back to a future for mankind, b - karim, dr. ibrahim


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Page 1: Back to a Future for Mankind, B - Karim, Dr. Ibrahim
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This book is written in a way thataccesses a universal innate

knowledge; it is multi-layered and canlend itself to different perspectives. It

could be a light read, with thetechnical or scientific concepts

playing a supporting role, or one canchoose to bring those concepts to the

forefront and build the readingexperience around them. These

approaches are distinct, yetcomplementary, and the book offers“a little bit of this and a little bit of


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Trademarks & Intellectual Property:BioGeometry® and BioSignatures® areregistered trademarks of BioGeometryConsulting Ltd, BioGeometry EnergySystems Ltd. & Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim.All BioGeometry materials, including

but not limited to methodologies,techniques, terms, patterns, designs,

equipment or products are not to be usedfor commercial purposes without

express written consent. BioGeometryConsulting Ltd, BioGeometry EnergySystems Ltd. & Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim

claim and reserve all rights and benefitsafforded under patent, trademark,

copyright, industrial design and trade

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secrets law and international

©2007-2010 Dr. Ibrahim F. S. Karim.First course edition 2007, (ISBN 978-

9776232013)First limited event (hard cover) edition

Nov. 09, (ISBN 978-9776232013)First edition March 2010 (ISBN

978-1449963958) All Rights Reserved. No part of this

book shall be reproduced, stored in aretrieval system, or transmitted by any

means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording or otherwise,without the prior written permission of

the author. This book is published by

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BioGeometry Consulting LtdDr. Ibrahim F. Karim.

In EgyptBioGeometry Energy Systems Ltd

Dr. Ibrahim F. Karim.Worldwide

ISBN 1449963951ISBN 978-1449963958

Kindle ISBN: 978-1-61550-737-5LCCN 2009913653

First Edition

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Page 9: Back to a Future for Mankind, B - Karim, Dr. Ibrahim

In memory of my father

Dr. Sayed Karim who shared my vision of the future ofBioGeometry, which was to him thesoul of his beloved Ancient Egypt.

I also dedicate this book to thememory of

my mother Doreya who implanted ‘Truth’ at the core ofmy being.

This dedication must also include

Rawya my wife

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the invisible warrior who believed inme and was my partner every stepalong the way.

Only with this three-fold dedication doI feel true to what I owe them. Godbless all three.

Ibrahim Karim

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Note to the Reader This book is a collection of topics thatprovide a deeper insight into theworldview of BioGeometry from adifferent perspective than that in theteaching of BioGeometry. The topicshave been selected from differentlectures and meetings and arranged togive a certain structure and flowwhenever possible.

A collection of topics will never havethe coherence of a book, which is notintended in this case, but they will stillconvey the worldview of BioGeometry.Most of these topics take a look atdifferent aspects of Ancient Egyptthrough the eyes of BioGeometry to

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bring out relevant wisdom to our modernway of life. The initial topics werebased on a transcript of a seminar inHolland, to which other topics from latergeneral lectures were added to give acomplete picture of the BioGeometryway of thinking.

I had given some lectures in Egypt to aDutch group that visited us and who thenwent on to become the first group ofBioGeometry students in Holland. Thisgroup of people who had by nowattended our BioGeometry courseswanted to spend time with me toelaborate on some of the things we dealtwith in their last visit to Egypt that werenot part of our seminars. We arranged tospend the weekend in the serenity of an

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old monastery in Neijmegen that hadbeen transformed into a conferencecenter. This interaction created a certainenergetic atmosphere that promoted anactivation of what is referred to as right-brain consciousness, a state which isvery important for an overview ofholistic relationships behind everydayinteractions.

It is difficult to try to recreate thisatmosphere in a book. If we do too muchediting to have it in the proper literaryform of a book, we might lose a lot ofthe energy quality. Our goal is difficult.We have to be content with acompromise between literaryexcellence, which would have needed acompletely new book, and keeping the

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atmosphere of the meeting such that thelatter, hopefully, can still be felt as astimulus to the intuitive part of thereader’s brain. We therefore kept therestructuring of the topics to a minimumto reflect the spontaneity of theinteraction. In order however, to providea holistic view of BioGeometry, someimportant additions had to be made:

An introduction to give anoverview and mission of the book.An entry from Dr. Karim’s journaldescribing the long journey ofknowledge of the ‘Three Friendsalong the Way’.An introduction to the ancient linksbetween Architecture, Earth

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Radiation, and Sacred PowerSpots.A new energy-based theory of theGreat Pyramid in Egypt as anintroduction to a new way ofunderstanding new aspects ofAncient Egyptian monuments.Qualitative Harmonics as part ofthe BioGeometry design Language.An Overview of the BioGeometryDesign Language.Excerpts from the official report onthe Hemberg Project inSwitzerland.An introduction to BioSignatures.BioGeometry: Knowledge &Application.

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A collection of pictures is included toillustrate several different aspects ofBioGeometry.

The choice of language for a scienceof qualities that bridges the gap betweenscience and spirituality is very difficult,because it should follow a scientificway of thinking while dealing withqualitative interactions that areexperienced by everybody in theireveryday life. The scientific languagethat we use academically in post-graduate studies of BioGeometry wouldbe completely out of place in anintroductory book about the subject forthe general public. This book is writtenin a simple language, which is usuallythe way we deal with BioGeometry in

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our non-academic seminars andtelevision programs.For more information about our workplease visit our official website.

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Acknowledgments Thanks to the work of Johan von Keijserwho introduced BioGeometry to Hollandand transcribed a seminar I held there,and to Johan von Vulpen who replicatedthe sketches, the first (unedited) bookwith the title ‘BioGeometry, AncientEgypt, and Pythagoras’ was produced. Itserved as a seminar document forBioGeometry students. The positivefeedback from our students all over theworld made us take the decision to makea book out of it (with a revision of themain concepts that were sometimes lostin translation) and to introduce thegeneral public to BioGeometry throughthe familiar grounds of Ancient Egypt

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and Pythagoras.Yasmeen Abd El Baky who is

practically family and is our assistantdeserves special thanks for herrelentless effort. Dahlia Khidr workedon the text in liaison with the publisherand Ehab Anwar did most of the graphicdesign work. Several people helpedwith editing and proof reading: GihanAwad, Suzanne MitchellEgan, Mary LouWilliams, Rozalia-Maria Tellenbachand Anthony Cowan. Our dear friendsMona Hosny and Omar Fayed, reviewedthe manuscript, Shahira Kamel providedinput in the cover design and ZeinabHamdy our office director coordinatedthe printing.

This book would never have seen the

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light without the support of our family.Each one of our children played a role intheir own way: Sayed, our son andProject Manager of our organization,added information in the annex aboutknowledge & applications ofBioGeometry; our daughter Laila,Interior and Industrial Designer, workedon the text; Doreya our daughter,Graphic Designer, for the creative coverdesign; our son Mahmoud, FinancialConsultant and his wife Diana Vinis forthe invaluable work on the text andcover, in the last days before givingbirth to our first granddaughter ‘Leena’.

We also thank our dear friends andBioGeometry instructors in the UnitedStates: Dr. Robert J. Gilbert, Dr.

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Michael Maley & Patricia Mageli-Maley. They were instrumental in thepropagation of BioGeometry in NorthAmerica. In Canada we must mentionMarylin Gang who regularly hosts Dr.Karim at the Toronto Dowsers and helpsorganize his BioGeometry seminars. Aspecial acknowledgment must be givento our dear friend Helmut Ziehe, founderof the International Bau-biologie &Ecology Institute (IBE), who firstintroduced the BioGeometry courses inthe US, and along with Larry Gust andSusannah Ziehe, had a longstandingcollaboration in BioGeometry projectsin Europe and the Middle East.

We must acknowledge our friends andfellow architects; Dr. Mohamed El

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Sawi, the first architect to earn adoctorate degree in BioGeometry and avaluable member of our team; MarwaDabaieh, architect and BioGeometrymasters graduate; Michael Kieth andRonald Skrepich, with whom weworked on the first BioGeometry projectin New York; Robert Barnes, whointroduced BioGeometry in projects andlectures in Miami; Dr. Pier PaoloAlberghini and James Thompson withwhom we have worked on severalBioGeometry projects in Toronto andMississauga, including the firstBioGeometry residence in NorthAmerica designed and built from theground up.

We cordially thank Dr. Masaru Emoto

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for his acknowledgment, and theresearch done by Rasmus GauppBerghausen in the Hado European lab inLiechtenstein that produced the beautifulBioGeometry frozen water crystals thatwe have included in the book. Also wethank Prof. Georg Gaupp, our friend andresearch colleague in Austria, whodesigns and builds special musicalinstruments on BioGeometry Harmonicprinciples.

The remarkable achievements of theSwiss Environmental projects would nothave been possible without thecollaboration that we received from allthose involved. It was due to the effortsand contacts of our friend AndreasBruderer that those projects were

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initiated. We worked with MP ErikaForster and Rolf Luethi of the MediationAuthority for Communication &Environment, Claudes Georges ofSwisscom Mobile Environment,Governor Carlo Schmidt and the councilof Appenzell IR, Fischbacher Presidentof the Hemberg Town Council, andreceived a lot of support from the Kellerfamily in manufacturing andimplementation of special fixtures forthe BioGeometry solutions and theMazenauer family for theircollaboration. Ruth Schaad our hardworking collaborator did the Germantexts, supervised the research andcoordinated the projects, AndreasSchwarz, director of the Forestry

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department in St. Gallen, Hans Jenny,Bau-biologist, Dr. med. Hans Schaerand Susanna Rehmann, all participatedin the research. We thank BoscoBueehler, President, Organization forBaubiologie Information GIBB, forpermission to publish excerpts from thereport and Dr. med. Yvonne Gilli MPfor the evaluation.

We must also mention Dr. Adel Ezz,the Minister of Scientific Research andthe National Research Center in Egypt,where we did our research and receivedthe first patents that were instrumental inthe official acknowledgement ofBioGeometry.

Last but not least, we can all notexpress enough gratitude and respect to

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my wife Rawya for the amount of workand dedication without which this bookwould have never seen the light.Although her name does not appear onthe cover, it is also her book.

Most of those mentioned might not bedirectly involved in this book but theyplay a role in BioGeometry andconsequently are part of the book.

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Biography What started as an occasional gatheringof friends grew over twenty years into aweekly pivot in the lives of many peopleof different ages, religions, professions,social backgrounds and nationalities. Dr.Ibrahim Karim gave unstructuredlectures and held dialogues on manysubjects following what he calls theBioGeometrical Way, which is a holisticapproach towards a new and expandedworld view that is both spiritual andscientific. In his words, “to be trulyholistic it must incorporate anything andeverything.”

Ibrahim, an architect by profession,graduated from the renowned F.I.T.

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Zurich, Switzerland. He later obtainedDr. Sc. degree in tourist planning. Heoccasionally teaches as visitingprofessor of architecture at severaluniversities. Dr. Karim owns theAlemara Consulting House, anArchitecture firm founded by his fatherDr. Sayed Karim in the l930’s, who isthe main pioneer of modern architecturein the Middle East.

While Ibrahim was still a postgraduatestudent, in Switzerland, a chancemeeting with Dr. Mahmoud Mahfouz ledto an intellectual, philosophicalconversation on hospital design andother topics. Dr. Mahfouz, who laterbecame Minister of Health, appointedhim as the youngest consultant in the

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Egyptian government, in order to bringinnovative thinking to his ministry. Dr.Karim worked in integrated healthplanning, developed new designconcepts of flexibility and expansion forhealth projects and worked in theUSAID project of Urban HealthDevelopment. In 1976 he was aconsultant to Dubai’s ministry of health.He is a member of the British RoyalSociety Of Health and founding memberof the Imhotep society for scientificresearch in the alternative sciences inEgypt. In 1982, Dr. Karim wasconsultant to the Minister of culture, thelate Mohammed Radwan. There hegenerated the initial concept for the newMuseum of Civilization for which the

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international appeal for funding waslaunched by UNESCO. Later on asconsultant to the Minister of Tourism in1985, he did the first tourist planning forthe Red Sea and Western Sinai coastalareas. As a consultant to the Minister ofScientific Research in 1990, he was theprincipal investigator of theenvironmental pilot project on theMahmoudiya Canal in Alexandria, andheaded a unit at the National ResearchCenter, to research the effect ofgeometrical shapes on biologicalfunctions. He patented the firstBioGeometry shapes in 1992. Othersfollowed. He received an award at theinternational congress for inventors in1998. His work as an architect includes

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several hospitals, residential, scientificprojects, and tourist resorts on the RedSea.

While renovating the museum ofAncient Egyptian medicine in 1972, Dr.Fawzi Soleiman Soweha the director ofthe museum introduced him to thescience of Radiesthesia and with him hemet Dr. Khalil Messiha, who introducedhim to the French system of PhysicalRadiesthesia and its Ancient Egyptianorigins. In France at the Maison de laRadiesthesie he acquired original booksand instruments used by the pioneers ofthis science. Fluent in many languages,Dr. Karim was able to combine modernconcepts of physics, harmonics,perception and Pythagorean theories to

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develop a new ‘Physics of Quality’ andbased on it a science of qualitativemeasurement: Egyptian Radiesthesia. Itbecame the main research tool in hissubtle energy work, supported bybiofeedback and bio-imaging devices.Taking this research into Architecture,Geobiology, and Building Biology, hefound the basis on which he developedhis new science of BioGeometry.

Ibrahim is also a sportsman at heart.From light athletics to tournament tabletennis, he switched to playing tenniswith his children, because he believed inparenting by example. They became toptournament tennis players in Egypt andreceived athletic scholarships at Rice,Tulane and Loyola universities in the

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USA, and AUC in Egypt. His sonMahmoud is now one of the partners ofthe successful Advantage TennisAcademy in Irvine, California. Hestates: “Competitive sports gave us apositive family interaction and anopportunity to give the children freedomto grow, travel and experience life in ahealthy controlled environment.”

As a former chancellor of theinternational Gourmet Society ‘ChaineDes Rotisseurs’, Ibrahim is certainly aconnoisseur and enthusiast, collectingclassic sports cars, watches,manuscripts, cameras, electronics,computers, multimedia, among otherthings.He enjoys his work and has a very easy

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going friendly way, whether lecturing orappearing on TV. He gives seminars andworkshops, in Europe, America, and theMiddle East. The first seminars outsideEgypt started in Holland in 1992,organized by Johan Keijser and then byJohan von Vulpen, who leads theBioGeometry Group of the Netherlands.In 1994, a collaboration with HelmutZiehe president of the InternationalBaubiologie & Ecology Institute USA inClearwater resulted in several years ofseminars in Clearwater, Florida. Theyalso worked together in the Middle Eastprojects. Dr. Robert Gilbert of theVesica Institute, has also hosted many ofDr. Karim’s seminars and has becomethe first North American BioGeometry

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instructor followed by Dr. Michael andPatricia Maley of Creating HealthySpaces, in Minnesota.

Dr. Karim is regularly hosted on radioand television (Reuters, CNN). He hadhis own daily television program: ‘Godgrant me knowledge’, during the holyfasting month of Ramadan, at the turn ofthe Millennium, on Egyptian SatelliteChannel. Since March 2002 he had aweekly one-hour program on theEgyptian ‘El Mehwer’ satellite channel.He also had his first four programs of aseries on the Egyptian Channel ‘Sehaty’(My health), official channel of theMinistry of Health (2007). Since then hehas appeared in many programs onEgyptian national TV, Saudi Orbit, Abu

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Dhabi TV, Dubai TV, MBC, and others.He was also a guest on TV programsfeaturing BioGeometry in Sweden(2006) and on channel NY1 in the USAwith Michael Keith, Ronald Skrepich,and editor Charles Ross who featuredBioGeometry in Veranda magazine forinterior design.

Dr. Karim did research inBioGeometry organic planting of applesand potato seeds with Prof. Peter Molsof the University of Wageningen inHolland, and conducted a workshop tofind solutions to harmful Earth radiationat the Design Academy of Eindhoven,Holland.

In Egypt he joined the “NationalHepatitis C Research Project” lead by

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the late Dr. Taha Khalifa, Dean of theFaculty of Pharmacy at Al-AzharUniversity. He achieved significantresults. that were made public on air byDr. Khalifa in a historic, often repeated,television program that included theformer minister of Health and prominentmedical doctors, in the ‘Mesaha Horrah’(Free Space) series presented by IsaadYounis on the Orbit Satellite televisionchannel in 1999.

The great success with theenvironmental projects in Switzerland(Reduction of the side-effects ofelectrosmog on the human, animal, andplant health and restoration of the qualityof life), with Swisscom, the maincellular provider, the Mediation

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Authority for Mobile communication &Environment, and local governments, inHemberg, St. Gallen (2003-4), andHirschberg, Appenzell-IR (2005-6),which were covered in several TVchannels, including SF1 the main Swisschannel in ‘Schweiz Aktuell’ and‘Rundschau’ and received a hugecovering by the press. Two books byRuth Schaad, ‘The Miracle of Hemberg’and ‘Pyramids, Temples, Pharaohs andGods’ also covered those projects.

Most of his work since then was ingovernment projects in the Middle East,that were not publicized. So it was withthe Swiss projects that his work becameknown. Although he is constantlytravelling around the world for his

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projects, he keeps his teachingcommitments in Egypt as a professor ofArchitecture, where he supervises post-graduate studies (Masters and Doctoratedegrees) on applications ofBioGeometry and other environmenttopics at Cairo, Mansourah andAlexandria Universities. He has alsobeen introducing BioGeometry toundergraduate students at the HighInstitute of Engineering & Architecturein 15th May city, South Cairo. In 2007,he received an award for his newfuturistic path in EnvironmentalArchitecture from the University of 6th.October, Cairo.

It was, and still is, an amazing journeyin an uncharted territory with many

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bumps along the way, but Ibrahim’sconviction and vision never faltered. Iam very proud to be his partner in ajourney that he believes is justbeginning.

Rawya Karim

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Table of Contents Title PageCopyright PageDedicationNote to the ReadersAcknowledgmentsBiographyList of Illustrations & ImagesIntroductionThree Friends along the WayRadiesthesia in my LifeBioGeometryThe BioGeometry WorldviewQualitative scales of measurementPhysics of QualityThe Cycle of Civilizations

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Threat that Lies BeyondLearning from Recent ExperiencesScientific Investigation of Power SpotsNegative GreenPyramids and Negative GreenFrom Power Spot to Town PlanningAncient Town PlanningSacred Sky LocationsThe BioGeometry Energy KeyHolistic Healing in the TemplesEnergy Secrets of the PyramidsThe Sacred PyramidThe Time Chambers in the PyramidWhere is Multidimensional Egypt Now?Anti-GravityThe Sacred MotherAn Ancient Egyptian Airplane ModelBuilding is a Spiritual Exercise

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RitualsThe Qualitative Side of EnergyWhat is Energy?The Balancing Law: WisdomDivine Wisdom & GeometryThe Boundary & InterfaceBoundary and Open Energy SystemsAwarenessThe BioGeometry MultidimensionalEnergy ModelThe Universal LanguageShifts of Perception in MankindCarl JungFrom Primitive to Ancient ManThe Magical UniverseSubtle Energy Practices of PrimitiveManThe Language of Ancient Man

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Subtle Energy Effect of ShapeAncient EgyptIsis and OsirisMonotheism in Ancient EgyptWhere are the Ancient ‘NTRs’ Today?Lost ConnectionsAncient Egyptian Components of theSoulThe Hidden Dimensions of the HumanArchetypeThe ‘NTRs’ are LostBeginning of Modern ManPowers of Nature NowWhat Can Ancient Egypt Teach US?The Great ShiftMan and Woman are DifferentThe Emergence of Contemporary ManCan We Save Our Planet?

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Spreading the Balancing Energy onCarrier WavesThe Intellect and Perfect BalanceOur Time/Space ConceptThe MonochordResonance and HarmonicsMusic and HarmonicsThe TetractysMusic of the SpheresAncient KnowledgeThe Loss of Ancient KnowledgeContemporary MankindEpilogueAppealAppendicesOverview of the BioGeometry DesignLanguageThe Process of Creating BioSignatures

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BioGeometry Knowledge &ApplicationsAcknowledgement by Ruth SchaadExcerpts from the Study of the MobileRadiation research project in HembergHirscherberg ProjectReferencesTerms Coined & Concepts Introduced byDr. Ibrahim KarimBioGeometry ConceptsGlossaryReferenceBibliographyStudents Testimonials

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List of Illustrations & Images 1. Alchemist - Harmonic Resonance

with Gold2. Swisscom in Baubiologie Magazine3. Khoja Yacoub Al-Khouzamy4. Wavelength produced by pendulum5. Distribution of color on a circle in

Radiesthesia6. Subtle energy forming levels7. Universal qualities within sensory

ranges8. Sensory scales9. Functional diagram of sensory

perception10. All motion creates secondary

compression waves11. Electromagnetic wave vs

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.compression wave12. Electric and magnetic wave

components13. Healthy… horizontal wave

resonance14. Plants convert energy of the sun15. Atmosphere is part of the earth16. Menhir17. Dolmen18. Church and mosque in Luxor temple19. The sacred well of Zamzam in

Mecca20. Medieval dowsers21. French ‘Physical Radiesthesia’

pendulums22. The original Lecher Antenna23. The ACMOS Antenna24. The Luedeling H3 Antenna

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25. A sample of BioGeometry tools26. Refraction of light through a prism27. Radiesthesic color distribution on a

sphere28. Distribution of color in Radiesthesia29. Shape energy emission30. BioGeometry Apple Project31. Salt water irrigation research32. Geometric emitter33. Dome solutions34. Bent Pyramid of Dahshur35. Great Pyramid showing emphasized

indent of sides36. Obelisk37. Mosque minarets38. Beneficent energy vortex39. A sample grid alignment in planning40. Cardo and Decumanus in Alexandria

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Egypt41. Earth Energy Grids crossing42. Benker Cube System43. Medieval Earth Energy Grid survey44. The BioGeometry Energy Key45. Effect of flute on the surrounding air46. 3-D form of the BioGeometry Energy

Key47. Obelisk at the Place de la Concorde,

Paris, France48. Zurich plan49. Sultan Hassan Mosque50. The Giza Pyramids51. From Dolmen to Pyramid52. Saqqara Pyramid53. Alignment of Pyramids to Earth

Energy Zones54. Sacred locations in the sky

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55. Khufu Pyramid shaft emanating BG356. Pyramid shafts linked to sacred

places in the sky57. Sample of Ancient Egyptians

scepters58. Sacred lake in Karnak59. Geometrical shape of the womb60. Ancient Egyptian plane model61. Church of the holy family in

Barcelona62. The God Spot in the brain63. Sacred energy hand position64. The Big Bang65. Beginning of duality66. Simplified model of atom67. Water molecule68. Samples of Interface in architecture69. Mosque with Double Interface

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70. The power of boundary71. Human open energy system72. Multidimensional wave planes73. Jung: categorization of focal shifts of

perception74. Migrating flock of birds75. The use of brain throughout history76. Perspective77. Cave paintings from Altamira78. Weighing of the heart79. Heart (IB in Hieroglyphic)80. The cobra Negative Green position81. Uraeus on forehead82. Horus, Osiris and Isis83. Akhenaton and Nefertiti with sun

symbol of Aton84. The Ouadj used as a pendulum85. Female NTR holding a Ouadj

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scepter86. The stylized Archetypal statue of the

Pharaoh87. Wall reliefs88. BG Archetypal Grid pendant89. Sekhmet90. Dowsing at the Moses Wells91. Perception focus in brain

hemispheres92. The monochord93. Effect of BioGeometry Cube on

water94. The Tetractys95. BG formed numbers96. Earth orbit around the sun* Pictures without numbers are notdirectly referred to in the text. They arethere to complement the topics of the

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book.* Pictures in appendix are not includedin the above list.

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Introduction “I entrust you with the Land of Gold,”were my father’s last words to me on hisdeathbed a few years ago. He was thepioneer of modern architecture in theMiddle East, as well as a famousscholar of Egyptology, spending the lastthirty years of his life writing about theculture behind the greatness of AncientEgypt.

In the Ancient Egyptian language,‘Nub’ was the word for gold. The regionof Nubia, in the southernmost part ofEgypt, was referred to as the ‘Land ofGold’. My father, however, wasspeaking in a different context. He sawall of Egypt as the ‘Land of Gold’. The

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gold he was referring to was not the‘physical gold’ as we know it; butrather, a ‘Spiritual Gold’, one of thethree energy-quality components of the‘One Harmonizing Subtle EnergyQuality’, found in sacred power spots ofhumanity, that we will be referring to as‘BG3’. (I should also note that the word‘sacred’ is not used here in theideological religious context, but ratherin the broader holistic context ofrecurring and now measurable, subtleenergy manifestations of a transcendentdivinity, whose attributes animate ournatural world and existence).

I am a professional architect withequal footing in the Arts and TechnicalSciences. My worldview is a synthesis

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of many fields, and is both holistic andscientifically inquisitive. Through myyears of research I ventured beyond thetraditional uses of shapes and colors,into the experimental study of theirobjective subtle energy effects. I wasable to discover new and fascinatingphenomena; bits and pieces ofinformation that finally fitted togetherlike a jigsaw puzzle and culminated inthe birth of a new type of modernphysics that we now refer to as ‘Physicsof Quality’.

The application of this new scientificapproach to my existing repertoire ofknowledge enabled me to study thesubtle energy principles of architecturein ancient sacred locations, and the

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rituals connected to them. This was thebeginning of an inner spiritual journey tothe essence beyond traditional religiousdoctrines. My repertoire slowly grew tocover a wide array of subtle energysciences in many cultures, to ultimatelyculminate in a new type of science forwhich I coined the name‘BioGeometry®’ in the early seventies.

The science of BioGeometryintroduces a revolutionary approach thatgoes beyond the mainstream scientificview based on quantitativemeasurements, and the boundaries ofwhat can be verified and proven. Forexample, the world was round longbefore we could scientifically prove it!BioGeometry brings to light that which

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has been kept out of our perceivedreality by the confinement of thesenses, to form a broader worldviewthat could guide us back to harmonywith all the laws of nature.

We do not need to re-invent thisworldview; it was there at the beginningof Western Civilization on the oppositeside of a coin from which we havechosen the quantitative criteria to formthe beginning of modern Westernsciences. The qualitative dimension ishowever right there, hidden within ourmodern scientific quantitativeworldview, a view that goes back to theGreek philosophers of whom Pythagorasstands foremost among the founders ofmodern Western Civilization. He is

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regarded as the father of sciences suchas Mathematics, Geometry and MusicalHarmonics. Pythagoras was the first touse the word ‘Philosopher’ to describehimself as a “Lover of Divine Wisdom.”It shows the deep spiritual basis of hisschool, where science and religion werein harmony without the deep chasm thatexists today. However, what he coulddivulge from the qualitative scientificholistic knowledge of Ancient Egypt, hekept for his closest disciples. Thequalitative teachings were based on theknowledge that he had acquired in thetemples of Ancient Egypt, where helived for twenty-two years. Thequantitative scientific teachings ofPythagoras are therefore, rooted in

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hidden qualitative secret knowledge thathas been lost. It is now time to turn thecoin and see the other side; this will takeus to the enigmatic sciences of AncientEgypt through the Physics of Quality inthe science of BioGeometry, whichenables the study of subtle energy effectson life’s systems.

BioGeometry is actually the scienceof detecting the ‘Centering’ orbalancing energy quality of BG3,studying its harmonizing effect innature, and reproducing it using asystem of BioGeometry Harmonics tocreate a design language of shape thatachieves harmony in the inner andouter environment. This qualityincludes an invisible subtle ‘Higher

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Harmonic of Gold’, which is an energyquality that is in resonance with physicalgold. This relationship between gold andspiritual energy was recognized in manyancient cultures and was expressed insacred art. For example, in the paintingsand icons of religious figures we findthem depicted with a golden halo aroundthe head.

We can view BioGeometry as amodern form of alchemy, based on thesubtle energy interactions of geometricalshapes. Ancient alchemy involvedchemical methods performed usingcertain qualities of numbers, letters,astronomy and astrology to produce agrain of physical gold from base metalssuch as antimony or lead.

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The resulting grain of gold producedwas the proof that the energy quality ofthe user had been transformed to a higherlevel that was in resonance with

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physical gold, which would haveindicated the attainment of a high levelof spirituality. This transformation of theuser was part of the process that affectedthe metal, transforming it to physicalgold through ‘Harmonic Resonance’(Fig. 1). In this sense, we can look atBioGeometry as ‘Geometric Alchemy’,because it produces this HigherHarmonic of Gold, among otherqualities, indicating a transformationof the energy quality of all livingenergy systems in its environment.BioGeometry as a modern science basedon a Physics of Quality gave me thenecessary tools to decipher many of thesecrets of ancient cultures. It provided akey to open the doors to the vast

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knowledge of Ancient Egypt. Thisdeeper understanding of their sciences,kept secret in the temples, enables me totake you on a journey into ‘My AncientEgypt’.

A new and remarkable discovery,which my research has yielded, is theability to detect the locations which havethis natural balancing energy quality ofBG3 (we sometimes just refer to it as‘Gold’ for purposes of simplification)not only in the earth, but also in the sky.It is not surprising then, to find that theAncient Egyptians were able to find the‘Gold’ locations in the sky, as they didon earth. They then took it a step further,when they set out to connect the spiritualpower spots in the earth with each other,

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and with those in the sky to form a three-dimensional ‘Gold’ pattern. Theydeveloped geometrical methods in theirbuildings with alignments to thosesacred areas in the sky to connect themto the ones on earth. This theory shedslight on many aspects of AncientEgyptian Architecture, as found intemple and pyramid designs. It is throughBioGeometry that we are trying toresurrect the knowledge of the past anddevelop it to suit our era and create abetter future.

It is my firm belief that life as weknow it on earth, is in real danger ofextinction or destruction unless webecome aware of what lies beneath the‘tip of the iceberg’. If we look beneath,

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we will find the hidden threat which weare just beginning to become aware of.The wider proliferation ofelectromagnetic waves is a hallmark ofthe information age. Numerous studiesare showing the broader detrimentalconsequences of these radiations. Otherstudies confine their scope of inquiry tothe imminent reality required by themarketplace, and insist on the lack of‘hard and real’ evidence of any healthhazards; and that the uncheckedproliferation of electromagneticradiation is completely safe as long asthe existing legal limits are respected.Since there is no going back on theachievements of modern technology, andthere are apparently no other solutions

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until now to reduce the effect of whathas become labeled as ‘electrosmog’,the industrial community has chosen tostick to the lack of ‘hard and real’evidence of any threat.

Swisscom, the main mobilecommunication provider in Switzerland,ignited a spark of positive changetowards this attitude. After being part ofa BioGeometry solution in the area ofHemberg, St. Gallen in Switzerland, theysupported our theory which states thatresonance among all electromagneticsources (such as high tension cables,television and radio transmission, housecurrents, electrical appliances and alsoearth radiation), create a harmfulsituation in which all sources play a

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role, but none can solely be heldresponsible. A new source like a mobilecommunication tower can be like thedrop of water that causes the barrel tooverflow, becoming then only a part ofthe totality of the harmful situation inwhich the individual sources have minorroles. This theory, which is based on myexperience and successful results in theSwiss projects, was acknowledged in anopen letter by Swisscom in Baubiologiemagazine (Fig. 2).

I would like to share with you thissuccess story, quoting a Swissnewspaper as an example from the widemedia coverage; “An Egyptian Saves anEastern Swiss Village from Electrosmogin an Unconventional Way.” Through the

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use of BioGeometry, we were able toreduce the harmful effect of electrosmogand restore ecological harmony to theSwiss village of Hemberg. This isconcrete proof of the success of thepractical application of BioGeometry insolving environmental problems. Thesuccess of our work in Hemberg waswidely covered by the Swiss Germanmedia, which prompted the governmentto consider a nationwide solution that isstill in debate. However, the localcantons (states) could not wait, and wewere commissioned by the localgovernment to apply a BioGeometrysolution to the area of Hirschberg in thecanton of Appenzell. The Appenzellproject was covered by Swiss National

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Television step by step, and was airedas a documentary that acknowledged thesuccess of the project, and noted thesustained satisfaction of the residents ofthe village of Hemberg (the firstproject), two years after theBioGeometry solution was implemented.Restoring harmony in environmentspolluted by electrosmog had become afeasible reality, when the small Swissvillage of Hemberg became the firstgrain of ‘Gold’ in modern times.

Baubiologie Reader’s BriefFrom an interview with Dr. IbrahimKarim, issue 01/2004, page 11.BioGeometry in

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Hemberg:Mobile communication is not theonly cause!In “Baubiology” Bulletin, April’sissue, Dr. Ibrahim Karim wasasked about the potential of thescience of BioGeometry which hedeveloped.Reading through the introduction,you will find that Dr. Karimmanaged to relieve the inhabitantsof Hemberg, SG, “from the harmfulside effects of the mobilecommunication antenna”.Moreover, the article describedBioGeometry as “a technique toharmonize mobile radiation” and“to help victims of mobile

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radiation”.The readers tend to believe that themobile communication antenna inHemberg is causing healthproblems.Dr. Karim, on the contrary, has adifferent perspective regarding thesituation in Hemberg. He suggested,from the beginning, that the problemwas cauded by all electricalsources as well as earth radiationin addition to the electromagneticfields of the mobile communicationantenna, which was as in thesaying, “the drop that spilled thewater from the glass”. Dr. Karimexpressed this point of viewrepeatedly in every meeting. By the

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fact that he successfully solved theproblem, Dr. Karim confirmed histhesis that all electrical sourcesalongside earth radiations causedpart of the disturbances in additionto mobile tower radiation. Dr.Karim, Architect by profession,graduate of the renowned F.I.T.Zurich, Switzerland, announced thisin most of his press interviews,such as “Toggenburger” (issued in29.August 2003), “Linth-Zeitung”(issued in 28.October 2003) andalso in public presentations.The residents are happy that,through the help of Dr. Karim, thecomplaints of the afflicted personshave been reduced. It is important

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to understand that the disturbancesare due to a combination of variousbad effects arising from differentsources of electromagneticradiation.By Eng. Jurg Studerus, SwisscomMobile Environment Fig. 2—Official translation

from German of Swisscom openletter to Baubiologie Magazine

In Ancient Egypt, we find indicationseverywhere that the Egyptians hadachieved this harmony on a large scaleand turned Egypt into the ‘Land ofGold’. The Greek historian Herodotus,who visited Egypt in the fifth centuryB.C., commented that the Egyptians were

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“the healthiest, happiest and mostreligious people he had everencountered.” My father, on his deathbedat the age of ninety-five was constantlydrifting back and forth between ourphysical reality and other dimensions.He drifted sometimes to his belovedAncient Egypt and perceived his ‘Landof Gold’ in its full spiritual and materialsplendor.

One cannot find what has been lost ifone doesn’t know what to look for. Wecould not imagine that the AncientEgyptians performed delicate brainsurgery five thousand years ago, until wewere able to perform such operationsourselves in modern medicine. It istherefore, through the achievements of

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BioGeometry and the development of itstechniques that we will go into thefuture, while unlocking the secrets of thepast. We will understand how theworldview of Ancient Egypt had anequal footing in both the quantitativeand the qualitative aspects of science.Looking to Pythagoras as the bridge thatled to Western Civilization, we can tryto find again the knowledge that has beenleft behind. If the knowledge that camethrough in an incomplete, unbalancedform has led to our great ModernCivilization, we cannot even begin toimagine what we can achieve when webring over the rest.

It is my firm conviction that once weapply this knowledge, we can Humanize

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Modern Technology.

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Three Friends along the WayExcerpts from Personal Journal, January 1, 1999 I woke up this morning, on New Year’sDay, with tears in my eyes and sadnessin my heart. I had gone to bed justbefore dawn, a dream woke me up earlyin the morning. The dream, or ‘astraljourney’, that awoke me was a visit Iwas paying to Dr. Khalil Messiha’sfamily. I spoke to his son Hanna, whomwe call Janno, who told me somethingabout the cemetery where his fatherwas laid to rest, and showed me somelines written in a small notebooktelling them about things related to ourteachings, that they should ask meabout. When I woke up I learned that

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Dr. Khalil had died just beforemidnight. I went to pay my respect tohis family and could not stay very long,as I was so full of grief that I could notfind the strength to speak. Dr. KhalilMessiha was my teacher, friend andcompanion along the way in a never-ending journey. He died unexpectedly,without any previous ailments. It was aterrible shock to his family and friends.His departure was a great loss to allthose seekers that he took along theway. Although we didn’t meet much inthe later days of his life, there was aspiritual bond between us that was verystrong. We were actually three alongthe way, Dr. Fawzi Soliman being thethird person in this unity. He was in

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fact the first, because it all started withhim. Let me take you on a journey downmemory lane.

When I came back from Switzerlandin 1969, I was appointed as aconsultant to the Minister of Health,Dr. Mahmoud Mahfouz (a great thinkerand scientific philosopher, who alsoplayed a major role in my life, and hasalways put his weight and scientificcredibility behind my achievements inBioGeometry). Dr. Fawzi Soliman, whowas at the time Director of the Museumof Ancient Egyptian Medicine,approached me one day without anyprevious acquaintance, and asked me ifI could be in charge of the renovationof the museum. It was in the Sakakiny

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Palace, a historical building which thegovernment had taken from theSakakiny family and converted into amuseum. Dr. Fawzi had asked theMinister of Health to let me handle thework, but the Minister had refused,saying that I was too busy at that timewith a USAID project (upgrading thedeteriorated health centers anddesigning new ones), and referred himto another consultant.

Dr. Fawzi did not know anythingabout me except my name. We hadnever actually met, but he knew that noone else should do the renovation butme. That day, he approached me as Iwas going down the main staircase atthe entrance to the Ministry of Health,

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and he asked me if I was the architectIbrahim Karim? When I said “yes,” herequested that I ask the Minister to letme do the restoration and upgrading ofthe museum. He told me that it was veryimportant for him that I, and no oneelse, do it. Then all of a sudden, he tookaside, in a very secretive way, andopened his briefcase to show me somestrange wooden objects. At first I didnot know what they were? It turned outthey were instruments of‘Radiesthesia’, developed by theFrench physicists Chaumery and deBélizal. I did not even know what theterm ‘Radiesthesia’ meant at that time.He explained that it was a ‘scientificform of Dowsing’, but because I knew

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nothing about it, I was very skeptical.Nevertheless, I was intrigued and wentto the Minister and insisted on doingthe museum renovation.

We decided to meet the next day onFriday, our day off, so we could haveenough time to look at the museum. As Ientered the Sakakiny Palace, I feltreally sad at how the government hadneglected it. There was nobody therebut Dr. Fawzi. We sat in his office, andhe started again telling me aboutRadiesthesia. Later on, we were joinedby his close friend Dr. Khalil Messiha.The three of us sat that day discussingRadiesthesia and different Ancientknowledge. I was very skeptical asmany of the explanations did not fit

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into my mainstream scientific way ofthinking or my background as anEngineer. It just was inexplicable byany of the theories of Physics that I hadstudied at university. I asked aboutsome scientific literature. Dr. Khalilgave me the names of some old Frenchbooks written in the thirties and fortiesby authors like Chaumery and deBélizal, Turenne, Enel and others. Hetold me that these books might still befound at the ‘Maison de laRadiesthésie’ in Paris, France. Thiswas the beginning of my journey, with asign every day to guide me along theway.

A few days later, the Minister ofHealth sent me on an official

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assignment to Paris. This was amilestone in a journey that took me tothe ‘Maison de la Radiesthésie’. At theMaison de la Radiesthésie, MadameLambert, the owner, gave me as apresent all the old books andinstruments of the PhysicalRadiesthesia school, which includedthe works of Turenne, Chaumery, deBélizal, Voillaume, among others. Thistreasure opened my eyes to a wholenew world and was the foundation uponwhich I built and developed a veryprecise scientific system of PhysicalRadiesthesia, which I labeled‘BioGeometry’.

From that time on, the three of us,Dr. Fawzi, Dr. Kahlil and I, were

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inseparable. I would finish work at theMinistry in the evening, go to myarchitectural office and then off to Dr.Khalil’s house. We would stay uptalking and experimenting till very lateat night. His wife, Marguerite, afterputting the children to bed would bringus tea and cakes, and go to sleepleaving us to our research. Other times,we would go to Dr. Fawzi’s clinic afterhis patients left, and the three of uswould work together. I became soobsessed that when I went home Idiligently researched everythingrelated to Ancient Knowledge,Radiesthesia and alternativedisciplines.

Dr Khalil and Dr Fawzi took me into

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their inner circles where I became partof a very special group of friends.There was Ammo (uncle) Wadie Girgis,as we called him; a healer who used toblow the disturbed energy away fromthe body and with his deterioratingeyesight, he could actually see better inthe spirit world than in the physicalone! We also went to meetings at Dr.Fouad Wissa’s house. There, I met Dr.Raouf Obeid, a professor of law, andthe well known author of the trilogy,‘Al Insan Roh La Gasad’ (The HumanBeing is a Soul Not a Body). My friendsalso took me with them to the weeklyFriday meetings at the CopticPatriarchy to join a very select esotericgroup studying with Anba Gregorious,

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the Cardinal responsible for scientificresearch in the Coptic Church. I wasthe only Muslim allowed in this group,to which even Copts were not permittedunless the Anba Gregorious himselfinvited them. From the very first day, Ideveloped a special relationship withthe Anba and we were honored to begranted several private meetings withhim, where we discussed variousspiritual teachings and energy-relatedtopics. Dr. Khalil also introduced me tothe Society for Ancient Wisdom,originally the Theosophical Society,which in typical Egyptian tradition wasa closed group with only fourteenmembers at the time.

I got married on the 14th of

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December 1974; early next morning,Dr. Khalil called me, he was veryexcited and said that the famous Copticseer from Luxor `Khoja Yacoub Al-Khouzamy’ was in Cairo for a day, andthat we had been granted the rareopportunity to visit him. Dr. Khalil sawthis timing as a blessing to mymarriage, he felt that such animportant visit would play a major rolein my life. We took Rawya (my wife)with us that morning, and we went tomeet him. Khoja Yacoub told us manystories, I felt that he was telepathicallyconveying a lot of information, as hewould stop speaking and stare at mewith huge wide open eyes. I receivedimportant clues to certain knowledge

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during that day, but I only understoodmany of those hidden messages as theyunfolded with time. This was amemorable day in my life. Whathappened in that meeting will be partof an autobiography, which I havestarted, and which only God knowswhen I will finish. Dr. Khalil later drewa portrait of the master from Luxor andgave it to me (Fig. 3).

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As the years passed by, I met less withDr. Fawzi and more with Dr. Khalil, aswe were founders of the ImhotepScientific Society, along with Dr. YahyaHamza Koshak, a Saudi Engineer whowanted to bring the Egyptianpractitioners of the alternativesciences under one roof, around twenty

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years ago. Dr. Yahya, traveled aroundthe world bringing back all the latestliterature and equipment that he couldfind. Many of our old friends along theway who are great guides, healers,yogis and spiritual teachers, joined thesociety, and thus gave the membersrich and diverse teachings. Dr. Khalil,however, was the main force behind theteaching. He held courses inRadiesthesia regularly, and taughtmany practitioners throughout theyears. His older son, Dawoud, workedas an architect in my office for manyyears, and taught the foundationcourses in Radiesthesia at ourBioGeometry Center, while his youngerson, Janno, was manufacturing some of

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our instruments. As time went by, mywork in tourism planning for the RedSea area took me away from Cairo, andprevented me from taking part in theImhotep Society or in our groupmeetings, which was something Imissed so much. Circumstances mademy path an individual, lonely one, and Iconducted my research alone,experimenting in my architecturalprojects, which developed into thescience of ‘BioGeometry’.

Dr Khalil suggested that we startholding lectures for the foreigncommunity in Egypt to introduce themto the science of Radiesthesia, whichwe considered a valuable key tounlocking the Ancient Knowledge. We

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started our weekly Monday lectures atmy office in Maadi, a southern suburbof Cairo, home to most of the foreigncommunity living in Egypt. Later on,we started the Arabic lectures onTuesdays. We always gave two lectures,Dr. Khalil gave the first one and I gavethe second one. Our way of teachingwas holistic; along a path of spiritualdevelopment on an inner levelachieving a unity of religion. The factthat the teachers were one Coptic andthe other Muslim emphasized the unitybetween Muslims and Christians. Wespent many years giving joint lectures,seminars, and courses. It was goodbeing back together again.

In the eighties, I became advisor to

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the Minister of Scientific Research, Dr.Adel Ezz. It was thanks to him that I gotthe opportunity to introduceBioGeometry to the scientificcommunity and patented theBioGeometry Design Language ofShapes. I was then appointed head of aresearch group in the new science ofBioGeometry, at the National ResearchCenter. In this research group, Imanaged to bring in Dr. KhalilMessiha, and Dr. Soheir Mahfouz(daughter of Dr. Mahmoud Mahfouz,the former Minister of Health withwhom it had all started), as part of theteam. Although we only met twice aweek, and sometimes on Thursdayswhen I went to lecture at the Imhotep

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Society, I felt we were back togetheragain, as in the old days.

Radiesthesia in Egypt is thousands ofyears old. In the 1940-50s there wereseveral great Radiesthesists in Egypt(for example, Enel, who publishedseveral books in Egypt & France), butit is Dr. Khalil Messiha who willalways be remembered as the firstteacher of ‘Modern ScientificRadiesthesia’ to a wider audience inEgypt in our present time. We did somuch research and contact with thespirit world together, that we willsurely continue the work wherever hemay be, which could only be in aspiritual place fit for such a master.Until we meet, may God bless you, dear

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teacher and friend, and help yourfamily to overcome this great loss.

In the spring of 2001, while I wasgiving a seminar in the United States, Ilearned of the departure of Dr. FawziSoliman. I remembered the day we hadsat together and shed tears when Dr.Khalil died, and that day I shed mytears alone when I learned of hisdeparture. May God bless him in hisjourney to where the three of us willmeet again someday.

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Radiesthesia in my Life My story cannot be complete without my‘French experience’. As mentioned inmy journal, a few days after I met withDr Khalil and Dr Fawzi and they talkedabout the origin of the scientific form ofRadiesthesia (not to be confused withthe popular psychic method ofDowsing), the Minister of Health sentme on an official assignment to Paris.

At the ‘Maison de la Radiesthésie’ Iasked for scientific books onRadiesthesia, particularly the works ofChaumery and de Bélizal, Turenne, andEnel. I was told that the books were outof print and no longer available. Iinsisted and explained that I needed them

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for scientific research. The young man atthe counter said, “Science will get younowhere, Radiesthesia is a psychicpractice; you must ask yoursubconscious with the pendulum.” Anelderly lady sitting behind the counterstood up and asked me where I camefrom. When I said “Egypt,” sheintroduced herself as Madame Lambertand said, “We have been waiting foryou. You have been in Paris for fourdays already, why didn’t you comeearlier? A lady healer has been callingfive times a day asking where is theEgyptian?” That healer was JaquelineDebeaux, a well known herbal doctor,naturopath, radiesthesist, and clairvoyanthealer, but most importantly she was to

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become a very dear and close friend.Madame Lambert told me that her late

husband Monsieur Lambert was afamous Radiesthesist of the mentalpsychic school, and that she hadpersonally known Chaumery and deBélizal as they were friends of herhusband. She said that the tragic death ofChaumery marked the end to the era ofthose pioneers, and that of the scientificschool was abandoned for the morepopular psychic practice. MadameLambert said that, if the Ancient Physicswas to be revived, the person to do itmust be an Egyptian, and as an architectversed in geometrical shapes I wasdestined to do that. She had her assistantbring a huge stack of old dust-covered

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books from the cellar, which she insistedthat I take as a present because shebelieved that I would revive anddevelop the Physical School ofRadiesthesia1 which was a legacy ofAncient Egypt.During my architectural studies inZurich, I acquired a special interest intheories of colors and shapes through theworks of Muller2 and Goethe, inparticular. What I found in the books ofRadiesthesia did not fit in with any ofthese theories. However, I felt that thereis something there, and this challengedmy inquisitive nature. I started studyingthe books given to me with great fervor,and found that although the methodologyworked fine, there were scientific

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explanations missing. I realized that thependulum used in Radiesthesia work isnot just a weight on a string, but aprecise measuring tool related to amusical string (If we fix a string at onepoint and add a weight at the other end itwill behave and resonate exactly like amusical string according to the laws ofHarmonics) (Fig. 4).

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I realized that string theories, in musicand physics, played a major role in thescience of Radiesthesia. I had spent partof my youth studying classical piano, atthe Tigermann Music Conservatory inCairo, and had some experience in thesubject. I went back to explore theories

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of music and harmonics; this is wherePythagoras came in for me. I discoveredthe science of Ancient Harmonicsthrough his work, and expanded mystudy from there on with the works ofHans Kayser, Hans Jenny and others.From the theory of harmonics, I managedto understand the whole concept ofstrings and developed my own scientificmethod of Physical Radiesthesia inBioGeometry. I then combined this workwith my architecture studies and adaptedthis new tool of measurement to studythe subtle energy criteria of historicmonuments and locations. Thecombination of these new methods, withthe theories of the science of AncientHarmonics, where numbers are regarded

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as qualities, enabled the development ofthe science of ‘BioGeometryHarmonics’. In BioGeometryHarmonics, the balancing subtle energyquality produces a system of numbers,proportions and angles which play animportant part in the design principles ofBioGeometry, that we apply inarchitecture and all other forms ofdesign. Before we go into the science ofBioGeometry, I would like to introduceyou to what we refer to in this book asthe ‘One Harmonizing Subtle EnergyQuality’ and its three components, theBG3 quality.

Scariatin, a Russian who lived inEgypt around 1940-1950, wrote severalbooks under the pseudonym Enel, and

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developed instruments based on theUniversal Pendulum of Chaumery and deBélizal, which he used to detect thequality of energy components emanatingfrom the tombs of Christian saints inEgypt. He wrote his first book onRadiesthesia: ‘Premiers Pas enRadiesthésie Thérapeutique’. The bookwas published in Cairo, Egypt, by DarAl-Ma‘aref publishing house in 1949.By coincidence, or higher guidance, thisis the same government ownedpublishing house that half a century latersupported the cause of BioGeometry,and was making available theBioGeometry products through theirchain of bookstores all over Egypt.

While he was researching the tombs of

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Egyptian Christian Saints, Enel foundthat they all emanated a certain quality ofvibration within the range of what wecall ‘Negative Green’. Negative Greenis a carrier wave quality that has verystrong communication properties on allsubtle energy levels in nature, and is adoorway to other dimensions. Enellabeled this energy quality ‘Omega’. Inthe qualitative color scale ofRadiesthesia, Omega is part of theHorizontal Negative Green range, in thegray area between white and black,opposite to the green. Enel concludedthat the presence of this Omega energyindicated the presence of spiritualenergy that reflected the spiritualattainment of the saints (Fig. 5).

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Knowing that the tombs of those saintswere within ancient church complexesthat were usually built on sacred powerspots in ancient times, I started checkingif this energy quality was also present inall sacred places and subtle energypower spots in nature, regardless ofwhether they enclosed tombs of saints ornot. I found that the Ancient Egyptian

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temples, with their sacred lakes,emanated a strong Horizontal NegativeGreen. This energy quality was strongestin the central and holiest chamber of thetemple, and in the natural spring orsacred lake usually found in suchlocations. Old churches and mosquesgave similar results, as attested to byseveral researchers and authors3. All thepower spots that I tested around theworld, whether they had old buildingson them or not, showed the samequalities. Horizontal Negative Greenwas then a good way of detecting powerspots with this special beneficent energyquality, whether deemed sacred byhumanity or not.

Enel’s work got me started on the

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search for the other components ofspiritual energy because I realized thatby reproducing only the HorizontalNegative Green energy qualitygeometrically, we were unable toreproduce the full spectrum of thespiritual quality found in sacred powerspots. It took many years of research todiscover the other two components. Atthe end, I found that they were soobvious and had been in front of my eyesall along.

The second of these components wasan energy quality that we find at dawn:the Higher Harmonic of Ultraviolet. Thisis the realm where angels manifest andmany spiritual rituals take place. Thethird component was even more

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obvious; and that was the ‘HigherHarmonic of Gold’. As an artist, I wasaware of the symbolism of the goldenhalo or golden aura around the heads ofsaints as depicted in religious art inmany cultures. However, it neveroccurred to me that with gold in my handI could resonate with the spiritual subtleenergy quality and detect it that way.

The ‘One Harmonizing Subtle EnergyQuality’ was finally detectable throughits three subtle energy components andso I labeled it ‘BG3’. Now at last, I wasable to develop design principles thatcould resonate with and reproduce theharmonizing energy quality as found inbeneficent power spots in nature.

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The BioGeometry Worldview BioGeometry, the design language ofshapes, is the proprietary science4 ofusing the energy principles ofBioGeometry to amplify an energyquality manifest in nature that is foundin the centers of all energy patterns ofshape. This subtle energy quality is atthe core of the forming process in nature,and is responsible for maintaining theharmony within energy structures of allsystems (animate and inanimate), andproviding balance among the differentmanifest energy qualities of thecomponents of the overall patterns ofthat system (Fig. 6).

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In BioGeometry, we have developedproprietary shapes and designprinciples that we use to replicate andamplify this highly beneficial naturalsubtle energy quality. The shapesinteract with the body’s own surroundingenergy fields, according to the naturallaws of harmonics and resonance tointroduce the energy quality balancing

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effect to the body’s subtle energy system,and the harmonization of energyinteractions with the environment. Inorder to understand how the applicationof the science of BioGeometry canharmonize the energy qualities of theenvironment, we have to shift into theBioGeometry Qualitative Worldview.

The BioGeometry worldview is asynthesis of the energy qualities of aspace, it encompasses what we can andcannot perceive; it is a holistic view thatdoes not differentiate between what isvisible and what is not. This outlook isbased primarily on practicalmeasurements of the energy quality ofinteractions according to an abstractPhysics of Quality, and applied

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according to a sophisticated system ofBioGeometry Harmonics, whichintegrates the metaphysical with thephysical, the material with thespiritual, and the sensory with theextra-sensory, in a harmonious unity.

BioGeometry is a science of quality.When we speak about a science ofquality, we are referring to a sciencewhich studies how different things affecteach other on an unperceivable, subtleenergy level. Qualities have traditionallybeen seen as subjective as in the fieldsof Humanities and Arts. In the science ofBioGeometry, we show an inner level toqualities that can be used in anobjective, scientific manner.

