bancs newsletter 16th edition 1012-1

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  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    Experience certainty. IT ServicesBusiness Soluti


    2012 Number 16



    U Y, LE E U LE HE K I ELE E HE E . IF I U I E F U EFI IE ,LE E r r t . t . m



    One WOrld,One TOuch

    Staa cat Baois

    a ioatisi-tostoy mo

    Visit us at Stand 4B05

    TCS is#2

    in FinTec100Raning

    Briefng on


    compliance in

    te United States

    Credit Union



    mobile app

    SOFGEN joins


    Global Cannel

    Partner Program

    Savvis osts

    TCS BaNCS or

    Nort American

    clientspluS n n n n

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1



    t TCS Financial Solutions, we ave a global customer

    base o more tan 280 institutions operating in over 80 countries

    and spanning te banking, insurance, and capital markets indus-

    tries. Te one ting tey all ave in common is an increasing regu-

    latory burden.

    Weve already seen te ratceting up o capital requirements

    in Basel III and te wide-range requirements being nalized and

    implemented as a result o te Dodd-Frank Act. In te news we see

    proposed restrictions on ig-requency trading in various coun-

    tries, and te recommendations o te Liikanen report on reorm-

    ing te EU banking sector, wic would ring-ence retail banking

    operations away rom oter parts o major banks.

    Tese and a number o oter industry regulations are transorm-

    ing te business models o te entire nancial services sector.

    Some systems ave to be reworked, oters expanded, and oters


    As you migt imagine, tis presents nancial institutions wit a

    considerable operational callenge. Regulatory compliance tends

    to generate IT projects wit ig visibility, sort lead times, tigt

    budgets and constrained resources. As a result, te same opera-

    tions departments entrusted wit maintaining stability and consis

    tency are put into te position o aving to manage tremendous

    cange initiatives or regulatory purposes even wile elding ur

    gent demands rom te business side.

    Over te years, TCS as made two major investments to alleviate

    te regulatory burdens o our customers.

    First, our steady R&D investments into te tecnology arcitec-

    ture o TCS BaNCS continues to be a solid pillar o support or nan

    cial services rms struggling wit te implications o regulatory

    cange. Our exible, rules-based compliance arcitecture enables

    rapid canges to business processes and workows, bot reducing

    te cost and sortening te time to deployment or compliance-

    related projects. TCS BaNCS also as built extensive capabilities in

    reporting and analysis o large datasets, and te same tecnolo-

    gies tat power our intuitive and insigtul risk management tools

    also supply compreensive, accurate and timely inormation to

    regulators and auditors.

    Second, weve invested in people. Keeping pace wit te year

    over-year growt o TCS Financial Solutions in terms o revenues

    employees, and client implementations, we ave also continued

    Ready or RegulationBy N. Ganapathy Subramaniam, President, TCS Financial Solutions

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    to ire experienced banking proessionals wit decades o experi-

    ence in te specic regulatory callenges o te regions we serve.

    Providing tis expertise to our clients is an important aspect o

    service delivery or TCS Financial Solutions, as tis subject-matter

    expertise enables us to ensure tat our clients are able to congure

    te TCS BaNCS rules engine and workow conguration tools to

    best meet ast-canging regulatory requirements.

    Tis year, weve taken an additional step to bolster our ability to

    deliver compliance expertise to our customers. Troug te TCS

    BaNCS Global Cannel Partner Program, weve entered into a se-

    ries o alliances wit leading consulting rms around te world.

    Some o tese new partners are proled in tis issue o te news-

    letter, and tere will be more to come. Tese alliances ensure tat

    TCS BaNCS can scale to serve an even larger customer base, wile

    ensuring tat customers ave extensive access to local-market ex-

    pertise and assistance wit ands-on product conguration. Fur-

    termore, we will be collaborating wit our cannel partners on

    enricing our product ecosystem based on teir experiences and

    client deployments.

    Te combination o our investments into R&D and people wit

    te growt o our cannel program will ensure a successul uture

    or bot TCS Financial Solutions and its customers. In addition to

    meeting regulatory compliance mandates, te power and ex

    ibility o TCS BaNCS acilitates te creation o new products and

    expansion into new markets. Compliance runs in waves, and wen

    te current wave recedes, we expect tat TCS BaNCS clients will be

    in an excellent position to capture market sare and expand tei


    Pressured by regulation and competition to transorm teir busi

    ness models, te broader nancial services industry as increas-

    ingly realized te advantages o our approac. Wit TCS BaNCS

    we oer nancial institutions a total solution wit te exibility

    to adapt, te scalability to grow, and te cost structure to remain

    competitive, all backed by te unparalleled development, delivery

    and deployment capabilities o TCS Financial Solutions.

    Based on tese advantages, we expect to grow our client base

    considerably in te years to come. Tats wy TCS Financial Solu

    tions is preparing or a period o tremendous growt and learning

    and we greatly look orward to continuing tat exciting journey

    togeter wit our customers. n

    any place isa banking place

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1



    2 Ready or RegulationN. Ganapaty Subramaniam describes ow TCS supports compliance eorts

    6 One World, One TouchStandard Cartered Bank begins 32-country deployment o single-touc custody solution

    11 Book Excerpt rom The TCS Story and beyondS. Ramadorai recounts ow TCS in 1994 won te Standard Cartered deal

    12 Finding a Path through the Regulatory MazeMortgage reorm, UDAAP and legal risk in U.S. nancial services

    16 FinTech 100 TCS at #2 in 2012 FinTec rankings17 BAI Retail Delivery Potos and igligts rom te October conerence and exibition

