindstone Home-made tinnier

M l Trucli and Rattle rakj good condition^

Hay rake arid gear Oil jtnd C laquo l Bugtner Wooden jslocktaik Good dumi wafOln Cookjsampve Washing maohliie with gas

bull bull bull i bull bull i All |shte vlndOff storri

dows M i screens MIW strainers milk claquoM|er Nome n n luiober Wonsbi l id stra Tablesan I chatljs Wa^on-bo arid If car

fERMSmdashCASH _ (

u (

t - -






WN 209 to 215 Park




ISHINNERraquoCO le 3 7 1

104 W Main St I Barrington HI





Stewing Hens


Pork Steak

irtm S L I C E D

Beef Liver 15




bull G E N U I N E bullbullbull

Lamb Stew 3^is



tn Roast



gtlaquoraquolaquo25lt -j F-^N-CY-

Leg oE Lamb


Avemdash210 to ate er

Station St

^ilTURDAY M bull

Part Wool ^ r arm Lined Color Gray raquoea

Big brother Fill Cut Heavkr Denim

31ue fcambray

Blealhed 81 inches Quality i

$179 ea^C

39c to89c Good O C i per yd laquoviraquo

Sheeting Unbc|olaquoifiyncfcr yd 23c 23c 46 inches wide


cs ai b

Grocer SALIf PORK lb FRESH LOIN per PURE PORK SAUfeAGE hiilk lb PORK LINKS Heidelberg lb Ripe Bananas 3 lb t I G A Yellow Lauudrfc Soai| lgTaais 10 for 4 3 I G A

Cqp- mdashDel Maisj Ni whole kernel J cam

Aljnerican Family S oap 5 bi ra Fan^y Applesauce

Soap Chips large phgsi 2 for 29 I G A Beauty Soap Gold C ream Bari bars

23c value) for J^ i-l G I A White Floa tirig ampoa]) the B ath Soap bull

Supreme each 5 10 or 49 I 0- A Cocoa Hard water Soap 2 bars 1 5 Household Cleanser] I G Aj 3 boxes 13

blets Vrouuih Packed



No 2 can Aunt Jemima Pane ike Flour 2 reg Cbmet White iloaeiElici 2 Mb pkgs Libbys Rosedale A pricjots lg cans Extra fine sweet and juicy naval fejrlaflgei

dozen ^-^^--^ - -- mdashu-vJSgn Iciiid 99laquo Fresh Eggs and Buttltr art declining Come ir Saturday and see sp ecial pric ss on th se necessities

Moats is 18 15 28 18

New York Pack


s27 28

10 pkgs 19

16 1 5

T 1-frac34 A D L HT - A N D S A V E

ywt raquo Y A L h j

STORES B E S T - Q U A L I T Y mdashr~ ALV t AYS

Independently Owned

SPECIALS for Friday1 and Satiard

Cranberries Fancy J lbs t e c n s Stringless Greer l b s raquo 5 c

Pet is Fancy California l b $ 2 5 c

Let t luce LgFan 3yHlt ads lbs 1 Swlt e t P o t a t o e s lbs I S p u j a c h CurleyL^af 3 l b e l


lt bull

M e n per

POTATOES Large White Cobblers bag ORANGES 200 size Heavy w i t h iuice do GRAPEFRUIT 80 siz TANGERINES APPLES Stayman Wi^iesajp

I Grimes

10 h do

lbs fo) tuslhet

OUR ROYAL5lb14c|Z4i lb

^AE^at2tbI iol^r PURE CANE SUOiUl ( ^Mlb tMc^ kles^ Tlaquof f

A K l laquo 03 Score or KHttr M$^J

r Peas AUT NO x 1laquo cans

ON SALE OXYttOL 1 lg i sm both for 2 3 T(raquo]Aro SOUP VanCam^s

OATS Royal Blue Quaker


Royal Biw

How Plaquocim T l p i i Ik ChioVlVf |fej

Brookfisld B2 geerf Or TMtoti

Tiny m kti 8lftlaquod laquo C I B Z rciiasJ

3 can flaquo 3 No 2 12


raquo raquo bull raquo bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull bull raquo H raquo raquo bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull p l


28 17frac12

9 CAKE FLOUR Virginia Sweet

nl idi ll - L bull 8 frac12 ^ PUMPKINI Ar-BeNo 2frac12 can 9 No 2 can

APPLESAUCE No 1 can i raquo raquoraquo


We Deliver Pto^e 6 l S Not a W E GUARANTEE EVERYTHING W E S


I tubbi samp


R I C M - l b pk HONEY s m

lg glass 1 lb BEEJTS No 2 Ar SYkl StfYbERCAifi

siti all

i in kf th ai i i tec

JUtCE kr S|


bullBj SHce^lJ JP Maple itnl Cane 21 oz

1 if t iw


mampM l^fjiiiQi^ 1

i^hM^^^l laquofe laquo l bull I

Thlaquo R tuiat1


T le r lmas In eiU

the Barr ing t raquotfraquofcB

PerCa ofEducMwttft 2 7 S c ^ S h ^

ItarrtaRton Hjfch SchMlJ

93041 i LoterTKb e

Tlbdquo -raquoni|wirallvc

AltbU^ S t a C V KrmWS Smithy

i bdquo i i i r i i i ] 1 d nrbull hiKh Hfh^t 6laquotilaquon 0 ^ frac34

bdquo1 IJgt tho per laquoM)ita aw

r T nrivolnt by dm

I bvh^^f pnpbatf

COIlaquotlaquo Of

yenr iiie tlio srhool - I j

Of 1 -JT M-liwllaquoraquo 1 laquo M pound 0f ilistriM per

Hut riii

MixJ lWI tlltj rtKhtU bdquo ilaquo-^laquoi T-r ilaquolaquoKM copy laquo


-i7st for 1 03 1^ nfwrtliM ^15() eapiin

c^tinii is dulaquo I

srliool follows

|Ii)igt Srlliraquoi| llnmiiioml Irjd

A w l^gtinm(ilaquoifv Bluom Township -

Dmuk Ilimurani Thon1 Yvw To Pulnt inltgt Towuship

tKlKin Harriimioii IMslnct

bull Proviso -Towiifhip Hint 1-lnml (JHitmijiiHyj

bullQnk IaiU 11 ml Uiv^ rnwn-fhip

H(iiiAigtlaquovilli ltVraquogtulaquoui)iy TlivifiiiHi Townsfiii

1 bull wimirit la lthmews vrollOTMltr The list of iij

- i TnltfimVlS j^

A-i) s h i p

V bull t ltraquoval^bull-

bull NfjJltciIKo - j - =bullbullbull-bull-bull- bull AHiniiuMi Iloiuhis To^iiMtii n Jolilaquott bull bullbullbullbullbull_ bullbullbullbull J Aniiorli Towiisliip Lihiiiyvilh1 Towtfsl ip IAOIIS TowiiNhip


IX 7-3 ii2 bull

^1 2frac34 - amp 25

26 -28

(Jrnnf Township WiNlraiidil Kill Township bull ^ Mjilinraquo Towm hip 1j lfvaiisioir Toivnship Tgt

^ VnrrlaquoMi Towhship j r Niw Trier Township Ijoyiliii ltojnnnmitv iWrlifld-Shiohls M Smilti tins tr rtCord of t|raquo

jCiipita oitsts of sovoji of thlaquo-k-hoitls for tluv year V^V-lit jours Iurlior Tho compatisnil of hvo srhooj viiir costs i Is

HiK-li ^iliool t020-2T Pjilaliuo $iSofJO BnrriiiKtou - 1ltUgt07 Arlington Jlk-ights 1S040 Proviso bull -f m)m Whcrtyvilh ^18500 Leyd-ii SOOIM) Oporficld-shiclds 24gtL$)

Elgin Lions Entertained Ky Ixtcal C liib ^lemb

r f bull27Jj

laquo3 1 n

19 bull bull amp fas -x

Twcijiy-tvfo KlRinJ JTJampiisf ^BltJ other visitors fronf I Moitdnv iiiRht ltif tho lt-lid) al dinner foll(jvod ontertjilaquoti)mraquont1iind n round

KollowiiiR dinup^ j Paul

irriiipton mn

t_ tei BerRer

world the

K BW croup

| vninhn-jllc faiiio AvhJ) Krnlt)iously [ mittwl lie ^iis tho

mnfciraii cntertainetl mnkiiiK riirds disapppora^d laquoW eomltgt out of the air nnd hy articles of femininlt iiitirp vlaquowt iMieketN-of sweral of the Of tlje Hiirrhifjtnn club

T|ie howling niatciim-nt ky jilley inelHdlaquod pickedbull t bdquo iiwrpliwttir IJoim d u b mVgttinif lraquot fowlers nntonp t k- Ktj

pxtcas frorii meml

the Jji bull i ihi ijjf

n visit

Park Ridgi Man AppointedCc^

of qirat] Naim

raquolaquobull inat rgtf the


Ajiiioii|ilt|Henl- w J-wrd of director Mbdquo

raquolaquolaquo raquolaquoraquo$ of llHrrlngtonj ^raquolaquoK ThftT-dfl-yfnhwmrf WPIHMiiii ofChnrbis A ^ l i - (1s vMWr 0 wtion - -

Mi KlKtier has ]jaj

11 ltViral TW Claquov bullf^MhwWnf state bank m

iSn^ inmtradelaquo



Kjr- bullKiwt-foltPji

iVnpob KlSBJl ] tye ii


[Kraquon laquoj

f IilN

^kt yfj laquoii ^gt Jjf

l x Families Are Um|er Scarlet FeverQuaraiii

S i l q m r i ^ M for laquornrfctfp

J J t raquoox t^w d ^ ^

^ 1 ) raquo ^ in t h i ^ i n e i m

n bullraquoUuiiMiiHiirf8|ilaquoIw^i||

RorftveHmr FVoiH injury H

bullCrr h f l r-52oalaquonnii^ bullto U i n laquoraquolaquo^nlaquol tlaquo -k^S u poundk lA tnm

bulltfor^L WU tvtrade wtM lH S^rofdw ttanlwtre Coi

A plusmnA A

Page 5: Barrington Area Library · & Months of .31 Reviewed in Brief Oulstandinu •

f I



I t -

ft ix Tbiraquo in Memory is tli verse which Colerta

i IHiistnue the varietfe J i i [^ t bullbullbullTpochee t r t p 3 ^ 0 J


L- to shorr Krjm long to h w j bullv hn raquor t s low spondee 3frac34frac34 iM-fo yT ill able E e r

i- HI Hih 1-Ktyl tri-syllableiaa0 bull) miiritt f|nn shor t t o long- y l th

raquo uivl ra [-unir-ihe swift a n -1frac34 f l r i H I

t i l

1 1








Km jWiJi Perishable Vegetables be


bullf A

|jcgt o prvptr mois-rir rrluis ii wiitcj

utitit-ot vtge-liLr

j ijj jJSJierj ytm select an e lectr ic refrigera-dtL chltJose one that you knew will

cltp feg^tablcs cr isp and freshmdashone u yjuui ijoi wi l l k e e p frozen des-

fcris jirm raquond s m o o t h mdash o n e that you

|ffjf[fgt| I h i tytl [HlviJe plenty o f ice Make Ittain oLti of these t h i n g s by being ifc laquot is Frigidaire L o o k for the

ie pliicl There is only o n e electric



fTigfratcir named Frigidairc raquo ttnerjilMpcor Value Cortie ini ami inspect the beautiful

y o d e l s ltioW on our s h o w r o o m floor i-e for vi gtuirU-l I the- many features that

ttkc jld^ikhiirc so truly outstanding cnrlvojriitrue and va lue Let US tell

pu i Mtia the new l o w pr ices and gtnvc iilaquontterms Stop in at your first





J i c

ih|tifii|H4t jWees of l

th$ prices fpefpound )cr| pound



Tbt moist cold of lot Frigidain Hjdrttoi iteps vtgiUiht crisf firm antrtsb

i f)I

K I U M O SERVICE CO hu iirrlnirton 380


tttlLlCSERVICE CO S h j t I MKKN r t x i N O I S rlv Harrington J 3

i gt U K i S A L E S amp SERVICE

mWy Educed

Sfiknldav-1 8 lt

l l H S Student Digs Up Practical

Geological Study

c h Township Sch0degl degieS bla led Weekly by


-t he Pupils

S bullU

vai-ation Richard helped his brother

n vlnijrh About two irfac-1 was a layer of

-ITS layer was about iMlgtrnoatb this bed

I f pout which was r This proved to bull - well ns education-

I li11 a business afternoon They bullusiitiition and

rli -fs ns fol lows |resident Violet

r-iiligtiit Carol ine irv-treasurer1 E l - - h i i i i i n a n

bull11-ie s t range odors bull bullkins rxjni One thr day rahbnge

bull ci tainly smells n w-re a wee hit

lio tin ill Kamef of i imi(it Tliey bent gt 1 - ^irl- gym class

tha l l i- absent Tuesday - illness E lmer

bull Wednesday i-i smie back to

bull _bull -i liool here a

bull -p-lit par t of her-

bullbull-gt-lit- frmi schpol ] bull- Kliznheth Iloff-

Vlnlaquoliiy bull i ~ --ir |gtart of her j bull Kianston with


bull -i Milvin r o t t s

lti InI Notes


I IJiif Sver a re - bull-- in March

i bull - t l d y i n t t h e

1-1 1 iniinatizi-d agt i- bull - 1 1 i bull -_r

i-t-n viiv K m x l

Ci-ailTs rc iuni -1 1raquo i i K i i r l y

k iiii-- riinark j bull in^-tinu old

-1 - |raquo- l l t a SUIll-Ji--1-

- - JI 1--ni I h u r s -

bullbull i in i l l o n raquoltbull-

McHenry County to $2024 for Nelsot

of Session



a n l and

and jurors

biggest [service

the bail-total

county witnesses

When the Lake county bo|ard supervisors starts i t s Mareh McIDenry county will ask for menjt of $2024 for services i nectjion with the trial1 of State tor | Oscar Nelson on a misflt asance chaifge acconling^ to Circuit Clerk Will Conn at Woodstock

The services for the talisman the housing and feeding of the during the trial make_up the items on the bill The jury cost was placed at $1060 mea s rooms extra janitor iffs and service of the sheriff $ 5 2 1 1 5

O her items-which McHenry will claim are foreign $ 2 5 3 eircuit clerk $120 $ 5 sheriff $5815 anil serving $5815

Thirty^eight persons were moned for the jury panel TJ s-elected Was locked up eight and fed three meals a day

Nelson was dismissed by ward Igt Shurtleff after two court proceedings on themisflaquo charge for Jack of3 jurisdiction ordered the jury to sign a Jver|diet not guilty

The conspiracy charge growi of fhe failure of the Waukegai Bankis- to be heard at on January 1$ States Attor|iey V Smith has petitioned Jtukre leff t a have nuotiier judge hei| triiilr



Property Owners Object to

Water Being Shijt Off

Continued from page 1

funds A motion was made b- Earl Hatje that the money be refunded- to the property Q vners and that if war--rants had been purchased with the funds these warrants be otl envise disp(|sed of It was uiiiuii nously carried

Report Collections Hatje also oferednj resolution that

the village tresurer and clerk be inshystructed tn report all water Uid tax collections to the board and tlint the collectors file u statement 1ltgt the board for their commissions It iwas said that in the past the collector has said i rejioil







Two Local Men on

Judge Ed-w | e k s of

usance and


ng out State

Woodstock A

Shurt-r this

r|tod the iu(t sum to the b o i r d afshyter deducting h i s commissions] The mot inn passed

The village engineers re-rioitell a s a result of invest igat ing the sewe^- overshyflow in Jewel I a rk t h a t tlie will have to be pumped put by trifuKiil pump iu order to determine w h ^ r e t h e excess of surface wa t e r enshyters the system Th i s can be dpne a t a low cost he reported The ordered the work done^--

II I l~ I l l t e r -

lt gt lar-oj] -1laquo ( I r a n t e d

( nimUirHT in H e a r i n g

water a cen-


Week Committee Continued from page 1

3 P Fritz Park Ridge l H P Wet-more and Earle Cooke of Niles Center and Paul Stoker of Niles

Every one of the 27 troops cub packs and sea acout ships in the local council will join in the observance Scouts will wear their uniforms all week j Troops are planning window disphiys demonstrations good turn projects parenta nights and simitar activities i

Plan Special Scout Sc-rVkces Sunday Feb-7 will be Scdut S^ii-

day and every S(pt5(t ami leader will attend his church in uniform Many places special scout services will be held with troops attending in a body and bull Scouts participating in the services bull

At 800 Monday -evening Feb 8 al l scouts Will hvaffirm rheir Scout pledges As part of the ceremony eac I hoy and leader will receive a small scroll upon which the Scout law is printed These will be ceremoniously

Th tyi as year tionsl year

$53274350 tax property less than 10 per cent of t ie exter ded County Treasprer Morse revealed I

i paymentsthrough a whole came in

previous Morse dailaquo|l paid their taxes while a few districts--

Aut|o Acci Deaths

rolled up and tied w and susli)emled from cpaf lapel by a bowline Worn the entire-week

ith a square knot a shirt button or

knot and

Land Values Down Lai I County Taxes Up fojr 32

in the Increases of 6 cents to $184 t i x ra tes for 1931 on taxes to he paid in 1932 were made in 30 of I he 36 qity and village taxing dis t r ic ts in Lake county according to the ra tes compiled by Rober t Pearsa l l and Ches-tiir Hus ton deputies in County Clerk Lew A Hendee s office j T h e rise of the ra tes in the various

eomninnitietl is blamed on the decrease i i va luat ions and the t ransfer of l a u p e r aid from the county to town-sliips fTljo three dis t r ic ts in the Lake Purest school dis t r ic t 32 in Lake Villa- school distr ict 4 in Harr ington showed dropjs in the ra tes while Lake bullgtlunchs ra te is the same

Under the new law passed a t the siiiniuer session of tlie s ta te legislature Hid nniended a t fhe present special session the t axpayers will have to make the i r first payment by May 1 The second (iiilt final payment w i l l have to he paid by August t to avoid ucnnltlelaquo -

Tlie tax levies Will be xjompleted by (founty Clerk Lew A Hendees clepu-fes next week bull

Taxpayer in Lake county forfeited

r ing


Eighty-six persons automobile accidents in

1931 to Dec 17 ajhnual report of

Of thej 80 in ^collisions of

plt destrians were killed| a rs Twenty of the qutomoblie-train bullear jcnty-tWo plersons during 1031 the

iHecn persons died tration during the three

summer The heat unusual ini that

du the Ta killed 20 by in the jj

TM cide Tin

last were a fewl

Anijiial JFarnt Burea|u Mee at Gray^lake Jinuar^

T Lakel


CouiJty ho on IO




Mi enter ta prog^a

J Illi F Mi will

Thje usual the t dents by and

M strceJ

Barri Mrl

r ingt daugli

thortty tanc but pare1

as if 11 swam parrot

i i I icar in - M i l l l l M i l

bullbulll-r-i- in 1

ig -if bullinlay bullank-

uas brought -raquo l i ^ i r i c t

-bulla pli--nlid raquoi- i l l am UK MlV

-bull f t - i L- on


that 1 uii-Laamp-Lar -

-A supplies - bull bull I s b y lt bullredi-

bullnhnii- i l m i t i l i

11-- Swreetett F lower

A l i s t smell Is W - 1 i l - iwor l l i


9ut thecoun-well as the

Some1 sec-than last

were lax better

have occurred in pijevious ypars


joint anl County Fit

Farm at fhe

Thursday a in

e and Bob iners from

in at 10 C Watsoti

Agricult Higgins (j

be the usiiai repi interest

reasurers of botii

niial me rm b


n 21]


tlie fwlt|i WBS a m tax expert

ural association f Lake Cfeneva Wis

ers lirts whilt) Liill also Aiecretariek

Ma anageij arm Aidvislor Gilkerlson

and- Mrs

bullh aifp of un-be given by i and presi-

orjjrahizatioris as well as Snfiith Mapager Abney


He M

V l udr]ey j Mae

ngiton G and Mrs

n township tfr Vivia

Owl N o t Ca|rl[W Neu

sajts f thej owl

his Is not With that]

e falcon goose

Lake county according to

Corjiner John L victims 3 0 were automobiles and when struck

victims died erflsbW during |

ccmimitted sui-rppiori shows

heat pros-hot wavits of

proBtfa ion8 nev|er mkire than


iting ofl the |ure iu jind Lake

cjompany will Opeja house

beginning at

blind radio jreill efpen the

of the and

Pdwin-M) arente o(-

jrn emfral hosp

Frank are the


L o n g ] jnnnn a

the |l is sixty untisunll y of othei

|ulture duckl eiJler

Two beautifully new and surpassingly swift and powerful

New aampd Greater Hudson ^

Here are seven adjutages of buying Zeigler





bull-nb ash

bulllt nil responsive bullbullbull )v of hea t

bull-bullbullbulls very little smoke

-tirilly clean in ground i r i picked t o insure


bull Ke ami firm in s t ruc--Stvres well over long

Very little fine coal bulli storage


i i-

Jf for every purpose

bulllaquo not dropped and 1 in loading t o cars

irifitffy forked to gt line coal

A - 0-- 1 1 1

an i pSjlIl

neinhbor -tibout bull ^eiKlcr Corl Ex-

i our bins t r y it _ laquoIt fuul thcsc seven qaal i ty vcryevident i

Lapoundesckulte amp H after-Inc

Phones 5 and 450 HARRINGTON ILL

New ana Q^ater Essex Su Thrilling new color8 gem-like and clear Dashing nev linen longer lower the airplanes j(racefil speeds and streams Scores 3f advi trices over anything heretofore offeree or likely to be available on oth r cam for many months to come in striking new stand-


Of 8




Tjhree Splendid New Serieraquo

Wheelbasei Major 132f-

Sterling 126mdashStandard|

101 Horsepower at 360Or Hue son Speeds 85-90 Miles Silent Second Speed 55 Miles mostatio Carburetor Heat Compensated inherently Balanced Crankshaft Power Dome Anti Conburt ibn Chamber Anti( Siiencer and Air Cteaner Oiling raquoTriphgtSealed Oil-Selective Free Wheeling Silent Constant Mesh Second Frame Twin I Neutratone Instrument Panel Startix Generator Safety Signals Grip Steering Wheel Later AU Seats Adjuiuble F 14 New Models Gem-Like in New Pastel Shade Fitments

Tkttt audalmprttivlaquoltotfitk$r Me txtra eott ilfuttfait tht nrnpltttntt standard tgutpmtift Priciifnm


p m Hour Theri


i-Knock I-Flood

E ubfIo Automatic Cu hion Clutch Syt efajro-Mejih

Gear Mufflerf

bullTell bullRide Controls

GMM Colon

in Ivory

ard equipment features convenience style More you probably e er w|ll all combined in two tinctive quality cars which in its fiejld Sets Value




70 Hojrsepow^r at) 3200 r p Speeds Seyond Speed SO Miles Compensa ently balanced Crankshaft

Choke Intake Engine

Simplified Transmission

f Diagonal Truss bullQuick-Vision Tale Oil and

bullNatural Seat Cushions

Windihield and Upholstery

and Silver Finish

Signals Ride Controls Lateral Spring Seat Cujihions Front and Rear FuH Opening Finger Control 9 Sparjtling N i w Like Body Colors and UJpholstery isi Wbeelbsse Length 113

txcljHtfoi ftatmrn at of Hudttn 1932

S99SMUS9S EOBDitrolt

fa 1 bull - bull - raquo bull i ltJL -frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34 frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34frac34^ frac34

] lalanced Dome i Lnti-Knbck iCdithl ber Intake Siencjer and bullFully djusta gtle jsilejnt T i m i n [ G e a n SupAr J cdelera or 1 ump Tappet i Diagi gtnal Truss

flo AutomaticEngine Oilin Thermostatic HeatControl Triple-SsaledOil-Cushion plified Selective Free Wl eelibg Synohro mission Silent Constai it Mesh Second Gearj Vision Instrument Panel Startix and Anti-Stall bullTell-Tfle Oil arjd Genera1


in J931 or total taxes

Jay B



jyerlbf Wool a daughter

January 0 at fhe ital I folte of Bar-pa rehts of a

n Jan 7 Worn


Ger life] eigl


ipan au-expec-

t years corn-

birds such gjoldeii eagle

raiten and

mqtor cars

lor comfort power than

draw on And r dis-

each at a the Pace for


ml 1 I - | bull

Essex 70 Miles Siljsnt Second

M Inher-EoWer

bust^on Cham-Cleaner

Chain Driven Choke obd

Roller Valve j u |Ouo-Carburetor


Clutch Mesh

flsW Trans-


tor Safety bullNaturLl drip sUtjkng Wheel L mdash iJfjustaWe Heat Both

(rithr ltrith Gem-ii tel Shades

bullM Windshield

Models NewPai


iillllilli|l|lilMll lliiillWIllllllll|lliilllttiib

I ^



THE NEW bull W^iA-vibull igtlaquo I w^t mfpound umjtm Coffee

ALI iliii In the Payton Hotel Buildin^mdash North

will be

pen for Business bullaturday Jan 16th


bl Deriot




The Management Assures Yon of thi Courteous and Attentive Servia


A Plade V^ere Youll Enjoy 4 bull I

Counteror Table Service YOUR PATRONAGE SOLI




Most f I

Eat ing


1 inmiiiiiironiniiiiiiiraquoniKiiiimiiiHiiiiiWiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiii

Big Grocery Stoc Reduced Below C

1 Having sold out to Mr Ed C Groff and as


ho is the moving his stock of Groceries to our sto^e in

Gfroff Building we are obliged to sacrifice o^r^n^ire stock of clean new merchandise at prices below ct)st i

Sale Starts raquo


riday Jan I and will continue

until everything in the store is so

|gtigt Double Bu i for You at Thi laquo ^ ^ - I I gr

If i I Come Early and Get first

Choice-No Items Will Be Replaced With New Stock

i bull j bull [ bull - _ bull bull bull I - bullbull bull -

Evefy Iterri on Our Shelves Drastically Reduced bull

Absokitely Nothing IlfalpMed Positively No Credit to Anyonemdash

Please Do Not Phone in Tour Orders N

i I


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rgt Jlaquo

lltfmmTttwm gt nwHliiii m i n Fifa iraquoFp

^bullft - bull


L E S L I E W McCJLUREJ Editor and Publisher

WALTER It WlMTERINGHAM Business Director and Fpreman

Published every Thursday afternoon- at Barringtor minois and entered as Second-class matter at the B a r rington postoffice under Act gtf March 8 1879



Cards of thanks resolutions of condolence obltuarp poetry memorials and all notices of entcrtainjments or bullodety and church saled and parties given for pecuniar benefit will be charged|for

All communications should be addressed to the


BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS bull _ (Sterl ing Daily Gazette)

F a r be it from The Gazette to Unduly criticize an ladymdashbut the editorial in the Bockford RegistorJtepub lic on Monday Jan 4 under the editorship of Mrs R u t h Hannai McCormick c e r t a i n l y w a s not inspired bj

any real desire to help the republican party In n heavy- weight hairspliting effort Mrs J McCormick intriguingly

tries to convince her readers that a political habit should not be permitted to defeat the republican party She trietf to convince readrtrs of the Register-Republic that President Hoover is a most unpopular President She tr ies to convince her readers that if lie is renominated it will be because it is the usual custom ^ She tries to make her renders believethat it is a Very-foolish custokn to renominate a republican president just because it has bcelaquo the habit of the party toido laquo6

A s a matter of fact those Who remember the national eonvention at K a n a s City whichf nominated President Hoover will remember that Sirs McCormick was one bf the leaders of Illinois who engaged in the dismal failure of attempting to organize a movement which hud as its central idea Anybody to slop Hoover or komej such s logan as that

At Kansas City the politicians did unt wn nominated They were opposed to him then been opiwsed to him ever s ince he has sat in dential chair They thought him they have learned sincje and they laquo o w know that lie is1 nut the type of man who can be twisted around the fingers of the politicians for their personal or political gain And that is why think ing people are for b is renoniination and that is- why thinking people are going to p r d e c t him in spite of ijll the enmity of newspapers of the Chicago Tribune and the Register-Republic type It is well known that no-presishydent in the historyof the republic has been assailed w i p the vindictivenesu the unreasonableness through inujn-

t F I R S T B A P T I S T

Bible school 9 3 0 Morning worship 1035 P V

B njamin Franklins birthday anniversary f ills on next Sunday Account of this event will be tajken in the n orning worship when the pastor -will- speak theme will speak on| A Timely Guide

Si ecial lmusic as well ns congregational sinjing o f hymni adds inspiration jto each of tbest( gospel si gtrvices

Our annual business ImeetIng will be held Ved(neHdny levculi ig Jan -20 bullbull j bull bullbullbullbull

W B plan a George (Washington service on Sunday evening l 4 b 21 Watch for later nnnouncem|nt re-gardiig this special service

cordial welcome to all I


ut Hoover They have the prei-

endo and false statements t President Hoover A systemn has liecn working against hin in the magazines andthe big city papers ever since he

) the same extent is has ic cuiiftuiign of propaganda

was elected Nothing like it was ever known before in America

Mrs McCormick suggests tliat if ii considerable numshyber of republican would prefer to have Mr Hoover step aside as a-candidate for leiiitmiiitition why should not the party leaders Helect xltgtint)bo|ly else Why should Hoover step aside Xo person of intelligence suggests for a moment that lie is responsible for the depression Then why blame him for conditions which no one could control If (inveruur Al Smilh pressimi would have been ben rountrv was in such condition th gress no political iwrty -could rushing back upop us Then wlgtjy bliimeHoover

Even if they do blalne Homer can the voters of this district follow the advice of Mrs McCormick She had her opportunity to lead in this Mute as a candidate for senator Those of us wjho stippotted her in sincerity and good-Will know that result Certainly it would be im-

liid been elected the (leshyf t i s t the same The it no president no con-ltti)p the tide that was

possible by even the greatest st blame Hoover for the election Lewis in Illinois over Mrs McCormick

retch of imagination cent0 of Senator Jim italn

Opposition to President that they are or should

As a matter of- fact the Hoover comes from those who feel be the republican machine1 and not from the voterjs who constitute the republican party Tlie opposition

and the propognuda against HocWer have been directed by thosD who have been who nroj now or who aspire to be leaders of i the republican pa|rty- and not from the rank and file 6f the voters in tfjie -party Look at the record President Hoover has( worked like a coal heaver He has refused to take a vacation l i e has aged twenty-years in three carrying the burdens that were thrown on his disk burdens for which he was in no wise responshysible which no party could forsee and which no party could prevent Must he lie condemned for sticking to his disk working like a Trojan in the interest W his country gt bull

