bangladesh private economic zones policy, 2015

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  • 7/25/2019 Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy, 2015


    iwRvWbs wW G-




    Date: 29

    S.R.O.No. 354-L

    article (1) of article 47the Bangladesh Econofollo'ing a%thentic En

    . T!"#$ a%& '

    Bangladesh Private Ec

    (2) +t shall come i

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    aw/)5.+n eercise of the &o'er conferred bof the Bangladesh Private Economic ones Polic!"mic ones $%thorit! is hereb! &leased to &%bli

    lish tet of the &olic!" namel!:-


    (($%'$($%".- 01) his &olic! ma! be callenomic ones Polic!" 2#1*

    nto force at once*

    this &olic!" %nless there is an!thing re&%gnant

    %*,a+",'",$3 means the infrastr%ct%re sit%ated

    eters of a Private Economic one and shall also iration of electric &o'er" other %tilities or servicof 'or/ers0

    ( 11215 )!*j +UvKv 40.00


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  • 7/25/2019 Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy, 2015


    11&1, evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    (2) .a"1o,!2$& ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ a'"!!"3 means an! la'f%leconomic activit! %nderta/en b! a &rivate enter&rise or a &rivateeconomic one resident incl%ding an! agric%lt%ral" ind%strial"man%fact%ring" service &roviding" commercial" technological"

    to%rism" residential" recreational or electricit! generation"distrib%tion or transmission activities and an! 'areho%sing"logistics" trans&ortation" training" ed%cation" financing" ins%rance"healthcare and scientific-research &%rs%its 'hich-

    (a) shall not be contrar! to the &olicies relating to &%blic moralit!"order" &%blic safet! or &%blic health0

    (b) shall not violate environmental la's or &olicies0

    (c) shall not endanger health or life of h%man" animal or &lant0

    (d) shall not infringe an! intellect%al &ro&ert! rights0

    (e) are not &rohibited" restricted or ecl%ded %nder an! other

    a&&licable la's incl%ding sections (5)" 1 and 6ched%le-1 ofthe $ct0

    (5) 6o$,a"o,7means an! &rivate enter&rise assigned 'ith the d%tiesto o&erate" maintain and &romote a Private Economic one havingla'f%l a%thorit! %nder an! &erator $greement or an! othera&&licable la's0

    (4) 6O$,a"o, A8,$$($%"7means a Private Economic one &erator$greement eec%ted bet'een the 8icensee and an! enter&rise foro&eration" maintenance and &romotion of a Private Economic one0

    () 6o**-+!"$ !%*,a+",'",$7means the infrastr%ct%re sit%ated o%tsidethe &erimeters of a Private Economic one and shall also incl%dethe &%blic %tilit!" trans&ort and other str%ct%re connected to aPrivate Economic one0

    () 6!%*,a+",'",$7 means basic facilities" installations and %tilitiesre%ired for enco%raging the develo&ment and activities of an!Private Economic one and shall" 'ith other related services" alsoincl%de the follo'ing matters" namel!:-

    (a) b%ildings or other similar str%ct%res0

    (b) s!stems for collection" treatment" dis&osal and management ofli%id 'aste" solid 'aste" ind%strial 'aste etc*0

    (c) generation" transmission and distrib%tion of electric &o'er0

    (d) s%&&l! and distrib%tion of other energ! incl%ding gas0

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    evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015 1121!

    (e) facilities for collection" treatment and dis&osal of rain 'ater0

    (f) facilities of se'erage and 'aste-treatment0

    (g) trans&ortation net'or/s incl%ding roads and bridges0

    (h) telecomm%nications and information technolog!0

    (i) s%&&l! and distrib%tion0

    (,) ed%cation and medical facilities0

    (/) %nderta/ing training &rogramme for ca&acit! b%ilding anddevelo&ment0 and

    (l) an! other &h!sical infrastr%ct%re re%ired for the &ro&erf%nctioning of the &rivate economic one activities0

    (7) 6A'"7means the Bangladesh Economic ones $ct" 2#1# ($ct No*42 of 2#1#)0

    (;) 6a#!'a%"7 means an enter&rise that has a&&lied for a &rivateeconomic one licence for establishment" develo&ment" o&eration"maintenance and &romotion of an! Private Economic one inBangladesh0

    (9) 6'o($"$%" a8$%'7 means an! national or local governmentagenc!"

  • 7/25/2019 Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy, 2015


    11&1 evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    (1) .&$$#o$, a%& o$,a"o,3 means an enter&rise assigned 'ith thed%ties for develo&ment" designing" financing" constr%ction"&roviding services" o&eration" maintenance and &romotion of aPrivate Economic one %nder the Develo&er and &erator

    $greement or &%rs%ant to an! other la'f%l a%thorit! %nder an!a&&licable la'0

    (1) .D$$#o$, a%& O$,a"o, A8,$$($%"3 means an agreementeec%ted bet'een the 8icensee and the $%thorit! %nder article 7()or an! Private Economic one Develo&er and &erator $greementeec%ted bet'een the 8icensee and an enter&rise for develo&ment"designing" financing" constr%ction" &roviding service" o&eration"maintenance and &romotion in an! s&ecific land of a PrivateEconomic one0

    (17) .D$$#o$, A8,$$($%"3 means a Private Economic one Develo&er

    $greement eec%ted bet'een the 8icensee and an enter&rise fordesigning" financing" constr%ction" develo&ment and &rovidingservices in an! s&ecified land of a Private Economic one0

    (1;) .S'1$$3 means an! 6ched%le of this &olic!0

    (19) .$%"$,,!+$3 means an! &rivate entit! established %nder an!a&&licable la'" s%ch as com&an!" &artnershi&" sole &ro&rietorshi&"branch" ,oint-vent%re entit!" or other organiation or consorti%mincl%ding an! Bangladeshi or foreign enter&rise0

    (2#) .P,!a"$ E'o%o(!' Zo%$3 means an! Private Economic onedeclared %nder section " s%b,ect to the &rovisions of section 1 of

    the $ct" for the &%r&oses of cla%se (b) or (d) of section 40

    (21) .,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ +$,3 means a &rivate enter&rise in favo%rof 'hich &rivate economic one %ser &ermit has been granted %nderarticle 5#0

    (22) .,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ +$, $,(!"3 means a &rivate economicone %ser &ermit iss%ed %nder article 5# b! the $%thorit! or" as thecase ma! be" b! the 8icensee or the o&erator or the develo&er ando&erator of the Private Economic one0

    (25) .,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ ,$+!&$%t>> means an! &erson or 'or/er

    having obtained a residenc! certificate iss%ed %nder articles 5 and57 for residing 'ithin the residential area of a Private Economicone0

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    evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015 1121

    (24) .,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ ,$+!&$%' '$,"!*!'a"$3 means a certificateiss%ed b! the $%thorit! to a &erson or 'or/er for residing 'ithinthe residential area of a Private Economic one according toarticles 5 and 570

    (2) .,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ $%"$,,!+$3 means the 8icensee"develo&er" o&erator" develo&er and o&erator or an! &rivateeconomic one %ser enter&rise registered in Bangladesh0

    (2) .$,+o%3 means a Bangladeshi or foreign nat%ral &erson orenter&rise0

    (27) .#!'$%'$3 means a &rivate economic one licence granted %nders%b-article (5) of article 70

    (2;) .L!'$%+$$3 means an enter&rise in favo%r of 'hich a &rivate

    economic one licence has been granted0

    (29) .a++$"7 o, 6,o$,"3 means an! movable or immovable" tangibleor intangible &ro&ert! of monetar! val%e" sit%ated in" or in relationto" a Private Economic one and shall also incl%de the &rivateeconomic one investments (ece&t debt-instr%ment)" &rivateeconomic one lands" easements" &lants" e%i&ment" vehicles"infrastr%ct%re" im&rovements" c%rrenc!" other &%blic or &rivate&ro&ert! rights and an! other asset &rescribed in the resol%tionta/en b! the =overning Board*


    3.E+"a:#!+1($%" o* P,!a"$ E'o%o(!' Zo%$+9 $"'.-(1) ?or the &%r&oses ofcla%ses (b) and (d) of section 4 of the $ct" Private Economic ones ma! beestablished in an! s%itable &rivate land in Bangladesh" ece&t" as &rovided ins%b-section (5) of section of the $ct" in the land 'ithin the ,%risdiction of @it!@or&oration"

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    11&&( evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    (4) No enter&rise shall" 'itho%t licence" %nderta/e or initiate" as a develo&eror o&erator" an! activit! in a Private Economic one or a&&oint an! develo&er oro&erator or develo&er and o&erator for develo&ment" designing" financing"constr%ction" o&eration" maintenance and &romotion of a &rivate economic one*

    4. A#!'a"!o% *o, ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ #!'$%'$.-(1) $n! enter&rise ma!a&&l! to the $%thorit! for obtaining a &rivate economic one licence for theestablishment and develo&ment of a Private Economic one and for theo&eration" maintenance and &romotion thereof*