    18 Gartner Mq TCS named a Leader in International Retail Core Banking

    19 CUA Australias largest customer-owned nancial institution launces mobile app

    20 SOFGEN IT solution provider joins TCS BaNCS Global Cannel Partner Program

    21 Savvis TCS BaNCS to be oered on cloud-enabled osted environment in Nort America

    22 News and Events Mozido strategic alliance, TCS BaNCS Strategy Day, and Te Asian Banker Awar

    About TCS Financial SolutionsTCS Financial Solutions is a strategic business unit o Tata Consultancy Services. Dedicated to providing business application

    solutions to nancial institutions globally, TCS Financial Solutions as compiled a compreensive product portolio under te

    brand name o TCS BaNCS. Our mission is to provide best-o-breed solutions tat drive growt, reduce costs, mitigate risk,

    and oer a aster speed to market or our customers. TCS Financial Solutions delivers state-o-te-art sotware solutions or te

    banking, insurance and capital markets industries worldwide. For more inormation, visit us at

    About Tata Consultancy Services LTD (TCS)Tata Consultancy Services is an IT services, consulting and business solutions organization tat delivers real results to global

    business, ensuring a level o certainty no oter rm can matc. TCS oers a consulting-led, integrated portolio o IT, BPO,

    inrastructure, engineering and assurance services. Tis is delivered troug its unique Global Network Delivery Model,recognized as te bencmark o excellence in sotware development. A part o te Tata Group, Indias largest industrial

    conglomerate, TCS as over 243,000 o te worlds best trained consultants in 42 countries. Te Company generated

    consolidated revenues o US $ 10.17 billion or year ended 31 Marc, 2012 and is listed on te National Stock Excange and

    Bombay Stock Excange in India. For more inormation, visit us at

    Copyrigt 2012, TCS Financial Solutions. All rigts reserved. No part o tis publication may be reprinted or reproduced witout te written permission rom

    te editor. TCS BaNCS newsletter is provided to clients and prospects on a regular basis. TCS Financial Solutions disclaims all warranties, weter expressed or

    implied. In no event will TCS Financial Solutions be liable or any damages on any inormation provided witin te magazine. Te inormation is provided to

    outline TCS BaNCS general product direction. Te editorial is to be used or general inormation purposes. Te development, release, and timing o any eatures

    or unctionality described or TCS Financial Solutions products remains at te sole discretion o TCS Financial Solutions.

    From its inception, TCS BaNCS newsletter as been printed on paper rom environmentally responsible sources.





  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1



    study One World,

    One TouchThrough an innovative single-touch custody model,Standard Chartered Bank provides investors and

    intermediaries with a direct pipeline into the fast-growing

    emerging markets of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

    By Ramann Bhavani, Program Director, TCS Financial Solutions


    tandard Cartereds igly distinctive

    ootprint covers te astest-growing economies in

    Asia, Arica, and te Middle East. Tis unique ootprint

    enables te banks clients, including te worlds largest

    global custodians, broker-dealers, und managers

    and institutional investors, to take part in te rapidly-

    expanding range o opportunities in emerging markets.

    Notably, eigtened investment activity in

    emerging markets is not just driven by inward ows

    rom te Organization or Economic Co-operation

    and Development (OECD) countries. Were seeing

    substantial growt in investment ows between te

    emerging markets, says George Nast, Global head

    o Product Management or Transaction Banking at

    Standard Cartered. historically, emerging-market

    clients would invest in OECD markets, but now tere

    are many more interesting investment opportunities in

    oter emerging markets.

    A major callenge or tese investors is deciding ow

    best to work wit custodian banks: Weter to coose a

    global custodian or ease o management, or to work

    wit several local custodians or te speed, reporting

    and risk management advantages o direct access.

    Selecting a global custodian minimizes te number o

    operating models, tecnology platorms, and workows

    or cas settlement and cas management wit wic

    an investor must interact. Instead o dealing wit 20

    dierent custodians in 20 dierent markets, a globa

    custodian oers a single window, says Nast. Tats a

    very strong proposition, wic is wy global custodian

    ave been very successul in capturing investor ows

    rom OECD markets into emerging markets.

    Te oter approac is to work wit multiple loca

    custodians, wic tends to be more direct and

    responsive tan te global custodian model because

    tere are ewer layers between te investor and te loca

    operations sta. Particularly in emerging markets wit

    ast-canging regulations, tese direct connections

    make a dierence. For example, to understand te

    eect o a rule cange upon an investment portolio

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    Instead o dealing wit

    20 dierent custodiansin 20 dierent markets,a global custodian

    oers a single window.George Nast, head o Product Management,

    Transaction Banking, Standard Cartered

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1



    wit te indirect global custodian model you would ave

    to go troug two layers o operations and service sta,

    says Nast. Wit te local custodian model, you can deal

    directly wit te people and systems in tat market.

    In todays investment climate, its extremely difcult to

    ave to coose between te two options. Few investors or

    intermediaries ave te IT and operations budget to manage

    a large number o local custodians. At te same time, te

    urgent need or real-time risk management eigtens te

    importance o maintaining direct connections wit local

    custodians. Te perormance expectations as well as te

    duciary expectations in te investment management

    industry are iger tan ever, says Nast. Clients demand

    relevant, real-time inormation about teir oldings in order

    to manage risk, manage cas, and identiy opportunities.

    To meet te more-demanding market expectations,

    Standard Cartered came up wit te idea or a tird

    approac to custody: a single-touc custody model

    tat combines te single window o te global custody

    model wit all te benets o directly connecting to local


    In executing upon tis vision, te bank turned to TCS

    BaNCS. TCS as a long-standing relationsip wit Standard

    Cartered going back to 1994, wen TCS won te deal

    to create Standard Cartereds very rst custody system.

    Building upon tis partnersip was te natural next step.