His moratorium program I was condemned by sucjt newspapers as rire opposing ijis renominntion from one esd of the country to the other Yet in the democratic house where the democrats have a majority that proshygram appealed to the common sense of democratic conshygressmen to the extent that it was approved by three to one Can our good friend Mrs MeCortoick suggest any candidate for thepresjdency who could win greater ap+ proval from the leading men of both parties of the nu^ tion In the senate the same program was adopted overwhelmingly Senator Johnson macje a bitter attack on the moratoriummdashbut the- senatecarried it by five to one Do these opponents of President Hoover have in mindany republican who could miike better headway

The house and seriate adopted overwhelmingly Hoovers measure for $20Ot000000 for the vetcraiisof the

country There is every assurance that both houses will approve his $500000000 proposition to release the frozen assets ofthe failed banks and get that money into-cirshyculation That| will be a great help to returning prosshyperity Hooverjs whole program is one of constructive statesmanship The indications are that he will have better support for his public measures thnt nnj recent

president Yet in the face of these plain facts the false prophets are starting a clamor to prevent his rcnomina-tion Beware of false prophets

SHORTER HOURS- Aside from all these tcmpojrju-y conditions] however

it must be admitted by all thibughtfulobservers that a new situating has been growjng on us gradually for years that it was apparent long before the stock market crash and will continue after quotations begin to go up again It is the situation brought about by the invention of so many labor-saving devices The machine age has put great numbers of earnest willing and competent workers out of their jolis and the return of prosperity bullfpr other people will ncit heln them materially Some bullway must be found of adjusting the world to nlew conshyditions j f - - - 1

I f machfnes have cut down the amount of work to be done we should all share in the restilts Less work and more leisure for everybody will give employshyment for all T h i s could be arranged without much difficulty for factory hands and mine workers Just how it is to be arranged for lawyers and doctors and editors i s not so plain Once it i s recognized however ithatf this is the problem which must be solved the world yill find a way-mdashBrooklyn Times



Church News

and Juniors 6 4 5 and Evening service 7J0

Filling Our Place In the evening the on the pastor

R- KVbdquo C It D R U 8 8 E L Past r

S A I N T JAMES j Dundee 111 j

X) a m Holy Communion 1st and jlrd S indays Chora I Eucharist

45 a m 2nd and 4th Sundays Morhing rnyer ormon

- 10 and S gt Church School 030 a m

3 R S GRAY tRectcr

METHODIST EPISCOPAL Tlhere is one place that I cannot afford to miss

to during these strenuous times and that is the Sunday worsh p hour We invite you I to check up on this pef-KIIIS vtntement by attending regularly for two months If not worshipping elsewhere we cordially invite you to our worship at 1035 a m and 730 p m

Cturcb school with separate rooms for the] different ileparl meilts at 0 30 a m ^ -|

Ej worth league at 045 p in j REV M S FREEMAN Pastoir

Supday Ja Go


Suhday jscrvice 1045 a m school 930 a ni

iiuary 17mdashSubject Life [den Text 1 John 511 This is the reccrd

pod hath given to us eternal life and this life i s (klnesday evening meeting 8 p m

Reading room and lending library at 110 N Hough street lopen to the public daily exceptSunday frbnc 130 oclock 9 oclock

to 530 p m Also Saturday evening fjr oni 7 to

S A I N T P A U L EVANGELICAL I Sunday Jniniary 20 I

-j 0^0 a m Bible school I 1())30 a in Mai l ing worship The Pelfect i Y|rgtuth

I bull Thursday^Jnnunry 21 8 pj in Monthly meeting of the Gleaners class at the

home of Mrs Edward Osti i KEViL E KOENIG Pnstolr

lt bull bull - bull mdash r ^ mdash T -

SALEM EVANGELICAL i- The following j services will be observed in Hraquohni

Siunday Jan 1 7 Church school at- 030 a ni Classes for all a Divinewtjrship services at 1030 a m and

pi m Thepastor-willlaquopeak |ori the subjects Author-itly in Religion and Christ jhp Chief Shepherd cfinrch choir Vill assist in in and worshipful - =

At laquo45 p mi Chrisliun E l A cordial welcome- awhits ou at the services o

home-like church

aking the services li



i laquo II iBEF CHER Pastor

The Lutheran church

to] attend its services and


Divine jservices every Sunday j at 1030 a m Bible class and SUnda r schbol at 945 a m

extends to all who are a t the present time without a cl urch home a sincere invitition

classes D l c HENNIG Pastor

I 1302 N 14th Ave iue Melfoeej Park i l l


] ST ANNES Sunday Low Mass 8 a m and10 a m Week days Low Mass 7 a m Devotions in honor of the SJtacred I^eart first Friday

each month Mass at 8 a m Confosions Saturday 8 p m

am by appointment REV JOHN A D U F f l O T Pastor


bull J






Bjy Natiom J (Speci tl

PLAYING POlLiTICSmdashIt is beshya m i n g incnasinfly apparent that a got dly shari of t raquoe legislators are so bury weavinK prjtectivq devices for their political future that even their best iiitentiois for the publics weir far kre sidetracked Their fervent premises for the rendition of a ser-vic) lo not iibe with their pcrtorm-ancesj In a vordj they artf victims of their ltgtwn vanity for these public sorgt vhi ts are uii villingto publicly admit that there iK a liinit to their power Unlesjs the d ist is blown from their

eye i by stroig jvltiiecs lit their baill-wicks the chnncest are that the vacilshylating policit nit( ly A cleiLr non-partisan unalysis of oiigrpsslor al performances to-date through friendly glasses would show tlja eliminating Spectacular gestures lj nothing b||t t | e tapping Jof dry w]el Is


that Son

res 7 301

In AN OLD IIRITISII proverb says

uljuitHy ends i i fijillly This itescrip-ijinOptly covtfrs our imtionnl legisla-iyc situntjon By IOJI of deeds with readily disceriicl pi ii s have be gtn soind by- vanity Hon may be fonild fetbral expeiuljtim enoimous deficit nn|ist be met by econshyomics in cost af government and by bulljnbensed- taxes representatives ing risks nrje thej million governi] joying compara do so means enmity from those on

The elpful


PROSPERITY NEWS Plans for the construction Of a modern emergency

hospital building to cost $1(0000 are being made in Waukegan

Approximately 1000 dmployes have been) adde the pay roll of the Lycoming Manufacturing Co w the last two weeks Practically all departments working on a full six-day week basis

Chicago territory showed Construction contract^ to taling $13640700 during thei month of November most $3000000 were spent on residenth 1 building

Quincy is utilizing relief funds for thraquo cleaning the city parks and employment has beer given to men j-

Construction of a sweeping -compound and manufacturing plant will begin [in Rockfltrd jSoon

Orders have been pouring in to the Carlinville GJlovc factory and the plant has j found it necessary to vork overtime More than 50 people are employed in plant [ -

The Gunite corporation manufneurerH of cast btake drums and general castings Rockford has annoti iced that that beccmbjer tonnage of the conn any will he apshypreciably ahead of any other month slijce the business was started four years ago

St ^re

1 to thin are


up of many



During 193 64 new industries have lociited in Louis 65 plants were enlarged and 203 prospects now under negotion The 64 new industries have given employment to 2533 workers

Edwardsville has launched a city improvement rnm as a means of carrying on uilemployiineiit relief me day-28 Edwardsville taen were given employment

Two large industries in Jefferson City Mo have iaid out more wages this year than they did last year one factory is idle in the city andit iseipeeted that it re-open-soon ] bull -f bull bull

John L Bennet president of the U S Manufacturing wrporation Decatur says that 1931 has been the jiest in the history of the corporation Since August ompany has made arid shipped over 3000000 dprn poppers

Libcityvifle with a 308 per cent gain in builcing started during September over that started in Auj ust gtf this year was well up among the leaders in building activities in suburban Chicago

Editorial Association to The Review)

Wandering irdm This to That

) will continue indefi-

politics Whftt begins in fear

a simple eomprtri-promises it will be that many gltiraquoMl

llnm-strung or poi-A current illustra-inefforts to adjust s in revenues- An

The senators nnd perpetually calcnlat-

n- bull i quniidry Shall authorizp ^ng^ cuts for nearly a

lent employes now en-ively high snlaries To

federal payroll voti ig money fo work nnd then in t le ir district fere ices this yt

i | The alternative is r high-cost government

asking the -taxpayers s to make up thedif-ar -

THOSE OUTSIDE Washington do not realize the temptations of ailegis-latb-to satisfy I he world andinipress the countryWith his importance - It is a natural human fharacteristie but one destined to )lny Itivoc with facfe Jusl now execttive iepaitments are releasing e m p i r e s who imnledrately call on their senators and representashytives to find them jobs when theirs hiiv gt been abolh-hedy The department chiefs point ou that nrfgt- funds are available to tak caf patronage


iraquo care of this politi-The demiuids^oif the

ltigtn|lttifuent caniiot be met wtthont inci Ijfsing taxes) A legislator does not- relivh the ifien of having his job-seeker turned down because it makes polii fciair appear politically- impotent The relatives of the disappointed job-liunler back l i o n e never understand Mul iply this case by the number of congressional menibeTH-anl you have a partial answer |to - the-pjresent ment

T i e most insistent-deihaiul of-the day is to -do something for impovershyished citizens Reflection will show that itj is n problem which will admit no counterfeit remedies Though there is bliviousjy a ned for expediency it if generally -recognized that relief musr not be voted at the expense of good sense In a degree this may account for the iiloftness which marks Cong]-essionai action Veteran lead ers e fbpth parties realize that noth ing nust be em cted intolaw which will eventually leaet against the aushythors] v I - - bullbull- 1


6ut cvilk

Opera Dates The twelfth week of opei3y at the

Civic Opera house Chicago will bring Carmen into the repertoire for the first time in two years Two perform-W e s of the Bizet jwork1 one on Monshyday evening Jan ] 8 anp one on Sat-iiwlay afternoon Jt n 23 will be sung In both Confchitn Stipervia favorite Carmen of Europjenn opera houses will appear in the title role ns guest artist

Ambroise Thomas Migiion v i l l be sungifor ii third time on Ti esday evening Jan 19 There is an jmpor-tnht change in cast for Charles Hack- ett will have the ruin of W| lhelm Meirter

Monday Jan 18mdashnt 8mdashCarmen (Iiii French)mdashOpera lii four acts by Georges Biaet With Consifn Super-vin (guest) Leolu TurniM Reno Mni-soii John Charles Thomas and others Ballet Ctinducfor Emil Cooper

Tuesday Jiui Wmdashnf 8mdash-Mignon (In French JmdashQpcrti in three acts by Ambroid Thomas With Marglierltn Sulvi Coe Glaedis Charles Hackett Vi nui-Mnrcoux nhel i others Ilallct Conductor iEmil Cooper

Wednesday Jnn 20mdash-ut 8^-Miidamo Butterfly (In Ital inn)r-A Japanese tragedy founded lt|n the bltraquobk by John| Luther Long andj tho drnnia by David Bejusco MusicIbyi--Puccini With Rosettn Pampani ii Helen Ornktein Charles Ilncketti Victor Daminnj and others Conductor Roberto Mornn-zoni -

Thursday Tak 21--nt 8mdash-Lohenshygrin (In German)-^-Opera in threj^ bullacts by Richard WnRner With Lotte Lehinnnn -Maria Olsxcwskn Rene Maisoii Hnns Ilwmninn Nissen Ediinnl Habich and Alexander Kip-niii Conductor Egou P^llnk

Saturday Jan ^3mdashat 2mdashCarmen iFrench)mdashOpera in four ncti by

ltH asm

bulli bullamp

Aid GdNTraquo|Alt

by Vfyix ae F^gtraquo$|)n Aiithor o f - P R A C T I C A AUCTlijINJBW CB

orges Bizet pewia (guelaquoit^

lie Maisbn 1 others

Cooper Saturday Jan Rusticana and

W5th Conchitn | Su With Leola Turner

Jcdin Charles Thomas ftallet Conductor Enill

ut 23mdashat 8mdashJCavaller-I Paginicci (In Itrtl-

in)mdash-Opera in one act by Pietro Mas-cagni and drama in two nets by Rug-giero Leoncavallo With Claudia Muzhi RosCtta Piimpanini Coe Glade Marin Chtessensj Antonio -Cortis Charles Marshall Desire Defrere and otheBs Con(hict(frs Isaac Van Grove and Frank St Ijlteger

Violate |Suffrage Amendment The barring of women from jury

lists in Massachusetts under n recent decision of the supreme judicial court of Massachusettsdenies to this sex equality of legal protection contrary to the federal constitution it is claimshyed in briefs filed with the suprepie court of the United States I by counsel for the NationnI Association of Wifmen Lawyers and the national womans- party The briefs were filed pursuant to leave of the court granted on January 4 in the case of Welosky v Commonwelilrli of MasSachusdtts No 564 in which the petitioner is seeking a review of the decision of the Massachusetts court holding that she was not entitled to have women on a jury which tried a criminal charge against her The supreme court has^ not yet acted upon the petition for review

THIS POLICT is manifest in the iienuje debates in which banking legisshylation w i s subjected to searching stushy

dies as ft the rest purposes and might later be c onstrue J as helping bankers Righly gtr wrorgly sentiment exists in congressional circles that bankers are inore or less responsible for the n a t i u s economic ailments1 Araquo a conshysequence ielief measures nre minutely testae for loopholes

ltbull j Museum Popularity Grows bull More than on- and one-half million

persons visited Jpield Museum of Na-tursI History during 1931 it was ar)-nounced by SteiJhcn C Sinims direct-tor of the institution The exact numshyber of visitors when the figures wee checked at closing time Thnrsday December 31 was 1515463

This marks a new recoWi for a yeai $ attendance and makc4 the fifth coniecutive year in Which the One milshylion figure has been exceeded Mr Simms stated The previous record was made in 1930 when the attendshyance was 113327991 over 4 h i c h the 193 total represents an increase of 182664 or approximately 1 3 ^ per





As neighbors they talked by telephone almost every day Then the Barrya

Ved to another town and the friend ip might have ended But th se wise

friends keep in touchby Long I listante telephone and it seems Just Ike old tijmuk Telephone distant friendi today

It it iur aim la furtUh th btt tele icreic laquot Ik cLrguhtwt

tio^ ttUph 4CW nlt iyltmthgtm


mJMng offic

Copyright 131 by Hoyle Jr

One of the writers c o m spondeht Jhaa asked for an opinion on he followshying queatipn which aa he secta ra is not sufficiently or explicitly covlaquo red in any recent book we have bee i able to obtain t o definitely settle th s matter It is orsuch nature that any discussion regarding it is bound t o be gtf interest to all Auction and Contrac t players

Under what conditions i hould the Initial bidder if he has one si it missing entirely or represented b t only a singleton declare no trumi D o the ordinary no trump indicatio ts hold in such cases --

A sound no trump bid i s composed of two elements (I) the pro x r values for the ho trump bid (I) the)proper

l distribution of such values i mong the four suits The authorities iracticallv all agree that the minimun strength on which the dealer should bid One no trump is two and one- lalf quick tricks distributed among a t east three suits The quick trick strei gth must

not only be there but it n ust be so divided among the four suits that jthere is more than a reasonable hance to make the contract A hand r light very easily contain two and one- lalf quick tricks and still not justify a no trump bid If these quick tricks are c Dnfinedto one suit the suit bid is the c irreci bid If these quick tricks are c istributed among two suits only it i i not adshyvisable to bid no trump Experience has shown that with two su ts unproshytected a no trump bid seldoti i is sound For thafreason to justify a aid of one no frump the hand must contain at least two and one-half quick tricks and these should be distributed among at leastthree suits That leavei only one suit For partner to protect or if he also has no protection only on s suit for opponent to make

In case the dealer has a si lgletoh of a suit or none at all expeiience has shown that the no trump bic as a rule is a losing bid For that re tson with this-tybe of hand it is bette r to bid a suit even though hand cohtaii s two and one-half quick-tricks divided anjiong three suits If the opponents bid the missing suit then of course he dialer should not subsequently bid no trump but if his partner should bid the missshying suit then the dealer shou d bidthe no trump on the second row id of bid

Solution to Last

A R b C L B tyoU

ding-A eingletijn M aj voif danger point fcr a l p trum bestproce lureii tojoid a sui shiftito a no turn theblddinjattihat course nee tssary or

The foil gtwimi hat no truiripbids V t | | dealer

Heartsr-KQ J 109 Clubs mdashK J 9

Diamonds mdash none -Spades -^ 9

If spades are trumps and 2 is in the lead how can Y Z win eig it of the nine tricks against any defenie-

SolutionZ should leadbull thgt jack of spades and discard the Jcinj of diashymonds from Ys hand This i i the key play for it prevents Y b^ng forced in the lead to his disadvantages Z should now lead the deuce pf clue s arid Y should win any card played raquoy A At trick three Y should lead t i e ace of hearts and follow with the five] which

Its All in th

Reasts mdash 4 8 | 1 Clubs mdash R J 1

Diam)ndsmdash Spadts-^jK

suit ii gt b and th

first and

) f

PMf^jrvf opadt 1 T - |vgt J |

H^i-4ji Q u b laquo J - T 8 i | | bull^-VdagiT1



bid ls^lronlyif

5edS|T8 U C h a


I Heart ifmdash i Clubs

gt Diamnnds f- Spadlsir-A-]

- All of th Bin C mttfii at lcaa one-Half quick tric|||and tHlt tioh i s of 8 itch 4-na|t|re thai reasonable chaice to bake

The folbwlnj h f f l s ho| not justifiible no Itrump though they con quick-trick bull strengti if of such i natiure tl black type should thenotrunp j |

Hearts tiubraquo Diamc n d s | f ^ Spade raquomdash

Heartlaquo Clubs -Aj 1Q Diamc ads $pades mdash K7

Hearts mdash 4 Clubs - 0 7 Diamc nds Spades mdash-K J

ilf the oA]porienfa suit they v ill bid i but sit tigl t and lfdj

3limp bid Prefer ump biu when t

Siriglciltcjri or void sti rruinyagariifeandri Mernbt ^pbssiblei8 bull

leeks Pre blem W Hearts mdash Ai 7 6 5 Clubs - r A Q 10 Diamonds mdash-raquo K 5 Spades -r none

f P

Itearts Clubs j pound iamo Spades-

Heart smdash Elubs-^-S 4| 32 Diamondsmdash J 3 spades mdash Jbullbullltampbullbull 1

Zj(should trump spades Z 8 ^oiild of clubs anc once any card played by lead his last club fiVe of dianbnds this trick a i d musts

Played in eight of the| nine defense


old t l [gainst

it agj i suit

hand ffland yc

ho and fistribu-ierc is a bid

-vet arc even

Sessary butjon set in

ir than

ttnssmt duit bid-lit a no [he no ains A ilhvin


W-- bull


3i the ien lead

in Y sHlaquo Yshcli

follow js fori

_ jtherefci diamond wl licii Z wins with and then mikes hifiast club

this wiy Y Z icks ai

jilt of e trey lid win d then tth the to win lead a

e jack

$twin it any

A j MAN w^i^iiprt ita ^ ^ mi ch of a| garden ui less he planted seeds a cultivated it regularly

Neither will h(j have mu money unless save an As a garden p mdash saved interest

he sta d does it steid^r

oduces money procjlu ef




Bwihtss NoicesJ^miff

^ffiefoa ikihilk-amp t^Mpound$mlthki$h^j jb


I Capital laquond^urplua $16(pound OOfj ti J LAQ1BSCIIULTE Chairmanof he bdquo bdquo

A L R D B E R t S O N Presldelifc 1 bull H O W A R D ] gt CASTLE Vice Prlaquo Idcnl

A T ULITSOH Asst Ct shjer H E L E N B ME IER i s s t CafeU gt I AH LAG 2SOHULTB Asst C i f s h l e r f


Howard P Castle l i w y e r George JHtigcjr - Lafeschulle laquo Hagc^ Inef Precl Hobe n Retired farmers JL J |laquoMseMulilaquo Chairman oj| the Board Walter N ndweif V N i E s n d w l J I Co I r v m E Landwer Ileal Estate Management) A f t B


- I lti




Orr HarryPIerj m M ^

Ponies Wtn in SeesaV 1 Warren Boys to ^lay

Helaquo Friday j

T h 0 ItnrriuKton HW pound -entheir ^ n d Kame o f j l h e w

r l laquo y nlhlt wh^n laquo 1 raquo ^ laquo

hbdquo vei-laquorlaquon Wswonda nve 18 to Htnrted riiiiwr s|owlf


VCnnM ^ wne defenses Vnlaquolaquon-rH banlcet from thegt to -L the I ^ ^ 0 8 Ame-W B a S i B

theenrraquoe first Half B o p A n t seoreiHWlc^from Zi nn1 three t i m laquo from th ch^ y t o t n k e laquo T gt 2 earl

fbdquo tlie enrly nnrt of Ue second bullhere was Wtje wrorlnR nrtd the Jauee betwer-n the tww tcam^ rems about mark

Thlaquovlm the MAlt-1nN npP | rcnVgt

Inure peiraquoltbullltbullbullbull bullbull - mdash- - about the wiiift At thU thri nuar mnrk nnrriiiRton laquoWlaquoW laquo g

Mbdquobdquore with their shots Wto WiUiiims rniul Hlaquorcybdquo WlaquoJJ-

bullthree bullhiiKkits^npWef- the Bran bull0Vertnraquok iui1 muni their rivali the midille f the 1ns quarter H

coiida then l)|raquoenM up With St rmiKe hamiRe in which Bafceley

iiiroiiiiMiis -lraquooth seored prettjr| hut DiirriiiBton bad too lante A to overcome The thrillinfe Inst q iter mure than rondoupampkthe

W of the tirht half U_ The Harrington Rnardi - Mfi And Thorpe deserve a lot of tcredi holdinp down those clever Wa^w forwards Biiseley who is one of hottest forwards in the confereneb

only nMe to connect witjitwo^ and both1 of tlrem were cliiieult t iBohhy iVolf did not-get ft iy bagt but hewas busier than a cranbi m|rcliii)t at Christ ria-s tryiiirw dAvii yaiuonltln8 k0-re i r --^

loonies Stae Comeback^ The Ionies got nack injhe vici

ephlmn with a 17 t]rgt lOQwiii o v ^ Waiieoiidn lights1 JThey ca userf ndlierenls quite n few herrous Wtes however (for they fritti-rec^ ai a 0 In 2 leadkvhieht they held at half nnd let Wnuoonda taltJ tftft_ away from theijif Cpnns three bi

|ets aiijl lirnnclts two kHgtp them itettiiiR swamped in the Meraquohd Beernianand Dave Oinujlijhnve doing raquoi Ilflek Wilson jtliltl Inst pie of games when it comW to get

baskets but they may Mart hiti again soon bull L |

Warren Here Frjdaj Warren township ^igh seiool

CJiirneu 6rthwest hoirfereriee eliamtis Instyear will iiniraclp the

fl h I

rington gym this Mm Keltbn has another rfij zone defenses and his up of a series of Wo tfl which

ni^hfiCd i laquo those tsect


be plenty ha4-| to-ston hostile nifiial traquovo Kamesj HghtwoightH lorklpg -hor laquo BarrineMn will alsiraquo melaquot rnafinr the Pnjntino- floor onsTult sday nie

ensjit 1raquo ltraquohich Tbpw with - ^ 7 -


bullTan lil This Bnme wrtU Hiednhvl ibdquor Saturday ntiht hutl heen postponed to the TllPeflav

The box score

bullUroiulms 1 R _ Williams f Wneironer f-

rn a

Wolf Thorpe pound MeiMter (j Miller f Orahenllt(gti-t



Wniioojfla RnseJev f Howell f ^Vimfttl rgteelh- c IfironinitiN



-t (f

1 0

Sorfei^i hraquoit 1


ii Ft 1 0 1-0 0 -6-o

T imdash


o 1-0 0 o


-1 0 0


yenbull Ronie

Rarrini Att^nlnirv ^ deg fapiilU ( Ollll

^ n - t a p n l i i Kra|iit s Heerinaii ^hristinnjjo- Meiners gtniiiii tftwlnm|

_ Totals

Unusual ly^

n e s mdash +bull-


i i 3 0 raquo Q-

0 J -0 o

bullbullbullt bull-j



1deg-- iO~

0 0 0 0

1-= 0L_ 0


arm Weather ^ Sets New OfficialJRecdi

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^rmJh-ofr i t

I r I t i ^ t h ^ ^ o f r o f A)

bullInnimrj 3 l M r hlm stated oral

for the P i M f ihlaquolaquonce hnsSii bullrnwliv hlT ^ t ^ 1 t h e ma^wHc

bullbullbull St ilF a s hnr f t h laquo bulllaquoraquolaquolaquo hhd frac34 8 d ^ a n a p o l r K Inlt

W - 2rr poundbullbullpilpatp r gtflaquoslgtviD i n raquof In form^ ^1^ T h laquo M l o Khrllr mtgta 8 ^ ^ given bj M

Tl -- ~_ I laquo d M n e l w n r e r W f o r e ^ raquo toJ 8l^r pound 5 ^ Y dinlaquottc 4laquogtaitTolaquo

moSi Maeem^t^aU aigtbdquo 8Juwd cotomeJitrBl 1 Rented p e r i o d t e nHreIy lorip iJ T r

^ ^ ^ o ^ B r ^ B e ^ w

f bull -

--J-1 mUmMtmtSmmim Jt 12^



0rr Williams and Harry Miller Star-in Final Barrage

o n l l bdquo win in Seesaw Ti l t

Wiirrtn Boys tQ Play

Here FridayV



i l l T

l l t l v



IIIKII h e a v y w e i g h t s

f the week on

ln laquo r a c from

bull-ArUt t o d e f s a t

iivjp18 to l

s l o w l y w i t h

stumppltl by

defense J a k e

-run the corner

(-11- by F a r r i n B - tirit half w h i l e

-1 twice from the - irgtm the f h a r i t y

- bull bull laquo I

- f thgt- second h a l f - - iir and the d i s -

ti-nnis r e m a i n e d 1 v bullbullbullbull three quar ter s

llnly h e c a n t o - tlt Led by Orr

Mil ler w i t h the Bronchos

1 thijr r iva l s in bull bull i|tiirter W n u -

wi th a long bullgt ii Base ley a n d

-gtbullbull pret ty c o a l s 1 -bull lirsie u lead bullbullilium last i |iuir-

- i) for the sihiw-

- l i inN Mei s t er bull 1 f credit for

1i T W a u e o n d a i l niie of the

bull -i nferenee was bull w i th two shots

- -=bull difficult o n e s

i bull L-t any b a s k e t s iim a cri i i iherry

bull- i rv-ini to keep

bull M I lt Dinrliaek

-i in the v i c tory bull 7 bullbull In w in over the

Ilu-i bull iu- i d their bulliTcinis mill-

bull - - f r i t te red awny [ lt- - 1 - l i t l i l at the

V f -i -I r (ki file lefljl i i -nil t l iree buck- - bullbull kei P tinin from

bull bullbull bullIn-- -111 half 1 i nntl i h i ve been

-bull t i n - I-1gt I C O I l - bull bull III - I- bullbulleitine

bulllt-bullbull ---ivi h i t t i i i K

Jefferson Ice Bowlers Drop Series to Riggs

Kids Elgin by 12 Pins

Riggs Kids bowling team of Elgin triumphed over the Jefferson Iclt teata of Barrington by a narrow mar (fin gtf 12 pins fof a three-Rome series gtn the Kelly hotel alleys in Elgin Friday night

Each game was a battle in itselfmdash the local team taking the first game by a matter of four pins the Elgin keglers winning the second by^18 pins and the locals coming back to take the rubber by three pins ^

Franklin gchroeder anchor man on the Jefferson team set the pacS for individual scoring with a 202-202-224 mdash628 series

The Elgin quint will play a return match here Friday night The scores for last Friday nights match follow

Riggs Kidsmdash P Schmitz 20 16 181 548 Hake bull(bdquobdquo 173 886 |102 601 DaWlek 153 192 156 483 Wekerman 168 165 214 J547 B Schmitz 140 162 180 482

Totals^ 810 Jefferson Ice Co-

W-essel 154-C MeGowata Mitchell Gerdau F Schroeder

1 Totals

190 -136 138 202

922 i

- bull

162 210 159 170 202

923 2661

175 178 176 173 224

491 578 471 481 628

820 903 926 2649

Pohlman Drugs Still in Lead of

for First Place Latter Team Seeks to J in Lead Only 200

Pins Behind



REYliSWy^ARROT^ ^ iJ^DAYf - frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 1 -frac34frac34frac34frac34


junior high ied by the brilliant playinj of Lattn a 87 0 victor) bull over the

fhe Cadwallader teams hold on t place in the Lions bowling league

became less secure Monday night when Hagers V n ^6 1 1 cracked the maples for a total of 2358 pins against the Beerman teams 2246 Hagers team rolled itself up to with- in 200 pins of the leaders so the meeting nest Monday night promises to be a battle for first place

CadWalladers team nosed out the Pomeroy aggregation by 40 pins the oral score being 2198 j to 2158 pins

jomeroyk men stillneed quite a few ]gtins to get but of the lower berth in ljeagues standing

Beermanmdashbullbull 132 14 144 138 127 128

]i Plagge A Sass Catlow IcClure L Miller Beerman

Shoups Confectionery Five Wins Three Games From



lriiligt 1 J - ihool bull - l i t leu co-

bull i I- the H i i r -

bullbull i n - l i t Coach bullbull I thu-e touch

)-bullbull is made which wi l l Tir i-ill with thjj




Iohlman Drugs Lipofsky Clothiers and Greengard Grill howling teams each garnereltl two games in last weeks schedule of the Harrington fowling league and as a result held

1 their respective first secondand third | places the fcjame a s before the two 1 weeks holiday intermission

Shotips Confectionery quintet trishyumphed in three panics over McLeisshyters team and moVed up to tie for fourth place wjjth the Barrington Reshyviews The Confectionery boys have licuM^howinc some excellent bowling Intefppind may hand-the other teams some surprises before the season is aver

