bangladeshi muslims protest state-sponsored blasphemy (?)

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  • 7/29/2019 Bangladeshi Muslims protest state-sponsored blasphemy (?)


    Bangladeshi Muslims protest state-sponsored blasphemy (?)

    Offensive comments about Allah and the Prophet (peace be upon him) made by the

    organizers of the Shahbag movement stirring up protests throughout Bangladesh

    Demonstrations at Shahbagh square of Dhaka championed by online activists backed by ruling

    party have seen thousands take to the streets for the last two weeks demanding the execution

    of Jamaat leaders accused of war-crime during 1971 war of independence from Pakistan.

    This hate is being created not only against Jamaate Islami, Shibir (the Islamic student

    organization) and other Islamist parties the organizers of this state sponsored programme are

    carrying out an anti-Islamic propaganda behind the demand for hanging war criminals.

    Offensive comments about Allah and the Prophet (peace be upon him) made by the organizers

    of the Shahbag movement stirring up heated debates.

    Different Islamic scholars, Political and Islamic parties have expressed their concern over anti-

    Islamic activities through blog and other online-based social networks. They demanded arrest

    of the bloggers who are involved in anti-Islamic activities, stopping of anti-Islamic blogs and

    other websites and enactment of Blasphemy Law to check hurting religious sentiments.

  • 7/29/2019 Bangladeshi Muslims protest state-sponsored blasphemy (?)


    On February 22, 2013 hundreds of thousands Muslim demonstrators protest contemptuous

    comments on Prophet Muhammad on Friday in Dhaka and other major cities in Bangladesh.

    Their protests turn out violent when police obstruct them. Massive clash broke out between

    the law enforcers and the protesters.

    Police open fires to disperse the protesters, lobbed hundreds of rounds of tear shell carried

    massive baton charge. In responding, the agitated protesters hurl bricks to the law enforcers.

    Two deaths were reported from western Jhinaidah and northeaster Sylhet, two others died in

    northwestern Gaibandha.

    In Dhaka, the violence broke out outside the Baitul Mukarram national mosque, where the

    protesters also attacked around a dozen journalists.

    Several worshippers were trapped inside the mosque as police tried to thwart the protest by

    locking the gates. Police later detained more than 100 people from the spot.

    For more photos and videos:


    Startling information was revealed in investigation on the blogs run by the so-called state sponsored


    Thaba Baba Blog

    Ahmed Rajib Haiders blog, under the pseudo name Thaba Baba, who was recently brutally murdered

    by unidentified killers on Friday night, contains contents that will make a reader shiver with horror. The

    offensive anti-Islamic blog entries of the blogger are stirring up the online community.

    Haiders blog ( contains articles titled Mod O

    Mohammak (Liquor and Mohammak)( note he wrote Mohammak instead of Muhammad. In Bangla

    Ahammak means foolish.), Hera Guha (The Hera Cave), and other highly offensive writings about Allah,

    Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and Islam written in the most obscene language and cursing.

    In these writings Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is being called Mohammak (Nauzubillah).

    Allahs name was cursed and mocked in the most disgusting manners. The holy wives of the Prophet

    were called names, which are impossible for us to reproduce here.

  • 7/29/2019 Bangladeshi Muslims protest state-sponsored blasphemy (?)


    Above is screenshot of Rajib Haidars (Thaba Baba) blog.

    Here he showed the audacity of drawing a cartoon of the prophet. (Column 1)

    Translation of the text in the screenshot:

    Sacred bullsh** (Slogan of the blog)

    Whatever I shall give shall be mockery, complete mockery and nothing but mockery

    The history of Eid Mubarak and the Eid Jamat

    (Column 2)

    After Khadiza caught Muhammok red handed he was made to refrain from food and the slave girls for a

    whole month (see The History Behind Fasting). As soon as he finished serving his sentence he sprinted

    out and went into a pub [Continue reading]

    August 26, 2012

    Stones and pebbles (for cleaning after the call of nature)

    (Column 3)

  • 7/29/2019 Bangladeshi Muslims protest state-sponsored blasphemy (?)


    Mohammak! My son! You have to go to war. Why uncle? My son! We will starve to death if we

    dont. Ok, I shall go. But where to stand when I shall fight? Shall I stand in front [continue reading]

    August 26, 2012, leave a comment


    (Column 4)

    Mohammak could be often seen around the Kaba premises with his buddies, intoxicated from drinking

    Arabi (a type of alcohol). Often when he drank copiously and passed out his companion ceased the

    golden opportunity to.