    Fom Atomatioto Itat Mats

    however, as a precondition or implementing single-

    touc custody, Standard Cartered and TCS rst ad to

    address te risk o costly errors involving corporate actions.

    For example, i its a custodians ault tat an investor misses

    te opportunity to make an election involving a rigts issue

    by a certain date, te custodian would be liable to make te

    client wole on wat could be a substantial nancial loss

    Moreover, tat custodian would ace te reputational risk o

    declining client condence. Mistakes involving corporate

    actions are among te biggest operational risks we ace in

    tis business, says Nast.

    Fortunately, sources o accurate, automated data on

    securities in emerging markets ave become more widely

    available, and TCS incorporated tose data ows into an

    automated workow or Standard Cartered using TCS

    BaNCS or corporate actions.

    Te TCS BaNCS deployment commenced in late 2009

    and was completed in 2011. Since ten, Standard Cartered

    as been able to acieve a ull automation rate o over 90

    percent or corporate actions across its entire ootprint

    an acievement tat elped Standard Cartered and TCS

    win Te Asian Banker s prestigious Best Trading Back Ofce

    Project Award or 2011.

    Moving to over 90 percent end-to-end automation

    wic is comparable to wat we see in OECD markets

    marks a step-unction cange in service quality and risk

    reduction or our clients, says Nast. We ave substantially

    reduced te risk o a very labor-intensive, manual process

    wit numerous cances or uman error, allowing clients to

    receive accurate, automated inormation.

    Atop te solid oundation o automated corporate

    actions data, Standard Cartered and TCS were ready to

    ulll te vision o single-touc custody.

    Building a multi-market, single-touc custody solution

    calls or ands-on integration in eac o te 32 countries

    witin Standard Cartereds ootprint. Te custody project

    commenced in late 2010, and tus ar, te updated

    single-touc core custody solution as been deployed in

    tree markets: te Pilippines, Vietnam, and Singapore. By

    te end o 2012, hong Kong will also be live on te new

    custody solution. Te remaining markets are sceduled o

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    Te updated, single-touc core custodysolution as been deployed in tree markets:

    te Pilippines, Vietnam, and Singapore.By te end o 2012, hong Kong will also be

    live on te new custody solution.George Nast, Standard Cartered

    The phIlIppIneS



    hOng kOng


  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    AT A GLANCECompany: Standard Cartered Bank

    headquarters: London

    Business Challenge: To create a

    single-touc custody model

    combining te ease o global

    custody wit te benets o local


    Solution:TCS BaNCS or corporate

    actions and custody



    We will be te go-to custodian

    and te go-to provider o investor accessin Asia, Arica, and te Middle East.

    George Nast, Standard Cartered

    FAST FACTSl In Cina, Standard Cartered is a leader in te internationalization o te

    renminbi (RMB), and expects to reac 100 brances in Cina by early next year.

    l In Arica, Standard Cartered currently as over 180 brances in 14 markets, and

    won Euromoney Awards or Excellence 2012 or Best Cas Management house

    in Arica and Best Flow house in Arica.

    l In India, Standard Cartered as almost 100 brances in 43 cities, more tan any

    oter international bank.

    rollout over te next two years, wit completion sceduled

    by te end o 2014.

    Te single-touc custody solution as proound

    implications or institutional investors, broker-dealers and

    global custodians doing business wit Standard Cartered.

    Clients operating in our ootprint will ave single-touc

    access to any or all o our markets troug a single bundle,

    says Nast. We can oer exibility in tailoring a set o

    market solution to a client, weter its an investor or an

    intermediary, depending on teir needs.

    Any investor demanding efcient, transparent, and

    seamless integration in emerging markets will nd a

    compelling value proposition in te market-leading single-

    touc custody services o Standard Cartered. Te

    capabilities were rolling out wit TCS BaNCS ave placed

    us at te leading edge, says Nast. Tis will cange te


    Guided by te vision o te banks leadersip and aided

    by te tecnology o TCS BaNCS, Standard Cartered as

    begun to unlock te unparalleled scope and reac o its

    global network. We will be te go-to custodian and te go

    to provider o market access or our clients across Asia, Arica

    and te Middle East, says Nast. Well ave te capabilities

    te network, and te integrated service across a variety o

    products and unctions tat will make us te leading provide

    o investor and intermediary services in our ootprint. n

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    By S. Ramadorai, Vice Cairman and ormer CEO, TCS

    In 1994, close on te eels o te success o te NSE (National Stock Excange o

    India) project, Yaspal Sani, TCS president, eard tat Standard Cartered Bank in

    Singapore needed an o-te-sel custody system.

    he was very keen or TCS to bid even toug we ad no expertise and no

    product in tis area. Te idea beind bidding was not so muc to win

    te project, but to register TCS in te minds o Standard Cartered, a

    giant in banking. Te project was also signicant because tat year

    tere were only one or two projects tat were wort $5 million or more

    and tis was one o tem; we tougt it could give us entry into te

    big arena. So te TCS team was encouraged to put in a really good bid.

    For te Standard Cartered project, eac contender ad to make

    presentations over two days. But we were warned tat we could be

    sent packing in two ours i we ailed to impress. Wat appened

    was tat ater two days o presentations we were sortlisted and a

    teen-person team rom Standard Cartered came to Deli to take te

    discussions urter. We ad indicated tat we ad 80 percent o te

    product completed altoug David Awcock, Standard Cartereds ead

    o IT, sensed tat TCS was not quite ready. But e also realized tat our

    solution would be more orward looking, so e was ready to take te

    risk. Te bid was certainly attractive, te cost was competitive and tebank was open to TCS owning te IPR.

    Ultimately we won te Standard Cartered bid, got an entry into

    Singapore, and te bank was able to oer custodial services to its

    customers in tirty nations. Tis project was our rst major turnkey project in

    a major market wit a big name. It was truly a great learning experience.