So far each team has ftlayed 30 games almost one half of the comshyplete schedule The seasons schedule contains 61 games for each team


Tuesday J a a 5 Liliofsky Clothier^mdash

Purcell 159 16fl 163 485 Ilnwlcy 12raquo 140 157 420 Zitzmnu 138 138 138 414 Carr 7 164 188 158 485 Beerman 151 159 144 454

gtgtlt R-

gt h-

T i

7 -M i l i t inn nn - i lnv nisht

bulllt iTMinillv i i i ht but has




bull w






full gtwing

F T 1 (i

1 bull n

(raquo 0


Totals 735 783 740 2258

- -Cameron Real Estatemdash P Landwer 156 214 J Kiimics 141 141 J Welch 150 119 1 Hager 150 147 C McGownn 192 154

161 141 114 142 149

531 423 38frac34 439


Barrington J McCoy J

Uarbisch Burton Miller Conn

789 775 707 2271

Reviewmdash 133 390 132 122 147 136 1 4 2 144 180 152

210 1321

157 135 146

533 386 440 421 478

Ti- ta l s 734 744 780 2258



o ltgt


R-r- Hi- bull 11 - X

amp ntNi1i|



bull 1-

i -


V Kc - I J - bull v bull


bull bull

bull bull bull bull

K ^ gt bull

l( I-



() bullgt raquo 0 0

gt () 1raquo 1 tgt 0 1

1 1 1 iraquo 0 (gt

bull lt bull ltgt 0

s 1 bull

u V i r m W e a t h e r

^ Nraquow Official R e c o r d

bull - iininih 6f the 1 i h IIIN gtnfimied

bullbull bullbullbullbullbull- raquof 11)32 has - lunatic conditions i-t n|- | |bdquo Hooky

raquobullgtbullgt miles J B i I ivisinnof Agrl-

bull -~gt f tlv bull Chi ted in stated orally

bullbullbullbull HI-fa lice has halaquol ltl lie eVimnte which bullbull Meridian Miss hi- had the climate

11 Iiidufunntdis Ind bullbullbullbull of Nashville

bull nit rift follow- u raquo s laquoiven hy Mc

Miller Brosmdash Xorton Peters [ Miller j Schreiuer

( 1 Meyer

T o t a l s

K19 133 160 143 147

143 159 145 123 180

176 M 9 IS 3 1(0 168

488 441 428 426 495

bull i hefnre been So long bullbull climatic conditions th r((gtrds go Occa-i-ldai-ement for a sin-cii used comment but

is entirely unpre- i i l



ltbullbulllaquoraquo Bring Restate

752 750 776

Thursday Jan 7 S l u m p s C o n f e c t i o n e r y ^ -

A Marten 1 5 8 A M i t c h e l l bullE H e u e r F S c h r o e d e r E W e s s e l

T o t a l s

McLeistei- i V S c h r o e d e r G r a h a m bull^cjiaubh I l o i m i t h ( j e t d u u


Pohlman K Scherf L Yeoman I Landwer E Gleiije J Dneschleif



t 57 34


157 165 157

120 225 157

436 416 255 120 548 471

Totals 1 718 735raquo 793 i 2246

Hager-1 lager Paulson dol lar

M i l l e r n g d a l e S a s s bdquo

160 137

155 148


176 1U 146 151


1180 150 147



356 484 430 306 327 455

Totals 737 801 820 2358

Cadwalladetw-Ifohlman 141

Sehweirim -196 W Catlow 135

iimlberg 141-If rjlagge adwalladert

Totoifl J

Pomeroy-(jlhivreh Iavy (rreengard Iteffernani ^clireiber


144 153

8tandiii|g Team



l iager H eerman Iomeroy


(36 games eaehj Pins IJi-B

bdquo26i857 ^ 0 2 26057



2 58 2347 2259

Si-G 851 828 846 834

Lake Quintet Bows Before Strong Defense of Salem Team

| Salem cagers won a fast and intershyesting game fiiom thegt strrbg Crystal Like team Wednesday night hy a 2C -17 scbrp The Crystal Lake cagers failed to penetrate the strong defense of Barrington j |

The Salem eager took the lead and led 16-8 i t thj end of I the first half Hirder and| Gielaquoke were1 the high sorers for Salem while Lundahl and Buhrow ^ poundere the higli Icttre^s for Ciystal lake

The next ganie wijj be wrth the sfiong Late Zurich team at Lake Zurshyich Tuesday night Jan -Ml On the fo) lowing night the Salem team meets thi- Austin Boulevard (Jmiitet of Chi-cngoj citjf champions pt tilie church

761 84raquo

Greengard Grillmdash M Lines 174 170 I Banks 153 124 K McGownn 141 212 R Brown 109 164 Cadwallader 138 180

143 180 145 124 7X83

487 457 498 397 501

Totals 715 850 775 2340

Standing Team Won Lost Pet

Pohlman Drugs 30 10 667 Lipofsky Clothiers 18 12 600 Greengard Grill gt17 13 567 Barrington Review 15 15 500 Shoups Confectionery i 5 15 500 Cameron Real Estate 13 17 403 McLeisters 12 18 400 JkUBer Bros 10 20

leigue fqi the past t^o years game wilt be played at the Lake

The Zur-

ICII high school ifynl- Preliminary ga nes have beenarranged before the main game

Salem fit u scher Tate If Ilirder jfl Parlikrg Giesk Ig


Orystal Lake Kltok rf Sciuette If Bu hrow c Gutiske rg Polhlman lg 0 Li ndahl rf Kcuhnert rg Htimann rf

Totals tef Hoffman

Business Notices Bring Results

last apnea rat clt

out the Arlington

a 12-sccond

team after thJt visitors hail staged a last ninute n 11f that ended Just one point short Both Barrinj ton teams show much iinnrpvement pinte

Grabmkort f Olms tea4 f

Kers mw t L a t t i c MuifevY-j Deissper graquo

r Totlals

and shoi ld stronjg oppositjio|i for the undefeated Algonquin boys next Friday

Barrington 3)7-)1- FG 3

1 1 12 0



Ar ington Heights 6 - ^ Koppiin f 0 Vernon f - 0 Miad icls c ^T 1 Adair s g 0 Tuiry g if 0


anted bullof -^4

Holg i t s lndtf last Friday evening and incidentally increased their to 150 in t i c conference Lattn a s high point man for U2 field ijiojils or] a total poijnis

Arlington wW allowed bujt goal the bajame of their ing iccured b r f r e e thrpwf

Th e bull lightweights nosed 11 V i n over

turned in Arlington

^ss^K^ri^^fm^nw^^m^^ ^qiW^pltw l i f w ^ w r ^ - T w i - T i ^ - bull j


their make


aturedonS at Catlow Sunday

laquo ( erven on

low Si Earth Pardon




qs and jThe Chlamp Coming to Screen

Ken| Mnynard tidpular hero of the western dramas is seen as a Texas ranget in his- lajtult thrill-play Alias the Bud Man which plajja The Cat- low Saturday njglit

Susiiense tlwills h a r - r a i s i iig riding stunts and an iictioh-fillcd] battle between Maynard anil the]chief of the cattle rustlers are t i e big fea-raquo tttres bull bull

Short siibjedsJ selected for this pjrogram includt ft Slim Simmerville corned cartoon iportlight and news-

Nex j -Sunday- i ifternooii and evenshying Tlip Rosebndu a clever group of youngsters iif a kiddie presentation will IM presented on the straquoge This groiiptif nine talontcd hoys and girls will ofer 30 minutes of kidilie frolic

The swreen feature for Sundays show v ill be Heaven on Earth with Lew Ay res starrel

This picture hritf d^flnitrgtly regisshytered us Lews bciit screen effort since All (wie t on tlie Wester i F r o n t s and tells an nbscjrbing stoy of life oh the Mississippi river w th young Ayres oast as the son of a (steamboat captair I

Ijew Ayres supporting cast in eludes Slim SimnicrvilU Anita

and many fch ic Sale in fkfnny A Slip will

Jraquor6vide the comedy feature for the

Lain el and Hardy comedia as khown gtr- pictures

shown nights comedy

next Monlay

s i tuatkns in this

day the


in their ull-length Pardon Js The

their j dlley and Pardon U s wi l | ^laffinj est corned iei

Wedi ie8day Tl u ihts bf net

force are

pi esentation WAlli

other not M uctors

arc shown and

tvill be psday

ea ture hilarious right up

audit gtnces for |see on $

on the ay

week raquo f little

ace Berry

a ad ill

Lost 20 Lbs of Fat In Just 4 Weeks

Mrs Mae West of St Louis Mo writes Im only 28 sectrv old and weighed 170 lbs until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks agltL I now weigh 150^ lbs I also have more energy and furthermore IYgt never had a hungry fflomept

liat folks should^fake one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a g i n s of hot water in the morning beshyfore breakfastmdashits^the S A F E harm les i way to reduce as tens of thous-ancaof men and women know

Tor your healths sake ask for and get Kruschen at Fredlund DrUg Co or aby drag storemdashthe cost for a bot tie that lasts 4 weeks is but1 a tr i t e and if after the first bottle you are not joyfully satisfied with results

bulln ioney back f

Mplusmn Wltrifeaj-^h

of the screen

Fri bring

Jackie in The

tch iour

ELS What s|ould wojmAn do to kltlaquop their bowels moving1 freely A dob tor should 1 now the aiiswer Thu t u why bum Snrup Pepsin is so (ood for women It just suits their delicate organism It is the prescription of an old fanily doctor who has treated thousands of women patieMs and who nude a special study of bowel troubles 1

It is fine for children tojo They love its taste Let them have it every time tht ir tongues ire coated or their skin is i allow Dr Caldwejls S^rup Pepsin s made from fresh laxative herbs jure pepsin and other harm less ingredients i

When youve t sick h(adajhe cant eat are bilous or duggisn and at the times when you laquore most ant to bamp constipatedtake a little of this famous prcsciption (ill drug stores keep it ready in big jottles) and youll know wiy Dr Cildwells Syrjip Pepsin is thlt favorite laxative

er t million wo otenl |

Da W 8 CkL-owCLt

YUIJP gtEPSI ( A Posters Family Laxative I mdash - J mdash raquo [


^^^i^^^^^^tmmim waM


Oflee over Pohhnans Druf Store

Hours 8laquo to900am (K to2K)Opm i(K to8^)0pm

Sundays by Apboiatment

Office and R sidence Barrington 2

D R B P G R i L B I R |



830 to 9

7 laquo 4 Sunday



HOURS 30 a in 2

880 p U W 12

K ne



bull bull bull - t l bull bull bull - - - ^ - - bull]bullbull - I - bull l t


o8 t noon

J i r t BANK

arringion 23

SpeciaUj lint in Diseaces of Wonu|d and Chfldfea

HOURS Tuesday Thursday and Saturday

23( to 430 pm

Telephoie Barrington 525

130 Park Ave above Peerlgtss Market




[- paouRS 9 t gt 10 a m

i 2 traquo 8 p m -7 traquo 8 p m

Sundayi by Appointment

Bartington 801

Hudson-Bssitx B Main St

Telephoi e Barrlngtot 235

1717 Conway Building 111 Was Washington Street

CHICAGO ILL Tel Randolph laquo856 _

ilaW4gtlaquoraquoMliraquo-- -V-j Evenings 525 copyrove Ave bull bull Tel Barrington 502


usiness Director


Barrington Phone 403 -


118 N LaSalle St

Phone Dearborn 0399

bull v - i-Vii bull i-



112 West Adams Street


Telephone Randolph 6144 V

Howard i t Brlntlinger Telephone Barrington 660-W bull





E Main St

Barrington 52

By Appointmeit for your i ouvenience




135 lark Avehi Phone Birrington 301-J

HOURS 630 t ) 830 p

t)ther Hours and Sun i by Appointment





Successor fo


Phone] Barrington 77 115 E Main St


Office In Pohlman BallAnk 127 E Main St I 127

Barri Ington


0 to 12 lt 1 to 5 p 7 to 0 p


Tel Barrington 471

- HOURS 9 a nL to 6 p m and 7 to II p m


801 B Main St

Phone Barrington 458

| Banilnttou





- i- - - ^ 1 - bullbullbullbullbull - bull

60S Summit Street

Telephone Barrington 650-3

omoAQQ bwnca 134 N LaSfcUe St

Chicago Phone Central 4646


105- W Adams St laquo CHICAGO

Telephone Franklin 2788


- Barrington Phone 32-J


JUSTICE OF TflB PEACE (Cook County) (

8agt West Lake 8trelaquot^ bull Telepnone Barrington 634-J

v N -- Chicago Ofnce - - 20raquo W WasbJngton St Room 1401

Telephone Franklin 0122


Chiropodist and Foot Specialist

i -



Diseases and Deformities of the Feet

CHICAGO OFFICE 2020 Garland) Bldg Phone Centra^ 8005

Barrington By | Appointment Tel Barrlngtdn 248-W



bull I l

Office Hoars 9 to 12 a m ad 2 to 5 p m I Evenings by Appointment

Telephones Residence Barrington 588-J 8t6r( Barrington 298-W

Readers of the Review find this

directory raquo eapvcnleptj index to

bushiess and professional Bar

ringtoa When In need of some

specuv service they inrn to fids

page quickly to locate firms tote

phone numbers streei addresses

ftiM dugteetorjr has been raquo feature

j f l i yean

W raquo for almost 44


HENRY J GKARMAN Phuto Tuning aad-



E xpert work on alt repn dddl

or send S card 41


Plagge Home FtirnikMmt 6e


FREDLUND DRjUaffO 100 W Main


Phone 54$



Ifbull bull bull fl-j 111 -it s -th laquo5 i


i I







102 N Cook Sreet

Tel Barrington 2 Ftjill



1 i


bull raquo bull

n bull i ^ laquo


CALKINS Etawating and Grading


Tennis Courts Bbwlir|Oreias

4 B A R R I N G ^

H C A L K I N S Phon A S CALKINS] Phott4 4 W


^Li raquoraquo


-frac34 ii tl

Erery professional nsn in Baningfo) hi i name aaorfsB niunber and hours ef Ir this directory laquo I et ery week and mall eiery home In the 0 ber directories nay tl Is directory -ut wiek i


SERVICE INC 217 East Smtlojn St bull


bulli fin j ]

Furniture Remgtvalj d LongDi^tan

bull If embMPj

United VaWsiervljce

- ii- bull 4ryr GuaranteMi w


COST - -



r $ HX rlt i

fV bull u ft



ift 4





Local Brevities Mrs Blanche Ford ill nt h laquo

home 721 8 jCook street

Mrs Kdwaird Ostj 20laquo S Cook utreet spent Saturday) with her sister-in-law Mrs Kdward j Wicjkershpim of Long Orove raquoho hail jdst returned from the Libjltrtvville] hospital where die was tnkeij New Yearns Fflaquo after lgtelnK injured in an iuitnmobile aelt|i dent

Sir nnd Mfrlaquo T Garfield utreejr will a vacation of two West They wijl v Oklahoma CI bullikla que N M Hefore nia where thej will v friends in several cities


Dockcy 1frac34) leave todii-jr for

months in the sit rutatmw in

and Albuqncr-ing to Calif or-

l|sit relatives nnd of that state

Association Asks Help in Tuberculosis Fight

A training class for Sunday school teachers will be organized Thursday evening at the Saleni church It is to mect-bnee a week and will be under the direction of A Carsten-a-n

Mr and Mrs Paul Clark and famshyily 532 Orove avenue returned frolm Abingdon this week and Mr Clark will resume his duties at the high school Monday

Mrs John Horn and infant daughshyter June Alice returned to their home 502 Grove nvenue Tuesday

Volmer Anderson of Chicago who hYs many relatives and friends in Birrington underwent an operation fof appendicitis Moilday at the- St

onys hospital in Chicago His ition is reported to be satisfac-


Miss Amy Anderson retu-ntd from the Itavenswood hospital to her home at Honey Lake Sunday Mis Ander-son is recovering nicejy from nn opshyeration for appendicitis

Mrs Delia Cady 213 E Lincoln avenuevisited relatives in Libertyville Saturday and Sunday k

Mrs P L Anderson 628 Summjt street who returned from the Franshyces bullWlllard hospital recently is imshyproving in health nnd able to be up

Walter Ahrcns 21 street is recovering frim tack of tonsilitis

2 W Russell a severe at-

jp The home of Mr ajnd Mrs Lnwr-^ ence T York 40 E Kussell street

is under quarantine- Mr York is sufTering from an at alaquok of ^scarlet fever

Mrs Henry Will ljlVbullWashington street who iins been ill the pnst three weeks is so much improved that she is able to be up nnd around in- the


Thn monthly clinics maintained by the Lake County Tuberculosis assoshyciation for the examinations and sushypervision of the 40Opatici)t)i-wlio arc sick with tuberculosis In the county cannot be held Jin 1032 unless the people of this county cooperate to mnke the sen saj^ a succhsH accord-frfc to Ruth HcmMekiSOTij executive secretary of the association

The meager buduet upon which we are now compelled to (wottk does not permit school examinatiojiN or any

bullother phase of tmbl i c lipilth work which might prevelit the sp^nd of this gi-ent white plagin Miss Itendrickson stated |

The-neriountiesi$ of thin] situation is revealed when one renliz^s tliat 2W8 children active cjise of j tuberculosis are today attending classes in the scbools of Lake county

Lake County Tuberculoijas associashytion lias no menijs of support other than the returns from the ChriltmnK Seal sale There are no state or coun ty appropriations made flaquojr the care of patients suffering from tuberculous in this county

Childrens Reading Club to Be Formed Wednesday raquonhlt

A Book WormClub fdr girW and boys of the sixth seventh iand eighth grades will be formed at the public library Wednesday afternoon Jan 20 and will meet at 5 p m every Wednesday thereafter f lect ion of officers and the rehding of ^ulps which will govern this n lt w reading club will comprise the program for the first meeting The first twcnt|y-five boys nnd-girls who cone will W eligible to join the organization There will be a waiting list fof- any others -who wish to belong

Club meetings vill not be like the story hour jield for younger children

State Nevbd

Tho Century of Progress sion authorized by the last lcgii 1 has been appointed by Governor LvEmmerson The groupwill vise erection of a state buildfyig Worlds Fair in 1033 The leraquo provides lt that) Governor E shall be chairman with Li Governor Fred ESterling and e r David E Shnnahaii art me Those named -by fjoverttor Ein arc StiJte Senators Roy Wood i bullV (JiMiham Chicago Florence BoliiTr Hloominijton Hit Bnrr Jol iet Charles H T Ilarrisburg State Reprcscn Homer 7 Tilt(e O r o e n v W Schnnckenbergi Frank Ryiln K King Chicago Itichar 1 J Miiiidelein The fiillowiijig were also named Noble Bi Juduh George F Ilaiding Ai T CltzarnltScKi wtlloejor of cut V G -Hermann J F C o r i e l i u s Ideiir Illinois Academy of Paul Demos all of Chicago limn Leonard Karclier Fred P Watson Mt Vernon

Fine Mri Ft

W Baker Kewanec Col H son Pana The legislature i i ateed $350000 for a btViMlnfc preparation of exhibits

c^mmis-nture Louis super-at the

legislation miderson

icu tenar t 3peak-nbers

ipcrson nd K Fiffcr

hoihpson aitlvles R jJ-

nm yoris fsons

ha id


tgt FraquoIP




Ill pc

at 2 p m every

L A K E (Furnished by

Company Guaranteed 2^0 Waukegan 111

R C Ross extension specia agricultural economies at ihe of Agriculture Univers i ty of has announced that the 22 cut which Illinois farmers mad fall in their winter wWat speeds up a downward adjustm a c r e a g e ^ h i c h has been going most without interruption sincp The 22 per cent reductionfor is more than twice as much average reduction for jthe country - I

1st In (follegc

inois centj this)

acreage tit in

)ii al-1919

Illinois the




COUNTY the Illinois Title

Abstracts of Title Title Washington Street

Tel 4)

bull Chester-Callow 112i WMaiii left Tuesdny for a six weeks vacatiojn on the Isle of Pines whiiili is nhout 100 miles south of Havana Cuba Durshying Mr Callows absence Miss Helen Glenson 722 Second nVenue will Jake his plnce at the organ in The Catlow theatre

Mr and Mrs AVilliam Dawson 30 ) Lincoln avenue left S inday for Florshyida where they will abend thewinter months

Buzzards Lin itaitiont With its Ilinnnkalili eyesight pov

er of flight and size there probably Is only one1 reason why the vuituru or buzzard Is not one of the tuos active pursuers of living prey in stead of feeding upon dead or help leas preymdashthe absence of talon f with which to seize laquond hold living preymdashCuppers Farmer

FremontmdashH Ruura amp w)F to C Milshyler QCIgt laquo10 U t 17 Blk 12 Ar-tliitr Dunas Mundelein Manor Sec 25

II Ruurs 17 Blk 12 n Manor Alundclci

FremontmdashC Miller to amp wf jt tens D $l | ) Lot Arthur Dunas Sec 25

FremontmdashtJnioii Bnnft i)f Chgo to J Avon amp wf jt tens Dgt$lb Lots 13nnd 14 Blk 8 Arthur Dunas Munshydelein Manor Sect 25

ElamdashH M Overland and J Over-hmd to V Overlaid QCD 10 P t of SIC qr of SW qr of Sec 35

Waucondraquo-f-J if Johnson amp hun to T V Johnson QCD 10 I^its (K) 01 amp (12 Einicrest Sub Sees 23 25 and 20 bull j

WaucoiKliijmdashJ d Kelly amp wf to H Wagner amp wf j | tens W D $10 Iot 03 Maiinailsf 1st Adda to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

WaucondahmdashII E Maimiin amp wf et al to J Ci Kelly wf jt tlt Lot (Kl Maimans 1st Add i to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

ElamdashC W Ofit amp wf to E Ost amp others w r i N hf of N W qr the S W qr of NA qr and N E qr of MV qr of Sec 20

Fremontmdash-Union Bk of

qr N E

Chief Highway Engineer Fin Sheets has anlaquoiounced t in t highway divisioi _has under wa for constructing the equivWlcnf 200 miles o f T n w - two-lane roads in 1932 I t i s estjmate^l this extensivp st|atc-wide progi givlaquo| employment to between and 35000 men Tlie hig|hway ment will insist on the employm



local labor whenever^ fair rate of wages


Directoir Leo Hj Howej of t partmJMit of trade nnd coiiimercb announced that th j Insurance dty one of tin largcs reyenue agencies at the state | g n turned intlgt the st raquote treasury 1931 $6(|373705 T This only $40000 TCBS tha|gt the collie for the previous y^ar

annll of the div the I second tral Sttjtes cinnatij O congress was from Illinoit tucky- ailaquoB0 to consider


3[ Paul static planni i nouiiccd five planning Hon of the KiUigtn of Ian

isijon of forestry

Jiaj meeting of ewry congress

December 3 to made up of Indiana IowK

uri Ohio and the problema anlt|l

late forfestry in the Central region Mr Springer was the j board of directors for a thrtfe yi

(llac gyton chairniai igf tjommiasion broad-objectives

cse include dejtermiiia-st Sensible type

I nrijas to dirfeiii iioi

anded r__ Cen-

t Cin-I This

c elcgat ea Ken

Tennessee stimu-

lot elbcted to Iieriod of



of the uis an-of state

of utili-thc deshy

velopment of localization tion to which go jtf of the typi maintain a plete a coir which ^rill ordinattd and lirtper vaatrcsoui

a second distribution and of industry and popula-

(letermine the elements to the pattern and plaiv al urban-rural area to high standard to comshyprehensive plan | program bull

mejin the systematic coshyrd economical development

onservatioii of all Illinois S



A HANDY MAN wanted to take care of fires and do

jobs around country place live on place References Address 2212 Barrlngton Barrington III


Senatltr rimes Ilaniiltbn Lewis will be honorpd lit a ilaquoeptiou to1 be given By tho Illinois State ^ociety at Wash-( ington at i t) first meeting in the new year on Jti dary 21 All we repre-sentativcls i rom Illinois and their wives willlc in the receiving line

bull NOTICE bull

Not feinonsible for any traced Jgty anyone othW |ltn A Jij Sclirojljer North nve rlnjrtflin III L

^ mdashu Business Notices Bring I


t tut the Subscriber Ellen ncy Executrix of the Will of

rtnlaquoigtt deceased will nUcnd

nk TJ inois

plans of 1-

c|o(ncrcte that will

10000 epart-ent of at a

MODERN fcir rent in 3 bedrooms and basemeni strejet 32ogtWi

MODERN JSIX ROOM house for rent at 5C3 Grove avenue Reason

able Inquire at 439N Coot street Tel Barrington 209-J1 1 r

FIVE ROOM furnished

Strictly modern refrigeration Dundee avehue or 849

OLD LOG road one

ich for (rent $10 0 0 a n

qr of N W

Cligo to D Lot 7 J If I Conperlaquo amp v f jt tens

Oak TerraceSub Sec 30 FremontmdashJr IL Connors^ to A

Brady W D Pt of Lot 7 Oak Terrace Sub Sec 30 also ^ot 08 Second Addn to Oak Terrace Sijb S E qr of Sec 30

FremontmdashA JJ Brady to J| II Connors amp wf jt itens P t of Lot 7 Oak Terrace SubJ-Sec 36

Waucondamdash-A Bchling amp wf to V Behling W D Lot3 Blk5 At Home Sub Sees 25 aiidj 30

F U R N I S H E D Barrington Livi

i kitchen breakfast L Call at 642 N

telephone Ba

H O U S E room

nook Hough

rrington tf

FURNISHED apartmelit for

Oil heat Mrs H L

Tel Barritig

or un-rent

Electric s a on 28

FIVE wooded

tate district Price ronly Box 21 BarH

for faje Beautifjully igli located in finest es-

near bull$ W highway J

KOHLER 1500 wajtt

hauled M ton 395-JW

^iECTHflC LIGHT ilnnlaquo for sale Recently ovcr-


LOST OR male cat

black tipped large cat ton 325-J

PERSIAN with larlaquo]e

not-ify Mrs ringt(u 310

ACRJraquo FIVE Ijby private

pwee or no 2111 Barrington Illinois

Prqbate Court of Lake Count) eof to blaquo Iiolden at

Hoise in Wnukegaii In sahjl t |0 first Monday of

li|whcn and where al uiig clnims against said

yiotilied^nrid requested to ] tjanie to said court for ndjuldication

E L t E N ti COURTNEY ^bullaukctran 111 January cent- ^932

Philip Young Attorney

$^550 per acre ington 111

Ow nerj

Telephone Barring-


STOLENmdashGray and tan with black stripes and tail and feet Unusually Reward Tel Barring-

CAT lost dafck grey and bushy- tail Kindly

E A Bcermun Tel Bar-


FOR CASH wanted lgtarty~ Give location and attention given Address

i Review Barrington

r I

drive car otjier odd

Not to required Review

i ebtjs con-n myself me Bnr-



jfivon L- Court-Tomes V

the atntenn

ijhe Court County

Majrch next persons

bullstnte are picqcnt the



1 Aikilonwrs rdegW AuoU in on thf o ] locate I 2 mil

Will Mil at man farm ltDunuec 3 miles Nortjlt of Crystal new Dundee

in n large sharp on 1 I Sat] 4raquo l^BAD


19 CoWsr-Soma Springers some spraquo-r Registerod

Thts hilaquo of GueriiNtj first fimv sey sale and abort I in tho cuujntry were houghit them for them have must be fore sale cldse right know my rfputn be seen It down anft Terms





mile East bull ofj ( of Elgin 8j

I rtke pne-hnlf -GilbjFts roal IJB i|ve will Rtjl

i w laquobull IWU 5 south jilles ^-amp this laquobull1230

Jaii 16 |9 f OF RJBAL OJtfK m^ ciyslating of ome ^TenH Bala

lO^Ielfers |fl itiXlnjria lWfr l l

Jue^jiey^n except lofinll

H and it gt evct had a

Iliesekowlaquo a testefi apd u bulllaquoraquo Wisc|

ibylfjpurty t oVjuV herd




ii MHB00tJ0iiifiN^ All M i t will ftjo Uii^ bdquobdquo

laquolf htti BULL

raquof Il lunifli vm th tiftern-

it^lltod llOllslJt

Thev 1 liini(-iit iiiost (if


as I know tl Wn ak| vo PuMtttiL ThMti ( Uvs mubdquo

he WiipreclHt | w buy some cheajj KV8


h A^ttowraquo mu(t k- tud deridianie dai n j Snligt

JOE KVIDEPlit 1 V Myer C

AUCTION SAL Frank Gahlbeck AJict H I H Shoppe


Having decided toquit log raising1 will bell af publi old Sell rage Farm fir st farm eastfi ltfi Nebfls cor) road 2frac12 miles north )f Schaumburg 5 mil^s soj

Monday Janu - lt] bull bull Beglialng at 1 oclock shjjrjilaquo

6 0 Head o f H o g s 45 Gil

auction lt on Hi of Pal

__ r_ fan|o March land AptfiT 20 Shoatswt ampbii | 75 lbs

25 wi|from 100 to [ l l raquo J Chester White Boar 75 Chichenel SO WhbeWyan- dottes 2SLeghonislB IIpullets Brooder houie Chichi n coops 400-egg Tyco Incuba-or used bull one seasonj Hot Bias Hester Grain elevator Corn c rusher Drag cart Land rollei Thistle machine a ] Wheel

barrows 1frac14 h p Fairbanks mdtor Riding cultivator Pti mp-Jack Timothy seeder |TJuik heater Grindstone Home-made tinnier

M l Trucli and Rattle rakj good condition^

Hay rake arid gear Oil jtnd C laquo l Bugtner Wooden jslocktaik Good dumi wafOln Cookjsampve Washing maohliie with gas

bull bull bull i bull bull i All |shte vlndOff storri

dows M i screens MIW strainers milk claquoM|er Nome n n luiober Wonsbi l id stra Tablesan I chatljs Wa^on-bo arid If car

fERMSmdashCASH _ (

u (

t - -






WN 209 to 215 Park




ISHINNERraquoCO le 3 7 1

104 W Main St I Barrington HI





Stewing Hens


Pork Steak

irtm S L I C E D

Beef Liver 15




bull G E N U I N E bullbullbull

Lamb Stew 3^is



tn Roast



gtlaquoraquolaquo25lt -j F-^N-CY-

Leg oE Lamb


Avemdash210 to ate er

Station St

^ilTURDAY M bull

Part Wool ^ r arm Lined Color Gray raquoea

Big brother Fill Cut Heavkr Denim

31ue fcambray

Blealhed 81 inches Quality i

$179 ea^C

39c to89c Good O C i per yd laquoviraquo

Sheeting Unbc|olaquoifiyncfcr yd 23c 23c 46 inches wide


cs ai b

Grocer SALIf PORK lb FRESH LOIN per PURE PORK SAUfeAGE hiilk lb PORK LINKS Heidelberg lb Ripe Bananas 3 lb t I G A Yellow Lauudrfc Soai| lgTaais 10 for 4 3 I G A

