background document for capacity analysis for land ... · germanium germanium is recovered as a...


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Page 1: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues
Page 2: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues



Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv

Alumina and Aluminum

Metallurgical gr ade alumina i s extractedfrom bauxite by the Bayer process andaluminum is obtained from this purifi edore by electrolysis via the Hall-Heroultprocess. The Bayer process consists ofthe following five steps: (1) orepreparation, (2) bauxite digestion, (3)clarification, (4) aluminum hydroxideprecipitation, and (5) calcination toanhydrous alumina. In the Hall-Heroultprocess, aluminum is produced throu ghthe electrolysis of alumina dissolved in amolten cryolite-based bath, with moltenaluminum being deposited on a carb oncathode.

Cast house dust 23 0 0 9,545 Y Y N? N? N? 2

Electrolysis waste 23 0 0 28,750 Y? N? N? N? 2


Primary antimony is usually produced asa by-product or co-product of mining,smelting, and refining of otherantimony-containing ores such astetrahedrite or lead ore. Antimony canbe produced u sing eitherpyrometallurgical processes or ahydrometallurgical process. For thepyrometallurgical processes, the methodof recovery depends on the antimonycontent of the sulfide ore, and willconsist of either volatilization, smeltingin a blast furnace, uation, or ironprecipitation. Antimony also can berecovered hydrometallurgically byleaching and electrowinning.

Autoclave filtrate 7 54 8,050 50,960 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? 0

Stripped anolytesolids 2 0 0 0 Y? N? N? N? 2

Slag and furnaceresidue 9 0 16,200 32,400 Y? N? N? N? 2


Bertrandit e and beryl ores are trea tedusing two separate processes to produceberyllium sulfate, BeSO4: a counter-current extraction process and theKjellgren-Sawyer process. Theintermediates from the two oreextraction processes are combined andfed to another extraction process. Thisextraction process removes impuritiessolubilized during the processing of thebertrandite and beryl ores and convertsthe beryllium sulphate to berylliumhydroxide, Be(OH)2. The berylliumhydroxide is further converted toberyllium fluoride, BeF2, which is thencatalytically reduced to form metallicberyllium.

Spent barren filtratestreams 1 17,600 44,000 70,400 Y N? N? N? 0

Bertranditethickener slurry 1 0 185,000 370,000 Y? N? N? 1

Beryl thickenerslurry 1 3,000 3,000 3,000 Y N? N? 1

Chip treatmentwastewater 2 0 25,000 1,600,000 Y? N? N? N? 0

Filtration discard 2 0 23,000 90,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent raffinate 1 76,000 190,000 304,000 Y Y N? N? 1

Page 3: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv



Bismuth is recovered mainly during thesmelting of copper and lead ores. Bismuth-containing d ust from coppersmelting operations is transferred to leadsmelting operations for recovery. Atlead smelting operations bismuth isrecovered either by the Betterton-Krollprocess or the Betts Electrolytic process. In the Betterton-Kroll process,magnesium and calcium are mixed withmolten lead to form a dross that containsbismuth. The dross is treated withchlorine or lead chloride and oxidized byusing air or caustic soda to removeimpurities. In the Betts Electrolyticprocess, lead bullion is electrolyzed. The resulting impurities, includingbismuth, are smelted, reduced andrefined.

Alloy residues 1 0 1,500 6,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent caustic soda 1 0 0 6,000 Y? N? N? N? 1

Electrolytic slimes 1 0 0 100 Y? N? N? N? 2

Lead and zincchlorides 1 0 1,500 6,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Metal chlorideresidues 1 0 1,500 3,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Slag 1 0 500 10,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent electrolyte 1 0 3,050 12,000 Y? N? N? N? 1

Spent soda solution 1 0 0 6,000 Y? Y? N? N? 0

Waste acidsolutions 1 0 3,050 12,000 Y? N? N? 0

Waste acids 1 0 25 160 Y? N? N? 0


Boron (borax) is either recovered fromores or from natural mineral-rich lakebrines by two companies in the U.S. Recovery from ores involves thefollowing steps: (1) ore is dissolved inwater; (2) the resulting insolublematerial is separated from the solution;and (3) crystals of sodium borate areseparated from the weak solution anddried. Boron i s recovered from brin esinvolves fractional distillat ion followedby evaporation.