    We ad put in our bid knowing tat te cances o winning were slim, but in te

    end we ended up winning. Peraps te customer saw our passion and our readiness

    to go te extra mile and was ready to encourage it. Tere are so many intangibles tat

    work under te surace but in business interactions, at many times its just about good

    vibes and a gut eel.

    Excerpted rom The TCS Story And Beyond

    (Penguin Books India, 2011)

    Good vibes and a gut eel

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    Amy Avitable is a nat ionally-recognized expert in regula-

    tory compliance and a requent speaker or the ABA, state

    bankers associations, and state mortgage associations.

    She has authored numerous articles on compliance, and

    was the Editor-in-Chie o the renowned Big Orange

    Book compliance manual. Previously, Avitable was Na-

    tional Director o Compliance at Sheshuno Consulting

    + Solutions and Director o FIS Regulatory Advisory Ser-

    vices. She has served the FDIC, Federal Reserve and OCC,

    and has engaged in lobbying with Congress and the

    Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

    From te oversigt o te Consumer Financial Protec-

    tion Bureau (CFPB) to te regulatory overaul under

    te DoddFrank Wall Street Reorm and Consumer

    Protection Act, nancial institutions in te U.S. ace un-

    precedented regulatory complexity, increased risks, and

    greater uncertainty.

    Te CFPB, a new independent agency autorized by te Dodd-

    Frank Act, is responsible or consumer protection in nancial prod-

    ucts. As part o its activities, te CFPB provides consumer education,

    writes and enorces Federal consumer protection laws, and monitorsnancial markets and products. Wile te CFPBs supervisory autor-

    ity over nancial institutions is generally limited to institutions wit

    total assets o more tan $10 billion, te agency as oter autority

    suc as litigation and investigations tat could aect nancial institu-

    tions o all sizes.

    In assessing te CFPB and Dodd-Franks eect upon te banking

    industry, tere are tree areas o particular concern or nancial in


    l Mortgage Reorm

    l Unair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP)

    l Legal Risk

    In eac o tese areas, nancial institutions ave to prepare tem

    selves or an extended period o difcult canges. Wile tese cang

    es wont be easy or anyone in te industry, te degree o difculty o

    a nancial institution will be determined in large part by te exibilityo its core banking solution.

    Mortgage Reorm

    Wit over 5,000 pages o proposed regulations spanning a wide

    range o activities in mortgage origination and ser vicing, te CFPB

    is undertaking noting less tan a total overaul o te mortgage

    process. Collectively, tese canges could rewrite te worklow

    or te entire mortgage industry, as well as te risk proiles or

    lenders tat continue to operate in te canging regulatory en-


    Among te proposals, disclosures to consumers tat were previously provided separately i.e., TILA and RESPA disclosures will ave

    to be integrated into a combined disclosure sceme. Furtermore

    te CFPB as proposed a new calculation o te Annual Percentage

    Rate or mortgage loans, complicating tese disclosures as well as

    rules tat are triggered by te APR, suc as requirements or ig-

    cost and iger-priced mortgages. Tese are not cosmetic canges

    tat can be easily xed by tweaks to existing systems, but rater ma

    jor cange initiatives requiring ig-level attention rom IT, opera

    tions, and management.

    Anoter proposed cange would require all consumer real estate

    lenders to veriy tat borrowers ave te ability to repay tose loansWile te requirement appears logical enoug on its ace, it exposes

    te lender to signicant legal risk i a borrower eventually deaults on

    a mortgage loan. A bank tat ails to meet te test may not only ace

    te expense o oreclosure and recovery, but also te risk o a lawsui

    rom an unappy borrower, plus te possibility o nes or penalties

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1




    rom teir examiners. Tis risk makes it critical or te CFPB to issue

    rules tat are understandable, practical, can be applied in a wide vari-

    ety o lending scenarios, and contain some mecanism suc as a saearbor to protect te lender. Developing regulations tat meet tese

    requirements, wile balancing te needs o consumers and trying to

    remain exible enoug to accommodate uture canges in lending

    products, as proven exceedingly callenging and extremely contro-

    versial or te CFPB.

    Altoug it is difcult to predict te impact tat mortgage reorm

    under Dodd-Frank will ave on te banking industry, tere is a very

    real possibility tat it could ave te cumulative eect o reducing

    te number o lenders tat are willing to originate mortgages, in-

    creasing costs to consumers, and narrowing te band o acceptable

    borrowers. It is also unclear ow te political climate will aect teregulatory environment, toug a cange in te ederal administra-

    tion could ave a signicant impact on te direction o te CFPB and

    te oter ederal banking agencies. In te meantime, owever, nan-

    cial institutions tat wis to keep teir mortgage operations open or

    business will need to develop te exibility to comply wit a large

    number o new and complex regulations, and modiy teir systems

    and operations quickly as examiner expectations and interpretations

    o requirements grow and cange.

    Unair, Deceptive, or

    Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP)In te past, te ederal banking regulators ave eld banks respon-

    sible or activities tat were deemed to be Unair or Deceptive Acts

    or Practices (UDAP). Wile te UDAP scrutiny as increased signi-

    cantly over te last ew years, a new wrinkle as developed wit te

    CFPBs even broader autority over Unair, Deceptive, orAbusive Acts

    or Practices (UDAAP). Wile te legal tests or unair and decep

    tive are well establised, te criteria or abusive are ar rom settled

    Under te criteria, nancial institutions must not only disclose to aconsumer te material risks, costs, and conditions o a product, but

    also eectively veriy in some manner tat a consumer understands

    tose elements. Oterwise, enorcing terms and conditions could be

    interpreted as an abusive act, as taking unreasonable advantage o

    te consumer.