    (2) $t the first stage" the enter&rise shall have to s%bmit an a&&lication%nder article for obtaining a &re-%alification letter and thereafter" s%bmit ana&&lication for licence %nder article 'ithin 12 (t'elve) months from the date ofiss%ance of the &re-%alification letter*

    5. R$;!,$($%"+ a%& ,o'$&,$ o* a#!'a"!o% *o, ,$-;a#!*!'a"!o%

    #$""$,.-(1)?or the &re-%alification letter" an enter&rise shall have to s%bmit ana&&lication to the $%thorit! in the form set o%t in 6ched%le- 4 along 'ith thefollo'ing information" namel!:-

    (a) information indicated in 6ched%le-2 'ith doc%ments0

    (b) l%m& s%m non-ref%ndable fee fied b! the $%thorit!0

    (c) a &ro,ect descri&tion of the &ro&osed Private Economic one and alist of all activities to be &erformed 'ithin the one as detailed inthe a&&lication form0

    (d) constr%ction ma& of the Private Economic one" estimated timesched%le for starting 'or/s0 and

    (e) an! other information and doc%ments 'hich ma! be considered b!the $%thorit! as relevant*

    (2) he $%thorit! shall scr%tinie the a&&lication in the light of the $ct andthis &olic! 'ithin 5# (thirt!) da!s from recei&t of the a&&lication %nder s%b-article (1) and" if necessar!" ma! direct the a&&licant to f%rnish f%rtherinformation 'ithin reasonable time and" along 'ith the follo'ing information"&%blish it in the 'idel! circ%lated national dailies and =aette-

    (a) an! &erson" 'ho is li/el! to be affected b! the &ro&osed PrivateEconomic one" ma! s%bmit his o&inion to the $%thorit! 'ithin21(t'ent! one) da!s from the date of &%blication of the notification0and

    (b) the geogra&hical location" s&ecific meas%rement" ma&" descri&tionof registration and &ro&osed activities of &lanned Private Economicone shall be described in the notification*

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    (5) A&on com&letion of the &rocess %nder s%b-article (2)" the $%thorit!shall" after scr%tin!" 'ith a&&roval of the =overning Board" iss%e a &re-%alification letter to the a&&licant or" as the case ma! be" re,ect the a&&licationassigning reasons thereof and conve! the matter to the a&&licant in 'riting*

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    11&&& evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    (c) the &ro,ect>s economical and financial viabilit! and socials%itabilit! has been demonstrated in the feasibilit! st%d!0

    (d) environmental and social im&act assessments relating to a&&rovedenvironmental management &lans containing s%fficient health andsafet! schemes to mitigate negative im&acts0

    (e) it has been demonstrated in the feasibilit! st%d! that the &ro,ect'ill be beneficial for Bangladesh" for eam&le" instances ofincreased investment" creation of ,ob o&&ort%nities" diversificationof e&orts 'hich" as a res%lt" 'ill be more beneficial than the costsinc%rred b! the =overnment for im&lementation of the &ro,ect0 and

    (f) the o'nershi& of the land com&rising the &ro&osed PrivateEconomic one is not dis&%ted and is not the s%b,ect of act%al orim&ending legal liabilit! or contingenc!" 'hich ma! give rise tolegal claim and in these res&ect" the a&&licant shall s%bmit anaffidavit*

    =. N$'$++a, a,,a%8$($%" *o, &$'#a,a"!o% o* P,!a"$ E'o%o(!' Zo%$

    a%& !++a%'$ o* ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ #!'$%'$.- (1) ithin 5# (thirt!) da!sfrom recei&t of a&&lication %nder s%b-article (1) of article " the $%thorit! shallcom&lete the formalities according to the &rovision of s%b-article (2) of article *

    (2) ithin #(sit!) da!s after com&letion of formalities %nder s%b-article(1)" the $%thorit! shall" if satisfied %&on scr%tin!" obtain a&&roval of the=overning Board on iss%ance of licence to the a&&licant and ma/e necessar!arrangement for declaring the &ro&osed area of land as the Private Economicone according to the &rovision of s%b-section (1) of section of the $ct:

    Provided that the $%thorit! ma!" for an! legitimate administrative reason"

    etend the time limit for f%rther # (sit!) da!s*(5) +f the &ro&osed area of land is declared as the Private Economic one

    %nder s%b-article (2)" the $%thorit! shall iss%e licence to the a&&licant and" b!notification in the official =aette" &%blish the &artic%lars of the land declared asthe Private Economic one along 'ith the information regarding a&&roval oflicence and the name" address" necessar! information of the 8icensee*

    (4) he &rivate economic one licence shall contain the follo'inginformation incl%ding the s&ecific terms and conditions governing theestablishment" develo&ment" o&eration" maintenance and &romotion of thePrivate Economic one" the rights and obligations of the 8icensee in res&ect ofdevelo&ment" o&eration" maintenance and &romotion of the Private Economic

    one and &o'er of delegating s%ch rights and obligations to an! third &art!"namel!:-

    (a) name of the 8icensee0

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    evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015 1122"

    (b) d%ration of licence0

    (c) conditions for rene'al of licence0

    (d) geogra&hical location" s&ecific metes and bo%nds and registrationsof the lands located 'ithin the area declared as the PrivateEconomic one0

    (e) master &lan of the Private Economic one0

    (f) sched%le of &hase 'ise time frame for eec%tion of all a&&rovedactivities relating to the Private Economic one0

    (g) sched%le relating to com&letion of 'or/ of establishing economicone 'ithin s&ecified time0 and

    (h) all &rohibited and restricted activities*

    () +f a licence is iss%ed %nder s%b-article (5)" the $%thorit! and the8icensee shall sign the Private Economic one Develo&er and &erator$greement*

    () +f the licence is iss%ed %nder s%b-article (5)" the 8icensee shall bea%thoried" from date of giving effect to the licence" to commence all a&&rovedactivities incl%ding develo&ment" o&eration and maintenance of the PrivateEconomic one in accordance 'ith the &rovisions of the $ct" this &olic! and an!other a&&licable la's and the terms and conditions mentioned in the licence*

    (7) +f" after scr%tin!" the a&&lication is re,ected" the $%thorit! shall in formthe matter to the a&&licant in 'riting*

    >. R!81"+ a%& o:#!8a"!o%+ 'o%*$,,$& %&$, "1$ #!'$%'$.- (1)6%b,ect theconditions sti&%lated %nder the $ct" this &olic!" other a&&licable r%les-reg%lationsand the licence" the 8icensee shall be a%thoried to carr! o%t the follo'ingactivities in the Private Economic one" namel!:-


    establishment" develo&ment" o&eration" &romotion and &rotection ofthe designated area0


    a&&ointment of develo&er or o&erator or develo&er and o&erator0


    iss%ance of licence or &ermit to an! other Bangladeshi Enter&rise

    thro%gh a s%b-contract or legal arrangement for the develo&ment"o&eration" &romotion and maintenance of an! &art or 'hole ofs%ch area*

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    11&&. evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    (2) Not'ithstanding an!thing contained in cla%ses (b) and (c) of s%b-article

    (1)" the 8icensee shall bear the %ltimate legal res&onsibilities for the

    develo&ment" o&eration" &romotion and maintenance of an! Private Economic

    one" regardless of 'hether an! &art or 'hole of s%ch res&onsibilities is

    delegated to an! other Bangladeshi Enter&rise and in s%ch case" if the 8icensee is

    a consorti%m" all the enter&rises affiliated to s%ch consorti%m shall be liable

    ,ointl! and severall!*

    (5) here a 8icensee delegates an! &art or all of its rights and obligations

    for the develo&ment" o&eration" &romotion and maintenance of the designated

    area to an! other enter&rise" the 8icensee" b! virt%e of the s%b-contract shall hold

    s%ch level of control over the enter&rise that enables the 8icensee to discharge all

    of its legal res&onsibilities %nder the $ct and this &olic!*

    (4) he &rovision of s%b-article (5) shall also a&&l! to the sale or transfer of

    an! land of the Private Economic one b! a 8icensee to an! other enter&rise forcarr!ing o%t the activities of develo&ment" o&eration" &romotion and maintenance

    %nder the $ct and this Polic!*

    () No 8icensee shall sell or transfer an! &art or 'hole of the licence*

    () he 8icensee shall have to com&lete the 'or/ of establishing the

    economic one 'ithin the time limit as sched%led in the licence*

    ?. Ca%'$##a"!o% o* #!'$%'$9 $"'.-(1) here an! 8icensee violates an!

    &rovisions of the $ct" this &olic!" other a&&licable la's" r%les and reg%lations"

    legal instr%ments" an! terms and conditions of the agreement or licence" the$%thorit! giving the concerned 8icensee # (sit!) da!s> notice to sho' ca%se

    and an o&&ort%nit! of being heard" ma!" 'ith the a&&roval of the =overning

    Board" cancel or s%s&end the licence in &art or as a 'hole" b! &%blication in the

    official =aette*

    (2) Not'ithstanding an!thing contained in s%b- article (1)" the $%thorit!

    giving # (sit!) da!s> notice in 'riting and an o&&ort%nit! of being heard to the

    8icensee ma!" in the manner &rescribed b! r%les and 'ith the a&&roval of the

    =overning Board according to section 2; of the $ct" cancel his licence" b!