Waste liquor 3 0 0 0 Y? N? N? N? 1

Page 4: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv



Cadmium is obtained as a b y-product ofzinc metal production. Cadmium metalis obtained from zinc fumes orprecipitates via a hydrometallurgical or apyrometal-lurgical process. Thehydrometal-lurgical process consists ofthe following steps : (1) precipit atesleached with sulfuric acid, (2) cadmiumprecipitated with a zinc dust addition,(3) precipitate filtered and pressed intofilter cake, (4) impurities removed fromfilter cake to produce sponge, (5) spongedissolved with sulfuric acid, (6)electrolysis of solution, and (7) cadmiummetal melted and cast. Thepyrometallurgical process consists of thefollowing steps: (1) c admium fumesconverted to water- or acid-soluble form,(2) leached solution purified, (3)galvanic precipitation or electrolysis,and (4) metal briquetted or cast.

Caustic wash water 2 0 0 9,500 Y? Y? N? N? 0

Copper and leadsulfate filter cakes 2 0 0 9,500 Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Copper removalfilter cake 2 0 0 9,500 Y? N? N? N? 2

Iron containingimpurities 2 0 950 19,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent leach solution 2 0 0 9,500 Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? 1

Lead sulfate waste 2 0 0 9,500 Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Post-leach filtercake 2 0 950 19,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent purificationsolution 2 0 950 19,000 Y? Y? N? N? 0

Scrubberwastewater 2 0 0 9,500 Y? Y? N? N? 0

Spent electrolyte 2 0 950 19,000 Y? Y? N? N? 1

Zinc precipi tates 2 0 0 9,500 Y? N? N? N? 2


Calcium metal is produced by theAluminothermic method. In theAluminothermic method, calc ium oxide,obtained by quarrying and calciningcalcium limestone, is blended with finelydivided aluminum and reduc ed under ahigh temperature vacuum. The processproduces 99% pure calcium metal whichcan be further purified throughdistillation.

Dust with quicklime 1 0 0 0 Y? N? N? 2

Coal Gas

Coal is crushed and gasified in thepresence of steam and oxygen,producing carbon dioxide and carbonmonoxide, which further react toproduce carbon oxides, methane andhydrogen. The product gas is sepa ratedfrom the flue gas, and is processed andpurified to sa leable methane.

Multiple effectsevaporatorconcentrate

1 0 0 52,000 Y Y N? N? N? 1

Page 5: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv



Copper is recovered from ores usingeither pyrometallurgical orhydrometallurgical processes. In bothcases, the copper-bearing ore is crushed,ground, and concen-trated (except indump leaching). Pyrometallurgicalprocessing can take as many as fivesteps: roast-ing, smelting, converting,fire refining, and electrorefining. Hydrometallurgica l processing involvesleaching, followed by either precipitationor solvent extraction and electrowinning.

Acid plantblowdown 9 954,000 2,385,000 3,816,000 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N? N? 1

APC dust/sludge 10 0 0 0 Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent bleedelectrolyte 6 62,400 156,000 249,600 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N? N? 1

Waste contactcooling water 10 0 0 0 Y? N? N? N? 0

Process wastewaters 10 0 0 0 Y Y Y Y Y? Y N? N? 1

Scrubber blowdown 10 9,800 245,000 3,920,000 Y Y Y? Y N? N? N?











Tankhouse slim es 14 0 1,015 3,248 Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

WWTP sludge 10 0 1,500 4,800 Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Elemental Phosphorus

Phosphate rock or sintered/agglomerated fines are charged into anelectric arc furnace with coke and silica. This yields calcium silicate slag andferrophosphorus, which are tapped. Dusts are removed from the furnaceoffgases and ph osphorus is removedfrom the dusts by condensation.

