balance seekers profile: psychographic segmentation and the health care consumer


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Post on 29-Aug-2014




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We’ve put these psychographic profiles together with c2B to help healthcare organizations attain a comprehensive understanding of their healthcare consumers. Through quantitative and qualitative research we are confident that our psychographic profiles fully yield insight into deeply understanding these segments and will help healthcare organizations and agencies properly target their desired audiences.


Page 1: Balance Seekers Profile: Psychographic Segmentation and the Health Care Consumer

Balance Seekers18% of Segmented Population

I am open to many ideas and options, as long as they make sense for me. I need context to understand ideas and recommendations that are presented to me – I like to know the “why” behind a suggestion and be able to connect it with my prior experiences and knowledge before I determine its personal relevance.

No one knows my body beNo one knows my body better than I do, including my doctor. Physicians (and other health care professionals) are important with insight that I may not have, and I appreciate their candor, but they should also be open to different perspectives and approaches to my care. I believe in moderation, and seek to reduce stress in my life. I believe I eat well, stay active, and am informed about heaabout healthy living.

Balance Seekers are generally proactive in their health and wellness-oriented. Balance Seekers are open to many ideas, sources of information, and treatment options when it comes to their healthcare.

HoweveHowever, Balance Seekers themselves – not healthcare professionals -- define what success looks like in their health. Physicians and other healthcare professionals are useful resources, but not the only resources, for leading a healthy life.

Proactive Eats Healthy Monitors Health

Open to Health Information