babes of 2013


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A keepsake tab featuring color photographs of the many babies born to Bozeman-area parents during 2013.


Page 1: Babes of 2013

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f r o m t h e b o z e m a n

d a i l y c h r o n i c l e

a s p e c i a l

k e e p s a k e p u b l i c a t i o n


Babes of 2 0 1 3

Page 2: Babes of 2013

B a B e s o f 2 0 1 3 - J a n u a r y 1 9 , 2 0 1 42

Brantley Thomas Anderson Ju l y 17 , 2013 7 l b s 10oz , 19 .5”Parents: Zach & Malori Anderson

Sadie Armfield07 / 31 / 20136 lbs. 8 oz. 19"Parents: Heather & Kevin Armfield

Blake Douglas Babcock12 / 11 / 20136 lbs. 10 oz. 20"Parents: Lyndsey & Douglas Babcock

Gael Camilo Ibanez BoydMarch 21 , 2013 6 l b s 8oz , 19 .5”Parents: Daniel Boyd & Gabriela Ibanez Guzman

Hayes Benjamin Bozorth 09 /17 /2013 8 l b s 6oz , 20 .5"Parents: Ben & Rita Bozorth

Vanderbilt WilliamCowdrey02 /11 /20137 lbs. 5 oz. 20 "Parents: Jason & Megan Cowdrey

Lacie Marie DeHaan 8 /4 /20136 lbs. 7.6 oz. 19.5”Parents: Gary & Toni DeHaan

Sophia Margarite Demetriades2 /7 /2013 5 lbs. 15 oz. 19”Parents: Annmarie Kaufman &Donald Demetriades

Ella Kate Doshier09 /07 /20136 lbs. 10 oz. 20"Parents: Tyler & Sara Doshier

Blake Miles and Quanah Shane Doyle 2 /20 /136 lbs 13 oz & 7 lbs 4 ozParents: Megkian & Shane Doyle

Sydney Hayden Broome10 /10 /20138 lbs. 1 oz. 21"Parents: David & Reiné Broome

Emily Marie Carlton 05 /04 /2013 5 l b s 13 o z , 18 .5”Parents: Clint & Jessica Carlton

Quintin Chilton 8 /21 /20136 lbs. 6 oz. 19.5”Parents: Tiffany & Evan Chilton

Ruby Winston ClarkJu l y 10 , 2013 6 l b 13 o z 19.75”Parents: Justin & Sarah Clark

Micah Ezekiel Cok07 /03 /20136 lbs. 2 oz. 19"Parents: Dylan & Tiffany Cok

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Kaia Laura Hornung May 5 , 2013 7 l b s 4oz , 19 .5”Parents: Stuart & Heidi Hornung

Sienna Noelle Kohler07 /12 /20138 lbs. 1 oz. 21"Parents: Josh & Stacy Kohler

Joshua Philip Koon08 /06 /20135 lbs. 15 oz. 19 ½"Parents: Leann & Jon Koon

Riann Yvonne KujalaFeb rua r y 10 , 2013 7.67 lbs. 19.75”Parents: Levi & Angie Kujala

Isabelle Mary Fleury12 /31 /20139 lbs. 5 oz. 21"Parents: Jason & Julie Fleury

Paige Marie Fountaine 1 /12 /136 lbs 7 oz 19.5”Parents: Zachary & Ashley Fountaine

Kade Patton Gieser09 /06 /20137 lbs. 11 oz. 21"Parents: Jason & Josie Gieser

James Dean Gruel Janua r y 1 , 20137.1 lbs 20”Parents: Jesse & Misty Gruel

Hayes Allan Hartmann10 /12 /20137 lbs. 13 oz. 20 ¾"Parents: Ben & Caitlin Hartmann

Anastasia Rose Draper06 / 11 / 20136 lbs. 5 oz. 19"Parents: Lorin & Pennie Draper