Dust 2 0 0 2,200 Y? N? N? N? 2

AFM rinsate 2 2,000 2,000 2,000 Y Y N? N? N? 1

Furnace offgassolids 2 0 0 12,000 Y N? N? N? 2

Furnace scrubberblowdown 2 0 0 280,000 Y YS N? N? 0

Slag quenchwat er 2 0 0 500,000 Y? Y? N? N? N? 0

Page 6: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Fluorspar and Hydrofluoric Acid

Raw fluorspar ore is crushed, ground,and concentrated. Acid grade fluorspar(a pure form of concentrate) is mi xedwith sulfuric acid in a heated retort kiln,reacting to produce hydrogen fluoridegas and fluorogypsum. The gas iscooled, scrubbed, and condensed, andsold as either hydrofluoric acid solutionor anhydrous hydrogen fluoride.

Off-spec fluosilicicacid 3 0 3,750 36,000 Y? N? N? 0


Germanium is recovered as a by-productof other metals, mostly copper, zinc, andlead. Germanium-bearing residues fromzinc-ore processing facilities, a mainsource of germanium metal, are roas tedand sintered. The sintering fumes,containing oxidized germanium, areleached with sulfuric acid to form asolution. German ium is precip itatedfrom the solution by adding zinc dust. Following precipitation, the germaniumconcentrates are refined by adding hydrochloric acid or chlorine gas toproduce germanium tetrachloride, whichis hydrolyzed to produce solidgermanium dioxide. The final s tepinvolves reducing germanium dioxidewith hydrogen to produce germaniummetal.

Waste acid washand rinse water 4 0 550 3,200 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? 0

Chlorinator wet airpollution controlsludge

4 0 53 320 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Hydrolysis filtrate 4 0 106 400 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Leach residues 3 0 5 10 Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent acid/leachate 4 0 550 3,200 Y? Y? Y? N? N? 0

Waste still liquor 4 0 106 400 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? N? Y? N? 2

Page 7: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Gold and Silver

Gold and silver may be recovered fromeither ore or the refining of base metals. Extracted ore is crushed or ground andthen subjected to oxidation by roasting,autoclaving, bio-oxidation, orchlorination, and then cyanide leaching(heap, vat, or agitation). The metals arerecovered by activated carbon loading orthe Merrill Crowe proc ess. Activatedcarbon loading involves bringingprecious metal leach solutions intocontact with activated carbon by thecarbon-in-column, carbon-in-p ulp, orcarbon-in-lea ch process. Gold and silverare then separated by acid leaching orelectrolysis. The Merrill Crowe processconsists of filtering and deaerating theleach solution and then precipitating theprecious metals with zinc powder. Thesolids are filtered out, melted, and castinto bars. The recovery of preciousmetals from lead refinery slimes is anormal part of t he operation ca lled"desilverizing." Lead from previousstages of refining is brought into contactwith a zinc bath which absorbs theprecious metals. Base metals areremoved and the doré is sent to refining.

Refining wastes 16 0 184,000 720,000 Y? Y? N? N? 2

Slag 16 0 92,000 576,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent Furnace Dust 16 0 0 0 Y? N? N? N? 2

Wastewatertreatment sludge 16 0 92,000 576,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Wastewater 16 0 0 880,000 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? N? 0


Lead ores are crushed, ground, andconcentrated. Pelletized concentrates arethen fed to a sinter unit with othermaterials (e.g., smelter byproducts,coke). The sinter ed material is t henintroduced into a blast furnace alongwith coke and fluxes. The resultingbullion is drossed to remove lead andother metal oxides. The lead bullionmay also be decopperized before beingsent to the refining stages. Refiningoperations generally consist of severalsteps, including (in sequence) softenin g,desilverizing, dezincing, bismuthremoval and final refining. During finalrefining, lead bullion is mixed withvarious fluxes and reagents to removeremaining impurities.

Acid plantblowdown 3 0 0 0 Y Y Y Y? Y Y N? N? 0

Acid plant sludge 3 0 0 7,050 Y? N? N? 2

Baghouse dust 3 0 0 0 Y Y N? N? N? 2

Baghouseincinerator ash 3 300 3,000 30,000 Y Y N? N? N? 2

Process wastewater 4 800,000 2,000,000 3,200,000 Y Y Y Y? Y N? N? N? 0

Slurried APC Dust 3 0 0 0 Y Y N? N? N? 2

Solid residues 3 0 0 195 Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent furnace brick 3 0 0 0 Y N? N? N? 2