Cqp- mdashDel Maisj Ni whole kernel J cam

Aljnerican Family S oap 5 bi ra Fan^y Applesauce

Soap Chips large phgsi 2 for 29 I G A Beauty Soap Gold C ream Bari bars

23c value) for J^ i-l G I A White Floa tirig ampoa]) the B ath Soap bull

Supreme each 5 10 or 49 I 0- A Cocoa Hard water Soap 2 bars 1 5 Household Cleanser] I G Aj 3 boxes 13

blets Vrouuih Packed



No 2 can Aunt Jemima Pane ike Flour 2 reg Cbmet White iloaeiElici 2 Mb pkgs Libbys Rosedale A pricjots lg cans Extra fine sweet and juicy naval fejrlaflgei

dozen ^-^^--^ - -- mdashu-vJSgn Iciiid 99laquo Fresh Eggs and Buttltr art declining Come ir Saturday and see sp ecial pric ss on th se necessities

Moats is 18 15 28 18

New York Pack


s27 28

10 pkgs 19

16 1 5

T 1-frac34 A D L HT - A N D S A V E

ywt raquo Y A L h j

STORES B E S T - Q U A L I T Y mdashr~ ALV t AYS

Independently Owned

SPECIALS for Friday1 and Satiard

Cranberries Fancy J lbs t e c n s Stringless Greer l b s raquo 5 c

Pet is Fancy California l b $ 2 5 c

Let t luce LgFan 3yHlt ads lbs 1 Swlt e t P o t a t o e s lbs I S p u j a c h CurleyL^af 3 l b e l


lt bull

M e n per

POTATOES Large White Cobblers bag ORANGES 200 size Heavy w i t h iuice do GRAPEFRUIT 80 siz TANGERINES APPLES Stayman Wi^iesajp

I Grimes

10 h do

lbs fo) tuslhet

OUR ROYAL5lb14c|Z4i lb

^AE^at2tbI iol^r PURE CANE SUOiUl ( ^Mlb tMc^ kles^ Tlaquof f

A K l laquo 03 Score or KHttr M$^J

r Peas AUT NO x 1laquo cans

ON SALE OXYttOL 1 lg i sm both for 2 3 T(raquo]Aro SOUP VanCam^s

OATS Royal Blue Quaker


Royal Biw

How Plaquocim T l p i i Ik ChioVlVf |fej

Brookfisld B2 geerf Or TMtoti

Tiny m kti 8lftlaquod laquo C I B Z rciiasJ

3 can flaquo 3 No 2 12


raquo raquo bull raquo bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull bull raquo H raquo raquo bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull p l


28 17frac12

9 CAKE FLOUR Virginia Sweet

nl idi ll - L bull 8 frac12 ^ PUMPKINI Ar-BeNo 2frac12 can 9 No 2 can

APPLESAUCE No 1 can i raquo raquoraquo


We Deliver Pto^e 6 l S Not a W E GUARANTEE EVERYTHING W E S


I tubbi samp


R I C M - l b pk HONEY s m

lg glass 1 lb BEEJTS No 2 Ar SYkl StfYbERCAifi

siti all

i in kf th ai i i tec

JUtCE kr S|


bullBj SHce^lJ JP Maple itnl Cane 21 oz

1 if t iw


mampM l^fjiiiQi^ 1

i^hM^^^l laquofe laquo l bull I

Thlaquo R tuiat1


T le r lmas In eiU

the Barr ing t raquotfraquofcB

PerCa ofEducMwttft 2 7 S c ^ S h ^

ItarrtaRton Hjfch SchMlJ

93041 i LoterTKb e

Tlbdquo -raquoni|wirallvc

AltbU^ S t a C V KrmWS Smithy

i bdquo i i i r i i i ] 1 d nrbull hiKh Hfh^t 6laquotilaquon 0 ^ frac34

bdquo1 IJgt tho per laquoM)ita aw

r T nrivolnt by dm

I bvh^^f pnpbatf

COIlaquotlaquo Of

yenr iiie tlio srhool - I j

Of 1 -JT M-liwllaquoraquo 1 laquo M pound 0f ilistriM per

Hut riii

MixJ lWI tlltj rtKhtU bdquo ilaquo-^laquoi T-r ilaquolaquoKM copy laquo


-i7st for 1 03 1^ nfwrtliM ^15() eapiin

c^tinii is dulaquo I

srliool follows

|Ii)igt Srlliraquoi| llnmiiioml Irjd

A w l^gtinm(ilaquoifv Bluom Township -

Dmuk Ilimurani Thon1 Yvw To Pulnt inltgt Towuship

tKlKin Harriimioii IMslnct

bull Proviso -Towiifhip Hint 1-lnml (JHitmijiiHyj

bullQnk IaiU 11 ml Uiv^ rnwn-fhip

H(iiiAigtlaquovilli ltVraquogtulaquoui)iy TlivifiiiHi Townsfiii

1 bull wimirit la lthmews vrollOTMltr The list of iij

- i TnltfimVlS j^

A-i) s h i p

V bull t ltraquoval^bull-

bull NfjJltciIKo - j - =bullbullbull-bull-bull- bull AHiniiuMi Iloiuhis To^iiMtii n Jolilaquott bull bullbullbullbullbull_ bullbullbullbull J Aniiorli Towiisliip Lihiiiyvilh1 Towtfsl ip IAOIIS TowiiNhip


IX 7-3 ii2 bull

^1 2frac34 - amp 25

26 -28

(Jrnnf Township WiNlraiidil Kill Township bull ^ Mjilinraquo Towm hip 1j lfvaiisioir Toivnship Tgt

^ VnrrlaquoMi Towhship j r Niw Trier Township Ijoyiliii ltojnnnmitv iWrlifld-Shiohls M Smilti tins tr rtCord of t|raquo

jCiipita oitsts of sovoji of thlaquo-k-hoitls for tluv year V^V-lit jours Iurlior Tho compatisnil of hvo srhooj viiir costs i Is

HiK-li ^iliool t020-2T Pjilaliuo $iSofJO BnrriiiKtou - 1ltUgt07 Arlington Jlk-ights 1S040 Proviso bull -f m)m Whcrtyvilh ^18500 Leyd-ii SOOIM) Oporficld-shiclds 24gtL$)

Elgin Lions Entertained Ky Ixtcal C liib ^lemb

r f bull27Jj

laquo3 1 n

19 bull bull amp fas -x

Twcijiy-tvfo KlRinJ JTJampiisf ^BltJ other visitors fronf I Moitdnv iiiRht ltif tho lt-lid) al dinner foll(jvod ontertjilaquoti)mraquont1iind n round

KollowiiiR dinup^ j Paul

irriiipton mn

t_ tei BerRer

world the

K BW croup

| vninhn-jllc faiiio AvhJ) Krnlt)iously [ mittwl lie ^iis tho

mnfciraii cntertainetl mnkiiiK riirds disapppora^d laquoW eomltgt out of the air nnd hy articles of femininlt iiitirp vlaquowt iMieketN-of sweral of the Of tlje Hiirrhifjtnn club

T|ie howling niatciim-nt ky jilley inelHdlaquod pickedbull t bdquo iiwrpliwttir IJoim d u b mVgttinif lraquot fowlers nntonp t k- Ktj

pxtcas frorii meml

the Jji bull i ihi ijjf

n visit

Park Ridgi Man AppointedCc^

of qirat] Naim

raquolaquobull inat rgtf the


Ajiiioii|ilt|Henl- w J-wrd of director Mbdquo

raquolaquolaquo raquolaquoraquo$ of llHrrlngtonj ^raquolaquoK ThftT-dfl-yfnhwmrf WPIHMiiii ofChnrbis A ^ l i - (1s vMWr 0 wtion - -

Mi KlKtier has ]jaj

11 ltViral TW Claquov bullf^MhwWnf state bank m

iSn^ inmtradelaquo



Kjr- bullKiwt-foltPji

iVnpob KlSBJl ] tye ii


[Kraquon laquoj

f IilN

^kt yfj laquoii ^gt Jjf

l x Families Are Um|er Scarlet FeverQuaraiii

S i l q m r i ^ M for laquornrfctfp

J J t raquoox t^w d ^ ^

^ 1 ) raquo ^ in t h i ^ i n e i m

n bullraquoUuiiMiiHiirf8|ilaquoIw^i||

RorftveHmr FVoiH injury H

bullCrr h f l r-52oalaquonnii^ bullto U i n laquoraquolaquo^nlaquol tlaquo -k^S u poundk lA tnm

bulltfor^L WU tvtrade wtM lH S^rofdw ttanlwtre Coi

A plusmnA A

Page 6: Barrington Area Library · & Months of .31 Reviewed in Brief Oulstandinu •

lltfmmTttwm gt nwHliiii m i n Fifa iraquoFp

^bullft - bull


L E S L I E W McCJLUREJ Editor and Publisher

WALTER It WlMTERINGHAM Business Director and Fpreman

Published every Thursday afternoon- at Barringtor minois and entered as Second-class matter at the B a r rington postoffice under Act gtf March 8 1879



Cards of thanks resolutions of condolence obltuarp poetry memorials and all notices of entcrtainjments or bullodety and church saled and parties given for pecuniar benefit will be charged|for

All communications should be addressed to the


BEWARE OF FALSE PROPHETS bull _ (Sterl ing Daily Gazette)

F a r be it from The Gazette to Unduly criticize an ladymdashbut the editorial in the Bockford RegistorJtepub lic on Monday Jan 4 under the editorship of Mrs R u t h Hannai McCormick c e r t a i n l y w a s not inspired bj

any real desire to help the republican party In n heavy- weight hairspliting effort Mrs J McCormick intriguingly

tries to convince her readers that a political habit should not be permitted to defeat the republican party She trietf to convince readrtrs of the Register-Republic that President Hoover is a most unpopular President She tr ies to convince her readers that if lie is renominated it will be because it is the usual custom ^ She tries to make her renders believethat it is a Very-foolish custokn to renominate a republican president just because it has bcelaquo the habit of the party toido laquo6

A s a matter of fact those Who remember the national eonvention at K a n a s City whichf nominated President Hoover will remember that Sirs McCormick was one bf the leaders of Illinois who engaged in the dismal failure of attempting to organize a movement which hud as its central idea Anybody to slop Hoover or komej such s logan as that

At Kansas City the politicians did unt wn nominated They were opposed to him then been opiwsed to him ever s ince he has sat in dential chair They thought him they have learned sincje and they laquo o w know that lie is1 nut the type of man who can be twisted around the fingers of the politicians for their personal or political gain And that is why think ing people are for b is renoniination and that is- why thinking people are going to p r d e c t him in spite of ijll the enmity of newspapers of the Chicago Tribune and the Register-Republic type It is well known that no-presishydent in the historyof the republic has been assailed w i p the vindictivenesu the unreasonableness through inujn-

t F I R S T B A P T I S T

Bible school 9 3 0 Morning worship 1035 P V

B njamin Franklins birthday anniversary f ills on next Sunday Account of this event will be tajken in the n orning worship when the pastor -will- speak theme will speak on| A Timely Guide

Si ecial lmusic as well ns congregational sinjing o f hymni adds inspiration jto each of tbest( gospel si gtrvices

Our annual business ImeetIng will be held Ved(neHdny levculi ig Jan -20 bullbull j bull bullbullbullbull

W B plan a George (Washington service on Sunday evening l 4 b 21 Watch for later nnnouncem|nt re-gardiig this special service

cordial welcome to all I


ut Hoover They have the prei-

endo and false statements t President Hoover A systemn has liecn working against hin in the magazines andthe big city papers ever since he

) the same extent is has ic cuiiftuiign of propaganda

was elected Nothing like it was ever known before in America

Mrs McCormick suggests tliat if ii considerable numshyber of republican would prefer to have Mr Hoover step aside as a-candidate for leiiitmiiitition why should not the party leaders Helect xltgtint)bo|ly else Why should Hoover step aside Xo person of intelligence suggests for a moment that lie is responsible for the depression Then why blame him for conditions which no one could control If (inveruur Al Smilh pressimi would have been ben rountrv was in such condition th gress no political iwrty -could rushing back upop us Then wlgtjy bliimeHoover

Even if they do blalne Homer can the voters of this district follow the advice of Mrs McCormick She had her opportunity to lead in this Mute as a candidate for senator Those of us wjho stippotted her in sincerity and good-Will know that result Certainly it would be im-

liid been elected the (leshyf t i s t the same The it no president no con-ltti)p the tide that was

possible by even the greatest st blame Hoover for the election Lewis in Illinois over Mrs McCormick

retch of imagination cent0 of Senator Jim italn

Opposition to President that they are or should

As a matter of- fact the Hoover comes from those who feel be the republican machine1 and not from the voterjs who constitute the republican party Tlie opposition

and the propognuda against HocWer have been directed by thosD who have been who nroj now or who aspire to be leaders of i the republican pa|rty- and not from the rank and file 6f the voters in tfjie -party Look at the record President Hoover has( worked like a coal heaver He has refused to take a vacation l i e has aged twenty-years in three carrying the burdens that were thrown on his disk burdens for which he was in no wise responshysible which no party could forsee and which no party could prevent Must he lie condemned for sticking to his disk working like a Trojan in the interest W his country gt bull

His moratorium program I was condemned by sucjt newspapers as rire opposing ijis renominntion from one esd of the country to the other Yet in the democratic house where the democrats have a majority that proshygram appealed to the common sense of democratic conshygressmen to the extent that it was approved by three to one Can our good friend Mrs MeCortoick suggest any candidate for thepresjdency who could win greater ap+ proval from the leading men of both parties of the nu^ tion In the senate the same program was adopted overwhelmingly Senator Johnson macje a bitter attack on the moratoriummdashbut the- senatecarried it by five to one Do these opponents of President Hoover have in mindany republican who could miike better headway

The house and seriate adopted overwhelmingly Hoovers measure for $20Ot000000 for the vetcraiisof the

country There is every assurance that both houses will approve his $500000000 proposition to release the frozen assets ofthe failed banks and get that money into-cirshyculation That| will be a great help to returning prosshyperity Hooverjs whole program is one of constructive statesmanship The indications are that he will have better support for his public measures thnt nnj recent

president Yet in the face of these plain facts the false prophets are starting a clamor to prevent his rcnomina-tion Beware of false prophets

SHORTER HOURS- Aside from all these tcmpojrju-y conditions] however

it must be admitted by all thibughtfulobservers that a new situating has been growjng on us gradually for years that it was apparent long before the stock market crash and will continue after quotations begin to go up again It is the situation brought about by the invention of so many labor-saving devices The machine age has put great numbers of earnest willing and competent workers out of their jolis and the return of prosperity bullfpr other people will ncit heln them materially Some bullway must be found of adjusting the world to nlew conshyditions j f - - - 1

I f machfnes have cut down the amount of work to be done we should all share in the restilts Less work and more leisure for everybody will give employshyment for all T h i s could be arranged without much difficulty for factory hands and mine workers Just how it is to be arranged for lawyers and doctors and editors i s not so plain Once it i s recognized however ithatf this is the problem which must be solved the world yill find a way-mdashBrooklyn Times



Church News

and Juniors 6 4 5 and Evening service 7J0

Filling Our Place In the evening the on the pastor

R- KVbdquo C It D R U 8 8 E L Past r

S A I N T JAMES j Dundee 111 j

X) a m Holy Communion 1st and jlrd S indays Chora I Eucharist

45 a m 2nd and 4th Sundays Morhing rnyer ormon

- 10 and S gt Church School 030 a m

3 R S GRAY tRectcr

METHODIST EPISCOPAL Tlhere is one place that I cannot afford to miss

to during these strenuous times and that is the Sunday worsh p hour We invite you I to check up on this pef-KIIIS vtntement by attending regularly for two months If not worshipping elsewhere we cordially invite you to our worship at 1035 a m and 730 p m

Cturcb school with separate rooms for the] different ileparl meilts at 0 30 a m ^ -|

Ej worth league at 045 p in j REV M S FREEMAN Pastoir

Supday Ja Go


Suhday jscrvice 1045 a m school 930 a ni

iiuary 17mdashSubject Life [den Text 1 John 511 This is the reccrd

pod hath given to us eternal life and this life i s (klnesday evening meeting 8 p m

Reading room and lending library at 110 N Hough street lopen to the public daily exceptSunday frbnc 130 oclock 9 oclock

to 530 p m Also Saturday evening fjr oni 7 to

S A I N T P A U L EVANGELICAL I Sunday Jniniary 20 I

-j 0^0 a m Bible school I 1())30 a in Mai l ing worship The Pelfect i Y|rgtuth

I bull Thursday^Jnnunry 21 8 pj in Monthly meeting of the Gleaners class at the

home of Mrs Edward Osti i KEViL E KOENIG Pnstolr

lt bull bull - bull mdash r ^ mdash T -

SALEM EVANGELICAL i- The following j services will be observed in Hraquohni

Siunday Jan 1 7 Church school at- 030 a ni Classes for all a Divinewtjrship services at 1030 a m and

pi m Thepastor-willlaquopeak |ori the subjects Author-itly in Religion and Christ jhp Chief Shepherd cfinrch choir Vill assist in in and worshipful - =

At laquo45 p mi Chrisliun E l A cordial welcome- awhits ou at the services o

home-like church

aking the services li



i laquo II iBEF CHER Pastor

The Lutheran church

to] attend its services and


Divine jservices every Sunday j at 1030 a m Bible class and SUnda r schbol at 945 a m

extends to all who are a t the present time without a cl urch home a sincere invitition

classes D l c HENNIG Pastor

I 1302 N 14th Ave iue Melfoeej Park i l l


] ST ANNES Sunday Low Mass 8 a m and10 a m Week days Low Mass 7 a m Devotions in honor of the SJtacred I^eart first Friday

each month Mass at 8 a m Confosions Saturday 8 p m

am by appointment REV JOHN A D U F f l O T Pastor


bull J






Bjy Natiom J (Speci tl

PLAYING POlLiTICSmdashIt is beshya m i n g incnasinfly apparent that a got dly shari of t raquoe legislators are so bury weavinK prjtectivq devices for their political future that even their best iiitentiois for the publics weir far kre sidetracked Their fervent premises for the rendition of a ser-vic) lo not iibe with their pcrtorm-ancesj In a vordj they artf victims of their ltgtwn vanity for these public sorgt vhi ts are uii villingto publicly admit that there iK a liinit to their power Unlesjs the d ist is blown from their

eye i by stroig jvltiiecs lit their baill-wicks the chnncest are that the vacilshylating policit nit( ly A cleiLr non-partisan unalysis of oiigrpsslor al performances to-date through friendly glasses would show tlja eliminating Spectacular gestures lj nothing b||t t | e tapping Jof dry w]el Is


that Son

res 7 301

In AN OLD IIRITISII proverb says

uljuitHy ends i i fijillly This itescrip-ijinOptly covtfrs our imtionnl legisla-iyc situntjon By IOJI of deeds with readily disceriicl pi ii s have be gtn soind by- vanity Hon may be fonild fetbral expeiuljtim enoimous deficit nn|ist be met by econshyomics in cost af government and by bulljnbensed- taxes representatives ing risks nrje thej million governi] joying compara do so means enmity from those on

The elpful


PROSPERITY NEWS Plans for the construction Of a modern emergency

hospital building to cost $1(0000 are being made in Waukegan

Approximately 1000 dmployes have been) adde the pay roll of the Lycoming Manufacturing Co w the last two weeks Practically all departments working on a full six-day week basis

Chicago territory showed Construction contract^ to taling $13640700 during thei month of November most $3000000 were spent on residenth 1 building

Quincy is utilizing relief funds for thraquo cleaning the city parks and employment has beer given to men j-

Construction of a sweeping -compound and manufacturing plant will begin [in Rockfltrd jSoon

Orders have been pouring in to the Carlinville GJlovc factory and the plant has j found it necessary to vork overtime More than 50 people are employed in plant [ -

The Gunite corporation manufneurerH of cast btake drums and general castings Rockford has annoti iced that that beccmbjer tonnage of the conn any will he apshypreciably ahead of any other month slijce the business was started four years ago

St ^re

1 to thin are


up of many



During 193 64 new industries have lociited in Louis 65 plants were enlarged and 203 prospects now under negotion The 64 new industries have given employment to 2533 workers

Edwardsville has launched a city improvement rnm as a means of carrying on uilemployiineiit relief me day-28 Edwardsville taen were given employment

Two large industries in Jefferson City Mo have iaid out more wages this year than they did last year one factory is idle in the city andit iseipeeted that it re-open-soon ] bull -f bull bull

John L Bennet president of the U S Manufacturing wrporation Decatur says that 1931 has been the jiest in the history of the corporation Since August ompany has made arid shipped over 3000000 dprn poppers

Libcityvifle with a 308 per cent gain in builcing started during September over that started in Auj ust gtf this year was well up among the leaders in building activities in suburban Chicago

Editorial Association to The Review)

Wandering irdm This to That

) will continue indefi-

politics Whftt begins in fear

a simple eomprtri-promises it will be that many gltiraquoMl

llnm-strung or poi-A current illustra-inefforts to adjust s in revenues- An

The senators nnd perpetually calcnlat-

n- bull i quniidry Shall authorizp ^ng^ cuts for nearly a

lent employes now en-ively high snlaries To

federal payroll voti ig money fo work nnd then in t le ir district fere ices this yt

i | The alternative is r high-cost government

asking the -taxpayers s to make up thedif-ar -

THOSE OUTSIDE Washington do not realize the temptations of ailegis-latb-to satisfy I he world andinipress the countryWith his importance - It is a natural human fharacteristie but one destined to )lny Itivoc with facfe Jusl now execttive iepaitments are releasing e m p i r e s who imnledrately call on their senators and representashytives to find them jobs when theirs hiiv gt been abolh-hedy The department chiefs point ou that nrfgt- funds are available to tak caf patronage


iraquo care of this politi-The demiuids^oif the

ltigtn|lttifuent caniiot be met wtthont inci Ijfsing taxes) A legislator does not- relivh the ifien of having his job-seeker turned down because it makes polii fciair appear politically- impotent The relatives of the disappointed job-liunler back l i o n e never understand Mul iply this case by the number of congressional menibeTH-anl you have a partial answer |to - the-pjresent ment

T i e most insistent-deihaiul of-the day is to -do something for impovershyished citizens Reflection will show that itj is n problem which will admit no counterfeit remedies Though there is bliviousjy a ned for expediency it if generally -recognized that relief musr not be voted at the expense of good sense In a degree this may account for the iiloftness which marks Cong]-essionai action Veteran lead ers e fbpth parties realize that noth ing nust be em cted intolaw which will eventually leaet against the aushythors] v I - - bullbull- 1


6ut cvilk

Opera Dates The twelfth week of opei3y at the

Civic Opera house Chicago will bring Carmen into the repertoire for the first time in two years Two perform-W e s of the Bizet jwork1 one on Monshyday evening Jan ] 8 anp one on Sat-iiwlay afternoon Jt n 23 will be sung In both Confchitn Stipervia favorite Carmen of Europjenn opera houses will appear in the title role ns guest artist

Ambroise Thomas Migiion v i l l be sungifor ii third time on Ti esday evening Jan 19 There is an jmpor-tnht change in cast for Charles Hack- ett will have the ruin of W| lhelm Meirter

Monday Jan 18mdashnt 8mdashCarmen (Iiii French)mdashOpera lii four acts by Georges Biaet With Consifn Super-vin (guest) Leolu TurniM Reno Mni-soii John Charles Thomas and others Ballet Ctinducfor Emil Cooper

Tuesday Jiui Wmdashnf 8mdash-Mignon (In French JmdashQpcrti in three acts by Ambroid Thomas With Marglierltn Sulvi Coe Glaedis Charles Hackett Vi nui-Mnrcoux nhel i others Ilallct Conductor iEmil Cooper

Wednesday Jnn 20mdash-ut 8^-Miidamo Butterfly (In Ital inn)r-A Japanese tragedy founded lt|n the bltraquobk by John| Luther Long andj tho drnnia by David Bejusco MusicIbyi--Puccini With Rosettn Pampani ii Helen Ornktein Charles Ilncketti Victor Daminnj and others Conductor Roberto Mornn-zoni -

Thursday Tak 21--nt 8mdash-Lohenshygrin (In German)-^-Opera in threj^ bullacts by Richard WnRner With Lotte Lehinnnn -Maria Olsxcwskn Rene Maisoii Hnns Ilwmninn Nissen Ediinnl Habich and Alexander Kip-niii Conductor Egou P^llnk

Saturday Jan ^3mdashat 2mdashCarmen iFrench)mdashOpera in four ncti by

ltH asm

bulli bullamp

Aid GdNTraquo|Alt

by Vfyix ae F^gtraquo$|)n Aiithor o f - P R A C T I C A AUCTlijINJBW CB

orges Bizet pewia (guelaquoit^

lie Maisbn 1 others

Cooper Saturday Jan Rusticana and

W5th Conchitn | Su With Leola Turner

Jcdin Charles Thomas ftallet Conductor Enill

ut 23mdashat 8mdashJCavaller-I Paginicci (In Itrtl-

in)mdash-Opera in one act by Pietro Mas-cagni and drama in two nets by Rug-giero Leoncavallo With Claudia Muzhi RosCtta Piimpanini Coe Glade Marin Chtessensj Antonio -Cortis Charles Marshall Desire Defrere and otheBs Con(hict(frs Isaac Van Grove and Frank St Ijlteger

Violate |Suffrage Amendment The barring of women from jury

lists in Massachusetts under n recent decision of the supreme judicial court of Massachusettsdenies to this sex equality of legal protection contrary to the federal constitution it is claimshyed in briefs filed with the suprepie court of the United States I by counsel for the NationnI Association of Wifmen Lawyers and the national womans- party The briefs were filed pursuant to leave of the court granted on January 4 in the case of Welosky v Commonwelilrli of MasSachusdtts No 564 in which the petitioner is seeking a review of the decision of the Massachusetts court holding that she was not entitled to have women on a jury which tried a criminal charge against her The supreme court has^ not yet acted upon the petition for review

THIS POLICT is manifest in the iienuje debates in which banking legisshylation w i s subjected to searching stushy

dies as ft the rest purposes and might later be c onstrue J as helping bankers Righly gtr wrorgly sentiment exists in congressional circles that bankers are inore or less responsible for the n a t i u s economic ailments1 Araquo a conshysequence ielief measures nre minutely testae for loopholes

ltbull j Museum Popularity Grows bull More than on- and one-half million

persons visited Jpield Museum of Na-tursI History during 1931 it was ar)-nounced by SteiJhcn C Sinims direct-tor of the institution The exact numshyber of visitors when the figures wee checked at closing time Thnrsday December 31 was 1515463

This marks a new recoWi for a yeai $ attendance and makc4 the fifth coniecutive year in Which the One milshylion figure has been exceeded Mr Simms stated The previous record was made in 1930 when the attendshyance was 113327991 over 4 h i c h the 193 total represents an increase of 182664 or approximately 1 3 ^ per





As neighbors they talked by telephone almost every day Then the Barrya

Ved to another town and the friend ip might have ended But th se wise

friends keep in touchby Long I listante telephone and it seems Just Ike old tijmuk Telephone distant friendi today

It it iur aim la furtUh th btt tele icreic laquot Ik cLrguhtwt

tio^ ttUph 4CW nlt iyltmthgtm


mJMng offic

Copyright 131 by Hoyle Jr

One of the writers c o m spondeht Jhaa asked for an opinion on he followshying queatipn which aa he secta ra is not sufficiently or explicitly covlaquo red in any recent book we have bee i able to obtain t o definitely settle th s matter It is orsuch nature that any discussion regarding it is bound t o be gtf interest to all Auction and Contrac t players

Under what conditions i hould the Initial bidder if he has one si it missing entirely or represented b t only a singleton declare no trumi D o the ordinary no trump indicatio ts hold in such cases --

A sound no trump bid i s composed of two elements (I) the pro x r values for the ho trump bid (I) the)proper

l distribution of such values i mong the four suits The authorities iracticallv all agree that the minimun strength on which the dealer should bid One no trump is two and one- lalf quick tricks distributed among a t east three suits The quick trick strei gth must

not only be there but it n ust be so divided among the four suits that jthere is more than a reasonable hance to make the contract A hand r light very easily contain two and one- lalf quick tricks and still not justify a no trump bid If these quick tricks are c Dnfinedto one suit the suit bid is the c irreci bid If these quick tricks are c istributed among two suits only it i i not adshyvisable to bid no trump Experience has shown that with two su ts unproshytected a no trump bid seldoti i is sound For thafreason to justify a aid of one no frump the hand must contain at least two and one-half quick tricks and these should be distributed among at leastthree suits That leavei only one suit For partner to protect or if he also has no protection only on s suit for opponent to make

In case the dealer has a si lgletoh of a suit or none at all expeiience has shown that the no trump bic as a rule is a losing bid For that re tson with this-tybe of hand it is bette r to bid a suit even though hand cohtaii s two and one-half quick-tricks divided anjiong three suits If the opponents bid the missing suit then of course he dialer should not subsequently bid no trump but if his partner should bid the missshying suit then the dealer shou d bidthe no trump on the second row id of bid

Solution to Last

A R b C L B tyoU

ding-A eingletijn M aj voif danger point fcr a l p trum bestproce lureii tojoid a sui shiftito a no turn theblddinjattihat course nee tssary or

The foil gtwimi hat no truiripbids V t | | dealer

Heartsr-KQ J 109 Clubs mdashK J 9

Diamonds mdash none -Spades -^ 9

If spades are trumps and 2 is in the lead how can Y Z win eig it of the nine tricks against any defenie-

SolutionZ should leadbull thgt jack of spades and discard the Jcinj of diashymonds from Ys hand This i i the key play for it prevents Y b^ng forced in the lead to his disadvantages Z should now lead the deuce pf clue s arid Y should win any card played raquoy A At trick three Y should lead t i e ace of hearts and follow with the five] which

