bachelor’s capstone in health and wellness, stress management and prevention- seminar 5

Bachelor’s Capstone in Health and Wellness, Stress Management and Prevention- Seminar 5

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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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Bachelor’s Capstone in Health and Wellness, Stress Management and Prevention- Seminar 5

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What Did You Do Over the Holiday Weekend?

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Unit 7 Learning Activities• Project- Post your HW 410 Final Project to your

capstone site.• Discussion- 1) Evaluate the role of stress from a global perspective 2) Assess the impact of biological and ecological stress on the planet and on humans 3) Identify the link between socio-economic stress and need to effectively manage resources 4) Examine how planetary stressors such as overpopulation and poverty influence health outcomes

• Seminar- Option 1 or Option 2

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“A physical, chemical, or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation”


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The STRESS Response Curve

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STRESS- Stress can be a normal and healthy part of our life- Chronic stress, however, is not healthy and may lead to

various health issues- In our daily life the causes of our stress our different than our

early ancestors, but out biological responses have not changed.

- The dramatic increase in chronic stress in the US in the past 30 years parallels the increasing prevalence of stress-related illnesses

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STRESS- Potential negative effects of chronic stress: high blood

pressure, heart arrhythmias, insomnia, fatigue, fertility problems, abnormal blood sugar control, anxiety/depression

- PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGY: addresses the relationship between our mind/emotions and our physical being

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STRESS and the Workplace- If stress is not adequately management in the workplace, can lead to

job dissatisfaction and burnout

- Recent study from the Mayo Clinic, up to 30-60% of physicians experience burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, sense of low personal accomplishment)

- Can lead to decreased effectiveness at work

- Have you experienced a stressful work situation? How did that make you feel?

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FOCUS on the MIND- While health is largely shaped by our genetics, our mind can

also significantly affect our health.

- If we understand how the mind and body are connected, we can tangibly affect our well-being.

- Behavioral mind/body stress reduction techniques include: deep breathing, meditation, MBSR, being aware of our stressors, learning how to interpret those stressors differently)

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Review of HW410 Projects

a. Comment on three learning points you found most interesting when composing your project

b. Evaluate one of your classmates projects, comment on the content (references, relevance of topic, information) and find one point that you found notable and/or can use in the future as a health professional

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- Unit 8: Psychological and Spiritual Healing

- Other questions, comments?

Next week……