Spencer Louise Durgan12 / 4 / 2013

7 lbs. 15 oz. 20 ½"Parents: Daniel & Julia Durgan

Sutton Mallory Dykema4 /18 /20137 lbs. 4 oz. 20”Parents: Ken Dykema & Rayne Bradford

Madisyn Rein Flatlip06 / 08 / 20138 lbs. 10 oz. 21"Parents: Scott & Sloane Flatlip

Kinsley Brynn Flesch8 / 19 / 20136 lbs. 10 oz. 19”Parents: Billy & Sadie Flesch

Eleanor Iris Kamp03 /18 /20139 lbs. 5 oz. 21”Parents: Jared & Rebekah (Knecht) Kamp

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Oliver James Sebena Janua r y 21 , 2013 7 l b s 9 . 3oz , 20”Parents: Michael & Deborah Sebena

Kahlan Aeris Severson12 /26 /20137 lbs. 9 oz. 20 ½"Parents: Nick & Amee Severson

Shadi Shahian09 /13 /20137 lbs. 1 oz. 20”Parents: Justin & Katherine Shahian

Madeline Rae Skinner Ju l y 24 , 2013 7 l b s 4oz , 20”Parents: Kevan & Mary Anne Skinner

Cassidy Jo Smith Janua r y 4 , 20138 lbs 1 ozParents: Russ & Jen Smith

Lucas John Peck5 /3 /20138 lbs. 6 oz. 21”Parents: Erin Macdonald Peck & Kyle Peck

Tucker Rector PeckAu g u s t 20 , 2013 7 l b s 5 o z , 20 .5”Parents: Trevor & Alex Peck

Carson Bridger Rich Feb ru a r y 19 , 2013 7 l b s 3oz , 19 .5”Parents: Kristi & Jeremiah (JD) Rich

Colter RichardsAu g u s t 11 , 2013 7 l b s 9oz 21”Parents: Ryan & Crystal Richards

Brody Howard Schumacher9 /30 /2013 8 l b s 1 o z , 20”Parents: Pat & Cassie Schumacher

Xanadu Limelight Linscott04 / 17 / 20137 lbs. 7 oz. 20"Parents: Allianna & David Linscott

Zane Douglas Lister04 / 08 / 20136 lbs. 5 oz. 19”Parents: Trent & Alisa Lister

Ashlynn McDonnell Sep tembe r 6 , 2013 7 l b s 1oz , 19 .5”Parents: Aden & Nicole McDonnell

Kylie Rose Morrison03 / 31 / 20136 lbs. 7 oz. 20"Parents: Sean & Jennifer Morrison

Kajsa Lisa Elisabet Oliver01 / 23 / 20137 lbs. 4 oz. 21"Parents: Pete & Sanna Oliver

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Savanah Venema02 /04 /20138 lbs. 4 oz. 21"Parents: Keith & Keri Venema

Kaya Winter Weinert12 /14 /20136 lbs. 15 ½ oz. 20"Parents: Jason & Beth Weinert

Isaac James Vetter02 /28 /20137 lbs. 2 oz. 19 ¾"Parents: Anthony & Samantha Vetter

Aubrey Lynn Winslow07 /16 /20135 lbs. 15 oz. 19 ½"Parents: Mark & Sierra Winslow

Hadley Emeline Wood 12 /12 /2013 7 l b s 14oz , 21”Parents: Jason & Heather Wood

Nelle Elizabeth VernonA p r i l 14 , 20136 lbs. 8 oz. 19”Parents: Katie & Jesse Vernon

Calleigh Audrey Stevenson 9 / 23 / 20136 lbs 15 oz 20.5”Parents: Jackson Stevenson & Constance Flikkema

Grace Minnie Sullivan10 / 15 / 20137 lbs. 6 oz. 19 ½"Parents: Ted & Kristy Sullivan