    &%blication in the =aette" if the 8icensee-

    (a) sells" transfers or shifts to an! third &art! the 'hole or an! &art ofthe licence in contravention of the &rovisions of s%b- article () of

    article ;0

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    evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015 11225

    (b) fails to adhere to the sched%le mentioned in the licence in&erforming the activities of develo&ment" o&eration" &romotionand maintenance of the Private Economic one and receives noticein 'riting t'ice from the $%thorit! for s%ch non-&erformance of


    (c) is declared ban/r%&t0

    (d) fails to &a! all fees" taes or other d%es o'ed to the $%thorit! oran! other com&etent agenc!0

    (e) obtains licence %&on f%rnishing false information" declaration orstatement in the a&&lication0

    (f) is engaged in an! &rohibited" %nla'f%l or illicit activit! s&ecified inthe licence or 6ched%le 1*

    (5) Not'ithstanding an!thing contained in s%b-article (2)" 'here the8icensee fails to com&lete the 'or/ of establishing the economic one 'ithin the

    time sched%led in the licence or the investment is dela!ed" the $%thorit! givingthe 8icensee # (sit!) da!s> notice in 'riting and an o&&ort%nit! of being heard"ma!" 'ith the a&&roval of the =overning Board" cancel or rene' the licence b!&%blication in the official =aette*

    (4) he licence shall be treated to have been finall! canceled if no ob,ectionis received from the concerned 8icensee 'ithin 4 (fort! five) da!s from the dateof &%blication in the =aette of the decision of cancellation or s%s&ension oflicence %nder s%b-articles (1)" (2) and (5)*

    () A&on final cancellation of licence of an! enter&rise" the enter&rise shallcease to hold the stat%s as a 8icensee and the agreement bet'een the $%thorit!

    and the 8icensee shall also be treated to have been terminated*() here the licence of a 8icensee is canceled" the $%thorit! or an! other

    com&etent agenc! ma! ta/e legal ste&s against the 8icensee according to the $ctand an! other la' in force*

    . P,o!+!o%+ ,$#a"!%8 "o "1$ $$%"+ 'o%+$;$%" "o 'a%'$##a"!o% o* "1$

    #!'$%'$.-(1)he holder of the canceled licence shall ma/e over all the liabilities'ith all the &a&ers" doc%ments" designs and other instr%ments to the $%thorit!'ithin 7 (seven) da!s from the date of cancellation of an! licence %nder article 9*

    (2) he =overnment ma! ac%ire the &ro&erties %nder the o'nershi& of theholder of canceled licence %nder the $c%isition and Ce%isition of +mmovable

    Pro&ert! rdinance" 19;2 (rdinance No* ++ of 19;2) and the &rovisions of therdinance shall be a&&licable in dis&osal of an! other matters incl%ding thecom&ensation of the ac%ired land*

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    11&&, evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    . Ao!%"($%" o* +:+"!""$ L!'$%+$$9 $"'.-(1)here an! licence iscanceled %nder article 9" the $%thorit! ma! a&&oint a s%bstit%te 8icensee for therest of the &eriod for the com&letion of the remaining 'or/*

    (2) ?or a&&ointing an! s%bstit%te 8icensee" the $%thorit! shall iss%e noticeand" s%b,ect to the &rovisions of the $ct and this &olic! and 'ith the a&&roval ofthe =overning Board" shall iss%e s%bstit%te licence*

    (5) @om&ensation as mentioned in s%b-article (2) of article 1# shall berecoverable from the s%bstit%te 8icensee*

    (4) +f no eligible a&&licant to s%bstit%te for the holder of canceled licence isfo%nd available 'ithin 27# (t'o h%ndred and sevent!) da!s after the &%blicationof the notice mentioned in s%b-article (2)" the $%thorit! shall coordinate 'ith theconcerned economic one develo&er" economic one o&erator" economic onedevelo&er and o&erator or &rivate economic one %ser to arrive at a &racticalsol%tion to contin%e the activities of the affected Private Economic one*

    () he sol%tion referred to in s%b- article (4) shall be s%ch as to contin%eand maintain all the economic one activities %& to the term of the canceledlicence" /ee&ing consistenc!" so far as &ossible" 'ith the terms and conditions ofthe canceled licence" the Develo&er $greement" the &erator $greement" theDevelo&er and &erator $greement and &rivate economic one %ser &ermit*

    () D%ring the transitional &eriod bet'een a&&ointment of s%bstit%te8icensee and ta/ing meas%re %nder s%b-articles (4) and ()" the $%thorit! shall"in cons%ltation 'ith the com&etent agencies" ma/e necessar! arrangements forthe &rotection of interest of the economic one %sers and residents*



    ). Fo,$!8% ow%$,+1!.-$ foreign national or foreign enter&rise ma!"s%b,ect to the &rovisions of the a&&licable la's and registration in Bangladesh"ac%ire1## (one h%ndred &ercent) o'nershi& of an! Private Economic one*

    3. E;a# ",$a"($%" *o, %a"!o%a# a%& *o,$!8% $%"$,,!+$+ !% ,$+$'" o*

    $%@o!%8 *a'!#!"!$+ a%& ,!!#$8$+.-+n res&ect of ac%isition" develo&ment"e&ansion" management" activities" o&eration" sale" shifting or other'ise transfer"the foreign investors and the foreign-o'ned enter&rises shall have the same rights

    to en,o! the facilities and &rivileges in the economic one as the Bangladeshiinvestors en,o! according to the agreements eec%ted 'ith all the national"regional and local a%thorities incl%ding the $%thorit!*

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    4. G$%&$, $;a#!".-(1) $ccording to the &rovisions of la's a&&licable inthe Private Economic one" e%alit! bet'een men and 'omen shall beg%aranteed*

    (2) $ll the female 'or/ers em&lo!ed in an enter&rise of the PrivateEconomic one shall be entitled to e%al &rotection %nder the $ct" this &olic!and a&&licable la's" and the enter&rise shall ens%re the follo'ing matters"namel!:-

    (a) &rovisions for e%al rem%neration and benefits for the e%al 'or/s0

    (b) &roviding legal &rotection to the &regnant 'omen %nder thea&&licable la's*

    5. T,a%+*$, o* *%&+*-(1) +n accordance 'ith the &rovisions of sections1#and 15 of the $ct and the a&&licable la's" the Private Economic one enter&rise"or an investor or the foreign 'or/ers em&lo!ed in an enter&rise shall" s%b,ect to

    &a!ment of taes %nder the a&&licable la's" act in accordance 'ith the decisionof the =overnment in collecting the foreign echange from the Private Economicone and in transferring the f%nd 'ithin and o%tside Bangladesh incl%ding alltransactions of foreign echange" and s%ch transfer shall also incl%de thefollo'ing mone!" namel!:-

    (a) re&atriation of &aid %& ca&ital" initial and s%bse%ent ca&italcontrib%tions and ca&italiation of retained earnings of thecom&an!0

    (b) distrib%tion of com&an! &rofits and dividends and an! earningsderived from the investment in a Private Economic one0

    (c) &a!ments and transfer of &rofits %nder the +slamic lending &rinci&les0

    (d) licence fees or ro!alties" management fees" technical assistance fees0

    (e) s%ms derived from the rem%nerations" salaries and 'ages earned b!the foreign em&lo!ees of the investors and &rivate economic oneenter&rises0

    (f) ca&ital gains derived from the &rivate economic one0

    (g) re&atriation of net &roceeds from the sale of all or an! &art" and&artial or com&lete li%idation of an! investment in a PrivateEconomic one0

    (h) &a!ments made %nder a foreign contract" &a!ments of &rinci&al loan

    amo%nt %nder foreign loan agreement" &a!ments arising o%t ofagreement of technolog!-transfer and &a!ments made to s%&&liersfor the &%rchase of an! goods or services of foreign origin0 and

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    (i) s%ms received from the =overnment as com&ensation fore&ro&riation of an! &rivate asset of an investor or PrivateEconomic one or enter&rise or the s%ms derived from the&roceeding relating to dis&%te resol%tion*

    (2) he transfers" referred to in s%b-article (1)" shall be made effectivethro%gh an! sched%led commercial ban/ or financial instit%tion a&&roved b! theBangladesh Ban/ to o&erate in a Private Economic one*

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    (b) to eercise &o'ers and discharge d%ties" res&onsibilities andf%nctions vested b! la'0 and

    (c) to discharge s%ch other d%ties" res&onsibilities and f%nctions as ma!be assigned b! the $%thorit! and the ead ffice*

    (5) he Branch ffices of the $%thorit! shall be res&onsible fordischarging the follo'ing d%ties" res&onsibilities and f%nctions" namel!:-

    (a) to grant &rivate economic one %sers> &ermit0

    (b) to iss%e r%les and reg%lations in res&ect of carr!ing o%t da! to da!administrative f%nctions of the Private Economic one" 'here noa%thorit! is delegated %nder an! agreement to the &rivate economicone develo&er" o&erator or develo&er and o&erator according to thelicence0 and

