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  • 8/14/2019 Baker Et Al 2002 Diameter Change Fem Paper


    Phenological differences in tree water use and the timing oftropical forest inventories: conclusions from patterns

    of dry season diameter change

    T.R. Bakera,*, K. Affum-Baffoea,b, D.F.R.P. Burslema, M.D. Swainea

    aDepartment of Plant and Soil Science, St. Machar Drive, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UU, UKb

    Forest Management Support Centre, P.O. Box 1415, Kumasi, Ghana

    Received 20 November 2000; received in revised form 5 October 2001; accepted 10 October 2001


    Interspecific variation in water-induced fluctuations in stem girth demonstrates the mechanisms promoting coexistence in

    seasonally dry tropical forest. In addition, these fluctuations are a potential, but unevaluated, source of bias in measurements of

    annual tree growth rates. To examine diurnal and seasonal patterns of stem diameter change, tree girth was measured over 2 years

    (19971999), using dendrometer bands, for three species (Celtis mildbraedii, C. zenkeri and Strombosia glaucescens) in semi-

    deciduous forest in Ghana. Soil matric potential was measured concurrently at 15 cm depth. In addition, measurements of all

    trees >20 cm dbh on three, 1 ha plots were made at the beginning and middle of the 1998/1999 dry season. During the severe

    1997/1998 dry season, soil matric potential declined below 1.5 MPa and two species showed significant stem shrinkage. Forthe evergreen species, C. mildbraedii, there was a significant positive effect of tree diameter on stem shrinkage, and shrinkage

    was greater in the second, compared to the first, half of the dry season. For the deciduous species, C. zenkeri, shrinkage was

    reduced during the second half of the dry season, following leaf fall. During 1998/1999, soil matric potential, did not decline

    below 1.5 MPa, and rates of girth change remained positive for all species. There were no significant effects of size orphenology on the rate of girth change in the plot-based study. Deviations in annual increment calculated over successive monthly

    intervals indicate that a 10-fold difference in soil water availability between measurement occasions can lead to a 4% bias in

    estimates of annual growth. Measurements of forest plots should be made when inter-annual variation in soil water availability is

    low. In this forest, measurements should, therefore, be made during the wet season, contrary to published recommendations.

    # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Dendrometer bands; Ghana; Permanent plots; Tree growth

    1. Introduction

    Changes in tree diameter are a combination of two

    factors: the increase in dry matter from cambial cell

    division, and shorter term fluctuations caused by

    changes in tree water status (Kozlowski and Winget,

    1964; Sheil, 1995). These short term fluctuations

    occur over both diurnal and seasonal timescales.

    For example, seasonal fluctuations are significant in

    seasonal tropical climates, where soil water availabil-

    ity is periodically low, and tree diameter may decrease

    in the dry season (Boaler, 1963; Daubenmire, 1973;

    Lieberman, 1982; Reich and Borchert, 1984; Swaine

    Forest Ecology and Management 171 (2002) 261274

    * Corresponding author. Present address: School of Geography,

    University of Leeds, Woodhouse Lane, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK.

    Tel.: 44-113-233-3361; fax: 44-113-233-3308.E-mail address: [email protected] (T.R. Baker).

    0378-1127/02/$ see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 1 1 2 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 7 8 7 - 3

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    et al., 1990; Reich, 1995; Baker et al., unpublished).

    Changes in tree diameter in response to tree water

    status are closely related to changes in soil water

    availability, and are also influenced by tree wateruse characteristics. Fluctuations in diameter have been

    related to changes in stem water potential (Hinckley

    and Bruckerhoff, 1975; Hinckley et al., 1978; Reich

    and Borchert, 1982; Garnier and Berger, 1986), and to

    the use of stored water (Reich and Borchert, 1984;

    Holbrook, 1995; Reich, 1995). Studies of these water-

    related changes in tree diameter in seasonal tropical

    forests are important for two reasons. Firstly, they

    allow hypotheses concerning interspecific differences

    in water use to be tested, illustrating mechanisms

    that may promote species coexistence. Secondly, they

    allow us to test whether inter-annual variation in soil

    water availability between years introduces a signi-

    ficant bias in measurements of annual diameter

    increment. Measurements of tropical forest plots are

    increasingly being used to monitor long-term changes

    in forest biomass at regional scales (Phillips et al.,

    1998). Critiques of this work have focussed on arte-

    facts introduced by the methodology itself (Clark, in

    press). It is, therefore, important to quantify all the

    potential errors and biases in forest inventory proce-

    dures (Phillips et al., in press).