    Te callenge wit bot UDAP and UDAAP is tat tey are gener

    ally not regulations, wit notice and comment periods and advance

    notice o canges tat will ave to be made. Rater, UDAP and

    UDAAP are subjective standards tat vary between te regulatory

    agencies and examiners. As a result, a nancial institution oten wil

    not know wat practices are considered violations until it receivescriticism or a restitution order, or nds out about oter nancial in

    stitutions tat ave. Wen tis occurs, an institution as to ave te

    exibility to cange its systems quickly, even i te practices tat are

    under re ave been ollowed or many years or are common witin

    te banking industry.

    Legal Ris

    Te extremely active legal environment and eigtened legal risk

    also contribute to te callenges tat banks ace in tis compliance

    environment. Banking compliance lawsuits are increasingly escalat

    ed as ig as te Supreme Court, and many o te cases deal witlandmark issues suc as te reversal o hUDs long-eld policy on

    carging unearned ees and determining weter disparate impac

    discrimination is a valid claim against a lender.

    As part o its broad autority, te CFPB as begun participating

    in suc litigation troug amicus riend-o-te-court bries, in orde

    Asvini Saxena and Amy Avitable,

    TCS BaNCS, in brieng wit

    Jaroslaw Kapnik, Senior Banking

    Analyst at Ovum Group

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    to advocate or consumers against practices in te nancial servicesindustry. Te active participation o te CFPB in tese legal proceed-

    ings increases te risk o urter systemic cange in te industry, and

    could be viewed as eigtening te eeling o pressure and regula-

    tory scrutiny against banks. We anticipate tat nancial institutions

    will benet rom te ability to respond quickly and efciently to te

    rulings as tey are anded down. Te same operational exibility tat

    will be required to cope wit mortgage reorm and UDAAP issues will

    certainly be useul as te industry continues to evolve in line wit

    compliance pressures.

    TCS on Your SideAt TCS, regulatory compliance is a priority in everyting tat

    we do. We believe tat staying abreast o te expected direction

    o regulations will prove to be an important benet or our clients

    compliance eorts. We are closely monitoring te regulatory envi-

    ronment, not only or specic regulatory requirements but also or

    compliance canges tat may arise rom litigation, trends in agen-

    cy enorcement, and canging examiner expectations. Furter, we

    are working wit state bankers associations around te country to

    provide compliance training and updates. Tis industry outreac

    enables us to monitor trends in compliance enorcement and inter-

    pretations wile elping bankers stay aead o te rapidly cang-ing compliance requirements.

    All o our compliance monitoring and eorts eed directly into

    TCS BaNCS. Using te parameter-based rules engine o TCS BaNCS,

    we can implement many complex canges in te regulations wit-

    out te need or signicant system enancements, wic urter

    speeds our response time wile lowering te cost o deployment.

    By contrast, in-ouse legacy systems and older vendor solutions are

    typically difcult to customize or update or even a small number o

    canges, let alone te sweeping transormations in workow called

    or by te upcoming regulations.

    No matter ow torny it gets, our inancial institution clientscan be assured o teir ability to ind a pat troug te maze

    o new regulations by drawing upon te lexibility o TCS BaNCS,

    te experienced workorce o TCS Financial Solutions, and te un-

    matced delivery capabilities o TCS. Tats te beneit o aving

    TCS on your side. n

    Te pace o regulatory cange is expected toaccelerate over te next two years

    Amy Avitable discussed regulatory compliance matter

    wit bankers at BAI Retail Delivery in Wasington, D.C

    Majo nw ratoy rqimts

    2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013-2014








    rt r r i . l s n t r r t .

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    I T T : L U U E T E TE TH I E H I L E F I U L U E T I LY .U E T EL U T H E T T H F E T L U . E E T H U H T HI E H I L H E E H E KE FU Y , LE E U L E HE K I T E LE E T T HE E . IF I T U T I E F U E F I IE T ,

    L E E T T r r t e. e t s.


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    G ui - sh t v l y si n rv i s , r r t r k t i nyriht t ns ultny rvi s L im it

    X X












    X X












    Experience certainty.

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1




    Jon Adams,

    Executive Editor o

    Banking at SourceMedia,

    presents te #2 FinTec

    ranking to Dennis Roman,


    Vendor 1


    Vendor 2

    Vendor 3

    Vendor 4

    Vendor 5

    Vendor 6

    Vendor 7

    Vendor 8

    Vendor 9

    Vendor 10

    Vendor 11

    Vendor 12



    6 6



    2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012







    TCSmoves upto 2nd placeamong globalproviderso inancial

    tecnologyImproves ranking in the FinTech100

    or the sixth consecutive year

    TCS as been ranked #2 in te FinTec 100, an annua

    international listing o te top vertical tecnology vendors as

    named by American Banker, Bank Tecnology News and IDC

    Financial Insigts. Vendors on te list derive more tan one-tird o

    teir revenue rom te nancial services industry.

    TCS as moved up rom te #3 position eld last year, and o

    te sixt consecutive year, TCS as been ranked among te Top 10

    in te FinTec 100, continuing te steady increase in ranking since

    te companys appearance at #13 in 2006.

    Nearly 45 percent o TCS revenue came rom banking, nancia

    services and insurance during te nancial year 2011-12. Te

    FinTec 100 ranking is evaluated on te basis o calendar yea

    revenues attributed to nancial services.

    It is in our DNA to keep our customers at te center o oubusiness, said K. Kritivasan, President, Banking and Financia

    Services, TCS. It is our primary ocus to solve customer problems

    troug our products and services, and suc rankings urte

    reinorce our customers condence in our credentials and enance

    our credibility. n

    FiT 100 oss si 2006 w TcS joi

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    BAIRetail Delivery2012TCS BaNCS highlights rom major banking conerence

    At te annual BAI Retail Delivery conerence and exibition

    in Wasington, D.C., October 9-11, TCS connected wit bank

    executives on new approaces to meeting te callenging

    demands o te modern bank.