    (c) to discharge s%ch other d%ties" res&onsibilities and f%nctions as ma!

    be assigned b! the $%thorit! and the ead ffice*

    >.O%$-S"o S$,!'$ O**!'$ o* "1$ A"1o,!".-(1) P%rs%ant to cla%se (a)of section 12 of the $ct" the $%thorit! shall" 'ith the a&&roval of the =overningBoard" establish ne-6to& 6ervice ffices at its ead ffice and Branch ffices"and their f%nctions shall be as follo's" namel!:-

    (a) to &rovide necessar! services to the economic one develo&er andthe ind%strial %nits related to the o&eration of Private Economicones" s%ch as" arrangements for iss%ance of &ermission forselection of land for the Private Economic ones" declaration ofPrivate Economic ones" clearances" certificates" certificate of

    origin" &ermit for re&atriation of ca&ital and dividends" licences"&rivate economic one %ser &ermit" &ermit for constr%ction in thePrivate Economic one" 'or/ &ermit" environmental clearances andaccording to the $ct" this &olic! and other a&&licable la's" all othernecessar! registrations" resident and non-resident visa" &ermit(incl%ding im&ort-e&ort" land constr%ction" labo%r" health and safet!)0

    (b) to &rovide s&eed! mediation services to the &rivate economic oneinvestors0

    (c) to &rovide e&editio%sl! the a&&licable forms" g%idance andadministrative assistance to the &rivate economic one investors0and

    (d) to discharge s%ch other d%ties" res&onsibilities and f%nctions as ma!be assigned b! the $%thorit! and the ead ffice*

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    (2) he $%thorit! shall &rovide and maintain the re%ired office s&ace"e%i&ments and man&o'er at each ne-6to& 6ervice ffice*

    (5) Each ne-6to& 6ervice ffice shall be managed b! a ne-6to& 6erviceand @oordination

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    (b) other a&&lication forms in res&ect of the Private Economic onesincl%ding forms for licence" &rivate economic one %ser &ermit"&rivate economic one constr%ction &ermit" environmental &ermitand clearance" b%siness registration and the investment of the

    &rivate economic one investors0 and

    (c) information of &rivate economic one investors and &rivateeconomic one enter&rises*




    )). Ao!%"($%" o* ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ &$$#o$, o, ,!a"$

    $'o%o(!' 2o%$ o$,a"o,.-(1) $ 8icensee ma!" s%b,ect to the &rovisions ofarticle 25" a&&oint an! develo&er or o&erator or develo&er and o&erator for

    develo&ment" design" finance" constr%ction" o&eration" maintenance and&romotion of a Private Economic one*

    (2) here a &erson or enter&rise is eligible for a&&ointment as a develo&eror o&erator or develo&er and o&erator %nder s%b-article (1)" the 8icensee shalleec%te an agreement 'ith him or it*

    (5) he develo&er or o&erator or develo&er and o&erator shall have toestablish ecl%sive o'nershi& and control over the land of the Private Economicone and other assets sit%ated 'ithin that land in accordance 'ith the terms ofthe agreement 'ithin 1;# (one h%ndred and eight!) da!s from the da! on 'hichthe agreement %nder s%b-article (2) comes into force*

    )3. E#!8!:!#!" o* &$$#o$,+ o, o$,a"o,+9 $"'.-No &erson or enter&riseshall be eligible for a&&ointment as a develo&er or o&erator or develo&er ando&erator %nless the &erson or the enter&rise has the follo'ing %alifications"namel!:-

    (a) e&erience in res&ect of land develo&ment0 and

    (b) net 'orth of minim%m BD # (fift!) crore*

    )4. R!81"+ a%& *a'!#!"!$+ o* &$$#o$,+.-(1) he develo&ers shall" inaccordance 'ith this &olic!" the $ct" other a&&licable la's" r%les and reg%lations"legal doc%ments" licence and the Develo&er $greement" be entitled to thefollo'ing rights and facilities" namel!:-

    (a) to have ecl%sive o'nershi& over the land of the Private Economicone and to develo&" %se and maintain other assets sit%ated 'ithinthat land0

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    (b) to transfer the land of Private Economic one or other assetssit%ated 'ithin that land b! s%b-lease arrangements and to receivemone! &a!able for s%ch transfer and collect rental fees0

    (c) to &rovide all %tilities and other basic services inside or o%tside the

    Private Economic one and charge fees for &roviding s%ch services/ee&ing consistenc! 'ith the re%irements of &rivate economicone %sers and &rivate economic one residents0

    (d) to enter into contract 'ith an! &rivate third &art! and a&&oint an!contractor for develo&ment" %se and servicing of the on-siteinfrastr%ct%re and other assets of Private Economic one0

    (e) to em&lo! Bangladeshi and foreign nationals to the services0

    (f) to have an! declared incentives0

    (g) to s%bmit a&&lication for modification or amendment to master &lan'ith detailed descri&tion of" and reasons for" s%ch modification or

    amendment and the im&act" 'ith detailed mar/et eval%ation" ofs%ch modification or amendment technicall!" o&erationall! andfinanciall! and" s%b,ect to a&&roval of the $%thorit!" amend ormodif! it0

    (h) to en,o! an! other facilities &rovided b! the $%thorit!*

    (2) $n! develo&er or his s%b-contractor or a third &art! enter&rise ma!en,o! the facilities given %nder s%b-article (1) d%ring the time of f%lfillment ofthe conditions %nder s%b-article (5) of article 22*

    )5. L$8a# o:#!8a"!o%+ o* &$$#o$,+.- he develo&ers shall com&l! 'iththe follo'ing legal obligations" incl%ding adherence to this &olic!" the $ct"r%les-reg%lations" legal doc%ments" licence and conditions of the Develo&er$greement" namel!:-

    (a) to constr%ct b%ildings incl%ding on-site infrastr%ct%re" trans&ortationnet'or/ and %arters of the 'or/ers in the economic one0

    (b) to &re&are" either individ%all! or in coo&eration 'ith other &ersons"detailed master &lan of the Private Economic one incl%ding theland-%se designations" social &roblems mitigation meas%res andoning &lans0

    (c) to develo& the Private Economic one in a reasonable commercialmode in consistent 'ith long-term s%stainable economicdevelo&ment goals of Bangladesh0

    (d) to s%bmit an ann%al re&ort to the $%thorit! f%rnishing the follo'inginformation" namel!:-

    (i) information in res&ect of &rivate economic one investments%nderta/en d%ring the &receding calendar !ear and the&ossible investments &ro,ected for the coming calendar !ear0

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    (ii) information in res&ect of area of &rivate economic one lands%nder develo&ment and the assets constr%cted thereon0 and

    (iii) other relevant information re%ired b! the $%thorit!0

    (e) to com&lete the 'or/s in accordance 'ith the time sched%les&ecified in the licence and &hased develo&ment sched%le of thePrivate Economic one Develo&er $greement and com&liance 'iththe financial develo&ment obligations re%ired b! the $%thorit!"s%ch as ca&ital and the amo%nt and time sched%le of debt financing0

    (f) to &rovide technical training to the Bangladeshi 'or/ers em&lo!ed0

    (g) to com&l! 'ith the re%irements relating to environment and labo%ras &rescribed b! sections 55 and 54 of the $ct" this &olic! andother a&&licable la's0

    (h) to &a! all fees" taes or other d%es &a!able to the com&etentagencies:

    (i) to maintain all com&an! boo/s" records" acco%nts and financialstatements in conformit! 'ith the international financial re&ortingstandards0

    (,) to com&l! 'ith other re%irements*


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    (f) to enter into contracts 'ith &rivate third-&art! Bangladeshienter&rises for the o&eration" maintenance and &romotion of thePrivate Economic one0

    (g) to em&lo! Bangladeshi and foreign nationals to the services0

    (h) to have the incentives as declared0

    (i) to en,o! an! other facilities &rovided b! the $%thorit!*

    (2) $n! o&erator or his s%b-contractor or a third &art! enter&rise ma! en,o!the facilities given %nder the $ct and this &olic! d%ring the time of f%lfillment ofthe conditions %nder s%b-article (5) of article 22*

    )=. L$8a# o:#!8a"!o%+ o* o$,a"o,+.-he o&erators shall com&l! 'ith thefollo'ing obligations" incl%ding adherence to this &olic!" the $ct" r%les andreg%lations" legal doc%ments" licence and conditions of the &erator $greement"namel!:-

    (a) to iss%e &rivate economic one %ser &ermits 'here the 8icenseedelegates s%ch &o'er to the o&erator0

    (b) to monitor the activities of all &rivate economic one %sers and&rivate economic one residents in accordance 'ith the internalo&erating &olic! and &roced%res of the Private Economic one anda&&licable la's incl%ding the &olic! and &roced%res related tohealth" safet! and environment0

    (c) to maintain" at all times in f%ll! o&erational condition" all assetssit%ated 'ithin Private Economic one" incl%ding all on-siteinfrastr%ct%re and all /inds of %tilities and other basic services0