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Qualitative scales ofmeasurement The scientific study and application ofquality is based on Qualitative Scales ofMeasurement. What we mean byqualitative measurements can best beunderstood if we take an analogy fromcooking; for example, a recipe might saya quarter teaspoon of salt; that’squantitative. Our taste buds react andsend an impulse to the brain and we say,“too salty”, that is qualitative criteria.All sensory perceptions of color, sound,smell, and touch are based on qualitativemeasurements. Although these qualitiesmanifest in different forms with eachsense and beyond, they are based on

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the same set of subtle energy effectsthat we can regard as the abstractuniversal qualities at the core of eachsense. We can then use color, sound,touch, etc…, as a scale to express theabstract transcendental qualities beyondtheir respective ranges in all vibratoryranges, whether perceived or not. In thisway, everything in the universe can becategorized according to those abstracttranscendental universal qualities (Fig.7). Thus they become scales ofqualitative measurement.

The units of a scale of quality are notabstract quantitative values, butqualitative attributes based onunperceived, yet viable effects on subtleenergy systems. In order to study the

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effect of these unperceived attributes onenergy systems, we need to choose anattribute that manifests within ourperceptual range and beyond.

If we take colors for example, weperceive a range of colors between redand violet. We know, however, that ondifferent frequencies that we cannotperceive, there are ranges of what wecall ultraviolet and infrared. Moderntechnology has made us able to use these

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unperceived frequencies. Theseattributes, whether they are color, musicor others, follow the natural laws andhave a scale that manifests within ourp e r c e p t i o n; but as qualitativemeasurement scales, they can also beapplied beyond their respective rangesto represent abstract universalqualities that manifest throughout thevibratory ranges. Similarly, we canhave scales derived from otherqualitative attributes (Fig. 8).

Different cultures and traditionstypically choose different scales, likedifferent languages. We have qualitativescales based on polarity (like in theChinese yin-yang), and others based onqualities related to the earth magnetic

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coordinates and expressed as the fiveelements of the Chinese Bagua(compass), or the four elements found inmany other traditions.

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Physics of Quality In the process of deciphering laws thatgovern the qualitative interactions ofenergy systems, a Physics of Qualityemerged to explain the commonabstract essential qualities behind thesenses, which produces our selectivelylimited perceived reality from thetotality of the existing vibratoryranges. There are different laws thatgovern our perception of sound, color,shape, etc… On the qualitative level,however, there are universal laws thatgovern everything in the absolutereality, including all those seeminglydifferent sense perceptions that showtheir underlying unity.

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Our brain is capable of processingthese stimuli through different scales.Electromagnetic waves reflected onobjects enter our eyes and stimulate theoptic nerves, sound waves enter our earsand stimulate another set of nerves.Minute electrical signals travel along thenerves from our eyes and ears, to reachthe sensory perception parts of ourbrain. One part of our brain translatesthe signals into colors, and another parttranslates them into sounds. They are alltranslations of the same type ofelectrical impulses in the nerve,resulting from the effect of differenttypes of waves captured by our sensoryorgans (Fig. 9). The different scalestake all sensory information into the

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meaning level, and put them all togetherto form a three-dimensional reality ofshapes, colors, sounds, smell, taste andtouch. This translation of the samenervous stimuli into different sensoryperceptions with the same transcendentalqualities means that we can find in everylaw applicable to one sense an aspectthat is universally applicable to the othersenses. In other words, we can actuallyuse any law that we apply for one senseto have a deeper understanding of theother senses and the common set ofabstract qualities behind all the senses.In a broader manner, the sensoryscales are interchangeable. A musicalnote like Do/C can be induced bydifferent musical string lengths (i.e.,

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wavelengths) and has the same qualityof effect on us as the color red. Thebrain translates the same effects on thenerves through different scales. If weapply the laws of harmonics, such asresonance to the sensory perceptions,they would also extend and beapplicable to all ranges beyond themcovering the totality of absolute reality.

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If we take the abstract commontranscendental quality manifested as thered color in the visual range as anexample, we find that it repeats itself inall vibratory ranges from zero to infinity.A human ear can hear more than tenoctaves between the lowest and thehighest tone. Our visible color rangehowever, is limited to only one octave,from red to violet (Infrared andultraviolet are not visible). Because ofthis limitation, we do not speak ofResonance in color. If our eyes couldsee more than one color octave, and inmusic hear only one octave, then wewould be speaking of Resonance incolor, and not in music. All are the samelaws; what applies to one, will apply to

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all.The phenomenon of Resonance also

extends to perception of shape andmotion. When a prehistoric primitiveman or an aboriginal shaman imitated theshape or motion of an animal, he createdResonance of Shape and Resonance ofMotion. This resonance through shapeand motion achieves unity, or tuning inwith the subtle energy qualities of theanimal on the vitality, emotional andmental levels. In other words, heacquired the personality and character ofthat animal.

What does Resonance do and howdoes it work? Resonance is not limitedto any range or dimension and covers alltypes of energy. Two fields in resonance

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become a copy of each other; both areaffected. This effect is not bound byconventional time and space limits; forexample, even though we are taught thatnothing can move faster than the speed oflight, this however, as the followingexperiment shows, is not always thecase.

At the annual congress of the Psi-Tagen (Para-Psychology) in Basel in2001, I attended a demonstration of theGerman Mind World Institute, in whichthey used brain tracers (a device tomeasure and analyze brain waves), onvolunteers to show how the brain wavesare affected when people interact. Theypresented a very interesting experimentthey had conducted in Germany:

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Researchers hooked brain tracers thatwere linked to synchronized computerson two people physically located about300 kilometers apart. The subjects kneweach other, but had no close relationship.A picture was used to initiate telepathicconnection. Changes in the brain waveactivity were recorded by the computers.The surprising results showed that therewas no time lapse; the second subjectwas affected at the exact same momentwhen the first subject was shown thepicture. The fact that both subjects werei n f l u e n c e d simultaneously andinstantaneously while separated by agreat distance challenges scientificallyaccepted theories by indicating thattelepathic interactions can actually move

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faster than the speed of light.Such experiments have led to new

theories proclaiming that some types ofwaves which do not travel at a constantspeed, can in some cases, actually movefaster than light. Let us look at it in avery simplified form: Any type ofmotion produces turbulence around it,just like the waves you see on both sidesof a moving boat or those created bydropping a stone in water (Fig.10).

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Leonardo Da Vinci had shown (in the15th Century) that when he stirred aliquid in a bucket the spiralingcompression waves would increase inspeed towards the periphery or thecenter, depending on how one stirred.These are compression waves just like

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sound waves, but outside the audiblerange. They move along the direction ofmotion and are therefore calledlongitudinal waves. Any form of motioncreates such waves in its surroundings.Accordingly, the motion ofelectromagnetic waves will also createturbulence in the form of longitudinalor compression waves. Althoughelectromagnetic waves travel at thefixed speed of light, the compressionwaves they produce travel at differentspeeds through the environment (Fig.11).

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Dr. Konstantin Meyl5, a main authorityin the field of Scalar waves (a type oflongitudinal compression waves),asserts that, under certain conditions,these waves can move faster than thespeed of light.

Dr. Meyl explains the nature of EarthEnergy Grids and other forms of EarthRadiation as Scalar waves, and assertsthat the detection methods of dowsingare based on our sensitivity to thosewaves. He also explains that the

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persisting harmful effect fromelectromagnetic radiation in theatmosphere, which we label‘electrosmog’, is due to those waves.The Russian school of scientists speaksof longitudinal Torsion waves withsimilar properties, but on a minuteenergy level6.

All forms of longitudinal wavesinteract with shapes in several ways asin the science of acoustics, but on levelsbeyond the audible range. In his researchon Greek temples, Dr. Meyl shows thatlongitudinal waves play an importantrole in the quality of architecture anddesign. He calculated the Scalar wavelength emitted by the temples and foundthat temples dedicated to the same gods

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emanated similar wave lengths. He sawthat as an ancient form ofcommunication. If we take this matterfurther, we find that the ancients lookedat all energies as alive, a concept that isbeing revived by many modernresearchers. The temple in that senseemanated the living subtle energyquality of the god to whom it wasdedicated.

Energy has properties of motion thatare far beyond our ability to measuretoday. Here we are breaking theboundaries of our known concepts ofenergy. When dealing with the lawsgoverning energy quality interactions,we find that they are not confined to thelaws of time and space as we know

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them. On the mental and emotionalplanes of vibration for example, we finddifferent time-space concepts, and so thespeed of light is not relevant.

The Unified Field Theory, whichseeks to find the common form of energybehind the four known types: Gravity,Electromagnetism, Weak Nuclear Forcesand Strong Nuclear Forces, is onlyaddressing the limited physicaldimensions. Other levels of energy suchas emotional, mental and spiritual arenot included.

In a holistic view, where everything isenergy, all levels, types and dimensionsare in communication through resonance,and have to be taken into consideration.We will find that the unifying force

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could actually be on a much higher levelthan the physical dimension. In thequalitative paradigm, however, whereeverything in the universe with all itsdimensions from zero to infinity areinterconnected, we have to look for theunifying force from a totally differentperspective. Dr. Claude Swanson,Physicist, MIT & Princeton, hasdeveloped a very interesting holisticmultidimensional model of the universewhere everything that has been left out ofmodern physics, such as the paranormal,time travel or multiple dimensions, has aplace7.

Any energy system has energeticcenters. In the human being, these spiralwheel-like energy centers have become

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known as chakras. Likewise, the earthalso has such energy centers, many ofwhich we know as sacred power spotsor special healing locations. In theenergy pattern of a shape, a center bydefinition is a point with no time andspace. This would be like thetranscendental center within the point atwhich we need to fix the arm of acompass to draw a perfect circle. Thequality of the energy found at thecenter of these energetic vortices is thetranscendental energy quality that weidentify as the ‘One HarmonizingSubtle Energy Quality’ and refer to inBioGeometry as ‘BG3’.

In BioGeometry, we have extensivelystudied the properties of these centers

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and are able, through the application ofBioGeometry Principles and the‘BioGeometry Harmonic System ofDesign’, to recreate and amplify in anyshape this special Centering andbalancing subtle energy quality. This‘Centering’ effect transforms the wholeshape to become its own center, and onanother level, radiates this harmonizingenergy quality into the surroundingenvironment.

When we perceive a problem from aBioGeometry outlook, we look at it froma multidimensional perspective to assessthe total quality of energy interactions.Abnormal phenomena such as, sharksventuring into shores and reefs, ormigrating birds losing their way, are

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good examples of the imbalances thatcause the disturbance of natural energiesand forces in those situations. As weview these sorts of problems, ourunderstanding and use of BioGeometryPrinciples enable us to detect the typesof essential balancing energies needed torestore the natural state of balance andharmony.

BioGeometry deals with pure energyinteractions through qualitative harmonicrelationships, beyond the boundaries oftime and space in a multi-dimensionalperspective. For many people,BioGeometry seems to deal with somany diverse and what might seemtotally unrelated fields. We not only useBioGeometry in different traditional

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fields of architecture and design (townplanning, design construction, modifyingexisting buildings, landscaping andfurniture design etc…), but also innontraditional disciplines related tobuilding, such as the location and studyof the Earth Energy Grids, or the energyquality analysis of sacred power spots,and related religious rituals. We canalso use BioGeometry in the design ofthe shapes of devices of moderntechnology (such as cellular phones,computers, etc…), in order to reduce theharmful side effects of electromagneticradiation on the subtle energy level. Theuse of BioGeometry produces a specialkind of energy balance that has proven tobe very supportive to orthodox as well

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as complementary medicine, as it addsto it the inner and outer environmentalqualitative balance. In agriculturalresearch, it has proven to be aneconomically effective method ofincreasing productivity, reducingpesticides and prolonging shelf-life.BioGeometry work has presented viablesolutions to many environmentalproblems, particularly those caused bydifferent forms of electrosmog.

What does all this mean? What does abuilding or a computer have to do withreligious ritual or healing? Today, in alldisciplines and sciences where morethan one level of man is taken intoconsideration, the science or disciplineis considered holistic. Being holistic

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from a Physics of Quality andBioGeometry perspective means that ithas a place in any discipline, no matterhow absurd that may seem, because ifwe cannot apply it to everything, then itcannot be holistic in the universal sense.

An interesting example that couldclarify the universality of theBioGeometry holistic approach wouldbe in taking an abstract scientificapproach to spiritual or religiousactivities; through the study of the subtleenergy-quality interactions at the core ofrituals from a BioGeometry perspective.This gives us an unusual, and yet, verypractical approach, based onexperimental analysis and measurementof the quality of energy interaction. In

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other words, an abstract spiritualenergy-based viewpoint that is beyondspecific religious doctrines. As anexample, we can study a ritual fromIslam, Christianity, Judaism, or AncientEgypt, without the specific belief systemattached to it, since each of these ritualscan have the same energetic goal. Allare just different ways to access a stateof ‘Centering’ that forms a perfect subtleenergy balancing quality that is theessence of the harmony at the heart of allspiritual activities. Belief adds asubjective, psychological quality toenhance the main harmonizing effect,which is purely an abstract energyquality. We will therefore use the wordenergy, from now on, in its qualitative

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aspect.In order to better understand the

results of the application of the scienceof BioGeometry, we can refer to theofficially published and documentedSwiss electrosmog projects8, whichhighlight how the use of BioGeometryhas been able to harmonize the subtleenergy qualities of the environment andreduce the harmful side effects ofelectromagnetic radiation in differentparts of Switzerland, with results thathave been described by the media as“miraculous”. The BioGeometry way oflooking at life will certainly challengeyour intellect. We will use this expandedholistic energy quality worldview evenfurther, to decipher the secrets of the

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Ancient Egyptian Civilization in anunorthodox way that I refer to as ‘MyAncient Egypt’.

To give you an idea of what I mean, Iwill try to put you in the mentalframework of the Ancient Egyptians; notthe stereotypical Ancient Egyptians youread about in books, but the AncientEgyptian scientist-priest of the ‘Per-Ankh’, the house of life that wasattached to the temple, where knowledgeand wisdom are experienced. I will tellyou how it really was, from my ownperspective of the Per-Ankh.

A few years ago, I was invited toSweden as a keynote speaker at theconference entitled ‘Thinkers of the NewMillennium’, at the Chinese Theater in

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Stockholm. The theater that seated fivehundred was packed. I usually like tohave eye contact and rapport with theaudience when giving a lecture, thisinteraction helps me navigate through thevariety of topics to illustrate theconcepts of BioGeometry. Standing atthe podium on stage facing thefloodlight, I could not see the audiencesitting in the dark. Communication wasmade even more difficult by the fact thatonly a few in the audience spoke fluentEnglish. I stood pausing for a moment atthe podium and in that short moment ofsilence an interesting funny storydeveloped in my mind. I thought thiswould be the best way to ‘break the ice’.So, I took the audience on an imaginary

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trip to the future.In the year 10,000 A.D., a very

advanced civilization exists that usescompletely new forms of energyunknown to us. They have lost allknowledge of electricity as a form ofenergy. Maybe they had the wisdom tounderstand that it had harmful sideeffects? We go to the Museum of AncientSculpture, and to the hall that exhibitsthe sculpture of our present era, thebeginning of the 21st Century. The guideis explaining to them the development ofstyle and taste in sculpture around thattime. There is a large display oftelevision sets arranged in chronologicalorder. He says “There has been a periodwhere art expressed different levels of

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abstraction. In these examples, we cansee the way the human figure wasdepicted with the glass screensrepresenting the face whenever the godswere concerned. As their (meaning us!)taste developed, they started makingthem smaller and more elegant. Thefaces however, seem to grow biggerwith time. They even used abstraction todepict the human organs inside thebody.” “We must understand” says theguide, “that this was a world ofsuperstition and mythology; they had anabundance of representations of gods,nothing like our present civilization,where we have an exact practicalknowledge of our One God.” He furtherexplains that, according to

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archaeologists and historians, the birthof Monotheism was about 4000 A.D.,and adds that they, in their era, had beenable to decipher some parts of ourlanguage out of the few fragments, thatsurvived the ‘great-unknown cataclysm’,which had completely destroyed ourcivilization. The names of the godswhich those sculptures represented werewritten on them in order to identify them,because they were represented in somany different ways. The guide goes onto explain that we were very religiouspeople, and would often have a god inevery room and often even carried themaround. He points to the name on one ofthe sculptures and says: “This is thename of the god ‘Sony’, a very powerful

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deity in his time, and this is probably hisconsort the goddess ‘Toshiba’. Otherpopular gods like ‘Panasonic’ and‘Philips’ were also widely venerated.There were also many regional godssuch as ‘Grundig’ and ‘Saba’!”Suddenly, I heard laughter coming fromthe audience as they heard the names oftheir electronic brand name companies. Iknew I was on the right track. I stoppedfor a while and waited until the laughtersubsided and was replaced by totalsilence. I then became very theatricaland with a loud and serious voice Iasked: “Why are you doing the samething to my ancestors?”

The story might seem funny to us, butto people 8000 years in the future, it

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would be real. This might be the waythey would interpret ‘their history’,because they would not know anythingabout the forms of energy which we usetoday. The ignorance future people mightshow toward us, is exactly what weexhibit towards the Ancient Egyptians. Ifsomeone from Ancient Egypt weresitting here right now, he would laugh atus in exactly the same way as we arelaughing at those people of the futurebecause we cannot imagine that therecould have been a form of energy usedby our ancestors that we do not knowanything about, or are not using today.

This anecdote had done the trick, andput them in the right frame of mind tounderstand the true essence of the

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Ancient Egyptian Civilization, whichused everything, from drawings,geometrical shapes, sound, music andwords of power, to symbolism and bodypostures, as tools to interact with theenergy that they used in everyday life.We have somehow lost all knowledge ofthat subtle, but immensely powerfulenergy that is at work in nature as wellas in man. We cannot any longercomprehend the existence of an energythat works on all levels; from thephysical up to the spiritual, or devices inwhich man’s energy balance is a vitalcomponent that is used, or at least takeninto consideration. The road was pavedfor the introduction of BioGeometry, andall went well after that. I frequently tell

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this story when I give lectures about thescience of BioGeometry or about ‘MyAncient Egypt’, where I speak as woulda priest-scientist of the Ancient Egyptiantemple, who masters the interactionswith the powers of nature through theenergy sciences.

The Cycle of Civilizations What I will say about Ancient Egypt isnot found in the official or academicknowledge that historians orEgyptologists teach. It is not based onthe existing findings of archeology. It isnot a lesson in history, nor is it a ‘NewAge Fad’. It is a synthesis of realisticknowledge, a vision of the past, aglimpse of ancient glory based on the

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modern Physics of Quality and thepractical applications and measurementsof BioGeometry to give us a new visionof the subtle energy world of AncientEgypt. I want to show you how anancient civilization became so great, andwhat lessons we may learn, andknowledge we can apply in order tomake a transformation that can changethe future of mankind. We can onlycomprehend this, if we look beyond theconventional archeological evaluation ofthe Ancient Egyptian Civilization. Onlythen can we import its essence to expandour current way of thinking.

Like any form of life, a civilizationflourishes, reaches its peak, thendeclines and another rises. The rise and

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fall of civilizations generally follows acycle of around 300 years. However, theAncient Egyptian Civilization defied thatcycle, and lasted for at least 3000 yearsof recorded history and for manythousands of years before that. Thepyramids have been officially datedback to around 3000 B.C., but manyscholars still think that they are mucholder. We know that the pyramids couldnot have been built at the beginning ofthe Ancient Egyptian Civilization as theknowledge needed to build such giganticstructures indicates a developmentwithin a flourishing civilizationthousands of years earlier, with a highlevel of organization, and a veryadvanced system of administration as

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evidenced by archaeological findings.These numbers go far beyond the usualpattern in the cycle of civilizationsthroughout history.

What we know about Ancient Egyptseems to be a legacy, and not abeginning. How can a civilization existfor so long? What caused its decline? Ifwe can discover these answers, wemight be able to gain the knowledge thatcould help us solve our own problems.Our era of modern technology now isjust over 100 years old, and is already inserious trouble. Global destruction oflife in all its forms is an imminent threat.Maybe we should go back and learnsome lessons from the ancients.

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Threat that Lies Beyond Just two decades ago, everybody wasafraid that the end of life on earth wouldcome as a result of a Third World War.We thought that the global extinctionwould come from either nuclearwarfare, or maybe our carelessnesstowards the environment. The ozoneproblem and global warming causingnatural disasters everywhere, whichendanger plant and animal life, are realand serious threats that we are aware of.Measures not good enough, nor fastenough, are being taken to prevent thespread of weapons of mass destruction.The slow and persistent destruction ofour environment is the other major threat

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that we are also aware of. Governmentsand activists are working onimplementing environmental controlsthat will set restrictions on the harmfulemanations which pollute theatmosphere.

In this area of environmental sabotage,we must pay particular attention to thecareless destruction of the PlantKingdom, as it plays a vital role in ourvery existence. We are born on thisearth, and we live off the energy of thesun which is essential to our survival,however, we are now aware of the sun’sharmful side effects. The sun’s raystraveling through the atmosphere havetwo wave components, a horizontalmagnetic-like wave component, and a

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vertical electric-like wave component(Fig. 12), each moving in a plane at aright angle to the other9. The wave caneither move along those planes withoutrotation, or rotate on its axis, in whichcase the words vertical and horizontalare only an indication of their position toeach other. Using instruments ofqualitative detection, we find thathealthy humans only resonatequalitatively with the horizontal wavecomponents, so do edible plants.Poisonous plants on the other hand, arein qualitative resonance with bothcomponents. Any disturbance orimbalance such as diseases, produceharmful qualities of the vertical wavecomponent in our body. When a certain

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threshold of the vertical component ofradiation is exceeded, it becomesdangerous. This is the case when we areexposed to harmful earth radiation, orelectromagnetic pollution.

There is an old German saying, “GuterMond, Schlechte Sonne” (Good Moon,Bad Sun). The sun is a major source oflife; it holds many beneficial qualities,yet, it is a double edged sword throughits harmful vertical (electric) energyquality (Fig. 13). The moon, on the other

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hand, reflects the light of the sun and indoing so, cancels the harmful effect ofthe sun’s vertical aspect. The sun’s cycleis that of direct light, while the moon’scycle, is that of reflected light. Thecycles of the sun and the moon areinherently different, not onlyquantitatively, but also in quality. Thesolar year is different from the lunaryear. Many cycles of life depend on themoon, while others depend on the sun,but ultimately it is the balancedinteraction of both cycles that producesharmony in all of life’s functions. Themoon affects water tides on earth andthus has an influence on life’s functionsthat depend on water.

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We need the sun’s direct energy tosurvive. Imagine if it were possible forus to stand in the morning and feeddirectly from the sun’s energy.Obviously this won’t work! Fortunately,the higher wisdom of the Designerprovided the solution that works in adifferent way. The sun’s energy goesthrough a transformation process before

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we can use it as a source of life; theagent of this transformation is the plantkingdom. Along with thetransformational chemical process ofphotosynthesis, through which plantsconvert the sun’s energy to nutritionalvalue, there is also an important energy-quality transmutation of the harmfulwave component. From the energy-quality perspective, the plant systemacts as an external biological organ ofthe animal system, and so, in reality weare one system (Fig. 14).

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We need to be aware that when wedisrupt the life cycle of the plantkingdom, we are in fact harming one ofthe vital organs of our body.Environmental problems are not externalproblems; they are right within us, insideour biological system. We are

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destroying our own organs! Fortunately,we have become more aware of thedetrimental effects of our actions on theenvironment, and are slowly takingmeasures to contain the problem.

So, where does the imminent dangerlie? This danger that we are not fullyaware of, is unperceived by our senses,but nonetheless potentially threatening tolife on this earth. This environmentalconcern which we refer to as‘electrosmog’ is becoming a main healthhazard. The old paradigm of reducingthe pollution is not enough to solve theproblem. The shift from the age ofmodern technology towards the age ofinformation depends more and more onelectromagnetic carrier waves. These

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waves are what could eventually bringan end to life on earth. The dangers ofthe age of information are global andwill not be easy to control.Environmental problems and nuclearwarfare are actually much easier tohandle. We are continuously increasingthe amount of carrier waves needed forthe wireless technology of moderncommunication. New televisionchannels, cellular networks, surveillanceequipment, and other technologies areput into the earth’s atmosphere everyday. We need to recognize that theatmosphere is part of the Earth’s body.We are actually living inside the Earthas part of it, and not on the Earth assomething separate from it. These waves

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end up affecting not only the body ofEarth, but all kinds of life inside of it aswell.

There is a continuous exchange ofinformation in the cosmos, the solarsystem, and the earth, down to the verycell of every living organism (Fig. 15).The man-made electromagneticemanations that we are putting into the

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body of the earth are thousands of timesstronger than those natural vibrationsused for that information exchange. If weput something a thousand times strongerin that atmosphere, the information flowis disturbed, like a breeze trying to flowthrough a storm. While we strive toreduce known pollutants in theenvironment, we are still constantlyincreasing the huge amount ofelectromagnetic emanations in theatmosphere.

If we limit the use of moderntechnology in our lives to a minimum, assome communities are doing, we arestill not safe,10 because theseelectromagnetic waves of the era ofinformation are everywhere. If we want

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to avoid the electrosmog pollution of theearth’s atmosphere, could we go to thetop of the Himalayas, or live in thedepths of the ocean? The answer is No!Waves from all forms of wireless mediain our environment are passing throughour bodies all the time. These waves arewhat we call ‘carrier waves’. A carrierwave is a penetrating wave that can passthrough any object. An example of thiscan be seen in X-ray centers. A doctorhas to stand behind a lead shield whentaking an X-ray of a patient, so as not toexpose himself to the rays that penetratethe patient’s body. Although these wavesare directly pointed at the patient, theyaffect the whole surrounding space. X-rays are carrier waves, which penetrate

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through nearly everything.In the new age of information, the

media uses electromagnetic waves tocarry visual and auditory information.We usually categorize the effect ofwaves on living systems by theirionizing effect. Ionizing radiation, suchas x-rays and radioactive radiation,produce changes in the environment andare considered harmful. Visible rays thatwe perceive as colors, as well asmicrowaves of television, radio andmobile communication are non-ionizingwaves. That means that they do notproduce any changes in the environmentsthey pass through, and are thereforeconsidered harmless. This, however, isonly true if we consider the

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quantitatively measurable changes. Onthe subtle energy level, there are changesin the quality of the effect on livingenergy systems. The ranges ofelectromagnetic waves used by themedia have qualities similar to X-rays,but on different frequencies. They bothhave penetrating and information-carrying qualities. Qualitative effects, incontrast to quantitative ones, are notrestricted to any vibratory ranges; theyrepeat themselves in all vibratory rangesfrom zero to infinity. We call thisphenomenon ‘Resonance’. The ‘scienceof Harmonics’ deals with suchphenomena as resonance, and themathematical ratios behind them. Themost obvious example that expresses the

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laws of Harmonics can be found inmusic. We will, therefore, look at someaspects of musical harmonics tounderstand how abstract qualitiesprevail in all vibratory ranges11.

In simplified terms, a musical stringwhen struck will vibrate and causeevery string half or double its length tovibrate with it. This phenomenon,referred to as ‘octaves’ will repeat itselfalong the whole range of strings of amusical instrument. A musical note of acertain string length, has the same qualitythat we identify as a certain note eventhough it sounds different on a higher orlower octave, which is why in the tonalsystem the notes are cyclical beginningwith a Do/C ending with a Si/B and then

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restarting with a Do/C. A musical noteis the brain’s way of expressing theeffect of the sound waves on ourbiological energy system. This isgenerally the way the senses work, eachwith its own scale (sound, color, touch,smell and taste) of expressing the effectfrom a specific vibratory range.

As the Resonance phenomenon ofstring lengths applies to the wavelengthsof the sounds they generate, it alsoapplies to all other types of waves. Inelectromagnetic waves for example, wewill find that the subtle quality effects ofa penetrative carrier wave will repeatthemselves in all vibratory ranges,whether ionizing or non-ionizing; andare not confined to certain ranges as

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with the quantitative effects. Applyingthe science of Harmonics to all types ofwaves in our modern technology willopen new horizons of understanding thequalitative effects and enable us toachieve harmony in our environment andgreatly reduce health hazards.

We are concerned about beingexposed to X-rays, but are not awarethat we are, in fact, already beingbombarded by a weaker, but continuoustype of radiation that is non-ionizing,yet still produces on a subtle energylevel, qualities similar to thoseproduced by X-rays. Health problemsfrom quantitative effects are measurable,but on the qualitative level the effectsare very subtle, and are hidden in an

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unperceivable background echo (minutelevels of electromagnetic, as well asnon-electromagnetic waves) that take along time to affect a living energysystem. Our immune system still has towork hard to cope with this subtlequalitative bombardment, as with thequantitative changes from X-rays.Electromagnetic emissions are todayexhausting our immune system with theirconstant low-key quality effects. We cansee this clearly in the rise of immune-related diseases ranging from allergiesto cancers, or brain disturbances such asAlzheimer’s disease and Epilepsy, orpsychological and social disorders suchas Depression, Attention DeficitDeficiency Disorder (ADD), Autism,

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Schizophrenia and psychotic behavior,or simple apathy. Other problems suchas Tinnitus, Rheumatism, high bloodpressure and irregular heartbeat, arealso on the rise12.

If we keep putting more and moreelectromagnetic emanations into theatmosphere, one day all immune systemswill collapse. Humans, animals, plants,and all forms of life will die out. Wecannot stop the Age of Information. Thebenefits of that age are too convenient.Even so, if we are all dying fromelectromagnetic pollution, we willprobably switch on our television andmobile phones to know the number ofcasualties, and watch the end of theworld on TV. There is something wrong

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with all this; something is definitely outof balance! Can we modify the Age ofInformation? Will including newqualitative criteria into the equationchange the outcome? Let’s go backgradually in time to AncientCivilizations and learn from them.Ma ybe , if we can reprogram thequalities of electromagnetic radiation,we can find a way to turn this around.

Learning from RecentExperiences At the beginning of the 20th century,when cancer research was in its infancy,the farmers in Germany believed thatharmful earth radiation was a main cause

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of cancer and that it could be avoided.Their wisdom was based on observationthat went back thousands of years. Forexample, they would say, “We can tellwhen we look at a tree if it is a sick tree;if it has deformed tumor-like growth oris crooked, it is a cancer-affected tree ona harmful spot. We observe where ourlivestock grazes; if they develop healthproblems that can be observed in lack ofmilk, stillbirths or distortion in the liverorgan meat pattern, then we know thatthey are grazing in an area with harmfulearth energies.”

Throughout history, farmers in Europewere aware of earth radiation andrelated phenomena. Besides simpleobservation, they relied on the help of

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some special people who preservedancient knowledge and methods ofdetection. Those people were known as‘Augures’ in Roman times, and arereferred to today as ‘Dowsers’. Theyhelped the farmers avoid noxious energyspots, located underground water veins,and found safe places to graze animals,or determine the best location to buildtheir barns and homes. Their awarenessand interaction with earth radiationbecame an integral part of the farmer’sculture in Europe.

Gustav Freiherr Von Pohl, a Germanscientist, decided to investigate thisassumption in 1929. He chose two townsin Germany, Vilsbiburg, which had thehighest cancer death rate in Bavaria at

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the time, and Grafenau with the lowestcancer incidences. Von Pohl charted thelocations of all cancer cases. The resultswere astounding; he found that cancercases were clustered in patterns, 80% ofthem were squeezed into 10% of thearea. The numbers of cancer cases werenot the same in both towns. Theindustrial town had a higher percentageof cancer, while the other town, awayfrom any industry, had a significantlylower percentage of cancer. However,both towns showed the same clusteringof cancer cases. This was a clearindication that the problem was relatedto certain locations. The results of VonPohl’s study were an eye-opener thatmade people aware and alarmed, so they

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began to listen13. In some parts ofEurope, it is a common practice beforebuilding a house to determine the areasof harmful earth radiation, to avoidbuilding on them. In some towns inPoland for example, there are signsposted in certain areas, which aresimilar to traffic signs that warn peopleto be aware of dangerous earthradiation.

Scientific Investigation ofPower Spots As researchers gathered informationabout underground stream crossings,they detected some spots that had verystrong earth radiation similar to what

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was found in cancer-promoting spots.However, it felt different. Upon closerexamination, they found traces of ancienttemples there indicating ancient worshipactivities. These sacred places, whichwere subtle energy power spots,emanated a special kind of harmonizingspiritual energy. Since remote antiquity,humans identified these spots, markedthem and created their monuments,starting from the erection of megalithicstone blocks in the form of Menhirs (Fig.16) and Dolmens (Fig. 17) to themagnificent temples, old churches andmosques (Fig. 18).

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When we speak of spiritual energy weare referring to the highest form ofenergy quality (BG3) in the Earth’senergy system that creates balance onall levels, producing harmony in theDivine laws of nature. It is a form of

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energy quality that we feel during deepprayer, a sort of connection to anotherdimension. It transcends our time andspace perception, and cannot beperceived or accessed directly.

The ‘Spiritual Energy’ emanating fromthese power spots is usually the result ofunderwater crossings at certain angles,which create a sort of vortex or doorwaythat connects to a spiritual dimensionand imparts its qualities to the energy ofthe vortex within our time-spaceframework. Resulting in a SpiritualEnergy Quality that is slowed down to aspeed that we can access. This is verymuch like the intermediary role playedby the plant kingdom in its ability totransform the sun’s energy for our use.

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Similarly, the quality of higher spiritualdimensions within spiritual energy has tobe accessed through resonance with itsoccurrence in nature, as in spiritualpower spots, with certain rituals tosupport it.

The special energy quality that we findin beneficent power spots has beenfound to have holistic healing properties,acting on the physical, vitality,emotional and mental levels, and can befound in natural healing or sacred spotsall over the world. Lourdes and Chartresin France, the Ancient Egyptian templeswith their sacred lakes, and basicallymost of the old temples, churches andmosques are found on such power spots.

Mecca, in Saudi Arabia, is the oldest

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known sacred spot of humanity. Thewater of the ‘Holy Spring of Zamzam14’in Mecca, is accredited with this verystrong healing energy quality. WhileMecca is the center of worship in Islam,we also find much earlier biblicalreference to it in the Torah and in oldertranslations of the Bible (Psalm 84 NIV)where it is referred to by its old name‘Bakkah’. That is why we find ‘Mecca’commonly used metaphorically to meanany important site, holy or secular. Thehistory of the biblical prophet Abrahamtells us that he discovered the oldfoundations, which probably dated backto the time of the great flood in the storyof Noah. In the traditions of the area, wefind that it was Adam who found the

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spring, while his son ‘Shet’ was the firstto erect some form of primitive edificeon it (Fig. 19).

Dowsers in ancient times had theknowledge and skills which enabledthem to locate positive and negativeearth emanations. In dowsing, they usedan ingenious technique to show thereaction of the body to underground

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water streams. They split a tree branchto form a twin fork (Fig. 20). When heldwith both hands, the free end wouldprotrude with a specific length like anantenna. Since the human body is madeof 70% water it will easily enter intoresonance with other water sources.This would cause the twig to vibratewhenever the person crossed overunderground water streams. Most powerspots, good or bad, are found aboveunderground stream crossings. Duringour work in the electrosmog projects inSwitzerland, I found that dowsingtechniques were still widely practicedby many rural farmers.

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In an attempt to refine the dowsingtechnique to become a measurement tool,several researchers in Europedeveloped a method based on a newtype of physics that could differentiatebetween vertical and horizontal wavecomponents using measurement toolswith calibrated qualitative scales. Thesependulums or antennas work accordingto a scientific physical techniquereferred to as ‘Physical Radiesthesia’which uses qualitative scales, harmonic

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string lengths, angles and polarities,instead of the traditional psychic mentalmethods that were basically a dialogwith the subconscious, which are part ofdowsing or ‘Mental Radiesthesia’.

In the early 20th century in France, Leonde Chaumery, Antoine de Bélizal, Moreland Louis Turenne developed suchspecial pendulums (Virtual Cone,

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Universal Pendulum of Chaumery, andthe Two-Magnetic-Needle Pendulum ofTurenne) (Fig. 21). These Frenchresearchers developed many types ofsophisticated physical pendulums, buttheir Cone Fictif (Virtual Cone) remainsuntil today one of the simplest and mostingenious pendulums designed. It allowseasy differentiation between thehorizontal (magnetic) and vertical(electric) wave components15. InGermany, Anton Schneider developedthe Lecher Antenna (Fig. 22), aninstrument based on the double antennaprinciple of Lecher, which can beadjusted to the wavelengthcorresponding to what one wants todetect. The ACMOS Antenna in France16

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(Fig. 23) and the Luedeling H3Antenna17 (Fig. 24) in Switzerland, arethe latest development of this principle.The Virtual Cone pendulums measure theenergy-quality effects of waves on ourenergy system, while the Lecherantennas detect actual wave lengths. TheBioGeometry instruments for thedetection of subtle energy quality arebased on the science of Harmonics andthe qualitative scales of the Physics ofQuality expressed as the angles on a‘Polarized Dial’, placed horizontally(magnetic) or vertically (electric) on theinstrument. The shapes of the pendulum-based instruments are designedaccording to the geometric resonancewith the level of research (Physical,

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Vital, Emotional, Mental etc…) Theinstruments can be calibrated to thedifferent levels through correspondinggeometrical attachments (Fig. 25).Special metal rods of differentdimensions are calibrated to resonatewith the wave lengths of the differenttypes of earth energy grids, and otherearth energies as well as EMRemanations.

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It is important to know that not all powerspots are beneficent; some couldactually be very dangerous and this Iknow from first hand experience: A fewyears ago I read in a book about powerspots in Switzerland by Blanche Merz. Iread that the strongest earth energyemanation in Europe was found in apower spot in the area of Forch inZurich18. It was only a few kilometersaway from Witikon, where we lived.The book said the spot was in the middleof a farmer’s field. It was surprising thatthere was no mention of a church, or anyfamous sacred site there. If this wasreally the strongest power spot inEurope, we should have found an oldchurch there, and people would have

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known about it. I felt skeptical. My wifeand I went to the spot and found that thetrees there were so crooked that anyfarmer would have known that this wasan area of harmful energy quality. Eventhough, we only stayed for a very shorttime to take some measurements, weboth felt very nauseous for a number ofdays to follow due to the directresonance through the measurements.

Researchers using the measurementdevices of the French scientists havefound that harmful spots had bothhorizontal (magnetic) and vertical(electric) wave components of oneparticular energy quality named‘Negative Green’ by Chaumery and deBélizal, because of its location on a

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sphere opposite to the green quality.This energy quality has the attributes ofpenetrating carrier wave properties. Inother words, we can say for examplet h a t media waves, x-rays, andradioactivity all have a Negative Greenenergy quality.

Negative Green To understand what Negative Green is,let us take the earth which is nearly asphere. The sun is the light sourcesending its rays to the sphere of theearth. The angle at which the sun’s rayshit the earth varies in accordance tothe position of the earth rotation. Thisproduces different subtle energyqualities that we categorized on a

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qualitative color scale based on theeffects they produce on our subtleenergy systems. This qualitativerelationship between colors and anglesis similar to what happens when lightgoes through a glass prism and thedifferent frequencies are refracted indifferent angles which then becomevisible as different colors (Fig. 26). Thepart of the earth facing the sun is in thelight, while the opposite side is in theshadow. Light that is not reflectedpenetrates the earth and comes out fromthe shadow side opposite the sun. Thiswhole gray range between the white andthe black colors19 as seen on the diagramis what we call ‘Negative Green’ (Fig.27).

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Please understand that when we talkabout Negative Green being opposite tothe green on a sphere, we are notreferring to the color green. What we arereferring to is a certain quality ofenergy that is found within, and alsobeyond, the color frequency range, andis repeated in all ranges of vibration.When the sun’s rays hit the earthvertically, at mid-day, and we measurethe energy quality at that point inrelationship to our body, we will findthat it is in resonance with the energyquality of green. We call it greenbecause it is in resonance with thevisible green color. We would feel it asthe same quality as green, but on anotheroctave with a different frequency.

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Expressed color-wise, green would beperpendicular under the mid-day sun inthe middle of the color range (Fig. 27).

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In the early morning to one side of thegreen we can detect blue, indigo andviolet. On the other side of the green inthe afternoon, we detect the yellow

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energy quality, then the orange and red atsunset. These are all color qualitiesproduced by reflected rays from the sun.What is not reflected is either absorbed,or penetrates the earth coming out fromthe other side. What comes out in thearea of shadow on the opposite side ofgreen is beyond the visible color range.On the boundary between light andshadow on the sphere, we findultraviolet quality beyond the violetrange, and the infrared beyond the red.

What is happening in this area ofshadow (night), is that any type of energythat does not get reflected or absorbedand can penetrate through objects willcome out through this area. This is whatwe call a penetrating carrier wave. The

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Hertz waves used in the media, as wellas X-rays, and also some types oflongitudinal waves are, such carrierwaves. In general, all types of waveswith penetrating carrier wave propertieson all other octaves or levels of energyemanating from the area of shadow ornight would have the Negative Greenquality.

Chaumery and de Bélizal, the French

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scientists we mentioned earlier, werethe first to discover this quality ofenergy. They named it ‘Negative Green’,just because it lies opposite to the greencolor quality as detected by instrumentsof Physical Radiesthesia on a sphere inrelation to the sun, or on a circle inrelation to the magnetic North of theearth (Fig. 28).

We have seen how waves in nature, intheir complete forms move on twoplanes perpendicular to each other (Fig.12). They can be rotating in eitherdirection along the line of movement, ormoving without rotation, and in certaincases show only one of the twocomponents: vertical (electric) andhorizontal (magnetic). Our body’s cells

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react favorably to the horizontalcomponent. When the vertical aspect ofNegative Green is present, it disturbs theenergy of our cells. If you have thisquality of Vertical Negative Green inyour body, it is often an indication ofdisturbance on the subtle energy level. Itis one of the main causes of cancer andother immune system deficiencies.

It is very important to have a clearunderstanding of the Negative Greenquality components of the wave, i.e. thevertical (electric) and horizontal(magnetic) and to be able to differentiatebetween them. The subtle qualities bywhich the wave affects other energysystems are influenced by the effect ofthe vertical and horizontal components

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of the wave, as well as by the shape ofthe wave itself. This is expressed as theproportion of the amplitude to the wavelength, which determines the angle atwhich the wave crosses the horizontalcentral axis, determining the shape of thewave. These two factors apply to allkinds of waves. Whether we arespeaking of electromagnetic transversalwaves, or nonelectromagneticlongitudinal waves (Sound, Scalar,Torsion), it is the plane on which thewave moves and also the shape of thewave that influences its effect on us.

When speaking of the energy quality ofshape, we are dealing with both‘compression longitudinal waves’created by the shape’s interaction or

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motion in its environment, and the‘electromagnetic transversal waves’ oflight reflected on the surface of theshape.

There are some shapes such aspyramids, hemispheres and cones, whichhave a special energy qualityconfiguration. Those shapes have aNegative Green energy qualityemanating from their base (Fig. 29). TheNegative Green in this case radiatesboth horizontal and vertical qualitycomponents. Such shapes are dangerousas they emit very harmful radiation. Theyare common shapes that we encounterevery day and if not modified properly,can be very harmful. In ancient times, thebuilders were aware of the properties of

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these shapes and could cancel thedetrimental effects of these powerfulshapes with minor adjustments.

In Ancient Egypt for instance, they putsugar in elongated coneshapedwrappings (‘quortaas’ in Egyptian) withspecial proportions to ensure that onlyHorizontal Negative Green wasproduced to drive away the ants, with noharmful side effects. This is an ancient

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tradition that can still be found in thevillages today. Our research has shownthat ants are attracted to the VerticalNegative Green, confirming the well-known fact that ants build their colonieson spots of harmful earth radiation. Theancients used this observation to avoidsuch spots when choosing the locationsof their buildings. As a general rule, ifwe detect any sector of the VerticalNegative Green in our body we have toget rid of it. It could be an impregnationdue to an extended stay in a spot withharmful earth radiation, or prolonged useof electrical and cellular devices etc…Whatever the reason, we should clearthis Negative Green out of our bodystraight away by stretching the hands up

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as antennas, walking in the sun, having ashower, eating salt or getting sprinkledwith it, diluting some salt in a smallbottle of water and keeping it in ourpocket, or having a swim in saltwater. Incase of disease where Negative Green iscoming out of the cells of an organ, it isa more difficult task.

Usually, when Negative Green isfound in nature, it is found in its totality,both with the vertical and horizontalcomponents.In sacred power spots however, we onlydetect the quality of the horizontal wavecomponent. That means that in thosespots, our bodies react only to thehorizontal wave component because weare detecting using qualitative methods

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that show the effect of these waves onour energy system, and not their actualexistence. Plants, human beings, andmost animals usually show only thehorizontal. When the sun’s radiation isreflected on the moon, the qualities of itsrays are modified and we are onlyaffected by the horizontal quality. Whenthe sun’s radiation hits the earth directlywe get both the horizontal and verticalqualities except when they are reflectedand modified in quality by some plantsand natural materials, in which case, weonly detect the horizontal component.

There is an energy quality comingfrom the sky, referred to as ‘Star Energy’in Radiesthesia, which neutralizes theVertical Negative Green. Raising the

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hands up over the head for a momentwill capture this energy and clear ourbody of any Vertical Negative Green.This is a very beneficent posture toperform from time to time, as the harmfulradiation from the earth and electricaldevices are usually channeled by linearobjects especially metals and plastics. Itcan also impregnate many materialsgiving a secondary scattered NegativeGreen environment. Sun flares,earthquakes, cyclones and tornadoes areusually accompanied by a VerticalNegative Green emanation. This factcould help us in early detection of thosehazards of nature.

By canceling the effect of the VerticalNegative Green quality on our subtle

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energy system through the creation of thethree components of spiritual energyBG3 (recreated by BioGeometryshapes), we are introducing balance intonature and enabling the natural divinelaws to create proper harmony. Anyother method of geometric emission willcause imbalance in nature if applied in acontinuous manner. In agriculture forexample, we only use BioGeometryshapes that will not affect microbial lifeand allow every life form its specialplace in a balanced ecosystem, thusletting the wisdom of nature bringharmony and balance to the environment(Fig. 30 & 31).

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Pyramids and Negative

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Green Chaumery and de Bélizal have found thatcertain shapes emit a Negative Greenquality. Hemispheres and pyramids emita very powerful Vertical and HorizontalNegative Green quality from their base.

In geometry, a hemisphere cancircumscribe a pyramid shape. In thiscase, the pyramid and dome shapes aregeometrically and energetically derivedfrom the hemisphere, which is anincomplete part of the harmonious shapeof a complete sphere. Splitting thesphere causes it to emanate a carrierwave of radioactive quality from itsbase. In terms of energy emission, ahemisphere and a pyramid are

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energetically equivalent shapes, evenwhen the pyramid apex is lower orhigher than the top of the hemisphere(Fig. 32).

When a pyramid is placed on a powerspot, it is meant to reinforce the powerof that spot. A correction needed tocancel the Vertical Negative Greencomponent must be applied. Abeneficent power spot with strongemission can often cancel the harmful

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effect of the unmodified pyramid ordome placed on it. It is, however, muchmore effective, and also safer, if theshape of the pyramid or dome isproperly corrected to cancel the VerticalNegative Green (Fig. 33).

There are several ways to cancel theeffect of Vertical Negative Green. One

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is found in the bent pyramid in the areaof Dahshur near Saqqara about 20 kmsouth of the Great Pyramid of Cheops. Ithas a change in the angle of inclinationthat seems to cancel the harmfulcomponent of the Negative Green (Fig.34). The bent corners are usuallyattributed to construction needs, but inany case they produce a positive energyquality effect.

We can find another very interesting

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solution for modifying the NegativeGreen vertical energy component in theGreat Pyramid of Cheops; there, a verysubtle indent in each of its sides wasapplied. This was first observed in apicture taken by the British Air Force inthe 1930s. In that picture, we clearly seethe shadow emphasize the indent whenthe sun rising from in the East is parallelto the northern side of the pyramid.

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The main orientation of the CheopsPyramid is North-South, East-West. Atsunrise on the 21st of March, it looks asif the pyramid is split (Fig. 35). One halfof the pyramid face would be in theshade, and the other half would be in thelight. This splitting was intentional and it

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sheds light on something of greatimportance. The base of the pyramid isactually a 4-pointed, 8-sided star. A staris a rotational figure, whereas a squareis not. This star shape cancels thevertical component of the NegativeGreen created by the overall shape ofthe pyramid, and creates the beneficialHorizontal Negative Green. Moreover, itgenerates Higher Harmonic ofUltraviolet and Gold, making it a shapethat produces a harmonizing SpiritualEnergy Quality detected as BG3. Thismeans that the builders created anangelic atmosphere of spirituality toenter into resonance with the similarcomponents of energy quality of thepower spots, on which it was built, and

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produce an amplification of that energy.The proper geometric configurationresonated with the spiritual lifeattributes, which are an integral dormantaspect in all forms of energy and thebuilding became alive. A buildingmanifesting living energy attributesenters into an exchange of information onthe physical, vitality, emotional, mental,and spiritual levels with its environmentand its users.

From Power Spot to TownPlanning Let us imagine how at the dawn ofhumanity, primitive man with hisaccrued natural senses, would have

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found and interacted with an energypower spot. Primitive man was a hunterliving in harmony with nature. When hesaw an animal, he saw the totality of thatanimal, including the subtle lightsurrounding it (halo or aura). When hespeared a wild animal he watched andwaited till the animal became weak. Henoticed that a wounded animal wouldoften attempt to go towards a particularspot. This place usually had naturalsprings and flourishing healthyvegetation. In that spot, the animal wasrejuvenated and actually sometimesrecovered its strength and healed. Thecavemen started to bring their sick tothese spots of healing energy, and thosespots became sacred to them.

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As early as 30,000 years ago, ancientman marked healing power spots withmegalithic stones that sometimesweighed thirty tons or more. These arereferred to as ‘Menhirs’ (Fig. 16) and‘Dolmens’ (Fig. 17). Archeologicalfindings indicate that these sites wereusually recognized by different culturesand religious traditions. Remnants ofdifferent structures being built over andover on the same spot often date back toprehistoric times20 (Fig. 18).Fortunately, not all spots where Menhirsor Dolmens once stood were built over;there are some places all over the worldwhere we find those ancient structuresor their remnants still standing likeCarnac in France or Avebury and

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Stonehenge in the United Kingdom.Some of these stones were brought

from locations hundreds of kilometersaway. Since in most cases these peoplehad quarries close by, why would theyhave gone through all the trouble ofhauling a particular type of stone overgreat distances, sometimes for over fivehundred kilometers? They must havebeen looking for a type of stone withspecial qualities.

In Egypt for example, we have amplesandstone in the mountain ridges not farfrom the Giza Plateau, where most of thepyramids and temples were built.However, alongside the use of localstones, the Ancient Egyptians brought inlarge granite blocks from Upper Egypt

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far to the South, to use in certain parts oftheir monuments, or as Obelisks (Fig.36) to be erected on power spots. Thiswas done for the specific purpose ofamplifying the energy quality effect, asthe energy of the power spot ischanneled into the Obelisk or graniteparts of the building. The high density ofquartz crystals in the granite reflectedthe waves and entered into resonancewith the energy of the power spot toemanate specific frequencies21.

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An Obelisk is a more advanced type ofMenhir. Besides using the particularstone quality of granite, it was cutaccording to certain mathematicalproportions to produce special soundfrequencies; these principles were

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further developed in the architecture ofchurch towers and mosque minarets,where the height of the tower, itshorizontal divisions, openings, andshape of the capital, as well as thematerial and location on a power spot,created a symphony of harmonicinteractions with several frequencies‘programmed’ into it (Fig. 37). Theheight of the tower determined the mainwave length, while the horizontaldivisions were dimensioned to accessother wavelengths. The openings of thewindows worked the same way as theholes in a flute, where dimensions anddistances create special sound qualities.The basic concept, however, hasevolved from Menhir, via Obelisk, to

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Tower and Minaret.The cavemen were perceptive enough

to find the proper hard stones with highquartz content and erect them on thepower spots. As time went by, theystarted settling around the area. Theywanted to live in this strengthened andexpanded energy quality of harmony andso they concentrated their activities andbuilt their cemeteries, and later on,temples and lodgings, around that stone.From here emerged the concept of thevillage or the town with the power spotat its center.

Ancient Town Planning The idea of the power spot as the central

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point of all the activities of thecommunity in the primitive settlementsbecame the focal point of town planning.The temple was built where themegalithic Menhir stood in earlier times,and this became the focal point fromwhich the whole plan of the townradiated. These central spots werelocated at the intersection of severalearth energy straight paths known as‘Ley Lines’ (to the Chinese they werethe ‘Dragon Currents’ and to theAustralian aborigines they were the‘Dream Paths’). The points at which theLey Lines cross are called ‘LeyCenters’. At certain spots when LeyCenters were superimposed onunderground stream crossings they

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created a powerful energy vortex in theform of an ascending spiral with aclockwise rotation (Fig. 38). This is thetype of configuration that is typicallyfound in beneficent power spots andusually has a spring well with a healingwater quality.

Since ancient times, the Leys wererecognized as energy paths, and uponconnecting them we have what laterbecame known as ‘Pilgrimage Paths’.Along these trails, sanctuaries, temples,shrines, cemeteries, and water

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reservoirs were built. Our measurementsin BioGeometry confirmed that most ofthese Ley Lines have the same subtleenergy quality as power spots, and are tobe considered sacred paths in their ownright.

In Roman times, they built longstraight roads on Ley Lines on which thearmies marched, in order to energize thesoldiers along the way. One such famouspilgrimage path is along the Santiago deCompostela Camino, in Spain. This 500-mile trail going across mountains,valleys, towns and fields, is a very oldsacred pilgrimage route. A journey thathas been undertaken by such famouspersonalities as St. Francis of Assisi,Charlemagne, Dante and many others.

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The renowned actress Shirley MacLainehas revived the interest in this ancienttradition with her best seller book ‘TheCamino’.