    In a panel session titled Collaboration For Growt New

    Approaces To Delivering Tomorrows Products And Services

    Today, Asvini Saxena, head o TCS Financial Solutions,

    Americas, described ow te exible and agile deployment

    models o TCS BaNCS can best meet te needs o U.S.-basednancial services organizations. Saxena outlined several

    approaces to deployment or TCS BaNCS and related a

    representative success story or eac approac. Also on te

    panel was Bob hunt, Senior Researc Director, CEB TowerGroup.

    hunt specializes in core banking and transaction processing

    systems, and provided te analyst point o view on te topic.

    In te BAI Expo and Tecnology Sowcase, TCS gave

    bankers in attendance a presentation on te appropriate

    solutions in response to increasing regulatory compliance

    demands. Te talk, titled Understanding te Common Core

    Banking Callenges to Implement a Simplied Transormation

    Approac, was led by Sussy Betancourt, Solutions Manager,

    and Amy Avitable, Director o Regulatory Compliance, TCS

    Financial Solutions. Topics discussed included te common

    callenges and key success actors or transormation

    and cange programs. n

    1 2

    3 4

    1. Executives rom AmBank Group in Malaysia Coo hwee Ping, Tec-

    nology head, Raymond Ng, Business head, and Antony Cin, Program

    Director join Asvini Saxena, TCS, Ceryl Barsanti, BAI, and Bob hunt,


    2. TCS BaNCS team at BAI Retail Delivery

    3. Bob hunt and Asvini Saxena present at a panel session

    4. Sweekrut Somaraju, Sunil Robert, and Anurag Yadav rom

    TCS meet wit Jeanne Capacin, Researc Vice President wit IDC

    Financial Insigts

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1





    The Magic quadrant International Retail Core

    Banking report rom Gartner, Inc., has placed TCS in

    the Leaders quadrant [*]. TCS BaNCS is one o the 19

    core banking platorms that were proled rom an

    original list o 36 candidates.

    Gartner denes leaders as vendors that demon-

    strate strong development methodologies. All o

    these vendors have a measurable strategy or disag-

    gregating core banking sotware unctionality into

    component-based constructs. Many vendors possess

    methodologies or uality assurance or are executing

    on a strategic road map to attain certication. Most

    vendors maintain a strong banking market under-

    standing through methodical processes and have

    extensive marketing delivery and sales channels.

    Although there are many well-balanced vendors /

    products in this uadrant, some are in transition and

    possess evolving products, process maturity or both.

    Commenting on this positioning, N. Ganapathy Sub-

    ramaniam, President, TCS Financial Solutions, said: We

    believe this report urther afrms our vision and capa-

    bility to address pressing problems that the Banking

    Industry is currently grappling with, through our prod-

    uct suite and people. We will continue to orge ahead

    with our promise o delivering certainty throughout all

    our customer transormation programs. n

    *Gartner, Inc., Magic Quadrant or International

    Retail Core Banking, Don Free, September 26, 2012.

    Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or

    service depicted in its research publications, and

    does not advise technology users to select only

    those vendors with the highest ratings. Gartner

    research publications consist o the opinions o

    Gartner's research organization and should not be

    construed as statements o act. Gartner disclaims

    all warranties, expressed or implied, with respect

    to this research, including any warranties o mer-

    chantability or ftness or a particular purpose.

    TCS named a Leaderin Analyst FirmsMagic QuadrantGartner International Retail Core Banking 2012 report

    evaluates TCS on vision and execution ability

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    TCS BaNCS Powershigly-Rated Mobile App

    or CUAAustralias largest customer-owned nancial institutionreaches milestone on core banking transormation

    In July 2012, CUA, Australias largest

    customer-owned nancial institution,

    launced CUA Online Banking or Mobile,

    available as a ree app or iPone and

    Android mobile pones, currently rating 4.5

    and 5 stars.

    CUA Online Banking or Mobile is te rst

    major deliverable in CUAs partnersip wit

    Tata Consultancy Services. TCS was selected

    in 2011 to deliver CUAs new core banking

    system based on TCS BaNCS, as part o a

    transormation program expected to be

    complete witin two years.

    CUAs Cie Executive Ofcer, Cris Witeead, said,

    Following te selection o TCS to implement

    our core banking system, we also reviewed

    TCS BaNCS online banking platorm and

    determined it would meet bot te needs

    o our business and our customers or te

    long-term. Te benet o aving one partner

    delivering an integrated tecnology solution also

    brings obvious advantages.

    Enancing te experience our customers ave

    wit our brand and ensuring consistency across all

    cannels is a business priority tat is undamental

    to our growt strategy. As part o te transormation

    program our online banking customers will ave access

    to mobile banking applications and a more streamlined,

    easy-to-use and visually appealing service wit improved

    unctionality and capability, concluded Witeead.

    According to Darrin Nortey, CUAs Group General Manager,

    Distribution, te launc o CUA Online Banking or Mobile is a

    signicant element o CUAs broader strategic priority to enance and

    extend its services or customers.

    Te launc o CUA Online Banking

    or Mobile enables customers to

    securely access teir accounts

    anytime, anywere tey coose

    to perorm te banking

    services most requently

    used online. It also makes

    CUA more accessible to customers

    tan ever beore and by te ratings, tey

    seem to like it! Nortey said.

    CUA Online Banking or Mobile is te rst deliverable in a series o

    service enancements tat we will be rolling out to customers over

    te coming two years, as part o our core banking transormation

    program, e added. Tis program will ultimately deliver a a

    superior and streamlined online banking experience.