    (d) to &rovide reasonabl! e%al treatment to" and avoid discrimination

    against" an! &rivate economic one %ser and &rivate economic oneresident0


    to determine fees for %tilities or other basic services &rovided in thePrivate Economic one /ee&ing in vie' of the reasonablecommercial considerations0


    to &%blicie the Private Economic ones" nationall! andinternationall!" in coordination 'ith the $%thorit!0


    to s%bmit an ann%al re&ort to the $%thorit! f%rnishing the follo'inginformation" namel!:-

    (i) information in res&ect of investments %nderta/en in the

    Private Economic one d%ring the &receding calendar !earand the &ossible investments &ro,ected for the forthcomingcalendar !ear0

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    (ii) information in res&ect of n%mber of all enter&rises" sie"em&lo!ment" investment and b%siness activities of the PrivateEconomic one0

    (iii) information in res&ect of area of lands %nder o&eration in the

    Private Economic one and the b%ildings constr%cted thereon0and

    (iv) other information that are considered relevant b! the$%thorit!0

    (h) to s%bmit to the $%thorit! a fortnightl! re&ort on the activities%nderta/en in each month f%rnishing the follo'ing information"namel!:-

    (i) em&lo!ment statistics" incl%ding the n%mber of female 'or/ers0

    (ii) information relating to monetar! val%e and vol%me of alle&orts from the Private Economic one0

    (iii) information relating to the vol%me and monetar! val%e of allother sales in the Private Economic one incl%ding vol%me ofsales in the same or different c%stom bonded area anddomestic tariff area0

    (iv) information relating to monetar! val%e of total investment0

    (i) to com&lete the 'or/s in accordance 'ith the sched%led time of&rivate economic one o&eration s&ecified in the licence andcom&l! 'ith the financial o&erational obligations re%ired b! the$%thorit!" s%ch as ca&ital and amo%nt and time sched%le of debtfinancing0

    (,) to &rovide technical training to the Bangladeshi 'or/ers em&lo!ed0

    (/) to com&l! 'ith the re%irements relating to environment and labo%ras &rovided in sections 55 and 54 of the $ct" this &olic! and othera&&licable la's0

    (l) to maintain all com&an! boo/s" records" acco%nts and financialstatements in conformit! 'ith the international financial re&ortingstandards0

    (m) to &a! all fees" taes or an! other d%es o'ed to an! com&etentagenc!0

    (n) to carr! o%t an! administrative f%nction conferred b! an!com&etent agenc! incl%ding the $%thorit!0

    (o) to &rovide ade%ate sec%rit! at the &erimeter and common areas of

    the Private Economic one0 and

    (&) to com&l! 'ith other obligations*

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    )>. G$%$,a# 'o%&!"!o%+ *o, $'o%o(!' 2o%$ +$,+.-Anless other'ise

    directed in the ind%strial &olic! of the =overnment and s%b,ect to the &rovisions

    of section1 of the $ct" no enter&rise interested to o&erate an! a&&roved activit!

    in the Private Economic one shall %nderta/e an! activit! 'itho%t &rivate

    economic one %ser &ermit*

    )?. A#!'a"!o% ,$;!,$($%"+ a%& ,o'$&,$ *o, ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$

    +$, $,(!".-(1) ?or obtaining &rivate economic one %ser &ermit" an enter&rise

    shall have to s%bmit a 'ritten a&&lication to the $%thorit! or the concerned

    8icensee or o&erator or develo&er and o&erator" as the case ma! be" and the

    follo'ing information and doc%ments shall be attached to the a&&lication"


    (a) recei&t of &a!ment of l%m&-s%m and non-ref%ndable a&&lication fee

    determined b! the $%thorit!0

    (b) valid b%siness-registration certificate of the a&&licant enter&rise0

    (c) a notarised 'ritten statement setting forth all relevant commercial

    information of the a&&licant enter&rise" 'hich shall contain the

    name" address and nationalit! of the enter&rise" its o'ners" Board of

    Directors or e%ivalent management committee" a%ditors and

    ban/ers and the statement of ca&ital o'nershi& shares of s%ch


    (d) &ro&osed activities and e&lanation of com&atibilit! of s%ch

    activities 'ith the a&&roved master &lan0

    (e) estimated time sched%le for the design" constr%ction and activation

    incl%ding &hased design" constr%ction and activation facilities given

    b! the a&&licant0

    (f) a&&roimate n%mber and nationalit! of the 'or/ers to be em&lo!ed0

    (g) &lan of environmental management" if re%ired" according to the

    a&&licable la's0 and

    (h) &roof of com&liance 'ith the r%les and reg%lations in force relatingto environment" health" safet! and ris/ in res&ect of &ro&osed

    installations" activities" goods" materials and 'aste of the enter&rise*

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    (2) $fter recei&t of an a&&lication %nder s%b-article (1)" if an! defect ordeficienc! is fo%nd in the a&&lication" the $%thorit! or the 8icensee or theo&erator or the develo&er and o&erator" as the case ma! be" shall serve notice tothe a&&licant enter&rise s&ecif!ing s%ch defects 'ithin 5# (thirt!) da!s from

    recei&t of the a&&lication and the a&&licant enter&rise shall s%bmit a rectifieda&&lication after amendment of the deficienc! 'ithin 4 (fort! five) da!s fromrecei&t of the notice to the $%thorit! or the 8icensee or the o&erator or thedevelo&er and o&erator" as the case ma! be*

    (5) +f the a&&licant does not ta/e the meas%res as &rovided %nder s%b-article(2)" the a&&lication shall be ret%rned to the a&&licant*

    (4) Not'ithstanding an!thing contained in s%b-articles (2) and (5)" the$%thorit! or the concerned 8icensee or the o&erator or the develo&er ando&erator" as the case ma! be" ma!" if it thin/s necessar!" re%est the a&&licantenter&rise for f%rnishing additional information or doc%ments or" on the basis of'ritten a&&lication received from the a&&licant enter&rise" &ermit the a&&licant

    enter&rise to amend its 'ritten a&&lication at an! time d%ring the &rocess of thea&&lication*

    3. I++a%'$ o* ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ +$, $,(!".-(1) $fter com&letionof the &rocess %nder s%b-articles (2) and (4) of article 29" the $%thorit! or the8icensee or the o&erator or the develo&er and o&erator" as the case ma! be" shall"%&on scr%tin! if the a&&lication is fo%nd correct" grant &rivate economic one%ser &ermit to the a&&licant or" if it is not fo%nd correct" re,ect the a&&lication'ithin # (sit!) da!s*

    (2) he $%thorit! or the 8icensee or the o&erator or the develo&er ando&erator" as the case ma! be" shall" %&on scr%tin! if the a&&lication is fo%ndcorrect" iss%e &rivate economic one %ser &ermit 'ithin # (sit!) da!s froms%bmitting the a&&lication for &rivate economic one %ser &ermit %nder s%b-article (1) of article 29" and the information of iss%ance of &rivate economic one%ser &ermit shall be &%blished in the official ebsite of the $%thorit!*

    (5) he %ser shall" on freehold or leasehold basis" have to ac%ire" and /ee&control over" the land of the Private Economic one or other assets sit%atedtherein in accordance 'ith the terms of the &ermit 'ithin 9# (ninet!) da!s fromthe date of giving effect to the &rivate economic one %ser &ermit*

    (4) No &rivate economic one %ser shall sell or transfer the &rivateeconomic one %ser &ermit" 'holl! or in &art" to an! third &erson*

    3. R!81"+ a%& *a'!#!"!$+ o* ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ +$,+.- (1) $ &rivateeconomic one %ser shall" in accordance 'ith this &olic!" the $ct" other

    a&&licable la's" r%les-reg%lations" legal doc%ments and &rivate economic one%ser &ermit" be entitled to the follo'ing rights and facilities" namel!:-

    (a) to cond%ct an! a%thoried activit!0

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    (b) to ac%ire" on freehold or leasehold basis" the &rivate economicone lands0

    (c) to transfer the lands or an! asset of the Private Economic one inaccordance 'ith all a&&licable la's incl%ding the &rivate economicone %ser &ermit and s%b,ect to a&&roval of the $%thorit! %nderarticle 550

    (d) to em&lo! Bangladeshi and foreign nationals to the service0

    (e) to have the incentives given0

    (f) to ob,ect to the fees charged b! an! develo&er" o&erator ordevelo&er and o&erator for %tilities or other basic services &rovidedin the Private Economic one b! an! Bangladeshi enter&rise" 'heres%ch fees do not reflect com&etitive mar/et conditions0 and

    (g) to en,o! an! other rights or facilities*

    (2) $n! &rivate economic one %ser shall be entitled to en,o! the rightsgiven %nder this &olic! d%ring the time of f%lfillment of the conditions %nder s%b-article (5) of article 5#*

    3). L$8a# o:#!8a"!o%+ o* ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ +$,+.- $ &rivateeconomic one %ser shall com&l! 'ith the follo'ing obligations" incl%dingadherence to the $ct" this &olic!" licence" &rivate economic one %ser &ermit andinternal o&erating &olic! and r%les a&&licable for the Private Economic one"namel!:-