    [continue reading]

    August 26, 2012

    The Hera Cave

    (Column 5)

    The historic name for Umm-e-Hanis vagina is the Hera cave!!!

    August 26

    Asif Mohiuddin Blog

    Another known face of the Shahbag movement is blogger Asif Mohiuddin. He wrote in his blog:

  • 7/29/2019 Bangladeshi Muslims protest state-sponsored blasphemy (?)


    Shame on you my Allah loving brothers! So far you have been making him smoke pot, now you are

    making him (not suitable for printing) anuses. You would treat him inhumanely just because he is Allah?


    Blogger Biplab

    Another blogger named Biplab, who is among the leaders of the movement, writes under the pseudo

    name Allama Shaitan.

    A comment made by him in this blog was as follows: I piss on the religion of the (not suitable for

    printing) Razakars.

    Shobak Pakhi: comments on Allah

    Another blogger and organizer of the Shahbag

    movement is posting updates on facebook

    under the username Shobak Pakhi. His

    comments on Allah:

    The message: Allah only (not suitable for

    printing) the poor over.

    The originator of the message: A pot smoker of

    very low income.

    The place where it was first uttered: Under the

    foot over bridge near the Sheraton hotel.

    Time: 8 p.m.

  • 7/29/2019 Bangladeshi Muslims protest state-sponsored blasphemy (?)


    The synopsis:

    If god desires to (not suitable for printing), then he prefers the poor mans (not suitable for printing)

    A third interpretation:

    Since god was created for the benefit of the powerful, that naturally made him the enemy of the weak.

    So what is being said here is not incorrect, neither can we fault god.

    Arifur Rahmans Blog

    Expatriate Bangladeshi living in England, one of the leaders of the International Crimes Strategy Forum,

    and a leading online activist for the death penalty of war criminals Arifur Rahman wrote in his blog:

    This post proves that all the Chagu are sleeping there is no one to counter the

    movement..Everyone is having (not suitable for printing) with Allah.

    He wrote in another post I think the whole thing about Allah was made up by Muhammad.Schizophrenic Muhammad used to hallucinate that Gabriel came to him. So he made up the story of

    Allah and created Izlam. This is the true story of Allah. (Nauzubillah)

    Tamanna Jhumus posting

    Shahbag blogger Tamanna Jhumu wrote the

    following poem:

    By the eternal mercy of Allah

    Allama Syedee is in prison.

    Soon he will be hanged

    Will Allah descend from the seventh heaven to

    save him?

    Another blogger Rana commented on Jhumus poem (See picture on top)saying: Allah will be hanged

    too if he comes down. (Nauzubillah)

    Another shahbag blogger wrote the following poem:

    By the eternal mercy of Allah

    Allama Syedee is in prison.Soon he will be hanged

    Will Allah descend from the seventh heaven to save him?

    Another blogger Rana commented on this poem saying: Allah will be hanged too if he comes down.


  • 7/29/2019 Bangladeshi Muslims protest state-sponsored blasphemy (?)


    State sponsored Islam-phobia or Blasphemy?

    We have observed by visiting Shahbag that many symbols of Islam are being ridiculed at Shahbag. Many

    banners and cartoons are being hanged and dramas are being acted ridiculing Islam and its many

    symbols such as beard, kufi, and the Friday khutba (the Friday sermon).

    Unfortunately the Shahbagh drama staged by the above bloggers is being sponsored by ruling partys

    students and young supporters. Not only had that almost all influential leader of ruling party coalition

    government attended the gathering to show their support for the so-called social movement of the

    bloggers. All the government agencies are giving logistic supports to make this 24/7 side-down program

    in a busiest intersection of the city of Dhaka by providing food, electricity toilet facilities.

    Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina visited Haiders home on Saturday and named Haidar as

    Shahid (a termed used for martyrs of Islam). Shajib Wajed Joy, the son of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,

    took part in the Namaz-e-Janaja of an atheist Haider.

    Never in the history of Bangladesh atheist personalities could publicly showed their face and expressed

    their offensive comments about Allah and the Prophet (peace be upon him) in the name of social

    revolution or freedom of expression.

    This time it happened and could happened under the umbrella of a so-called secular government

    whose strength lies on foreign support and backing of their coalition (left-wing) partners.

    Should we call it State-sponsored Islam-phobia or Blasphemy?

    This is how police behaved with 12 Islamist party activists protesting against anti-Islamic activities in Dhaka

    February 22, 2013.