Its All in th

Reasts mdash 4 8 | 1 Clubs mdash R J 1

Diam)ndsmdash Spadts-^jK

suit ii gt b and th

first and

) f

PMf^jrvf opadt 1 T - |vgt J |

H^i-4ji Q u b laquo J - T 8 i | | bull^-VdagiT1



bid ls^lronlyif

5edS|T8 U C h a


I Heart ifmdash i Clubs

gt Diamnnds f- Spadlsir-A-]

- All of th Bin C mttfii at lcaa one-Half quick tric|||and tHlt tioh i s of 8 itch 4-na|t|re thai reasonable chaice to bake

The folbwlnj h f f l s ho| not justifiible no Itrump though they con quick-trick bull strengti if of such i natiure tl black type should thenotrunp j |

Hearts tiubraquo Diamc n d s | f ^ Spade raquomdash

Heartlaquo Clubs -Aj 1Q Diamc ads $pades mdash K7

Hearts mdash 4 Clubs - 0 7 Diamc nds Spades mdash-K J

ilf the oA]porienfa suit they v ill bid i but sit tigl t and lfdj

3limp bid Prefer ump biu when t

Siriglciltcjri or void sti rruinyagariifeandri Mernbt ^pbssiblei8 bull

leeks Pre blem W Hearts mdash Ai 7 6 5 Clubs - r A Q 10 Diamonds mdash-raquo K 5 Spades -r none

f P

Itearts Clubs j pound iamo Spades-

Heart smdash Elubs-^-S 4| 32 Diamondsmdash J 3 spades mdash Jbullbullltampbullbull 1

Zj(should trump spades Z 8 ^oiild of clubs anc once any card played by lead his last club fiVe of dianbnds this trick a i d musts

Played in eight of the| nine defense


old t l [gainst

it agj i suit

hand ffland yc

ho and fistribu-ierc is a bid

-vet arc even

Sessary butjon set in

ir than

ttnssmt duit bid-lit a no [he no ains A ilhvin


W-- bull


3i the ien lead

in Y sHlaquo Yshcli

follow js fori

_ jtherefci diamond wl licii Z wins with and then mikes hifiast club

this wiy Y Z icks ai

jilt of e trey lid win d then tth the to win lead a

e jack

$twin it any

A j MAN w^i^iiprt ita ^ ^ mi ch of a| garden ui less he planted seeds a cultivated it regularly

Neither will h(j have mu money unless save an As a garden p mdash saved interest

he sta d does it steid^r

oduces money procjlu ef




Bwihtss NoicesJ^miff

^ffiefoa ikihilk-amp t^Mpound$mlthki$h^j jb


I Capital laquond^urplua $16(pound OOfj ti J LAQ1BSCIIULTE Chairmanof he bdquo bdquo

A L R D B E R t S O N Presldelifc 1 bull H O W A R D ] gt CASTLE Vice Prlaquo Idcnl

A T ULITSOH Asst Ct shjer H E L E N B ME IER i s s t CafeU gt I AH LAG 2SOHULTB Asst C i f s h l e r f


Howard P Castle l i w y e r George JHtigcjr - Lafeschulle laquo Hagc^ Inef Precl Hobe n Retired farmers JL J |laquoMseMulilaquo Chairman oj| the Board Walter N ndweif V N i E s n d w l J I Co I r v m E Landwer Ileal Estate Management) A f t B


- I lti




Orr HarryPIerj m M ^

Ponies Wtn in SeesaV 1 Warren Boys to ^lay

Helaquo Friday j

T h 0 ItnrriuKton HW pound -entheir ^ n d Kame o f j l h e w

r l laquo y nlhlt wh^n laquo 1 raquo ^ laquo

hbdquo vei-laquorlaquon Wswonda nve 18 to Htnrted riiiiwr s|owlf


VCnnM ^ wne defenses Vnlaquolaquon-rH banlcet from thegt to -L the I ^ ^ 0 8 Ame-W B a S i B

theenrraquoe first Half B o p A n t seoreiHWlc^from Zi nn1 three t i m laquo from th ch^ y t o t n k e laquo T gt 2 earl

fbdquo tlie enrly nnrt of Ue second bullhere was Wtje wrorlnR nrtd the Jauee betwer-n the tww tcam^ rems about mark

Thlaquovlm the MAlt-1nN npP | rcnVgt

Inure peiraquoltbullltbullbullbull bullbull - mdash- - about the wiiift At thU thri nuar mnrk nnrriiiRton laquoWlaquoW laquo g

Mbdquobdquore with their shots Wto WiUiiims rniul Hlaquorcybdquo WlaquoJJ-

bullthree bullhiiKkits^npWef- the Bran bull0Vertnraquok iui1 muni their rivali the midille f the 1ns quarter H

coiida then l)|raquoenM up With St rmiKe hamiRe in which Bafceley

iiiroiiiiMiis -lraquooth seored prettjr| hut DiirriiiBton bad too lante A to overcome The thrillinfe Inst q iter mure than rondoupampkthe

W of the tirht half U_ The Harrington Rnardi - Mfi And Thorpe deserve a lot of tcredi holdinp down those clever Wa^w forwards Biiseley who is one of hottest forwards in the confereneb

only nMe to connect witjitwo^ and both1 of tlrem were cliiieult t iBohhy iVolf did not-get ft iy bagt but hewas busier than a cranbi m|rcliii)t at Christ ria-s tryiiirw dAvii yaiuonltln8 k0-re i r --^

loonies Stae Comeback^ The Ionies got nack injhe vici

ephlmn with a 17 t]rgt lOQwiii o v ^ Waiieoiidn lights1 JThey ca userf ndlierenls quite n few herrous Wtes however (for they fritti-rec^ ai a 0 In 2 leadkvhieht they held at half nnd let Wnuoonda taltJ tftft_ away from theijif Cpnns three bi

|ets aiijl lirnnclts two kHgtp them itettiiiR swamped in the Meraquohd Beernianand Dave Oinujlijhnve doing raquoi Ilflek Wilson jtliltl Inst pie of games when it comW to get

baskets but they may Mart hiti again soon bull L |

Warren Here Frjdaj Warren township ^igh seiool

CJiirneu 6rthwest hoirfereriee eliamtis Instyear will iiniraclp the

fl h I

rington gym this Mm Keltbn has another rfij zone defenses and his up of a series of Wo tfl which

ni^hfiCd i laquo those tsect


be plenty ha4-| to-ston hostile nifiial traquovo Kamesj HghtwoightH lorklpg -hor laquo BarrineMn will alsiraquo melaquot rnafinr the Pnjntino- floor onsTult sday nie

ensjit 1raquo ltraquohich Tbpw with - ^ 7 -


bullTan lil This Bnme wrtU Hiednhvl ibdquor Saturday ntiht hutl heen postponed to the TllPeflav

The box score

bullUroiulms 1 R _ Williams f Wneironer f-

rn a

Wolf Thorpe pound MeiMter (j Miller f Orahenllt(gti-t



Wniioojfla RnseJev f Howell f ^Vimfttl rgteelh- c IfironinitiN



-t (f

1 0

Sorfei^i hraquoit 1


ii Ft 1 0 1-0 0 -6-o

T imdash


o 1-0 0 o


-1 0 0


yenbull Ronie

Rarrini Att^nlnirv ^ deg fapiilU ( Ollll

^ n - t a p n l i i Kra|iit s Heerinaii ^hristinnjjo- Meiners gtniiiii tftwlnm|

_ Totals

Unusual ly^

n e s mdash +bull-


i i 3 0 raquo Q-

0 J -0 o

bullbullbullt bull-j



1deg-- iO~

0 0 0 0

1-= 0L_ 0


arm Weather ^ Sets New OfficialJRecdi

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^rmJh-ofr i t

I r I t i ^ t h ^ ^ o f r o f A)

bullInnimrj 3 l M r hlm stated oral

for the P i M f ihlaquolaquonce hnsSii bullrnwliv hlT ^ t ^ 1 t h e ma^wHc

bullbullbull St ilF a s hnr f t h laquo bulllaquoraquolaquolaquo hhd frac34 8 d ^ a n a p o l r K Inlt

W - 2rr poundbullbullpilpatp r gtflaquoslgtviD i n raquof In form^ ^1^ T h laquo M l o Khrllr mtgta 8 ^ ^ given bj M

Tl -- ~_ I laquo d M n e l w n r e r W f o r e ^ raquo toJ 8l^r pound 5 ^ Y dinlaquottc 4laquogtaitTolaquo

moSi Maeem^t^aU aigtbdquo 8Juwd cotomeJitrBl 1 Rented p e r i o d t e nHreIy lorip iJ T r

^ ^ ^ o ^ B r ^ B e ^ w

f bull -

--J-1 mUmMtmtSmmim Jt 12^



0rr Williams and Harry Miller Star-in Final Barrage

o n l l bdquo win in Seesaw Ti l t

Wiirrtn Boys tQ Play

Here FridayV



i l l T

l l t l v



IIIKII h e a v y w e i g h t s

f the week on

ln laquo r a c from

bull-ArUt t o d e f s a t

iivjp18 to l

s l o w l y w i t h

stumppltl by

defense J a k e

-run the corner

(-11- by F a r r i n B - tirit half w h i l e

-1 twice from the - irgtm the f h a r i t y

- bull bull laquo I

- f thgt- second h a l f - - iir and the d i s -

ti-nnis r e m a i n e d 1 v bullbullbullbull three quar ter s

llnly h e c a n t o - tlt Led by Orr

Mil ler w i t h the Bronchos

1 thijr r iva l s in bull bull i|tiirter W n u -

wi th a long bullgt ii Base ley a n d

-gtbullbull pret ty c o a l s 1 -bull lirsie u lead bullbullilium last i |iuir-

- i) for the sihiw-

- l i inN Mei s t er bull 1 f credit for

1i T W a u e o n d a i l niie of the

bull -i nferenee was bull w i th two shots

- -=bull difficult o n e s

i bull L-t any b a s k e t s iim a cri i i iherry

bull- i rv-ini to keep

bull M I lt Dinrliaek

-i in the v i c tory bull 7 bullbull In w in over the

Ilu-i bull iu- i d their bulliTcinis mill-

bull - - f r i t te red awny [ lt- - 1 - l i t l i l at the

V f -i -I r (ki file lefljl i i -nil t l iree buck- - bullbull kei P tinin from

bull bullbull bullIn-- -111 half 1 i nntl i h i ve been

-bull t i n - I-1gt I C O I l - bull bull III - I- bullbulleitine

bulllt-bullbull ---ivi h i t t i i i K

Jefferson Ice Bowlers Drop Series to Riggs

Kids Elgin by 12 Pins

Riggs Kids bowling team of Elgin triumphed over the Jefferson Iclt teata of Barrington by a narrow mar (fin gtf 12 pins fof a three-Rome series gtn the Kelly hotel alleys in Elgin Friday night

Each game was a battle in itselfmdash the local team taking the first game by a matter of four pins the Elgin keglers winning the second by^18 pins and the locals coming back to take the rubber by three pins ^

Franklin gchroeder anchor man on the Jefferson team set the pacS for individual scoring with a 202-202-224 mdash628 series

The Elgin quint will play a return match here Friday night The scores for last Friday nights match follow

Riggs Kidsmdash P Schmitz 20 16 181 548 Hake bull(bdquobdquo 173 886 |102 601 DaWlek 153 192 156 483 Wekerman 168 165 214 J547 B Schmitz 140 162 180 482

Totals^ 810 Jefferson Ice Co-

W-essel 154-C MeGowata Mitchell Gerdau F Schroeder

1 Totals

190 -136 138 202

922 i

- bull

162 210 159 170 202

923 2661

175 178 176 173 224

491 578 471 481 628

820 903 926 2649

Pohlman Drugs Still in Lead of

for First Place Latter Team Seeks to J in Lead Only 200

Pins Behind



REYliSWy^ARROT^ ^ iJ^DAYf - frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 1 -frac34frac34frac34frac34


junior high ied by the brilliant playinj of Lattn a 87 0 victor) bull over the

fhe Cadwallader teams hold on t place in the Lions bowling league

became less secure Monday night when Hagers V n ^6 1 1 cracked the maples for a total of 2358 pins against the Beerman teams 2246 Hagers team rolled itself up to with- in 200 pins of the leaders so the meeting nest Monday night promises to be a battle for first place

CadWalladers team nosed out the Pomeroy aggregation by 40 pins the oral score being 2198 j to 2158 pins

jomeroyk men stillneed quite a few ]gtins to get but of the lower berth in ljeagues standing

Beermanmdashbullbull 132 14 144 138 127 128

]i Plagge A Sass Catlow IcClure L Miller Beerman

Shoups Confectionery Five Wins Three Games From



lriiligt 1 J - ihool bull - l i t leu co-

bull i I- the H i i r -

bullbull i n - l i t Coach bullbull I thu-e touch

)-bullbull is made which wi l l Tir i-ill with thjj




Iohlman Drugs Lipofsky Clothiers and Greengard Grill howling teams each garnereltl two games in last weeks schedule of the Harrington fowling league and as a result held

1 their respective first secondand third | places the fcjame a s before the two 1 weeks holiday intermission

Shotips Confectionery quintet trishyumphed in three panics over McLeisshyters team and moVed up to tie for fourth place wjjth the Barrington Reshyviews The Confectionery boys have licuM^howinc some excellent bowling Intefppind may hand-the other teams some surprises before the season is aver

So far each team has ftlayed 30 games almost one half of the comshyplete schedule The seasons schedule contains 61 games for each team


Tuesday J a a 5 Liliofsky Clothier^mdash

Purcell 159 16fl 163 485 Ilnwlcy 12raquo 140 157 420 Zitzmnu 138 138 138 414 Carr 7 164 188 158 485 Beerman 151 159 144 454

gtgtlt R-

gt h-

T i

7 -M i l i t inn nn - i lnv nisht

bulllt iTMinillv i i i ht but has




bull w






full gtwing

F T 1 (i

1 bull n

(raquo 0


Totals 735 783 740 2258

- -Cameron Real Estatemdash P Landwer 156 214 J Kiimics 141 141 J Welch 150 119 1 Hager 150 147 C McGownn 192 154

161 141 114 142 149

531 423 38frac34 439


Barrington J McCoy J

Uarbisch Burton Miller Conn

789 775 707 2271

Reviewmdash 133 390 132 122 147 136 1 4 2 144 180 152

210 1321

157 135 146

533 386 440 421 478

Ti- ta l s 734 744 780 2258



o ltgt


R-r- Hi- bull 11 - X

amp ntNi1i|



bull 1-

i -


V Kc - I J - bull v bull


bull bull

bull bull bull bull

K ^ gt bull

l( I-



() bullgt raquo 0 0

gt () 1raquo 1 tgt 0 1

1 1 1 iraquo 0 (gt

bull lt bull ltgt 0

s 1 bull

u V i r m W e a t h e r

^ Nraquow Official R e c o r d

bull - iininih 6f the 1 i h IIIN gtnfimied

bullbull bullbullbullbullbull- raquof 11)32 has - lunatic conditions i-t n|- | |bdquo Hooky

raquobullgtbullgt miles J B i I ivisinnof Agrl-

bull -~gt f tlv bull Chi ted in stated orally

bullbullbullbull HI-fa lice has halaquol ltl lie eVimnte which bullbull Meridian Miss hi- had the climate

11 Iiidufunntdis Ind bullbullbullbull of Nashville

bull nit rift follow- u raquo s laquoiven hy Mc

Miller Brosmdash Xorton Peters [ Miller j Schreiuer

( 1 Meyer

T o t a l s

K19 133 160 143 147

143 159 145 123 180

176 M 9 IS 3 1(0 168

488 441 428 426 495

bull i hefnre been So long bullbull climatic conditions th r((gtrds go Occa-i-ldai-ement for a sin-cii used comment but

is entirely unpre- i i l



ltbullbulllaquoraquo Bring Restate

752 750 776

Thursday Jan 7 S l u m p s C o n f e c t i o n e r y ^ -

A Marten 1 5 8 A M i t c h e l l bullE H e u e r F S c h r o e d e r E W e s s e l

T o t a l s

McLeistei- i V S c h r o e d e r G r a h a m bull^cjiaubh I l o i m i t h ( j e t d u u


Pohlman K Scherf L Yeoman I Landwer E Gleiije J Dneschleif



t 57 34


157 165 157

120 225 157

436 416 255 120 548 471

Totals 1 718 735raquo 793 i 2246

Hager-1 lager Paulson dol lar

M i l l e r n g d a l e S a s s bdquo

160 137

155 148


176 1U 146 151


1180 150 147



356 484 430 306 327 455

Totals 737 801 820 2358

Cadwalladetw-Ifohlman 141

Sehweirim -196 W Catlow 135

iimlberg 141-If rjlagge adwalladert

Totoifl J

Pomeroy-(jlhivreh Iavy (rreengard Iteffernani ^clireiber


144 153

8tandiii|g Team



l iager H eerman Iomeroy


(36 games eaehj Pins IJi-B

bdquo26i857 ^ 0 2 26057



2 58 2347 2259

Si-G 851 828 846 834

Lake Quintet Bows Before Strong Defense of Salem Team

| Salem cagers won a fast and intershyesting game fiiom thegt strrbg Crystal Like team Wednesday night hy a 2C -17 scbrp The Crystal Lake cagers failed to penetrate the strong defense of Barrington j |

The Salem eager took the lead and led 16-8 i t thj end of I the first half Hirder and| Gielaquoke were1 the high sorers for Salem while Lundahl and Buhrow ^ poundere the higli Icttre^s for Ciystal lake

The next ganie wijj be wrth the sfiong Late Zurich team at Lake Zurshyich Tuesday night Jan -Ml On the fo) lowing night the Salem team meets thi- Austin Boulevard (Jmiitet of Chi-cngoj citjf champions pt tilie church

761 84raquo

Greengard Grillmdash M Lines 174 170 I Banks 153 124 K McGownn 141 212 R Brown 109 164 Cadwallader 138 180

143 180 145 124 7X83

487 457 498 397 501

Totals 715 850 775 2340

Standing Team Won Lost Pet

Pohlman Drugs 30 10 667 Lipofsky Clothiers 18 12 600 Greengard Grill gt17 13 567 Barrington Review 15 15 500 Shoups Confectionery i 5 15 500 Cameron Real Estate 13 17 403 McLeisters 12 18 400 JkUBer Bros 10 20

leigue fqi the past t^o years game wilt be played at the Lake

The Zur-

ICII high school ifynl- Preliminary ga nes have beenarranged before the main game

Salem fit u scher Tate If Ilirder jfl Parlikrg Giesk Ig


Orystal Lake Kltok rf Sciuette If Bu hrow c Gutiske rg Polhlman lg 0 Li ndahl rf Kcuhnert rg Htimann rf

Totals tef Hoffman

Business Notices Bring Results

last apnea rat clt

out the Arlington

a 12-sccond

team after thJt visitors hail staged a last ninute n 11f that ended Just one point short Both Barrinj ton teams show much iinnrpvement pinte

Grabmkort f Olms tea4 f

Kers mw t L a t t i c MuifevY-j Deissper graquo

r Totlals

and shoi ld stronjg oppositjio|i for the undefeated Algonquin boys next Friday

Barrington 3)7-)1- FG 3

1 1 12 0



Ar ington Heights 6 - ^ Koppiin f 0 Vernon f - 0 Miad icls c ^T 1 Adair s g 0 Tuiry g if 0


anted bullof -^4

Holg i t s lndtf last Friday evening and incidentally increased their to 150 in t i c conference Lattn a s high point man for U2 field ijiojils or] a total poijnis

Arlington wW allowed bujt goal the bajame of their ing iccured b r f r e e thrpwf

Th e bull lightweights nosed 11 V i n over

turned in Arlington

^ss^K^ri^^fm^nw^^m^^ ^qiW^pltw l i f w ^ w r ^ - T w i - T i ^ - bull j


their make


aturedonS at Catlow Sunday

laquo ( erven on

low Si Earth Pardon




qs and jThe Chlamp Coming to Screen

Ken| Mnynard tidpular hero of the western dramas is seen as a Texas ranget in his- lajtult thrill-play Alias the Bud Man which plajja The Cat- low Saturday njglit

Susiiense tlwills h a r - r a i s i iig riding stunts and an iictioh-fillcd] battle between Maynard anil the]chief of the cattle rustlers are t i e big fea-raquo tttres bull bull

Short siibjedsJ selected for this pjrogram includt ft Slim Simmerville corned cartoon iportlight and news-

Nex j -Sunday- i ifternooii and evenshying Tlip Rosebndu a clever group of youngsters iif a kiddie presentation will IM presented on the straquoge This groiiptif nine talontcd hoys and girls will ofer 30 minutes of kidilie frolic

The swreen feature for Sundays show v ill be Heaven on Earth with Lew Ay res starrel

This picture hritf d^flnitrgtly regisshytered us Lews bciit screen effort since All (wie t on tlie Wester i F r o n t s and tells an nbscjrbing stoy of life oh the Mississippi river w th young Ayres oast as the son of a (steamboat captair I

Ijew Ayres supporting cast in eludes Slim SimnicrvilU Anita

and many fch ic Sale in fkfnny A Slip will

Jraquor6vide the comedy feature for the

Lain el and Hardy comedia as khown gtr- pictures

shown nights comedy

next Monlay

s i tuatkns in this

day the


in their ull-length Pardon Js The

their j dlley and Pardon U s wi l | ^laffinj est corned iei

Wedi ie8day Tl u ihts bf net

force are

pi esentation WAlli

other not M uctors

arc shown and

tvill be psday

ea ture hilarious right up

audit gtnces for |see on $

on the ay

week raquo f little

ace Berry

a ad ill

Lost 20 Lbs of Fat In Just 4 Weeks

Mrs Mae West of St Louis Mo writes Im only 28 sectrv old and weighed 170 lbs until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks agltL I now weigh 150^ lbs I also have more energy and furthermore IYgt never had a hungry fflomept

liat folks should^fake one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a g i n s of hot water in the morning beshyfore breakfastmdashits^the S A F E harm les i way to reduce as tens of thous-ancaof men and women know

Tor your healths sake ask for and get Kruschen at Fredlund DrUg Co or aby drag storemdashthe cost for a bot tie that lasts 4 weeks is but1 a tr i t e and if after the first bottle you are not joyfully satisfied with results

bulln ioney back f

Mplusmn Wltrifeaj-^h

of the screen

Fri bring

Jackie in The

tch iour

ELS What s|ould wojmAn do to kltlaquop their bowels moving1 freely A dob tor should 1 now the aiiswer Thu t u why bum Snrup Pepsin is so (ood for women It just suits their delicate organism It is the prescription of an old fanily doctor who has treated thousands of women patieMs and who nude a special study of bowel troubles 1

It is fine for children tojo They love its taste Let them have it every time tht ir tongues ire coated or their skin is i allow Dr Caldwejls S^rup Pepsin s made from fresh laxative herbs jure pepsin and other harm less ingredients i

When youve t sick h(adajhe cant eat are bilous or duggisn and at the times when you laquore most ant to bamp constipatedtake a little of this famous prcsciption (ill drug stores keep it ready in big jottles) and youll know wiy Dr Cildwells Syrjip Pepsin is thlt favorite laxative

er t million wo otenl |

Da W 8 CkL-owCLt

YUIJP gtEPSI ( A Posters Family Laxative I mdash - J mdash raquo [


^^^i^^^^^^tmmim waM


Oflee over Pohhnans Druf Store

Hours 8laquo to900am (K to2K)Opm i(K to8^)0pm

Sundays by Apboiatment

Office and R sidence Barrington 2

D R B P G R i L B I R |



830 to 9

7 laquo 4 Sunday



HOURS 30 a in 2

880 p U W 12

K ne



bull bull bull - t l bull bull bull - - - ^ - - bull]bullbull - I - bull l t


o8 t noon

J i r t BANK

arringion 23

SpeciaUj lint in Diseaces of Wonu|d and Chfldfea

HOURS Tuesday Thursday and Saturday

23( to 430 pm

Telephoie Barrington 525

130 Park Ave above Peerlgtss Market




[- paouRS 9 t gt 10 a m

i 2 traquo 8 p m -7 traquo 8 p m

Sundayi by Appointment

Bartington 801

Hudson-Bssitx B Main St

Telephoi e Barrlngtot 235

1717 Conway Building 111 Was Washington Street

CHICAGO ILL Tel Randolph laquo856 _

ilaW4gtlaquoraquoMliraquo-- -V-j Evenings 525 copyrove Ave bull bull Tel Barrington 502


usiness Director


Barrington Phone 403 -


118 N LaSalle St

Phone Dearborn 0399

bull v - i-Vii bull i-



112 West Adams Street


Telephone Randolph 6144 V

Howard i t Brlntlinger Telephone Barrington 660-W bull





E Main St

Barrington 52

By Appointmeit for your i ouvenience




135 lark Avehi Phone Birrington 301-J

HOURS 630 t ) 830 p

t)ther Hours and Sun i by Appointment





Successor fo


Phone] Barrington 77 115 E Main St


Office In Pohlman BallAnk 127 E Main St I 127

Barri Ington


0 to 12 lt 1 to 5 p 7 to 0 p


Tel Barrington 471

- HOURS 9 a nL to 6 p m and 7 to II p m


801 B Main St

Phone Barrington 458

| Banilnttou





- i- - - ^ 1 - bullbullbullbullbull - bull

60S Summit Street

Telephone Barrington 650-3

omoAQQ bwnca 134 N LaSfcUe St

Chicago Phone Central 4646


105- W Adams St laquo CHICAGO

Telephone Franklin 2788


- Barrington Phone 32-J


JUSTICE OF TflB PEACE (Cook County) (

8agt West Lake 8trelaquot^ bull Telepnone Barrington 634-J

v N -- Chicago Ofnce - - 20raquo W WasbJngton St Room 1401

Telephone Franklin 0122


Chiropodist and Foot Specialist

i -



Diseases and Deformities of the Feet

CHICAGO OFFICE 2020 Garland) Bldg Phone Centra^ 8005

Barrington By | Appointment Tel Barrlngtdn 248-W



bull I l

Office Hoars 9 to 12 a m ad 2 to 5 p m I Evenings by Appointment

Telephones Residence Barrington 588-J 8t6r( Barrington 298-W

Readers of the Review find this

directory raquo eapvcnleptj index to

bushiess and professional Bar

ringtoa When In need of some

specuv service they inrn to fids

page quickly to locate firms tote

phone numbers streei addresses

ftiM dugteetorjr has been raquo feature

j f l i yean

W raquo for almost 44


HENRY J GKARMAN Phuto Tuning aad-



E xpert work on alt repn dddl

or send S card 41


Plagge Home FtirnikMmt 6e


FREDLUND DRjUaffO 100 W Main


Phone 54$



Ifbull bull bull fl-j 111 -it s -th laquo5 i


i I







102 N Cook Sreet

Tel Barrington 2 Ftjill



1 i


bull raquo bull

n bull i ^ laquo


CALKINS Etawating and Grading


Tennis Courts Bbwlir|Oreias

4 B A R R I N G ^

H C A L K I N S Phon A S CALKINS] Phott4 4 W


^Li raquoraquo


-frac34 ii tl

Erery professional nsn in Baningfo) hi i name aaorfsB niunber and hours ef Ir this directory laquo I et ery week and mall eiery home In the 0 ber directories nay tl Is directory -ut wiek i


SERVICE INC 217 East Smtlojn St bull


bulli fin j ]

Furniture Remgtvalj d LongDi^tan

bull If embMPj

United VaWsiervljce

- ii- bull 4ryr GuaranteMi w


COST - -



r $ HX rlt i

fV bull u ft



ift 4





Local Brevities Mrs Blanche Ford ill nt h laquo

home 721 8 jCook street

Mrs Kdwaird Ostj 20laquo S Cook utreet spent Saturday) with her sister-in-law Mrs Kdward j Wicjkershpim of Long Orove raquoho hail jdst returned from the Libjltrtvville] hospital where die was tnkeij New Yearns Fflaquo after lgtelnK injured in an iuitnmobile aelt|i dent

Sir nnd Mfrlaquo T Garfield utreejr will a vacation of two West They wijl v Oklahoma CI bullikla que N M Hefore nia where thej will v friends in several cities


Dockcy 1frac34) leave todii-jr for

months in the sit rutatmw in

and Albuqncr-ing to Calif or-

l|sit relatives nnd of that state

Association Asks Help in Tuberculosis Fight

A training class for Sunday school teachers will be organized Thursday evening at the Saleni church It is to mect-bnee a week and will be under the direction of A Carsten-a-n

Mr and Mrs Paul Clark and famshyily 532 Orove avenue returned frolm Abingdon this week and Mr Clark will resume his duties at the high school Monday

Mrs John Horn and infant daughshyter June Alice returned to their home 502 Grove nvenue Tuesday

Volmer Anderson of Chicago who hYs many relatives and friends in Birrington underwent an operation fof appendicitis Moilday at the- St

onys hospital in Chicago His ition is reported to be satisfac-


Miss Amy Anderson retu-ntd from the Itavenswood hospital to her home at Honey Lake Sunday Mis Ander-son is recovering nicejy from nn opshyeration for appendicitis

Mrs Delia Cady 213 E Lincoln avenuevisited relatives in Libertyville Saturday and Sunday k

Mrs P L Anderson 628 Summjt street who returned from the Franshyces bullWlllard hospital recently is imshyproving in health nnd able to be up

Walter Ahrcns 21 street is recovering frim tack of tonsilitis

2 W Russell a severe at-

jp The home of Mr ajnd Mrs Lnwr-^ ence T York 40 E Kussell street

is under quarantine- Mr York is sufTering from an at alaquok of ^scarlet fever

Mrs Henry Will ljlVbullWashington street who iins been ill the pnst three weeks is so much improved that she is able to be up nnd around in- the


Thn monthly clinics maintained by the Lake County Tuberculosis assoshyciation for the examinations and sushypervision of the 40Opatici)t)i-wlio arc sick with tuberculosis In the county cannot be held Jin 1032 unless the people of this county cooperate to mnke the sen saj^ a succhsH accord-frfc to Ruth HcmMekiSOTij executive secretary of the association

The meager buduet upon which we are now compelled to (wottk does not permit school examinatiojiN or any

bullother phase of tmbl i c lipilth work which might prevelit the sp^nd of this gi-ent white plagin Miss Itendrickson stated |