In ancient times, town planning wasactually a system of distribution of thesacred harmonizing energy quality toreach and influence all activities. Wecan imagine a pattern that connects themain power spot to the secondary powerspots as forming the main roads. Themost powerful spot was reserved for thetemple with the teaching and healinginstitutions connected to it, so as toensure the prosperity of the communitythrough ‘Divine intervention’. The nextpower spot would be set aside for thepalace of the king who, in a theocratic

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system, was considered the link to theinvisible spiritual world, and wasrevered as a semi-divine being. Thecourt house, the main water reservoir,the market place, statues, obelisks,squares and fountains all found theirplace on secondary power spots (Fig.39). In Ancient Egypt, Greek and Romantimes, the two main paths crossing atright angles in the central power spotwere called ‘Cardo’ and ‘Decumanus’and formed the axis of the dome of thesky over the town22 (Fig. 40).

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After the main layout of the town wasdefined along the Ley Lines radiatingfrom and connecting the power spots;came the second level of subtle energyplanning, which followed the earth’ssubtle energy grids. The subtle energygrids of the earth are a phenomenon thatwas known in ancient cultures. There are

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many indications that the ancientsaligned their temples on the grids, andalso designed the plan using the earthenergy grids as a modular system onwhich all the details of the plan werebased. These earth energy grids rise toconsiderable heights in the atmosphere,which is the reason that somepractitioners of Radiesthesia refer tothem as ‘atmospheric strips’ or‘atmospheric grids’23. Severalresearchers today support the theory thatthe earth’s energy grids are a form oflongitudinal Scalar waves’ (Meyl).

The two most important earth subtleenergy grid systems in AncientArchitecture are those of ‘Hartmann’ and‘Curry’. The Hartmann Grid Lines flow

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in a near square pattern of around 2 x 2.2m., in the North-South and the East-Westdirections (Fig. 41). These energy stripsare about 20 cm. in width, and about 2m. in height, at which level they meet ahorizontal plane around 20 cm. thick.These planes were often used forhorizontal alignments in buildings. Thispattern repeats itself to form a cubesystem of approximately 2x2x2 meters.Every 10 m. in both directions, we findwider single or double strips (zones).Superimposed on the Hartmann Grid, wefind what is called a ‘Benker CubeSystem’ of approximately 10x10x10 m.(Fig. 42). In the diagonal direction tothis system, we find the ‘Curry Grid’system forming approximately 3.5 x 3.5

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m. diagonal squares (Fig. 41). However,the above dimensions can vary indifferent locations.

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The Hartmann and Curry Grids carryenergy quality as information on theircarrier waves. They can transmit anytype of information, and are eitherbeneficial or harmful depending on the

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direction of rotation of the upward spiralenergy emanating from the crossing. Theearth’s energy grids have to beconnected to the energy of the powerspots or Leys, in order to channel theharmonizing energy quality. Objects thatare placed on some crossings could alsoharmonize the energy of the grids throughtheir material quality or geometricdesign. Once these earth energy grids areharmonized with the subtle energybalancing quality of power spots, theybecome a channel of distribution forthat energy. The Earth’s harmonizedenergy grids were then used as amodular system on which the buildingswere planned to the smallest detail.The walls were placed on the Grid

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Lines and the columns on the Grid Linecrossings. The buildings, in this way,were infused with that harmonizingsubtle energy which, besides thewellbeing and prosperity of theinhabitants, also played a major role inthe preservation of the building itselfthrough the centuries and millennia. Theorigin of orthogonal, square andrectangular architecture was a naturalone as the buildings grew out of thegrids of the subtle energy system of theearth (Fig. 43). The secondary streetswere also placed on the harmonizedGrid Lines. Using the Leys and GridLines as avenues and roads, accentuatedthe flow of the harmonizing subtleenergy in the whole pattern of the town.

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Sacred Sky Locations The ancient builders furthermore locatedthe subtle energy balancing power spotsin the sky, with the same simple methodsthey used to find the ones on earth. Theythen connected the power spots on earthwith the ones in the sky through certaingeometrical alignments in the design ofthe building. The two-dimensional

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pattern of Ley Lines that connected thepower spots in the earth was in thisway, developed into a full three-dimensional one. The town became likea huge crystal that connected the earthand sky power spots, and vibrated withtheir subtle balancing energy. Thesesubtle energy qualities created amultidimensional connectivity thatplayed a major role in the harmonizingof life’s functions on all levels, from thephysical and vitality, through theemotional and mental, to the spiritual.

In ancient traditions, suchmultidimensional portals with theseenergy qualities were believed to bringhealing, harmony, oracles, angelicpresence, and supernatural

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manifestations that gave rise to therituals and beliefs in which all theactivities of the society were anchored.The buildings amplified the energyqualities of the three-dimensional patternconnecting every part of the town andthus created prosperity on the collectiveas well as on the individual level. In thiscontext, we can have a deeperunderstanding of how the Greekhistorian Herodotus described theAncient Egyptians as happy, healthy,and religious: reflecting a sense ofharmony with the powers of nature.

There is another aspect of sacredpower spots, Leys and earth energy gridsthat we must also consider. They arealive, in the sense that they had a living

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relationship with the community. Theenergy-balancing qualities existed on thephysical, emotional, mental and spirituallevels, and there was a constantexchange of information with thecollective energy level of the communityof which it formed part of itssubconscious. The power spot interactedwith the collective unconsciousness ofthe community and was perceived as anentity referred to as the ‘spirit of theplace’. Its life and conscious interactiontraveled through its veins, which werethe Ley Lines, Grid Lines, and Sky Linksconnected to the energy system of thetown or city. From this point of view,we can see the city as a living entity;every city has a psyche and a personality

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of its own. Humans, animals, and plantsin the city are like the living cells in ourbody. Architects and town plannersusually use this concept in aphilosophical metaphorical manner, toexplain the principles of town planningthat include the fourth dimension of time.But, in BioGeometry we actually workin a practical way with this livingenergetic reality. The multidimensionalqualities of the three-dimensional gridtake this whole practically achievableconcept to new dimensions beyond ourimagination.

The BioGeometry EnergyKey

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In our architectural practice, we useBioGeometry not only to study the subtleenergy qualities of Earth’s Radiation andhow to harmonize its effect, but also tostudy the influence of the flow of energyinside and around architectural spacesor designed objects. There are manyplanning and design principles that wehave developed in our years of researchsuch as: The ‘BioGeometry Energy Key’(Fig. 44), which plays a main role in allother BioGeometry Principles likeRotation, Interface, Shifting andTransparency. (See Appendix:Overview of the Design Language ofBioGeometry)

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The Energy Key expresses four differentsubtle energy qualities generated by aone-way linear motion. This Energy Keycan be visualized as follows: If we blowhorizontally along the surface of theliquid in the center of a cup we will findthat the moving central line creates a

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clockwise spiral to the right, and acounter-clockwise spiral to the left (Fig.44). A flute when played will producethe same effect on the surrounding air(Fig. 45). The figure thus formedrepresents the four types of motioncreating the four subtle energy qualitiesof the ‘BioGeometry Energy Key’. Thefirst quality is the energy received infront of the motion (EQ1) (Fig. 44), thesecond is where the linear floworiginated and the energy is taken (EQ2).To the right, we have the third quality ofenergy moving inward in a clockwisespiral (EQ3), while the fourth quality tothe left is an inward counter-clockwisespiral (EQ4).

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The energy quality (EQ3) on the rightsupports growth and can be looked at asrising or expanding while the one on theleft is moving downwards into adifferent dimension with a gatheringeffect. This upward and downwardmovement, in a three-dimensional view,forms a rotating doughnut or Taurusaround the central axis of the linearmotion (clockwise or counter-clockwise

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depending on where we are standing).This is the full three-dimensional formof the BioGeometry Energy Key (Fig.46), which can be made visual whencigarette smokers blow the familiarrings.

The Ancients were aware of theseenergy principles. In Ancient Egypt forexample, we find that the River Nileplays an important role in shaping thequality of energy in all directions aroundit. The Nile, which flows from the Southto the North, creates an energy quality tothe right on its Eastern Banks that issupporting life in all its forms andactivities. Accordingly, we find verylittle archeological remains on that bankas the buildings on that side were

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constructs for the living, and were notmeant to last for eternity. On the otherhand we find on the Western Banks allthe time-defying monuments, funerarytemples, pyramids and all that pertainsto the afterlife.

Remnants of the energy-quality basedknowledge used in ancient townplanning and architecture were

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preserved as part of a tradition amongthe workers’ guilds that specialized insacred building. They were the keepersof the ancient knowledge which wasusually encoded in sacred buildings.Esoteric groups like the Freemasons,whose roots of knowledge go back toAncient Egypt, and Sufi artisans, wereamong those disciplines preserving thisancient knowledge in a symbolic form.Parts of this knowledge were applied inthe planning of such cities as Paris andWashington at the period of the Frenchand American revolutions24. Theylocated the power spots and placedstructures, often Obelisks (that weretransported all the way from Egypt) onthese spots so as to radiate this energy

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(Fig. 47).

Many of the European towns of Romanorigin also show such elements ofenergy related design25 (Fig. 48).

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In the cities of Cairo and Alexandria inEgypt, we can still find traces of theseancient, town-planning energy designprinciples.We find that the locations of some of thesacred monuments used as focal pointsin the planning are based on power

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spots. In Cairo, the Sultan HassanMosque (Fig. 49) built in 1361 A.D., isa good example of the survival of thisknowledge in recent history. The layoutof the building changes directionaccording to the earth energy pattern inthe area. The whole plan is actuallyadapted, down to the last detail, on theEarth Energy Grids, with the mainmausoleum on a sacred power spot.

Through the use of BioGeometry wehope to re-activate the power spots inexisting towns, create new ones, use theexisting infrastructure to channel theharmonizing energy and connect thispattern to the natural Leys, Earth EnergyGrids, and Stellar Constellations;forming the three-dimensional

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harmonizing pattern that will becomelike a crystal connecting everything inthe town into one harmonic resonantsystem. The town would then play anactive role in bringing harmony andecological balance to the environmentthat has lost its natural subtle energyqualities due to the pollutants of moderntechnology. In other words, we would begiving the subtle energy living system ofthe town a strong, well-balancedimmune system that will protect it fromenvironmental threats. This must go handin hand with efforts to reduce all typesof man-made environmental pollutants.

In my research and work withBioGeometry (along with myprofessional experience in architecture

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and urban planning), I am constantlydeciphering the energy workings at thecore of Ancient Architecture and culturaltraditions across the globe; from AncientEgyptian, Greek, Roman or Islamictraditions, to the Far Eastern Feng Shui,and Vastu, which are still practiced andhave gained tremendous popularity inrecent years. The collaboration betweenthe modern science of BioGeometry andthose ancient traditions (which has beenongoing for years, as there are manypractitioners of Feng Shui and Vastustudying BioGeometry), is taking thesesciences to another level, as the ancienttraditions could not deal with all thenew types of energy and environmentalpollutants that did not exist then. This

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cross-cultural reference of harmonizingliving spaces provides a very efficientway of uncovering the hidden scientificbasis behind the veil of ancient culturaltraditions.

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Holistic Healing in theTemples In ancient town planning as we haveseen, the temple was built on the mostsacred spot with its unique powerfulharmonizing and balancing energies.Besides being the seat of wisdom andknowledge, it had special areas used forhealing and initiations. To the AncientEgyptian, health and well-being wereviewed from a holistic perspective thatencompassed the totality of the person;physical, vital, emotional, mental andspiritual. The Ancients understood thatspiritual energy at that sacred spot hadthe all-balancing qualities of atranscendental source. The energies of

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the spot interact with the body’senergies, and through harmonicresonance, balance is restored (verymuch similar to what happens whentuning a musical instrument, you hit onechord and the others proportionallyrelated resonate with it). The subtleenergy qualities also achieve the effectof ‘Spiritual Centering’ of BG3,connecting us with the transcendentalcenter of our being. The angelicconnection and supernaturalmanifestations in the sacred spot play amajor role in the solution of manyproblems through a higher wisdom thatis manifested in trance, dreams, andoracles. This type of healing, which wasbased on a holistic harmonizing of the

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body’s energy, was complementary tothe traditional medical practices in thehospitals that were very advanced inAncient Egypt.

In Ancient Greece for example, therewas a type of healing in the temples thatsome modern scholars interpret as‘Dream Therapy’. The sick personwould go through special cleansingrituals, which included fasting, praying,and purification with holy water forthree or four days in the outskirts of thetemple. When the person was ready, hewas taken to a special area in thetemple. In this area the strong energyinduced altered states of awareness inwhich the subject usually experiencedpurification dreams, and out-of-body

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experiences that produced a holistichealing effect on all levels. Calling this‘Dream Therapy’, is in reality clothingFreud in Egyptian garb and putting himin Ancient Greece!

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Energy Secrets of thePyramids

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The Sacred Pyramid To the Ancients, construction wasinseparably associated with religiousrituals. The main goal of any type ofsacred buildings was to interact with thespecial energy quality of that place. MyArchitectural background and myextensive research based on practicalenergy quality experiments usingBioGeometry measurement techniques,gave me an insight and confidence topropose this new theory about the uniquequalities and amazing knowledge behindthe construction of the pyramids of Giza(Fig. 50).

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We saw earlier how the Ancients wereable to locate places that had a powerfulbeneficent energy quality, and markedthem with megalithic Menhirs andDolmens. In the case of Menhirs, thematerial, dimensions and layout playedan important role. It entered intoresonance and amplified the specialenergy quality. This was developed

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further with mathematical precision inthe Obelisks of Ancient Egypt.

The Dolmen, which consisted of twomegalithic stones erected upright withanother huge stone placed horizontallyabove them to form a sort of gateway oropen-ended chamber, was built onunderwater stream crossings whichcreated an energy vortex. Dolmens werein most cases oriented slightly south ofthe East direction. This orientationenhanced the special energy quality, andcreated a subtle energy axis passingthrough the Gateway, Arch, or open-ended chamber. The concept of the‘Eastern Gate’ has played a veryimportant role in temples and city wallsthrough history down to modern times.

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By covering the Dolmen with anartificial mound the energy emissioninside and outside the Dolmen wasenhanced. Some of the round mounds inEurope have a stepped round core madeof several levels of artificial clay bricksthat were then covered with earth (Fig.51). The development from Dolmen toPyramid must have taken place in Egyptmuch earlier than in Europe, and must beattributed to an earlier prehistoriccivilization in Ancient Egypt. Thisdevelopment led to the Stepped Pyramidof Saqqara (Fig. 52), the first stonebuilding in recorded history, andculminated with the Great Pyramid onthe Giza Plateau, attributed to PharaohKhufu of the 4th Dynasty.

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The Giza Plateau must have been asacred site on which Menhirs andDolmens stood among other megalithicedifices which were used for sacredritual by a prehistoric civilization. Wemust therefore look at the Great Pyramidas the last phase of building which hadbeen going on in that area for severalmillennia. We must understand that themain object of ritual is the sacred spotitself, while the buildings among otherthings are man’s interaction with thissacred energy quality. The pyramids wesee today are just the last remnants ofthis sacred interaction.

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In our research, we have done a subtleenergy survey of the Pyramid Plateau atGiza, and detected the wide energy GridLines of extremely beneficent energy(Fig. 53). These wide energy Grid Linesare also called ‘zones’ because they arewider than the normal Grid Lines of the

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Hartmann, Benker, and Curry earthenergy grids. We also found that thepyramids were built over crossings ofmultiple zones and Ley Lines resulting invery strong energy power spots. Thesides of the pyramids are aligned on theHartmann Grid Zones, which areaccurately orientated to the cardinalp o i n t . The location of severalunderground levels of tunnels andchambers would be based on the EarthGrid Line pattern, with the mostimportant chambers on the power spotsand the levels aligned with horizontalplanes of the grid. This was the usualpractice in antiquity, which wasconfirmed by our subtle energysurveys.

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The ancient sacred buildings weremainly built for ‘immortality in theafterlife’. After identifying a location onearth which had a very strong sacredenergy quality, the ancient builders alsotook into consideration the building’sastronomical orientation. So, not onlydid the Ancient Egyptians consider thelocation of sacred energy on earth, butthey also strove to detect and map thelocations of similar ones in the sky (Fig.54). The connection with the sacredplaces in the sky was used to empowerthe sacred energy of the power spot onearth. These connections created athree-dimensional grid of sacredenergy quality.

There is evidence that ancient

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architects designed the sky connectionsin the buildings through highlydeveloped mathematical andastronomical sciences.26 Theyconstructed a sophisticated system ofshafts (Fig. 55), chambers, and openingsin order to link their buildings to thesacred places in the sky (Fig. 56),achieving a resonance that createdvirtual cosmic Ley Lines. This was theirpilgrimage route for the soul in theafterlife, or during out-of-bodyexperiences, just as they used the LeyLines on earth as pilgrimage paths thatconnected sacred places on earth, as iscommon in shamanic practices all overthe world27. The Ancient Egyptianpriests also identified the manifestations

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of sacred energies in the environment atcertain times of the year, or the day, andperformed certain rituals to interact withthem.

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Some of those rituals were also relatedto the starting time of the building.

The Ancient Egyptians had very

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a dva nc e d geometrical measurementdevices in the form of scepters, staffs,and pendulums to detect energyqualities (Fig. 57). We find suchsophisticated detection instrumentsdepicted in their artwork held in thehands of NTRs (gods) and Pharaohs.Those devices were used within theframework of a very advanced scienceof quality through which they interactedwith the powers of nature.

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The sacred power spots in the sky wereregarded as heavenly locations (Fig.54). The Ancient Egyptians used severalmethods of connection through resonancewith the heavenly locations in the skysuch as the areas marked by the MilkyWay, the Pleiades, the Circumpolarstars, Orion and Sirius. We have beenable to confirm this theory throughmeasurement using our own modern

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subtle energy quality detectioninstruments of BioGeometry.

The alignments of the pyramid shaftsto certain star constellations in heavenwould be such a method ofcommunication that can be used inrituals. Once the alignment is done at acertain time and resonance is achieved,the building is permanently connected tothe cycle of that star. The BG3 subtleenergy quality can then be detected in theshafts all the time. It fluctuates howeverin strength according to the cycle ofstellar alignments.

These shafts were made for energyconnection and not penetrate all theway into the chambers; they just have tochannel the energy into the pyramid.

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Through their dimensions, they act asclosed sound boxes tuned to resonatewith the special energy quality of the skylocation. The length of the shaft wastuned to the wavelength that representeda harmonic proportion that wouldresonate with the energy quality of thesky location and the stellar constellationin it. The height and width of the shaft aswell as any angles or dents also playedan important role, as the subtle energyquality was produced through theproportions of height and width to thelength of the shaft the same way thesound boxes of musical instruments aredesigned. The so-called ‘stone doors’that we find in the shafts were calculatedto divide the shafts in specific spots to

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make them resonate with multiplewavelengths. This method of resonancethrough the fixing of certainwavelengths, along with the orientationto certain sky locations at specific timesin the beginning of the cycles, ensuredthe permanent resonance of energyquality through multiple methods.

The shafts brought the energy from thestellar constellation into the internalchamber, taking the Dolmen concept to anew level of sophistication. To theancients, the buildings were like musicalnotes within the overall composition of asymphony that included the energyanatomy of the location on earth, andalso of locations in the sky, as well astime and natural cycles, to create the

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ultimate sacred energy quality throughtime and space. To the AncientEgyptians this sacred energy qualitybecame so natural and normal that theyinteracted with it in their daily life, andused it to bring harmony into everyaspect of their environment visible andinvisible. No activity of any type couldstart without it.

Another important criterion was thechoice of time connected to theconstruction of certain parts of thepyramid. The points of transition in anyenergy system, as in the beginning andend of cycles, are points ofmultidimensional qualities whereconnection to other dimensions arepossible, and at which the least effort

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is needed to achieve the strongesteffect within the whole energy cycle.The laying of the cornerstone and thebeginning of construction as a whole,would thus be initiated when the stellarconstellations were in ideal alignmentwith the shafts or openings that werespecifically devised to create theconnection. The Ancient Egyptians alsoidentified the occurrence of the sacredsubtle energy quality at certain times ofthe year or the day, and performedrituals to interact with them. Thebuilding connected in this way to theearth’s energy anatomy and the skylocations, became like a living subtleenergy system. One can compare that tothe planting of a seed at the right time in

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the cosmological cycles to enhance itslife energy.

When the Ancient Egyptians usedastronomical calculations of the cyclesin the sky, they already knew what theywere looking for in terms of the energyquality needed to achieve universalharmony. They gave the stars markingthose locations a special place in theirscientific-religious worldview. As anexample, when the rising of Sirius on thehorizon would coincide with thebeginning of the flood of the Nile, theharmonizing sacred energy quality in thewater was greatly enhanced, thusbringing prosperity to the land and itspeople.

The Ancient Egyptians used several

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methods to achieve resonance withlocations in the sky. Reproducing skypatterns on earth in a form of mirroringproduced resonant connections. Thismirroring of the sky on earth is a verypractical way of bringing to the earth thesacred energy quality found in certainstellar regions. It is achieved by creatinga pattern of sacred energy spots on earthwith the same pattern as a stellarconfiguration in the sky, to create anEarth-Sky resonance.

Our research and experiments in thedetection of BG3 subtle energy qualityare a practical way of showing theimportance of those locations in the sky.In BioGeometry, we work according to aPhysics of Quality, which is based on

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the concepts of Ancient Harmonics, inwhich the energy quality of shape playsa major role. Similar shapes in certainproportional relationships can enter intoresonance and exchange information on asubtle energy quality level across greatdistances and even beyond the confinesof time and space.

The Ancient Egyptian existed in amultidimensional state that was notbased on superstition as many tend tobelieve, but on a very practicalrelationship with the forces of nature thatenhanced his daily activities. Throughthis understanding, we will be able touncover the secrets that lie in the ruins ofthis great civilization, and maybe revivethem in a modern form to create harmony

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in our global society and ourenvironment.

Our detections in the sky would be inaccordance with the rituals and beliefsin Ancient Egypt, which were alwaysbased on the harnessing of the sacredenergy quality that permeated theireveryday activities to enhance them in apractical way. It was therefore nosurprise to find out that ourmeasurements of locations in the skyturned out to be in some accordance withAncient Egyptian beliefs and showed acertain correlation with the findings ofBauval and Hancock (authors of TheOrion Mystery and The Egypt Code) andtheir theories on the stellar alignments ofthe pyramids and their relation to Orion,

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Sirius, and the Milky Way. The crucialdifferences lie in that we identifylarger areas in the region of thesestellar bodies and not the star itself,which was used as a marker for thesacred area. We further postulate thatthe Ancient Egyptians mainly dependedon a practical method of energy qualitydetection besides their advancedastronomical knowledge.

The Ancient Egyptians believed thatthe soul, which they called the ‘Ba’,could travel out of the body and comeback. They practiced a form of astraltravel linked with initiation rites aspracticed in many shamanic traditions.They would access the sacred powerspots on earth by physically going to

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them, and access the sacred powerlocations in the sky in non-physicaltravel, as in out-of -body experiences oras a soul journey after death.

The Time Chambers in thePyramid In our BioGeometry research we foundthat the sacred power spots, whether onearth or in the sky, are locations thatmanifest the BG3 subtle energy quality.We have seen how the multidimensionalproperties of this energy quality open adoorway to other realms and enhancecommunication with other dimensions.This doorway beyond our time-spacedimension has made those power spots

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sacred to many cultures from prehistoricto modern times.Let us examine this multidimensionalitya bit closer to try to understand howdifferent cultures interacted with it intheir buildings throughout history. Wehave shown how they enhanced andamplified the BG3 subtle energy qualityof the power spot through the erection ofmenhirs, dolmens, obelisks andpyramids on them. We have also shownhow they connected the power spotsthrough straight paths to create twodimensional and three dimensional gridsof BG3. Did ancient civilizations knowmore about communication withdifferent time-space dimensions than wesuppose?

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My research into the subtle energyinteractions of the megalithic dolmen hasshown that it is a very special shape thatcan enhance the BG3 and project it in alinear form in the direction of itsorientation. The dolmen was sometimescovered with a circular near-hemispherical mound that later evolvedto become a pyramid. The pyramidswere built with bricks or sandstone withsome of the special core elements ingranite. The chambers inside were builtin granite because of its structural andresonant qualities. The granite chamberswere very powerful multidimensionalcommunicators. They opened the doorsto the past and future, as well as to otherrealms and allowed soul travel from and

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to them. Could we not then consider thepyramids of Egypt as time machines?Recent research certainly seems tosupport this possibility.

Whether these time chambers wereused as burial chambers or initiationchambers does not really matter, as it istheir time-space configuration that is ofgreat significance. Some Pharaohs likeSenefru, of the third dynasty around3000 B.C., had three pyramids built inthe region of Sakkara south of the GizaPlateau, and as far as we know, was notburied in any of them. Most probablythose Pharaohs were buried in UpperEgypt.

The use of those chambers as timemachines would have needed special

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rituals. To the uninitiated this state couldblow the mind and become such atraumatic experience that it could havepermanent psychological effects. Whenthe French Emperor NapoleonBonaparte came to Egypt in the year1798 A.D., he spent a night in the King’sChamber of the Great Pyramid. When heemerged, he is reported to have beenextremely shaken and shocked bysomething he had experienced within.When asked what had happened in there,he refused to discuss it and insisted thatthe incident never be spoken of again. Afriend who visited him in his final days,asked Napoleon to tell him the long-heldsecret of that night in the King’sChamber. Napoleon started to speak

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about it, but then stopped and said,“What’s the use? It was so strange thatno one will believe me anyway.”

Not everybody who spends a night inthere has such experiences. Some havehad very special spiritual experiences.In his book, ‘A Search in Secret Egypt’,Dr. Paul Brunton recounts such anexperience of a night in the King’sChamber of the Great Pyramid. Hisexperience was somewhat likeNapoleon’s. However, the type andintensity of experience usually dependson the person’s subconscious and hisinitial preparation. Our research hasshown that the energy in the King’sChamber becomes very negative andharmful between sunset and midnight and

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is beneficial from midnight till dawn.This explains the horrific encounterswith malevolent spirits in the first partof the night followed by themanifestation of benevolent spiritualbeings in the second half.

Recent scientific research in Russiahas shed new light on the phenomenon of‘Time Chamber’. The Russianastrophysicist and astronomer, Dr.Nikolai Kozyrev (1908-1983), who hasa moon crater and an asteroid namedafter him, triggered a controversy amonghis peers at the time with his theoryabout the existence of a new form ofenergy impregnating the whole universe.These energy waves are intermeshedwith time-space in such a way that they

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formed some sort of ‘Time Waves’.According to Kozyrev, all objects emitand are impregnated by these waves andcould only be detected by their piezo-electric effect on some crystals. Thesetime waves, however, can be reflected100% by aluminum or granite and couldinvert their polarity if reflected bymirrors.

Kozyrev discovered these time wavesby chance when he accidently left hisspecial mirror telescope overnightfocused on an empty location in the sky.What he found recorded on film was asharp image of the Andromeda Galaxywhere it actually is at the present time28.This was very puzzling as we wouldnormally see the Andromeda Galaxy in a

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telescope in the location in which it wastwo million years ago, because it takesthat much time for light to travel thatdistance to earth. The image ofAndromeda on the telescope was whereit will be seen by our conventionaltelescopes two million years from today!It seemed impossible to get this image atthat place now. It is like getting an imagefrom the future, although in reality it isthe present that we only see in the future.Several other experiments wereconducted with different calibrations,and pictures were obtained ofAndromeda in the past, present, andeven in real future positions. All imageswere very clear except for the ones inthe future, which showed only 70% of

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the data. He deducted that the missing30% were due to other future eventswhose effect could not be accessed yet.

Two other Russian researchers,Kaznacheev and Trofimov, performedseveral experiments in 1990 to studyKozyrev’s phenomenon of time waves.They built a ‘Kozyrev Mirror’ whichconsisted of an aluminum cylinder inwhich a person can be enclosed. Thealuminum reflected all time waves fromoutside so that they did not reach theinside, and kept the time waves emittedby the person inside trapped within thecylinder. The inner surface reflectedback the time waves emitted by theperson to form a highly concentratedenvironment in the center of the tube.

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Time waves inside the Kozyrev Mirrorwere supposedly traveling in bothdirections, past and future. The personswho spent some time in this KozyrevMirror reported dramatic changes inperception taking them beyond our time-space constraints.

It is tempting to conclude that theKozyrev Mirror could just have been agranite chamber in an Ancient Egyptianpyramid built on a power spot of thesacred Plateau in Giza!

I have done my own BioGeometryresearch on this phenomenon and foundthat the inside of the Kozyrev-Mirrorhad a strong BG3 subtle energy quality.A Kozyrev Mirror placed on a powerspot would have a greatly enhanced

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multi-dimensional BG3 effect. I thenapplied some of the BioGeometryDesign Principles to enhance the effectof the Kozyrev Mirror by forming thebase to become a BG3 power spot. Icame up with an elliptical, egg-shaped,circumference of the aluminum or granitebase of the chamber so as to have theBG3 quality concentrated within thewhole base as if it was placed on apower spot. It is fascinating howfuturistic cutting edge modern science isin some aspects catching up with thePyramids of Ancient Egypt that keeprevealing new secrets as time goes by.

The multi-dimensional properties ofthe pyramid chambers could shed somelight on what kind of functions were

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performed in those chambers besidetheir use for burial and the travel of thesoul of the deceased in the celestial boatto their heavenly abode in the sky. Someof the other functions that come to mindcould be initiation ceremonies involvingout-of-body travel along the 3D gridformed by the power spots on the earthand in the sky. This journey could betaken into different time-spacedimensions. This was an ancientworldwide shamanic practice taken intoa higher degree of sophistication inAncient Egypt as can be seen by theirdetailed descriptions of the afterlife.Other practices involvingcommunication with disembodiedentities from other dimensions could

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also have taken place. These chamberscould also have been used to accessinformation from other dimensions oreven to store information in higherdimensions. The hall of records with thesecret knowledge of an ancientcivilization could be in anotherdimension that is only accessible to theinitiated.

Where is MultidimensionalEgypt Now? The loss of awareness of the abstractnature of the sacred energy whichtranscends any particular belief systemor religion results in the loss of harmonyand balance, and has a devastating

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effect, and a loss of universalmultidimensional identity. When peoplelose this awareness of the spiritualenergy quality in its abstract form, theyidentify only with the buildings erectedon the sacred spots related to their ownreligion. They are pulled into thematerial symbolism that the buildingholds in their belief. They accept assacred their own religious buildings, anddo not acknowledge the sacredness ofthe buildings of other religions. This isthe kind of focusing on the materialdimension that can lead towards idolatryand fundamentalism, and createsseparation and strife between religions.On the other hand, awareness of thespiritual energy in its abstract form

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could be a unifying force that promotespeace through recognition and respectfor all religious places of worship,independent of one’s belief.

Our ignorance of the nature of thespiritual energy quality in sacred powerspots caused us to make deplorableerrors in relocating temples, such as AbuSimbel in Egypt, to higher grounds,without properly choosing a spot ofenergy quality similar to that of theoriginal location. Furthermore, in oureffort to sanitize natural water resourcesthat got polluted by the sewageinfrastructure, we have managed totransform sacred lakes, as in Karnak inEgypt (Fig. 58), to ‘swimming pools’without a trace of the original

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sacredness of the natural source.Obelisks have been moved from theirsacred energy power spots to ‘dead’locations. In the past century, some ofthem have been moved and are stillstanding in the main squares in capitalsof Europe and the United States. InParis, Rome and Washington, D.C., forexample, they have been strategicallyplaced in energy power spots as thesecities were originally planned with theEarth-Sky energy connection in mind.

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In our research on the planning of thecity of Cairo in Egypt, we have foundevidence that this ancient knowledgewas applied. It is therefore nocoincidence that we find religiousbuildings through the ages (ancienttemples, synagogues, churches ormosques) located at energy nodal pointsthroughout the city. It is our greatest

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hope to revive and connect the sacredpower spots and reactivate the energyquality of the city with the way of thesacred, through awakening awareness ofthe invisible spiritual light that wemeasure as BG3, and by recreatingmethods of bringing it into everydayactivities. This, I believe, is the onlyway that multidimensional Egypt will berestored again.

Anti-Gravity Imagine if we decided to build a replicaof The Cheops Pyramid today. Buildingis my profession, so trust me when I saythat today, with all our advancedtechnology, we would still be seriouslychallenged! So how did these people

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thousands of years ago manage such anamazing achievement? Archeologistssuggest that they built ramps in order toraise over two million blocks of stone toa height of forty stories. Suppose theybuilt ramps to raise the stones to thehigher levels; the stones still had to beplaced on rollers or sleds, and the rampwould have to be covered with a hardstone surface so that the rollers or sledswould not sink under the heavy weight.Building a ramp that way for every rowof stones in the pyramid is a hugeengineering task in itself, which wouldhave been just as impressive as buildingthe pyramid itself! Let us assume thatthis was how it was done. How can weexplain the precision with which these

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stones, weighing so many tons each, areput in place in such a way that a razorblade cannot fit between them? Supposethey put oil on the stone and pushed it in.How many people would they haveneeded? How can more than fiveworkers fit in the available space topush it in place? Some of the stones aregranite and some are sandstone.Positioning the stones would probablyhave chipped a few, but as it turns outnone of them were chipped. What iseven more difficult is that in someplaces the stones are interlocked. Wecould easily do interlocking with a gameof Lego but not with blocks of severaltons! Obviously, there comes a pointwhere it becomes impossible for us to

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comprehend how they did this amazingengineering feat. It is strange, however,that the Ancient Egyptians leftthousands of illustrations depictingeverything in their life, but did notdocument anything about the buildingof the pyramids. They definitely hadknowledge and techniques that theywere not willing to divulge to theuninitiated.

If we research some cultural traditionsthat have survived through the ages, wemight get some clues about what type ofadditional methods they could haveused. Maybe they had the knowledge andtechniques to reduce the effect ofgravity? In Ancient times, ritual chantingand prayers were part of the building

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process. In the southern part of Egyptuntil now in construction, whenevermanual labor is being used, the workerscarrying the heavy bricks and materialson their shoulders chant ageless rhythmicchants as they climb up the scaffolds andstructures. Another example is the chantsthey sing when they are pulling cargosailboats along the banks of the RiverNile, when there is no wind to move theboats. It is well known in Egypt thatthere are still people living in the area ofLuxor who have preserved some of theAncient Egyptian knowledge, and canperform feats that are beyond ourmodern comprehension. Could thechanting and prayers have played asupporting role, both in moving the

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stones to the building site, and in placingthe them properly? I am not suggestingthat they sang the stones into place! Thechanting, however, could have been asupportive element.

A seer from Luxor, Yacoub Al-khousamy, the same one I mentioned inmy journal, told us a story related to ourtopic of anti-gravity. He talked abouthow many times in his youth he hadwitnessed his father perform levitationfeats where a huge heavy stone, forexample was rendered weightless andcould then be easily lifted and placed inthe right location. Local tradition in thearea, however, as I have been told,attributes this knowledge and skill toKhoja Yacoub himself.

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One recently documented example thatillustrates this connection of sound,prayer and anti-gravity comes fromSpain. In the early 16th century, St.Teresa of Avila, the renowned mystic,was known to have repeatedlyexperienced states of levitation while inthe rapture of prayer; St. Teresa seemedto hit an anti-gravity key through herprayers. There is definitely a connectionbetween some aspects of spiritualenergy and gravity.

The Sacred Mother The concept of anti-gravity is a field inwhich, I believe, shape can play a veryeffective role. Intrigued by this

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phenomenon, I have conducted researchon certain shapes that might have an anti-gravity effect under certaincircumstances.

We only have to look as far as ourbodies to examine this concept. One cantruly but wonder how we do not feel theweight of our body organs that arebasically hanging in there? Why are theynot falling? Why don’t we ever feel theweight of our ears for example? Howcan a pregnant woman carry that weightfor so long? We had twins, my wife andI, and all through the pregnancy I keptlooking at her in wonder as her tummygrew bigger and bigger and she stillfunctioned perfectly! I imagined carryingthat much weight strapped around my

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waist! That got me going. The shape ofthe womb particularly during pregnancyseems to have an anti-gravity effect thatminimizes the load on the body (Fig.59).

An amazing discovery that was madeduring my research was the detection ofthe subtle energy quality (BG3) in thewater surrounding the baby in the womb

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that seemed to have the same qualitycomponents of the water found in sacredpower spots. No wonder the mother isrevered in all religions and cultures.During pregnancy the mother isactually a walking sacred power spot!The sexual act, from the energy qualitypoint of view, could then be looked atas a sort of pilgrimage that the maletakes to a sacred place. That mightexplain the sexual rituals that we seedepicted in sacred art in many cultures.

There seems to be a relationshipbetween the sacred energy quality welabel ‘BG3’ in BioGeometry andgravity. The anti-gravity effect can beachieved through prayer, spiritualpractices, sounds and shapes, creating a

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very strong subtle energy quality.

An Ancient EgyptianAirplane Model My old time friend, Dr. Khalil Messiha,(a Physician, Professor of Anatomy atthe Da Vinci Art Institute, and amateurEgyptologist), discovered at theEgyptian Museum a figurine of a birdthat had aerodynamically shaped wings,fixed on the top of the body like a gliderplane (Fig. 60).

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Dr. Khalil Messiha was intrigued by thevertical position of the tail. Birds don’thave a vertical tail. This shape of the tailand the wings made it look more like aglider plane. At the museum,Egyptologists had categorized it as abird figurine. The typical models ofbirds as found in Ancient Egyptianartifacts had painted feathers and legs.

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But this model had neither. The shapehad characteristics not found on anyother bird figurine. Dr. Messiha sent apicture of the model to an aeronauticslab in America. The report that cameback from the lab stated that this couldbe the model of a slow-flying cargoplane, and that it had the essentialaircraft features needed for it to fly.

Any form of art usually representssomething that we are familiar with. Wemay give a toy car to a child; he willlove it because it is a model of a realcar. The question is whether the AncientEgyptians had the knowledge thatenabled them to build some sort of flyingmodels or actual machines? I believethat maybe when they drew the gods

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flying in the sky, these could be slowflying objects similar to the model Dr.Messiha discovered. So the Egyptiansmay very well have mastered someforms of levitation and discovered thesciences of aero-dynamics and anti-gravity.

Building is a SpiritualExercise How were the great Egyptian monumentsbuilt? About ten years ago,archeological excavations uncovered the‘workers’ city’, a highly organizedsettlement where all those who wereassociated with the building of the Gizapyramid lived and worked. The digs

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uncovered an infrastructure system ofdrainage, sewage, paved streets, houses,workshops, bakeries, medical facilitiesand all the other services that such acommunity would need.

In Egypt, the River Nile flooded theland for several months. During thisperiod of inundation, the farmers camefrom all over the country to work in theconstruction of sacred buildings. Others,professional stonemasons and mastercraftsmen, worked all year round underthe supervision of project masters. Tothe Ancient Egyptians, construction wasinseparably associated with religion andso it was an honor and a spiritual questto work in the building of theirPharaohs’ pyramids and temples; this is

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evidenced in excavation findings andworkers’ graffiti found inside the Gizamonuments themselves. This is contraryto the notion that the pyramids were builtby slaves driven by the whip that waspresented by Hollywood in manyproductions, the most prominent being‘The Ten Commandments’ by Cecil B.De Mille.

Some contemporary scholars attemptto suggest that the Jews were the forcedlabor behind the building of thepyramids, an absurd assumption sincehistorically, the Jews were firstmentioned more than 1000 years afterthe era of pyramid building. This eradates back to the third millennium beforeour time. Actually, there existed a

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Jewish colony on the Elephantine Islandand its surroundings near Aswan inUpper Egypt since 500 B.C. recordsshow that this colony existed for morethan a thousand years. At its center wasa Jewish temple donated by the Pharaoh.

To the Ancient Egyptians, theconstruction of sacred buildings wasconsidered a spiritual exercise in itself,and so the energy quality of all involvedin it (priests, architects, artisans, artistsand workers) was very important.Knowing that every line they drew orstone they touched would be foreverimpregnated with the energy of all thoseparticipating, they had to be prepared forthe spiritual work they were to embarkon. A workman would have to go

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through purification ceremonies andprayers before participating in any work.If, for example, he touched a stone andimpregnated it with negative energy, hecould compromise the subtle energyquality of the whole building.

In Ancient Egypt, when they cut astone, they marked its polaritycoordinates in its original location.They believed that the energies of theearth that had been flowing through it ina particular direction for thousands ofyears, needed to be respected. The stonemust then be placed in that sameorientation to the coordinates, so as towithstand the test of time (and wewonder why any renovations we do nowdo not survive a decade!). To them, each

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stone was alive, it had consciousnessand awareness. When the workers wereon a very high level of spiritualitythrough the use of certain rituals, theycould affect the energy quality of thestone. The Ancient Egyptians integratedthe powers of nature in their practicaleveryday technology.

This spiritual preparation is stillpracticed by some builders in moderntimes. For example, the great architectAntonio Gaudí, who built monumentalbuildings in Spain, is known to havefasted and prayed for about forty daysuntil he felt he was spiritually cleansedand ready to embark on his quest ofbuilding the Roman Catholic Basilica,‘La Sagrada Família’ (The Holy Family)

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in Barcelona, Spain, from 1882 to 1926,(Fig. 61). To this he dedicated the lastfifteen years of his life and joked aboutits long construction time saying: “Myclient is not in a hurry.”

The spiritual practice of building canbest be seen in the history of the‘Kaaba’. The holy central mosque ofIslam in Mecca, which has been rebuiltseveral times since the PatriarchAbraham resurrected it from its buriedfoundations. The records document thenames of every person who carried astone and put it in place; his tribe andlineage, the number of the stone and itsplace in the building. Only thosebelieved to be the most devout fromevery tribe received this honor.

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Today we underestimate the power ofrituals. We give them symbolic valueand often reduce them to the status oftraditional practices. We attribute therituals to symbolism and psycho-socialvalues, and do not see the practicalaspect that they could have inharnessing the subtle energies of thepowers of nature into everydayactivities. We think we can do withoutthem; we have our modern scientificworldview in which ancient rituals haveno place.

Since antiquity, religions have alwayscombined spiritual experiences withexact rituals. It is known that spiritualconnection causes an over activity of theso-called trance-like state of right-brain

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perception. This over activity couldproduce transcendental experiences thatsome might mistake as hallucinations.This state can produce frontal lobedisturbances in the brain leading up toseizures in extreme cases. Hence, theimportance of rituals and prayer: toadjust the energy imbalance in thebrain. Spiritual experiences arisethrough a connection with a higherdimension. Proper connectivity of thissort needs some form of fine tuning tothe source that is achieved throughspecific forms of ritual. When we prayfor example, it is important to strictlyabide by the dictates of the rituals, asrituals are very well-designed to correctthe energy imbalance in the human brain

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and create a balanced connection tohigher levels of spiritual reality.

How can we differentiate betweenhallucinations and an actual spiritualconnection? This can be done by usingbiofeedback devices or radiesthesicmethods of subtle energy qualitymeasurement. If we are connecting withthe proper rituals, we would detect the‘One Harmonizing Subtle EnergyQuality’ of BG3 through its threecomponents: The Higher Harmonic ofGold, Ultraviolet, and HorizontalNegative Green subtle energy qualities.(In an epileptic seizure for example, wedo not find the BG3 subtle energyquality).

In the Sufi mystical tradition, we learn

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that there is a special rhythm in the heartconnected with all the forces of nature.We have inside of us all the rhythms ofthe universe, manifested harmonicallyin the rhythm of the heart. This is themechanism of higher extrasensoryinformation exchange in the universe thatthe mystics refer to as the ‘knowledge ofthe Heart’. The Sinoatrial (SA) node inour hearts, which is the primary pacemaker generating the rhythm of the heart,reflects the energy balance of the wholeperson on all levels. In every one of usthere is a slight imbalance in this rhythmindicating, in a mystical Pythagoreansense, the imperfection of humanity. Thisimperfection can be correctedtemporarily through the connection with

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the ‘One Harmonizing Subtle EnergyQuality’ which will bring the BG3 intoour heart. We can actually measure theoccurrence of this BG3 energy quality inthe heart rhythm, indicating a spiritualconnection. With the proper rituals inconnection with sacred spots and sacredtimes, we can synchronize with a largenumber of rhythms manifesting the BG3energy quality. In the BioGeometryHarmonic System we can find thoserhythms and use them to bring inner andouter harmony. When we correct thisrhythm of the heart, we correct all theother rhythms of all the energy functionsof the body because they are emanationsfrom that rhythm.

It is interesting to examine the activity

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of the left and right sections of the brainseparately; when we listen to music, wefind a higher level of activity in theright-brain section. If however, we startto think analytically, we find a higherlevel of activity in the left-brain section.If we are involved in any form ofspiritual exercise, the activity of thefront lobe of the right-brain hemisphererises (Fig. 62).

When epileptic patients go into a

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seizure, the activity of the frontal lobe ofthe right-brain section also rises. Theperson may say afterwards that he sawan angel or that ‘God has spoken to him’or that he had some kind of spiritualexperience. In his book, ‘Phantoms in theBrain’, Dr. V.S. Ramachandran29

referred to this frontal lobe of the rightsection of the brain as the ‘God Spot’, aterm coined by Persinger working in thesame field of mind research (Fig. 62).

We cannot conclude from suchexperiments that the concept of God andspirituality in general is only an illusionproduced by an overactive frontal lobein right-brain hemisphere, as somescientists like to make us believe. Weknow that many spiritual exercises

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sometimes cause similar experiences.We also know that some people who gointo very strong power spots or sacredplaces may have light convulsionssimilar to epileptic seizures.

Let us look deeper for a morecomprehensive view. If we measure thesubtle energy quality in the frontal lobeof the brain during spiritual activity,using a brain wave tracer andinstruments of Physical Radiesthesia, wewill detect a frontal lobe disturbance.How can that be, and how can wecorrect the disturbance? Although thephysical results and the brainmeasurements of both types ofexperiences are the same, inRamachandran’s case, the seizure

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produces the experience, while in thecase of spiritual practices it is theexperience that produces the visions oreven the convulsions. We need to lookat a hidden energy aspect in rituals thatproduces a harmonizing balancing effectin the otherwise disturbed frontal brainlobe, resulting in a full spiritualexperience with no physical disturbance.In this case, the experience often has ahealing effect. Spiritual activity andspiritual places need the balancingenergy of ritual to ensure harmony andprotection from any disturbance.

If we take a hand gesture as anexample, (Fig. 63) something as simpleas raising the forefinger of one’s righthand creates an energy vortex above the

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index finger manifesting the ‘Gold’energy quality of BG3. This gesture isfound in the religious art and rituals ofmany cultures. In Islamic prayers, it is asymbol of the one God; in Christianitywe find it in many icons of John theBaptist as depicted in Renaissancepaintings.

It is also interesting to note that whatwe know as Islamic rituals are, inessence, the same rituals practiced inthat area of the Middle East since thedays of the Patriarch Abraham, andprobably originate much earlier.

In BioGeometry we introduce thebalancing energy of BG3 to support allkinds of spiritual activities usingtangible methods in the form of

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architectural solutions and speciallydesigned shapes. These solutions aresustainable and will continue to workas long as they are physically intact.

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The Qualitative Sideof Energy

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What is Energy? The underlying concept of BioGeometryis the re-creation of an energy qualitythat corresponds to that of sacredpower spots. In order to understand this,we must expand the horizons of ourquantitative, scientific way of thinking toinclude the qualitative dimension, whichdeals with how all things affect eachother. It is important at this point toexplain this concept of energy qualitythat we are dealing with. A scientistmight say, “Define what energy is? Youuse the word ‘energy’ for everything.” Inour modern times, scientists have adivided worldview: on the one hand,they tell us that everything in the

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universe is energy; on the other hand, wefind them identifying energy only throughsome of its manifestation such as heat,electricity, magnetism, and others withinthe four categories of gravity, electro-magnetism, weak and strong nuclearforces.

The famous American physicistRichard Feynman once said: “In physicstoday, nobody knows what energy reallyis! We know how to use certain formulasto quantify and use the different forms ofenergy, but we still do not know theessence of the energy that manifests indifferent forms.”

The generally accepted definition ofEnergy is its ability to produce action/effect /work, depending on the context,

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which defines energy not as what itreally is, but through one of itsattributes or qualities that areperceived as an effect on anotherobject. Besides the traditionalmanifestations of energy in the form ofheat, motion and so on, there are alsomany other non-traditional effects thatshould be added to our energyrepertoire, and need to be included inthe manifestations of energy. Thoughtsand emotions are such examples. If youare embarrassed, you blush! If someoneis angry, his face turns red; if he is inlove, we can sense abundance of energy,but with a totally different quality! Isn’tall that, in fact, different forms of energyconversion? Electronic measurement

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devices, such as electroencephalograms(EEG) that trace the brain’s activity,show that the working of the mind isbased on some sort of energy interaction.

Let us take this train of thought toanother level. Is spirituality also basedon an energy interaction or not? If it isnot based on an energy interaction, thenit is just an abstract concept with no realexistence. This cannot be! Even sacredbeliefs and the related rituals, that referto an inconceivable Divine realitybeyond the duality of time and space, arebased on the manifestations of thisultimate reality within time and space asa sort of spiritual energy quality. Manyforms of religious ritual are a way ofinteracting with this inaccessible

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Divine principle through its effects onthe energy quality of certain locations.So you see, a whole new pictureemerges which would need a newphysics to grasp it. If we define energythrough its effects, then we must alsolook at it from a holistic qualitativeperspective. So let us go back to the firstmoment of creation and examine it froma qualitative point of view.

In the early Christian Gnostic writingsthat are attributed to ‘Hermes’ (believedto be ‘Thoth’, the god of Wisdom to theAncient Egyptians) we find a UniversalLaw, expressed in the words “As Aboveso Below,” in a document titled ‘TheEmerald Tablet’, which tells us that agrain of sand has within it the blueprint

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of a micro universe. If we try tounderstand the essence of what is withinour reach and analyze it, we will findthat the laws governing it will give ussome insight into understanding theunreachable star. Similarly, we will usea model to understand the first momentof creation.

The most widely accepted theory ofthe origin of the Universe is that itstarted with a ‘Big Bang’, a sort ofexplosion arising from a previous stablestate of so called ‘nothingness’ (Fig.64). If we observe nature, we can seethat a seed does not just explode out ofits inert and seemingly dead state into atree.

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The growth of the seed is governed by aprogram or a mental pattern. Thisprogram is latent, and parts of it areactivated to unfold and manifest at theright time when it is needed. Similarly,the creation of the whole universe couldnot have been a simple explosionwithout a program indicating some formof higher organizing intelligence.

The explosion released energy, it didnot create it. As we know in physics,

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energy cannot be created from nothing ordestroyed. So this energy must have beenthere within the nothingness, before theuniverse started. It was an attribute or anability existent in what we term a ‘stateof nothingness’. So energy is somethingthat when dormant is perceived asnothing, but when it moves it becomessomething. It has then beentransformed from one state to another.So everything was there before the firstimpulse when our universe was created,but in a different, latent, dormant form.The actual essence of stagnant sleepingenergy before the Big Bang is beyondduality, time, space and any type ofattributes. But the attributes already existwithin it, in one way or another. Beyond

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duality, every attribute in its extreme andits opposite would exist as one andinseparable. To describe such a state asexistence-nonexistence, dead-alive, up-down, right-left, would be meaninglessto us. This means that our intellect,which is based on the duality of timeand space, cannot perceive orcomprehend it. We can only perceivethe attributes when they manifestwithin the duality of our time and spacedimension after the emergence of thecreated universe.

So energy has all attributes alreadybuilt into it. We become aware of energythrough its attributes which manifestwithin duality. That is why we defineenergy qualitatively through its abilities.

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All the things that are manifested now asattributes were there within the essence,undifferentiated from their opposites.Every attribute or quality that everwas, or ever will be, exists alreadywithin the primordial energy and all itsforms, and will manifest according tothe archetypal pattern in the formingprocess of all natural systems. Whetherthe attribute is dormant or manifested, itis still there. We can therefore say thateverything in the universe is a livingenergy system, in which the attributesare in a different degree ofmanifestation from deep sleep to fullaction.Let us go back to the Big Bang theory.Before the first impulse, there was no

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motion, and therefore no time or space.As we have previously explained,before time and space there waseverything, and there was its opposite ina sort of stagnant primordial state. Thistotality may be difficult to comprehend,and yet it is something that we allbelieve in somehow, but cannot express,because the mind cannot expresssomething that is beyond duality. We tryto express it in our manifested time andspace.

What happens when we drop a stoneinto water? We get ripples; the ripplesthen gradually return to the originalundisturbed state. The positive and thenegative will eventually cancel eachother and soon those ripples disappear

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and we have nothing. The first impulseof creation was just like a stone fallinginto the water, and that is what we callthe Big Bang (Fig. 65). One Big Banghowever, does not produce a continuousuniverse, because the opposites, like theebb and tide of the wave, will cancelthemselves out eventually. Somewherethere must have been a second sustainingimpulse, but of a different nature. Thesecond impulse must have been acertain type of motion, a balancingmotion. It is a form of ‘circularmotion’, where one thing revolvesaround another. Only through circularmotion may one arrive at the unitycomposed of opposites. Duality meansone thing in relation to its opposite, but

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with the circular motion we have atrinity that becomes a unity, becausecircular motion balances opposites insuch a way that a new unity, largerthan the sum of the components iscreated (Fig. 65).

Circular motion represents time andspace. Circular motion or rotationcannot exist without a center. This

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center which balances circular motionis outside time and space because itdoes not rotate with the circle . Thismotion is balanced from beyond timeand space. So, we have the first impulse,this power, this Big Bang. The secondimpulse is the circular motion, which isa law of balance, or a law to enforcebalanced motion.

If you balance a motion according to alaw, the law itself must be aware of thepresence of the parts it is balancing.Therefore, there must be a primordialconsciousness within the originalprimordial state before the firstimpulse, which is manifested here, andcreates an awareness of opposites. Sowe see that the beginning of duality

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sustained by motion is also theemergence of consciousness.Consciousness creates the awareness ofthe parts balanced by the law of motion.It creates the awareness of every systemin the universe, according to theinformation it deals with, within the databank of that system.

Therefore, if we are going to discusshow the universe started, the power of aBig Bang alone cannot be the answer.The answer would be a powerfullymeaningful conscious impulse governedby a law of balance. Religious texts andancient myths of creation may be moreaccurate than we usually assume, whenthey say that in the beginning there was‘The Word’.

