back to the future: isomorphic javascript applications

unlucio Senior Software Engineer - Namshi Dive Master - PADI Remote Nerd - WEBdeBS

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Back to the future:  Isomorphic javascript applications

unlucioSenior Software Engineer - Namshi

Dive Master - PADI Remote Nerd - WEBdeBS

Page 2: Back to the future:  Isomorphic javascript applications

Back to the future:

Isomorphic javascript applications

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An isomorphic javascript application:

What is an “isomorphic application”

Why did we need one

How did we build it @ Namshi:



What did we actually do

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Isomorphism is a very general concept that appears in several areas of mathematics. The word derives from the Greek iso, meaning

"equal," and morphosis, meaning "to form" or "to shape.”

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Isomorphic application

It’s a dynamic website capable of generating its html on both server and client side, virtually using the same

exact code in both environments

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and a websiteis a bunch of nicely presented html

with an interactive layer on top

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to be isomorphicwe need to stop at the html

take a note for future self!

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Why do we need one?

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Why do we need one?Robots: search engines don’t cope with SPAs

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Why do we need one?Robots: search engines don’t cope with SPAs

Loading speed

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Why do we need one?Robots: search engines don’t cope with SPAs

Loading speedJavascript doesn’t “fail safe”

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@ Namshi…

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We had to turn this…

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in to this

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See the difference?

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SPA Page Isomorphic Page

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SPA Page Isomorphic Page~190Kb js Target 100Kb js

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SPA Page Isomorphic Page~190Kb js Target 100Kb js

~ 40p page speed at least 90p page speed

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SPA Page Isomorphic Page~190Kb js Target 100Kb js

~ 40p page speed at least 90p page speed

Angular.js ?????????

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?????????yup, we had to make a choice

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We’re already using it on our SPAs

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We’re already using it on our SPAsWell known dependency injection

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We’re already using it on our SPAs

Well known dependency injection

Data bindings

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We’re already using it on our SPAs

Well known dependency injection

Data bindings

Jade (and we like it)

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It’s ok but…

Making it isomorphic needs

quite a bit of tooling around

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New and fashionable…

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New and fashionable… …we’re eager to try it :)

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New and fashionable… …we’re eager to try it :)

The virtual DOM looks amazing

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New and fashionable… …we’re eager to try it :)

The virtual DOM looks amazingFlux (once you get it) seems quite a good idea

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New and fashionable… …we’re eager to try it :)

The virtual DOM looks amazingFlux (once you get it) seems quite a good idea


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New and fashionable… …we’re eager to try it :)

The virtual DOM looks amazingFlux (once you get it) seems quite a good idea


… but components are a nice idea too!

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New and fashionable… …we’re eager to try it :)

The virtual DOM looks amazingFlux (once you get it) seems quite a good idea


… but components are a nice idea too!and The Internet says it can be isomorphic too!

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Let’s try it! :D

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Examples and suggested techniques seems been quite complex, with lots of structure and quite


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expectations slightly not met :’(

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Yup, we’re back to square one…

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Yup, we’re back to square one…

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ok… let’s try getting what we like…

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ok… let’s try getting what we like…

data bindings jade

flux components

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flux capacitor

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So, how does it work?

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So, how does it work?Step 1

Understand the view

Data Content


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So, how does it work?Step 2

Strip the interaction layer

Data Content


Remember our note: stop at the html.

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So, how does it work?What do we get form the api:

Data Content

{ data: [], meta: {}, search: {} }

{ data: “”, meta: {}, search: {} }

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So, how does it work?What do we get form the api:

{ data: “”, meta: {}, search: {} }

This guy is html!

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So, how does it work?Choose a template engine


our current angular ones

Nunjucks: renders on client and server

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let’s bring backwhat we liked about React

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FluxOur data source: API

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FluxOur data source: API

State: the URL

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FluxOur data source: API

State: the URLAdd a little dispatcher to notify for data update

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Show me the code!

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Show me the code!Server entry point

var app = require('express')(); var tpl = require(‘../shared/tpl'); var url = require('url');

app.get('*', function(req, res) { var path = url.parse(req.url).pathname; api.getData(path).then(function(data) { var html = tpl.render('main.html', data); res.end(html); }); });

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Show me the code!And it’s client counterpart

var page = require('page');

page('*', function (ctx) { var path = url.parse(ctx.path).pathname;

dispatcher.broadcast('URL_CHANGE', {url: path}); api.getData(path).then(function (data) { dispatcher.broadcast('DATA_UPDATE', data); }); });


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ComponentsActivate on state update

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ComponentsActivate on state update

Receive data

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ComponentsActivate on state update

Receive dataTransform them if needed

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ComponentsActivate on state update

Receive dataTransform them if needed

Delegate to templates for final html generation

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Show me the code!

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Show me the code!Title Component

var tpl = require('../tpl'); var vpo = require('vpo');

module.exports = function(data) { return tpl.render('title.html', { text: vpo.get(data, 'meta.seo.pageTitle') || vpo.get(data, 'title') || '' }); };

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Show me the code!Title Template

<title data-iso-component="title">{{ text }}</title>

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Hey but what about my interaction?

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Hey but what about my interaction?

well, according to legend: turns out that back in the 90s humans were able to use websites simply clicking on links and

without fancy UI wow-effects

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Hey but what about my interaction?

Interaction We call them: widgets

they react to UI changes

they attach to iso-components

interact with data-nm-*

and use VUE.js

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Show me the code!

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Show me the code!var dispatcher = require(‘../../shared/dispatcher'); var menu = require('./menu'); var cart = require('../services/cart');

module.exports = function($dom) { $dom.on('click', '#site_menu .search_trigger', function(e) { dispatcher.broadcast(‘TOGGLE_SEARCH’); e.preventDefault(); });

this.bind($dom, {data: { menu: menu, cart: cart }}); };

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Show me the code!<div id="site_header" data-iso-component="header" data-nm-class="navigation_open: menu.shiftContent"> <ul id="site_menu"> <li><a href="" class="search_trigger"> <i>{{ 'search' | translate }}</i></a> </li> <li><a href="/cart/" class="cart_overview"> <span data-nm-text="cart.itemsCount">0</span></a> </li> </ul> </div>

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did we meet our target?

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did we meet our target?Isomorphism: yes :)

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did we meet our target?Isomorphism: yes :)

Size: 162kb (including templates)

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did we meet our target?Isomorphism: yes :)

Size: 162kb (including templates)

Page speed…

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Page speed…

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node.js Browserify

Gulp Nunjucks Vanilla JS express.js

VUE.js Docker

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Thank you for listening

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Thank you for listening