    One of the major axes of variation allowing speciescoexistence in seasonal tropical forests relates to water

    use. The different strategies are exemplified by decid-

    uous and evergreen species (Sobrado, 1986, 1993;

    Fanjul and Barajas, 1987; Borchert, 1994; Eamus,

    1999). In a dry forest in Venezuela, evergreen species

    had smaller seasonal changes in leaf water potential

    and wood water content than deciduous species

    (Sobrado, 1986, 1993), and in a semi-deciduous forest

    in Costa Rica dry season stem water potentials

    declined to 2.5 MPa in evergreen species, compared


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    occasion, then diameter increment will be overesti-

    mated, as increased hydration will add to the annual

    increment. If tree water status is lower, then annual

    increment will be underestimated.By studying diurnal and seasonal changes in tree

    girth and soil water availability in semi-deciduous

    forest in Ghana 19971999, this paper tests two


    1. Dry season stem shrinkage, and hence water

    stress, is greater in deciduous compared to ever-

    green species, having accounted for differences in

    tree size and topographic position.

    2. A significant bias is introduced into measurements

    of annual increment by inter-annual variation in

    soil water availability.

    2. Methods

    2.1. Study site and species

    The study site was Tinte Bepo Forest Reserve

    (78040N, 28060W) which is classified as moist semi-

    deciduous forest (Hall and Swaine, 1981). Mean

    annual rainfall, 19711993, recorded at the nearest

    Ghana Meteorological Service station at Bechem,15 km northeast of the site, is 1288 mm. There is a

    strong dry season from December to March, when soil

    matric potential, at 2060 cm depth, may decline

    below 1.5 MPa, and a less severe drier period fromJuly to September (Veenendaal et al., 1996). The site is

    at approximately 300 m a.s.l., and in the study area

    overlies fine grained, non-micaceous hornblende gran-

    ite (Adu, 1993). The topography is undulating with an

    elevational difference of 3050 m between summits

    and valleys, over horizontal distances of 300500 m.

    Maximum slopes are approximately 208. Reddishbrown sandy clay soils are found on the summits,

    yellowish brown sandy clay soils on the slopes and

    yellowish brown sandy clay loams and sandy loams in

    the valleys (Adu, 1993).

    There are approximately equal proportions of

    individuals of evergreen and deciduous species in

    semi-deciduous forest (Hall and Swaine, 1981). Com-

    mon canopy species, which may exceed 60 m in

    height, are Triplochiton scleroxylon (Sterculiaceae),

    Celtis mildbraedii (Ulmaceae) and Nesogordonia

    papaverifera (Sterculiaceae). Common understorey

    species are Cleidion gabonicum (Euphorbiaceae),

    Microdesmis puberula (Pandaceae) and Baphia nitida

    (Papilionaceae).The three principal study species were C. mildbraedii

    Engl. (Ulmaceae), C. zenkeri Engl. and Strombosia

    glaucescens J. Leonard (Olacaceae). C. mildbraedii is

    an evergreen, non-pioneer species that is very common

    in semi-deciduous forests in Ghana, found throughout

    the Guineo-Congolian forest zone and in East African

    coastal forests (Hawthorne, 1995). Its abundance

    declines markedly as the landscape becomes wetter,

    at both regional and local scales (Fig. 1(a), Swaine and

    Hall, 1986; Hawthorne, 1995). It is an important fuel

    for domestic use and making pestles (N. Gyakari,

    pers. comm.). C. zenkeri is a deciduous, non-pioneer

    species found across the Guineo-Congolian forest

    zone (Hawthorne, 1995). In Ghana, its distribution is

    biased towards dry, fertile sites (Fig. 1(b), Swaine,

    1996). S. glaucescens is a very common evergreen,

    non-pioneer species in Ghana and found throughout the

    Guineo-Congolian region. Its distribution in Ghana is

    biased toward wet, infertile sites (Fig. 1(c), Swaine,

    1996). It is currently important for making telegraph

    poles (N. Gyakari, pers. comm.).