    N. Ganapaty Subramaniam, President, TCS Financia

    Solutions, said, In addition to TCS BaNCS Core Banking, ou

    team continues to work wit CUA to provide an integrated

    retail banking solution tat now includes TCS BaNCS

    Online and Mobile Banking sotware. Ultimately TCS

    BaNCS will assist CUA in connecting its customers wit

    a broad range o products and services including

    deposits, loans and payments in a igly interactive

    and user riendly mobile banking environment.

    Customers can access te ollowing services

    troug CUA Online Banking or Mobile:

    l View accounts and balances

    l View teir last 10 transactions on an account

    l Make a payment to a registered biller troug BPAY,

    Australias most popular bill payment service

    l Make a payment to a registered payee

    l Cange teir login password nistockphoto:smartphones

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1



    nts SOFGEN Inks

    Partnersip wit

    TCS BaNCSJoinsTCS BaNCS Global

    Channel Partner Program

    to expand market outreach

    TCS as entered into a global alliance wit SOFGEN

    holdings Limited (SOFGEN), an international provider o

    IT solutions or banks specializing in retail, private and

    commercial banking.

    Tis alliance, wic is a part o te TCS BaNCS Global

    Cannel Partner Program, will combine SOFGENs global

    consulting capabilities in banking wit te internationally

    proven strengts o te TCS BaNCS universal banking

    suite and delivery/implementation track record. Te Global

    Cannel Partner Program expands te ootprint o TCS

    BaNCS troug partners tat understand bot banking and

    tecnology. SOFGEN will support te TCS BaNCS products

    on a global scale, initially ocusing its support on te PMO

    area, integration, data migration, testing, ig level audits

    and suitability analysis.

    Commenting on te partnersip, Tony Ward, Cairman,

    SOFGEN Australia and Global head, TCS BaNCS platorm,

    said, We are deligted to be a part o te TCS BaNCS

    Global Cannel Partner Program. Wit tis alliance, we

    will be catering to banks in specic markets tat are keen

    to deploy an integrated banking solution. TCS BaNCS as

    advanced breadt and dept o unctionality tat is well

    complemented by SOFGENs local understanding o te

    target markets. Tis combination will present an enduring

    and valuable proposition to our joint customer bases.

    N. Ganapaty Subramaniam, President, TCS Financial

    Solutions said, TCS BaNCS is appy to announce our

    partnersip wit SOFGEN. Te rms ric consulting

    experience in te banking sector and knowledge o

    regional markets will elp us urter grow our international

    presence. Our Global Cannel Partner Program will enable

    us to collaborate wit like-minded organizations tat can

    enric our product ecosystem and deepen our customer


    Founded in 1999, SOFGEN delivers core banking and

    related IT solutions to some o te worlds most prestigious

    nancial institutions in te areas o retail, corporate and

    private banking, as well as micronance. Te SOFGEN

    groups 450 employees serve over 170 clients on a variety o

    banking platorms rom 20 ofces on 5 continents. n

    Tony Ward, CEO, SOFGEN Australia

    (standing), Alexander Dembitz,

    Cairman o SOFGEN, and

    NGS at deal signing

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    TCS BaNCS as signed an agreement wit Savvis, a CenturyLink

    company (NYSE: CTL) and global leader in cloud inrastructure and

    osted IT solutions or enterprises, tat will allow te TCS BaNCS suite

    o products to be oered on a cloud-enabled osted environment in

    Nort America.

    As part o tis agreement, te TCS BaNCS platorm will be osted on

    Savvis enterprise-class inrastructure. Te platorm comprises an array

    o customer-congurable solutions, including Core Banking, Payments

    and Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Corporate Actions and Insurance

    covering property and casualty as well as lie and annuities.

    TCS leverages its deep experience o providing similar TCS BaNCS-

    based osted platorms in Europe and oter parts o te world. Te

    oering allows rms to congure teir solution and IT inrastructure

    needs tat will deliver on te We manage, you control paradigm,

    including improvements or rms on teir cost per business

    transaction. Over te last decade, TCS BaNCS as earned a track record

    o delivering growt and efciencies to banks o all sizes across te

    world, and tis new capability brings added value to its existing and

    new customers, especially in Nort America.

    Tis move will enable TCS BaNCS to enter tose markets were

    osting is desired or required suc as mid-sized and small banks, wic

    are ripe wit opportunities, said Bart Narter, Senior Vice-President

    o Banking at Celent, a researc and consulting rm. Te buying

    dynamics in te Nort American market inge largely on a ull set o

    deployment options tat TCS BaNCS can now promise to a nancial


    N. Ganapaty Subramaniam, President, TCS Financial Solutions, said:

    We are seeing a clear trend and greater interest in nancial institutions

    seeking managed service oerings. In tat context, our partnersip

    wit Savvis and te cloud-enabled TCS BaNCS is a compelling

    oering or banks, brokerages and insurance companies, wo can

    ree temselves rom IT inrastructure and application managemen

    complexities, tap into our Sotware-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, and

    gain greater operating efciencies.

    We strongly believe tat te combination o TCS BaNCS service

    osted on Savvis market-leading IT inrastructure will provide

    compelling and cost-eective solutions or nancial service

    rms, said Vargese Tomas, Global head o Financial Services a

    Savvis. Clients will also benet rom our mutually ric experience

    in supporting te nancial markets and providing access to an

    extensive ecosystem o market participants already resident in Savvi

    data centers across te globe.