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‘The Word’ is more accurate, becauseit involves meaning, consciousness, andwisdom. If you say “uh” for example, itis just a sound, but if you add meaning toit, it becomes a word. ‘The Word’expresses a conscious universe on everylevel from the smallest to the largest,governed by a meaningful law that ismeant to produce balance and harmony.A true meaning which has the power toachieve balance through harmony,comes from wisdom. So wisdom is thefoundation of the universe expressed in‘The Word’. Therefore, saying that in thebeginning there was ‘The Word’ is morescientifically correct than any otherdescription.

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The Balancing Law: Wisdom Primordial energy manifests as theprimary motion. Anything that we dothat produces different types ofsecondary motion, transforms thatenergy into the different forms by whichwe perceive it. But what is it that movesand that we do not know? All that wecan know is that this motion creates theduality of opposites, and that it isbalanced in a way that we could callgeometric. This balance which createscomplementarities out of opposites is alaw that works on all levels of creation,down to our physical reality.Furthermore, this balanced motioncreates time and space that manifests on

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many levels according to its mode andlevel of perception. Attributes arequalities that can only exist within theduality of time and space, because weneed their opposites to perceive them.

We refer to this eternal state fromwhich creation emerged, as themonotheistic basis of all beliefs andreligions. It is the primordial eternalessence of Divinity. Some Christianmystics call it the ‘Godhead’. Muslimscall it ‘Al-Thaat’, which means‘Essence’ in Arabic, or the‘Unmentionable’, as in some ancienttraditions. Our perception andunderstanding, whether scientific orreligious, begins with manifestationswithin time and space. We all have our

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concepts of the creating essencethrough its attributes within time andspace.

To make things even more difficult tounderstand, we must note that what wasthere before the first impulse and thecreation of time and space cannot besaid to be before the first impulse,because with no motion, duality or timeand space, it is actually a state ofbefore-during-after or past-present-future, all in one. The existence of theuniverse is actually within thistimeless, ever-present, eternal momentfrom which the first impulse emerged,and in which everything will end.

Newton saw it in a much simpler way,when an apple fell on his head. He

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connected energy to motion and gravity.But the apple on the tree at a certaindistance from the ground had in it theability to produce a falling motiontowards the ground. So we see thateverything, even without movement, hasenergy inside it. So, at that moment(that we’re calling here the zeromoment), there was the activation of astate that was there in a latent,dormant form, to manifest in an activeway (Fig. 65).

Let us look at matter, and see how weinteract with it. All matter consists ofatoms. We will use the geometricalconfiguration of the atom as a model forillustration. Atoms are made ofpositively charged protons, as part of the

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central nucleus, and negatively chargedelectrons revolving around them in acircular motion, in one or more orbits.For our model, we will use an atom withone proton at the center and one electroncircling around it (Fig. 66).

If these two opposite electricalcharges get too close, they cancel eachother and if they get too far apart theywill not interact, and will slowly losetheir charge until we end up withnothing. This is very much like whathappens when you take two oppositecolors (green and red, yellow and violet,or orange and blue) in pigment orcolored light, and mix them together.They cancel each other out. The result isa colorless, dark grey pigment. We know

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that creation occurs through thebalancing of the opposite charges. In ourmodel, the balancing law of motion thatgoverns the protons and electrons willproduce a new unity in the form of themotion itself giving us the ‘Atom’ (Fig.66).

Imagine we have a gigantic atom, andthat the proton and electron are twooranges, hundreds of miles apart. One ofthem is moving around the other at sucha high speed that wherever we put our

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hand, we can feel an orange. As weknow, everything in the universe is pureenergy, vibrating and pulsating atvarious frequencies. What we perceiveas solid is actually energy in motion.So we have two oranges, but becauseone of them is moving very rapidly in anorbit around the other, we feel that whatwe have in front of us is a huge mega-orange! The only components in oursimplified model of this circular motionare these two particles, oranges orcharges, positive and negative, whichrepresent a miniscule part of the wholecircular or spherical shape. What is allthe rest made of? The actual particles(which are the proton and electron inthis case) make up much less than 1% of

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the volume, while 99% or more is justempty space. This empty space is filledwith motion that is balanced by thelaws of a higher wisdom. So it is a formof energy and not completely emptyspace.

We refer to the quality produced bythe wisdom of the universe as the‘Centering Quality’, which takes thequalities inherent in the balancing roleof the center and spreads them into thewhole shape giving it all the sameenergy quality as the center. This‘Centering Quality’ puts a center inevery point of the shape, so that thecenter is actually everywhere creating anultimate permanent state of balance,unaffected by any changes in the shape.

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The actual center of the central pointhas no time or space attributes, andtherefore connects to a differentdimension than the geometrical figureit balances. This transcendentalconnection of the center to anotherdimension is a doorway through whichthe primordial timeless momentmanifests within the duality of motionand shape. The shape actually becomesmultidimensional through the ‘CenteringQuality’. Universal wisdom in thiscontext produces that quality.

An interesting story that relates to this‘Centering Quality’ is attributed toLeonardo da Vinci, the great genius ofthe Renaissance. When Leonardo wassummoned to meet with the Pope who

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wanted to know more about this greatartist and universal genius, all that hedid was to draw a ‘perfect circle’. Whywas that so great? What Leonardo wasdemonstrating to the Pope was that theonly way to draw a perfect circle is toconnect to the quality of the center, andenter into a state where one actuallybecomes that center.

If you try to draw a ‘perfect circle’you will probably try concentrating onthe periphery with an eye on the center,but it will not work that way, as youhave to become the center by letting itsquality fill your whole being. Once youidentify with the center, you get saturatedwith that ‘Centering Quality’; then youare the center. It isn’t you anymore

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drawing the circle, you are justmanifesting it out of your own being, andthe circle comes out perfect. Leonardowas only the spokesman whomanifested the spiritual, balancing,harmonizing energy quality in the lawof the circle. He demonstrated in a veryexpressive way the secrets of thoseancient esoteric societies without reallydivulging anything of those secrets. Hepresented it in a symbolic way for thosewho were able to understand the hiddenmeaning within, and to perceive thesubtle energy quality released through it.The Pope was receptive to this type ofsymbolism. The whole dialogue was asymbolic subtle energy qualityinteraction between them. The outward

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appearance was a veil that becametransparent to a few fortunate ones.

Divine Wisdom & Geometry Geometrically balanced motion is whatwe will call ‘Divine Wisdom’. We callit divine because we attribute it to theprimordial balancing laws. If we try tobalance something mentally, from withintime and space, we will never achieveperfection. This will result in either anexcess of positive or negative, and wewill end up having all sorts of differentforms of imbalance that may manifest asdisease, evil and environmentalproblems. However, when it is totallybalanced through a center from beyondour dimension, having an origin in the

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first laws of balance at the beginning ofcreation, then it is labeled ‘Divine’.Ultimate balance can only be achievedthrough transcendence beyond theintellect or personality. The only waythis can be achieved is by accessing theprimordial spiritual quality of energy.

We now know that everything in ourperceived reality is mainly made ofperfectly balanced motion that weperceive as Divine Wisdom. Then itfollows that everything in ourperceived reality is Divine Wisdom,even us! The main constituent of ourbody is Divine Wisdom. The word‘Divine’ is used here in its abstract formand not linked to any belief or concept ofGod. It just denotes the primordial

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intelligence of the universe. In thatsense, it is a form of scientificexplanation that supports all religionsand beliefs. We are now deep in ourdiscussion of the holistic, universalintegration of science and practicalspirituality, irrespective of any beliefsystem. This makes us wonder when andhow science and spirituality everbecame so vastly artificially separated?

Let us go a step further from our atomand look at the molecule. We learn inchemistry that when we join atoms inspecific geometrical patterns, we get themolecule of a particular substance. Eachmolecule is made up of atoms that arenegligible in size in relationship to theresulting molecule. We then end up again

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with 99% motion or ‘Wisdom’ as themain constituent on that level. However,by joining the same types of atoms indifferent geometrical configurations, weget different types of molecules.Therefore, it is not only the properties ofthe atoms that give the differentmolecules their unique qualities; thegeometrical relationship (shape)between the atoms also plays a majorrole in creating the distinctive properties(Fig. 67). Shapes are the divinearchetypal laws of movement frozen intomatter. We will find that on every levelwe have shape, which is the outwardexpression of the balancing motion, asan expression of a Higher Wisdom. Adivine pen is writing and expressing its

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wisdom in what we perceive as theshapes of nature. The question is: WhoCan Read?

The Boundary & Interface One of the laws that allow form orshape to create spiritual energy is thelaw of interfaces. An interface is the

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boundary between two things. We havetwo levels of boundaries; the first andsimple boundary level is what we findwhenever two surfaces of differentmaterials touch. Any two surfaces havedifferent energy qualities, and wheneverwe have two different energy qualitiesinteracting, we have a boundary thatemanates a Negative Green carrierwave. This could explain the specialfeelings we often experience whenlooking at the horizon or the seashore.The Negative Green emanating from theboundary of the horizon, or the boundarybetween sand and water, boosts oursystem with this energy of connectivitymaking it a perfect setting for prayer ormeditation.

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Another type of boundary whichcreates an interface is this specialconfiguration of the boundary in whicheach part flows into the other. Intopography for example, a mountainrising into the sky or a peninsula goinginto the sea or a bay, are such interfaces.When we have a real interface, and notjust a boundary, we will find anemanation of a harmonizing energyquality that we measure as BG3. Adouble interface would be like a cavein a mountain. That is why we find, inmany religious traditions, caves used bymystics as spiritual retreats.

This aspect of interface is somethingwe use in our BioGeometry architecturalteachings, and we find that it is a

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concept that was prevalent in the past.This design feature is very common inIslamic architecture where the doubleinterface is achieved through the use ofcertain shapes at the top of the outerwalls to create a sort of interlockbetween the building and the sky (Fig.68) (Fig. 69). A double interface occurswhen the positive and the negative haveidentical, similar shapes or specialproportions, making them morepowerful.

I always wondered how some peoplecould spend many hours enjoyingplaying with puzzles, until I realized thatpuzzles are actually very powerfulspiritual exercises. As the person isfitting the interlocking parts, the body

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resonates with a harmonizing energy.Many of what we consider just gamesthat have survived through the ages suchas chess, are in reality treasure chests ofancient esoteric sciences, and because ofour lack of knowledge, we see them onlyas games.

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Boundary and Open EnergySystems What gives any shape its distinctivefeature? The peripheral boundary of ashape acts as an insulating separationlayer between the internal energy system

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and the outer environment. It controls theinternal-external information energyexchange. This layer reflects the lightwaves that make the shape visible, andalso carries the information on theattributes of the shape’s surface andgeometrical configuration. The lightwaves, however, convey much morethan just the visual aspect of shape,which itself is a product of the totalenergy-forming process of the object. Italso carries the information about thequalities and configuration of theinternal energy pattern which it radiatesto the surrounding environment.

As we have mentioned before, theexternal surface of a boundary has aNegative Green energy quality. This

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means that the boundary has apenetrative carrier wave quality, whichcarries information through energyexchange between the inner and outerenvironments of the object. Through thissubtle energy quality, boundariessimultaneously separate andcommunicate. This energy exchangepenetrative quality is meshed within thereflective separating properties of thesurface, resulting in a delicatelyharmonized balance between theindividuality of the shape, and itscollective role as an open energy systemexchanging energy with its surroundings(Fig. 70).

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In order to illustrate the properties of theboundary of energy systems, let us takethe skin as an example. The skin is themost underrated of our body organs,besides being responsible for our touchsense its functions go far beyond whatwe normally presume. It is the mainprotective layer that separates us fromthe outside environment; it is ourboundary that has a light reflectingsurface marking the shape of our body,and a fat layer that acts as an insulator so

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that our internal energy does notdissipate into the environment.However, we are an open energy systemand as such, the skin needs to have‘windows’ through which the innerenergy system can get information fromthe environment, as the inner cycles ofthe body functions are in harmony withthe cycles of nature. For this purposethere are special points with a higherelectromagnetic conductivity than therest of the skin that act as sensors orwindows in a house. The person insidecan look to see what is happeningoutside (Is it daylight, shall I get up?etc…). These ‘windows’ or points arewhat we refer to as ‘AcupuncturePoints’. They are joined by energy paths

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along the body, called meridians. Wetraditionally use these ‘windows’ to tryand affect the inner workings of the bodyas practiced in Chinese Medicine. Thewindows in this case are used to peepinside the house. However, we shouldbe aware that the primary function ofthese points is to mediate between ‘us’from the inside and the outside world.

Like any boundary the skin has aNegative Green subtle energy qualitythat facilitates information exchangebetween the inner and outerenvironments. The fat layer of the skinacts as a storage medium of information,and as such it is like a ‘hard disk’containing a copy of all internal andexternal interactions in our lives. In the

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Holy Quran it is said that when we dieour skin will reveal everything about ouractions in this life. Primitive Man andshamans were aware of these propertiesof the skin so it is no surprise that wefind them wearing the skin of the animalwhose energy properties they wish toacquire for a certain purpose.

If we take these concepts of subtleenergy exchange with the environment tothe personal level, we will find that weare an open energy system in which eachperson is constantly being affected by,and also affecting the collective state inhis surroundings. For example, weinhale air which exists out there in acollective external state; we are changedby it, we use it individually, changing it

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and breathing it out to become part ofcollective air again. Similarly, what weeat or drink changes form as it comesout. Likewise, our emotions cannot be aclosed energy system. We use theemotional attribute of energy existing inan abstract collective state in ourenvironment, we interact with it, modifyit, before it goes out again to thecollective. In other words, we areconstantly changing the collectivevitality, emotional, mental, and spiritualqualities of our environment and viceversa. These are all energy fields ofdifferent dimensions that exchangeinformation in a resonant way all thetime (Fig. 71).

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There is a universal aspect to ourseeing, our thinking, and our feeling.These are the attributes within the

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essence of energy that are also present inall its transformations. When we use oursense of sight, the reflected waves fromthe surroundings go to our eyes and aresent as a nerve signal to our brain,where the image is formed and thenprojected out again to shape theperceived reality in front of us. It is aninternal light, created by the brain as areaction to the stimulus of the incomingwaves, which projects an external light.The awareness of the meaning andcontent of the external image is formedwhen abstract consciousness interactswith our memory data-bank.

We are a certain complex energypattern that manifests as humanity withall the primordial attributes of energy

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existing within it. Some are dormant, andothers are active. This holistic universalway of looking at the perception processof the senses might shed light on thephilosophical questions posed by Sufimystics, such as: “Do we see, or is it thelight that sees?”

Awareness The first ‘Word’ that created everythingin the universe, and has in its meaningall the qualities needed by any type ofliving energy system, prevails as thehidden essence within all types ofenergy manifestations. Energy, in all itsforms, has a hidden wisdom and isaware and conscious. Awareness andconsciousness in their basic universal

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form, involve a certain mental orintellectual activity, dealing withinterconnected forces of duality in anabstract manner in what we would call abasic form of perception. The energy inthe room where we are has a mental andemotional abstract consciousness as partof its essence. We must, therefore, seeenergy in its multidimensional form,from the physical level all the waythrough the emotional and mental levelsto the higher spiritual levels. We canthen understand that awareness,emotions, and intent play an importantrole in affecting the quality of interactionwith any form of energy within any typeof system. These aspects not only play arole in the interaction with animate

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objects like humans, animals and plants,but play an important role in theinteraction with inanimate objects suchas buildings, machines and also naturalelements like mountains and lakes. Thisawareness was at the core of manyancient rituals.

In order to fully understand theworkings of consciousness and theresulting awareness within any type ofsystem, we must look at awareness in avery broad sense, without restricting itto our human or animal type ofperception. When speaking ofawareness, we must realize that there isa vast hierarchy to it. For example, thecells in your body are aware. A cellwithin the immune system detects a

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virus, but your awareness cannot detectthat virus although it is part of yourbody. When you look at a person you areaware of the person as a whole, but notof his individual cells. The cell,however, is aware of other cells, but notof the person as a whole.

So how does awareness work?Awareness works when this universalattribute of abstract consciousnesswithin the essence of primordial energyitself interacts with our data-bank. Itinteracts with the contents of our data-bank to create our level and dimensionof awareness. The level and area ofawareness in the data-bank of anyorganism depends on the range of itssensory systems. The same attribute of

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universal consciousness that is presentin the room creates a different kind ofawareness in different energy systems.Even the room, or space we are in, hasits own sense of awareness of what ishappening within it, but in a totallydifferent manner and level than what weusually understand as awareness. Theroom is aware of the resulting energyquality of actions within its space, isaffected by it, and in turn changes theway it affects the functions within it. Inplants, it creates plant awareness; it goesinto a cell and creates cell awareness. Ifwe are all aware, then why can’t I thenspeak to the plant or to the cells of mybody?

There must be a universal language we

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can all understand at some level beforethe data-bank of the species provides thecontent for a language of communicationwithin its perceived dimension. On thesubtle energy level, beyond theperception that works through our data-bank, there are other types of awarenessthat we do not directly perceive, such asthe levels of awareness within the bodyfunctions and organs down to thecellular and DNA levels. If we couldfind the primordial universal languagethat interconnects everything in theuniverse and keeps its unity, maybe wecould communicate and exchangeinformation with the wind, speak to thetrees, animals and birds, actually toeverything in the universe, whether

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visible or invisible.What is this primordial language? Itcannot come from our perceived realitybecause the reality that we see needs thefive senses to form it. There is anotherlanguage that exists that was alwaysthere before our perceived reality wascreated. What is it and how can weaccess it?

The language from which the firstWord emerged is ever present. Althoughit is at the core of our existence, wecannot access it from our time-spacedimension which is governing theperception level of our species. Lookingat it quantitatively, the first impulse ofthe Big Bang was the center of radiationthat created the universe. Everything is a

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result of the harmonic interactions ofdifferent vibrations. From those waveinteractions, everything emerged.

The BioGeometryMultidimensional EnergyModel One cannot find an intellectual oremotional form of communication in aquantitative perception of creation. Onthe qualitative side, however, the firstWord infused the resulting vibrationswith all the latent attributes present inthe primordial state from which itemerged. Those attributes radiatethrough the universe as the subtle hiddenenergy qualities that are carried on all

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kinds of waves, weaving the pattern ofall created things. Our research showsthat these longitudinal waves are holisticin nature and encompass qualitativecomponents that move along emotional,mental and spiritual planes embeddedwithin the two orthogonal (electric andmagnetic) planes of motion (Fig. 72).This weave of multi-dimensional wavepatterns is the universal storehouse ofinformation from which all creationemerges and returns.

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In this experimentally developedmultidimensional energy propagationmodel, the waves move along the planesin the form of energy bundles (with eachof the sub-planes slightly shifted)forming a tubular shape with a sectionsimilar to a flower petal as shown in thediagram (Fig. 72). The stylized flowerpetal shapes of the diagram are in realityvery irregular. When detected bydifferent persons in different situationsthey give a lot of information on themultilevel qualities of their energypattern at the moment. The planesinterpenetrate in certain significantareas.

These embedded higher planes ofnature move at speeds faster than light

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and each of the sub-planes moves at adifferent speed. The embeddedlongitudinal waves of this model,although similar to Scalar or Torsionwaves in principle, are different in manyways: They are multidimensional wavebundles moving at different speeds onmore subtle levels and dimensions.These waves move along different time-space dimensions. The spiritual plane isbeyond time and space, with a speed ofzero and infinity simultaneously, it ispresent everywhere and nowhere at anytime, future, past or present. It balancesand holds the rest together through thecenter. This is the ever-present timeless,space-less state from which everythingemerges and falls back into.

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Time in this model is due to frictionwaves caused by the different speeds ofmotion between the sub-planes. Asfriction boundary waves, they have thehighly penetrative negative green qualitythat interacts with the energy propertiesof other systems.

This model is very helpful in applyinghigher dimensions of energy quality torestore environmental harmony,especially in dealing with thepsychosomatic effects of electrosmog.

The Universal Language We have an innate perception of thequality of waves as a sense of rhythm.Besides the quantitative effect of the

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frequency of rhythm, we arequalitatively affected by rhythm on aphysical, vital, emotional, mental, andspiritual level. In the science ofHarmonics, there is no difference inessence between rhythms and notes.When rhythm is accelerated to a veryhigh speed, it becomes a musical note30;notes are qualities. In a musical piece,we have the qualities of the notes andalso the qualities of rhythm.

Rhythm also expresses the qualitiesbehind its quantitative aspect, and is thusthrough the law of Harmonic Resonancea primordial, universal, qualitativelanguage of communication between allthings in existence. When Pythagorassaid that everything is number, he was

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transcending the quantitative aspect toinclude the qualities of numbers asliving entities that formed the universe.The common language of the universewithin all the different time and spacedimensions is rhythm. Let’s take a lookinside ourselves; our very life isdependent on the rhythm of the heart, anyirregularity in that rhythm causes adisturbance in our system. Everything inthe universe has its rhythm at one levelor another. If we could understand thoserhythms and repeat them, we couldcommunicate with the universe. Withoutbeing aware on the conscious level, wealready do many things to access theinternal language of rhythm.

Music, as one of the manifestations

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of the laws of Rhythm and Harmonics,imprints the subtle energy qualities ofthe universe, from which its laws arederived, into the physical world. Withmusic, we try to go back to theprimordial consciousness where wecould communicate with the universeusing the language of rhythm with theharmonic laws of the universe. Thequalities carried by the rhythms are thendecoded into our system through right-brain consciousness that we refer to as‘The Perception of the Heart’. This is, inessence, what mystics refer to as the‘Knowledge of the Heart’. We use therhythm and melody of music to enter intoresonance with the whole universe. Bytheir rhythmic motion, music and dancing

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can communicate with the universallaws of nature. This is the ancientscience of Harmonics as practiced in thetemples of Ancient Egypt and madepartly known to the West by Pythagoras.

Pythagoras expressed the universallaws through mathematics and geometry,as part of the knowledge he had acquiredfrom the years he had spent in thetemples of Ancient Egypt. The AncientEgyptians used number and geometry intheir qualitative aspect to create a two-way communication with the powers ofnature. They taught us that thosequalities, like musical sounds andcolors, can be derived through numericalvalues. Unfortunately, all these ways ofqualitative communication with the

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universe have been lost and mathematicshas been confined to its modernquantitative form. Mathematics hasproven to be very useful in building ourmodern technology which broughtleisure into everyday life, but that was atthe cost of losing touch with the subtleenergy qualities in nature. We have lostthe image and rhythm basedcommunication of right-brainperception that connected us withuniversal knowledge and the naturalpowers of nature.

When two energy fields are inresonance and exchange information,something happens after the resonance isover. The two systems do not go back totheir original state. A sort of vibratory

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impregnation occurs, which means thatpart of the new information leaves animprint on both energy systems.Accordingly all systems in the universeare in constant interaction and evolutionthrough resonance.

What exactly is implied byimpregnation? There is a sort of memoryeffect in every energy system; if in everyinteraction between two energy systemsan information exchange takes place,then these systems are in constantevolution and growth. This quality ofinteraction affects the awareness andperception that creates an individualreality for that system which, in turnleads to forming a personality that willcharacterize the subsequent

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communication and interaction of thesystem.

All energy systems of any kind areliving entities and have their ownpersonalities. We can only speak ofliving energy systems as part of a livinguniverse. Everything in the universefrom the atom, grain of sand, plants,humans, the solar system, up to thewhole universe, has a personality ofsome sort that interacts within its ownperception of time and space, as well aswith other energy systems. Everything isalive and interconnected; as a poet oncesaid, “you cannot pluck a flower withoutdisturbing a distant star.”

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Shifts of Perceptionin Mankind

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Carl Jung Most of the great minds that influencedour lives had an esoteric spiritualbackground that they rarely revealedpublicly. Isaac Newton for example,experimented in Alchemy secretly in hislaboratory31. Rudolf Steiner, one of thegreatest thinkers of the 20th century, wasfirmly anchored in spirituality. CarlJung, the Swiss psychologist, was amongthe most influential scholars of his time,along with other Europeans like thewriter and poet Johann Wolfgang vonGoethe; they were all influenced by theearly Christian Gnostic School that hadits roots in the Ancient Egyptian way ofthinking32.

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When I studied in Zurich, Switzerland,in the late fifties, Carl Jung was aprominent but controversial figure inpsychology because he transcended theboundaries of psychology into thespiritual and esoteric realms. Manymainstream psychologists, especiallyFreudians, criticized Jung for bringingspiritual doctrines into psychology.

In his writings, Jung distinguishes fourstages of mankind33: Primitive Man,Ancient Man, Modern Man andContemporary Man. Jung uses theseterms to categorize the different stages offocal shifts from the holistic type ofright-brain perception, into the detailedand analytical type of left-brainperception. Those shifts of perception

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brought on the emergence of the ‘I’ or‘ego’ from the abstract collective realm,to form the strong individualizedpersonality of today’s modern mankind.

We will use Jung’s categorization ofthe different stages and types ofperception, to understand the innersource from which humanity interactedwith the forces of nature in its artisticand architectural expressions in thedifferent eras of civilization (Fig. 73).This categorization corresponds tostages of gradual shift of perceptionfrom the right brain hemisphere to theleft one. In Figure 72, the (R) refers tothe right hemisphere and the (L) refers tothe left hemisphere. In reality, there is nodistinct spatial separation between the

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right and left hemispheres. There is abridge, a bunch of nerve fibers known asthe ‘corpus callosum’. In a normalhuman being, the hemispheres aresynchronized. The distinct separation wesee in the illustration can only be foundin patients whose hemispheres havebeen surgically split (please understandthat models are not necessarilyscientifically accurate, but serve asconceptual guides to enhance afunctional understanding of states ofperception).

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The right-brain type of perception is theone that has a holistic view, which is anawareness of the patterns ofrelationships between their components.This state of perception is characterizedby an increase of alpha brainwaves (7-10 Hz) that raise the level of receptivityand relaxation as well as theconnectivity with the earth’s naturalvibration of the same frequency, knownas ‘Schumann Waves’. It is sought inmeditation, prayer, yoga, and many other

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similar activities. Right-brain perceptionis receptive awareness of the totality ofrelationships in a situation without focuson detail. The shift of attention fromrelationships to detail characterizes theshift from right to left-brain perception,which would be a type of activeawareness with more focusing. Theright-brain state of receptive awarenessis a relaxed state, in which we perceivethe relationships creating the overallpatterns of images, motion, andgeometrical shapes.

In order to understand how the rightbrain works, let us imagine whathappens when we are in a long lectureand the speaker’s voice has a monotonerhythm. We start getting distracted and

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daydream. While daydreaming, ifsomeone comes and asks us anymathematical questions or any linguisticquestions we will probably not be ableto answer immediately. When wedaydream, we are in a right-brainperception mode. We will not know theanswer which needs a left-brainperception, and we could feel ‘out of it’.Normally, while we are daydreaming,we can visualize things: see things evenwith our eyes closed independently ofthe senses. Other times, when we drifttoo much into the right-brain mode, wemay stutter or say the wrong words. Thisgeneral awareness will make us part ofwhat we receive, part of what happens,while we are just sitting there and not

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talking. In right-brain perception, thereis only a weak manifestation of the‘I/ego’ There is no analytic, objectiveview: we and the universe are one.

The consciousness of the ‘I/ego’ as weknow it, is in the left-brain perception.The left-brain perception is your mainsensory perception. This is where yoursenses go into the meaning level, andthis is where thinking takes place.Awareness in the left-brain is activelyfocusing on detail, not passivelyreceiving the general impression, as inthe right-brain. Focusing means we cando things like analyze, break somethinginto parts, and calculate. The sensescreate our perceived world. When wesee a picture from left-brain perception,

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we focus on details. If a bit of right-brain perception kicks in, we may seethe picture differently. The componentsbecome part of the whole. This is ourawakening consciousness in its fullestform when both types of perception areworking together.

The act of ‘focusing’ in our dailyconsciousness is a form ofconcentration. We cannot interact in thatway for a long period of time withoutbecoming stressed, which is why sleepbecomes important. It’s a way of givingour left-brain perception a break. Whensleep is not possible, our mind will strayinto daydreaming. When our brain needsan outlet from stress, it switchesperceptions from left to right brain in

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order to relax. Our perception of rhythmis a good example to illustrate this point.In left-brain perception, we are sensitiveto the opposites in rhythm, and areaware of the details that make up therhythm. In right-brain perception, we areaware of the whole rhythm as if standingin the middle experiencing its parts. Bystanding in the middle we are in tunewith the rhythm. We feel the quality ofthe rhythm through the proportionalrelationship of the intervals between thenotes, and the notes themselves. Thesilence between the beats becomes amajor player in the quality of the rhythm.When we are receiving holisticinformation the laws of the universemanifest.

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Animals mainly use right-brainperception and do not have a strong‘I/ego’. They are instinctively receptiveto the laws of nature, with which theylive in total harmony. They have a herdconsciousness; each belongs to its groupwhich communicates as one being. Wecan see this in flocks of birds when theyfly moving in synchronized harmony, thegroup consciousness imposes itself onthe weaker ‘I/ego’ of the individual bird(Fig. 74). A collective sense of patternis evident. Another example can be seenin the way birds build their nests; thesame species build their nests in a veryspecific and similar manner around theworld. They instinctively follow thelaws of nature to reach the ideal shape

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for their home and optimum energyquality for their species. RupertSheldrake explains such phenomenathrough the collective information of aspecies, stored in what he calls‘Morphogenetic Fields’ that affect thebehavior of the species, irrespective oftime or place34.

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Primitive Man lived within the rules ofnature in a state of pure harmony in acollective tribal consciousness,governed mainly by right-brainperception. How did Primitive Mandiscover his ‘sacred power spots’? Onemight assume he was imitating theanimals by going to the spot, but it ismore probable that he had a similar ormore advanced type of perception andan advanced form of intuition, whichenabled him to see, feel and interactwith the quality of the ‘light’ emanatingfrom the spot.

From Primitive to AncientMan

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The shift from Primitive Man to AncientMan, begins when the ‘I/ ego’ starts tofunction within one’s world view. In thebeginning of the shift, the ‘I/ego’ wasstill weak. People were shifting fromright-brain perception to left-brainperception while, the ‘I/ego’ was stillstrongly linked to the right-brain. It wasa point of delicate balance where theleft-brain ‘I/ego’ was still a spokesmanfor the holistic perception of the naturallaws.

Ancient Man with his right-brainperception was developing theconscious ego in the left-brainperception. With Ancient Man, bothperceptions were equally functioning(Fig. 75). In Modern Man, however, the

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focus of everyday awareness moves intoleft-brain perception. The awareness ofright-brain perception becomes weaker,so the person becomes a full ‘I/ego’. Theshift out of our subconscious realm iscompleted. Our awareness of thesubconscious is lost. There is now onlythe all-prevailing ‘I/ego’. This is thestate of Modern Man.

Freud tried to look back to discoverthe power of the subconscious. Thinkingfrom ‘I/ego’ became very important forModern Man, who is anchored withinleft-brain perception. The ‘I/ego’became strong to a point where peopleoften are not able to participate in teamwork without causing disharmony.Today, this strong ‘I/ego’ is at the root

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of many of the social problems that weface worldwide on all levels.

Interestingly enough, Jung saw acontinuation of a progression in the typeof perception from Primitive, to Ancient,to Modern Man. He pointed out that avery small fraction of Modern Man fallsinto what he categorized as‘Contemporary Man’. ThisContemporary Man is reaching outtowards an emerging new state ofawareness, in which he is attempting toaccess the universal holistic informationof his right-brain perception.

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There were different periods when theperception of humanity shifted from the

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right-brain perception to the left-brainperception of the ‘I/ego’. Scholars gavedifferent dates for the shift. Thephilosopher, William James, sets thisshift from Primitive Man to Ancient Manat a period around 1250 B.C. However,if we apply Jung’s categorization toEgypt and look at the civilization ofAncient Egypt, we discover that the shifthad happened in Egypt around twothousand years earlier than what wasassumed by William James. At the sametime that the cavemen lived in Europe,there was a very advanced civilizationin Egypt. History records that this shifttook place in different areas of the worldat different times within the periodbetween 5000 B.C. and 1250 B.C.

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We could call this shift from Primitiveright-brain perception to Ancient left-brain perception the first ‘Great Shift’.A second shift occurred later with theevolution from Ancient Man to ModernMan. Such shifts in perception, althoughvery gradual, mark the turning points ofhuman evolution.

The Magical Universe Our senses pick-up different vibratoryranges to create color, sound, smell,touch and taste, which when put togetherin the meaning level of the brain, createour reality and project it in front of us toform our world. We can, for example,look at the idea developed in the

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Renaissance era as ‘perspective’ (Fig.76), which uses a method of constructingthree-dimensional realities as emergingfrom one or more points at the eye levelof the observer and vanishing back intothem. If these vanishing points of theperspective are really emergence orprojection points within us, then we cansee ourselves as the centers of ourperceived reality. So from the humanperception point of view, my reality andmy universe are centered in my head.This viewpoint leads us to a concept thatwas sometimes referred to as the‘Magical Universe’.

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In the concept of the ‘MagicalUniverse’, the universe is perceived asgeocentric, with the Earth at the center.This concept that prevailed in sacred artand was supported by the church, isaccurate from the qualitative sensorypoint of view, based on how reality isperceived. The physical fact, however,that our solar system is heliocentric,

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with the sun at the center, seems todisprove the geocentric point of view,until we connect it to the way weperceive our reality, which explains itperfectly. The occult and esotericaspects behind the geocentric conceptswere not common knowledge which ledsome to think that with new astronomicaldiscoveries the old geocentric beliefwas replaced by the heliocentric theory.

In reality, both the geocentric and theheliocentric points of view wereunderstood in ancient times. How couldancient mariners sail the oceans andseas, unless they knew the astronomicalfacts about the sun and the stars? It isevident that the Ancient Egyptians werevery advanced in Astronomical

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sciences, which they even incorporatedin the design of their temples andpyramids.

The heliocentric solar system is theabsolute physical reality of the planetscircling the sun. This knowledge isessential for practical purposes relatedto everyday life such as travel andagriculture. The geocentric system, onthe other hand, is based on the perceivedreality with the observer at its center, aconcept that is prevalent in sacredrituals. In reality, however, we perceivethe knowledge based heliocentricconcept through our sensory geocentricpoint of view; they are, therefore, twofaces of one coin.

In the Physics of Quality, on which

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BioGeometry is based, we derive thequalitative scales of measurements fromscales of sensory perception such ascolor or sound. These scales interacttogether in the meaning level of the brainand form an image of the perceivedreality which is projected outside us.The perceived reality is only a smallfragment of the absolute reality fromwhich our senses access the information(from very limited vibratory ranges) toform our perceived reality. Thequalitative effects on our subtle energysystem from all dimensions of theenvironment are experienced in asensory or extrasensory way through ourperceived reality. Qualities are a resultof an interaction between two energy

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systems. The sound from a string whenplucked is only perceived if a person ispresent; otherwise it is just a movementof air without any sound. The observeris needed to manifest the qualities ofsound, color, shape, smell, and taste, thatform our perceived reality. Theperceived reality is composed out of thequalities we perceive and project.Perceived reality is like a filter betweenus and the absolute reality. It forms ourworld out of the selected informationand prevents us from becomingoverwhelmed.

In qualitative measurements, we usethe qualitative criteria and scales fromthe perceived reality to access the othereffects beyond our perceived reality

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(such as color, sound, and so on) thatalso have a qualitative effect on oursubtle energy systems. To do that, wetransform the qualitative scales ofperception from within our perceivedreality, into abstract universal scales thatare applied into all vibratory ranges ofthe total absolute reality. A color, forexample, will represent an abstractquality beyond the color range that doesnot necessarily reflect the color itself,but only a hidden quality within it.

In a science of quality which is basedon a Physics of Quality, and aQualitative Harmonic System, theperceived reality of the GeocentricUniverse is the only way through whichwe can also access the universal

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qualitative effects of the absolute totalreality.

Subtle Energy Practices ofPrimitive Man Primitive Man had very strong instincts.In his own way, he began to understandthe power of motion from thecommunication and informationexchange point of view. He noticed thatif he mimicked the motion or took theshape of an animal he felt like thatanimal, because on a vibratory subtleenergy level both became like of copiesof each other. Primitive Man discoveredthat he could further enhance thisresonance by wearing an animal skin. If

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he wore the skin of a lion and movedlike a lion during a battle or a hunt, hefelt he acquired the courage and strengthof the lion and felt like the ‘king of thejungle’, and so he chose to mimic theanimal that had the qualities he mostrequired for his survival. Today we stillfind shamans in many culturesperforming very similar ritualistic ritesto develop their vision. For example,they would wear an eagle’s mask, as away of using the shape of the bird toresonate with its energy qualities. Thisis what we now actually do with all theaction figures of heroes, superstars andsuper models, which children love.Children are close to nature and areimpressionable to the point that studies

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have shown that as the figures and gamesbecome more real, the boundariesbetween reality and fiction fade away.Here we have the potential of animminent and real danger.

Furthermore, Primitive Mandiscovered that if he drew the shape ofan animal and used rituals ofconnectivity through resonance, thedrawing became animated with thesubtle energy quality of that animal. If hepointed a sharp weapon at the drawing,he saw through his primitive perceptionthat the energy of the animal wasaffected. The drawings of the huntersthrowing spears at the animal werealready part of the hunt. These drawingswere not meant as artwork; that is why

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they were not found near the entrance ofthe cave where they could be seen. Bydrawing those pictures on the wall in anarea of the cave that manifested acommunicative sacred energy quality,they enhanced the resonant effect (Fig.77). Some might call this a form offunctional art or ‘sympathetic magic’.35

But in fact, it is resonance in action. Isn’tthat what science is all about? First,observation, then repeatability undersimilar circumstances, with similarresults.

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The Language of AncientMan The transition from Primitive Man toAncient Man was a huge shift inperception that drastically changed theworldview, and was accompanied by astrengthening of the ‘I/ego’ as a result ofthe movement of focus towards left-brain perception. With the developmentof logical, mathematical, and analyticalmental abilities, Primitive Man starteddeveloping a civilization. At this stage,right-brain perception was still strongerthan left-brain perception. The ‘I/ego’became stronger than before, but not yetas strong as the forces of the collective,the subconscious, or the transcendental

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realms. He was still attached to thepowers of nature with which he strivesto be in harmony. This emergingcivilization was the result of theharmonious role of the individual withinthe collective aspects of society and thelaws of nature.

The sciences of this period wereequally founded on the analyticalquantitative methods that developed intomodern science, as well as thequalitative harmonic laws thatsynchronized them with the powers ofnature. The ancient sciences dealt withthe powers of nature in a practical wayto enhance every day activities.

Taking the Ancient Egyptian as anexample, we find that he started moving

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his focus from right-brain perceptioninto left-brain perception. But at thisstage, he applied the new abilities tointeract with the content of the oldperception, and developed sciences thatbridged both types of perception. Forexample, when he drew something, hedrew the archetypal stylized figure,representing the geometric laws ofnature behind the physicalmanifestation of that thing. Thedrawing connected through resonanceto other dimensions beyond the visualrepresentation, where the geometricaltemplates expressing the laws of theperfect forms are found. At that time, toanalyze and put letters together todescribe the object in his left-brain

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perception was not the only goal; he stillwanted to invoke the object in his right-brain perception in an energetic sense,and acquire its qualities as newinformation within himself. That is whyit was natural for him to develop asacred language of hieroglyphics40 as apictorial language leading toexperiencing something.

Experiencing through becomingsomething was a form of harmonicresonance. Harmonics is the languageof the universe that works throughresonance, which in turn leads toexchange of information, and to anoverall unity of the multidimensionaluniverse. For every day communicationrelated to mundane things, the Ancient

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Egyptians used simplified forms thatworked more like a modern alphabetwithout the complex symbolic resonantproperties of the sacred language.

Symbolism in Ancient Egypt was amethod of communication, anchored inresonance to achieve full informationexchange between the symbol and thesource. If we take the heart as anexample, we see a variety of referencesto its transcendental role in manycultures: “Don’t take it to heart,” or“Judge it with your heart,” and so on.The heart for the Ancient Egyptian wasnot only an organ in the body, but alsosymbolic of the inner essence. It waswritten as a feather representing thesound ‘i’ and a lower leg representing

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the sound ‘b’ to be pronounced ‘ib’, andhad an additional symbol of a jar with alid. It could have been pronounced ‘ab’or ‘ib’, as we do not know how theypronounced the words, since they did notwrite the vowels. The feather alsorepresented ‘Maat’ which stood forcosmic order, truth, harmony, andbalance. In the afterlife, the heart wasweighed against the feather representing‘Maat’ (Fig. 78).

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We conducted some experiments andfound that if one stressed the feather “i”and pronounced the heart as “iiiiiiiiiiib”,accentuating and resonating with thefeather “i”, it balanced and harmonizedthe heart energy center (Heart Chakra),and in so doing, brought it intoresonance with the feather of ‘Maat’.Interestingly enough, the “iiiiiiii” alone

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without the ‘b’ at the end had no effect;this is because the energy quality of thefeather bringing harmony has to beapplied to motion and support,expressed by the lower leg in order tomanifest from the abstract to thepractical. In other words, the heart is areceptacle of the laws of balance andorder to bring harmony into our actions(Fig. 79).

The relationship of ‘Maat’ with the

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wisdom of the heart is evident here, andthe balance represents resonancebetween them. The heart is taken from aphysical organ to become the center ofone’s being which is, in turn, connectedto the ‘Maat’ of universal order, truth,wisdom and harmony, which was theessence of the prosperity of Egypt. TheAncient Egyptians understood that theycould not directly connect to thetranscendent essence of the Divinebeyond time and space, so theyinteracted with its manifestations as thepowers of nature. And, since thesepowers are abstract, the brain producesby association from the contents of itsdata bank of information the nearestthing to a perceivable personified image

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of that power. The power is notpersonified; the brain is personifying itin its process of perception. The imageof that specific power of nature is furtherpersonified in detail by adding objectsfrom nature that reflect the energy qualityof this power. This composite image of acertain power of nature will bring theperceiver into awareness and resonancewith that power. In order to illustratethis idea, we can look at how in Romanmythology the planet Mars is depicted asa god. When the Romans personified thepower of the planet Mars, they used asystem of sympathetic resonantrelationships; when they tuned intoMars, they felt the same energy qualityof resonance as with that of the metal

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iron, which in turn is similar to theenergy quality of the red color. Theywould also look for all the things innature emitting the same type of energyquality as the planet Mars. This redquality could be found in any form: inrocks, in plants, in actions involvingpower, and even in musical notes, (inthis case the ‘Do/C’). When we are inresonance with something red,everything around us with the redvibration quality enters into thisresonance and becomes interconnected,thus increasing the effect of that quality.A warrior carrying an iron shield, armorand sword would be a goodrepresentation of the power of thateffect. Since iron as we now know also

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has the red energy quality, they wouldadd the color red to some detail, and addrepresentations of different things withthe red energy quality. The total pictureof Mars becomes a textbook imageshowing us the manifestations of thatpower of nature or energy quality inmany forms throughout nature. It is notanymore the planet Mars, but theMartian energy quality manifested innature.

This concept of representation orsymbolism sheds light on the esotericconcept behind Tarot cards. Theprecision and details on each cardmanifest a certain energy quality or lawof nature. In this aspect, we can see theTarot deck of cards as a book of

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‘sympathetic magic’ or resonantrelationships categorizing things by theirinterlinked qualitative energy effects.

Subtle Energy Effect ofShape Knowing the power of shapes andsymbols, we can now understand howthe ancients used them. If we take theshape of a cobra, for example, it is nocoincidence that the Ancient Egyptiansoften used it on their crowns. Whenwearing that shape, they were connectingwith the law of that archetype. If wemeasure the cobra with an appropriateinstrument, we will find it has a verystrong emission of Negative Green

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(which has carrier wave quality),especially when it takes this familiarposture. This quality is also emanatedfrom the shape itself to support theaction (Fig. 80). When placed on theforehead on the sixth energy center (orchakra), the ‘third eye chakra’, we havea carrier wave emission that connectsboth the pituitary and the pineal glandsto activate the lower and the crownchakras (Fig. 81). Every animal is amanifestation of one or more of nature’spowers, so the shape of the cobra or anyother animal has meaning, and emanatesa subtle energy quality supporting thatmeaning. In this case the shape enhancesthe snake’s hypnotic powers used tocapture their prey.

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When we examine some icons of saints,we find that they are often depictedholding plants or objects. We assumethat whatever they are holding is asymbol, and we try to decipher thehidden message. This might be the casesometimes. However, from the energypoint of view the saint is expressing hismission through the power of the plantor object, and is showing us the linkthrough resonance with the specificenergy quality involved. What does thisway of connecting with nature mean?When the shift from right-brainperception to left-brain perceptionbegan, the Egyptians felt that they werestill connected to the unconsciousinvisible dimension. They knew what

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was ‘hidden’, and they could shiftbetween the two worlds at will, sincethey perceived them as oneinterconnected reality, even though thefocus was shifting towards the left-braintype of perception. Primitive Man couldnot develop such a civilization as hewas totally focused on the right-braintype of perception, even when hefunctioned through the left-brain.Contemporary Man on the other hand,must look back into the unconscious andconsciously join resonance with theforces of nature manifesting in there.Perhaps this is a stage mankind is goingthrough. After our contemporary age,maybe the ‘Golden Age’ will allowmankind to regain the abilities he had in

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ancient times, but with full consciouscontrol over them.

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Ancient Egypt

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Isis and Osiris The Ancient Egyptians called the NaturePowers ‘NTR’, from which the wordNature could have its roots(provisionally pronounced NeTeR, sincethey did not write the vowels, and we donot know the exact ones used in eachplace).

To the Ancient Egyptians theunderlying fabric of the universe wasgoverned by the NTRs. These NTRs areoften erroneously referred to byEgyptologists as ‘gods’36, while theywere, in fact, in Ancient Egyptian beliefattributes of the one God, which theyperceived as an abstract, universal,omnipresent, omnipotent, unnamable

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Divini ty. Comparing them to ourconcept of angels representing thefunctions of the Universal Laws innature, would be a more appropriateinterpretation. The Ancient Egyptianswere actually practicing a kind ofuniversal harmony, which involvedinvocation of the NTR. These NTRs,being the manifestation of the animatedpowers of nature, were invoked throughrituals based on Harmonic Resonanceto manifest within the human energyfield.

This form of interaction with natureforces, angels or whatever traditionaldisciplines or cultures call them, arestill practiced in different forms in manyspiritual disciplines and mystical paths.

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The Sufis, for example, perform certainrituals to achieve dissolution (fanaa) inthe Divine Attributes of the one God,and also the manifestation (holoul) ofthese Divine Attributes in the humanpsyche. This is similar to what theAncient Egyptians did in the invocationof the Powers of Nature.

Once we acknowledge that energy inall its forms is conscious and intelligent,then we can view the energy functionsand laws behind the powers of nature asanimated with a form of life of theirown, and understand the scientific truthbehind what we label as ‘mythology’ inAncient Egypt. This acknowledgementwill enable Egyptologists to interprettheir findings about this great

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civilization in a new light that willchange our modern worldview of natureand help us realize a future where weand nature are in harmony. Mythologicaltales about living entities were in factdescribing the attributes and interactionsof subtle energy principles governing theanimated powers of nature.The most popular tale in AncientEgyptian mythology is that of Isis andOsiris. The essence of this tale has beenrepeatedly revived and culturallyadapted through the ages down to ourpresent time. Isis has become theuniversal symbol of the mother goddessand the feminine attributes of spiritualitythrough the ages (Fig. 82)37. It is theclassical story of love and sacrifice,

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which even includes a form ofmiraculous birth of their son ‘Horus’.We might ask, did Osiris really exist orwas he a fictional mythological figurerepresenting a personification of a NTR?If we go back to a time before therecorded history of Ancient Egypt, atime that has been labeled‘Mythological’ (future archeologicaldiscoveries will probably bring thisperiod into history), we might very wellfind out that there was an actual kingcalled Osiris. It actually does not reallymatter since the legend of ‘Isis andOsiris’ was inherently usedsymbolically to explain the working ofcertain animated powers in nature, suchas the laws of birth, death, and rebirth

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after a sojourn in the judgment of theunderworld.

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Today symbolism works differently; ithas moved from the energy qualityresonant mode to an intellectual one. Inour left-brain perception worldview, asymbol is a representation of a complexidea to get a literal message across. Forexample, a policeman in uniformrepresents the law, but he is not the law,he just enforces it. To the AncientEgyptians there was no representation,they became that thing. They would beinvoking the abstract power of order inthe universe behind the laws, andbecame one with it. So we see here thatsymbolism in their world view wasdifferent. They expressed an animatedpower of nature through a personifiedimage containing its energy-quality

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attributes, which they used to connectthrough a form of resonance with thatpower. They would be invoking the NTRas an entity. Furthermore, usinggeometrical shapes in specificproportions and angles, they developedscepters that were actually subtle energydevices in the hands of the NTRs.

Monotheism in Ancient Egypt Let us consider the relationship of amultiplicity of NTRs (which are DivineAttributes) to the ultimatetranscendental, uncreated Divinity,which mystics refer to as the ‘Godhead’,to differentiate it from the word ‘God’,when applied to the Divine Attributes.This erroneous labeling of the NTRs as

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‘gods’, and not as animated powers ofnature, misleads the modern readerinto thinking that there was a form ofPantheism at the time that wasincompatible with Monotheism. Thismistaken interpretation has relegatedAncient Egypt to a land of ancient blackmagic, whose ‘heretical beliefs’ were‘corrected’ with the emergence of theAbrahamic family of religions (Judaism,Christianity and Islam).

Many scholars make the mistake ofregarding the Pharaoh Akhenaton, whoruled Egypt from about 1353 B.C. to1335 B.C., as the first monotheist inrecorded history. Akhenaton rejected theold religion and initiated a new form ofsun worship of the one god ‘Aton’

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(Fig.83). From our contemporary pointof view, we consider his idea ofmonotheism as revolutionary at the time,as we assume that up until then, theAncient Egyptians worshiped manygods. This however was not the case. Aswe explained earlier, the establishedstate god ‘Amon’, as well as all theother gods, were the manifestation of thePowers of Nature: all attributes of the‘Godhead’. So here we find a shift to aform of monotheism that had only onesymbol for ‘god’, in contrast to theestablished ones with a huge number ofattributes in the form of animated naturepowers.

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The religion of ‘Aton’ lasted onlythrough Akhenaton’s reign. Upon hisdeath, everything related to his religiousrevolution was obliterated. Why wereall traces of that period removed in such

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a way? Why did the Ancient Egyptiansdestroy his tomb and erase nearly all ofthe documented history of that periodfrom their monuments? To understandwhy this annihilation occurred, we needto take a close look at the historicalcircumstances of that era.

Towards the end of the old Dynasty,Egypt was occupied for about 70 yearsby the Semitic nomadic tribes of theHyksos. In that period, many nomadictribes settled in Egypt; among them werethe Mithanis, who originated fromaround the area where Syria is today.The Pharaoh Amenhotep III fell in lovewith Tiye, the daughter of a Mithanipriest couple Yuja and Tuya, and tookher as his consort and second wife.

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Yuja, Tuya and their daughter Tiyecoming from a nomadic culture, had asimple way of perceiving the Forces ofNature based on the sun and the mooncycles. This perception is typical todesert environments that lack thediversity and richness of nature as foundin the Nile valley; and so it was naturalfor them to take the ‘solar disc’ as theirrepresentation of the one and only God.

Yuja and Tuya brought this Mithaniway of thinking to the court ofAmenhotep III. The Pharaoh wasinfluenced by their beliefs and wentagainst the traditional rules ofsuccession to make Tiye the great royalwife to guarantee that her childrenwould be the legal successors to his

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throne. From their marriage was bornAmenhotep IV, later known asAkhenaton.

Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, inspired bythe faith of his mother, decided toenforce aspects of this nomadic religiousbelief, to form the type of Monotheismthat we can relate to today. At thebeginning, the Egyptians accepted andtolerated the ‘Mithanian’ belief system.Resentment however, started after thePharaoh changed his name fromAmenhotep IV to Akhenaton, whichmeant ‘he who pleases the god Aton’.He then instituted a comprehensivestrategy to place Aton as the solerepresentation of god with the solar discas his symbol, instead of Amon as the

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foremost of the old gods of Egypt. Thepriests of Amon who had considerablepower, especially in Thebes, which wasthe religious and civil capital of Egypt atthe time, were angered. Akhenaton builthis new capital at a location knowntoday as ‘Tell El-Amarna’, in theprovince of Minya, three hundredkilometers north of the then-existingcapital at Thebes, which is modernLuxor today, and named it ‘Akhet-Aton’,which means The ‘Horizon of Aton’.

The power of the priests of Amon wasswept from under their feet. A politicalstruggle ensued. This was not a conflictbetween monotheism and polytheism, buta new form of monotheism in thepresence of an old established

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pantheistic form of monotheism. So itwas not really a struggle of belief, butmore of a political shift of power.One of the things Akhenaton did thatcreated severe resentment, was toprohibit the use of amulets and proclaimthe Aton sun disk as the only symbol forthe abstract, omnipotent, omnipresent,unnamable Divinity. Amulets in theAncient Egyptian religion were not justrepresentations: they were the tools ofthe science of subtle energy quality,esoteric geometry, and activesymbolism, which achieved a resonantconnection with the NTRs to bring thesupport of the divine forces of nature tothe Egyptians’ everyday activities, aswell as to provide protection from

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harmful, invisible forces of nature. Thisprohibition of amulets was verydisturbing to the priests and to thepopulation in general, who relied onthem in all aspects of their life, and wasprobably a major factor that eventuallybrought about the destruction ofAkhenaton’s religion. The Egyptianscould not accept the prohibition ofamulets. To the Ancient Egyptians,banning the wearing of amulets orplacing them on the mummies of thedead, was like sending soldiers to warwithout their weapons. Akhenatonfurther upset the Egyptians when herequired the builders and artisans to stopdrawing the typically stylized art, andstart depicting more lifelike

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representations. This departure from theold laws governing sacred ritualistic art,in favor of a more natural concept,infuriated the temple priests. It was adisregard for the essence of their art,which through the right-brainperception translated the forces andpowers of nature into geometricalshapes, connecting them to thearchetypal plane behind the forces ofnature, where the energy laws andpatterns of everything exist. They feltlost and disconnected from thesacredness of everything around them innature.