Stockpiledmiscellaneous plantwaste

4 80 44,000 144,000 Y Y N? N? N? 2

Surfaceimpoundment wasteliquids

1 0 275,000 880,000 Y? Y? Y? N? N? N? 0

WWTP liquideffluent 4 0 0 0 Y? Y N? N? 0

Page 8: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


WWTPsludges/solids 4 0 0 0 Y? Y? Y N? N? 2

Magnesium and Magnesia fromBrines

Magnesium is recover through twoprocesses: (1) electrolytic and (2)thermal. In electrolytic production withhydrous feed, magnesium hydroxide isprecipitat ed from seawater and settledout. The underflow is dewatered,washed, reslurried with wash water, andneutralized with Hcl and H2SO4. Thebrine is filtered , purified, d ried, and fedinto the electrolyti c cells. Alternative ly,surface brine is pumped to solarevaporation ponds, where it is dried,concentrated, and purified. Theresulting powder is melted, fed into theelectrolytic cells, and then casted. Thetwo thermal production processes formagnesium are the carbothermic processand the silicothermic process. In thecarbothermic process, magnesium oxideis reduced with carbon to producemagnesium in the vapor phase, which isrecovered by shock cooling. In thesilicothermic process, silica is reactedwith carbon to give silicon metal whichis subsequently used to producemagnesium. Magnesia is produced bycalcining magnesite or magnesiumhydroxide or by the thermaldecomposition of magnesium chloride,magnesium su lfate, magnesiu m sulfite,nesquehonit e, or the basic c arbonate.

Cast house dust 1 0 0 3,800 Y? N? N? N? 2

Page 9: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Smut 2 0 0 13,000 Y N? N? N?2



currently is

recovered only


ores. Sulfid


goldore is

roasted,and themercur

y isrecovered from


gas. Oxide-based

goldore is




sent toa


followed by a



rate issent to

anagitator, where

it isleached


. Theslurry

isfilteredand thefiltrate

Page 10: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Dust 9 0 2 8 Y? N? N? N? 2

Furnace residue 9 0 50 99 Y? N? N? N? 2

Page 11: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Molybdenum, Ferromolybdenum, andAmmonium Molybdate

Production of molybdenum andmolybdenum products, includingammonium molybdate, begins withroasting. Technical grade molybdicoxide is made by roa sting concen tratedore. Pure molybdic oxi de is producedfrom technical grade molybdic oxideeither by sublimation and condensin g, orby leaching. Ammonium molybdate isformed by reacting technical grade oxidewith ammonium hydroxide andcrystallizing out the pure molybdate. Molybdenum powder is formed usinghydrogen to reduce ammoniummolybdate or pure molybdic oxide. Ferromolybdenum is t ypically producedby reaction of technical grade molybdicoxide and iron oxide with a conventionalmetallothermic process using siliconand/or aluminum as the reductant.

Flue dust/gases 12 0 138,000 540,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Liquid residu es 2 0 500 1,000 Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? N? 0

Molybdic oxiderefining wastes 2 0 1,000 2,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Platinum Group Metals

Platinum-grou p metals can be recoveredfrom a variety of different sources,including elec trolytic slimes from copperrefineries and metal ores. Theproduction of platinum-group metalsfrom ore involves mining, concentrating,smelting, and refining. In theconcentrating step, platinum ore iscrushed and treated by froth flotation. The concentrates are dried, roasted, andfused in a smelter furnace, which resultsin the formation of platinum-containingsulfide matte. Solvent extraction is usedto separate and purify the six platinum-group metals in the sulfide mat te.

Slag 3 0 0 225 Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent acids 3 0 855 3,000 Y? Y? Y? N? N? 0

Spent solvents 3 0 855 3,000 Y? Y? N? Y? N? 0

Pyrobitumens, Mineral Waxes, andNatural Asphalts

The production process forpyrobitumens consists of cracking in astill, recondensation, and grading. Mineral wax processing consists ofsolvent extracti on from lignite or c annelcoal. To produce natural asphalt, ore isprocessed through a vibrating bed dryer,and sorted according to particle size. The material is either loaded directly asbulk produc t, fed to a baggi ng machine,or fed into a pu lverizer for further si zereduction.