    (a) to carr! o%t the activities s&ecified in the &rivate economic one%ser &ermit" o&erate all activities of the Private Economic oneincl%ding the &rod%ction and constr%ction in accordance 'ith the6ched%le and maintain all facilities and on-site infrastr%ct%re in

    o&erational condition0

    (b) to &rovide technical training to the Bangladeshi 'or/ers em&lo!ed0

    (c) to &a! all fees" taes or an! other d%es o'ed to an! com&etentagenc!0

    (d) to s%bmit to the 8icensee or o&erator or develo&er and o&erator" asthe case ma! be" an ann%al re&ort f%rnishing the follo'inginformation" namel!:-

    (i) information in res&ect of investments %nderta/en in thePrivate Economic one d%ring the &receding calendar !earand the &ossible investments &ro,ected for the forthcoming

    calendar !ear0(ii) information in res&ect of n%mber of b%siness activities" sie"

    em&lo!ment and investment b%siness activities0

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    (iii) information in res&ect of area of lands %nder o&eration in thePrivate Economic one and the b%ildings constr%cted thereon0and

    ( iv) other information that are considered relevant b! the$%thorit!0

    (e) to s%bmit a monthl! re&ort to the 8icensee or o&erator or develo&erand o&erator" as the case ma! be" on the activities of the PrivateEconomic one %nderta/en in each month f%rnishing the follo'inginformation" namel!:-

    (i) em&lo!ment statistics" incl%ding the n%mber of female'or/ers0

    (ii) information relating to monetar! val%e and vol%me of alle&orts from the Private Economic one0

    (iii) information relating to the vol%me and monetar! val%e of all

    other sales in the Private Economic one incl%ding vol%me ofsales in the same or different c%stom bonded area anddomestic tariff area0

    (iv) information relating to monetar! val%e of total investment0

    (f) to com&l! 'ith the re%irements relating to environment and labo%r0

    (g) to obtain a constr%ction &ermit before starting constr%ction of an!infrastr%ct%re incl%ding b%ilding" %tilities or facilities" or otherstr%ct%re in the Private Economic one in conformit! 'ith thea&&licable la's" the $ct and r%les" reg%lations and notificationsmade or iss%ed there %nder*

    33. T,a%+*$, o* #a%& : ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ +$,.- No &rivateeconomic one %ser shall" 'itho%t the 'ritten &ermission of the $%thorit! or theconcerned 8icensee or the o&erator or the develo&er and o&erator" f%lfill thecommitments set forth in the &ermit thro%gh an! third &art! or transfer" 'holl! orin &art" an! land or asset sit%ated thereon thro%gh an! s%b-leasing arrangementor in other manner*

    34. S+$%+!o% o, 'a%'$##a"!o% o* ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ +$, $,(!".- (1) here a &rivate economic one %ser violates an! &rovision of the $ct" this&olic!" an! a&&licable la'" or an! term of &rivate economic one %ser &ermit"the $%thorit!" the concerned 8icensee" the o&erator or the develo&er ando&erator" as the case ma! be" ma! s%s&end or cancel a &rivate economic one

    %ser &ermit of s%ch Private Economic one b! &%blishing in the Bangladeshine's&a&er" %&on serving # (sit!) da!s> notice to the &rivate economic one%ser and giving d%e o&&ort%nit! of being heard*

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    (2) Not'ithstanding an!thing contained in s%b-article (1)" the $%thorit! orthe concerned 8icensee or the o&erator or the develo&er and o&erator" as the casema! be" ma!" %&on serving # (sit!) da!s> notice to the &rivate economic one%ser and giving an o&&ort%nit! of being heard" b! &%blishing in the Bangladeshi

    ne's&a&er" cancel an! &rivate economic one %ser &ermit if the %ser-

    (a) re&eatedl! violates the conditions of the licence0

    (b) violates the &rovisions of s%b-article (4) of article 5# and article 55"or discontin%es the activities %nder article 50

    (c) fails to satisf! the &erformance re%irements according to the6ched%le referred to in cla%se (a) of article 52 and" for s%ch fail%re"is notified t'ice in 'ritten b! the $%thorit! or the concerned8icensee or the o&erator or the develo&er and o&erator" as the casema! be0

    (d) is declared ban/r%&t0

    (e) fails to &a! an! re%ired fees" taes or other d%es o'ed to an!com&etent agenc!0

    (f) &rovides an! false information" declaration or re&resentation in thea&&lication for a &rivate economic one %ser &ermit0

    (g) is engaged in an! &rohibited" %nla'f%l or illicit activit! mentionedin the &rivate economic one %ser &ermit or in 6ched%le 10

    (h) discontin%es or ceases its b%siness o&erations for a contin%o%s&eriod of 4 (fort! five) da!s" s%b,ect to an! a&&licable la'incl%ding an! mortgage right of an! loan &rovider 'itho%t the&ermission of the $%thorit! or the concerned 8icensee or theo&erator or the develo&er and o&erator" as the case ma! be*

    (5) $n enter&rise shall cease to en,o! the stat%s of a &rivate economic one%ser %&on s%s&ension or cancellation of its &rivate economic one %ser &ermit%nder this article" and if necessar!" an! legal action against s%ch &rivateeconomic one %ser ma! be ta/en %nder an! a&&licable la'*

    35. Vo#%"a, &!+'o%"!%a"!o% o* ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ +$, a'"!!"!$+.-

    henever a &rivate economic one %ser intends to vol%ntaril! discontin%e its

    activities relating to a Private Economic one" the enter&rise shall serve #(sit!) da!s> &rior notice in 'ritten to the $%thorit! or the 8icensee or theo&erator or the develo&er and o&erator before s%ch discontin%ation of activities*

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    3=. E#!8!:!#!" o* "1$ $,+o%+9 wo,$,+ $"'. $(#o$& : "1$ ,!a"$

    $'o%o(!' 2o%$ $%"$,,!+$ *o, ,$+!&!%8 !% "1$ ,$+!&$%"!a# a,$a o* a P,!a"$

    E'o%o(!' Zo%$.-(1) Not'ithstanding an!thing contained in article 5" if an!&erson or 'or/er" la'f%ll! em&lo!ed b! a &rivate economic one enter&rise"

    s%bmits to the $%thorit! an a&&lication for residing in the Private Economic onealong 'ith the follo'ing &a&ers" the $%thorit! shall iss%e a residenc! certificateto the &erson or 'or/er 'ithin 5# (thirt!) da!s from recei&t of the a&&lication"namel!:-

    (a) original a&&ointment letter iss%ed b! the em&lo!er enter&rise to the&erson or 'or/er concerned0

    (b) labo%r and immigration a%thoriation" 'here a&&licable0

    (c) &roof of allotment made b! the em&lo!er enter&rise for a s&ecificho%se in the residential area of the Private Economic one infavo%r of the concerned &erson or 'or/er0

    (d) a certificate iss%ed b! the em&lo!er enter&rise to the effect that thea&&licant is of good moral character*

    (2) he $%thorit! shall iss%e a residenc! certificate to the &erson or 'or/er'ithin 5# (thirt!) da!s from the date of recei&t of the a&&lication %nder s%b-article (1) and 'here iss%ance of the certificate is not &ossible 'ithin s%ch time"the &erson or 'or/er shall be treated to have ac%ired the stat%s of a resident inthe Private Economic one*

    (5) +f an! &erson or 'or/er ac%ires the stat%s of a resident in a PrivateEconomic one %nder this article" his s&o%se" %nmarried children belo' 21(t'ent! one) !ears of age and his de&endent &arents ma! also ac%ire andmaintain the stat%s of a &rivate economic one resident as de&endent d%ring the&eriod 'hen the &erson or 'or/er maintains the stat%s of a resident in the one*

    (4) he $%thorit! shall iss%e a residential identit! card in favo%r of the&erson or 'or/er having ac%ired the stat%s of a &rivate economic one resident%nder this article*

    () he &erson or 'or/er 'ho resides in the residential area of a PrivateEconomic one %nder this article shall" 'ith his famil!" leave the concerned area'ithin 12# (one h%ndred and t'ent!) da!s from the e&ir! of his service &eriod*

    3>. R!81"+ a%& ,!!#$8$+ o* "1$ ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ ,$+!&$%"+.- +naccordance 'ith this &olic!" the $ct" other a&&licable la's" r%les and reg%lations"legal doc%ments and &rivate economic one residenc! certificate" the &rivateeconomic one residents shall be entitled to the follo'ing rights and &rivileges"namel!:-

    (a) to reside in the residential area of the Private Economic one0 and(b) to transfer an! land and real estate sit%ated in the residential area of

    the Private Economic one*

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    3?. L$8a# o:#!8a"!o%+ o* ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ ,$+!&$%"+.-$ &rivateeconomic one resident shall com&l! 'ith the follo'ing obligations" incl%dingadherence to this &olic!" the $ct" other a&&licable la's" r%les and reg%lations"legal doc%ments and &rivate economic one residenc! certificate" namel!:-

    (a) to &a! im&ort d%t!" internal c%stoms d%t!" ta" lev!" tariff and otherc%stoms charges for im&ort of an! foreign goods in an! residentialarea of Private Economic one located inside the domestic tariffarea0