After Akhenaton’s death, thecontroversial figure of Smenkaure ruledfor a few years. He is thought to be

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Akhenaton’s younger brother, his son, orhis son-in-law. Some Egyptologists evenclaim it might be the renowned beautyNefertiti, his wife, ruling as a Pharaohfor three years. In any case, Smenkaureabandoned the Aton religion, broughtback the supremacy of the ‘Amon cult’and moved the seat of power back toThebes. Three years later, at the age ofnine, Akhenaton’s son Tutankhatonbecame Pharaoh. Tutankhaton continuedthe reconciliation by restoring the oldAmon faith. He changed his name whichmeant ‘the image of Aton’ to‘Tutankhamun’ to show reverence to‘Amon’. Tutankhamun, however, diedvery young and that was the end of the‘Amarna period’.

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What is remarkable is that, eventhough Akhenaton governed for aboutseventeen years, there are hardly anydetails left about how his life endedsince most of the records of his reignwere completely erased. The whole ofAkhenaton’s Amarna period, which wasan early precursor of our modern way ofbelief, but a heresy to the AncientEgyptians, was erased from AncientEgyptian history. The Egyptians wentback to their old religion because it wastheir science of harmony and way of life,in which every aspect of theirenvironment had a sacred role. A seedhad, however, been planted that wouldsoon herald the birth of contemporaryreligions.

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Because of similarities betweenAkhenaton’s faith and the Jewishreligion, some scholars believe that theHebrew prophets’ concept of a universalGod, as preached seven or eightcenturies later in a land that Akhenatononce ruled, was derived in part from hiscult. Others go as far as to suggest thathe might be the prophet Moses himself!Historically however, this does not hold.The Pharaoh of the exodus wasMerenptah, who ruled after Ramses II,several generations after Akhenaton.

Many centuries later, and after the linkto right-brain perception of the ‘AncientMan’ was lost through the slow shift to‘Modern Man’, the old beliefs lost theirhold. We can, however, still find many

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aspects of the ancient beliefs in the formof religious traditions and rituals thathave been passed in different formsdown through the centuries.

Where are the Ancient‘NTRs’ Today? The Ancient ‘gods’, as we nowunderstand, are the animated powers ofnature; so they are ever present. Indifferent cultures and different eras, theytake different names. What the ancientscalled NTRs are in a way similar towhat we call angels. Let us take theArchangel Gabriel as an example. Theroot of the name is ‘Gabar’, which inArabic and some other Semitic

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languages refer to an attribute of Godmeaning ‘Power’. Therefore, we findthat the Archangel Gabriel is apersonified law of nature expressingpower. An angel is the expression of alaw in the universe: It has no free willbeyond the limits of the Divine law ofthe nature it represents. It is only throughright-brain perception that we are ableto perceive and personalize this power.

The Angel of Death, for example,expresses the law of transition to theafter-life. Sometime before dying aperson starts to enter into resonance withthe law of death. This law of death mightbe a formula of energy interaction withfive or six variables or criteria. Onecriterion could be the state of the

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physical body, or the loss of the body’svital forces. Some of the other criteriadeal with the time and place of birth,astrological aspects and other universallaws. So the formula is there, it is real.At one point, as the criteria are fulfilled,the person is in full resonance with thelaw of death. At that time, the law ofdeath manifests in him, and the dyingprocess begins on the energy level. Hissubconscious personifies and shapes thisabstract energy form into the picture hismemory data bank produces for the angelof death. During this process, which cansometimes take a few days, he might say:“the Angel of Death came to me.” InArabic we call the Angel of Death‘Azra-El’. This name probably refers to

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‘Auser’ or ‘Azer’, the Ancient Egyptianname of Osiris who governed theunderworld. So we see that our pantheonof angels is not so different from theAncient Egyptian NTRs!

For the Ancient Egyptians, invokingthe powers of the NTRs to bringharmony with the laws of nature was aninnate thing to do. Through their sciencesthey interacted with the harmonizingenergy quality of sacred places on earthand in the sky, as well as sacred times tobring the right balance to the powers ofnature. This was the way of the AncientEgyptians; they lived with the blessingof Divine Wisdom and played an activerole with the Laws of Nature.

The shifting process from right-brain

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perception to left-brain perception, wasa progressive process. Consequently,left-brain perception gradually becamestronger and right-brain perceptionbecame weaker. To better illustrate this,we can imagine a magnifying lens, torepresent the functioning of the senses.With a weak lens, the differencebetween what is under the lens and whatis outside it is very little, so we can getthe whole picture in focus. As themagnification of the lens gets stronger,we start seeing what is under it in detail,and what’s outside it becomes blurred;slowly we lose sight of the wholepicture. Similarly, what is under the lensbecomes the ‘I’ and it gets sharper, andmore separate from its surroundings,

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which get hazier with everymagnification. The ‘I’ created by thesenses is the ego of the left-brainperception, which keeps getting stronger,while the surrounding, holisticperception of what is outside it, referredto as right-brain perception, gets weakerand we slowly lose identification withit. That is our ‘I’ in Modern Man,creating the illusion that we are separatefrom everything else.

Lost Connections The great shift in perception wasgradual. Towards the end of the AncientEgyptian Civilization came the momentwhen the shift moved completely to left-brain consciousness, losing the

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connection with the archetypal worldwhich was its backbone. With theemergence of the perception of ModernMan, the whole meaning and function ofsymbols changed. Today we see asymbol as representing a whole idea orconcept that we relate to intellectually.When we see an ancient symbol, wecannot invoke the archetype with whichit was in resonance.

As new civilizations arose, the focusshifted towards a left-brain evolutionthat gradually led to our modern world.We developed an advanced technologyon a level never reached by any ancientcivilization. However, with the lostharmony and communication with theforces of nature, we are threatening the

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life of our planet. By using left-brainperception to create a scientificinteraction with the hidden possibilitiesof the right brain, we can bridge the gapbetween modern technology and thesubtle energy powers of nature. Thiswould lead to humanizing moderntechnology.

I want to share with you a story I oftenuse in my lectures that can shed light onwhere I believe our modern technologyas it is now is taking us. AnEgyptologist, scientist from the 21st

century builds a time-machine and zapshimself to Ancient Egypt in the year3000 BC. Of course he takes with himhis computer, with a full pictorialdocumentation of the achievements of

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our modern era. At his destination, alarge crowd of friendly, curiousEgyptians greet him. He shows them thepictures depicting our modern way oflife, and the leisure provided by ourtechnological accomplishments. Theymarvel at what they see and take him tothe royal temple. At the temple, he isbrought to the presence of the Pharaohand the temple Priests. Our scientist isvery excited and starts telling them aboutour way of life and raves about theachievements of our era. He then takesout his ‘iPod’ and is very happy to seethe surprised look on all their faces. ThePharaoh and Priests are very impressed,so our scientist proposes to teach themhow to produce and use this new energy

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to totally transform their civilization.The High Priest then asks him to showthem how these things work, and allabout this new energy he is talkingabout. Proudly, our scientist producestwo of his latest lithium batteries.

The Ancient Egyptian priests look atthe batteries and take out their strangescepters and pendulum devices; theystart taking some strange types ofmeasurements. Then they look at eachother and shake their heads. The HighPriest tells the Pharaoh that this type ofenergy is harmful to man; it works on alevel so strong that it disrupts theharmony of the subtle energy interactionsin nature, which eliminates thepossibility of the energy from the

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batteries directly interacting with man ornature without causing harm.

The Pharaoh tells the proud scientistfrom our era that his technologyseparates man from the natural harmonyof the universe. He tells him that thiscivilization from the future is at theexpense of man; while theirs has beenbuilt to reinforce the pillars of man’sinner development that connect him tohis ‘original home’ on a spiritual level.Without this connection, man’s innerconstitution would show irreparablecracks. The Pharaoh and the priests thenintroduce our friend to the holisticsciences of Ancient Egypt that interactdirectly with the powers of nature.

Our scientist is totally converted to

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their way of thinking, and wants to stayand become a disciple of the temple inorder to be properly initiated into theirsciences and wisdom. He discovers thattheir knowledge, science, spiritualityand religious beliefs, unlike our presentconcepts, are one and the same. ThePharaoh tells him that instead ofspending a lifetime studying in thetemple, he should stay just long enoughto grasp the holistic approach to life, andto get his own experiences in interactingwith the higher subtle levels of energy.He should find the answers to his ownquestions practically, and not go into thedetails of their culturally boundapplications within their everydayactivities, which do not stem from the

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unconscious make-up of his own era. Itis important that the collectiveunconscious of his own society work inharmony with the laws of nature, tointegrate and reinforce the individualawareness. This is the way the universaltruth of natural law and order which theycalled ‘Maat’ would prevail.

The Priests explain that there are someaspects of Ancient Egyptian holisticknowledge which cannot be transportedover the millennia to become part of anew modern holistic science. With ourdifferent psychological and mentalmake-up, some of those aspects whichhave emerged from the interaction with adifferent collective subconscious, mightactually disrupt the integrity of a new

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holistic worldview. Those aspects canbe studied metaphorically to gain insightinto the universal hidden values behindtheir culture and perception-boundrituals. The exact performance of therituals would not bring any benefit to asociety with a different collectivemindset, as the rituals acquire theirpower from the collective, as well as theuniversal, levels.

The Pharaoh and the priests explain toour scientist that his duty is to return tothe future in the 21st century and useAncient Egyptian wisdom to create anew holistic science that employs newenergies for interacting harmoniouslywith our present, unconscious make-up.He is also told that there is a way of

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using the types of energy of his ownfuture in a way that benefit the humanenergy system holistically. Moderntechnology should not be discarded,but only transformed for the benefit ofman.

The Pharaoh gives him a farewellpresent. It isn’t gold as he had hoped,but a pendulum in the form of an ‘Ouadj’amulet representing a papyrus bundle(Fig. 84). It is about 7 cm in length,made of pottery, and covered with agreen, glazed coating. “This,” says theHigh Priest “is an important and veryeffective energy device, which theNature goddesses hold as a scepter thatnot only represents a certain aspect oftheir power, but is also used practically

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for energy emanation (Fig. 85). ThePharaoh and the priests are amused asthey notice the disappointment that ourscientist tries to hide and tell him that“some day, when he is ready, he wouldunderstand the immense worth of thisextremely valuable present.”

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Here I might sound more like an AncientEgyptian priest while I am, in fact,

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speaking through the paradigm of a‘Physics of Quality’ whose scales ofmeasurement are attributes of effects andrelationships, and not the numericquantitative scales we are used to inmodern science. The achievements andcapabilities of BioGeometry, as amodern science of shape and subtleenergy quality, which is only thirty fiveyears old, can only give us a glimpse ofwhat the Ancient Egyptians could haveachieved in five thousand of years ormore.

Ancient EgyptianComponents of the Soul It is important to understand the Ancient

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Egyptian way of looking at thecomponents of the soul. We generallyperceive ourselves holistically as body,soul, and spirit. In the Ancient Egyptiansystem, the soul is seen as a hierarchy ofseveral levels of being. These wereregarded as ‘entities’ which togetherformed our whole being38.

Akh orAkhu Immortal spiritual being

Sahu Immortal spiritual body

Sekhem Immortal spiritual lifeforce

Rn Secret name/energyformula

Ab or Ib Heart/inner essence

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Ba Immortal soul Ka Mortal soul Khaibit Vitality/shadow

Khat orKha The physical body

The Ancient Egyptians had rituals forpractical energy interaction with eachlevel. The ‘Ka’, which is the lowermortal soul on the vitality level, containsbasic instincts and other primitiveaspects of our psyche on the loweremotional and mental levels, which itacquires during our lifetime. The ‘Ka’does not have our full mental oremotional make-up, so it has a veryweak personality. After death, it takesthree to four days for the vitality of the

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‘Ka’ to dissipate. This is what issometimes referred to as the ghosts ofthe dead haunting the cemeteries for afew days after their death.

The Ancient Egyptians mummified thephysical body to use it as a connection tothe ‘Ba’ (immortal soul), and as anabode for the ‘Ka’ that they wanted tokeep alive to perform certain tasks in itsnew life in the grave. The ‘Ka’ is a pureform of elemental energy that has a weakpersonality, and could therefore beprogrammed to guard the tombs fromrobbers or bad spirits, by energeticallyattacking trespassers. Here there mightbe an explanation for some of theincidents that we label ‘The Curse of thePharaohs’. In the lifetime of the

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deceased, the ‘Ka’ was alwaysregenerating from his vital energy. Sincea dead body cannot feed the ‘Ka’ withits vital energy any more, it was thefamily’s duty to provide fresh food, sothat the ‘Ka’ can take the energy itrequires directly from the offering. The‘Ka’s’ actions came from the old habitsduring the lifetime of the person. It sawfood, took the energy from it, andbecame rejuvenated. An apple forexample, was still physically thereafterwards, but there was no subtleenergy left in it because the ‘Ka’ hadabsorbed it. That was the way the ‘Ka’was kept alive. If the family stoppedfeeding the ‘Ka’, the ancestors’mummies were left unprotected and a

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curse would fall on them. After severalgenerations, there were so many deadancestors, that the family was spendingmore money feeding the dead than takingcare of the living. So a more sustainablesolution had to be found.

The Ancient Egyptians knew that thegeometric archetype of anything in ourphysical world is the energy patternupon which this physical form is built.When they created an archetypal imageof a fruit on the wall of the tomb, the‘Ka’ could connect with it throughresonance. The archetypes of all kinds ofanimals, birds, fish and vegetationreproduced their physical world in asubtle energy dimension, with which the‘Ka’ could interact to sustain itself.

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Once the energy connection wasachieved, the ‘Ka’ could continue eatingand drinking to maintain its energyforever. From an energy point of view,the whole landscape was alive for it todwell in.

These examples clearly demonstratethe power of art and sculpture in theAncient Egyptian tradition. Drawing apicture according to specific criteriacould make what it represents‘immortal’.

Ancient Egyptian religious andfunerary art was not meant for meredecoration, but first and foremost, as afunctional tool for the harmonioustransition and sustain ability in theafterlife. When the master draughts man

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came to execute the drawings in a tomb,he made modular grids upon which thecraftsmen sketched the drawingsaccording to very precise proportionsand principles. The dimensions of thegrid itself had a subtle energeticquality effect on the figures drawnupon it. They had to reproduce thesymbols in an exact manner, accordingto the archetype kept as one of thesecrets of the temple. It was important tokeep the drawings unchanged to thesmallest detail over thousands of yearsbecause they were not just drawings, butenergy devices. The priests and artisanswere connecting to the archetypal world,and summoning the related NTR whenthey drew a flower.

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We can now, fully comprehend howthe Amon priests and the people ingeneral felt when Akhenaton decided todeviate from the sacred tradition in theirart in favor of a more realisticrepresentation. They knew that thearchetype would be gone, and the imageswould be rendered lifeless. There wouldbe no spiritual harmony through thearchetypal connection, and the land ofEgypt and its people would be cursed.

The Hidden Dimensions ofthe Human Archetype The use of the human archetype in artand sculpture played a very importantrole in Ancient Egypt. The archetypal

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human figure in the drawings and reliefson the tombs empowered and kept theenergy system of the lifeless mummyintact, as well as that of the Ka. Thismight explain what Paul Brunton wrotein his book, ‘A Search in Secret Egypt,’about mummies he had seen thatdisplayed a nearly lifelike condition, butstarted to deteriorate when the bandagesand amulets were removed. The samething was witnessed by my friend thelate Dr. Fawzi Soliman, then Director ofthe Museum of Ancient Medicine inarcheological diggings at Giza.

The stylized archetypal statue of thePharaoh was enclosed in the tomb in asmall chamber referred to today as the‘serdab’ (Fig. 86). The serdab was a

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completely enclosed space with only avery small hole to connect it with burialchamber. In this way the statue wasinaccessible to any person who couldcontaminate its energy quality. Thisstatue became the abode of the Ka inwhich it could reside.

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The archetypal dimension contains thesubtle energy-forming laws, whichmanifest as the natural forming processof shape in the physical dimension. Anarchetype is like a perfect geometrical

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template representing the formingpatterns behind physical shapes. Thearchetypal template, when manifesting inthe forming process in the physicaldimensions, is modified throughenvironmental, genetic, social,psychological and other factors of thephysical world. It produces the differentshapes in nature, which are usuallyslightly imperfect due to themodifications of the original template.

Our extensive research in this area, inwhich resonance with the gometricarchetype was used to empower thephysical subtle energy system and induceharmony with the environment, has givenus the key to formulate our theoriesabout the Ancient Egyptian use of

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archetypes in sculpture and wall reliefs(Fig. 87).

A breakthrough in my research camewhen I was able to decipher the ‘HumanGeometric Archetypal Code’. This codeempowers and harmonizes the humansubtle energy system on all levels. We

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now use it in several configurations toevaluate the subtle energy quality of thewhole human subtle energy system on thedifferent levels. Our measurement tool,the ‘Archetypal code ruler’ has becomethe qualitative scale by which we assessthe effect of any object on the humansubtle energy system. In this context wenow use ‘man’ as the measure of allthings.

In the illustration, we can see thearchetypal 2-D code of the human body(Fig. 88). It represents the code for thecomplete multi-level pattern (physical,vitality, emotional, mental and spiritual).The different human forms vary from thearchetype as they interact with theirenvironment, but only show disturbance

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when they go beyond the variationsallowed within the code. When making astatue of a pharaoh, they had to find theright balance between the likeness andthe ideal archetypal proportions, inorder to link the harmonizing effect tothe pharaoh without losing theresonance with the archetype.

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In this context, the huge statues ofAncient Egypt must be seen as having anew function: that of providing harmonyto the surrounding environment. Givingsuch functions to the statues, whilekeeping the secrecy of the knowledge inthe temples, has given rise to a greatdeal of misunderstanding by thecivilizations that followed, once theknowledge was lost. Thismisunderstanding opened the way toidolatry. This unfortunate turn of eventsmust not lead us to the erroneous beliefthat the Ancient Egyptians wereidolaters and had many gods. This isdefinitely not the case. It should also notdetract us from finding the secretknowledge of working with the invisible

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dimensions of our being, which iscrucial to bringing the natural, universalharmony to take our civilization toanother level.

With a solid understanding and beliefin the monotheism of Islam, Christianityand Judaism, the discovery that allancient beliefs had their essence inmonotheism, that manifested in one wayor another before they weremisunderstood, gives us a huge trust inthe guidance of God for all humanity, atall times, to see the Divine light as thedriving force behind all belief.

Discovering the power of geometricarchetypes (especially the human as oneof the most complete and advancedarchetypes in nature) and working with

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them has made the students andpractitioners of BioGeometry understandand see new depths in their respectivereligions.

The ‘NTRs’ are Lost The shift that gradually took place fromPrimitive Man’s holistic perception toAncient Man’s more left-brain analyticalperception, led to the emergence ofscientific thinking and analysis. AncientMan, however, still kept the link toright-brain perception, keeping theanimated powers of nature as an integralpart of the scientific paradigm of theperiod. The next shift, however, fromAncient Man to Modern Man, closed thedoor to those powers of nature, and

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relegated them to the realm of myths,traditions, fables and fiction.

We lost our knowledge andrecognition of those Nature Powerswhen we lost the focus on our right-brain perception. The NTRs areomnipresent, but we lost the ability toperceive them. In the left-brainperception, symbols don’t work anymorethe way they did in ancient times. It is ananalytical area where we break downand add up things. We break upmeanings into letters; an alphabet, forexample, symbolizes phonetically justone letter. We can re-arrange thosealphabetical symbols and make updifferent words. This is the left-brainworld of the Modern Man.

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To appreciate an archetype, we musthave a feeling for the pattern in itsentirety40. The overview of the wholeshows us the qualities of the entiresystem. Focusing on details will not giveus a feel of the totality of the scheme. Inthe shift from right-brain perception toleft-brain perception, the holisticmeaning of the symbol is lost. When wesee a symbol of an apple, we probablystart thinking of fruit, color, nature,instead of ourselves becoming part ofthe essence of the apple in a process ofexchange of information and energyquality. Our reaction to the symbol ispurely intellectual. The symbol nolonger works as it did for the ancientsbecause the symbol belongs to right-

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brain perception. We have moved thelocation of the ‘I/ego’ to left-brainperception, so when the animatedsymbol tries to reach us through ourright-brain perception, we are not thereanymore. When the shift began, thewritten languages with their differentalphabets were invented as literalexpressions of the spoken word.Hieroglyphics became a sacred languageused mainly by the priests in the temples.

Pythagoras, Plato, and many of theother classical Greek philosophers,were introduced to the sciences of theancient civilizations of Egypt and othercultures of the Middle East. They keptthe practical right-brain, inner teachingsof those ancient temple sciences to their

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inner circles, while adapting them to thenew, emerging shift of focus to a left-brain type, scientific way of thinking.They spoke of archetypes, not theesoteric ancient way, but more from anintellectual approach representing theworld of ideas and symbols. The Greekswere the promoters of the intellectual,philosophical way of looking at things.All ancient sciences were remodeled bythem into an emerging left-brain system,which became the root of modernwestern thought. When we learned howto think ‘logically’, we put up barriersbetween our conscious and unconsciousrealms. Today, we try to reach beyondthe veil that we created, through adoorway that may be slightly opened and

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accessed through spiritual exercise thattranscends the mind or arts that are oftimeless nature manifesting theuniversal laws of creation.

Most of those Greek scholars came toEgypt to study in Alexandria.Pythagoras, for instance, spent 22 yearsin Egypt.39 When one was accepted intothe teachings of the temple, there was avow of secrecy taken since the esotericpart of the knowledge was for thescholars, while the practicalapplications were given for commonuse. One of the most secret and sacredsciences was Ancient Harmonics. Thisis the harmonic interaction ofeverything in the universe throughresonance. It teaches the laws of

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Harmonics as the way of creation, andmanifests them in Music, Mathematics,and other sciences. These were all away of expressing the laws of creationto our sensory world.

When Pythagoras said ‘everything isnumber’ he was speaking about theinteraction of subtle energy qualities inthe universe expressed in theirquantitative aspect. The AncientEgyptian sciences’ (such as Harmonicsand Radiesthesia) were guarded andpreserved as secret temple sciences, andas time went by, they were completelyforgotten. Harmonics was partly keptalive by what came down to us from thePythagorean tradition, and later on byKepler, Von Thymus and Chaldni. In the

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1950s it found a new revival in theworks of the Swiss, Hans Kayser.

In Roman times, Radiesthesia waspracticed in a simplified form by the‘Augurs’ for Earth Energy Grid Linesurveys for city planning. The Jesuitslater on preserved this science, whichthey used in herbal medicine and waterdetection. The fact that the populardowsing techniques (which are basicallypsychic in nature, and are a form ofdivinatory art) also used pendulums anddivining rods, completely eclipsed thescience of Radiesthesia and its harmonicorigin. In the medieval period in Europe,anyone using pendulums, dowsing rodsor other forms of dowsing tools, waslabeled as a ‘magician’, and risked

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being persecuted or even burned at thestake. Radiesthesia was therefore keptsecret in Jesuit monasteries as avaluable tool in their missionary work.Many years later, when it was safe, thescience of Radiesthesia began to surfaceagain. In the Middle Ages the scientificknowledge and intellectual freedom ofthe classical Greek and RomanCivilizations came to a halt, as Europeentered the Dark Ages. At that time, theculture of the Islamic Empire, whichwas at its peak, helped bring Europe outof the ‘Dark Ages’ and into theRenaissance Era. This revival broughtwith it, among other sciences, thesophisticated methods of earth energydetection to support the energy forming

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process in architecture. These methods,which have been used by the AncientEgyptians, Greeks, and Romans in theplanning of their temples and cities,were being implemented in Islamicarchitecture of the Empire of Islam thatstretched along the coast of North Africaall the way to Spain. The detection ofsubtle energy power spots and earthenergy Grid Lines was practiced byspecialists, often depicted in Arab garb(Fig. 20).

Beginning of Modern Man To the Western world, Pythagoras andthe Greek scientists and philosophers ofthat era, best represent the shift from theright-brain perception of Ancient Man,

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to the left-brain perception of ModernMan. He was there at the time oftransition that marked the end of theAncient Egyptian civilization and therise of the Greek civilization. The Greekcivilization marks the beginning ofModern Man, when the intellectual shiftto ‘I/ego’ was completed. AncientEgyptian Civilization lost its foundation.All the sciences of Ancient Egypt, andall the greatness of living and workingon an archetypal level, as well as livingin perfect harmony with the laws ofnature, were lost. Philosophy, whichwas seen by Pythagoras as the ‘Love ofWisdom’ in a religious sense, wasdegraded to an intellectual practice. Thephilosophers started worshipping the

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logical, analytical mind, puttingphilosophy and the intellect on apedestal. Everything that did not fitwithin the framework of the mind wasput aside as myth, even religion was putaside as a system of belief, and its linkswith the powers of nature wererelegated to mythology. The splitbetween science and religion was born.

To give you an example that highlightshow things are perceived differentlyfrom left-brain perception versus right-brain perception: Egypt was calledKMT (pronounced Khemet) whichmeans the ‘Black Land’. The River Nileflooded the land and left black silt everyyear, which made the soil fertile and thevegetation rich. The people who came

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from other countries found this lush,green vegetation unusual and unique. Theprosperity of Egypt came from this‘Black Gold’. The Egyptian civilizationat that time had risen to the peak ofexcellence. It had the highest form ofknowledge anywhere in the world,known as the ‘science of the BlackLand’. When the shift to Modern Mantook place, and qualitative scienceswere misunderstood and classified asmagic, what had been the powerfulscience of the Egyptians then becameseen as a very potent form of magic. Theultimate form of that ancient magic wasthe magic from the ‘Black Land’. Thefear of the unknown made the people usethe term ‘black’ to mean ‘evil’ as

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opposed to ‘white’ in total contrast tothe original concept of ‘Black Gold’which connoted the fertile soil.Contemporary religions as we knowthem emerged then, with a modernconcept of monotheism in which thepowers of nature as inadequatelypictured by Egyptologists, wereerroneously characterized as multiple‘gods’. The ancient knowledge andrituals were labeled ‘heretical’ andanyone practicing them or using theirsymbols was persecuted. The greatheritage of the ancient world perishedwith the burning of the Library ofAlexandria by religious fanatics, whowere determined to put an end to theancient ‘pagan’ world.

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Powers of Nature Now From the dawn of humanity the invisiblerealms played a major role thatinfluenced many aspects of man’sinteraction with his surroundings. Thisrelationship with the invisible is at thecore of most belief systems. Beliefs inthe existence of Heaven and Hell, aswell as angels and demons, has alwayshad a tremendous impact on our actionsand the way we view our physicalreality.

The names may change depending onthe process of personification involved,which is largely affected by culture. Wecan say angels or spirits instead ofnature powers or Ancient Egyptian

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‘gods’. However, it all amounts to thesame thing expressed differently,according to the era and culture. Whenwe tackle these themes from acontemporary, religious perspective, wespeak about them as things that areseparate from us. When a Sufi speaks ofthe divine attributes of God in Islam, weare not aware that these DivineAttributes are also within us. Weperceive them as attributes of God andknow the inconceivable Divinity throughthem. There is a harmonic, resonantrelationship between all the differentranges and dimensions of the universe;meaning that the energy functions ofthe Divine Attributes outside of us havetheir counterparts on another scale

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inside of us.Let us examine the Divine Attributes

as laws of nature or universal energyfunctions. Different motions of aprimordial energy produce differentpatterns, and every pattern in turn,produces a different function. As allenergy patterns are part of energy livingsystems, we can safely label them orpersonify them on the basis of their lifefunctions or attributes. Those livingenergy patterns have within them thepower to exercise their functions, andcan be perceived as animated naturepowers. These are the NTRs or what wecall the ‘gods’ of the Ancient Egyptians.These NTRs have their resonantcounterparts within us. So we can say

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that the holy attributes, labeled asAncient Egyptian ‘gods’ or naturepowers, are alive inside us. They are atwork outside, as well as within allliving species. We can also say thatangelic entities are interacting orsupervising the functions of our body, orthat the Divine Attributes are functioningwithin us.

This means that, as the energyfunctions within us have theircounterparts outside of us in a moreabstract form, the biological functions ofour organs work in a harmonicrelationship on a much wider universalscale. We can say that every biologicalfunction is affected by what goes on atthe furthest part of the universe. It is all

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one symphony. We cannot invent newpowers for the body, totally separatefrom the powers of nature outside. Thosefunctions must be the same NTRsinteracting inside and outside of us. Theinteractions of nature powers in oursubtle energy system support thefunctions of our biological system. If welook at each organ’s energy functionwith the understanding that aparticular power of nature is workingwithin it, we can say that someUniversal Law of nature is at work(call it what you like: energy quality,Divine Name, attribute, NTR, angel, orjust energy pattern). In this way, we candetect the correspondences between theorgan’s energy function, and any of the

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above systems. Let’s say you have aproblem with a particular organ, if youbecome aware through right-brainperception that these powers areworking inside of you, you can connectto them through a specific prayer,through rhythm, number, sound, color; ormaybe use the sustainable physicalmanifestation of the language of nature inthe form of BioGeometry shapes, thatcan bring balance to your system andhopefully support the medical treatment.Subtle energy balance is a vital factor inthe success of any kind of orthodox orcomplementary medical treatment.

The name of an angel encompasses anattribute (e.g. Archangel Gabriel: Gabr= power, El = God), which expresses

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the function of a divine law manifestingas an intelligent power of nature. Itcould be in resonance with a name, anumber, a frequency, or a symbol amongmany other things. They are all the sameDivine powers, but with differentmanifestations. We have, for example,the Divine Names of the attributes ofGod. In the Jewish tradition, there are 72names. In various Christian traditionsthere are some that have 72 names andothers that have 81. In Islam, we find 99names. According to ancient systems ofnumerology, all of these numbers whenreduced to one digit add-up to ‘9’. In thephysical manifestation, ‘9’ is the numberleading to the transformation from onedecade to the other, the ultimate

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attainment in human development. Yetthe numbers are incomplete: none ofthem are ‘10’. In many traditions, it issaid that completion is the ultimate nameof God. The ‘10’ is the One and the Zerotaking completion to another dimensionbeyond time and space. From here, inthis physical dualistic dimension, wewill never reach it. In reality, the DivineNames are innumerable. Choosing acertain quantity is a means of expressingtheir attributes in a symbolic numericalcontext, often used in ancient scriptures.

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We can find the names that resonate withus in the Divine attributes, or the namesof NTRs in Egypt. If you speak English,

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Dutch or other languages, you will belooking at translations of the ancientsources for this information. You woulddo well to go to the Aramaic or the oldHebrew or something closer to theoriginal source. In the Ancient EgyptianLanguage, for example, the name of theNTR Sekmet (Fig. 89) evokes its naturepower and activates the throat chakra.This energy center is the seat of theword of power, called ‘Hekau’ inAncient Egypt.

In Islam, we have the original Arabicpronunciation of the Divine Names in the‘Holy Koran’. As those names representuniversal attributes of the Divine, soevery energy function must somehow belinked to those attributes. This applies to

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everything in the universe, including thebiological energy functions of all livingsystems. In our research, we found ahigh correlation between specific DivineNames and individual body organs.Rhythmic repetition of the Divine Namesresonated with the Divine Attributes inthe universe and seemed to balance theorgans’ subtle energy functions. It is away of inducing harmony between theinner environment and the universallaws of nature.

What Can Ancient EgyptTeach Us? If we are looking at what Ancient Egyptcan teach us, we must look at ‘Ancient

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Man’ and not ‘Primitive Man’ based onJung’s categorization (Fig. 73).

Primitive Man was simply one withnature, like the animals, birds and plants.When we hear the song of a bird, weassume it’s a form of communication; butthis is probably not always the case, atleast not in our modern sense of‘communication’. The bird is notfocused on the detailed meaning of its‘tones’ in a similar manner to our left-brain type perception. It is in tune in aholistic, spontaneous way with the lawsof nature. The sounds it makes play arole in the overall balance of the subtleenergy quality of nature. Maybe thesounds are needed by a certain tree orplay a role in the activation of a specific

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‘nature powers’. When a species is intune with nature, it does not need tolearn a language as humans do; it usesprimordial types of communication thatare imprinted within its system.

Through the shift from Primitive Manto Ancient Man, humans were able touse the primordial languageintellectually, while retaining its originalessence as the connection with the lawsof nature was still open. AncientEgyptians had the knowledge to producemagic through ‘Hekau’, the ‘words ofpower’. They used special words thathad the capability to activate naturalpowers to produce the desired effects.Today, a word has no power to produceanything beyond conveying a meaning,

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basically aimed at those persons whounderstand that particular language. Nomatter how eloquent the words are, weare not able to affect the powers ofnature or interact with the surroundingsubtle energy qualities in a direct way. Ifonly we could again become one withthe powers of nature, and have thisholistic perception! The Ancientspossessed this primordial knowledgethat accessed the powers to become onewith the universe. Every hieroglyph,40

number, and sound existed inresonance with a specific concept orpower. The word was put together notjust to convey a meaning, but mainly toproduce an effect on the powers ofnature.

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When the biblical prophet Moses ledthe twelve tribes into Sinai, they campedat a place known today as ‘OyounMoussa’ (Moses springs). There, heused his staff to dowse for water to dig awell for each tribe. In the 1980’s when Iwas working as a planning consultant tothe Governor of Suez, General TahseenShanan, we undertook the project oflocating the twelve wells of Moses andexcavated them from under the sanddunes that had completely covered them.We planned to develop the spot into anopen-air museum with huge stone tabletson which words from the religiousscriptures of the three major religionsrelating the event would be engraved.This was an effort to shed more light on

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the archeological findings andemphasize the unity of the threereligions. Unfortunately, this project wasnever realized and the wells were lostagain under the sand. In the picture (Fig.90) we are standing next to the only oneof the Moses wells that, althoughcovered with sand, was still visible.Ironically, the sign that now marks thewell dates it back to the Roman period,even though the name of the whole ofthat area suggests its true origin.

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Prophets and saints, through connectionwith the higher transcendentaldimensions, had right-brain perceptionin full function. They became spokesmenfor the higher powers and invisibledimensions of nature. They hadconnected with a certain attribute of

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Divinity through which they performedtheir miracles. Whether it was theprophets and seers or the AncientEgyptian priests, the belief in the onealmighty powerful God was alwaysthere at the core of the powers thatproduced the miracles.

There are indices of the existence of avery ancient, predynastic monotheism inEgypt from which the pantheon of theNTRs or secondary ‘gods’ emerged,manifesting the attributes of the one God.In her book, ‘New Light on AncientKnowledge, Egyptian Mysteries’,41 LucyLamy sheds light on this belief within theteachings of the four centers ofinstruction (Heliopolis, Memphis,Thebes, and Hermopolis) in Ancient

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Egypt. The same passages about the‘One Uncreated Creator’, ‘AlmightyGod’ in the Ancient Egyptian scriptures(such as the book of ‘Emerging forth intothe light’ known as the ‘Book of theDead’, because it was found in all thetombs), are found in the later Judeo-Christian and Islamic Holy Scriptures.What might seem to be miracles to ustoday were, to the ancients,applications of their sacred AncientSciences. In the same way, a modernmobile phone or a television wouldseem like a miracle to them, and toanyone who is not familiar with our typeof power or energy (electricity). Thedifference is the type of power used.The Powers of Nature that we use today

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in the form of electricity, magnetism orgravity, work mainly on a physical level.The Ancient Egyptians, however,worked with the powers of nature intheir holistic form affecting physical,vital, emotional, mental and spirituallevels.

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The Great Shift

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Man and Woman areDifferent When the great shift in perception tookplace, it did not have the same impact onwomen, as it did in men. When a modernwoman speaks, the ‘Right’ and ‘Left’part of the brain are both active. When amodern man speaks, we find that most ofthe activity is in the Left-brainhemisphere (Fig. 91).

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In the Islamic tradition, there is a saying:“Heaven is at the feet of mothers.”Taken at face value, it could refer topregnancy, childbirth, nurturing andmotherhood in general. On a deeperlevel, however, it also refers to thesacred aspect arising from the fact that awoman’s perception is more sensitive to

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both quality and quantity,simultaneously. A woman’s way ofthinking produces proper balancebetween quality and quantity betweenemotion and intellect. There is innatedivine balance in the woman; she isreceiving extrasensory information in aright-brain fashion, while at the sametime using the sensory perception of theleft brain.

In reality we are talking about twodifferent ‘species’ here: Man andWoman. What kept the right-brainperception continuously active inwomen? Why didn’t women’sperception have the same degree of‘evolution’ as men? What allowedwomen to hold on to this part of the

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ancient way of perception? Thedevelopment of modern technology, withits increased specialization, is directlyrelated to a more effective left-brainperception which nurtured a strongevolving ego.

In women, the laws of nature haveaccess through right-brain perception.Men however, have to go through someform of ritual to reach higher mysticallevels. If we look at the lives of manyfemale saints in history, we find that theydidn’t have to go through the rigorousordeals that men did to achieve theirdivine connection. In women, naturekeeps the right part of the brain activatedbecause of the very nature of women’sfunction in the propagation of life. The

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role of pregnancy, birth, feeding andcaring for the child cannot be entrustedto the intellect alone. So nature had totake one of the two ‘species’, and keep itas an open channel for its laws ofpreservation of life to take effect.

Sufi mystics try to connect to thepower of nature through the rhythmicrepetition of Divine Attributes, todissolve in its essence. The woman isalready a sacred being, because life issacred, and it is through her that it isde l ivered. During pregnancy, themother’s womb has the sameharmonious energy quality as found insacred power spots. It is a spiritualabode. Every person, at any age, feelsthe security of this harmonizing

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connection with the mother throughouttheir life and feels lost at her departure.

If a father is awakened by his infantcrying, he will probably look at the babyand try to figure out why it is crying. Hewill look at the expression on the baby’sface and think what could the problembe? Maybe the baby is hungry or needsto be changed, maybe he is sick? If thiswas a real emergency, there might havebeen serious consequences while thefather was going through this maleprocess of gathering information. Naturecannot let life depend on such aninsecure, intellectual perception ofinformation. Same baby, same situation:the mother’s instinctive resonance withthe laws of nature instantly processes

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what is happening. At the same time thatthe discomfort starts with the infant, it isresonant within the mother. She stillspeaks the old language of sacredharmonics. She might even open her eyesbefore the child starts to cry. She is thegoddess who is responsible for thepreservation of life on earth. There is adivine hand helping the woman. She is inunity with her child, and the laws of lifein nature.

Some of the Sufi mystics speak of the‘Divine Worshipper’ or ‘DivineServant’. What is a ‘Divine HumanBeing’ doing living in a physical bodyon earth? A person becomes a divinebeing when he connects to the laws ofnature, which are attributes of Divinity.

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This is the old Egyptian tradition ofresonance, becoming one with the NTR,which many today refer to erroneouslyas becoming a ‘demi-god’ or even a‘god’, through ignorance that the wordsused to name the powers of nature or theinitiated human beings were not the sameas those used for the One Creator. Manypeople today, especially in the West, usethe word ‘God’ loosely in everydaylanguage. This false interpretation ofancient esoteric concepts has completelyclosed the door to a properunderstanding of ancient beliefs, andcaused a rift between modernmonotheistic religions and the ancientways. The fact that all religions aredifferent ways of clothing one and the

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same reality, depending on the differentcultures, seems to escape most peopletoday. Unfortunately those different waysof expressing the one invisible realityhave been politically misused to createstrife and fuel controversies.

In our research in BioGeometry wehave found that any thoughts that are notbased on truth actually produce andproject harmful radiation from ourbodies that affect others around us asmuch as electrosmog does. Thisradiation can be detected as a harmfulvertical/electric Negative Green subtleenergy quality. Lies, in all their differentforms of deceit and corruption, whetherthey be religious or political in form, orin commercial advertisements, harm us

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and those around us. Collective lies canlower the immunity of a whole nation.We must become aware that there is akind of mental pollution that is just asharmful as the physical ones. The factthat none of its proponents will evenconsider the fact that they have lost thetruth at the core of their belief systemmakes this form of pollution verydifficult to deal with.

Let us go back and try to understandthe concept of a ‘Divine human being’that we find expressed in one form oranother in all ancient cultures andreligious traditions. If the activity of left-brain perception is increased, ourpersonality our ‘I/ego’ is strengthened,and right-brain perception becomes less

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and less important. However, if theactivity of the right-brain perception isthe one which increases, then the overallrelationships, laws of nature in the formof Divine powers dominate. It is like acompany where a shareholder who owns90% of the shares is in charge. Then weare only a voice for the master ofresonance and balance in right-brainconsciousness. A Divine Attribute hastaken over. The woman who is in apermanent state of connectivityexperiences an amplified state in whichthe laws of nature take the wheel to steerher out of danger in life’s situations,especially with her children. That is whywe can refer to a woman as a ‘sacredbeing’. Women will only achieve their

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special status in society when menbalance the modern materialistic left-brain worldview with a refined right-brain, qualitative sense for the sacred. Inan ideal society, each would have anequal status, while their differenceswould be celebrated and valuedcomplementarities of both traits.

The Emergence ofContemporary Man Today, some of us are starting tobecome what Jung categorized asContemporary Man. We are beginning tolook inside, and discover that ourfeelings involve an energy process. Inother words, they have an effect on the

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subtle energy quality and can do us goodor harm. In modern psychology, we havebecome aware of the relationshipbetween the conscious and thesubconscious levels of awareness. Jungwent into deeper esoteric levels andalso broadened the horizons of thesubconscious, and showed its presenceon a collective scale.

Primitive Man was focused mainly onright-brain perception, which governedhis actions on the individual level, aspart of the collective herd instinct. Thatis why the laws of nature workedthrough him. The level that Jung calls‘Ancient Man’ is the beginning of theshift of focus towards the left-brain typeof perception. Yet, at this stage, where

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the total shift is still incomplete,mankind was still consciously connectedto his original right-brain perception. Atthe level of ‘Modern Man’, not only didwe lose the awareness of this originallink, we even lost awareness of itsexistence. Modern psychology hasunveiled only a very limited aspect ofthat vast realm. Even Jung’s broaderview of its powerful collective forceonly scratches the surface of the hugeinvisible power that the AncientEgyptians harnessed through harmonicintegration in practical, everydayactivities.

While we approach the unconsciouswith fear and precaution, and relegatemany of its multiple dimensions to the

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Supernatural, which we consider unreal,the Ancient Egyptians had control overthe individual, as well as the collectiveenergy of the unconscious, to use itactively in connection with the powersof nature to bring harmony andprosperity to the land of Egypt. What wecall the ‘supernatural’ was for them verynatural, and so real that they used it intheir everyday lives.

Can We Save Our Planet? The modern age of Information has atime bomb hidden within it that couldbring about the downfall of ourcivilization and cause global lifeextinction. The atmosphere of the Earthis continuously being polluted by an

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ever-increasing amount ofelectromagnetic waves. Not only is ourimmune system in danger, but also theimmune system of our living Earth andall forms of life within it.

We are living inside the Earth andnot on it. The Earth’s atmosphere ispart of its vital body, and in that context,we live deep below the surface of theEarth. The collective levels of emotion,intellect, consciousness andunconsciousness, are actually part of theindividual life of the ‘Earth Being’. TheEarth is a living being that is beingpoisoned by electromagnetic waves.

There is also a fact that has not beenaddressed by modern environmentals c i e nc e : the warming effect of

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microwaves in the atmospherecontributes to global warming. At themoment, we are only aware of thiswarming effect of electromagneticradiation in microwave ovens or in theeffect of cell phones on our head. Thewarming effect on the atmosphere isprobably still insignificant, but with thedramatic increase in the carrier wavesof the developing Age of Information,we should anticipate this potential threatbefore it is too late. Only when wemaster the use of electrical energy in aform that reduces its harmful side effectswill it be possible to consider it as ahealthy substitute for fossil fuels.

If we sit next to a big, strong, muscularman, we take care not to upset him! We

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see he has the potential of seriouslyharming us if provoked. Then why don’twe respect this huge being: Earth? Weneed to understand that when the Earthhits back, the consequences are oftencatastrophic. For the sake ofpreservation of our very existence, wemust do something; but it cannot comefrom the left-brain mode alone. Thewisdom of both hemispheres workingtogether is needed. We have to go backto the right-brain to access a higheruniversal wisdom and ask ourselveswhere we went wrong.

We went wrong when we forgot aboutthis spiritual balancing energy that is atthe core of the natural forming processof nature. Life has this balancing energy,

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this divine balancing wisdom; natureuses it. When we pray at a church or amosque built on a sacred power spot,we access the Divine Wisdom throughits multidimensional portal. On powerspots, we interact with this balancingenergy, and use it for healing. But whatis the use of connecting with it forhealing on a personal level, when thewhole Earth is getting sicker? We haveto choose and implement practices thatare healing on a global level. We haveto bring back this balancing energy, thisomnipresent wisdom, and apply it on aglobal scale.

We, human beings, act as if we havetwo totally different personalities. Wepray to access a higher, spiritual,

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invisible dimension to bring harmonyinto our lives, while at the same time,we create a modern technology thatdisrupts the subtle energy balance of ourplanet. If we say to a scientist or adesigner, “We want you to use thedesign language of nature. We want acertain balancing subtle energy quality tobe part of your machine,” he willdefinitely think that we are crazy.

If someone was born in England anddid not speak a word of English, hisstatus and role in society would beseriously challenged. We are born andare living in the Earth, yet we do notcommunicate with the Earth. We do notknow the Language of Nature: It is ofvital importance that we assimilate our

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activities into the creative world of life,using its own ‘natural language’ andallowing our human existence to evolvein accordance with the symphony ofmother nature.

There is a divine pen moving, drawingand writing all of what we perceive asthe beautiful forms of nature. Thismovement expresses the system of lawsand the powers of nature behind thatwhich we enjoy as our world; thediversity we find in nature is not therejust for our aesthetic pleasure! While thedivine pen writes and draws, we simplycannot read this writing or understandthe meaning behind all of this beauty.How then, can we learn that language?This Divine language of the forces of

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nature is expressed in the forms of theanimals, birds, trees, leaves, flowers,snowflakes, rivers and mountains. Weneed to learn the language of shape toread the words of this higher form ofwisdom. We must try to perceive theworkings of the balancing energies inna tur e . Shapes are frozen energyqualities. Communication here isthrough an exchange of qualities andthe knowledge of interactioncombinations between those qualities.Unless we start communicating throughEarth’s language, we will not solve theproblems we are creating. The Earth isnot only sick from our visibledetrimental actions on the environment,it is also sick on an invisible, subtle

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energy level, disturbed by the carrierwaves of our age of information.

We know that in ancient times, a cityor a temple was planned with thebalancing energy quality as the backbonefor the grid pattern of the design. Theywere dealing only with natural energyphenomena. Today, we are increasingwireless communication, which is fillingthe air with an invisible threat, becausethese electromagnetic emanations are notharmonized by any form of balancingenergy quality. There will come a daywhen a critical threshold is reached, andwhen the most advanced medicine willnot help. If the level of carrier waves inthe atmosphere keeps increasing beyondthe tolerance level of our immune

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system, we will one day simply cease toexist!

Spreading the BalancingEnergy on Carrier Waves We have a huge number ofelectromagnetic carrier waves in theatmosphere of the Earth; isn’t it time toput some form of qualitative energybalancing on these carrier waves?Sacred power spots emanate suchpositive, beneficial, balancing energyqualities. A crossing of undergroundstreams at certain angles produces aclockwise circular energy vortex thatgives the area its healing properties, andmakes it a sacred power spot; while

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streams crossing at other angles producea harmful energy vortex, making thepower spot an extremely dangerousplace to live on. Through the science ofBioGeometry, we are able to find thegeometric criteria that produce thisenergy quality (design language ofnature) and to create shapes, numbers,proportions, colors and sounds thatreproduce it. Once we do that, we canfind similar geometric methods toamplify it, store it, transmit it in afocused, laser-like manner or radiate itfrom a central point to cover wideareas. We can also charge the energyfields of other objects with this quality.For example, we could charge water forconsumption and irrigation to enhance

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biological immune systems, charge ourfood to increase its vitality, or medicineto reduce harmful side-effects.

The electromagnetic waves used bytelevision, radio, mobile communicationand other types of wireless technologyare carrier waves, which means that theycarry information or media content overlong distances with wide coverage. Whycouldn’t they then also carry healthsupportive information into the subtleenergy systems of life? They could carrythe balancing energy quality ofBioGeometry. Imagine all the waves inthe atmosphere of the Earth carrying thisenergy. The energy balancing qualitieswould spread everywhere. We wouldn’thave to apply BioGeometry solutions

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individually in our homes, offices, orgardens, because the atmosphere, whichis already full of carrier waves, wouldprovide the healthy environmentalharmony everywhere. This could then bethe way that would transform the tools ofthe Age of Information and bring about atrue ‘Golden Age’. The first impulsetowards this golden age ofenvironmental harmony came out ofSwitzerland. We are speaking here fromactual experience based on thesuccessful results achieved in our SwissEnvironment projects of Hemberg, StGallen, and Hirschberg, Appenzell. Toquote the Mayor of Hemberg in a PressConference (August 2003): “You havebrought peace to our region, and brought

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back our church into our hearts.” In manytraditions, there is a belief in aprophesized Golden Age dawning in the21st century. This age is linked to aspecial stellar configuration that willchange the subtle energy quality of theatmosphere, which in turn is believedwill raise humanity to a higher level ofconsciousness. However, whateveroccurs in the universe must first manifestin our subtle energy system for us tobenefit from it. For this to come about,we should work hard to produce enoughGolden Energy Quality in ourenvironment to create a HarmonicResonance that will bring about thispositive change in our lives. The GoldenAge will not come and knock on our

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door while we are busy destroying theenergy quality of our planet.

The Intellect and PerfectBalance The advanced state of mind or intellectthat we have achieved, and on which wehave built our very advancedcivilization, does not guarantee that wewill be able to change the destructivecourse we have taken towards nature.We need to be aware of all the factorsthat are beyond our perception, but arevital to achieving harmony with theuniversal laws of nature.

We try to bring proper balance into allsituations through the faculties of our

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mind. Our mind needs to collectinformation about a situation in order toevaluate it, and take the necessarymeasures to balance it. Our mind canonly perceive things within the restrictedlimits of its sensory capacities, whichare only very small ranges within thetotal vibratory reality. Not only are welimited by what we are able to perceive,but we are also limited by how we givemeaning to what we perceive. We can,in addition, often miss sensoryinformation that is new to our data-bank,and consequently we have nocorresponding data. This means that ourperceived information does not give us acomplete picture of the situation.Without complete information about a

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situation, we cannot balance it properly.Furthermore, gathering and analyzinginformation takes time. By the time weperceive the totality of availableinformation, the situation is often longgone. The mind is, therefore, incapableof achieving the perfect balance in manysituations.

Sufism is a mystical aspect of Islam,and one of the Sufis’ teaching methods isthe use of jokes that have a certainwisdom involving paradoxes that unveiluniversal truths. The jokes are intendedto show the limits of the mind, and theneed to transcend it through a form ofhigher intuition that they call ‘theknowledge of the heart’. The jokes areendless, and exemplify a way of wisdom

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teaching that is typical of the Orient.There are many jokes about a

whimsical character, one of folklore’sbeloved heroes in the Orient. He isknown as ‘Goha’ in Egypt, or‘Nasruddin’ in Iran. One of these jokesgoes as follows: Every day, Goha andhis donkey pass a customs post betweentwo towns. The donkey carries twobaskets full of straw, one on either sideon its back. The customs officer alwaystells Goha: “Goha, I’m sure that you aresmuggling something, I can see it on yourface.” The officer then searches thecontent of the two baskets, but neverfinds anything. This goes on and on forthirty years. One day, the now-retiredcustoms officer, is sitting in a café when

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he suddenly sees Goha passing by. Hecalls him and says: “Look, Goha, I amno longer a customs officer, but I amsure you tricked me all those years; I amcurious to know what you have beensmuggling for the past thirty years?”Goha answers him bluntly: “Donkeys”.

Here is another anecdote about theworkings of ‘intellectual logic’. Ascientist while working in his labcatches a fly and orders it to “fly” andlets it go; it flies. “Very good,” he thinks.He catches another fly, cuts off its wingsand commands it to “Fly!” It doesn’t fly!He looks at it again and shouts; “Fly,Fly!” But it still doesn’t fly. So heconcludes: “Cutting off a fly’s wingscauses it to lose its sense of hearing!”

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We find it amusing to see this logicalliteral interpretation as the limits ofintellectual logic become evident. Themind is very logical here. However, itdoes not express reality. These ‘jokes’highlight the concept that we cannotunconditionally trust intellectual logic inevery situation. While this may seemvery evident in these examples, inreality, it can occur unperceived in manysituations of everyday life. Intellectualdeductions and true knowledge are notalways one and the same at times noteven in seemingly solid scientificinterpretations.

Our Time/Space Concept

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Our perceived reality is a product ofhow our brains react to very limitedfrequency ranges, which our senses aredesigned to cope with. These are theranges that most effectively allow us tocreate, and maneuver within ourphysical world. The different areas ofperception in the brain interact to createour perceived reality and project itoutwards as the real world inside whichwe live. The body has to function first,in order for perceived reality to exist.Therefore, the laws that govern bodilyfunctions must originate in theunperceived frequencies of the totalrange of absolute reality. Although welive within a perceived reality, ourenergy system interacts with the

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totality of absolute reality.The body functions are governed, like

we said earlier, by universal wisdom.This wisdom does not come from ourperceived reality, but rather from theabsolute reality an absolute reality thatdoes not follow time and space, becausetime and space are product of perceivedreality. It is this wisdom that regulatesall the different functions of our body.The moment the mind interferes in thosefunctions, problems are created.Sometimes we philosophize and wonderif we have free will or if there is adivine ‘something’ that is playing withus. Many philosophers have ponderedand written about it. Omar Khayyam, theeleventh century Persian Sufi poet,

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wrote in his famous Quatrains, translatedby Edward Fitzgerald and known inArabic as the ‘Rubaiyat of OmarKhayyam’: ‘This all a Chequered-board of

Nights and DaysWhere Destiny with Men for Pieces

plays:Hither and thither moves, and

mates, and slays,And one by one back in the Closet

lays. The verses express a universal feelingor presence of a higher transcendentalessence. Khayyam also wrote: The Moving Pen writes; and,

having writ,

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Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor WitShall lure it back to cancel half a

line,Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word

of it. When we read this, we might think itimplies that we don’t have free will onthis earth. Thank God, we don’t havefree will in important matters that sustainlife such as the laws that govern thebiological functions of our bodies. Inimportant matters that relate to life andto the prolongation of life, we don’t havefree will; otherwise, we would interferewith nature’s laws.

