balancing nationalism & sectionalism


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The Era of Good Feelings. Balancing Nationalism & Sectionalism. The Story of Eli Whitney . Creates technology that makes it possible use interchangeable parts. Before- 300 guns per year. After -2000 guns per year. Section 1: Regional Economies Create Differences. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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The Story of Eli Whitney

• Creates technology that makes it possible use interchangeable parts.

• Before- 300 guns per year.

• After -2000 guns per year.

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Section 1: Regional Economies Create Differences

The Factory System & Mass Production

The American Industrial Revolution

Social and Economic changes in The U.S.

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So How Did the Industrial RevolutionHappen in America

England Industrialized

The Embargo Act of 1807

War of 1812

The American Industrial Revolution

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The North• New England industrialized

• Most farms were small, family run.

• In the Northwest they grew grains and livestock which needed no slaves.

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Sectionalism: Northern Leaders

• Daniel Webster, Massachusetts

• J.Q. Adams, Massachusetts

• Martin Van Buren, New York

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The South• The Cotton gin makes cotton


• Plantation owners bought more land and slaves to increase profits.

• 1820: LA, MS, AL are “the Cotton Kingdom”

• Slavery expanded from 700,000 to 1,200,000.

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Sectionalism: Southern Leaders

• John C. Calhoun, South Carolina

• William Crawford, Georgia

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The West

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Sectionalism:Western Leaders

• Andrew Jackson, Tennessee

• William Henry Harrison, Indiana

• Henry Clay, Kentucky

• Thomas Hart Benton , Missouri

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The American System, Nationalistic Economic Program

• Henry Clay Speaker of the House• Tariff of 1816• Second bank of

the US 1816-1836• Internal

improvements at the federal expense

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The American System, Nationalistic Economic Program

• Henry Clay (1777 - 1852)• US Senator from Kentucky

• Speaker of the US House of Representatives (Kentucky)

• Secretary of State under John Quincy Adams

• Perennial Presidential Loser • Lost to President John Quincy

Adams in 1824, • Lost to President Andrew

Jackson in 1832• Lost to President James K. Polk

in 1844

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Clay’s American System• Proposed to help America

stronger and to unite the regions.

• 3 steps:• Develop Transportation • Create a protective tariff• Resurrect the National Bank

• Transportation:• Erie Canal• The National Road

• Tariff of 1816• Cheap British goods• Tariff raises their prices.• Not as popular in the South

• National Bank• Supported by all sides to improve

the economy.

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The National [Cumberland] Road

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Section 2:• Gibbons v. Ogden

• McCulloch v. Maryland

• Fletcher v. Peck

• Dartmouth v. Woodward

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• What was it? A challenge of the U.S. Bank by the State of Maryland

• Who was it between? The State of Maryland and the U.S. Government

• What did it concern? The right of the U.S. Bank to “exist”

• What was the outcome? The U.S. Government is Supreme

Mc Culloch v Maryland

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-Constitutionality of the Bank of the United States

(BUS) was in questionBank not SPECIFICALLY mentioned in the

Constitution“The power to tax is the power to destroy”

Mc Culloch v Maryland

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• What was it? An attempt by the State of New Hampshire to make Dartmouth College “public”.

• Who was it between? The State of New Hampshire ( rep. by the Sec’y of the NEW Bd. Of Trustees) and the Board of Trustees of the Dartmouth College

• What did it concern? Contract Law

• What was the outcome? Contracts cannot be overturned by outside parties – Contract Clause

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

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• What was it? : One of the first cases where the Supreme court overturned a state law.

• Who was it between? : Two private citizens

• What did it concern? : Georgia sold land (Peck). Later when corruption was discovered, they overturned the sale. Fletcher bought land from Peck and sued.

• What was the outcome? : The Supreme court said that the state had no right to overturn the sale.

Fletcher v. Peck

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• New Hampshire wanted to alter Dartmouth Charter from private to public college

• Ruled that states could not alter contracts, regardless of age or condition of when contract was made

• Created the need to place clauses in contracts for revision or revocation

Dartmouth College v. Woodward

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Nationalism Shapes Foreign Policy

• John Q. Adams ( Secretary of State) had very nationalistic policies.

• Adams-Onis Treaty

• Convention of 1818

• Rush-Bagot Treaty

• Monroe Doctrine

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Adams – Onis Treaty 1817-1819

• What was it? Transfer of Florida

• Who was it between? Spain and the U.S.

• What did it concern? Seminole Indians

• What was the outcome? The U.S got Florida

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The Adams-Onis Treaty 1819 “The Transcontinental Treaty”

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Rush-Bagot Treaty

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What was it?: Disarmament Pact

Who was it between?: Great Britain and the U.S.

What did it concern?: The Great Lakes Region

What was the outcome?: Created the Longest unfortified/peaceful border in the world

Rush-Bagot Treaty 1817

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Convention of 1818

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Convention of 1818• What was it? Further improved relations between the U.S.

and Great Britain

• Who was it between? U.S. & Great Britain

• What did it concern? • 1. Fishing Rights • 2. Joint occupation of the Oregon Country • 3. Set boundary at the 49th Parallel

• What was the outcome? Great Peace between the U.S. and Great Britain

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The Convention of 1818

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The West and N.W. 1816-1824

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US Population Density

1810 1820

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The Election

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The Monroe Doctrine• What was it? A unilateral decree that the U.S. had the

right to REFUSE European expansion into the Western Hemisphere

• Who was it between? The U.S. & Europe

• What did it concern? Further European Imperialism

• What was the outcome? European nations NEVER violated it

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Missouri Compromise 1820• What was it? A dilemma over admission of Missouri (

a slave state) when there was no Free-State available.

• Who was it between? Northern and Southern factions in Congress

• What did it concern? Maintaining the balance between Slave and Free States

• What was the outcome? The “balance” is maintained

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The Missouri Compromise• Before 1818 there were 10 slave and 10 free states.

• Illinois would have made it 11 Free and 10 slave.• Why even care?• Alabama was admitted to keep the balance.

• Missouri was ready for admission… led to fighting.• Compromise gave Maine (Free) and Missouri (Slave) statehood. • Drew a line (36’ 30). Lands north (Free) Lands south (Slave).

• This solved the issue for the next 20 years.


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"This momentous question, like a fire-bell in the night, awakened and filled me with terror. I considered it at once as the death knell of the Union ... my

only consolation is to be, that I live not to weep over it."

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• Era of Good Feelings • Eli Whitney, Mass Production, Cotton Gin• The American Industrial Revolution• Economic system in the North• Economic system in the South• The American System• Gibbons v. Ogden• McCulloch v. Maryland• Fletcher v. Peck• Dartmouth v. Woodward• Adams-Onis Treaty• Convention of 1818• Rush-Bagot Treaty• Monroe Doctrine• Missouri Compromise