    (b) to &a! income ta and other taes0 and

    (c) to refrain from ta/ing &art in an! activit! s%bversive for the 6tate*

    4. Ca%'$##a"!o% o* ,!a"$ $'o%o(!' 2o%$ ,$+!&$%' '$,"!*!'a"$.- (1) +fan! &rivate economic one resident re&eatedl! violates the &rovisions of the $ct"this &olic!" an! a&&licable la' or the terms and conditions of &rivate economicone residenc! certificate" the $%thorit! ma! cancel the &rivate economic oneresidenc! certificate %&on serving 12# (one h%ndred and t'ent!) da!s> &rior'ritten notice to the &rivate economic one resident and giving an o&&ort%nit! ofbeing heard" and the $%thorit! or an! other com&etent agenc! ma!" if necessar!"ta/e legal ste&s against s%ch &erson in accordance 'ith the a&&licable la's*

    (2) +f the &rivate economic one residenc! certificate of a &erson or a'or/er is cancelled and his residential identit! card is cancelled" the &erson or'or/er and" 'here a&&licable" his de&endent shall cease to en,o! the stat%s of a&rivate economic one resident*



    4. P,o'$&,$+ o* a,oa# o* a 'o%+",'"!o%.-$n! constr%ction orinstallation 'or/s on an! land of a Private Economic one or an! modification toan! %nit &revio%sl! b%ilt b! an! economic one enter&rise or an! resident shallbe %nderta/en in accordance 'ith the a&&licable la's" the $ct and the r%les"reg%lations or notifications made or iss%ed there %nder*



    4). C+"o(+ ,o'$&,$9 $$("!o% *,o( "a$+ a%& '+"o(+ &"!$+9*a'!#!"!$+9 !%'$%"!$+9 $"'. o* "1$ P,!a"$ E'o%o(!' Zo%$+*-+f according to the&rovisions of sections 1# and 15 of the $ct" s&ecial tariff benefits are &rovided b!

    the =overnment" b! notification in the official =aette" and s&ecial arrangementis introd%ced according to the &rovisions of the @%stoms $ct" 199 ($ct No* +Fof 199) and incentives are &rovided or c%stoms d%ties and taes are eem&ted

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    %nder other a&&licable la's in the Private Economic ones for facilitating theo&erations of im&ort and e&ort activities of the enter&rises established 'ithin thePrivate Economic ones" the $%thorit! shall ens%re im&lementation thereof inthe Private Economic ones*



    43. E%!,o%($%"a# P,o"$'"!o%.- (1) +n accordance 'ith the &rovisions ofsection 55 of the $ct" the Bangladesh Environment @onservation $ct" 199" theEnvironment @onservation C%les" 1997" all +nternational reaties" @onventionsand $greements in force relating to environment ratified b! Bangladesh andother a&&licable la's" the $%thorit! shall" in coordination 'ith the

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    Energ! and Environmental Design 6tandards" and those re%irements shall bea&&licable to all infrastr%ct%re design of the Private Economic one" s%chas-b%ildings" roads" bridges" &o'er facilities" infrastr%ct%re of rene'able energ!"effl%ent-treatment &lants" telecomm%nications infrastr%ct%re" fire-related

    constr%ction standards" landsca&e or garden related design" drainage" storm 'aterand 'aste'ater management s!stems" 'ater treatment facilities" etc*

    (4) +n ever! Private Economic one" the $%thorit! shall ens%re com&liance'ith the notifications" orders" directions and &olicies relating to red%ction ofcarbon foot&rint and %se of bio-f%el iss%ed" from time to time" b! the=overnment*

    E#a%a"!o%.8eadershi& in Energ! and Environmental Design 6tandards3mentioned in this article" means internationall! recognied .=reen3 b%ildingcertification s!stem that enhances the s/ill in constr%ction 'or/s of the8icensee" develo&er and o&erator according to the metrics incl%ding thestandards of contem&orar! b%ilding designing" constr%ction" o&eration and

    maintenance" s%ch as energ! saving" best %se of 'ater" red%ction in dischargingcarbon-di-oide" im&roved indoor environmental attrib%tes" best %se ofenvironmental assets and im&act of sensitivit! of environmental 'ealth" etc*


    44. P,o"$'"!o% o* ,!81"+ o* wo,$,+.-+n case of &rotection of rights of all'or/ers" incl%ding dis&%te resol%tion and relations bet'een 'or/ers andem&lo!ers of the Private Economic one" the &rovisions of the EP or/erselfare $ssociation and +nd%strial Celations $ct shall" mutatis mutandis" bea&&licable according to the &rovisions of section 54 of the $ct*

    45. A#"$,%a"!$ &!+"$ ,$+o#"!o%.-6%b,ect to the &rovisions of section 5of the $ct and other a&&licable la's" the dis&%tes arising o%t of the &rovisions ofthis &olic! ma! be resolved thro%gh alternative &roced%re*




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    SCHEDULE-G6ee articles 2(2)(e)"9 (2) (f) and 54(2) (g)H


    . s diseaseor of other diseases s&ecified b! the =overnment*

    11* Prod%ction of articles or %tiliation of an! in&%ts or %nderta/ing of an!activities harmf%l for health or life for h%man" animal or &lant in the Private

    Economic ones*12* $n! other activit! &rohibited %nder b! the ind%strial &olic! and decision of

    the =overnment*

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    SCHEDULE-)G6ee article (1)(a)H

    STAGE PCE-IA$8+?+@$+N:

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    =. R!+ (!"!8a"!o%(a) . I(#$($%"a"!o% P#a%(a) Pro,ect start %&:(b) @onstr%ction &lan:(c) End of the &ro,ect:(d)

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    SCHEDULE- 3G6ee article (1)(a)H

    STAGE ): ?+N$8 $PPCF$8: re%irements (infrastr%ct%re"

    land and em&lo!ment):(c) %tline of the ind%str! sectors> val%e chainlogisticse&ort

    re%irements:(d) Demand forecast for 2# !ears> &eriod:

    5* Ma,$"!%8 #a%:(a)

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    11&)( evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    7* F!%a%'!a# (o&$#:(a) @a&ital costs for infrastr%ct%re constr%ction:(b) &erating and management costs:(c) Balance sheets:

    (d) Pro,ect +CC:(e) 6ensitivit! anal!sis:(f) Pro&osed leasingsale &ricing:

    >. E'o%o(!' a%a#+!+:

    (a) Economic +m&acts and @ostBenefit $ssessment:(b) Cate of Cet%rn of financial benefit for the &ro,ect:

    9* I(#$($%"a"!o% #a%:

    (a) ime sched%le of com&letion all &ro,ect com&onents:

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    SCHEDULE- 4G6ee articles (1) and (1)H


    =FECN6 CEPAB8+@ ? B$N=8$DE6


    ?ather>s name: LLLLLL" s name: LLLLL*L**L*6&o%se name: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL**itle: LLLLLLLLLL" Nationalit!: LLLLLLLLLL*National +dentit! No*: LLL" a +dentification No*(+N): LL*L**Name of enter&rise com&an!( if an!): LLLLLLLLLLLLL$ddress: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL*LLL**@it!: LLLLLLLLL" @o%ntr!: LLLLLLLLLLLLLele&hone: LLLLLLL*" ?a: LLLLLLL*LLLLLL*E-

  • 7/25/2019 Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy, 2015


    11&)& evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    () 8egal entit!: !&e of eisting entit!:@or&oration 88@

    Branch 6%bsidiar! of domesticcom&an!

    Branch 6%bsidiar! of foreigncom&an!

    thers (6&ecif!):LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL***L*

    (7) Parent enter&rise com&an! (+f a&&licable):Name:LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL*****LL*******$ddress: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL*****LLL******@it!: LLLLLLLLLLLL" @o%ntr!: LLLL**************************ele&hone: LLLLLLL" ?a: LLLLLLLL*************************E-

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    (12) ther develo&ment &ro,ects:

    8ist of other develo&ment" real estate or infrastr%ct%re &ro,ects %nderta/enb! the a&&licant:

    Name of&ro,ect

    8ocation Kear ofestablishment

    Develo&ment costs(a/aA6M)


    Ase se&arated sheet(s) or e&and tem&late" if additional s&ace is re%ired*

    5* Na($ o* #$8a# ,$,$+$%"a"!$: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

    8a' firm$ssociates ( if necessar!): LLLLLLLLLLLLLL***Position:LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLNationalit!:LLLLLLL Pass&ort No* National +dentit! No*: LL**


    4* Na($ o* ,oo+$, $%"$,,!+$/'o(a%: LLLLLLLLLLL***L*


    @om&an! Cegistration No* : LLLL" @om&an! Cegistration Date : *L***

    Previo%s 8icence No*: LLLLL*"8icence Date: LLLLLLLLL8icence @orrection: LLLLLLL" thers: LLLLLLLL**LL

    * D$+',!"!o% o* #a%& a%& +!"$ o* "1$ P,!a"$ E'o%o(!' Zo%$:(1) 8and sie:

    8and sie: LLL*s%ire feet LLL**s%ire meters

    (2) 6ie of %sed eisting land on site:$gric%lt%ral (indicate cro&>s name) LLLLLLLLLLLL

    Non-agric%lt%ral LLL**LLL**"+nd%strialLLLLLLLL*thers (s&ecif!): L****LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL*

    (5) o&ogra&h!:

    ?lat $bove sea levelBelo' sea level n flood &lainthers (s&ecif!): LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL

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    (4) 8and o'nershi&rights:?%ll 'nershi& 8eased oint vent%re agreementther (s&ecif!):LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL***

    () +nstallations on site:Kes Noenants thersLLLLLL**

    () Earth'or/s re%ired for &reventing flooding:Kes No

    (7) CesettlementCesettlement &lan re%ired:Kes No thers LLLLLLLLL

    (;) Proimit! to trans&ort facilitiesro%tes:

    Name of main trans&ort facilit! Kes No Distance (J*

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    * P,o@$'" :,!$*:

    (1) 6tat%s of develo&ment:Ne' develo&ment:

    Pro&osed date of o&ening:

    E&ected date of constr%ction com&letion:Phased develo&ment:

    Percentage of &ro,ect com&letion:6tat%s of occ%&anc!:Established area:E&ected date of constr%ction com&letion (net &hase):Pro&osed date of o&ening (net Phase):

    8ast &hase of develo&ment:Date of establishment:6tat%s of occ%&anc!:E&ected date of constr%ction com&letion (net &hase):Pro&osed date of o&ening (net &hase):


    Pro,ect f%nding so%rce:

    ?%nding so%rce Percentage of &ro,ect

    Ase se&arate sheet(s) or e&and tem&late" if additional s&ace is re%ired*

    (5) Estimated &ro,ect costs:

    Phased develo&ment 6ie(s%are feets%are meters)

    Estimated &ro,ect costs(a/aA6M)

    otal &ro,ect siecosts

    8and ac%isition8and &re&arationEarth'or/s


    B%ilding and $menities

    ff-site infrastr%ct%rethers


    Phase- 28and+nfrastr%ct%reAtilities

    B%ilding and $menities

    ff-site infrastr%ct%rethers


    Phase- 58and+nfrastr%ct%reAtilities

    B%ilding and $menities

    ff-site infrastr%ct%rethers


    Ase se&arate sheet(s) or e&and tem&late" if additional s&ace is re%ired*

  • 7/25/2019 Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy, 2015


    11&), evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    (4) Pro&osed &ro,ect +CC: OOOOOOOO*

    () Pro&osed &ro,ect com&onents:

    Please &rovide the &ro,ect brea/do'n:

    @om&onent =ross area(s%are feets%are meters)

    Net area(s%are feets%are meters)

    +nd%strial area

    $dministrative area

    @ommercialCetail area

    Atilities area

    &en s&ace

    ther areas


    Ase se&arate sheet(s) or e&and tem&late" if additional s&ace is re%ired*

    () Pro&osed on-site infrastr%ct%re" %tilities and facilities-amenities:

    Coads idth !&es of &avement Estimated costs(a/aA6M)

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    (;) Pro&osed facilities and amenities:

    ?acilities and $menities 6ie

    (s%are feets%are meters)

    Estimated costs


    @%stoms b%ilding(s)

    $dministration b%ilding(s)

    @ommercialretailsho&&ingmallentertainment b%ilding(s)


    Cesidential b%ilding(s)

    &erational%tilit! b%ilding(s)

    s &en s&ace


    Ase se&arate sheet(s) or e&and tem&late" if additional s&ace is re%ired*

    (9) Pro&osed im&rovements to eisting facilities (+f a&&licable):

    ?acilities to beim&roved

    6ie(s%are feets%are meters)

    Estimated costs(a/aA6M)

    Ase se&arate sheet(s) or e&and tem&late" if additional s&ace is re%ired*

    7* Broader economic benefits:(1) Pro&osed em&lo!ment &otential (N%mber of all em&lo!ments to be created): ******

    imeframe for ,obs to be created: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL*(2) 8ist of &ro&osed ind%str! sectors: LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL


    +nformation of &ro&osed 'or/ersem&lo!ment:

    Kear Direct em&lo!ment +ndirect em&lo!ment






    Ase se&arate sheet(s) or e&and tem&late" if additional s&ace is re%ired*

  • 7/25/2019 Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy, 2015


    11&) evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    (4) !&es of &ro&osed ,ob to be created G+n first (five) !earsH:Please brea/do'n into local em&lo!ment and foreign em&lo!ment*

    !&e of ,ob Kear 1




    Kear 1#


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    A#!'a%"+ U%&$,"a!%8

    +e" the %ndersigned" hereb! declare that-


    +'e have read the Economic ones $ct" 2#1# ($ct No* 42 of 2#1#) and this

    &olic! in its entiret! and the a&&lication has been filled in conformit! 'ith the

    &olic!0(b) the Board of Directors or e%ivalent Board has a%thoried and &ermitted to

    s%bmit this a&&lication0


    all the information f%rnished in the a&&lication and its attached &a&ers" if an!"

    are tr%e and correct and all materials are acc%rate and fact%all! right in all


    (d) all estimates given in this a&&lication have been &re&ared in good faith and 'ith

    d%e care0

    (e) no Director of the com&an! or an! one of the &ersons s%&erior to them has ever

    been convicted for an! criminal offence b! an! @o%rt or is c%rrentl! or has ever

    been &%t %nder investigation for &rofessional negligence or mal&ractice b! an!

    reg%lator! a%thorit! of an! co%ntr!0


    +'e are ca&able of o&erating" on an efficient and viable basis" an Economic

    one for achieving the targets of the a%thorit! incl%ding the develo&ment targetsof Bangladesh0

    (g) according to the descri&tion of b%siness &lan" feasibilit! st%d! and master &lan

    s%bmitted as &art of this a&&lication" the &ro&osed &ro,ect is technicall!"

    economicall! and sociall! 'or/able0

    (h) +'e &ro&ose" in good faith" to mar/et and im&lement the &ro,ect to the best of

    o%r abilities0

    (i) +'e shall %se the a&&ro&riate acco%nting s!stem for ascertaining the reven%es"

    costs" &rofits and losses of the &ro,ect mentioned in the a&&lication in

    accordance 'ith the a&&licable la's and shall &rod%ce s%ch financial statistics

    and acco%nting information as ma! be re%ired and re%ested in f%t%re b! the


    (,) +'e shall s%bmit %arterl! re&orts and other information relating to the

    activities in the Private Economic one as ma! be re%ired according to theBangladesh Economic ones $ct" 2#1# ($ct No* 42 of 2#1#) and this &olic! and

    b! the a%thorit!0

    (/) +'e shall start and o&erate the activities of the Private Economic one covered

    b! this a&&lication 'ithin the time as ma! be fied b! the $%thorit!0

    (l) no board member or officer of the $%thorit! has an! direct or indirect

    investment or financial interest in o%r enter&rise0


    there is no eistence of an! fra%d%lent relationshi& bet'een o%r shareholders"

    &rinci&al officers or foreign individ%alsb%siness entities andor the $%thorit!*


    +'e shall remain bo%nd to abide b! all la's" &olicies and conditions reg%lating

    the Private Economic one activities according to the Bangladesh Economic

    ones $ct" 2#1# ($ct No* 42 of 2#1#) and this Polic!*

    Date : LLLLLLL 6ignat%re of $&&licant$&&licant>s name:

  • 7/25/2019 Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy, 2015


    11&,( evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    ?C ??+@+$8 A6E N8K6$=E 1: PCEIA$8+?+@$+N CEIA+C

  • 7/25/2019 Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy, 2015


    evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015 112#1

    ?C ??+@+$8 A6E N8K

    6$=E 2: ?+N$8 IA$8+?+@$+N CEIA+C

  • 7/25/2019 Bangladesh Private Economic Zones Policy, 2015


    11&,& evsjv`k MRU, AwZwi, wWm^i 2, 2015

    NB: Please read the Bangladesh Economic ones $ct" 2#1# ($ct No* 42 of 2#1#)

    and other a&&licable la's and r%les-reg%lations before filling %& the a&&lication*

    he $%thorit! ma! be contacted tro%gh e-mail- [email protected]&hone- ;;-#2 ;1;#114 for an! %er! or %setion* he a&&lication shall be

    cancelled and become ineffective" if an! /ind of over'riting is done in it* he$%thorit! reserves the rights" if necessar!" to refrain from &rocessing an!

    incom&lete a&&lication andor to re%est for s%bmittng additional doc%ments in

    s%&&ort of the a&&lication*

    B! the rder of the =overning Board

    Paban @ho'dh%r!


    =overning Board

    andEec%tive @hairman (6ecretar!)

    $v% Av&'j $vjK, wi*vjK, evsjv`k miKvwi $' +vj-, ZRMv/, vKv KZK $'w +Z3$v% Avj$Mi vm6, wi*vjK, evsjv`k 7i$ / 8Kvk6v Aw7m,ZRMv/, vKv KZK 8KvwkZ3 'ebsite: '''*bg&ress*gov*bd