The conscious mind, however, doeshave a free will for experiences withinits own perceived reality such as

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creating a civilization or destroying one!We can do what we like as long as westay away from the most vital things likethe laws that govern our life becauseevery time we interfere with the naturallaws governing our body, for example,we cause disturbance. Animals in thewild are knowledgeable enough not toeat any poisonous plants. However, wewith our man-made chemicals orgenetically manipulated plants manage totrick their system on all levels to thepoint where we actually now have petpsychologists!

What is the difference between howthese laws work, and the way in whichour minds work? The mind functionswithin a particular conception of time

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and space. When you have to wake up atseven in the morning for example, whathappens sometimes is that you mightwake up, look at the time, and if it’s fiveminutes to seven, you might think: “Oh! Ican sleep for five more minutes!” Yougo back to sleep and you may dream.This dream could go on for what youthink is six or seven hours, or even for awhole day. When you wake up again,you might think that you were very lateand that you won’t have time to make itto the office, but as you check yourwatch you discover that only a fewminutes have elapsed. So, you see ourbrain creates our time-space concepts,in our time-space reality. They don’texist beyond that. Beyond that, like in

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the reality of a dream, there is anothertime-space concept. Every type of being,whether in one dimension of reality, oranother, perceives time and space in itsown way, as part of the overall criteriathat form its reality.

The laws that come from anotherlevel, those that we access from right-brain consciousness, do not follow ourtime-space dimension. When we receiveinformation through a right-brain type,instant, holistic perception, it sometimesdefies the laws of left-brain type logic.This is what the mystics call‘illumination’. For example, a piece ofinformation from that higher level couldenter your right-brain consciousness in afraction of a second. Then it might take

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up to a lifetime to take this codedinformation through to your left-brainconsciousness, your data-bank, yourmeaning level, and translate it in orderto manifest it as knowledge. You mightbe working on it all your life, notknowing that what you have been doingall along is merely translating this sparkof light, which you got in 1/100th of asecond. All your experiences andlearning are just ways of extracting it.

The Monochord On his deathbed, Pythagoras asked hisdisciples to play the Monochord for himone last time. What was so importantabout the Monochord? A single stringstretched between 2 nails on a wooden

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base, sometimes in the form of a hollowsound box (Fig. 92). Why did Pythagorasgive so much importance to his famous,one-string ‘Monochord’?

During his long period of apprenticeshipin the temples of Egypt, Pythagoras waseducated in the ‘science of Harmonics’,among other secret knowledge. There hebecame familiar with the mathematicalratios on the Monochord that producedthe tones and overtones. Thesemathematical ratios represented the lawsof creation in the science of Harmonics,which showed that everything in the

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Universe was based on numbers andtheir qualities. If we look at the relief inthe Ancient Egyptian temples, or themusical instruments at the Museum ofAntiquities in Cairo, we find a largeselection of different musicalinstruments of every type that reveal agreat knowledge of tonal systems. Themusical laws were a manifestation of thedivine laws governing the wholeuniverse. They were part of the templeteachings reserved for the initiated.Pythagoras unveiled some of thoseteachings to the Western world. Hetaught that on the string a mathematicalratio and tension correspond to amusical note. On the string, thequantitative measurement is converted

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into a qualitative note. Quality andquantity are two faces of one coin.They are two ways of perceiving thesame thing. One is a measurement, theother an effect on the perceiver.

What is a note? A note is amathematical ratio as every violin orguitar player knows. To produce aspecific note, a finger must be placed ata certain point on the string which givesthe appropriate length for that particularnote. Thus, a Monochord convertsmathematics into sound. The numbersbecome alive and we hear their voiceas tones.

Let us look at this relationship orconversion between quality and quantity.Mathematics is quantity; modern science

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is quantitative. A musical note is quality,meaning it produces an effect; Ancientknowledge is qualitative. By pluckingthe string on a Monochord, we canconvert one into the other, quantityinto quality and quality into quantity.Another way of putting this is, if quantityis based on mathematics, and ifmathematics is based on the quality ofsound, why do we believe that quantityis scientific and quality is not?

If we have ‘quantitative mathematics’,then we can also speak of a ‘qualitativemathematics’. Similarly, if there is a‘quantitative physics’, then there is alsoa Physics of Quality, veiled somewherein the ancient science of Harmonics.This is what a simple Monochord from

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ancient antiquity does. It opens the doorto deciphering the symphony of creation,and understanding what lies behind suchenigmatic concepts as the music of thespheres.Pythagoras saw in the distances betweenthe planets of our solar system the sameproportions as in Musical Harmonics.On his deathbed, he wanted to hear theMonochord that to him expressed thedivine laws of the universe. It was aform of prayer of transition.

Resonance and Harmonics There are two kinds of harmonics: Theclassical ‘Pythagorean Harmonics’ and‘BioGeometry Harmonics’. Pythagorean

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Harmonics is a method of usingquantities (numbers, ratios) to produceuniversal qualities perceived as musicalnotes. The BioGeometry HarmonicSystem, on the other hand, is totallydifferent in essence from the traditionalPythagorean system. BioGeometryHarmonics is a purely qualitativesystem, based on only the ‘OneHarmonizing Subtle Energy Quality’that is at the core of the formingprocess in nature, which is the maincriterion of harmony in BioGeometrythat we label ‘BG3’, and not onmultiple qualities as in the notes of atonal system. It is based on the‘resonance of quality’ that is expressedin numbers, ratios and angles, that all

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manifest the BG3 subtle energy quality.Pythagorean Harmonics is qualityderived from quantity, whileBioGeometry Harmonics is quantityderived from the One Quality BG3.

Our contemporary point of view isone of looking at everything in a linear,quantitative manner; in the way weperceive time, space or frequency. Incontrast to this, Harmonics reveals to usthe language of quality, based on thephenomenon of Harmonic Resonance. Itis the science of the laws of the harmonyand unity in the Universe creating auniversal symphony, in which everythinghas its place in the whole. Pythagorasreferred to this as the, ‘Music of theSpheres’. This is a qualitative harmonic

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system based on quantitativemathematical ratios derived from thephysics of musical strings, as expressedon the Monochord.

This concept can be better understoodusing a musical string instrument. Whenwe strike a chord, that string resonateswith every other string double or half itssize creating higher and lower octaves.Imagine a piano with string lengthsranging from zero to infinity. Theoctaves would connect throughresonance to everything in the Universe,from the largest to the smallest. It is likeraising the power of numbers inmathematics.

This model can also explain some ofthe qualitative aspects of creation. Taken

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from a mystical point of view; if we canimagine bringing the zero and infinitypoints together to form a state ofeverything and nothing that existedbefore the first impulse and the creationof time and space, and that continues toexist within creation, then we canunderstand how this point of zero andnothing is an everlasting, non-manifestedpower keeping the whole universalmusical instrument in a state of constantHarmonic Resonance that we perceiveas Creation. Creation emerged from thezero and infinity point, is powered by it,and will fade back into it. Every‘vibration’, as a quality, has a resonantharmonic mathematical connectionwith similar qualities of nature. It is as

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if this power in nature, in the wholeUniverse, wakes up in resonance.

Music and Harmonics It is said that Ancient SacredArchitecture was ‘frozen sound’, whichmeans that the sound of the harmony ofthe Universe became frozen in theproportions and design principles of thebuilding. Those monuments are timelessmusical symphonies, playing in ourenergy fields on a subconscious level.They are transforming us in a very subtleway. If we do everything according tothe mathematical laws of the universe,we could be in tune with the universe bymeans of its music.

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The qualities of numbers play acentral role within the laws of theUniverse. Pythagoras thereforedeveloped a mathematical theory ofmusic that represented the laws of theUniverse. He taught us to calculate allthe notes of music and showed how thisdivision is not arbitrary. This isharmonics, how the NTRs interacttogether, how they form certain laws andguide the interaction of things. Thoselaws, those numerical vibrations, createpatterns. When they interact, everythingis created. The mathematical aspect ofmusic was regarded as manifesting thedivine laws.

The Swiss, Hans Kayser (1891-1964),revived the science of Harmonics and

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wrote numerous books on the subject.His book ‘Akróasis42’, which means‘hearing the universe’, has beentranslated into English and is considereda very good introduction to his work.His ‘Textbook of Harmonics’ is the bestscientific reference to date, while in his‘Organon’ he delves into the spiritualdimensions of harmonics. There is alsoanother aspect of harmonics in whichshapes are created through sound. TheGerman physicist and musician, ErnstKhaldni (1756- 1827), was the first todemonstrate it in modern times. He useda violin bow on the edge of a metal platecovered with sand to produce naturalpatterns. The Swiss physician, Dr. HansJenny, a contemporary of Hans Kayser,

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developed Cymatics, which is anotherform of visual harmonics. He used a flatsurface like a drum, put sand over it andthen made it vibrate to sound projectedfrom under it. He developed severalversions of what he called a‘Tonoscope’. As the surface vibrated,shapes started to form in the sand. Thisallows us to see the harmonic origin ofmatter, and realize that all shapes innature are created from the interferenceof wave patterns giving form to matter.There is an interesting documentary filmon Cymatics that shows us how soundcan create amazing natural shapes. Someshapes look like insects that seem tocrawl to the sound!

Dr. Masaru Emoto, famous for his

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work with frozen water crystals, wenteven a step further to demonstrate theeffect of intention on matter. Hedeveloped a method of taking pictures offrozen water crystals from differentsources. With this he was able to take aglimpse into the mysteriouscharacteristics of water and theinfluence that the quality of energy andthe environment has on it. As anexample, water impregnated with goodenergy quality formed well-balancedand beautiful hexagonal structured watercrystals, while bad energy qualityproduced badly formed crystals. Prayeror other spiritual activities, even simplepositive thoughts and some music,produced lovely, beautiful, well-

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balanced hexagonal water crystals,while normal tap water and bad energiesproduced undefined shapes. His books,the first being ‘Message from Water43’,were published worldwide in manylanguages.

In the summer of 2005, I met Dr.Emoto in his laboratory in Liechtensteinwhere we had a chance to share ourwork. Although we were working indifferent ways, we both found commonground for collaboration in futureprojects to provide solutions toenvironmental problems. Dr. Emototransforms energy quality into form,while I use forms to harmonize energyquality in the environment.

In our collaboration with Dr. Emoto,

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we did several experiments in the HadoLife European laboratory atLiechtenstein. The Director of thelaboratory, Rasmus Gaupp-Berghausen,carried out a great deal of work withBioGeometry shapes, and producedlovely crystals that clearly demonstratethe effect of the BG3 energy quality ofBioGeometry. We used this technique toshow the effect of the BioGeometryCube, which is part of the Home-Kit thatoffers an individual single-homesolution to the harmful side effects ofelectrosmog. It was developed andtested in the first phase of the Hirschbergproject in Switzerland (Fig. 93). In theupper left we see the crystal resultingfrom regular tap water. The cube shown

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in the lower left corner was then placedin the room. When new samples of thesame tap water were taken, theyproduced the four lovely crystals on theright.

We also worked with Dr. Emoto toproduce crystals from water on whichthe Divine Names of God from the HolyKoran were recited. The results were

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crystals that produced a subtle energyharmonizing effect on the organ functionssimilar to the repeated recital of theDivine Names. The correlation with thesubtle energy functions of the organs isbased on a system we discoveredthrough research about twenty years ago,which is used widely, beyond religiousprejudices.

The Tetractys Pythagoras used numbers to express thelaws of the universe. The whole worldto him expressed itself through numbers.He developed a model called the‘Tetractys’, in which he arranged thenumbers from one to four in the form ofdots in a triangular formation (Fig. 94).

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This was one of the figures used in asymbolic way to explain the workings ofthe laws of nature in every aspect of theuniverse. The Tetractys manifestsseveral subtle energy secrets on whichits practical sacred nature is based. Wewill examine this interesting figure fromthe BioGeometry point of view thatdeals with the energy forming processof numbers. Experimental research inBioGeometry shows that the geometricarrangement of numbers plays animportant role regarding their subtleenergy quality. We found that if tenpoints are arranged in the triangularconfiguration of the Tetractys, theyproduce the BG3 subtle energy qualityof BioGeometry. In any other

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arrangement of the ten dots of theTetractys this energy quality is lost.

In BioGeometry, there are numberswhich produce the BG3 subtle energyquality based solely on their quantitativevalue irrespective of their geometricallayout. These numbers of theBioGeometry Series have beenidentified through the measurementmethods of the science of Physics ofQuality. The following numbers form

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one of the BioGeometry Series that sharethe One Quality of BG3: 16, 19, 28, 34,43, 54, 68, 72, 83, 89, 99… etc. Thesenumbers are in a special kind ofqualitative resonance with each other,and with a common transcendental multi-dimensional source. This is a differentkind of resonance than that of musicalharmonics, which is based on certainmathematical proportions between thestring lengths. The numbers of theBioGeometry Series are not based onany mathematical relationship. The onlything they share is the BG3 subtle energyquality. Those numbers are thereforelabeled ‘sacred’ because they manifestthe same subtle energy quality as foundin sacred power spots, and will

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reproduce it in any design in which theyare used. They form the basis on which asystem of BioGeometry Harmonics isbuilt to produce the BioGeometryModulor Systems that give dimensions,proportions, and angular scales fordesign (See Appendix).

We might be surprised that none of thefirst numbers from one to ten appear inthis qualitative BioGeometry Series, butexperimental research shows us thatnone of the numbers from one to tenmanifest the BG3 subtle energy qualityin full. The first number that manifeststhis quality is the sixteen, with which ourseries starts.

I have found an Ancient Egyptian text,quoted by Lucie Lamy in her book

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‘Egyptian Mysteries41’, that refers tomultiplicity of life through four levels ofcell division, and expresses it innumbers as the process of halving,which is at the basis of PharaonicMathematics. The following quotationfrom the coffin of Petamon at the CairoMuseum (No. 1160.) points to a hiddenqualitative relationship between Oneand Sixteen: I am One that transforms into Two

I am Two that transforms into FourI am Four that transforms into

EightAfter this I am One

The proportion derived from that number(1:1.6) is the famous Golden Proportion

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used in Ancient architecture and now thebasis of ‘Sacred Geometry’. Sixteenbrings out the sacred quality hiddenwithin the One to manifest in our time-space material dimension. It is the firstnumber of the sacred subtle energyquality series of BioGeometry thatmanifests the sacred energy quality,which makes it qualitatively the firstnumber.

All numbers that do not have the BG3energy quality in them can, however, bereconfigured to achieve the same quality,if arranged in a special geometricallayout. This is the process we call the‘Sacred Energy Forming of Numbers’.The sacred subtle energy quality existspotentially in all numbers. In some it

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exists already, while in others, it can beproduced through a forming process ofarrangement in a certain pattern.

We can say that there is ageometrical archetype to numbers thatproduces the sacred energy quality.Here are some examples of numbersarranged in such patterns that give theBG3 quality (Fig. 95).

Music of the Spheres Pythagoras spoke of the ‘music of thespheres’. He even said: “I can hear themusic of the spheres. I can hear the

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motion of the celestial bodies.” Here hewas clearly not just speaking aboutnumbers in the form of the harmonicproportions of the distances between theorbits of the planets around the sun, as isusually thought. He must have alsoalluded to the inaudible sound wavescreated by the motion of the planets. Ifnumber and sound are the same, thismeans that quality has quantity in it. Italso means that quantity has quality. Sowhen he said, “Everything is number” hewas speaking about the basic qualities ofeverything. By ‘hearing the sound of thecelestial bodies’, he was referring tofeeling the effect of their energyqualities. He might also have referred tothe fact that the sun produces inaudible

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sound waves (longitudinal compressionwaves) from its core. There exists todaya whole branch of science called‘Helioseismology’, in which moderninstruments are used to detect andmeasure those waves, and analyze theinformation about the interior layers ofthe sun from which they emerge. Theseinaudible sound waves also interact withall the planets circling around the solarsystem. The motion of all kinds ofmaterial bodies in the universe alsocreates secondary compression wavesthat are a type of inaudible sound waves(torsion, scalar, etc…). By the laws ofharmonics the inaudible sound wavescreated by the planets in the SolarSystem are actually a form of music.

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The elliptical movement of the planetsaround the sun, which is also found in allother galaxies, is a very specialgeometrical shape with alternatingrelationships between its centrifugal andcentripetal forces governing the inside‘pull’ and the outside ‘push’, creatingalternating polarities that result in adynamic system of motion (Fig. 96). Ourmeasurements have shown that the BG3

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quality of the centers of the ellipse isfound throughout the whole area insideit, unlike the circle which manifests BG3only in its center. The whole ellipse isthus infused with total dynamic harmony.This is why the egg shape is the idealshape for the growth of life. It can beunderstood as the sacred abode fromwhich life emerges. The egg is the idealenvironment in which the formingprocess of nature, which has the BG3subtle energy quality at its core, can takeplace. The whole environment within theellipse or egg is multi-dimensional andis connected to the whole universe.When Pythagoras said that the Universeis based on number, he was speaking intwo languages: the quantitative and the

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qualitative. One was to the larger publicabout mathematics, the other was to hisinner group about the interacting forcesof the Universe. To his inner group, hetaught that every number has multipleaspects of quality and emanation.Consequently, every number expresses adivine force, a NTR, and so does everygeometrical angle. In BioGeometry westate that, as angles are thecomponents of shapes, and as anglesare also energy qualities, then shapesare living energy qualities. Everyshape of an object we see is a form offrozen energy quality, which comes tolife and impregnates the energy fieldsaround it, thus affecting all livingenergy systems in its environment,

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whether they are perceived as animateor inanimate. We are continuouslychanging, energetically, through everyshape we see or perceive with any ofour senses. Even the wind carries theliving qualities of the shape it touches!

We understand mathematics from acontemporary perspective, either in aquantitative or in a symbolic way. ButPythagoras was not limited to thoseaspects of mathematics. He wasspeaking about the Wisdom of theUniverse, the inner teaching of thetemples of Egypt. We cite Pythagorasbecause his philosophy expresses thegreat shift. The quantitative aspect ofnumbers and the laws of theirquantitative interactions were labeled

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‘The Birth of Mathematics’, by thosewho only accepted the practical,quantitative applications. Pythagoraskept the Ancient Knowledge of Numberswithin the inner teachings of his school,hidden behind a veil where it still lies inobscurity, as it did in the temples ofAncient Egypt. Through its practicalmethods in energy quality dynamics, thenew BioGeometry worldview is slowlyshedding light on this obscurity.

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Ancient Knowledge

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The Loss of AncientKnowledge How can people lose such preciousknowledge? How can such knowledge,later on, be lost, misunderstood,relegated to superstition and magic, sothat it has become totally useless to ourcivilization and even invites ridicule orcauses violent reactions? The hiddentemple sciences were misunderstood andfeared as an ancient powerful form ofmagic. This impression comes fromdocuments of the Egyptian Greco-Romanperiod in the last four centuries beforeour era. These show that the gradual lossof the Egyptian temple sciences startedabout four centuries ago, with the

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invasion of the Greeks and Romans. Inorder to be accepted as Pharaohs by theEgyptians, the conquerors tried tobecome assimilated into the Egyptianway of life. However, they only touchedthe surface layer and were never fullyintegrated into the Egyptian culture, norallowed access to the secret knowledgeof the Egyptian temples. Slowly onlyremnants of the application of sciencessurvived and, without the knowledge,were denigrated as mere traditional ormagic.

The Ancient Knowledge consequentlycame to be viewed through left-brainperception. The actual function of theancient symbols as vehicles connectedwith archetypal sources became

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obscure, as they cannot be activatedthrough intellectual, left-brainperception. However, within theknowledge of ancient rituals, preservedby religious and esoteric groups such asthe Freemasons or Rosicrucians, lies theancient science of communication withthe subtle energy forces of nature, hiddenbehind the intellectual veil of modernsymbolism. Ancient knowledge, even inits symbolic form, was a major drivingforce behind many changes in worldorders such as the French and Americanrevolutions. The planning of severalworld capitals such as Washington, D.C.and Paris show that the planners hadretained some of this ancient knowledge.Those cities were planned as subtle

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energy patterns, which Robert Bauvalrefers to symbolically as ‘talismans’.44

In reality, they were subtle energyconfigurations that were activatedthrough the obelisks brought from Egyptand placed in the proper power spot,according to the grid plan, and just aswhen the battery is inserted in anelectronic device, the pattern becomesalive. The Pyramid with the eye on theAmerican dollar bill, is one of manysymbols that also attest to this AncientEgyptian influence.

Contemporary Mankind Carl Gustav Jung believed that only asmall fraction of modern mankind, that

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had attained the state of ‘ContemporaryMan’, could clearly perceive anemerging new consciousness. ThisContemporary Man has acknowledgedthe existence of the unconscious andtries to understand it. Freud tried thesame thing before Jung, but it was in thecontext of Modern Man. Freud lookedfrom his left-brain perception at theunconscious as the source of all theimpulses that affect our behavior. Jung,on the other hand, looked at them fromhis right-brain perception. He found that,in addition to Freud’s limitedidentification of unconscious realms,several other archetypes were alsomanifesting on the individual, as well onthe collective levels. Ancient symbolism

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and esoteric mythology were still alivein us, on a subconscious level. Theancient world was emerging again. TheGnostic school of Alexandria became inpart alive again in Europe under the veilof Jungian Psychology.

Modern Man is slowly developinginto Contemporary Man. That is why, ifyou take a minute to contemplate, youwill probably feel that you somehowresonate with an inner knowledge; andthat even though I might be presenting itin a new form or different language, itstill feels familiar ‘as if you alwaysknew it’. This is the feeling of right-brain perception. The realization of theUniversal knowledge-base.

The new awareness and

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connectedness with the laws of nature isa very important thing to cultivate if wewant to avoid global life destruction. Ifwe can use BioGeometry, and similarqualitative sciences, to re-design theworld of modern technology, we canmake real changes and stand inreverence to the harmony brought by theempowering of the laws of nature. Onlythen will we create the needed conditionthat will encourage the rightrelationships between humanity and thecosmos. If we have the wisdom toaccept a new, yet ancient outlook, andbypass our arrogance, then perhaps wecan achieve the ‘Land of Gold’ my fatherentrusted me with on a global scale.

The ‘Golden Age’ will come when we

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achieve a shift in perception to becomeaware of the real ‘Gold’ in the spirituallight found in all sacred power spots ofall humanity. This is the unifying lightwhere all beliefs meet.

BioGeometry strives to take our focusof awareness back to this spiritual lightand bring its harmony into all ouractivities, just as the great ancientcivilizations did.

The Golden Age is just a shift ofperception from the materialistic to thesubtle.

You make me see everythingI see You in everything

You see me through everything

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Ibrahim Karim

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Epilogue The greatness of the Ancient Egyptianscomes from the fact that they were livingin harmony with the laws of nature.Working with the NTRs was their wayof living. They worked on the archetypallevel of the laws of nature, to be inresonance and bring harmony to thewhole energy system behind the physicalreality. They played an active role inbringing prosperity to the land of Egypt.

Unless we see through their perceptionof reality, we cannot understand theknowledge of Ancient Egypt. From theirperspective, we learn that energy isconscious, aware, and has wisdom. Welearn that a balanced natural state

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between opposites comes from wisdom.This wisdom can only be accessedthrough harmony with the laws of nature.The NTRs were alive in theconsciousness of the Ancient Egyptiansand participated in everyday activities.

Through the contemporary science ofBioGeometry®, we learn to infuse theintellect with that divine wisdominherent in the laws of nature, to providethe balancing energy quality. The divinewisdom of nature contains within itsolutions to all imbalances.BioGeometry techniques will enable usto restore balance everywhere byempowering all biological systems, andthe whole atmosphere, with the BG3quality at the core of the natural forming

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process.Contemporary Man could still have an

advantage over the Ancient Egyptians.We have achieved an advancedcivilization through a powerful focus ofperception of the left-brain type. Thisled to advanced specialization thatproduced our high level of moderntechnology. We can appreciate thegreatness of the unconscious even morethrough this analytical type ofperception, and develop modern ways ofaccessing it. By synchronizing ourperception with the wisdom of the lawsof nature inherent in right-brainperception, we can achieve a worldviewthat is equally scientific andmetaphysical. This will be the

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foundation of our future Golden Age.

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Appeal Save the Heritage ofHumanity This is an appeal to all those concernedwith monuments all over the world andespecially in Egypt. Throughout history,sacred sites have been the focus of theircommunities, and while civilizationschange, these sites are reborn within thechanging beliefs. Archaeologicalexcavations show that those sites havebeen built over and over with the sacredmonuments of every passing civilization.The sites are eternal, while the buildingsare temporary. These sites were deemedsacred because of their special

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harmonizing subtle energy qualities thatproduced spiritual experiences,irrespective of the presence of anymonuments. The monuments were builtto harbour the religious activities. Theywere designed to enter into resonancewith the special energy quality of theplace. However great the monument, it isalways secondary to the place.Preservation of heritage should alwaysconsider the site as first priority beforethe building, and should always aim atrestoring the special natural energyquality of the site before the building. Here are three examples of mistakesthat have been made in the name ofpreservation that we should try tocorrect and avoid in the future. This is

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not only for the preservation of ourheritage, but mainly for our future on thisplanet. 1. The temples of Egypt have beenmoved from their sacred power spotsand placed in safer higher areas to avoidthe water from the new High Dam.Calculations regarding the sun and someother aspects were preserved, but themain subtle energy quality, which is theessence of the sacredness of the temple,has been lost. In the future, one shouldmove them to power spots with a similarsacred energy quality. We can stillcorrect past mistakes by usingBioGeometry® to create a power spotwith similar energy quality as theoriginal in the sites of those relocated

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temples. 2. Moving obelisks and statues fromtheir sacred spots is the same kind ofmistake as relocating the temples. InWashington, Paris and Rome, they usedthe Egyptian obelisks to empower themain power spots that were the centresof subtle energy quality projection,needed for the prosperity of the city. 3. The transformation of the sacred lakein the Karnak temple in Luxor from asacred natural water source on an energypower spot into a modern pool with tapwater and continuous filtering andchlorination, is another huge mistake thatrobs the whole area of its sacred energyquality. One should find the source ofpollution to the natural source and solve

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the problem there. If needed,BioGeometry can be used to restore theenergy quality to the water.

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Appendices Overview of the

BioGeometryDesign Language The Process ofCreatingBioSignatures BioGeometryKnowledge &Applications Acknowledgementby Ruth Schaad Excerpts from theStudy of the MobileRadiation inHemberg

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The BioGeometry DesignLanguageOverview

Introduction BioGeometry is the practical applicationof the new innovative breakthroughscience of the Physics of Quality. Itoffers a design language that works onthe quality of information exchangebetween living systems to bring harmonyinto the subtle energy quality of theenvironment. This method has proven itsefficacy during thirty-five years ofresearch projects all over the world. Asignificant shift in awareness of the

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subtle energy interactions in theenvironment by the academic communityallowed this cutting edge science to bethe subject of a number of postgraduatestudies in several reputable universitiesin different disciplines: Architecture,Interior Design, Industrial Design andEnvironment.

The threat resulting from new forms ofpollution, such as electromagneticradiation, cannot be dealt with solely bythe reduction of the power of thesources. The number of sources of whatis believed to be individually weak andharmless emissions of EMR collectivelyand continuosly pose a very viable anddangerouse threat. In BioGeometry westrongly believe that all possible

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measures should be taken to save ourEarth from the proliferation of all formsof pollution and offer a complimentarymethodology that supports theenvironment and life on Earth.

BioGeometry & theEnvironment Applied BioGeometry designs resonatewith the environment to produce aharmonizing subtle energy quality, whichsuperimposes a balancing energeticqualitative component. This method hasproven its efficiency in reducing theharmful effect of environmental pollutionon living systems. The harmonizingsubtle energy quality of Biogeometry can

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impregnate any object. However in thecase of living systems it also induces aspecial quality into the water content ofthe body that reduces the change thatEMR produces in it. This harmonizingeffect induces physical changes in waterthat have been detected by microscopicphotography.

How BioGeometry Works When applied, BioGeometry principlescan be subtly implemented into theforming process of design withoutinterfering with other factors or style ofdesign. As it works mainly byharmonizing the quality of interaction ofan object with the environment, it doesnot significantly affect any quantitative

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measurements of either. This is due tothe fact that BioGeometry shapes workon the secondary wave patternsresulting from the main shape ormotion in the environment. Thesewaves are similar to those resulting fromthe motion of a boat in water; their effectcan be felt at great distances on anyobject, and the shape of the object willalso affect the waves transmitting back aresonant effect to the boat (Fig. 1).

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The main shape creating the motion isnot affected quantitatively in anysignificant way. The secondary wavesform a background wave pattern that isthe main carrier of quality in theenvironment. The secondary waves are

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of the compression longitudinal type(e.g. sound, scalar, torsion and eddies)even if the main motion is ofelectromagnetic nature. These aresimilar to sound waves on an inaudiblelevel that are beyond the hearing rangeand as such are affected by the shape. Inthe science of Acoustics for example,we interact with sound waves throughthe use of shape (Fig. 2). InAerodynamics and Hydraulics we alsouse shapes to deal with compressionwaves of air and water respectively(Fig. 3). All types of motion create suchwaves in the environment producing abackground subtle energy patternspanning the whole universe.

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A person walking into a room willcreate such waves that affect the subtleenergy qualities of the room and, throughresonant interaction, transmit back the

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resulting quality of the surroundings tothe person. The motion of a hand or eventhe blink of an eye will produce similareffects. All sensory interactions have thesame effect on the sender as well as thereceiver (Fig. 4).

BioGeometry shapes affect the quality ofsubtle energy in the environment just asshapes put in the flow of water affect thepattern of the flow. Any change of shapein the pattern of flow will producequalitative effects on the resulting

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functions. The way that BioGeometryaffects the subtle energy functions of theenvironment is expressed in a qualitativeTrinity of: Energy-Shape-Function (Fig.5).

According to this concept of the‘BioGeometry Qualitative Trinity’, weuse BioGeometry shapes that producethe BG3 quality to affect the backgroundenergy wave pattern and produceharmony in the subtle energy functions inthe environment. To illustrate thisthreefold relationship in which shape

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forms the energy flow to produce thefunction, we can take cooking as anexample. We will see that the shape ofthe cooking utensil (wok/frying pan…etc) shapes the flame giving a differentkind of energy distribution in accordanceto the function needed (Fig. 6).

Goals of BioGeometryDesign Language A. Introducing Harmony in

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the Environment The Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR),which is a main feature of moderntechnology in the age of information, isadding to global warming. Theproduction of electricity is polluting theatmosphere with gases that play a directrole in global warming. There is,however, another factor that is not givenany importance at the moment; this is thedirect warming effect produced by themotion of the microwaves themselves inthe atmosphere, which might be veryminute and insignificant at the moment,but with our ever-increasing use ofEMR, it will become more significant.BioGeometry has been shown to reduce

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the infra red emanation of objects andcould in future research play a role inthe reduction of global warming.Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) is theunperceived danger that with indefiniteincrease could lead to global lifeextinction. Electrosmog is a layman’sword that refers to the harmful effect ofelectromagnetic radiation on theenvironment. Electrosmog is composedof the primary effect of electromagneticfields as well as another morewidespread effect from the secondarynon-electromagnetic compression wavesspreading to greater distances throughthe environment (Fig. 7).

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Only the first effect due toelectromagnetic waves is measurablewith electronic devices and is the onetaken into consideration when imposingsafe limits to protect the users. The othersecondary effect is due to non-

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electromagnetic waves that cannot bedetected by conventional devicesmeasuring electric or magnetic radiation.Other types of devices must be used todetect or record the minute movementsof compression waves in theenvironment. This is the main reason thatthe secondary effect is notacknowledged or taken intoconsideration by mainstream scientists.The amazing results achieved in thereduction of the harmful effects ofelectrosmog in the Swiss projects ofHemberg and Hirschberg are due to thefact that BioGeometry acknowledges anddeals with these secondary backgroundeffects as well.Another major problem that threatens

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life on our planet is the shortage ofwater and its deteriorating quality.Industry is continuously polluting rivers,lakes and oceans. Purifying chemicalsare used to keep a quantitatively ‘safelevel’ for human consumption notrecognizing the pollution that they causeon the energy level as they deplete thewater of its life energy. We are drinkingdead water. Research has proven thatusing BioGeometry techniques is a veryeffective way of restoring the life energyin water.

B. New Evaluation Systemfor Modern Technology, Arts& Architecture

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One of the main goals of BioGeometryis the ‘Humanizing of ModernTechnology’. We must assess the effectof all the products of modern technologyon living energy systems in order toavoid self-destruction. In other words,we must consider the quality of thehuman energy system as part of anydesign criteria.

In BioGeometry, we provide anessential objective evaluation system forArchitecture and Arts based on theirdegree of harmonizing effect on theliving energy systems. Man in histotality, including all the subtle energylevels of his being, becomes themeasure of all things. The level of BG3subtle energy quality that the object

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produces in its environment is the scaleof assessment of any object ofindustrial design and all types of art.

C. BioGeometry & ‘Green’ The awareness and practice of the‘Green’ way, on an individual andcollective level, is essential to save ourplanet. The original label of Greenrelated to recycling of materials hasevolved and now includes multipleaspects of environmental threats that aredealt with differently by differentschools.BioGeometry adds a new dimension toour current concepts of Green andemphasizes the complementaritiesbetween the different perspectives. It

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provides a methodology to transform theenergy quality of natural or man-madematerials to fit into the new paradigm ofGreen. In BioGeometry it is the effect ofbuilding on the subtle energy lifesystems of humans, animals and plantsthat determines the ‘Greenness’ of theproject. The BG3 scale is an abstractevaluation system that determines thenew level of Green, independent of anyother criteria.

The Nine Pillars ofthe BioGeometry DesignLanguage The following nine pillars from theBioGeometry (BG) Design Methodology

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provide the tools that can extend andenhance the existing design criteria inany field of design to induce naturalharmony in the subtle energy quality ofthe surrounding environment. 1- BioGeometry Earth Energy

Design2- BioGeometry Sky-linkedDesign3- BioGeometry QualitativeHarmonics4- BioGeometry DesignPrinciples5- BioGeometry Motion inDesign6- BioGeometry QualitativeGlobal Scaling System7- BioGeometry Archetypal

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Design Codes8- BioGeometry MaterialEnergy Quality Balancing9- BioSignatures

BioGeometry is based on a Physics ofQuality, the laws of ‘QualitativeHarmonics’, and a scientific system ofBioGeometry measurements. In the firsttwo pillars dealing with architecture andearth-related design, one needs to workin harmony with the earth energy patternsand in some cases achieve certain linkswith sky locations. This includesmethods and tools to detect and assessthe subtle energy quality effect of EarthEnergy Power Spots and Earth EnergyGrids on living systems. Earth energygrid surveys are usually delegated to

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specialists to be used as modular gridsfor the design. (There is a certain amountof expertise involved in the measurementof Earth Radiation. Several precautionsneed to be taken in order to avoid anyharmful effects on the person doing thedetection and measurements).

1) BioGeometry EarthEnergy Design Principles In architecture we use the materialaspects of the building to form thequalities of the space within it andaround it. Our space is part of the lifeenergy system of the Earth, and in thissense includes energies on severallevels. The Earth’s atmosphere is an

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integral part of its body. We actuallylive and build inside the body of theEarth and not on it as it may seem. Thearchitect should then be viewed as the‘sculptor of space’ and must in hisforming process integrate his buildinginto the subtle energy anatomy of theEarth on all levels.

There are different types of verticaland horizontal patterns of earth energythat form an invisible energy structure inthe atmosphere above the ground. InBioGeometry we design in harmonywith the Earth. These natural earthenergy patterns are used as modularsystems for the grids on which the axesare placed in architecture and townplanning (Fig. 8). For this purpose, Ley

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lines, Hartmann and Curry ‘Global EarthEnergy Grids’, the Benker Cube Systemand underground water paths, which arepart of the subtle energy anatomy of theEarth, are mapped (Fig. 9).

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These energy grids are used to connectthe buildings with the Earth EnergySystem, so that the buildings ‘grow’ outof the ground and become part of theenergy structure of the Earth and itsatmosphere. The different types of subtle

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earth energy grids are the result ofsecondary longitudinal compressionwaves caused by the motion in theelectromagnetic patterns of the earth. Wecan find a form of very minuteelectromagnetic ionization along theperiphery of the Grid Line motioncaused by friction.

In BioGeometry we look for EarthEnergy Power Spots through thecomponent energies of BG3. This is thequality, as we know, that is found in thegeometric center of figures. In the caseof Earth Power Spots this ‘One’ qualitycovers a certain area giving it theharmonizing quality that we refer to froma qualitative geometric view, as the‘Centering Effect’, because it expands

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the subtle energy quality found withinthe illusive center to fill all parts of theobject. BioGeometry designs arespecially calculated to form their ownharmonizing subtle energy qualities.They can therefore be applied to anytype of design from a micro to a macrolevel, without the connection to a powerspot. However, these objects whenconnected to other similar objects orpower spots (on earth or sky) form anamplified harmonizing resonant pattern.

BioGeometry is the design languagethat produces shapes that induceharmony into the subtle energy qualityof Earth Energy Grids and from thereinto the buildings. The buildings willthen emphasize the subtle energy

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quality of a power spot, if found, orcreate their energy equivalent andutilize earth energy grids to bringharmony into the environment.

2) BioGeometry Sky-linkedDesign The creation of a pattern of paths toconnect power spots through Ley Lines,Spiritual Paths and Earth Energy Grids,is an ancient practice that goes back toprehistoric times when the first Menhirsand Dolmens were erected. In ourBioGeometry research we were able todetect the location of BG3 Power Spotsin certain areas of the sky. Oncedetected, these sky locations can be

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connected to the BG3 pattern on earthto form a three-dimensional grid. Thistype of Earth-Sky connection seems tohave been practiced in the alignment ofprehistoric megalithic monuments.

When this link is achieved the Earth-Sky connection empowers the naturalearth power spots making them muchstronger. The linking is achieved byresonance through the construction andorientation of certain parts of thebuilding at the exact time of thebeginning of a cycle when the star firstappears over the horizon. Only theresonance achieved at these points ofchange in a cycle will sustain itselfpermanently. In the monuments ofAncient Egypt, the dimensions and

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orientation of resonant chambers, shafts,openings are usually designed to capturethe energy quality of certain wavelengthsthat ensure the connection.

3) BioGeometry QualitativeHarmonics BioGeometry Harmonics is a purelyqualitative dimensioning system basedon the harmonizing subtle energy qualityfound in earth energy power spots(BG3). It is based on the ‘Resonance ofQuality’ that is expressed in numbers,ratios, angles and other forms; as suchthey can all enter into several types ofresonant harmonic communication.

The Pythagorean Harmonics system

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shows the mathematical proportions ofstrings to produce musical notes as amanifestation of the laws of nature:Quality derived from Quantity.BioGeometry Harmonics in contrast, isQuantity derived from Quality, becauseit starts with the BG3 qualitycomponents of the geometrical centerto detect numerical values thatresonate with and manifest this quality.In Pythagorean Harmonics the numbersproduce different qualities. InBioGeometry the spiritual harmonizingsubtle energy quality takes numericalforms to manifest in the physicaldimension. A. Numerical Expressions of the ‘OneQuality’ The Ancient Greeks spoke of

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architecture as “frozen music”, meaningthat it is using all the harmonicproportions of music found in nature.Harmony in nature is the result of oneCentering energy quality that manifestsin an endless number of proportions. Itmanifests the transcendental divine lawsthat govern the archetypal formingprocess in nature. This quality plays amajor role in sacred rituals, objects andbuildings.

It is generally assumed that the GoldenProportion of 1:1.618 used in SacredGeometry is the main proportion in theforming process of nature. Thishowever, is not the case; this proportionexpresses only one of the musicalproportions used in Ancient

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Architecture. There is a hidden energyquality behind this proportion that isbased on the subtle energy quality ofthe number 16, which manifests BG3.The number 16 is however only one ofmany numbers that manifest this quality.

Numbers are expressions of subtleenergy qualities. No single number orproportion alone can produce the myriadof forms in nature. There is a singlequality however, which does exactlythat through its manifestations in theendless amount of numbers andproportions in the natural formingprocess. In BioGeometry we were ableto identify this subtle energy that createsharmony and balance as the OneHarmonizing Subtle Energy Quality

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(BG3). BioGeometry is the science ofdetecting, reproducing and applyingthis harmonizing subtle energy qualitythrough a harmonic system of numbersand proportions. From a BioGeometrypoint of view, this level of architecturecan be described as ‘Frozen SacredRitual’.

The science of BioGeometry is basedon this quality that balances all otherqualities in nature. In BioGeometry wehave found through experimental subtleenergy quality measurements that anendless sets of numbers manifest thisBG3 harmonizing quality. Othernumbers that do not manifest the BG3energy quality can be formed to displayit by arranging the geometric

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configuration of the number accordingto certain design principles. This isvery similar to how differentconfigurations of atoms producedifferent molecules. The BG numbers,however, manifest the BG3 energyquality in any configuration.

All BioGeometry Series are composedof numbers that in any configurationproduce the BG3 subtle energy quality.The intensity of BG3 in these numbersundergoes cyclic variation due tocosmological influences. The followingseries shows the relatively stablenumbers, there are however other seriestargeting specific applications. The firstnumbers of the BioGeometry Series thatshare the One Quality of BG3 are: 16,

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19, 28, 34, 43, 54, 68, 72, 83, 89, 99…etc.

There is no quantitative mathematicalcorrelation between these numbers;however, they all manifest the OneQuality BG3. Some numbers manifestBG3 at certain times only and are thusnot included in the basic BG3 Series.Notice, however, that the number sixteenis the first whole number of the seriesthat manifests the BG3 quality. Itoccupies position ‘1’, in theBioGeometry series, physically andsymbolically.

These numbers were used to producea BioGeometry Harmonic System ofnumbers, proportions and angles that areused with certain design criteria to

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produce shapes that induce their inherentharmonizing quality in the environment.The BioGeometry Harmonic System andthe forming principles can be applied inany field of design to synchronize thesubtle energy quality of the environmentinto a natural harmony, whether thedesigned shape is a piece of jewelry, ahouse or an entire city. The harmonizingeffect of BioGeometry designed objectscan be measured and the effect on thesubtle energy functions of the body canbe assessed.The BG Harmonic Tables of numbers,proportions, angles, arcs and shapes aredynamic. The basic unit in the table canbe set to any dimension, resulting in agreater flexibility of use (Fig. 10).

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The tables are designed to enable themto be modified dynamically to adapt todifferent uses. A base unit, which canincorporate an important dimension ( existing height of the ceiling in abuilding ) can be used as a function towhich all the other dimensions are thenrelated.

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B. The Physics of Quality of Numbers

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and AnglesThe Physics of Quality opens new doorsto the measurement and understanding ofthe qualitative interactions in almost anyfield of life. Polarities, body postures,geometrical shapes, letters, words,materials and so on, all have aqualitative dimension through which wecan have a deeper understanding of theirinner workings.a. Number of Objects:The number of similar objects in a spacewill give a certain energy quality to thatspace. The number of similar columns,for example, will affect the subtle energyquality of the space. The same applies toidentical repetitive architecturalelements such as windows, columns,

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doors, or the number of seats in aconference area.b. Placement:The location of each object in a group ofobjects gives it a distinct subtle energyquality in addition to the one resultingfrom the total number which is shared byall objects in the group. For example:the space around each column will differin the secondary energy quality, eachseat in a conference hall will have adifferent energy quality. Similarly, eachwindow in a group of similar windowswill show the overall quality plus asecondary one based on its location inthe group. The light coming through eachwindow will carry slightly differentsecondary subtle energy qualities.

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c. Dimensions:The dimensions of objects play a role inaffecting the subtle energy quality; theyenter into proportional relationshipswith other objects.d. Proportions:The proportions of an object or thatbetween different objects play animportant role in the subtle energyquality.e. Numbers and Biological Functions:There are numerical combinations thatare in resonance with biologicalfunctions that can be used in design foran added effect, they are not necessarilyin the BG3 series. Each of the numbersin the BG series has its own resonancewith biological functions and laws of

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nature, which gives each number in theseries its own identity in addition to thefact that they all manifest the BG3quality.f. Angle of Rotation:The angles of rotation within any type ofdesign play an important role in theresulting subtle energy effect of theobject on the surroundings. This alsoapplies to the relationship between theangular components of shape.g. Angle of Placement:The angles of placement of objects inrelation to other objects play a role onthe overall subtle energy quality.The BioGeometry QualitativeHarmonics System is applied to all theabove numerical and angular criteria

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to achieve BG3 and induce harmony inthe object and its environment.

4) BioGeometry DesignPrinciples The application of the BioGeometryDesign principles creates awareness ofa center of rotation or a central axis ofthe design. The Centering process isfully achieved when the BioGeometryHarmonic Proportions are appliedtogether with the Design Principles toachieve the BG3 subtle energy quality.A. RotationThe principle of rotation (Fig. 11) is amethod of activating a center in thedesign to create the BG3 quality. When

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the rotation is applied according tospecific angles from the BioGeometryHarmonic System, the BG3 energyquality will fill the whole designcreating the Centering effect that is themain criterion for the harmonizing effectin the environment. Rotation in bothdirections can be used, but the finaleffect should be clockwise andbalanced. In special cases wheninteracting with some Earth EnergyPower Spots or in certain rituals acounter-clockwise rotation is performed.This rotation in conjunction with apowerful special subtle energyemanation of the power spot connects tothe spiritual doorway of the center.

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B. BioGeometry Color PlacementA very special form of rotation iscreated through color placement (Fig.12). Color samples are rotated at certainangles to the N-S direction and to eachother to create virtual axes that producethe BG3 quality in the center of theroom. The BG3 area around the centercan then be spread to produce theCentering effect through fine-tuning bymeasurements. This fine tuning of theangles can be achieved through the useof the BioGeometry Harmonic Tables.

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This system of placement can be appliedto any object where the shape enters intoplay.

C. InterfacingOne of the methods that allow form orshape to create a harmonizing energy isthe principle of Interfaces (Fig. 13). Aninterface is the boundary between twothings, where one goes into the other.

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We have two levels of boundaries: Thefirst and simple boundary level is whatyou find whenever two surfaces ofdifferent materials meet in a straightline. These two surfaces have differentenergy qualities, so they create aboundary where we can find the subtleenergy communicative quality (NegativeGreen) of a carrier wave.

The second level is when the boundarybetween the two materials is curved toform an interface. An interface usually

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creates an awareness of severalinteractive centers in the shape of theboundary. A double interface is evenmore potent as it creates two centers. Byusing the proportions and angles, orother components from the QualitativeHarmonic System of BioGeometry, weachieve the Centering quality where theBG3 spreads through the whole design. D. ShiftingWhen planes are superimposed in a formof shifting (Fig. 14), they create animpression of a third dimension of depthon a two-dimensional plane, one ormore central axes are created thatproduce the BG3 quality. This principlehas played a major role in the CulturalRevolution that produced the school of

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Cubism in art (e.g. Picasso, Fig. 15) andthe beginning of Modern Architecture(Fig. 16). Applying the BioGeometryHarmonic System to the shifting processproduces the BG3 Centering effect.

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E. TransparencyThis is an advanced form of Shifting orRotation that is used to form the grid onwhich a design was made and is thenonly evident in the background of thedesign (Fig. 17). It is a popular methodof design in ancient and modernarchitecture as well (e.g. Frank Lloyd

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Wright, Le Corbusier, Mies van derRohe). Sometimes the figure of a humanbeing is used in a transparent way for theproportions of the grid as in the templeof Luxor (R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz,Temple of Man). Here archetypalprinciples inherent in the humanproportions are at play (Fig. 18).

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5) BioGeometry of Motion

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in Design Everything in the universe is moving.All types of motion create an effect ontheir surrounding environment. Thisbackground effect is in the form ofcompression waves, which become partof a secondary background weave inwhich everything moves and exists. Therelationship between the motion andwhat was thought to be empty spacetakes on a new dimension inBioGeometry. Instead of an empty space,we perceive a living sea in whicheverything has a place in a universalunity connected by a living informationexchange. A. The BioGeometry Energy Key

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The BioGeometry Energy Key gives us a2D/3D concept for the analysis of thequalitative effect of motion on itssurroundings.

Any linear flow of energy producesfour different energy qualities in itssurroundings. The two-dimensionalBioGeometry Energy Key (Fig. 19) isbased on the actual shape produced by amoving stream of energy in water. Thefull three-dimensional shape of theBioGeometry Energy Key is like a Torusor doughnut shape with a wormhole atits center (Fig 20). The shape of a Torusaround a linear motion is not new, but inBioGeometry it is used from a newqualitative point of view and not for itsmathematical/ geometric properties.

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The BioGeometry Energy Key is one ofthe main concepts that we havedeveloped to analyze the path flow ofenergy and its influence on thesurrounding space. In this key we have

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identified four different energy qualitiesgenerated by a linear flow similar to thatof a river dividing land into twoseparate banks. The first quality (EQ1)is the energy received in front of themotion; the second (EQ2) is the onebehind it where the energy is taken. Tothe right, we have the third quality(EQ3) of energy moving upward fromthe clockwise spiral, while the fourthquality (EQ4) to the left is a downwardflow of energy. This applies to thenorthern earth hemisphere. We did notdo any work in the southern hemisphere,but it could probably have the qualitiesinverted in accordance with theclockwise and counter-clockwiserotation.

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In our energy quality assessment of anarea or a site, we place the energy key ina space along the path of the main line ofmotion and check for the balance of thefour qualities around it. To betterillustrate this, if we examine the energyflow when the door to a room is placedto one side the Energy Key will show acompression of the secondary motion onthat side resulting in an imbalancebetween the four qualities.The flow has to be deflected so that the‘key’ is repositioned in such a way thatbalances the four qualities (Fig. 21).Every flow of energy in space creates itsown key: light and air through thewindow, a spotlight, an air-conditioningoutlet, as well as the paths of circulation

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related to the placement of furniture orother objects. The result is asuperposition of several Energy Keysthat interact to create the final patternaffecting the energy quality of the space.

The three-dimensional BioGeometryEnergy key also plays a major role in theforming process of the smallest particlesof matter on a sub-atomic level. In mostsituations, there exists an infinite numberof Energy Keys that cannot easily bebalanced, but through the introduction of

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BG3 we can harmonize the differentenergy qualities involved.

The Energy Key also illustrates howany linear motion of any type will createsecondary forms of motion rotating inopposite directions. These secondarymotions are in the form of longitudinalcompression waves, which are inessence similar to inaudible soundwaves. BioGeometrical shapes areprogrammed through design to infuse thesame Centering quality into thisinaudible sound wave pattern. This isone of the main factors in the energy ofshape. It is also a main concept in theunderstanding of the secondary effect ofelectromagnetic radiation on theenvironment.

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B. The Memory of LinesThe direction of motion of the stroke informing a line affects the energy qualityof the line and its surroundings. Thisprimary motion in the creation of the lineand its subtle energy quality effects areimprinted on the memory of the line andare retained in any later configuration ofthat line. The angle of orientation of theline in relation to the earth’s magneticcoordinates also has an effect on thesubtle energy quality, of the line and itssurroundings.

A line carries encoded informationfrom the first moment of its creation thatit retains permanently even when itbecomes part of a more complex shape.The point of origin of a line will always

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harmonically manifest the magneticultraviolet subtle energy quality whilethe end point will always manifest themagnetic infra-red quality. Just beforethe starting point of the line we get aBG3 point showing the true origin of theline (Fig. 22).

We will also find a BG3 flow along thestraight line; however any curvature ordent in the line will cancel it. Thisexplains the man-made straight pathstraveling through the countryside,irrespective of topography, connectingEarth Energy Power Spots.

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In application, we will find that asquare drawn in one direction willexhibit different energy qualities if thestroke direction of the sides is changed.Therefore, two squares that seem to be acopy of each other can have differentenergy quality configurations; this alsoapplies to all shapes. In other words,the direction of the work flow duringthe building of walls has an effect onthe energy quality of the inner spaceand its outer surroundings. C. Physics of Quality of WavesThe interaction between sound waves, inthe audible range and beyond itthroughout all vibratory ranges andshapes, is an established fact that findsits use in the design of musical

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instruments and concert halls. Shapes ofobjects have a forming effect on soundand can stop it, reflect it or give itadditional qualities. Sound waves arelongitudinal waves in contrast to thetransversal waves of electromagneticradiation. Other kinds of longitudinalwaves, such as scalar or torsion waves,as well as waves resulting from eddycurrents created by motion, are alsoaffected and formed by shape. The use ofshape in architecture to interact withcertain compression wave frequenciescan be found in many monuments ofantiquity. Authors Paul Devreux and Dr.Konstantin Meyl (Fig. 23) have dealtwith such phenomena from differentperspectives. Devereaux speaks of

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sound frequencies, while Meylresearches the scalar waves, both of thelongitudinal compression type.

BioGeometry assesses the effect of awave on the subtle energy system of itssurroundings as due to the quality ofshape of that wave. The relationship ofthe amplitude (wave height) to thewavelength is the main factordetermining the energy quality effect ofthat wave on its environment. One can

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also express it as in the form of theangle of intersection of the wave withits axis (Fig. 24).

All waves have several non-physicalhigher components such as those on theemotional, mental and spiritual levels,and also transcendental components inother dimensions. By shaping a wave onany level to achieve a proper proportionwe can change the quality of its effect onthe environment. The harmonizing effectof BioGeometry will achieve that on ahigher dimension of the wave thusaffecting its quality without anyperceivable change on the physicalconfiguration of the wave. This is whyBioGeometry has been used effectivelyin areas of sophisticated technology such

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as airplanes and intensive care units inhospitals without having any quantitativephysical effect on the instrumentation.

In the case of electrosmog, we find thatthere is a secondary very subtle harmfuleffect resulting from the harmonicresonance between all electromagneticsources of radiation as well as the earth

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radiation grids, which produces a sort ofa minute background echo, in which thethird (EQ3/clockwise) and fourth(EQ4/counter-clockwise) qualities ofthe BioGeometry Energy Key play amajor role. Swisscom, the main Swisscellular provider, has publicallysupported this phenomenon that we werethe first to discover and use successfullyin reducing the effects of electrosmog onresidents of two Swiss villages.

In all types of waves, transversal(electromagnetic) or longitudinal waves(sound, scalar, torsion), one can changethe quality of effect on the environmentby changing the shape of the wave,achieving the best harmonizing effectwith the use of BG3 proportions. This

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can be done on the wave itself or onany of its subtle energy levels (Fig. 25).

