bank branch audit new

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  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New





  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    BankingBanking Regulation Act of India, 1949 defines

    Banking as “accepting, for the purpose of lending or of

    investment of deposits of money from the public,

    repayable on demand or otherise or ithdraable by

    che!ue, draft order or otherise"# $he Reserve Bank of

    India Act, 19%4 and the Banking Regulation Act, 1949,

    govern the banking operations in India"

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Structure of Banks in India

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    &ist of commercial banks

    'ublic sector bank (tate Bank of India 'un)ab * (ind Bank  +ena Bank Bank of aharashtra

     Allahabad Bank 'un)ab -ational Bank  

     Indian Bank .anara Bank 

     Andhra Bank (yndicate Bank  

     Indian /verseas Bank .entral Bank of India

     Bank of Baroda 0nion Bank of India

     /riental Bank of .ommerce .orporation Bank 

     Bank of India 0nited Bank of India

    I+BI Bank 0./ Bank  

    i)aya Bank

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Indian private banks2A3is Bank 2IndusInd Bank

    2Bank of Ra)asthan 2I- ysya Bank

    2Bharat /verseas Bank 25ammu * 6ashmir Bank

    2.atholic (yrian Bank 26arnataka Bank &imited

    2.enturion Bank of 'un)ab 26arur ysya Bank

    2.ity 0nion Bank 26otak ahindra Bank

    2+evelopment .redit Bank 2&akshmi ilas Bank

    2+hanalakshmi Bank 2-ainital Bank

    27ederal Bank 2Ratnakar Bank

    2anesh Bank of 6urundad2(BI .ommercial and International Bank

    28+7. Bank 2(outh Indian Bank

    2I.I.I Bank 2$amilnad ercantile Bank &td"

    2:( Bank

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    &ist of 7oreign banks in India

    AB-;AR/ Bank 

    Abu +habi .ommercial Bank &td

    American :3press Bank &td


    +B( Bank &td

    +eutsche Bank

    8(B. &td

    (tandard .hartered Bank 

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Bank audit

    general guidelinesBank Audit NPAidentifcation

     Year closing manualRBI master circulars

    IAI !uidance noteAudit reports at branc"

    Anal#sis o$ fnancial statement

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Importance o$

    %ong &orm audit report'tandardisation o$ reports

    o(erageInternal control e(aluation

    Read# Audit program

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    'tructure o$

    %ong &orm audit reportDoes t"e branc" generall# carr# orcompl#)

    In t"e cases e*amined b# #ou)

    Verifcation on test c"eck basis)

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    'TRUTUR+ ,&

    %,N! &,R- AUDIT R+P,RT

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Important clausesas" and Bank balancesAd(ances

    ,t"er Assets

    Deposits and ot"er liabilities

    Proft and %oss!eneral

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    as" balancesas" balance being maintained

    Reporting o$ e*cess cas"

    Insurance co(erage

     .oint ustod#

    P"#sical (erifcation

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Bank balances,btain Balance confrmation

    Veri$# reconciliation entries,ld pending entries

    Un/responded cas"

    transactionsBooking o$ e*penses

    Report di0erences

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Ad(ances / AppraisalAppropriate $orms

    ompletel# fled and signed

    &unctioning normall#

    Ade1uate securities

    +nd use o$ $undsDi0erence in Audited and


  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Ad(ances / 'anctioning'anctioning limits

    %oan 'anctioned Temporar# o(erdra$t3it"dra4al against pending

    c"e1uesDisbursement o$ loan 4it"out+-

    Disbursement o$ loan 4it"out

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Ad(ances / Documentation,btain a sample c"ecklist $orre$erence

    Non registration o$ c"arges

    Non obtaining o$ guarantee

    -arking o$ %ien 5,6ine and,nline7

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Ad(ances / Re(ie4Identi$# accounts o(erdue and report

    'ubmission o$ fnancial statements

    'ubmission o$ ot"er in$ormation,btain and anal#se re(ie4 note

    ,(erdue more t"an 89: da#s ; NPA5Para =< 5ii7 -aster circular on Prudential norms .ul#? >:8@7

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Ad(ances / Re(ie4'crutinise t"e stock statement

