b603 religion and human relationships

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OCR GCSE Religious Studies- Philosophy and applied ethics - Past exam questions for Unit B603 Religion and Human RelationshipsNote that each paper has a:1 mark question2 marks question3 marks question6 marks question12 marks question


RELIGIOUS STUDIES OCR B- ETHICS REVISIONUNIT B603RELIGION AND HUMAN RELATIONSHIPSA) What is:1) Marriage?2) A civil partnership?3) Procreation?4) Divorce?5) Promiscuity?6) Contraception?B) Answer the following 2 mark questions1) State two reasons why some Christians might give for seeking a divorce.2) State two forms of contraception that might be acceptable to some Christians.3) Give two reasons why marriage might be important to a Christian.4) State two reasons which a Christian couple might give for not having sex before marriage.5) State two reasons which a couple might give for seeking a divorce.6) Give two reasons why Christians might think the use of contraception is wrong.7) State two traditional roles of women in a Christian family.8) Describe Christian views on civil partnerships.9) Describe Christian beliefs about sex before marriage. C) Answer the following 3 mark questions1) Describe the roles of men and women in a Christianity family.2) Describe the attitude of some Christians about the value of sexual relationships.3) Describe one belief that is reflected in a Christian marriage ceremony.4) Describe how some Christians might respond to a person getting married after divorce.5) Describe what some Christians believe about sex before marriage.6) Describe Christian attitudes towards civil partnerships.7) How are the roles of women different from those of men in traditional church?8) Why do Christians consider marriage to be important?9) Describe three features of a Christian marriage ceremony.10) Describe Christian teachings on divorce.11) Describe Christian attitudes to celibacy.D) Answer the following 6 mark questions. You are marked on the quality of your writing.1) Explain Christian attitudes towards divorce and remarriage.2) Explain the beliefs of Christians about the value of sexual relationships.3) Explain how some Christians might respond to a couple who are considering divorce.4) Explain Christian attitudes towards contraception.5) Explain Christian attitudes towards re-marriage.6) Explain why some Christians are opposed to divorce.7) Explain Christian attitudes to the roles of men and women in society.8) Explain how a Christian wedding ceremony reflects religious teachings about marriage.9) Explain different Christian beliefs about divorce.10) Explain why some Christians are against the use of contraception.E) Answer the following 12 mark questions. In the following questions, discuss the statements. You should include different, supported points of view and a personal viewpoint. You must refer to Christianity in your answers.1) Married couples should never divorce.2) It is the duty of religious people to encourage contraception to avoid the world becoming overpopulated.3) The man should be the dominant partner in a marriage.4) Divorce is sometimes necessary.5) Marriage is outdated.6) Marriage is out of date; people should just live together.7) Marriage is important.8) Civil partnerships shouldnt be allowed.9) Getting a divorce is better than living in an unhappy marriage.10) Divorced people should never be allowed to remarry.11) Religious couple should keep sex within marriage.