background: audiovisuals in improving listening ability

AUDIOVISUALS AS MEDIA IN IMPROVING LISTENING ABILITY OF THE STUDENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of Study Listening in language teaching has undergone several important influences, as the result of development in anthropology, education, linguistics, sociology, and even global politics. 1 In line with this, listening skills are essential for learning since they enable students to acquire insights and information, and to achieve success in communicating with others. 2 Furthermore, in classrooms, students always do more listening than speaking. In accordance with this, Brown 1 Ronald Carter and David Nunan, The Cambridge Guide To Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages, (United Kingdom: Cambridge Press), p. 7. 2 Trudy Wallace,, Teaching Speaking, Listening and Writing, (Brussel: International Bureau Of Education, 2004), p. 13. 1

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Listening Skills


Page 1: Background: Audiovisuals in improving Listening Ability





A. Background of Study

Listening in language teaching has undergone several important influences, as

the result of development in anthropology, education, linguistics, sociology, and even

global politics.1 In line with this, listening skills are essential for learning since they

enable students to acquire insights and information, and to achieve success in

communicating with others.2

Furthermore, in classrooms, students always do more listening than speaking.

In accordance with this, Brown wrote that listening competence is universally “larger”

than speaking competence.3 Thus, listening is a skill which cannot be underestimated

in language learning especially in L2 learning. Mastering a good ability in listening is

absolutely required.

1 Ronald Carter and David Nunan, The Cambridge Guide To Teaching English To Speakers Of Other Languages, (United Kingdom: Cambridge Press), p. 7.

2 Trudy Wallace,, Teaching Speaking, Listening and Writing, (Brussel: International Bureau Of Education, 2004), p. 13.

3 H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principle an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, (New York: San Francisco State University, 2001), p.247


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Nevertheless, in teaching and learning language process, especially at school,

students find many problems particularly in improving listening ability. Ina Rezkina

wrote that everyday evidence students considered listening sometimes difficult and

sometimes easy. On the other hand, some people argue that it is not realistic to label

that listening is ‘easy’ or difficult. It may usually be easy for someone, but difficult for

others, depending on the present level of language development of each person and

his/her background knowledge of the topic being presented.4

Moreover, the methods and media used by the teachers also influence students

in their listening learning. Actually, the better media had been used will cause the

better of listening development. In this case, many studies proposed the using of audio-

visual media in improving students’ listening ability. Some of the studies proved that

the using of audio-visual in improving student’s listening is effective.5

Based on the background explained above, the writer would like analyze and

implement the using of audiovisuals as media in improving listening ability of the

students, in this case, the writer conducts his research at Al-Falah Islamic Senior high

School in Aceh Besar.

B. Research Questions

4 Ina Rezkina, Obstacle in Teaching Listening Skills at Senior High Schools. Unpublished Thesis, (Banda Aceh: Graduate program of English Education of Syiah Kuala Universit, 2008). p.i

5 Sapto Haryoko, Efektifitas Pemanfaatan Media Audio-Visual Sebagai Alternatif Optimalisasi Model Pembelajaran, retrieved from:, accessed on October 10, 2011

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This research was aimed to find out the answer of question about “Do audio-

visual media improve students’ listening ability?”

C. Terminology

In order to avoid misinterpretation of the terms used in this paper, the

researcher needs to put forward the definition of the following words:

1. Listening

Taylor defines listening as the process of becoming aware of sound sequences.

In listening to speech, the person first identifies the component sounds and then

recognizes sound sequences as known words through the avenue of auditory analysis,

mental reorganization, an/or association of meaning.6

Listening is the active process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and

responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages. It involves the ability to retain

information, as well as to react empathically and/or appreciatively to spoken and/or

nonverbal messages.7

Thus, the writer sums up that listening is the process of becoming aware of

receiving, identifying, constructing and responding to spoken and/or non verbal


2. Media

6Stanford E. Taylor, Listening. What Research Says to the Teacher (Washington D.C.: National Education Association). p.6.

7 p. 111, accessed on June 6, 2012

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Media is a general term for television, radio and newspapers considered as a

whole and as ways of entertaining or spreading news or information to a large number

of people. In language teaching, teaching materials which involve the use of different

kinds of media such as visual and printed media are sometimes known as multi media

or mixed media.8

3. Audio-visual

Here defined as audio-visual aid which means an audio or visual device used

by a teacher to aid learning. For example, pictures, charts, and flashcards are visual

aids; radio, records, and tape-recorders are auditory aids. Film, television, and video

are audio-visual aids.9 So, audio-visuals are the tools those utilized by teachers to help

learning process in shape of visual and audio. These devices could be used to produce

images and sound at once.

D. The Aims of Study

The aim of study is as follows:

1. To know whether audio-visual media improve students listening ability or not.

E. Postulate and Hypothesis

8 Jack C. Richards and Richard Schmidt, Longman Dictionary Of Language Teaching And Applied Linguistics (New York: Pearson Education). p.325.

9 Jack C. Richards and Richard Schmidt, Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching …” p.40.

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a. Postulate

According to Encyclopedic dictionary of English usage, a postulate means

“prerequisite or assumption in an argument”.10 Based on this definition, the postulate

that stated is the using audio-visual as media are really helpful toward improving

students’ ability in listening skill.

b. Hypothesis

The hypothesis of this research is the using audio-visual as media in teaching

listening should improve students’ ability in listening skill.

F. Population and Sample

1. Population

In this research the writer chose students from SMA Islam Al-Falah

Lamjampok. The students who were still in second year became the population. There

are two classes of the second year students; class XI1 which consist of 33 students and

class XI2 which consist of 22 students. So, the amount of population is 55 students.

2. Sample

The technique used here was one of non random sampling techniques that

called as purposive sampling. In this technique, a group is selected based on previous

knowledge of natures or characters that have a close criterion with what have been

10 N.H Marger and S.K Mager, Encyclopedic Dictionary of English Usage, (USA: Prentice Hill.Inc, 1974), p.232

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known exist in the population11. The researcher had chosen only class XI1 as the

sample which consist of 33 students, males and females.

G. Research Method

The researcher performed an experimental research in form of field research.

Experimental research is defined as a systematic method operated to develop the

relation of causal-effect relationship.12

In order to gain the needed data for this research, the writer used some


1. Pre-test and post-test

The pre-test was given to the students in the first meeting before the

experimental teaching was held in order the writer knew the previous listening ability

of the students. While the post-test would be given to student in the last meeting in

order to gain any different result after conducting experimental teaching.

2. Questionnaire

The writer gave the questionnaire to the samples in order to get the real data

including students’ opinion and their perceptions.

11 Sutrisno Hadi, Metodologi Research Jilid I, (Yogyakarta: ANDI, 2004), p. 91

12 Sukardi, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Bumi Aksara, 2003), p. 179.