    Savvis, a CenturyLink company, is a global leader in cloud

    inrastructure and osted IT solutions or enterprises. Nearly 2,500

    unique clients, including more tan 30 o te top 100 companies in

    te Fortune 500, use Savvis to reduce capital expense, improve service

    levels and arness te latest advances in cloud computing. n


    in Nort AmericaTCS inks agreement with Savvis to launch

    cloud-enabledTCS BaNCShosted ofering in North America

    Vargese Tomas, Global head o Financial Services, Savvis, and

    Tony Kroell, Vice President, Product Marketing, Savvis

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1




    From let to rigt: Sweekrut Somaraju, TCS Financial Solutions;

    Diane Sancez, EVP & President, Global Operations, Mozido;

    Asvini Saxena, TCS Financial Solutions; and Manuel Contag,

    Vice President, Business Development, LATAM, Mozido

    Mozio andTata costay Sis

    Establish StrategicAlliance to Globally LaunchMobile Payment Platorm

    In April, Mozido and TCS announced a strategic partnersip wic

    supports te global expansion o Mozidos unique mobile payment

    platorm, including a robust Enterprise Global Cloud Payment Network.

    Dallas-based Mozido is a leading global provider o a low-cost, wite-

    labeled, cloud-based multi-cannel nancial services (mFS) platorm

    or mobile network operators, nancial institutions and retailers. Mozido

    customizes and creates multiple and scalable mobile wallet solutions

    tat enable consumer packaged goods companies (CPGs), nancial in-

    stitutions, mobile network operators, retailers and mercants to deliver

    compelling customer experiences to teir own customers.

    TCS as enanced Mozidos mobile wallet platorm wit te innova-

    tive TCS Mobile Point-o-Sale (mPOS) mobile ceckout solution, cus-

    tomer loyalty platorm TCS Rewardz, and te compliance solution o

    TCS BaNCS.

    Using te complete point-o-sale unctionality o TCS mPOS, Mozido

    as launced Mozido Mobile Vault (mVault), addressing te current in-

    efcient cas andling logistics tat burden delivery drivers and distribu-

    tion networks.

    Mozido Mobile Wallet, powered by TCS Rewardz, will oer a ull

    suite o transactional unctionalities, suc as bill payment, remittances,

    mobile top-up, and payroll deposit, as well as real-time marketing and

    redemption, and deep, targeted analytics based on real-time customer

    transaction beavior.

    TCS BaNCS will also support Mozido wit te TCS BaNCS complian

    solution, wic includes robust Anti-Money Laundering tecnology t

    implements an intelligent, enterprise-wide, risk- based approac to d

    tecting and reporting suspicious nancial activities. Te TCS solution

    provided as a osted service on TCS osting inrastructure establised

    Nort America togeter wit its inrastructure partner.

    Tese dierentiated oerings will enable Mozido to eectively ser

    a broad base o consumers--bot banked and unbanked--and conne

    tem to te global nancial ecosystem.

    Mozidos Cairman, Ricard Braddock, said: Strategic partners

    play an essential role in Mozidos global growt strategy. By levera

    ing TCS expertise in our ocus sectors o banking and nance, ret

    consumer packaged goods, and government/public sector, as well

    teir dominant presence in our target regions, Mozido will be able

    accelerate our global expansion in an extremely competitive spac

    Mozido and TCS global reac will enable tis partnersip to establis

    commanding position in te market.

    I could not tink o a better strategic partner tan TCS, sa

    Diane Sancez, Executive Vice President and President o Glob

    Operations, Mozido. By leveraging TCS expertise in multi-cann

    retail tecnology and its global presence, Mozido can even mo

    eectively serve clients wit a robust suite o transactional payme

    and loyalty capabilities.

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1


    Jost hoppermann,

    Vice President and Principal Analyst,

    Forrester Researc, during visit to

    TCS BaNCS Center, Bangalore.

    TCS BaNCSStrategy



    TCS BaNCS deploymentearns accolades romThE ASIAN BANkER

    In April, at Te Asian Banker Acievement Awards ceremony eld in con-

    junction wit te prestigious Asian Banker Summit 2012 in Bangkok , Maa-

    rastra Gramin Bank and C-Edge Tecnologies Ltd were named winners o te

    Best ASP-based Programme Award. C-Edge Tecnologies is a joint venture

    between TCS and State Bank o India, oering te core banking capabilities o

    TCS BaNCS to Rural Regional Banks (RRBs) in India .

    Witin te space o 77 days, Maarastra Gramin Bank was able to migrate324 brances to te C-Edge Tecnologies core banking solution. Te deploy-

    ment as enabled te bank to realize cost efciencies in IT inrastructure, quick-

    er and timely compliance wit regulatory requirements, and te ability to oer

    better products and services to customers. n

  • 7/28/2019 BaNCS Newsletter 16th Edition 1012-1











    Banking | Capital Markets | Ins rance

    What makes the life of a business head of a capital markets rmchallenging? The easy access to global markets, sophisticatedinvestment tools, growing transaction volumes, new investmentavenues, among many other factors.

    At Tata Consultancy Services, we believe that the need of thehour is to Uncomplicate.

    And, that these same challenges can be transformed intoopportunities for growth. This demands a time-tested,market-ready and move-as-you-grow solution such as TCSBaNCS. A universal nancial platform, it seamlessly integratesfront-, mid- and back-oce operations of capital marketsbusinesses, any place and any time, while also deliveringenhanced Straight-Through-Processing capabilities. Itscomprehensive multi-asset class, multi-entity solutions helprms implement STP-enabled, scalable processes for custody,brokerage, clearing and settlement, corporate actions andmarket infrastructure operations. From enabling a customer toconsolidate its custody and asset servicing business toprocessing more than 150,000 corporate events annually, tohelping another customer join global stock exchanges in sevenmonths straight, the solution has redened the way rmsoperate. In fact, four out of the top ve securities rms in theworld use TCS BaNCS.

    Now, dont you think it is time to uncomplicate?