    Non submission o$ stock statement

    ; NPA5Para =< 5i7 -aster circular on Prudential norms

     .ul#? >:8@7

    %imits 8: lacs ; Audited &'P"#sical (erifcation o$ 'ecurit#

    Inade1uate securit# co(erage

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Ad(ances / Re(ie4lause 5d75i*7

    lause 5d75*7

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    lause 5d75i*7 and 5*7i*7 Cas t"e branc" identifed  and classifed ad(ances into standard substandard doubt$ulloss assets in line  4it" t"e norms prescribed

    by the RBI=

    *7 3"ere t"e auditor disagrees 4it" t"e branc"classifcation o$ ad(ances into standard

    substandard doubt$ul loss assets? t"e details o$suc" ad(ances with reasons  s"ould be gi(en=Also indicate 4"et"er suitable c"anges "a(ebeen incorporated suggested in t"e

    -emorandum o$ "anges=

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Non Performing Assets• An asset of a bank s guidelines" 0nder these

    guidelines, an asset is classified as non;performing if any amount

    of interest or principal installments remains overdue for more than

    9? days, in respect of term loans" In respect of overdraft or cashcredit, an asset is classified as non;performing if the account

    remains out of order for a period of 9? days and in respect of bills

     purchased and discounted account, if the bill remains overdue for

    a period of more than 9? days=

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    .lassification of non;performing Assets•

    Standard assets@ (tandard assets service their interest and principal installments on time although they occasionally

    default up to a period of 9? days" (tandard assets are also

    called performing assets" $hey yield regular interest to the

     banks and return the due principal on time and therebyhelp the banks earn profit and recycle the repaid part of

    the loans for further lending"

    • Sub-standard assets@ (ub;standard assets are those assets

    hich have remained -'As

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    • Doubtful assets@ An asset becomes doubtful if it remains

    a sub;standard asset for a period of 1 months and

    recovery of bank dues is of doubtful

    • &oss assets@ &oss assets comprise assets here a loss has

     been identified by the bank or the RBI" $hese are

    generally considered uncollectible" $heir realiable value

    is so lo that their continuance as bankable assets is not

    arranted" $hey should be entirely ritten off" If this is

    not done, provisioning should be made for 1??C of the

    amount shon as outstanding

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Identifcation / npaInterest Instalment due E: da#s

    F,ut o$ ,rderGontinuousl# in e*cess ORNo credits insuHcient credits $or E: da#s

    Bill o(erdue E: da#s

    Agricultural ad(ance ,neT4o cropseason5Para =8@ -aster circular on Prudential norms .ul#?


  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New



  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    %&AR ,t"er Assets'undries 'uspense AccountVeri$# old entries

    amouJaging NPAs or ,lde*penses

    Reporting3orking paper 4it" reasons

    -,? i$ re1uired

    Cig"lig"t in main audit report

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Proft L loss / Income-ec"anism to addressdiscrepancies

    ompliance to re(enue auditreports

    InterestPeriodicit# o$ le(#orrectness o$ le(#

    -aster (erifcation

    ,t"er Incomes 5"arges? &ees etc7

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    Proft L loss / +*pensesDiscrepancies 4it" interestorrectness o$ accrued interest

    +0ect o$ c"ange o$ interest ondeposits

    Polic# on o(erdue deposits

      5'a(ings rate interest to be paid RBI7

    o/relate interest paid to a(eragedeposits

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    !eneral,btain list o$ e*ceptional reportsData securit# measures

    No s"aring o$ user pass4ordsDeacti(ate le$t emplo#ees

    -ap lea(e to login

    Backups 5,0site and ,nsite7

    P"#sical restraint to ser(er room

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    !eneralReconciliationontrol L 'ubsidiar#

    Inter Branc" AccountsRegular reports being s"ared 4it"C, R,

    Account 4it" C, R, M,+ntries originating at ot"er branc"es

    +*peditious clearing o$ entries

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New


    -iscellaneous3indo4 dressing%arge mo(ement in ad(ances and

    depositsDeposits and Ad(ances to same group

    Account regularisation near &' date

    Under utilised $acilit# into depositsUnsecured s"o4n as secured

    Restructuring o$ Accounts

  • 8/16/2019 Bank Branch Audit New