Still bottoms 2 0 23,000 90,000 N? Y? N? 2

Waste catalysts 2 0 0 10,000 Y? Y? N? N? N? 0

Page 12: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Rare Earths

Rare earth elements are produced frommonazite and bastnasite ores by sulfuricand hydrochloric acid digestion. Processing of rare ea rths involvesfractional crystallization andprecipitation followed by solventextraction to separate individual rareearth elements from one another. Ionexchange or calci um reduction produceshighly pure rare earths in smallquantities. Electrolytic reduction of rareearth chlorides followed by crushingproduces a complex alloy of rare earthmetals known as mischmetal.

Spent ammoniumnitrate processingsolution

1 14,000 14,000 14,000 Y N? N? 0

Spent lead filt ercake 20 0 2,100 5,000 Y? N? N? N? 2

Electrolytic cellcaustic wet APCsludge

1 0 0 0 Y? N? N? 2

Process wastewater 1 1,400 3,500 5,600 Y Y? N? N? 0

Spent scrubberliquor 1 20 250,000 800,000 Y N? N? 0

Solvent extractioncrud 20 0 11,500 72,000 N? Y? N? 2

Waste solvent 20 0 0 1,000,000 N? Y? N? 0

Wastewater fromcaustic wet APC 1 0 125,000 800,000 Y? Y? Y? N? N? 0

Page 13: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Waste zinccontaminated withmercury

20 0 11,500 72,000 Y? N? N? N?




rhenium is

recovered fromthe off-



molybdenite, abyprod

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copperores formolybd


roasted. During






converted to

molybdic oxide


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ed torheniu


de. The



sublimed and


Page 14: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Spent rheniumraffinate 2 0 44,000 88,000 Y? N? N? N? 2


Scandium is generally produced by smallbench-scale batch processes. Theprincipal domestic scandium resource isfluorite tailings containing thortveititeand associa ted scandiu m-enrichedminerals. Scan dium can be recoveredfrom thortveitite using several methods. Each method involves a distinct initialstep (i.e., acid digestion, grindin g, orchlorination) followed by a set ofcommon recovery steps, includingleaching, precipitation, filtration,washing, and ignition at 90 0 °C to formscandium ox ide.

Spent acids 7 0 1,960 7,000 Y? N? N? 0

Spent solvents fromsolvent extraction 7 0 0 3,500 N? Y? N? 0


The two principle processes for seleniumrecovery are smelting with soda ash androasting with soda ash. Other methodsinclude roasting with fluxes, duringwhich the seleni um is either vola tilizedas an oxide and recovered from the fluegas, or is incorporated in a solublecalcine that is subsequently leached forselenium. In some processes, theselenium is recovered both from the fluegas and from the calcine. To purify thecrude selenium, it is dissolved in sodiumsulfite and fi ltered to remove unwan tedsolids. The result ing filtrate is acidifiedwith sulfuric acid to precipitateselenium. The selenium precipitate isdistilled to drive off impurities.

Spent filter cake 3 0 0 2,550 Y? N? N? N? 2

Plant processwastewater 2 13,200 33,000 52,800 Y Y N? N? 0

Slag 3 0 128 4,080 Y? N? N? N? 2

Tellurium slimewastes 3 0 128 4,080 Y? N N? N? 2

Waste solids 3 0 255 5,100 Y? N? N? N? 2

Synthetic Rutile

Synthetic rutile is manufactured throu ghthe upgrading of ilmenite ore to removeimpurities (mostly iron) and yield afeedstock for production of titaniumtetrachloride through the chlorideprocess. The various processesdeveloped can be organized in th reecategories: (1) processes in which theiron in the ilmenite ore is completelyreduced to meta l and separat ed eitherchemically or physi cally; (2) processesin which iron is reduced to the ferrousstate and chemically leached from theore; and (3) processes in which selectivechlorination is used to remove the iron. In addition, a process called the BeneliteCyclic process uses hydrochloric acid toleach iron from red uced ilmenit e.