    2.2. Topographic definitions

    Within areas of uniform soil parent material, the

    water regime is an important determinant of colour in

    tropical soils due to its influence on the content and

    form of the predominant iron oxide present. Haemi-

    tite, which gives the soil a bright red colour, is the form

    typical of well-drained areas whilst the formation of

    goethite is favoured under wetter conditions (Schwert-

    mann and Taylor, 1989). As the particular focus of this

    study was to examine the influence of topographic

    variation on water supply, soil colour was used todefine landscape position (cf. Clark et al., 1998). Soil

    colour was assessed using a Munsell Soil Colour

    chart at 15 cm depth, 2 m away on the western side

    of each selected tree (see below). There were clear

    and consistent changes in soil colour downslope,

    and different landscape positions were defined on

    the basis of the hue (Oyama and Takehara, 1991).

    Summit soils were red, hue 5 YR, slope soils yellow/

    red, hue 7.5 YR and valley soils pale brown/grey,

    hue 10 YR.

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    2.3. Dendrometer bands

    Adult trees greater than 20 cm dbh whose crowns

    received at least some direct side light, i.e. Dawkinscrown classification of 4 or 5 (Dawkins, 1958), were

    selected for study, over an area of approximately

    12 ha, over several watersheds. The large study area

    indicates that the study trees were typically well

    dispersed (>20 m) and were considered independent

    data points for the purposes of statistical analysis.Seasonal changes in tree girth were monitored using

    dendrometer bands constructed from 20 mm width,

    Fig. 1. Distributions of: (a) C. mildbraedii, (b) C. zenkeri and (c) S. glaucescens in Ghana. The location of Tinte Bepo Forest Reserve, 250 mm

    isohyets and extent of the forest zone (shaded area) are also shown.

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    150 mm thickness, hard-tempered aluminium and held

    in place with a stainless steel spring. Shoe eyelets were

    used to strengthen the holes where the spring held the

    band. Measurements to 0.01 mm were made using

    Vernier calipers of the distance between scribe markson the overlapping front and rear ends of the band.

    Bands were placed at 1.3 m height or 50 cm above the

    top of any fluting or buttress. Trunk climbers were

    cut prior to fixing the band. From 23 July 1997 to 6

    August 1997, bands were applied to 28 C. mildbraedii,

    five C. zenkeri and three S. glaucescens trees; one

    S. glaucescens was added to the sample on 22 August

    1997, two C. mildbraedii on 1 October 1997 and two

    C. zenkeri and one S. glaucescens on 17 October 1997.

    The total sample sizes were, therefore, 30, 7 and 5 for

    the three species, respectively, which reflects thespecies relative abundance at the landscape scale in

    this forest type.

    Measurements of tree girth were made at approxi-

    mately monthly intervals until May 1999. In addition,

    on four occasions (18 September 1997, 11 October

    1997, 22 October 1997, and 21 November 1997)

    measurements were made of diurnal fluctuations for

    C. mildbraedii, by comparing tree girth between

    morning (08:0011:00 h) and late afternoon (15:30

    17:30 h) measurements. Weekly measurements at the

    start of the study indicated that a short period was

    required for the bands to settle (Keeland and Sharitz,

    1993). The results are not influenced by long-term

    settling of the bands, as a control band placed on one

    individual ofC. mildbraedii that had a badly damagedcrown, showed no change in girth over the 2 years

    of the study. Therefore, to obtain reliable readings,

    those taken less than 30 days following the attachment

    of a band were discarded (cf. Pelissier and Pascal,

    2000). On seven occasions, out of a total of 837

    measurements, slipped or damaged bands had to be

    replaced. For calculations of the rate of girth change,

    data from these individuals were discarded for at

    least 30 days, and annual increments were only calcu-

    lated for trees and periods with continuous, 12 month,


    2.4. Soil matric potential

    Measurements of soil matric potential were made

    concurrently with measurements of tree girth. The

    filter paper method of Deka et al. (1995) was used

    as it gives reliable results down to low matric poten-

    tials of approximately 2 MPa, sampling is rapid andit is inexpensive. A standard filter paper is equilibrated

    over 6 days with a soil sample, the water content of the

    Fig. 1. (Continued).

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    filter paper determined and then converted to matric

    potential using calibration equations given by Deka

    et al. (1995). From 11 October 1997, samples at 15 cm

    depth were taken 2 m from the southern side of 14 C.mildbraedii across the range of landscape positions.

    On the second and subsequent measurement occa-

    sions, samples were taken 50 cm from either side of

    the original sample point, and then three sets of three

    sample points, each 50 cm behind the previous set.