D. Higher Dimensions of WavesIn the orthogonal model of waves, thetwo wave components move on twoplanes, electric and magnetic,perpendicular to each other. InBioGeometry we were able to detectother subtle energy planes, through theirenergy qualities, that are found between

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the electrical and magnetic planes.These planes are of the longitudinal(compression, torsion) wave type andare moving at much higher speeds thanthe speed of light of the electric andmagnetic planes in which they areembedded. The middle plane, bisectingthe perpendicular ones at 45 degrees, isthe most important one as it has the BG3One Harmonizing Energy Quality, but inthis case it is in the form of twoperpendicular spiritual planes. We willfind the vitality, emotional and mentalplanes at both ends at different anglesstarting from the two physical, electricand magnetic planes towards the centralspiritual plane (Fig. 26).In physical objects, however, we find

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the planes within each other reflectingthe periphery towards the center wherethe spiritual level is found, and alsoextending outside it towards a spiritualenvelope outside the body of the object.In BioGeometry design we can achieveresonance with the different planes ofnature through their specific angles orgeometric shapes.

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E. Geometry of The PlanesIn BioGeometry we have identifiedcertain geometrical shapes that are in aharmonic resonant relationship with theenergy qualities of the different planes ofnature (Fig. 27). These shapes can beused as archetypal concepts to beincorporated in the general design to‘fine- tune’ the subtle energy quality ofthe building or shape of an object withthe plane (or sub-plane) of nature relatedto the function.

Spherical shapes resonate with thephysical plane.Downward-pointed objectsresonate with the vitality level.

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The hemisphere/dome resonateswith the emotional plane.The flat disks resonate with themental plane.The inverted hemisphere resonateswith the causal first spiritual level.Upward-pointing objects resonatewith the middle spiritual level.The center is in resonance with thehigher spiritual plane.

Based on the above harmoniccategorization of shapes, we havedeveloped special pendulum devicesand scepters to detect and interact withthe different planes of nature (Fig. 28).

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6) The BioGeometryQualitative Scaling System The BioGeometry Qualitative ScalingSystem is purely qualitative in the sensethat it identifies the BG3 rings and pointscreated by the design elements in theirsurroundings (Fig. 29).

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All objects interact with the surroundingwaves. As a metal pole in the form of anantenna tends to interact throughresonance with electromagneticwavelengths equal to its height (as well

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as harmonic proportions of it), so will apole of any material interact withlongitudinal waves (scalar, torsion …etc.) producing concentric rings of BG3energy quality with a radius equal to itsheight and multiples of it. There willalso be a secondary group of smallerconcentric rings within the primary oneswith radii multiples of the diameter ofthe pole (Fig. 29). If we take a cylinder,this concentric ring phenomenon willrepeat itself around it and inside it. Thestudy of the interaction between shapesand waves, especially the longitudinalones, is an important factor in design, asthe BG3 zones created within andaround the objects can be used in thedistribution of functions in the design

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from the subtle energy quality point ofview (Fig. 30).

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The use of Qualitative Scaling with thedimensioning of BioGeometryHarmonics stretches the BG3 energyquality to fill the whole area between the

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concentric BG3 circles. The sameCentering effect happens within andaround all shapes when BioGeometryQualitative Scaling is combined withBG Harmonics to produce BG3Qualitative Centering.

7) The BioGeometryArchetypal Design Codes This is a very special field of design thatwas widely used in Ancient Egypt. Itcould change the whole concept of artand design and give it a newempowering role in all fields of life.Archetypes in this context are the lawsof life on all its levels manifested as thesubtle energy patterns that form energy

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templates, which support the physicalshape energy functions of all livingsystems. The shapes of objects as wesee them are therefore an expression ofall the energy principles within them.

The Ancient Egyptians had deepknowledge of this archetypal dimensionand used it to empower and harmonizethe physical world. The stylizeddrawings, reliefs, sculptures andmonuments had the function of bringingenergy balance and harmony to all livingsystems (Fig. 31).

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In our BioGeometry work we have doneresearch in which resonance with thearchetype was used to harmonize thehuman energy system and reduce

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environmental stress (Fig. 32). Anarchetypal grid with certain angles andproportions forms the pattern on whichthe designs are based. This grid is thensuperimposed on the natural EarthEnergy Grids to form the design axes ofbuildings.

The archetypal 2D-code of the human

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body represents the complete multi-levelpattern (physical, vitality, emotional,mental and spiritual) from which everyaspect is manifested in theindividualized physical form. We usegeometric configurations of the subtleenergy quality archetype of the humansystem in the form of measuring rulers toevaluate the energy quality on thedifferent levels of the energy system(Fig. 32). In the illustration (Fig. 33) wesee a BioGeometry Archetypal BG3Ruler for the evaluation of the Onesubtle energy quality.

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8) BioGeometry MaterialEnergy Balancing This is a methodology of changing thesubtle energy quality of any material tomanifest BG3 quality, thus introducingharmony in its environment. A verysmall sample of the material is placed ina geometrically polarized disk (Fig. 34)in such a way that the angularrelationship between the sample and thepolarization introduces BG3 into thematerial sample. Consequently, thebalanced sample will, throughresonance, correct the source materialand infuse it with the BG3 harmonizingenergy quality. In some cases we use a

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3D spherical form of the MaterialBalancing Disc.

9) BioSignatures (see The Process of BioSignatures) BioSignatures are linear diagrams (Fig.

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35) that are in resonance with the energypatterns of energy flow related to theshape of the internal body organs (just asthe meridians of Chinese acupuncturerelate to the overall shape of the body).They are used to bring harmony into thesubtle energy quality of the organfunctions (Fig. 36). They work mainly inharmonizing the quality in theexchange of energy between the organsand the environment, and are thereforea form of environmental qualitativesubtle energy balance. They balance thebody’s organ energy functions and assuch are a good support for all types oftreatment. They are not in themselves aform of medical treatment.

BioSignatures can be used as patterns

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in all types of design and can be addedto certain BioGeometry shapes (Fig. 37).

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Conclusion The BioGeometry Design Languagetakes us through the Physics of Qualityinto the invisible dimension of subtleenergy qualities with which all livingsystems interact. It addresses theinterconnectivity and unity of everythingin the universe in the form of a cosmicsymphony in which zero and infinity aretwo faces of one coin, where infinityexists in the zero and vice versa.

The BioGeometry Design Languageallows designers to take an active partas agents of harmony in this universalsymphony. Our minds are synchronizedwith the cosmic mind from whicheverything is created. We participate

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and get to know the beauty of theuniversal mind, and with theBioGeometry Design Language we canhelp modern technology to play its rolein this universal harmony. As a result,the designer is transformed, the objectis transformed, and the environment istransformed. A new harmony in thequality of life is achieved.

As BioGeometry Design Languagebecomes an accepted school in ModernArchitecture, many architects anddesigners without much interest orknowledge of its origin will use itsprinciples as tools to achieve the goal ofharmonizing a polluted electrosmogenvironment, and will thus act as apowerful transforming force in the

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subconscious levels of the individualand society as a whole.

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The Process of CreatingBioSignatures

BioSignatures are a set of lineardiagrams that enter into resonance withthe patterns of energy flow in bodilyorgans. They are conceptually similar tothe meridians of Chinese acupuncture,except that BioSignatures relate to theshape of the organ while the meridiansare related to the overall shape of thebody. The organ subtle energy patternsare accessed through BioSignaturesplaced externally in the body’s energyfields to create connection throughResonance of Shape. The term‘BioSignature’ was coined by Dr.

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Ibrahim Karim in the 1970’s. The set ofBioSignatures are registered and anyunauthorized use is illegal as itinfringes on intellectual & propertyrights.

BioGeometry® shapes andBioSignatures are to be distinguishedfrom any form of symbolism. As weknow, symbols are as ancient ashumanity; they are powerful tools ofcommunicating ideas. There are manyschools of symbolism on levels rangingfrom religious and alternative beliefs toadvertising and commercialmanipulation.

In BioGeometry shapes andBioSignatures, we are speaking aboutsomething completely different; we are

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speaking about a design language. Weare trying to read the energy language ofnature that manifests itself in the shapesthat we see. We are not creating them;we are discovering them. There is nosymbolic value or meaning in the shapesof BioSignatures. They are functionallike the integrated circuits on computerchips, and are not dependent on anybelief or suggestibility (placebo effect)on the part of the user, as proved byresearch results from differentuniversities and research institutions.Experiments conducted at the NationalResearch Center in Egypt on bacteriaresulted in a series of patents andawards (1992). Numerous otherresearch projects on poultry and plants

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were carried out at universities in Egypt(Ain Shams University) and Holland(Wageningen University). The mostrecent documented applications were theelectrosmog projects in Switzerland, inparticular the one in the Swiss area ofHirschberg in Appenzell, which wascarried out in collaboration with SwissNational Television that documented theprocess from day one and aired the verypositive results in an exclusivedocumentary that highlighted the positiveresponses of the farmers concerningtheir cows. These results whereautosuggestion (placebo effect) has noplace, show evidence of the fact thatBioSignatures do not depend on belief.

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Interchangeability betweenScales Before going into how to useBioSignatures, it is important to explainthe process Dr. Karim went through todiscover them.

We know from the concept ofinterchangeability between scales,(please refer to the paper, ‘The Physicsof Quality’), that we can for example,translate a color, such as red into amusical note (‘C’ or ‘Do’). They are allenergy quality scales expressing thesame thing in different languages. Thismeans that the laws of one would applyto the other.

With musical notes, for example, we

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have the laws of resonance: In musicalstring instruments, a string will enter intoresonance with any other string half ordouble its length giving the same note ona different string length. The notes willrepeat themselves on every eighth string,giving the phenomenon we know asoctaves. If the energy qualities of sound,color and angles (angles beingcomponents of shape), areinterchangeable, then there is reson-ancebetween similar colors, similar shapesand similar patterns of motion. We shallshow how we can make use of thisresonance of shape and discover newdimensions in the energy patterns of thefunctions of organs in energy systems.

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Body Energy Anatomy We have a central energy system, andseveral peripheral energy systemssuperimposed. There is alwaysinteraction between the central energyand the peripheral energy. In the Chinesetradition, for example, the acupuncturepoints and meridians are part of theperipheral energy system. Thisperipheral energy system includes anenergy boundary around the shape of ourbody, similar to that found on theperiphery of any geometric shape (Theearth and its atmosphere for example).The shape of the body has a sort ofenergy storage layer, which is the fat onthe skin. The fat layer has more than an

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insulation function that protects thecentral energy from external factors; ithas the ability to accumulate and storeinformation.

There must be some form ofcommunication between the internalenergy system and the outside world.The internal energy system uses thesenses and the energy centers (chakras)to interact directly with all levels ofenergy in the environment. InBioGeometry the chakras are in resonantmanifestation with the shape of thehuman body. The chakras can thereforebe activated through certain postures ofthe body or by placing geometric shapesdirectly on them. The peripheral energysystems in turn, are not completely

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closed to the outside either; they are inconstant exchange of information withthe surrounding energy environment.

As we are an open energy system, wemust have ‘windows’: Points that bringinformation from the externalsurrounding to the internal system, sothat it can adapt it to the outsideenvironment. These ‘windows’(commonly known as acupuncturepoints) are traditionally manipulated toaffect the energy flow inside the bodyorgans. However, from a BioGeometryperspective, the role of these ‘windows’is much more significant; they are thebody’s sensors to the outsideenvironment. Instead of using those‘windows’ only to look inside the house,

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we discovered that, from the body’spoint of view, those ‘windows’ primaryfunction is to look outside. Every organsends parts of its energy into theperipheral system (windows) to getinformation about what is happeningoutside and adapts accordingly.

The peripheral energy systems includeseveral superimposed levels (vital,emotional, mental… etc.) beyond thephysical body in a sort of energy field oraura. It is through this system that wehave an information exchange layerbetween the outside and inside of thebody that we can use to affect thefunctions of the body organs.

Similar Shapes Enter into

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Resonance After studying the body from thephysiological orthodox point of view,the Chinese system of acupuncture andits subtle anatomy of meridians, theIndian system with its energy centers andthe energy paths joining them, and theAncient Egyptian acupuncture andamulet placements on body points: wediscovered new BioGeometry resonantrelationships. Those relationships areon multiple levels in the organs of ourbody and are expressed as linearenergy patterns of organ functions thatwe call ‘BioSignatures’.

If we put a simple shape into theinformation exchange layer around the

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physical body, we will get resonancewith corresponding energy patterns ofany similar shape inside the body withthe exact same geometric configuration.

In BioGeometry we have establishedthat as musical notes enter intoresonance, so do similar shapes. If myheart has a problem and I bring ananatomy diagram or 3D model of theheart and place it within my energy field,it will enter into resonance with theheart

This model is neutral, however, whenit is in my energy field, then it will enterinto resonance with similarly shapedorgans in my body. In other words, Ican put a model of an organ inresonance with an organ. With this

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heart model we can only correct theperipheral energy of shape going on theperiphery of the organ. We did not takeinto consideration all of its internalfunctions. If we use an anatomy diagramwith internal cross sections we can thentrace the energy patterns of the internalsections of the organ (Fig. 1).

If, for example, we look at an organ, itcan have ten functions, which means thatthere are at least ten patterns of motionof energy inside it that are

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superimposed. Each pattern is on adifferent layer, with a differentfrequency. Every pattern takes a certainshape because it performs a differentfunction. They will all be related to themain shape with variations associated tothe different internal patterns within theorgan. They are always of linear open-ended design to allow the energy to flowthrough them and be shaped according totheir pattern. All those patterns interactat the end and form an energy grid. So,instead of entering into resonance withonly the primary shape, we go directly toeach individual energy pattern. Thisprocess can go to the smallest detaildown to the cellular level.

We now have our BioSignatures

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which, when placed within theperipheral energy, conduct the energyinto their linear shape to form an energypattern of the same shape that enters intoresonance with the corresponding bodyfunction. If the BioSignature producesthe correct pattern, it will enter intoresonance with and therefore amplify theenergy of that corresponding organfunction. This could instantaneouslycorrect the flow of energy and balancethe organ function on the energy level.

It is important to note that we areproducing energy balance of the organfunction. We are not speaking of thehealing of the organ on a physical level.BioSignatures have an energy balancingeffect which supports other forms of

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orthodox medical treatments oralternative remedies. Sometimes whenthe energy is properly balanced, thebody can produce its own healing, whichcan be instantaneous. This should nothowever delude us into thinking that thisis a form of alternative medicaltreatment. It is still a form of energybalancing that is closer to anenvironmental ‘tuning’ activity thatsupports health. It is rather like thetuning of a musical instrument. When welook at it in this context, it is easy tounderstand the simple scientific conceptof BioSignatures.

Using BioSignatures In order to get good results using

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BioSignatures, it is important that thepractitioner has a thorough knowledge ofall types of energy flow in the body, asfound in the Chinese acupuncturemeridians, the Indian chakra energysystem, and other forms of alternativeenergy healing. To illustrate theimportance of this multi-disciplinaryknowledge, we can take the example of aprofessional tennis player suffering froma ‘tennis-elbow’, which would probablymean the end of his career. He will gothrough extensive medical treatmentsusing drugs and prolonged physiotherapywhich usually yields temporary resultsand the problem will recur underphysical stress. In Chinese medicine, weknow that the colon and the elbow are

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interrelated, because the colon meridianruns through the outer part of the armover the acupuncture point causing thepain in the elbow. In order to properlybalance the energy of that area, we willneed to use BioSignatures for thatparticular muscle, the colon and anyother interrelated functions. There is aconnection referred to as ‘mother andchild’ relationship between the lung andcolon meridians, so in order to achievegood results, we will have to add therelevant lung BioSignatures as well.

Sometimes we find that the personneeds BioSignatures that seem totallyunrelated to his complaints. This couldbe for several reasons: One would bethat the person might have an undetected

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problem in the organ function, whichcould be on the energy level and has notyet manifested on the physical level.Another reason could be due toresonance of shape between organs ororgan details. Research has shown thatthere is resonance between the organsbased on the similarity of their shapes.For example, the ear and kidney havesimilar shapes, which will make theircorresponding BioSignatures resonatewith both organs.

While working with BioSignatures,we found that sometimes a BioSignaturefor a specific energy function also worksfor something else. We had such anexperience when working with theresearch on Hepatitis C Virus at the

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Pharmaceutical department of El—Azhar University in Cairo. We usedBioSignatures targeting the immunesystem and liver. The liver functionsimproved slightly, but when we wentinto the details of the subtle energyanalysis of the liver cells, we found thatsomething was still missing. We neededto correct the inside of the cell andsurprisingly found that one of theBioSignatures for the heart corrected theproblem. This BioSignature worked byresonance with something inside theliver cells, or other undiscoveredrelationships. Extensive research isneeded as this is a developing scienceand each case is a new challenge.

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BioSignature Energy Flow It is possible to get the energy to flowthrough the BioSignature through the useof a battery or magnet to introduce aweak current into the BioSignature.However, it is better to avoid thatbecause electricity and magnetism havecertain wave components that areharmful to our biological systems. It ismuch safer to let the minute level ofsubtle energy from the body’s ownelectromagnetic field, found in theperipheral energy layer around the body,flow through the linear shape of theBioSignatures to activate them. This willhappen automatically when any linearobject is put in an energy field. Using the

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body’s own energy is the safest way, aselectromagnetic currents have both thevertical and horizontal wavecomponents that are harmful to our bodyfunctions.

We have done extensive research onseveral types of biofeedback, diagnosticand treatment electronic devices, andfound that they all contain some form ofvertical (electric) wave components thatshould be cancelled. In research in thisfield, we have filed for a joint patent(with Vince Kubilius in L.A.) for theelimination of the harmful side effects ofelectrical devices, using BioGeometry.A similar joint patent (with Dr. TobyWatkinson in L.A.) was filed for theelimination of the vertical wave forms

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found in copper coils used in energybalancing for health. Our research hasproven that intensive care units couldbenefit from the reduction of harmfulside effects of electromagnetic fieldsthrough the use of BioGeometry.

BioSignature Chip Using the same miniaturizing conceptused in producing integrated circuits oncomputer chips, we were able to putfrom 400 to 500 of these BioSignatureson one chip (fig. 2).

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These diagrams represent subtle energyinteractions. Having these energycircuits together on one chip poses noproblem as they exist in our bodytogether anyway. This fact givesBioSignatures an edge as we are notfaced with the problem of druginteractions. BioSignatures work morelike a computer chip, where all theintegrated circuits are there and when a

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certain function is needed it willautomatically interact with it.

The reason we made those chips withso many BioSignatures, is that, with allour current knowledge, we actually donot really know everything about theworkings of energy systems of the body,their paths and interrelations. To have asmany as possible of the proper energyBioSignatures will always be good. Sothe body’s own wisdom can accesswhatever it needs through resonance.

In our research we experimented withreducing the BioSignatures in size downto just a point. There was absolutely novisible geometrical element left in there,only the energy of the shapes. We testedthe effect of this dot and found that all

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the functions in it were still present andfully active. This is very similar toHomeopathy were the solution goesthrough several dilutions until no traceof the original matter is left, but theenergy is still very potent.

An important point that we must keepin mind is that in making a general chipthere are inevitable choices about whichBioSignatures to include. In some casesa special BioSignature might not be onthe chip, or a BioNumeral variation ofthe BioSignature would be needed. It istherefore often necessary to measure foroptimum efficiency and engraveadditional BioSignatures on the chip.This can only be done by trained andlicensed BioSignature practitioners.

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Case Study Let us look at a typical case. The firstthing we need to do is to check thebody’s energy field. Energy flows likeelectric circuits where everything isconnected and a disturbance in the flowmight short-circuit the whole system.This is very much like a Christmas treewhere one faulty bulb dims the wholetree; a minor adjustment is often the onlything needed to instantly light up the tree!In our case, if we manage to get the rightcombination of BioSignatures, we canget what seem to be miraculous results.

Taking the stomach as an example, weknow that the stomach has manyfunctions, each having its own energy

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pattern and related BioSignature (Fig.3). We usually start with the basicstomach BioSignature and then measureto find the additional ones needed forthat particular case.

There are some BioSignatures that wefound very helpful as a basic selection.The stomach BioSignatures are veryuseful, because the stomach meridianruns through the whole body. There is asaying in Arab traditional medicine that“The stomach is the house of ailments.”The BioSignature for the ‘spine and

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nervous system’ will help with backproblems and is also good for the centralnervous system and immunity related tothe spine. The BioSignature forrelaxation and the one that deals withdepression work on the emotional level,and balance the disturbed emotional andmental states associated with manydiseases. Some BioSignatures, such asthose for the liver, thymus and generalimmunity, are essential and thereforealways included.

The Personal Diagram is notBioSignature As previously mentioned, BioSignaturesare to be distinguished from other forms

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of symbols and designs used in differentbelief systems or personal diagramsvisualized by healers. BioSignatureswork on the basis of resonance, and arenot dependent on the practitioner’svisualization, but on his expertise inchoosing the right combination, based onhis measurements and knowledge of thebody’s energy anatomy. TheBioSignature data base is a result of 30years of research and testing of each andevery signature.

A BioSignature Shape is verysensitive to minute changes in its pattern.If drawn in a different manner or from adifferent starting point, the shapes willnot produce the desired subtle energyquality. They could retain their general

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visual shape, but lose their potency. Theshaping of the starting and ending pointsof the BioSignature is a very delicatematter, especially the direction of thecurvature of the tips from which theenergy flows in and out. A BioSignaturewill accept a small change in proportionwithout changing the flow, as long as thepattern is not distorted.

It is important, however, to rememberthat the BioSignatures work byresonance and therefore there can be noharmful BioSignature.

If the drawing is not accurate it willsimply not resonate and be ineffective.The BioSignature system has practicalapplications in architecture andindustrial design, as well as being an

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environmental subtle energy balancingsystem that supports all types ofalternative or traditional treatment (Fig.4).

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BioGeometry Knowledge &Applications

As with any field of science, it isimportant to distinguish between what isbackground knowledge and what isready for practical application. Both areequally important and are two faces ofthe same coin. Scientific knowledgeenriches our understanding of the worldwe live in, and expands our horizons forfurther scientific investigation andadvancement. With proper appliedtesting and research, this body ofknowledge yields practical applicationsand solutions to existing problems andchallenges. This distinction is critical in

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striking the right balance betweenscientific integrity and commercialapplication, to allow for the incubationof new scientific knowledge so that itremains intact under the pressures of themarketplace. With the science ofBioGeometry, we have taken the utmostcare to make clear, both to others andourselves, the distinction between whatwe call “BioGeometry knowledge” and“applied BioGeometry.” We offer bothareas of BioGeometry in theBioGeometry Personal DevelopmentCurriculum in an effort to share both thevaluable awareness and practicalapplications associated withBioGeometry. However, in the course ofour BioGeometry consulting service, we

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only offer our clients BioGeometryenvironmental energy quality balancingapplications.

Even after 30 years of existence, thescience of BioGeometry is still in itsinfancy, and its potential for positivelyimpacting our lives far exceeds thepotential of current practicalapplications. BioGeometry knowledge ismuch broader and more holistic thanapplied BioGeometry. It is aninvestigation of the role of the BG3centering energy-quality in all facets oflife, from understanding our past toincreasing our awareness of the present,as well as for the realization of the roleand broader implications of thatknowledge with regards to our humanity

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and future.It is a clear fact that we now live in a

world that is markedly different than anythat life on this planet has everwitnessed. With the advent of theInformation Age and the proliferation ofelectromagnetic communication waves,we now live in the reality of an artificialelectromagnetic environment, distinctfrom, but interactive with, naturalelectromagnetic waves, such as sunlightand the bioelectrical impulses of ournervous systems. We have saturated ouratmosphere with electromagnetic waveson a scale never seen before, and as wemarch boldly into the future, it isimportant that we humanize this moderntechnology and put not only our health,

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but also our well-being, as part of theformula for technological advancement.We are by no means advocating “turningoff the switch” and going back totechnological darkness, because theinfrastructure of our civilization wouldcollapse. Rather, we believe that it is ofutmost importance to place the effect onour health and well-being as the maincriterion for the evaluation of any formof technology, before rolling it out intothe marketplace.

It is for these reasons that we haveclassified applied BioGeometry as anenvironmental science and focused ourapplied BioGeometry research onharmonizing and humanizing ourelectromagnetic environment in terms of

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both electromagnetic fields andgeopathic stress. Applied BioGeometryenvironmental energy quality balancingsolutions transform this environment tobe a positive force on our subtle energysystems and well-being, as supported byobjective mainstream indicators of thateffect through scientific research. This isshowcased in our work over the pastfew years with the Swiss governmentand telecom provider Swisscom in theBioGeometry environmentalharmonization of the Swiss rural townsof Hemberg and Hirschberg. With thesuccess of these projects we receivedofficial recognition from the Swissgovernment, as well as extensiveinternational media coverage, including

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documentaries on our work in Hembergand Hirschberg 2 documentaries Swissnational television SF1. Other than intelecommunication, BioGeometrysolutions have been applied toresidences and residential compounds,commercial spaces, aircraft and ships,poultry and livestock projects,agricultural land and, of course,electrical installations in general.

It is important to note thatBioGeometry is not a form of medicaltreatment or diagnosis. We havepreliminary medical research thatindicates that there is significantpotential for BioGeometry medicalapplications, and that will hopefully beachieved through proper research and

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channels. The impact of our environmenton our health and well-being is anestablished fact, and the two are closelyintertwined. The cases of treatmentassociated with BioGeometry solutions,which have been covered by regionaland international media, are not a directresult of the BioGeometry effect, butrather they are the result of the humanbody healing itself more efficiently in aless stressful and more harmoniousBioGeometry enhanced environment.This environmental perspective is amain pillar of our research work andentails that we focus not only on humanbeings, but also on plants, animals andany other living systems in researchingthe BioGeometry energy-quality

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balancing effect. This allows us tomitigate the placebo effect (psycho-somatic or auto-suggestive healing) bymonitoring the results on the ecology aswell. For example, in the Swiss projectsmentioned above, we not only surveyedthe effect on the residents, but alsofocused on the changes with livestock(e.g. lower mortality and miscarriagerates, increased milk production,improved skin condition) to support ourresearch.

Another important area of appliedBioGeometry focuses on water vitality,both inside and outside our bodies.Electromagnetic and geopathic stress, aswell as additives and treatment methods,significantly impact the vitality of our

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water. Applying BioGeometry solutionsto our environment and water sourcesrestores the subtle energy-qualitybalance of water. This transformationwas elegantly captured in our watercrystal photography research with Dr.Masaru Emoto, author of internationalbestseller “The Message From Water”.The research showed the erratic andbroken water crystals of regular tapwater, which was then BioGeometryenergy-quality balanced. This processresulted in the transformation of thewater crystals to become beautifullysymmetrical and complete watercrystals. We are currently working witha leading Egyptian company to introduceBioGeometry energy-quality balanced

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glass-bottled water.Applied BioGeometry uses the energy

principles of shape to connect an energysystem to the energy-quality of itsenergetic center(s), so as to achievebalance among the different energy-qualities (biological harmonics ofenergy) within it, with objectiveindicators of that effect. Shaping spaceis a functional energy-forming process,and not just an aesthetic, symbolic orthematic one. This is the fundamentalpremise behind the natural formingprocess that is the essence of the infinitenumber of shapes in nature. So, whatthen, is architecture, if not the forming ofspace and the shaping of energy? Thisrealization is what prompted Dr. Karim

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to begin his research over three decadesago into the energy principles of shapeand their interaction with both theenvironment and its inhabitants. Theorigin of architecture is intertwined withthe use of buildings to interact with theBG3 energy-quality of the energeticcenters of the Earth and sky. Manypeople in Egypt saw Dr. Karim’s shift ofresources, from an established andthriving architecture practice, to focuson BioGeometry, as an abandonment ofthe field. However, it was his, and our,firm belief that the integration of thescience of BioGeometry into the canonsof architecture would serve the field in amuch greater respect than any individualpractice ever could. Consequently, Dr.

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Karim has made it a priority to establisha working design protocol based onBioGeometry principles, and to integratethis knowledge into the foundations ofarchitectural education. Over the pastdecade, we have supervised numerousMasters and PhD degrees inarchitecture, focusing on BioGeometrydesign principles, in collaboration withdistinguished Egyptian universities.BioGeometry architecture and designconsulting is also an important part ofour consulting services portfolio.

As the science of BioGeometrycontinues to evolve, we willundoubtedly gain more knowledge ofourselves and of our world, andhopefully expand the practical

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applications for a brighter and morehumane future. Below are someBioGeometry research projecthighlights. For more information onBioGeometry research, educationalprograms, and consulting servicesplease visit the official BioGeometrywebsite at

Sayed I. KarimBioGeometry Projects Director

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BioGeometry ProjectsHighlights Aircraft EnvironmentalHarmonization

BioGeometry energy quality balancingsolutions have been implemented on anumber of private aircrafts, to harmonizethe increased level of environmentalstress on the body during air travel. As ameasure of environmental stress on thebody, biofeedback measurements of thebody’s electrical energy functions fromthe acupuncture / reflexology points,conducted on a crew of one of the larger747 aircrafts, showed significantly morebalanced and less erratic readings, evenwhen compared to the “milder” ground

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conditions outside the aircraft.Environmental Harmonization:Hirschberg (Switzerland, 2005)Following the success of the first SwissBioGeometry project in Hemberg, Dr.Karim was commissioned by the localgovernment of the Swiss town ofHirschberg to implement a similarsolution there. The project wasdocumented by Swiss TV Channel SF1,and the documentary aired on prime timeTV in Switzerland. It showed howBioGeometry was successful inalleviating electro-sensitivity ailmentsamong the residents, as well asincreasing overall quality of life andwell-being indicators. Theoverwhelming positive impact of

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BioGeometry energy-quality balancingeffect on the health of the livestock in thearea, which are an important economicfactor to this rural town, was especiallyimpressive. The documentary referred tothe successful project as “Electrosmog:The Miracle of Hirschberg.”Electrosmog Harmonization:Hemberg (Switzerland, 2004)A pilot research project under thepatronage of the Swiss MediationAuthority for Mobile Communicationand Environment (MAMCE), and incollaboration with leading telecomprovider SwissCom, implementedBioGeometry energy-quality balancingto alleviate symptoms of electro-sensitivity in the rural town of Hemberg.

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BioGeometry was successful inalleviating electro-sensitivity ailmentsamong the residents, and increasingoverall quality-of-life and wellbeingindicators, as well as positivelyimpacting the overall ecology of thearea. Media coverage, supported byofficial releases by MAMCE and anindependent study of the project, dubbedthe results “The Miracle of Hemberg.”In a Swiss television interview with themayor and residents of Hemberg almosttwo years later, the sustained energy-quality balancing effect of BioGeometrywas confirmed.Poultry Project: (Egypt, 2000)A research study carried out by Dr. AHussein of Suez Canal University and

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the Ministry of Agriculture implementedBioGeometry energy-balancing solutionsin poultry breeding. The publishedresults showed that BioGeometry waseffective in significantly increasing thegrowth and quality of the chicken, aswell as lowering the mortality rate.National Research Center: ( Egypt,1998)Preliminary laboratory studies at theEgyptian National Research Centershowed that BioGeometry shapes “havea positive effect on biologicalfunctions”. This paved the way for thefirst Egyptian patent in BioGeometry atthe Ministry of Scientific Research.Agriculture: (Holland, 1998)

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A three-year research project at theUniversity of Wageningen, Holland, byProfessor Peter Mols, on the use ofBioGeometry in organic appleagriculture, concluded that BioGeometrywas effective in eliminating certainparasites and significantly increasingagricultural yield.National Hepatitis Virus C Project:(Egypt, 1997)Dr. Taha Khalifa, the Dean of thePharmacology Department at Al-AzharUniversity, Egypt, announced onEgyptian Satellite TV, that thepreliminary phase of the comparativeNational Virus C Project carried out byhis College showed that BioGeometryenergy-balancing obtained the best

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results among all other pharmaceuticaland alternative remedies.

Sayed I. KarimBioGeometry Projects Director

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Acknowledgement by RuthSchaadAuthor of ‘The Miracle of Hemberg’

After a long dark night, the light rose

over the residents of Hemberg, throughthe harmonizing of the environment byDr. Ibrahim Karim. The church, in which the cellular

communication antenna was installed,which had lost its sacredness and hadbecome the biggest health hazard forhumans, animals, and plants, hasregained its position as a sacred place. All the people, me included, regained

their health and joy of life. The wild

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animals are back again in our forests, ina bigger variety than ever before. Thehealthy plant life is evident to alluninitiated tourists who come to thearea. The people have become more

receptive to the subtle energy quality ofthe place. Most important are thepeaceful and hearty human relationshipsthat have become evident.The people of Hemberg have dedicatedthemselves to help other regions inSwitzerland through BioGeometry There are no words that can express

what Ibrahim and his family have donefor us. The whole village has becomepart of a BioGeometry family. It is for us a pleasure and an inner

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drive to work with Ibrahim on a secondproject in Appenzell, where ten yearsago, an 80 meter high multi-functioncellular tower was erected near theresidential houses and stables, resultingin a fight for survival. “Ibrahim has given us back the goodquality of life. Thanks to hisBioGeometry method we can now havethe human life we deserve”. “Our cows are healthy again, and wecan live again without the constantheadaches and have a goodregenerative sleep”. “My depressions and life misery aregone”. “Our trees are growing much healthierthan ever”.

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“Our dogs and cats have healthyoffspring that we did not have for thepast ten years”. “If it was not for Ibrahim we wouldhave moved out of this area”.These are only some of the commentsfrom the residents of Hirschberg inAppenzell that only give us a small ideaof what really happened throughBioGeometry

With a lot of gratitude Ruth Schaad

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Excerpts from the Study ofMobileRadiation inHemberg (Translated from German)

Phenomena are the Precursorsof Science

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For ages, phenomena accompanyhumanity. Decades ago the natural radio-active radiation was challenging thespirit of research; today the technicalemissions, electrical currents and fieldsare the challenges.Have we reached with that the end ofdevelopment? I think this is not the case.The creator of this world and theuniverse has thought about a lot ofthings, and we discover constantly newaspects.Dr. Ibrahim Karim has discovered, withBioGeometry, an interesting new way.Many harmful effects could be changedto biologically neutral or favorableinfluences through harmonization withforms, shapes and mathematical ratios.

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The base of application possibilities isalways getting wider and more openwith his projects in many countries.I first heard about BioGeometry when Imet Dr. Ibrahim Karim for the first timein 1998 in the USA.We organized a workshop at theInternational Institute for Building-Biology in Clearwater, Florida. Itseemed for me, that Karim’s ideas ofBioGeometry would have an enormouspotential for the future. Then each of uswent on our way, and we just kept inwritten contact.A surprise telephone call from Dr.Ibrahim Karim in the summer of 2003led to a renewed contact. He had beenasked whether he could carry out an

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investigation in Hemberg SG. Some ofthe residents were at the end of theirstrength and energy, after a new mobilephone antenna had been installed on thetower of the Catholic Church. In a fewweeks time, Dr. Ibrahim Karim was ableto improve the situation to such anextent, that most of the affected personswere able to “live” again, and do untilltoday.The sensitivity of humans varies fromone person to another. The reaction ofelectro-sensitive persons is stronger.The reaction of animals is alwaysinteresting as well. They hardly sufferfrom “imagined” disturbances. Here theBioGeometry effect caused a surprisingchange: for example, birds and bats

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returned to their grounds after theelimination of the disturbance.The preliminary results, from the mobilephone antenna project in Hemberg, areevidence enough to support the spread ofthis way of harmonization. Based on thesuccess of this first practical pilotproject, further applications are to bescientifically explored in a secondresearch project.The earth is definitely not completelyexplored. We have to give it a chance, tostudy these new phenomena! We wouldlike to express our gratitude and thanksto all who assisted and supported us inthe project of Hemberg. Theirengagement was for the well-being ofhumans, nature and the environment.

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Further research should now aim to cureother affected persons.Bosco Büeler,Architect, BuildingBiologist SIBManaging DirectorGIBB, Flawil SG

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Initial situation—Press conference ofOMK on August 28, 2003 in Hemberg

The Mediation Authority(OMK) Initiates theBioGeometry ExperimentalProjectWhat happened in Hemberg?On November 3rd, 2002, the MediationAuthority for Mobile Communicationand Environment (OMK) was informedby a resident of Hemberg, that he hadbeen suffering from sleeping disorders,headache and concentration deficienciessince the mobile phone antenna was putinto operation. Furthermore, thebrooding song-birds had left. An on-site

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appointment on December 18, 2002, wasagreed upon with this resident. Ten otherpersons, who suffered from similarcomplaints, participated at this meeting.Following this meeting, the OMK madeinquiries, collecting information fromthe municipality of Hemberg, Swisscom,the parish of Hemberg and from the statephysician of St. Gallen, who has dealt aswell with this problem. Theinvestigation revealed that the process ofantenna installation was correctlyperformed and that the values wereclearly below the limits for non-ionisingradiation. Furthermore, Swisscom hasonly installed antennas of 900-frequency, whereby it would have beenallowed to put into operation a 1800

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frequency, according to the constructionlicense and the norms of the permissibleset values.Despite the fact that OMK carried outdifferent investigations and evaluatedpossibilities for solutions, the situationwas very tense between the affected sickpersons in the district and the MediationAuthority for Mobile Communication.The situation was in every aspect verydifficult.At this point contact with Dr. IbrahimKarim was established through arecommendation from an importantfigure in the Swiss economy sector.Karim informed that he was able toeliminate the people’s problems throughhis personally developed science of

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BioGeometry.During the first long session with OMK,Dr. Ibrahim Karim explainedBioGeometry and the successes heachieved in the different universities andstate authorities. He agreed todemonstrate his method precisely andwithout charge during his vacation inSwitzerland.At the request of OMK, Swisscomannounced its participation in thisresearch project, as they supporteverything that could release the tensesituation in Hemberg. On August 6,2003, the affected persons and the towncouncil were directly informed throughDr. Karim about his plans. The residentsexpressed their willingness to

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participate in the project as well. On thesame day Dr. Karim started his work inHemberg.Here the OMK carried out a pilotproject with all participants, with theOMK solely holding the responsibility.We decided to start this project, after wehad recognized, that it was very difficultto find a solution for this case. We hadto realize on one hand that the quality oflife was very bad for several persons.On the other hand it was clear that theconstruction of the antenna was carriedout completely legally and the set valuelimits were kept. At this point we cameto the conclusion that we would notachieve anything without venturinganything.

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At the same time the risk was not thathigh, as we were convinced that wewould benefit in any case. We are of theopinion that the main objective of theOMK is to offer transparency.Accordingly, our intention was to informall residents if Dr. Karim’s methodoffered for the correction of non-ionizingemissions was not successful.What is BioGeometry ?BioGeometry is a relatively new sciencedeveloped by Dr. Karim during the last30 years. The aim of BioGeometry is tocreate a harmonic energy quality in thesurroundings of human beings, animalsand plants.Because the natural energy fields aremore and more disturbed through the

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many new constructions and installationson earth, an increased negative influenceon human beings, animals and plants isthe result, according to Dr. Karim’sstatement.Specially designed geometric forms andbeams, which spread energy quality,producing a balance of energy functionwere used. According to Dr. Karim, thiswould lead to the strengthening of theimmune system and at the same timewould reduce the disturbances. Theapplication possibilities ofBioGeometry are many. The MobileCommunication Network, electricalcables, high tension installations, allkinds of electro-magnetic waves andwater could be used as transmitters for

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the harmonization of energies in thesurroundingsWhat is gained through this method?Knowledge and findings ofBioGeometry were applied in differentprojects, as stated by Dr. Karim. Thiswas done in cooperation withUniversities of the Middle East, USAand in the Netherlands. Thus, forexample, the BioGeometric treatment ofagricultural areas—involving applestrees and potato fields—led to areduction of parasites, a better harvestand a longer shelf-life of products, incomparison to those products of non-treated parcels.Architecture is an important field for theapplication of BioGeometry. According

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to the statements of Dr. Karim,constructions which have been builtunder consideration of the BioGeometryfindings from the very beginning, alreadydo have harmonized energy-fields insidethe building.Dr. Karim emphasized, thatBioGeometry should not be thought of asa form of alternative medicine, even ifthe resulting balance of biologicalfunctions and strengthening of theimmune system lead to an improvementof well-being and, for instance, achievedpositive results in Hepatitis C research.BioGeometry as a means for qualitativeenergy exchange with the surroundingscan only support medical treatment, butcould never replace it.

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What has been done in Hemberg?Quite obviously a lot of environmentalproblems existed in Hemberg. A lot ofgeopathic stress, many electricalinstallations in the low-frequency levelwere found. According to Dr. Karim’sopinion, with this multitude of stressaffliction, it was not possible to find thereason for such disturbances of well-being.Through the different stress afflictions,qualitative resonance features weredeveloped between the different types ofelectromagnetic waves. According toDr. Karim, the trigger of suchphenomena is not necessarily the lastsource of stress that has been added.The aim of the project was not to find

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the reason. The main emphasis was putto help the people.After situation analyses and discussionswith the afflicted residents, Dr. Kariminstalled geometrical forms on theelectrical cables of the antenna as wellas at the houses of the affected persons.The antenna had been chosen as the mainbearer of the BioGeometric energyquality, as a great effect could beachieved with it. The worksaccomplished in the houses underconsideration improved the result of theantenna furthermore. The works requiredan effort of about six days.According to the afflicted persons, thefirst results were positive: they sleptbetter, had fewer headaches, were less

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aggressive and had more energy again.The affected residents found the birdsand bats coming back again, after theirdisappearance for over a year.These were the preliminary results. Nowwe have to observe the effectivenessover a longer period of time. Dr.Ibrahim Karim will follow up on theproject for the next three months toguarantee the effectiveness duringdifferent climate situations through finetuning. He will later install speciallydesigned figures as well for Hemberg,hoping to improve the situation further,or at least to achieve a simplification ofthe present installations. The MediationAuthority for Mobile Communicationwill report the results again in the future.

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Mediation Authority for MobileCommunication and Environment,August 28, 2003 More information aboutBioGeometry and a CV of Dr. Karim arefound under

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Experience report by Regula Keller-Frei

“On some days we left the flathastily” We are a family of five members with 3children in the aged 14, 12, and 9. Forfourteen and a half years we have livedin Hemberg—a little village inToggenburg with approximately 900residents. My husband and I, togetherwith two employees and a trainee, lead aworkshop for the repair of agriculturalmachines and cars. During our time offwe enjoy nature, walking during thesummer time and skiing during thewinter. For the children and for us thisliving in the countryside is somethingvery beautiful. We cannot imagine

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ourselves living in a city.But late summer 2002 our peace wasmassively disturbed.“We almost had forgotten about theNatel-antenna”

At this time we accidently learnedabout the Natel-an-tenna of Swisscom,which was going to be installed in thetower of the Catholic Church—whichwas at a distance of 100 meter from ourhouse. This led us to give it seriousthought because of the emissions. Weconsulted the electro-biologist UrsHafner from Degersheim, SG, andwanted to know from him to what extentsuch an antenna could be harmful for us.Urs Hafner informed us immediately thatthe location could not have been better

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for us. The angle position of the antennawas harmless for us. Nevertheless,Swisscom could change the angleposition in such a way that the electro-magnetic fields would be directed overour house roofs and thus be absolutelyproblem-free for us.We discussed this issue together with thedistrict president, Swisscom and UrsHafner. After several weeks we wereinformed that the angle position couldnot be changed and that the constructionlicense had been given through themunicipality.What can we do? “We have to live withit” we told ourselves. “Perhapseverything is going to be fine and ourfear and concern about health problems

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were unfounded”. We were ok andalmost forgot the whole subject.Suddenly my husband got pneumonia

After 3 months my husband feltexhausted, as if he was going to get acold. He was barely getting throughdaily work. At the same time I hadfrequent headaches, dizziness and severepain in the neck muscles down to theshoulders.

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As we had a lot to do in the workshop,we thought that our complaints were theresult of work-stress.But my husband’s condition got worse.He became hoarse and finally his voicefailed completely. He got anappointment with the physician, who

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immediately examined his lungs. Furtherinvestigations and moments of fearfollowed this first visit. Finally we gotthe results. He was suffering from ahidden pneumonia. Only after severalweeks of medication with antibiotics didhe started to feel better.Meanwhile I felt more and more sick.The muscles became tenser. On somedays I had to interrupt the office work,had to lie down and massage my neck. Ineeded always a longer time to be ableto get back to work. In the evening I wasso exhausted that I was happy when thechildren were in bed, and I was able togo to bed too. More and more we hadthe suspicion, that the reason for ourcomplaints was the Natel-antenna in the

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church tower.We discussed the issue with my parentsin law, who live opposite to us. I wasinformed by my mother-in-law, that shewas suffering at this time from healthproblems, but thought, that this was dueto her age. We went together to thedistrict president and talked to him aboutour health problems. We expressed ourwish to transfer the antenna to anotherlocation. I mean, an antenna does notbelong in a church tower in the middleof a village. He listened to us, andpromised to discuss the matter with themunicipality.Our Kids could not sleep any moreAfter a while our second daughter could

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not sleep as well, she had never beforesuffered from sleeping problems, sheused to get up in the room crying at22:30 because she could simply notsleep, and the next morning she had toskip school.In the beginning I used to suggest that sheread a few pages so that she would gettired, but that did not help. We were alsowondering whether she had problems inschool or elsewhere, but that proved notto be the case. Then she switchedsleeping places with my husband andSara found sleep in his bed within a fewminutes. On the other hand, my husbandcould never find sleep in Sara’s bed andnext morning he said I will never sleepin that bed again. It was amazing what a

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bad night that was for him, his eye lidswere swollen and his eyes tired.Next night I tried my luck in Sara’s bed.I was restless as well. All night I wascold, then it was too hot and I woke upevery few minutes.It was obvious that we had to findanother solution. We have noticed, thatwe do not feel unwell to the same degreein all places of the house. It wasextremely bad in the kitchen. We wereonly able to stay there for a short periodof time.

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We felt head pressure, tense musculatureand our energy was really drifting away.On the ground floor, where ourworkshop is, we sometimes felt better.And in the basement our complaintswere reduced. So my husband moved tothe basement for several months. Sarahslept with me in the parents bedroom.Thus our sleeping condition had finallyimproved a little bit.But then my eldest daughter and my sonstarted to have sleeping problems too.My daughter woke up every night and satin the middle of her room on the floor.My son woke up sweating every night.We found a sleeping place for mydaughter in the bathroom. She slept on amattress and mostly was able to sleep

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through the night.With expensive foils we tried toprotect ourselves against the electro-smogAfter a certain while we heard about anenterprise, which produces constructionfoils for shielding purposes and whichdeals with shielding material. Wecovered the ceilings with constructionfoils in different rooms, and with specialshielding material we made a kind oftent around each bed, in order to beprotected against the emissions.This cost us a lot. But at least we wereable to sleep again in our usual beds-with the exception of my husband.During summer time it was too hot for

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him under this tent. But theaggressiveness among ourselves,initiated through the massive loss of life-quality and the energy loss during theday, this all remained and we needed alot of strength and nerve.We often asked ourselves whether tosearch for another place to live. But dueto business and financial reasons it wasnot possible. So we only had the optionto avoid our house as much as possible.On some days we felt better. On otherdays, especially on weekends we leftour house hastily, because we couldn’tstand it anymore.

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It was especially bad in Christmas. Wehoped for good snowy weatherconditions, so that we could ski a lot.Unfortunately this was not the case. Wewill never forget Christmas 2002. Ourfamily life was very disturbed anddifficult. Everybody tried to keep tohimself, and to act the best way possibleunder the given circumstances. All daywe were in a bad mood, and rarely didanybody laugh. We were all tortured by

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the fear of how things might continue.We were disappointed because onlyvery few persons understood ourproblems. We became outsiders. Theissue of the mobile communicationantenna was not understood by ourcommunity. The sum of all the stressesand burdens were hard to bear. And wejust wanted one thing: to get ourprevious life back.A scientist from Egypt helpedDuring the summer vacation wetravelled for two weeks to theCaribbean. There we had no complaintsand were able to gain back some of ourstrength. Back home we slept the firstnight well, and were all very happy

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about it. But already the next daycomplaints and problems started all overagain.Then—a few days later—we wereinformed that the OMK would intervene.Dr. Ibrahim Karim, an Egyptianscientist, would try to bring our sufferingto an end through the use BioGeometricelements. We were awaiting the daydesperately on which he would start hispilot project in our village. About fourmonths have passed since that time. Dr.Ibrahim Karim has helped us through hiswork and through the use ofBioGeometry to get back a worthwhilelife. Our family is intact again. For thiswe would like to express our deepestgratitude.

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Hemberg, November 2003Regula Keller-FreiExperience report by Rosmarie Keller

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Dr. Karim had to install BioGeometricelements in the church tower. Finally

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access was arranged on August 20. Theeffect of these elements was a relief. Wewere at last able to breathe and ourheads were clear again. On the samenight as well as on the following dayswe observed bats coming back again.Four days later we experienced a majorset back and started to search for thecause. We felt that “something” wascoming toward us from another side. Wenoticed that the antennas on Saentis,Hochhamm and Schoenegrund were alsoinfluencing us negatively.Dr. Karim had to deal with this newproblem. He installed provisionalBioGeometric elements. Weimmediately felt better again and thebirds came back.

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Dr. Karim sent his son back to Egypt forthe production of the specially designedelements for the Natel-antennas. Dr.Karim had to get back to the churchtower to install a stronger element nearto the antenna. On September 19, he gotthe permission for installation.

“We had to protect ourselves frommilitary radio transmissions as well”

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Now we have our well-being. In thevillage, people were sleeping better. Butat the end of October we faced a newproblem. We frequently experienced badtimes—actually only for some hours, butvery severe in effect. immediately Whenwe searched for the reason, we foundout, that each time we felt ill, themilitary had activated radio-transmission from stations in thedirection of Saentis.It was difficult to handle, as the militaryradio-transmission stations were alwaysrepositioned in different locations, sothat we always had to change thedirection of our elements. Upon Dr.Karim’s wish, my husband prepared aspecial fixture. On this device we

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mounted BioGeometric elementspointing to all directions. Thus we were“armed” against all emissions.The Hemberg project was a fruitful timefor us, we learnt a lot and we valued theclose cooperation with Dr. Karim, hiswife and their son. Dr. Karim hadforeseen one week work for the Natel-antenna project, but it was extended tofour months. We are all very thankful forhis efforts. We felt all the time, that hewas taking us seriously and that we werein good hands.

Hemberg, November 2003,Rosmarie Keller

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Questionnaire among the affectedresidents: Dr. med. Yvonne Gilli

Questionnaire Revealed:Complaints Have BeenMassively Reduced Conditions for the subsequentquestionnaire On October 6 and 12, 2004 a detailedquestionnaire was distributed among theresidents of Hemberg, concerning theircomplaints.According to a scale, which included 4intensity grades, the participatingresidents marked the present complaintsand compared them with the conditionbefore putting the antenna into operation

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and after the BioGeometric installationsdone by Dr. Karim.The persons asked were very positiveabout Dr. Karim’s pilot project. Thenumber of persons who were asked (35)is statistically not significant. Thesubjectively mentioned complaints werestructured according to a head-feetscheme. Complaints, which were notfitting into to this scheme, were notedunder a column “other complaints”.Under this column disease diagnoseswere noted, which were subjectivelyinfluenced by the mobile communicationantenna.Head and Concentration suffered themostIn general, an increase of complaints

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was revealed in regard to number andintensity after putting the antenna intooperation. This was followed with anobvious improvement after thebiogeometric installations by Dr. Karim.Some of the persons questioned were notable to remember exactly, whichcomplaints already existed prior toputting the antenna into operation.In the head to feet scheme, the headcomplaints were clearly dominant.Under these complaints in turn, thepsychological status and the cognitiveperformance were of greatest concern.The psychological complaints could becategorized in a wider sense underdepressive symptoms. There were alsocomplaints in the cognitive functions

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especially concentration.Rheumatic complaints increasedOn the physical level, the affectedpersons in Hemberg complained mainlyof headaches as well as eye and earproblems.

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Next to the head complaints, an increaseof rheumatic complaints and temperaturesensitivity was revealed.Not all react similar to electro-smogDespite of the low number of cases andthe subjective statements, thequestionnaire is of interest. It reflects the

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known symptoms, which were alreadydescribed in other studies under the termbiological or non-thermal effect of GSMmobile communication emissions. Asmost of the felt complaints are medicallynot objective, it is difficult to recordthem scientifically.Furthermore it is difficult to record thecases, because of the large scale ofcomplaints and the obvious differentindividual reaction to the emission. Notto forget the individual variableexposition, even for persons in the samehousehold.It has been noticed in case of a family,who has been asked, that the complaintswere intensified after putting the antennainto operation, despite that the family

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members were exposed to a 10-timesstronger “house-made” electro-smog(through a microwave device, a wirelesstelephone, as well as other equipment instandby-position). One of the familymembers felt especially unwell in acertain room, which was proven to besubjected to more electro-magneticemissions.Larger scale examinations would be ofoutmost necessityFor future questionnaires the questionsshould be adapted to new findings. Tobe enabled to argue scientifically, thefollowing criteria should be considered: One should survey a larger number

(100 persons) living in a quantitativelyknown geographic sector, exposed

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heavily to mobile communicationemissions. No selection should becarried out (in this case the mostafflicted were chosen). The personsshould have be chosen prior to theinstallation of the antenna. Measurements of the locations are to

be done first. In flats the differentmeasurements are to be carried out aswell in regard to longer presence in therelevant room, e.g. bedroom.

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The additional electro-smog must beknown and quantified as well. A minimum of 4 different phases of

questionnaires should take place: beforeputting the antenna into operation, 4months after putting the antenna intooperation, 1 month after the installationof BioGeometric devices and 1 year

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after the installation of these devices.Neither the persons who are asked,

nor the persons who put the questionshould know the actual situation of theantenna—whether in operation or not.UMTS—supply increases the healthemergency situationIt is hoped that epidemiological studieswill be financed in future. Due to thepresent study situation and the results ofthis minimal number of questionedafflicted persons, we may speak of anactual health emergency situation,contrary to the so called installationemergency, given by the FederalAdvisory Council prior to the enactmentof the NISV-decree. This is nowincreased due to the present provision

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with UMTS.Wil, Automn 2004Dr. med. Yvonne Gilli

Author’s note:Long term effect: In 2010 the sustainedwell-being of the residents is evident.