The-neriountiesi$ of thin] situation is revealed when one renliz^s tliat 2W8 children active cjise of j tuberculosis are today attending classes in the scbools of Lake county

Lake County Tuberculoijas associashytion lias no menijs of support other than the returns from the ChriltmnK Seal sale There are no state or coun ty appropriations made flaquojr the care of patients suffering from tuberculous in this county

Childrens Reading Club to Be Formed Wednesday raquonhlt

A Book WormClub fdr girW and boys of the sixth seventh iand eighth grades will be formed at the public library Wednesday afternoon Jan 20 and will meet at 5 p m every Wednesday thereafter f lect ion of officers and the rehding of ^ulps which will govern this n lt w reading club will comprise the program for the first meeting The first twcnt|y-five boys nnd-girls who cone will W eligible to join the organization There will be a waiting list fof- any others -who wish to belong

Club meetings vill not be like the story hour jield for younger children

State Nevbd

Tho Century of Progress sion authorized by the last lcgii 1 has been appointed by Governor LvEmmerson The groupwill vise erection of a state buildfyig Worlds Fair in 1033 The leraquo provides lt that) Governor E shall be chairman with Li Governor Fred ESterling and e r David E Shnnahaii art me Those named -by fjoverttor Ein arc StiJte Senators Roy Wood i bullV (JiMiham Chicago Florence BoliiTr Hloominijton Hit Bnrr Jol iet Charles H T Ilarrisburg State Reprcscn Homer 7 Tilt(e O r o e n v W Schnnckenbergi Frank Ryiln K King Chicago Itichar 1 J Miiiidelein The fiillowiijig were also named Noble Bi Juduh George F Ilaiding Ai T CltzarnltScKi wtlloejor of cut V G -Hermann J F C o r i e l i u s Ideiir Illinois Academy of Paul Demos all of Chicago limn Leonard Karclier Fred P Watson Mt Vernon

Fine Mri Ft

W Baker Kewanec Col H son Pana The legislature i i ateed $350000 for a btViMlnfc preparation of exhibits

c^mmis-nture Louis super-at the

legislation miderson

icu tenar t 3peak-nbers

ipcrson nd K Fiffcr

hoihpson aitlvles R jJ-

nm yoris fsons

ha id


tgt FraquoIP




Ill pc

at 2 p m every

L A K E (Furnished by

Company Guaranteed 2^0 Waukegan 111

R C Ross extension specia agricultural economies at ihe of Agriculture Univers i ty of has announced that the 22 cut which Illinois farmers mad fall in their winter wWat speeds up a downward adjustm a c r e a g e ^ h i c h has been going most without interruption sincp The 22 per cent reductionfor is more than twice as much average reduction for jthe country - I

1st In (follegc

inois centj this)

acreage tit in

)ii al-1919

Illinois the




COUNTY the Illinois Title

Abstracts of Title Title Washington Street

Tel 4)

bull Chester-Callow 112i WMaiii left Tuesdny for a six weeks vacatiojn on the Isle of Pines whiiili is nhout 100 miles south of Havana Cuba Durshying Mr Callows absence Miss Helen Glenson 722 Second nVenue will Jake his plnce at the organ in The Catlow theatre

Mr and Mrs AVilliam Dawson 30 ) Lincoln avenue left S inday for Florshyida where they will abend thewinter months

Buzzards Lin itaitiont With its Ilinnnkalili eyesight pov

er of flight and size there probably Is only one1 reason why the vuituru or buzzard Is not one of the tuos active pursuers of living prey in stead of feeding upon dead or help leas preymdashthe absence of talon f with which to seize laquond hold living preymdashCuppers Farmer

FremontmdashH Ruura amp w)F to C Milshyler QCIgt laquo10 U t 17 Blk 12 Ar-tliitr Dunas Mundelein Manor Sec 25

II Ruurs 17 Blk 12 n Manor Alundclci

FremontmdashC Miller to amp wf jt tens D $l | ) Lot Arthur Dunas Sec 25

FremontmdashtJnioii Bnnft i)f Chgo to J Avon amp wf jt tens Dgt$lb Lots 13nnd 14 Blk 8 Arthur Dunas Munshydelein Manor Sect 25

ElamdashH M Overland and J Over-hmd to V Overlaid QCD 10 P t of SIC qr of SW qr of Sec 35

Waucondraquo-f-J if Johnson amp hun to T V Johnson QCD 10 I^its (K) 01 amp (12 Einicrest Sub Sees 23 25 and 20 bull j

WaucoiKliijmdashJ d Kelly amp wf to H Wagner amp wf j | tens W D $10 Iot 03 Maiinailsf 1st Adda to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

WaucondahmdashII E Maimiin amp wf et al to J Ci Kelly wf jt tlt Lot (Kl Maimans 1st Add i to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

ElamdashC W Ofit amp wf to E Ost amp others w r i N hf of N W qr the S W qr of NA qr and N E qr of MV qr of Sec 20

Fremontmdash-Union Bk of

qr N E

Chief Highway Engineer Fin Sheets has anlaquoiounced t in t highway divisioi _has under wa for constructing the equivWlcnf 200 miles o f T n w - two-lane roads in 1932 I t i s estjmate^l this extensivp st|atc-wide progi givlaquo| employment to between and 35000 men Tlie hig|hway ment will insist on the employm



local labor whenever^ fair rate of wages


Directoir Leo Hj Howej of t partmJMit of trade nnd coiiimercb announced that th j Insurance dty one of tin largcs reyenue agencies at the state | g n turned intlgt the st raquote treasury 1931 $6(|373705 T This only $40000 TCBS tha|gt the collie for the previous y^ar

annll of the div the I second tral Sttjtes cinnatij O congress was from Illinoit tucky- ailaquoB0 to consider


3[ Paul static planni i nouiiccd five planning Hon of the KiUigtn of Ian

isijon of forestry

Jiaj meeting of ewry congress

December 3 to made up of Indiana IowK

uri Ohio and the problema anlt|l

late forfestry in the Central region Mr Springer was the j board of directors for a thrtfe yi

(llac gyton chairniai igf tjommiasion broad-objectives

cse include dejtermiiia-st Sensible type

I nrijas to dirfeiii iioi

anded r__ Cen-

t Cin-I This

c elcgat ea Ken

Tennessee stimu-

lot elbcted to Iieriod of



of the uis an-of state

of utili-thc deshy

velopment of localization tion to which go jtf of the typi maintain a plete a coir which ^rill ordinattd and lirtper vaatrcsoui

a second distribution and of industry and popula-

(letermine the elements to the pattern and plaiv al urban-rural area to high standard to comshyprehensive plan | program bull

mejin the systematic coshyrd economical development

onservatioii of all Illinois S



A HANDY MAN wanted to take care of fires and do

jobs around country place live on place References Address 2212 Barrlngton Barrington III


Senatltr rimes Ilaniiltbn Lewis will be honorpd lit a ilaquoeptiou to1 be given By tho Illinois State ^ociety at Wash-( ington at i t) first meeting in the new year on Jti dary 21 All we repre-sentativcls i rom Illinois and their wives willlc in the receiving line

bull NOTICE bull

Not feinonsible for any traced Jgty anyone othW |ltn A Jij Sclirojljer North nve rlnjrtflin III L

^ mdashu Business Notices Bring I


t tut the Subscriber Ellen ncy Executrix of the Will of

rtnlaquoigtt deceased will nUcnd

nk TJ inois

plans of 1-

c|o(ncrcte that will

10000 epart-ent of at a

MODERN fcir rent in 3 bedrooms and basemeni strejet 32ogtWi

MODERN JSIX ROOM house for rent at 5C3 Grove avenue Reason

able Inquire at 439N Coot street Tel Barrington 209-J1 1 r

FIVE ROOM furnished

Strictly modern refrigeration Dundee avehue or 849

OLD LOG road one

ich for (rent $10 0 0 a n

qr of N W

Cligo to D Lot 7 J If I Conperlaquo amp v f jt tens

Oak TerraceSub Sec 30 FremontmdashJr IL Connors^ to A

Brady W D Pt of Lot 7 Oak Terrace Sub Sec 30 also ^ot 08 Second Addn to Oak Terrace Sijb S E qr of Sec 30

FremontmdashA JJ Brady to J| II Connors amp wf jt itens P t of Lot 7 Oak Terrace SubJ-Sec 36

Waucondamdash-A Bchling amp wf to V Behling W D Lot3 Blk5 At Home Sub Sees 25 aiidj 30

F U R N I S H E D Barrington Livi

i kitchen breakfast L Call at 642 N

telephone Ba

H O U S E room

nook Hough

rrington tf

FURNISHED apartmelit for

Oil heat Mrs H L

Tel Barritig

or un-rent

Electric s a on 28

FIVE wooded

tate district Price ronly Box 21 BarH

for faje Beautifjully igli located in finest es-

near bull$ W highway J

KOHLER 1500 wajtt

hauled M ton 395-JW

^iECTHflC LIGHT ilnnlaquo for sale Recently ovcr-


LOST OR male cat

black tipped large cat ton 325-J

PERSIAN with larlaquo]e

not-ify Mrs ringt(u 310

ACRJraquo FIVE Ijby private

pwee or no 2111 Barrington Illinois

Prqbate Court of Lake Count) eof to blaquo Iiolden at

Hoise in Wnukegaii In sahjl t |0 first Monday of

li|whcn and where al uiig clnims against said

yiotilied^nrid requested to ] tjanie to said court for ndjuldication

E L t E N ti COURTNEY ^bullaukctran 111 January cent- ^932

Philip Young Attorney

$^550 per acre ington 111

Ow nerj

Telephone Barring-


STOLENmdashGray and tan with black stripes and tail and feet Unusually Reward Tel Barring-

CAT lost dafck grey and bushy- tail Kindly

E A Bcermun Tel Bar-


FOR CASH wanted lgtarty~ Give location and attention given Address

i Review Barrington

r I

drive car otjier odd

Not to required Review

i ebtjs con-n myself me Bnr-



jfivon L- Court-Tomes V

the atntenn

ijhe Court County

Majrch next persons

bullstnte are picqcnt the



1 Aikilonwrs rdegW AuoU in on thf o ] locate I 2 mil

Will Mil at man farm ltDunuec 3 miles Nortjlt of Crystal new Dundee

in n large sharp on 1 I Sat] 4raquo l^BAD


19 CoWsr-Soma Springers some spraquo-r Registerod

Thts hilaquo of GueriiNtj first fimv sey sale and abort I in tho cuujntry were houghit them for them have must be fore sale cldse right know my rfputn be seen It down anft Terms





mile East bull ofj ( of Elgin 8j

I rtke pne-hnlf -GilbjFts roal IJB i|ve will Rtjl

i w laquobull IWU 5 south jilles ^-amp this laquobull1230

Jaii 16 |9 f OF RJBAL OJtfK m^ ciyslating of ome ^TenH Bala

lO^Ielfers |fl itiXlnjria lWfr l l

Jue^jiey^n except lofinll

H and it gt evct had a

Iliesekowlaquo a testefi apd u bulllaquoraquo Wisc|

ibylfjpurty t oVjuV herd




ii MHB00tJ0iiifiN^ All M i t will ftjo Uii^ bdquobdquo

laquolf htti BULL

raquof Il lunifli vm th tiftern-

it^lltod llOllslJt

Thev 1 liini(-iit iiiost (if


as I know tl Wn ak| vo PuMtttiL ThMti ( Uvs mubdquo

he WiipreclHt | w buy some cheajj KV8


h A^ttowraquo mu(t k- tud deridianie dai n j Snligt

JOE KVIDEPlit 1 V Myer C

AUCTION SAL Frank Gahlbeck AJict H I H Shoppe


Having decided toquit log raising1 will bell af publi old Sell rage Farm fir st farm eastfi ltfi Nebfls cor) road 2frac12 miles north )f Schaumburg 5 mil^s soj

Monday Janu - lt] bull bull Beglialng at 1 oclock shjjrjilaquo

6 0 Head o f H o g s 45 Gil

auction lt on Hi of Pal

__ r_ fan|o March land AptfiT 20 Shoatswt ampbii | 75 lbs

25 wi|from 100 to [ l l raquo J Chester White Boar 75 Chichenel SO WhbeWyan- dottes 2SLeghonislB IIpullets Brooder houie Chichi n coops 400-egg Tyco Incuba-or used bull one seasonj Hot Bias Hester Grain elevator Corn c rusher Drag cart Land rollei Thistle machine a ] Wheel

barrows 1frac14 h p Fairbanks mdtor Riding cultivator Pti mp-Jack Timothy seeder |TJuik heater Grindstone Home-made tinnier

M l Trucli and Rattle rakj good condition^

Hay rake arid gear Oil jtnd C laquo l Bugtner Wooden jslocktaik Good dumi wafOln Cookjsampve Washing maohliie with gas

bull bull bull i bull bull i All |shte vlndOff storri

dows M i screens MIW strainers milk claquoM|er Nome n n luiober Wonsbi l id stra Tablesan I chatljs Wa^on-bo arid If car

fERMSmdashCASH _ (

u (

t - -






WN 209 to 215 Park




ISHINNERraquoCO le 3 7 1

104 W Main St I Barrington HI





Stewing Hens


Pork Steak

irtm S L I C E D

Beef Liver 15




bull G E N U I N E bullbullbull

Lamb Stew 3^is



tn Roast



gtlaquoraquolaquo25lt -j F-^N-CY-

Leg oE Lamb


Avemdash210 to ate er

Station St

^ilTURDAY M bull

Part Wool ^ r arm Lined Color Gray raquoea

Big brother Fill Cut Heavkr Denim

31ue fcambray

Blealhed 81 inches Quality i

$179 ea^C

39c to89c Good O C i per yd laquoviraquo

Sheeting Unbc|olaquoifiyncfcr yd 23c 23c 46 inches wide


cs ai b

Grocer SALIf PORK lb FRESH LOIN per PURE PORK SAUfeAGE hiilk lb PORK LINKS Heidelberg lb Ripe Bananas 3 lb t I G A Yellow Lauudrfc Soai| lgTaais 10 for 4 3 I G A

Cqp- mdashDel Maisj Ni whole kernel J cam

Aljnerican Family S oap 5 bi ra Fan^y Applesauce

Soap Chips large phgsi 2 for 29 I G A Beauty Soap Gold C ream Bari bars

23c value) for J^ i-l G I A White Floa tirig ampoa]) the B ath Soap bull

Supreme each 5 10 or 49 I 0- A Cocoa Hard water Soap 2 bars 1 5 Household Cleanser] I G Aj 3 boxes 13

blets Vrouuih Packed



No 2 can Aunt Jemima Pane ike Flour 2 reg Cbmet White iloaeiElici 2 Mb pkgs Libbys Rosedale A pricjots lg cans Extra fine sweet and juicy naval fejrlaflgei

dozen ^-^^--^ - -- mdashu-vJSgn Iciiid 99laquo Fresh Eggs and Buttltr art declining Come ir Saturday and see sp ecial pric ss on th se necessities

Moats is 18 15 28 18

New York Pack


s27 28

10 pkgs 19

16 1 5

T 1-frac34 A D L HT - A N D S A V E

ywt raquo Y A L h j

STORES B E S T - Q U A L I T Y mdashr~ ALV t AYS

Independently Owned

SPECIALS for Friday1 and Satiard

Cranberries Fancy J lbs t e c n s Stringless Greer l b s raquo 5 c

Pet is Fancy California l b $ 2 5 c

Let t luce LgFan 3yHlt ads lbs 1 Swlt e t P o t a t o e s lbs I S p u j a c h CurleyL^af 3 l b e l


lt bull

M e n per

POTATOES Large White Cobblers bag ORANGES 200 size Heavy w i t h iuice do GRAPEFRUIT 80 siz TANGERINES APPLES Stayman Wi^iesajp

I Grimes

10 h do

lbs fo) tuslhet

OUR ROYAL5lb14c|Z4i lb

^AE^at2tbI iol^r PURE CANE SUOiUl ( ^Mlb tMc^ kles^ Tlaquof f

A K l laquo 03 Score or KHttr M$^J

r Peas AUT NO x 1laquo cans

ON SALE OXYttOL 1 lg i sm both for 2 3 T(raquo]Aro SOUP VanCam^s

OATS Royal Blue Quaker


Royal Biw

How Plaquocim T l p i i Ik ChioVlVf |fej

Brookfisld B2 geerf Or TMtoti

Tiny m kti 8lftlaquod laquo C I B Z rciiasJ

3 can flaquo 3 No 2 12


raquo raquo bull raquo bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull bull raquo H raquo raquo bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull p l


28 17frac12

9 CAKE FLOUR Virginia Sweet

nl idi ll - L bull 8 frac12 ^ PUMPKINI Ar-BeNo 2frac12 can 9 No 2 can

APPLESAUCE No 1 can i raquo raquoraquo


We Deliver Pto^e 6 l S Not a W E GUARANTEE EVERYTHING W E S


I tubbi samp


R I C M - l b pk HONEY s m

lg glass 1 lb BEEJTS No 2 Ar SYkl StfYbERCAifi

siti all

i in kf th ai i i tec

JUtCE kr S|


bullBj SHce^lJ JP Maple itnl Cane 21 oz

1 if t iw


mampM l^fjiiiQi^ 1

i^hM^^^l laquofe laquo l bull I

Thlaquo R tuiat1


T le r lmas In eiU

the Barr ing t raquotfraquofcB

PerCa ofEducMwttft 2 7 S c ^ S h ^

ItarrtaRton Hjfch SchMlJ

93041 i LoterTKb e

Tlbdquo -raquoni|wirallvc

AltbU^ S t a C V KrmWS Smithy

i bdquo i i i r i i i ] 1 d nrbull hiKh Hfh^t 6laquotilaquon 0 ^ frac34

bdquo1 IJgt tho per laquoM)ita aw

r T nrivolnt by dm

I bvh^^f pnpbatf

COIlaquotlaquo Of

yenr iiie tlio srhool - I j

Of 1 -JT M-liwllaquoraquo 1 laquo M pound 0f ilistriM per

Hut riii

MixJ lWI tlltj rtKhtU bdquo ilaquo-^laquoi T-r ilaquolaquoKM copy laquo


-i7st for 1 03 1^ nfwrtliM ^15() eapiin

c^tinii is dulaquo I

srliool follows

|Ii)igt Srlliraquoi| llnmiiioml Irjd

A w l^gtinm(ilaquoifv Bluom Township -

Dmuk Ilimurani Thon1 Yvw To Pulnt inltgt Towuship

tKlKin Harriimioii IMslnct

bull Proviso -Towiifhip Hint 1-lnml (JHitmijiiHyj

bullQnk IaiU 11 ml Uiv^ rnwn-fhip

H(iiiAigtlaquovilli ltVraquogtulaquoui)iy TlivifiiiHi Townsfiii

1 bull wimirit la lthmews vrollOTMltr The list of iij

- i TnltfimVlS j^

A-i) s h i p

V bull t ltraquoval^bull-

bull NfjJltciIKo - j - =bullbullbull-bull-bull- bull AHiniiuMi Iloiuhis To^iiMtii n Jolilaquott bull bullbullbullbullbull_ bullbullbullbull J Aniiorli Towiisliip Lihiiiyvilh1 Towtfsl ip IAOIIS TowiiNhip


IX 7-3 ii2 bull

^1 2frac34 - amp 25

26 -28

(Jrnnf Township WiNlraiidil Kill Township bull ^ Mjilinraquo Towm hip 1j lfvaiisioir Toivnship Tgt

^ VnrrlaquoMi Towhship j r Niw Trier Township Ijoyiliii ltojnnnmitv iWrlifld-Shiohls M Smilti tins tr rtCord of t|raquo

jCiipita oitsts of sovoji of thlaquo-k-hoitls for tluv year V^V-lit jours Iurlior Tho compatisnil of hvo srhooj viiir costs i Is

HiK-li ^iliool t020-2T Pjilaliuo $iSofJO BnrriiiKtou - 1ltUgt07 Arlington Jlk-ights 1S040 Proviso bull -f m)m Whcrtyvilh ^18500 Leyd-ii SOOIM) Oporficld-shiclds 24gtL$)

Elgin Lions Entertained Ky Ixtcal C liib ^lemb

r f bull27Jj

laquo3 1 n

19 bull bull amp fas -x

Twcijiy-tvfo KlRinJ JTJampiisf ^BltJ other visitors fronf I Moitdnv iiiRht ltif tho lt-lid) al dinner foll(jvod ontertjilaquoti)mraquont1iind n round

KollowiiiR dinup^ j Paul

irriiipton mn

t_ tei BerRer

world the

K BW croup

| vninhn-jllc faiiio AvhJ) Krnlt)iously [ mittwl lie ^iis tho

mnfciraii cntertainetl mnkiiiK riirds disapppora^d laquoW eomltgt out of the air nnd hy articles of femininlt iiitirp vlaquowt iMieketN-of sweral of the Of tlje Hiirrhifjtnn club

T|ie howling niatciim-nt ky jilley inelHdlaquod pickedbull t bdquo iiwrpliwttir IJoim d u b mVgttinif lraquot fowlers nntonp t k- Ktj

pxtcas frorii meml

the Jji bull i ihi ijjf

n visit

Park Ridgi Man AppointedCc^

of qirat] Naim

raquolaquobull inat rgtf the


Ajiiioii|ilt|Henl- w J-wrd of director Mbdquo

raquolaquolaquo raquolaquoraquo$ of llHrrlngtonj ^raquolaquoK ThftT-dfl-yfnhwmrf WPIHMiiii ofChnrbis A ^ l i - (1s vMWr 0 wtion - -

Mi KlKtier has ]jaj

11 ltViral TW Claquov bullf^MhwWnf state bank m

iSn^ inmtradelaquo



Kjr- bullKiwt-foltPji

iVnpob KlSBJl ] tye ii


[Kraquon laquoj

f IilN

^kt yfj laquoii ^gt Jjf

l x Families Are Um|er Scarlet FeverQuaraiii

S i l q m r i ^ M for laquornrfctfp

J J t raquoox t^w d ^ ^

^ 1 ) raquo ^ in t h i ^ i n e i m

n bullraquoUuiiMiiHiirf8|ilaquoIw^i||

RorftveHmr FVoiH injury H

bullCrr h f l r-52oalaquonnii^ bullto U i n laquoraquolaquo^nlaquol tlaquo -k^S u poundk lA tnm

bulltfor^L WU tvtrade wtM lH S^rofdw ttanlwtre Coi

A plusmnA A

Page 7: Barrington Area Library · & Months of .31 Reviewed in Brief Oulstandinu •



0rr Williams and Harry Miller Star-in Final Barrage

o n l l bdquo win in Seesaw Ti l t

Wiirrtn Boys tQ Play

Here FridayV



i l l T

l l t l v



IIIKII h e a v y w e i g h t s

f the week on

ln laquo r a c from

bull-ArUt t o d e f s a t

iivjp18 to l

s l o w l y w i t h

stumppltl by

defense J a k e

-run the corner

(-11- by F a r r i n B - tirit half w h i l e

-1 twice from the - irgtm the f h a r i t y

- bull bull laquo I

- f thgt- second h a l f - - iir and the d i s -

ti-nnis r e m a i n e d 1 v bullbullbullbull three quar ter s

llnly h e c a n t o - tlt Led by Orr

Mil ler w i t h the Bronchos

1 thijr r iva l s in bull bull i|tiirter W n u -

wi th a long bullgt ii Base ley a n d

-gtbullbull pret ty c o a l s 1 -bull lirsie u lead bullbullilium last i |iuir-

- i) for the sihiw-

- l i inN Mei s t er bull 1 f credit for

1i T W a u e o n d a i l niie of the

bull -i nferenee was bull w i th two shots

- -=bull difficult o n e s

i bull L-t any b a s k e t s iim a cri i i iherry

bull- i rv-ini to keep

bull M I lt Dinrliaek

-i in the v i c tory bull 7 bullbull In w in over the

Ilu-i bull iu- i d their bulliTcinis mill-

bull - - f r i t te red awny [ lt- - 1 - l i t l i l at the

V f -i -I r (ki file lefljl i i -nil t l iree buck- - bullbull kei P tinin from

bull bullbull bullIn-- -111 half 1 i nntl i h i ve been

-bull t i n - I-1gt I C O I l - bull bull III - I- bullbulleitine

bulllt-bullbull ---ivi h i t t i i i K

Jefferson Ice Bowlers Drop Series to Riggs

Kids Elgin by 12 Pins

Riggs Kids bowling team of Elgin triumphed over the Jefferson Iclt teata of Barrington by a narrow mar (fin gtf 12 pins fof a three-Rome series gtn the Kelly hotel alleys in Elgin Friday night

Each game was a battle in itselfmdash the local team taking the first game by a matter of four pins the Elgin keglers winning the second by^18 pins and the locals coming back to take the rubber by three pins ^

Franklin gchroeder anchor man on the Jefferson team set the pacS for individual scoring with a 202-202-224 mdash628 series

The Elgin quint will play a return match here Friday night The scores for last Friday nights match follow

Riggs Kidsmdash P Schmitz 20 16 181 548 Hake bull(bdquobdquo 173 886 |102 601 DaWlek 153 192 156 483 Wekerman 168 165 214 J547 B Schmitz 140 162 180 482

Totals^ 810 Jefferson Ice Co-

W-essel 154-C MeGowata Mitchell Gerdau F Schroeder

1 Totals

190 -136 138 202

922 i

- bull

162 210 159 170 202

923 2661

175 178 176 173 224

491 578 471 481 628

820 903 926 2649

Pohlman Drugs Still in Lead of

for First Place Latter Team Seeks to J in Lead Only 200

Pins Behind



REYliSWy^ARROT^ ^ iJ^DAYf - frac34 frac34 ^ frac34 1 -frac34frac34frac34frac34


junior high ied by the brilliant playinj of Lattn a 87 0 victor) bull over the

fhe Cadwallader teams hold on t place in the Lions bowling league

became less secure Monday night when Hagers V n ^6 1 1 cracked the maples for a total of 2358 pins against the Beerman teams 2246 Hagers team rolled itself up to with- in 200 pins of the leaders so the meeting nest Monday night promises to be a battle for first place

CadWalladers team nosed out the Pomeroy aggregation by 40 pins the oral score being 2198 j to 2158 pins

jomeroyk men stillneed quite a few ]gtins to get but of the lower berth in ljeagues standing

Beermanmdashbullbull 132 14 144 138 127 128

]i Plagge A Sass Catlow IcClure L Miller Beerman

Shoups Confectionery Five Wins Three Games From



lriiligt 1 J - ihool bull - l i t leu co-

bull i I- the H i i r -

bullbull i n - l i t Coach bullbull I thu-e touch

)-bullbull is made which wi l l Tir i-ill with thjj




Iohlman Drugs Lipofsky Clothiers and Greengard Grill howling teams each garnereltl two games in last weeks schedule of the Harrington fowling league and as a result held

1 their respective first secondand third | places the fcjame a s before the two 1 weeks holiday intermission

Shotips Confectionery quintet trishyumphed in three panics over McLeisshyters team and moVed up to tie for fourth place wjjth the Barrington Reshyviews The Confectionery boys have licuM^howinc some excellent bowling Intefppind may hand-the other teams some surprises before the season is aver

So far each team has ftlayed 30 games almost one half of the comshyplete schedule The seasons schedule contains 61 games for each team


Tuesday J a a 5 Liliofsky Clothier^mdash

Purcell 159 16fl 163 485 Ilnwlcy 12raquo 140 157 420 Zitzmnu 138 138 138 414 Carr 7 164 188 158 485 Beerman 151 159 144 454

gtgtlt R-

gt h-

T i

7 -M i l i t inn nn - i lnv nisht

bulllt iTMinillv i i i ht but has




bull w






full gtwing

F T 1 (i

1 bull n

(raquo 0


Totals 735 783 740 2258

- -Cameron Real Estatemdash P Landwer 156 214 J Kiimics 141 141 J Welch 150 119 1 Hager 150 147 C McGownn 192 154

161 141 114 142 149

531 423 38frac34 439


Barrington J McCoy J

Uarbisch Burton Miller Conn

789 775 707 2271

Reviewmdash 133 390 132 122 147 136 1 4 2 144 180 152

210 1321

157 135 146

533 386 440 421 478

Ti- ta l s 734 744 780 2258



o ltgt


R-r- Hi- bull 11 - X

amp ntNi1i|



bull 1-

i -


V Kc - I J - bull v bull


bull bull

bull bull bull bull

K ^ gt bull

l( I-



() bullgt raquo 0 0

gt () 1raquo 1 tgt 0 1

1 1 1 iraquo 0 (gt

bull lt bull ltgt 0

s 1 bull

u V i r m W e a t h e r

^ Nraquow Official R e c o r d

bull - iininih 6f the 1 i h IIIN gtnfimied

bullbull bullbullbullbullbull- raquof 11)32 has - lunatic conditions i-t n|- | |bdquo Hooky

raquobullgtbullgt miles J B i I ivisinnof Agrl-

bull -~gt f tlv bull Chi ted in stated orally

bullbullbullbull HI-fa lice has halaquol ltl lie eVimnte which bullbull Meridian Miss hi- had the climate

11 Iiidufunntdis Ind bullbullbullbull of Nashville

bull nit rift follow- u raquo s laquoiven hy Mc

Miller Brosmdash Xorton Peters [ Miller j Schreiuer

( 1 Meyer

T o t a l s

K19 133 160 143 147

143 159 145 123 180

176 M 9 IS 3 1(0 168

488 441 428 426 495

bull i hefnre been So long bullbull climatic conditions th r((gtrds go Occa-i-ldai-ement for a sin-cii used comment but

is entirely unpre- i i l



ltbullbulllaquoraquo Bring Restate

752 750 776

Thursday Jan 7 S l u m p s C o n f e c t i o n e r y ^ -

A Marten 1 5 8 A M i t c h e l l bullE H e u e r F S c h r o e d e r E W e s s e l

T o t a l s

McLeistei- i V S c h r o e d e r G r a h a m bull^cjiaubh I l o i m i t h ( j e t d u u