Spent iron oxideslurry 1 0 11,250 36,000 Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

APC dust/slud ges 1 0 0 0 Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent acid solution 1 0 0 0 Y? Y? Y? N? N? 0

Page 15: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Tantalum, Columbium, andFerrocolumbium

Tantalum and columbium ores areprocessed by physically and chemicallybreaking down the ore to formcolumbium and tantalum salts or oxides,and separating the columbium andtantalum salts or oxides from oneanother. These salts or oxides may besold, or further processed to reduce thesalts to the respective metals. Ferrocolumbium is made by smelting theore with iron, and can be sold as aproduct or further processed to producetantalum and columbium products.

Digester sludge 2 1,000 1,000 1,000 Y N? N? 2

Process wastewater 2 0 0 75,000 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y N? N? 1

Spent raffinatesolids 2 2,000 2,000 2,000 Y N? N? 2


The process flow for the production oftellurium can be separated into twostages. The first stage involves theremoval of copper from the copperslimes. The second stage involves therecovery of tellurium metal andpurification of the recovered tellurium. Copper is genera lly removed from slimesby aeration in dilute sulfuric acid,oxidative pressure-leaching with sulfuricacid, or digestion with strong acid. Tellurous acid (in the form ofprecipitates) is then recovered bycementing, leaching the cement mud,and neutralizing with sulfuric acid. Tellurium is recovered from theprecipitated tellurous acid by thefollowing three methods: (1) directreduction; (2) acid precipitation; and (3)electrolytic purification.

Slag 1 0 250 3,600 Y? N? N? N? 2

Solid waste residu es 1 0 500 4,500 Y? N? N? N? 2

Waste electrolyte 1 0 500 10,000 Y? Y? N? N? N? 0

Wastewater 1 0 0 0 Y? Y N? N? 0

Page 16: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Titanium and Titanium Dioxide

Titanium ores are utilized in theproduction of four major tit anium-basedproducts: titanium dioxide (TiO2)pigment, titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4),titanium sponge, and titaniumingot/metal. The primary titanium oresfor manufacture of these products areilmenite and rutile. TiO2 pigment ismanufactu red through eit her the sulfate,chloride, or chloride-ilmenite process. The sulfate process employs digestion ofilmenite ore or TiO2-rich slag withsulfuric acid to produce a cake, which ispurified and calcined to produce TiO2

pigment. In the chloride process, rutile,synthetic rutile, or high-purity ilmenite ischlorinated to form TiCl4, which ispurified to form TiO2 pigment. In thechloride-ilmenite process, a low-purityilmenite is converted to TiCl4 in a two-stage chlorination process. Titaniumsponge is produced by purifying TiCl4

generated by the chloride or chlorid e-ilmenite process. Titanium sponge iscast into ingots for further processinginto titanium metal.

Pickle liquor andwash water 3 0 675 2,640 Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? 0

Scrap millingscrubber water 1 0 1,250 4,800 Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? N? 0

Scrap detergentwash water 2 72,000 230,000 432,000 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y N? N? 0

Smut from Mgrecovery 2 0 0 23,000 N? N? Y 2

Leach liquor andsponge wash water 2 76,000 240,000 464,000 Y? Y? Y N? N? 0

Spent surfaceimpoundmentliquids

7 0 0 3,360 Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent surfaceimpoundmentssolids

7 0 17,850 35,700 Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Waste acids(Chloride process) 7 9,800 24,500 39,200 Y? Y? Y? Y N N 0

Waste acids (Sulfateprocess) 2 200 40,000 78,000 Y Y Y Y Y N N 0

Waste ferricchloride 7 0 0 0 Y Y Y Y Y? N? N? 0

WWTPsludge/solids 7 420,000 420,000 420,000 Y N N N 2


Tungsten production consists of fourdistinct stages: (1) ore preparation, (2)leaching, (3) purification to APT, and(4) reducing APT to metal. Orepreparation involves gravity andflotation methods. Concentration isusually accomplished by froth flotation,supplemented by leaching, roasting, ormagnetic or high tension separation. The concentrate is then processed toAPT via either sodium tungstate ortungstic acid (which was digested withaqueous ammonia) to solubilize thetungsten as a mmonia tungstate. Furtherpurification and processing yields APT. APT is converted to tungsten oxide bycalcining in a rotary furnac e. Tungstenoxides are reduced to metal powder inhigh temperat ure furnaces. Tu ngstencarbide is formed by reducing APT ortungsten oxides in the presence ofcarbon.