    This systematic sampling pattern was then repeated,

    moving clockwise, and assumes there is no systematic

    variation in soil matric potential for a 3.5 m radius

    around each tree. From 5 November 1997 until 8 April

    1999, samples were taken at 15 cm depth around all

    42 trees, at the same time as measurements of the

    dendrometer bands.

    2.5. Forest plot study

    To test whether size or phenology-related patterns

    of dry season stem shrinkage could be detected at the

    stand level, measurements were also made of three

    1 ha permanent sample plots (PSPs) in the same forest

    reserve, during the 1998/1999 dry season. Measure-

    ments were made at the start (November) and end

    (January) of the dry season. The plots showed no

    evidence of recent fire damage, and are part of theon-going programme of permanent sample plot enu-

    meration run by the Ghana Forest Service (Bird and

    Sackey, 1991). A full account of the field procedures

    are given in Wong (1997) and Affum-Baffoe (1999).

    On each measurement occasion in this study, the

    girth of each tree >20 cm dbh was recorded, at a

    height of 1.3 m, or 50 cm above the top of any buttress

    (diameter at reference height, drh).

    2.6. Data analysis: tree water relations

    The relationships between patterns of dry season

    stem diameter change, phenology, tree size and topo-

    graphy were examined in two ways. Firstly, the effect

    of these factors on dry season diameter change was

    tested during the severe 1997/1998 dry season using

    the dendrometer band data. Three repeated measures

    ANOVA were performed, comparing the first and

    second half of the dry season, 21 November 1997

    to 14 January 1998, and 14 January 1998 to 18 March

    1998, respectively.

    1. Dry season diameter change ofC. mildbraedii was

    analysed with topographic position as a factor, and

    tree diameter and annual increment (calculated 18

    September 1997 to 18 September 1998) ascovariates.

    2. Dry season diameter change ofC. mildbraedii and

    C. zenkeri were compared in summit positions

    with species as a factor, and diameter and annual

    diameter increment included as covariates.

    3. Dry season diameter change ofC. mildbraedii and

    S. glaucescens were compared in slope positions

    with species as a factor, and diameter and annual

    diameter increment included as covariates.

    Secondly, the plot-based study allowed the influ-

    ence of the same factors on dry season diameterchange to be assessed at the stand level. Trees were

    grouped into size and phenology classes. The median

    diameter was used as a threshold in a two-way classi-

    fication of tree size, with individuals less than or

    equal to 30.5 cm diameter classified as small. Species

    were classified as deciduous or evergreen, following

    Hawthorne (1995); species with variable vegetative

    phenology, such as Cylicodiscus gabonensis (Mimo-

    saceae), were omitted from the analysis. The resulting

    dataset comprised 465 trees in four categories. As the

    residuals from parametric analysis were not normallydistributed, differences between groups were tested

    for using KruskalWallis tests (Sokal and Rohlf,


    2.7. Data analysis: bias in estimates of tree growth

    The effect of inter-annual variation in soil water

    availability on measurements of annual increment was

    examined for individuals of C. mildbraedii growing

    in summit positions. Annual increments were calcu-

    lated from successive measurement occasions, withvalues for exact years obtained by linear interpolation

    between measurement dates in the second year of

    study. To remove the influence of temporal change

    in actual growth over the course of the study, the data

    were detrended using linear regression. The residuals

    of this regression were then compared with the change

    in mean soil matric potential between years. Similar

    to the calculation of successive annual increments,

    exact values for soil matric potential on equivalent

    dates during the second year of study were calculated

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    by linear interpolation of mean logged soil matric

    potential data.

    3. Results

    3.1. Soil matric potential regime

    The soil matric potential at 15 cm depth was higher

    in valley than slope and summit positions, apart from

    during the late dry season of 1997/1998, when all sites

    became very dry, and periodically during the wet

    season when water availability was similarly high

    in all sites (Fig. 2). Less negative minimum soil matric

    potentials during November 1998 to March 1999,

    indicate that the dry season was less severe during

    the second year of the study (Fig. 2).

    3.2. Magnitude of fluctuations

    No significant diurnal girth fluctuations were found

    for C. mildbraedii, either on the four occasions when

    they were measured, or when the data were combined

    (Table 1). However, significant dry season stem

    shrinkage occurred for two of the three species, and

    for C. mildbraedii, the magnitude of the mean dry

    Fig. 2. Rates of change of girth for C. mildbraedii in summit and valley positions (slope position not shown), C. zenkeri and S. glaucescens,

    and the soil matric potential regime in summit, slope and valley positions, at 15 cm depth, in semi-deciduous forest in Ghana, from October

    1997 to April 1999. For the rate of girth change, significant differences between species, tested using univariate F-tests, are indicated,p < 0:05, p < 0:01, p < 0:005.