Pohlman K Scherf L Yeoman I Landwer E Gleiije J Dneschleif



t 57 34


157 165 157

120 225 157

436 416 255 120 548 471

Totals 1 718 735raquo 793 i 2246

Hager-1 lager Paulson dol lar

M i l l e r n g d a l e S a s s bdquo

160 137

155 148


176 1U 146 151


1180 150 147



356 484 430 306 327 455

Totals 737 801 820 2358

Cadwalladetw-Ifohlman 141

Sehweirim -196 W Catlow 135

iimlberg 141-If rjlagge adwalladert

Totoifl J

Pomeroy-(jlhivreh Iavy (rreengard Iteffernani ^clireiber


144 153

8tandiii|g Team



l iager H eerman Iomeroy


(36 games eaehj Pins IJi-B

bdquo26i857 ^ 0 2 26057



2 58 2347 2259

Si-G 851 828 846 834

Lake Quintet Bows Before Strong Defense of Salem Team

| Salem cagers won a fast and intershyesting game fiiom thegt strrbg Crystal Like team Wednesday night hy a 2C -17 scbrp The Crystal Lake cagers failed to penetrate the strong defense of Barrington j |

The Salem eager took the lead and led 16-8 i t thj end of I the first half Hirder and| Gielaquoke were1 the high sorers for Salem while Lundahl and Buhrow ^ poundere the higli Icttre^s for Ciystal lake

The next ganie wijj be wrth the sfiong Late Zurich team at Lake Zurshyich Tuesday night Jan -Ml On the fo) lowing night the Salem team meets thi- Austin Boulevard (Jmiitet of Chi-cngoj citjf champions pt tilie church

761 84raquo

Greengard Grillmdash M Lines 174 170 I Banks 153 124 K McGownn 141 212 R Brown 109 164 Cadwallader 138 180

143 180 145 124 7X83

487 457 498 397 501

Totals 715 850 775 2340

Standing Team Won Lost Pet

Pohlman Drugs 30 10 667 Lipofsky Clothiers 18 12 600 Greengard Grill gt17 13 567 Barrington Review 15 15 500 Shoups Confectionery i 5 15 500 Cameron Real Estate 13 17 403 McLeisters 12 18 400 JkUBer Bros 10 20

leigue fqi the past t^o years game wilt be played at the Lake

The Zur-

ICII high school ifynl- Preliminary ga nes have beenarranged before the main game

Salem fit u scher Tate If Ilirder jfl Parlikrg Giesk Ig


Orystal Lake Kltok rf Sciuette If Bu hrow c Gutiske rg Polhlman lg 0 Li ndahl rf Kcuhnert rg Htimann rf

Totals tef Hoffman

Business Notices Bring Results

last apnea rat clt

out the Arlington

a 12-sccond

team after thJt visitors hail staged a last ninute n 11f that ended Just one point short Both Barrinj ton teams show much iinnrpvement pinte

Grabmkort f Olms tea4 f

Kers mw t L a t t i c MuifevY-j Deissper graquo

r Totlals

and shoi ld stronjg oppositjio|i for the undefeated Algonquin boys next Friday

Barrington 3)7-)1- FG 3

1 1 12 0



Ar ington Heights 6 - ^ Koppiin f 0 Vernon f - 0 Miad icls c ^T 1 Adair s g 0 Tuiry g if 0


anted bullof -^4

Holg i t s lndtf last Friday evening and incidentally increased their to 150 in t i c conference Lattn a s high point man for U2 field ijiojils or] a total poijnis

Arlington wW allowed bujt goal the bajame of their ing iccured b r f r e e thrpwf

Th e bull lightweights nosed 11 V i n over

turned in Arlington

^ss^K^ri^^fm^nw^^m^^ ^qiW^pltw l i f w ^ w r ^ - T w i - T i ^ - bull j


their make


aturedonS at Catlow Sunday

laquo ( erven on

low Si Earth Pardon




qs and jThe Chlamp Coming to Screen

Ken| Mnynard tidpular hero of the western dramas is seen as a Texas ranget in his- lajtult thrill-play Alias the Bud Man which plajja The Cat- low Saturday njglit

Susiiense tlwills h a r - r a i s i iig riding stunts and an iictioh-fillcd] battle between Maynard anil the]chief of the cattle rustlers are t i e big fea-raquo tttres bull bull

Short siibjedsJ selected for this pjrogram includt ft Slim Simmerville corned cartoon iportlight and news-

Nex j -Sunday- i ifternooii and evenshying Tlip Rosebndu a clever group of youngsters iif a kiddie presentation will IM presented on the straquoge This groiiptif nine talontcd hoys and girls will ofer 30 minutes of kidilie frolic

The swreen feature for Sundays show v ill be Heaven on Earth with Lew Ay res starrel

This picture hritf d^flnitrgtly regisshytered us Lews bciit screen effort since All (wie t on tlie Wester i F r o n t s and tells an nbscjrbing stoy of life oh the Mississippi river w th young Ayres oast as the son of a (steamboat captair I

Ijew Ayres supporting cast in eludes Slim SimnicrvilU Anita

and many fch ic Sale in fkfnny A Slip will

Jraquor6vide the comedy feature for the

Lain el and Hardy comedia as khown gtr- pictures

shown nights comedy

next Monlay

s i tuatkns in this

day the


in their ull-length Pardon Js The

their j dlley and Pardon U s wi l | ^laffinj est corned iei

Wedi ie8day Tl u ihts bf net

force are

pi esentation WAlli

other not M uctors

arc shown and

tvill be psday

ea ture hilarious right up

audit gtnces for |see on $

on the ay

week raquo f little

ace Berry

a ad ill

Lost 20 Lbs of Fat In Just 4 Weeks

Mrs Mae West of St Louis Mo writes Im only 28 sectrv old and weighed 170 lbs until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks agltL I now weigh 150^ lbs I also have more energy and furthermore IYgt never had a hungry fflomept

liat folks should^fake one half tea spoonful of Kruschen Salts in a g i n s of hot water in the morning beshyfore breakfastmdashits^the S A F E harm les i way to reduce as tens of thous-ancaof men and women know

Tor your healths sake ask for and get Kruschen at Fredlund DrUg Co or aby drag storemdashthe cost for a bot tie that lasts 4 weeks is but1 a tr i t e and if after the first bottle you are not joyfully satisfied with results

bulln ioney back f

Mplusmn Wltrifeaj-^h

of the screen

Fri bring

Jackie in The

tch iour

ELS What s|ould wojmAn do to kltlaquop their bowels moving1 freely A dob tor should 1 now the aiiswer Thu t u why bum Snrup Pepsin is so (ood for women It just suits their delicate organism It is the prescription of an old fanily doctor who has treated thousands of women patieMs and who nude a special study of bowel troubles 1

It is fine for children tojo They love its taste Let them have it every time tht ir tongues ire coated or their skin is i allow Dr Caldwejls S^rup Pepsin s made from fresh laxative herbs jure pepsin and other harm less ingredients i

When youve t sick h(adajhe cant eat are bilous or duggisn and at the times when you laquore most ant to bamp constipatedtake a little of this famous prcsciption (ill drug stores keep it ready in big jottles) and youll know wiy Dr Cildwells Syrjip Pepsin is thlt favorite laxative

er t million wo otenl |

Da W 8 CkL-owCLt

YUIJP gtEPSI ( A Posters Family Laxative I mdash - J mdash raquo [


^^^i^^^^^^tmmim waM


Oflee over Pohhnans Druf Store

Hours 8laquo to900am (K to2K)Opm i(K to8^)0pm

Sundays by Apboiatment

Office and R sidence Barrington 2

D R B P G R i L B I R |



830 to 9

7 laquo 4 Sunday



HOURS 30 a in 2

880 p U W 12

K ne



bull bull bull - t l bull bull bull - - - ^ - - bull]bullbull - I - bull l t


o8 t noon

J i r t BANK

arringion 23

SpeciaUj lint in Diseaces of Wonu|d and Chfldfea

HOURS Tuesday Thursday and Saturday

23( to 430 pm

Telephoie Barrington 525

130 Park Ave above Peerlgtss Market




[- paouRS 9 t gt 10 a m

i 2 traquo 8 p m -7 traquo 8 p m

Sundayi by Appointment

Bartington 801

Hudson-Bssitx B Main St

Telephoi e Barrlngtot 235

1717 Conway Building 111 Was Washington Street

CHICAGO ILL Tel Randolph laquo856 _

ilaW4gtlaquoraquoMliraquo-- -V-j Evenings 525 copyrove Ave bull bull Tel Barrington 502


usiness Director


Barrington Phone 403 -


118 N LaSalle St

Phone Dearborn 0399

bull v - i-Vii bull i-



112 West Adams Street


Telephone Randolph 6144 V

Howard i t Brlntlinger Telephone Barrington 660-W bull





E Main St

Barrington 52

By Appointmeit for your i ouvenience




135 lark Avehi Phone Birrington 301-J

HOURS 630 t ) 830 p

t)ther Hours and Sun i by Appointment





Successor fo


Phone] Barrington 77 115 E Main St


Office In Pohlman BallAnk 127 E Main St I 127

Barri Ington


0 to 12 lt 1 to 5 p 7 to 0 p


Tel Barrington 471

- HOURS 9 a nL to 6 p m and 7 to II p m


801 B Main St

Phone Barrington 458

| Banilnttou





- i- - - ^ 1 - bullbullbullbullbull - bull

60S Summit Street

Telephone Barrington 650-3

omoAQQ bwnca 134 N LaSfcUe St

Chicago Phone Central 4646


105- W Adams St laquo CHICAGO

Telephone Franklin 2788


- Barrington Phone 32-J


JUSTICE OF TflB PEACE (Cook County) (

8agt West Lake 8trelaquot^ bull Telepnone Barrington 634-J

v N -- Chicago Ofnce - - 20raquo W WasbJngton St Room 1401

Telephone Franklin 0122


Chiropodist and Foot Specialist

i -



Diseases and Deformities of the Feet

CHICAGO OFFICE 2020 Garland) Bldg Phone Centra^ 8005

Barrington By | Appointment Tel Barrlngtdn 248-W



bull I l

Office Hoars 9 to 12 a m ad 2 to 5 p m I Evenings by Appointment

Telephones Residence Barrington 588-J 8t6r( Barrington 298-W

Readers of the Review find this

directory raquo eapvcnleptj index to

bushiess and professional Bar

ringtoa When In need of some

specuv service they inrn to fids

page quickly to locate firms tote

phone numbers streei addresses

ftiM dugteetorjr has been raquo feature

j f l i yean

W raquo for almost 44


HENRY J GKARMAN Phuto Tuning aad-



E xpert work on alt repn dddl

or send S card 41


Plagge Home FtirnikMmt 6e


FREDLUND DRjUaffO 100 W Main


Phone 54$



Ifbull bull bull fl-j 111 -it s -th laquo5 i


i I







102 N Cook Sreet

Tel Barrington 2 Ftjill



1 i


bull raquo bull

n bull i ^ laquo


CALKINS Etawating and Grading


Tennis Courts Bbwlir|Oreias

4 B A R R I N G ^

H C A L K I N S Phon A S CALKINS] Phott4 4 W


^Li raquoraquo


-frac34 ii tl

Erery professional nsn in Baningfo) hi i name aaorfsB niunber and hours ef Ir this directory laquo I et ery week and mall eiery home In the 0 ber directories nay tl Is directory -ut wiek i


SERVICE INC 217 East Smtlojn St bull


bulli fin j ]

Furniture Remgtvalj d LongDi^tan

bull If embMPj

United VaWsiervljce

- ii- bull 4ryr GuaranteMi w


COST - -



r $ HX rlt i

fV bull u ft



ift 4





Local Brevities Mrs Blanche Ford ill nt h laquo

home 721 8 jCook street

Mrs Kdwaird Ostj 20laquo S Cook utreet spent Saturday) with her sister-in-law Mrs Kdward j Wicjkershpim of Long Orove raquoho hail jdst returned from the Libjltrtvville] hospital where die was tnkeij New Yearns Fflaquo after lgtelnK injured in an iuitnmobile aelt|i dent

Sir nnd Mfrlaquo T Garfield utreejr will a vacation of two West They wijl v Oklahoma CI bullikla que N M Hefore nia where thej will v friends in several cities


Dockcy 1frac34) leave todii-jr for

months in the sit rutatmw in

and Albuqncr-ing to Calif or-

l|sit relatives nnd of that state

Association Asks Help in Tuberculosis Fight

A training class for Sunday school teachers will be organized Thursday evening at the Saleni church It is to mect-bnee a week and will be under the direction of A Carsten-a-n

Mr and Mrs Paul Clark and famshyily 532 Orove avenue returned frolm Abingdon this week and Mr Clark will resume his duties at the high school Monday

Mrs John Horn and infant daughshyter June Alice returned to their home 502 Grove nvenue Tuesday

Volmer Anderson of Chicago who hYs many relatives and friends in Birrington underwent an operation fof appendicitis Moilday at the- St

onys hospital in Chicago His ition is reported to be satisfac-


Miss Amy Anderson retu-ntd from the Itavenswood hospital to her home at Honey Lake Sunday Mis Ander-son is recovering nicejy from nn opshyeration for appendicitis

Mrs Delia Cady 213 E Lincoln avenuevisited relatives in Libertyville Saturday and Sunday k

Mrs P L Anderson 628 Summjt street who returned from the Franshyces bullWlllard hospital recently is imshyproving in health nnd able to be up

Walter Ahrcns 21 street is recovering frim tack of tonsilitis

2 W Russell a severe at-

jp The home of Mr ajnd Mrs Lnwr-^ ence T York 40 E Kussell street

is under quarantine- Mr York is sufTering from an at alaquok of ^scarlet fever

Mrs Henry Will ljlVbullWashington street who iins been ill the pnst three weeks is so much improved that she is able to be up nnd around in- the


Thn monthly clinics maintained by the Lake County Tuberculosis assoshyciation for the examinations and sushypervision of the 40Opatici)t)i-wlio arc sick with tuberculosis In the county cannot be held Jin 1032 unless the people of this county cooperate to mnke the sen saj^ a succhsH accord-frfc to Ruth HcmMekiSOTij executive secretary of the association

The meager buduet upon which we are now compelled to (wottk does not permit school examinatiojiN or any

bullother phase of tmbl i c lipilth work which might prevelit the sp^nd of this gi-ent white plagin Miss Itendrickson stated |

The-neriountiesi$ of thin] situation is revealed when one renliz^s tliat 2W8 children active cjise of j tuberculosis are today attending classes in the scbools of Lake county

Lake County Tuberculoijas associashytion lias no menijs of support other than the returns from the ChriltmnK Seal sale There are no state or coun ty appropriations made flaquojr the care of patients suffering from tuberculous in this county

Childrens Reading Club to Be Formed Wednesday raquonhlt

A Book WormClub fdr girW and boys of the sixth seventh iand eighth grades will be formed at the public library Wednesday afternoon Jan 20 and will meet at 5 p m every Wednesday thereafter f lect ion of officers and the rehding of ^ulps which will govern this n lt w reading club will comprise the program for the first meeting The first twcnt|y-five boys nnd-girls who cone will W eligible to join the organization There will be a waiting list fof- any others -who wish to belong

Club meetings vill not be like the story hour jield for younger children

State Nevbd

Tho Century of Progress sion authorized by the last lcgii 1 has been appointed by Governor LvEmmerson The groupwill vise erection of a state buildfyig Worlds Fair in 1033 The leraquo provides lt that) Governor E shall be chairman with Li Governor Fred ESterling and e r David E Shnnahaii art me Those named -by fjoverttor Ein arc StiJte Senators Roy Wood i bullV (JiMiham Chicago Florence BoliiTr Hloominijton Hit Bnrr Jol iet Charles H T Ilarrisburg State Reprcscn Homer 7 Tilt(e O r o e n v W Schnnckenbergi Frank Ryiln K King Chicago Itichar 1 J Miiiidelein The fiillowiijig were also named Noble Bi Juduh George F Ilaiding Ai T CltzarnltScKi wtlloejor of cut V G -Hermann J F C o r i e l i u s Ideiir Illinois Academy of Paul Demos all of Chicago limn Leonard Karclier Fred P Watson Mt Vernon

Fine Mri Ft

W Baker Kewanec Col H son Pana The legislature i i ateed $350000 for a btViMlnfc preparation of exhibits

c^mmis-nture Louis super-at the

legislation miderson

icu tenar t 3peak-nbers

ipcrson nd K Fiffcr

hoihpson aitlvles R jJ-

nm yoris fsons

ha id


tgt FraquoIP




Ill pc

at 2 p m every

L A K E (Furnished by

Company Guaranteed 2^0 Waukegan 111

R C Ross extension specia agricultural economies at ihe of Agriculture Univers i ty of has announced that the 22 cut which Illinois farmers mad fall in their winter wWat speeds up a downward adjustm a c r e a g e ^ h i c h has been going most without interruption sincp The 22 per cent reductionfor is more than twice as much average reduction for jthe country - I

1st In (follegc

inois centj this)

acreage tit in

)ii al-1919

Illinois the




COUNTY the Illinois Title

Abstracts of Title Title Washington Street

Tel 4)

bull Chester-Callow 112i WMaiii left Tuesdny for a six weeks vacatiojn on the Isle of Pines whiiili is nhout 100 miles south of Havana Cuba Durshying Mr Callows absence Miss Helen Glenson 722 Second nVenue will Jake his plnce at the organ in The Catlow theatre

Mr and Mrs AVilliam Dawson 30 ) Lincoln avenue left S inday for Florshyida where they will abend thewinter months

Buzzards Lin itaitiont With its Ilinnnkalili eyesight pov

er of flight and size there probably Is only one1 reason why the vuituru or buzzard Is not one of the tuos active pursuers of living prey in stead of feeding upon dead or help leas preymdashthe absence of talon f with which to seize laquond hold living preymdashCuppers Farmer

FremontmdashH Ruura amp w)F to C Milshyler QCIgt laquo10 U t 17 Blk 12 Ar-tliitr Dunas Mundelein Manor Sec 25

II Ruurs 17 Blk 12 n Manor Alundclci

FremontmdashC Miller to amp wf jt tens D $l | ) Lot Arthur Dunas Sec 25

FremontmdashtJnioii Bnnft i)f Chgo to J Avon amp wf jt tens Dgt$lb Lots 13nnd 14 Blk 8 Arthur Dunas Munshydelein Manor Sect 25

ElamdashH M Overland and J Over-hmd to V Overlaid QCD 10 P t of SIC qr of SW qr of Sec 35

Waucondraquo-f-J if Johnson amp hun to T V Johnson QCD 10 I^its (K) 01 amp (12 Einicrest Sub Sees 23 25 and 20 bull j

WaucoiKliijmdashJ d Kelly amp wf to H Wagner amp wf j | tens W D $10 Iot 03 Maiinailsf 1st Adda to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

WaucondahmdashII E Maimiin amp wf et al to J Ci Kelly wf jt tlt Lot (Kl Maimans 1st Add i to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

ElamdashC W Ofit amp wf to E Ost amp others w r i N hf of N W qr the S W qr of NA qr and N E qr of MV qr of Sec 20

Fremontmdash-Union Bk of

qr N E

Chief Highway Engineer Fin Sheets has anlaquoiounced t in t highway divisioi _has under wa for constructing the equivWlcnf 200 miles o f T n w - two-lane roads in 1932 I t i s estjmate^l this extensivp st|atc-wide progi givlaquo| employment to between and 35000 men Tlie hig|hway ment will insist on the employm



local labor whenever^ fair rate of wages


Directoir Leo Hj Howej of t partmJMit of trade nnd coiiimercb announced that th j Insurance dty one of tin largcs reyenue agencies at the state | g n turned intlgt the st raquote treasury 1931 $6(|373705 T This only $40000 TCBS tha|gt the collie for the previous y^ar

annll of the div the I second tral Sttjtes cinnatij O congress was from Illinoit tucky- ailaquoB0 to consider


3[ Paul static planni i nouiiccd five planning Hon of the KiUigtn of Ian

isijon of forestry

Jiaj meeting of ewry congress

December 3 to made up of Indiana IowK

uri Ohio and the problema anlt|l

late forfestry in the Central region Mr Springer was the j board of directors for a thrtfe yi

(llac gyton chairniai igf tjommiasion broad-objectives

cse include dejtermiiia-st Sensible type

I nrijas to dirfeiii iioi

anded r__ Cen-

t Cin-I This

c elcgat ea Ken

Tennessee stimu-

lot elbcted to Iieriod of



of the uis an-of state

of utili-thc deshy

velopment of localization tion to which go jtf of the typi maintain a plete a coir which ^rill ordinattd and lirtper vaatrcsoui

a second distribution and of industry and popula-

(letermine the elements to the pattern and plaiv al urban-rural area to high standard to comshyprehensive plan | program bull

mejin the systematic coshyrd economical development

onservatioii of all Illinois S



A HANDY MAN wanted to take care of fires and do

jobs around country place live on place References Address 2212 Barrlngton Barrington III


Senatltr rimes Ilaniiltbn Lewis will be honorpd lit a ilaquoeptiou to1 be given By tho Illinois State ^ociety at Wash-( ington at i t) first meeting in the new year on Jti dary 21 All we repre-sentativcls i rom Illinois and their wives willlc in the receiving line

bull NOTICE bull

Not feinonsible for any traced Jgty anyone othW |ltn A Jij Sclirojljer North nve rlnjrtflin III L

^ mdashu Business Notices Bring I


t tut the Subscriber Ellen ncy Executrix of the Will of

rtnlaquoigtt deceased will nUcnd

nk TJ inois

plans of 1-

c|o(ncrcte that will

10000 epart-ent of at a

MODERN fcir rent in 3 bedrooms and basemeni strejet 32ogtWi

MODERN JSIX ROOM house for rent at 5C3 Grove avenue Reason

able Inquire at 439N Coot street Tel Barrington 209-J1 1 r

FIVE ROOM furnished

Strictly modern refrigeration Dundee avehue or 849

OLD LOG road one

ich for (rent $10 0 0 a n

qr of N W

Cligo to D Lot 7 J If I Conperlaquo amp v f jt tens

Oak TerraceSub Sec 30 FremontmdashJr IL Connors^ to A

Brady W D Pt of Lot 7 Oak Terrace Sub Sec 30 also ^ot 08 Second Addn to Oak Terrace Sijb S E qr of Sec 30

FremontmdashA JJ Brady to J| II Connors amp wf jt itens P t of Lot 7 Oak Terrace SubJ-Sec 36

Waucondamdash-A Bchling amp wf to V Behling W D Lot3 Blk5 At Home Sub Sees 25 aiidj 30

F U R N I S H E D Barrington Livi

i kitchen breakfast L Call at 642 N

telephone Ba

H O U S E room

nook Hough

rrington tf

FURNISHED apartmelit for

Oil heat Mrs H L

Tel Barritig

or un-rent

Electric s a on 28

FIVE wooded

tate district Price ronly Box 21 BarH

for faje Beautifjully igli located in finest es-

near bull$ W highway J

KOHLER 1500 wajtt

hauled M ton 395-JW

^iECTHflC LIGHT ilnnlaquo for sale Recently ovcr-


LOST OR male cat

black tipped large cat ton 325-J

PERSIAN with larlaquo]e

not-ify Mrs ringt(u 310

ACRJraquo FIVE Ijby private

pwee or no 2111 Barrington Illinois

Prqbate Court of Lake Count) eof to blaquo Iiolden at

Hoise in Wnukegaii In sahjl t |0 first Monday of

li|whcn and where al uiig clnims against said

yiotilied^nrid requested to ] tjanie to said court for ndjuldication

E L t E N ti COURTNEY ^bullaukctran 111 January cent- ^932

Philip Young Attorney

$^550 per acre ington 111

Ow nerj

Telephone Barring-


STOLENmdashGray and tan with black stripes and tail and feet Unusually Reward Tel Barring-

CAT lost dafck grey and bushy- tail Kindly

E A Bcermun Tel Bar-


FOR CASH wanted lgtarty~ Give location and attention given Address

i Review Barrington

r I

drive car otjier odd

Not to required Review

i ebtjs con-n myself me Bnr-



jfivon L- Court-Tomes V

the atntenn

ijhe Court County

Majrch next persons

bullstnte are picqcnt the



1 Aikilonwrs rdegW AuoU in on thf o ] locate I 2 mil

Will Mil at man farm ltDunuec 3 miles Nortjlt of Crystal new Dundee

in n large sharp on 1 I Sat] 4raquo l^BAD


19 CoWsr-Soma Springers some spraquo-r Registerod

Thts hilaquo of GueriiNtj first fimv sey sale and abort I in tho cuujntry were houghit them for them have must be fore sale cldse right know my rfputn be seen It down anft Terms





mile East bull ofj ( of Elgin 8j

I rtke pne-hnlf -GilbjFts roal IJB i|ve will Rtjl

i w laquobull IWU 5 south jilles ^-amp this laquobull1230

Jaii 16 |9 f OF RJBAL OJtfK m^ ciyslating of ome ^TenH Bala

lO^Ielfers |fl itiXlnjria lWfr l l

Jue^jiey^n except lofinll

H and it gt evct had a

Iliesekowlaquo a testefi apd u bulllaquoraquo Wisc|

ibylfjpurty t oVjuV herd




ii MHB00tJ0iiifiN^ All M i t will ftjo Uii^ bdquobdquo

laquolf htti BULL

raquof Il lunifli vm th tiftern-

it^lltod llOllslJt

Thev 1 liini(-iit iiiost (if


as I know tl Wn ak| vo PuMtttiL ThMti ( Uvs mubdquo

he WiipreclHt | w buy some cheajj KV8


h A^ttowraquo mu(t k- tud deridianie dai n j Snligt

JOE KVIDEPlit 1 V Myer C

AUCTION SAL Frank Gahlbeck AJict H I H Shoppe


Having decided toquit log raising1 will bell af publi old Sell rage Farm fir st farm eastfi ltfi Nebfls cor) road 2frac12 miles north )f Schaumburg 5 mil^s soj

Monday Janu - lt] bull bull Beglialng at 1 oclock shjjrjilaquo

6 0 Head o f H o g s 45 Gil

auction lt on Hi of Pal

__ r_ fan|o March land AptfiT 20 Shoatswt ampbii | 75 lbs

25 wi|from 100 to [ l l raquo J Chester White Boar 75 Chichenel SO WhbeWyan- dottes 2SLeghonislB IIpullets Brooder houie Chichi n coops 400-egg Tyco Incuba-or used bull one seasonj Hot Bias Hester Grain elevator Corn c rusher Drag cart Land rollei Thistle machine a ] Wheel

barrows 1frac14 h p Fairbanks mdtor Riding cultivator Pti mp-Jack Timothy seeder |TJuik heater Grindstone Home-made tinnier

M l Trucli and Rattle rakj good condition^

Hay rake arid gear Oil jtnd C laquo l Bugtner Wooden jslocktaik Good dumi wafOln Cookjsampve Washing maohliie with gas

bull bull bull i bull bull i All |shte vlndOff storri

dows M i screens MIW strainers milk claquoM|er Nome n n luiober Wonsbi l id stra Tablesan I chatljs Wa^on-bo arid If car

fERMSmdashCASH _ (

u (

t - -






WN 209 to 215 Park




ISHINNERraquoCO le 3 7 1

104 W Main St I Barrington HI





Stewing Hens


Pork Steak

irtm S L I C E D

Beef Liver 15




bull G E N U I N E bullbullbull

Lamb Stew 3^is



tn Roast



gtlaquoraquolaquo25lt -j F-^N-CY-

Leg oE Lamb


Avemdash210 to ate er

Station St

^ilTURDAY M bull

Part Wool ^ r arm Lined Color Gray raquoea

Big brother Fill Cut Heavkr Denim

31ue fcambray

Blealhed 81 inches Quality i

$179 ea^C

39c to89c Good O C i per yd laquoviraquo

Sheeting Unbc|olaquoifiyncfcr yd 23c 23c 46 inches wide


cs ai b

Grocer SALIf PORK lb FRESH LOIN per PURE PORK SAUfeAGE hiilk lb PORK LINKS Heidelberg lb Ripe Bananas 3 lb t I G A Yellow Lauudrfc Soai| lgTaais 10 for 4 3 I G A

Cqp- mdashDel Maisj Ni whole kernel J cam

Aljnerican Family S oap 5 bi ra Fan^y Applesauce

Soap Chips large phgsi 2 for 29 I G A Beauty Soap Gold C ream Bari bars

23c value) for J^ i-l G I A White Floa tirig ampoa]) the B ath Soap bull

Supreme each 5 10 or 49 I 0- A Cocoa Hard water Soap 2 bars 1 5 Household Cleanser] I G Aj 3 boxes 13

blets Vrouuih Packed



No 2 can Aunt Jemima Pane ike Flour 2 reg Cbmet White iloaeiElici 2 Mb pkgs Libbys Rosedale A pricjots lg cans Extra fine sweet and juicy naval fejrlaflgei

dozen ^-^^--^ - -- mdashu-vJSgn Iciiid 99laquo Fresh Eggs and Buttltr art declining Come ir Saturday and see sp ecial pric ss on th se necessities

Moats is 18 15 28 18

New York Pack


s27 28

10 pkgs 19

16 1 5

T 1-frac34 A D L HT - A N D S A V E

ywt raquo Y A L h j

STORES B E S T - Q U A L I T Y mdashr~ ALV t AYS

Independently Owned

SPECIALS for Friday1 and Satiard

Cranberries Fancy J lbs t e c n s Stringless Greer l b s raquo 5 c

Pet is Fancy California l b $ 2 5 c

Let t luce LgFan 3yHlt ads lbs 1 Swlt e t P o t a t o e s lbs I S p u j a c h CurleyL^af 3 l b e l


lt bull

M e n per

POTATOES Large White Cobblers bag ORANGES 200 size Heavy w i t h iuice do GRAPEFRUIT 80 siz TANGERINES APPLES Stayman Wi^iesajp

I Grimes

10 h do

lbs fo) tuslhet

OUR ROYAL5lb14c|Z4i lb

^AE^at2tbI iol^r PURE CANE SUOiUl ( ^Mlb tMc^ kles^ Tlaquof f

A K l laquo 03 Score or KHttr M$^J

r Peas AUT NO x 1laquo cans

ON SALE OXYttOL 1 lg i sm both for 2 3 T(raquo]Aro SOUP VanCam^s

OATS Royal Blue Quaker


Royal Biw

How Plaquocim T l p i i Ik ChioVlVf |fej

Brookfisld B2 geerf Or TMtoti

Tiny m kti 8lftlaquod laquo C I B Z rciiasJ

3 can flaquo 3 No 2 12


raquo raquo bull raquo bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull bull raquo H raquo raquo bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull p l