Spent acid and rinsewater 6 0 0 16,800 Y? N? N? 0

Page 17: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Process wastewater 5 0 925 6,000 Y? N? N?



Uranium ore






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Page 18: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Vaporizercondensate 17 0 4,675 17,000 Y? N? N? 0

Superheatercondensate 17 0 4,675 17,000 Y? N? N? 0

Slag 17 0 0 0 N? Y? N? 2

Uranium chips fromingot production 17 0 0 1,700 N? Y? N? 2

Page 19: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv



Zinc-bearing ores are crushed andundergo flotation to produceconcentrates of 50 to 60% zinc. Zinc isthen processed th rough eit her of twoprimary processing methods: electrolytic or pyrometallurgical. Electrolytic processing involvesdigestion with sulfuric acid andelect rolyt ic ref inin g. Inpyrometallurgical processing, calcine issintered and smelted in batch horizontalretorts, externally-heated continuousvertical retorts, or electrothermicfurnaces. In addition, zinc is smelted inblast furnaces through the ImperialSmelting Furnace process, which iscapable of recovering both zinc and leadfrom mixed zinc-lead concentrates.

Acid plantblowdown 1 0 0 0 Y Y Y Y? Y? Y Y Y N N 0

Waste ferrosilicon 1 0 0 8,500 Y? N? N? N? 2

Process wastewater 4 0 0 3,400,000 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N? N? 0

Discarded refractorybrick 1 0 500 1,000 Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent cloths, bags,and filters 4 0 0 0 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? N? 2

Spent goethite andleach cake resid ues 3 0 0 0 Y Y Y Y? Y? Y Y N? N? N? 2

Spent surfaceimpoundmentliquids

4 504,000 1,260,000 2,016,000 Y? Y N? N? 0

Spent surfaceimpoundment solids 4 0 500 1,000 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? N?

2 Zinc(continued)Sp





TCA towerblowdown (ZCABartlesville,OK-Electrolyticplant)

1 0 63 200 Y? Y? Y? Y? Y? N? N? 0

Wastewatertreatment plantliquid effluent

4 0 880,000 2,816,000 Y? N? N? N? 0

Zinc-lean slag 1 0 0 8,500 Y? N? N? N? 2

Page 20: Background Document for Capacity Analysis for Land ... · Germanium Germanium is recovered as a by-product of other metals, mostly copper, zinc, and lead. Germanium-bearing residues

EXHIBIT 3-1 (Continued)

Commodity Waste Stream

# ofFacilities


Disposed (mt/yr) TC Metals Characteristics

WasteFormaMinimum Expected Maximum As Ba Cd Cr Pb Hg Se Ag Corr Ignit Rctv


Zirconium and Hafnium

The production processes used atprimary zirconium and hafniummanufacturing plants depend largely onthe raw material used. Six basicoperations may be performed: (1) sandchlorination, (2) separation, (3)calcining, (4) pure chlorination, (5)reduction, and (6) purification. Plantsthat produce zirconium and hafniumfrom zircon sand use all six of theseprocess steps. Plants which producezirconium from zirconium dioxideemploy reduction and purification stepsonly.

Spent acid leachatefrom zirconiumalloy production

2 0 0 860,000 Y? N? N? 0

Spent acid leachatefrom zirconiummetal production

2 0 0 1,600,000 Y? N? N? 0

Leaching rinsewater fromzirconium alloyproduction

2 0 10,500 41,600 Y? N? N? 0

Leaching rinsewater fromzirconium metalproduction

2 0 250,000 1,600,000 Y? N? N? 0

Key:Y EPA has actual analytical data demonstrating that the waste exhibits one or more of the RCRA hazardous characterisitcs.Y? EPA, based on professional judgement, believes that the waste may exhibit one or more of the RCRA hazardous characteristics.N The waste probably does not exhibit one or more of the RCRA hazardous characteristics.N? Insufficient data are available to analyze. Based on general knowledge of the industry, however, EPA believes that the waste probably does not exhibit one or more of the RCRA hazardous characteristics.WasteForm: 0 = Waste with < 1% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) (Wastewater); 1 = Waste with 1 - 10% (TSS) (Liquid Wastewater); 2 = Waste with > 10% (TSS) Nonwastewater.