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    season change was more than 30 times greater than

    mean daily fluctuation (Table 1).

    3.3. Dendrometer study: tree water relations

    For C. mildbraedii, tree diameter had a significant

    main effect on the degree of dry season diameter

    change, indicating that larger trees shrank more than

    smaller trees during the severe 1997/1998 dry season

    (Fig. 3, Table 2). Annual diameter increment did

    not have a significant main effect, but there was a

    significant time/increment interaction (Table 2).

    Although trees better supplied with water in valley

    Table 1

    Diurnal and dry season stem girth change in C. mildbraedii, C. zenkeri and S. glaucescens in semi-deciduous forest in Ghana, 1997/1998a

    Diurnal Dry season

    Mean S:E:(mm)

    n Significance Mean S:E:(mm)

    % of


    % of annual


    n Significance

    C. mildbraedii 0:02 0:02 59 ns 0:68 0:13 0.18 15.2 30

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    evergreen species, in the plot-based study, during the

    1998/1999 dry season (H 2:73, d:f: 3,p 0:434,overall mean diameter change 0:03 0:01 cm,median change 0:00 cm). The effects of size andphenology may only be important during particularly

    dry years. In the dendrometer study, higher rates of

    girth change during the 1998/1999 dry season com-

    pared to 1997/1998, reflected the less severe dry

    season and resulted in similar patterns in all three

    species, in contrast to the previous year (Fig. 2).

    3.5. Dendrometer study: hypothesis 2

    As there was no evidence for significant diurnal

    fluctuations in tree girth, only the impact of seasonal

    changes on the measurement of annual increment was

    evaluated further. Annual increments calculated from

    successive measurement occasions show a steady

    significant increase over the study (Fig. 5). However,

    there is also substantial variation around this relation-

    ship, particularly for annual increments initiated dur-

    ing the course of the dry season (Fig. 5). There was a

    significant positive correlation between the difference,

    and mean, of soil matric potential measured in suc-

    cessive years (Fig. 6). This result demonstrates that

    soil matric potential was more variable at generally

    dry times of year. In addition, the difference in soil

    matric potential between years is correlated with the

    residual error in the calculation of annual increment

    (Fig. 7). The significant regression indicates that a 10-

    Fig. 5. Successive mean annual increments, S.E., for C. mildbraedii in summit positions in semi-deciduous forest in Ghana, 1997/1999.Annual increments are calculated from successive measurement occasions during the first year of study. Linear regression: y 11:8 0:026x,

    F 263, p < 0:005.

    Fig. 6. Relationship between the mean, and variation, in soil matric potential between 1997/1998 and 1998/1999. Linear regression:

    logy 0:45logx 0:013, F 9:6, p < 0:05.

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    fold increase in soil matric potential between mea-

    surement occasions leads to an overestimate of annual

    increment by 0.5 mm, or approximately 4%. In this

    study, the most extreme errors in the calculation of

    annual increment were found in measurements at the

    height of the dry season, when annual growth is

    overestimated by more than 9% (Fig. 5).

    4. Discussion

    4.1. Tree water relations

    As dry season diameter change only represents an

    indirect measure of tree water status, inferring species

    and size effects on tree water relations from these data

    must be done with caution. Seasonal decreases in stem

    diameter are caused by water loss from elastic storage

    elements such as the phloem, cambium and sapwood

    parenchyma (Holbrook, 1995). Close correlationshave been obtained between xylem water potential

    and stem diameter over diurnal timescales (Worrall,

    1966; Hinckley and Bruckerhoff, 1975; Hinckley et al.,

    1978; Reich and Borchert, 1982; Garnier and Berger,

    1986), but extending this relationship over longer,

    seasonal timescales is more complex. Specifically,

    inferring species and size effects on seasonal changes

    in plant water potential from patterns of stem diameter

    change assumes that tissue capacitance does not vary

    across species and size classes. Tissue capacitance,

    defined as the change in water content per unit change

    in water potential, per unit volume (Holbrook, 1995),

    does, however, vary between trees, due to differences

    in tissue structure or the relative proportions of dif-

    ferent tissues. For instance, variation in bark thickness

    is important (Borchert, 1994). As phloem is an elastic

    tissue, absolute declines in stem diameter, for a given

    reduction in plant water potential, will be greater in

    trees with thicker bark. In addition, differences ingrowth rate may be important, as fast growing trees