28 17frac12

9 CAKE FLOUR Virginia Sweet

nl idi ll - L bull 8 frac12 ^ PUMPKINI Ar-BeNo 2frac12 can 9 No 2 can

APPLESAUCE No 1 can i raquo raquoraquo


We Deliver Pto^e 6 l S Not a W E GUARANTEE EVERYTHING W E S


I tubbi samp


R I C M - l b pk HONEY s m

lg glass 1 lb BEEJTS No 2 Ar SYkl StfYbERCAifi

siti all

i in kf th ai i i tec

JUtCE kr S|


bullBj SHce^lJ JP Maple itnl Cane 21 oz

1 if t iw


mampM l^fjiiiQi^ 1

i^hM^^^l laquofe laquo l bull I

Thlaquo R tuiat1


T le r lmas In eiU

the Barr ing t raquotfraquofcB

PerCa ofEducMwttft 2 7 S c ^ S h ^

ItarrtaRton Hjfch SchMlJ

93041 i LoterTKb e

Tlbdquo -raquoni|wirallvc

AltbU^ S t a C V KrmWS Smithy

i bdquo i i i r i i i ] 1 d nrbull hiKh Hfh^t 6laquotilaquon 0 ^ frac34

bdquo1 IJgt tho per laquoM)ita aw

r T nrivolnt by dm

I bvh^^f pnpbatf

COIlaquotlaquo Of

yenr iiie tlio srhool - I j

Of 1 -JT M-liwllaquoraquo 1 laquo M pound 0f ilistriM per

Hut riii

MixJ lWI tlltj rtKhtU bdquo ilaquo-^laquoi T-r ilaquolaquoKM copy laquo


-i7st for 1 03 1^ nfwrtliM ^15() eapiin

c^tinii is dulaquo I

srliool follows

|Ii)igt Srlliraquoi| llnmiiioml Irjd

A w l^gtinm(ilaquoifv Bluom Township -

Dmuk Ilimurani Thon1 Yvw To Pulnt inltgt Towuship

tKlKin Harriimioii IMslnct

bull Proviso -Towiifhip Hint 1-lnml (JHitmijiiHyj

bullQnk IaiU 11 ml Uiv^ rnwn-fhip

H(iiiAigtlaquovilli ltVraquogtulaquoui)iy TlivifiiiHi Townsfiii

1 bull wimirit la lthmews vrollOTMltr The list of iij

- i TnltfimVlS j^

A-i) s h i p

V bull t ltraquoval^bull-

bull NfjJltciIKo - j - =bullbullbull-bull-bull- bull AHiniiuMi Iloiuhis To^iiMtii n Jolilaquott bull bullbullbullbullbull_ bullbullbullbull J Aniiorli Towiisliip Lihiiiyvilh1 Towtfsl ip IAOIIS TowiiNhip


IX 7-3 ii2 bull

^1 2frac34 - amp 25

26 -28

(Jrnnf Township WiNlraiidil Kill Township bull ^ Mjilinraquo Towm hip 1j lfvaiisioir Toivnship Tgt

^ VnrrlaquoMi Towhship j r Niw Trier Township Ijoyiliii ltojnnnmitv iWrlifld-Shiohls M Smilti tins tr rtCord of t|raquo

jCiipita oitsts of sovoji of thlaquo-k-hoitls for tluv year V^V-lit jours Iurlior Tho compatisnil of hvo srhooj viiir costs i Is

HiK-li ^iliool t020-2T Pjilaliuo $iSofJO BnrriiiKtou - 1ltUgt07 Arlington Jlk-ights 1S040 Proviso bull -f m)m Whcrtyvilh ^18500 Leyd-ii SOOIM) Oporficld-shiclds 24gtL$)

Elgin Lions Entertained Ky Ixtcal C liib ^lemb

r f bull27Jj

laquo3 1 n

19 bull bull amp fas -x

Twcijiy-tvfo KlRinJ JTJampiisf ^BltJ other visitors fronf I Moitdnv iiiRht ltif tho lt-lid) al dinner foll(jvod ontertjilaquoti)mraquont1iind n round

KollowiiiR dinup^ j Paul

irriiipton mn

t_ tei BerRer

world the

K BW croup

| vninhn-jllc faiiio AvhJ) Krnlt)iously [ mittwl lie ^iis tho

mnfciraii cntertainetl mnkiiiK riirds disapppora^d laquoW eomltgt out of the air nnd hy articles of femininlt iiitirp vlaquowt iMieketN-of sweral of the Of tlje Hiirrhifjtnn club

T|ie howling niatciim-nt ky jilley inelHdlaquod pickedbull t bdquo iiwrpliwttir IJoim d u b mVgttinif lraquot fowlers nntonp t k- Ktj

pxtcas frorii meml

the Jji bull i ihi ijjf

n visit

Park Ridgi Man AppointedCc^

of qirat] Naim

raquolaquobull inat rgtf the


Ajiiioii|ilt|Henl- w J-wrd of director Mbdquo

raquolaquolaquo raquolaquoraquo$ of llHrrlngtonj ^raquolaquoK ThftT-dfl-yfnhwmrf WPIHMiiii ofChnrbis A ^ l i - (1s vMWr 0 wtion - -

Mi KlKtier has ]jaj

11 ltViral TW Claquov bullf^MhwWnf state bank m

iSn^ inmtradelaquo



Kjr- bullKiwt-foltPji

iVnpob KlSBJl ] tye ii


[Kraquon laquoj

f IilN

^kt yfj laquoii ^gt Jjf

l x Families Are Um|er Scarlet FeverQuaraiii

S i l q m r i ^ M for laquornrfctfp

J J t raquoox t^w d ^ ^

^ 1 ) raquo ^ in t h i ^ i n e i m

n bullraquoUuiiMiiHiirf8|ilaquoIw^i||

RorftveHmr FVoiH injury H

bullCrr h f l r-52oalaquonnii^ bullto U i n laquoraquolaquo^nlaquol tlaquo -k^S u poundk lA tnm

bulltfor^L WU tvtrade wtM lH S^rofdw ttanlwtre Coi

A plusmnA A

Page 8: Barrington Area Library · & Months of .31 Reviewed in Brief Oulstandinu •



Local Brevities Mrs Blanche Ford ill nt h laquo

home 721 8 jCook street

Mrs Kdwaird Ostj 20laquo S Cook utreet spent Saturday) with her sister-in-law Mrs Kdward j Wicjkershpim of Long Orove raquoho hail jdst returned from the Libjltrtvville] hospital where die was tnkeij New Yearns Fflaquo after lgtelnK injured in an iuitnmobile aelt|i dent

Sir nnd Mfrlaquo T Garfield utreejr will a vacation of two West They wijl v Oklahoma CI bullikla que N M Hefore nia where thej will v friends in several cities


Dockcy 1frac34) leave todii-jr for

months in the sit rutatmw in

and Albuqncr-ing to Calif or-

l|sit relatives nnd of that state

Association Asks Help in Tuberculosis Fight

A training class for Sunday school teachers will be organized Thursday evening at the Saleni church It is to mect-bnee a week and will be under the direction of A Carsten-a-n

Mr and Mrs Paul Clark and famshyily 532 Orove avenue returned frolm Abingdon this week and Mr Clark will resume his duties at the high school Monday

Mrs John Horn and infant daughshyter June Alice returned to their home 502 Grove nvenue Tuesday

Volmer Anderson of Chicago who hYs many relatives and friends in Birrington underwent an operation fof appendicitis Moilday at the- St

onys hospital in Chicago His ition is reported to be satisfac-


Miss Amy Anderson retu-ntd from the Itavenswood hospital to her home at Honey Lake Sunday Mis Ander-son is recovering nicejy from nn opshyeration for appendicitis

Mrs Delia Cady 213 E Lincoln avenuevisited relatives in Libertyville Saturday and Sunday k

Mrs P L Anderson 628 Summjt street who returned from the Franshyces bullWlllard hospital recently is imshyproving in health nnd able to be up

Walter Ahrcns 21 street is recovering frim tack of tonsilitis

2 W Russell a severe at-

jp The home of Mr ajnd Mrs Lnwr-^ ence T York 40 E Kussell street

is under quarantine- Mr York is sufTering from an at alaquok of ^scarlet fever

Mrs Henry Will ljlVbullWashington street who iins been ill the pnst three weeks is so much improved that she is able to be up nnd around in- the


Thn monthly clinics maintained by the Lake County Tuberculosis assoshyciation for the examinations and sushypervision of the 40Opatici)t)i-wlio arc sick with tuberculosis In the county cannot be held Jin 1032 unless the people of this county cooperate to mnke the sen saj^ a succhsH accord-frfc to Ruth HcmMekiSOTij executive secretary of the association

The meager buduet upon which we are now compelled to (wottk does not permit school examinatiojiN or any

bullother phase of tmbl i c lipilth work which might prevelit the sp^nd of this gi-ent white plagin Miss Itendrickson stated |

The-neriountiesi$ of thin] situation is revealed when one renliz^s tliat 2W8 children active cjise of j tuberculosis are today attending classes in the scbools of Lake county

Lake County Tuberculoijas associashytion lias no menijs of support other than the returns from the ChriltmnK Seal sale There are no state or coun ty appropriations made flaquojr the care of patients suffering from tuberculous in this county

Childrens Reading Club to Be Formed Wednesday raquonhlt

A Book WormClub fdr girW and boys of the sixth seventh iand eighth grades will be formed at the public library Wednesday afternoon Jan 20 and will meet at 5 p m every Wednesday thereafter f lect ion of officers and the rehding of ^ulps which will govern this n lt w reading club will comprise the program for the first meeting The first twcnt|y-five boys nnd-girls who cone will W eligible to join the organization There will be a waiting list fof- any others -who wish to belong

Club meetings vill not be like the story hour jield for younger children

State Nevbd

Tho Century of Progress sion authorized by the last lcgii 1 has been appointed by Governor LvEmmerson The groupwill vise erection of a state buildfyig Worlds Fair in 1033 The leraquo provides lt that) Governor E shall be chairman with Li Governor Fred ESterling and e r David E Shnnahaii art me Those named -by fjoverttor Ein arc StiJte Senators Roy Wood i bullV (JiMiham Chicago Florence BoliiTr Hloominijton Hit Bnrr Jol iet Charles H T Ilarrisburg State Reprcscn Homer 7 Tilt(e O r o e n v W Schnnckenbergi Frank Ryiln K King Chicago Itichar 1 J Miiiidelein The fiillowiijig were also named Noble Bi Juduh George F Ilaiding Ai T CltzarnltScKi wtlloejor of cut V G -Hermann J F C o r i e l i u s Ideiir Illinois Academy of Paul Demos all of Chicago limn Leonard Karclier Fred P Watson Mt Vernon

Fine Mri Ft

W Baker Kewanec Col H son Pana The legislature i i ateed $350000 for a btViMlnfc preparation of exhibits

c^mmis-nture Louis super-at the

legislation miderson

icu tenar t 3peak-nbers

ipcrson nd K Fiffcr

hoihpson aitlvles R jJ-

nm yoris fsons

ha id


tgt FraquoIP




Ill pc

at 2 p m every

L A K E (Furnished by

Company Guaranteed 2^0 Waukegan 111

R C Ross extension specia agricultural economies at ihe of Agriculture Univers i ty of has announced that the 22 cut which Illinois farmers mad fall in their winter wWat speeds up a downward adjustm a c r e a g e ^ h i c h has been going most without interruption sincp The 22 per cent reductionfor is more than twice as much average reduction for jthe country - I

1st In (follegc

inois centj this)

acreage tit in

)ii al-1919

Illinois the




COUNTY the Illinois Title

Abstracts of Title Title Washington Street

Tel 4)

bull Chester-Callow 112i WMaiii left Tuesdny for a six weeks vacatiojn on the Isle of Pines whiiili is nhout 100 miles south of Havana Cuba Durshying Mr Callows absence Miss Helen Glenson 722 Second nVenue will Jake his plnce at the organ in The Catlow theatre

Mr and Mrs AVilliam Dawson 30 ) Lincoln avenue left S inday for Florshyida where they will abend thewinter months

Buzzards Lin itaitiont With its Ilinnnkalili eyesight pov

er of flight and size there probably Is only one1 reason why the vuituru or buzzard Is not one of the tuos active pursuers of living prey in stead of feeding upon dead or help leas preymdashthe absence of talon f with which to seize laquond hold living preymdashCuppers Farmer

FremontmdashH Ruura amp w)F to C Milshyler QCIgt laquo10 U t 17 Blk 12 Ar-tliitr Dunas Mundelein Manor Sec 25

II Ruurs 17 Blk 12 n Manor Alundclci

FremontmdashC Miller to amp wf jt tens D $l | ) Lot Arthur Dunas Sec 25

FremontmdashtJnioii Bnnft i)f Chgo to J Avon amp wf jt tens Dgt$lb Lots 13nnd 14 Blk 8 Arthur Dunas Munshydelein Manor Sect 25

ElamdashH M Overland and J Over-hmd to V Overlaid QCD 10 P t of SIC qr of SW qr of Sec 35

Waucondraquo-f-J if Johnson amp hun to T V Johnson QCD 10 I^its (K) 01 amp (12 Einicrest Sub Sees 23 25 and 20 bull j

WaucoiKliijmdashJ d Kelly amp wf to H Wagner amp wf j | tens W D $10 Iot 03 Maiinailsf 1st Adda to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

WaucondahmdashII E Maimiin amp wf et al to J Ci Kelly wf jt tlt Lot (Kl Maimans 1st Add i to Lake Shore Park Sec 25

ElamdashC W Ofit amp wf to E Ost amp others w r i N hf of N W qr the S W qr of NA qr and N E qr of MV qr of Sec 20

Fremontmdash-Union Bk of

qr N E

Chief Highway Engineer Fin Sheets has anlaquoiounced t in t highway divisioi _has under wa for constructing the equivWlcnf 200 miles o f T n w - two-lane roads in 1932 I t i s estjmate^l this extensivp st|atc-wide progi givlaquo| employment to between and 35000 men Tlie hig|hway ment will insist on the employm



local labor whenever^ fair rate of wages


Directoir Leo Hj Howej of t partmJMit of trade nnd coiiimercb announced that th j Insurance dty one of tin largcs reyenue agencies at the state | g n turned intlgt the st raquote treasury 1931 $6(|373705 T This only $40000 TCBS tha|gt the collie for the previous y^ar

annll of the div the I second tral Sttjtes cinnatij O congress was from Illinoit tucky- ailaquoB0 to consider


3[ Paul static planni i nouiiccd five planning Hon of the KiUigtn of Ian

isijon of forestry

Jiaj meeting of ewry congress

December 3 to made up of Indiana IowK

uri Ohio and the problema anlt|l

late forfestry in the Central region Mr Springer was the j board of directors for a thrtfe yi

(llac gyton chairniai igf tjommiasion broad-objectives

cse include dejtermiiia-st Sensible type

I nrijas to dirfeiii iioi

anded r__ Cen-

t Cin-I This

c elcgat ea Ken

Tennessee stimu-

lot elbcted to Iieriod of



of the uis an-of state

of utili-thc deshy

velopment of localization tion to which go jtf of the typi maintain a plete a coir which ^rill ordinattd and lirtper vaatrcsoui

a second distribution and of industry and popula-

(letermine the elements to the pattern and plaiv al urban-rural area to high standard to comshyprehensive plan | program bull

mejin the systematic coshyrd economical development

onservatioii of all Illinois S



A HANDY MAN wanted to take care of fires and do

jobs around country place live on place References Address 2212 Barrlngton Barrington III


Senatltr rimes Ilaniiltbn Lewis will be honorpd lit a ilaquoeptiou to1 be given By tho Illinois State ^ociety at Wash-( ington at i t) first meeting in the new year on Jti dary 21 All we repre-sentativcls i rom Illinois and their wives willlc in the receiving line

bull NOTICE bull

Not feinonsible for any traced Jgty anyone othW |ltn A Jij Sclirojljer North nve rlnjrtflin III L

^ mdashu Business Notices Bring I


t tut the Subscriber Ellen ncy Executrix of the Will of

rtnlaquoigtt deceased will nUcnd

nk TJ inois

plans of 1-

c|o(ncrcte that will

10000 epart-ent of at a

MODERN fcir rent in 3 bedrooms and basemeni strejet 32ogtWi

MODERN JSIX ROOM house for rent at 5C3 Grove avenue Reason

able Inquire at 439N Coot street Tel Barrington 209-J1 1 r

FIVE ROOM furnished

Strictly modern refrigeration Dundee avehue or 849

OLD LOG road one

ich for (rent $10 0 0 a n

qr of N W

Cligo to D Lot 7 J If I Conperlaquo amp v f jt tens

Oak TerraceSub Sec 30 FremontmdashJr IL Connors^ to A

Brady W D Pt of Lot 7 Oak Terrace Sub Sec 30 also ^ot 08 Second Addn to Oak Terrace Sijb S E qr of Sec 30

FremontmdashA JJ Brady to J| II Connors amp wf jt itens P t of Lot 7 Oak Terrace SubJ-Sec 36

Waucondamdash-A Bchling amp wf to V Behling W D Lot3 Blk5 At Home Sub Sees 25 aiidj 30

F U R N I S H E D Barrington Livi

i kitchen breakfast L Call at 642 N

telephone Ba

H O U S E room

nook Hough

rrington tf

FURNISHED apartmelit for

Oil heat Mrs H L

Tel Barritig

or un-rent

Electric s a on 28

FIVE wooded

tate district Price ronly Box 21 BarH

for faje Beautifjully igli located in finest es-

near bull$ W highway J

KOHLER 1500 wajtt

hauled M ton 395-JW

^iECTHflC LIGHT ilnnlaquo for sale Recently ovcr-


LOST OR male cat

black tipped large cat ton 325-J

PERSIAN with larlaquo]e

not-ify Mrs ringt(u 310

ACRJraquo FIVE Ijby private

pwee or no 2111 Barrington Illinois

Prqbate Court of Lake Count) eof to blaquo Iiolden at

Hoise in Wnukegaii In sahjl t |0 first Monday of

li|whcn and where al uiig clnims against said

yiotilied^nrid requested to ] tjanie to said court for ndjuldication

E L t E N ti COURTNEY ^bullaukctran 111 January cent- ^932

Philip Young Attorney

$^550 per acre ington 111

Ow nerj

Telephone Barring-


STOLENmdashGray and tan with black stripes and tail and feet Unusually Reward Tel Barring-

CAT lost dafck grey and bushy- tail Kindly

E A Bcermun Tel Bar-


FOR CASH wanted lgtarty~ Give location and attention given Address

i Review Barrington

r I

drive car otjier odd

Not to required Review

i ebtjs con-n myself me Bnr-



jfivon L- Court-Tomes V

the atntenn

ijhe Court County

Majrch next persons

bullstnte are picqcnt the



1 Aikilonwrs rdegW AuoU in on thf o ] locate I 2 mil

Will Mil at man farm ltDunuec 3 miles Nortjlt of Crystal new Dundee

in n large sharp on 1 I Sat] 4raquo l^BAD


19 CoWsr-Soma Springers some spraquo-r Registerod

Thts hilaquo of GueriiNtj first fimv sey sale and abort I in tho cuujntry were houghit them for them have must be fore sale cldse right know my rfputn be seen It down anft Terms





mile East bull ofj ( of Elgin 8j

I rtke pne-hnlf -GilbjFts roal IJB i|ve will Rtjl

i w laquobull IWU 5 south jilles ^-amp this laquobull1230

Jaii 16 |9 f OF RJBAL OJtfK m^ ciyslating of ome ^TenH Bala

lO^Ielfers |fl itiXlnjria lWfr l l

Jue^jiey^n except lofinll

H and it gt evct had a

Iliesekowlaquo a testefi apd u bulllaquoraquo Wisc|

ibylfjpurty t oVjuV herd




ii MHB00tJ0iiifiN^ All M i t will ftjo Uii^ bdquobdquo

laquolf htti BULL

raquof Il lunifli vm th tiftern-

it^lltod llOllslJt

Thev 1 liini(-iit iiiost (if


as I know tl Wn ak| vo PuMtttiL ThMti ( Uvs mubdquo

he WiipreclHt | w buy some cheajj KV8


h A^ttowraquo mu(t k- tud deridianie dai n j Snligt

JOE KVIDEPlit 1 V Myer C

AUCTION SAL Frank Gahlbeck AJict H I H Shoppe


Having decided toquit log raising1 will bell af publi old Sell rage Farm fir st farm eastfi ltfi Nebfls cor) road 2frac12 miles north )f Schaumburg 5 mil^s soj

Monday Janu - lt] bull bull Beglialng at 1 oclock shjjrjilaquo

6 0 Head o f H o g s 45 Gil

auction lt on Hi of Pal

__ r_ fan|o March land AptfiT 20 Shoatswt ampbii | 75 lbs

25 wi|from 100 to [ l l raquo J Chester White Boar 75 Chichenel SO WhbeWyan- dottes 2SLeghonislB IIpullets Brooder houie Chichi n coops 400-egg Tyco Incuba-or used bull one seasonj Hot Bias Hester Grain elevator Corn c rusher Drag cart Land rollei Thistle machine a ] Wheel

barrows 1frac14 h p Fairbanks mdtor Riding cultivator Pti mp-Jack Timothy seeder |TJuik heater Grindstone Home-made tinnier

M l Trucli and Rattle rakj good condition^

Hay rake arid gear Oil jtnd C laquo l Bugtner Wooden jslocktaik Good dumi wafOln Cookjsampve Washing maohliie with gas

bull bull bull i bull bull i All |shte vlndOff storri

dows M i screens MIW strainers milk claquoM|er Nome n n luiober Wonsbi l id stra Tablesan I chatljs Wa^on-bo arid If car

fERMSmdashCASH _ (

u (

t - -






WN 209 to 215 Park




ISHINNERraquoCO le 3 7 1

104 W Main St I Barrington HI





Stewing Hens


Pork Steak

irtm S L I C E D

Beef Liver 15




bull G E N U I N E bullbullbull

Lamb Stew 3^is



tn Roast



gtlaquoraquolaquo25lt -j F-^N-CY-

Leg oE Lamb


Avemdash210 to ate er

Station St

^ilTURDAY M bull

Part Wool ^ r arm Lined Color Gray raquoea

Big brother Fill Cut Heavkr Denim

31ue fcambray

Blealhed 81 inches Quality i

$179 ea^C

39c to89c Good O C i per yd laquoviraquo

Sheeting Unbc|olaquoifiyncfcr yd 23c 23c 46 inches wide


cs ai b

Grocer SALIf PORK lb FRESH LOIN per PURE PORK SAUfeAGE hiilk lb PORK LINKS Heidelberg lb Ripe Bananas 3 lb t I G A Yellow Lauudrfc Soai| lgTaais 10 for 4 3 I G A

Cqp- mdashDel Maisj Ni whole kernel J cam

Aljnerican Family S oap 5 bi ra Fan^y Applesauce

Soap Chips large phgsi 2 for 29 I G A Beauty Soap Gold C ream Bari bars

23c value) for J^ i-l G I A White Floa tirig ampoa]) the B ath Soap bull

Supreme each 5 10 or 49 I 0- A Cocoa Hard water Soap 2 bars 1 5 Household Cleanser] I G Aj 3 boxes 13

blets Vrouuih Packed



No 2 can Aunt Jemima Pane ike Flour 2 reg Cbmet White iloaeiElici 2 Mb pkgs Libbys Rosedale A pricjots lg cans Extra fine sweet and juicy naval fejrlaflgei

dozen ^-^^--^ - -- mdashu-vJSgn Iciiid 99laquo Fresh Eggs and Buttltr art declining Come ir Saturday and see sp ecial pric ss on th se necessities

Moats is 18 15 28 18

New York Pack


s27 28

10 pkgs 19

16 1 5

T 1-frac34 A D L HT - A N D S A V E

ywt raquo Y A L h j

STORES B E S T - Q U A L I T Y mdashr~ ALV t AYS

Independently Owned

SPECIALS for Friday1 and Satiard

Cranberries Fancy J lbs t e c n s Stringless Greer l b s raquo 5 c

Pet is Fancy California l b $ 2 5 c

Let t luce LgFan 3yHlt ads lbs 1 Swlt e t P o t a t o e s lbs I S p u j a c h CurleyL^af 3 l b e l


lt bull

M e n per

POTATOES Large White Cobblers bag ORANGES 200 size Heavy w i t h iuice do GRAPEFRUIT 80 siz TANGERINES APPLES Stayman Wi^iesajp

I Grimes

10 h do

lbs fo) tuslhet

OUR ROYAL5lb14c|Z4i lb

^AE^at2tbI iol^r PURE CANE SUOiUl ( ^Mlb tMc^ kles^ Tlaquof f

A K l laquo 03 Score or KHttr M$^J

r Peas AUT NO x 1laquo cans

ON SALE OXYttOL 1 lg i sm both for 2 3 T(raquo]Aro SOUP VanCam^s

OATS Royal Blue Quaker


Royal Biw

How Plaquocim T l p i i Ik ChioVlVf |fej

Brookfisld B2 geerf Or TMtoti

Tiny m kti 8lftlaquod laquo C I B Z rciiasJ

3 can flaquo 3 No 2 12


raquo raquo bull raquo bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull bull bull raquo H raquo raquo bull bull bull bull bull ^ bull bull p l


28 17frac12

9 CAKE FLOUR Virginia Sweet

nl idi ll - L bull 8 frac12 ^ PUMPKINI Ar-BeNo 2frac12 can 9 No 2 can

APPLESAUCE No 1 can i raquo raquoraquo


We Deliver Pto^e 6 l S Not a W E GUARANTEE EVERYTHING W E S


I tubbi samp


R I C M - l b pk HONEY s m

lg glass 1 lb BEEJTS No 2 Ar SYkl StfYbERCAifi

siti all

i in kf th ai i i tec

JUtCE kr S|


bullBj SHce^lJ JP Maple itnl Cane 21 oz

1 if t iw


mampM l^fjiiiQi^ 1

i^hM^^^l laquofe laquo l bull I

Thlaquo R tuiat1


T le r lmas In eiU

the Barr ing t raquotfraquofcB

PerCa ofEducMwttft 2 7 S c ^ S h ^

ItarrtaRton Hjfch SchMlJ

93041 i LoterTKb e

Tlbdquo -raquoni|wirallvc

AltbU^ S t a C V KrmWS Smithy

i bdquo i i i r i i i ] 1 d nrbull hiKh Hfh^t 6laquotilaquon 0 ^ frac34

bdquo1 IJgt tho per laquoM)ita aw

r T nrivolnt by dm

I bvh^^f pnpbatf

COIlaquotlaquo Of

yenr iiie tlio srhool - I j

Of 1 -JT M-liwllaquoraquo 1 laquo M pound 0f ilistriM per

Hut riii

MixJ lWI tlltj rtKhtU bdquo ilaquo-^laquoi T-r ilaquolaquoKM copy laquo


-i7st for 1 03 1^ nfwrtliM ^15() eapiin

c^tinii is dulaquo I

srliool follows

|Ii)igt Srlliraquoi| llnmiiioml Irjd

A w l^gtinm(ilaquoifv Bluom Township -

Dmuk Ilimurani Thon1 Yvw To Pulnt inltgt Towuship

tKlKin Harriimioii IMslnct

bull Proviso -Towiifhip Hint 1-lnml (JHitmijiiHyj

bullQnk IaiU 11 ml Uiv^ rnwn-fhip

H(iiiAigtlaquovilli ltVraquogtulaquoui)iy TlivifiiiHi Townsfiii

1 bull wimirit la lthmews vrollOTMltr The list of iij

- i TnltfimVlS j^

A-i) s h i p

V bull t ltraquoval^bull-

bull NfjJltciIKo - j - =bullbullbull-bull-bull- bull AHiniiuMi Iloiuhis To^iiMtii n Jolilaquott bull bullbullbullbullbull_ bullbullbullbull J Aniiorli Towiisliip Lihiiiyvilh1 Towtfsl ip IAOIIS TowiiNhip


IX 7-3 ii2 bull

^1 2frac34 - amp 25

26 -28

(Jrnnf Township WiNlraiidil Kill Township bull ^ Mjilinraquo Towm hip 1j lfvaiisioir Toivnship Tgt

^ VnrrlaquoMi Towhship j r Niw Trier Township Ijoyiliii ltojnnnmitv iWrlifld-Shiohls M Smilti tins tr rtCord of t|raquo

jCiipita oitsts of sovoji of thlaquo-k-hoitls for tluv year V^V-lit jours Iurlior Tho compatisnil of hvo srhooj viiir costs i Is

HiK-li ^iliool t020-2T Pjilaliuo $iSofJO BnrriiiKtou - 1ltUgt07 Arlington Jlk-ights 1S040 Proviso bull -f m)m Whcrtyvilh ^18500 Leyd-ii SOOIM) Oporficld-shiclds 24gtL$)

Elgin Lions Entertained Ky Ixtcal C liib ^lemb

r f bull27Jj

laquo3 1 n

19 bull bull amp fas -x

Twcijiy-tvfo KlRinJ JTJampiisf ^BltJ other visitors fronf I Moitdnv iiiRht ltif tho lt-lid) al dinner foll(jvod ontertjilaquoti)mraquont1iind n round

KollowiiiR dinup^ j Paul

irriiipton mn

t_ tei BerRer

world the

K BW croup

| vninhn-jllc faiiio AvhJ) Krnlt)iously [ mittwl lie ^iis tho

mnfciraii cntertainetl mnkiiiK riirds disapppora^d laquoW eomltgt out of the air nnd hy articles of femininlt iiitirp vlaquowt iMieketN-of sweral of the Of tlje Hiirrhifjtnn club

T|ie howling niatciim-nt ky jilley inelHdlaquod pickedbull t bdquo iiwrpliwttir IJoim d u b mVgttinif lraquot fowlers nntonp t k- Ktj

pxtcas frorii meml

the Jji bull i ihi ijjf

n visit

Park Ridgi Man AppointedCc^

of qirat] Naim

raquolaquobull inat rgtf the


Ajiiioii|ilt|Henl- w J-wrd of director Mbdquo

raquolaquolaquo raquolaquoraquo$ of llHrrlngtonj ^raquolaquoK ThftT-dfl-yfnhwmrf WPIHMiiii ofChnrbis A ^ l i - (1s vMWr 0 wtion - -

Mi KlKtier has ]jaj

11 ltViral TW Claquov bullf^MhwWnf state bank m

iSn^ inmtradelaquo



Kjr- bullKiwt-foltPji

iVnpob KlSBJl ] tye ii


[Kraquon laquoj

f IilN

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