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Press Conference from October 22,2003 in Hemberg—Christoph ZweiliThe Mediation Authority forMobile Communication andEnvironment Tagblatt Thursday, October 23, 2003Karim from Wonderland?In Hemberg the electro-smog wastackled in an unconventional manner.Critics speak of swindle and hocus-pocus.Hemberg BioGeometry, for critics, is amere swindle. Electro-sensitive personscall the method of the Egyptian IbrahimKarim a blessing. The Mediation

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Authority for Mobile Communicationand Environment summed it up after athree months’ field-project. In spring theyoung birds returned from the warmersouth, but migrated again after threedays. Parents of swallows abandonedtheir brood, which starved to deathmiserably. Wagtails did not like it eitherin Hemberg anymore.That was in June 2002, when Swisscomput their new 710-Watt mobilecommunication antenna into operation.All at once, a farmer had bad luck in thecowshed. There were a deformed calfand two abortions. Two dozenelectrosensitive people complained ofheadaches, vertigo, exhaustion, sleepingdisorders, fear and depression, down to

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inexplicable aggressive conditions. Theyfelt that neither the family doctor nor thecommunity authorities took themseriously. A dispute between theresidents, authorities and Swisscomflared up and continued for months. Theoperators refused to switch off thelegally installed antenna, whichbroadcasts under the set maximumlimiting value.All’s well that ends wellThis was the case until 3 months ago.“Now we all enjoy life again,” says the64 year-old Rosmarie Keller,spokesperson of the residents onWednesday in front of the media. Sheand the President of the community,Walter Fischbacher, could look into

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each others’ eyes again. It was ablessing, that the Mediation Authorityfor Mobile Communication andEnvironment, established by Mobilecommunication providers, Swisscom,Orange and Sunrise, had the EgyptianIbrahim Karim, graduated ETH-architect and Doctor of technicalSciences flown in by air. Kariminstalled his patented BioGeometryshapes and figures. made from wood andplexi-glass, in the homes of 6 families,as well as inside and outside the church.The Egyptian, who supervisesworldwide serious research programs,that can be looked up on his homepage,ordered further production of areacovering shape components for

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Hemberg, which were to be produced inEgypt and to be sent to Switzerland.Karim transformed twelve differentsources of interference outside ofHemberg and seven in the church towerinto positive energy. Enough to finalizethe project. And hope for a continuationat another place—with a budget to makeit possible for medical accompanyingexaminations and documentation througha university or laboratory.“Hemberg is no individual case”The Swisscom representatives at theMedia conference seem satisfied. “Wehave an interest that our installations beacceptable for mankind and theenvironment,” says Claude Georges,Swisscom Directorr for Mobile

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Communication and Environment. HansUlrich Jacob expresses himselfextremely critically against theMediation Authority of MobileCommunication providers, representedby Erika Forster. Jacob acts in the nameof his private organization, theMediation mobile Communication andHealth, for the interests of persons, inthe Swiss community, affected byelectrosmog. He speaks of the “plot ofHemberg” and calls Karim a charlatanwho works with cheap plexi-glassshapes “which are available in everyoriental bazaar”.

More articles about this subjectin Tagblatt:

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July 14, 2004:No miraculous remedy,scientifically implausibleJune 24, 2004:Is the project BioGeometry goingon?June 11, 2004:Karim contra SwisscomAugust 29, 2004:A village resorts to self-help

During the press conference, thoseparticipating in the experimentvehemently contested the suggestion offoul play. The transmission power hasnot been lowered during the experiment,as it has been claimed” says ClaudeGeorges. To prove that, the dataprovided by Swisscom have been

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scrutinized by the Federal Authority forCommunication, the supervisingauthority that made sure that bothtransmission power as well as limitingvalues were complied with. “Hembergis no individual case”, Erika Forstersays and refers to the antenna atHirschberg. Here also the MediationAuthority is searching for solutions. Isshe herself convinced of Karim’smethod? “When I see the results, thensomething has to be behind it” sheadmits diplomatically. “I recommendfurther field experiments accompaniedby scientific research.”Catchword Electro-SmogMobile phones and basis-stationstransmit and receive electro-magnetic

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radiation in the range of high frequencyradiation between 900 and 1800 MHz.The installation in Hemberg has beenapproved for 1800 MHz—and so fartransmitting only 900 MHz. Thespectrum of frequencies of the electro-magnetic radiation is subdivided inionizing and non-ionizing radiation(heat, UV radiation, light and electro-smog). There are only a few scientificsecure perceptions about the impacts andeffects of mobile communicationinstallations. According to the FederalAuthority for Health, some impacts havebeen proven: Thus the mobile telephoneradiation can disturb sensitiveappliances, such as hearing aids,instruments in the intensive care in

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hospitals or electronic devices inairplanes. Persons who frequently use amobile phone complained of moreheadaches than those who used them lessfrequently.

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Clarification Statement of theMediation AuthorityThe rebuttals, according to whichbefore Dr. Karim’s intervention thetransmission power was increasedand afterwards lowered, hascaused the Mediation Authority tocheck this claim.The Federal Authority forCommunication has attested inwriting on October 16, 2003, thatduring the experiment in Hembergthe transmission power was notraised at first and then loweredagain afterwards.Signed by Mr. PhilippeHorisberger, Chief of the

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“Frequency Planning” Division.Mediation Authority for MobileCommunication and Environment,November 25, 2004, R. Lüthi.

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NZZ am SonntagEdition August 31st, 2003, Peter Traxler

“The immune system of electro-sensitive persons could be strengthened,Karim explains. This is not happeningjust by chance, but according to thescience of “BioGeometry”, which hasbeen developed by Karim himself duringthe last 30 years. He has been guided bythe conclusion that even the sun has goodand bad rays, but that only the good raysreach the earth. This protection is due tonatural geometric forms and colours,which are a kind of divine designlanguage.Among his research works there areprojects for the protection of fruits and

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vegetables against parasites. His field ofwork is extended from Cairo and theMiddle East to half of Europe and theUSA.

Karim, who studied in Zurich, did thework in Hemberg free of charge.“Switzerland gave me a lot; now it istime for paying back”, the father of fourchildren said.

BaubiologieReader’s BriefFrom an interview with Dr. IbrahimKarim, issue 01/2004, page 11BioGeometry in Hemberg:Mobile communication is not theonly cause!In “Baubiology” Bulletin, April’s

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issue, Dr. Ibrahim Karim wasasked about the potential of thescience of BioGeometry which hedeveloped. Reading through theintroduction, you will find that Dr.Karim managed to relieve theinhabitants of Hemberg, SG, “fromthe harmful side effects of themobile communication antenna”.Moreover, the article describedBioGeometry as “a technique toharmonize mobile radiation” and“to help victims of mobileradiation”. The readers tend tobelieve that themobilecommunication antenna inHemberg is causing healthproblems.

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Dr. Karim, on the contrary, has adifferent perspective regarding thesituation in Hemberg. He suggested,from the beginning, that the problemwas cauded by all electricalsources as well as earth radiationin addition to the electromagneticfields of the mobilecommunicationantenna, which was as in thesaying, “the drop that spilled thewater from the glass”. Dr. Karimexpresseded this point of viewrepeatedly in every meeting. By thefact that he successfully solved theproblem, Dr. Karim confirmed histhesis that all electrical sourcesalongside earth radiations causedpart of the disturbances in addition

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to mobile tower radiation. Dr.Karim, Architect by profession,graduate of the renowned F.I.T.Zurich, Switzerland, announced thisin most of his press interviews,such as “Toggenburger” (issued in29.August 2003), “Linth-Zeitung”(issued in 28.October 2003) andalso in public presentations.The residentsare happy that,through the help of Dr. Karim, thecomplaints of the afflicted personshave been reduced. It is importantto understand that the disturbancesare due to a combination of variousbad effects arising from differentsources of electromagneticradiation.

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By Eng. Jurg Studerus, SwisscomMobile Environment

Edition June 10, 2004,Andreas Schmid The shapes and plexiglass toolsproduced miracles in Hemberg, SG.With his BioGeometric method theEgyptian Ibrahim Karim has harmonizedthe emissions of the mobilecommunication antenna of the churchtower in the village in Toggenburg.

Rosmarie Keller does not know whathappened to her. With his shapesdirected at the transmitters, Karimchanged the harmful rays into harmless

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ones. Obviously with success. “Theresult is unbelievable”. The complaintsare gone, her body has regeneratedcontinuously. An obvious indicatorsupports her subjective sensation:“Since Karim was here, we havemartens again in our garden. And morebirds than we ever had before”. ForKeller this is the proof that BioGeometryis no esoteric hocus-pocus. “Animals donot imagine things.” Having regained herwell-being, Keller does not want toleave it at that. She fights on for electro-smog afflicted persons and demands theapplication of the BioGeometry projectin all of Switzerland. Meanwhileinterested persons from six otherdistricts asked for explanation of the

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Author’s note:A contract for a solution for the wholecountry of Switzerland has been innegotiation between Swisscom and Dr.Karim, BioGeometry energy

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Translation from German original Ibrahim Karim harmonized radio waveswith “BioGeometry”. Ibrahim Karimused his method called BioGeometry toharmonize the effect of the radiation of aSwisscom antenna in Appenzell withsuccess: The cows have no moremiscarriages, the residents no longercomplain of headaches and many aregetting better sleep again.

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Picture: KeystoneArchive image of October 2003: Ibrahim Karim showshis devices at the mobile communication antenna insidethe tower of the Catholic Church of Hemberg.

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Picture: KeystoneArchive image of October 2003: Ibrahim Karim showsone of the objects which he installed at the mobilecommunication antenna in the tower of the CatholicChurch of Hemberg.

According to an official release from thegovernment commission of AppenzellInnerrhoden on Tuesday, the feedbackfrom the public was extremely positive.The Egyptian architect donated the fee of

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20 000 Swiss Francs that he receivedfor the success of the project, to theSteig Foundation for the workshop andthe dormitory of the handicapped.Plexiglass ShapesThe work of Ibrahim Karim is approvedand supported by the MediationAuthority for Mobile Communicationsand Environment (OMC) since 2005.Two years earlier, Karim, had alreadyharmonized the radiation from theantenna inside the bell tower ofHemberg in Toggenburg when heinstalled his plexiglass shapes and freedthe residents of the village of Hembergfrom headaches and sleep disturbances.The architect and developer of“Biogeometry” was contacted at that

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time through the Chief Mediation Officerand St. Gallen FDP member ofparliament Erika Forster, to come toHemberg. Although Karim wassuccessful in Hemberg, he received a lotof criticism. The private “Mediation forMobile communication and health”called Karim a “charlatan”. He waslabeled a “radiation guru”, a“magician”. The town president ofHemberg, however, gratefully thankedthe Egyptian. Now the AppenzellInnerhorrden government is also doingthe same - without knowing exactly whatKarim actually did around the 79-meter-high antenna Hirscherberg. “We arewaiting for his report,” says MarkusDörig, the government spokesman.

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Radio TransmissionSwisscom is the owner of the antennaerected in the mid-nineties. In 2002, itwas established that the FM antenna wasillegally radiating in that area at 156percent of the limit. Swisscom promptlyreduced the transmission power. InInnerrhoden they had previously sufferedmiscarriages in cows, they also hadudder and mouth problems. Many peoplewho live in the vicinity of the antenna inHirschberg had complained ofheadaches, insomnia and fatigue. Thecause was initially suspected to be dueto mobile radiation and not from radiotransmission.Complaints Are GoneIn 2005 the local residents complained

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again of problems, which they attributedto radiation exposure. Then Karim cameback to Appenzell. According to MarkusDörig, the complaints of the residentsare not only diminished, “they havedisappeared,” as he, the governmentspokesman said. The effect of Karim’sscientific method cannot be measured byconventional scientific methods. Hehimself says that he can influence thequality of negative energy fields with hisshapes to produce positiveharmonization of the environment.Whether he can or whether they havefallen under the so-called placebo effect,is completely irrelevant to those thathave been healed.(Government spokesman)

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(Translation from German Original)

KANTONAPPENZELLINNERRHODEN Governor and Commissionary BoardRatskanzeleiMarktgasse 29050 Appenzell

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Appenzell, 24. October 2007Hirschberg Antenna / Protection fromRadiation Stress / in Gratitude

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Dear Esteemed Professor,After different discussions andexplanations, you have accepted toundertake the protection from radiationstress in the area of Hirschberg as aresearch project, in which you wouldtest your latest development inBioGeometry, the Home Kit.In the letter of 31. August, Ms. RuthSchaad informed us that projectcompletion is scheduled for the end ofOctober 2007.The Commissionary Board would like totake this opportunity to express to you itshearty gratitude for the execution of theenvironmental harmonizing project in thearea of Hirschberg, Appenzell I. Rh.,Switzerland, in the period from

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November 2006 until October 2007.The Commissionary Board of the KantonAppenzell I. Rh. appreciates very muchand is thankful for the great effort youhave done in harmonizing the health ofthe residents as well as the animal andplant environments, which has proven tohave a good effect, as the survey of theresidents of the area of Hirschberg hasshown.With another expression of our heartyappreciation, we extend to you ourfriendly greetings.In the name of the Governor andCommissionary BoardTheGovernor

The Secretary of theBoard

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Signature SignatureBruno Koster Franz Breitenmoser

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References Terms Coined &

Concepts Introduced byDr. Ibrahim KarimBioGeometry ConceptsGlossaryReferenceBibliographyStudents Testimonials

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Terms Coined & ConceptsIntroduced by Dr. IbrahimKarim

The following terms denote certainconcepts in BioGeometry. They havebeen applied in the seminars, teachings,research projects, and televisionprograms for many years. Anyunauthorized use is illegal as itinfringes on intellectual & propertyrights. (See Glossary & Concepts fordefinitions & explanations). BioGeometry® BioSignatures®

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BioNumerals Archemy The Physics of Quality Qualitative Scales of Measurement The One Harmonizing Subtle

Energy Quality *BG3 BG3 Centering BG3 Numbers Formed BG3 Numbers BioGeometry Qualitative Series

(BG3 Series) BioGeometry Qualitative

Harmonic System BioGeometry Multiple Modulor BioGeometry Multiple Lambdoma BioGeometry Qualitative Scaling BioGeometry Radiesthesia BioGeometry Color Balancing

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The Effect of Number onBiological Subtle Energy Functions

Archetypal Code of the HumanBody

The BG Archetypal Ruler Geometry of the Planes Higher Planes of Waves The BioGeometry Energy Key

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Concepts Modified inAccordance with theBioGeometry World View

3D Earth-Sky Subtle Energy BG3PatternJust as it is a historical fact that theancients used to connect their sacredsites on Earth Energy Power Spots withstraight paths creating a sacred 2Dsubtle energy pattern, we have found thatthey also connected them to sacredpower spots in the sky creating a 3Dsubtle energy BG3 pattern. These subtleenergy connections are achieved throughthe special design of certain buildingdetails.

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BioGeometry Energy KeyThis is a simplified 2D diagram used forthe analysis of the four subtle energyqualities created by any motion in itssurroundings. The 3D version in theshape of a Torus or doughnut is used fora more complex spatial ormultidimensional analysis. TheBioGeometry Energy Key is also used toshow the relationship betweenelectromagnetic waves and thecompression waves (sound, scalar,torsion, etc.) they create in theenvironment. (see Appendix: TheBioGeometry Design Language)Forming Process of NatureRefers to the way living systems evolveaccording to the laws of harmony and

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balance that manifest from higherarchetypal dimensions out oftranscendental qualitative subtle energycenters in the form of a centering qualitythat produces the beautiful functionalshapes of nature.Open Energy SystemWe use this term to describe the fact thatthe subtle energy functions within thebiological systems of humans, animalsor plants, are in constant exchange withthe environment that is referred to inBioGeometry as an open energy system.This concept means that on every subtleenergy level (physical, vital, emotional,mental, and spiritual) the abstractcollective subtle energy on each of thoselevels is used to fuel the individual

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functions of those levels. We use theemotional collective energy in oursurroundings to fuel our emotional statesand then send the energy out again in theenvironment. We are constantly affectedby the quality of subtle energy in oursurroundings on each level of activity,and in turn affect the collective energyquality of the environment. This aspectis becoming very important lately asmany of our health problems are causedby environmental stress (e.g.electromagnetic radiation). InBioGeometry this concept is expandedon a qualitative level to includedirectionality, shapes, motion, sound,smell, and many other aspects that mightnot have a quantitative effect on the

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subtle energy interaction. It is thequalitative aspects of the environmentalenergy exchange that BioGeometry isconcerned with, to complement thequantitative aspects dealt with in otherdisciplines.Acupuncture from a BG PerspectiveAs we are an open energy system, wemust have windows: Points that bring theinformation of the external surroundingto the internal system so that it can adaptit to the surrounding environment. Thesewindows (commonly known asacupuncture points) are traditionallymanipulated to affect the energy flowinside the body organs. However, from aBioGeometry perspective the role ofthese ‘windows’ is much more

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significant; they are the body’s sensorsto the outside environment. Instead ofusing those windows only to look insidethe house, we discovered that, from thepoint of view of the body, the primaryfunction of those windows is to lookoutside. Every organ sends parts of itsenergy into the peripheral system(windows) to get information about whatis happening outside and adaptsaccordingly.Sacred BG3 Sky LocationsThese are locations in the sky in which,through our BiGeometry research, wehave been able to detect the same BG3Subtle Energy Quality as that found inpower spots on Earth.They are detected by the same

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radiesthesic methods of remote sensingas used to detect sacred power spots onearth, which were used in ancient times.The BG3 quality makes them regardedas sacred. They are the heavens in thesky, just as the sacred spots are theheavens on earth.Sculpture Of SpaceThis term denotes the architect’s missionto bring harmony into the subtle energyquality of the inner or outwardenvironments in his design.The Effect of Number on BiologicalSubtle Energy FunctionsNumbers have always been regarded ashaving qualitative properties besidetheir quantitative aspects. Each number

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has a personality and a way ofinteraction with other numbers. Theeffect of numbers on the subtle energyquality of their environment has led us toresearch the numerical correlations withbiological subtle energy functions. Thisgives design proportions a newdimension.The Gateway PrincipleThis is the subtle energy qualityprinciple of a Dolmen or gate, where thesupported beam protrudes on both sidesof the columns. When the opening facesslightly south of the East direction (in theNorthern hemisphere) a path of BG3quality with the same width as theopening is created and radiates for along distance in that direction. Most of

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the megalithic Dolmens in Europe facethat direction. Based on this concepteastern gates of sacred buildings have aspecial importance. This principle isexpanded in the orientation of manybasilica designs.The Subtle Energy Effect of the Dentsin the Great PyramidThe Pyramid and hemisphere shapes arestrong subtle energy emitters from theapex down to the base and radiating outof it. They radiate a very potentpenetrating carrier wave that hasenergizing, mummifying, communicating,carrier wave properties. This quality islabeled Negative Green by the FrenchRadiesthesists Chaumery & Belizal. Thefact that both electrical/ vertical and

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magnetic/horizontal wave componentsare present, makes this radiation harmfulwith prolonged use. Our research hasshown that the indents on the sides of thePyramid cancel our body’s resonancewith the harmful wave component. Theindents produce a strong BG3 qualityinstead of the full Negative Green,giving the building a strong spiritualenergy quality. The pyramid can thenplay its part in enhancing the BG3 of thepower spot and achieve the connectionwith the sacred sky locations.

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Absolute RealityThis term is used to describe the totalityof vibratory ranges in the universe. Itincludes all possible levels of vibrationas well as all possible dimensions.Archemy (coined by Dr. karim)This is a term that refers to the use ofarchitecture to produce the spiritualchange in the architect, the users, and theenvironment of the building, in a similarway that the ancient alchemists sought toreach spiritual attainments through thealchemical process which produced agrain of gold as the physical proof of thepractitioners spiritual attainment. The

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Higher Harmonic of Gold, which is oneof the components of the BG3 subtleenergy quality produced by the CenteringProcess of BioGeometry, transforms theprocess of architecture into a path ofspiritual attainment similar to AncientSpiritual Alchemy. This transformativeBioGeometry process in Architecture isreferred to as Archemy.AwarenessAs applied in this book, it is the workingof the abstract attribute of consciousnessthrough the data bank of the life system.The same abstract attribute ofconsciousness within energy in itsprimordial state interacts with thedatabanks of living energy systems toproduce specific types of awareness

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creating the perceived reality of theindividual systems.Baubiologie (Building Biology)Is the applied science of creating healthyenvironments that has been developed inGermany at the beginning of the lastcentury. Baubiologie deals with thereduction of various pollutants -electrical, magnetic, chemical,bacteriological, geopathic stress, and airquality - in our living environments.Benker Cube SystemThis is a larger subtle energy 3D grid inthe form of cubes whose wider energylines run in the same direction as theHartmann lines but are spaced widerapart, in blocks known as Benker Cubes.

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They are usually spaced 10 meters apart.In a N-S direction, they intersect everyfifth Hartmann line; in a East-Westdirection, they intersect every fourthline.BG Archetypal Code of the HumanBodyThis is the grid and points that are inresonance with the Archetypal Laws thatform the pattern or template of the humansubtle energy system. It can be used toassess or restore the harmony of thesubtle energy quality of the body. This isthe covert code of shape as the ultimatemanifestation of the laws of nature.BG Archetypal RulerThis is a scale of measurement, based on

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the Archetypal Human Code, which isused with instruments of PhysicalRadiesthesia to show the level of theBG3 subtle energy quality.BG3These initials refer to the ‘BioGeometryThree’ (discovered by Dr. Karim). Thethree basic qualities that are inresonance with The One HarmonizingSubtle Energy Quality and are used todetect it: Horizontal Negative Green(HNG), Higher Harmonic of Ultra Violet(HHUV) and Higher Harmonic of Gold(HHG). They are found simultaneouslyas the main components of the OneEnergy Quality. However, the additionof the three qualities will not producethe One Harmonizing Quality.

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BG3 CenteringThis is the use of the principles andtechniques of the BioGeometry DesignLanguage to spread and radiate the BG3subtle energy quality of the center to fillthe whole area of the object. The wholeobject is transformed qualitatively into acenter. This centering quality puts acenter in every point of the shapecreating an ultimate permanent state ofbalance.BG3 NumbersThese are numbers that emanate the BG3subtle energy quality. They are detectedby the qualitative effect of a number ofidentical objects on the environment.BioGeometry®

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BioGeometry is a new field of sciencethat uses specially designed shapes,color, sound, motion and waveconfiguration, to induce harmony intobiological subtle energy systems. Thecornerstone of BioGeometry is the OneHarmonizing Subtle Energy Quality(BG3) at the center of the naturalforming process.

The term BioGeometry is aproprietary label that was coined by Dr.Ibrahim Karim. It is composed of theroots: Geo = Earth, Metry =measurement, Bio=life, Geometry =Earth measurement (as in land surveys).BioGeometry = measurement of the lifeenergy of the earth (including all lifesystems within it).

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The generic use of the termBioGeometry to describe the geometricor mathematical patterns in manyfields without referring to theharmonizing source in the naturalforming process (BG3), which is thecentral criterion of BioGeometry, isillegal as it infringes on intellectual &property rights.BioGeometry Color BalancingThis is a method of placingcomplementary colors in specific spotsin the periphery of a space to createvirtual subtle energy axis that areadjusted to specific angles to createBG3 in the area.BioGeometry Multiple Lambdoma

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This is a table based on multiple levelsof multiplication and division (as usedin musical harmonics) of the numbers ofthe BG3 series. It is, in a way, similar tothe Pythagorean Lambdoma used byHans Kayser to convert proportions tomusical notes, but in this case it is takento several levels of calculation. Thetables are dynamic in such a way thatthey can be tailored to fixed functions ornumbers in the design.BioGeometry Multiple ModulorThis is a table based on multiple levelsof multiplication of the numbers of theBG3 Series. The tables are dynamic insuch a way that they can be tailored tofixed functions or numbers in the design(The word Modulor was first used by

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the Swiss architect Le Corbusier as thename for his dimensioning scale basedon the Golden Proportion).BioGeometry Qualitative ScalingAll objects interact with the surroundingwaves. As an antenna tends to interactthrough resonance with electromagneticwavelengths equal to its dimensions, sowill a pole of any material interact withlongitudinal waves (scalar, torsion …etc.) producing concentric rings of BG3energy quality with a radius equal to itsheight and multiples of it. This is similarto the concentric circles formed when astone is dropped in water. Likewise allshapes produce this BG3 phenomenon intheir environments. This phenomenoncan be used to achieve harmony in the

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design of all types of building and townplanning.

If the BG Harmonic System is appliedin the dimensioning of the objects, aspreading of the BG3 quality occurs,filling the space between the concentricrings covering the whole area.BioGeometry Qualitative HarmonicSystemThis Harmonic System is a purelyqualitative system based on the BG3Series to produce a qualitative resonantsystem of numbers, proportions andangles in the form of dynamicdimensioning harmonic tables (inModulor and Lambdoma forms) toproduce designs that manifest the OneEnergy Quality (BG3). It plays an

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important part in the Design Principlesof BioGeometry that are applied inarchitecture and all other forms ofdesign. Unlike the PythagoreanHarmonics where quality is derivedfrom quantity, the BioGeometryHarmonics is quantity derived fromquality.BioGeometry Qualitative Series (BG3Series)This is a numerical series that starts withthe number 16 as the first number thatmanifests the BG3 subtle energy qualityand continues with numbers that have noquantitative mathematical relationships.All numbers of this series manifest BG3and as such are in a qualitativerelationship where they are all in

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resonance with each other. Thesenumbers are used, among other things, toform the Modulor and Lambdoma in theBioGeometry Qualitative HarmonicSystem.BioGeometry RadiesthesiaThe name given to the modern Egyptianschool of scientific Radiesthesiaestablished and developed by Dr.Ibrahim Karim. This approach integratesand advances the work of the earlierFrench and German scientificradiesthesists in both its knowledge baseand through its many practicalapplications with PythagoreanHarmonics and sacred architecture, toproduce a system applicable inBioGeometry. This system is mainly

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tailored to the detection and creation oft h e BG3 components, and theharmonizing of the earth energy grids.BioNumeralsThese are numbers that are in resonancewith biological functions. They areapplied to certain parts ofBioSignatures (e.g. vertebrae) thatincorporate the qualitative properties ofnumbers in the number of repeatedelements of the pattern. They can also beused in design proportions to servecertain functions.BioSignatures®BioSignatures are a set of lineardiagrams that enter into resonance withthe patterns of energy flow in the body

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organs. They are conceptually similar tothe meridians of Chinese acupuncture,except that BioSignatures relate to theshape of the organ, while the meridiansare related to the overall shape of thebody. The organ subtle energy patternsare accessed through BioSignaturesplaced externally in the body’s energyfields to create connection throughResonance of Shape.

The term ‘BioSignatures’ was coinedby Dr. Ibrahim Karim in the 1970s. Theset of BioSignatures are registered andany unauthorized use is illegal as itinfringes on intellectual & propertyrights.Carrier WaveRefers to the capacity of waves to carry

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information.Compression WavesRefers to waves resulting from amechanical effect such as those of sound.ConsciousnessConsciousness is the general abstractcollective attribute within energy thatenables the data banks of living energysystems to create an awareness of theinformation within the vibratory rangesof its sensory apparatus.Curry LinesA subtle energy grid structure on theearth discovered by Dr. Whitmann andDr. Manfred Curry. It flows from NE toSW and NW to SE and its lines have aregular pattern approximately 3.5m.

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apart. The vortices at its intersectionscan be either beneficial or harmful.DowsingAn intuitive skill used for undergroundwater detection, finding hidden or lostobjects, mineral resources anddiagnosing illness. It is based on apsychic ability that involves a dialoguewith the subconscious, which can be‘programmed’ (such as in driving ormastering sports) to detect specificsubtle energy effects. This form is not tobe confused with a similar method,based on an ancient scientificknowledge used for the detection ofwater, gold, and sacred power spots.Earth Energy Gridlines

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Is a theoretical geophysical phenomenondescribed primarily by the Germanauthors Manfred Curry and ErnstHartmann. They both describe a forcefield that supposedly covers the earth atregular intervals. Placing people orother living things in certain spots of theearth radiation knots is believed to bebeneficial or harmful depending onradiation flow direction.Earth RadiationThe earth is filled with minerals, metals,crystals, gems, lava, water, and manypowerful elements that act together toproduce energy. This energy directlyaffects everything that lives on ourplanet. On Earth, there are thousands ofpoints of high energy called vortices that

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are joined by energy lines called LeyLines. There are also several types ofsquare grids of energy covering theearth’s surface (Hartmann, Curry,Benker and others).Electromagnetic WaveA wave of energy with a frequencywithin the electromagnetic spectrum,generated by the periodic fluctuation ofan electromagnetic field resulting fromthe acceleration or oscillation of anelectric charge. Electromagnetic wavescan be reflected, refracted, andpolarized, and exhibit interference anddiffraction effects. They move at thespeed of light. They are referred to as‘transversal waves’ because the motionof the constituents is perpendicular to the

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direction of motion of the wave.ElectrosmogThis is a layman’s term for theproliferation of electromagneticradiation in the environment. Theresulting stress on living systems is notonly due to the electromagnetic waves,but also to the resulting longitudinalwaves that cover larger areas of theenvironment.BioGeometry Energy Key (seeAppendix: The BioGeometry DesignLanguage)This is a model for energy qualityanalysis developed in BioGeometry.Formed BG3 NumbersNumbers that do not manifest the BG3

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subtle energy quality can be arranged (assimilar objects or dots) in certainpatterns to produce that quality.Geometrical AlchemyThis term refers to the use of geometricdesign for the creation of a vibrationalquality of the Higher Harmonic of Goldthat is usually present in the spiritualenergy quality, which is measured asBG3.Geometry of the PlanesThere are certain geometrical shapesthat have a resonant relationship with acertain plane of nature. These shapes canbe used for measurement, fine-tuning,emission, and interaction with thespecific plane (e.g. sphere/physical,

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pointed cone facing downward/vitality,domes and pyramids/emotional or astral,etc.). There are special instruments inBioGeometry that have been developedfor research in the different planes.Geopathic StressPatterns of natural earth vibrations andenergetic emissions that are harmful toliving beings. They are often associatedwith underground water flows, faults inrock structures, and certain types ofsoils.GodheadThis is a term used to denote theunperceived omnipresent DivineEssence of the Creator in the primordialever-present state beyond time and

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space. It cannot be described; as on thatlevel every attribute and its oppositehave not been differentiated and areequal. What we refer to as God, DivineNames or Attributes are themanifestations of the Godhead withintime and space.HarmonicsBased on the resonance of strings, it isthe science of proportional relationshipof everything in the universe asreplicated in the numbers andproportions of musical notes. Pythagorasbrought this science from Ancient Egyptto Greece in the 4th century BC. Itresurfaced with Kepler, Von Thymus,Chaldni, Newton and found its modernrebirth in the fifties with Hans Kayser.

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Hartmann Grid LinesA subtle energy grid structure across theearth discovered by Dr. Ernst Hartmannand thought to have a relationship to themagnetic North pole. The Grid Lines runNorth-South and East-Westapproximately 7 feet apart. The widthcan increase during the full moon, duringhigh sunspot activity, and certainweather conditions. These lines, like theCurry lines, are affected byelectromagnetic radiation.Higher Harmonic of GoldThis is a harmonizing subtle energyquality on a higher spiritual dimensionthat is in resonance with physical gold. Itis one of the components of the BG3Subtle Energy Quality.

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Higher Harmonic of UltravioletThis is a similar quality as theultraviolet at dawn found on a highervibratory level. It has a calmingcleansing property and is in resonancewith the archetypal laws of nature andthe angelic dimension. It is one of thecomponents of the BG3 Subtle EnergyQuality.Higher Planes of WavesThis is a model that places the differentplanes of nature in relation to waves asmoving on planes at different anglesbetween the classic two orthogonalplanes of motion of the wave. Thisconcept has been derived throughmeasurements on wave cross-sections. Itbasically shows how the higher

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dimensions are entwined within theorthogonal wave motion of ourdimension. They are probably oflongitudinal nature entwined within anytype of orthogonal wave planes ofmotion.Horizontal Magnetic-Like WaveComponentElectromagnetic waves usually movealong two orthogonal planes (oneperpendicular to the other). Themagnetic/horizontal plane of motion of awave moves at a right angle to theelectric/vertical plane of motion. Thiscomponent is beneficent to the humanbiological system. The horizontal andvertical denomination is used to showtheir orthogonal configuration to each

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other as they can also be rotating aroundthe central axis.Horizontal Negative GreenThis term refers to Negative Green, thepowerful penetrating energy discoveredby French researchers Chaumery and deBelizal. It has both beneficial anddetrimental effects in relation to theHorizontal and Vertical NegativeGreen wave components respectively.Negative Green also contains as acomponent the critically importantspiritual carrier wave essential tospiritual work labeled ‘Omega’ by Enel.In the BioGeometry research of Dr.Karim, it is one of the main componentsof the BG3 quality in spiritual energyfields. It is at the core of all energy

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centers in the body and power spots innature. Pyramids and hemispheresproduce this vibration along their centralaxis. In ancient sacred buildingshowever, only the horizontal componentsof this energy are found; the verticalcomponents, which are the harmful partsof this energy, are usually cancelledthrough architectural solutions.InterfaceAn interface is a certain configuration ofthe boundary between two things. Wehave two levels of boundaries: The firstand simple boundary level is what wefind whenever two surfaces of differentmaterials touch. The other is this specialconfiguration of the boundary in whicheach part flows into the other. In

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topography, for example, a mountainrising into the sky or a peninsula goinginto the sea, or a bay, are suchinterfaces. It is one of the DesignPrinciples of BioGeometry.Left-Brain PerceptionRefers to models of perception typicalof the left cerebral hemisphere, whichoperates in analytical, logical, and linearmodes of thought.Ley LinesA Ley line refers to any type of BG3path connecting sacred spots. Because ofthe spiritual energy quality of the paththey were used for many kinds of sacredactivities related to the sacred nature ofthe power spots they connected. They

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were used for pilgrimage, funeral, andother sacred rituals.Longitudinal WavesSound, Scalar and Torsion waves arecompression waves of variable speedand are referred to as longitudinalwaves because the motion of theconstituents is in the same direction asthe motion of the wave.Mental RadiesthesiaThis form of Radiesthesia involvesasking mental questions and receivingguidance from the movement of thependulum. It involves a dialogue withthe different levels of the unconscious. Itis the common method of Radiesthesia inEurope and America, also known as

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dowsing, but is not to be confused withscientific, physical and BioGeometry®Radiesthesia.NTRThe Ancient Egyptians called the naturepowers ‘NTRs’, from which the wordnature is derived, (pronounced NeTeR).These ‘intelligent nature powers’ are ina way similar to our modern concept ofangels.OctaveAn octave is the distance between twonotes which resonate together, such as aDo(C) and another higher or lowerDo(C). A string will always resonatemainly with another string double, orhalf its length (there are also other

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secondary harmonic resonances withother ratios). In a broader sense ofdimensions or levels it refers to afrequency band. For example, a physicaloctave, an etheric octave and so on thatis analogous to octaves of notes on apiano keyboard.Perceived RealityThis is the reality of the outside worldwe perceive through the vibratoryinformation that is received by oursenses and produced and projected byour brains. The senses interact with verylimited vibratory ranges from the totalvibratory range of Absolute Reality.Physical RadiesthesiaPhysical Radiesthesia is the science of

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using the vibrational fields of the humanbody to access information about otherobjects of animate or inanimate natureby establishing resonance with theirenergy fields, using specially calibratedinstruments and a scale of qualitativemeasurement to decode this information.

Researchers like Chaumery, Belizal,Turenne, Voillaume, Mermet, Enel andLachovsky were among the pioneers inFrance, with Baehr, Hartmann,Wittmann, Schneider and others inGermany. The science of PhysicalRadiesthesia (sensitivity to radiation) or‘Microvibrational Physics’ as it wascalled by Leon de Chaumery andAntoine de Belizal. They developedmany aspects of their science, especially

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the ‘Energy of Shape’, through researchof the geometrical shapes used inAncient Egypt. In Germany Schneiderdeveloped a radiesthesic detectioninstrument based on wave theories ofLecher. It is known as the LecherAntenna. The latest scientific Lecherantennas are manufactured by H3Luedeling in Germany and the ACMOSin France. Dr. Karim combined theFrench and German scientific schoolswith the science of Harmonics to obtainthe main building blocks on whichEgyptian Radiesthesia and ultimatelyBioGeometry were based. A new systemof physical Radiesthesia instruments hasbeen developed to serve the purposes ofBioGeometry.

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Physics of Quality®The label Physics of Quality coined byDr I. Karim refers to a new field ofscience that deals with the study andapplication of the common abstractessential qualities behind the senses,which produce our selectively limitedperceived reality from the totality of theexisting vibratory ranges. There aredifferent laws that govern our perceptionof sound, color, shape… etc. On thequalitative level however, there areuniversal laws that govern everything inthe absolute reality, including all thoseseemingly different sense perceptionsthat show their underlying unity. Thisnew field of science is a synergeticdevelopment based on key concepts

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f r o m BioGeometry QualitativeHarmonics, Pythagorean Harmonics,subtle energy research, cognitivesciences and Physical Radiesthesia, tostudy the subtle qualitative effects on thesubtle energy level of living energysystems. It uses universal qualitativescales of color, sound, angles, etc. intheir resonant capacity with theuniversal subtle energy qualities that arepresent in all vibratory ranges. ThePhysics of Quality uses the laws of aspecific range (e.g. color or sound) in auniversal application to all other rangesresulting in such concepts as: resonanceof color, resonance of shape , color ofsound, sound of color, sound of shapeand so on. The laws of harmonic

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resonance on which the Physics ofQuality is based extend its range ofapplication from zero to infinity, makingit a truly universal field of science withan unlimited range of informationexchange. The Physics of Quality can beregarded as an extension of the existingworldview of physics to incorporatesubtle qualitative energy relationshipsbetween different energy systems.Pythagorean HarmonicsThe Pythagorean Harmonics Systemwhich emerged from the sciences of theAncient Egyptian temples is a qualitativeharmonic resonance system based onmathematical ratios derived from thephysics of musical strings, as expressedon the monochord. The Pythagorean

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harmonics is Quality derived fromQuantity, while the BioGeometryHarmonics by contrast is Quantityderived from Quality. (seeBioGeometry Harmonics)Qualitative Scales of MeasurementThe sensory perception of color, sound,smell, and touch is based on qualitativecriteria of more importance than thequantitative aspects. Although thesequalities manifest in different forms witheach sense, they are based on the sameset of subtle energy effects on thenervous system that we can regard as theabstract universal qualities at the core ofeach sense. We can then use color,sound, touch and so on, as a qualitativescale to express the abstract

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transcendental qualities beyond theirrespective ranges in all vibratory ranges,whether perceived or not. In this way,everything in the universe can becategorized according to those abstracttranscendental universal qualities. Theythus become a scale of qualitativemeasurement. The categorization ofeverything in nature according to certainqualities is a core concept in the ancientsciences and traditions.QualitativeThe type of interaction or effect betweenobjects, which includes an exchange ofinformation on a subtle energy level.QuantitativeIt is the measurable quantifiable criteria

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of an object.RadiesthesiaIs a Latin term meaning sensitivity toradiation. It is the science and art ofdetecting the vibratory qualities ofradiation, most of which are beyond thedetection capability of modern science.This subtle energy quality can only bedetected by its effect on the observer.The term Radiesthesia is essentiallyequivalent to the more common NorthAmerican term ‘dowsing’. InBioGeometry®, we use the term‘detecting’. Mermet originally definedthe term as sensitivity to radiations,living or inert.Resonance

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A phenomenon in which Qualitativeeffects that are not restricted to anyvibratory ranges; repeat themselves inall vibratory ranges from zero to infinity.In musical string instruments a stringwill enter into resonance with any otherstring half or double its length givingdifferent octaves of the same note. Anyobject has a certain natural or resonantfrequency. When any two objects withsimilar resonant frequencies are in closeproximity or connected in any way theywill begin to resonate together andmutually influence each other. Thus theybecome a copy of each other on thesubtle energy quality level and enter intoa form of information exchange. Theterm ‘sympathetic vibrations’ is often

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used to describe resonance.Resonance of ColorResonance produces repetitivequalitative relationships that are referredto as octaves in music (sound). In the thePhysics of Quality we found that theselaws of sound, that apply universally toall vibratory ranges, have similar andinterchangeable applications in colors,shapes and so on.Resonance of ShapeIn the Physics of Quality the laws ofsound are applied universally to allother vibratory ranges. Resonanceproduces respective qualitativerelationships that are referred to asoctaves. In this sense similar colors,

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angles or shapes enter into resonance.This is a very important concept inunderstanding many subtle energyrelationships. In the old schools ofherbal medicine, there exists arelationship of shape between the herbalremedy and the organ it treats. This isfound in Ancient Architecture wherestones are carved in plant shapes. Thereis also a resonant relationship betweenthe ears and the kidneys in the body.Right-Brain PerceptionRefers to models of perception typicalof the right cerebral hemisphere,associated with spatial, intuitive,artistic, symbolic, and non-linearthought.

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Scalar WavesThese are non-electromagneticlongitudinal compression wavesresulting from the effect of movingcurrents in the environment. They canmove at speeds slower or faster thanlight. Like other types of compressionwaves, they are affected by shapes in away similar to the applications ofacoustics, aerodynamics and hydraulics.In this sense they play a major role inenergy quality and transmission inarchitecture.Scalar Electric WavesThese are a special form of longitudinalwaves produced by two electromagneticwaves of the same frequency, but out ofphase so that the amplitudes subtract and

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cancel each other. The result is atransformation of energy back into ascalar wave. In the beginning of the lastcentury, Nikola Tesla performed manyexperiments with scalar waves for thewireless transmission of electricity at1.5 times the speed of light. Otherproperties such as the reaction of thereceiver to the transmitter, free energywith an over-unity-effect of about 3 andnot stopped by a Faraday cage,differentiate it from conventionalelectricity.Spiritual Energy qualityWith this term we refer to the effect of ahigher spiritual principle on the qualityof energy within the time and space ofour manifested reality. It is a special

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quality of energy that we feel in sacredpower spots or during deep prayer, asort of connection to another dimension.It transcends our time and spaceperception, and cannot be perceived oraccessed directly. This energy qualitycan be detected in BioGeometry throughits BG3 components.Subtle EnergyThis is a general term denoting an energylevel that cannot be measured by any ofour modern instruments. It can only bedetected through its qualitative effects onothers. It is usually connected tolongitudinal compression waves.The One Harmonizing Subtle EnergyQuality

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There is an energy quality that governsthe harmonious evolution of the myriadof forms of nature. It is the Centeringharmonizing quality at the core of theforming process through itsmanifestations in the endless series ofnumbers, angles, and proportions in thenatural forming process. That quality iswhat we discovered in BioGeometryand labeled The One HarmonizingSubtle Energy Quality. Thistranscendental multidimensionalharmonizing energy quality is found inthe energetic centers of all shapes andliving energy systems. It is through thestudy of this energy quality that we havebeen able to identify and consequentlyreproduce its major components: the

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BG3 Energy Qualities.TorsionTorsion is a universal force resultingfrom the effect of the spin of elementaryparticles, such as electrons and protons,on the environment, causing longitudinalcompression waves on a subtle energylevel. The energy of shape inBioGeometry produce a qualitativeeffect on the higher dimensions ofTorsion Waves.Transversal WavesElectromagnetic waves are referred toas transversal because the motion withinthe wave is perpendicular to thedirection of propagation.Vertical Electric-Like Wave

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ComponentThe electric/vertical plane of motion ofa wave moves at a right angle to themagnetic/horizontal plane of motion.This component is harmful to the humanbiological system. The application ofBioGeometry minimizes the body’sresonance with the electrical/ vertical topromote the health of biological systems.

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Radiesthesia in my Life1) The books included the works ofChaumery and de Bélizal, Turenne andothers (see Bibliography). Page 142) I had visited Aemillius Muller (seeBibliography) in Wintertour (nearZurich) in the sixties. He was overeighty at the time. He introduced me tohis colour system and I acquired fromhim a 720 colour system, all painted byhand. Page 153) Enel, Blanche Merz, Mettler andCardinaux (see Bibliography). Page 17BioGeometry4) Trademarks, patents, intellectual

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Koshak, Yehia Hamza. Zamzam. SaudiArabia: Dar Al Elm for Printing andPublishing, 1983.

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McTaggart, Lynne. The Field: TheQuest for the Secret Force of theUniverse. Harper Paperbacks.

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Students’ Testimonials

“Stunning - I couldn’t have imaginedthat the wisdom would be this cohesiveand literally be the foundation of lifeitself… This course was Life-Changing,a must - a beginning to a neworientation of life.” K. R., Medical,Doctor. “This is one of the deepest bodies of

work that I have encountered thus farin energy/resonance work. It is verypowerful and quickly effective. GreatTool to have in your Tool Box.” C. D.,Registered Dental Hygienist, EnergyWorker. “This course moves well beyond the

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simple channeling and manipulation ofenergy for healing, etc. We received theactual physical forms that can anchorthe positive energy frequencies acrossdimensions.” K. T., College Professorin Tokyo Japan, Linguist, Designer,Meditation Teacher, Hypnotherapist. This course is “A combination of

ancient understanding w/modern dayresearch and application to furtherunderstand a higher form of physics.”L. W., Farmer, Sound/Peace Chamberbuilder. “It’s the real Hogwarts. You think I’m

kidding. Who else is teaching people topay attention to energy, shape, formand function in such a way that an

Page 998: Back to a Future for Mankind, B - Karim, Dr. Ibrahim

“everyday” kind of person can get it?Dumbledore lives!!!” V. P. H., SeniorInstructor with the Monroe Institute. “This training provides a foundation

to all healing arts and would onlyenhance what you are already doing. Ithas brought a quality of peace andbalance in my life that was not therebefore. It’s also very exciting to knowthere is much more to discover as ourconsciousness increases and the planetcomes more into balance - Having atool to bring balance and harmony tolife has been a life long desire - ThankYou!” J. A. P., Wellness Consultant. “This training gave me peace, joy,

and increased connection to all life - it

Page 999: Back to a Future for Mankind, B - Karim, Dr. Ibrahim

has provided a way for me tounderstand what makes all things work- that alone provides access tolistening at another level. I havealways said I want to be profoundlyrelated and this has provided that forme.” J. A. P. “BioGeometry® has deepened my

awareness of the way Nature createsand has given me practical tools to bein alignment with health, harmony,love, and service. With so much needon Earth now, we are blessed to havethe truth and efficiency ofBioGeometry.” A. A., EducationalKinesiologist. “This workshop demonstrated how

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Sacred Geometry forms actually workand a practical and powerful healingtechnique. Ancient healing techniquebeing brought back to consciousness.”A. H., Soul Growth PsychologyTherapist. “Powerful and Easy to apply

techniques for enhancing the quality ofthe environment, through the use ofvibrational energy from color andshapes.” L. W., Energy MedicineTherapist and Feng Shui Consultant. “If I tried to describe this seminar to

another person then. They won’tbelieve it - it’s too fantastic.” R. C. “This is the NATURAL technology

and science that supports, nourishes,

Page 1001: Back to a Future for Mankind, B - Karim, Dr. Ibrahim

renews, refreshes and regenerates allliving things.” J. McB., MassageTherapist and Registered Nurse. “BioGeometry® has a clarity and

depth I wanted to add to my work withspaces, nature and design.” M. C,Professional Dowser, Labyrinth Builder,and Artist. “A teaching of vibrational dowsing

(more scientific dowsing) that uses ourconnection with Nature and the formsfound in Nature to bring balance to ourpersonal lives, our environment, ourcommunities, and our planet. Verypractical tools for transformation.” M.C. “A challenging rewarding

Page 1002: Back to a Future for Mankind, B - Karim, Dr. Ibrahim

educational, enlightening, eye-openingGIFT of an experience that will allowfor humankind to live Healthy and inHarmony with the world (universe) thatwe live in.” L. P., Cranio-SacralTherapist, Esoteric Energy Work. “Entraining going into resonance

with all levels of creation, is a newunderstanding for Westerners.BioGeometry® gives a systematic wayfor people to develop the “skill” withmeasurable feedback. Although this isthe beginning level, it brought a depthand richness to my understanding ofthe universe, the Divine and the“other” dimensions. I also like [thisform of] Dowsing that is ‘vibrational’rather than intentional.” M. J., Human

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Resource Director. “BioGeometry® reveals core

principles of life and our world thatunderlie and form foundations forspiritual traditions everywhere. Onecan test, detect, verify, and applyqualities of specific energies.” C. A. S.,Landscape Architect, HorticulturalConsultant. “BioGeometry® is a language of

energy which goes beyond individualor cultural understanding. It accessesthe Source of energy that vibratesthrough all of creation and so is deeplyresonant with all that we are. Thisquality makes it universal and easilyavailable to those who learn the keys to

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accessing energy using BioGeometry®[so that one can] live in balance andharmony and come more fully intoone’s wholeness.” J. S., Artist. “Fantastic… You will get the

knowledge and experience you havebeen looking for all your life!” D. R.,Seeker. “EXCELLENT… There are obviously

some forces involved that are not beingtaught in Physics classes! I know thisfor a fact since I majored in Physics inCollege!” R. A., Computer Programmer,Web Designer, Accountant. “A scientific approach to bring

people to their centers which balancestheir emotions, mental consciousness,

Page 1005: Back to a Future for Mankind, B - Karim, Dr. Ibrahim

spirituality and sometimes even theirphysical bodies.” R. A. “I thought the training was

wonderful, the information presentedvery logically and sometimes withhumor, which I love! This informationcombines science and intuition, thephysical and the non-physical, andallows one to verify and measureunseen energies.” E. H., QualityControl Supervisor. “An opportunity to expand awareness

of important on-going work in thescientific-spiritual development ofesoteric universal principles.” L.G. “The workshop integrates the action

of Egyptian Energy Work along with an

Page 1006: Back to a Future for Mankind, B - Karim, Dr. Ibrahim

understanding of the physics/spiritualaspects behind an incredible modalityof healing. The material also fills in alot of blanks on why other modalities ofhealing (i.e. Feng Shui) work.Absolutely, positively can’t wait [forfurther BioGeometry® trainingopportunities].” R. E., Feng Shui andSpace Clearing Specialist. “New openings to understanding the

whys and wherefores of how thetraditional, ancient Mystery Schoolsaligned with Spirit.” R. E. “The first complete description of

what is Energy, how it works, and howto apply it directly, immediately, andwith a VERY high level of integrity and

Page 1007: Back to a Future for Mankind, B - Karim, Dr. Ibrahim

efficacy toward ANY purpose.” N. C,Energy Worker/Healer. “Newfound understanding of basic

multidimensional harmonics of shape,color, sound, etc., and ways toobjectively access & relate differentaspects & levels of the universalspectrum for dramatically andimmediately improving the quality oflife for myself & for others.” N. C. “What a Wealth of Knowledge! Great

Tools, Greater connections andunderstanding of the Divine.. !” C. S.H. “Your work is the most important

practical contribution I have seen forthe salvation of the environment and

Page 1008: Back to a Future for Mankind, B - Karim, Dr. Ibrahim

humanity. To me it is a Copernicanrevolution in the making.” A. C,M.Div., L.M.T., Pranic Healing, PranicFeng Shui, GeoHarmonics.

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Ibrahim Karim (PhD, Dr. Sc.) is agraduate of the prestigious FederalInstitute of Technology (ETH), Zurich,Switzerland. Founder of the qualitativescience of BioGeometry & the newArchitecture and industrial designmovement that uses the subtle energyeffect of geometrical shapes to induceharmony in our modern technological ornatural environments.

He currently teaches at severaluniversities and supervises numerouspostgraduate studies on the applicationsof the science of BioGeometry. Dr.Karim is recognized and honored byseveral institutes for his work in the

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enviroment and was chosen as man ofthe year by the Swiss magazine“Anzeiger” in 2005 for his success inreducing the effect of Electrosmog inseveral regions in Switzerland. Theseprojects were done in collaboration withthe Swiss Mediation Authority forTelecommunication & Environment,Swisscom, the main cellular providerand the Local Governments. The resultsreceived wide media acclaim and wereofficially documented and featured inseveral documentaries on the SwissNational Television.

For many years Dr. Karim heldseveral advisory positions in Egypt: tothe Ministers of Health, Culture,Tourism, and Scientific Research, where

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he headed a research unit at the NationalResearch Center to study the effect ofgeometric shapes on the life functions ofmicro-organisms after theacknowledgment of success andpatenting of his research.

Dr. Karim is a respected andrenowned figure in the Middle Eastthrough the media exposure of his work.He hosted his own show and is apopular guest in many talk shows onseveral television channels.

Thanks to the wide-spread interest andthe dedication of highly qualifiedinstructors, the science of BioGeometryis spreading all over the world. Besidesits role in restoring harmony in theenvironment, BioGeometry has opened

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new doors of understanding AncientEgypt of which the new energy conceptsof the great pyramid are only thebeginning.

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BOOKS IN PREPARATION The BioGeometry Design ManualDesign principles for architects andindustrial designers to introduceharmony in the environment.The Physics of Quality: BioGeometryBeyond Subtle EnergyReducing environmental stress throughharmony on the higher dimensions ofwaves on emotional, mental andspiritual planes.Volume 1: The BioGeometryMultidimensional Wave Model.Volume 2: BioGeometry ScientificRadiesthesia, based on the Physics ofquality

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Living with ElectromagneticRadiationBioGeometry Solutions to protect fromthe health hazards of electrosmog.Bringing electromagnetic radiation inharmony with nature.Sacred ArchitectureSubtle energy analysis of sacredarchitecture through Egyptian historySubtle Energy Secrets of Sacred RitualHumanity’s interaction with spiritualenergyHolistic Healing with BioGeometry:Volume 1: BioSignaturesVolume 2: The qualitative effect ofnumbers, letters, words, sounds and soon.

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Soul Energy BalanceAchieving a balanced holistic healthylife through harmony with themultidimensional planes of nature.Time WavesA new theory of multiple Space-TimeDimensionsThe BioGeometry Law of attractionThe multidimensional physics of the lawof attractionThe BioGeometrical Way: AnAutobiographyAn insight into the life experiences thatproduced BioGeometry.