backstage brochure

Do you have complete control of your website ? self-managed web solution ®

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Post on 30-Mar-2016




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Brochure overview of Backstage features


Page 1: Backstage Brochure

Do you have

complete controlof your website ?

self-managed web solution


Page 2: Backstage Brochure

Backstageackstage® is a self-managed w is a self-managed websitebsite solution thae solution that empt empowers

you tou to manage yo manage your wour websitebsite with easee with ease, conontrol and efficiencol and efficiency,

without cwithout constanonstant and ct and costly inostly intereracaction with wtion with web deeb developelopersers.

Therhere are mane many benefits in using Benefits in using Backstageackstage®, in par in particular its ticular its

cost effost effectiveness and treness and true cue conontent management management abilitt ability, as it

gives you quick and completomplete control over: Pagesages, Contontentent,

ImagesImages, Navigation,vigation, Subscrubscribibersers, Newslettslettersers, Producductsts, Ordersders,

Quote Re Requestsequests, F Files, Memb Members, S Secure Ae Areas, S Search Ech Engine ngine Tags

and a lot morand a lot more!

By alloy allowing ywing you tou to upo updadate and add an unlimite and add an unlimited numbed number of er of

web pageseb pages, y your Bour Backstageackstage® w websitebsite pre provides a plavides a platfororm fm for or

easy websitebsite upe upgrgradesades. With this securith this secure, fast, multi-user sy multi-user system,

you not only have a professional web presence for your

businessbusiness, but y but you cou can sell online as manan sell online as many pry producducts as you wou want

and send out as manand send out as many newy newsletters yers you needou need. You haou have 24/7 e 24/7

remotemote access to your website and the ability to automaomate

business and sales prbusiness and sales processes makes your website work for you!

Partnertnered with Ined with Intervolvolve pre premium inemium interface design sere design services,

your Backstage® website provides clear navigation, effective

use of cuse of colour and folour and fononts, balanc balanced laed layoutout, c concise page laboncise page labelling elling

- an en an entirtire custe custom solution thaom solution that is efft is effecectivtive and re and righight ft for yor you!ou!

What is Backstage®?

Put simply, Backstage® turns your website into a key business asset.

Join the


now is the

time your




Page 3: Backstage Brochure

If yf you arou are a small or medium size a small or medium sized business (SME) yed business (SME) youou’re e

prprobably aobably aware of the tre of the trend tend towards online prds online presencesence and e and

business trbusiness transacansactions - drtions - driven ben by much lary much larger enger enterprprises.

Backstageackstage® has b has been deeen developeloped ted to offo offer SME's the same er SME's the same

compompetitive advantage as their lartage as their larger cger cororpororate counounterparparts,

but abut at a lower cost.ost. So insto instead of bead of being lefeing left behind yehind you cou can an nonow afforw afford td to join the ro join the revolution tolution too!o!

Do I need Backstage®?

How we make Backstage®

work for you

01 PlanWe worork with yk with you tou to deto determine homine how yw your wour websitebsite

should loshould look,ok, wha what it needs and the wt it needs and the way it will funcy it will function.tion.

02 DesignOur grOur graphic designers craphic designers create a design thae a design that will offt will offer

you a cou a compompetitive advantage within the martage within the marketplacetplace.

03 Build

Our deOur developelopers plug in Bers plug in Backstageackstage® and mak and make your our

websitebsite a reality.

04 LaunchWe publish ye publish your cour conontent and when yt and when youou’re ready, your our

websitebsite is released.

05 ExposeWe assess and guide mare assess and guide marketing streting strategies tegies to ensuro ensure

thathat your wour websitebsite is seen!e is seen!

06 ManageWe host ye host your wour websitebsite and pre and provide initial trvide initial trainingaining,

manualsmanuals, and ongoing supp and ongoing supporort for Backstageackstage®.

Page 4: Backstage Brochure

Possibilitossibilites are endless! Be endless! Backstageackstage® can ban be custe customised tomised to suit o suit

your rour requirequiremenementsts, including: including: pa payable cable conontenent art areaseas,

conneconnectivity with ey with external danal databasestabases, da database-drtabase-driven imageren imagery

(e.g. maps) and animations, database-driven print-ready

outputs outputs (PDF, EPS, SVG, HTML, DOC, CSV).

Backstage® Customisations

With this content management management tool you can add, edit, and

deletdelete pagese pages, files files, image libr image librararies and securies and secure-acce-access aress areas eas

within ywithin your wour websitebsite, simply and eff simply and effectively without tely without technicechnical

expxperertisetise. Ex Extensions tensions to this to this tool include fol include feaeaturtures fes for Nor Newews,

Shohowcasease, Producductsts, Quotuote Re Requestsequests, Membemberships and erships and

Membember Directorories.

Use with Onlineshopse with Onlineshop™ for shopping cor shopping cart and ort and order managemender management.

With this rith this retail managemenetail management tool you cou can publish pran publish producducts on ts on

your wour websitebsite. A c A cost effost effective alternanative for wor websitebsites thaes that do t do

not rnot requirequire the ee the extensivensive fe feaeaturtures of es of Webebconontenent™ and and

Webconontent: Producducts™.

Suitable fSuitable for wor websitebsites thaes that only rt only requirequire pre producduct management management.

Updadate pre producduct inventorory at a snap of yt a snap of your fingers!our fingers!

Use with Onlineshopse with Onlineshop™ for shopping cor shopping cart and ort and order managemender management.

Backstage® Webcontent™

Backstage® Shoppingmall™

Page 5: Backstage Brochure

Backstage® Extra Features Pack

Offer additional ver additional value-added talue-added tools on yols on your wour websitebsite includinge including:

Search ch Websitebsite & Pe & Producducts

Printer Friendly Piendly Pagesages

Websitebsite Sitemap emap

With this newith this newsletter managemener management tool yol you cou can can collect

subscribers, generate and send newsletters to your client base.

No headaches with managing thousands of co headaches with managing thousands of conontacts!

Aututomaomatically collecollect and manage subt and manage subcribers from yom your wour websitebsite!

Send out tarend out targettgetted e-newed e-newsletters and achieers and achieve recurring sales!ing sales!

No need fo need for manual daor manual data entry - easy impy - easy imporort prt process!

With this online retail managemenetail management tool you can efficiently

manage online sales with securmanage online sales with secure shopping cart, checkout,

postage costage calculaalculation and pation and paymenyment prt processingessing.

Integregrate into ano any pay paymenyment gat gateway system.

Make your wour websitebsite a buzzing hive a buzzing hive of pure of purchasing acchasing activity!

Extend this tend this tool tol to build effo build effective sales repororts!

ImpImporort sales into yo your accour accounounting softing software!

Backstage® Onlineshop™

Backstage® Mailroom™

Send tend to a Fo a Friendiend

Bookokmarmark Pageage

Browser Privacy Settingsettings

Page 6: Backstage Brochure

For further information please contact Intervolve:

ph 08 8344 9411 email [email protected]

Backstageackstage®, it's associated pred producducts and serts and services haes have been deeen developeloped

by Intervolvolve. Backstageackstage® is a registegistered tred trademarademark of Ink of Intervolvolve.

design print web signs

[phone] 08 8344 9411 [fax] 08 8344 9511

[office] 146 North East Rd Walkerville SA 5081

[email] [email protected]


[abn] 98 214 370 269

self-managed web solution


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