    produce larger cells that may show a greater reduction

    in volume for the same change in water potential. The

    result of these effects is that a given reduction in water

    content (stem diameter) in two trees, that are different

    species or sizes, may not reflect similar changes in

    plant water potential. In this study, the effect of

    differences in growth rate can be discounted, as sig-

    nificant effects of tree size and species on dry season

    diameter change were found, independently of varia-

    tion in annual increment (Table 2). However, differ-ences in bark thickness are important for interpreting

    the relationships between dry season diameter shrink-

    age and tree water relations.

    The greater shrinkage of larger trees of C. mild-

    braedii during the 1997/1998 dry season is consistent

    with the suggestion that large trees experience greater

    water deficits than small trees during the dry season.

    The greater transpirational demand of a larger canopy

    apparently exceeds the ability of a larger root system

    to supply water. Research on the sources of dry season

    Fig. 7. Residual error in linear increase of annual increment through time, plotted against the difference in soil matric potential between years.Linear regression: y 0:57x 0:31, F 5:1, p < 0:005.

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    water and patterns of tree mortality has also suggested

    that large trees are more susceptible to seasonal

    drought. For example, by relating the isotopic signa-

    ture of xylem sap to groundwater values, large treeswere found to tap shallower sources of water than

    small trees during the dry season in a seasonally dry

    forest in Panama (Meinzer et al., 1999). In addition,

    drought related mortality was 50% higher in trees

    >60 cm dbh, compared to individuals

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    Significant water-related changes in stem diameter

    do result in errors in estimates of growth. The steady

    increase in growth measured over successive, over-

    lapping, time periods is caused by the decreasingcontribution of the 1997/1998 dry season to the cal-

    culation of annual increment. Rates of wet season

    expansion of these trees remained constant between

    years, whereas dry season diameter change was sig-

    nificantly higher in the second year of study (Baker

    et al., unpublished). The hypothesis that increased soil

    water availability on successive measurement occa-

    sions leads to an overestimate of growth is supported,

    as the deviations in annual increment about this trend

    are negatively correlated with the difference in soil

    matric potential between years (Fig. 7). Although the

    potential error is small, it will be important where

    intercensus intervals are short, in forests with a

    strongly seasonal climate, and where inventories take

    several months to complete.

    Published recommendations on methods of tropical

    forest inventory suggest that the optimum time to

    measure forest plots is during the dry season, when

    inter-annual variation in water-induced changes in tree

    diameter are assumed to be minimal (Sheil, 1995).

    However, this study indicates that variation in soil

    water availability is greatest during the dry season

    (Fig. 6). Although this study only compares 2 years,one of which is strongly influenced by an El Nino

    event, it is likely that the patterns described here are

    representative of West African forests, and will be

    reflected over longer timescales. Climatic fluctuations

    during El Nino events are likely to be the main

    determinant of inter-annual variation in climate, and

    in this region, El Nino events typically lead to more

    severe dry seasons (Swaine et al., 1997). Less bias

    would be introduced into estimates of growth if enu-

    merations were carried out during the wet season, to

    avoid the large inter-annual variation in dry seasonpatterns of stem diameter change, caused by variation

    in dry season soil water availability. This study pro-

    vides direct evidence to support a similar recommen-

    dation made for plots in wet evergreen forests with a

    monsoon climate in the Western Ghats of India (Pelis-

    sier and Pascal, 2000). Finally, in large inventory

    programmes that maintain plots in a variety of forest

    types, with a full-time schedule of remeasurements,

    care should be taken in the timing of plot enumeration.

    Measurements of plots in the climatically wettest

    forest type should be made during the driest time of

    year, and of the driest forest plots at the wettest time of

    year, to minimise the effect of inter-annual variation in



    This work was funded by a University of Aberdeen

    Faculty Studentship (TB) and the Department for

    International Development (TB/KAB). Yaw Atua-

    hene, William Asante and Raymond Votere provided

    invaluable assistance with the fieldwork, and Doug

    Sheil and Rolf Borchert gave very helpful comments

    on a previous version of the manuscript.


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