Jesse Taborski7 / 9 / 20137 lbs. 6 oz. 19.5”Parents: Josh & Quinn Taborski

Jaycee Lee Uber01 / 02 / 20137 lbs. 7.8 oz. 21 ½"Parents: Kaleena & Scott Uber

Bowden Ulrich08 / 11 / 20137 lbs. 15 oz. 20.5"Parents: Matt & Alison Ulrich

Kahlan Aeris Severson12 /26 / 20137 lbs. 9 oz. 20 ½"Parents: Nick & Amee Severson

Shadi Shahian09 /13 / 20137 lbs. 1 oz. 20”Parents: Justin & Katherine Shahian

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Page 7: Babes of 2013

J a n u a r y 1 9 , 2 0 1 4 - B a B e s o f 2 0 1 3 7

C o n g r at u l at i o n s-The Babes of 2013 Prize Winners-

Hayes Hartmann

Oliver Sebena

1 FREE Monthof Diaper Service

Prizes can be picked up at the front desk of the Bozeman Daily

Chronicle (Unless Specified)

FrOm StOrk Diaper Servicecall 586-8690 tO get StarteD

Jesse taboski

F r O m t H e b O z e m a n D a i ly c H r O n i c l e

The Gallatin Collection, Vol. II Coffee Table Book

F r O m t H e b O z e m a n D a i ly c H r O n i c l e

bowden Ulrich

F r O m t H e b O z e m a n D a i ly c H r O n i c l e

Portrait of Montana

Coffee Table Bookby Doug Loneman

We Don’t Make This Stuff UpThe Verry Best of the Bozeman Chronicle

Police Reports

L i m i t e d D e l i v e r y A r e a

riann yvonne kujala

F r O m t H e b O z e m a n D a i ly c H r O n i c l e

Yellowstone View Coffee Table Book

by Thomas Lee

Page 8: Babes of 2013

B a B e s o f 2 0 1 3 - J a n u a r y 1 9 , 2 0 1 48

How to make your own baby foodMaking your own baby food is easy, efficient, and economical. Instead of spending money on pre-packaged baby food, you can use fresh produce, grains, and meat that you have on hand. Best of all, you’ll know exactly what you’re feeding your baby.

Going the do-it-yourself route also gets your baby used to eating the same food the rest of the family does, a strategy that may pay off during the picky toddler years.

Buying the Best produceChoose the freshest fruits and vegetables, and try to use what you buy in a day or two. When fresh isn't available, frozen is a fine option. (If you prefer organic produce, find out how to buy organic food for less.)

Good fruits to start with include apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, mangoes, peaches, pears, plums, and prunes. Vegetables to try include asparagus tips, avocados, carrots, peas, potatoes, sweet peppers, sweet potatoes, and winter squash.

preparing the foodAfter washing, cook vegetables – and fruits like apples and prunes that need to be softened – before pureeing or grinding. Bake, boil, or steam the produce until it’s soft. If you boil the food, use as little liquid as possible and add some of the leftover liquid when mashing the food (or add it to your family’s soup stock).

Peel and pit the produce if necessary and strain out any seeds. Some fruits and vegetables don’t require any liquid – simply mash, add a seasoning or two, and serve. For others, you may want to add a little liquid (breast milk, formula, or water) as you puree or grind to get the consistency you want. As your baby adapts to solid foods, you can add less liquid.

Grains like quinoa or millet can also be pureed or ground in a food mill. Cook them first according to package directions. For older babies, whole grains make fabulous finger food.

To prepare meat and poultry, remove the skin and trim the fat before cooking. Then puree the cooked meat in a blender or grind it up in a food mill with a little liquid. For older babies, simply chop the meat into very small pieces.

If this all sounds like a lot of trouble, keep in mind that “homemade baby food” can be the very same food you feed the rest of your family. It’s an old-fashioned idea that deserves to be resur-rected. Simply use your food mill or other tool to puree, blend, or mash some of the same food that your family is having for dinner.

Soups and stews, for example, can be processed and fed to your baby. The same goes for most healthy foods your family might eat. Pack empty baby food jars with extra so you’ll have a meal for the next day.
